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Just need to talk to my friends (154)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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Thought it was time for 154 especially for Sara in the morning and the fact it is getting hard to get logged in to our thread.

 Hoping for good news from everyone in the morning.  I had a bit of good news yesterday - my PU is finished - except they still can't find door seals that will fit so told them to keep trying for a few days.  Seems the shape of the doors change from time to time so  may have to travel with cold air coming in this winter.  We'll see.

 Sleep well.



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    My council district held a community jazz concert in the park this evening.  The music was really nice!  It would have been nicer if I had had some chow to go along with the music, but I hadn't planned that far ahead.  Many people, mostly in my age group or somewhat below, attended.  A good time was had by all.  


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Grandaughter and family, (husband and two children), in Louisiana made it to their friend's house in Alabama in Hurricane Ida evacuation.  The usual two hour drive took over seven hours due to the heavy traffic and traffic jams secondary to all the other evacuees.  (More info on prior Thread).

    They are worried about their home making it through the storm as it is right in the middle of worst storm expectations and it is hitting at a Cat 4.   Most important of course is that they are all safe.

    Grandaughter's health condition being monitored and if she worsens at all, they will get to an ER or doctor of their hostess who has already been contacted for advice.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron and Lou may you stay safe. 

    JoC so very thankful that your granddaughter and family made it to Alabama safely.  Hope she is able to get healthcare in a timely manner.  

    Praying for each and everyone today.

    Take care 

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Jo, so glad your family made it to a safe spot, and has help getting medical care. That’s huge, the best news I’ve heard from this event. I’m heartbroken for NOLA, where we went so often, working with realtors on a vacay home when DH health problems started. There is so much more there than the French Quarter—but sadly that’s all many people see. I wonder how much will be left.

    And the dozens of small towns and communities south of NOLA and closer to the Gulf. Nightmare stuff. Not much can withstand a cat 5. I was in Bay St. Louis and Waveland Miss. a few days after Katrina. Nothing was left of the old waterfront houses except some old concrete steps that presumably once led to a porch. ….not even debris. The surge washed it all back about 50 yards. The land was scraped clean. Seeing just old steps, now going nowhere, was so eerie. The air feels different in those destroyed places, even days later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning friends! Just to let everyone know that Lou and I will be fine. About all that we will get up here in north Louisiana is chance for a little rain. Praying for my cajun friends!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron, you and Lou are on our minds; I cannot remember what city or town in Louisiana you are in.  So hope you are well situated and have someone to help; and even perhaps are at one of your adult children's homes out of the danger area.

     Our grandaughter's little home is right smack dab in the very darkest section of expected disaster - the storm has now hitting a Category 5; the worst and is expected to be worse in damages than Katrina per the news; hope they are wrong.   Winds are at 155 miles an hour with gusts to 185 mph as it is gaining land.  Cannot imagine.  So hope that Granddaughter's little house is going to survive.  Even if it does, power may be out for weeks as well as water being compromised.   So we wait and say prayers and continue to watch how it all goes.

     So today I start getting ready for my UCLA OR trip on Tuesday, the 31st.   Will take small case with a few items for me and DH should I have to stay overnight or ? since it is a bit over two hours drive from home.  Surgeon said it may be that I will need to.  Sure hope not.  Will have to leave home early in the morning on Tuesday. 

    Glad your pickup is near ready, Lorita.  What a nice thing to finally hear.  Wonder if you are going to cancel that disappointing extra insurance.  Only thing it did for you was to make your pocket book smaller.   I am sorry that happened.

    Looks like Jett likes Rosebud; he seems to be near her fairly often and still likes to snuggle up to things that are not exactly cozy, but somehow must seem so to him. Poor little guy.  So hope he improving from the scours and is also feeling a lot better.

    Judy, how poignantly heartening to have such a lovely memorial service for your dear daughter.  The grandchildren speaking of her in service must have been deeply touching. 

    Your tomato juice looks wonderful, and I really like your countertops and back splash.  We have seen some of the outside of your home, and it is really lovely. 

     Sayra, you are the busiest person I know; moss does not grow on the north side of your tree; that is for sure.  Would love to see your place, you are such a warm and loving spirit and I am sure your house feels the same.

    Shucks, the lightbulb in my lamp just burned out.  Got a nearby flashlight, so that is good. 

     Please take good care and all of those in area of storm no matter what part, please take care and stay safe.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Whew!  Just saw your Post Ron, so glad you and Lou are in a safe spot and will not be hit by Ida at her worst.  Thank you for letting us know.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Good news from Ron and Lou. I thought they were far enough NW to be out of harm's way. 

     Jo - so glad your family made it safely to Alabama and that things seem to be okay at the moment.  GB stones are not a bit fun.   Hope things go well on the 31st and you won't have to stay overnight.  Did you say it's going to be done in a smaller facility or is that what I'm remembering from my BIL's postponed surgery?

     It's warm here this morning but earlier it was nice.  Saw the two babies and their moms and sweet Rose Bud.  Seems that Jett is up more now - maybe because he's feeling better although I did  notice he's still scouring some but  he's nursing and is up and going.  We had begun to wonder if the prickly pear thorns were causing problems but both Mike and I felt of his face and head and chest and didn't feel any of them.  I know when I get them on me you can feel them by barely touching them.  I have to get rid of those things.  They are pretty when they bloom but it's been so cold these have collapsed and are just a nuisance.  I did see Jett laying in the pears a day or so ago but when I came close he jumped up - that's the last time I've seen him there.  Late last night I walked out to check on them (mosquitos and all) and both of them were laying close together while moms grazed.

     I was going out to feed Tom and Jerry and felt like something was behind me - turned around and it was the new baby following me.  Sometimes when you see or touch them when they've just been born they kind of think of you as their mom and are friendly until they get a bit older.  He and Jett are about the same size.  Also drove out to see the girls and saw Little Fawn - she's thriving and staying with the "big" kids.  Everyone has gone into the barn for the day. 

     I went to the mailbox while I was out and picked up the mail from the last three or four days.  When I got back to the house I laid it out and sprayed it, as usual.  Then, noticed I had gotten another one of those $50 checks.  What the heck's going on?  I destroyed the other one so don't know.  Also found an Amazon and QVC statement with payment due just after the first - not enough time for payment to get there so called and made the payments over the phone.  Surely didn't want to pay a $40 late fee.  Guess I need to go to the mail box more often - I just think they were late.

     I haven't heard anything from Sarah or Todd for over two weeks so I guess that's the way it'll be until something happens.  Kind of disheartening when they're really the closest relatives I have but that's life in the fast-lane, I guess. 

     Woke up with a left-sided headache but with taking two Ibuprofens it's almost gone.  This happens sometimes when I sleep on my left side.  I think I'm still feeling the effects of the exertion headache from last Sunday.  Learned my lesson there.  Trash day is tomorrow morning (early) but I think I'll pass because there's a couple of heavy items I don't want to lift.  Most everything I have to go in are empty, small boxes, really too worrisome to break down (except for a heavy sack of trash or two).

     The AC in the LR is keeping things cool - in fact, I have to turn it off every once in a while. 

     Yes, Jo, I'm happy about the PU but worried about the door seals - I'll have to figure out a way to keep the rain and snow out - rolling up windows isn't enough.  Bryon told me a while back he'd like to buy it when I decide to get rid of it.  At that time I thought I'd keep it forever (and still may) but that would be one option.  If I traded it in I wouldn't get diddlysquat for it.  Somewhere there are door seals for it. 

     I hadn't heard that Ida had gone to a category 5, or nearly 5.  We have tornados that are terrible but they're over in a short time and with a hurricane it can last for hours destroying things all that time.  Didn't watch much of the news shows this morning except did see Dr. Fauci who says they're sticking to the eight month timetable for getting the booster shot. 

     I can't understand this: the virus is spreading like crazy but they're still having concerts, ballgames and big get togethers.  Looks like to me this is just going to keep spreading it. 

     Glad to hear things are all right with you all this morning.  Jo, I know how nervous you must be about the 31st but it will be okay (as Charles always told  me).  We'll be with you all the time.  Are they going to do the procedure on both kidneys?

     And, Ron, I felt that you and Lou would be all right in Shreveport but maybe you'll get some rain and a little cooler weather.  We were hoping from some rain from Ida but doesn't look promising.  Many years when we're in severe drought and very hot weather, the only thing that breaks it is a hurricane coming through this way.  The first year I began working at the VA (1961) a hurricane came through.  Carol and I were riding with Troy and he dropped us off at the door and we still got soaked just getting out of the car and into the building.  Reminds me that the day after Labor Day (I believe it was the 5th in 1961) will make 60 years ago that I began working and met Karen and Carol.  Time has really flown and it goes by faster each day.

     Hope things continue to be all right today.  What time do they think Ida will make landfall?  Haven't heard.  Zetta, where are you?  Wondering if you're okay.  Joan, did you make the chocolate cake in a mug and did you like it?

     See you later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Yes, Lou and I are so far up north Louisiana that some of my coonass friends call us Yankees. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Lorita, as to your question, I will be at the major medical center and in a regular full OR rather than an outpatient surgery suite.  They are going to do both kidneys and I am so praying that the stent I have had in since April 2, is not calcified. If it is, they will have some painstaking work to do and I so hope it would not harm that ureter.  Always something to increase a little concern. 

     If the noon procedure does not take place when it should, heaven only knows what time it will be.   Wish it were earlier, but it is what it is. I should be pretty thirsty by the time they take me in, but that is okay; just want it all to go well. 

    The hurricane is expected to be Cat 5, with winds at 150 mph and gusts to 185 mph per the Weather Channel.  Omigosh; that is awful.  Expectations are worse than Katrina.  Our grandaughter texted a bit earlier and mentioned that their house is going to be right in the worst of the worst of it by the weather maps; I saw the maps on the news and that is true. Oh my.  They do not expect their home to stand.  I so hope they are wrong.  I think it is probably best to be prepared for the worst and then to be blessed by having the best outcome instead.  So hope that their home stands. They are a nice little family; but they are certainly not wealthy; money is always tight.  They had fixed up their little home little by little and the back yard was their special joy for themselves and their two children.  She did such a nice job on the inside.  Both the little girl and boys rooms are really cute.   They lost a beautiful favorite medium sized tree last Hurricane and an outside storage shed, but their house had stood unharmed; however, that storm was no Ida.

    They are right near Houma, that seems to be the worst area of all per the weather maps I saw.  We shall see, perhaps it will even turn a bit - who knows.  So many people stayed; it is rather frightening that they did.  May they all be okay and that the nursing homes and hospitals are okay.   Heard a couple of interviews re the hospitals.  They are jammed to the rafters; no way to transfer patients to any other hospital as all of them are filled with COVID patients.   The doctors, nurses and other staff will stay in the hospitals and sleep there until Ida passes.  The one MD was saying that they have raised generators up out of water area as much as possible and that should the water rise, they no longer have anything on the first floor regarding patient diagnostics or patient care. That is good; they have learned from last time. I have heard nothing about the nursing homes though.  That is a big concern.

     On that unfortunate note, time to get going and get my antibiotic. Whoopee!



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  Lorita, the mug cake is very satisfying.  I liked it and next time, I’ll add peanut butter.  I think that would add a lot of flavor.  Glad your headache is better.  I’m loving hearing about the new babies.  Glad they’re doing well.  

    Jo, good news your granddaughter and family are out of danger.  I just looked at the map, and Homa is right in the worst of the storm.  Just said a lot of power is out in and around Homa.  It’s a good thing they got out of there.  I sure hope her health problems settle down for now.  At least she’s near care if she needs it.  

    I’ll be thinking of you and praying all goes well with your surgery on Tuesday.   You’ve had a lot on your plate this past year.  I’m hoping you get a break and can heal and enjoy living to the fullest soon.

    Ron, thankful you are far enough north to be out of the worst of the storm.  I hope your rain is minimal.  

    Hi to all.  I’m headed to the grocery store while it’s quiet.  Have a nice day.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Will I was temporally out of commission for almost a week. Not sure what I did but I locked my self out of my computer, my son could not even figure out what I had done. My daughter has a lot of computer knowledge so I waited till she got here on Friday and she knew what I had done and 1,2,3, I was back on. She also had a big surprises for me she brought me a kitten her name was Sammi, till we took her to the vet yesterday for her baby shots we then found out that Sammi is a Sam. He is so cute he is a 8 week old tabby cat. Molly is not really sure about him yet. My daughter left this morning so I am now all alone with Molly and this kitten. It has been along time since I have had a kitten. 

     Ron,   I am glad that you and Lou are safe, I was worried about that.

     Jo,    I am also glad that your granddaughter and her family got to safety. She is in my prayers to get some medial help as soon as possible. Lets hope for a miracle that her home survives. I will be along with the others accompanying you Tuesday morning. I hope they don't keep you but if they do you know it is for the best. You will be in my thoughts that day. 

    Judy.   It sounds like you had a very loving memorial for your Daughter. You know she is at peace now, I hope you are as well.

    Lorita,   Thanks for asking about me, but as you see I am good just was frustrated at myself for not being able to get into my computer. I am glad your PU is finally done I bet you will be glad to get it home. I hope you find some way to seal the doors. When you are inside can you just put some kind of tape around the places where the cold air will be coming in?  It sounds like Jett is doing better. I bet you love it when the babies follow you around. Its too bad they shy away as they get older. It sounds like Rose Bud, is your biggest baby.   

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Lorita, please post details of the PU and I will see if any can be located here on the east coast.  Might cost a bit more, but if they can be had might be worth it.

    Last week was a hard one here.  Dad at ER on Sunday for 4 hrs...low sodium and got to go home.  Mother decided she needs more green beans to can so ended up going there again to help.  More beans from near where I live.  Fortunately daughter helped snap those before I made another trip to the folks house to deliver them for canning.  That drive 3 times in one week was very tiring. 

    Glad to hear that LA friends and family are safe.  Terrible thing for the hospitals and nursing homes which have few to any options but to pray for the best.

    Prayers for all that the coming week is a good one.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    My prayers are with each and everyone this morning.  Looks like Ida was a bit rough.  Just looked at radar and so far the rain is just running right along the edge of us.  All the wet is hard on plants.  Pulled my zucchini up.  Tired of messing with them.  We are having slugs in August.  They are usually long gone.  My cherry tomatoes that do not split, found one recently split.  Not complaining just talking.

    Took it pretty easy yesterday.  Did make some hamburger buns.  Had been buying Killer Dave’s due to lack of time.  My own are better though so glad I was able to make some yesterday.

    Seen that though covid cases remain high think they may be peaking and may be down significantly by mid to late September.  I hope so. 

    Zetta glad you are back with us.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Jo, I know you're so relieved that your granddaughter and family got to safety before the storm made landfall.  I saw Houma's location on TV this morning - looks like it's right on the coast and in the middle of everything.  I heard that over a million people are out of power - celltowers included so very little cellphone service.  Lots of workers from electric companies and GRDA from Oklahoma went down to help.  Reminds me that years ago when we had a terrible ice storm and were out of power for two weeks or more, a crew from North Carolina came to our house and cut ice-covered branches and got our power back on.  We were so thankful for them and what they did.  Charles tried too pay them but, of course, they wouldn't take anything - just  said they were glad to help. So, it makes me feel good that people from Oklahoma are doing the same for our Southern friends.

     Also know you're getting ready for the big day tomorrow.  Hope you can rest some because tomorrow will be a big day.  Hope and pray everything goes well.  And, having a two-hour trip to get there in traffic probably won't be too easy.  We'll be there!

     Joan - glad you liked the cake.  I have a couple of pieces of the other cake still here so will finish that before I make one of those.  Did you have it with ice cream or whipped cream - makes it really yummy.  I was thinking - if you just put the chocolate chips in the middle and pushed them down a bit, you'd get some melted chocolate - like a lava cake.  I think I read one recipe where you did that.  Might try that next time.

     Zetta - glad you're okay.  I remember when our hospital first started using computers, Karen locked up the whole system so don't feel bad about your computer problem.  Glad your daughter was able to figure it out.  Kitt has been laying his head and shoulders on mine (I keep it on the hassock in front of my chair - where she lays.)  Now, when I open it, it makes a creaking noise so I'm going to make sure I keep it covered with a Kleenex box to keep her off.  Don't you feel lost without  your computer?  I can think of dozens of thinks I want to do when I don't have it.

     Glad you have a new kitten - they're so much fun and into everything.  Can you imagine how it was around here when Lilly had her six babies, or was sit seven - six, I think.  First, they were content to stay in their bed and sleep, then they got big enough to stand up and reach for the top of the box.  First thing I knew they were crawling out and then into everything.   I have a Sammy (the boy kitten we kept).  He's a handful.  He runs in front of me, then lays down and stretches out in front of my feet (at least a yard long).  I'm afraid I'm either going to step on him or trip.

     Remember, the first cat Charles and I had came to live with us and we called him Alexander - until she had kittens - then she was called Alexandra.

    Zetta, tape wouldn't work - it's a pretty big gap - Robert will keep looking so I'm sure he'll come up with something.  If the PUs weren't so expensive, I'd sell this one to Bryon and buy a new one.  A half ton is about the price, or higher, than our 3/4 ton was 20 years ago.  Guess I could make it with a half ton but the bigger ones can haul much more and are so much more powerful.  We've had both kinds so guess it doesn't matter.

     Loveskitties - thank you so much for your offer - so kind of you to think of doing that for me but don't want to put you to that trouble.   I'm sure Robert will come up with something - there's a salvage yard in Muskogee he hasn't tried yet so we'll see. 

     Sorry about your dad - hope he's much improved now.  My friend, Carol, had the same problem a couple of years ago.  She was watching her salt intake and seemed to be doing all right but she got up out of her chair and just kind of wandered around and could hardly talk.  Thankfully, her husband was home and saw her and got her to urgent care who sent her directly to the ER.  They finally figured out her sodium was low but it took some time.  I think she was in the hospital at least overenight.  I had no idea something like that would happen. 

     I remember snapping green beans to can.  It's something you can do as you watch TV so that's good. 

     It is awful that the hospitals and nursing homes weren't able to evacuate their people.  I saw the roof being blown off a hospital yesterday on the news.  It's a scary thing to know that hospitals are full and can't take more patients - even emergent cases.

     Sara, doesn't sound like you need more rain after all you got last week so maybe you won't get a lot.  I do wish we had been able to get some but thankful for what we have had.  I checked my zucchini yesterday - still nothing except blooms. Can't figure it out.  I can remember when tomatoes would split and the sun will scald them, too.  Our neighbor always puts up stakes and hangs sheets over them to protect them from the hot sun.

     Glad you got your hamburger buns made yesterday.  I've never tried that but I do have a loaf of bread baking - always anxious to have that first slice while it's still warm.

     I did one stupid thing yesterday (not meaning I just did "one" thing, I do many stupid thing)..  I had about two-thirds of a big soup mug filled with potato soup and started to put it in the microwave to heat and somehow it turned sideways and spilled most of it in and on and under the microwave.  What a mess to clean up - but one good thing - I now have a really clean microwave.  I had some more soup so was very careful heating it.  Guess I was in just to much of a hurry.

     I cooked some butter beans in the slow cooker yesterday - froze almost half of them so I'll have those this week.  May cook some carrots to go with them and still have frozen cornbread.  I like to cook things that will last 3-4 days so don't have to worry with cooking every day.

    Stormy and I took down the trash this morning - had one really full Gator bed, then we drove over to see the girls.  When I first went out saw the two moms and babies west of the house grazing.  I'd like to let Rose Bud out so she can stand in the water (not good for her feet but keeps her cool) but she seems content.   I'm glad to have all those empty boxes off the front porch.  Opened one Chewy box and brought in two big cases of canned dog food.  I won't open the others until I need the food.  Last month I opened a box and left a sack of catfood on the porch and something ripped open one side (still don't know what's in the yard that does that and eats the violets and caladiums I have in the pots on the steps) but it's not a little something.

     I'll stop and get on with my rat killin' as the saying goes.  I bet our "Yankee" friend down south has heard that many times.  Ron, so glad you and Lou were safe.  I'd never have thought  someone living in Shreveport would be called a Yankee - what would they call someone from Oklahoma - Yankee for sure.  Love Southern Gentlemen.  There used to be an attorney that was a friend of mother's family and he was truly a Southern Gentleman - slow-talking and gracious.  He'd take boxes of candy to the girls who worked in the office at the Court House.  There's still a lot of those guys around, too. 

     See you all later.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you for the recipe Lorita, hope to make it after I get home from UCLA Med Center.

    Zetta; I thought you were gone dog sitting when I didn't see you for awhile. So . . . new kitty; Mr. Sam . . . sounds like a cutie.  What a surprise that must have been.

     Sayra; I am sorry about the zucchini.   Drats!  I am so not knowledgable about planting whatsoever, but the zucchini I put in grew like a whirlwind without my knowing what to do and was uber-prolific.  Don't know why, it did it all by itself.  

     Got my haircut today outside on the patio at 9:00 am; the beautician masked and me double masked with a long salon cover coat on.   Of course it got cut too short.  I said "just a trim," but evidently that word has different meanings to different people.  Ha!

    Granddaughter had someone send a picture of their house; it is still standing but the entire street and lawns are flooded with moving water from the levee that had some problems.  Don't know if her house was high enough to be out of the actual flooding.  She is worried about the back of the house being intact as that is the side where the Hurricane was doing most damage.  They can see some shingles off the roof but the roof seems to still be intact - as long as the back of it looks the same.

     Still not allowed to return, they are calling that, "strict curfew;" roads all impassable; no water, no electriity, no 911, no cell phone towers, and hooo boy; no sewers are working.  Supposed to be weeks for water and electricity to come back; that is a lot of worry.  But they are safe, that is the biggest thing.  She is still having gallbladder trouble and feeling very uncomfortable; sure wish she would get to a doctor in Alabama since the two hospitals near them have been evacuated.

     So, tomorrow is my OR day.    It feels good to know you will all be with me. Have to show up an hour early at 9:00 am rather than 10. They are now requiring ALL patients to have a COVID Test no matter what the vaccination status and need to be there early to get one. So; here we go again. Surgery if on time is expected to be at noon . . . . I will picture all of you with me.  Then OR Recovery for a couple of hours.  If I can go home, great.  However, if they want me to stay one night, I found out their rooms are all private and each room has a sofa bed in it for the spouse to stay.  How very nice; I am SO glad to hear that.  He won't have to drive two+ hours up; ten two plus hours back; and another two hours up again; and get me and two hours again home.  Not good. He will not go to a motel or hotel secondary to the Pandemic; doesn't trust the rooms. I understand.

     Thank you dear ones for all your kindness and prayers.  It really is comforting to think of you all being with me . . . . do you think Lorita will bring a cow?  How about Rosebud?  I am grinning to think of it.

     Am running behind, so I need to go and get things ready. 

     With my warmest thoughts to all of you along with big hugs,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I will bring bagels and coffee.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Yum,   I like bagels and coffee I will bring some warm corn bread.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Love bagels - I'll bring strawberry cream cheese - and maybe  Rose Bud but sorry, no milk. Also love cornbread and milk so should talk to Rose Bud about that.

     Jo - just think, tomorrow at this time it will all be over and you'll be back home safe and sound.  How long will the procedure take or do you know?

     On the world news tonight I see Houma - my goodness, wind velocity of up to 170 mph, that's a F 4 tornado wind or maybe F5 and it said it blew for two hours or more.  How anything survived that I don't know.  So glad your granddaughter's house seems intact - what a miracle.  They said it would be at least two weeks before power would be on or maybe even longer.   They're clearing the trees from the streets first.

     It's been another hot afternoon.  There was a north wind earlier today and it was pleasant enough but the wind disappeared.  I've tried to get Rose Bud to go out into the pasture so she can stand in the pond but she won't have it.  I haven't been able to feed her in a couple of days - the other two girls would push on her and I'm afraid she'd go down. 

     I watched a bit of the US Open Tennis this afternoon - people in the stands with very few masks.  I don't get it at all.  Carol said they had a 100 yr. anniversary bash for the National Association of Retired Federal Employees and she said hardly anyone was wearing a mask - she was.  I cannot understand the way people are thinking about this.

     Jo - hope you get a good night's rest.  I remember the night before I was to have my cholecystectomy I did sleep well - we had to leave verrry early to get to Tulsa by 6 a.m.  So, if you're two hours away, you'll have to leave early, too.  Maybe that will be before the morning traffic rush - hope so.

     Zetta - how's Sam today?  Hope Molly and he can get along and be friends.  Reminds me I sold my three little girls to a man I called Mr. Sam several years ago.  I had three bottle babies at one time and was glad I could sell them to someone together. 

     Haven't done much of anything this afternoon except rest and watch TV.  My headache wasn't a problem today until about 3:30 but its' gone now.  I opened that box I pulled up the steps - had two cases of twelve 22 oz. cans of dog food and a big sack of dog food.  The weight didn't seem to be so much but I guess pulling it plus the weight got to me.  A couple of years ago the FedEx guy at that time had a dolly with a Chewy box on it and I helped him pull it up the steps. 

     I'm tired, tired, tired of summer and the heat.  Fall is only about 27 days away I think the weatherman said.  Can't wait for the weather to be cool enough to be comfortable wearing long sleeves or a light jacket - but, then comes winter and heavy coats and hats.  Wish we could have a long autumn.

     Sara - I might as well pull up my zucchini, too.  I have no idea what happened to them - guess I wasn't mean to have zucchini this year.

     If you all like Tom Selleck, this coming weekend on INSP they're going to have a lot of his movies.  I never watched his show when it was on TV (can't remember the name of it).  The Secretary in Fiscal Service had a big poster of him on the wall facing her desk (you didn't see it when you came in the door).  You know I think the doctor I used to go to in Tulsa had a poster of him on the ceiling above her exam table (you'd see it when you got "that" test). 

     I think I'll go into the bedroom and lay on the bed and see if I can find something good to watch on TV.  Stormy, Sheena and I just had some Cheese-its.  I should call her Junk-food Sheena and to think she wouldn't have a thing to do with junk food when she came to live with me.  I think I've spoiled her.

     Good night - and Jo - when I wake up at 6 in the morning, will be thinking of you.  Everything will be all right.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Thinking of you JoC and praying for you, your husband and those caring for you.  

    Quiet day yesterday.  Did dehydrate and freeze some more onion.  Still have some left.

    Made a loaf of French bread and it turned out really nice.

    Hope you are doing ok Beth.  Haven’t heard from you in a few days.  Hopefully you are just busy.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning! I am doing fine, just didn't really have anything to say! Life is pretty quiet here. 

    My friend has a beautiful pool and has invited me and others from church over every Wednesday, all summer long. (All who go are vaccinated.) Last Wednesday was the final swim date of the season. I have enjoyed it so much. Lots of good "girl talk" over lunch and then into the pool. I've always enjoyed swimming. We used to have an above ground 16 x 32 pool when we moved into this house. Had it for about 14 years, then decided to remove it. It was a lot of work and a lot of trouble shooting, for example, water leaks - what is causing it?  ETC. ETC. ETC. Now the garden encompasses the area where the pool was (plus additional space in the yard). 

    Last Thursday I attended a funeral service for a friend who died of cancer. The service was very honoring to her. Some wore masks (I did) but most did not. Just about every one of our 99 counties has very high spread of the virus so everyone should be wearing masks indoors. 

    I received my Posh masks from Be Healthy. They are KN94s, made in Korea. I ordered the sample pack so got 10 for $35.00.  Actually they included a freebie so got 11. Not sure if I like them or not. I know Aaron Collins says they are top standard with over 95% filtering ability. Mine seems like thin (4 layers, but thin) paper. They are comfortable and they fit well. 

    I am reading "The Premonition-A Pandemic Story" by Michael Lewis. It's very good. It talks about the very beginnings of the pandemic and the players, both good and bad. Compelling read. Just started it yesterday and read to page 218 - will likely finish it today. I got it at the library. 

    We went to an outdoor shooting range at a state park yesterday. I enjoy going but need to improve my accuracy. 

    Still lots of tomatoes. I pulled the cucumber vine as it was dying. I have planted spinach and carrots for a fall crop. I have seen 2 monarch caterpillars on my milkweed, love that.

    Prayers for Jo today and for her granddaughter. So much going on in the world.

    Hugs, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     So - if Jo was supposed to be there at 9, she's probably just getting there - it's just after 11 here. 

     Sara - do you dehydrate your onions, then freeze them?  I froze some last year and they're still in the freezer compartment.  I bought some of those papers from QVC that's supposed to keep vegetables good longer - and they really work.  I bought these onions back in June and they're still firm.  I buy yellow onions because they do keep longer than the sweeter ones and I like to cook with a little hotter onion.

     Nothing going on here.  Woke up with a left-sided headache - still there but not as bad.  I must have slept on my left side - don't think it could still be from the exertion of a week ago this past Sunday.  Fed Tom and Jerry and gave the three cows some feed. Saw Jett and Jason running around.  It was nice and cool so was tempted to let them out but the girls were going into the barn so it would be better to let them out in the afternoon.  Just hard for me to do - like sending your little baby off the school.  I sat on the front steps and watched the girls come into the barn - didn't get all 49 but probably missed a couple.  There's some really pretty little heifers and bulls that will go to town later this year - about nine I think.  Makes me feel so insignificant because Mike just sent 95 to town last week.'

     Thinking about making some pumpkin-spice muffins in the microwave.  I've made muffins in there before but not this kind so it will be sort of an experiment as to the time needed.  I got the new hand mixer - it's a little smaller than the old one but it's 300 watts and has six speeds so may try it out.

     Started the car and let it run a while - don't want the battery to run down.  With three cows and two calves up it's hard to get through the gate without someone getting out.

     Last day of August!!!!!!  So glad this month is about over - August and July are my least favorite months of the year because they're both so hot.  But, I remember many years ago Charles and I decided to go to the Cherokee National Holiday celebration in Tahlequah and as we left the house the temperature was 105 so it'll take a couple of weeks for the cooler weather to get to us.

     Beth - the neighbor was really nice to open her pool - bet that was nice when it was really hot.   One of Carol's daughters has hosted a pool night every Monday for all her kids and all their cousins but they discontinued doing that this past week because of the virus.  Think that was a smart idea.

     I saw something on TV this morning where a lot of people were together - no masks in sight. 

     Nothing going on here and I hope it stays that way.  I bought two of the neatest lights from QVC - they got here a day or so ago and I just opened them.  I had ordered two before but these are a little different. You can stick them underneath your cabinets or anywhere you wish and they come on automatically when there's movement.  I have a fluorescent light under the cabinets but the bulb burned out and I don't know how to replace it.  The back of the new one is magnetic and you can adjust the level of light and make it either cool or warm.  The others attach with Velcro. The light over my sink went out and I've put off climbing up there to replace the bulb.  I don't have a light over the stove either so I can use one of these on the baker's rack next to the stove.  Guess it's make-do with what we have.

     I know we're all hoping for the best for Jo - we'll be anxious to hear from her this afternoon.

     The devastation in Louisiana and Mississippi is awful - so many old, huge trees taken down by the wind and all the damaged homes.  The hurricane and yesterday all the tornados.  Trees are wonderful things - starting with just a little sprout coming out of the ground and growing to something so beautiful and tall.  My Royal Empress trees are covered with their flower bracts so hoping they'll bloom this fall and again next spring.  Did I mention there's new growth coming from the roots where Bryon and Shane took out the Golden Euonymous?  So, won't have to buy new ones there.  Maybe the same will happen with the Manhattan.

     I've begun to ramble to I'll stop and think about making those muffins.  Hope all of you are well this morning.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Glad you are ok Beth.  Won’t worry about you if don’t see you for awhile.  I don’t have anything to say either.

    Another quiet day yesterday and was cooler.  Did go get two bales of promix so will be ready to start my seeds and got weed and feed for my yard.

    Lorita I’m dehydrating part of the onions, and the others I am freezing.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Praying that Jo. is recovering well this morning and she has no complications.

    I have my dental appointment this afternoon and will be taking Lou with me. I had a call from patient advocate telling me he sent a form in to have her name put on a permanent list where I have no more trouble with her being with me if I need to go to ER again. I did talk to my other neighbor and she is welling to stay with Lou a few hours every week. I will probably wait till next week to try her because she just had a heart cath monday. Her son told me that her blockage did not require a stint. 


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    Thinking about Jo and hoping hard she gets everything under control and helped….I expect she may not be able to write soon, but hoping for good news later. The little town her family left during the storm has been in the news a lot. There was so much destruction. It must be awful for them, and most places are not letting residents back in to see. Power will be out for weeks, maybe a month or more. At least they got to a safer place.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Another quiet day on the forum.  Guess the heat's getting everyone down - I know it is me even though I'm staying inside during the day.  The mornings are nice and fairly cool but it really warms up fast.

     Still having a left sided headache but the area is decreasing - now it's up the muscle in the side of my neck and over my ear.  Guess it's that muscle that I strained.  A day or two ago I opened a can of English peas and put them in a double baggie and froze them.  I was still using the ones I used just after I lost Charles - over six years ago - when I had a concussion or two.  Went through a period of time when my head seemed to be the object of anything that could hit it.  This time I guess it's more like a whiplash from pulling that 60 plus pounds up the steps.

     Sara - I haven't looked at those onions I froze last fall but guess they're still good. May end up freezing some of the ones I still have if they start to get soft.

     I know we're all anxious to hear something from Jo to see how things went yesterday.  She's probably recuperating from the procedure and trips to and from.

     Ron - glad the Patient Advocate did his job in getting Lou on the list.  They and social workers are good resources for almost anything. 

     Made some stovetop mac and cheese and had to have a bowl of it.  Pretty good.  In June when I was in the grocery store they had a display of processed cheese (like Velveeta but not).  It had been $6.99 and was on sale for $1.00 - couldn't resist.  I haven't even opened it but I'm wondering if it's still good.  The Sell By date was the early part of June 2021 but it said to refrigerate after purchasing (I've never seen that statement on anything before).  I haven't had it refrigerated or opened either.  Sometime before that I bought a box of Velveeta and can't find it anywhere.  I wonder sometimes how things do disappear.  Like Jo putting her vaccination card in a "safe" place and not finding it.  I know if you change places for things, they can't be found again without a lot of effort.

     Nothing going on - I'm thinking about let the moms and babies out this afternoon but it's so hot but it's hot where they are anyway - just like an old Mother Hen - worrying about them.

     Hope all of you are well today.  I'll be watching for a post from Jo, along with all of you.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    We had a nice rain yesterday, and today I began digging and dividing daylilies. I have many to divide, maybe 30!!! A lot of work. I have people wanting them so will try to get it done in the next week or two, just a few every day. It is nice and cool today but I got hot digging the daylilies. Thinking tomorrow might be a nice day for a bike ride.

    Lorita, hope you get to feeling better and get your new AC. 

    Hope Jo's kidney stones were completely removed and she has a full recovery.

    Blessings to all.   Beth

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Jo,    We are missing you and we are all thinking about you. You have been in my prayers I am hoping the procedure went well with good recovery to follow. I am also hoping your Granddaughters house survived the storm. 

    Ron, Its nice that Lou was put on the list so you won't need to worry about taking her with you. I am glad your neighbor will be coming over you need some time to relax.

    Sara,    Thanks I am glad to be back I miss not being able to see how everyone is doing, I do not like being with out a computer. My new little kitten Sammy sits on my lap and keeps jumping on my computer keyboard I am hoping he does not do something that locks me out again. 

    Beth,   I wish I had some of your rain. My weather has been comfortable but we do need some rain, things are very dry here. I live in a place where fires can be very bad. This year so far alls we had to deal with is all the smoke. 

    Lorita,  Are you able to take something that helps with your headache?  Is it getting better today?  I bet you do worry about your girls just like a mother worries. They are your babies. Is it hard on you when you send the young ones to town?  Are you going to get your PU home soon?  Molly and Sammy are becoming good friends they play and chase each other all over. I am glad Molly has a buddy she used to play with Rascal a lot. Sammy is all over the place, he slept with me one night he curled up right next to my pillow and purred all night, last night I think he played most of the night. Tonight I will give him a little warm milk before bed, hoping it makes him sleepy with a full belly.  

    It is so sad what is happening in Louisiana and Mississippi and all the other areas, there are so many people with out homes, I am hoping they get some help soon.

    Sending wishes for you all to have a good night and Jo, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
    Legacy Membership 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Hi all,

    As usual it’s been a while since I’ve posted.  I do read daily and keep up with everyone. I’ll be glad when Jo posts so we can quit worrying.

    Dixie, I’m sorry you’re still being bothered by the pain and now your neck too.  Hopefully it will be gone soon. 

    About 10 days ago I was watering my tomato plants and caught my foot on an uneven patio block and fell. I somehow ended up in between two bushes and against the fence.  Luckily I have an Iwatch and was able to call 911 for a lift assist, just like Dick Tracy.  The fire department came and got me up but I rolled my foot and twisted my back muscles so I’ve had a very hard time walking.  It’s been very painful.  I’ve been trying to clean closets and eliminate 58 years of accumulations and memories.  Trying to get ready to move to Virginia.  I have 25 large bags of usable clothing to donate and will have an estate sale for the furniture, dishes appliances etc.  I’m moving in with my son and daughter in-law.  Since we’re combining households we won’t be duplicating things.

    The heatwave in my area of Illinois as finally broken, today was beautiful in the upper 70’s.  Hopefully the cooler weather will come your way Dixie.  I hope you get you door seal before winter.

     Well,this is all that’s happening here, hope everyone stays well.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    A friend of mine has been in the ER twice, and since I was a doctor she calls me for advice.  So I've been helping her.  I always tell her to follow up with her PCP, but she will not.  She did call a tele-med doctor, who told her the same   things I did.  After a whole week, she's finally doing better.  I told her when we're older, we take longer to recuperate.

    Jo is probably wiped out from her procedure yesterday.  I hope she is getting her rest.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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