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Just need to talk to my friends (158)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Sounded good to me, Ron.  Glad Lou finally ate it.  You need to eat to keep up your strength so you can continue your care for Lou.  Do you have something to take for stress?  Might be a good idea. 
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Lorita hope your stomach gets to feeling better.  I’m still having a bit of a battle too.  Guess I didn’t take enough lactase with potato soup yesterday and paid for that.  Think I will throw the rest out as I had 3 or 4 good days before that.

    Lorita pretty sure you are two weeks post covid vaccine.  You have a KF94 mask which has an excellent filtering system.  It protects you from the virus.  This is what I did at work to protect myself, it worked.  It is what the physician working with covid patients at John Hopkins is doing and it is working.  He is the one guy at the Ravens game with his mask on. The guy who comes may be healthy.  In that case there is no risk at all.  But if he would happen to be sick you have protection in place.  It should be ok to get things done that need to be done.  I stay in another room,  or outside if the weather permits while they are working just to be cautious. If it isn’t too cold I also have the windows open.  I have never sprayed disinfectant.  Get your heat fixed and all the other things that need fixed.  You will feel a lot better once you get things done that need done.  Think you will feel less overwhelmed if you get things caught up. 

    Lorita I do not watch football.

    Beth our trees are turning beautiful too.  Think we will be getting our first freeze too.  Giving some quite cold temperatures this week.  Guess the winter coat will need to come out.

    Beth lol I like to eat too.  I enjoy cooking for myself but wish I was more comfortable cooking for others.  Afraid others won’t like things I like, or that it won’t turn out right.  Do not enjoy doing dishes though.  

    Ron seems this time of year, going into winter is a little hard on us.  Know it was a bad time of year for my dad.  He always dreaded winter.

    Well house cleaning day.  Definitely not my favorite thing to do but thankful I am able to get it done

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I know for my own health Lou should be in a nursing home, but for her on well being she needs to be here. I refuse to put her through what her mother and my mother did when they were placed. Both just shut themself out of the rest of the world. I firmly believe, no matter what I have to endure, Lou's mental state will decline slower as long as she is with me. My problem is not when I have others around us. It's when just the two of us are alone. I will try to enjoy the time i have to myself and find a way to maintain some degree if sanity when we're alone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Ron, don't think about it for a minute.  We've been there so we know how you feel.  I was the only caregiver for Charles and thankfully was able to keep him at home where I knew he wanted to be and I would know what kind of care he was getting. Sadly he developed pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. He was able to come home for a few days but had to go back.  We lost him three weeks after the first hospital admission.. Sorry, didn't mean to get into that.  Ron, just try to take it hour by hour and enjoy the good hours.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Ron  we are here for you to talk about how you feel.  This all gets wearisome.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Nicole, a soft hug is being sent your way.  I am deeply sorry to hear of the decline of your Uncle and that he is approaching his death, it can be a very hard place to find oneself; you have certainly gone the distance.   You mention having found a private room in a good NH.   This is a good idea and is certainly not abandoning his care, you will still be the carer - just in a different sort of way.  He will have multiple care staff to move him, change him, and provide for his needs on a 24 hour continuum and this may be more comfortable for him, and he will also have Hospice continuing to see him and you will not damage your back.   You have been and are doing a very good job of it all, I hope you do not doubt yourself.

    This end of life journey is a "place of the heart," for those of us who have gone to the end with our Loved Ones.   Even though I am an RN and had been with many patients who passed away, when it came time for my mother's passing, the thought of it was truly frightening for me in ways.

    However; the day that it happened, I was able to be with her, (she was in a NH by this time), and instead off feeling anxious or upset, I found it strangely calm and an honor to be with her as she transitioned from this earth.   It was not frightening; it was  unexpectedly peaceful within my own spirit.  I quietly sat next to her, placed a quiet hand on hers or her arm; let her know I was there, told her she was a wonderful mother and how I loved her, but then stayed quiet.  I did not want to disrupt her journey.  I placed a cool wash cloth to her forehead whenever perspiration arose; I opened the window next to her bed as the early morning weather was lovely with a soft, soft breeze and I hoped she could feel the comfort of that sweet breeze on her face.   Her breath came more and more rare with long pauses until finally gone.  She had left this realm.  The room seemed suddenly SO quiet beyond measure.   Tears; but peaceful ones.  I will never regret being with her.  We are all different; you will be able to do what you feel is right for you, and will have the memory of all you have been with and for your Uncle; that is a priceless gift. 

    Lorita; I am so glad you are having the work done on your property/house.   It has been a long time coming and really needs to get it all behind you.  My vote?  YES - have the worker fix that gosh-awful hole in the floor of your bedroom to keep those snakes OUT of your bedroom; that is is so important and is not even a second thought situation.  Do read Sayra's Post again. You will be absolutely fine.  Open the window in the bedroom if you wish to keep the air flow going; the worker MUST wear a mask over nose and mouth inside the house; let all workers know that.  I do that myself and we do have a package of surgical masks should a worker fall short of having one.   The worker can fix that hole once and for all; he will not be there that long.   You will be absolutely protected with your own high-performance mask.  You can sit in another room while the work is going on and you do NOT need to use spray in the air in the rooms the workers were in - that will do nothing except expel a lot of expensive spray which will not make a whit of difference to COVID even if it were present.

     I have a worker coming in soon to do annual checkup and maintenance on our stairlift going to the second floor.   I asked if he had been vaccinated; he had been.  I also requested he be masked while in the house and he said he always does - we also have shoe covers for his feet should he need them, but he already wears them, which is only to keep outside junk from the inside.  I will probably have the windows open because it is simply good practice, but even if I do not open the windows, I would have no concern.   Will I wear gloves and wipe down the chair after he leaves?  Probably, but that is because his hands will have been all over the chair multiple times while doing the maintenance  and our hands go onto the chair in use AND it is flu and cold season.  I would have done that even if there was no COVID; every year I have done just that pre-COVID.   We need a slight repair on our dishwasher; same thing for that worker and myself to be masked  - once again,  not just COVID, but cold and flu season.  I had my flu shot a few weeks ago, but it is not 100%.   It will be fine, Lorita.  Sayra is wise and really heartily up to date on it all and she gives great advice.

    As for where to get the flu shot; for years and years, we have had our flu shots at the local pharmacy.   They keep a record of those vaccinations.  The pharmacist gives the injection; I never feel it and have not had a deeply sore arm.   Perfectly fine and so much easier to use the pharmacy.

    The continuing discomfort from that harsh fall; I am sorry you are still hurting. Well; you are approaching 80, and though you are as strong, hard working person; as we age the body does not bounce as it used to. When such a fall occurs, not only do we feel it on the places that hit the ground, we also feel it on the opposite side and other areas of the body as there is a "rebound" effect.  Also as already mentioned in another Post, then we end up over using the other parts of our body to assist and make up for the parts that were injured and they begin to hurt from having to do so much.   Slowly it goes, rest, OTC pain meds as needed but beware of overdoing for the tummy's sake.  Heating pad to areas that respond to it, and of all the dratted things that drive's me nuts - waiting for tincture of time to "make it better." However, if there is significant persistent pain or inability to use a body part and it does not improve - time to make an appointment with the doctor.

     Would be a good idea to have a back-up idea should you ever have an event that keeps you from doing any ranch/cattle care whatsoever for awhile. If you were 40, not so much a concern; but perhaps it may be time to begin to adust thinking and planning to accommodate today's reality and not get caught up short if something unforeseen should occur.  We all care about you; and often feel concern on your behalf being so isolated and alone.  I am an old worry wart; sorry dear Lorita.

    Gosh; winter just about here, how fast the summer seemed to go.  I need to get a few warmer tops, my older ones are beginning to look - well; old.   No children trick or treating in the neighborhood last night. We kept our light off this year; it made no difference.  Used to be scads of children coming to the door and I loved seeing them and their costumes.  I decorated the house and made sure it was not scary for the small children.  That now seems to be pretty much a thing of the past. Parents worry and I don't blame them.

    I had an "interesting" time.  I got my COVID booster.  Even though we are not insured by Kaiser, (they have an agreement with the govt. to vaccinate non-Kaiser folks), they were the first ones in our area to have the booster available and we had our first two vaccines in a Kaiser setting; so we are in their records,  off to Kaiser we went.  Well; instead of having the boosters inside a building as they did with the first vaccinations, they instead made a decision to do it in a multi-storied concrete parking garage setting that is no longer being used as they had demolished the hospital that had been on those grounds when they built a new facility.

     Anyway; we made our appointments as we were supposed to do. Got to the site and saw it was an old several floor cement parking structure.  It was filled with people on the first level - I wanted to leave, DH insisted we stay.  Sigh.  So; we were there for a bit over two hours.  The place was beyond packed . . . . filled with people who did NOT have an appointment and they let that stand.  They were giving boosters for all the different vaccines and once finally, finally checked in, there were different lines for different vaccines.  Seemed to take forever. Then after vaccination, had to sit on folding chairs in another garage cement area for 30 minutes rather than 15 minutes as I have a history of allergies.

    Well; some insect bit the dickens out of the both of us; do not know what it was, but it may have been one of those new dreadful mosquitoes that are now in California.  DH got bit on the arm in two places, I got bit on the right side of the right calf above the ankle.  We felt the onset of itching while sitting in the garage on folding chairs.  The area on my leg began to get redder and redder; it itched and also hurt, but I did not scratch it - I knew better.   Soon there was a several inch raised area; it did not go away but continued to get worse.  Off to the doctor I had to go two days later.  A seven day course of an antibiotic and three times a day cortisone cream to the area.  Glad to have got the booster, but will never, ever do a setting such as that again.  Glad that DH's bites thought they bothered him did not become red or otherwise inflamed.  It was a very poor setup.  Not much natural light; dank, cold, not a positive area and certainly not enough staffing from the front to the back to accommodate the huge crowds.  The RN who gave my injection said they had served 800 the day before and it looked like they would exceed that on the day we were there.  Should have waited a few more days for other sites to open; that'll teach us - life provides big lessons over and over again.

      Whoops - getting too long, fear that this will get knocked off the Board, talk again later, take good care and see you again soon.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Ron...there is little joy to be found in this journey. You are not feeling sorry for yourself and it is bery important to share your emotions. Bottled up they just fester.

    Now a suggestion. Stop trying so hard. If you like the tuna tetz fix it because you want some. Leave it in front of Lou. If she won't eat it then fix her a PBJ. To "push" just saps your energy. This suggestion includes your recipe please.

    Keeping Lou at home may very well be best for her and best for you too but you must accept that the greiving process starts early and continues with each loss no matter how small. You will have no control over it...chatting on the porch will however help  a lot so let it out. We know how bad it can get...how bad it can feel.

    Again, recipe please.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, how did the wedding and visitors go?  How did the new  shoes do in all the hours of celebration?   So hope it was a good social experience with all the visitors.  Did you play any pickleball?  I would not be able to manage that, but it is my brothers all consuming hobby; he is even going to the Palm Springs "National Pickleball Tournament."  Didn't know there was such a tournament.  Wonder where the name "Pickleball" came from.

    And yes; recipe for the tetrazzini - love anything tetrazzini. Know it has a bit of wine in it but never had the recipe.   Gosh; I'm hungry.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    The wedding weekend is over and it was wonderful. 

    I am, however, glad to get rid of the two large barking/sheding dogs who had to have their beds right next to us no matter where we were. The food left in 2 bowels provided a ready buffet for mice who made it from the kitchen to my bathroom on the second floor....put down sticky traps and used peppermint oil. The house smells like Christmas.

    Nicole...thinking of you...thanks for the updates.

    Jo...what an experience with the booster. I hope to just pop into my pharmacy tomorrow morning. 

    Got labs done Friday and had the results in16 hours on my computer. All OK. Two hours later a message from my new Dr. who must have been checking tuff ona Saturday. Slight  "slowing down" of kidney function but nothing that could not wait  until my next appt.

    Lorita...re-read what Jo posted.

    Everyone else...one bottle of Champagne left for tonight on the porch. Bring your own glass...you know how Lorita hates doing the dishes...lol

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Hate to share secret recipes.......but here goes.....look in the hamburger helper section and you will find a tuna tetrezzina......follow directions on back of box.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Oh Ron, you are a trip!  Love the "secret recipe" .

    To all of you fine folks on the front porch...sorry to be such a poor contributor, but I do enjoy hearing about your days.

    Most news I have is that I have had a very bad cold for over a week now.  Some days are better than others, but seem to be on the up side today.

    I won't list each individually, but know that my heart and prayers go to each of you for the trials you are dealing with and wishes that you will each find peace and health.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    As I've said before, you all are the greatest!  Really appreciate the advice.  Sara, you are so good at keeping up with what we should do and I take it to heart.  Jo, really appreciate your suggestions, too.  I will do what you all suggested.  Shaun, the contractor/carpenter, has a full beard - how do they handle wearing a mask with a beard?  He's a big guy, very soft spokekn and nice but there's the beard.  Same thing with David, the man who keeps up my road - he's as big or bigger than Shaun and again, that full beard.  Reminds me that in the fall Charles always grew a full beard - looked very nice.  He's keep it two or three months, then shave and he'd look so different. I've felt well today  - probably better than I have in several days.  I've been busy so hope I haven't overdone.  Took down the trash before good daylight.  For the life of me I don't know how one person can have so much trash - but, I've been cleaning out the bottom of closets.  Did some housework (which I do not enjoy), did some laundry - but no dishes, Judith.  I do dislike that chore but I'd wash champagne glasses for all of us.  Better wear a good jacket - it's chilly out on that porch today.  Went down a while ago to see the girls - they've been in and out of the barn and laying around because of the rainy weather.  Everyone was up and around.  Drove the PUdown to the mailbox, down to the corner and up to the south fence.  Met a car on the county line - seems like I always do when I drive anywhere - like Grand Central Station. You know it seems like my gait has changed some.  I think because of the Morton's Neuroma.  It's much better when I'm outside.  Our floors are kind of dark and Sheena has a dark brown bed that I keep on the LR floor and the cats lay on it.  So, if I'm not careful I step on a cat - maybe that's part of my problem. I have a couple more things to put on my to-do list; I need to get some liquid feed for the girls.  Talked to Mike (not the vet) about it today.  He's going to come over and check the tanks (we have three but one has old feed in it).  I'll have two filled because the girls are acting like they're wanting something.  When I drive the PU up the driveway pretty slowly they drift toward the fence - guess the PU looks like a big cube. The other thing is I discovered a few cedars in the east pasture.  They're about two feet tall and so pretty but I have to cut them.  They use a lot of water and explode in case of fire.  Charles and I sat out a cedar break north of the MH when we moved out here and our neighbor told us we were making a mistake - the cedars would take over.  We have quite a few cedars, mainly north of where the break was, along the road and along our driveway.  I like to be able to see something green in the winter.  We have the big Southern Magnolia but also like cedars.  That's what we always had for a Christmas tree when I was growing up.  We didn't have any here on the farm but a neighbor would let daddy cut one on his farm.  Yesterday when I was cleaning out the bottom of my closet I had trouble moving the closet doors.  They're big and made out of 1" plywood.  I think they're getting against each other so I'll ask Shaun to check them, too. Jo - what an awful time you all had getting your boosters.  I'm not a patient person so would not have waited that long - not good at waiting.  When I got mine I filled out the paperwork and the nurse gave me the shot - no waiting. I didn't go down to get my flu shot today - it was rainy and cold and I need to spiff up the place a bit before Wednesday when the contractor is coming.  I am not a housekeeper or an inside person so I hit the high places and don't bother about the perimeter unless someone is coming.  Still have to mop the kitchen.  Joan, I wish your housekeeper was closeby - could really use her. Marie - glad your cold is getting better.  I hate colds - how they can make a person feel so bad is beyond me - but they do.  Take it easy and don't get a backset.  Glad you posted. Ron, I agree with what Judith said - eat what you like and maybe Lou will also.  I feel sorry for Jack (Patsy's husband).  Talked with him a few days ago and he said he's still having the problem of not wanting to eat.  Says the first couple of bites taste good but after that he has to force himself to eat - takes up to two hours to finish his meal.  This happened after he had surgery for his broken hip four years ago. Sara - I didn't realize you have some lactose intolerance - is it with everything dairy?  Does it bother you very much?  Realized today that they're going to have to take out the heater in the bedroom.  It's smaller than the one in the LR and we haven't used it since the big snowstorm when we were out of power for days.  We stayed in the bedroom because it's on the south side of the house.  I don't believe it's big enough to use in the LR.  Need to call the chimney sweep again tomorrow. Another memory; Charles was recovering from pneumonia and couldn't be outside.  The girls needed hay so I started the tractor and put out two or three bales.  I remember going by the window where he was looking out and waving at him.  I know he felt bad not being able to do it - he was a magician with his tractor. I better stop before I hit the wrong key and lose all of this rambling I'm doing.  Hope all of you are feeling well today.  My soreness is almost gone except for the side of my left foot and that may be from the neuroma.  My back did hurt some after I took down the trash but leaned against a heating pad and it got better.  When I was cleaning out the bottom of my closet I found a heating pad I'd bought a few years ago - had wondered where in the world it was.  So, washed it and now I have two big ones. Rest well tonight.  Not sure if I'll go in tomorrow or not - supposed to rain so may wait until next week.  Sara - I had my booster the 5th of  October - couldn't get the flu shot because they didn't have the vaccine yet. See you tomorrow.  Zetta, almost forgot to mention - I saw an episode of Rawhide today made in 1955.  It was on the Family Entertainment Channel.  You know I remembered the words to their theme song - sung by Frankie Laine.  Rowdy was as cute as I remembered.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Jo, the description of the time with your mother as her soul left this earth was beautiful.  I'm sure it made her transition much more peaceful for her knowing you were with her.  Thank you for sharing those precious memories with.us.

    Did you ever know what bit you and your husband?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    JoC oh my.  You poor thing.  As they say you cannot win for losing.

    Haven’t looked to see what the temperature is this morning.  But was only 62 in the house before I turned heat up and that is the lowest it has been.  They were giving high 30s.

    Marie hope you are feeling better soon.  We love hearing about everyone’s days on here.  Gives us all a connection and once in awhile something pops up that sparks a conversation.

    Lorita you asked about the beard.  The beard does keep mask from sealing as well.  The thing is we have to learn to live with this.  Nothing in life is totally risk free.  This is not going away.  That is life as I say a lot.  The reason we got vaccinated was so our body can build immunity to this new disease.  That may or may not prevent us from getting sick.  It is very good though at preventing us from ending up in hospital or dying since as far as I know you are not immune compromised.  Then you have a very effective mask in your arsenal.  It has a very high filtration rate, the same filtration rate as those worn by health care workers.  If it is warm enough to open a window in the room that is another layer.  If you can stay a good distance from them another layer.  If you need to be around closer to him some that is ok, if it is outside even more ok.  I have to remind myself of this too Lorita.  It is a little hard for people like me and you.  But we cannot die from freezing to death or carbon monoxide poisoning, or not getting health care we need.  We have to trust God and know we are doing the best we can do.  I got all my preventive health care including dentist in late summer when covid was raging.  I did ok.  Wore my KF 94 wherever I went.  At dentist office they were well protected.

    Glad you had a better day.  Often wonder the same about trash and one person.

    My lactose intolerance started in my early 40s and seems to worsen with age.  For example at first cheese didn’t bother me, now it does.  Lactase does help but you have to take enough and apparently I didn’t Sunday.  Had several good days with the gastritis and of course that set me back.  Yesterday wasn’t a good day.  I feel some better this morning.  Hope I don’t eat anything that upsets the apple cart.  Will have to try and be cautious.  It takes awhile for things to get back to normal.  I had such a good summer.

    Has anyone tried oat milk?   If so what is your opinion of it?  Have tried almond, but to me it was white colored water and expensive.  Have found some recipes using it.  May try them, not sure. Do use lactose free milk a little.  It has a sweet taste though that ruins cornbread and milk which is one of my favorite things.  

    I enjoyed you talking about being with your mom too JoC.  Reminded me of being with my sister.  

    Think I will bake some hamburger buns, and clean some on the perimeter of my kitchen today if nothing happens.  Suppose to get my beef sometime this week.  

    Barbara listened to your book interview.  You have had an interesting life.  Read a blog, enjoyed it.  Hope to read more.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Not looking forward to today! Wish me luck!!

    Lou has a primary care appointment this morning and several events make my life difficult. She hates a bath and sponge baths and hospital type foam for shampoo is the norm. When she has appointments I like to give her a good bath and hair shampooing. We have a bathtub seat where she want have water running on her from the shower, but I will catch a lot of argumentative backlash from her. Also flu shot needs to happen and even though I made the nurse aware already and requested she have it ready when her jacket is already off for blood pressure reading, I know it will be difficult. 

    Just getting her up, getting dressed and medication is a job and adding all this on top of it makes me want a drink even though I stopped drinking in the 80s. Where is my wild Turkey? I would even settle for a shot of jack Daniel's. 


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sayra, you are so wise. You are the smartest person I know about keeping up with virus, and I totally agree with everything you’ve said (that I understand a little about  we all take precautions, got vax, and that’s all we can do. Anything “could” happen—a plane could crash into my house right now, the road might cave out under me—but it’s really  not likely.

    Lorita, I so much agree with what Jo and Sayra said. You really need those repairs done. You already take so many precautions. The chances of you suffering in winter from not repairing, is far greater than other things.

    But also, Sayra—lol, I tried oat milk, same as almond, just colored water, but even more watery. I got lactose intolerant in my 50s. I take Lactaid but like you said, it takes a lot to work,  and some things don’t seem to work much at all. I don’t think any of those fake “milks” are very good, I tried all I can find. I generally just do without, or try using just a tiny bit of milk. 

    Cheeses can be tough for me, some worse than others. Pizza can kill me (not literally). Some sheep cheeses work much better for me, than cow cheese.

    Got to go, take care all.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Gosh Sayra, I love your wisdom and you have a way about you that makes me feel peaceful.   I was thirteen years old when my sweet sister passed away; if she had lived and grown to be a woman, I would have wished her to be a lot like you.    I sometimes wonder about her and how it would have been to have her in my life had she lived.  I think it would have been really delightfully lovely to share with one another. 

     Ron; love your tetrazzini recipe - whoopee!   As for the bathing.  I would be willing to bet if it was a care aide your Lou got to know, she would be ever so much better and easier with the bathing.   Why not hire an aide for bath and shampooing?  I know our Member, Ed who cares for his wife, cannot get her into the bath without alot of refusal acting out and difficulty, BUT his daughter can get her into the bath easy peasy; and can now even get her to comply just by phoning and talking to her.  Might be more than well worth the try to get her acquainted with an aide in smaller ways and then see if it helps with the bathing problem.   It is probably time (or past time) to begin to find ways to make life easier for the both of you.   We change in so many ways as the years pass and our bodies develop issues; it is okay not to be the only one doing what needs doing all the time.   There are ways to get around the difficulties.

     As for meals - I am in agreement.  Fix the meals and present them.  She will eat what she likes and let other foods go.  There may be days where she only wants two small meals instead of three; as the dementia evolves, eating changes too. Sometimes we end up giving finger food snacks during the day rather than a whole meal when a meal is rejected.  By the way; I am going to retire your Superman Cape, it is frayed at the edges - AND - the only Wild Turkey you are getting near to has feathers and is ugly as sin; and ain't no way are we letting Jack Daniels shoot you - uh-uh; nope!   Not letting him get close enough to even see you.   So wish we could be of real help.   Would be really good if you could treat yourself nicely and get some respite more often.  Is Lou able to attend an Adult Daycare Program a day or two or even half days per week?  She may enjoy the socialization and you would have some time to get some good rest.

    Lorita; forgot to mention it last Post; (nagging pain in various anatomy parts me), you have a variety of heating in the house and older wiring.   Do you have adequate Carbon Monoxide Detectors?  And smoke detectors?  You would need a CO2 detector pretty much in each room considering the vast age of the house and the multiplicity of the various heating and electrical wiring, etc.  Hallways too for fire and CO2 issues; worth every single penny.  Hey; while I am at it - one more re-nag - YES again on snake hole in bedroom being fixed - would be foolhardy not to do that now; and this is a wonderful opportunity to get it done.   Read and re-read our Sayra's input - she is right on spot and can put your mind at ease.  It is going to feel so very good to have that work done on the house.   You will be so happy you did it.   Wish we were closer to you too so we could be of help - fully vaccinated and masked of course like a group of middle and old aged bandits with a variety of bodies that have passed their initial "use by" date but not yet hitting the "expired dates."  Hopefully!

    Joan; the mountains sound so beautiful.   Where we live, we are on flatland, but when it is clear and in the right spots, we can see the San Bernardino Mountains.  I love it when it is winter and I can see the snow on the mountain tops.   We can also see the high hills to the north of us when clear and they look so close, but are very far.   It is really beautiful where you live. I find myself wondering if you are going to make your preserves this year.  The house must smell like heaven when you are doing that. 

    Beth; I love you new avatar picture.   It is lovely and I really enjoy looking at it each time I see it.   You have done an amazing amount of work readying the gardens.   You are truly a dedicated Earth Mother.

     What a horrible time for that poor demented woman on the plane, Rescue Mom.  I feel so bad for her.  Can you imagine the terror she was feeling?  So hope all went well for them and she was able to be calmed and that they were heading for home.  Awful.  Can only imagine her family member trying to manage that. 

     Hey Zetta; are you home now? Bet Sammy is going to be one happy little fur ball to have you and Molly back full time.  Any snowfall as yet? 

     NOTE:  Daylight Savings Time change this Sunday; turn back clocks one hour. Cannot imagine why they do not leave it on actual savings time with more light longer in the day.   No idea why not, but then perhaps there is a valid reason.

    Starting to get chilly at night.  Time to put a blanket on the bed.   Jack Frost doesn't visit here in SoCal, but sometimes it feels cold enough at night to have that happen.   I used to really believe in Jack Frost when a small child and lived in the UP of Michigan; I would look at the frost on the window panes and wonder how he painted all of  that.  Grin.  Gullible me.

     As for our "Front Porch" being cold;  Nope - our Front Porch is a magical place and the weather on that porch is always perfectly lovely - even in the dead of winter - and remember; we all have our own rocking chair and they fit all sizes of backsides.   Oh; to be able to meet like that.  And well, if no one wants to wash champagne glasses, I suggest several bottles of the bubbly and some very long straws - after all; where there is a will . . .




  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Ron...will some Bombay Blue Sapphire work? It's all I have.

    Yes, the porch is certainly magical and just think, soon we can skate on the pond!

    Booster done...pharmacy and back 20 minutes. Sorry Jo....

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thanks Judith; can you come over and slap my DH silly?   Immediately at seeing the draedful place I said I wanted to leave and we would get the booster a few days later somemplace else.  But; he strongly insisted we stay because, "We're already here now."  Bet he doesn't do that again!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Links to Turkey Tetrazzini Recipes - named after an opera star in Italy - some call for wine, others do not.  In my opinion, to be true tetrazzini, it must have wine or dry sherry in the recipe; (be sure it is "dry" sherry and not sweet.)   Can use chicken or tuna in the recipes; a rotisserie chicken would make things very easy. 

     Ree Drummonds recipe is the most "loaded," and I do mean loaded. Some folks use a very small amount of nutmeg in their tetrazzini recipe, but that is not for everyone and it needs only a very, very little lest it take over the dish.  Lorita; you could probably make this a vegetarian dish if you wish. 

     Named after an Italian Opera singer, Luisa Tetrazzini.  Love this stuff, but as said, it has to have wine in it or at least a tiny bit of good brand dry sherry for my taste.  Last recipe on page sounds sinful - but full of good.

    The following recipe link is given because she has all sorts of other yum sounding recipes included at the top of her page (she has no wine in her tetrazzini recipe):

    Next has wine - does it look a bit dry?

    Needs wine:

    This one has wine or dry sherry and looks creamier - need to scroll and click on "full recipe."

    OMIGOSH:  Wine and cream cheese and more other cheese and bacon . . . . . be still my heart may take on another whole meaning with this, but it sounds good:


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita--no snakes in Alaska!

    Rescue Mom--I've been drinking Lactaid milk and using Lactaid tablets for about two months now.  My tummy feels better but still a bit gurgly at times.  The plant-based milks are low in protein.  I prefer real milk but I might have to alternate with the plant-based if I continue to feel gurgly.

    I awoke feeling that 11/2 was a special day but I could not remember.  Then it dawned on me--this was my separation date from the USAF.  That was a special time in my life.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Nice to sit out on the front porch with a clear head and after a great day. Yes, I had a little trouble with Lou preparing for her appointment, but no way as bad as other times. Other than the 1 hour wait in the room her dr appointment went well. Two nurses came in and as one was putting the blood pressure cuff on her arm the other was given the flu shot. She didn't even know she hot the shot! Once the dr finally got in the room her heart and lungs was good and he told her "your husband is doing a great job taking care of you". Made me feel good to be recognized!!

    Jo. when my sister was here Lou was reluctant to do some things for her. There are certain things we take for granted that she balks at. She says that when she was a child she almost drawn and that is why she doesn't want water on her. This is something that was never mentioned before dementia. Also, the neighbor I've been trying seems to be working and I'm bringing her in a couple of days a week. Later I might try a group setting but I'm still a little concerned about the virus even though cases are going down here. 

    Better get off the porch for now winter weather is coming to Louisiana. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron glad the day wasn’t too rough. Sounds like your doctor’s office has got it and pretty good at handling it.  That’s nice.

    Lorita hope you are doing ok and just busy.  Know you have a lot to take care of.  Miss you when you are not here.

    Rescue mom someone mentioned sheep cheese before, may have been you.  I do not like goat cheese but haven’t tried sheep.  A few days ago I ate lasagna with lactase and did fine, but took a lot of lactase.  I am just going to have to take lots of lactase when I eat certain dairies.  Seems like yogurt not too bad.  Do good with sour cream and buttermilk too.  I substitute buttermilk for milk in almost all my baking.  The last time I made chocolate frosting I used buttermilk.  Noticed the twang at first but got so I didn’t notice it at all and it was good.  Do take lactase with them too.

    JoC your porch sounds wonderful.  Mine is a little cool too Ron. Has been quite sunny the past two days so have eaten lunch on porch.  Within a hour or two the sun has moved and it gets pretty cool.  Is 29 this morning or -1.6C if you live elsewhere.  Think 44 is the high today.

    Didn’t get much peripheral cleaning done yesterday.  Did get the buns baked and my insurance taken care of.  Will have to switch to Medicare Dec 1, 2022.  Going to go with original, supplement and drug plan I believe. Appears it will cost me about what I am paying now but a lot less deductible.  My deductible on marketplace has been 6500-7500.  I would have to pay that whole amount before my insurance would kick in except for preventive.  I’m limited in what doctors I can use now too. Would not be limited with original.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning. It's cold on my porch this a.m. too - has been chilly the past few days. We voted yesterday and went to the library. I got 2 Patricia Cornwell books. Love her books and think I have read most of them. Most are mysteries featuring a medical examiner who also turns out to be kind of a crime fighter. I recently finished "State of Terror" by Louise Penny and Hilary Clinton. It was a real page turner, over 400 pages and I read it in 2 days! Someone else, maybe Jo, had remarked on the forum that she likes Louise Penny. I also like James Patterson (fun fact: he has a book coming out with co-author Dolly Parton). He collaborates with others quite often. I love Pamela Kelley books too. They are novels, not at all trashy, but romantic at times. Many are set in New England. Currently reading: "Going There" by Katie Couric. Enjoying her book too. 

    Yesterday morning we'd experienced our hard freeze. So, I cut back my petunias which I had in laundry tubs and my hyacinth bean vine and Black Eyed Susan vine. The back gardens are ready for winter. I have 200 gallons of water in my rain barrels and plan to empty the barrels by watering my young trees. We are to have some warmer days this weekend so will do it then. 

    I saw the International Space Station yesterday a.m. I have an app on my phone that notifies me when it is flying over. It doesn't notify during day hours as you wouldn't be able to see it, and I have the notifications turned off for overnight hours. It is fun to see it. I also like seeing the stars and planets on a clear night.

    Have a good day!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Internet was out yesterday. Missed talking with all of you. Need to go feed Tom and Jerry.  Back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good morning friends on our magical front porch that always has good weather no matter the season  . . . . another new day.  Lying in bed as I was awakening, I began to think about various this'es and that's from throughout my lifetime from childhood on up . . . . I then realized once again how much I had to be thankful for; especially memories from here and there through all the years that I see are truly blessings because of those memories that were made.  Small things for the most part, but little moments of joy and having been loved - I am deeply thankful and did indeed stop and say my thanks to where they belong.   Of course, life brings troubles and other issues, some of which are truly significant; but overall, so fortunate for the little dear memories and can let go of the other "stuff" that in earlier years had been irkingly troublesome and could rile me up.   Nothing like getting ahem; "more mature," and really seeing things from a different perspective.  Losses break the heart, but grateful to have had those heartfelt connections - those were the gifts that went into making so many of the sweet memories.  

     Ron, that Lou had a near-drowning experience may well explain a lot regarding her resistance to bathing.   My poor mother could not bear a drop of water on her face, it panicked her.  Could get her (not without a lot of trouble) into the shower sitting on a chair and bathed her with hand held shower head on a long metal whatzit;  BUT she wanted to hold a cloth to cover her face.  To wash her hair was challenging to get her cooperation.  When she would let it be done, (nearly impossible), she would only let it be done at the kitchen sink, bending over said sink with a towel covering her face with her hands.   When she was dreadfully fighting any hair washing whatsoever, I found a beautician that would come to the house with her supplies.  She would give haircuts and whatever else one wanted done with their hair . . . . oh boy, my mother LOVED it . . . AND guess what?  The only way the beautician would come out was if the hair was freshly washed.  It worked!  Each week off to the sink we could go and soon came the beautician to style or trim the hair.  Beautifully ended all the strife. It wasn't that expensive and was well worth doing to avoid all the upset to both of us.

     I think the saddest, and one of the most horrible things I have ever heard regarding resisting bathing, was from a Director of Nursing from a nursing home for Jewish patients in New York.  She shared that they had very elderly residents who had various challenges with cognition who could not bear going to the bathing room to be showered or bathed . . . . they would panic, screaming out their fear - those poor dear people had been of WWII and equated in deep, deep panic that the bathing room was reminiscent of the gas chambers.  That brought me to tears; how does one even process how that was and is.   Deeply sorrowful at the innermost soul. 

    Sayra; so hope your tummy gets and stays better for you.  One thing; yes, many people do have lactose intolerance, but do keep a "tummy" diary and track all incidents of stomach problems along with foods when problems surface.   Many people with such issues find that such a diary is helpful in identifying triggers for stomach episodes and many of those individuals may indeed have one of the triggers for stomach upsets be dairy, but they in actuality may also be experiencing a form of IBS as there are also other triggers.  It is so true that IBS is one of the most frequent maladies and it is seen in greater numbers in females.  IBS can happen often, or can happen with epsisodes far apart; they can happen when triggered by stress; they can be triggered by foods, and they can happen for no reason at all.   Just wondering.  Keeping a tummy diary over months and months can really give some good insight. 

    Nicole, I am thinking of you this morning and wondering how you are and how things are going.   So hope you were able to get Uncle settled into care and you are doing alright. 

    Sweet Lorita, miss you this morning.   How are you doing?  Glad to hear the "parts" are healing from that fall.  It takes so long for such happenings to let the body return to normal function and feeling.   Being "mature" may make us wiser from all of our life experiences, but it is a real tribulation when it comes to recovering ourselves after such mishaps as we no longer bounce as we used to.   Hope the cattle feeder gets all taken care of by that nice fellow soon so that it takes one more chore concern away from all you do.  I still do not know how you do all that you do; it is beyond amazing.  Moss sure doesn't grow on your north side.  You have taught me so much about cattle that I never, ever knew being a town and city raised person and I have enjoyed all of that; thank you.  Now you are putting me to shame by cleaning closets - I shall have to rise to the occasion soon.

    I just got a nice plastic carry box with a handle. I am a greeting card sender and buy cards in advance for birthdays, thank you's, sympathy, get well, thinking of you, congratulations, etc., etc.   It has been difficult keeping them in order.  So; I bought a nice sized plastic carry box - I have put pendaflex hanging files inside with a labeled manila folder inside each pendaflex for each card category.  The upper lid of the box opens too so I can put in a pen, a list of months with birthdays, annivesaries, etc. along with a list of addresses.  This keeps everything in one place. I also put Hallmark round gold labels and stamps in the lid - everything is in one place, and easy to carry.   Don't know why I did not think of this sooner. 

     Heavens Sayra; your insurance deductible - shocking. I am so sorry.  We have been fortunate; because my DH worked 35 years for his same place, way back then, part of his retirement agreement was his pension and that he would have fully paid medical insurance for both himself and his spouse - that is no longer done as a benefit package for new hirees; however, back then they could not recruit enough hirees, so the retirement package was generous.  Our deductible has been $500 per year; truly grateful.   I watch our insurance carefully because with our insurance policy, as some policies do, if one has any medical work done from November through December, the amount of that care is carried over to meet the new deductible that starts in January.  Can't always do it because there is no need (which is good) but if there is something that can wait until November, that is helpful for the coming year.  Our prescription coverage is covered by the company he left; it is considered "credible coverage," it has no upper limit on amounts of meds needed for which we are grateful as meds are so outrageously expensive.  We have to meet our regular insurance deductible of that $500 and then the cost is about $15 per each three month prescription. Some meds re higher at about $50 for those three months, but we are aware that these benefits are one of those huge blessings we fell into - took 35 years to qualify or them, but he was indeed there for that amount of time since he was very, very young.   Grateful, grateful, grateful.

     As for goat cheese; as hard as I have tried, I cannot warm up to it, I do not like that sharp deeply tanged flavor, it seems to interrupt my taste buds in an unfriendly way.   I try, but just do not like it. I am the same way about venison; cannot abide the gamey flavor.  As it is, I hated deer hunting season as a child in the UP of Michigan where it is a very important time of year - hunting season . . . I recall my father bringing home a big buck on the roof  of his car after his hunting when I was a small child - I was awfully angry at him and even cried that he had killed Bambi's daddy.  Well; I was tender hearted.  Hunting season still a big thing up there with many of the men taking some time from work and going out to camp or "deer camp" as many call them. Back in the day the deer camps were barely cabins and very rough; today people have even come in from other areas and built lovely homes in the woods, but call them "cabins."  Such truly beautiful country.  I loved being out to camp and would sit for long times listening to the sound of breezes soughing through the trees - it was like they were talking to one another. 

     Zetta, are you home safe and sound?  Concerned having not heard from you.

    Gads; enough blabbing about this and that and whatever.  Having hiccuping thoughts this morning - here there and everywhere.  Think I will get some breakfast along with that nice cup of tea and get started.

     Sending hugs and warmest thoughts to all of the Front Porch friends and beyond,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    A bit down from the booster yesterday....later.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC I’m so sorry you lost your sister.  Life does throw us a lot of curves.  Gives us empathy for others sometimes.

    We had a big frost this morning,  first one, bit later than usual.

    Beth know Lorita has interest in the moon.  I’m very uneducated about the moon and stars.  As a child can remember riding in car at night with my head laid back looking at the stars, enjoyed that.   Seems like the sky had a lot of stars then.  I did not know one from the other.  Maybe I don’t look up enough now.

    JoC thanks for the tips.  Have wondered if I have IBS issue.  Would not be surprised.

    Hope you are ok Judith.

    Thinking of you too Nicole.

    My dad always used CDs.  Back in the day they worked well.  Quit using them a long time ago and sounds like thy have gotten worse.

    Had an HSA at work which goes with you when you retire.  Only had that for very few years .  The hospital put some money in and I put some in.  It can only be used on healthcare and is totally tax free.  I have not used it for anything as it would pay a good portion of my deductible if need be.  If I am still blessed to have it when I go on Medicare, will have to double check but believe it can be used for dental, vision or drugs.  I’ll use it that way as cannot remember what happens if I die.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sorry you are not feeling up to snuff Judith.  After my booster, I was tired for one day; in fact, I fell asleep and napped a couple of times.  By the next day I was back to myself again.   Same sort of thing with the flu shot.

     Son said he had flu shot and booster on the same day and for about a day or day and a half he felt really, "blech," whatever that means and then he was fine. 

     Sayra; it is a very good idea to call HR and find out what happens to your HSA should death occur.  If it goes to an heir all at once, that is good; but if it disappears then all the better reason to let it get spent down.

     As for CDs; they are the savings vehicle at this time.  Savings accounts are not worth a single hair on one's head the rates are so dreadfully far below CDs  which as said above are not great.  One big issue for me is that the CDs are insurance protected by the federal government at the Credit Unions and banks.  I no longer use anything  for savings that is not federally insured.    I am at a stage in life that I am also no longer interested in the stock market as I had been in younger years and especially when still working - when an unexpected tank hits the market, I am not in the position to make it up quickly and easily and of course, not insured.

    I have been poor in my younger life; we eloped very young and had nothing,  having to count every penny and do without so much.  We worked hard to come out of that, never looking back but always moving forward step by step.  I think it was easier to do that in earlier years than it is today.   I also do not come from a wealthy family, so I am cautious of erring on the side of being careful how I go about things.

    Here on the Board, we see Posts from people who have no assets or near to no assets and their lives are truly deeply affected; there are no safety nets for the middle class.  Those Members who have good assets to pull from are so much in a better position with many more option choices.

    Congress just passed the new budget . . . due to lack of support, Medicaid got bumped up with some wonderful new benefits for in-home care to avoid placement, etc.; BUT in order to get the budget passed, Medicare got nothing in that category - zero  . . . . once again, nothing and the middle class is stuck with no way to turn for assistance within the home until becoming deeply impoverished; often spending all for the ill spouse leaving the well spouse with no assets for their future needs.  It reaps despair.

     Long Term Care Insurance has priced people right out of the market IF one can even get coverage and that is hard to do these days. Insurance companies have also been are are getting out of the LTC market; and for those policies still available, much hardear to qualify for, coverage is less and costs are very high.  In many existing policies, costs have risen dramatically and people can no longer afford it.  No longer a safety net for people as it used to be once it started costing too much for the profitability of the companies selling such policies.

    What a disappointment and shame to have this lack of benefits for the middle class be so in our dear country.  Of course, we have to realize that those making the decisions way up there are our Conress persons and Senators who never have to worry about their future re coverage; and they have awesome coverage - we pay for much of it from our taxes.  So if they have no incentives for themselves, too many turn their faces away.  Those who do care do not have the numbers to make it different when it comes to votes and deep compromise through cuts must be made - once again on the middle class who just cannot get help.  Deeply shameful actually.

    Okay, once again I was off and running - time to put me out to pasture again today . . . where is Sweetpea and Tina??


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good day yesterday....bad night. Put Lou in bed by 9 and myself shortly after. She woke me up at 11:30, again at 2 and my then I couldn't get back to sleep so got up at 3. She was up and down 3 more times and around 7 after I got her back in bed I told her I was going to try and lay back down. 10 minutes later she was up again. She seemed extremely confused last night and this morning and I truly believe it was the drastic change in our weather.  It's been gloomy looking all day. 

    Speaking of lactose intolerance I remember being told I almost died when I was a baby. They said I had severe reactions to milk and nothing they tried worked until they tried goats milk. As I got older dairy products didn't bother me.

    Jo. Lou is a lot like your mother when it comes to hair washing. When I take a pot to pour water on her head to rinse the soap she tells even with the washcloth over her eyes. I'm her beautician and have taken care of her hair since finishing cosmetology school in the 70s. I haven't tried the sink, maybe that would work. Just need to figure out how to stabilize her while I'm washing.

    Hope I can sleep tonight!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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