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Just need to talk to my friends (156)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, your furniture sounds really nice.  You said some of your old furniture  had claw marks on it - you should see the wing-backed chair I like to sit in - looks like it has fringe all over it - also from the cats sharpening their claws - as if they need to.

     I'm not good at arranging furniture.  I get it one way and that's it.  Charles would get upset when I moved things around and now Kitt knows where things are, so they'll stay that way.My sister was very good at arranging things and I envied that.

     I also love to shop in thrift stores.  When we'd go to Tulsa, we usually went to Goodwill - always a good selection of everything.  I'd head for the glassware - my weaknesses are pitchers and bowls and I usually found something to buy. Sara seems to have very good luck at finding good things.

     Glad you got some rain. I was awakened  this morning by thunder.  Didn't know if it was raining or not but the phone range just after that.   It was Mike on his way back to the Clinic from a farm call near Muskogee.  He called to see if we were getting rain.  He said it was raining really hard where he was driving - about seven or eight miles east of here.  We ended up with half an inch - but east of here they got up to 4".  He said there was no grass in that area and the ponds were drying up so glad they got it. We still have a good chance the next couple of days.

     He asked about the baby and was a bit concerned that she was wobbly late yesterday.  I had two year old milk replacer in the refrigerator - in it's sack - and in a plastic bag on the bottom shelf.  Something had leaked and the sack was wet but hadn't gotten through to the milk.  I was afraid it was bad but he said you could smell it if it wasn't good.  Made me feel better.   This morning Tina took three pints (3/4ths of a bottle) then straight to mom to finish.  She isn't wobbly this norning, thank goodness.

     I've done outside work this morning - feeding her and her mom and Tom and Jerry, then drove to see the girls.  Since the rain I wasn't afraid to drive in the dry grass.  Saw everyone - all the babies were laying down after their morning bath.  By the way, you should have seen my jeans after feeding Tina - she was wet so my pants were soaked - that's all right.  I've been thinking about some chains I had on an old creepfeeder so drove up and took them  off.  It was old and I had it chained together in four places.  They were easier to take off than I'd thought they would be.   So, another job done.  Felt much better, mentally and physically, after I got back inside.  Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with everything so a good morning's work outside always helps - or just sitting in the Gator watching the girls - both things do the trick foe me.

     Sara - don't pull your tomato plants - they'll continue to ripen until frost.  Years ago we were in Arkansas and stopped at a roadside stand.  They had loads of green tomatoes (just with a touch of white).  We bought quite a few and I put them in a wire hanging basket in the kitchen.  Kind of forgot about them and one day I walked by and they were all red.  So, before your frost pick them and they'll continue to ripen - or you could have fried, green tomatoes - very good.

     Rescue Mom - so sorry about your knee - hope it continues to improve.  Do you think you slept with it in an odd position that caused the problem?  I wake up sometimes with mine turned the wrong way and can hardly move it.  I have bad knees anyway - doctor has mentioned knee replacement a couple of times but unless push comes to shove (and it'll have to be a hard shove) I'll not have it done.  Hope the MRI comes out good.  You're right - feeding and taking care of critters does come first - if I can wiggle it'll be done.It's the same with all ranchers - feeding and checking them comes first.

     Sara, glad you got your flu shot and found out about the booster.  I called our Health Dept. yesterday to see if they were giving them.  They are and I'll need to make an appt. when my six months are up - which will be tomorrow.  I'll try to get it next week and my flu shot a couple of weeks later.  I need to go into town to get feed for Tina's mom and Rose Bud and a few groceries.  Not sure I want to do it all the same day though.

     Thanks for all the congratulations on the new baby.  She's a sweetie and strong.  I'll try to get a good picture of her for you all.  She's black, black just like her mother - but most of them are black, sometimes dark brown when they're born.

     Barbara - those are the cutest little frogs and I bet they're delicious.  Did you notice that someone on the forum has an avatar of a little frog that looks like them except hers are different  colors.   I bet the kids, and grown-ups, really like those.  Still reading your book.  Interesting that homes down there have porches on all four sides or at least three sides, of the house.  Is that for ventilation - for the cool breezes to blow through?  I was reading a while ago about doing your laundry and the different tubs and hanging out the clothes.  Before we got a washer and dryer we had to go into town to the Laundromat and they had four tubs.  I liked to play in the tub that had bluing in it - always cool and such a pretty color.  I can remember hanging out clothes on the clothesline and having to prop it up with a stake to keep the clothes off the ground.  Also remember hanging them out in the cold weather and when we'd go gather them in, they'd be frozen stiff if the weather was cold.  I dearly love the smell of sheets and clothes that have dried in the sunshine. 

     Guess I'd better stop - time for a nap if I've seen the Waltons.  Zetta, glad you're getting INSP - lots of good westerns on it.  You know Matt, Kitty and Doc got better looking as they got a little older, didn't they?  Have you noticed in those old shows - Bonanza included how harshly they talked? 

     Sandy hope you're settling in good and that your foot is much improved.  Don't you love the smell of mountain air?

     Back later.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    We are having a beautiful day it rained last night and today everything looks so fresh. Its only 66 outside but the sun is shinning. More rain tonight. 

    Rescue Mom,    You are so right we do need to plan ahead for caring for ourselves. I am lucky I do not have a spouse to worry about just myself. I am glad my son lives with me not that he would be a good caregiver because he works but at least he would see that I am not alone.  It is nice that your kids came to help, I hope your knee is getting better. 

    Lorita,   I also am not a good furniture arranger. I am still moving things around it might take me a few more moves before I am happy with what I see. I also agree the towels and sheets off a close line have a real good smell, I miss close lines but even if I had one I probably would not want to get out and use it. 

    I agree that Matt, Kitty and Dr. looked a lot better as they aged. It could be that the older shows are black and white and the ones in color give them a younger look. But you really can tell that they have aged. 

    I do hope you have a plan just in case your laid up for a day of two,  just like Rescue Mom said you would get your critters fed anyway.  Hopefully you have a backup plan just incase. Its good news that Tina legs are not wobbly, you are a real good MaMa to all your babies.

    Sara,   Its nice you got your flu shot I will be getting mine Friday. Then I will hopefully get my booster by the end of October. 

    Take Care all, I will back tomorrow, Hugs Zetta      

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    New sitter and Lou worked out great while I was at the VA today.  She did ask me if I could make a list of things she could do around the house that it was hard for her to sit around doing nothing. I told her anything she saw that needs cleaning she was welcome to do it. I did make sure she knew that Lou needed to be aware she was close by but anything she did would be a help to me.

    I slept till 6 again this morning, now that's twice this has happened in a week time.  I know it's good for me to rest for a change but still worries me that all of a sudden after early rising for years that I stay in bed 2 or 3 hours longer than normal. 

    I will be taking Lou to have her 2nd shot tuesday and believe we will eat out afterwards. There is a little restaurant close to where were going named Shawn's and they have the best dinner special with chicken fried steak covered with gravy, blackeye peas, potatoes and cornbread. They also have the best homemade pies around and when there in season you cant beat the strawberry pie. I'm making myself hungry just talking about it. 

    I hope all have a restful night.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again,

     Zetta, I really don't have a backup plan - there's no one to back me up.  I guess I could call Mike and either he or Toad would feed the cows - I'd most likely be able to feed the GPs and inside cats.  Don't even want to think about it.  But, a couple of years ago when I had that pulled muscle and EBV Mike filled the creepfeeder for me for a couple of months.  We'd work it out somehow.  He has cattle west and north of me so one of them is in this area every other day.

     Glad you got some rain and hopefully will get more.  Toad lives two miles east of me and he got 2.5" so the rain was very spotty.  A town east of us got 4" but I'm thankful foe the half inch.

     Ron, so glad the new sitter worked out and Lou liked her.  Now is your chance to have some help.  If she sits with Lou while you need to be gone, make that list - have her change the beds and whatever things you have to do that tires you.  She's offered and said she'd rather be doing something than sit.

     There used to be a restaurant around Tahlequah that had chicken fried steaks as big as your plate with gravy and potatoes.  I never had it but Charles did and he said it was delicious.  We have a little restaurant in this area called The Boomerang.  They have ham steaks as big as your plate and pancakes just as big. 

     Mike called to see how much rain we got and he said lightning struck one of his cows this morning and killed her.  She had a 400 lb. calf on her but he said the calf would make it now.  He has lost several head the last few years from lightning.  He said she was out in the middle of the pasture when it hit her.  I've heard of cattle with horns that were close to a fence being killed by lightning strikes - if their horns touched the wire.

     Went out a while ago to feed Tina and she was in the west paddock with her mom.  Got her up and you never saw such running and bucking she did.  This afternoon I went out and got her up and she nursed a long time so maybe mom is letting her milk down now and having more of it.  I got Tina in the lot and tried to give her a bottle but she wasn't interested so she's getting milk from mom, too.  Tomorrow morning I'm going to let her mom out to graze and keep her up - mom will come back.  I didn't mention it but I have a sore spot on my shin where Tina kicked me yesterday.  Those little calves can kick so quickly you don't have time to dodge.  He asked about her again so he was worried, too. 

     Zetta, I like Gunsmoke shows with Chester much better than with Festus.  He just does too much of that hillbilly talk for me - but I watch anyway.

     Hope all of you have a good night's rest.  Ron, good that you're sleeping longer.  I'm doing the same thing.  I used to get up at 5:30 but now that the sun doesn't come up until after 7 I'm staying in bed until 7.  Maybe it's the change in the weather - couldn't be our age, could it?

     See you all tomorrow.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear friends on the porch,

    After reading recent posts, I was wondering if you each have considered getting some type of medical alert device for the just in case time you are unable to make a call out due to accident or injury?

    I have been looking into them for my mother who is my dad's primary caregiver.  Dad would be unable to make a call himself if anything happened to her.  Any of you in the same situation may want to consider this too.

    If you are mostly in your home, the ones with the fall alert and auto dial out to get EMS as needed seem to do the trick.

    However, if your day takes you out of the house it doesn't help much.  They have some which require cellular service and have GPS so that help can locate you.

    Anyone else have one they recommend or been checking them out?

    Lorita, you particularly come to mind seeing how much time you spend out doing heavy chores and tending to the herd.

    Of course my mother reminds me that I do live alone...she doesn't think the cats would be able to dial the phone for help...lol.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Rescue Mom hope that knee gets straightened out without too much ado.

    Lorita glad Tina seems to have turned the corner.  

    Plan on bringing the tomatoes in when it gets too cold for them outside.  Would like to get everything cleaned up before it gets that cold but I just cannot cut down nice looking tomatoes.  They are so expensive at the store and not that tasty.

    Moms wanting some more apples.  So will run out to the orchard this morning if nothing happens.  Might get me a small bag of apples.  Want to make a little apple butter at some point.  It froze really well last year.  May wait til some later apples come in though.

    Ron glad the new sitter worked out.  Lorita May be right that you’re sleeping longer because of it staying darker longer in morning.  That will definitely cause me to do that if I don’t set an alarm.  I set an alarm because I want to be ready to go if I don’t hear from mom.  Get up and get cleaned up for day but since it is not getting light near as quick I go back to bed for a bit after I talk with her til it is lighter out.

    Marie I live alone and have wondered if I should have some type of medical alert system.  Guess I feel like I’m too young and don’t want the bill.  My mom needs one, my sister and I were going to split the cost.  She refused it, told me she would not allow it in the house.  Oh well

    Door company is suppose to install my door this afternoon.  Looking forward to that, hope I’m not disappointed.  They have a good reputation, so hopefully.

    Zetta I’m terrible at arranging furniture.  Find a way I’m happy with and there it stays.

    Hope each one of you has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, are you having any trouble with your kidney stones?  Also wondering about the house you bought have you started remodeling yet?  Hope it goes well.

    Using tablet so will be back later.

  • GMcG
    GMcG Member Posts: 10
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments
    Barbara,  I read your book and really enjoyed it.  I live in So. California and our climate is similar to yours so I recognized many of the plants that you mentioned.  I had never heard the prickly pear story.  My husband and I were out in a rural area in San Diego yesterday and I noticed how invasive the prickly pear cactus was along the roadside.   Eucalyptus was imported to California to use as railroad ties.  It was soon discovered that they were too brittle  for that use but were used as wind rows to protect crops from our hot dry Santa Ana winds and are now used for landscaping.   Out of the trade of prickly pear for eucalyptus I think we came out the winner .
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I woke up to thunder and lightning, and then precious rain this morning. It rained hard for about half an hour; we got 1/2". We have been in drought for a year. You wouldn't believe how low the rivers are. We are about 10" below normal for this year. I read an article today about the decreasing water levels at Lake Mead, and it's very disturbing. We are not near there (we're in Iowa); there is a lot of drought and then again, flooding elsewhere. Regarding Lake Mead, : "Lake Mead is the largest reservoir in the United States and part of a system that supplies water to at least 40 million people across seven states and northern Mexico. It stands today at its lowest level since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president. This means less water will be portioned out to some states in the 2022 water year.

    As of August 22, 2021, Lake Mead was filled to just 35 percent of its capacity. The low water level comes at a time when 95 percent of the land in nine Western states is affected by some level of drought (64 percent is extreme or worse). It continues a 22-year megadrought that may be the region’s worst dry spell in twelve centuries."

    Our 45th anniversary is this Saturday. Today we celebrated by going out to lunch. Ron had chicken spiedini and I had chicken scarpetta. Yum! My chicken dish was a grilled chicken breast served with broccoli and carrots sautéed in tomato sauce.  Then, we went to a garden store and bought some potting soil and some compost. The compost we'll put in our raised beds where we raise veggies. I do make my own compost, but I cannot make enough. The potting soil is for potting up my elephant ears and bringing them inside over the winter. 

    We ran errands yesterday too. We went to a church member's home and picked up a name and address list-I'm part of a prayer group that prays for and sends cards/notes to persons with illness or personal issues. Then went to Starbuck's and got an iced pumpkin spice latte - Wow, was that ever good! Then to Bath and Body Works to get some items. I mask up; most don't. I am happy to have my KN94 mask that Sara told us about. 

    Just heard "breaking news" that there is a large police presence and a medical examiner vehicle at a rural area an hour away from here. In May, a young boy disappeared from maybe 20 miles away from that area with his bicycle. Have to wonder if they found him.  Pretty sure they must have found a body or the medical examiner wouldn't be there. Sad, sad, sad. 

    We went and got our flu shots yesterday. No side effects but a sore arm. I'm anxiously waiting my ability to get my third vaccine - I got Moderna, so waiting....saw some speculation on Twitter that it might be available in October. Time will tell. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Plan B is not for something that allows  you to have someone do everything outside for a couple of days.

    It is for a fall that puts you in rehab for 3 weeks with PT following. Someone will have to open and close gates, count heads, buy feed and feed, deliver babies and bottle feed. That is what you need to have in place. 

    Now re snakes. They have no thermostat so they have to warm up artificially either by sun, warm rocks/logs or coming inside. I would try steelwool.

    No further problems with the ol' kidney and I am actually getting used to water in place of Root Beer...almost up to 50 oz per day.

    The chocolate frogs look like frogs...the turtles not so much.

    Sandy...I know you are not happy but do take it easy to let those feet heal.

    Rescue mom...you are so right. Things can go south in the blink of an eye. It makes us think hard about the what if.

    Apples...my neighbor in Santa Fe had some apple trees. She would call and we would get out the ladders and pick. Then we peeled and cooked and ate all of it. It was beyond wonderful.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Kitties:  If you Google, "Consumer Reports medical alert devices" - you will get multiple fairly recent articles from Consumer Reports Magazine regarding ratings of medical alert companies, what to look for, and many "how to's,"  really lots of good information in multiple articles and so much I never would have thought of. Our Judith is a person not only of great artistic and design skill, but she is also a person of good common sense.   Judith is correct regarding a, "Plan B."  This is SO important. Lorita, you will be 80 years old this year.  Lord love a duck; we are all getting so "mature."  Sigh.  You have so much on your plate; some of it putting you at very real risk.  I cringe when I think of you lifting and moving those 200 pound sacks.  Not good.   IF something untoward should happen such as an illness or injury or even an unforeseen need for surgery, how will your ranch manage if you had to be "out" for weeks or even a month or so?  This is the big piece that is missing and really would be a good idea to address before a crisis hits.   It would be best to have a safety plan for yourself and the ranch.  (Sorry for my poking in where I do not belong. ) I know; that is me - big mouth.  Lorita, I really sincerely care about you and do have concern about your being "out there" without a way to communicate should something bad happen with an injury or other unexpected event.   I so want to feel that you will be buttoned up nice and tight before winter weather hits with necessary repairs taken care of and that you will have organized a Plan B person or persons to assist and even manage the ranch if you cannot do so for awhile.   If hospitalized, this becomes even more important as you would not have eyes on the place and then there is recovery time at home.  Since one is going on 80, it would be good to have some winter help lined up - there is bound to be a way to do this; a little search with the stores and professionals should be able to help find services whether individuals or actual businesses. I know; none of my business, but we really do care.   Good idea of Judith's for steel wool in the crevices where the snakes have been coming in - I never would have thought of that, but I am one who would have been limping down the road fast as I could hollering for a service to come "fix" the snake issue.   Yep; city girl. Sayra, still wishing you were my neighbor so I could see your garden and watch how you develop your approach to the planting needs - you are a amazing at all of this.  Y'all come visit next door - I will make the tea and cookies and get the easy chair fixed up nice and neat. Great talent you have; you are a natural!' Oh Rescue; I am so very sorry for what has been happening with your knee.   That is dreadfully painful.   I of the two really bad knees certainly understands.   Sure wish I could have had surgery for replacement, but alas.  One simply learns to adapt whether one wants to or not.  Am hoping this continues to heal fast for you and that it stays well. Judith, 50 ounces of water - glug, glug, glug . . . my urologist has me drinking best I can, but the lowest amount expected is 64 ounces per day and better at 70 plus.  Oh my stars and garters!  Has me limping to the bathroom so often it is like someone is paying me to do it.  Causes me to have to wake up at least once in the middle of night and then not able to get back to sleep.  Life was different before, "stones."  Now in mode of prevention.  Once having had a stone, well; one continues at higher risk for more and more and . . . . ad infinitum!  Big water intake for rest of my life.  Hope your stone can pass easily and will not need assistance. Zetta, may you soon find a comfortable setting for the new furniture.  I kept sliding furniture here and there after moving and when getting new - when it feels right then it IS right no matter what anyone else may think. Mr. Ron - what a wonderful outcome with your new neighbor helper, that is awesome.  Now; have you put any money or valuables in a lock box or a locked closet?   No having to second guess anything that may slide sideways and not knowing for sure.   Your new helper sounds awesome . . . . getting someone is one thing; keeping them is another - treat her like gold and let her know how much she is appreciated.  Even a small gift now and then in addition to her wages, like some candy, or a baked good or a mailed appreciation card will help the bonding process. That Lou accepted her is wonderful; may this continue to be a blessing for you. Spoke with my doctor yesterday; he said he prefers his older patients get the flu shot mid-October so that it continues to be effective to the end of the flu season in May.  He said he does realize that it is okay to have the flu shot and COVID Booster at the same time, but he continues to be a little uncomfortable and prefers at this point in time until more data is in, to have a few weeks between the two.  He is young enough and good at what he does and is very up to date; I find myself agreeing with him.   Will go for flu shot next week though, then when Moderna gets approved for their booster, there will have been enough time . . . . really feel the booster is necessary.  Just too much breakthrough going on and though uncommon, even some breakthrough deaths.  Still masking like crazy and if out in public, will double mask.  Was in elevator at doctor's office the other week and a woman got on . . . she had a mask but it did not cover her nose . . . could not help myself; I had to open up my big mouth.  Mentioned to her that her "mask had slipped from protecting her nose which is the primary place to get or dispense the virus . . . " She said it was okay as she had been vaccinated . . . AAAARGH!!!!  Oh person of little knowledge . . . . guess she has not heard of asymptomatic breakthroughs.  Simply kept quiet and so glad to get off the elevator at the next floor.  Gads; never used to have to worry about that. Hope the flu vaccination and masking helps us all to not get influenza this year; that would be awesome.  When more, "mature," it really becomes even more important. Had a wonderful week with weather in the mid 70's, but we are hitting the high 90's and low 100's again - summer is hanging on as tight as can be and does not want to let go.   We are in such a drought; we sure could use some rain.  Our best month for rain is February, so we are a long way off.  It looks like we may start getting some water restriction soon.   It is a different world out there. Going to let my hair grow out a bit.  Been short during the summer, but I would like to try a bit of change.   Since I stopped tinting since the beginning of the pandemic, it is now white (which surprised the dickens out of me), and that makes such a difference.  I now have to find different color lipsticks and even different colors for clothes - I had medium brown hair with highlights and the colors are not the same and it makes me look washed out.  I do not have a lot of clothes, it is just a few things I want to make some adjustment to. And all that gold jewelry - now looks odd; should be silver . . . geeze, beeze Loueeze.  I'm not going anywhere; just noticing.  Had to chuckle; I did not want to have ice cream, but sometimes something nice and cold hits the spot. Husband bought, "Luigi's Real Italian Ice." Calories 100 for a six ounce cup - BUT when I read the nutrition, it had 26 gms of carbs and 20 gms of sugar in those little six ounces.  Tasted good, but yikes!  Don't think so.  It was not like a popsicle; it was creamy, but that is a lot of sugar in six little ounces.  Tis 8:30 pm, time for me to get winding down.  Sweet dreams for everyone tonight; morning will find us soon . . . . J.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth sounds like you had a nice day.  You are so industrious, I get tired and ready for a rest from it all.

    Made an apple crisp. Like them because I can make an individual one.

    Got my new door yesterday.  They did a very professional job.  So nice to walk out into garage and it not be pitch black.  I am very pleased.

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So glad you like your new garage door, Sayra - isn't that great?  Was it the big main car access door or a regular person walk in door?  I remember when we replaced our big double garage door; it felt so good to look at the new one; we have decorative windows in it at the top and it does indeed lend light.  We had an automatic garage door opener put in and it has a big light in it, so that is also a real blessing.  Also put in some lights in the top of the garage which has been nice.

    We always have our cars inside the garage . . . and an upright food freezer, and a trash can, and storage, and tools . . . . . and, and, and.  Heaven help us if we had a three car garage; we would find ways to fill that too.  Have shelves and cupboards around the sides, but they could use a good cleaning out for stuff we just do not use.  DH does not like to get rid of things and as it is, I have big bins of small children toys up in the rafters and refuse to get rid of them; they are unique and maybe some day we will have great-grandchildren come and visit . . . guess I should not hold my breath on that one.   Still . . . shame faced me, I also have several big woven baskets of children's story books - won't get rid of those either.  Keep them in the guest room.

    Got some takeout lasagna last night from the, Olive Garden.   Also some Pasta Fagioli soup for today.  Love the soup.   Lasagna was heavy - not used to that.  First takeout food since the pandemic started.   I know that food is not supposed to be a risk, but my inner self still feels a bit off about that.  Best to reheat food when getting it home - what if someone sneezed on it or whatever . . . . silly me for sure to imagine stuff not in fact.

    Judith, our artful friend; what colors are you finding good with white hair in a fair complected person?  I am at a loss and am not willing to go out to department stores as yet; will have to do a lot online.  Nordstroms makeup folks are so nice and they will mail out samples and work with you on the phone from home.  As for clothing; well, I am a larger than regular size and it is not easy finding clothes that fit well online or from catalogs - so much ordered online has to be returned for poor fit or other reasons.  Now need advice on color for a person who has none of her own.   Gads; sounds like I need a Mommy!   Oh heck; I AM one.  Alas. 

     So much on the news about toy shortages for Christmas and one needs to start shopping now, now, now!  Good grief.   We have no one to buy toys for, but I feel bad for all the upheaval for others - it is good to have children who do not feel "entitled" but who are grateful for whatever Santa might bring.

    I remember as a small child wanting an easel blackboard from Santa . . . I wanted to play school and pretend I was a teacher - it seemed magical to me to have the blackboard with chalk and a real eraser.  I sent Santa the letter asking for the easel blackboard and dreamed of it every night when I went to bed.

     Well; Christmas morning arrived and I jumped out of bed running into the living room to see my new blackboard Santa had left . . . . .  BUT . . . . . no blackboard!  What?   Wait . . .  there was a letter from Santa Claus.   He wrote he had only one blackboard and two little girls had asked for it.  He said he was sorry he did not bring it to me, but he had to decide . . . . I had a Mommy and Daddy, and the other little girl who got the blackboard did not have a Mommy and Daddy, so he felt she needed it more.

     I thought for a second or two and then decided it was absolutely fine . . . . I felt heartened and really delighted for the other little girl and was glad she had got the blackboard and imagined how happy she must be.  Little did I know that my parents could not afford to buy me that gift, but had left the note that helped me to accept what was.  Really sweet and thoughtful of them.

    Too much mercenary about Christmas today and it really kind of spoils things if we let that into our lives.  I love, love, love Christmas.  Always took my vacation at Christmas when kids were home so I could bake and bake and wrap and wrap and get the house all warm and jolly.  Several gatherings and dinner at our house and games to play and music.  So much fun to watch everyone enjoy.  Really tired afterward; but that was how so many wonderful memories were made.  Just people laughing and eating and being together.   Together - not so much this year but we do that out of love too, protecting our Loved Ones as well as ourselves.  That gift is wellness and life; what better gift can we give to others we love and care about.   (Well, getting vaccinated if not already done - that is a gift to oneself as well as for others; that is a blessing on many levels.)

     Time to go and drink some more water - oh joy - wanna join me Judith?  Glug, glug, glug and gulp.  I actually write down and track on a divided 3 x 5 card how many ounces I drink each day because I am far too good at fooling myself.  I use a five ounce glass and two makes ten ounces; so I watch it begin to add up and know when I am doing well and when I am lagging. Don't want any more stones, that is for sure.

     So off I glug . . .


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Jo, I have a 32 oz. Nalgene BPA free plastic water bottle. Fill it up and drink it; fill it up once more and drink it - and if you want to drink > 64 oz, could you have a sparkling water, flavored water or club soda with a meal?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Well, I got into town early this morning. Called the feed store and told them what I wanted so they've have it ready and I wouldn't have to go inside.  So much better to do that and faster.   Stopped at the drive-thru pharmacy and got my prescription - it only cost $1.18.  That's the smallest check I've ever written - so I'm fixed for another 18 months, I hope.  The pharmacy and grocery store are in the same building and I noticed how many cars there were in the parking lot - busy, busy.  So, I just could not make myself go in.  After I got home I remembered it's the first of the month so that's why.  When I got home I made my appointment for the booster - next Tuesday so I'll go to the store then.

    The way Stormy screamed and carried on when I got home you'd have thought I'd been gone a month instead of just over an hour.  /Good to be missed. 

     Beth, glad you got some rain - every drop is important when you need it.  It's been cloudy, cool and humid here today.  More rain predicted tomorrow.  I read about how low Lake Mead is - it's terrible and I'm afraid it will only get worse.

     Judith, glad your stones aren't bothering you and the water's good for you in many ways.  I wish I could make a better Plan B but out here it's almost impossible.  Every rancher has their hands full taking care of their own cattle.  There's no place to call and tell them you need someone to do this or that - very hard to find anyone to do anything.  I'll just have to be uber careful and not fall.  Living out in the country (some people call it remote) you pretty well have to fend for yourself unless someone happens by or you can call for help.  I so miss being able to call Darwin if I need help. 

     Marie - I have a Medical Guardian and really like it.  I don't wear it as much as I should.  I need to get into the habit of putting it on when I get dressed in the mornings.  Friend Sandy says she doesn't think a cow would come over and dial 911 for me if something happened.  I have a friend who checked and she said this was the best and most economical one she found.  I can use it anywhere and they can locate me - and have.  It runs somewhere around $50 a month but I pay by the quarter.

     The baby was up with her mother this morning and I saw her nursing with her little tail wagging like crazy.  I tried giving her a bottle but she'd have none of it.  I got some good feed for her mother so that will help with milk production, too.

     I truly appreciate the concern you all have for me but I'll be all right - just have to be very careful.  When I feed this winter I don't always lift the 50 lb. sacks unless I'm in a hurry - usually I fill a bucket four or five times and put the feed in the feeders that way.  I've been putting feed (not this summer) in the creepfeeder bucket by bucket - kind of scary climbing up on a tall stepstool to get into the back of the PU.

     Jo, I also agree with you and your doctor about the time to get the flu vaccination.  I like to get mine in late October to carry me through the flu season.  I'll get my booster next week and the flu shot in another couple or three weeks.

     I agree with you - one of  my worst pet peeves is someone wearing a mask just over their mouth.  Good you said something even though you got a not-so-good response.  People just don't seem to care.  I didn't see but a couple of people today - the guy who loaded my feed did not have on a mask (I was double masked) but I saw a man driving who had his mask on.  Jack says it's about half and half.

     Sara, glad you got your garage door replaced and are satisfied with it.  Always good to have a good outcome to something.  I don't blame you for not pulling your plants - we always waited until the last minute.  My caladiums are not faring well - I think it's the cooler nights.  I've watered them a few times but won't from now on.  I would like to dig the bulbs and try to keep them until next year.

    Hope all of you are getting rain if you need it and cooler weather we all wish for.  I missed my nap this afternoon so may go to bed earlier tonight.  Ron, hope you're sleeping well and that Lou is doing all right.

     Enjoy the evening.  Beginning to see lots of Yellowstone advertisements - still another month to go until it comes on again.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

     Ron,   I am glad you found a sitter that both you and Lou are comfortable with. You need that sleep so please don't worry about getting the extra sleep your body needs it and as others have said being darker in the morning helps. 

     Loveskitties,  I have also been thinking about getting be a Medical Alert Device but the more I read about them the more confused I get. I think I will see if there is one Medicare will help cover. I am a fall risk so I need to be careful. 

    Beth,   Congratulations on your 45th wedding anniversary. Sounds like you did a lot of fun together things. I also got my flu shot, I got it today and my arm is pretty sore. My druggist told me they are still waiting for the approval for the Moderna booster. I am hoping to get mine by the end of October also.

    Jo,   I love to read your post you write like a Poet. You city people are different from us country folks. I also have white hair and no coloring, after I retired 11 years ago I quite waring makeup and live in sweat pants and t shirt in the summer and sweat shirt in the winter. I don't know what I would do if I had to get dressed up. It sounds like you are feeling better, you have been in my prayers. I love your story about the easel blackboard and what a wonderful thing your parents did by leaving you the note from Santa. And what a sweet little girl you were for being happy for the other little girl. I can tell that sweetness has stayed with you.

    Sara,.  I bet you love your new garage door. I bet your sitting in your garage admiring your new garage door and eating some apple crisp. Apple Crisp sounds good. 

    Lorita,  You have had a busy morning, it is nice you are able to get out when needed. Molly is the same way as Stormy, I take her as much as I can she pouts and makes me feel bad if I don't. Then she goes crazy when I get home. I am glad you are being as careful as possible I also am a fall risk so I try my best to be careful but you never know when the worst will happen. Sounds like things are going good for the baby. Hopefully that gives you one less thing to worry about. It has been awhile since you have talked to Darwin, do you ever think that maybe his wife has mellowed a bit? 

    Lorita,  I really like my new cable channels I can watch Gunsmoke in the evenings. I see the newer ones on one channel during the day and the older ones on another channel in the evening. I am glad of that because I was getting board with evening TV. 

    I think I am through moving my furniture around I ran out of places to move things, so I guess this last move will be the final move I sure hope so. Molly and Sammy are happy with the move. I put the couch in front of the front room window. They love laying on the back of it and watching out the window. I wish I knew how to send pictures. I will have my son show me.

    My summer pet sitting job has ended I will miss my little buddy but I will also be glad to stay home during the winter. I do not like driving in the ice and snow. It is nice knowing I have no place to go, yesterday was my last stay with them they are going to their winter home in Texas. 

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, congratulations on your 45th anniversary - quite a milestone.  Hope you enjoy the day. 

     Sounds like you had a good outing - can't understand why people resist wearing their masks.  Glad you do.

     Jo - somehow I didn't read the last of your post.  I'm with you about takeout food.  I haven't had any but I usually don't anyway.  Same with eating in a restaurant - you never who isn't feeling well and might sneeze on your food.   With that said, I also love lasagna so have a bite for me.  I do order crumb cakes from QVC.  They're individually wrapped and I wipe down each one before I freeze it so feel pretty safe doing that.

     What loving, caring parents you had for them to write that letter explaining to you why you didn't get the easel in a way that wouldn't make you feel deprived.  Did you ever get an easel?

     Zetta - glad you finally got your furniture arranged to your liking.  We used to rearrange our LR furniture each winter and summer - that was very many years ago.  It's been the same now for years.

     Glad you're enjoying INSP.  I watch it a lot - tonight Stagecoach is going to be on so probably will watch that.  Nice that you're going to be able to be home this winter - do hope it's not a bad one like last winter.

    Jo - to me you're sounding just about 100% - so glad for that.   I drink a lot of water, too and have for years. When I have a bottle of pop, I keep the bottle and fill it with water and drink it when it's cold - bet I drink half a dozen a day so that's 16 oz. by 6 or 63 oz and I have to have a bottle of water at my bedside at night.  Charles always had a big glass of ice water and I couldn't understand why - now I do.

     Tina is doing much better - nursing and a while ago I saw her grazing.  I'm glad I did get into town for their feed today.  Fed her mother and then took a pan of feed out to Rose Bud.  It looks really good - small grain with molasses on it and it's very sticky if you get it on your hands - which I always do. 

     If anyone who is reading our thread lives in western Kansas I have a question for you -  I watch a lot of Gunsmoke shows which is supposed to be in Dodge City, Kansas.  I know it's filmed in Utah but I'm wondering - isn't western Kansas pretty flat?  On the show there's lots of pretty tall hills.  I know it's the high plains but if it is flat looks like they would have filmed it there.  Just wondering.   I've been to Dodge City and I really don't remember much about the topography.

     Sandy, enjoyed our visit.  I hope your foot is feeling better today.  Just stay off of it as much as you can.  I think when your feet hurts, you hurt or feel bad all over.

     I know there's more I wanted to say but it's gone from my mind.  Enjoy the night.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    I'm back after my brother's visit.  He is two years younger than me but he has a lot of energy.  He kept us on the go and I am worn out.  He is visiting his friends in San Diego now.  I'm working on catching up on my sleep.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    JoC it is a regular door at back of garage.  My garage is my storage shed too.  My BIL that is so helpful to me brought me one of those fertilizer spreaders for my yard yesterday.  So another thing to store.  We had been sharing his. I didn’t mind going over and getting it.  So now I have to find it a spot which is not going to be easy.  He found one at a garage sale.

    He also bought a chain saw at garage sale, so he cut down two tree stumps for me.  Him and my nephew dug out three big stumps yesterday eve.  Think they are going to work on the rest later.  I was just going to let them naturally rot out.  No way could I dig them up.  There is really only two more that I would really like to see go.  Nature can take it’s course with the rest.  They are not really in my way.

    I have trouble eating out too.  Very uncomfortable the two or three times I did it.  Don’t like taking my mask off around people.  Even before pandemic often wondered about the cleanliness of those handling the food.  Years ago, would be so tired after work but found ways to deal with that rather than pick up food because of that thought.  The restaurant business would definitely fail if they had to depend on me.  On top of that, is expensive and in general my food tastes better lol.

    Bought myself a new air fryer.  I really like it.  My sister bought me one about three years ago.  As long as I just made fries in it could keep it clean.  But then I started making chicken in it and no matter how long I soaked it in hot soapy water would not come clean.  Thought I would not get a new one til it died but I changed my mind.  This one is nonstick, so easy to clean, and can fry my chicken and fries at the same time. Now maybe I can find new things to fix in it

    Haven’t bought Christmas gifts in years.  Felt like it had got way out of control and took away from celebrating Jesus’s birth.  Many people never think about that.   Just a lot of things about it bother me.  Now if I knew someone who needed help I would gladly do that if I was able.  Actually it has sort of been a relief.

    My 86 yo uncle had his aortic valve replaced yesterday.  It is such a blessing that they now are able to do it without doing open heart surgery.  He will come home this morning if everything went well during night.  I am so thankful that God has given people the knowledge to help make our life a little easier.  So sad for those who can’t see all the blessings we are provided with.

    Zetta my arm got pretty sore too for about a day. Even though I moved it around a lot.  Wanted my two shots separate too for reasons you guys have mentioned.  Was thinking of getting my flu shot in mid Oct, but since hopefully those of us who got J&J will eventually be taken care of too, so went ahead and got flu shot done so could get second vaccine if and when it becomes available.

    They are giving a chance of rain the next several days.  Hope we are blessed to get some.

    Iris glad you and your brother had a nice visit, and nice to see you back out on porch.  Wondered a day or two ago if your brother was still there.

    My uncle died July 9th.  The surge was just starting then.  I could see it was coming.  We have started having quite a few Covid deaths lately.  Deaths from it always lag. Twelve were added this week so now we are up to 36 in this surge.  Starting to see obituaries again that say service to be at later date or that service will be private. 

    Think I will bake a little this morning.  Going to try and make some more of those marsh mallow cookies.  Lol my nephew told me he only got two, as his mom and dad ate all of them.  He told me those were really good.  He has liked several things I fixed lately.  So I gave him all my frozen ones yesterday and hope to make me a new batch.  

    Guess I was long winded this morning

    Take care everyone

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, your question about western Kansas brought back memories. I was there a few months, 20 years ago. We were based in Salina and/or Wichita, which is the middle, but worked due west to Colorado. It was not as flat as I expected. 

    It was not hilly, but just kind of rolled. Nothing dramatic or sudden,  no big ups or downs, just gently rolling along as far as you could see. And very green (agriculture); not barren, but very few trees. You could see forever with no breaks. It was not at all like what I remember seeing in old westerns on TV. There were not any big towns, we had to base in Salina, mostly, although it meant more driving.

    I recently found the old cowboy boots I bought at a big-name western wear store in Wichita, Sheplers (??). They did a popular catalogue, I was so tickled to actually go there. And the steak houses….wowzer.

    I confess, I did and still do a lot of take-out food. Had more delivered last year than now, but a lot of food does not “travel” well. Lasagna is really heavy for me, too (as someone said) but it’s and most red-sauce pasta is good for take out. I don’t see much difference in take-out and eating in the restaurant, health-wise, and haven’t heard of any restaurants being an infection source. But that’s just my personal risk/benefit calculations.

    Made at home is definitely better. Sayra is so good about that. I keep eyeing those air fryers…also, I think a lot of guys just like working chainsaws, lol. They are in high demand here with all the storms. We will be in dry season in another month, for sure..the nights already are not as hot, down to 70 a couple nights this week.

    Lol on rearranging furniture….most of ours is right where it was put when we moved in maybe 25 years ago. Some good friends are constantly rearranging furniture, redesigning rooms, serious remodel etc etc. It’s like their favorite pastime or hobby. Not fun for me!  But even they have been slowed down by the lack of workers.

    Been reading about product shortages, and saw fake Christmas trees on the shortage list. I saw a lit 7-footer at Costco yesterday for $500!! Short supply, high prices I guess. I wanted one like that Christmas before COVID and thought $200 then was outrageous. So…(like cars) no new tree for us. 

    We tried to get the kids on board with no gifts, just for the littles (grandchildren). Some were good with it, and some just weren’t. Gets kind of awkward, and it bothered DH, but he doesn’t know anymore and I’m thinking I should just stick to the plan.

    Everybody needs a Plan B for when we get down, which can happen fast as I found, and it may be that nobody can come right when you need them. I’ve been looking harder at alert devices, thanks to Jo for the link. I have been caught between the ortho who ordered MRI and radiology, still waiting on that. But now my knee seems OK and I may not even get that MRI. It’s aggravating (as you all well know) trying to coordinate between businesses or doctors….

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning! It's college football day (on tv for me)! Love it. 

    Rescue Mom, I had a torn meniscus in 2008. It happened suddenly; I was jogging and suddenly I pulled up with tremendous pain in my right knee. It hurt a lot and I limped for awhile. By the time I had surgery, it wasn't really hurting any more. I don't know what would have happened if I had elected not to have the torn piece removed. You could ask your dr., if indeed that's what the MRI shows you have. 

    Judy, hope you are managing. I cannot imagine the pain of your loss and I am so sorry. Seems all of us on here have had some loss, but the pain of losing a child must be it's own horrific kind  of pain. Of course, same with losing a spouse. 

    Iris, glad you enjoyed the visit with your brother. Rest up now. Did you get to see some new sights, or were you showing him places you were familiar with?
    Ron, glad you found a neighbor to help watch Lou so you can get out some. Be sure to lock up any valuables. No use to tempt a person. I hope you will get out and about for some just plain fun. You need that.
    Jo, you are sounding more like your old self. I'm glad. Have you found any clothing online that you like? It is difficult, without being able to try it on. I used to buy from Blair for my mom. They have nice things for us more mature women. Most places will let you return your purchase if it doesn't work. That was such a sweet story about the easel. What kind, compassionate parents you had. I like Olive Garden; I always have soup and salad there. When I want lasagna I make my own (gluten free) - or buy a gluten free pre-made frozen one. My own is better.  Since just two of us live here now, I make the lasagna and divide it into two 8x8 pans. I freeze one (unbaked). Nice for later. I do still enjoy eating out. I'm fully vaccinated and I mask when not eating. It feels safe for me. I know that is not true of everyone. We all are responsible for honoring our own comfort level. 
    Last night hubby grilled steaks and I made loaded baked potatoes. Yum! Later, I made a homemade peach pie. I made it after dinner time so haven't had a slice yet. Bought some vanilla bean frozen yogurt to top it with (have to heat it in microwave first!). I don't know if the fro yo is actually that much healthier? 
    Lorita, I am glad Tina seems to be doing well and getting enough milk now. 
    Zetta, I am retired 11 years as well. I worked as an RN, mainly computer work for 25 years. I wore suits, pantsuits, and nice slacks in my job. Now, at home...shorts and tops in the summer and sweatpants, tops and sweatshirts in the winter. I dress nicer when I go out. I have been wearing dresses all summer to church. I have nowhere else to wear dresses, and I have several nice ones so have been wearing them. 
    Sara, glad you got your garage door. We have some door replacement needing done too. Our back door, inside and out....I noticed a large gap in the outside door at the top and that can let insects in. We have someone coming out to measure, but were warned getting doors can take a long time these days. Hope your uncle does well.
    The buying of gifts can take a lot of $$$ and stress, too. I do enjoy getting things for the grandkids. But with 8 of them, that can get very expensive. I agree, though, Christmas is about Jesus' birth and we need to celebrate and honor that. I do like the Christmas décor, also. We have had numerous fake trees over the years and have had real trees too. Now we have a 3' tabletop tree that was my mom's, plus a 7' pencil tree. I like the colored lights. Many prefer white. 
    Rescue Mom, I remember Shepler's. I was a horsewoman way back when so got their catalogs. I enjoyed "Western Horseman" magazine and "Quarter Horse Journal."  I am going to link an article about the sire (father) of my two really nice Quarter Horses. His name was Two Eyed Jack. My mare's head looks just like his, see photo in the article. https://westernhorseman.com/culture/flashbacks/two-eyed-jack/

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Judith, the best apples I’ve ever had were grown near Santa Fe, I got them at the SF farmers market, which was incredible. It can be hard to separate the food from the surroundings, but those apples were unbelievably good.  I wish I remembered the variety, but I knew I can’t get them here, so didn’t try.

    Beth—that’s so cool about your mares sire! That’s a great write-up, and great bloodlines. Have they been bred? I had Tennessee walkers growing up (rode English, showed some but not seriously)  and worked as an “exercise boy” in a hunter-jumper stable in college. I rode some after moving to S. FL, but all the stables/spaces sold long ago for houses. My cowboy boots were never used with horses…about the miniscus, my ortho told me, as I understood, that if I indeed have a tear, it self-corrected this time, but the pain etc. can happen again, at any time, with little cause, and may not self-repair so fast. He didn’t get into a lot of detail before seeing pictures.

    I buy almost all my clothes now (don’t need much) online. It was hard at first, I am an unusual size and I hate, beyond all reason,  making returns. The result is I order only from a couple labels I know fit. Boring, but I don’t need much. 

    Thrift stores also work for me. I just found an incredible Eddie Bauer light puffer jacket, looks brand new, for $5. Last week was my first thrift visit in a while, and they had So MUCH new-looking clothes and decor. I think a lot of people cleaned out during shutdown, and now we see the results.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     We got another .2" of rain this morning which makes  a total of 1". So wish we had gotten more but thankful for what we did get.  Seems like all the good rains go either east or west of us by just a few miles. But that 1" has already greened up the grass.

     Iris, so glad you've been having a good visit with your brother.  You're right, now's the time to rest up after all of that.  A nap sounds good.

     Sara - I've been watching QVC and they had a NuWave Bravo air fryer on it that does 12 different things so was thinking about you, then read that you had already bought one.  Charles and I started using a type of air fryer way back in the 70s - called Jetstream Oven which we really liked and used almost daily.  They quit making them and after that we found the NuWave Oven - just about like the Jet Stream so have been using that since and love it.  I use it almost every day - for everything.

     You all were talking about how the colors you wear have changed since your hair has turned white or silver.  I'm having the same problem.  Yellow used to be my favorite color - but then  my hair was dark brown.  Now that all of it except the last 4-6" is silver I can't wear yellow anymore.  Seems like there's a lot of colors I can't wear so I'm leaning toward black or navy.  I remember when my sister let her hair go white she said her hair and skin seemed to be about the same color and she had trouble with colors.  I saw Kelsy Grammer on TV the other night and his hair is white and his hair and skin  looked the same color.  Another of my favorite colors is sage  green but I could never wear it because it made my skin look green - I have a light olive complexion and that color green does not go with it.

     This morning I made another quick cobbler using fruit cocktail and a little single serving of peaches.  Turned out really good - I think the fruit cocktail is as good as all peaches.  Then decided I'd see what was in a little two-shelf cabinet I have in the utility room - thought it might be three or four bowls.  My goodness, there's bowls, lids, plates and way more than I thought.  What in the world will I do with all those dishes - there's way too many already and I have boxes of dishes in the storage building.  Guess I can take them to the mission to donate - someone could use them.  But, dishes are very heavy - don't know where I'll put them while he's working on the floor.  Seems like you can try to straighten up and things get much worse before it gets better.  I'm thinking of when I used to change out my summer and winter clothes - it was awful for a while.  I don't do it anymore, but I do need to go through the closet and donate things I haven't worn for three or four years. I found a glass lid that looks like it would fit a Corning Ware bowl I have but now I can't find the bowl. 

     Got out and fed Tom and Jerry before the rain began (what little there was) and fed Susie, Tina's mom.  I saw Tina and she was running around playing.  I went out on the porch a while ago and mom was eating hay out of the feeder with Tina doing the same right beside her.  The vet called last night at 9:30 to see how she was- he told me the night before he thought she would be okay.  Not many vets would do that.  We had another one before him that called to see how a dog was but I imagine it doesn't happen often.

     Rescue Mom - your thought on western Kansas is about the same as mine.  In the late 60s my parents, niece and I went to Colorado Springs.  We went through Dodge and western Kansas and all I can remember seeing is the miles and miles of golden wheat - very few houses.  Kind of scary to me for some reason.  I have some pictures of the farm when my parents moved here in 1936 and there weren't many trees - now we have lots of them, mostly in fence rows and around houses.  I like to be able to see trees and also lots of open areas.

     Sara, hope your uncle is continuing to improve.  Fascinating how medical procedures have changed and made things easier. 

     I agree about eating out.  Charles and I used to quite a lot but even then I thought about the cleanliness of the kitchens and of the people who did the cooking.  There used to be a small restaurant we frequented in the town near us that had delicious food, good service and good prices - you could see into the kitchen and it looked spotless.  Sadly, they've been closed for three or four years but you  never know what goes on in those kitchens.

     Glad you got your flu shot, Sara.  I'll get my booster Tuesday and two or three weeks later I'll get the flu shot.  By that time I'll need to go back to the feed store so can do it in the same day.  The Health Dept. is about half a block from the feed store - small town so things are close together.  Maybe by Tuesday morning people will have bought what groceries they need for a while and I'll feel safe going in  to get a few things.  I need to start eating frozen things from the refrigerator freezer.  I bet there are things in there that are outdated.  I think I'll also get rid of that refrigerator and the old freezer and maybe get another small something.

    Hope all of you are well today and enjoying the rain we've gotten and cooler weather to come.  We've had around 150 days of temps over 80 degrees so everyone's ready for better weather. 

     Did see on the news this morning that the average number of new cases of the virus in Oklahoma is around 1500 - sounds like an awfully lot to me even though they say the number is going down.  Still pretty scary to me.




  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Two of my horses, when I was a teen: The first is Bobby and he was a gelding. I got him at age 2 and he died of a bowel obstruction at age 5. Then, I bought Kim, half sister; both sired by Two Eyed Jack. 2nd pic is of Kim. She is the one whose head looks so much like her dad's. I had her for a year or two then sold her during my college years. She was not bred while I owned her but I understand she was later. 

    I showed horses in halter classes, showmanship, western pleasure, and equitation; and rarely, in English pleasure. 

    Rescue Mom, I never rode a Tennessee Walker or other gaited horse. I've watched them in the show ring and they are so smooth! It would be fun to ride one.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Been busy, cooking, cleaning (in between the maids coming) paying bills, taking uncle to appointments, cleaning poop/pee and of course laundry laundry laundry and yes more laundry.....ugh!!

    I'm still trying to get uncle a hospital bed. His primary doesn't want to write the order because he's on home health so home health should do it, but home health doesn't have a Dr to write the order.

    So home health called the Dr who saw uncle in rehabilitation and he said he will write the order. Hopefully he will have his bed by this month. Unless the insurance doesn't pay or gives me problems. At that point I will just pay out of pocket (with uncle's money) for a hospital bed. Not worth the "fight"

    Been getting a bit cooler weather and I'm so grateful. Can't stand the heat here, yet don't like the cold either.....I think it was Lolita who said the same thing.

    As soon as I get uncle into bed (8:30-9:00 pm) I'm ready for bed myself. Will there ever be a day when I'm not tired??

    Take care all,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Nicole know you are very tired and weary.

    Rescue mom I totally understand why many people use carry out and why people like to eat out.  Not judging anyone for doing that.  Some day I may have to, and will be thankful that it is there.  Agree with you that a lot of things don’t travel well.  Have ordered Chinese take out twice and my wor su gai and egg roll did not taste as good.  The shrimp fried rice is fantastic though.  Hope to maybe get an order of that when things calm down.  Have ordered three times from Olive Garden.  It traveled very well.  Red lobster actually traveled well too.  So guess I have carried out seven times in past 21 months.  

    My furniture permanently stays where I place it too lol.

    Beth thanks for sharing about your horses.  As a child I wanted a horse.  My dad said no, they are just something to feed.  My dad worked very hard, made it on his own, he had to help his parents and my moms parents, both were poor, so understand why he felt that way.  My cousins had a horse.  Know they hated to see me coming.  Would beg them to ride the horse. Sometimes they humored me.

    Lorita had never thought about using fruit cocktail for a cobbler.  Guess probably about any fruit would work.

    Did get my marshmallow cookies made.  Might offer my other nephew some of them.  Made an apple hand pie also.  It was good.  Making them and single serving apple crisp.  Getting fresh baked goods.  

    Cleaned up all my tomatoes yesterday.  Brought all the green ones in.  Have everything cleaned up now except for some containers with either flowers, herbs, greens, carrots or peppers.  Giving chance of rain for several days so thought it best to get it done.

    We got half an inch last night.  Thankful for every little bit we get.  Giving a little rain today.

    Guess I will just loaf today.  That sounds good but in reality I feel better when I’m busy.

    Put my kraut in refrigerator yesterday.  Believe it turned out good.

    Hope all have a  peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good Sunday afternoon,

     Probably not, Nicole, as long as you're caring for your uncle, anyway.   Seems like we're never finished when we're caregiving - always just one more thing.  Do hope you can get the hospital bed without a lot of worry - that would make it much easier for both of you.  We never got to that point because Charles was fully ambulatory until three weeks before I lost him and most of that time he was in the hospital. 

     It was me that said I don't like the hot, humid, Oklahoma summers and certainly not the awful cold winter we had last year.  I don't mind cold weather, just not uber cold with ice and snow.  I had to break ice in the water tanks twice a day and it would be 6" or more thick and I'd have to chop it with an ax and then shovel out the blocks of ice.  Awful winter.  But, doing that kept the cows away from the pond and the possibility of them falling into the water if the ice broke under their feet.

     Sara, sounds like you're wrapping up the summer garden.  I bet you're already planning next spring's plants.  We used to make a diagram of the garden every year so we'd remember where we planted different things so we could rotate the crops.  In many ways I miss doing all of that but we were much younger then and could do things more easily.

     Barbara, still reading your book and enjoying every page.  How many chapters does it have - I think I'm on 8 or 9.  About the prickly pears.  Was the moth the only thing they used to get rid of them?  We have a patch of them that's about 8-10 ft. across - it's round and it has collapsed two or three times in the winter when it's so cold.  There's Johnson grass growing in the middle and there's no way to get it out.  I've never really been bothered with the thorns until this past year when Jett decided the prickly pear bed was "the" place to lay.  Those things get in your skin and it's hard to get them out - and they hurt.

     Today is "football" day for me. Watching the Browns and Vikings now.  Seems like the Browns are shown on our station every week.  I never noticed that before so I think it's because Baker Mayfield, Brown's QB and Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Oklahoma is the QV for the Browns.  Maybe that's just my idea.

    I let Tina's mom out a while this morning to graze but I don't think she did - just stayed in the lot across the fence from Tina and quarreled with a little bull.  Tina was all right with her being away from her but close by - noticed she was laying by the feeder where I have hay for them and was chewing on some hay. 

     It's very still here - not a breath of wind blowing and it's fairly cool.  We've had 123 days of over 80 degree weather beginning June 3.  The record is 133 and looks like we'll make it - supposed to be in the mind to high 80s and into low 90s next week.  I'm afraid we won't have an autumn  - just straight from summer into winter - hate that.  Many of our trees have already lost most of their leaves.  It's been so dry, they've turned brown and fallen off.  The yard is full of elm and some maple leaves.  The trees that still have green leaves are the Hackberries - wonderful trees.  I think I've mentioned if I had named the ranch I'd have called it Hackberry Hill - but mother named it so that's fine.  Everyone knows where it is when you mention the name.  We have this wonderful, old Hackberry, probably over 100 years old north of the barn - I've taken pictures of it in every season, enlarged and framed them and have them hanging by my desk.  The poor old tree is almost gone - just one big limb still there - every time we have a strong wind I'm afraid it'll go.  If we have ice this winter we may not have it next spring.  I've often told Sarah that when that tree goes, so will I.  I believe that.

     Halftime is over so I'll stop and watch the rest of the game - Browns 8, Vikings 7. Hope you all are having a good Sunday.  Ron, hope you're still getting a good night's sleep every night.  How's your weather?


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    I got my flu shot Friday and my arm was pretty sore I napped most of yesterday for some reason I was pretty tired. Not sure if it was the flu shot or me just being lazy. My arm is not sore at all today.   I don't drink much water but I do drink a lot of coffee and ice tea so I hope they keep me hydrated. I know I should drink water and I do try but not too often. I think my furniture has found a forever place to stay. I had better nail it down before I change my mind. Molly loves where the couch is I put it right in front of the window she loves laying on the back of it so she can keep a eye on the front yard. 

     Lorita,   I did watch Stagecoach the other night it was a good movie. Sounds like Tina is doing good. I made me a pot of Bear Creek, Potato Soup yesterday and I put bacon in it also. My daughter said she has found Bear Creek Clam Chowder, I will be looking for that. I opened a can of Snows Clam Chowder today and it did not taste as good as I remembered it tasting. I am glad you are having a good relaxing day watching Football. Sounds like you are enjoying your weather.

    Iris,   I hope you are getting some rest. I am sure it was nice visiting with your Brother and it was good for you to be getting out for awhile. 

     Sara,  Your BIL and Nephew sound real thoughtful, its nice they are there for you.  I hope your 86 year old Uncle is still improving. If you have more Marshmallow Cookies then you know what to do with you can always send them my way. Yum!  I also had a sore arm, just for the one day after I got the shot. 

    Nicole,    You totally should be tired, you do so much for your Uncle. Please get as much rest as you can. Your health is very important. Getting the hospital bed will be a big help for you and your Uncle. 

    Beth,    The pictures of the horses are very pretty. Two Eyed Jack is beautiful and he has a attitude look in his eyes. Kim also has that proud look in her eyes just like her Dad. Sorry that Bobby only lived to be 5 that must have been sad. I worked for a Resort that had a stable and in the morning they would turn the horses loose to go to the stables and in the evening turn them loose to go back to the barn. They would open the gates and the horses ran past the dinning room windows so the guest having breakfast and dinner enjoyed the view. I can't remember what the menu said but it was something like the Running of the Horses. It was a beautiful thing to watch. If I was working in the dinning area I watched the running often. 

    I hope you all had a good day, and Lorita I am sure you enjoyed the game. Hugs Zetta   

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Was a quiet day yesterday.  Rained a little.  

    Made a steak in my air fryer.  Worked great.  So easy to clean 

    Take care everyone 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Just want to thank all of you again for your kindness; your warm thoughts, support and prayers when I was at the hospital for my procedure; it is appreciated beyond counting.  I always remembered to think of you all by my side.  Once; when they were doing a post procedure, what popped into my mind was Lorita and Rosebud . . . . it kept me focused on something else and was really sweet. 

     Gosh Nicole, I am sorry - what a tribulation AND the doctor sure did misunderstand . . . . he DOES need to write an "order" for a hospital bed so that insurance will cover it, but he did not need to actually "order" the bed himself - Home Health would do that.   DME that is covered by insurance needs a doctors "order" for medical necessity coverage.  At least that is now ironed out.

    I wonder; is your uncle qualified for Hospice care?  If so, then he would have some of his care and necessary equipment provided by Hospice at no cost to him.  Just wondering.   You have been hanging in there for so long . . . . hope things ease up a bit.

    So Zetta; got your furniture in place and have made the pets very happy - sounds like a winner to me!  You have done a lot of work getting it all together; must feel good to have it done and done.

    Sayra; what kind of air fryer do you have?  I have wondered about getting one, but the ones I see are so big and take up a lot of counter space and am unsure how well they actually do work.  Glad to hear your uncle has done well with his valve replacement; that is a blessing for sure.   I think I missed the input regarding the marshmallow cookies - are they all marshmallow . . . . or ?????

    I have been craving making some old fashioned molasses cookies; I love them with tea; especially in the winter.  So good and if something can taste "cozy," those cookies do.   Ina Garten puts little bits of actual candied ginger in hers; I have never done that but it sounds delicious.

    As for takeout food, I am still leery.  I remember in the earlier days of the pandemic, Dr. Fauci talking about how he supported his local favorite restaurants by purchasing takeout meals - BUT - when he got them home, he did not put the items on top of the kitchen counters; he threw away the carrying bags and other discardable items, washed his hands well and then heated the food in the microwave or oven to a good hot temperature and then ate it.  Wonder if he still does that. 

    I am one who never, ever went to the salad bar at a restaurant despite "sneeze guards" . . . . just watching people put their unwashed hands on the utensils, reach in across or on top of the food items, some sneeze or cough, just made me cringe.  Then the next person comes along with their unwashed hands and uses the same utensils and reaching, and on and on to the next person ad infinitum.   Never, ever.  And I do love a good salad.  DH always used the salad bar and never had a negative occurrence; but me?  Well; it was all the microbiology classes that had me shrinking away.

    Had our senior strength flu shots yesterday; to my surprise we have had no side effects, not even a sore arm.  I had a bothersome itch at the injection site for a few hours and finally put some cortisone cream on the area and it went away.   All in all, very nice not to have any untoward effects. I did one year, about four or five years ago, have a severe reaction with severe joint pain in entire body; severe fatigue; nasty headache, etc. and it was a doozy that lasted nearly a week. Thank goodness that has not repeated itself.  Now have to wait for Moderna Booster to become available, will get that asap when it is approved.

    So many people erroneously feeling they do not need vaccine now since Merck has come out with the antiviral pill that for some people, some of the time, can reduce the need for hospitalization from COVID "about" 50%.   Such unfortunate thinking and it needs to be plainly stated over and over that the antiviral pill is NOT a replacement for the vaccine and the antiviral is not always effective; people are still at risk for severe illness or even death if they are not clearly understanding and vaccinating.  Over 700,000 COVID deaths in the U.S.; when I heard that on the news, it took my breath away; how dreadful. 

    Big oil spill in Hungtington Beach not far from us; an offshore oil island sprung a 126,000 gallon leak and there is a huge amount of oil in the water and it has seeped into the protected wet lands; the poor birds are in a terrible situtation and a rescue effort is underway.  A lot of work is being done to try and mitigate the effect of the spill, but it has already done a lot of damage and clean up will take a long time.  So much happening to the environment; progress is well, not always progress.

    The flowers in our front flower bed are now beginning to nod their heads; fall is here and they are now leaving us . . . . the shrubs and other items are doing well; they seem to be happily moving into the next season.  The sky was so blue yesterday; wish it was that blue all the time, but we are in SoCal and that is not something that we often have.  I love it after a nice rain; so crystal clear and the mountains look so close.   We may actually get a little rain (hopefully) end of next week; we shall see if it is real or if Mother Nature is just teasing us.

    Yes Beth; those early days of nursing as an RN, we worked so hard.   I hauled my young body up and down the halls at fast pace all day and thought nothing of it while administering patient care; then home to fix dinner and care for four children.   White uniform, white shoes, white cap; oh boy.  Then I pursued a Masters Degree and moved on up to administration - nice clothes and white lab coat and ran up and down hallways in pumps; never bothered me; but all those years of hallway running, etc.; that may explain my present dire situation with my poor knees.  Loved those years; loved working with the docs; so much good done for the patients and I really do miss that.  Loved the patients and loved the docs (well; most of them - always an MD clinker in the mix.)  Now no more white uniforms and caps disappeared years ago.   I still have one with its black band and pin in a hat box in the closet.  Don't need to keep it, but it is sentimental.

    My goodness; I would not be able to go back into floor care simply because of the technology; I would not know how to manage the equipment; so much has changed.  As my RN friend said, we would not mean to, but we might kill the patients due to lack of technical knowledge for the new machines. EEEK!   Still, some of the more personal humanistic bedside care is really lacking; too much emphasis on technology, under staffing and not teaching or valuing the patient contact support.  I saw this when in the hospital in April and then with my recent procedure.   Really too bad; it makes a huge difference.

    Saw Fauci speaking regarding the slowing down of the pandemic numbers; what he said was that it was not going away; it was simply the quieting of the last surge (which was huge); his feelings are that it was only one surge and we have MORE surges to come. Think of it; Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years right around the corner.  Crowds, gatherings, parties, Oh My!   Hang on and keep on with the good practices; so much temptation to let up a bit, but that is not good.

    Got some Kn95 masks DH bought.  Had no ear loops; but elastic fitting over head.  I usually wear a two ply mask with a good sized filter in a pocket along with a second surgical mask underneath it when going out; not much trouble breathing. However; the Kn95 mask was different; was very hard to breath - cannot understand why.  DH has no problem; it is just me.  Will have to try and figure that out.  Found out that the over the head elastic is a tighter fit, but it wreaks havoc knotting up in my hair - ah well; I will get used to it as long as I can breathe.

    Think I will do some salmon and couscous for dinner; been awhile and I do love fish.  Had orange chicken and veggies last night; it was good, but the breading and sauce for the Orange Chicken are not exactly healthy; it is actually a high quality frozen item from CostCo.

    Some new PBS shows returning and soon some new ones - hurray!  They do such a good job; most filmed in Great Britain which makes a difference; no hollywood-itis involved.  I do love a good story whether it is a book or a film or TV presentation.  Still reading in order throught the Louise Penny novels; she is such a good writer, and her fabulous ongoing characters do evolve.  Only one or two of her many novels have not been super to read.  Her beloved husband had dementia and he died a few years back.  If you look her up, she has done some writing about it.

    Time to get some breakast; it is 7:30 and I am hungry and looking forward to a nice cup of tea.  May we all have a very good week with only good things happening . . . .


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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