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Just need to talk to my friends (156)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Thought it was time for 156 since we're having a hard time getting on the thread.

I had this whole paragraph typed and it disappeared - touched the wrong key, I guess.  Anyway, we have a new baby!!  She was born sometime during the night, just south of the house in the garden.  I looked that direction when I went out on the porch early this morning and saw her walking around - at first thought it was a coyote because I'd heard them about 5 this morning.  They were very close and Stormy and Sheena started howling like wolves - scared them away, I guess.  Hurried and opened and closed the necessary gates and drove up and told her to go to the house.  The mom's a heifer (first calf) and she went straight to the gate and through it with baby behind.  They're so cute keeping up with mom when they're so young, with little wobbly, crooked legs.  I gave mom water and hay and checked and the baby's a little girl.  Makes ten little ones and 50 head - finally got back to 50.

 I put the ingredients for a loaf of bread in the bread maker night before last and set it to bake so it would be ready when I got up.  Such a nice smell when I went into the kitchen - fresh bread baking.  Charles and I used to do that very often - always smelled so good.  Haven't eaten any of it yet.  I made a quick cobbler about noon using a can of fruit cocktail and it's really good.

 Sara, your cookies sound so good - they sound like they'd be like pinwheels - with a cookie base or bottom, marshmallow and then chocolate on top.  Glad you got some more work done today, probably.  Are your vegetables still going or have you pulled them up yet?

I drove the PU down to the mailbox late yesterday and things worked, off and on - weirdest thing ever.  I rolled down the windows, then couldn't get them back up but when I got back to the house, everything was fine.  So, this morning I drove it again about two miles.  Everything worked just fine.  I had a worrisome night - trying to decide whether to get rid of It and buy a new one (about $45,000), sell the girls and lease the farm or what to do.  So, now I feel better about trying to make it through another winter with it.  I did call the repair shop and told them - he said they'd checked everything they could think of but that it did sound like it's an electrical problem.  They may take it back in to check some more.

 Nothing going on today - just saw the girls coming out of the barn.  Mom and baby have been laying in the shade today.  I took another afternoon nap - have really gotten into the habit now.  Funny, when I go into the bedroom, Sheena and Stormy come in for their nap, too. 

 Ron, I hope the visit is going well and everyone's having a good time.  Rest and let them do some of the work.  Hope Lou enjoys them being there.  Again, Happy Birthday!!

 Jo - I'm also sorry for all that's happened to your granddaughter and her family.  I hope she's fully recovered from her cholecystectomy.  When I had mine, I came home in three or four hours and drove the PU that evening - never had any problems at all until the staples started itching. Are they going to rebuild?  With all that mud and muck it'll take a lot of work to get things cleaned up to the point they can rebuild.  Good luck to them.  Are they still out of power down there?

 My desk chair isn't high enough so typing is making my shoulder hurt so on that note I'll stop for now and figure out something different to do about that.

 Barbara, I have my tablet all charged up so plan on reading your book tomorrow if I can figure out how to do it.  I know it must be so good - love the subject matter.

 Shirley, so sorry about Bill.  Is he in a lot of pain?  Good that you have the motorized chair for him to use.  Be careful on your drive back to Florida.  It has been cooler here this week but it's warming up and will be in the 90s the next three or four days.  It usually gets cool here in mid to late October and I'm ready for it.  But, there again, I dread the winter if it's anything like last years.  Good to see your post.

 Jo - hope you're feeling better, too.  Recovery just takes longer than we think it will sometimes.

 Guess I'll get my booster after the 30th, probably week after next and go to the grocery store again.  Also need to stop by and get some more fortified grain for Rose Bud but I can do that in the car.  Just hope they can find that one little thing that's giving the PU trouble.  If I'm not going to run cattle after this and next year I really hate to pay that much for a new PU - if I can find what I want.  If I do get a new one, will probably get a half ton this time since I won't be using it much for hauling feed - but, I do love the feeling of driving a 3/4 ton - you sit up higher and there's so much power.  This has really been a good PU - not much work done on it at all and it's over 20 years old.

No wind blowing at all - bet the girls are in the pond.  Better stop and give the new mom some more water.  Did get in touch with Ray and he'll bring at least 40 small bales when he finishes baling.  I heard his tractor early this morning.  After that I need to get all the loose hay out of the crib.  Thinking I'll wait until they do the barn work, then put the loose hay in front of the cowshed door.   Always a few things to get done before winter.

 Enjoy the rest of the day.





  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Good evening everybody 

    The weather has been very nice.  Bought some mums and need to plant them.  Mums used to be called “hardy mums” and would come up every year.  They don’t do that anymore.  Lowe’s had $5.98 mums on sale for $2.00.  I got 4 yellow and 4 a rust color with a yellow dot in the middle.  Looks nice in my front flower garden.    

    Had an accident two weeks ago.  I was burning brush in my burning ring and I had some evergreen branches cut so threw them on.  They exploded as I was trying to light some newspaper.  I had my head down so the flame missed my face but singed my hair.  My bangs and sides of my hair were bad.  Went to my beautician and she trimmed my hair the best she could.  It is so short    I am wearing a wig when I go out.  I am so grateful it missed my face that it didn’t upset me too much about my hair.  I wear my hair short but this is short, short,short!

    My son-in-law  (Carrie’s husband)came up yesterday and we went out for lunch.   He is doing great.  He seemed at ease.  I know the feeling.   We went to the cemetery and put flowers on Jim’s gravesite   Carrie is buried in Louisville.  He puts red roses on her gravesite each week. Her favorite flower is sunflowers but he likes red roses. He was so good to her.  

    Just finished a sugar cream pie.    I love this pie.  I don’t buy one too often because I can’t leave it alone.  Got my house pretty much in order.  Need to paint one bedroom but not in a hurry.  Painting is not my favorite thing to do but love how much better it looks.   Need a new patio door. Hope to get it put in before winter.

    Have a great rest of the weekend


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Gold to hear from you, Judy, and to know you're doing all right.

    Sorry about your accident. You were v ery lucky it wasn't worse. We used to have cedars down by our entryway there was a fire and our neighbor said they exploded.

    I love mums. They're so pretty and bright when other things are turning brown.

    Be careful and come back soon.  N ot familiar with sugar cream pie but it sounds good.  . Glad you enjoyed it.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the book! Not a lot of people have read it yet, our post is sooo slow due to COVID, that those who have ordered from the publisher are still waiting. But those I have sold locally have all been enthusiastic. Makes me feel proud and so happy. Thanks again.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Yesterday was a dreary day.  Sun did come out late evening.  Did not do much.

    Shirley glad you are able to have rules in your resort and that people are cooperative.  That is very nice.

    Another precious new baby calf Lorita.  Glad it seems to be doing well.  The cookies are a lot like pinwheels now that you mention that.  Hadn’t thought about that.

    I still have greens, few peppers, carrots, a tomato now and then.  Slowly getting things pulled up.

    Judy I’m very thankful that your face did not get burned too.  Things can happen so quickly.  

    I must have inherited hardy mums.  There were two here when I came and the bloom every year.  One is white and looks like the typical mum.  The other is a purple color and it gets around three feet tall.  It blooms very late though, so doesn’t get to bloom a real long time.  You may already know this, but in case you don’t, you should not cut mums off til late in the spring. This helps keep them from dying out.  

    Had never heard of sugar cream pie either. Looked it up on Google, have never seen one around here.

    Think the sun is suppose to shine today.  Put a roast on before I went to bed.  Might make a loaf of bread.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Barbara, I've begun to read your book and I  love it!  It's the kind of book you don't want to put down once you've started reading so I can see why Shirley finished it in one day.  I have a 30 day feed trial on Kindle - never used it before but I like reading this way.I was born in 1942 also - isn't it great to be 79?  Hard to believe I'm this old.  Yesterday I took the PU for a spin and when I got to a corner to turn, met another PU wanting to turn up the road I was on.  So, I turned the other direction and let him go through.  After that I thought about what he must have thought of me - I hadn't combed my hair and when I get up it's standing straight up.  He probably wondered why I looked like that.

     Sara - I love mums, like I said before.  Maybe when I go get my booster shot I'll stop in WM's garden center and get a couple.  I usually do and sometimes they come back the next year -  most often don't.  One year when we were in KC at a football game we bought two huge ones at the Market - I think they lasted a couple of years.

     Enjoy those cookies today - they do sound just like pinwheels, which I dearly love.

    The baby was  jumping around this morning - legs have straightened out.  I'm a bit worried that mom doesn't have enough milk.  She's a nervous, new mom so hard to check - did get hold of two teats and just a squirt of milk - but, baby keeps trying.  I've thought about giving her a bottle but I'll see what tomorrow brings - maybe more milk will come down.  Baby is persistent and I don't want to stop that.  She wags her tail some when she's nursing so she's probably getting some milk.

     Got some frozen pancakes out of the freezer, fixed my butter and syrup (I mix it together) started back into the LR to eat - the cats were making noises in the bathroom so went in and - guess what - another, little snake in the corner by the sink and tub.  Cats had it cornered so got out the grab-it and got it outside and took care of it with a shovel - it won't be coming back in.

     I checked really well - didn't see more, then checked where I'd "fixed" the place.  One piece of stuff was out so put that back in.  I'll try to get that sealent in - not today, don't want to be laying on the floor right now.

     It's fairly cool right now but supposed to be in the mid 90s today and tomorrow, then somewhat cooler later - mid 80s. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Hard to believe it's almost October (my favorite month of the year, although somewhat sad after all these years).  Sara, wish we could get a wet, cool day.  They are predicting rain the rest of the week after Tuesday so maybe we'll get some.  Most of our State is in drought conditions now - hate to have that in the fall.

     Someone mentioned mothballs to get rid of snakes.  Maybe I should order some and put them where I think they've been coming in - in addition to the sealant - surely wouldn't hurt any.

     Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jjust called Jack to see if he's okay.  He is and he told me he got his first vaccination..  Got it at his doctor's office.  . We go to the same doctor so  I bet he talked him into it..  I know it makes Jack feel betterabout being  .around people

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita glad Jack got his first vaccine.  Hope he gets his second one too.  My friend who is still working told me she has saw a lot of people who only got one shot.

    Think I might go Tuesday and get my flu vaccine.  That way when J&J is approved for second shot I will hopefully be good to go get it.  I believe that will happen, may be a bit yet, it will become a two shot vaccine also.

    Beautiful day here.  Just sitting on the porch.  This is my day to rest.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I think he will, Sara. He stressed first shot and told me when his second one is due.Maybe more people will finally do the same.

    Rest and enjoy your day.  You work so hard all the t so you deserve the day to rest

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, watching Chicago and Cleveland playing in Cleveland.  It's beautiful and sunny.  Are you South of Cleveland or Columbus?

    Barbara, I'm reading your book and watching football off and on n.  I,'m so enjoying it and can relate to a lot of it although different names if things and animals are different.  Sounds like you had a wonderful childhood.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    I’m south of Cleveland and north of Columbus
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, a while back you asked about a good way to keep potatoes. I have some in my crisper that have been there for three months and are still good. Just baked one for supper and thought about your question. I'll keep them there from now on.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Family is gone and now trying to get back to normal. It's harder with Lou for awhile but it will get better. I did overdue getting ready for them and was sick all day Thursday.  It helped that they showed up when I was getting bedding out of dryer and had help making beds. Will start washing tommorow!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, glad you had a nice visit.  You need to rest some. Put the dirty laundry in the washer and let it go for a couple of days out of sight, out of mind. Hope Lou settles down soon.  Is your weather warming up again?    It was 92 here today.

    Watching a rodeo from Salinas, Calif.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi Lorita, 

    I did suspect that you would recognise a lot about the farming, and I have also noticed that we use different names for the same things. But basically farmers are the same the whole world over, aren't they? We all respect and care for our animals, and sometimes love them. [notice I said 'we', I still think of myself as a farmer, though I've been away for more than 50 years.] I know Dad loved his Hereford bullocks. But Mum was much more doubtful. A breeder once asked her  'Isn't that a beautiful cow?" 

    Mum, having just finished the morning milking of about 100 cows, and knowing she was going home in the afternoon to repeat the job, just snorted. She had her answer ready.

    'There's no such thing as a beautiful cow!" she told him. But she too respected them, and treated them well.

    Good reading


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Barbara cattle have always been one of my favorite animals.  Find their curiosity fascinating.

    Hope each one has a nice day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Still reading and enjoying, Barbara.

    Just came back from the mailbox. Drove the nPU and everything worked except no air comes out when you turn on the nfan.  It's really hot with some breeze.  Everything is looking so brown and grass is crunchy.  Guess all of Okla. Is this way so praying for rain.

    Zetta, how are you haven't seen a post in a few days.  Hopeall  is okay..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Been a busy evening.  I've watched the new baby, Tina, today and haven't really seen her nurse so decided I'd see if she'd take a bottle.  Got the mom into the lot away from Tina and tried - no go.  She's thin so thought I'd see if I could get the mom into the chute and check to see if she has milk.  Got her in but she went through the headgate - partially anyway.  She got stuck and I couldn't get her to back up - she seemed wedged in.  So, called the vet.  He was working at the clinic, about halfway through surgery but said he'd come when he finished.  About half an hour later I looked and she was out.  When he got here he checked the baby and agreed she was pretty thin (she's three days old).  He said it looked like the cow had some milk.  Asked if what I saw was white or yellow - it was white so he said the baby got some colostrum - it's yellow and sticky. 

     He suggested that I feed the cow more to see if she'll give more milk and try to give the baby a bottle morning and night.  Said if she was hungry, she'd nurse.  So, probably will have to go in and get some more feed this week.  My six months are up on the 30th so maybe Friday I can get my booster.

     While he was here he gave Sheena and Stormy allergy shots and pills to take this next week.  They've been itching like crazy even with the Vectra so this will help.

     Barbara, it's hard to put down your book.  I read a few pages, do something else and get right back to it.  I think I've figured out that bullocks are what we call steers.  Took a while but I think chookas are chickens?  So right about how mean a sow with pigs or a boar can be.  When mother was carrying me, a boar (they were raising hogs) got out and was after her.  She kept a planter between them - daddy was plowing way down in the field but saw what was happening and ran all the way to the house to save her.  Those boars are ferocious.

     Enjoyed reading about milking, too.  My parents had a small dairy when I was very young, under five.  Not many cows (Jerseys) and they milked them by hand - mother, daddy and Lorita.  I was too little so I watched.  Then separated the cream and sold it.  They fed the skimmed milk to the hogs mixed with shorts.  I can remember watching daddy mix the milk and shorts together to make a not-too-thick mixture.  Did your parents feed coal to the hogs?   Mine did.  We used coal to heat back then and when it got down to just little pieces daddy would feed it to the hogs to give them minerals.  I loved to hear them eat the coal. 

    The family of some of the kids I went to school with had a dairy and I'd visit with them.  Interesting to see how they put on the milking machines and take care of the milk. 

     You're so right - a farmer or rancher - is the same in so many ways no matter what Country they live in. 

     It was day before yesterday when the cats alerted me to the fact there was a little snake in the bathroom.  I got it out but guess they didn't see me take it out.  Yesterday it was so funny to watch them.  They'd sneak up on the spot where they found it - they'd be all stretched out and very careful.  They were looking everywhere - got me kind of jittery. 

    It's been pretty warm here today and will be tomorrow but they're still promising some rain later tomorrow night and the rest of the week.  We're in better shape right here than most places.  The vet says out where his parents lived people were beginning to run out of water in their ponds (they didn't get nearly as much rain as we did).  But, our grass is rapidly turning brown and crunches when you walk on it. 

     Typing in the front bedroom (office) - going to have to figure out some way too make my chair higher because it hurts my shoulder.  My back has really hurt today and I don't know why.  Otherwise, okay.  Hope all of you are, too.

     I'll be back tomorrow.   Sleep well.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I have been having a busy week. My Daughter came and brought her kitten, it was time for her kitten to go to the vet for her final kitten exam and it was time for my Sammy to go for his second vet visit. Then we like to go 2nd hand store shopping we went into St Vincent's and I got a nice front room set of furniture. So between her and I we packed it all home and moved it in and took the old out. Except for the couch my Son helped us with that.  My Daughter went home yesterday and I have been resting today. I really miss her I wish she lived closer. She lives 4 hours away. 

     Lorita,  Congratulations on the new baby, it seems like you have had a lot of new ones this year. It is nice you got your PU back but it seems to have a mind of its own.   

     Ron,   It is always nice to see family come but you always need to rest up after they leave. I am glad that Lou enjoyed their stay. That was a good idea that Jo had about leaving the folded up clean sheets on the end of the bed so they could make their own bed. 

     Sara,  How long after you got your vaccine can you get the flu shot? I am thinking of getting my flu shot but I am not sure how long I need to wait after my vaccine shots. I hope you are getting some rest.

    Barbara,  Congratulations on your book. I don 't read much my mind wanders too much to read. I have my TV on most of the day for background noise. I have a wandering mind its hard for me to concentrate  on anything for long. I have been this way most of my life. 

     Jo,   I hope your starting to feel better and getting your strength back. I miss your postings.

    We finally got some rain today and we are suppose to be getting rain for the next few days. It is so refreshing to watch and smell the rain. The people I pet sit for are leaving for their winter home in Texas, they will be leaving Saturday  I will miss that little dog till they return in May 2022. I will be going to their house to keep the dog company while they tend to all  their last appts and things that need to be done before they leave on Saturday.  

    Take Care All, Good Night, Hugs, Zetta 

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    You are right,  We call them steers, but only until they are 2 or 3 years old, then they become bullocks. And folk in town call them chickens, in the bush we call them chooks.

    Didn't see coal until I went to boarding school, far away from home. We did feed the pigs with crushed grain mixed with the skim milk. What are the 'shorts' your family used?

    Any more questions?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Hope Tina gets to eating better for you Lorita.

    Interesting about the hogs and the coal.  My grandparents heated with coal.  They did raise a hog every year for meat.  Can remember them feeding them what they called slop.  Basically it was just a mixture of a bunch of scraps with a liquid which I’m not sure what they used for the liquid part.  Don’t know whether they fed them any coal or not.  My uncle that just died would have known.  If I can remember will ask my cousin when I talk with him in a week or so.

    We have very little family left.  My cousins family raised hogs too.  He will probably know if they fed them coal.  

    People are the same everywhere.  Watch several You Tube channels from different countries and that is one of the things that fascinates me.  At the same time there are differences too, but in general we are alike and like the same things.

    Zetta that is nice finding furniture at thrift store.  We have a hospice sponsored thrift store that has nice furniture at times.  The other thrift stores not so much.  The majority of my kitchen is from thrift stores.  

    Dr Fauci says it is perfectly fine to get flu shot in one arm and vaccine in other at same time.  Hope to go get my flu shot this morning.  Can’t get my second shot unless it is approved.  Seems like it should be at some point here.

    Was very warm here yesterday.  Believe it is suppose to cool back down today.  Got a lot done yesterday, Cleaned and mopped.  Made both my mom and myself a pot of stew and froze hers to take to her later in week. Got a little more work done outside.  Hopefully will be able to get more done today.

    Got some tomatoes again the past few days.  That was nice as I was down to one. Attaching a picture of my tomato and carrot harvest.  The best carrot harvest I’ve had. Harvested my bag of carrots I planted in spring, they are the orange ones.  Have a five gallon bucket and a huge flower pot that I planted in July.  Realized that I had not thinned them out enough so did that and they are the purple ones.  Won’t harvest those two pots til probably late October.

    Hope everyone has a nice day, take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, your carrots look great! My MIL used to raise them. Hers were stubby, not long and slender and I didn't think they tasted very good. I am raising some this fall for the first time. I think your way of growing them, in a bag with looser soil, is probably the way to go. 

    Zetta, good to hear from you. Glad you got some new furniture. What did you do with the old? I know you will miss the people and dog you pet sit for. Somehow, I think they have the right idea for dealing with winter: leave. lol  I have wanted to do that but with pets, one being an outside cat, it's difficult. Who would feed my cat for 3 months??? And how much would that cost me? And could I trust the person to care for her properly?

    Ron, hope you enjoyed your company. I know it does tire you out but it sure is great to spend time with family. Hope you are feeling better and more at peace. I know life is tough when dealing with a PWD as well as one's own health issues.

    Jo, it's always good to hear from you. Hope you are on the mend. From the tone of your last few posts, I think you must be improving. I am so sorry for your granddaughter and her family! Sad.

    Lorita, a new baby! Yay! Hope she does well. Take good care of yourself; you have lots of irons in the fire!

    Judith, hope you are doing well and enjoying your art. How is the house renovation coming? 

    Barbara, sounds like your book is getting rave reviews! Congratulations, quite an accomplishment.

    Have a good day all!  Beth

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Congratulations on the new baby - how many is that for this year so far?   You will keep your herd going, that is for sure.

    Lorita, have you thought about getting that flooring fixed before winter sets in?  That and the leaking pipe.  I do not think you have to over worry about the repair guys since the weather is warm and doors and windows can be open and you can wear your good K95 mask, stay in the other room AND insist that the worker(s) also wear a mask.   They will not be there forever; just long enough to get the job done.  You will be fine as you are smart about the masks and open doors and windows; you can do it, really.

    Sure would like to see that you have that AND the snake entry area fixed soon.   If you get all this addressed before the solid cold weather and winter freeze hits, you will forego having to do something on a possible emergency basis later when the situation is not so fortuitous in freezing weather.   You could have a much more peaceful feeling with those items being addressed; that flooring has gone wanting for a long time - don't want you to accidentally fall through.   (Psst, shhh; don't tell anyone, but we are not getting any younger and we need to do what needs doing before we cause ourselves any further trouble that is avoidable. )

     I will be getting my flu shot this week - I get the old lady extra strength flu shot as recommended.   I will wait and get my COVID Booster for two weeks after - I sometimes tend to get nasty post flu shot reactions that can last almost a week; if I get both shots the same day, I will not know what vaccine I am having a reaction to if I have one.  It takes two weeks for the flu shot to kick in - we had Moderna Vaccine, so I am assuming it will be several weeks anyway before the Moderna Booster is approved.  So the timing seems about right.

    Zetta, how terrific to have your new living room furniture - what did you get in that group?  Color?   Bet it feels nice to have it set in place to enjoy.  Great find.

    Sayra; look at the size of your carrots!  Hurray!   My grandfather grew such beautiful vegetables in his huge veggie garden; his carrots were awesome - long and lovely.  I remember him pulling them out of the garden for me, rinsing off with the hose water and giving them to me to eat. Delicious!  I also love eating peas right out of the pods while standing next to the vine.  So good - I always think that if the color "green" had a flavor, it would be the flavor of the just picked peas.  Never seen or eaten a purple carrot before - how different do they taste?

    Oh, Mr. Ron; please take good care of you -  give yourself some rest time.  Put the sheets inside the pillow cases and let them wait for you to feel better and do a bit at a time so you do not exhaust yourself any further.  Dear friend, this is NOT the same as the days and years "before."  Before years are in the mists of the past and we need to honor the way we are now - DRATS!!!!!  I really want the old me back but I cannot find her anywhere.   Sigh.  Truly do give yourself some rest space, you have already had yourself become ill from overdoing - we really want you to be okay, so treat yourself well dear heart.  Time for you is important.

     Omigosh, wouldn't you know - I went to use the bathroom last evening - and that was the time the doctor called to discuss my CT Scan and I missed him - honest to gosh; wouldn't you know it - he will call again today.  Have to laugh; of all the things . . .

    Time to get going, it is 7:00 am, breakfast today will be a cup of yogurt with some cereal and blueberries mixed in - yummy.  (And of course a nice cup of Stash's, Earl Grey Tea - decaf.)  Stash decaf tea is really great quality - xlnt. flavor in the Earl Grey.

     Good day wishes for everyone,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I need to start listening to my front porch friends! Up this morning washing, cleaning, fitting clean sheets on beds, making breakfast and washing dishes. Have a dishwasher but like to clean dishes the old fashion way and use the dishwasher for a drying rack. Once I finished I sit down and started crying. Either the harmone shot caused the emotional outbreak or just upset I cant do everything I want to.

    I was a city boy growing up but spent enough time with country kin to know about country living. Slopping the hogs; a bucket was always out back for table scraps and when the hogs saw you coming with the bucket they almost got on top of each other to be the first to the trough. 

    VA appointment tommorow and I will be trying the other neighbor for Lou. 


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    It’s been a very busy few weeks, I’ve had a hard time catching up with everyone.  I finally said goodbye to Illinois and now I’m in Virginia.  Such beautiful scenery.  I can’t believe I’m seeing mountains in every direction.

    The Monday before leaving, my foot slipped off my Sandler and I broke a bone in my right foot.  My left foot hasn’t healed completely from my fall.  I had to go for a X-ray.  The doctor gave me a big heavy boot to wear.  Very difficult to clear out a 60 year collection of life.  I had a few tears leaving.

    Congratulations on the new baby, Lorita.  I thought about Sara while we were driving thru Ohio.  Sara, you’re are a master gardener for sure.

    Phone ringing, take care everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It's been a good day on the farm today.  I went out early with a bottle for Tina.  She didn't want anything to do with it but after at least a dozen tries, she took the bottle and emptied almost all of it.  Hard on the back but worth it.  You have to get them between your legs and hold onto them with your knees.  Ninety-nine percent of the time they'll slip through to the point you  have your knees holding their neck, then try to get the nipple in their mouth and get them to suck.  There's no feeling like the one you have when he starts to nurse.  She was hungry although I'd watched and saw her nursing her mother with her tail wagging.  Her little stomach was full when we finished.   Now to do it again this evening.

     The allergy shots Mike gave the GPs did the truck - like turning off a switch.  I haven't seen either of them scratch since they got their medicine last night.  Also was able to get their pills down easily today.

     Sandy, glad you got your move made and are settling in.  I can imagine how different the scene is for you and I bet the air smells different, too.  Probably will let you sleep a lot better, too.  Hope your foot heals quickly so you can get out and enjoy the new place.

     Barbara, lots of questions but I can only think of one now - what's a chocolate frog?  Must be similar to what we call turtles - caramel and nuts covered in chocolate.  I was busy this morning and took a nap this afternoon so haven't read much today but I'mm remedy that this evening.

     Jo, I'm planning on getting the new floor put in and the barn cleaned and repaired either in October or November, whenever Shaun can do it.  It's not a water leak in the pipes but in the drain pipe and if I don't put a lot of water down the drain too fast it's okay.  I think all it needs is some kind of tape around the connection.

     Ron, we nevee learn, do we?  If you're like me, you want to do one more thing, pull one more weed, and it turns out to be too much.  Rest.  Slopping the hogs - we always had a slop bucket on the back porch, too, and they did look forward to it.

     Barbara, I think the shorts were just grounded up grain.  It was a sandy color so I'm sure that's what it was - hogs really loved it mixed with milk.

     Zetta, glad you had a nice visit with your daughter and new furniture to boot.  A lot of our furniture came from a consignment place and we have things mother had in her house, too.  Sounds like Sammy is fitting in like a glove.  Does Molly still like him?  I know you're missing your daughter - you need to get back to Gunsmoke - lots of good ones on the last few days.

     Sara - your tomatoes and carrots look really good.  I've never eaten purple carrots either - do they taste the same?  I've been racking my brain trying to think of a kind of carrots we always saw advertised but never tried but would probably have done well here in our soil - Danver's Half Long.  It's kind of a shorter carrot, about 4-5" long and the same size all around - no pointed end.

     I know there was more I wanted to write but my shoulder is hurting so I'll stop for now.  Be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Didn't do as well this evening- only got almost half a bottle down and her legs seem wobbly.. Bothers me.

    Jo, we've had nineteen babies since last AugUst but nine last year.  We have ten little ones now. Maybe no more until January

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions


    We got some more rain today I am so thankful for that things have been so dry around here. We also got some snow in the mountains not to far for us, it looks like winter is on the way. I am still trying to get used to my new furniture. I had the other furniture for 20 years and it was pretty worn but very comfortable, so I have moved things around and I keep moving things around and probably will for a week till I find someway I like. 

    Sara,   I enjoy thrift store shopping. I always seem to find something I like. I could spend most of the day just looking around the store. I also plan on getting my flu shot in a few days, and hope to get the booster around the end of October. You carrots look Yummy.   

    Beth,  My furniture is pretty old and the arms of the couch showed where my old cat clawed on them. My son has a friend who may just take the couch and tables to have for his garage. If not then to the dump they will be going. I know how hard it is to find someone who you can trust to pet sit especially for 3 months. I have been pet sitting for 15 years and I have turned most of the jobs over to my son I am not able to go and come as often as I had been doing. In your case for 3 months and a outdoor cat that would be a good job for a neighbor to do. 

    Jo,  The furniture I got was a couch a loveseat 2 pole lamps and a end table. They are kind of a dark olive green, but I have blankets on them because I allow Molly and Sammy on them. I may move them around a lot of times before I really find a place I like them . I guess I am too old to get something new. I guess its because I allowed my daughter to put things where she thought they looked good at, Well shes gone now so I will start moving things around.  

    Sandy,  Is nice that your move is complete, it must be hard when having to move that far. Now it is time for you to get some rest and stay off your feet give them a chance to heal. Enjoy your new home. 

    Lorita,   I bet you love feeding the baby Tina,  and the comfort you must feel when she drinks it all. I hope her legs stop wobbling. Is that not normal for a baby?  Yes Molly still likes Sammy they both are crazy. They chase each other from one end of the house to the other. I am glad the vet cut Sammy's nails I was afraid he would scratch Molly's eyes. We got a new cable system in our town so I had to hook up to it. I now get INSP and today I was watching Gunsmoke, with Chester and I was surprised to see how young Matt and Kitty were. I also watched Wagon Train and I love Wagon Train. So we will probably be watching the same Gunsmokes each day now. 

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Chocolate frogs are treats made for children. Everyone loves them. Now they make some in the shapes of other native animals as  well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita believe my orange carrots are Danvers half longs.  Raised them in a 5 gallon bag which isn’t as deep as a five gallon bucket, so thought a shorter carrot would be better.  They have good flavor.  The purple carrots are pretty but they are strong tasting.  Will not raise that variety again.

    Hope Tina eats well for you this morning.

    Your sink leaking problem sounds exactly like what mine was doing.  They replaced the seals and it is fine now.

    If nothing happens I get my new garage door Thursday afternoon.  

    JoC seems you are slowly getting better.  I sure hope so.

    Ron had forgot about the hogs climbing on each other’s backs to get to the slop, but they did.

    Sandy hope both of your feet heal up nicely.  Know it is a bit of a process.  Glad you are enjoying the mountains.

    Did get my flu shot yesterday.  Asked her if they would have J&J available for second vaccine when approved.  She said they are suppose to have all three.  So good to know where to get it if it gets approved.

    Got quite a bit more cleaned up yesterday.still have several tomato plants.  They have green tomatoes on them and I just can’t make myself cut them down.

    Take care everyone

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, I was thinking about you this weekend… I got of bed Saturday and could barely walk, one knee would not bend nor bear weight. It swelled up in hours and was incredibly painful. I did the absolute minimum. Kids came Sunday to help. I was immobilized by day’s end. I could make it to the bathroom, very slowly and painfully.

    Doctors are 98 percent sure it’s a torn miniscus. Young people get that in sports or working out, doctors said. People my age….”stuff” happens when you get to be my age, they said. No fall, no twist. It just happened.  MRI slated later this week.

    It did get better. I’m told that sometimes a tear allows tissue to get in a bad place that painful,  and sometimes—if you are lucky— that tissue will move again or work itself out on its own. The ortho says they can tell from the MRI, but I am very lucky it got better.  

    Of course it was weekend, although good in that the kids were not working. Bad in that it took some time, and effort on their part, to be here.

    Anyway, I was thinking “what would Lorita do”? I bet she’d get her critters fed! I’m pretty sure I could not have done that. I needed help that day just to move. And it happened with no warning whatsoever. I had no idea I was going to be immobilized, so could not exactly “plan ahead” except that we live near many people who can come in emergency.

    DH of course cannot do anything and was largely unaware I was unable, (although he noticed I did not fix his preferred snacks).

    Anyway, it’s a lesson for me, and the kids, and notice of how we all need to be prepared because things can go bad in an instant, and help is not always available quick.

    DH is scheduled for his Pfizer booster tomorrow afternoon. I tried to get my Moderna booster, but was told I cannot yet, without being immunocompromised. I hear a lot of people just lie about that, but my pharmacy knows me, and I’m not willing to go someplace else and lie….I did get flu shot at least. 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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