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Just need to talk to my friends (153)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Had a appointment at VA today and told Lou we would go out for lunch after my appointment. Now those of you that have followed Lou and I probably know where she wanted to eat. Your right, Red Lobster!

    Ticks were bad when I was growing up, if I had a dollar for every tick I got on me I would have been rich at a young age. Mom use to heat a needle and touch the tick, than squeeze it between her fingernails. I use to get them in spots that was extremely uncomfortable. 

    Lou will be having her physical therapy again tommorow. I hope it goes better then the last two, if not I dont see much since in continuing. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita & Sara,    Yesterday was the first time I put cheese on pork n beans. I always put cheese on top of my chili, so thought I would try it on pork n beans, and it was really good, my son even liked it. The cheese melted in and that made it very creamy. I was going to put a little onion on top but I did not feel like chopping one up. Next time I will. Pork n Beans is now on my grocery list. 

    Lorita,    I hope that Jett, starts feeling better its a good thing you noticed him acting different, you are so good to your girls and boys they are lucky that they belong to you.  I think my phone has that feature on it. My daughter will be here this week end and she will check it for me. I will also learn a few more things. I am very surprised to find its not as hard as I thought it would be. I am sure I will never be able to use all it offers. I don't want to learn that much. 

    Ron,   I hope you got some good news when you went to you appt. this morning. I also hope that Lou does well with the physical therapy tomorrow.  I also like Red Lobster. When I lived in Eugene, Oregon we had a Red Lobster very close to our house so we ate there often. 

    I hope you all had a good day and a better day tomorrow. Hugs Zetta  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, hope your VA appt. went well.  Did you take Lou with you and how did that go?  I always liked Red Lobster, too - but haven't been there in a coon's age.

     Am I confused?  Was it the VA that wouldn't let Lou go in with you?  I need to reread.  Anyway, it went well.  Hope the PT goes well for Lou.

     Wish I had a dollar or even a dime for every tick I've had on me these 79 years.  Living in the country with grass and weeds all around, you get a lot.

     I've been lazy today.  Went in and laid on the bed and went to sleep.  It's nice and cool in there so why not?  Zetta, I went out the barn a while ago to see if Jett came out with his mom.  Didn't see him so guess he did - they're way up in the south pasture and Rose Bud's in her usual place.  I fixed a pan of feed for her so hope she comes up to get it. I wonder why you call it cattle "feed" and for dogs, cat and people, it's called "food".  Ever think of that?

     Well, guess I had a premonition if you can call it that about the air conditioner.  Got a voice mail to call a number and, of course, it's a recording that the delivery has been delayed.  Was given dates in September for them to deliver.  I'm trying to stay calm so didn't call - too late anyway.  By the time they finally deliver and install it, the weather will be cool.  What the heck is going on with everything, anyway?

     Zetta - hope your phone does have that button so you can use it.  Glad you're getting used to your new phone.  I'm still learning things about my little one - still like the old one better.

     Had a nice, long visit with one of the ladies who used to be on our thread years ago - Bonnie.  Remember she was the lady who quilted and crocheted and would go on the quilting retreats.  She's doing well, still quilting and doing the same things.  She's done quite a lot of traveling with cousins this year.  I told her she should come back and get acquainted with all our new friends.  So, hopefully, she will.

     Got most of the rest of the items from WM and the other big box from Chewy delivered today - to the porch!  Guess Colton's back.  Didn't hear him or guess Stormy and Sheena didn't either because they didn't bark.  Very quiet day here on the farm.  So glad I charged that backrubber this morning so don't have to get up and think about doing that tomorrow morning.

     Hope I can find something good to watch on TV tonight - pickin's thin this time of year.  Wonder why we have to wait until November to see new shows of Yellowstone?

     Judith, I bought one of those EVOO sprayers (you can use other things in it, too) and I've used it to lightly spray oil on French fries or whatever I was air frying - makes them a little crisper.  Never have tried onion rings but bet they'd be good.  Can you buy them battered and frozen?  Some day I'm going to go to the grocery store and just look around - I bet I'd be amazed at what they do have - like, frozen avocado halves.

     Anyway, enough of that.  Hope you all have a good evening and can stay cool. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Was a hot day here too yesterday.  Think they are giving it hot all week.  

    Saw a baby snake in a different bed.  Haven’t seen the big one for awhile.  Have not seen chipmunks so hopefully they are gone.

    Got a new bird feeder for sunflower seed.  Suppose to be squirrel proof.  So far haven’t seen birds eating at it.  But the good news is no squirrels either and it hasn’t been torn down.  Gold finches haven’t been feeding either, but i have lots of sunflowers and a big cone flower and they like those.

    Had pizza and pork & beans last night.  Was pretty good.

    My nephew called me yesterday.  Believe he is going to get his vaccine when he gets out of quarantine.  He doesn’t like quarantine.  

    Take care everyone

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Lorita, you amaze me with all that you do!

    I wish I had half that much energy.  

    When in the work force I did lots of traveling and worked at a desk many long days and some nights.  Guess I used up my supply of getting out and doing things.

    Had a tough Sunday, spent 4 hours sitting in the heat outside the emergency room waiting to find out how my dad was doing.  (had my 2 kids there for company) Only 1 person inside at a time, so that was mom.  Turns out he had low sodium levels and with some IV was good enough to go home.  Went there to help get him in the house and settled.  Then of course the 1 1/2 hr drive home.  They have lived in their home for 62 years and we can't convince them to move closer to rest of family ( none of us could afford to live in their area by the time we were grown).

    I have 3 afghan crochet projects on my plate to get done before Christmas...one is for granddaughter who will be graduating HS in June...and of course I had already started that one before the others came up...lol.  One is for great-grandson who loves Paw Patrol and one for his younger brother who loves Cocomelon.  I am sure I can get them done, as long as there are no pay orders between now and then.

    Children here started back to school yesterday...mask mandated for which I am glad.  I am just holding my breath to see if we get significant outbreak of  covid to disrupt the school year.  It was tough on the kids not being in school setting last year.

    The grocery store has sure been different since covid struck.  First it was bare shelves of all paper products, then rationing of how much meat you could buy and then the frozen food section being nearly empty.  Since then, there are sporadic shortages which can't be explained by hoarding.  I think the manufacturers have been changing up their production lines to put less product in a box and charge more for it.  Weekly grocery bill just goes up and up and you get less and less.  First noticed it in sugar before covid...used to get a 5 lb bag...then they changed it to just 4.  Then cold cereal went to a real skinny box.  The the amount of tissues, paper towels and toilet paper went down in the package.  And the price of gasoline is outrageous!  Glad I bought a new little car before all this started...way better gas mileage than the 15 yr old mini van I got rid of.

    Enough complaining...lol...at least I have clothes to wear, a roof over my head, food to eat and the company of you friends on the porch!

    Everyone have a safe and good day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita,  I have no problem getting Lou into the VA with me. I did have a problem with a couple of VA visits with them wanting her to stay in the waiting area away from me, which I told them that wasn't happening. 

    Cardiology cleared me for oral surgery without seeing me, they said that nothing in my records would cause dental not to go ahead with the procedure. The visit at VA yesterday was with mental health. Primary care feels like I'm suffering from anxiety. I told her during my meeting I felt my problem was more depression than anything else. I believe me being anxious about answers to health problems is more about wanting to make sure I'm always able to take care of Lou. Thet did tell me of a app that might help, it is called virtual hope box. I looked at it this morning and it has several good relaxing techniques. Not sure how useful it will be since I'm aware if most.

    Forgot to mention, when the dr. called last Friday we was trying to figure out how she could talk to me and Lou could still be around someone. Ended up Lou staying with her while her assistant talked to me. 

    Hope everyone stays safe, this heat in Louisiana has been brutal. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    ,Ron, so glad your VA appointment worked out all right.  Sometimes you just have to tell them something they want done is not going to happen.  Of course you have anxiety - all caregivers do, along with depression.  I have anxiety and I'm no longer a caregiver for someone with dementia - but guess I am a caregiver for dogs, cats and cows.  Guess being worried and anxious about things will never end.

     It's hot as all get out here in Oklahoma, too.  I am so ready for cooler weather.  I told our vet I'd rather have really cold weather and he reminded me of last February and March - don't want that again either.  Guess I'm never satisfied.

     So,Sara, you like pizza and pork 'n' beans, too.  I had thought I'd have that today but decided I'd make some more potato soup - it's done and I've taste-tested it.  It's very hot out but I don't mind eating soup in hot weather.

     Watch out for that mama snake - she's around somewhere and maybe even  the papa.  Babies are very poisonous, even more so than the big ones.  Glad your new birdfeeder is working out.   Do you have many butterflies where you live?  I hardly ever see one anymore.  Seems like we used to see a lot of them - guess it's all the spraying people do now.  I was going to check my zucchini this morning but forgot - maybe later today.

     Zetta, Stormy and I drove out in the pasture to see the girls this morning.  Saw Jett and his mom coming down from the south pasture - I think the girls spent the night there but the rest had already changed pastures.   They walked down to the pond - she walking slowly and was waiting for Jett to catch up.  I think everyone went into the barn.  I saw one little calf going in and he stopped and looked straight at me -  not sure which one it was.  They were all bunched up around the doors so couldn't get in to see where he was.  I'll watch him and he'll probably be okay.  After we got back to the house we went for a drive - down to the mailbox and around the section north of us so it was about 4 1/2 miles.  As I was coming up our driveway, almost hit a dog that was in the road. Our neighbors had three dogs that would come up every morning but I hadn't seen them in a long time.  There was only one this morning so guess something's happened to the other two. 

     Loveskitties - not a lot of energy here - just doing things that have to be done.  I see people playing sports on TV and think that I used to do things like that but no more.  If I stay in the house I get to feeling bad - feel much better if I can get outside and do something so the hot weather doesn't bode well for me.  That's why I get out really early - best time of the day when things are beginning to wake up and it's still pretty cool.

     Well, had another encounter with Sears.  First guy I talked with was in India.  I told him to transfer me to someone in the US - said he had no way to do that so I told him to give me a number to call to talk with someone in authority.  He did but it turned out to be the number you call for repair.  This girl was in Asia somewhere and reception kept cutting in and out.  Guess I really lit into her.  They were still telling me I had to go to a Sears store and select an AC.  Told her I was not going to do that - it was up to them to get it, bring it out and install it.  Finally got the answer that they couldn't get one because production was down and none were available.  I have another date - Sept. 9.  I told her the weather would be getting cooler then and I wouldn't need one then.  

     You know I think about cancelling all of the maintenance agreements - one year left to go on all of them but I've invested so much in them and until now have had good service from Sears.  I told her I was going to report it to the BBB.  How do you do that?  Guess if I find out how, I'll also report Car Shield.  Trying to calm down - just hate things like this.

     Judith, I need that tree limb in the worst way - but, it's gone and the replacement isn't low enough to sit on so guess I'll grit my teeth and carry on. 

     How is the house deal coming along?  Does the cowboy miss his horse and being with the cattle?  I think it gets into your blood and when you're away from it, you do miss it.  I know Darwin must miss his cattle.  Another neighbor who had to quit told me he really missed being around then - and I will when I have to give up. Things are just harder when there's only one - not only workwise - just having someone with you.  Now, I'm beginning to sound sappy so I'll stop and have a bowl of potato soup.  I'm okay or will be when I cool down some more - in October.

     I'm not going to call Sears again - just too irritating.  As long as the AC in the bedroom is okay, we'll make it.  I do have a big AC in the wall in the LR but haven't turned it on - can't find a filter for it and it's noisy.  Left the bedroom door open last night and cats jumped on and off the bed all night - now, they're sound asleep.  Guess I should take a nap, too.

     Hope you all are well today and not too hot.  Sorry about all the complaining I do.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Saw this topic regarding how to cook eggplant perfectly.  Since we had been discussing eggplant here, I copied the link and here it is:


    As for that Sears debacle, hope they did not think you did not want the AC as it would be too cool by the time you got it.

    Contacting the BBB is an excellent idea. A statement from BBB:

    "BBB complaint service is a free dispute resolution service to consumers. BBB acts as a neutral third party to assist both the consumer and the business with their communication, in the hopes a mutually acceptable resolution can be reached. ... There is no cost to file a complaint."

     Here is a BBB link:


     When Googling Sears Corporate Office, the following are the numbers and locations listed for Sears Corporate - you could make a call and let them know in uncertain terms what is happening and that you now have no recourse but to report to the BBB before contacting your attorney.  Hit the idea that you are a, "little old lady," who has "health issues," and have desperately needed the AC.  Hopefully you have kept notes or records of who you have talked to and when and how loooong it has been with no results.   Here are the links I saw for Sears Corporate, one of them or both should be good for contact:


    Sears Customer Service – How to file a complaint?
    1. Corporate Office Headquarters. 3333 Beverly Road Hoffman Estates IL 60179.
    2. Email. [email protected].
    3. Call. 866-850-0518.
    4. Returns. http://www.searshometownstores.com/hts-cust-service.
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Been busy getting back into caregiving routines....ack! My uncle is now wetting his bed (thank goodness for depends, bed pads and water proof mattresses) also wetting in his pants most days. I've got bed pads in his chair. 

    My cousin and I were going to place him in MC while he was in rehab, but I allowed my cousin to be in charge of finding a place here in Vegas and surprise surprise she didn't find one in time for his discharge from the rehab facility.

    So my uncle is back in his home and I'm here again taking care of him. It's just a matter of time before my uncle falls again and has to go back to the hospital, this time I will make the decision and have my uncle in a MC facility (I've already put a deposit down on a place) he will NOT be coming home the next time.

    So tired of doing laundry everyday!



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Nicole, sorry about your uncle.  We all know how tiring it is to do so much bed changing and laundry.  Hope things get better for you soon and that you are able to place him when the time comes.

     Jo - thanks for the information.  I may go ahead and file the complaint with BBB.  It may be that they're just not able to get the AC because of decreased production.  Just gives me a headache to get so upset about it. 

     Just came in from trying to locate Jett.  I saw him come out of the barn - he was in there with another cow and she came out, then he came out and walked down toward the pond.  I think he laid down in the tall grass.  The cows were on the other side and just now his mother was down close to him.  I drove down and asked her where her baby was and she looked in that direction and called him ai few times - no reply - so she went on up in the south pasture with the other cows.  Rose Bud is out front so if he's there, maybe he'll go to her.  I'll drive myself crazy trying to keep up with both of them.  I'll close the lot gate in the morning and if they're together and come up, I'll put them north of the house. 

     It's hot out there but there's a good breeze and the humidity is a bit lower but still hot.

     Saw on the news something about a Havana Syndrome?  Had never heard about that but they said there were 150 cases in other countries.   In our State yesterday there were 1800 new cases of the virus - the most there's been since January.  Not looking very good, is it?

      Potato soup is good.  I used the immersion blender and it is really thick and creamy so will probably need to add some more water.

     Jo - did you get around to making the chocolate cake in a mug?  It's very much like the easy chocolate cake I make.  Still have some of it in the refrigerator - really good with ice cream.

     Saw something so sad on the news tonight about the flooding in Tennessee.  Seven month old twins were swept out of their mother or father's arms and were drowned and the same thing happened to another little baby.  How awful that must be.

     Sara, still forgetting to look at the zucchini - will do that in the morning.

     See you all tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, I found BOTN face masks KN94 made in Korea on Amazon. Either ten or 12 foro $25.00.  Guess I'll order those because I could never get to Check Out on BehealthyUSA - have no idea why.  Tried both laptop and tablet.  It is the KN94 that's best, isn't it?
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning, 

    As long as manufactured in Korea should be good.  Paid $30 for 10 at be healthy so that is about right.  

    The garter snakes aren’t poisonous as they seem to get away as quick as they can when they see me.  I see a few butterflies, but not too many.  There is a caterpillar of one hanging out on my celery the last two days.  Hope it gets to become a butterfly.

    Lorita my door for garage has not come in yet.  They told me it would be two to three months.  Has been just a little over two months.

    Gas prices are about the same here as they were before pandemic.  Several years ago it got up to $4/ gallon.  Running around 2.95-3.15 here now.

    Got about half of my sisters kraut done yesterday.  Hope to finish it up today.

    Ron sorry you are having some anxiety.  Can definitely understand why.  Don’t know if it is possible or not but if you could get some kind of plan in place for Lou , if you are down , that might ease it a bit.  

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning friends of the front porch gathering!

    I was pleasantly surprised at Lou's response to her physical therapy yesterday.  She went through the entire routine without a single complaint. Now if I can just keep her on the exercise routine I believe her physical and mental problems will improve. I was disappointed to hear next week would be home health last week due to Medicare changes since covid. She is much more compliant with them than me. 

    On my own mental stability, I am aware that what I need is to be able to just get away by myself a little every week. I am thinking about seeing if another neighbor that is retired is able to sit with Lou some, but after loosing close to $4000.00 by the other neighbor due to stealing and bed bugs, I'm reluctant to try.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, I can truly understand your reluctance to trust anyone after losing that much money.  I'd be the same way.  You know, what worked for me when I was caregiving all those years was getting some "me" time early, early in the mornings.  Charles tended to sleep later than I did most days so that was the time I did what I wanted to do.  Some days he'd get up at the same time I did so it wasn't an every day thing - but the time I did get was enough to keep me sane, most of the time.  Charles "meddled" in drawers which almost drove me crazy (just ask Judith).  He'd empty drawers and what he did with the things I don't know.  Each person is a bit different and also similar.  It's truly a world of trial and error.  Ron, if Lou sleeps late, use that time to relax.  Find some place outside where you are comfortable and can relax.  Mine was a low-hanging tree limb on one of the Royal Empress trees.  I talk about the tree limb now - but it's gone - heavy rain and wind took care of that so I'd have to find another place.  Maybe you could get Lou into the habit of taking an afternoon nap.  Usually doing this a couple of days will get a person into the habit.  That worked for us - but, I took a nap, too.

     Glad the PT worked out well - hope that continues for you.  I know the weather's hot in Louisiana just as it is in Oklahoma but fall is coming and it'll cool off - eventually.  So, you can't get outside much.  Hope you can find something that works.

     Sara - I can't understand why there's so much delay in production and shipping.  There wasn't before the pandemic so where are all the people who did the work before?  I don't know about gas prices here.  I buy gas for the Gator and occasionally fill up the car at our little store and I think the gas is a bit cheaper there than in town.  I have a big tank of diesel, at least a couple hundred gallons that I could use for the PU if I ever get it back.  But, it's dyed red so it's for farm-use only.  I don't know of anyone who ever had their diesel tested in their trucks but if it happened, I'd be the one. 

     I do know prices on the internet from WM and Amazon have really gone up and many things are out of stock.  I'm also noticing that on QVC their clothing prices have gone up and so have the prices for all kinds of food they sell.  Once prices go up, they'll never come down again.

     Went out and fed the boys, then drove up to see the girls.  It's so peaceful early, early when it's cool and they're grazing.  Little Fawn is active and so very cute - she stays with mom but also  is branching out and being with the other babies.  I finally saw Jett nursing so I was relieved.  Came back and then kind of watched as they came to the barn about 8:30.  Didn't see Jett go in so drove out and saw him mom heading for the barn.  I don't know if she left him up in the pasture or what.  I'd never find him up there and if I did he might jump up and take off running.  I did ask her where her baby was and she just looked at me.  I went into the barn to see if I could see him but it was too crowded to find him - did see Fawn.  Maybe if she left him in the pasture he'll have enough sense to go to a shade. 

     I think about selling the farm to Mike and living here - guess I'd sell the girls, too.  But, if they, or any cattle, were here I'd worry so guess there's no solution.  I had a good friend who was a social worker and had never married.   When she retired, of course, she was living alone.  After a year or two she got afraid she'd die in her house and no one would find her so she sold her house and moved to a new retirement place in Kansas.  Maybe that's the right idea.  Just mulling things over in my head - probably will never leave here.

     Sara - I think I'll order those face masks.  If it's the same brand and made in Korea they should be okay.  I thought you got your new garage door.  Is the delay because of the pandemic?  To me, a snake is a snake is a snake.  I don't like any of them and I don't like accessories made from snake skin or simulated snake skin or clothes with that pattern.  Guess I've seen too many of them in my lifetime.  They used to have dens in the bank of the pond when I was growing up - and there was the time Charles was bitten by one.  Don't know how I had enough nerve to get those two out of the house - but knew I couldn't have them running around in here.  When we lived in the MH I was getting ready for work (Charles had already gone to work) and I opened a drawer and there was a snake coiled up on my clothes.  I slammed the drawer shut and didn't open it for several days and after that I opened it slowly.  It had probably found a little hole and came inside.

     Stormy and Sheena just had a big play time.  Fun to see those big dogs playing with each other.  They went outside but are back in now - guess they went to the bedroom to take a nap.  

     Haven't had breakfast yet but had juice and hot tea.  I'm baking (or the machine is) a fresh loaf of bread so I'll have a slice of that, toasted, with jelly after it's done.  Some day I'm going to try putting some raisins in when it's about half done.  Tried once and it beat the raisins to death - couldn't even tell there were raisins in it.  Talking about raisins - all I've been able to get for the past year or so have been soooo dry.  Used to be able to get ones that were good and moist.  Guess things change.

     Enjoy the day and stay cool.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     The bread was good with boysenberry jam.  Had a couple of slices.

     Sara -From Amazon,  I ordered ten of the large, black face masks - BOTN KF94, made in Korea and they're shipped by Behealthyusa.  Was a bit afraid to order the medium ones because it said ages 8-15.  Supposed to be here by September 9 or 10. Price was $20 and I had a little over $2.00 rewards points so came to $17+.   Glad that's done.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, when my mother began having caregivers come to the house, my mother's friend told me to put my mother's jewelry away, that was a great tip.  She did not have large amounts of cash in the house.  Anything that is valuable or private should be locked up.  I used to "test" people by leaving a twenty dollar bill on the counter under some mail or papers.  So far, everyone has passed.  

    Lorita, I too am thinking about moving to a senior residence.  But it would not be for a while, because I have all these cats, and facilities that do allow pets will not allow more than one pet.  I have two senior cats, two middle aged cats and one young adult cat.  

    I got disturbing news from the cardiologist.  He is concerned about cholesterol, and wants me to begin a statin.  I have been resisting for years.  I do not like the potential side effects.  

    I did something different this morning.  I've lived in a beach town for almost forty years, and today was my first day going down to the beach.  It was great!  My brother will be visiting me in September and I'm checking out places to take him.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Doo-wackadoo-wackadoo!  Blush, blush, blush!   Well . . . . remember when I thought I had put my original COVID Vaccine card in a safe place, but when I went to get it, it was gone ... really gone . . . . so, thinking perhaps I had not got it to the "safe place, " I searched and searched every drawer, every file, every single place in the house; on and on.   Nothing.  It was gone.

    So, I contacted the clinic where I had my vaccine and they sent me a full page confirmation of my vaccination status.  Glad to have it, made copies, but not so easy to carry nor to have future vaccinations listed on it.

    Well . . . . today, I was going through some envelopes I had in the "safe" place as it is time for me to renew a CD.  As I did that, I picked up another envelope and looked inside to see what was there.  Ahem; there was a paper in there, BUT I felt something thick and there was my original COVID Vaccine card!  It had slipped between the folds of the paper.  HURRAY!!!  Celeberation!!!  So glad to have it.  Have a laminated copy of it, but really glad to have the original for when it is time for the Booster to be listed.   

     Honestly, sometimes I just wonder . . . . perhaps it wasn't me, but those little impish pixies that sneak about stealing socks from the laundry, and putting little things where they do not belong and then sneaking them back later . . . . you know the ones I mean!  I think we have all had those sneaky little imps at one time or another.  Or it was just me trying not to bend a card and placing it an envelope intending to get it out later, but it hid between paper folds.  That will teach me.

     Holy catamaran Batman!   DH filled up the small car gas tank yesterday and it cost $80!   Shocking.  What do people do who must travel distances to work every day and who do not have a lot of money; it is really a head shaker.  I remember when a kid, gas price being 29 or 39 cents a gallon.  Well . . . . that was then and this is now. 

     Lorita, I am again chagrined . . . I did not copy down the chocolate cake in a mug recipe and when I went back to look for it, could not find it.   When you are up to it, if you feel like writing it down again, this time I will copy it right away.  As for the pork and beans; in England, many routinely eat pork and beans for breakfast . . . in fact, even in some of the nicest hotel breakfast buffets we saw pork and beans.  Nutritious, but must have made for an interesting work day . . . . .

    Got a call from the UCLA doctor, have to start Bactrim three days prior to surgery along with Vancomycin.  Bactrim twice a day, Vanco once a day . . . plus they give an antibiotic during the procedure.  I will start glowing in the dark!   I had C Difficile from antibiotics earlier in the year and had to be treated.  So . . . . the Vancomycin will need to be taken for ten days to hopefully quell any resurgence of C diff.   If it isn't one thing . . . .  so fervently hoping that C. diff does not reappear. 

     I am getting calls from UCLA now to prep me for Tuesday, August 31st, my surgical day.  So glad my front porch friends will be there with me, sure makes me feel better.  When waiting to go into the OR, I will think of you all being beside me.  Will be hoping all goes well and that this can then be put behind me. 

    This morning, I saw the best interview regarding those who will not get vaccinated. It was an interview with a bright young ER physician with lots of credentials.  He was well spoken and put things is such good perspective that it was like a brilliant light being shined where light is certainly needed - as in enlightenment.  I will find the link and get it to you all; it is well worth watching.  Perhaps even worth sending to LOs who are on the fence regarding getting vaccinated.

    Getting hot again out here and another fire started.    How I find myself wishing for winter and rain, but that will be awhile out here.  Poor Tennessee, the losses of human life and property has been horribly tragic. It has been a crazy year for so much and it seems that global warming is already having a significant impact.

    Glad the cattle are doing well, Lorita.  That is a lot to worry about.  It is good you are giving more thought to the property, etc.   It is good to have a Plan B should the need arise.  If Mike bought the property, do you think he would hang onto it and not split it to sell or sell it?  If he would keep it and if he would let you retain an acre or so with the house for your lifetime and then it would be deeded to him after you are gone, that does not sound too bad.   Not pleasant to have to think about such things, but if we don't . . .  as it is, if this was not the plan and no updated will, the property would end up with the nearest relatives who would probably sell it off first thing to highest bidder and who knows what would happen to the animals.  If Mike would be on the up and up and stewardship it all, that may be the best to do for the land and your peace of mind.  I wish we were all back much younger and all right in the world.  It all goes so fast.

    When we did our Trust and Wills, it was a mighty relief to have that out of the way.   No matter what, do you think Mike would be willing to be your DPOA for Healthcare should anything unexpected happen?   That is really an absolute necessity.  You could set up a financial DPOA with a trusted professional, or with whoever . . . . banks often do this as do CPAs, attorneys, etc.

    I heard that, "Frasier," is going to be coming back, remade with pretty much the original cast, that should be fun if they can get as good a set of writers like they had before.  We had the entire run of Frasier being made available by one of the channels.  DH recorded them and I have been watching in bits and pieces.  Some of the dialogue has me laughing out loud.  What wonderful writing and acting - great ensemble.  I personally love David Hyde-Pierce's "Niles," he often steals the show.  As I have bemoaned the issue before; they just don't make 'em like that anymore.  Too much canned junk, with canned people and canned scripts, etc., etc., etc. They try to out-cute or out-sex or out-violence themselves but it does not come off.   John Mahoney, who played the father, Martin Crane, died in 2018, so they will have to make script allowances for that.   Hope they do it well.

    Time to do some computer work, so off to the salt mines I go . . . .

    Lots of good thoughts and best wishes being sent to one and all,


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Here's the link to the ER Physician who is also an Asst. Clinical Professor of Medicine re the questioning of COVID Vaccination:


    Worth watching to the end where he discusses the people who come in secretly to have a vaccine, not letting anyone know they did that.   Evidently happens more often than I thought.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Covid bad again in Louisiana! Locally hospital beds full, non emergency ER visits over 1 hour wait and all elective surgery on hold. Will this nightmare ever end!

    Yesterday was good until supper when I warmed up the beef stew over elbow pasta that Lou thought was so good Sunday. Her statement was I don't like this even after I explained to her how good she ate Sunday and even bragged on it. She became very argumentative and even when I tried to calm the situation she kept it up. Ended up she did it some but mine had gotten cold and appetite was gone. I hate days like that and pray today will be better. 

    Lorita, I do have some me time which is early morning. That is probably one reason i dont try to sleep later because I enjoy my alone time. I am not able to go outside for long since I never know when Lou might wake up and feel like she's been left alone. Even when I take littlebit out to do his business, I worry about her. Guess I will always remember when she fractured her leg I was in the next room and will always feel like I should have been there to prevent the fall. 

    Jo., if I dont mention it before your procedure next week, remember you will be in my prayers. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Ron Covid is raging here too.  Every week positivity rate is increasing and hospitalizations and deaths are too.  But people’s behaviors are not changing, our county is one of the lower vaccinated counties, very low mask wearing, poor choices so the game will continue.  At some point, will be a few years, nature will solve some of the problem.  Hope you and Lou have a better day.

    Lorita what they are saying is lockdown put production behind.  They told me when I contacted them about door that they are at the mercy of whenever they get a shipment.

    Seems like selling to Mike might be a good solution.  You could still worry about the cattle and be around them but you could call Mike to come take care of his cattle when something needed done.  He would be over checking on his animals  and you too in the process.  Sounds like a win to me.

      Glad you got yourself a good mask that will protect you.  

    Agree with you Iris about keeping things locked up.  My thought process is to move to a retirement home also when unable to care for house or unable to drive.

    Iris I understand your concerns about statins.  My cholesterol is sort of on the border.  Not enough yet that the statin word has been mentioned.  Trying an experiment this year to see what happens next year when lab work done.  I’m eating 5T of pinto beans cooked without fat.  Then eat nothing with fat for 1.5 hr afterwards.  Do this three times a day.  Usually I eat them at 6, 7:30, and 9.  They are breakfast.  Something to do with liver stores cholesterol, since you aren’t eating fat the liver gives up some of the cholesterol to digest the beans.  The person told me it has worked really well for them.  This is not medical advice, I’m clueless, just something I’m trying.  

    If I lived by ocean would be there frequently.  Love to hear the waves.

    Glad you found your card JoC.  Have found that things eventually show up in general.  Always say I have a poof monster.  Hope that ugly c diff doesn’t raise its head.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     The virus is bad in Oklahoma, too.  I think they said there were 1800 new cases yesterday, mostly in unvaccinated people.  People will never learn and that's what's bad for us and everyone else.  I think it's here to stay and we'll just have to do the best we can. Life as we knew it is probably in the past.  When this does play out, if it does, there will be something else to take it's place.

     That and climate change is enough to keep people scared all the time.  We're absolutely killing our planet, our home.  I heard last night they were talking about how much the earth had warmed and is causing the fires and other things.   They said they hadn't thought all of this would happen for 30 years but it's here now - really accelerating.

     Ron, before Charles' dementia got so advanced he used to sleep late most mornings.  Twice I went into town very early and did what I needed to do.  Each time I hurried and was only gone about an hour and he was asleep when I got home both times.  Then I thought about what might happen if something happened to me on the way to and from or if the PU stopped running - he wouldn't have known what had happened so I never did it again.  It's something we all worry about - being away from them for any length of time.

     Jo - is the 31st still a go as far as your surgery goes?  We'll all be there with you and thinking good thoughts.

     Recipe for Chocolate Cake in a Mug:

     3 T. flour, 3 T. sugar, 2 T. cocoa, 1/4 tsp. baking powder and a pinch of salt.  Mix together in a 12 ounce microwave safe mug.  Add 3 T. milk, 3 T. oil and a splash of vanilla.  Mix well, then add 3 t. chocolate chips if you like.  Microwave for 90 seconds, then let sit a couple of minutes before serving.  So good with a little whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. My microwave is 700 watt so I let mine cook 2 min. 20 sec. and it was a little bit dry so I think 2 minutes would be fine.  I guess the 90 seconds is for a microwave with higher wattage.  Enjoy.

     I think Jett's mother left him out all day yesterday because they were up at the end of the pond last evening.  There's an area with tall grass with some water around it so I think he was there all day.  This morning I drove up to try to locate him - never could but I saw her grazing, then she came to the house.  I looked everywhere for him but didn't see him.  After I got home I opened the WM boxes and just now went out to wipe down the contents and Rose Bud was in front of the house and I heard a little calf bawl.  It was Jett coming up with Rose Bud.  Hurried out and opened the gate to the parking area north of the house and got them in there.  His mother came out of the barn and bawled, then went back in.  Finally she came out and I got her in with the baby.  He still has pretty bad scours so I'll call the vet and tell him.  If they're taking a bottle you can give them something for it so guess it has to be a shot.  He gave him a shot for the scours Monday morning but guess it wasn't enough.  I did see him nursing before I came in.  Darn cow leaving him out in the sun all day - so glad he came up.

     Sara - things have been opened up a long time so looks like production would have caught up but guess not.  Really gets aggravating when you have to wait so long for something.  WM is good about delivering but when I order things, it usually comes on two or three different days.  I did order a new hand mixer and it came - seems awfully light-weight but maybe that's how they are now.  My old one was at least 50 years old.

     Also saw last night on CNN they were talking about the J&J shot - said the booster will make your resistance 90, or 9, times better.  Not quite that much with Pfizer.  I doubt that people in our county and state are wearing masks or not many anyway.  How is wearing a mask messing with their freedom?  Can't understand people.

     Guess I'll stop and call the vet's office and tell them about the baby.  Maybe he'll do better being up where he can be in the shade.  It's already hot and there's not much wind today.  I opened up the pen in the barn this morning to give them a little more room so if there's wind it blows through the barn and helps to keep them cool.

     Stay cool.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Thought I’d check in.  Looks like everyone has been busy with summer activities.  The weather has been a little cooler the past week.  We got a few showers, but not enough to really soak in.  We’re still in severe drought so we’ll take all the rain we get.  

    I was able to get my covid booster on Tuesday.  Since I have an autoimmune disease and have been taking high dose prednisone, I was in the classification to get it now.  I had a sore arm for one day with no other reactions to the vaccine.  Feels good to have that behind me and know I have a little more protection.  Some of our stores are asking people to wear masks again, but haven’t mandated it so far.  I don’t mind wearing mine.  I feel better when I wear it.  Colorado is a state with higher vaccination rates, but our county has still had several new cases every week.  Most of them unvaccinated.  

    I think I’ll make a mug microwave cake tonight.  I’ve been wanting something sweet and it sounds delicious.  Thanks Lorita for the recipe.  

    Jo, I will be thinking of you and with you on the 31st.  I’m praying they can get all stones broken up and out and you will be done with this.  

    I’m back in the basement getting the store room cleaned out.  I’ll be so happy to get that done.  I’m just doing a little at a time, so it hasn’t been bad.  My dh was a bit of a hoarder.  I’m finding all sorts of things he saved like broken watches, old rodeo equipment he used when he rode bulls, books he used in collage and grad school, and a few keepers like his harmonicas, his park ranger hat from Zion Park, and even a slide rule.  Kids don’t know what those are today.  

    It’s been kind of fun finding treasures for the kids and grandkids.  

    Not much excitement here.  It’s great feeling better and so normal these days. I’m grateful and thankful for healing.  I hope you all have a nice rest of your day.  Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo, good for you on finding your vaccination card!  I do that too, put something in a safe place then forget where the safe place was.  Or put it down for a moment then totally forget.  I misplaced the remote control for my new TV, later found it in an empty flowerpot of all places!

    There is a program here in a few neighborhoods called The Villages.  It's a program wherein seniors are helped to remain in their own homes.  They have vendors who take care of home maintenance.  I'm not sure about how it works exactly, because it is not in my area.  

    I prefer to optimize dietary methods of controlling cholesterol.  There are lots of foods to emphasize, including beans and oats.  It's also important to avoid sugars.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT, here in Vegas. Did I mention it was hot here??

    My dad, step mom and Jordan (my grandson) are here in Vegas until the 29th. I haven't seen them yet due to my dad doesn't do well in the heat so they will get some food and stay in the hotel tonight.

    They will come to my uncle's house tomorrow morning after they have breakfast. Which is so much better for my uncle since he starts sundowning in the late afternoon/evenings.

    Nothing else going on here except laundry...ugh!


  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Good evening.  Had the funeral Monday.  Very hot day but still was a good day. Very sad but  she is fine now.  Her children, each spoke about their mother and what a wonderful person she was.  

    I think I can start getting my house back the way I want it. My granddaughter is moving back home Sunday.   It will be just me again.  Thank goodness for i phones. My boys text me every day.  I got stung by hornets again!!!    I was picking tomatoes and they came at me.  Never found a nest.   Went to urgent care because my arm was really swelling and so itchy.  Dr put me on prednisone and triamcinolone acetonide cream.   I am much better today.  I did see a wasp nest in my watermelon patch today.  Took care of them before they got me.  Don’t know why they are so bad now.  

    Did get tomatoes picked and canned juice.                                                                                          I got 16 pints.   Do a little at a time is a good way for me.  Got thunder and lightning all night long.  Rained some but need more.  Sending a picture of my work today


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Judy the tomatoes are beautiful.  Do you get a good feeling from preserving things?  

    Hope you get those hornets under control.  

    Joan so glad you are feeling better s d got your booster.  Will get my booster when they are approved for J&J.  

    Lorita hope Jett is doing better today.  

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Judy, I'm glad the service for your daughter went well.  Those are always hard days.  Nice that her daughters could talk some about their mother. 

     Your tomato juice is beautiful.  We used to can a lot of juice and made lots of salsa.  The juice is so good - much better than what you buy.  I liked to drink it either by itself or to have crackers with it.  That was always something that I could eat or drink when I wasn't feeling well.

     Nicole, I bet it is hot out there.  It's been uber hot here and I'm so tired of it I could spit but that wouldn't do any good except to dehydrate me, so I won't.  It is getting cooler each day by about a degree - hardly noticeable.  The mornings, early, early are pretty nice.  Enjoy your company.

    Iris, I used to take Simvastatin for high cholesterol but haven't taken it in years.  Probably should have it checked again.  My cholesterol has always been kind of high and also my triglycerides.  I think the least amount of medicine a person can take the better off they are unless it's for something that can't be handled without the meds.

     I guess we all think about what we'll do when we get older (we think about it as we get older, not when we're young).  When we're young we never think we'll get to that point - and then, all at once - there we are.  I hate to think about leaving the farm but I'm out here by myself, not real close to my doctor and anything could happen and Stormy and Sheena wouldn't know what to do.

     Sara - Jett is up and around this morning and looks good.  Mike had a hard time holding him to give him his injections last night.  Gave him two more antibiotic shots and another one for scours. He just kind of mopes along but he's really strong for such a little guy.  He's still scouring some this morning - pudding consistency.  I'll keep him and mom up north of the house for a day or two.  I cannot understand why his mother would come to the barn and leave him out in the sun - pretty unusual.  I also have Rose Bud up - all of them were in the barn this morning but I fixed feed for both cows and they're out now - all the others have come in for the day.  I'll leave the water misting going today for Rose Bud so maybe she'll stay in the shade instead of standing in the pond.

     I can't understand this; Covid is rampant (4000 new cases yesterday in Oklahoma) and they're going to have a big concert at the BOK Bldg. in Tulsa - masks not required and very little social distancing.  This will never get under control if things keep opening up.

     Joan - Harve used to ride bulls?  My goodness, I bet you were scared to death every time he got on one - know I would have been.  I love to watch bull riding and there seems to be quite a lot of it on our TV channels.  I watched some this past weekend.  One guy named Whitehorse was riding a bull called "Punisher" and he did.  He rode him for three or four seconds, was thrown off and the bull got him down.  The bullfighters got him off and Whitehorse started to get up and run and the bull got him down again.  I don't know how much he got hurt but two guys were helping him out of the arena and down to the doctor.  Those bullfighters are really brave men.  But, I can't understand the attraction for riding them - just the thrill of it, I guess.  Was Harv ever hurt?

     Did you get the chocolate cake in a mug made?  I think it's really good and so quick and easy.  I bet you could add a spoonful of peanut butter or  maybe peanut butter chips (I think they make those).  I'd make one today but still have some of the chocolate cake left.  The recipe is somewhat similar except you use soda and lemon juice in the cake.

     Glad you got your booster shot.  Makes you feel better, I bet.  This morning I heard they're recommending the booster anywhere from six to eight months after you got your second shot.  I hadn't heard that before - always heard eight months.  I'll get mine as soon as I find out when.  Eight months for me would be in November.

     Finally got all the boxes on the porch opened (except Chewy boxes) and contents wiped down.  Still have a few things left to bring in.  I think I've gotten everything except Neosporin and Loratadine - something's out for delivery today so we'll see what it is.  I did get the Wet and Forget and I'll use it when it gets cooler.  I need to read the directions - maybe it mixes with the water, otherwise, not sure it'll be enough.

     I'm hungry - didn't eat much  yesterday and the chocolate cake talk has made me hungry - chocolate cake and ice cream for breakfast?  Probably not, but later for sure. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Have my headache again.  Guess I strained my neck muscles or head muscle (is there such a thing) when I pulled that heavy load up the steps.  I should have known better.  Why in the world do we go ahead and do things without thinking it through?  Always in a hurry, I guess.    Mike brought Vectra for the inside cats and GPS last night.  I need to check to see if it's time and get that on them.  Cats are beginning to scratch some.

     Enjoy the HOT day.  Nicole, stay inside and stay cool.  Fall is coming!

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good morning.  Harv did the bull riding in his college days and was the club sponsor for the college team when we both worked at the college here.  He never got hurt and not sure he stayed on the bull for eight seconds very often, but he loved trying.  We ran the junior rodeo for the county fair for several years and had a lot of fun with the young kids.  

    Judy, the memorial service for your daughter must have been touching, especially when her children spoke.  Your juice looks delicious.  I don’t can anymore and didn’t make jelly this year, but miss doing it.  It’s rewarding to grow and preserve fruits and jellies.  I always enjoyed the process.  I hope your hornets get out of your area soon.  You’ve been stung too many times.  Funny, I usually have to spray for them here, but this year I haven’t seen many.  Maybe all the spraying moved them out.  I sure hope so.

    Lorita, I didn’t get the mug cake baked yesterday, but will try it today.  Peanut butter would taste great with the chocolate.  

    Sara, I guess the latest news on the booster shots are that we can get them as early as six months after our last vaccine.  My neighbor’s sister lives in AZ and didn’t bother to get the vaccine.  Her husband had covid and recovered in a few days.  She got it and is in the ICU on a ventilator.  Only in her 50’s.  It’s so frustrating that so many don’t believe they need the vaccine.  

    Guess I’ll work on the storeroom again today.  I’m inching my way through the boxes that have been sitting on the shelves for years.  Feels good to see empty spots.  Have a peaceful day.  Joan

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Good evening all.    Hope the heat is not getting you all down.  I work either early or late in the day.  If I go outside during the day, I am back inside in 10 minutes.  Need to mow yard but it can wait.  Suppose to get cooler next week   High 80’s cooler ? 

    Made fresh green beans, potatoes, onions and smoked sausage in the pressure cooker.  So yummy.  It smells so good in here.  With sliced tomatoes, a great summer meal.  

    So hot that tomatoes have slowed down ripening. Want to make some salsa and spaghetti sauce.  Cucumbers didn’t do well this year.  Next year , I am going to plant bush cucumbers instead of vining.  

    My bee stings are almost gone. Terrible this year.   But I am not very lady-like pulling weeds or gardening.  I am so dirty when I do outside work.  That is why they made showers! Now I am painting my wrought iron table and chairs “satin brown boots”.  Like the color.  Sorta golden light brown.  Like to keep busy.  

    I bowl with this lady in her 50’s.  She is so against vaccinations.  She said someone told her that people who took the COVID vaccine will probably be dead in 5 years.  I told her sure some of us will but not because the vaccine. We do get old.  

    Stay safe


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Judy I need to stay busy too.  Has been very hot and humid here also.  Have been doing very little outside.  Has been raining a lot in the evenings, things are soaked in the morning, by the time they dry off it is miserable.  Two days ago my glasses were fogging up, water was running I tip my eyes and dripping off of my face.  So I’ve mainly being doing inside things.

    Finished cleaning up my porch windows.  Got a decent onion harvest.  Since we had a wetter season going to preserve most of them.  Froze some yesterday.  Hope to do more today.  Think will have some room in dehydrator today so will start drying some too.

    Judy have you grown bush cucumbers before?  If you have do you remember variety?  Thinking about trying them next year.  Definitely plan to simplify my gardening next year.  Hope you get your salsa and tomato sauce done .

    You gave a good answer to your bowling partner.  We had over a hundred new cases yesterday in our county.  We are getting back into the range we saw in December.  Two new deaths yesterday.  These deaths and cases are not nursing home patients.  So far their vaccines are holding out for them.  I’m so very thankful.  Our county is following the national trend.  It is the younger people.

    Take care

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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