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Just need to talk to my friends (153)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, my littlebit is 16 today, I changed my profile pictures to celebrate his birthday.  Hope he's around several more years!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Well, I was almost finished and lost my post so I'll begin again.

     Happy Birthday to Little Bit!!! He's getting up in years, isn't he?  Looks like he's a really nice little boy and I know both you and Lou love him so much.  They just get to be a part of the family in no time flat.  Looks like he might like a little bit of ice cream for his birthday.  Looks like he's some kind of Spaniel?

     Just came in from feeding Tom and Jerry and seeing the girls.  Stormy saw something north of the house and it still has him upset.  I didn't see anything but last night I heard a pack of coyotes go through south of the house.  My goodness they can make a lot of noise and it only takes a couple.  I was outside and made sure I saw Rose Bud.  She's really feisty but I worry about her anyway - she's over on the other side of the pond this morning.

     Saw all the girls and two new babies.  I'll keep them in that pasture one more day so the little ones will be a bit older.  There's lots of space in the other two pastures to get lost if they're too young.

     The Oklahoma Girl's Softball Team plays for the Championship against Virginia today.  They're from Muskogee so everyone seems to be excited about that.  I'll probably watch.

     My goodness, the north side of our house looks so different without all the shrubs.  You can see the house!  We have a blue siding with white trim and shutters and rock below the windows.  The house behind where the shrubs were needs to be washed down.  A while back we were talking about something called Wet and something.  Do any of you remember that and where you get it?  The Manhattan Euonymous attaches to the house and windows and it was firmly attached so that's where the discoloration comes from.  It's also a creeping type because there's lots of little ones on the ground that rooted and are growing.  When I transplant I'm going to move it farther west of the window.  That one has been there since I was pretty young - mother got the start of it from her brother and his wife so don't want to lose it.

     I overslept this morning.  Woke up about 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, then woke up (guess I did go back to sleep) at 6:30.  I don't know if the alarm, set for 6:05, went off or not.  So, I'll be running behind all day.

     Didn't try to start the car - need to spray the inside and rub down the door handle inside and out, steering wheel and keys - will do that later.  Hope that new battery does the trick.

     There is a huge pile of limbs around the cistern. They didn't bring their trailer yesterday because he thought it would be too wet to get over to the brush pile.  Still a bit worried that those leaves might be good for the cattle so maybe this is better anyway. 

     Sara- glad you're getting some rain and cooler weather.  It's been cooler here this week but will be HOT this weekend, about 100 with high heat indices but then cooler again the end of next week.  Hope we get some more rain today - it's been north, south, east and west of us lately but we did get 1.1 and there were raindrops on the windshield of the Gator this morning.  To me, the grass already looks a little bit greener.

     I'll probably order the masks by phone, if I can.  Don't want my credit card number floating around anymore than it already is.  But, the company of the one I use for WM and Amazon is being sold to Capital One so the number will change anyway next month.  I use one with a low credit line to order online.

    I do hope that Bryon wasn't offended by me adding a little bit to his check.  I don't think so because I have done this before when I thought he wasn't charging enough.  Anyway I'm thankful for what he did and the fact he said to let him know if I needed help with anything else. 

     I tried to call Jack yesterday and didn't get an answer - I'll try again today.  I worry about him being alone and I'm sure he's depressed without Patsy being with him.  Hard to be alone - many of us know that feeling.

     Hope you all are well this morning.  I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, what a smart cat!   Did you teach him to eat corn?  We used to have a poodle, my first one - that loved corn on the cob.  He'd eat it right off the cob.  Animals are really smart and they know what they like.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita was Wet and Forget.  Here in Ohio, a lot of houses on north side or where shaded by trees gets dirty looking.  It is actually a mold.  You just mix it up with water and spray on and forget it.  The first year I did it a couple of times.  Since then just do it once each summer and keeps it looking clean.  You can get it at a big box store or  I’m sure you can order it online.  Just be sure to get outside version.  They have an inside version too.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Sara.  I'll make a note of that and try to order some.  One of the shutters is missing - was blown off by a storm a few years ago. Where it was has been behind the shrubs so didn't show - now it does but they're very old so probably would never be aable to find a replacement.

     Well, I've marked four things off my long to-do list and haven't added anything!  Charles would say "put a mark on the wall".

     Was anxious to see if the car would start so went out and wiped down things Bryon might have touched and it started.  I drove it to the mailbox and down to the next section.  I'm going to be sure to drive it every day or so at least a couple of miles. 

     I called the feed store and Red, the new owner, answered.  Explained that the PU is still in the shop with them trying to find parts. He'll bring out two mineral tubs and 100 lb. of fortified grain for Rose Bud - probably this evening after he closes.  Good to have friends in tough times. 

     That pile of shrub limbs is really tall.  Bryon also cut out four big berry vines and they're beside it - big old stickers on them.  It's going to take some time to get used to how the north side of the house looks.  Wish I could think of some kind of bush I could plant along that side that likes shade.  I don't have gutters on the house so when it rains it gets really wet.  I've tried hostas, hydrangeas and azaleas - they all do okay for a year or so, then they're done.  Don't want any more holly either.

     Sara,, I think I'm going to order the medium BOTN.  I found the measurements and compared it to the ones I have so I think the mediums would work.  The ones I have that are stamped KN95 fit really well.  Wish I could remember where I ordered them from - probably Amazon.  I like the way they fit - close but not against your mouth.  Haven't decided about black or white.

     It's warm outside but not too hot yet.  I saw Jett laying down in some weeds, close to his mom, this morning so walked out to make sure he had gotten to the barn. He had - still wondering about the prickly pear thorns but Mike said if they were on him I'd have felt them and I didn't.  I'm just a worry wort and can't help it. 

     I did get in touch with Jack. He's all right and sounded busy or was watching TV so just found out that he was doing okay.  Something could happen to him and I wouldn't know or anyone else wouldn't.  I don't know how to get in touch with his daughter but he says she doesn't seem to have time to talk with him. 

     Something odd about the car - the gear shift thing that shows which gear it's in hasn't worked for a very long time - and this morning it worked!  I still think there are gremlins at work. 

     Thanks, again, Sara.  I'm going to check for Wet and Forget on Amazon.  Guess you use your garden hose to spray it on?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello on a new day . . . . well; half into the new day by PST!   Lorita, to answer your question, I did indeed take a chocolate chip cookie out for a, "test drive."   Sad to report, the cookie was overdone dark and not that good.   That is actually "good" in another way.  It will keep me out of them.

    However; we have some really good square butter sort of cookies with sea salt on top of them.  A serving is three in a packet.  They come in a very attractive tall box and are made in France; CostCo carries them.  They do not always have them year round, but here there are some waiting for me.   Really delicious and good quality.   Husband does the ordering, so he must think of me when doing that one.  I no longer bake due to really bad knees that cannot be replaced, so my not baking is a blessing in big time disguise.  Used to love to cook and bake before the knees attacked me.  Sigh.

    As for the Heloise hint re squirrels and putting out black pepper and chili; it reminds me of when we had opposums using the back wall for their freeway, leaving opposum droppings all over the wall and driving the neighborhood dogs crazy; we contacted the animal control office.  They told us to saturate rags in ammonia and put them on each end of the wall where the opposums traveled.  Seems they hate the stuff.  It worked, no more opposums.

    Lorita, it is very thoughtful of you to give extra payment when somebody hired goes beyond what was expected in their work.   I did this with the hair dresser who came to the house when I could not go to the salon early in the COVID mess.   I had it all set up on the back yard patio table.   We did this outdoors in open air with masks.  What I did was have a sealed envelope ready with her payment inside.   She was charging her usual salon fee, but because she came to the house and I had not had a haircut in several months. (and I have thick hair which makes it time consuming), I doubled her fee plus tip in my payment; I was so grateful.  In the envelope I also included a note stating my appreciation.  This way she did not have to feel embarrassed about the extra and I could feel better about not putting her on the spot.

    Rescue Mom, it is very good that your physician is excited about your glucose levels.  He is on spot getting you a full workup and he will probably also want to check cardiac status, maybe with an Echo just to be sure that all bases are covered; don't let that scare you if he does - it is often done when something like this pops up.  The elevated Cortisol levels can play a part in elevated glucose.  It seems it is always something when we least expect it.  Let us know how you are doing.

    Glad to see you back, Nicole. I know your leave home seems far too short, but it does sound as though you had a lovely time with what you had available.  That is good to hear.

    Lorita, how do you make those brown beans with potatoes and carrots?  Do you make a sauce or add anything to it?  I wonder if you could also share the recipe for the chocolate cake in a mug.  Sounds good and it sounds easy.

    Did you see that news re Texas Governor, Abbott?  He is one of those forbidding mandates for masks and vaccines.  Anyway, he went to a large political event with his political party; no masks.  He gets tested, and oh my; he tests positive for COVID.   Fortunately for him, he had been fully vaccinated AND has already had the third vaccination; he had no symptoms of COVID . . . . BUT . . . . he went to the hospital and had himself given Regeneron despite no symptoms and being well vaccinated.  Regular citizens overall have no easy access to this.  Guess it indicates how worried he was - how many ways can one spell, "hypocrisy."   I just looked up the synonyms for hypocrisy; wow, there are a lot of them and they all seem to fit. 

     Link re this with Dr. Vin Gupta input: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/greg-abbott-regeneron_n_611cb156e4b0ff60bf7b14a3

    The county just announced that for all gatherings whether concert, sports, etc., when attendees are expected to be 10,000 or more in number, ALL attendees must be masked regardless of vaccine status.  I think this is due to the breakthrough issues.  It seems that while folks with both vaccinations can develop breakthrough COVID, it is more common with those who have had not yet had their second dose of vaccine.  Dr. Dja reminded us that the vaccine is expected to be 94% effective against the virus; not 100%.  He also said that 98% of those hospitalized with COVID are unvaccinated. 

    As for worrying about exposure with doctor's appts., we are blessed in that we have no waiting room concerns.     Our physican and his partner changed their practice to "concierge" medicine.    They are excellent physicians and actually follow their own patients when they are in the hospital.   No Hospitalists doing the acute hospital care which can sometimes put patients at a real disadvantage. It costs us an annual fee to be in the practice and we budget for that.  We are able to get in the same day or next day for appts., and there is never anyone in the waiting room.  We are taken in to the exam room within a few minutes and seen by the doctor within a few minutes. It is not cheap to do this, but because of their quality and that they follow their own patients in the acute hospital, it is something we put in our budget and adjust for in other ways.

     I feel nearly embarrassed to say we are doing this; but we are.  I so hope we can continue to do so.   Big difference.  These MDs are also good advocates for their patients.   The doctors both say they feel "blessed" to be able to practice medicine in this way.  They used to have to give only 15 minutes per patient due to the max overload with patient numbers, not to mention the hours of insurance and utilization review phone calls with managed care contracted patients and paperwork.  They said this is the way that they wish to practice medicine and that they can give the time to their patients that they deserve.  Yet; so many patients cannot do this or budget for it.  If we were much younger with our four children at home, we would not be able to have this, but we are now just two of us and the kids are on their own and self supporting.

    Good grief; just saw Gov Abbott on TV news, stating he is COVID positive but has no symptoms - ahem; seems he left out the Regeneron, and already having the third vaccination.   Seems unreal, but it is real.

    We are having a lower temp today - low 80's respite before it goes back up end of week.  Nice to have that. Wonder how fast autumn cooling will come this year.

    Got to do some updating on our health histories today.  I keep a very detailed health history for myself and my DH including all conditions present and past, any medications - prescription or OTC; surgeries, allergies, etc.  These are very, very detailed and the doctors love them; especially consultants.  Love having them and give updated copies as they are done to our son and daughter who are our DPOAs should anything happen.  This way, it will help healthcare providers and keep us from having unintended consequences from anything unknown that is in our history.  Even if one lives alone, it would be good to have this and to provide it to someone trustworthy or to have it in a manila envelope where it can be readily seen or grabbed to take with oneself.  I carry a copy whenever there is an ER visit, or consultant's visit or heaven forbid, if one of us needs to be admitted to the hospital. 

    Had notice that a CD was maturing and needed to be renewed.  Checked out the interest rates around town.  Pffft!  Best if one wants to keep CDs close to home when going into a savings setting are the Credit Unions; the banks are . . . . well . . ..  hysterically Pffft!

     I can remember when rates were in the 3+ percent and thinking how bad that was.   My friends uncle had money in an account at 17+% with no closing/end date - the bank tried to get him to take his money out; but he did not; kept it there for years.  I would not have given that up either. 

    Lorita, even though it seems odd, it must be good for the house to have all that moisture retaining shrubbery away from the siding. Sayra's topical cleaner sounds like it is just what is needed and it sounds so easy with no harsh labor involved.   You will have to let us know how that works for your house.

    Glad Jett is not in the prickly pears any more.  Seems he likes cuddling up to things; a comforting calf version of having a "bankie."  A baby is a baby no matter what.

    Best wishes coming in bushel baskets for one and all,



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I have 2 cats, a brother and sister, and they are so different in personality.  Why am I surprised when my two children (brother and sister) are as well!

    The male cat is a real charmer...he loves to get his kitty treats.  If I have not remembered that it is time for treats he will just sit and stare at me.  I usually give 3 at a time.  If I only give 2 he steady looks for the third and then will give me "the stare"....lol.

    When he feel like being petted, he will sit close to me.  When I give him a head pet he will move his head around to make sure I do a good job all around...lol.

    I have had pets (dogs or cats) for most of my life.  They are such good company even though they don't talk or answer the phone or help with the dishes...lol

    We have gotten lots of rain the last 2 days here in Virginia...some of the left over tropical storms from the south.

    Hope all here on the front porch are having a good day and an even better one tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's hot outside.  I'm getting so forgetful - forgot to mention that this is our friend, Sasue's, birthday today.  I had a nice visit with her this afternoon.  She was going out to her birthday dinner tonight with her son and DIL and they were going to eat outside.  She said it's hot up there but maybe by the time they go, it'll be cooler.  Do wish she lived closer so she could actually sit on the front porch with me.

     Jo - you're so right about little Jett.  Red called and I went out to open the gate and saw his mom in the barn hallway.  She came over to the water tank and got a drink, then went back to the chute and bawled.  It was Jett who had gotten down the chute and didn't know he had to back up to get out.  The headgate was closed so he couldn't get out that way.  I walked down toward him and he got turned around.  Mom took him over to the cowshed and he was having supper.  He is a cutie and does seem to want to nestle down into little places.

     Red and his wife brought the four mineral tubs and feed for Rose Bud.  I was only close enough to him to give him the check and get my ticket and tell him where to put two of the tubs.  He was in his PU and I was outside, maybe 3 ft. away but only for about ten seconds (I think it's said it takes 15 minutes, total?)  Hope I'll be all right.  I had my mask but didn't get it put on.  He got them put out and the other two out by the fence for use when they finish these two.  I thought it would be better to bring four instead of two and I wouldn't have to think about it the end of September.  He has a pretty reddish-maroon half ton Dodge Ram - really pretty.  Maybe that's what I should get - but I do love a 3/4 ton - just feels bigger and stronger, which it is. 

     Jo, this time when I cooked brown (Pinto) beans I soaked them overnight in the refrigerator (never did that before and I like them better).   I cook them in a slow cooker and when they're about half an hour from being done I peeled the potatoes and cut them in half or quarters depending on the size, peeled carrots and cut them into 1-2" pieces.  You lay them on top of the beans and I push them down just a bit so the water almost covers them.  Then, just cook until tender.  It seems like I've also cooked onions on the beans.  Small, whole onions would be great - quartered ones don't stay together too well.   And, you have to have a pan of cornbread cooked in an iron skillet to go with the beans.  I think tomorrow I'll freeze the rest of the beans and cornbread to have them later.  I'm about read for some rice with carrots, onions and celery served with a little soy sauce.  I don't use any sauce but do love Pace picante sauce on them.

     Gov. Abbott should remember what's good for the goose is good for the gander.  He was truly thinking of himself and not everyone else with the law against mask mandates.  I guess if you test positive even if you're vaccinated you can still infect someone else.  He was standing and sitting right in the middle of all those people so they better watch out.

     Have you all ever made meringue cookies?  Charles and I really liked them and made them pretty often - really good.  The cookies you had sound good, Jo.  What a sweet, thoughtful man your husband is to remember you like those cookies and was sure he got them for you.  Husbands are great!

     The recipe for the chocolate cake in a mug is Ree Drummonds (Pioneer Woman).  You combine  3 T. flour, 3 T, sugar and 2 T. cocoa, 1/4 tsp. baking powder and a pinch of salt in a 12 oz. microwave safe mug.  Then add 3 T. milk, 3 T. vegetable oil and a splash of vanilla.  Mix together in the mug and then add  2-3 T. of mini chocolate chips and stir in.  Microwave on high for somewhere between 90 seconds and two minutes.  Let set for a couple of minutes to cool.  So good with ice cream or whipped cream.  I think it makes two servings (made mine in a big soup mug).  I cooked mine about 2 min. 20 sec. and I think 2 minutes would be plenty.  My microwave is 700 watts so you might need to try 90 sec. first.

     Loveskitties - aren't cats wonderful?  They do all have different personalities just like dogs and calves and cows.  I have four inside and two outside.  One of my inside ones, Kitt, is a tuxedo cat.  She was scratched in the eye by a tom cat when she was little so lost her eye.  She has very little vision in the other eye but gets around all right.  She lays on the hassock by my feet but many times walks up my legs to lay beside me.  That's where she is right now with her foot on my arm watching me.  When she starts to walk up my leg I put my hands on her to make her feel safer.  You should see her going from one table at one level to a lower one.  She's very careful and she has her bluff in on Max, a gray tabby.  My other two, Lilly and Sammy are so different from these two.  They're younger and talk about running and playing and knocking things off.  I keep a spray bottle and have to spray them many times.

    Tom and Jerry are my outside cats.  I feed them every day and they still don't want me to touch them but they're always there, ready to eat.  Both of them are black and white.

     What kind of cats do you have and what are their names?    Sounds like your cats really like their treats.  Mine have not gotten to eating them.  I used to have Phoebe, Sasha and Suki.  They all knew where the treats were but always had Phoebe get up on the cabinet and put her paws on the cabinet door so I'd give them treats. 

     You're so right - cats and dogs are loving companions.  Mine are my family now and I couldn't do without them.  I've always had dogs but only have had cats for, well, 50 years. Our first cat came to live with us and we called him Alexander - until she had kittens, then her name was Alexandra.  Always had cats after that.

     QVC is selling those little lights that fit up under your cabinets.  I have those and love them but somehow I'm always at the wrong place at the cabinet and the light goes off at the most inopportune time.  I have one underneath a cabinet and put the other one somewhere - can't find it now.  Doesn't that drive you crazy when you put something up and then can't find it?  The two I have attach with Velcro and it's hard to do - just saw these attach with magnets - so ordered two more.  This time I'll put  both under the cabinets.  These seem to have more options than the ones I have - brightness of light, etc.

     Going to watch a little more of In the Kitchen with David and then a bit of Cuomo.  Many of the schools in Oklahoma have started and several have already closed because of the increase in number of cases of the virus.  The schools can't make the kids wear masks so, there you are, increase in number of cases.  If I had a kid in school, I would do home schooling for sure.

     Guess I'll charge the backrubber in the morning.  It feels dry even though it hasn't been quite a month.  I'll charge it and then open the gate so the girls have to go underneath it.  I saw Jett rubbing his head on it a couple of days ago.  Maybe this will help the fly problem.

     Hope you all have a restful night.  See you tomorrow.  Now they're selling Cheryl's cookies - never tried those but they look so good.

     Happy Birthday, Sasue!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, any news about a booster for J&J vaccines?

    Did you get the Wet &Forget that hooks onto your hose or the kind you mix?

    How's that watermelon doing?  Still no zucchini and I    don't know why.

     Good night

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, no, I didn't teach my Simon to eat corn, he surprised me.  He also likes pizza.  I had to give him some of my slice.  

    Jo, I used a concierge physician for a while when I first was diagnosed with cognitive impairment and did not know if there would be progression or not.  She downplayed my condition and talked about how lavender oil had helped her rash.  I was not interested in naturopathy at that time.  I usually go to Healthcare Partners which is now Optum, although I also have unaffiliated solo practice doctors.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita glad the store is able to bring things to you.  

    I just use a regular garden sprayer for my wet and forget.  Looked on line and see they have one in a bottle that you can attach end of hose to.

    The color thing is a personal choice.  I just like black better.  Will say this though, mask gets a little warm in summer.  If we still need to wear masks next summer will try to invest in a few white ones.  Think they might be a little cooler for summer.

     Haven’t heard anything about J&J.  Going to continue to listen to people (TWIV and Shane Crotty) not in the public eye, who have done this for years, have no political or media connection and trust God to supply me with whatever my needs are, he knows.  They still say T cells are going to work, and they are going to be around for along time.  Won’t prevent infection but will prevent severe disease for the most part, that is how the vaccine works.  They say antibodies should wane with time, that is natural.  They have also said a couple of times that antibodies staying high is not a good thing and can cause some autoimmune issues.  They feel that at his time they will not take the offered booster.  They had the mRNA vaccine.  So I still feel left out lol.   They do still wear their masks.  Shane Crotty feels mRNA are ok but that J&J is time for a boost.  I trust his knowledge.  Think if it was an updated vaccine, which is different than a booster they would take that as would offer broader protection not just elevate antibodies is my understanding.  

    My melon looks the same.  Have two zucchini growing that I pollinated.

    No concierge type physicians in our community.  

    Well it seems a little lighter this morning.  Going to store this morning then hopefully I can take care of my plants when I get home.  It has been so wet I haven’t messed with them.  We have had a dark week so far.  The guys were able to mow yesterday evening.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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     per Andy Slavitt of the White House Covid Response Team: "If you received J&J, it wasn’t available until March. Boosters will be recommended 8 months after so that will be (hang on…..) November! That will be announced officially in a couple of weeks."

    I watched a YouTube video "Pandemic to Endemic: Turning Covid into the Common Cold". He talks about how as "everyone" has antibodies, either from vaccination or from having the virus, the virus will not be as dangerous/severe. We know that vaccinated people can still get the virus, but the chance for severe infection & death is very low. This video was reassuring to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDRjIuC2eZE

    Getting ready to go for a bike ride this morning while it is cool. We have a tandem bike. We have taken it up to Mackinac Island in the past (7 hour drive), where your only means of transportation are your feet, horses/buggies and bicycles. So fun! We don't ride as often as we should nowadays.

    While walking the dog yesterday, two German Shepherds came running at us. I screamed and told them "Go home," which they did, thank God! No harm but that should never happen. They could have killed my little 12 lb dog. I called the police about it, hope it never happens again.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Beth, where I live we have Cicla-via.  They close off a street to traffic, and the only transportation allowed is feet, bicycle, skates, skateboard, or scooter.  There are activities for children, BMX and other exhibitions, music and other performances and food trucks. It's a lot of fun.  There will be one in my neighborhood this coming Saturday, along with a Jazz and Blues Festival.

    Loose dogs--very scary!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth, thank you!!!!

    I got mine March 5th.  Will be patient lol, and quit feeling ignored.

    Loved, loved the video you linked and subscribed.  This man talks just like TWIV and Shane Crotty.  The only thing is it is less scientific and spoke at a level anyone can understand.  I would encourage all to go watch this.  You will definitely have a much better feeling and don’t think this will bore you.  It made me excited. When I hear all the drama, remind myself what evidenced based science is saying.  TWIV and Crotty have always said our Tcells immunity to covid will last for years.  Crotty said this back during winter surge that we know, I loved when he said we know that those  infected with SARS1 still have Tcells immunity today,  so therefore this will probably be the same for SARS2.  Hung my hope on that statement. They have always said too, that in some years down the road it will become a cold.  This was just great.  Will have to start following Slavitt closer.  He was on TWIV and enjoyed that episode.  Have looked for him a little since then, will put more effort into that.

    I had to give up walks in neighborhood because of people’s dogs.  Made me feel unsafe.

    Take care

  • ndhme
    ndhme Member Posts: 3
    Seventh Anniversary First Comment

    Good afternoon

    After about a 3 yr absence from the boards I have been reading lately. I am so happy to see you all still here and supporting each other.  

    My absence was due to multiple health issues that knocked me off my feet both physically and mentally  I am finally feeling more myself now and back on my feet.  

    A major life change was Ron passed away 13 months ago…in the height of C-19.  The nursing home allowed me to stay with him that week 24/7 for which I was so thankful. They moved us to a private room and allowed the kids to come in.  

    Also my 17 yr old Beagle and 9 mos later my 14 yr old lab crossed the rainbow bridge   

    And I became a great grandmother (1st) 3 months ago.  Talk about Blessings!!!   

    Was hoping to finally go see Dad this fall but not so sure right now  he will be 98 in Nov   Tried to FaceTime with him and he kept telling my brother there’s a pic of me and he keeps hearing my voice   He didn’t grasp it was a video chat so just reg phone calls again   

    You all take care and stay safe


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Afternoon,

    What a busy place this has been, it took me awhile to get all caught up.  

     Lorita,   That was nice of you giving Bryon the extra money. I bet he really appreciated it and it was very nice giving him  the stuff that was in the WM pkg, You are so nice to him I am sure he  likes doing things for you. I am glad you asked for help and I am sure people enjoy helping you. Remember people need to be needed. 

    Sounds like all your car needed was the battery. I hope you get your PU back soon I bet you miss it, especially when you need to haul things. I hope your toe is better, I hate it when I stub my toes. I don't ware shoes in the house so I need to be careful not to run into things. 

     Nicole,  It is nice seeing you back. Is your uncle sill is rehab? Poor guy I hope this did not set him back too much.

    Beth,  I used to love to bike ride but I have not done it for many years. I did try a few years ago and I had no balance at all, its like I needed training wheels. 

     Sara,  Sorry you don't walk because of dogs, walking is good and I bet you miss it. I used to take  Molly for walks but I have a neighbors house that I have to pass and they have 3 big dogs in their yard and they all run the fence like barking at Molly and I and Molly as little as she is acts like she wants to tear them apart. I don't think they could ever get out but I hate all the barking. Molly knows right where the house is and every time I drive by it she has to bark just in case the dogs are out.  

    Ellen,  It is nice hearing from you and I am glad your feeling better. Sorry for the loss of you precious dogs and congratulations on your new great grand baby. 

    Ron,   Littlebit is so sweet, I am sure you and Lou get a lot of love from him. I hope your feeling better and getting some answers about your health. 

    Rescue Mom,  Sorry your having to deal with the flooding issues  I am hoping things are back under control as much as normal as possible. 

    Iris,  Years ago I had a dog that ate corn on the cob just like a person does, his front teeth would take all the corn off the cob. I had forgotten about that I think I will see if Molly likes corn on the cob. 

    The weather here has been real nice, a little wind blowing and not as hot. We are still dealing with smoke but not as bad. I have bird feeders on my porch and the birds have really been coming around I guess it was maybe a bit too hot for them. I still have not stained my porches I am waiting till the smoke goes away and a cooler day. I hope it comes soon.  

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I follow Andy Slavitt, and others who talk about the virus (Peter Hotez, Ashish Jha, Leana Wen) on Twitter. I do enjoy YouTube; some of what I watch is clinical but a lot of what I watch is entertainment.

    Hope all are having a nice evening. We have a chance of rain/storms tomorrow night. We really need the rain, praying we get it.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I just saw Matt kiss a woman and it was a long kiss. Its Matts Love Story on Gunsmoke today where he has amnesia, you probably saw it today as well. I wonder why he never kisses Kitty.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita glad you are getting a few things marked off of your list.  That always feels good.

    Ellen welcome to the porch.  Remember your avatar.  Doesn’t seem like it has been three years. Glad you are starting to feel a bit better.

    They are giving 5 days of sunshine, we shall see.  Even though it has been so dark and damp, we actually got very little rain.  Weather has been a bit strange.

    Got my mask order yesterday.  They sent me a sample mask.  It is the one called Blue and I believe it is white.  Looking forward to trying it.  Need to order me some more lanyards first as I just used my last one.  May take one off another one til I get some more. Want to see if it is cooler.  

    May make a little kraut today.  Froze some pepper yesterday.  Think I may freeze some of my onions too at some point.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    No posts from Lorita yesterday or yet today. Sasue or Judith, are you able to check on her? I sure hope she is ok and just busy.

    Ellen, so sorry for all the losses you have had recently, especially your beloved husband. So sorry. May you have peace.

    Seems like a lot of deaths of people I know, all from cancer except for one 65 y.o. woman from Lewy Body. 

    Took a dog walk today. No problems with loose dogs. We do carry pepper spray, and we have used it in the past. It works.

    Still getting a lot of tomatoes and cucumbers. That is about all I have in the way of "crops" now. I did plant carrots for a fall crop and also spinach. The spinach isn't coming up so will replant today and see if I can get some more yummy spinach. We have had a few BLTs to eat lately. So good. I have frozen tomatoes and given some away as well.

    Going to go get groceries today. Going to Super Target, nice store but have to drive 12 miles instead of 1 so don't go there often. I have been hearing about shortages of food in stores. Not noticed it here except once at Walmart, the egg and cheese area was sparse. Are you seeing that?

    Be well, have a blessed day.    Beth

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    HI, I have a question? Can the VA insist you get a vaccine?

    Bill is high risk and he says "if i get shot I will die" that is his mind set!

    Doctor said he was going to try and talk him into getting vaccine.

    I'm the one who will have to deal with him after forcing him to get vaccine!

    I can't go with him to VA even though I'm his caregiver. They consider me a visitor. He won't go without me! They will have someone take him to lab and his appointment. He will not go with a stranger!!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Shirley, caregivers are allowed with spouse at my VA. In fact the VA even has a program for caregivers of veterans. I would suggest you contact your spouse's primary care provider or patient advocate. 


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    I talked to his Doctor and he said since the hospital has so many cases, they only let veterans in! But they would escort him to his appointments! Not if they won't go with a stranger!

    I can see him saying I'm not going to the doctor or giving blood!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Shirley I don’t think they will force him.  They may just try to get him to agree to it.  Personally if someone could twist my mom’s arm and get her to agree I would be happy.  Know what you mean by you are the one who would have to deal with it later.  That is why I push nothing medically for my mom.  My nephew became covid positive today, unvaccinated.   Where I live every week risk is increasing a lot.  Yet 2/3 of my family unvaccinated and they don’t have Alzheimer’s as an excuse.  Guess one more just became vaccinated and I hope his side effects aren’t too bad.

    Let’s hope Loritas internet is down.  Maybe Judith might have some idea how to check too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     I'm here and doing okay.  I'll post this in case I get kicked off again.  Thank you all for your concern.  Had one of those warnings on the laptop yesterday that it was infected so stayed away from it.  It takes for ever to post on my tablet.  I'll be back in a minute.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...please, if you can not post call one of us so we won't worry that you have a broken hip and are stranded out by the pond.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Shirley, please talk to a patient advocate. Ask them why the VA is not the same across the board. Ask why caregivers at Overton Brooks in Shreveport allows caregivers and even has a program for caregivers of veterans to assist the caregiver cope with carrying for the veterans. 

    Lorita, glad your back! A lot of times those messages are scams. Just run a virus scan on your device!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi again,

     Didn't feel too well yesterday but got several things done.  I think those little ticks are getting the best of me.  Found two or three on my chest about 4 this morning and a raised spot on my outer, upper thigh about the size of a nickel.  Guess something bit me during the night so got those things off and used Benadryl ointment and an antihistamine.  It seems better this morning.  I'm going to start wearing boots every time I go out of the yard from now on and leave them outside.  Started to say I'd be glad when we get a freeze but not really.  As cold as it was last February you'd think all of the ticks would have been killed.

     I was going to charge the backrubber this morning but didn't feel up to it so I'll do that tomorrow.  Sat on the front steps and watched the girls come in.  Of course, I was one short so had to drive out into two pastures to check - never saw her so must have counted wrong.  Sometimes they go into the barn, then come back out.  Did see the six babies go in together - other two "big" boys (five months) old went in together.

     Opened the boxes on the front porch this morning (with a mask on).  I had ordered sugar and the seal was broken on it and there were ants in it so called WM and they'll replace it.  Still having trouble with ants in the house, too.

     Sara - I have the Wet and Forget and several others things in my cart to order today.  I looked at the side of the house and there's only a couple of places I need to use it so the 48 oz. should be enough.  I guess it mixes with water as you spray it.  We used to have a hose-end sprayer that worked like that.

     Thank you Beth and Sara.  I should have said "I'm all right" on the tablet - will next time.  Your vegetable gardens sound like they're doing good.  I love to grow spinach - seems like I can't even get zucchinis to do good anymore.

     Shirley, get in contact with the Patient Advocate and explain that Bill has alz. and doesn't trust strangers and that he needs the lab work and appointment.  If you don't get anywhere with him, talk to the Outpatient Social Worker (they can work miracles if they want to).  If you still can't get what you want, get in touch with the Director.  I can't see why they wouldn't let you go in with him - you'd be masked and it's his health that's important.   Good luck. 

     Sara - I'm going to order the masks today.  I think I'll get the BOTN medium, white and then maybe black ones this winter.  I found the measurements and according to the measurements on the ones I have that say KN95 the medium would work.  I really like the way these fit -  just wish they were the real thing - and they may be.  How would you tell?

      Zetta - I didn't see that Gunsmoke episode yesterday but I've been it a couple of times.  You know the woman on that show who was his love interest was Michael Learned of The Waltons.  The ones I'm watching now don't have her on it so she probably left The Waltons to make that show.  The followup to that show was made after the Gunsmoke Series ended.  Shouldn't tell you this but Matt has a daughter with that woman.  She was about 20 when he found out.  No idea why he never kisses Kitty - you can tell he loves her.  Guess he doesn't want to show his soft side.

     Awful news about the virus and how it's spreading.  I worried about being around Red night before last even though I was at least 3 ft. from him and outside.  He was in his PU and I was by the gate - just exchanged a check and ticket.  Darn stuff!   Makes you afraid to be around anyone.  I watched some of those videos and agree that this stuff will probably always be with us in one way or another.  They're saying they'll begin giving the third shot Sept. 20.  Guess I won't be eligible until November - eight months after my second vaccination.

     I didn't take Stormy with me this morning so after the mail runs I'll drive the car and take him for a ride around the section north of us - that would be able four or five miles.  Sure want to keep this battery up. 

     Nothing going on here.  I've been sort of emotional and teary the last couple of days and I don't know why.  This morning when I was up around the MH it happened - just remembering the 27 happy years Charles and I spent there.  When we moved there, there weren't any trees so we planted Chinese Elms and a cedar break on the north side.  Those trees are huge now - brought back a lot of memories hearing the wind whistling through them.   It's always breezy up there - just a little higher altitude than the farmhouse so I can see why the girls like to spend time up there.  There's still pears on the trees but we need rain to make them.

     Ran the water tank over again.  Guess I need to put a float valve on it but not sure how it'd fit on the rubber tank.  The girls will walk or swim through the water in the pond and still come into the lot and drink from the stock tank.  It's clean water so guess they like it better.

     Seems strange not to hear anything from Sarah but guess that's the way she wants to have it but I still worry.  I'm also a bit worried about Shane.  Remember Bryon said he hadn't been feeling well for two or three days? 

     Jo - I always like to add a little something to their pay when they do something extra for me.  Next time they're here I'll ask them to put new cord on the flagpole - they've done that once already.  I did it once but don't think I can do it again.  I'm going to talk to him about doing all that painting for me this fall and winter, too.  Also need the porches painted.  Seems like there's always things that need to be done.

     I'll stop for now and have another cup of hot tea and order those masks.  Thanks, Sara, for all the help you've been in steering me in the right direction about the masks.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Are you all having trouble with ticks this year?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Judith - I'm okay.  You all would be proud of me - when I was out so long a couple of days ago looking for the calf I wore my medical guardian.  I usually forget when I'm just out in the pasture.  I have to go over a ditch to get to the MH and Sasue always tells me even if I have my phone a cow wouldn't come over and dial it for me.  I'll try to do better.   

     Like I said, I should have posted "I'm all right" on the tablet.  Will  next time. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Ron.  Hope you and Lou are all right and have gotten some rain.  I don't know how to run a virus scan but every time I use the laptop, it automatically runs one and tells me it's all right.  I get those alerts from time to time - think we all do - so that's why I just left the laptop alone yesterday.  Wish they'd leave all of us alone, don't you? Ellen - so happy to see your post.  I've thought of you so often and wondered how things were with you.  So sorry to hear about Dan - I know how hard that has been for you.  Glad to hear that you're doing better.  Also sorry to hear about losing your fur babies.  Also know how that feels since I lost Barclee a few weeks ago. Glad you decided to post - we're all here and lots of new friends.  Come often and sit on the porch with us - very relaxing on a hot, summer day.   I bet it's hot where you are, too.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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