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Just need to talk to my friends (156)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    The elevation of Taos is about 1/2 that except higher at the top of the ski run. Our house was 72?? in Santa Fe. It was a problem for some visitors. 

    Looks like hail headed our way. I found a dent yesterday so I think I will leave the car out and maybe get enough to have insurance cover it.

    Nothing but spooky stuff on the TV. I guess from now  until Halloween. Just finished the Shining not Carrie is on.  

    My deli lasagna was lousey. I will do a burger pattie for dinner. Boring but never disappoints. Wish I had some chololate cake.

    My grass seed is thriving...beautiful color of green.

    Pest control will be here Tuesday. Seems like overkill for one tiny mouse but better that than having them all ove the house.

    My neighbor is putting up a flag. That makes 3 on our block. Mine is really faded...guess I will order a new one tomorrow. I have the pole that does not let the flag get wrapped up. A good thing.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just watched a really good game - Chargers beat the Browns by six points - total score was 89.  Judith, the Chiefs play at 7 - - that should be a good game to watch.

     The Shining is one of the scariest, if not "the" scariest, movie I've ever seen.  I've seen it two or three times but can't watch it again.

     You need to make that easy chocolate cake that I make so much.  It's delicious and only takes five minutes to mix it and it's ready to go into the oven by the time it preheats.  I let it cool three or four minutes, then put canned chocolate frosting on top.  Sounds good to me, too.

     I need to get another cord put on our flag pole - next time Bryon comes I'll ask him to do it.  I have done it by standing on the side of the PU bed but it was hard even two or three years ago - couldn't do it now.

     Sorry the lasagna wasn't good.  I haven't had lasagna in a very long time - used to really like it.

     Hate to even mention this but - Rose Bud and Sweet Pea were the same age - just like sisters, both white-faced.  I went out at 4 and she was still in the barn laying down.  Billy the Bull, her son, had just left so I though she was just staying in there which she does for a while sometimes.   Went out a while ago and she had moved but wouldn't get up for me.  Maybe she senses a storm is coming so she decided to stay inside.  I hope that's what it is. 

     I remember when we went to Taos - it was in October and on the way up there the clouds were below us.  Pretty town but I like Santa Fe and Albuquerque much better.  We ate in the nicest restaurant - food was delicious and they had petunias and peppers growing in flower beds outside the door.     Do you miss New Mexico, Judith?  How long did you and Dick live there or was it a summer or winter home?

     Do hope the storms aren't bad tonight.  Already a tornado warning near Hobart but it's moving north/northeast so maybe the bad weather will miss us.  I think it's about to move into OKC pretty soon. 

     What about your caladiums?  Are they still doing well?  Mine have almost collapsed - maybe the cooler nights or lack of water although I've watered them.  I'm going to try to save the bulbs because they were so pretty.  It says not to pull or dig them until after a frost, then let them lay until the foliage dries before you take it off. 

     Probably better go out and find something to go over the car windshield.  I've covered the PU doors as well as I could to keep out the water.  Hope we do get rain but nothing else.

     Watch the weather, Judith.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Is the line of storms past you, Judith?  Did you have hail?  Heard Norman had softball sized hail.   Not here yet, another hour or so.
  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Good evening everyone

    Been an expensive week for me.  Had to have a new furnace installed. Since my A/C was the same age (18 years old) had it replaced also.  I have a yearly checkup done every year.  Last year they said the heater exchangers were looking thin but was ok for another year.  This year there was a hole.  My furnace was unfit to use.  So glad I have yearly checkups.  My A/C was only running 50%.   Now I am all taken care of for heat and cooling.  

    Got my flu shot last week.  No problems, actually, my arm was not sore.  Pharmacist gives great shots.  He said the needles are so sharp now that makes it easy.   When COVID booster is ready here, I will get that. Got bulbs in the mail that I ordered and need to plant them.  They are breaded irises ( ink Patterns) (Presby’s  Crown Jewel) , ( Savannah Sunset), (Dutch Iris Collection).  Next year around my potting shed will be so pretty.  I am still getting a few tomatoes and not ready to clean up garden.  I think the hornets are gone but keeping an eye out. Cleaning out a shed that once was my chicken house now storage.   Most going to goodwill.  If I haven’t needed it in a couple years, out it goes.  

    Louisville had an Alz and Dementia walk Saturday.  “Carrie’s Crew” was there.  Around 50 people were walking in her name.  Donations were given to Alz  Assoc.  

    I kept smelling a musty smell in my dining room ever so often.  Cleaned like crazy but still had a smell off and on.  Drives me crazy.   Finally found what it was —- I bought a new can of spray to put in my Glade sprayer and it was” cashmere woods”. I hate that smell! Won’t buy that again.  I have a instant pot and a air fryer.  Use them all the time.  Instant pot is just a fancy pressure cooker with extra gadgets.  I am a gadget gramma in the kitchen.  Still wearing a wig since my hair grows so slow.  


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Was just thinking about your PU doors and the issue of finding new rubber gaskets.

    Until you can get the real thing, here is something you might try.

    Check on Amazon and look up Foam Door Weatherstripping.  It is adhesive on one side.  Can be cut to length and comes in various widths.  I have used it in the past for my front door and it really holds up.

    Might be a work around which would keep out the rain and the cold.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra wrote:

    Play games on my iPad quit a bit too.  Do you have a favorite one Iris?   

    Sayra, I love to play mahjong.  I also play a word game with scrambled letters.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Lorita the pineapple Sage doesn’t start blooming til late September, early October so never has a chance to reseed.  I just grow it for the beautiful red flowers.

    The man may eventually get back and do what he was suppose to do.  I don’t know time will tell.  It has taken him a year or more to get things done in the past.  But for $5000 he should be doing a bit of work.  Doesn’t distress me, just wish it were different.

    Funny Zetta how you like rain and find it relaxing.  Know it’s needed, thankful that we get rain.  Have heard others say they enjoy rainy days too.  I always sort of feel bummed by rainy days in general.  Think that is because the day is dark, wet, and messy.  I love sunshine.  Need to work on liking rainy days because they are so needed.

    Judy glad you are set for heat and  A/C.  The past two months have been expensive for me too.  Get my furnace and my car maintenance done every year.    Are the hollyhocks a new avatar?  Thinking it was your picture before.  They are pretty.  Have been thinking about growing them next year.  You will have to show us your irises next spring.

    Marie that was a good thought.  Hope maybe that will work for Lorita.

    Iris I play mahjong too and a couple of word games.  

    Well house cleaning day again.  It rolls around quick.  My sisters washer is broke.  Her husband ordered the part but when the box came yesterday it was empty.  So I am her laundromat til that gets straightened out.  Know it’s a hassle for her but enjoyed her visit yesterday.  She will be back today too since it didn’t get fixed.

    Ron thinking of you and Lou.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sad day and happy day - if that's possible.

     Thanks, Marie, I looked that up on Amazon and actually found door gaskets.  I'll look at the ones on the PU and see if I see something similar and will also call Robert and ask if they looked into that.  Thanks so much.  Guess you can find almost anything on Amazon.

     We had one STORMY night last night.  There were ten tornadoes in the State - one up around Tulsa and we had a tornado warning here. There were several going at one time, one right over our town and one just to the east - closest ones.  I did finally get everyone into the bathroom - imagine trying to get four cats and two Great Pyrenees in there and trying to keep them in.  If I opened the door to come out and see what was going on, a cat would get out and on and on.   I did get about five hours sleep so I'm tired this morning.

     I'm going to tell you all something you might not believe - no one could have made up and written something like this.

     You remember we lost Rose Bud last Sunday night.  She and Sweet Pea were born within days of each other.  Yesterday Sweet Pea was in the barn so it worried me.  When I went out later she had moved but I couldn't get her up.  More worry.  This morning I took down the trash and didn't see her in the pasture so hurried back to the barn and she was in the same place - gone, or almost gone.  I couldn't get her to move but she wasn't too stiff yet.  So imagine, two calves born within days of each other, if not the same day, living to be 21 or 22 years old and leaving this world one week apart to the day.  Unimaginable.    Another twist - Sweet Pea has a daughter, Daisy, also white-faced.  So we had three white-faced cows.  When I drove down to see the girls I saw something laying down and got closer and it was Daisy with a new baby - a white-faced calf (little girl).  So, we lost Rose Bud and Sweet Pea a week apart after all those years and the same night we lost Sweet Pea, her granddaughter, a white-faced heifer, was born.  Isn't that something?   I'm going to call the baby Sweet Pea after her grandmother.  I got Sweet Pea and Daisy up so they're in with Susie and Tina.  I'll try to get a picture of her for you all to see.  She is so cute with white stockings.

     Sweet Pea had a completely different personality than Rose Bud.  She was always pushing on you and wanting to be close to you - Rose Bud really didn't want much contact but they were both wonderful.    So, we still have two white-faced cows

     Now, I have to figure out how to get her out of the barn.  She's not right in the hallway so don't know if I can move her enough with the Gator to be able to use the PU - don't know if I want to try for the north end of the barn or the south.  I'll see what I can do and if not, maybe Mike can help.  He's gotten one out of the barn for me before.  If I could talk with Darwin he could do it - he's done it before, too.

     My income tax papers were in the mailbox this morning (came Saturday) so I signed the release to electronically file it and left it for the mail carrier to pick up today.  Glad that's done.

     We only got about .6" of an inch of rain.  Some places flooded but I'm thankful for what we did get and that we didn't have a tornado here.

     Back later.  Things to do..

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita so sorry to hear about sweet pea.  I was thinking as I was reading she ought to name the baby sweet pea.  Didn’t know if I should suggest that or not and then saw that it what you named her. Guess we were thinking alike.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thinking alike for sure, Sara.  She was one big cow.  Had a hard time getting the tow rope under her feet.  Managed to get her out of the barn but now can't  get the PU out of the parking area without letting Susie get out.  Will rest a bit and try again.

    Saw Baby Sweet Pea getting her lunch.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I am sorry for the loss of Sweet Pea and very happy for the new Sweet Pea, Congratulations on your new baby. Very sweet idea naming Sweet Pea after Sweet Pea, you have one sad thing to do today moving Sweet Pea but many years of happiness with your new Sweet Pea. I am very glad you did not have the worst of the storm last night. The news this morning was talking about some pretty serious damage done in parts of Okla, I am glad it was not close to you. 

    I bet that was a chore getting all your babies in the bathroom at one time, and keeping them there. I hope you find time today to get a nap if not maybe you will be able to go to bed earlier tonight.

    Sara,   I like rain I find it relaxing as long as it is a normal rain and nothing that is going to cause any damage. We just got a few sprinkles yesterday. Its nice you are there for your sister, my dryer is trying to go down, so I am drying very small loads trying to keep the dryer alive as long as possible. 

    Judy,   I bet your glad that then musty smell was just the air freshener and nothing else that was going to cost you. Enjoy your new heater and AC. 

    Ron,   I also have been thinking about you and Lou. I hope all's well with the both of you.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Happy Monday,

    Looks like rain here in Vegas. Winds are strong! Glad I had the trees trimmed 2 weeks ago.

    Hospital bed is coming tomorrow, but they don't move or take away the old bed, so thankfully I have wonderful neighbors whose husband is still working from home and will come help. 

    I have taken them out for dinner a few times and have given them both gift cards to say "thank you" for all of their help.

    Question for those have been through this: if/when my uncle becomes bedridden how do I change him? I'm assuming I will need a lift? I will not be able to roll him over. Also at this time I will be using the depends that tape on the sides.

    Possibly when this time comes I will place him. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Zetta, she is a cutie.  It was a job getting everyone in and keeping them in.

    Judy, glad you found the musty smell.  Some of those air fresheners really don't smell too good.

    Nicole, we never got to the point of changing depends in bed,- Charles was ambulatory almost to the last but he did wear depends. Whoever supplied the hospital bed will. probably supply a Hoyer lift.  That would be a great help for you.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Not much going on here and that is good.  Hope each one has a peaceful day.  

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning! 

    Lorita, I send my condolences regarding Sweet Pea's loss. I know it hurts and you have had a lot of loss. I am glad you have a new baby to enjoy.

    We had 1/2" of rain yesterday and expect more tomorrow. I met a friend for lunch yesterday and we had a good time. 

    Today, it'll be a dog walk (most every day we do that) and calling cousins in another state to talk. We hope to see them at Thanksgiving. I sincerely hope I can get my vaccine booster (Moderna) before then. Will see what the FDA & CDC decide. I will probably watch some movies/YouTube as well. I watched part of the Netflix series "Maid." It comes recommended. I have quite a few shows and movies on my watch list for Netflix and Amazon prime. More than I will probably ever get to! ha!

    Have a blessed day.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    AAARGGH!!!!!! Wrote a Post and you know they are not short - when done - Posted - BUT got a message that I had an "Error 15," whatever that is and for some sort of security reason I lost everything.  Bad, bad, bad word circled my mind but kept it from popping out. Just do not feel like doing it all over again right now . . . everyone have a good day and so hope no one else gets an, "Error 15."  J.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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