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Just need to talk to my friends (154)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    ZEtta, this is a Tom Selleck weekend. I've seen Yellowstone at  least six times but I'm anxious for the new season.

    Glad Molly and Sammy are good friends.  Yes, the calves when grown are still good friends.

    I'm going to get a long distance carrier for my landline for now on Tuesday, then probably another cell line.

    I think I found and fixed the place the snake got in.

    sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Glad you found the snake hole Lorita.  Sounds like when push comes to shove you have some options.  Good to hear that.  Nice when you have a good dream.

    The pie was fairly good.  The filling was great.  The peaches were still their beautiful color.  I buy frozen local Amish crusts.  It tasted like they forgot the salt.  They have always been good. I have several left as it is a brand new pack.  Hope all of them don’t taste that way.

    Had noticed that the Posh masks are a lot more fashionable than mine lol.  That’s nice.

    Rescue mom going to try and look into phone repair places.  Had not thought about that.I like Verizon, but don’t like dealing with them if that makes any sense.

    My phone is a flip phone but it does back itself up into the cloud.  Don’t know if all flip phones do that or not.

    Zetta glad Molly and Sammy are friends.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Beautiful, cooler morning but not much wind.  Zetta, these people I mentioned don't check on me and I rarely talk with them but I know they're there if I need to call and they do know me. I've known Ray for many years, the other two not so long. 

     Bryon called this morning. He said he got another call from my cell phone this morning that he missed.  Said I didn't leave a message as I always do when I can't reach him.  And, to top that, he got a blank picture from me in the middle of the night.  Embarrassing, so I apologized.  I've still fooling with the phone thinking it may come to it's senses so I'm  pushing buttons.  I don't see anything such as contacts, photos, etc. so how it's doing that I don't know.  Last evening I was listening to the phone and pushing buttons and it sent two calls to WM.com.  The consumer cellular tech said the phone has a memory and it's using it's memory to maybe call some of my last contacts.  I put it in rice, again.

     Zetta, I saw on the  TV program guide that The Waltons aren't going to be on - Wagon Train in it's place.  The last couple of episodes of it I didn't like so much but will have to get back into it.

     Sara - sorry that pie crust didn't seem like it had salt in it - probably using non-salted butter and just forgot.  Maybe you could sprinkle just a bit in the crust before you fill it and press the salt down and that would help.  I have one more serving of my peach cobbler - it's just so good with just a bit of milk poured over it.  That's how we had cobblers when I was growing up - but it was cream instead of milk.

     I saw on QVC yesterday they were selling a butter churn.  Looked like a small one and wouldn't make very much.  I'm sure grandma had a big churn like that but what I remember is they'd put the cream in a gallon jar, at least half full and then we're rock it back  and forth to churn the butter.

     Saw the girls coming up this morning - only saw two little ones, then at the very last here the others came (saw six, should have seen seven but guess I missed it).  They were coming down from the MH with two cows and the closer they got to the barn, the faster they ran like they were trying to outrun each other.   The cow still hasn't calved or if she did she lost the calf because it had never nursed.  I've driven all around where she was and didn't see any sign of anything.  Her sides are still big but maybe she's just fat - she's a really big Brangus.  I went out at 2 last night to check her hoping I'd see her two big eyes and two little ones but no such luck, yet.

     I didn't take down the trash this morning - not much of it today.  I did sleep in the LR - one reason was that I was watching a couple of Tom Selleck movies that didn't go off until 11:30.  Went to sleep and a noise woke me up about 2 - it was the cats moving things around underneath the china cabinet.  I have two big sea shells under it and a big pumpkin-shaped jar with a lid filled with shells.  Guess they were snake hunting.  Sara, hope I found where the snake came in.  There's about a foot long distance that has a halfinch gap between the quarter round and floor.  I have one of those wedge-shaped pillows so cut the sharp end of it off and stuffed it in that space with a knife.  Hope if that's where it came in, it can't push the foam out.

     Sorry your pie crust didn't have salt.  Maybe you could sprinkle just a bit in it before you fill it and push it down into the crust.  They were probably using non-salted butter and just forgot the salt.  On QVC yesterday they were selling a butter churn - it had a paddle in it and a handle you turned.  It was small so wouldn't make much.  I'm sure grandma had a big churn like that but what I remember was they put the cream in a gallon jar and you rocked it back and forth on your knees to churn the butter - and the buttermilk was so good.

     I know I wrote something but I was trying to correct something and from the above paragraph down it disappeared.  Hate when that happens.

     Nothing going on here today that  I know of.  Labor Day finally got here but the weatherman said next weekend it will be near 100 again.  But, like I mentioned some of the leaves are turning - maybe from the heat and dryness and some trees are losing leaves.  Really happy we got the 2" of rain - made everything feel better.

     I'll stop before I touch the wrong key and lose this.  Zetta, so glad Molly and Sammy are becoming friends.  Makes it a lot easier for you - and them.

     I dreamed of Charles again last night but don't remember any details.  Do you all dream and do you dream in color?  I think I do.




  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Don’t think I dream in color but can’t say for sure.  Usually my dreams are stressful and I feel tired so don’t like to dream.

    Can’t remember where I seen this, but somewhere someone said they were hungry for fried potatoes with rosemary, thyme and sage. Thought I’m going to try that, but wondered if I would like it.  Had it for lunch and it was good.  Will definitely make again.  Thank you if it was someone on here.  

    Beautiful day here.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,  Snakes give me shivers. I would probably sleep in my car if I found one in the house. I sure hope you did find the place where it got in. Your kitties are doing their job protecting you from the snakes. My little Sammy so far sleeps all night so I don't think he would even know. He sleeps right next to Molly in my bed. Molly sleeps on Dan's pillow and Sammy sleeps between the 2 pillows. I love the loud purring he does.  

    It's good that your getting long distance service on your phone, I also have a land line that I can use if I need too. It does not sound too safe for you to be out at 2am you never know what you might run into. I wish I got the channel that Wagon Train is on but I don't. 

    I dream every night and I usually remember them. I don't know if they are in color. The dreams are always about things that happened in the past, usually something that happened at work. Always nice dreams.

    Sara,    Now I am going to have to have some Fried Potatos with Rosemary, Thyme and Sage, I am now hungry for them. After you guys talked about sweet potatoes I added them to my grocery list. Now I will see if I have those spices if not they will also go on my list. 

    The weather here is trying to be nice it is 70 right now with a hi of 90 today. But our air conditions are at a Hazardous level. I am staying in as much as possible. They skies are gray not any blue in sight. We are being told to stay in.     

    Take Care, Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Snakes make me shiver...even little ones.  The brillo pads were a good choice...not so sure about the foam from the pillow.  If you have an old screen door or just some extra screen with a fine mesh, you can also stick that in the crack (sharp ends in the hole).  Depending on your floors (wood not tile) you could use some brads or small nails to tack it in place.  Snakes and mice are sneaky critters and can get in thru the smallest places.  Glad your kitties are on patrol!

    You also might try moth balls scattered around the base of the house.  Might convince them to move on.  

    Sounds like you could use a ranch hand to help with some of those chores.  Even if you could get a reliable high schooler to help with the heavy stuff or things that can wait for after school or weekends would take some of the work off you.

    Sounds like your phone has a mind of its own, calling folks when it won't work for you...lol.  Perhaps you should remove the battery while you try to revive it.

    Dreams are strange things.  Most I don't remember when I wake up but the ones I do almost always have to do with me being lost and trying to find something or place.  Never troubling, just searching.  

    In my mother's hope chest is a quilt that is about 100 years old.  Most of the top is of velvet pieces.  Back then they had large families, so each one of the kids families did a piece with their names on it and the date, then the oldest put it all together.  It is a great piece to have!

    Most times when I do sweet potatoes I just do them on the stove top boiling them with a bit of water, butter and brown sugar.  Easy to save left overs...they are usually soooo big.  I also do some time saving with regular potatoes.  When I cook them usually make a fair sized batch cutting them in cubes.  What I don't eat at the time, I put in a zip lock bag in the fridge.  Then I can fry some up for breakfast with scrambles eggs, or heat a portion in the microwave and have smashed potatoes with a meat.  Makes those extra meals faster than having to cook them from raw.

    Baby animals of most kinds are just so cute and adorable, but like kids they get bigger and set in their ways...lol.  Sometimes wish they could stay little.

    May each of you have a good day, and an even better one tomorrow!

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Happy Labor Day.  I didn’t have plans today.  I went on a hike Saturday with friends.  I was surprised I didn’t struggle.  I took it slow and steady so guess that helped.  I need to do more of that to build my stamina.  I did get my laundry done and spiffed up the house. That’s about the extent of my fun today.  Lol

    Jo, I’m happy you’re home. I hope you’re healing and feeling a bit better every day.  

    Lorita, you didn’t mention a headache today.  I hope it’s gone.  Yikes!!  Snakes.  I’m afraid of them. You’re brave to get them out of the house and get rid of them.  I hope they are deterred by the Brillo pads and foam.  Sounds like you filled the crack well.  Maybe ask the guy to take a look at it when he comes to replace your porch floor. He might have a permanent solution to close the gap.  

    I can see those little calves running and chasing each other.  They are so fun to watch.  

    We had a couple days of rain last week.  Sure has been nice to have some this summer.  I had a bear show up last week.  I didn’t get to see it since it came during the night.  Ate a bunch of apples and left me two large piles to clean up. My tree didn’t have many apples this year so hope it stays away. 

    I was going to buy potatoes yesterday and forgot to buy any.  I need to take a list with me. I’ll get some this week and try out the potato recipes you’re all talking about. They sound tasty.  I love the idea of cubing them and cooking extra for later.  I bet you could freeze the extra and use when needed.  

    Hope you all have a peaceful rest of your day.  Joan

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    I have 2 kitties from the same litter...male is all greys, the female is what we call a tuxedo cat ...white with black markings.  They are both older and the male is definitely on decline...I watch over him a bit more these days.


    I have never had any luck with freezing potatoes....they just never taste right...a bit on the mealy side for my taste.  In fact when I make and freeze beef stew I always leave out the potatoes to add them in when I thaw/heat the stew to eat.


    I never heard of chicken cabbage.  Perhaps they meant chicken and cabbage...lol.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, I read your post this afternoon and immediately started craving French fries.  I love fried potatoes - hasb browns for breakfast can't be beaten.  I've never tried putting any kind of herbs on fried potatoes except parsley.  We used to make lyonnaise potatoes - fried potatoes and onions together but I haven't had those for years.

     Zetta, you're right - Sammy and Lilly are snake hunters.  I think they hunted all night.  They really concentrated on one big shell (after I got everything out front under the china cabinet).  I thought that maybe something had crawled inside but they haven't bothered it during the day (I did look into it).  Max sleeps a lot and Kitt can't see much so it's up to those to Savannah cats.

     Not sure where I'll sleep tonight - I did check under the covers on the bed - nothing there.  I think what I've done is okay but the places are very hard to get to - have to get down on the floor and lay on my side and reach underneath the wardrobe.  But - this evening I thought about expanding insulation.  It comes in a can and has one of those little tubes to direct it where you want it.  Then it expands and fills the gaps.  I ordered a can from Amazon and it should be here by Friday so I'll take the other stuff out and spray it in.  Joan, I had thought about having Shaun check on it but if this works, I won't need to.  I think that part of the floor is lower - maybe because of the heavy wardrobe.  Sometimes I wonder how in the world Charles and I got these heavy pieces of furniture into the house. 

     Joan, I haven't had the headaches in a couple or three days.  This afternoon I used the dolly and opened one of the Chewy boxes and kind of lifted one sack of dog food onto the dolly so I could move it and I could tell it bothered the tendon or muscle in the left side of my neck and if I'd done much more it would have caused a headache.  I carried some hay out of the barn for the cow this afternoon so tomorrow I won't lift anything if I can help it.

     A bear!  I remember you've mentioned them coming into your yard before - probably for apples.  Probably good that it happened during the night.  Glad you did well on your hike - slow and easy is usually the answer but for those of us who aren't used to doing things that way, it's hard to slow down. 

     Loveskitties - you'd think out here in the country you'd be able to find someone who wanted to work.  When I was in school the high school boys looked for work - hauling hay, picking cotton, etc. but it's not that way now.  You can drive by the school and see brand new pick-ups in the parking lots that belong to the high school kids.  All the grown men have their own places to take care of so it's very hard.  I have compiled a list of people who I can hire to do certain things so I'd be lost without that.  Sometimes I think I could keep someone busy for a week doing things that needed to be done.  Bryon is really my go-to person.  He and Shane have done so many different things to help and I'm grateful for them.

     That quilt you have is a treasure - just think of the work that went into making that.  Something to really treasure.  Mother and grandma used to make quilts - I can remember having the quilting rack hanging from the ceiling in the LR when they'd be quilting.  Mother made a quilt - think the pattern was Dutch Girl and/or Dutch Boy.  She made the girl's dresses out of pieces of material she had used to make dresses for my sister and I.  I have no idea where it is - unless it might be in an old deep freeze we have in the storage building.  I think I may have put some quilts in there along with boxes of dishes but it's completely covered with other things so I can't get into it.

     When Bryon called this morning he asked if I'd tried using rice to get the phone to work.   I had but after he called I took out the battery and put it and the phone in a pan of rice for three or four hours.  Took it out and it seemed the same so I laid it on the table and kind of forgot about it.  I happened to be in the house and the phone rang!!!  I almost fell over so answered it and it was Mike.  He said he had tried to call several times yesterday and it would either go to voice mail or say it was out of service.  So, he called again today and said if I hadn't answered he was going to come and check on me.  So glad I happened to be in the house when he did call.  The screen still doesn't light up so that part isn't working.  He called again right after we hung up to see if it still worked - it did.  Then, I called the Pharmacy in town and their recording answered so guess I just have to dial the numbers since the screen doesn't work.  He had worked all day from daylight on so I'm glad I answered so he didn't have to come by.

     He just called again - said he had talked with Darwin.  He told him his wife was doing better the last three months but he's gotten overheated a couple of times during this hot weather so he's getting out early and staying in the rest of the time.  He asked Mike how I was doing and he told him I was all right - that he checked on me every so often to make sure things were okay.  Darwin still has to be very careful who he talks with so she won't get upset again since he's gotten her calmed down.  So, guess I can't call him yet.  Also, he told Mike that the neighbors who don't talk to me are having the same problem.  The wife is very jealous of him and is accusing him of things, too.  So, she must be getting alz., too. 

     Just wanted you all to know my phone is at least receiving calls and letting me make them so I don't feel isolated.  I still think I may get another line - maybe their easier smart phone.  Zetta, it says it's easy to learn so I might try that.  Tomorrow if my head feels okay I may get my tax papers together - they're due next month.  All I have to do is finish compiling the information and fill in the form Sam sends - that I've never used.  Normally I take all the papers and receipts in but all he needs is that form with the information and the papers showing my income.  Guess I'll have to get one of those envelopes from the PO.  I think you buy one and then don't have to use postage.  Is that right? 

     Sounds like most of us have dreams of one kind or another.  I very seldom have a bad dream and I do love to dream - even during a nap.  At least we can be with our loved one during that time.

     Zetta, wish you could get Wagon Train, too.  It's on INSP channel here and has been on all afternoon.  I laid down on the divan to watch Denim & Co and went to sleep - didn't need anything anyway so guess that was all right.  Everyone else is asleep right now and I'm getting that way so I'll stop for now.

     I feel privileged that two people have checked on me today and that Darwin wants to but can't.  But, I hate to be the little old woman who lives by herself that needs to be checked on.  But, guess that time in my life has come.  I was thinking today that mother was in the throes of alz. when she was my age so guess I'm doing all right.

     On that note, I'll stop and see what's on TV.  Hope all of you are well tonight - can't believe it's Labor Day.  Did hear on TV they're afraid there will be about virus surge from the hundreds of thousands of people who traveled today, crowding into airports.  I saw some of that and saw very few masks.  Why do they not wear masks?

     See you tomorrow.  Lovoeskitties - I've tried freezing potato soup and it was pretty watery when thawed. I've never tried freezing potatoes. It would be a good idea though.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    We lost the baby.  I called the vet at 11:40 and he just now left.  Baby was breech and she would not be still long enough to get the chains on to pull him.  She went down in the chute and liked to  never got her up.   Then would not be still.  If she had been still we'd have #50.  He said he had never had that much trouble and he's had a lot of trouble here.  In effect, she killed her baby.  I hate this- sad night for all.  I know she was scared and in pain and I'm sad for her.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    So sorry about you losing your calf Lorita.  When I saw a post that late was thinking Iris.  Glad you hopefully limp along with your phone now til it gets replaced.

    Have baked extra potatoes and fried them later.  Once in awhile add onion and/or peppers to them.  

    Joan sounds like you are truly starting to feel better.  Thinking of you JoC.

    Had a productive day yesterday.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning,

    Still working on dividing daylilies. So far I've made 32 divisions! A lot of hard work, hot and sweaty! I have about 11 more to do. This is what happens when you have 100 daylilies and fertile soil - they get huge. It's a good problem to have.  I'm giving daylilies that I divided to 8 or 9 individuals, and the rest to a Master Gardener public garden. I am excited to give them to the public garden where they will be on display in all their glory. They truly are beautiful. 

    Lorita, I am so sorry about the baby. Do they ever do c-sections on cattle? I suppose it was getting to be too late to do that.  So sorry, I know this saddens you. 

    I've been watching Duc Vuong MD on YouTube. He is a retired bariatric surgeon. He talks everything from Covid, to growing tomatoes, to making money online, to suicidal ideation/depression, to weight loss. His video that was shocking talked about how with unvaccinated kids going back to school, and being infected, and bringing home the virus to parents...parents work and need to work and may work despite feeling a little ill...he said he could see offices, restaurants, salons all having workers in them with Covid because either they don't yet know they are infected, or they feel they HAVE to work as they need the income. He indicated he has started doing his own hair and recommends if you need dental work, etc, do it now before it gets worse. Also, he recommends upgrading your mask to an N95 when you do go out. Sara, I think that Aaron Collins indicates a KN94 is as good as an N95 - and lots more comfortable, correct?  Note: Duc Vuong uses the f word a lot in his videos which I find offensive but he still has interesting content. Just a warning for those who might watch.

    We have a cool front coming in but could still use rain. Grateful for the cooler days. Those 90s do get to a person, especially one who needs or wants to spend a lot of time outside. 

    I hope all will have a blessed day.    Beth

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I'm sorry you lost your calf, I know your heart is with the mommy. Try to rest and take care of yourself. 

    Lou has changed in her habits the last couple of weeks. Use to I had a hard time getting her to go to bed, now she's asking even before dark and I have to convince her to wait. Other small habits; some helpful and some not, but we make it work.

    This morning part of my stitches in my lower gum came loose  and was hanging from my mouth. Had to cut it due to some still being knotted on one end and gums to sore. Feeling better! Need to go into town after Lou's home health nurse this morning and stock up on dog food.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Lorita,  so sorry for the loss of the calf.  So very difficult to see life end when there might have been a way to save it.

    Hope you can get some rest.

    Hugs in bunches!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth that is what Aaron Collins says.  Don’t envy you dividing all those daylilies.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thank you all, you're the greatest!  You know me, I grieve with the cow when they lose their little ones.  I kept her up and just now went out and talked with her.  I'm going to keep her up today - gave her hay and feed - she didn't eat all her feed.  I want to be sure she's okay before I let her out.  He couldn't put in boluses because he was afraid she's prolapse and then would have to put the uterus back in.

     I had an odd feeling about her - she's a big Brangus and has always been gentle.  She laid around a lot yesterday and when I went out to check on her before I went to bed I knew something was wrong.  Charles always knew when to call the vet.  Thank goodness my phone was working enough to get through to him.  When he answered I could barely understand because it was breaking up so much so he hung up and called me back.  He had been asleep but he was here in a short time.

     She was having a pretty hard time walking -  and it was hard to get her in the chute.  Normally that's the best place to pull a calf.  He was able to check and see the baby was backwards - then, she laid down in the chute.  We tried everything - hot shot which he hates to use but we were desperate.  Got to the point we didn't know what to do.  He didn't have anything to take the welded chute apart.  I suggested we put a rope on her and maybe pull her with the Gator. We had opened up the sides of the chute and we were afraid it would break her hips but we tried - Gator wouldn't do it.  He kept saying she could get up if she would.  So, we decided to try pulling her with his truck.  I went to get a chain and while I was getting it he called to me that she had gotten up and was out of the chute.  But, then we had to tie her off to the corral fence and she would not stand still enough for him to get the legs straightened out and get the chains on them.  I bet he tried 20 times - he'd almost get one on and she'd move and it would come off.  Finally did get it done and the hooves out and pulled it but it was too late.  I hate when they have to be pulled and aren't alive. 

    This morning when I went out to take care of the calf she was licking it.  She went over to it as soon as he pulled it and walked away - he said she knew it was dead.  But, she did clean it up.  Big, pretty calf.  I got her out of the lot and took it away to be with his grandma and others.

     What if the phone hadn't been working enough?  I was so worried that would happen and what I could do.  But, God was with me enough to let it work.  The vet was so tired working with her for so long and being tired from working all day.  He left after 2 and said he was going to shower and try to get a little sleep.  He's up and working before daylight.  So thankful that he's close by and willing to come out in the middle of the night.

    Saw a cow laying down in the pasture up by the MH this morning after I got up (had a couple of hours sleep) so drove up and it was Gray Lady with one of the little ones laying by her.  They're staying up at the MH today or were then - it's shady and there's always a breeze up there.  Rose Bud, as usual, is in the pond.  Gray Lady is about the same age as Rose Bud and Sweet Pea.

     Sometimes I think it would be nice to not have any responsibilities - nothing to worry about except myself - but I love what I do, love the cattle, dogs and cats so guess I'll keep on keeping on.  It's just hard when things like this happen and I never forget them.

      Beth, they do C-sections sometimes.  If the cow could have stood still long enough for him to get the chains on things might have been better.  I understand she was scared and hurting though.  My favorite cow, years ago, Christy had to have a C-section and we've had one other one.  I lost Christy last year and after her c-section she had many calves.  She still had the long scar on her side all those years.

     I know you must be tired and sore after dividing all those daylilies but I know you're glad it's almost done.  How nice of you to donate them to people and the Garden Club.  Gardening is hard work. 

     Ron, thank you.  With dementia things never stay the same for a long time - there's always changes that we have to adjust to but glad that Lou is being more cooperative.  Are you still having pain from your dental work?   Nice that you were able to cut the suture and get relief.

     Sara, when I was growing up we seldom had baked potatoes - we usually had them fried, mashed or boiled with the jackets on.  Sometimes when we had the boiled ones left over we'd slice them and fry them - really good that way.

     Loveskitties - if there had been a way to save the baby, Mike could have done it.  He did say that was the hardest time he'd ever had trying to pull a calf.  She was just so scared and just couldn't stand still long enough.   I know he's tired and so am I and all I did was do what little I could - trying to help figure out what to do and trying to keep her still by holding a gate against her so she couldn't keep turning around.  If her legs had been steadier it might have been different - she was having trouble standing and walking.  If cows lay down too long in labor it can partially paralyze their legs.  We've had that happen - with Christy who I mentioned above.  I rubbed her legs with linament and she improved. 

     I'm going to try to sleep a bit this afternoon and try to think good thoughts.  Thanks to all of you again - nice to have good friends who care and sympathize.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    ((((Lorita)))) I am so sorry about the baby.          As you said you are lucky to have a Vet like Mike.  I know how sad you must be not only for the baby but especially for what the MaMa went through. It must be a hard thing to do when you have to lay a baby down for their eternal rest. You will be in my thoughts and prayers today. Please pamper yourself and the MaMa. Hugs Zetta
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,     I am thinking about you we have not heard from you since this morning. I know you are having a sad day and had a sleepless night so I am hoping you have just been napping today. Hugs Zetta 

    Jo.   I am also thinking about you. I hope you starting to feel better.  Hugs Zetta  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry about the little calf.  I didn't read the whole story because I can't read about animals in peril. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Don’t really know anything lol.  Will just do more of the same.

    Thinking of you JoC.  Hope you gain a little more strength  today.

    Take care everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, I did take a nap yesterday and slept through the night - didn't wake up until 4 when the GPs wanted out, then went back to sleep and woke up at 7.  It's a beautiful morning - cool north wind and sunny.  When I looked out I saw the cow (I'm going to call her Lucy) in honor of another Lucy.  She was standing by the lot fence, then turned around and went back to graze.  Girls finally came to the barn and I saw everyone which doesn't happen that often.  Saw her coming back in and she's still not walking too well - guess it'll take a few days to improve.  I remember with Christy it took a long time for her to recover.  Rose Bud was laying down on the other side of the pond but she got up and swam across and is grazing.  If she gets close enough I'll feed her.

     Iris, I'm the same as you.  I can't even watch the SPCA ads on TV or if I'm watching a nature show and I think something's going to happen to one of the animals, I change channels.  This is different - real life and things have to be done.  It was hard - for me, for the cow and for Mike.

     I need to go up to town and get some Gator gas but not sure I want to lift cans of gas right now.  I'm not completely out of gas so may wait.  Need to spiff up the utility room - tomorrow they're supposed to bring the AC.  If they do I'll be able to use it this weekend when it's going to be hot - up to 100 they say.

     My phone is working except the screen won't come on so I can't see my contacts or anything else.  I need to call them to see if there's anything to be done about that.  Seems I won't be able to get a long-distance carrier for my landline so guess I'll get another cell phone line - just in case.  Do not like to feel isolated.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  There was a little taste of fall in the air this morning and it's supposed to be cooler in the morning, then warm up big time.

     Heard there was a big earthquake in Mexico this morning - 7. something.  Didn't hear any other details.

     Zetta, it is hard to have to take them away.  Several years ago a cow had twins - had to be pulled - and believe me it was hard to take both of those babies off.  Charles used to do those things but now I have to. 

     I still haven't heard anything from Sarah and I haven't tried to call her.  Guess that's the way it's going to be.

     Enjoy the day. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sorry about the situation with S.  Life has many disappointments.

    I’m not near the animal lover some of you guys are but I still have soft feelings for them and would never want to see one suffer.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Do you all remember how many stimulus checks we received, about when and for how much?  I think it was three-two for $600 and one for ,$1200.  I remember my first was direct deposit. Didn't realize it was in March 2020.  I didn'twrite this down and am working on taxes and CPA needs  this.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Lorita, did your phone company give you a reason why you can't get a long distance carrier?  That seems very odd.  You many want to contact AT&T or Sprint via internet to see if they can sign you up for their long distance service.

    I have also seen that you can make long distance calls via the internet.  Not sure how it works or what it takes to make that happen.  I do know you would need a head set with microphone.

    If it is not one thing it is 10 others.  Hope you get your new cell phone soon.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Judith, thanks so much for sharing the lovely gardens! I especially love the berm garden ("hide the driveway") and the secret garden. Wow! Every year I make some changes. If I look back at photos it is very interesting to see how things have changed.

    I'm not seeing as many monarchs now. Most are headed to Mexico where they will winter over.
    Lorita, maybe check your bank statements for deposits from the IRS to see how much you received in stimulus money for 2020.  That being said, I found this information online:
    Round 1: the CAREs Act included a provision for a round of stimulus payments  eligible tax-paying adults received a check of up to $1,200 while eligible dependents under 16 years of age received $500 each (a maximum of three dependents could be claimed for).

    The payments were made to everyone earning under the income limits, which were set at Adjusted Gross Income of $75,000 ($150,000 for married couples filing jointly) with the stimulus check value reducing in a tapered fashion up to a maximum of $99,000 ($198,000 for married couples filing jointly). The very first stimulus checks were paid into people's bank accounts over the weekend of the 11 and 12 of April, either via direct deposit into individuals’ bank accounts, paper checks sent through the post or in some cases, through a prepaid debit card.

    Round 2: The second round of aida $900 billion package which was part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 was signed off by Trump on 27 December 2020. It provided a one-off check of up to $600, but this time, households were also able to claim an additional $600 for child dependents aged 16 or under. Those who earned under $75,000 in the 2019 tax year received the full stimulus check, while a steadily smaller figure was given to those on a higher annual income, up to a maximum phase-out limit of $87,000. The first payments, through direct deposit and paper checks with some later payments made by EIP 2 Cards, were issued between 29 December 2020 and 15 January 2021.

    Round 3 was in March 2021.   Hope this helps.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Nothing new going on here in Vegas.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Finally went out for a haircut this morning. Took Lou with me since the neighbor I plan on having stay with Lou is still recovering from her heart cath. 

    I had a vidio call appointment with mental health this morning. First time for a video appointment, but I had no trouble logging on. At the VA they had a problem connecting and we ended up just talking on the phone. Going to try again in a couple of weeks. We talked some about our boys and I know realize some of my depression is feeling abandoned by them. The oldest is good to call every week but one thing keeps running in my head is a statement from him when Lou first got hurt. He said, I'm only a couple of hours away and can come help you often. Hasn't happened! He did come stay a couple of days when I had my last surgery and I do feel as if he would be here for emergencies. But I need help now!! The youngest calls on birthday and anniversary and that's about it outside of once a year trip that most of his time is spent with friends. 

    Sorry I went on so but my life is not very good right now and feel very lonely. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,  I am glad you got some good sleep. I am like you and Iris I can not watch anything where a animal might get hurt. I will close my eyes if any of those SPCA adds come on I can't even watch a nature show about animals. I like the zoo shows but it took me awhile before I would even venture watching one. But I found out they are all good.  Its too bad you can't get long distance on your phone, did they tell you why?  Your cell phone probably has ins on it so maybe you can just replace it. I would hate for my screen not to light up. I do not answer any unidentified calls. 

     Nicole,   Nice hearing from you, like they say No News is Good News. I hope you are stay cool.

     Ron,   I am so sorry you are feeling down.  Please try not to have negative thoughts. One bad thought will lead to another and you need to stay positive for both Lou and yourself. I know it has got to be hard, please talk to your Dr and see if they can give you something to mellow you out. Antidepressants have worked wonders for me and have for a few years. Please take care of yourself, we care. 

    Not much going on with me there has been a lot of smoke in the air so I have been staying in side. Our air conditions right now are "Unhealthy"  Molly and Sammy are best friends. I would love to attach some pictures but I have no idea how to do that. My daughter will be here in a few weeks I will have her show me how to do that. 

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...google said to put the phone in rice or 48 hours. Maybe out yours back in.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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