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Just need to talk to my friends (154)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    JoC thinking of you.

    Beth you mentioned how light the KF94’s are.  I really like that.  Aaron Collins says the Koreans have the mask media thing down.  He says it is well regulated there too.have never used Posh so not familiar with that particular brand.  Glad you have been blessed with some rain.

    Lorita hope you feel better today.

    Sandy hope your foot and back heal quickly.  We can sure get ourselves in predicaments can’t we?  Probably a little sad for you letting some of your things go.  Know it was for me when I moved in with my mom.  Still wonder about something every once in awhile.

    Iris your friend probably likes having someone she knows and trusts.  Think the hospitalists, intensivist system increases distrust for some and I understand that.  It does have some advantages too though.

    Well it’s grocery shopping day again.

    My younger nephew has started EMT training.  He is the one I tutored him with geometry.  So he is using me as a study mate.  Told me he does better that way, that he gets distracted when studying alone.  Think the course is three or four months.  My hope and prayer is that he will do well with the program to gain self confidence.  He needs that confidence.  He is a nervous type person.  He had a lot of learning disabilities early in school.  My sister found a good tutor who helped him a lot.  He has always been held back by this though.  Even if it turns out he doesn’t like EMT work would like for him to do well with the class.  He has taken the initiative and done this on his own, which is a big improvement for him.  Told me I can’t work at Olive Garden for the rest of my life.  Have talked with him about he will see and deal with a lot of things as an EMT.  Told him a lot of guys love it, but if you don’t, that is ok.  There are other jobs out there.  He has a kind heart so hope something works out for him.  

    Hope each one has a good day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Watch a YT channel named Country Life Vlog.  It is out of Azerbaijan.  Think any of you who like animals, pets, cooking and the country would enjoy this channel.

    Any who, yesterday she made potato cakes.  Have never really cared for them in past.  They were a little different and looked good.  How they were different for me was she cooked up ground beef and onion seasoned.  She boiled the potatoes, mashed them up real well, added butter, salt and egg.  She put flour out on board, took a ball of potato placed it on flour and flattened it out into patty shape.  Then she put some of the ground beef mixture on top.  Worked sides of potato patty up over beef then patted it down back into patty.  Then she fried them.

    Thought I’m going to try that.  Was so afraid I would make a mess and not have anything to eat.  It turned out great.  Used a small potato and 1/4 lb burger with bit of egg.  Just made one.  Tomorrow will fix more with my left over meat and egg.  All I will have to do is mash potatoes.

    Have heard the barred owl several days here lately.  They are the ones whose sound is , who cooks for you, who cooks for you all.  Had heard it a few months ago.  Heard it twice this week so definitely must be a resident in the woods behind my house.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo., if your reading; I hope your well on the road for recovery and prayers are still being sent up for you as well as all others in pain and feeling down.

    I had my dental surgery yesterday and really didn't know what to expect with the bone grinding of the gum. Wasn't to bad but wouldn't want it again. To sore to eat last night but did have scrambled eggs this morning. Face a little bruised and bottom lip sticking out like bubba on the movie Forest Gump. 

    Lou's home health physical therapy was signed off on last week. Medicare has changed how long they allow the therapy. Really wasn't even worth it no longer than they were here. The main reason I requested it was they are able to get her to do more than I am.

    Hope all of you are having a good day. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Beth, I went to the mailbox this morning with Stormy and we drove around a little bit.  I knew my BOTN masks were there so was anxious to see them.  I don't know if I'm disappointed to what but they aren't like I thought they would be.  They're flat and fold out sort of like an envelope or sheet of paper.  One thing I do like is they fit underneath the chin really well - They have an adjustable earpiece and I have to pull both of them out to make it fit.  They are thin.  The others I have are thicker, even the surgical masks but maybe I'll get used to them.  As Sara says the Koreans are supposed to have the mask thing down flat.

     Ron, glad your dental surgery went well and you're already recovering.  Just don't let the pain get started before you take something.  I know you're glad that's over and I am, too, for you.

     Sara - the potato cakes sound good, fi you like meat and I know you do.  We used to have potato cakes a lot.  Mother used to make potato puffs - so wish I had the recipe.  She used masked potatoes, flour and an egg, I think, then dropped them by spoonsful into hot grease.  They were so good.  I like potato cakes but I've never met a potato I didn't like - fixed any way at all.

     Made another peach quick cobbler this morning.  I was going to look to see if I had a little bigger cast  iron skillet but haven't done it.  The 9", I think, won't hold the batter and a big can of peaches.  I do know I have made it in a glass dish.  I put just a little bit of milk on mine - I think I could eat the whole thing - but I won't.

     Sara - how nice that you're helping your nephew.  I know he appreciates that so much. Being an EMT is a good things to be.  Charles drove an ambulance for a little while just after we got married and I worried about him just like I did when he was a policeman but I guess we always worry - at least, I do.

     It's hot outside but there's a good south wind.  I let Rose Bud out this morning and she's standing by the yard fence so went out and sprayed her down good.  She's in the shade.  I thought I'd let the two moms and baby boys out this afternoon - this morning a lot of the little calves came up to see them - Fawn is growing and she was bawling - guess she wants them out with her. 

     Zetta - glad Sam I settling in.  I'm sure he and Molly will be good friends.  Stormy and Sheena like these cats in the house but if they were out in the yard it would be a different story. 

     I'm taking Acetaminophen for my headache.  Today it's in the top of my head.  Years ago I went through this and the doctor I worked for told me to take 10 mg. Librium and an aspirin and it would go away.  It did and I was on that regimen for a few weeks.  He said if you have a headache in the top of your head and press on it and it stops hurting, it's nerves.  So - guess I'll do this again.  I'll have to have my prescription refilled soon - last time was over a year ago - last March 2020, in fact.  I told my doctor about the Librium and Aspirin and he said he'd never heard of that.  The headache today isn't like it was yesterday - kind of seems like it's different every day.  With all I've been having to deal with the last two months it's no wonder my nerves are acting up.  I'm ready for some calm with nothing to worry about - doubt that will ever happen.

     Talked with Sandy a while this morning.  She's still in pain and is so sore which makes it hard to get around.  When we get "mature" as Jo says, a fall can really do us in -  makes us sore all over because it jars everything.  I know this is hard for her because she's trying to get ready to move to a new home in a new State in a couple of weeks.  When we fall, we're down before we know it.  So glad she had her Iwatch with her - and - I'm going to try to do better about wearing my pendant.  If something happened to me out in the pasture no one would ever know - unless a cow came over and dialed my cell phone for me.  Do you think they'd do that?

     I listened to Chinese Zen Music for stress when I went to bed and I'm asleep before I know what happened when I do that.  Woke up two hours later.  Listening to New Age on the TV now - can't find Chinese Zen Music on it. 

     Sara - a few days or weeks ago you mentioned something about putting your mask in a paper sack and writing down the hours you used it - or something like that.  What was that about? 

     The Sweet Autumn Clematis on one of the yard fences is beginning to bloom.  I walked past it this morning and it smelled so good.  I have a lot of it on the fence in the runway at the barn but it isn't blooming yet.  Used to have it on all four yard fences so need to check on it.  When I worked at the VA Hospital there was a street named Buffalo Drive that went down in front of the hospital and curved around - in August and September the Clematis was blooming in all the trees.  Carol said her sister stopped and got a start of it for her.  I don't remember where I got mine. 

     I'm going to stop - don't think I've answered everything I wanted to but my head hurts so I'm going to lay down a bit.  Hope all of you are doing better.  When I feel bad I always worry that EBV and CMB is coming back.  Do not want that stuff again.

     One other thing - a couple of days ago I almost drove myself crazy.  My carbon monoxide detector's battery is going out and it chirps and I can't get it open.  I started hearing the chirp so put it outside and kept hearing it - kept looking around finally put the smoke detector out and then decided it was the weather radio chirping - for some weird reason.  The two detectors are out on the porch and I can still one of them chirp.

     Barred owl?  I need to look that up.  We have a white, barn owl in the barn occasionally and they're beautiful. I was out there one night and I guess I scared it and it flew toward the big open door - but, there's a window above the big door and it flew into the window, dropped to the ground, laid there a minute, then got up and flew away.  I was afraid it had killed it. 

     Sandy, rest this evening and sleep some more - four hours of sleep isn't enough. 

     Back later.  Please excuse any mistakes - I'm not going to proofread.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    SAndy. I was totally wrong.  Oklahoma is i n growing zones ,7-9.  Hope you're feeling better.  I laud down before 2 and didn't get up until 5 and feel some better.  Sleep well tonight.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita I know you are not feeling well.  Hope things ease up for you soon.  

    Sorry you guys seem disappointed with the KF 94s.  I like the thinness of them and how they don’t lay against my face.  You asked about the paper bag.  I just place my bag in one when I take it off and mark date and hours worn.  How I keep track as it is good for 40 hours.  Also I wait a few days before I wear it again.

    Ron glad your dentist visit wasn’t too bad.

    Thinking of you JoC

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, that is how my POSH mask is as well. Sara, I don't know if I'm so much "disappointed" as having a hard time believing how a mask so thin filters well. I know Aaron Collins says so. I will wear them but I also have N95s as well as the cloth masks with filters. I guess I will play it by ear as to which one to wear.

    Hope you are feeling better, Lorita. It is hard to do all the things you need to do when you are not feeling tip top. 

    I made 20 daylily divisions the past two days to give to friends. Some of the daylilies were large enough that I could make 2 or 3 "new plants" off of them. Last year, I gave around 15 plants to one individual. My goal is not to have to divide any next year. They grow fast, so we shall see. I am donating some (probably 20, maybe more) to a public garden soon. 

    We got 1/2" of rain overnight and it is sprinkling/drizzling/showering intermittently this a.m. I saw  the drought monitor and our county continues in moderate drought. So thankful we are getting rain and pray for more; praying that all of you who need rain will get it as well. Thinking of Crushed, wondering if the hurricane/flooding affected him. (Pretty sure he doesn't read this thread.)

    I follow "Pit Bulls and Parolees" online (FB). They have a TV show on Animal Planet. They are in New Orleans and Assumption Parish and without power, trying to care for and keep calm 300 dogs. They have multiple generators but gasoline is hard to find in the area. 

    Zetta, hope you are doing well and enjoying your new kitty. Cats are sweet. Hope Molly adapts and they will become good friends.

    Waiting to hear from Jo and hope it is good news.  Hugs to all, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Hot and humid here this morning - what's new!  But we do have some wind today which will help.

     Well, I bit the bullet and let the two moms and babies out into the pasture.  Always worries me for a day or two  - guess I'm afraid the moms won't take good care of them - so, you all know me - I drove up into the pasture after almost everyone else came to the barn to see where the babies were. Jett's mom was grazing on the other side of the pond and down closer to the water I saw two little ears - it was  Fawn - she'd found her little friend, Jett, who was laying down close to  her.  They'll be fast friends.  There was a cow on this side of the pond so drove over to her and asked where her baby was - she looked in a totally different direction but I saw his ears.  Went out just now and looks like everyone has come to the barn.  I'll feel better when I see them this evening.

     Sara - I'm like Beth - I'm not so much disappointed in the BOTN masks - they're just different than I was imagining.  I know you are really well informed about the different kinds of masks so I'm sure they're just fine.  It is nice that they're thin.  I believe I was expecting something that more "formed" if that's the word I'm looking for - something that was more rigid? - not sure that's what I'm meaning either.  I have some white ones that are what I call "beak" shaped - they stick out from nose to chin and are thicker.  I don't remember where I got them but they have KN95 stamped on them.   Good to know that the BOTN masks last such a long time.  Can you breathe better with them on, Sara? Hopefully, I won't be going anywhere much to wear any kind of them.  I keep a surgical mask in my pocket all the time, just in case.  This late fall and winter I will be going into town every couple of weeks for feed but I call ahead and don't have to go inside so I just see the guys who are  loading the PU.

     If, I can ever trust the PU again.  When something goes wrong, it kind of darkens my trust in them.  I looked at new PUs on line last evening and they run as high as $70,000 - they're just not worth that but guess just like everything else, they've gone up in price. We've bought several used vehicles and have always had good luck but I also hear they're at a premium now, too.   I saw on TV that GM is going to stop production of vehicles for at least two weeks because they can't get some kind of parts for them.  Guess that's what Robert ran into with my PU.  I've been thinking --- bad thing to do - but, this past winter the PU doors would freeze shut because of the moisture and cold.  I sprayed all around the doors with de-icer but then had to pry the door open - that may have broken the seals away from the door.  This was on the driver's side - the other seal broke - don't know why that happened - just old, I guess.   If they can't figure out some way to get new ones I'll find a way to keep it drier inside and I can handle the cold when I'm driving.

     Beth - so much work with the lilies.  I love lilies and this year I did have a few of the old-fashioned, orange ones bloom.  When we lived at the MH home I had a lot of lilies that were so pretty but they're long-gone.  Also at the VA Hospital where I worked, they had lots of them out in front of the building - all kinds and so pretty.  You have such a beautiful garden so bet you can find little nooks where you can plant the ones you divide if you keep any of them. 

     Glad you're getting some moisture.  I saw our drought monitor last night and we're okay but just to the SE and west of us there's pockets of drought.  We need to get a good rain in the next week or so to make the hay good enough for a second baling.  I noticed the elm tree just outside the kitchen window has some yellow in the leaves - I doubt that's because of the time of year but because of the dry weather.  Fall is my favorite season of the year when it lasts a long time.  Charles and I always went to NW Arkansas (Eureka Springs) in October - so beautiful over there.  I've often thought how pretty it would be in that little town when snow was falling.  We do have a good chance of rain on Saturday night and Sunday and it's supposed to be in the 80s that one day - then, hot again.

     I rested a lot yesterday, Sara, and I'll do the same this afternoon and not watch so much TV.  My head was okay this morning but there's a slight headache now.  Part of it may be from nerves and part from the awful weeds and pollen we have in the country.  I took a Loratadine a while ago so maybe that'll help.

     Nothing going on here now and hope it stays that way. 

     Can't imagine why we haven't heard from Jo unless something went awry (hope not for sure).  Maybe she'll feel like posting today.  I know we're all anxious to hear how she is.

     Sandy, hope you're feeling better today.  It seems like it takes so long for soreness to get out of our bodies and with that maybe broken bone in your foot I know it's hard for you to get around.  Be sure to keep your Iwatch with you.  Darn, forgot to wear my pendant this morning.  I need to do better (as you always tell me). I know you'll still be on the forum and reading but for some reason I just feel like you're moving so far away - guess it is a bit farther but we're all far apart so it'll be okay.  Take it easy and rest as much as you can - I know there are things you want to get done but they'll be there when you feel better. 

     I have the TV and AC off now and it's so very quiet - except for that darn chirping I'm still hearing from outside.  Guess I'm going to have to throw that detector away and get a new one.  Reminds me - when our dear neighbor fell and we finally found out about it and went to help him he had some kind of a contraption plugged into the wall to keep bugs away and it chirped like that.  I remember asking him if he wanted me to unplug it and he said no.  He was never home again.  Makes me sad to think of him - such a good neighbor and from Chicago, Sandy. 

     I'm going to stop and finish my hot tea.  I'll be back later.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Not much interesting going on here. At least there’s no storm in sight. I feel so bad for those in Louisiana with no power, and it’s 100 degrees and of course humid. Now I see they can’t get enough gas, so even the generators are running out. And NYC apparently just had no idea of how to deal with that flooding, even though it was forecasted well ahead.

    It is a rainy dreary day here, I was going on a bunch of errands but too wimpy to be out in the weather. There have been so many wrecks in the last 24 hours or so, people in heavy traffic and rain, roads covered in water, etc etc. Nothing I need that bad.
    Lorita, maybe Jo had device problems (lost, no plugs,  etc) , maybe not good connections,  or she may just not feel like talking yet. Hopefully they keep her pain controlled, and she’s sleeping a lot. That was a pretty big procedure. I’d like to hear something for sure, but I can think of many reasons (not bad) why it might be longer….I know everybody is sending prayers and hopes. .hospitals and anesthesia can be tough even in the best case.

    Zetta, hope you’re having fun with your new kitty. The one that adopted us is a pistol for sure, he’s so much fun, cuddly and playful. The worst thing is our old poodle is still so jealous she can’t stand it. She follows the cat until she’s just worn out. And the cat won’t eat her dog food, but she sure wants the cat food—and she won’t leave any of her own food uneaten if the cats around. Like you said, the cat especially wants to be in my lap when I’m using my iPad. I don’t know if he sees movement, or it feels warm, or he just wants that attention

    Thinking of everyone who lives where you have fall on the way! This was my favorite season. Now, down here in FL, it’s like DH used to say, September is most cruel because we expect it to be getting cooler…and it’s not! Lol kind of.
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Friday All,

    Hoping you all are doing well. 

    Nothing planned for this long holiday weekend. I'm sure Vegas is packed with visitors. Hopefully wearing masks. I wouldn't be surprised if we lockdown again. So much going on around the world.

    Hope Jo's procedure went well.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I wore my new mask today. Very comfortable. I will trust it since Sara and her sources are mask experts.

    College football begins tomorrow. Can you imagine 61,000 people in a stadium? 2 years ago - sure. A little frightening now, it seems. 

    I just heard there may be a delay in the booster shots. I am certainly ready and wanting to get the booster, but in the meantime, as Sara says, do your best to decrease risk and trust in the Lord. I will not live in fear. I will try to have smart choices though. 

    Best wishes for Labor Day weekend! Maybe you all will be cooking some good food!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     It's been another hot one - 92 right now and humid.  I spent another couple of hours laying on the bed resting this afternoon.  I think the GPs and cats enjoy that as much as I do. I did feel better and even showered and shampooed my hair.  I cut a couple of inches off the ends and if I'd cut off about 8" all my hair would be silver and standing straight up.  Can't figure it out but guess it doesn't matter.

     I've tried to see the little ones but they're all too far away and I don't want to drive up there.  Getting ready to watch Tom Selleck - it's Tom-Athon this weekend.  He's such a good actor.

    Rescue Mom - is all that water from the Hurricane?  That thing has done so much damage all across the eastern part of our Country and it'll take months and millions of dollars to fix everything.  I saw one scene on the news of a man who was walking out of his basement and just as he got out the whole wall collapsed from water hitting it. 

     I like Fall, too.  I don't like summer anymore but I do like the seasons.  Can't imagine how it would be where it never got really cold - always wondered if the flowers just kept blooming all year.   I bought three perennial Gerbera Daisies from QVC that were supposed to get 2 ft. tall and wide.  They're still the same size as they were when I planted them three or four months ago.  I thought it would be so nice to have them every year - one of my favorite flowers.  I should learn not to order their plants but they look so pretty and nice on TV.  We always wanted to go up to the NE to see the pretty foliage but never got it done.  There are pretty trees here some years but mostly yellow.

     Nicole, nothing going on here for the weekend either.  I miss the trips my parents, Cheryl and I made to Rockaway Beach every Labor Day weekend.  It's on Lake Taneycomo and we rented a house right on the lake - so nice.  They had a big paddlewheeler on the Lake and you could take rides on it.  There were beds on the screened-in porch and when you woke up in the morning you could see the Lake and the mist over it.  So pretty.  Now, I can see the pond the same way. I heard that we've been hotter than Las Vegas the past two days - nothing to brag about for sure.

     Hope your uncle is doing better and you're getting to rest some.

     Ellen, only saw that one post from you.  Hope you're doing well.  Come back and visit with us on the porch when you feel like it.  I know it's hot where you are, too.

     Beth, glad you liked your mask.  Was it easier to breathe with it on?  I know they've perfected it to make it lighter and thinner but just seems like the heavier or thicker, the better.  I do wish I could figure out where I got these KN95 masks.  Don't know if was Amazon or WM but they're probably not real.  When I've gotten cloth masks I've always washed them and never really got around to wearing them.  Guess the ones we get in boxes or individual covers are all right.

     Labor Day weekend brings back a lot of memories for me - trips to  Rockaway Beach I mentioned above and going to work at the VA Hospital 60 years ago the day after Labor Day.  I bet I was a bundle of nerves 60 years ago.  I know when I came home from work I told mother I wasn't going back.  They had electric typewriters and all that medical terminology - just thought I couldn't hack it.  She told me in no uncertain terms that I was going back.  Of course, I did, and after I was there a few days and got acquainted with Karen and Carol, I loved it.  We all grew up together at the hospital - went through all kinds of things together.  Memories.....

     On that note I'll stop and have a dish of peach cobbler.  Wish all of you were here to have a dish with me.  Enjoy the evening and sleep well tonight. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Had kind of forgotten but do remember when I first got the KF94s thinking does this really work?  Trusted Aaron, knew he had knowledge about this subject.  He was making no money off of this.  There are no commercials on his channel so not being paid anything by YT, and not sponsored by any mask producer.   Have worn quite a few months now and that thought no longer enters my mind.  Mr Collins, his family, his coworkers and many viewers have done well using them.  Frequently when he tests a new mask it is one a viewer or coworker wanted tested.   He has been a part of the solution.  Consider it a blessing that I found his channel.

    Only have two day lilies.  Inherited them when I moved in here.  Their needing to be divided is hard on my muscles.  Glad you continue to get some rain Beth.

    Lorita several months ago I was having frequent headaches.  Taking Lotradine did stop them.  I take it every day.  Tried stopping it in July but right back the headache came.  Hope to try off again before too long.

    Rescue mom, I’m with you.  Really dislike shopping in rain or snow, so messy.

    Lorita it is possible, since those daisies are perennials that they will do better next year.  Some perennials are like that.  It takes a year for them to get established.  I don’t know anything about those.

    My kraut is doing really nice.  Starting to smell like kraut. Looks good.  I’ve learned a few tricks the past couple of years that is making it easier.

    Cleaning up the plants slowly now.

    Don’t guess I’ll get to do anything special this weekend.  

    The past few days we have 160 or so new cases each day.  Week before around 90.  Every week our positive testing rate is increasing significantly. We have had seven deaths so far with this  surge. Schools have been opened 2-3 weeks.  Several are having to cancel things and go to virtual learning.   They can’t keep schools open as they don’t have enough staff or substitutes or kids.   LOL one of the districts went to virtual learning Friday, it is a three day weekend, so they hope to go back to classroom Tuesday.  These people are suppose to be educating folks.  They can’t even educate themselves.  This is what happens when vaccination rate is less than 40% in the county.  Obviously a lot it teachers unvaccinated.  Just wonder how many times they are going to have to add 1+1 to figure out the answer will be two every time.  A coach was lamenting that two football games were being forfeited because of Covid.  He did feel it was the right thing to do at least, so give him credit for that.  He said the kids are so much sicker than they were last year with it.  If they would get their eyes  off of sports long enough to go listen to a few  true virologist, immunologist and successfully educated medical people they might get it figured out how to do this safely.  It can be done but there is another set of rules you will need to add to the game that will have to be followed every game the rest of the pandemic.  You will need to add a new set of rules to the classroom too.  Maybe they should go talk to the private schools and say what are you doing differently cause we see you are doing a lot better.  A lady my sister works with, her daughter is eight months pregnant and just became covid positive, unvaccinated.  If she ends up hospitalized her risk of dying is 14 times greater than if she wasn’t pregnant.  Frequently causes baby to be born early too.  Just found out monoclonal are available for pregnant women.  Their EUA has just been expanded to include if you are exposed and have a risk factor, can receive them prophylactically.  Decrease hospitalization risk by 70-80%.  Ok I’ve vented now.

    Hope every has a peaceful day

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest front porch friends, thank you so very much from my heart for being with me and for your prayers.

     Procedure was long and successful, stayed in hospital only two days; went home not in best stead.  Want to write more, but omigosh; all I do is sleep most of  the day; am feeling beyond fatigued and so weak.  I have a hard time mustering the energy to even do this.   Had a little bit of complications afterward.

     Had to go see local urologist yesterday for another little procedure, oh joy.  (Not.)  Will go back Tuesday. 

    Don't like feeling this way, but the body is older now and it isn't bouncing back like it used to.  If I do not write for awhile it is because I just do not have the energy.

     I did indeed picture all of you by my side at UCLA Med Center.  And yesterday, when I had a little procedure, what came to mind was Lorita and Rosebud!  Really and truly they did. Have to grin at that.

    Ron, I did not know you had a date for the tooth extraction; that is no small thing. I so hope all the pain is diminishing and that everything will heal quickly and results will go well.   Goodness; the stuff that happens.

     I was thinking, no matter how strong or hale and hearty someone seems, the body does what the body does.   Drats.

     Anyway, I am truly thinking of you and sending  all of you my love. I can still use prayers for healing and recovering.   Got to go now because I am tuckered out.  What a wimp!!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Thank you for the post. We were on pins and needles.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Jo, so glad to see your post.  As Judith said, we were on pins and needles wondering how you were and hoping to see a post from you.  Now, you need rest - we know you're okay so don't worry about posting until you feel up to it.  I'm so glad Rosebud came to your mind and brought a smile to your face.  She is, indeed, a sweetie.

     This morning I was eager to see how Jett and Jason made the night so drove up and found them together with one of their mothers - they were laying close together and later I saw them coming to the barn so everything's okay.  Also saw little Fawn - I'm sure all three of them will be good friends.  They're like little kids - they kind of stay together - at least two or three and sometimes all of them.  I remember years ago when we had about 120 head - we had 20 some little ones.  So much fun to watch them running and playing with their little tails curled over their backs.

     Guess all of the girls are in the barn now.  Billy the Bull was the first to go in -I think they hurry to be one of the firsts so they can fine just the right place where the wind will hit them as it blows through the barn.  It was nice out this morning and there's a promise of rain this evening and night and some cooler weather this  next week with morning lows in the 60s.

     Lots of festivals this weekend and it's the Cherokee National holiday so Tahlequah will be hopping with people (probably without many masks).  Broken Arrow is having Rooster Days - didn't have it last year - so wondering if our Bonnie will attend.  There's a big music festival in Pryor - Rocklahoma.  I think that's the one Bryon always attends.    Did call Ricky this morning and had to leave a message for him to let me know a couple of days before he comes to mow so I can move the girls and babies to another pasture so they'll be safe.  I know he's still busy cutting and baling hay so told him I wasn't calling to rush him.  I have to get spraying done next year.  The weeds have literally exploded the last month or so. 

     I spent a part of yesterday afternoon thinking about what I wanted to wear for eternity.  I have the arrangements made and paid for but no clothing yet.  I was thinking maybe a caftan because I like to wear them but this morning I'm wondering about maybe a patio dress.  There will be no one to take clothing so I need to get it done now or soon.   Also want to have on socks - I wear them twelve months a year.  When I took Charles' clothes I didn't think about socks and I don't remember about my parents - probably not.  Okay, off that somewhat morbid subject - but it is something I want to get taken care of soon.  Also was thinking I might will what money I have left to St. Jude's or some similar organization.  I contribute all the time but the money would go to good use - maybe two or three other organizations including one or two for animals.  When someone has surviving relatives we don't think about these things but in my case I have to.  Always felt so sorry for our patients who didn't have anyone to notify of them being seriously ill or their demise - now, here I am.

     Sara - so glad you feel comfortable wearing your BOTN masks.  I imagine the POSH are about the same - maybe colored differently?   I've tried one on several times and I do like the way it fits. One thing that really bugs me is people wearing a mask with their nose completely uncovered (I think Jo mentioned that was one of her pet peeves also).  I know it's probably so they can breathe better but it defeats the purpose.

     I'll look at those daisies again - just can't understand why they didn't grow one bit.  I had them in the shade or somewhat shady place for a while but moved them to a sunnier spot and have kept them watered.  I'd have thought they would have grown some at least.  This morning when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry I found some blooms on the ground from one of the Royal Empress trees.  When I begin to find those I know fall isn't far behind - that and Golden Rod blooming.  I am soooo ready for fall.

     Sara - I worry about all the people being at those festivals and ballgames this weekend.  There will be thousands of people in Pryor - it's two days so they bring their RVs and stay overnight.  If something different isn't done, this will never end.  There's at least one town in Oklahoma that has declared an emergency because their hospital is full.  There's even a shortage of nurses and also of teachers.  Seems like everyone is just going about their business doing what they want to do and disregarding the pandemic we're in.  I also heard it will eventually turn into an endemic so we'll probably have to have a shot every year for that just as we do for the flu. It's a scary thing - all we can do is what we know we should and hope for the best.

     I took my Loratadine a while ago and will try to remember to take it every morning.  I felt good yesterday - even said out loud that I felt better.  Feeling okay today - just a touch of a headache.  Still trying not to lift anything much but had to put gas in the Gator this morning but the gas can wasn't too heavy.  I'll eventually have to open the Chewy boxes on the porch and bring the food inside but I'll use the dolly and not lift.

     Hope all of you are well this morning and are having cooler weather, rain or whatever you need.  We need both so maybe we'll have some later.  It is raining up in Kansas so maybe it'll make it's way down here.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC you take your time, don’t worry about coming out to porch until your comfortable sitting in one of our rocking chairs.  So glad you are back home and hope you feel just a little bit better each day.

    Use a dolly a lot Lorita.  Really helps me not to get in so much pain.  Had Pancit for lunch, had not made it in a long time.  Turned out good and have enough that my nephew can have a plate if he wants it.  

    Beautiful day here.  Doing more cleanup work.  Nice I’m just taking my time and enjoying it.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    So glad to see Jo is through her procedure. Now is the hard part, where you have to take your own advice and not push yourself. Recovering from those things takes some time; everything takes more energy than we think. Now it’s time for Jo to have some R&R (rest and recovery, but if another substance comes to mind…

    Sayra I need an emoticon for slapping myself upside the head! I’ve seen you mention a “dolly” for moving things, and I was picturing something with a long “arm” and a base and a hook, kind of like a mini-crane. Was thinking I could use something to help me lift stuff, but what I pictured did not seem quite right. So I finally googled to see what/where sold, and had to laugh at myself. What came up in Google is what we call a “hand truck.” Duh me! So now I wonder if it’s all the same. (It’s rain, DH is sleeping as usual,  and. I obviously have too much time).

    And what is pancit? 

    I was cutting back shrubs and hedges around the house. One side is so thick and shaded, and that’s where the mold grows and the wood rots fastest… I at least want space to walk around the house. At least I got to a good stopping point when the downpour started. I went to farmers market around 8:am and even the vendors were complaining about the heat and humidity so early. The sun was out a couple hours ago, now I can’t see across the street the rain is so hard.

    Everybody who lives elsewhere, enjoy the coming fall weather and preparations!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi friends on the front porch,

    I don't write often as my life is fairly uneventful compared to the rest of you.

    I just finished an afghan for one of my granddaughters who will graduate hs in June.  She likes flamingos so made one with a graduation cap...hope she will like it.  The next one is for one of my great grandsons.  He is crazy about Paw Patrol and specifically Marshall the fire dog so that is what I will do for him...will add his name on it to make sure all know it is his...lol.

    Jo, so glad to hear that you are home now.  Please take care.  When I had major surgery they advised I eat lots of protein to help with the healing process.  Hope that you are feeling better and better each day.

    Have been trying to help my daughter find a good used car.  She goes a lot and her current vehicle is not as reliable as I would like especially when she is taking her 2 kids who are still home to all sorts of things.  The prices are sky high!  We looked at one like the one I bought 3 years ago which had double the miles and it was more than mine was new.  Apparently, when the car sales (both new and used) dropped so bad last year they canceled their orders for the computer chips which are in just about all vehicles these days.  So now they don't have many new vehicles or used for that matter.  Oh well we will keep looking and hope things improve before long.

    We got lots of rain as the remainder of Ida passed by, but not enough to cause any problems thank goodness.  The nights have gotten cooler.  Like most of you, I am looking forward to cooler weather now that summer is almost over.

    Everyone take care and have a safe holiday weekend.

    Hugs to all

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Welcome back, Jo.  Rest up, recuperate and get well soon! 

    Loveskitties, I have realized that, after a certain number of birthdays have passed, life is mostly uneventful.  Perhaps that's how it's meant to be.  We have doctor appointments and treatments, otherwise we look after animals, keep up with what the young people are doing, and garden.  That's it.  At least, this is my life.  I have only one young person to keep up with and he lives far away.  I have kitties too.  But I'm not complaining.  I relish my solitude and peace and quiet.  I cannot tolerate the commotion of modern city life like I used to.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    JoC thinking of you.  Hope today is at least just a little better.

    Ron and Lou hope you are doing ok.

    Lorita I am comfortable with the BOTN unless it’s hot.  Mine are black as that is the color I prefer.  Do have one white one and it is more comfortable when hot. Next summer if I still feel I need to wear it in the summer, hope I am able to get some more white ones.

    Rescue mom that long arm and hook would be a wonderful addition too.  Guess the hand truck is one of those things that gets called different things in different areas.

    Pancit is a Philippine dish.  It is made up of rice sticks, meat, cabbage, carrots, onion garlic, seasonings you like and soy sauce.  I use a soy substitute as I avoid soy as much as possible.  Easy to find a recipe online.

    Try to keep a wide area between foundation of house and plants too.  The increased air circulation definitely benefits the house.

    Loveskitties my life is pretty mundane too.  I’m ok with that.  Has definitely got even more mundane the past 11/2 years.  Gradually losing a lot of my relatives, have less people to talk to. I try to accept life for what it is.  Hope at some point will be  a little less mundane but know it may not.  Think Iris said it right.

    Hope you are able to find your daughter a car.  Remember when a lot of people traded their cars every few years.  People tend to hang on to them a lot longer now I think.  This has been true for quite a few years now.  That had already increased the cost of used cars, and made them more difficult to find.   Things going on now has made it worse it seems.  Feel sorry for people who need to find a car now.

    Thank you for listening to me

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     We had 2" of rain last night!!  And, it's really cool and damp this morning.

     Aside from the rain I had one heck of a night.  Late yesterday I saw a cow out in the lot, then she left and walked up south of the house and just stood there in a lot of big weeds.  Very unusual so I drove up and told her "let's go to the house" and she walked down without any trouble and came in north of the house.  So, she looked about ready to calve - full udder, springing and big sides.  I watched a couple of Tom Selleck movies, then went out to check her - 11 p.m.   Laid back down and it started to rain so in a couple of hours put on my raincoat and went out - it was pouring.  When I got back inside I had my cell phone and medical guardian in my raincoat pocket and they were wet.  The guardian works okay but not the phone.  I finally got the back of it off and took out the battery - just a little moisture inside.  Thought about, and tried, to put it in rice but that didn't work - rice had very small grains.  I got maybe one and a half hours sleep last night.  Just came in from checking the girls - saw Jett and Jason together, saw all the girls and little Fawn.  I have the cow in the lot now and it looks like she's still "bumping" a calf as mother would say.  Back to the phone - I can turn it off and on and I can feel it doing that, the keypad lights up but that's all.  Once last night it actually rang my CPA's office and I heard Melissa's voice saying to leave a message - I did.  The front of the phone lights up.  Luckily, I do have a land line but no long-distance carrier and the office isn't open until Tuesday so can't call anyone with a prefix other than mine.   I can call Consumer Cellular but it'll take a few days to get another phone.  I feel isolated.  Guess if I absolutely had to I could call Darwin and ask him to call whoever I need - hopefully that won't be necessary.  I don't want to disrupt anything over there.

     I don't know how the rain got into the pocket of the raincoat - it had a flap over the pocket, too.  So, that's my sad story - seems like I always have one.

     I agree with you all - as we get older, things get quieter - maybe because we aren't out and about as much and are retired or just not working.  I know I've lost all of my family with the exception of Sarah and haven't had contact with her for over a month.  I do have three or four cousins but two of them are in their 90s, one in a NH and the other has Alz.  One is a few years older than I and JW is my age but he's in bad health - can no longer drive and has Parkinsons.  So, here I sit.  Life gets harder as we get older and when we're young we never think that will happen to us - but, it does.  Where are those "golden years" we heard about so much when we were younger?

     Sara - I'll check on those daisies.  If they're too far gone, they will give me a refund - but I wanted the flowers.  I think I'll try to call Consumer Cellular, then eat a bite and lay down.  I couldn't even get the alarmclock/radio set to go off.  And, I mentioned a day or so ago about the chirping of the smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector.  I put them out on the porch and last night they were sooo very loud.  I think they may have gotten wet and it really set them off - all of this in the middle of the night.

     Jo - if you happen to read, just rest, rest and then rest some more.  Your body needs to heal.  We'll be here when you're better.

     Oh, Sammy was scratching on the bedpost and I walked by and he swatted by hand - split the skin right by the fingernail on my right forefinger.  Hurt like the dickens.

     Sara - in the wintertime I think face masks make you feel warmer - I know mine did last winter.  I wore one when I went into get feed and also wore one when I fed because of the feedsacks.  Carol's brother passed away with the virus not long after he helped unload feed - so, just being careful.

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sorry you had such a rough night Lorita.  Those cattle are a lot for you to deal with, maybe too much.

    Sorry about your phone. Hope you are able to reach someone who can help you at Consumer cellular.  I know how you feel without your phone.  Are you able to reach any of the guys that work for you from your landline?  If you are,  sure they would be willing to call someone for you too if it was urgent.

    Don’t forget to clean that cat scratch up real well with something Lorita.

    Rained here last night too, but we just got around a tenth of an inch.  We have had a lot of our rain in late evening or night.  Has been a little rough on foliage.

    I try to stay busy as that keeps me calmer and don’t dwell on things so much that way.  Got more of flowers and garden cleaned up yesterday.  Still have plenty left to do.  This morning loaded up the dehydrator again with onions.  Made a peach pie from my frozen peaches and it looks good, hope it is.  Put some fresh green beans on too.  Have a pan of cornbread baking.  Going to bake a sweet potato.  Have not had one this summer.  Eat quite a few of them in winter.  They don’t seem like a summer food to me for some reason.

    Do like how mask keeps  me warmer in winter Lorita.  Hope you get a nice long nap today.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, your meal sounds good. Let us know how the peach pie turned out. 

    We had our son and family over for supper yesterday. I was going to make homemade ice cream but forgot to put the freezing bowl in the freezer, so had to go to plan B. Decided to make almond bars, but didn't have almond extract. That was ok, the recipe also contained almond paste and they were very almondy in flavor. Really good!

    I wore my POSH mask at church today. Lots of people wearing masks today - they weren't last week. The POSH masks are "fashionable." They come in various colors. I purchased a sampler pack and got to select which colors I wanted. I can coordinate with some of my outfits - lol. Wore a blue summer dress and a blue checked one today. I also have some in peach, black, black and white houndstooth check, aqua, pink etc. The mask was comfortable, not hot. Since I have 10 and each is good for 40 hours, these should last years. Now, if I were in the workforce they would not last so long but being retired there are few places I need to wear them. Church, grocery store. Is my life mundane too as others have stated? Kind of. I do love to travel but not doing much of that since the pandemic (one road trip to Colorado in a year and a half.) I adore cruising and have several ships and destinations I want to go on. Maybe by 2023? 

    Another new baby on the way for Lorita. How exciting! Your girls sure do keep you busy. I know you adore them.

    Nicole, I hope things are going well with you and your uncle. Hopefully the temps will cool down for Vegas soon. We have had a week of cooler weather (Iowa); had a very, very hot summer. Many days in the 90s and high humidity.

    Loveskitties, how many kitties do you have? Your quilts sound amazing. Being able to make a thing of such beauty shows love and is part of leaving a legacy for your grandkids. I have a quilt that was made, primarily I think, by my great-great grandmother. It has names of my grandmother and great grandmother as well, written in thread. It is precious to me. I also have a quilt my grandmother on the other side made for me that I think is called flower garden. She used pieces of old dresses of mine. Special indeed.

    Jo, glad to hear you came through your procedure. Blessings and a speedy recovery to you. 

    Hugs to all, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, I'm beginning to think a little bit about not running cattle much longer.  I'm not as steady on my feet because of the Morton's Neuroma and seems like I can't lift like I used to.  I just can't imagine not having cattle though.  I know I'd miss it so much.  I'll keep thinking about it.  But I surely don't want to get out there and fall and break something.

     So, this morning I was feeling pretty good even though not much sleep.  The girls came up and I went out to open the gate.  I'd put the cow in the lot and closed the gate so needed to find her first.  I had been meaning to cut some big weeds in one of the lots so got the shovel and did that.  Should not have done that because my headache came back. 

     I came in and took a pain pill and laid down for a while.   After I felt some better I got up and kind of heard something on the front porch, looked toward the door and saw someone going off the porch.  So, hurried to the door and it was Bryon and his cousin.  He said he had a call from me this morning that he missed and he called and called and didn't get an answer from me so they decided to come by and check on me before they started their day's work.  What a surprise and how nice of him.  I told him my phone had done weird things - calling numbers at random.  Not much telling who did get a call.  I thought it was so nice of both of them - made me feel good knowing someone cared enough to check.  I thought he'd be at RockLahoma but he didn't go this year but will go to the one on the Illinois River next weekend.  Told him if he had time to come and mow the latter part of the week.

     I got in touch with Consumer Cellular and they'll send another phone but it won't be mailed until Tuesday and then it'll be 3-5 workdays until I get it.  Not sure I'll be able to save my contacts.  The moisture may have gotten to the SIM card.  Luckily, I do have the numbers written down and need to weed out several of them.

     Called OKLATEL, our phone company and got tech support.  They can't put me on a long-distance carrier so will have to wait until Tuesday to do that.

     Sara - I'm acquainted with another man about 1 1/2 miles from  here, just past Darwin who is the contact person for our water.  I could probably call him and ask him to call someone if it was an emergency.  I do miss Darwin and his wife but don't want to make things harder for him.  Also another man a couple of miles north of us who has told me to call him if I needed anything.  Just hate to bother anyone. Also the son of a good, deceased friend lives a mile south of me.  Could call him if I needed to.

     Just checked the cow and she's laying down. I think I'll do the same thing.  The cat scratch is a bit sore.  I held it under running water after he scratched me and it bled pretty well,  then put on Neosporin and a bandaid so hope it'll be okay.  Several years ago when we had so many barn cats one scratched and/or bit my hand and it swelled up and really hurt.  I called my doctor's office and he was gone but his nurse got in touch with the pharmacist and they figured out what to give me and it got well without a problem.  She said they'd had one of their employees that had been scratched and her whole arm swelled.

     It's still nice outside but warming up some but so much nicer than it has been.  Enjoy the rest of the Labor Day weekend.  Fall is near!!

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sayra, that pancit sounds yummy. I’m going to pursue that….I know what you mean about the sweet potato, there’s  a lot of “hot” foods I don’t care for in summer, including potatos  and soups. Except last week I found a place that makes the best gumbo I ever had, even in NOLA. Family owned and 2 miles away. Pretty much perfect.

    Lorita, hope your phone revives…I don’t know about consumer cellular, but I’ve had much much better dealings with independently owned phone repair places, over those big service provider offices like Verizon or ATT or t mobile, etc. (unless you want to change your provider of course).

     The chains always push you to “upgrade” your phone, plan, or whatever, but the other places will just fix the phone (what a novel idea lol).  The ones I’ve dealt with advertise phone repair, but will also fix tablets and other devices.

    I keep forgetting it’s a holiday—another part of getting mature. Growing up in the deep south, I had no idea what Labor Day was until I was an adult, grown and gone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Love sweet potatoes cooked in microwave or oven, split open and eaten with butter any time of the year but especially fall and winter.

    Saw a recipe for pencet that called for chicken cabbage!   What is that?

    Took a nap and spent the day in KC with Charles!

    I dream every time I sleep but wish I could remember them.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    What a wonderful dream
    Lorita ...if you backed up your phone to a "cloud" your info in the phone will be there. My new phone was here in two days and up and running in about 20 minutes.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It was a wonderful dream, Judith - just wish it could have been true.

     I don't think my phone was backed up to anything.  It's just a link - flip phone but I'll ask about it when it comes and I call to get it activated.

     I found another snake!   I heard a noise in the bathroom and went in to see what it was.  One of the cats was ahead of me and another one was in there.  I have a kind of jar-type thing I keep hand towels in and it sits on the floor.  The cat had seen the little snake in that corner and turned it over and was slapping at it.  Hurried and got my grab-it and after several tries got it caught and took it outside and worked it over with a shovel, then threw it over the fence.  I'll look more tomorrow but may have found the place it got in - in the same area as those big ones - just a little narrow place between the floor and the quarter round.  I got a couple of those brillo-type soap pads and pushed them in the opening.  I'll do better tomorrow.  But, I will be turning on the light when I get up at night and checking the bed before I get in. May even close the door to the bathroom and bedroom and sleep in the LR tonight.

     Donna, Darwin's wife, told me when she was married to her first husband, they lived in an old house and when she got in bed she said she felt something under the sheets.  She jumped out of bed and yelled at her husband and he found a snake in the bed.  I bet there's snakes under this house.  It's been two or three years since anyone was under there and that was on the north side - this is on the south.  I bet when they redo the utility room floor they see some except there's a brick barrier between it and the main house, I think.  Anyway, I'll tell them about it.

     Still trying to get the phone to work - it comes on and the keypad lights up and the outside but that's all.  I have a fan blowing on it so maybe that will help to dry out whatever might still be in there.   I'm glad I wrote down all those contacts and if the ones in the phone can't be recovered, I'll take my time putting the numbers back in.  Most of them are numbers of people like plumbers, electricians, etc.

     I've heard noises like that in the bathroom before but didn't go to check - glad I did this time.  Well, that sure helped my nerves!

     Judith, when you turned the water back on, did your caladiums revive?  I think I mentioned we got 2" of rain last night - grass was turning brown again so that will help.  Bryon said it really poured in Eufaula, a town near where he lives - he was there last night.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

     Jo,    It was so nice hearing from you and please get a lot of rest so your recovery will go well. We all care about you. ((((Jo))))

    Beth,   You are very sweet to give your friends the Lilies, they are very thankful. It is so nice that your son and his family come for dinner. I remember when my Grandparents were alive and we all lived in the same city we would all go to Grandma's house for dinner. Those were the good old days. Molly and Sammy are the best of friends, I am glad Molly does not seem jealous, I guess she was used to being with Rascal my other cat for 7 years before he passed away, so she is used to sharing me. She was not gentle with Rascal nor him with her, she is so gentle with Sammy, she knows he's a baby.

    Rescue Mom,   Sammy is a busy kitty, he is on my lap sleeping right now so I am trying to get my e-mailing done before he wakes up, he loves playing on my keyboard and I wish he did not do that, he could do something I will not know how to fix.  

     Sara,  I also try to stay busy, I go and come so much during the day while I am pet sitting so I usually spend one day off running errands and cleaning and the other day just doing nothing. 

     Loveskittles.    Your Grandkids will love those afghans. If I had one from my Grandma I would treasure it forever. Good Luck on finding a good used car. I got one last year and it has been a jewel. I got a 2018 Toyota Corolla and it only had 20,000 miles on it. I am glad to hear that you did not get any of the wind or rain from Ida. My prayers are for the poor people that did.

     Lorita,    I hope you are having a better day and getting a lot of much needed rest. Maybe before you stop running a farm you could hire a person to do all the work that is too hard for you to do. I agree it's way too much work for you too do all by yourself. I bet a lot of the work you have is something that can't be put off till the next day. 

    You say the babies are best friends do they grow up staying best friends?  Sorry your having problems with your phone, it would be a good idea to get the best of service you can for your house phone just incase.   Is there a new baby yet?   

    I wish I was there to have some of your peach cobbler, I still have not made me one yet, I do plan on doing that someday. 

    It is nice that Bryon and his cousin stopped by to check on you. From what you say there are a lot of people and neighbors that will check on you, so I don't think that is something you need to worry about. I am sure Judith would be having someone checking on you if we don't hear from you, and a lot of others would if we knew how.  

    I am surprised you did not say anything about Yellowstone, it has been on all weekend and will be tomorrow. I am sure you have seen them all so maybe you decided not to watch them again. They have been on the Parament, channel.

    The people I pet sit for are leaving the 24th of this month to go back to Texas for the winter, I will miss them especially the little dog I have been sitting for,  for the past 12 years, but I plan on staying home all winter long and hibernating (sp) not driving in the snow, just drinking my coffee and holding my Molly and Sammy. Snow is not fun to drive in and I am getting too old to be going out in it. 

    Take Care all. Hugs Zetta 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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