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Just need to talk to my friends (154)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, I heard on the  news this evening about how bad the air quality is in the NW and even where Joan is in Colorado.  We have hazy skies - some of it from those fires and there was one up in Kansas and the northern part of our State is getting that.  It's been a most beautiful day here - nice, north wind, blue skies and sunshine.  The girls, and I, have really enjoyed it.

     I took another PM nap - I think I've made a habit of that (only takes once or twice for me) and when I got up the girls were coming out of the barn.  I identified Lucy - she was the last in the barn.  I opened the gate to the area north of the house and Billy the Bull came through and ate the hay I'd put out for Lucy.  Then she came out so both of them were out there for a while.  If I didn't know better I'd think Billy was her calf - they look just alike - built the same with the ears that stick straight out.  Billy is Sweet Pea's baby and maybe Lucy is, too - not sure.  I'm still a bit concerned, or was, about whether or not she may still have another calf inside - so, called Mike.  I told him I knew I was the last person he wanted to hear from and he laughed.  Said he got two hours sleep night before last but he's okay.  He wasn't able to check her after he pulled the calf because he was afraid if he went back in, she'd prolapse but he said by this time she's be straining and humping up and having a discharge if there was another one.  Her right side is still pretty big so he said she probably didn't have but just watch.  I will for sure.  Everyone has gone to the NE pasture tonight - they haven't been there for three or four days and the north wind will be great for them tonight.

     Ron, you're not alone - we're all here when you just need someone to talk with.  Glad you got out to get your haircut and I bet Lou enjoyed going with you.  I always liked to go with Charles when he got a haircut (he went to my cousin's shop so we got to visit a bit while he cut his hair).  We all have times that we feel down - I've been there the last week or so - not knowing what I want to do and worrying about it.  We know how you feel.  Zetta's right - your doctor can probably prescribe something for you that will help.  I keep Librium and when I feel anxious or very nervous, 10 mg. of that helps me.

     Beth - thanks for the information - it gave me a time span to check.  I did look at my check registers and found the first one for $1200 was deposited in my bank, the third for $1400 went into my CU account and I think I remember the second one for $600 was sent by check to me.  I cashed that one so I think I've found (with your help) what I needed.  What I was reading even mentioned a 4th one might be coming (hadn't heard that before).

     Well, tomorrow is the day the AC is supposed to be brought out and installed (I'm not going to hold my breath).  Hope it does get here because this weekend is supposed to be very hot.  We've done just fine since I finally started using the big AC in the LR.  It makes it so cold in a little while I have to turn it off.  It's  never been used very much but needs a new filter (it's a light-weight foam) and I can't find one for it. 

     Nicole - sounds like things are pretty calm where you are.  Is your uncle doing better?  Hope so.  Our weather last week was hotter than Las Vegas (can you imagine?)  Our weatherman tonight said since our humidity is only 22% (unheard of) it feels cooler than the actual temperature.  That was one thing about where Charles' folks live in the Texas Panhandle.  Gets very hot out there in the daytime but cools off because of the elevation and low humidity at night.  I remember in the 60s when my folks and I went to Colorado Springs.  We spent the night in LaJunta  in Colorado and it was so cold we had to use a blanket - this was in late July and in the daytime it was as hot as a firecracker. 

     I fixed instant mashed potatoes with herbs tonight and also had English peas.  Just happened to think - I eat a lot of English peas, don't I - but I love them.  Those potatoes are so good - they're in a packet (makes a lot) and it's a Betty Crocker product.  When Charles was with me I fixed instant potatoes a lot and had steamed broccoli, carrots and cauliflower (for him I added some kind of meat).  So easy to fix and very quick.

     I hope the night is quiet.  The GPs might even want to sleep outside tonight.  They wanted out at 4 this morning.  Stormy's asleep on the divan now and Sheena's asleep on a rug on the floor. 

     Zetta - the screen on my phone doesn't light up but the little window on the front does so I can see who's calling (if I'm fast enough).  I called our local phone company (not a local person this time but one in Texas) - they suggested AT&T.  Called them and they started talking in circles (to me) about using my cell phone company, etc. Finally told them it was just too complicated.  Called a local long-distance carrier and they don't service our area.  She did tell me that getting a long-distance carrier is very difficult and complicated.  I've decided I'll have the new phone activated with my present number - they'll send me a new SIM card for the old phone and since I can receive and make calls I'll use that as a backup.  A second line is only $15. more a month and I don't see a reason for buying a new phone if this one continues to work.  I just don't want to be without some kind of phone service in case of emergency.  Imagine what would have happened the other night if I couldn't have made a call.  I was so worried that might happen.  It was MN and I would have hated to have awakened someone to call the vet for me (but I probably would have).  If you're a farmer or rancher you know emergencies happen at night as well as the daytime.

     Watching In The Kitchen with David.  I just remembered I ordered a new shredder (makes tiny, tiny pieces).  I have so much that needs to be shredded and the one I have is small and makes strips.  Not sure but I think I have income tax papers for at least 20 years so maybe I can get all of that shredded.  You can put eight or nine pieces of paper in this one and it takes it automatically one sheet at a time, then shuts off.  Hope I like it.

     Enjoy the evening. See you tomorrow.  Sleep well.

     I mentioned the lid of my laptop creaks when I open it.  I think Kitt kind of leaned on it a lot when she slept.  Do you think the lid will come apart?  Kind of afraid to use something like WD-40 on it.  I imagine there are little wires that go from the keyboard to the screen in those hinges.  Always something.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Judith, just saw your post.  I'll do that, in fact, I have done that already.  The phone quit working again so all I have is local calls on the landline.  The new phone was mailed today so it "could" be here by Friday, most likely Monday. 

     I talked to the guy at C.C. and he recommended a Moto E smart phone.  I looked at it online and sounds complicated to me so guess I'll just order another Link.  Can't imagine why it quit working again.  I know I did receive a voice mail tonight but couldn't hear it.  May have been Sears about the AC - they'll come anyway - if they were going to.

     The lid on the laptop was hard to open just now so it may go out, too.  If so much wasn't going on I'd call India and get the new one set up.  Everything just takes so long.  I was on hold for consumer cellular 35 minutes.  He said they were getting lots of calls from this area and the East Coast and all of them are working from home.  All of this is really getting tiresome - slow delivery times,, long waits for calls, etc.

     I'll stop for tonight.  If you don't hear from me tomorrow the laptop broke or I did!  I can post a little bit on the tablet but it takes forever. 

     A while ago I was trying to make a call to see if it worked and the operator kept saying they couldn't complete the call as dialed - please check your number.  How did that happen?   Hope all of you are having better luck than  I.    Sandy, hope today went well and you're feeling better.  Please be careful.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron sorry you are lonely.  Understand why you feel abandoned.  Your son probably meant well when he said that but I’m guessing he works, may have a family and is two hours away.  Have you ever thought about if you moved there?  Do you think he would be able to help you more then?

    Nothing new here.  Grocery shopping day again and mom wants me to get her some honey crisp apples at the orchard.  My friend and I bought half of a beef together.  Will get it late October,  early November.  So am going to buy a small chest freezer for it.  Going to put freezer in kitchen.  That way if something happens and stairs become hard to do, will be better.  Have an upright freezer in garage but no more room out there.  Looks like three stores have the size I want available so hopefully I can get one before they run out.  If not, my mom has a big one that has plenty of room.

    JoC continue to think of you and pray.  Hope today is a little bit better.

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good morning dear friends.   I read every day to keep up with everyone, but have been too unwell to put energy into typing fingers.   Been horribly under the weather.

    Lorita, I am sorry for the loss of the baby; I know you take such a loss to the heart; it really is sad.  Your vet is a lovely man; he seems to be such a caring person.

    Mr. Ron; I send you a special hug and my understanding.  You have been through so much in such a short period of time and have had no one there to support you and give you ease.  And we are aging, weakening where did those wonderful young strong years go anyway?   It must be a disappointment to not have the sons' responsiveness.   I am sure that like anyone else, their lives are busy, but . . . . my being a parent of four adult kids who appear to care but who are not exactly hands-on connected at this moment; I do understand.   So often we hear; "If you ever need anythiing, just give me  call."  Two of ours are out of state, so that is out.  One is downstate and has cardiac issues.  The closest one is but 15 minutes away and he is a kind man, has no children, and always says, "Just call if you need something . . . ."  but sure would be nice to have him make a call, or to drop by once every few weeks for a short visit, or bless him and his wife; how about  once in awhile, when they are cooking for themselves, (excellent cooks); make a bit extra and drop it by another day; just once in awhile. Not looking for often, but once in awhile would be great and deeply appreciated.  They often mention making enough to freeze for later meals.  Guess I would have to ask and so hate to do that.

     I get it Ron.  I wonder;  sometimes I think adult kids hang back for fear of being asked to do too much if they put a foot into the water; and the worst of it may be that the boys are not comfortable taking care of Lou and are avoiding being asked.   And IF asked they may fear that too much will be expected more and more.  Don't know, would have to ask to find out.

     If you decided to write a non-threatening, non-blaming email and send it, would they then step up?  Something like, Name each one by their name: Neil, Michael, Jim; "I love you all very much and know you have lives of your own, so I have worked hard for us not to be a bother to you.  It is now important to let you know that Mom and I have reached a point at which we really now must call upon your loving kindness.  I do not mean every day or even every weekend or in big ways; but here is what would be very helpful . . . . and then list items that they could do to make a difference; even if is just a call.    If a specific need let them know.  Let them know that even a phone call would be deeply appreciated.  Then ask them what they feel they can be of assistance with for items you mention or if they have other ideas that they feel would be helpful. Being me; I would also add, "if you are unable to assist, please let me know; I will not blame, I just need to know how to move forward for Mom and myself."  Of course, ending with a loving, "Thank you boys' I think the world of you and know that you care about us too."  Love, from Dad.  May be worth a try.

    Thank you for thinking of me and thank you Sayra for the continued prayer.  I have been so very ill.

     Severe nausea, stomach problems to the moon and back; severe, severe fatigue and severe weakness; lightheadedness.  Discomfort on right side where smaller stone was, and it was simply basketed out - no laser needed on that side.  Unable to eat; unable to get a lot of water in; just awful. Unable to have interest in anything; no TV, no books, nada.   Went and saw my primary and had labs drawn.

     Found out yesterday that my Creatinine level is 1.7; I think that high end normal for female is usually about 1.1.   It indicates something is going on with kidney function which has decreased.   Startling.

    Primary MD and Urologist concerned; a CT of the abdomen is being ordered.  It is a severe taxing effort to get out of the house to the car to go anywhere.  What a weird and terrible feeling. Unable to do a thing due to weakness; walking to the bathroom from the bedroom seems like a marathon; using walker and really lean on it.  Now spending day on the bed in nightgown.  Just much more comfortable.   So wish I had someone here to be with me a bit now and then. My two friends who were close to me have passed due to medical conditions; other is having her own surgery and she lives too far away to visit anyway.   Have DH, but it is not the same and they do not always think the same as a woman; how I hate to ask for things to be done, he is not the most patient of persons .  Can now begin oral intake in small amounts as the nausea seems improved.  Had to get a prescription of Zofran to ease it.  Wish I had someone to cook little items and just to be here now and then to talk.  We have extra bedroom; thought about hiring someone, but it is SO expensive and do not need that level of help and hope I will not; also COVID concerns with an in/out person who has multiple clients is still an issue. 

     Worried; so want to get myself back and SO hope they do not find anything dreadfully wrong.  Gosh; before this, I was fine.  I have now vented to my dear friends: I am sorry.   I'm a bit lonely too, Ron.  Sure wish I could get my sheets changed and I am too woozy and weak to manage.   Will ask DH, that will be hard for his bad back, but no alternative .  I am worried.  Just want to get better.  

     Zetta; isn't it great the way Sammy is fitting in, what a precious little bundle.  Your daughter did good on that one.

     Beth; so many daylilies!  One of my favories.  Love them bright, soft yellow.  Wish I had some in our little back yard again.

     Judith; what a lovely link too the garden ideas.   I always think how lovely your home must be with your talents for decoration and art.   I see that link was to Southern Living Magazine. Do you suscribe to that?  If so, do you find it worthwhile to do so?  I have thought of subscribing, but am not sure.  Do let me know if you do.

     I must be getting off the porch now, I am very tired.  Please take good care and once again, thank you for your warm thoughts and your prayers.   I am deeply appreciative.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo., it was good to hear from you. Recovery road is hell, isnt it! As I read your post it was as if I was writing it myself about our children. I also have one son too far away and the other that stated he could come often means well, but always gets sidetracked with his own family. Seems like even grown grandchildren have their own circle that does not include us. Your suggestion on sending a note I have done and each of them had responded in a positive manner vocally but not physically. Guess at times I just feel sorry for myself, but life with Lou will go forward. 

    One reason I'm probably having anxiety/depression is worry of my own health. Bladder problems I'm afraid might have been caused by radiation treatment for prostate, stomach problems that could have been caused by the achalasia of esophagus surgeries, lung problems and sphincter muscles now not working and increasing pains from arthritis. I'm scheduled for ct/pet scan next month with follow up Dr. visits, so hopefully a lot of concerns will be answered. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, so glad to hear from you but so sorry you have been so ill. Hoping your next update is that you have more strength and energy and no tummy troubles, and that your lab work is all normal. I'm praying for you.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I'm here and ok.  Will post later on laptop.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    ((((Dear Jo))))))   I am so sorry you feel so bad I wish I lived closer so I could come stay with you. Maybe if you ask your Doctor he/she may have a way of finding someone in your neighborhood that could come help.  When Dan was in MC there was a few aides there that checked on people  at their homes during the day. I know how you feel about having people come and go with the COVID concern. If you both mask up maybe the help would be worth it. You can also check on Home Instead, they came and helped Dan and me while he was at home, not only do they help with the care they would also help with things that need done around the house and the cooking.  its worth a call.  You are in my prayers, pleaser stay warm get a lot of rest and eat and drink as often as you can. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Jo, I was so happy to see your post but very sorry to hear you're not at all well.  It will probably just take time for you to recuperate.  As we know, the older we get (not that you're old) the harder it is to recuperate from anything - just takes time and more time and lots of rest.

     I do think what we all talked about years ago would be so beneficial for all of us - that was living in a big community where everyone had their thing to do and everyone could take care of each other.  Of course that was whistling in the wind or whistlin' Dixie but think how ideal that would be for all of us. 

     Like Zetta, I was I was closer to both you and Ron so I could help.  It's hard for Ron to cope with his health problems and to deal daily with the problems he has with Lou and to keep her on an even keel.  Wouldn't it be nice for both you, Jo, and for Ron to have help, any help, from your kids.  But, as both of you have said, they have their lives but that still doesn't make them not helping you all right.  I've always wished that Charles and I would have had a boy and a girl - just think how much help that "could" have been when I was caring for him and now for me since I'm alone.  But, it would probably have been the same here. 

     Jo - do you think EBV might have returned to you and be a contributing factor in your fatigue?  I know when I had it, just it, it tired me to walk across the room and with all you've been through plus maybe EBV it would be awful. 

     I hope your tests turn out well - and, Ron, I hope your tests turn out well, too.  I guess when it really comes down to it, we are alone in what we do as far as caring for a loved one or for ourself.  Seems to be that way and it's a sad state of affairs.

     It's been a beautiful day here - cooler (upper 80s), sunny and just great.  I've been in and out a dozen times today.  I'm so glad I didn't hold my breath about getting the AC or I wouldn't be typing this now.  The time for them to come was between 10 and 12.   The time came and went and then after I called,again, it was 7 am. to 9 p.m.  I decided I didn't want someone here after dark that I didn't know.  So, called them and that time wasn't true - going to be next Thursday.  Excuses, excuses.  But, as you know my cell phone isn't working all the time (comes and goes) and I know someone called last night because I got the signal that a voicemail was left but, of course, I couldn't retrieve it so they didn't think I would be home for it to be delivered or some crazy thing.

     I tried to stay calm but after one call I had gotten upset enough my head began to hurt but it didn't last long.  On the second call I tried to not get upset (kind of managed).

     After all of that, I checked and found that crumb cakes I'd ordered from QVC had been delivered!  Where? They weren't here.  So drove down to the mailbox and the box was in the mailbox.  Got home and called UPS to complain.  Guess this was my day for complaining and I don't enjoy doing that.  Told the guy (Chris) who answered what had happened and he assured me he'd talk to the driver.  It was a new driver and he was probably cutting corners but they're not supposed to leave packages in the mailbox.  I did end up having a nice visit with him.  After I told him I wouldn't bother him again (I'd called twice to see what time it was delivered) and he said that was fine - that he was bored.  Turns out he said they have 44 drivers and so many have been, and are, out with covid so they're struggling with deliveries.  He said they aren't out long - maybe a week - really sick for about three days, then back to work and woozy.  He said he had the virus last year and was in the hospital for a long time.  Now, he has resulting kidney failure (only working about 25%) so he has to have dialysis three times a week and is on the list for a kidney.  He said many people he knows has had kidney failure after having the virus.  I hadn't heard that.  He seemed like such a nice young man so was glad we got to visit a bit.

     My cell phone is working - off and on.  I was able to make those two calls to him but that was all.  Last night I had a nice, long visit with Sandy but after that it quit working.  Judith, I put it in rice last night and took it out this afternoon and it worked for a little while.  It's charging now and I'll put it back into the rice tonight.  The new phone is supposed to get here on Saturday.  Guess I'll get another flip phone for backup - I can't be without a way to make a call if I need to - never know what will happen when it's necessary.

     The cow, Lucy, seems okay.  This morning I walked out to see the girls and she was coming through the gate (she looks sad) so we talked a bit and I checked her out - looking for signs Mike said would be there (they weren't).  So, hopefully all will be well.

     Zetta, so good that Sammy and Molly are friends - they'll be good company for each other.  Stormy and Sheena stayed outside last night - I doubt they got a wink of sleep because they stayed inside today and slept 95% of the time.  When Mike was here the other night, we could hear coyotes and/or dogs in the distance and Stormy barked off and on the whole time.  We laughed because a few years ago I couldn't get any dogs that would bark - and now Stormy wants to bark all the time.    Jo - he is a really nice man - to everyone.  Another vet over toward OKC has retired and now his clients are coming to him - he even had someone drive up from Dallas a few days ago for a C-section on their dog.  He's busy, busy, but still has the time to visit when he's here - never seems rushed but gets done what needs to be done in a hurry. 

     I'm tired tonight - just from waiting (hate doing that) and having the need to complain.  I'm well and I'm grateful for that.  Will be so glad when Jo and Ron are both well.  Sandy, hope your soreness is better and that your foot is improving.

     Other than all the above, nothing going on here today.  We're going to have very hot weather the next few days.  Weatherman says our weather should turn the corner to get cooler in a couple of weeks - about time, I'd say.

     I've been watching Chris Cuomo.  Saw that the LA School system has mandated that all eligible kids 12 and over have to be vaccinated.  Maybe this will start a trend in the US so things can get better.  Also President Biden has mandated that all Federal Employees have to be vaccinated.  I think that's very good - wonder what will happen if someone resists?  Guess we'll see.

      I'll stop and watch Don Lemon a bit, then go to bed.  Dr. Fauci is being interviewed by Don right now so I'll watch that.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm a bit tired now and I did not read all the posts. 

    I don't know why I'm tired.  I woke up this morning and thought today was Friday.  I got about an hour in, then heard the radio guy say "Thursday."  I thought it was a repeat program.   Then I did not see any notes in my journal for Thursday.  I finally checked my phone and, lo and behold, it was Thursday today!  Ha ha on me!  Now I have an extra day.

    Lorita, I don't know why you can't have local telephone service.  There should be some organization or agency that helps seniors.  I have found that there are resources for me, I just have to find them.  Of course Covid put the kibosh on a lot of resources so they are somewhat hidden now. 

    Ron, I was very lonely when my two closest friends abandoned me.  I was in a depression.  What got me through was posting with my fellow members, also visiting the chat room every evening for a few hours.  In those days, the chat room was always active and busy and the members were warm.  Eventually I was able to get out to senior activities.  I also reached out to other people that I knew, although less closely.  Keep posting here.  Post every day.

    You might think about inviting them to visit or just call  them.  Young people are self-absorbed and don't really know what life is like for their elders.  I used to be self-absorbed when I was young.  Now that I am a senior myself, I make it a point to keep in touch with my older relatives.  I think it's something some people just have to learn by experience.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita stress can definitely cause headaches.  Have a lot fewer headaches since I retired.  You have had a lot of stress lately.

    Posting here is a help to me too. Thank you for listening.   I have a few friends but they have their own lives too.  My one friend has two siblings that are very ill with cancer.  We call each other every two weeks or so.  We do text quite a bit more often than that.  Talk to my sisters some, but Covid has changed that relationship some due to some not having immunity.  Just changes your outlook when someone doesn’t seem to care if they can pass an illness to you that has the possibility of being deadly.  When politics is more important than your family.

    My one BIL is a federal employee.  Will be interesting to see what he does.  There are only nine people in our immediate family.  Right now four of us have some immunity , three from vaccination and one infection.  If he would get vaccinated our family would be over 50% vaccinated.  Don’t know if that will happen or not.  He is old enough to retire, or might change jobs.  Guessing though as time passes going to be harder to get a job where vaccination not required.

    Remember early in Pandemic seeing where people’s kidneys being effected but not hearing much about it lately.  Sad to hear that.  

    Hope each one has a peaceful day, thinking of you JoC

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, I am so sorry about the baby. Losing them is hard. But it sounds like you have a wonderful vet, which is a treasure. Not many left like that. I am puzzled about your phone situation…you have a landline, right? And your landline won’t make long-distance calls? I didn’t know they did (or did not) do that, I just thought it was part of the landline….we still have a landline, although I mostly use my cellphone. There is a wonderful independent “repair” guy near me who will help me with it when needed, without trying to sell me a new model or new plan or new insurance etc.  I am also sorry about your AC, it’s just hard to get service now. Is that Sears as I recall? 

    Jo, thanks for the update. Recovery is hard, and you had a major procedure. Just writing here sometimes takes a lot of energy. Then it also takes energy to find help, and help these days is really really hard to find. (I know it’s a cliche, but it’s true, at least in my experience). Even the agencies can’t find enough people, (some agencies like Home Instead here are not taking new clients) then finding one with initiative is another hurdle. I know some good aides who are already full time with some seniors, and they all have lists of people who want them when they’re “available”. I have had several in to help with DH and some cooking, light cleaning etc., but they all had to be directed for every step or move. Maybe they would have gotten better with time, but I just didn’t have the energy to provide that much direction. Kids just say “hire help” but it’s not that easy now. Who thinks about doing this until you need it? 

    Jo, would you be comfortable with food delivery? Or could you ask a neighbor or your child to pick up and bring food you order by phone? It’s not ideal, and you might not want it long term (as with hired help) but just to get through this, a little short term help may be worthwhile even if not perfect. I’ve so often thought the same thing when I hear kids talk about making  big batches to freeze…it would be so nice if they’d share with us! I need to ask more, not much to lose…

    I have also been making doctors rounds for various problems, and two of my docs in the last week talked about how they are seeing so many young people who had what seemed to be mild COVID, but a few weeks later, developed serious and unexpected health problems with kidneys and diabetes and heart. All had no prior signals of those diseases, they came on quick and big—after the COVID. The docs said they can’t prove it, but they all think it’s related to the virus. Of course all those young people were not vaccinated, they all said they didn’t think they needed the vax because “young people don’t get so sick.”

    Florida is a nightmare for the virus, and still no restrictions, although more businesses ask for masks now but won’t push it. But our Governor keeps pointing to how all the tourist places are full, doing best business ever, because no restrictions. I read sometimes people saying they won’t go to Florida now, but it’s a fact that more DO come and keep businesses full. I guess that’s all that matters to our government—that or making news on fast they can kill off the unvaccinated vulnerable. He seems to think it will be an overall benefit in the Republican Party presidential nomination…..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     The morning has gone fast.  Been watching to see the girls when they come down but it's such a pretty morning - cool with some wind so guess they're going to stay up around the MH for a while.

     I made another peach cobbler and have a fresh loaf of bread going.   It's a bit hazy this morning.  Weatherman said the smoke from the NW is drifting down this way.  Zetta, hope your air quality is better today.

     Iris, I do have local telephone service with my landline - it's the long-distance carrier I can't seem to get but that's okay.  Don't need it if I have a cell phone.  I kept my phone in the rice last night and it's working this morning.  I checked and the new one is supposed to get here today, then I'll decide about getting another one.

     Sorry you're tired - rest today and you'll feel better.  I hate a tired feeling and that's when I think of the most things I need to get done.   I'm going to finish up my taxes this weekend, then go to the store and get Gator gas and mail it.  I talked with the post master this morning and he's going to have our mail carrier put one of those mailing envelopes in the box for me today.  I thought I could get one that was prepaid but from what I see online they don't sell individual ones.

     Just heard the land line ring so went in to check someone finally answered.  He said "is this Mrs.......?" and before I thought I said "yes".  He then asked if I knew who I was talking with so I hung up.  Odd-sounding voice - not foreign, just odd.

     Sara, is your BIL vaccinatied?  Sounds like he isn't.  Do you think he'd be resistant enough to getting vaccinated to lose his job?  I just don't understand people not wanting to do something to maybe save their life or someone elses and not wanting to wear a mask.  I see some of those people on TV who are so resistant - what are they thinking?

     The man I talked with last evening still had a good outlook on life even though he is on dialysis 3x a week.  He said most of their employees are vaccinated and they wear masks when in contact with someone or when they're in the office and they only allow one driver in the office at one time.  Sounds like they're really trying but still so many of them who have the virus.   Does make me worried about deliveries though.

     Rescue Mom - before we got a cell phone we had a long-distance carrier on our landline but dropped it after we got the cell phone.  We can still make local calls but nothing out of our local area.  I could call Darwin or other neighbors around our town but nothing with a different prefix.

     It does seem like businesses are having a hard time even finding employees and the delivery time is so slow for almost everything.  I never seem to make a business call (to a company) that I don't have to wait several minutes and everyone seems to be working frem home.  If people don't start getting vaccinated and wearing masks this may go on and on.  The news just said we had over 2600 new cases of the virus yesterday.  One hospital in Tulsa has had so many deaths from the virus that they've brought in refrigerator trucks to use as makeshift morgues.

     Tried to call Jack a few minutes ago but no answer so he may have gone into town.  I wish he'd buy a full-sized refrigerator with a freezer compartment so he could buy frozen food.  They have a little one that probably doesn't hold much so he has to go every three or four days.  He could cook things in his slow cooker if he would but I've found what Patsy always told me to be true - he's a bit stubborn.  Hard to believe that she's been gone almost ten months.  And, I lost my sister a year ago this month - hard to believe it's been that long.

     Sara - you're so right about stress causing headaches.  Carol used to be a supervisor at the VAMC and she had fibromyalgia and was in a lot of pain.  Then, she retired, and it disappeared.  So, if a person can avoid stress, they're better off but things pile up and there is the stress.  But, seems like that doesn't often happen.

     It does help to post here and visit with friends we've made over the months and years.  I seldom see anyone except a delivery person - mostly through the door - and the vet when he has to come.  Rescue Mom - he is a really good vet.  I always feel confident that things will be okay when he gets here.  He's the only one in this area who makes farm calls and people come from miles around to have him treat their animals, large and small.

     Can't believe it's noon - guess I'll watch the news.  After I think the mail has run I'll go down and get it and see if the phone did make it.  Should take Stormy - I didn't yesterday and he pouted.  He lays at the gate and cries or barks.  I haven't taken him in the car or Gator the last few times and I need to.  I'm not driving the Gator any more than I have to because I'm running low on gas and don't want to go get any until I get the taxes ready to mail.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Jo, so hope you're continuing to improve.  Just be patient and you'll get there.  Post when you feel up to it - even just to say hello.

     Ron, hope you're feeling better today, too.  Looking for a post from you.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita,  I've had "do you know who this is" calls at least twice. I've said no and they would start a spill that it was my grandson and they were in trouble. The first time I went alone with it since my grandsons were only 5 at the time and I wanted to see how far they would take it. Bottom line they were in jail and needed bail money, so I ended the call with why in the world would a cop put a 5 year old in jail.

    Had a fun night last night! Thought I was going to get some rest: in bed by 9, up at 11:30 to pee, up again at 12:15 dog wants to pee, heard something at 1:30 and found Lou out of bed looking for bathroom, up again at 2:15 lou wanting to know if she needed to get up, same thing with Lou at 3:30 so I finally just stayed up and didnt here a word out of here after I got up. Gave her some medicine at 7 and tried to lay back down but she kept asking if she needed to get up so I got back up and she went back to sleep. When I woke her at 9 I fixed a big breakfast with scrambled eggs, biscuits, sausage and potato gravy and now I'm miserable. Why do I overeat! 

    My oldest brother turned 80 yesterday, I'll ne 75 the 24th and mom had two more in between and a younger sister that died after a few days.

    Hope all is well today.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron - because you were hungry and such a good cook so you couldn't resist.  Breakfast sounds delicious.  Charles and I used to have sausage gravy and biscuits.  Always looked forward to the time the 4H sold Blue and Gold Sausage. It's the best we ever had next to homemade.  Do you get Blue and Gold down there from the 4H?   But, you have to tell me - what is potato gravy?

     Sounds like you had an up and down night.  Hope both of you got a nap today.  I'm getting into the habit of needing one every afternoon - sometimes it makes me feel better, sometimes not.  I've had a headache today so didn't do much.  I made that loaf of bread - or the machine did and that was this morning.  Half an hour ago I remembered I hadn't taken it out of the bread maker.  I always take it out just after it bakes and rub butter on it to keep the crust soft.  I think it's okay.

     When Lou asks you if she needs to get up, could you tell you don't think so right now?  You kind of know how often she needs to go, so you can figure out when she really does need to.

     I got my new phone today.  Stormy and I drove down to the mailbox and then another couple of miles.  I know it made him happy to go.  Every time I get up and go to the door, he follows me.  I haven't gotten it activated yet.  I'd like to be able to remove the SIM card from the one I have and put it in the new one but one guy at CC told me if it had gotten damp and was put into the new one, it might ruin that phone.  I guess I can gradually add the contacts I really need.  I need to weed out the list anyway.  I think there's somewhere between 150 and 200 - some very old but most of them are numbers I do need from time to time.  I don't know anyone's number by heart.

     You played it smart on that phone call - I bet that sort of irritated the guy who called.  That's the first one I had gotten.  This afternoon I thought maybe it was my nephew but he doesn't know that number, only the cell number so guess it was a scam.  How do they get cell phone numbers anyway?

     Drove down a while ago and gave Rose Bud some feed, then tried to see all the girls.  One of them saw me give the feed to Rose Bud and here she came to help her eat it.  They are the most curious animals.  I saw/heard a little calf in the lot, then later saw the calf with that cow nursing.  Lucy is doing all right - kind of staying away from the other cows.  Maybe she's going to be like Billy the Bull.  He doesn't stay with them very much at all.

     It's been a warm day - upper 90s but the humidity has been in the 50s so there has even been a wind chill (can you imagine?)  Tomorrow it's supposed to be 100.

     I've been watching the world news - most of it about 9/11.  I remember watching that happen like it was yesterday - seeing that second plane fly into the building - still gives me chills.  A lot of the news was about the virus and the vaccines.  Seems that Pfizer is about 80% effective now, Moderna around 90 and J&J around 60.  I imagine we'll all needs the booster shots this fall.  President Biden really ruffled a lot of Republican Governors' feathers with his speech mandating vaccinations.  Can't remember how many States but Oklahoma was one of them.  Our Governor has seven or eight kids so you'd think he'd want them to be vaccinated and wear masks.

     It's already beginning to feel like night is coming - every day it gets a minute or two earlier.  The last two mornings have been wonderful - makes you want to stay outside.  I'll be glad for fall to come then, there's winter to dread. 

     Hope you're feeling better today, Jo.  Just take it very easy and don't do anything you don't have to.  Hope your husband got the bed linens changed.  That is one job that I don't relish doing but it always feels so good that first night, doesn't it?

     Ron, hope you have a better night and can get a good night's sleep.  You are the very best caregiver a person could ever want or imagine.  Lou is one lucky lady.   Happy Birthday to your brother - hope it was a good one.  You're still a youngster - only 75 - makes me feel like the old lady I am at 79.

     Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, do you have CALLER-ID? You need it, pronto!  I don't answer any calls that I don't recognize.  All calls go to my voice-mail.  Yesterday I got two calls about my Amazon account, which I don't even have.  These scammers even have the ability to made out-of-state or overseas calls look like local neighborhood calls.  Ugh!

    As a pediatrician, vaccinating infants and children was a huge part of my calling.  We kept children well by preventing as many diseases we could.  I felt very good about my work.  Now I can barely remember anything about vaccines.  Oh, well.

    Today, September 10, 2021, I now weigh what I weighed fifty years ago! I have lost all my weight!  Why did it take five decades?  Oh, well.  I'm slim again!  Hallelujah!  And my blood pressure is low and my blood sugar is low.  It's a great day.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Iris that is great.  That takes determination and self control. Congratulations

    Lorita my BIL is not vaccinated as far as I  know.  Just realized one of my unvaccinated sisters is a federal employee also.  For some reason had not thought about that.  She works for the post office.  She isn’t old enough to retire.  She is very political too.   She is very paranoid and conspiratorial.  It is so sad.  Wonder how they got there.  She was such a sweet sister when she was little.  She is 10 years younger than me.   

    Ron once in awhile I eat too much too.  Try not to as I hate that feeling.  Made biscuits yesterday too.  Guess it was the cooler weather for me.  Hot returns today though they say.  I don’t know what potato gravy is either.

    Hope to do the maintenance on the furnace at my mom’s house today.  Won’t go though til I see if my BIL (vaccinated one) brings my freezer today.  I never know til he shows up, but guessing it will be today.  He tends to do things early, so hopefully will work out.  Getting a small chest freezer as my friend and I are splitting half of a beef from a local farmer.

    Speaking of local farmers.  Would like to get some local potatoes too.  I know a source.  Question is how long can I store them without them sprouting.  Have a very cool pantry once weather turns cold.  Saw where it said to store them in cardboard box with a few holes punched in it and to be sure top covered so they get no light.  My pantry is dark.  Does anyone have any experience with this, or suggestions?

    Hope to make some buns this morning.  Made Brioche buns last time and will make them again. My nephew really liked the bun when I gave him a sandwich.  Nice to have time to make them.  Mine are much better than what I buy, in my opinion lol.

    Thinking of each and everyone 

    JoC hope this day is just a little bit better at the least

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Potato gravy is what my dad always made when we went camping. Of course his was from scratch and I'm lazy. Cube and fry potatoes, mix up some country breakfast gravy, add them together and pour over biscuits. Goes great with your eggs. 

    I realize I've been complaining a lot lately, so today I will just say....I LOVE MY WIFE!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, I used to keep potatoes in a small bin in my kitchen.  Occasionally one would spoil and develop a horrible stench.  If you put them out of the way, keep an eye out for spoilage.

    Today is a somber day of rememberance.  I'm a native New Yorker, and I still grieve for the attack on my city.  I had two cousins who worked at the WTC, one had not gone in to work that day and the other one escaped from the thirtieth floor.  It's hard to believe twenty years have passed.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     I received my new phone yesterday and just had it activated.  Didn't remove the old SIM card with my contacts because I'd tried and tried and could not get it out.  Even the rep. yesterday told me they're very hard to get out.  So, I'll add a few contacts each day - so glad I went to the trouble, and it was, to write down all of them. 

     They have a promotion going through the end of October - if you add a new line you get $100 back which is applied to the cost of the new line for 20  months so instead of $15 extra dollars a month, it would be $10.   She also mentioned something else that is a little box with antennas that you plug your land line into and it goes through the cell phone company and you have long distance.  That one is $50. with $15. extra (or $10) each month.  My landline phone is as old as the hills so may go the cellphone route.  So, Iris, I don't have caller ID but I don't answer the landline at all.  Everyone that knows me or any business has my cellphone number so it's a scam call or someone wanting to cell something if it rings.  I need to get some kind of little crossbody pouch to carry this phone in - don't want to lose it or get it wet.

     Iris, congratulations on your weight loss.  Now, time for a new wardrobe, right?  I'd like to lose another 20 pounds.  During the early several months of the pandemic I was losing weight and didn't realize it. Weighed and I'd lost 25 lbs. - guess I cut down on food thinking I wasn't going to be able to get any more.  Just kidding - I was eating all I wanted.  It's easy to put on the weight but not so easy to get it off. 

     Sara - Charles and I raised potatoes one year long ago.  That was after we'd had chickens and sold them so we still had the chicken house.  We dug the potatoes and put them in the chicken house for a while and some of the cows got in and ate all of them.  But, when I was growing up we always had several long rows of potatoes.  Daddy and I would always dig them on my birthday (June 21) and then we'd put them down in the cellar.  They kept all winter- because it was underground they didn't freeze and hardly ever sprouted.  I now have trouble keeping them for a very long time because they do either sprout or rot.  A week or so ago I put the ones I had left in the refrigerator crisper (maybe shouldn't have, but did).   I think just a cool, dark place is all right - but, don't store them with onions.  I've made that mistake.  I checked the zucchini plants again yesterday - no sign of a zucchini.  Can not figure out what was wrong - never had that trouble before.

     Ron - so if you have potato gravy, you have your potatoes with the gravy.  I do love, or used to love, gravy over fried potatoes.  I haven't eaten gravy of any kind in years but I'm thinking now of Chocolate Gravy!   You being a nice, Southern Gentleman, know about chocolate gravy, right?  We used to have it either for breakfast or as the last part of supper.  Just the chocolate gravy mixed in with some butter and either served over biscuits or broken-up biscuits turned over in the gravy.  My parents made it with water - I think most people use milk so it's more of a loose pudding.  This way it's a bit thinner and sooooo good.  There used to be a restaurant in the town close to us that had chocolate gravy on their menu - never tried theirs.

     Got out and saw the girls this morning - saw Lucy and she's okay.  I came up one short but didn't see anyone down anywhere - it's just so hard to count them as they move around and with all but three being solid black, one can be behind or beside another and you miss counting that one.   Then, went down to check where UPS might have left my catfood and sealant.  Both were in the mailbox.  UPS is not supposed to put things in the mailbox.  But I'm not going to call and complain again.  I did call Amazon to tell them I was going to drop my Prime membership because I had so much trouble with UPS delivery.  I had been told they only use UPS but the nice fellow said they also use FedEx (I have NO trouble with their delivery service) so from now on whatever I order should come by FedEx.  I mentioned I'd ordered a new shredder which should be delivered today or Monday by UPS - we'll see what happens with that.

     It was another beautiful morning - cool with some wind.  Fire danger is beginning to rear it's ugly head again - mostly west of Tulsa.  It's still green here so, hopefully, things will be okay.  There's a big tractor in our meadow - waiting to cut the grass to bale.  I feel better when the grass is short there but there's another quarter mile of pastureland along the road.  I don't worry too much about the south part of the farm because our neighbor bales his meadow that borders our farm.  I'll be glad when Ricky can mow some because the weeds are awful.  Maybe next year it'll be dry enough in the spring for a short time so he can spray.  Hasn't been able to the last couple of years.

     Sara - hope you get  your freezer today.  I'm thinking of getting a small one after I get the utility room floor replaced and maybe not having an extra refrigerator (having some trouble with the one I have out there). 

     I hit some key and one paragraph disappeared - I don't remember what was in it so guess that's all right.

     Jo - hope you're feeling a bit better today and your strength is beginning to return.  Just take it easy - we're here to visit when you're ready.

     See you all later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  Nice day here.  The smoke is gone and we might have a rain shower later in the day.  It’s supposed to be cooler for the next few days.  It was 93 here yesterday.  Seems quite warm for here this time of year.  

    Jo, I’m happy your surgery is behind you but so sorry you are feeling so down and not well.  I hope all your tests come back normal and that you regain your strength.  It’s so hard when we’re not feeling well enough to get up and moving.  I’m praying and sending hugs to you.  If I were closer, I would come and change your sheets.  Although I’m not the best chef, I could whip up something simple.  Lol. Take care and rest.  

    Lorita.  I am sorry you lost another calf.  That night was a true nightmare for you, the vet and the cow.  You are so fortunate to have a great vet who is willing to help day or night.  

    Glad your phone came and is activated. I’m sure you feel safer and more content with a fully working phone.  When I got my new phone, I didn’t have much trouble learning how to use it.  I don’t need many of the new features, but some of them are great.  

    I hope Sarah is doing ok.  I’m sure Todd would let you know if something major is going on.  Still a worry for you.

    Sarah, you’re getting set for winter.  Beef and your garden vegetables all frozen and ready when you need them. I bet the grass fed beef will taste great, and not as fatty as grain fed.  

    I’ve been wanting fresh green beans lately, so might go to the farmer’s market today and see if they have some. My Mom would cook a batch of them and we would have for a meal. She would finely chop a bit of onion and use oil and vinegar and salt and pour over the leftover beans and serve as a salad the next day.  I love that salad.  

    Zeta, after two weeks of smoke here, makes me think of you and how it must be at your house.  My eyes were burning, and I was sneezing a lot.  I hope the rains come and help put out the fire.  Your new kitten is keeping you busy.  I bet he’s a character to watch.  It’s nice your little pup gets along with him.  They’re going to be lifelong friends.

    Ron, you have a very positive attitude.  I hope your tests come out ok and that Lou has a calmer day today.  Your potato gravy sounds good.  I’m going to remember that to serve for breakfast when family comes to visit this fall.  They will love it.

    Beth, I hope you’re getting a break after splitting the bulbs.  That’s time consuming.  I need to move around a few plants this fall.  I planted tall plants in front of short ones in a couple places and need to fix that.  Always something to change.  I enjoy it and my flower gardens aren’t that big, so it’s manageable.  

    Iris.  Yea for losing your weight.  That’s not an easy thing to do.  I’m sure you feel great with your blood pressure and blood sugar low.  

    Hi to everyone.  I hope you all have a wonderful day.  I’m off to check on neighbor’s house and see if the flowers need watering while they’re out of town. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I would like potato gravy Ron.  Also like chicken gravy over a baked sweet potato.

    As long as I have my memory will remember where I was, where I was going when I heard about the attack on 9/11.  Know if I had a relationship with NYC would have been even more touched.  Also, always remember those who kept the other plane from hitting too.  They were hero’s.  What if they had only had to take a vaccine to stop more death, how thankful they would have been I imagine.

    A lot of potatoes I bought at store last year had black inside even though they looked good on outside.  But, I don’t want a bunch of stinky, sprouting potatoes so guess I’ll stick with a few from the store.

    Joan nice to hear your perky voice.  So glad you are feeling better.  Here people make three bean salad.  I have never made it.  I just cook one serving at a time.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Well, I did make the muffins - they'd baked and most of them are in the freezer. I freeze them, put them in a baggie and then can take out a couple in the morning and microwave them 20 seconds and they're ready for breakfast.  Had to taste-test a couple - Sheena said they were good.  Also realized I didn't have anything cooked to eat so cooked some farfalle and put cheese on it and opened a can of green beans.  Used to not like green beans but they're one of my favorite vegetables now.  The green bean salad sounds good.  Charles used to make a bean salad - used several kinds of beans, green, yellow wax, kidney, pinto and don't remember what else.  He used a mayonnaise-based dressing and it was so good.  I should have learned how to make it.  We used to make an English Pea salad, too - just finely chopped onions and tiny cubes of cheese with, of course, mayonnaise dressing.

     Joan - you sound like you're feeling much better and stronger.  I can tell from the way you post.  I think we've all posted together so long, we kind of know when one of us is not up to par.  I know Sandy can read my posts like a book to tell how I'm feeling. 

     I do feel better now that I'm not semi-isolated - hate that feeling.  I've already saved several of my contacts.  I know there's many of them I don't really need, just saved in case.

     Joan, just saw something sad on TV - I'm watching Planet Earth: The Blue Planet.  A mother whale and her calf were headed to the place they stay after them staying where the calf was born until it was big enough to travel.  A shark killed the calf after a big battle and she had to go on alone.  It can be a sad world.   The other night was a nightmare, literally.  We were actually to the point we didn't know what to do.  Mike kept saying the cow could get up if she wanted to and, thank God she did just before we were going to try to pull her out of the chute with his truck.  It was actually backed up to the fence and I had gone after a log chain when he called to tell me she was up.   Poor thing, she was so scared and in such pain.  We just could not get her out of the chute after she laid down.  We didn't have a cutting torch so were at our wit's end trying to think of something.  Then she wouldn't stand still for him to get the chains on.  But, thankfully, she seems okay now and next year will be better. Years ago when I was working I'd drive by a pasture with cattle in it and one morning I saw a cow standing by a little, shallow ditch with some water in it and her calf was laying beside the ditch.  I don't think it drowned, just didn't make it.  I drove by there in the morning and again in the evening and she stayed with that baby for three days - I guess until the owner discovered it and moved it.  Cows are really devoted mothers. 

     Years ago we had another vet who would come out at night if we needed him - and we have.  We began going to him when he first opened his practice -  him and another one close to the VA where we could drop off a dog or cat on the way to work.  That vet who made farm calls passed away when he was in his 50s, or 40s and then we started using Mike.  He's the only one in this whole side of the State who will make farm calls at any time.  We are indeed lucky to have him.

     I did a load of laundry and just took the clothes out of the dryer.  Have one more to go but that will be for tomorrow.

     You all were talking about where you were when 9/11 happened.  We were watching the Today Show when the planes went into the tower.  That next weekend we went to town and passed a big billboard that said "Texas first, then Bin Laden".  Texas and Oklahoma have a big football rivalry and they were playing that weekend.  I'll never forget that sign.  Really hard to believe it's been 20 years.  Iris, I can only imagine how horrified you must have been when that happened.  I also remember how quiet the skies were - didn't hear a plane or helicopter go over for days after that.  I think all the planes had been grounded.  Kind of eerie then and when we did hear the first plane fly over.

     It's 91 here today but our humidity is lower.  There is a haze from the smoke.  Zetta, I'm glad you're able to stay inside most of the time to be out of the smoke.  We've gotten quite a bit of it this summer - never smelled it but really could see the haze.

     I'm sure Todd would let me know if anything went wrong with Sarah - if he was there. Unless things have changed he's not home very much so just hope things are all right.

     This is such an interesting show - such odd-looking creatures in the depths of the ocean - hard to imagine things that look like that.  They say every time they make a dive they discover new things.  I wonder how deep the ocean really is - probably too deep to be measured, at least in places.

     I'll stop and watch the rest of this show - think I've seen it before but it's really worth watching again.  I remember many years ago I read a magazine called Argosy and it showed pictures of things they'd found in the ocean - I bet that was 60 years ago, probably more.

     Hope you all are enjoying the day.  Ron - you being a Louisiana boy I'd have thought you'd put Louisiana hot sauce on your scrambled eggs.  I like that or Pace picante sauce on mine.  I used to visit a family that had kids I went to school with and they also ate gravy on their eggs.  Had never seen that before.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, I just read your post from Thursday; I see you were not feeling good.  I hope you have recuperated a bit since then.  Rest rest, rest!  The body does amazing healing when we rest and give it time and space to heal.  Get well soon!

    I never heard of chocolate gravy.  I see from the internet that it comes from the Ozarks and Arkansas.  It sounds yummy.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Iris,  I had never looked on the internet about chocolate gravy but after your post, I did.  Most, if not all, of the recipes called for milk.  My folks used water and it said the recipe was changed in Eastern Oklahoma to use water.  I looked up the  recipe and it called for 2 C. of water, 1/2 C. sugar, 1/2 C. cocoa, 2 T. flour and a pinch of salt.  You bring the water to a boil in a skillet, then after you've mixed together the dry ingredients, you whisk the dry into the boiling water and stir it until it thickens.  Then when you serve it is when you add the butter.  Maybe I'll make some of that but, then, I'd have to make biscuits.

     I'm watching The Incredible Dr. Pol and would you believe it showed just about the same thing Mike had to do last week.  He worked for about 1 1/2 hr. but his turned out better resulting in a live baby.  I walked out to the barn after the girls came out this evening and Lucy was still in there, just standing in the hallway.  She's a bit like Billy the Bull, not always wanting to be with everyone else but she's still grieving so maybe that's what it is.

     Do any of you have a google account?  I was looking at some of the smart phones and it mentioned a google account you have to sign into.  I don't think I ever had one but I use it all the time.  Zetta, is you new phone really complicated and do you like it?

     Seems like it's been a long afternoon and evening but the morning went pretty fast - maybe that's because I was busier this morning.  I'm going to have to figure out something about the trash.  This winter I'm surely not going to drive down there in the dark in cold weather and I can't put it out the night before because dogs or coyotes would tear it up and it would be all over the road. Maybe I'll ask them if they have some kind of container.  I did notice one of our neighbors has put a 50 gallon barrel at his driveway.  Guess I could do that -I think there's one in the crib but it's probably full of wire and other things.

    Hope you're feeling better this evening, Jo - like Iris said, slow and easy gets the job done along with lots of rest. 

     Sleep well and don't let the BBB.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,    Yes I like my new  phone I am sure there are a lot of features I will not be using. I think I would get to mixed up if I tried. My daughter will be here in 2 weeks so I will just see if I want to learn anything else.  I agree with Iris I hope you have caller ID. I do not answer any calls if I don 't know the caller. I let it all go to V mail if it is someone I want to talk to they will leave me a mesg if it is a solicitor they just hang up. You hear so many times about how seniors get taken advantage of by taking some calls. I also had to put in all my contact numbers and like you I did not need them all. My old phone as along as I keep it charged I can still go in and get numbers. I still keep it charged so I can use it for reminders and notes and things like that. 

    I hope your AC gets there soon, the worst is probably over with the heat. From what I have been hearing and seeing the store shelves empty, things are just not moving fast, or not even moving at all.  Is it normal for a farmer not to notice a dead baby? I guess if they have a lot of cattle it may be hard to keep up with them all. Its just sad it was not noticed for a few days.

    Iris,   I hope your feeling of being tired has gone away. With me I go a lot and really don't know how tired I am till I have a day to crash then I really feel tired and take advantage of that rest day. Tomorrow is a day I do not have to be anyplace so I have my day planned out with my coffee and my recliner and Molly & Sammy on my lap. They may have other plans.

     Joan,    Its nice hearing from you and it sounds like your feeling better. The air here is still been pretty bad I have been having a sore throat. I have been taking allergy meds to help. Yes Sammy and Molly are keeping me pretty busy. I forgot how busy a 10 week old kitten can be. Every day he is finding something else to get into. Today I put a empty Kleenex box on the floor and that was his new toy he drug it around the house all day. 

    Good Night to All, Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Nothing to say.  Hope we all have a peaceful day.  Continue to think of you JoC and Ron

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning, a little cool earlier but starting to warm up. This time of the year its always cool at night and hot during the day.

    Lorita, Louisiana hot sauce is a must! Anytime your food is a little bland just put some lousiana hot sauce on it. When the food is good and you want it better, just put a little Louisiana hot sauce on it.

    Been a while since I cooked a good meal ever since Lou started complaining about not liking food I knew she liked and would make me upset to spend so much time in the kitchen and her act up. I'm going to try some shrimp gumbo for supper with garlic toast and see how things go.

    Hope all if you have a great Sunday and Jo I'm still praying for you during your recovery time.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    September 11, 2001 was my first day as a transcriptionist at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ.  Even at that time, we were remote, so I was speaking on the phone with my supervisor, who let me know what was going on and that she didn't have time to "train" me because we would most certainly be getting lots of casualties from the attacks since the hospital was about 60 miles away and to just type to the best of my ability all the dictation that was going to come in and we would "train" another time.

    So I was typing stuff, but none of it seemed acute or emergent-type dictations.  I had the TV on without the sound so I could monitor what was going on, but when the towers came down I knew that we probably weren't going to get the emergencies that had to go outside the immediate area because everyone else passed away.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's beautiful this morning, cool with a little wind, but.... supposed to be hot again this afternoon.  Fall is on it's way and it won't be long before we transition to jeans and sweat shirts.  I like the weather when you need to wear something on your arms.

     Sara, nothing going on here this morning either.  I emptied a litter box, swept the LR and kitchen (got enough GP hair to fill a pillow) and put away the clothes I washed and dried yesterday.  I need to go through drawers and get rid of things I haven't worn in a couple of years but, if I did, that would be the very thing I would want to wear the next day.  So it goes.    Also swept the front porch and steps.  I can't stand to have leaves or dirt on the steps - guess I get that from my grandma.  She kept the porches and steps swept and even swept the yard where there wasn't grass.  We've never had much grass in our yard because there's so much shade.  Charles and I laid big, flat rocks in front of our steps, back and front, and I sweep them, too.

    After I fed Tom and Jerry I did go out into the pasture to see the girls.  I'm trying to keep an eye on Lucy to make sure she's okay.  The vet wasn't able to put in boluses so I don't want her to get infected.  I found her pushing against another cow and she looks good so guess everything's okay.  I finally saw everyone.  Something was gaining their attention probably across the road because several of them kept looking that direction - probably a coyote going back to his den.  I didn't see anything.  I was standing by the Gator looking and something hit me in the back and pushed me forward.  It was the little bull (not so little anymore) pushing on me.  He's very friendly, too friendly, so got back in the Gator, then he decided he wanted to check out everything in there.  Finally had to start it to get him away.  Ron, I'm not sure if he's Little Bit.  He may be just a little older than him.  I'd like to keep him but not sure it's too safe because I do go into the barn with all of them in the wintertime.  Rose Bud was down by the pond, not in it this morning.  I was just outside and didn't see cow one so not sure where they went - probably into the barn or up to the MH.

     Ron, I make my own Ranch dressing and I always put a few drops of Louisiana hot sauce in it - same with tomato and vegetable soup.  I like it better than Tobasco because it's not quite as hot and tastes so good.  We always have a bottle in the refrigerator.   Hope Lou's doing well today and that you are in a better place within yourself - you sound good this morning.  You seem to love to cook so go ahead and make things you enjoy cooking and if Lou doesn't want to eat it at that time, you can freeze it and it'll be there when you need it.  You need to eat, too, remember.

     Dayn2nite2 - lots to remember about that day, isn't there?  Sounds like you started out in medical transcription just as I did.  The VAMC had something they called a dictapool so Karen and I spent some time there learning medical terminology before we went onto the wards as medical/ward secretaries.  After I got into the medical terminology I found it easier to spell those words than regular words. One thing I remember about Karen during that time - she was typing a history and physical or summary and the doctor mentioned Sitz baths.  Not being familiar with that term she thought he was saying the patient was to have six baths.  We never let her live that down.  Did you work in the hospital a long time and were you a medical secretary?  I was for about ten years before I transferred to be the secretary in Social Work Service where I was for over 23 years before I retired.  Sometimes I really miss the work and always the people.

     Zetta - my cell phone always shows the number or who's calling so if I don't know the number I don't answer.  If it's important they'll leave a message.  I don't answer the landline at all because anyone who would be calling on any kind of important matter uses my cell number.  I'm kind of thinking about a Moto E smart phone but I'd be using the flip phone anyway so probably not worth the difference in price.  I'd use it as a backup only.

     The rancher who owned the cow and calf was a vet who lived about two miles north of us.  He has since sold his ranch to Mike and retired.  The cow and calf were about half a mile from his house and I guess since he had other cattle in that pasture he just didn't go down and check - probably thought she was just standing there. That's one reason I like to get out among them almost every day and I do see them and count them at least once a day if I can.  In the wintertime they're usually around the hay so it's easier and I feed them grain every other day so see them before I let them through the gate.

     I hadn't heard that grocery shelves were sort of empty - haven't been to a grocery store since early June.  I order things from WM and do see that many of their items are out of stock and if I order many things, they seem to divide the order in at least two or there shipments - probably from different warehouses. 

     Hope everyone's well this morning.  Jo, I'm also sending prayers for you to feel better soon.  Maybe each day you feel a little better.  Just take it easy and you'll get back to feeling well soon.  We miss your posts.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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