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Just need to talk to my friends (156)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, the pictures of Bobby and Kim are so good.  They look like good horses.  Sounds like you were really into riding and showing when you were younger - bet you miss it now, too.  I had a Pinto when I was pretty young and then we had Buck who lived to be in his 30s - he took care of moving the cows to different pastures and protected them from wolves. I always love to watch the equestrian shows when they're on TV - horses are so graceful.

     Zetta, have you ever heard The Highway Men sing?  It's the four who were in Stagecoach - Kris Kristofoffisen, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson.  They were so good.  I absolutely love one of their songs - The Highwayman.  See if you can find it on the computer and listen to it.  Did you watch Forsaken last night?  Pretty good - you'll get lots of westerns on INSP.  Glad you were able to get it.

     It's been a beautiful day here - it's 81 now, sunny and calm.  This morning it was 57 so pretty cool when I took down the trash at 7:30.  I let Susie out to graze for a while early this morning and took some feed down to Rose Bud.  When I went down to take the trash she was laying down north of the barn - same when I came back.  I've been worried about her a day or so - laying around so much.  She's about 22 now and gets around really slowly and I'm sure has lots of arthritis.  So took feed down to her and tried to count the girls.  When I went over to check on her most of the feed was still in the pan.  It was fortified grain with lots of molasses in it.  I could hardly get it out of the sack because it was cold.  So, she couldn't get all of it out of the pan.  I took it out of the pan and put it on a feedsack for her to finish.  I know the time will come when she gets down and can't get up and I won't let her lay there very long and suffer.  Really hate to think about that.

     Jo, so glad Rose Bud and I could get your mind off the procedure for a few minutes.  So glad that's over for you.  You do sound like you're back to your old self and we're all happy for that.

     Tomorrow I get my booster so shampooed my hair and it's still wet but decided I'd look for a striped pair of jeans to wear.  I had looked for them a couple of days ago and couldn't find them so was determined I would today.  I was looking in the closet and heard something (it's in the same room where the snakes come in) but just thought I had moved something.  A minute later something jumped out of the closet and I screamed.  It was just one of the cats that had gotten in without me knowing it.  Darn, lost a year of my life from that.  I did, finally, find the jeans - they're dark blue with a cream-colored or white, thin strip.  Really like them.  Bothers me that I happen to think of a piece of clothing and then have to find it.  I think sometimes of clothes I wore 30 years ago and wonder what in the world happened to them.  Carol called this morning while I was out in the pasture and she had been going through the same thing.  She exchanged winter/summer clothes yesterday and took out things to donate.  I so need to do that.  I know there's things in there I have never worn because they needed to be pressed.  I should get those blouses and pants out and wear them around the house since I don't go anywhere much.  I tend to wear the same things most of the time.

     Took down the trash early this morning and let Stormy go with me.   He cries to go and pouts when I don't let him.  Also made a fresh loaf of bread I just took out of the bread maker - think I'll have a piece of that with blackberry jelly in a few minutes.

     Joan, mentioning jelly reminded me of you and your jam and jelly making.  Hope you're doing all right and feeling better still.

     Sort of dread going into town again tomorrow but I want to get the booster so I can get my flu shot in a couple of weeks.  I've almost turned into a recluse or hermit which is easy to do out here.  I know now how daddy felt about going anywhere.  We'd usually go to Rockaway Beach for the Labor Day Weekend and he enjoyed it but I bet he worried about things while we were gone.  Mother would always tell the dogs to watch the place while we were gone and I find myself telling the GPs the same thing.  We do turn into our mothers.

     This time I haven't gone outside after washing my hair so maybe it won't be so frizzy - we'll see.  Sometimes I think I'll work it over with scissors - did cut my bangs a while ago.  Really seems to grow fast.

     Sara - glad you got a little more rain and got some more work done in your garden.  I love October - my favorite month - but it's a bit sad with leaves falling and flowers fading and everything going to bed for the winter.  Mixed emotions indeed.  For some reason I always feel the need to go to NW Arkansas in October -  maybe because Charles and I always did.  I love to walk in the woods in the fall - can't do that here but I can walk in the fallen leaves in the yard but it's just not the same thing.

     Hope everyone's well today.  It's going to be rather warm this week - up into the low 90s this weekend with no rain which we could really use.

     Stay safe.   Oh, by the way, I watched the Browns play football yesterday - the stadium was full with not one mask in sight.  Seems like there's two groups of people - one that is going ahead as usual like nothing is going on and the other (I'm one of them) that's still being careful.  Kind of hard to believe this has been going on for 21 months.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  I think it’s way overdue to be checking in, but here I am.  I’ve been busy the past two months and have read but didn’t take time to respond.  

    I’m happy to hear everyone seems to be feeling better.  That’s a blessing for all of us.  I’m feeling very healthy again. I’m exercising and going on long walks and even a couple of hikes with no trouble. I’m still experiencing a few effects from the prednisone, but guess I’ll have to put up with them for another six months until I’m weaned off.  I’m so humbled to be in the down side of this past year.   Makes me happy I’m feeling well again.  

    All of you on here trying to drink water make me laugh.  I’d gladly drink it for you.  I’ve been one who consumed 60-70 oz. of water almost every day. I’ve done that for years.  Well, one of my blood tests in April or May showed low sodium.  The internal medicine doc told me drinking water is a habit and too much water causing low sodium can cause extreme body aches and other problems. I’m now on water restriction of 40 oz. per 24 hours.  That’s been a bit difficult. I can drink all I want as long as it’s not water or flavored water or decaf tea.  I don’t care for juice or Gatorade or soda except for once in awhile.  Tea is fine, but if I drink caffeinated drinks after noon, it tends to keep me up at at night.  I’m getting by and my sodium levels are back in the normal range, but sure miss guzzling water.  Lol

    We’ve had some nice fall rains here. It’s helped with the drought and everything is still green. Colors are at peak in Colorado and beautiful this year. So far we haven’t had a frost, but I’m cutting back plants and getting things put away for winter. The stems seem easier to cut before they freeze.  

    I’ll resize a couple pictures and send them later.  I was in the high mountains a couple of days ago and the colors were stunning.  Pictures are pretty but colors are better in person.

    I’m also thinking of getting an air fryer. Sara, what brand did you get?  I love the easy cleanup aspect.  Lorita, did you say you have a New wave?  I want to look that up too. 

    I think of you all every day when I read and am praying for all in need.   This is always a comfortable site to come and check in with my friends.  Take care and enjoy this beautiful day. Joan

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Jo, yes my uncle does qualify for hospice. But he just had a full body bone scan (he refused the CT) that his oncologist ordered. He will see him next week to give me the results.

    My cousin and I (guardians) have already made the decision that we will not be doing any treatments if his prostate cancer has spread. So at the time I will call the hospice company I have chosen (they will re-evaluate) but due to his needing 24 hr care, incontinance, fall risk he will qualify yet again. He will be taken off home health. 

    Uncle has 2 major cleanings scheduled this month for his teeth. Plus an oral surgeon appointment in December to pull 3 teeth. If my uncle refuses I will cancel all dental appointments. I'm tired of the fight and I'm sure he is too.

    I'm so grateful for uncle's bath aide. She comes once per week and he gives her no problems. She is with home health. So when that ends I will pay her (with uncle's money) to come 2 times per week. I give him a shower once per week unless he has a bad bowel movement and he needs a shower. So far this is working, when it doesn't I'm not going to stress about it.

    I have caregivers coming four nights per week so I can get 8 hrs of sleep, plus if I need to run errands or just take a break I will get caregivers. Very lucky that my uncle can afford this. Still cheaper than placing him into MC.

    Have the housekeepers coming once per month to do a deep cleaning, i just do light cleaning in between. We all mask up. 

    I do order food and have it delivered to my door, no contact. I do take the food out of the containers and heat in my own containers. 

    When I go out I always wear a mask. Everyone I've seen also wear masks. Though I'm sure there are some who won't, but I can't worry or control them. 

    Just trying to take it one day at a time.

    Oh and I've had an air fryer for about two years and I love it, use it everyday. Also have an insta pot...love it.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi folks,

    Sorry to be such a non-poster recently but it has been a tough go here the last few weeks.

    For those who don't know, my dad is the one with dementia and my mother is his full time care giver...both are mid-90's.

    My daughter and I have been trying for the last year to get mother to consider moving to a progressive care facility...independent care...assisted living...memory care.  My mother complains about the "bad days" with my dad but then wants to stay in their home because of the "good days".

    My daughter and I have spent untold hours on the internet and on the phone researching places.  Mother finally agreed for them to tour one place...very nice.  She had all kinds of complaints...so many services they would not use, so far to walk, and on and on.  So back to looking for another place, which my daughter and I did a preview tour of which seemed to take all her issues into consideration.  It also is very nice.  Mother looked at the floor plans and decided the apartments were too small.  Granted, smaller than their home, but good for 2 adults who are down sizing, with lots of in building activities and socialization.

    Then she kept changing her mind about what she wanted at the first place...2 bed with a den, 2 bed with no den, 1 1/2 bath, 2 bath, pantry in the kitchen...on and on.

    I understand how difficult this process is for them but my mother is notorious for asking for an opinion and then dismissing it out of hand because it doesn't meet her perception at the moment.

    So sorry for this rant...of course it doesn't end here but will save you reading about my trials and tribulations any further.

    You all are such wonderful folks.  You are living your lives to make the most of every day.  It is a joy to read about your days, even when things are a bit off...you carry on.  May I some day be able to give you updates on something so interesting and heartwarming.

    Hugs to all

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Joan, good to see your post and to learn you're feeling back to your old self - almost.  Takes a while, doesn't it for us to recover.  Good that you're hiking again and enjoying life.  Happy you've gotten some rain.  What kind of trees do you have that turn pretty colors?  I remember seeing the beautiful Aspen in NM in October.  It's been so dry here that many of the trees' leaves have turned brown and fallen off. 

     There's a NuWave oven that looks like a toaster oven - just saw it this weekend on QVC - it does 12 different things.  What I have is a domed one, Pro Plus but it makes wonderful French fries which is the main thing I use it for.  For Charles I could take a frozen pork chop or whatever and it would cook in no time and be really good, he said.  I keep this and my bread machine out on the counter all the time.  We have baked biscuits in it and that's fun to watch this rise and turn brown.  I'm sure I could cook other things in it but haven't.   Also have a instapot that I've never learned to use.  Sandy sent me a cookbook for it which was so nice of her but so far I still haven't cooked anything in it but some beans  - didn't put enough water, I think.  Probably this winter I'll learn how to make soup in it.   I like vegetable and lentil soup so that should work just fine.

     Zetta, Bear Creek Potato Soup - so good.  I have, I think, four packages of it and three of the Cheddar Broccoli.  To me, it's too cheesy even though I love cheese but I'll use it anyway, somehow.

     Marie, my mother also had alzheimers and she was trying to care for daddy who had dementia (not alz).  He had trouble getting around.  It's really hard when both parents are elderly and not well.  I know you have your hands full.  Don't give up, she'll probably come around.  Maybe it's because she just isn't ready to move out of their house yet. 

     Nicole, I hope the scan results are good.  I think it's probably a good idea that you and your cousin have decided not to treat prostate cancer if he has it.  Treatments would probably be worse than the cancer. 

     I think they're more compliant with an outsider than with someone they're with all the time.  I saw this with Charles when we'd go to the hospital and he'd do exactly what they wanted - not always did that with me.

     Also think the dental appointment would be very hard.  I know they were for Charles.  We had one or two after he was diagnosed and it was very stressful - for Charles, for the dentist and for me - so hard to make him understand what they wanted him to do.

     Sara - I know you keep up with all of these covid things - are they still saying you shouldn't take acetaminophen before you have your vaccine (booster in my case)?  What about an anti-anxiety medication?  I took an acet. before noon today because I had a headache but nothing since then.  I still have the headache in the top of my head - kind of like someone's pounding on it.  I know it's anxiety - don't think it's about the booster but because of Rose Bud.  I may wear my Kn95 mask tomorrow although it is pretty hot - maybe just double mask with the little blue and white ones.

    This afternoon I went down to check on Rose Bud.  I could tell she had moved but was still down so came back to the house and found something to put water in for her.  Took down several gallons and gave her - she was thirsty.  I knew the time was coming but still hurts me to the core to see her down and not be able to get up.  I'll continue to feed and water her for two or three days in hopes she may be able to get up.  I won't let her lay very long.  We've gone through this so many tines - propping them up with hay so they wouldn't be on their sides - never works for very long.  If they do get up, the next time they lay down, they can't get up again.  I remember a couple of years ago Darwin had one of his favorite cows down.  He kept taking feed and water to her but she never got up again so he had to let her go to sleep.  I can't do it so Mike would have to like he's done so many times. 

     I appreciate all of you - you've been through this with me several times, so thank you and sorry for the sad posts I make from time to time.  Just have to get it out of my system somehow. 

     On the flip side Tina seems to be doing all right.  This afternoon several of the little calves and cows were at the fence making friends with her.  She's nursing pretty often so probably isn't getting a lot of milk at one time but she's doing all right.I did let her mother out to graze today but not sure she did - probably stayed in the barn.  She seems hungry all the time - I'm giving her hay and feeding her good feed.  I'll continue for a couple of weeks in hopes she may start making more milk.

     With that, I'll stop.  Jo - I love couscous and should fix some.  I know it must be good with salmon.  I found three salmon steaks when I was taking things out of the freezer in the refrigerator but I think they were old so didn't keep them. 

     Good night, everyone, sleep right and don't let the BBB.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    telinde wrote:

    .  I’ve been one who consumed 60-70 oz. of water almost every day. I’ve done that for years.  Well, one of my blood tests in April or May showed low sodium.  The internal medicine doc told me drinking water is a habit and too much water causing low sodium can cause extreme body aches and other problems. I’m now on water restriction of 40 oz. per 24 hours.  

    Telinde, I'm glad you are taking this seriously.  I knew a woman who developed a permanent stroke-like disability after hyponatremic (low sodium) dehydration.  I don't want that to happen to you.

    In the spring, I began drinking more water.  I developed pitting edema (swelling) in my feet, which is not good.  It took weeks for the edema to resolve.  No more excessive water for me!

    Jo, I'm glad you are finally doing better.  Did you hear the thunder?  There was a thunder so strong, it shook my condo like an earthquake!  But it came from the sky, so I knew it was not an earthquake.  There is not much rain, however.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita so sorry Rosebud has took a turn for the worse.  Know it is hard to watch.  Have not heard any talk about Tylenol and vaccine for quite awhile.  Think they eventually decided it didn’t matter.  I did not take any, endured because didn’t want to take a chance lol.  Wanted it to work.  Hope you have a good day today.  Think FDA is suppose to look into second shot for J&J on the 15th maybe.

    Misty dark day yesterday but no rain.  Still staying nice and warm.  No mention of frost so far.

    My air fryer is a Ninja101.  It is a smaller one but bigger than my last one.  Would say it is just for one or two people.  Takes up some room on counter.  Had thousands of reviews with a five star rating.  The only down thing I saw, and found it to be true is a strong odor when you first start using it.  Ran it without food in it a few times to help with this.

    How easy is your insta pots to clean?  If it is easy to clean, what brand is it?

    JoC glad you did well with your flu shot.  Remember you had a battle last year.

    Zetta not crazy about winter driving either.  Hate how the car gets so filthy.  Did get set up with a local car wash where I pay a certain amount each month and go get car washed as often as I want.  Maybe that will help.  Your garage gets so nasty too.

    Marie  thanks for reminding me who has the dementia.  Your story reminds me of my Aunt.  Dad thought he had her all set up and after he left she went back, canceled the contract and got her money back lol.   Your chair is always on the porch waiting for you when you have time or need a break to vent.

    JoC I like molasses cookies too.  I have the recipe laid out as one of the next ones to make  when my goodie supply gets low.

    Concerning the antiviral drug, have heard some concern from one of the virologist I listen to that the virus is going to become resistant to it quickly due to how it is made.  The proper word won’t come to me right now, but basically they took a one prong approach instead of say a three prong approach which will allow the virus to become resistant to it quickly is his concern.  He is right about a lot of things so will just watch and see.  Have not heard Shane Crotty give a thought on this yet.  Would be interested in his thoughts.  Hopefully they will be able to continue to develop better ones.  Vaccine is definitely the best choice still.   Their efficacy is better than 50%.

    Watched an interesting video yesterday put out by our two local health care systems.  They said 25% of all hospitalized patients in Ohio is due to covid.  The bigger system where I worked said of the patients presently in their hospital over age 50, 90% unvaccinated.  Under age 50, 100% are unvaccinated.  The smaller system said around 90% of their patients are unvaccinated and did not break it down farther than that.

    Ohio’s dashboard has a new statistic as of yesterday.  This is something I had been interested in and so glad it’s available now.  Yes I’m a Covid nerd.  Have followed the data available from day one.  This may sound odd to some but it keeps me grounded.  Feel like I know what is happening and not out of control.  Of all new cases in Ohio since January 1, 2021 .03% fully vaccinated, of all deaths .01% fully vaccinated.  So not even near one percent.  Think I’m glad I chose the life boat and not the Titanic.

    JoC I’m guessing technology is even an issue for present workers.  They are so overwhelmed and my friend told me where she works they have five different types of ventilators in use.  This means they are overwhelmed and working with unfamiliar equipment.  The hospital is either renting equipment or getting it from the government to have enough and they are having to take what ever is available.  This is not how you want it if you are a patient.  Not how I would have wanted it as a worker either.  Would have me concerned about how safe of a therapist I was being which was very important to me.  Always read the manual for any new equipment we got.  Wonder if a manual is even available fo each piece of equipment.

    JoC always dreaded wearing N95 at hospital.  Always was work to breathe through them.  Having to wear them hours, just one more burden for health care workers to deal with.  That is why I’m so thankful I found KF 94, much better pressure drop with their material.  Our N95’s at work, the rubber bands were bad to break.  Do think easier to get a really good seal with them.  But I get a very good seal with my KF 94.  They are hot though if not in AC and hot outside. Think KF  94 is easier to lose seal due to ear loops but easy to adjust.

    Bought some salmon recently.  Hope to try it in my air fryer soon.

    Joan so thankful you are feeling better and able  do things again.  Makes my heart smile.

    Iris that is interesting about the chronic stroke like symptoms with excessive water intake.  Guess most things are best in moderation. I drink around 36-48 ounces each day.

    Looks like I was pretty long winded.

    Each one take care

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  Iris, thanks for the information. I am taking it seriously because I don’t want to feel bad again, and it can definitely be dangerous. I’m getting used to not drinking so much, but I was vert thirsty for a couple of weeks. 

    Lorita, our trees are Aspen, pine, and pesky Elm everywhere.  We really have several different varieties.  The oak brush is beautiful this year.  All the reds and bronze colors light up the mountains too.  

    I’m sorry about Rose Bud.  That has to be hard to watch and worry about.  Good the new baby is doing well.  Thanks for the good thoughts.  

    Nicole, I’m sure you are in a constant state of tired. I remember those days and I wonder now how I got through them.  I guess by taking one day at a time.  I’m glad you hired some help.  It’s the only way to survive the daily grind. 

    Zeta, I bet the colors are pretty there too.  Enjoy your break from dog sitting, although I know you will miss it.  

    Sara, thanks for the good wishes.  I’m feeling so much better and stronger these days.  I’m going to check out the air fryers.  I just need a small one because it’s just me to cook for and I don’t have a lot of counter space.  I could store it in the pantry. 

    Jo, good news that you’re finally feeling better too.  It’s been a long haul for several of us.  I keep thinking of molasses cookies.  I love them too, so maybe on my to do list. 

    Hi to everyone.  Take care and have a peaceful day.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi friends,

    Hope this finds all of you well and with weather which is comfortable.  We have been getting more rain...not alot at any one time so it does have a chance to soak into the ground.

    Lorita, so sorry to hear of Rose Bud's decline.  This part of the life cycle is very difficult.  I know I have cried buckets over the years for the loss of favorite animals.

    Iris, I am sorry that things did not work out for you to have your brother as your POA.  Time and distance make things difficult.

    All this talk about the homemade cookies reminds me of a favorite fall receipt that is from generations in my family.  They are called shoo-fly cookies.  The base is flour and brown sugar, with some additional ingredients.  After mixed you put them in rolls and refrigerate.  Then bring them out to slice as you need them.  A short baking time as I recall.  You can either bake them to be soft in the center, or a little bit more to make them crunchy.  Great with milk or coffee.

    Water consumption seems to be a hot topic.  My dad has been to the ER several times in the last months.  Once for dehydration, once for low sodium and once for a UTI.  In all cases more fluid was recommended.  Was surprised with the low sodium diag. but apparently there is a fine line between too much water and not enough which causes it.  Unfortunately, he will be on this road because no matter how we set it up or make suggestion, neither he or my mother will make sure to do it.

    I have been interested in everyone's kitchen solutions for cooking.  I had a crock pot once and never used it...daughter gets great use out of it...lol.  I have a toaster over, which I will use sometimes instead of heating up the oven, especially during hot weather.  I haven't looked into the air fryers...my granddaughter loves the one they have.  I think I am too set in my ways to try out the new things...lol.

    When I was working always wore a suit...closet full of them that haven't been used in years.  By the time I got interested in donating them, they were out of style.  Since I quit work and moved back to Virginia, I am a shirt and blue jeans gal.  If I got rid of all the clothes I don't wear, I would have a whole room for all my crafty stuff!

    Hope all are on the mend and feeling better with each new day.

    Hugs from Marie

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    With all of you talking about air fryers I think I need one also. Sara was talking about the fryer for one person so I think I will check out the Ninja101. My daughter has one and she uses it often. 

    Sara,   My car stays pretty clean during the winter because of the snow and rain but in the summer its pretty dirty due to all the dust and the water puddles I go through. I don't have a garage so its sits out all the time. I do go to a car wash often but the closest one to me is 25 miles away. 

    Jo,   I also like salad bars and the one I really like is in our town and it also has pizza. So I would go in and order my pizza and enjoy a salad while my pizza was being made, now that they no longer have a salad bar I don't go in. I do think about all the germs in a big deli with everything but this salad bar is very small and tended too often. I do get take out from drive throughs especially coffee stands. 

    Lorita,   I am so sorry that Rose Bud has taken a turn for the worse. I know how hard that must be on you. You have so much love for all of them, your love will help you through the sad times. I do remember the 4 guys that sung on that movie I just don't remember them as The Highway Men. I really did like that movie. I did not see The Forsaken I guess I missed it. I go to bed pretty early.

     I have been watching the Gunsmokes that comes on between 8 & 9pm they are the older ones with Chester in them. I saw Matt in a older movie he was not Matt he was a different character. He was really close to this one lady and he never kissed her I wonder if in those days people just did not kiss in the movies.  You must be out getting your booster, please let us know how things are going with Rose Bud.  I bet that was a scare when your cat jumped out especially when you had snakes on your mind. 

    Joan,   It is nice to hear your feeling good, do you walk alone? I live in the woods and I really don't feel safe walking in the woods so if I do walk I stay close to the houses. We have miles and miles of woods to walk in  it would be a lovely walk, but there has been coyotes and even homeless campers not too far from me. Yes I do miss the little dog I pet sit for but I am enjoying getting up in the morning and having no place to go. I have been up for 6 hrs and just got around to combing my hair. 

    Nicole,   It is nice you have a caregiver that comes over you really need to take care of yourself. You are a good caregiver, I never would have been able to take my DH to the dentist. I tried once and it was hard for him.

    Iris,   On The Today show this morning they were talking to William Shatner from Star Trec and he was telling us about all the thunder they had in L.A. yesterday. I bet you run into a lot of TV stars where you live. He said he lives in L.A.  I hope your all rested up from your visit with your brother. 

    Loveskitties,  I am sorry you and your daughter are dealing with these issues caused by your parents, it may be hard for them to say how much they appreciate you guys but I am sure they must. Please take care of yourself and all you can do is take one day at a time. There is a place for them and you will find it.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Hello to my front porch friends!

    Never will get use to the world of dementia. Lou's first shot she was great and took it without a whimper. Today on the second shot was hell on wheels! 20 minutes of constant fussing and refusal to take her shot even with a calm, sweet nurse trying to talk to her, at the end when we just about gave up, she said just make sure it's a small needle. Oh well, its finally done!

    I believe I mentioned having a sore on my inner thigh that was bothering me when I would sit. I've been using wound care on it and it's not hurting as bad but still a big sore. Now I have a infected finger nail quick that is turning red and throbbing. Soaking it in warm anti bacteria soap and hopefully that will help. 

    Had a sitter stay with Lou while I went to the store and it worked great. I was surprised at how many people didn't have mask on even with a big sign stating it was required. Even more surprised the store didn't enforce it.

    I have my ct/pet scan next Tuesday!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Was on short message and got knocked completely off the Board and of course, message lost.  Sure is unpleasant when that happens.  Oh well.

     I am sorry to hear about Rose Bud, Lorita.  She seems to sweet to me; I so hope she can rally and it is really kind of you to bring her food and water; sounds like she was really thirsty.   She seemed to have bonded to little calves now and then; kind of like an elderly auntie.  

     So; off to town to get your booster shot - all shampooed, so if you have a little side effect or two you will not need to do that again for a few days.   Hope that you get right in and right out again with the booster.  I am watching for the Moderna booster to become available; hope within the next two to three weeks.

     Joan!  So glad to see you and that you are feeling so much better; that is wonderful.  You will be in fine form before winter arrives.  Looks like we need to get a group together on the porch with out molasses cookies and tea.  Sounds good to me. 

     Nicole, frankly I would not make the severe taxing effort to get uncle for routine tooth cleaning considering he will be going on Hospice.  Only absolutely necessary work at this point.  It is not only a taxing effort for you, it is also a taxing effort for him.  Simplify as much as possible and the big deal is his calmness and comfort which hopefully will make things less strenuous for you.  Hopefully.

      Ron - hurray!  Vaccination accomplished for Ms. Lou!   That was not easy, but you got it done.   It is wonderful that you have found a good person to be with Lou while you run errands and keep appointments; that is golden for sure. 

    Had big all day into the night thunderstorms yesterday; windows rattled.  It was LOUD!   We are closer to Orange County in SoCal than is Iris, and it boomed and had lightening all day with a bit of the blessing of some rain which we really need badly.  I took out a couple of LED lanterns in cases electricity went out, but that did not happen.   We are supposed to have light sprinkles on Thursday but 60% chance of some nice rain on Friday - welcome rain - and please come again soon!!!   Terrible drought and need all the rain we can get.

    Oh my goodness; I looked them up and those small air fryers are really expensive.   Hm-m-m; will have to think about that.   DH bought an InstaPot and it is of good capacity; I am not so attracted to it; it is only the two of us in the house.   He likes to buy electronic kitchen gadgets.  We have a large electric parmesan cheese grater - as if we have use for it, we don't; but there it sits.  Also have a good size Cuisinart Panini Press he bought and has been used exactly one time.  And other items as well . . .  I try to put it in context; he does not drink, nor does he carouse or chase women, doesn't smoke, but he does like to buy this and that with good intention, but there the stuff sits.  As said; just the two of us.  Will run out of storage room if this keeps up as he also bought a new set of pots and pans not needed and . . . . oh my.  We have a separate laundry room with an entry from the garage into it as well as a door into the family room. I came home one day and found TWO HUGE shelving units - floor to ceiling - metal, like they use in commercial kitchens - one on each facing wall.  One filled with "stuff" we do not use as above, the other a second pantry with all sorts of canned and bottled goods.  Some of it has to be done away with as it is well past use by dates.   How many bottles of salad dressing can one possible use . . . . sigh.  Anyway; tis what tis and I love him dearly and am so glad he is in my life. Known him since I was 14 and friends at school and then eloped at age 18 to the shock of my poor parents.   Not such a big issue with the electric kitchen items - best laid plans of mice and men . . . . he uses once or twice and retires the item.   I am not into it at all.

    So William Shatner goes into space - sort of.   He is 90 year old; hope he has a really good experience and does well.  Wonder if he will find any "tribbles."  I am an old Star Trek fan from eons ago.

    Looked up the Bear Creek Soup as it sounds so good, but I cannot use it due to the sodium content which is really very high.  I would bloat up like the Goodyear Blimp!  I really do love soup, it is so nurturing and good.  I always wonder what the U. S. Senate Bean Soup tastes like; sure sounds good and looks good in photos and raved about.  They sell it by the can in the Vermont Country Store Catalog, but it is SOOOOOOO expensive; sure not going to pay that for a can of soup.   I need to get a soup bone from the Honey Baked Ham Store; my friend said they sell them with a good amount of meat on them for about $3.00.   Would make some pea soup or white bean soup.    Just wonder though if the ham bone might be a bit sweet due to the way they processs the ham. Friend says no, but I still wonder.

     I do recall the debate about whether one should use any Ibuprofen or Tylenol or other such meds before having the COVID vaccine.  Not wanting to put a damper on things, I went off anything at all for about a week and for a couple of days afterward as a "just in case," sort of thing.   I have not heard anything about that in a long time.  When going for booster will probably do the same thing at least for a few days just to be sure that I do not hinder the robustness of the vaccine, just in case.

      Heard that Kaiser Permanente laid off over 5,000 workers for non-vaccination today. Another hospital, I think in New York also laid off a huge number of workers; over a thousand.  The County of Los Angeles is having quite a difficult time.  The three groups of employees with the least number of vaccinated employees and a high rate of COVID cases and even COVID deaths are the: Fire Department; Los Angeles Police Department, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept.; when having some of these folks respond to a call or accident, one does not get time to get choosy whether the officer is vaccinated or not - one would think they would have the mind set to vaccinate and protect self and others, but the opposite is true.  Cannot figure it out - what in the heck and where is the intelligence.  They feel it is "against their civil rights . . . " and have brought a legal case and even have the time on their hands to demonstrate.  What in the world scares them I wonder.  Geeze.

    Got to go, the technical stuff keeps trying to wipe out whole paragraphs; best sign off before all gets wiped out.  Sweet dreams tonight everyone,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Dear Front Porch Friends,

     You all are the greatest!  Thank you for the kind words and caring thoughts about Rose Bud.  She left us sometime during the night.  I didn't have time to go down to check on her this morning before I left but did stop by on the way out - she was laying close to the fence by the driveway.  She was laying flat and bloated some so I was 99.9% sure she was gone.  Same when I came back.  I hurried and changed clothes and went down.  She was gone and something had gotten to her during the night.  I so hope she was gone when that happened and I'm almost sure she was.  I'm so happy that she had a last, good meal and all the water she could drink.  She didn't finish all of her grain.  She was just worn out and so tired from trying to walk around and get up and down.  I've gotten her through two hard winters by feeding her every day. This winter she won't have to worry about the cold weather and snow.  When she saw me come out of the house she'd come to get her feed or I'd take her to her.  I used the PU and took her down to be with Christy and the last new baby before Tina and all the others.  When I came by the barn (girls had gone in) you should have heard all the bawling - like they were mourning for her.  They do, you know.  I've seen it many times.  They're up on the hill where she is tonight so I'm sure they gathered around her. This may sound silly to some but it does happen - Charles and I have seen it many times.  I am thankful that she didn't linger and have to lay and suffer.  God was good to her.  She was always the first thing I looked for when I'd go outside in the mornings - I'll miss seeing her white face looking toward the house.  She was 21 or 22 years old - very old for a cow.  Again, thank you.

     I did get my booster this morning - there were three other people there getting vaccinated.  Got my groceries before I got the shot.  My arm is rather sore now - doesn't hurt (it did for about half an hour after the injection, just a bit) I can tell it's sore when the sleeve of my dress gets against it.  I've had a headache this afternoon but it's not from the shot - I've had the headache a couple of days.  Glad that's done.  I asked bout the flu shot but our health dept. hasn't gotten their supply in yet but are expecting it any time.  I'll wait at least two weeks before I get it though.

      Ron, so glad Lou finally gave in and got her second vaccination.  Now both of you can feel pretty safe. You know sometimes when you try to get them to do something, they dig in their heels and when you let us - they do it. Glad she did and glad the sitter worked out well.

     I saw William Shatner (dear Captain Kirk) on TV yesterday.  He's really going into space next week - the oldest person to ever do that - he's 90.  Can't believe he's that age and that it was 50 years ago when Star Trek came on TV.  Time flies.

    You all were talking about water intake.  Carol had the low sodium problem.  She had been dieting (not sure how much water intake she had) but she got up and didn't know what she was doing.  Thankfully, Bill was there and took her to Urgent Care - they sent her directly to the ER.  Finally found out her sodium was low - she almost didn't make it.  I guess like everything else, moderation is best.  Sadly, guess that goes for desserts, too.

     Sara - my Instapot has an insert just like a crock pot does so cleanup is no problem at all.  I'm sure when I get used to it I'll like using it because you can cook things so much faster.  Just takes learning how to use it and getting used to it.

     Joan - I bet the Aspens are beautiful.  We don't have them here.  I think they're gorgeous mixed in with pines and cedars.  We saw them in Kitt Carson National Forest years ago.  I saw on TV this morning that two hot air balloons crashed in Albuquerque's balloon fiesta.  We went to Albuquerque one year not knowing it was fiesta weekend.  We saw the parade and went out the next morning for the ascension - they were beautiful.  But, I would not want to ride in one.  They have something similar on a much smaller scale NE of here every year.   So glad you're still feeling better.  Have you ever been to the Balloon Fiesta?  So happy you're feeling so much better and able to do things you want to do.

     About masks, Ron, I don't think anyone in the grocery store this morning was wearing a mask but everyone at the Health Department is required to wear one.  I don't care if no one else wears one, I will - what the problem is I'll never know.  I didn't wear the kn94 because like we've mentioned they are hot but how great that will be this winter, especially when I'm feeding with the north wind coming up the hill and snow's falling.  Dread that.  I wore two of the little blue and white ones and I feel like that's okay if you're not too close to people.

     Tina is still doing great.  She's running around and nursing every chance she gets.  She's really cute.  Mom's eating up a storm so maybe she'll start producing more milk.

     When I got home, I wiped down everything before I put it away.  I'm well stocked now except for Viva paper towels (store didn't have that brand)  And, they were low on canned fruit - and - no broccoli.  Seems like they hardly ever have much of that.  I did get some zucchini (even my plants have disappeared) so I'll make zucchini bread in a day or so.  The last I made was really good - think it was Sara's recipe.

     Zetta - hope you can find the song "The Highwayman" to listen to.  It's kind of sad but so very good.     Love walking in the woods (something I don't get to do out here on the prairie)  so wish I was closer to you and Joan so we could walk in the woods together.

     Can't remember what else I was going to say in answer to what you all had written.  Just want to say, again, thank you for caring about little Rose Bud.  She's at peace now but it's so hard to lose them.  I'm sure she has daughters and granddaughters out in the herd but I don't know which ones.  With Sweet Pea I know there's Billy the Bull and Daisy (two of her kids).  Sweet Pea and Rose Bud were the same age, both just a few days apart.  Now we only have two white-faced cows - Sweet Pea and Daisy.

     Rest well tonight.  See you all tomorrow.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Lorita, I'm so sorry about your sweet Rose Bud. I know you loved her and you took great care of her. She was blessed to have you as her caregiver.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    The FDA announced that the external scientific advisory committee to the FDA will meet to discuss:

    Oct 15: Moderna booster

    Oct 16: J & J booster and mixing and matching vaccines

    Oct 26: 5-11 y.o. vaccines

    If committee votes in favor then will be reviewed by ACIP and CDC a few days later. If approved, could be within 24 hours. (p.s. I don't know what ACIP stands for....)

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm sorry to learn about Rose Bud.  You gave her a good, long life.

    I have not used my crockpot in a long time, but when I did, I used a crackpot liner to make clean-up easier.  The regular size is found in the supermarket, next to waxed paper and aluminum foil, and the small size can be found at Target.

    Last weekend was the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque.  I would like to attend one year in the future.  I've never been in a hot air balloon.  

    Although I wouldn't mind going into outer space, if I were a billionaire, I don't think I would make being the first civilian astronaut my legacy.  I would take some of my billions and solve the homeless crisis.  I think that is doable for a locality.  Then other localities could duplicate my efforts.

    Sayra, I used to make clippings of Covid news so I could stay up-to-date on all the directives.  It's gotten to be too much!  I can't keep up!

    Marie, I never heard of shoo fly cookies, but when I was a girl,  we used to go on bus trips to the Amish country in Lancaster PA, and a specialty was shoo fly pie.  I don't know how it was made, but I liked it.

    I donated many out-of-style suits and dresses to Goodwill.  I think they make rags out of what they cannot put on their racks to sell.  I have one nice outfit that I wear to doctor's appointments, otherwise I wear only jeans and tee shirts.  This is a far cry from my work years, when I was sort of a fashion plate.

    Zetta, I too love buffets.  My two favorite restaurants were Hometown Buffet and Souplantation.  Bye-bye, buffets!

    I never see any stars or celebrities where I live.  I live where the "regular" people live.  I did meet Magic Johnson's wife Cookie once, she had written a book and gave a talk about it.  Years ago, I stood next to Richard Simmons at the airport.  He was wearing shorts like he wore on television.  That's my experience with those types.  I have met many local celebrities, people who do real work and who are contributors to their communities.

    Jo, I purchased my small air fryer last year for $20 from Best Buy.  It was right around Thanksgiving time when there are a lot of sales.  I'll be on the lookout and let you know if I see they have another sale on small air fryers this year.  But it is very small, you might want a bigger size since you would be cooking for two.

    I too, have a lot of gadgets and things slightly used, some still in the unopened box.  I think I used my new air fryer twice.  Well, at least it's here in case I decide to air fry something LOL.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    THank you Beth and Iris, she did have a  nice, long life and she will be missed by the girls and me.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita know you will miss Rosebud, and as others said you took good care of her.

    Beth I looked up ACIP.  Stands for Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

    Saw a presentation by Shane Crotty and he said second shot will be recommended for J&J.  He probably knows as he has input into these things because of the work he does.

    Ron sorry you have so much to deal with.  Glad mission got accomplished with Lou and her vaccine.  

    Lorita glad you did ok with your shot.  I had a pretty good reaction to my first one, but didn’t last too long.

    Zetta do you live out in the country or in a small town?  Sounds like it would be smart not to walk in your woods.

    Marie what types of crafts do you like to do?

    Use my air fryer almost every day.  Use my crockpot and bread machines a lot.  Made sub buns yesterday.  Have two crock pots.  If I ever get an insta pot would probably take one of my crockpots to thrift store.  Not sold on an insta pot yet.

    Have yearly eye appointment at 7:30 am. 

    My nephew came and dug out all the shrub stumps but two biggest ones.  He drilled holes in those two and we put epsom salt in them.  He got them out.  I threw them in the woods and filled the dirt back in.  We were probably done in a hour.  I couldn’t believe it.  Hope maybe next spring we can get the other two big ones out.

    Take care everyone

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi all,

    Sayra, you asked about my crafts.  Primary is crocheting afghans.  I help my daughter when she is over booked with sales.  As a result I end up with lots of partial skeins of various brands and colors...used to try to keep a list but it got too long...lol.  Now I sort them by brand and color and have in boxes so I can see what I have so we don't go buying more unless necessary for a particular project.  I also do afghans for the local shelter and memory care facility when I am between projects and it helps to use up some of the left overs.

    I also do a bit of crafting with artificial flowers when called upon.  I have made all the corsages for all the granddaughters' dances, did the table decorations and bouquets for one granddaughter's wedding and even a casket spray for family who was short on money.

    In the past I did a lot of counted cross stitch projects, but the eyesight aging kinda put the end to that.

    I find my projects are a good excuse not to do the things around the house that I should...lol.  

    To each of you:  may the difficulties that you face each day become smaller and the joys that come your way be greater.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, I am so sorry for your loss. Rosebud had an amazing life—very long, and I know very good. It’s still so hard when we lose one.

    I have an instapot, but never got the “hang” of it, haven’t used it in a year.  I really wanted to cook root veggies faster with it, but it wasn’t  *that* much quicker, to be worth messing with. My crockpot was easier for soups and stews.

     I will probably give in and get the air fryer it sounds great, but I kept saying I was not going to get another kitchen gadget to not use.  If I get rid of the Instapot, that at least frees up space. Anything fried was a big No in our house, but now I’m more concerned that DH eat, less worry about cholesterol. And little oil with air fryer.

    Talk about salad bars, there was a steak house chain (Chart House, it was national) here  that was as famous for its huge salad bar, with really unusual items, for that time.  Many diners went just for the salad bar, a meal.  I rarely order steak but that salad bar was amazing. Every restaurant they did was different; they were nice but not fancy/stuffy. They closed maybe15 years ago. Those were the days…DH healthy, a martini, a great salad, nice place.  Phooey…

    Jo, we had Honey-Baked ham every year  (maybe not last, given COVID), and I tried soup with that bone, but thought the bone and its meat was too sweet, for me at least. My chain grocery sells all kinds of soup bones, I bet others do around you.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest Lorita, I am sorry to hear of the death of, Rose Bud.   I have always thought of her as so sweet and dear; you were truly very good with her and her last day was made much easier with your loving kindness.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Lorita, I'm so sorry about Rose Bud.  What a wonderful life she had with your care.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    ((((Lorita))))) Sorry about Rose  Bud, but you know she is at peace right now and you may be as well. The Love you have for your girls will help you deal with this sadness. Today maybe just go out and stand amongst  your babies and feel all the love they have for you. Rose Bud, was lucky to have you as her owner. Hugs Zetta
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    We are all sad with you...

    The rest of the cows are sad too. That is interesting. Animals are wonderful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Once again, as always, you all are right by my side as you have been through all my trials and tribulations.  That means the world to me.  No one could have better friends than all of you.

     I know Rose Bud is at peace now - I'll get there.  I hate to go on about it when so many are dealing with taking care of their loved ones.  I've done that and I know how hard it is.  Right now the girls, GPs and cats are my family so it's hard.  I have a regret - when I took her up on the hill yesterday I pulled her through where the others had been so I could get her as close to them as possible.  If I'd gone around she would have ended up at least 30 ft. from them.  I wish I had but I always try to get them close together - just a thing I have.  I know she was gone but still there's the regret of what I did.

     Jo - she was a sweet, little cow but sort of stubborn.  When I'm among the girls I always stroke their heads or faces.  When I tried that with Rose Bud she would shake her head at me - didn't want that at all.  But, you know, that last evening when I stroked her face, she was all right with it.  She loved her feed everyday and watched for me to come out of the house to feed her.  Like I mentioned she won't have to contend with cold weather this winter or maybe being pushed around by the others.  But, the pasture seems empty.  Thanks, again.  Animals are wonderful, Judith, and the more I'm around them, the more I believe that.  Zetta, I do plan on taking Stormy with me and sitting among the girls this afternoon when they come out of the barn.  Always makes me feel better and Stormy enjoys it, too.

     Well, my arm is still a bit sore but not as bad as yesterday.  Glad I got the booster - now for the flu shot in a couple of weeks when it's available. 

     Haven't done much of anything today except I did the dishes, roasted some vegetables and made Ranch Dressing as a dip for them.  I could eat it by the spoonsful.

     I called Shaun this morning about the floor and barn.  It'll be about three weeks until he can get to it but I'm on his list.  He'll come out before then to give me an estimate.  The timing should be good - it'll be cool for them to work and still not too cold.  He's going to move part of two fences in the pen inside the barn and put in another gate so the Bob Cat can get in that area to clean it out.  Then, he will have to make another door for the cowshed and repair a couple of shutters.  

     I'm going to find out from him if there's some kind of material he can use for the utility room floor that will repel water.  This will be the second time that floor has been replaced.  Thinking I'll also get rid of the refrigerator I have out there as well as the freezer that doesn't work and maybe buy a small freezer or another refrigerator - not sure yet. The refrigerator has been part of the problem - leaking when it would freeze up.  There's so much stuff out there for them to move - things I can't move and I bet it's one awful mess underneath that stuff.  Guess they've seen just as bad though.

     I've asked Bryon about painting so think I'll see if he and Shane will paint the porches, steps and railings on the porches.  I want to get the corral fence painted again and the corner posts (about a dozen of them from when Mr. K. build new fences).  Also need to have the barn trim repainted.  So, there's still several things to get done before winter gets here.  Painting the pipe fences can't be done when it's wet or too cold so that probably will be first.  This should help Bryon, too, because his mowing will end pretty soon.

     Marie, I always wanted to learn how to knit but never did.  My MIL was a very good knitter and was going to teach me but we were never together long enough to get it done.  Charles and I were friends with a much older couple and he knitted and loved doing it.  I don't believe I have enough patience for that now.  I used to sew a lot and it was relaxing - don't believe it would be now. 

     I'll stop and see what's going on outside.  Took a sweet picture of Tina that I'll post before long.  Hope all of you are well today. 

     Thanks again for the sweet thoughts about Rose Bud.



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  I’m sorry you lost Rose Bud, Lorita.   I’m sure you are missing her.  I wish I could walk with you too.  

    Zeta, I don’t hike or walk in the woods alone.  I go with friends.  Too much could happen in the woods walking alone.  When I walk alone, I stay on the bike path next to the river or go through neighborhoods near me.  There are a lot of walking paths here and most are busy with people, so I feel safe.  

    I leaning toward buying the Ninja 101 air fryer.   Looks like a good size for me.

    My iPad is out of charge, so I’ll post this before it does. Have a nice afternoon.  Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, my arm is sore too, but only my left forearm.  I carried some heavy loads in grocery bags several weeks ago, now my left arm is sore but not my right arm.  I exercise both arms so they both should have the same degree of strength.  Today is the first day I seem to have some relief from soreness. 

    I had my first and I hope my only Covid test today in preparation for my cardiac test on Friday.  I have instructions to self-quarantine until my procedure on Friday.  I cannot go anywhere or see anyone.  I wish I had known this before, because I had planned to run a few errands after the Covid test.  Now I have to postpone the errands.  It's not a big deal, but an inconvenience.

    I don't have hobbies, but I do play games on my smartphone; they are my excuse to avoid doing what I need to do.  Tsk tsk tsk!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I'm also sad alone with you and others for your loss of Rose Bud. You have always talked so much about your cattle, I feel as if I know each of them.

    I sent a message to Lou's Dr. commending the nurse that gave Lou her shot. She was so nice and talked to Lou for at least 20 minutes before Lou excepted the vaccine. Lou has done well, just a little soreness in the arm. 

    Marie, Lou's mom lived with us for awhile and I can remember coming home after working late shift and she would be sitting at the quilting frame, middle in hand sound asleep. She was always quilting or sewing something. I remember after she became sick with alzheimer we would visit, she didnt know us, but her hands was constantly moving as if she was still quilting. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,    I hope you have been at peace today and got some rest. I'am sure you and Stormy had a nice visit with the girls. Please don't be hard on yourself for where you placed Rose Bud, you placed her with Love and she is at peace. You know she is in a perfect place now. 

    Sara,   Yes I live in a small town our population is only 1760 and I live 10 miles from town. The town is spread pretty far. I am in the area closer to the woods. I am the last home on a dead end road and I back right up to the woods. I have neighbors right across from me and to the right of me and behind me, nothing but woods to the left of me. 

    Joan,  It is nice you have people to walk with, I don't walk much but if I do Molly goes with me. I can go out in the woods a little bit behind my house I just don't go further then where I can see my house. I live on a dirt road with homes on both sides, I feel comfortable walking. If I would only get out and do it. 

    Ron,    I am sure you feel relived that Lou, got her shot and yes that was a very sweet thing the nurse did that was very nice of you to send that message to the Doctor. You are a very caring person.

    I went into town and did a little bit of grocery shopping. It had been almost a week since I had been anyplace. I live 25 miles from the ski resort and they got a bit of snow last night, we will be seeing some soon. 

    Hugs To All, Zetta  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Marie when I was young made quilts, knitted and crocheted afghans.  Later on did a lot of cross stitching.  Did baby bibs, hand towels, book markers and pictures.  Found it very relaxing.  Still have all my stuff.  Have been thinking about trying it again.  Vision did make it more frustrating.

    Got Jean groceries yesterday.  She is having increased shoulder pain and can’t take pain pills because of her platelets issue.  Feel bad for her.  She said who ever had been placing their grocery orders was c/o peoples lists being too long.  Told her I will go back to getting things for her.  She likes to get foods she knows help with platelets.  I dropped them off at front desk and they took them to her.  

    Play games on my iPad quit a bit too.  Do you have a favorite one Iris?   

    Ron glad you had a nurse that cared and made a difference.  Talking about your MIL reminded me of a patient I had who sat making crocheting motions all the time.  I was very young then and found that interesting.  Asked her what she was making.  Believe she told me it was an afghan.

    Take care everyone.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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