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Just need to talk to my friends (153)



  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Sarya, I am ordering from Burpee Catalog for cucumbers.  Bush Champion. 55 days 8-12 “

    It said good for containers but I will plant in garden. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Joan, lucky that Harv never got hurt riding bulls.  It's so dangerous.  My parents and I used to go to the Prison Rodeo every fall in McAlester (that's where Big Mac is) and my favorite thing was always bull riding - still is.  I watch it a lot of TV.  Sarah and Todd had a friend who rode bulls and he was killed by one.

     Judy, is your avatar Hollyhocks?  Looks kind of like them.  That was one of Charles' favorite flowers but I don't think we ever raised them.  Some flowers just don't do well here. 

     I think we used to raise bush cucumbers, too, but that was so long ago I don't remember much about them.  We used to order from Burpee's, too.  I remember Henry Fields was another and Shumway.  Still get some of those catalogs.

     It's going to be another scorcher.  I am so ready for cooler weather.  The AC in the utility room is literally limping along so I turned it off this morning.  The only coolness you get from it is if you're standing in front of it.  I took the almost worn out filter out of the 220 AC in the LR and cleaned it as well as I could, put it back in, plugged it in and it works!  Really cooling things off.  I didn't think I could go through another week or two of this.   Still having the headache and last evening I think I found what I have - it's called exertion headache or exercise or weight-lifting headache.  Happens when you strain lifting or pulling too much weight - that's what I did last Sunday. . Darn FedEx driver anyway.  But, it's my fault, I could have opened the box and brought one thing up at a time.  Still haven't opened it so don't know why I thought it HAD to get on the porch right that minute.  Just too compulsive sometimes.  It could have anywhere from 80-100 lbs. in it.  Guess I'm a wimp.

     Sara - glad you're staying inside and you, too, Judy.  It's just not worth being out in that heat if you don't have to.  I should talk or heed my own advice.  I still have forgotten to look at the zucchini.

     Went out on the porch and saw a cow with a brand new little one on the other side of the pond.  So, what to do?  The girls were coming up so waited a while, got my pants and boots on and went to see what I could do.  They were laying down resting - had been up since I first saw them.  Couldn't decide if I wanted them to go north or south so mom made the decision - south, less water there.  She took off with baby right behind her.  I checked and it's another little boy - big calf and so cute.  There's a marshy area with tall reed-like things with a little water underneath and baby lingered there for a while.  Mom came back and baby followed here straight to the barn.  Cows were still going in but I closed the lot gate and opened the one into the parking area.  Mom stopped and passed her afterbirth (always a good thing).  Maybe I'm getting too graphic, too early in the morning, sorry.  She stopped and was going to take care of that (they eat it to get nutrients and also to keep animals from knowing there's a new baby around).  She's north of the house with Jett, his mom and Rose Bud.  So, that turned out much easier than I thought, thank you, God.  This seems to be a really smart mother cow - young cow but not a heifer. 

      I saw Jett this morning wandering around a little bit but he was up.  When Bryon and Shane took out the Manhattan Euonymous they piled up the branches out by the cistern because they couldn't get to the brush pile.  He's laying behind it in the shade.  I did call the County Extension office to see if it was toxic to cattle.  He said his information said it was to horses but didn't mention cows - so, guess it's all right.  Many things are - including Red Maple.  Who would have thought that - and buttercups.  In the spring there are fields of them around here.

     Not going to watch much TV at all today and just stay quiet like I did with the concussions.  It feels the same - it says the blood vessels become dilated from the strain of lifting or pulling.  Wonder how those little girls who lift weights at the Olympics do that - some of them lifted over 300 lbs.  Guess I really am a wimp. 

     I didn't feel very good night before last when the vet was here so he called last night to see if I felt better.  Was on his way to the Clinic to treat a dog - 8:15  p.m.  Feels good to have someone check on you occasionally.   That's one of the many thinga I really miss since Charles has been gone - he was so attentive when I was sick.  Guess we all miss our husbands and that will never end.

     On that note I'll stop and find something for breakfast.  I have almost a dozen eggs in the refrigerator I bought from Baum's the latter part of June.  I'm wondering if it's safe to eat them.  I used one the other day when I was making the cornbread and it was fine.  I'll do the water test, of course, and the smell test.  Maybe I should mix them up really well and freeze two in each baggie.  What do you all think?   It says you shouldn't use eggs that are cracked but --- years ago Charles and I raised chickens and sold eggs at the VA Hospital.  We sold the good ones and if one was cracked, we used it - never had a bit of problems.  I know Salmonella can be on the outside and inside if it's cracked.

     Okay, see you all later.   Oh, Ron, it looks like the hurricane may be a bit east of you and Lou.  Really hope so but maybe you'll get a little bit of rain.  I was in hopes we might get rain from it but don't think so.   Hope you both are well this morning.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    So I sprayed for the army worms. Turned the sprinkler system off for 48 hours. Yesterday I noticed my Caladiums were dying. I forgot to turn the system back on. 

    I went to google, turned the system to manual and back to run. Water. This morning I went out side ....water everywhere. Ha. It just keeps going...over and over. I turned it to off just in time for the sprinkler man to appear. He made time for me on the weekend.....how nice....so now he is doing a whole system check.

    Second tour at the museum today. I have continued to study and continue to be facinated with  Pompeii.

    We got the flip house. Next the inspections and a meeting with a contractor.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Judy....please add my sympathy and  my hope that you will get to "fine" in the near future.

    “Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything.  C S Lewis
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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     (Had terrible time logging on to the Thread; it may be getting too long again; especially after they just did the most recent update as those times seem to make thongs a bit more tempermental for awhile.) Ron;  I am concerned on your and Lou's behalf; I see that Hurricane Ida is entering Louisiana at a Cat 4. Are you and Lou evacuating, or are you very safe or able to get to safer place?   If you have time, please let us know how you are and all.  This is supposed to be a nasty one. (Katrina was, I think, a Cat 5.) Now extremely concerned re our Granddaughter and her family who are evacuating their place in La which is right in the midst of the storm's path and trying to get to a friend's house in Alabama. Granddaughter has become very ill.  She has severe abdominal pain, vomiting, unable to eat/drink and had a HIDA Scan Thursday which showed "something" going on with her gallbladder; may also be affecting pancreas, but no lab results to say whether or not.  Why she does not know the specifics of the HIDA Scan beyond being told it was her gallbladder is not helpful.  She was to see a surgeon on Monday morning,  but Ida has taken that away. She and her husband have two children, they could not stay where they were in the Cat 4 path, they must leave.  She did not go to the ER near where she lives this morning as they have to get out of the path of Ida; but as it is, the ER was on diversion for any new patients as they are crammed with COVID patients.  Nightmare.  G'daughter too ill to speak on her cell phone due to n/v, so spoke to her husband.  He said the roads are jam packed bumper to bumper.  Their two hour drive may take seven or more hours.  I think the most likely thing is she may have gallstones, or choleycystitis (infection/inflammation) or probably both stones and infection.  Hope it is not affecting her pancreas.  She may need urgent surgery - IV abx, ????  I had something similar happen with me some years ago. Was in N. Michigan and in the middle of the night had to travel for hours thru miles and miles of woods across Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnestoa to get to the only airport that had seats to get us on a six hour flight home per Michigan doctor telling us to get going.  California doctor sent me right from the plane to the hospital and in a few hours after finally arriving I was in surgery.  Anyway; really worried about Granddaughter.  I am contacting her friend and I think that as soon as the get to Alabama, she will need to go to the med center ER and also friend's doctor also to be contacted to see which ER is best for seeing non-COVID patients at this time and to get some direction as how to do this best. It may be that she will have to have surgery or at the least, be admitted for care.  Scary times. Got to go, have to check email to see if I have any information from Alabama friend who wants information from me as to how to proceed setting things up. J.
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
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    If you haven’t been watching the news, you may not know how bad this storm looks. Many factors in place to be worse than Katrina, although some improvements have been made —especially for the levees which caused much of Katrina flooding—since then, and more people seem to be evacuating.

     Roads been jammed all day in all directions, hotels are full into Florida, and many places 100 miles away are also out of gas and foodstuff. A few hotels with rooms were charging $500 this morning for a $100 room. Most flights were cancelled earlier today.

    All this, and COVID already has hospitals maxed out. Power will likely be out for days and weeks, and cell towers downed. All prayers for Jo’s family. I can’t imagine what she is going through.

    People who did not leave Friday are having awful times on the road. Staying is pretty bad too. Even once the storm passes, no power, with temps in next few days expected around 100. Plus road blockages, medical care? Most people who’ve been through florida hurricanes will tell you real quick the aftermath is much worse than the actual storm, but of course that’s not good video  for national news. . NOLA with its levees and geography, is unique.

    Not sure where Ron lives, but thinking he is more west (??) and north, which is better than east. Hopefully his kids came and got them to at least a place with power.

    This Is going to be terrible, unless something unexpected happens…we had wind and rain today from the hurricane, knocked down trees and some local flooding, but no more than a big thunderstorm.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Rescue Mom:  Are you in Florida?  Can't recall.

    One of my concerns besides grandaughter's condition, is that they will  run out of gas and not be able to find more.  Had full tank when they left, but in so many hours in traffic jams, it is one of the big concerns.

    Worry also that if they cannot make it to Alabama, that they will not be able to find a hotel.  They also have their dog and two cats with them, they are part of their family so may well not be able to find a hotel room with that issue anyway.

    What amoral skunks to ramp up motel room costs to $500 a night from $100.  I thought there were laws to cover that; shame on that behavior.  I cannot imagine doing that to people.

    So worried about the physical condition issue. Roads so badly crammed that they said no emergency vehicle would be able to get to anyone if an emergency arose. 

    Really terribly bad for so many.   Hope Ron and Lou are okay and that their kids did some moving so they are safe.

    Sure hope the Alabama place will be okay; it is a one story house. Despite not being in the main area of the storm, a lot of water is expected along with some flooding there. 

    Guess it is over about Tuesday morning with the worst through Sunday night and Monday.  Hopefully a fast moving storm that does not get stuck over the state.

    Stay safe everyone.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, praying for your granddaughter and her family. You too, Ron.

    The good news is Lorita has a new baby! Congratulations!

    I have not had the tv on at all today, have been busy. Will follow up tonight regarding the storm. 

    Prayers for all in the path of the storm.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Jo, praying that your granddaughter and her family arrive safely at their destination and that she can get the medical help she needs.

    Hurricanes are scary things indeed.  I lived in FL for 10 years and decided to move after we had 3 bad ones come thru in just a few weeks time.

    Prayers for all who are in the path for safety and well being during and after the storm.

    It seems that fire, storms and pestilence are rampant on our planet.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Judith, thank you for the link on freezing eggs.  I'm going to do that tomorrow - they're XL so don't want to lose them.  Our little convenience store doesn't usually have eggs and I don't want to go to town.  I don't use many anyway.

     Glad you got the flip house.  When do you begin renovating?

     So, you had Army worms?  How awful.  I've heard on the news that they're in Tulsa, too and can completely devastate in a lawn in no time flat.  So far I haven't heard anything about them here.  Imagine what they would do to pasture and meadows.  We had some kind of awful worm, probably Army, many years ago in a pine tree in our yard.  I think Charles sprayed them and they just fell off.

     Hope your caladiums recover.  I turn water on to fill water tanks and forget it - still going to have to look into that float valve.

     I hope your tour went well today.  I imagine learning about Pompeii is really interesting and I'm sure the people on the tour enjoyed it.

     Jo - so sorry to hear about your granddaughter.  What an awful time to get sick.  I hope when they get to Alabama she's feeling better or at least can get some help.  When I had cholecystitis I'd be the sickest I could ever remember for a while and awful pain in my left back if I remember correctly.  Then, I'd finally vomit and I'd feel better for a while - then rinse and repeat as they say.  I remember hearing about little, old women having gallbladder attacks.  Not a pleasant thing.

     I've seen on the news the awful bumper to bumper traffic getting out of southern Louisiana - it would scare me to be in that traffic and not be able to move.  And, imagine the gas it would take.  You couldn't turn off the motor because you might be able to move any minute.  I hope they make the trip safely and things turn out all right.

     The news said it was 16 years ago tomorrow when Katrina made landfall - what an awful coincidence.   

     Ron and Lou live in Shreveport so maybe they'll escape the worst of the storm but I'm sure they'll get rain and maybe some wind.  At least they'll be on the west side of the hurricane.  Maybe we'll hear from them before long.

     The baby is doing fine.  Just went out and checked on them.  Both moms were laying west of the house with the babies nearby.  Jett jumped up when I got close and I didn't bother the other one - too close to a fence.  I've offered to let Rose Bud out in the pasture several times today but she doesn't seem to want to go out.  Just hosed her down and gave her some feed.  She loves for you to spray water on her if you keep it off her head.  Cools her in the wind.  It's been somewhat cooler today - around 90 with heat index under 100 but supposed to be hot all next week.

     I've felt some better today - still have a little bit of a left-sided headache.  That should teach me a lesson for sure.  The house has been cooler today and I've actually turned off the AC for a while.  I haven't watched much TV today so the house has been pretty quiet.  Zetta, watching Gunsmoke right now. 

     Haven't heard from anyone today except a text and picture from Carol.  It was a picture of Karen taken 25 years ago with the NARFE cake celebrating 75 years.  They had their 100th birthday yesterday.  Carol said she and her husband were pretty tired after the festivities.  She was really worried about being around that many people and said she was going to wear one, or two, masks.

     Cases of the virus are still going up - sounds pretty bad everywhere.  Last night they had a big Alan Jackson concert, full house, in Tulsa and I imagine not many were wearing masks and certainly not socially distancing.

     I'd certainly call raising the price of motel rooms price gouging - just like I'd call it that the way prices have been raised during the pandemic.  But, doesn't seem like anything's begin done about it.

     I feel so sorry for all those people who are sure to lose their homes or at least have a lot of damage.  Seems like every part of the country/world has bad things that happen in their areas and the climate change isn't helping at all.  Have you all seen the advertisement on TV about helping the elephants?  So sweet where it shows the baby elephant evidently is brand new and just learning to stand and his mother puts her trunk underneath him to hold him up.  Animals are absolutely wonderful and just think what we're doing to them.  Makes me so sad.

     I'll stop and finish watching Gunsmoke.  Hope all of you are well and safe.  Jo, please let us know when you hear something about your granddaughter.  We know how worried you are.

     Back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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