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Just need to talk to my friends (156)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    This is so OT. I am going to take it down after you read it. I have brown eyes/white hair/ thinning eyelashes and brows No foundation…instead IT Cosmetics Ombré Radiance Bronzer….Chanel powder blush in a berry tone (comes with it’s really great little brush)….eye brows Brow 1980 Volumizing Eyebrow Pomade Gel drk brown/black….I also use this as my masquera...lipstick…I have a bunch but all are in the blue red tone…eyeliner is a very old thick soft pencil in a medium gray/brown. All of this takes under 5 minutes. Even then I do not do it every day.
    Clothes…never a print except maybe a stripe. I always wear straight leg pants and they are 95% black. One gray, one navy, one white and one very dark brown. My tops are 96% in the berry family or white. Everything is ordered online and usually from Amazon. Very simple,
    Accessories….I have one pair of silver 1.25 inch square earrings, one silver band with a black rough stone slipped on it….that’s it. 
    Purses…One great red one bought about 32 years ago…one sort of dark eggplant Dick gave to me which is even older…one black which is older than either of those. 
    Just realized that  my house is decorated the same. All white walls, dark oak floors, no window treatments and great art mostly large works. 
    I know it sounds boring and I have given it some thought but I know fundamentally as a designer that emphasis is important and that inorder for something to stand out one's eye needs the absence of activity.
    Oh, in the spirit of self analysis and opening up, I believe that a garden is an outside room and that one moves through it. Next year I am going to vegetables in my room.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Judith, since we've been wearing masks I'm not using any makeup.  I wear glasses and sunglasses, have bangs and wear a mask so nothing shows.  I put on make up every day for over 33 years so I'm tired of it.  My eyebrows are almost gone and my shoulders aren't like they used to be either.  Guess all of this happens when we are "mature" as Jo says.

     Well, I felt okay Tuesday when I got the booster and even yesterday but had a sore arm.  Today my arm is a bit sore but there's heat in it and I feel tired so haven't done much today - did make a peach cobbler, filled water tanks, fed cats and dogs and checked on the girls as they came out of the barn this afternoon.  I haven't been running a fever but just took it and it's 98.3 but I know in the evenings your temp goes up.  Mine normally runs about 97.6.I did put a sack of frozen peas on my arm this afternoon.  Judith, they're the same peas I've used for years - like when I had the concussion just after I lost Charles,  They're getting mushy.

     Called the vet's office a while ago to have him come and check Tina.  She's just not acting right.  She isn't staying with her mother like she should and lays around a lot.  I went out and she was laying almost flat so got her up and she stumbled around and looked like she was trying to upchuck (not sure cattle do) but I want to see what's going on - pneumonia?  maybe she was trying to cough.  He'll be out in the morning or tomorrow afternoon.

     It's been a stressful week and it's not over yet.  I don't like weeks like this.  I've been trying to call OPM (Office of Personnel Management) in Washington and the recording says they're experiencing heavy call volume and to call back.   Seems like I get that a lot when I call anywhere or it's someone from overseas that I have to talk with.

     Called my folks in Texas - Jerry, Charles' brother who's 90 had knee replacement five weeks ago and is doing great.  Doctor told him he did as well as a man half his age. His wife was not well during this time and had to be in the hospital with pneumonia (she's 89) but is improving and on oxygen.  She was only in the hospital overnight. Just cannot believe they're that age and I'm my age.  Luckily they have two daughters nearby to help.

     Iris, he had to go through what you're going through - not seeing anyone and being uber careful before his surgery.  Guess they have to be as careful as possible.  Hope things go well tomorrow.

     Can't remember anything else I was going to speak to - think I'll take my temp again and lay down on the divan for a while.  Seems odd that I was okay for a day and half, then had this slight reaction.  Zetta, I think you said you had kind of the same reaction to your booster.  Was in the day after or when?

     Hope you all are well.  Again, thank you for your comments about Rose Bud.  The pasture seems empty without her and I still find myself checking to see where she is when I first go outside in the mornings.

     It's getting hot here again- supposed to be in the 90s the next two or three days, then storms.  Summer just does not want to give up.

     See you tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   The reaction was to the flu shot, I had not had my booster yet. The reaction was very mild my arm was a little sore the day of the shot and it throbbed that night a little bit the next day it was sorer and I slept most of the day. I was real tired not sure if it was the shot or not. Please take care of yourself and get a lot of rest. Rose Buds spirit is with you, she is out in the pasture. Hugs Zetta
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Hi all,

    Just had a "moment" with my uncle. He saw me drinking out of my cup (I drink a lot of water) he asked what I had and I said water, he said yuck, where's the Crown Royal (alcohol) I said we don't have any.

    So he got up and said he was going to get some. I just watched him look around (keys are hidden) he finally asked me where the keys to his car were, I said I don't know right now but I will look for them tomorrow. He sat down and I have him watching his favorite James Bond movie. 

    Just the day to day life of being a caregiver to someone who has dementia.....sheesh!

    I'm getting my flu shot tomorrow and will get my booster when it's available. Uncle has an appointment with his primary care Dr next week so I will get his flu shot then and also ask about that booster for him.

    Hospital bed was finally approved so just waiting on the company to call when they can deliver, problem is they only give 1 day notice and I have to have the old bed out of the room (I'm hoping my neighbor can help me, if not I'm screwed)

     I may have to put uncle in his old room (that bed is way too high and he's fallen out before hence why I moved him to the spare room with the lower bed)  the night before and have someone (????) help me that night move the bed out to be ready for the next day to get the hospital bed......ugh!!!

    Just have to remember "one problem at a time"


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Zetta, I'm already feeling better. The heat is gone but still a little soreness. I don't feel so tired. I  laid on the divan quite a bit this afternoon and temp is normal. I cried when I saw what you said about Rose Bud her spirit is here for sure.

    .Nicole, you handled that in absolutely the right way good for you!!   You are so right - problem after problem- in life.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Quiet misty day yesterday.

    Iris hope your day goes well.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I completed most of my fall garden clean up yesterday. I still have annuals blooming that I did not remove, plus my carrots. It's a relief to get it done. I did it over 2 or 3 weeks' time (daily.) The garden gives me something productive and enjoyable to do over spring, summer and fall. Now I need to find a winter hobby.    

    Today we are taking the dog and going to the fairgrounds to walk around. It's a very enjoyable place, over 70 acres I think, lots to look at. Tonight the Catholic church is having a fish fry. You can do drive through, which we will do. We enjoyed the fish fries at Lent so looking forward to this.

    I got a lot of Christmas shopping done online yesterday for the grandkids. I used Target and Amazon.

    Have a good day and weekend.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Beth, sounds like yesterday was a very productive day for you.  Doesn't it make you feel so good to have things accomplished that you wanted to get done?  Have fun walking around today - hope it's cooler there than it will be here today.  Supposed to be in the low 90s the next three days, then severe storms.  We have a storm season in the spring and another shorter one in the fall.  Always something with the weather and now it's so very unpredictable.  There's fire danger the next couple of days with the hot weather and winds.  Ricky mowed all around the perimeter fences east of us along the road so I'm glad of that. 

     Sara, rest today and enjoy the cooler weather you're having.  I saw the national weather last night and it looks there's going to be lots of rain but maybe some east of you. 

     I set the alarm for 6 a.m. this morning thinking Mike might come this morning to check on Tina.  Got dressed and he called at sunup - he was at the end of the driveway.  Later he told me he had sat for half an hour down at the corner where he has hay waiting for it to be light enough to see the calf.  That's okay because he needs the rest - he's taking a cold from being out so much at night and working so hard.

     I hadn't seen the calf this morning so we found she and her mom using flashlights.  They came toward us with the baby running with her tail in the air, then went through the open gate down toward the meadow.  So, with him in his truck and I in the Gator we managed to get them back to the house.  That baby was running and having the best time so Mike told me there was nothing wrong with her - not sick, had her ears up and running with her tail in the air.  We still can't understand why she staggers sometimes (not always) when she gets up.  And, she lays around - so he said maybe she's just a bit lazy.  Anyway, he knows what he's talking about so guess things are all right.  Said to keep them up a while and feed the cow good to encourage more milk.  He said Tina seems to be getting enough milk so I'm relieved but feel like a greenhorn.  I call the vet when I think it's necessary but guess I'm not always right.  I told him about Rose Bud and he said he was glad she didn't linger and that it was probably a coyote that had bothered her but that she was gone before that because they wouldn't bother a full-grown cow.  So, that relieved my mind, too.I hate that the farm call was for nothing, but also glad Tina's okay.  Anyway, he needed the rest.  He probably sat in his truck and drank coffee and watched his cattle - they were where he was waiting.

     Guess I'm over my side effects from the booster.  I feel all right, no temp and just a bit of soreness.  But, not feeling on top of the world for half a day is well worth it to be protected from the virus. 

     Ron, so glad you had a nurse that was patient and kind enough to talk for that length of time with Lou trying to convince her to take the shot.  How nice of you to write and let them know how kind she was.  More people should do that. 

     I probably do talk way too much about the girls but, as I've said, they're my family now so that's what's on my mind most of the time. 

     Today Iris is getting her test done - hope all goes well with that.  We'll be looking for a post to let us know.

     Zetta, my home town (2 1/2 miles away) has a population of close to 200 - mostly in farms surrounding the town (if they count it that way).  One convenience store with a little pizza place inside, a post office, volunteer fire dept. and a meat market (hate that).  The town where I go to get feed and groceries is about 12 miles away (10 as the crow flies) and has a population of between 3,000 and 4,000.  They have just about everything a person could need - the town where I worked is about 25 miles away and that population is close to 50,000 (big town for me).  I've lived there for a few months at a time four times - all the rest of the time I've been here on the farm.  I don't think I could survive in town unless it was a necessity.  But, when I lived there for those short times I did kind of enjoy it but I was much younger then.

     Had a call from my tax man.  He's finishing my taxes today and will get them in the mail to me so all I have to do is sign the form for electronic filing and return to him along with the check for his prep.  I owe some taxes so will have to mail that, too.  Wonder when a person can stop paying taxes - I'm ready for that.

     I feel like I need/want to do something but don't know what - should shred papers (haven't tried the new shredder yet), want to make zucchini bread and need to work on my closets - but, I woke up early so I'm sure a nap is in the offing this afternoon.

     I did change back to my side of the bed.  Seemed like I didn't sleep as well on the other side - found myself tossing and turning to get in a good position early in the morning.  I've slept very well the last couple of nights.  We are, indeed, creatures of habit.  Now to find that board to put under the mattress.

     I'm going to post yet more pictures of the girls.  The first one is of a few of them grazing late in the afternoon around the pond.  All the rest of them are farther north so couldn't get them in the picture.  Second is of Tina and Susie (one day old), third is of Tina laying down resting and the last one is of another little calf (maybe Jett) looking at Tina through the gate.  When you all get tired of cattle talk and pictures, please let me know.

     I'll be back later.  Enjoy the day.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Lorita, Your ranch is beautiful and I enjoyed seeing your cattle. Glad Tina is doing better.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I hope the tears I caused you to shed were tears of comfort. I believe in spirits and after Rascal passed away I felt him jump up on my bed many times. I love the pictures of your girls and I love hearing about them, they are your family and and we love that you share with us. Believe me if I knew how to send pictures I would be sharing Molly and Sammy with you. Now that I got my new phone I think I can send picts to my email and attach them I just need my son to show me how.  It sounds like there is nothing wrong with Tina, you just need something to worry about.   

    Beth,   It sounds like you have a beautiful place to walk your dog, enjoy. I have a beautiful place I just need to get motivated to do it. 

    Please have a good day, All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I don't think I would ever get tired of reading about your girls and little tots!  Keep posting and sending pics!

    I'm glad uou're feeling better.  Also that Tina is up and about.  Some babies seem to get a slower start.  The mama cow looks very maternal. 

    Beth, enjoy the fairgrounds.  

    Sayra and Zetta, enjoy your day.  I'm still at the hospital, waiting on my test.  It takes 3-4 hours. 

    Addendum: I'm back home, I'm hungry and tired.  See you all tomorrow! 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, glad the test is over and you're home. Eat something you like and have a good nights sleep.

    Thanks, Beth, after 79 years it's home.  The pond is the first thing I see when I open the door each morning. Sunrises and moon rises are beautiful reflecting in it.

    Zetta, they were tears  of comfort.  You're right, I do worry too much  can't help   it.  Would love to   see pictures of Molly and Sammy.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita the cattle by the pond looks so peaceful.

    Zetta maybe when your daughter visits next she could show you how to share your pictures.  

    Glad you made it through the day Iris.  It is always nice to get things over it.

    Beautiful day yesterday.  Swept my garage out.  Like you Beth I have most things cleaned up but a few things are still going.  My pineapple sage is just starting to bloom and it is such a beautiful red.  Have one in a pot and one is in ground. 

    Thinking about you Judith hope you are doing ok.

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, thank you so much for your kind information; it is very helpful.  I do not think the information is OT at all; this is a place where we share our own personal "stuff," and I am willing to bet a lot of folks got help from this; I certainly have and thank you again.  I copied the information so I can refer to it in detail.  I do have issues with lipstick now that I cannot go into the department store to look and look, etc.  Sometimes what looks good for color online can be really far too bold when putting it on.  Drats.   I like lip color, but do not want my lips to enter a room ten minutes before the rest of me does.  Ha.

    Been feeling not very well since yesterday . . . . I do understand that a person can have a bit of a delayed physical reaction to a flu shot, but do not know if this is the cause . . . . abrupt onset of vertigo - (scared me) - and GI issues; bit of feeling hot then chilled; fatigue and big time blahs - just feeling very unwell.  Do not know for certain if the flu vaccine is reason for symptoms, but may well be.  I am five days post high dose quadrivalent senior flu shot.   Temp, pulse, pulse ox all good within normal ranges.  Well . . . . this too shall pass. Eventually.  No; not COVID - haven't been anywhere in two months other than flu shot - we were only ones at the pharmacy and the pharmacist was well masked along with plastic face cover and gloves; me with double masking with filter and also gloved.

    Lorita, we all enjoy your photos and hearing about the cattle and the ranch; we have learned alot and enjoy getting to "know" the cattle and the babies.  Good  to hear that Tina is okay; that is relieving news.

    Sayra, haven't heard in awhile; how are things going with your mother?   So hope things are quiet and going a bit more smoothly.

     Supposed to have some nice rain here - well . . . . didn't happen.   Got rain in communities north of us and south of us but not any "with" us.  Harrumph!  I had got the house nice and cozy, even got myself ready for sliding into the rainy day by preparing in advance.  Good book at the ready, warm afghan to cuddle into while listening to the rain; pea soup with grilled cheese sandwich for lunch planned - then nothing.  Drats.  I know; silly planning, but it would have been first rain of season up to 1/4 or 1/2 inch.  Just like a holiday considering the dreadful drought.  Best laid plans of mice and men so to speak - silly, silly dramatic me. 

    Sh-h-h; secret.  When working and a big rain happening, I would sometimes (rarely) be sure my work area was covered and then take an "off" day. Kids at school, DH at work; I would light the fireplace, curl up with a good book on the sofa next to the bay window so I could see and listen to the rain; nice afghan to cuddle up to if I wished.  So very quiet and relaxing.  Loved that  time to myself.  (Of course if I had a small bag of M&M chocolate covered peanuts with me, all the better.)  Tis the little things in life that give me such pleasure.

     Getting a bit chillier; but being SoCal in the autumn; the heat is not yet done with us - back up into the 80's next week, but that is getting less and less now.  Before long it will be winter and we will be looking for warmer weather again . . . . human nature. Those of you in  the real cold country; winter can be a real challenge and is no joke.  I grew up in the UP of Michigan and I sure do remember those winters.   My mother used to stock her pantry to a faretheewell for winter and had lots of heating coal and wood stocked up for when storm days were bad, and they really were bad.

     As said here before; I had asked Mother Nature to give us only springtime and autumn and  skip the dog days of summer and blowing gales of winter- but either she did not hear me or she was in the corner laughing.   Sometimes Mother Nature is not such a loving mother. 

    Going to take my cranky body and go cover up; cold again.    Everyone take care and don't forget to get your flu shots - it is time.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Warm and windy here this morning and the wind velocity is supposed to increase this afternoon and tomorrow, then a front comes through with possibly severe weather for a while, then finally cooler weather.  We're on day 128 or 129 of a stretch of weather over 80 degrees, second longest in history. First was way back in 1931, I believe.  We may break the record of 133 days.

     Glad you all enjoyed the pictures.  Sara, it is peaceful - I could sit for hours at the edge of the pond with the girls and just watch the weather.  Stormy, Sheena and I do that sometimes.  Jo, Karen (friend of six decades) told me once that she had learned more about cattle than she ever wanted to know, jokingly, but I think she really meant it.    This morning when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry, Susie heard me and here she came.  I've been feeding her twice daily to build up her milk production for Tina.  I didn't see Tina anywhere so searched everywhere I could think of - came back where Susie was eating and Tina was having her breakfast, too.  No idea where she was.  The girls are coming to the barn now and other babies are stopping by to see Tina.  They'll all be great friends when let she and her mom out.  I'm glad I called Mike although he now probably thinks I'm that silly, old woman.  Guess I really am.  Maybe she was sound asleep and I got her up and she was groggy and stumbled but I'm still glad I checked.

     Jo - so sorry you're not feeling up to par.  I've also had sort of a delayed reaction to the booster.  I had it Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon my arm was warm and just didn't feel too good.  Hope you're feeling better soon.  I'm ready to cuddle up in a cozy throw but really dread the winter if it's like the last one.  Hard to get yourself up, dressed and out in the cold to feed but the girls come first - they don't like really cold weather either.

     I agree about the weather.  It's so very unpredictable now.  In the past you could depend on rains at a certain time and even when it would turn cooler -  no more. Climate change has us in it's grip and the world leaders better get on the ball and get something done before it is too late.  Just imagine if this continues how it will be in another 50 years (if the world as we know it is still here).

     Sara, could you post a picture of   your pineapple plant you said was so pretty.  I know it's not pineapple but can't think of the rest of the name.

     Okay, ladies - avocado toast!  Do you all eat that? and if you do, what do you put on or in it?  When I was in the store I bought some avocadoes that were as hard as a rock.  I left them out of the refrigerator until yesterday and put all but one in the refrigerator.  Left one out that I was going to eat today.  This morning it was on the kitchen floor and as soft as who knows what.  I thought for sure it was a goner - but, when I cut it, it was perfectly right to eat so I was thinking about avocado toast.  I also bought a loaf of Challah bread.  There was a huge table of loaves of bread, two for a dollar, so I bought one - didn't notice what kind it was.  I like my home-made bread but thought I'd try one.  It was Challah bread - never have eaten it so thought I'd try it with the avocado.  I've read recipes and seems like EVOO is involved along with other things.  I also got some of the biggest apples I've ever seen.  They are Honey Crisp and are as big as softballs.  Sounds like I enjoyed by visit to the grocery store - a new thing for me.

     Also found a new cereal.  I left the check-out counter to check to see if they had Utz potato chips (they didn't) but there was a display of cereals.  I like fruit loops to eat dry as a snack and they had a kind I had never seen - looks like Kix but some are peanut butter flavor and some are chocolate flavored.  Tried it this morning and it's delicious.  No idea the name of it - threw away the box but I will buy it again when I go back.

     Today is a big day for Oklahoma and Texas football - The Red River Rivalry or Red River Shootout - Oklahoma vs. Texas in Dallas (Arlington, probably)  It comes on at 11 so I'll be watching that along with a good part of Oklahoma.

     Looks like it's about time for 157 - will do that in the morning or tonight.  Hope you all are well this morning and, Jo, hope you feel better soon.   Sara, I've also been wondering about your mother.  Did she ever get vaccinated?  Also good to hear about how Jean's doing.

     Back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning all.  We had rain most of the night.  It’s a blessing to have the moisture.  The weather report is predicting snow next week in the higher mountains, with overnight temperatures in the low 30’s.  Not sure I’m ready for that.

    Jo, I hope you get over feeling bad soon.  I’ve had my covid booster but still need my flu shot.  I’m planning on getting that this next week.  

    Lorita, the cattle and calves are so pretty.  I love the calf with the black face and brown body.  I’ve never seen Angus babies changing color.  That picture really shows the transformation.  Your ranch is beautiful with the green fields and the pond.  Very peaceful looking.

    Nothing much going on here, so I’ll attach a couple of pictures.  The rainbow was taken about an hour ago off my deck.  Have a great day.  Joan

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Joan, your trees are magnificent! Ours have just barely started to turn. You live in a lovely place! And that double rainbow, how glorious! Reminds me of the magnificence of God.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan, your pictures are beautiful.  So lucky you could capture the double rainbow - they don't often happen.  I also think you live in a beautiful place - all those gorgeous trees and beautiful colors.  That third picture - I could just sit and look at those trees all day - just enough green mixed in to make it breathtaking.  And- to boot - a mountain in the background.  Can't imagine living where you can see a mountain.  Our elevation is 650 ft. but where my in-laws live in the Texas panhandle it's 3000 - high plains.  Do you know what your elevation is?

     Joan, not sure that Angus cattle change colors - our girls are Brangus except for the little bit of Angus mixed in when Mike's boys are here.  Our calves are 99% brown but begin to change color - to black - at about 5-6 weeks old, beginning with the head and down the back.  Occasionally we have a black one.

     Watching the OU/Texas game.  Those Longhorns really came to play today.  They made a touchdown on the first play of the game - then the Sooners made one at the first of the second quarter but they're still behind.  Weather down there is about like it is here - windy and 86 right now.  The sky down there is a brilliant blue while ours if kind of milky blue.  They're playing in the Cotton Bowl which is on the ground of the State Fair so you could go to the ballgame, then spend the rest of the day at the fair.

     I bet there are loads of awful headaches by the end of this game.  Many years ago Karen and her family and Charles and I went to a football game in KC.  We sat in front of a bunch of fans from Florida and it was terribly noisy.  By the end of the game I had the worst headache I've ever had.  We ate somewhere south of there, then Charles and I went on to Eureka Springs.  By the time we got there I was in misery.  We found the one available room in town and it was awful but by that time I didn't care.  I was okay the next morning.

     Just wanted to let you know I think the pictures are so pretty.  I can just imagine you sitting on your balcony looking at those pretty colors and the mountains.  So glad you're feeling better.

     Okay, about time for the second half - hope things turn around for Oklahoma.  I've never been to one of the OU/Texas games but Charles went when he was younger - said it was a lot of fun.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,   You made me laugh reading about your trip to the grocery store it sounded like a little girl in a candy shop. And yes the stores have a lot of things. I am glad you enjoyed your trip and hope you take many more. It is good for you to get out. As far as worry you have so many things on your plate to take care of, there is no way I could do everything you do. I have been on stress meds for a few years now.  I am also a big worrier and when I was taking care of Dan and working and everything else I was not doing very good as far as stress and worrying goes. My Dr put me on some meds and I am still on them, and will be for the rest of my like. I Hope.

    I love all your babies and I also have learned a lot form you about cattle. I never knew they had personalities. I can see how much love and comfort you have in your little world.  

    Joan,   Your deck looks very relaxing and the rainbow was beautiful. I bet you enjoy relaxing on your deck. So relax and enjoy while the weather is good. I enjoy sitting on my porch in the evenings with a glass of wine, but it has been so cold I have not been able to do that for awhile.

    Iris,   I am hoping you got all rested up from your big day at the hospital yesterday and praying that your test all came out well.

    Sara,    I also wonder how you Mother is. You are so sweet  to get groceries for Jean I am sure she appreciates that, she is lucky to have you as her friend. Yes I will have my daughter show me how to do pictures. My son showed me once but I forgot. 

    Jo,   Please get some rest and don't let yourself run down. I was lucky the flu shot was not bad on me. I was tired the next day and had a sore arm, but that was it. I also plan for comfort and to relax during a storm. I have my coffee pot full and my fireplace on (a little electric one) and my blanket on my recliner with Molly & Sammy in my lap. Bring it on We are ready. Now I am waiting for my booster to come. 

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Joan, are the yellow trees aspens?  I saw a beautiful all yellow tree one fall day--it was so lovely!  It was at the VA, but I've never been able to locate it again in subsequent years.  


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Color update...change berry to rose. Berry is likely to enter the room 10 feet ahead...lol

    Two tours at the museum this morning. The first started with ten signed up then gewt to about 25 as we moved from room to room. Pretty much the same with the second group. There is no extra charge for the tours so it's OK. Those on the tour do wear earphones so they are able to hear everything. I study hard so that I am able to share information that is not on a label. The ear phones also allow visitors to sort of wander to the next fresco I am going to talk about. Only 4 more tours to go for this exhibit.

    I stopped at the meat market on the way home and got some turkey for a salad. some ground beef , a piece of lasagne and some stew meat. WOW the price of steaks etc is high. 

    It is a beautiful day here...perfect for a football game...looks like Texas is going to win this year. Bad...very, very bad. 

    Iris...glad that is over and hope you have a good book to read or a good movie. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Glad your tours went well this morning and that you enjoy doing them.

    I wear rose lipstick when I wear it.   Used to wear darker colors.

    Did you watch the last hour of the game? Best one I've seen in a long time.  Oklahoma 55, Texas 48- what a nailbiter!!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I pretty much never watch sports. When I was in the meat market they had a game on the TV. I looked at the uniforms and thought it was OU against OSU. Got home and turned my TV on and OU was one goal behind...then they were tied and then the most amazing thing....OU# 26 ran a long way to make a goal....could not believe it. My family is at the game/weekend. It is a very big deal here.

    The rainbows and trees...thank you.

    Time to head upstairs and get comfortable with a book and then my Netflix. 

    See you all in the morning for coffee on the front porch....

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Beautiful day yesterday.  Going to be in low 80s today and chance of some mist again.  Foggy again this morning.  We have had a lot of fog this summer.  Reminds me of Kentucky.  

    JoC my vaccinated sister has had diarrhea and stomach pain for about three days.  She works at hospital so was tested for Covid and is negative.  Her husband said a guy he works with, him and his wife have the same thing.  Seems like you are having one of everything don’t it.  Hope you get past this in a short time.

    Lorita and JoC thank you for asking about my mom. No she has not taken the vaccine and she won’t.  She is just about the same otherwise.  She continues to be aggressive, no boundaries. Cannot reason with her.  She spent a lot of money this summer.  Her brothers wife who is up in her late 80 s, continues to feel like she has to inform my mom of everything.  I love my aunt but wish she would stop doing that.  Anyway she told my mom about my uncle going to have surgery.  Mom told me she wrote them a letter telling them why she doesn’t think he should have the surgery.  His son is an anesthesiologist, his grandson and one or two of his granddaughters husbands are physicians, my aunt & his DIL are RNs, think two of his granddaughters are PAs and she is trying to give medical advice.  It is embarrassing to me.  She still runs all over the neighborhood.  I am just thankful that she can live there by herself.  Hope she can live there til the end.  LMG has sort of disappeared.  He may have long term covid from some things she is saying, I’m not sure.  His SIL mows for my mom now, she pays him.  She gave one man $5000 this summer and he has basically done nothing so far.  She realizes that, she told me things he is suppose to do but hasn’t so far but it won’t change anything.  That man she asked to marry her, he still plays with her.  She told me the other day he called her from Atlantic City.  Says I don’t know what he was doing there.  Thought to myself, I do.  He called her on her birthday.  This just causes me to have to listen to more that stresses me. Thank you for listening.

    Lorita attaching picture of Pineapple Sage.  It is considered a herb I believe.  The plant itself, not that pretty.  Kind of big and rough.  The leaves smell wonderful when you rub them.  It doesn’t bloom til real late and is frost sensitive, so always a chance it won’t get to bloom.  But when it does the blooms are vibrant red and hummingbirds love it.  Have seen very few hummingbirds this summer.  Have one planted in a very warm spot.  Hoping it will make it through the winter.  The other is in a grow bag.  When it is done blooming hope to move it to a warm winter spot also.  We will see. 

    Judy hope you are doing ok, have been thinking of you.  Said Judith yesterday and today I realized I used the wrong name.  Some times I have trouble with my names.

    Lorita I don’t even know what avocado toast is.  Do like Challah bread though.  Glad you went to the grocery store and enjoyed yourself.  Have noticed honey crisps are really big this year.  It is a very nice apple year here.

    Thanks for sharing the rainbow and leaves Joan.  They are beautiful.  Ours are turning more all the time. 

    Judith have noticed beef prices have gone up a bit.  When I get my quarter of a beef going to figure out what average cost is per pound.  That will be interesting to see.

    Zetta you are reminding me that winter is coming.  Hope the lady that plowed for mom last year will be able to do it again this year.  Mom can’t shovel at all any more.  

    Hope each one has a peaceful Sunday 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, your pineapple sage is really pretty - so bright and red.  How do you use it and will it reseed for next year?

     Sorry to hear your mother still doesn't want to take the vaccine.  With her being around people you'd feel much better if she did.  Did she give someone the $5,000 to do some work and they've never done it?  What a shame.  I know that distresses you but guess there's nothing you can do about it.     Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could do things for people that need to be done and they aren't able or willing to do? 

     It's warm and very windy here this morning.  Supposed to have a front come through late this evening or night and bring storms and, hopefully, some more rain.  We really need it.

     Nothing going on here this morning.  I fed Tom and Jerry and Susie.  She acts like she's starving all the time and she has feed twice a day, hay and grass to graze.  Baby Tina seems to be doing just fine.  I have a short tub that had minerals in it and I keep water in it and another one for them so yesterday I looked out and Tina was picking leaves out of the one tub of water.  She's so cute.  I'll be glad when I can let them out so she can be with the other little ones.   Spent quite some time out with the girls late yesterday trying to make sure everyone was okay.  They've come out of that pasture and into another one - barn comes next.

     Found a big sack of Charles' socks when I was clearing out some things in the bottom of the closet yesterday so I'll keep most of them to wear this winter with my boots.  Found a pair of my cowboy boots and one of his.  I won't keep them - and will throw away a lot of my old shoes.  With the injury to my Achillle's tendon that happened a couple of years ago I can no longer wear shoes that come up on the back of my right heel - have to wear boots or mules so no need to keep those shoes.  Not sure if I'll take down trash in the morning or not - not much of it and it will probably be wet.

     Judith, that was such a good football game yesterday.  I wouldn't mind to see a rerun of it because I missed some when I was out of the room.  They said that was the highest scoring game they've played. 

     Guess I'll stop - nothing going on here this morning and I hope it stays that way.  Hope all of you are well and enjoying the day.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,

    It's a dark day in my neighborhood today, looks like we will be getting some rain. I hope so I like rain I find it very relaxing. So this will be a relaxing day for me. Molly just jumped up on my lap to take a nap. 

     Lorita,   I bet it is real cute watching Tina, play and grow. I imagine spending time with the girls is very relaxing, especially when the weather is nice. 

     Sara,   I am so sorry for the hard times you have dealing with your Mom, you are so sweet to her you do not deserve the worry and stress she puts on you. You are a good Daughter. Please try not to let your mom embarrass you there is nothing you can do, you have tried. I also have not seen many hummingbirds this summer. I have a feeder on my porch and I have only seen a few. Those flowers are pretty and if the hummingbirds like them, then they serve a purpose. Please try not to stress yourself out, you know that is not good for you.  Sounds like your Mom can afford a gardener/handyman to take care of her outside projects, unless it is something you enjoy doing I would hire it out to professionals you can count on. Take care of yourself.

    I like watching The Hoarders, it is on most of the day so with Molly napping on my lap and Sammy????? not sure where he is at. ?????  I'am settled for the day. Looking forward to a Cheeseburger I will be having for dinner.

    Hugs, Zetta   

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  I’m watching the Bronco/Pittsburgh game.  Both teams have injured players, so it could be anyone’s game.  I like to watch football, both pro and college.  

    Iris, the colorful trees are mainly Aspen trees.  We have others that are colorful too, but a lot of Aspen in the mountains.

      Lorita, our elevation where I live is 5761 feet above sea level.  Many who visit have trouble breathing until they get acclimated to the elevation.  Thanks for the information regarding the calves changing color.  That fascinates me.  The little ones are so cute.  I love watching them running and playing.  

    Sara, your pineapple sage is beautiful.  I love the red blooms.  I’m sorry your Mom is non compliant with vaccination and life in general.  I’m sure it is frustrating to you trying to deal with the aftermath of her actions.  I pray you fine some peace.

    Judith, what fun you must have giving tours at the museum. Wish I were there so I could go on the tours and see the wonderful things you talk about.  I have to drive to Denver to do that, and I don’t go there often.  The price of meat has gone up here too.

    Zeta, I do enjoy the deck and a glass of wine once in awhile.  It’s getting cooler here too so those days are about over for this year.  I shut off the sprinkler system this morning and drained the above ground pipes.  My neighbor will come blow out the underground pipes in a week or so.  It’s supposed to get down to 27 overnight next week.  Guess my plants are definitely done for this year.  

    I hope everyone is having a nice Sunday  joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Joan,    Your elev is pretty high, the elev here is 4236 (oregon).  My outdoor plants are done for the year. We will be down in the low 20s starting tomorrow, and 30 tonight. Looks like snow is coming soon. Have a Good Day, Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Goodness, looks like we're flat landers out here on the prairie.  I bet people do have trouble breathing for a while.

    It's in the low 80s.now and getting dark in the north so the front is getting close. Tried to cover PU doors to keep rain  out hope it works.

    Watching Browns and Chargers.  I like to watch football, too, Joan.

    Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mmaybe I wouldn't have trouble breathing. Been to Taos and that elevation is 14,000 and I don't remember having problems but  was younger.

    Just made a sandwich with the   Challah bread. It is delicious- wish I had bought two loaves.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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