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Just need to talk to my friends (158)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Thought it was about time to start a new installment of our thread - time goes fast when you're among friends.

 It's 55 here this morning with a stiff north wind but the sun is just now beginning to shine.  Supposed to be in the 60s the next four days, then down into the 40s by Thursday.  I dread that.

 My back was feeling better this morning until I lifted a couple of small boxes of dishes I had taken out of a cabinet in the utility room and also changed out some winter clothes - thermals, etc.   Just took a couple of Motrin so maybe it'll be better soon.

 Iris, when I get a minute I'm going to look up the link you mentioned.  Bet that was a lot of fun.  How long were you in Alaska?

 Things are still unsettled here and seems to get more so as the days go on.  I tried to light my heater in the LR yesterday.  It worked all right last winter and spring but this time I do get the pilot lit which burns too high but when I let up on the knob to turn it on the flame goes out.  No idea what's wrong.  I was thinking this morning that it may be 10 years or older.  I called the chimney sweep who has been out a couple of times years ago and left a message.  He's moved to Texas but he comes back to this area when he has enough jobs to warrant the trip.  He was here when Charles was still with me so that's been over seven years ago.  I called Atwoods where we purchased it to see if they have more - not yet, maybe in a week or two.  I'm sure I installed that heater with Charles' guidance which gave me confidence and guess I can do it again if I have to.  I have electric heaters but they don't do the job when it's really cold.

 I called the health department about my flu shot - they're booked until next Thursday - the Pharmacy gives them Mondays and Tuesdays from 10-2.  I'd rather get it in the health department but therein is another problem.  Called the carpenter and he said the rain had gotten them a bit behind but he'll come Wednesday and the crew on Thursday - that's the first opening at the health department but I hate to leave the place when workers are here and it's supposed to be in the 40s.  The pharmacy told me the pharmacist gives the shot and he has done it for years.  Have any of you gotten vaccinations at a pharmacy and did it turn out all right?   I'm thinking I may go in Monday morning and get it, get new battery cables on the car and a few groceries - all three of those things are less than 200 yards apart.

 So, that's my sob story - seems like more things are added to the mix everyday but it'll all come out in the wash, as they say.   Mentally I'm all right - physically right now - not so much.  Who would have thought a fall would have caused so much soreness and pain.  Not so much sore right now except there's some soreness in the left side of my hand and a small knot.  My left knee is bothering me some (fell on it, too) - seems like it wants to give away sometimes when I'm walking.  Carol is right - our foremost objective should be to not fall.

 Joan, this morning I drove up in the south pasture to see the girls and in the distance I could see our "one" little mountain - it's called Tiger Mountain (name of a family who lives there).  So, guess I can see a mountain in the distance.  No snow, I hope, this winter on it though.   Two of our young maple trees (20 ft. tall or more) are beginning to show some yellow.  On the news from Tulsa this morning it showed some trees that were really beginning to show color and be pretty.  Our weatherman says we're at least two weeks behind because of our warm weather.

 Ron, I haven't seen a post from you in a few days.  I hope everything's okay down there.  I saw you all had some bad weather a couple of days ago - tornado warnings but that was south of you, thank goodness.

 Jo - haven't seen anything from you lately either.  Hope you're feeling better.  Please let us know.

 Nicole, I hope things are better for you and your uncle.  Like Seaside I remember that scared feeling, too.  It's awful - not knowing what's going to happen and afraid of what might happen. Much worse when you're alone.

 Sara - thanks, that would be great.  Charles and I were never much for holiday celebrations either.  I think Christmas is my least favorite holiday of all.  I don't really mind being alone on those days.  In the past I've been invited to Darwin's for them but they have so much company I wouldn't have been comfortable but they always brought a plate of delicious food.  I do miss being able to talk with them.  A couple of weeks ago Mike said she was doing better, had calmed down some but still I don't want to do anything that would make it harder for either of them.

 I saw on the news this morning that covid cases are up all over the country, more so than in the last couple of months.  Also said there's a new sub-variant that is very bad.  Seems like this will never end.  I will be wearing my masks when around anyone, inside or out.  Mask-wearing really helped keep the number of flu cases down last winter.  Wonder why people don't think about that? 

Hope all of you are well today.  Things I'll go lean against the heating pad.  I have to get over this so I can put some feed in the creepfeeder - when I get it cleaned out.  I'm wondering about that rat.  Oh, on the way out to feed Tom and Jerry this morning I saw a big, fat rat they had caught.  Wonder why they eat the head first?  Maybe it was the one in the creeper - will never know.   Sorry if I get too graphic in my descriptions sometimes.

 I'll be back later.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning,

    I have had all my flu shots at the pharmacy. The Pharmacist  are trained to give shots, I have never had a problem. I will be getting my booster also at the Pharmacy. This Pharmacist has been here for years. My Pharmacy is following masking and distancing and they are giving the shots in a private room I think it is the Pharmacist office. So please don't let that worry you. 

    I am in the middle of all my pet sitting right now, Molly and I are staying at my friends house now for the next 7 days. Right now I am at home spending a few hours with Sammy while my son is at work. Sammy was more happy to see Molly then he was to see me. Right now they are running all over the house. Take good care of yourself and try not to lift anything (period) till alls well. 

    Got to go I am getting ready to go back to the other house. Take care all I am finding time to read all your post, not much time to reply.

    Nicole, You and your Uncle are in my prayers.

    Hugs, Zetta 

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Uncle won't get up today. I've been draining his foley bag every 2 hrs. He's weak. Not in any pain that I can tell. 

    I have told family this may be the end so they might start looking at airline flights to come say goodbye.

    My husband will be here on Wednesday. My dad is ready to come this weekend. 

    My heart is breaking. I reallly wish I had someone to talk.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    We're here, Nicole, talk to us. Almost All of us have been through this.  It's very hard.  Good that your uncle doesn't seem to be in pain.  That's a blessing.

    I'm glad your dad is coming to be with you.   Is your uncle his brother?

    Come back and post when you want to - -it will help you and there is always someone here.

    You are in my  prayers and thoughts.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Thanks thanks for being here.

    My dad wanted to come but I told him I would let him know when to come since my husband will be here on Wednesday. My mom and my aunt (my uncle's 1st wife) were sisters.

    I have one of my favorite caregivers coming over to stay with me until she has to go to work later tonight.

    Then another caregiver who is also a friend will stay overnight on Sunday. They are doing this on their own time. They really care about me and my uncle.

    I really hope if he is passing away that it will be in his sleep, no pain. I keep looking at my aunts picture and telling her to come get her husband.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Nicole, I'm glad you're going to have someone with you a while tonight and Sunday night.  That will help you.  Remember we're here when you need us... If it is his time to go I also hope he goes peacefully in his sleep.  That's the best way for all of us.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Sandy, wanted to let you know that as of 5:30 today I'm back in the fold.  Thanks for  the advice.

    Hope You have another good weekend.  Talk with you soon.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Got uncle to eat a small bowl of chicken and noodles, and small glass of juice. Still didn't want to get up. 

    Tomorrow is another day.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Good that he ate some, Nicole.  Maybe he'll get some rest.  Try to sleep tonight.  Tomorrow is another day.  Good night.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Nicole thinking of you and your Uncle.  Glad you are having people to be with you part of time.  Know it is stressful when you have no one there to talk to and help you.  If you feel he ever is having pain remember you can call hospice.

    Lorita don’t know if you are able to do this or not.  Every year in early fall I make appointments to have my car and my heating system checked for the winter.  So far that has done me well.  Have done this for years.

    I go to the pharmacy for almost all my vaccines.  Think tetanus is the only one I have had at doctor’s office.  I’m comfortable having them done there.  

    Well we have been getting rain.  Rained all day yesterday.  Have been slow gentle rains.  Think we have right around two inches the past week.  Rained all day yesterday.  Beth glad you are getting rain.

    Got my blueberry pancakes made.  Then I made a small meatloaf and a small pan of lasagna.  Will have lasagna today if nothing happens and hope to make some French bread this morning to go with it.  Thinking about trying to make some tortillas too.  That will be a new experience if I get around to it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Cool and sunny morning. Stormy and I drove out to see the girls saw all but three who were probably lay down in the grass.

    Sara, I do have the vehicles checked. PU was in shop and will have car checked when I get my flu shot.  No heating system , just a propane heater. Will call Jimmy again if I don't hear from him today.

    Love lasagna. How do you make your french bread?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Make the French bread in my machine.  3 cups flour, 1C water, 1t salt and 1T yeast.  I use dough setting.  If your machine has a French bread setting, use that if you want to bake bread in machine.  I use dough setting.

    When dough setting done, take dough out and divide it in half.  Roll each half into 10 inch log.make several deep diagonal slits in each log.  Cover and let rise 45-60 minutes.  

    When done rising preheat oven to 400.  Mix 1T egg white and 1T water and brush on top of bread.  Place a small pan of boiling water in bottom oven shelf for crustier loaf.  Bake at 400 around 25 minutes.  Crust should be golden brown.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    This recipe brought Sayra to my mind because we both like to try new things. This English muffin bread is a batter bread...so easy... and it was delicious! I froze one of the loaves...makes 2 small loaves.

    English Muffin Bread (From Cook's Country)


    5 cups (27 1/2 ounces) bread flour

    4 ½ teaspoons instant or rapid-rise yeast

    1 tablespoon sugar

    2 teaspoons salt

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    3 cups whole milk, heated to 120 degrees

    1.Grease two 8½ by 4½-inch loaf pans and dust with cornmeal. Combine flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and baking soda in large bowl. Stir in hot milk until combined, about 1 minute. Cover dough with greased plastic wrap and let rise in warm place for 30 minutes, or until dough is bubbly and has doubled.

    2. Stir dough and divide between prepared loaf pans, pushing into corners with greased rubber spatula. (Pans should be about two-thirds full.) Cover pans with greased plastic and let dough rise in warm place until it reaches edge of pans, about 30 minutes. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees.

    3. Discard plastic and transfer pans to oven. Bake until bread is well browned and registers 200 degrees, about 30 minutes, rotating and switching pans halfway through baking. Turn bread out onto wire rack and let cool completely, about 1 hour. Slice, toast, and serve.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    About to get settled after my trip, with some unusual events…but first Lorita, I had all my flu shots for years, and all my COVID shots, at the pharmacy. Doctors here send people to the pharmacy for COVID and flu  shots. They have given thousands.

     I am so sorry about your fall, too. In the past, doctors warned me about cascading or domino effects of a fall. For example, you hurt your knee, or back muscle, or shoulder (whatever) in the fall. Then you over-use and hurt your other knee or back, etc., muscles  to compensate for the one that was hurt. So the other parts start hurting later. All that can go on and last for weeks. Rest and ibuprofen were what they told me, but it doesn’t sound like you’re resting much….

    Nicole, you’re going through something so hard. Everyone here wishes they could be more help. Keep those caregivers close.

    Need to catch up otherwise, but I have to say about my recent trip, hopefully interesting or amusing….All planes were totally full. Lots and lots of wiping down by staff and passengers, everybody masked, no problems except for a PWD—her husband said she had Alzheimer’s—in a total meltdown after boarding. 

    It took medics and cops/security to calm and seat her (she was laying in the aisle screaming) , get a mask on her, etc. and delayed takeoff by almost an hour. Her husband kept saying she’d never done that before. But she was noticed in the gate area acting strange.  A lot of passengers were really upset because of missed connections. (Mine wasn’t that close). I’d been thinking how glad I was not to have DH to worry about in all the airport hubbub.

    The reunion itself was great, maybe 30 people. Eight cousins, between age 60-75, plus other family. It was on a big farm/hunting plantation, way out in the country in east Georgia. Horses, cattle, geese, goats and dogs. Miles of cotton fields all around, so pretty. One house every few miles, yet still all decorated so pretty for fall! Weather was perfect.

    The sad part: one cousin Dx with LBD last spring, and placed 2-3 months ago. Besides the “usual” issues, he physically attacked and injured his wife more than once, as well as efforts to “escape” on foot, the last time he hurt himself. So she placed him. 

    But sometimes he can act ok, he did a FaceTime during the reunion, for about 10 minutes, and spoke a few phrases and smiled. Unclear what he remembered, but he did 10 minutes OK. Then afterwards—and here’s what gets me—some people said “well he sounds fine I don’t know why his wife could not bring him.” (They live several states away). Aarg!

    Even leaving home, it’s seems no total escape from dementia.

    The attorneys at reunion who do divorces and real estate have more business than they can handle, hired extra staff and looking for more. Divorces way way up since COVID quarantines, they said. Land/home prices also way up everywhere, and still selling.

    Another cousin married to an independent long haul trucker believes all the shortages now are because there are not enough truckers to move the goods. They can’t get it out of the ports/train yards? and to the stores fast enough. He could work 24/7 if he was able, she said. (I can’t say any of this is fact, it’s just what they said).

    For me, it was just great to get away. I love traveling, always have, love being in new or different places and in a nice hotel! Thankfully my work required it, so I was used to traveling alone, although it was better when DH could go…. Kids watched DH, and had their eyes opened about some things, so that was good, too. 

    Somebody said “I bet your DH missed you.” I’m pretty sure he did not. He asked where I was, kids told him at the grocery store, and he was ok. (For 4 days, he has no concept of time). By the time I was home 12 hours he forgot I’d been gone.

    Our temps are finally getting cool enough to where I thought about opening up the house. But we just had big rain, so much humidity outside and that can cause big problems inside.

    I do need to catch up on everybody. I started one post and got knocked off. Hope everybody stays safe and healthy.

    Sayra, Look forward to hearing about your tortillas—corn or flour?—if you do. They (corn IME) are so great, but seemed hard to make, to me. 

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Thank you so much for being here.

    Uncle drank some juice but won't take his pills nor eat. He still doesn't want to get up.

    I have a call into a hospice social worker and plan to talk about placement. I still have a deposit with the MC and I found out they have a private room available. 

    I'm going to ask for a nurse to come assess him.

    I'm ready but not ready. I'm sure you all understand this.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    I'm sure we do understand, Nicole.  Probably one of hardest decisions we will ever have to make. Rest when you can.
  • 60 falcon
    60 falcon Member Posts: 201
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Insightfuls Reactions 5 Likes
    Seaside wrote:

     This English muffin bread is a batter bread...so easy... and it was delicious! I froze one of the loaves...makes 2 small loaves.

    Your bread is excellent!  I just made it this afternoon. Thanks!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth, our weather man , this morning I think. said the northern lights may be visible as far south as Iowa.  Not here though..

    Resvue Mom, glad you are  home safe and sound. I bet that incident on the plane was scary. we never know what they may do minute to minute.

    Betty, the recipe sounds good.  Must have sounded good to you, too, Falcon.  I'll have to try it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, thanks for the recipe. I need to make bread so will try it ,- love garlic bread made with French bread. Almost like the recipe I use except I use 1T of  oil and almost 2T of sugar.  I've never used the dough setting.

    Have you ever grown sweet potatoes? We used to and it was easy. There was a segment on growing them on Oklahoma Gardening this morning.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes


    I have just discovered that you left a review of my book  The Redgens of Redford on Amazon. Thank you for doing that, and I am so pleased that you enjoyed reading it. I don't know about a second book of farming memories, at the moment I am playing with a second novel which is a modern variation of Pride and Prejudice. [I put an earlier one on Amazon back in 2018, and it is still selling occasionally]. I also write blogs on my website barbararandell.com, and some of them you might find interesting as they also concern my childhood.

    Would you agree to me putting your review up on my website, so others can benefit from your experience?

    Once again, thanks for the review. You are a very good friend.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Barbara, I would be honored to have my review on your website. Your book brought back a lot of memories of growing up on a farm.  I will also check out your website sounds like something I would enjoy.

    How is your husband --hope he is doing better.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank you, Falcon...I'm glad to hear you like it.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Thank you Lorita, your review will be very special -- it will be the first!

    Graham continues to go downhill. He still knows me, and always wants to be with me, Eats OK when I am with him. But can't walk, and staff have great difficulty moving him, they say he is 'rigid'. Today he said his legs felt strange, so I tried to give him a light massage. But as the staff said, his leg muscles seem to be frozen hard. If I pushed a bit harder, he complained it hurt. They can't get him to bend his knees when he is in the wheelchair, so have to wheel him with his legs stretched out in front. Never heard of this before, does anyone else have experience with it? Think I told you that, since he had several falls out of bed, they now lower his mattress almost to the floor, and have mats either side during the night. Funny enough, he hasn't had any more injuries from falling out of bed since I made them do that!

    I am at the stage where I want this to end. He has no quality of life, and has been fighting this for 14 years, 5 of them in care. But my wishing has absolutely no affect on the outcome. So we just wait...


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Betty thank you for the muffin bread recipe.  Hope to try it soon.  See on King Arthur website there are707 reviews with a 5 star rating for this bread.  Read it makes wonderful grilled cheese.

    Rescue mom sounds like it is time for that older couple to quit traveling.  What field did you work in?  My sister use to work for an insurance company and she did all the travel arrangements.  She said a lot of them got very tired of it.  Not much of a traveler anymore.  Use to fly quite a bit by myself.  Kind of prefer my own bathroom and my own bed anymore.

    Even before pandemic they were saying there was a shortage of semi drivers.  Increased demand for supplies has made that even more evident I imagine.

    My tortillas turned out ok for a novice.  They bend without breaking even when cold but feel they should be a bit softer.  They did not bubble up though when I fried them.  Will work on perfecting them.  Prefer corn tortillas too.  Think you may need a tortilla press for them.  Maybe that will be another project another day.  Do you make tortillas?

    Many years ago when I was in Houston, had delicious pinto beans at a Mexican restaurant.  Think they may have been charro beans.  If I can find good cilantro going  to try a pot of them later in week.  Guess they make good retried beans too.

    Beth I love to help people too.  That is a happy place for me.  Something else isolation took away.  Hope I can find some ways to help others and do things safely for them and me.

    Nicole thinking of you and your uncle this morning.

    60falcon was wondering if the bread froze ok.  As a single person freeze all my bread.  Think I will halve the recipe too.

    Lorita I have never grown a sweet potato.  My mom grows them every year.  I eat quite a few sweet potatoes and they can be fixed many different ways.  My sister grew regular potatoes in grow bags this year.  They did well for her.  Said it was fun and easy and her husband said these are really good potatoes.  Maybe I will try both types.  That is my goal for gardening now, fun and easy.

    Barbara I am not much of a book reader.  Wrote down the name of your website and hope to check it out.  So sorry about Graham.  Believe I have read on here about others having stiff limbs.

    My lasagna was good.  Made stir fry and small pot of potato soup yesterday. You guys had made me hungry for it.   Going to eat soup today.  Hope to make a pot of veggie soup too today.

    Sun is suppose to start shining again tomorrow and looks like going to turn a lot colder. 

    Has really been nice visiting with each one of you on the porch.  Ron hope you and Lou doing ok, and you too JoC.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's sunny, windy and cool here today but at least the sun is shining.  Don't feel on top of the world today - I seem to have a stomach bug.  Took some Pepto so it'll be better.  I'll not do much and maybe it'll go away.  I did feed the inside cats, then Tom and Jerry, went down to see the girls - they were okay - scattered.  Now some of them are laying down by the pond in the sunshine.  I got the trash together for tomorrow morning.  Iris, I did try to make the sacks lighter - not a lot of success, I'm afraid.  Made another loaf of bread and just now took it out of the bread maker.  Strange that sometimes the loaves seem to be bigger every once in a while, using the same ingredients.  Maybe it's the weather.

     I'm thinking maybe I'll have the carpenter fix the place in the bedroom since they're going to be here anyway - that way I'll know it's fixed correctly.  But-- and it's a big but - not sure it's safe - he or they would have to come through the kitchen, living room, bathroom and into the bedroom.  I think spraying disinfectant should take care of it but not positive.  Right now I can't get down on the floor to try to fix it and the floor has a place that needs to be fixed.  I just did enough to close it up last summer.  Darn fall anyway - I have eggs to lay and fish to fry  -- I need to get over this.  Rescue Mom, you're right, I still have things I need to do so can't rest much.   If there's only one person to do something, they have to do it.  But, I try.

     Barbara, I have heard that alz. patients sometimes get stiff and it's hard to get them in or out of a car.  I remember when mother passed away, one of the nurses told me she was glad mother didn't progress further to the point she was in a fetal position and not able to move or swallow.  She was still ambulatory so there's good and bad.  We know how you feel but God has a plan so it has to be followed.

     Sara, I'm watching Cleveland play football.  Do you ever watch the games?  Also saw that Cincinnati is playing.  Gosh, a State with two pro teams.  That's good.

     Still have some boxes I should move in the bedroom if I decide to go that direction.  What do you all think?  Should I let them do it or should I wait until I can give it a try?  I know what you'll say and you're probably right.  Just kind of hesitant to have someone in the house.  But, I'll have to have someone in the LR to fix the stove or put in another one unless I decide to do it myself.  Wonder why everything has to go awry at the same time  - but, it always seems to happen.

     If I don't feel better I won't go in to get my flu shot tomorrow.  They also give them on Tuesdays so if not this week, next.  I have an appt. at the health dept. Thursday but I imagine the carpenters will be here and I don't want to leave while someone's here.  Hopefully, there will be enough of them too work at the barn and in the utility room at the same time.  When they did some work on the barn last year there were several of them and it didn't take too long.  This time they have a new door to make and a couple of shutters to repair.  Also have to take down two places in the inside pen and put in a gate plus cleaning out the pen and the rest of the barn if it needs it. 

     Game's back on so halftime is over.  I'll stop and be back later.  Hope all of you are well today.  Ron and Jo, we needs to see a post from you all.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    It got cold and windy here. Just 52 degrees now. All next week is to be dry with highs in the 40s and 50s, and lows as little as 25! Guess we will be getting our hard freeze! I still have petunias, coneflowers, black eyed Susans and hyacinth bean vine as well as a couple of clematis and LOTS of roses, in bloom. Not much longer, I guess. The black eyed Susan vine and hyacinth bean vine will have to be cut back as well as the petunias (totally cut down, they are annuals). Roses need to be cut back too. We have 20 or more. That will conclude garden clean up for the year. The trees around here are stunning! Lots of red, orange and yellow. I love seeing them. 

    We had a chance of being able to see the northern lights last night. I kept looking but did not see them. I hope to see them someday. 

    Lorita, I'm praying for you to feel better and for all things to improve for you. I know it has been discouraging for you lately. Agree you should get the hole in the bedroom closed; you don't want any more snakes in the house!

    Sara, it sounds like you are a good cook. I don't particularly like cooking but I do like eating. lol My son and his family (wife, 4 kids) are coming over tonight. We eat outside. We are having burgers, corn, chips, raspberries and pecan pie.  Should be delicious. 

    Ron, we need to see a post from you and you too, Jo. Just let us know you are ok if you don't have time to write much.

    Blessings, Beth

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Just a short note to let everyone know Lou and I are fine. I've been feeling sorry for myself lately and haven't felt like any communication. Just when I think everything is getting better with the other neighbor sitting with Lou and my sister visiting some, lou has given me a harder time when it's just the two of us.

    I'm ashamed of myself for saying this, but I'm tired and lonely. I shouldn't feel like this and know Lou isn't mean on purpose and needs me. I'll get over this but now I dont want anything but peace and quiet. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, we used to have hyacinth beans and they were so pretty.  Over the years we've lost the seeds.  Didn't realize they were perennial.  You still have a lot to do in your beautiful garden -don't overdo.  Thanks for the prayers- have had a lot on my plate lately.

    Ron, sorry- just when things were looking better.  We all know how that goes.  Life or living can be hard sometimes.  Hope things straighten up soon.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Lorita, The hyacinth beans are annuals. They may re-seed themselves, as they are full of seed pods. Back later this week. Have a good one.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Perfect example tonight! Friday I fixed tuna tezterinia, corn and rolls and Lou loved it. Tonight I warmed up the leftovers and as soon as I put the plate in front of her; I dont like this. I tried to convince her she does and nothing but a argument from her. She eventually eats and says that it is good but now I've lost my appetite. Episodes like this is happening more often! I am still determined to care for her at home but the stress level is increasing. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Nicole, how are things today?  Is your uncle able to eat or drink? Been thinking of you both today.  Let us.know when you feel like posting.  .  You're both in my prayers.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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