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Just need to talk to my friends (158)



  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Lorita...I live on the eastern edge of a coastal town in Southern California. Up the street someone let their bushes get so overgrown that a few coyotes were living in there. Not good...coyotes even going up driveways when people were there. No fear. When Lucy was a pup I had to have her on a leash or in an enclosed large kennel with a "lid" when outside because of the hawks cruising around. They even landed on the grass near me when I had her on the leash as a pup. Just stared me down. She's big enough to fend for herself against hawks, but not against coyotes. She doesn't want to be outside without me. I know...they were here before us. I wouldn't do anything to harm the wildlife here, but I don't try to attract it either, although I love to have the bird feeder and hummingbird feeder going. The hummingbirds are here practically year around. In March the beautiful hooded orioles come and they expect to find the feeders in the same place as the previous year. They leave around August. 
  • Aee31490
    Aee31490 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment First Anniversary
    My mother has been diagnosed for a couple years now. She has anxiety related to her disease and drinks scotch to help combat it. She is also on anxiety medication which is ineffective when mixed with alcohol. She will hide her scotch bottles and when we find them and dump them, she will go out and buy more. When we have spoken to her about why she shouldn’t drink as it will only begin to speed up her disease , she says she doesn’t care and doesn’t agree and that it’s the only thing that calms her. What can we do?
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear Friends of the front porch,

    I had decided that if I got up today not feeling a lot better from this cold or whatever I would go to the doctor to see if some magic cure...this is the start of the 3rd week of feeling uck.

    Got up, dressed and was out the door to go...and the car battery was dead.  I had not driven in almost 3 weeks so the computer gadgets on the car had drained the battery!  Fortunately daughter lives close by and we figured out a plan to see if we could jump it.  As it turns out, her daughter lives with her...and I had given her a small car battery charger for her birthday!  Brought it over and voila...easy to get the car back to life.  Knew that gadget would be a help, but never thought I would need it...lol.

    Tried to get a virtual appointment, but since it is upper respiratory issue have to be seen in person.  One place you go you have to call when you get to the parking lot to check in...they weren't taking any more registrations for several hours.  Got scheduled for an appointment for 5 pm at another place.  So it has been a frustrating day.  Hoping to get an all clear on covid.  I have the 2 shots, but didn't get the booster before I got sick. 

    The strange thing about this is I have had no fever or other maladies other than cold/cough like symptoms from sinus.  Oh well, will see what doc says.

    Love all the chat about cobblers...and it is on my list to do once I can get to the store for the ingredients.

    Wishing each of you a blessed day.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Marie let us know.  Hope you get to feeling better.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     It's been a beautiful day, high in the mid to upper 70s but a little bit windy.  Not adjusted to time change - it usually takes a couple of weeks.  Day has seemed a bit long and now I'm ready for bed and it's not even 6:30 but I do like the daylight in the nornings.

     Betty, that sounds scary for little dogs and even for bigger ones.  We had friends who raised German Shepherds and the coyotes would try to lure the little ones through the fence.  I've seen shows on TV about the coyotes being in cities now.

     Haven't done much today - did a little bit more on the creepfeeder and drove down to see all the girls and babies.  Scattered everywhere but I finally saw all of them.  Little babies aren't getting into the creepfeeder yet but I've had to run some bigger ones out already.  One came up after everyone had gone to graze - looked around a bit and went back to graze.

     Sara - I watched something on YouTube yesterday - called  Appalachian Vocabulary.  This woman was testing her two daughters with knowing the meaning of certain words or phrases used in Appalachia.  Some of them were familiar to me and are used here.  Pretty interesting.    I wonder sometimes why people in different parts of our Country talk differently.

     Marie, do hope you feel better soon.  Seems like anything we try to do now gives us the runaround - everything seems harder than before.  I used to have one of those Halo Bolts or Bolt Halos used to start cars when the battery was down.  It worked for about a year, then quit.  It did start the car but not the pickup.  But, they can really come in handy. 

     Aee - glad you posted.  It's a big problem you have, which you know.  If your mother lives alone and is able to drive, I don't know the answer.  If someone lives with her, maybe they could restrict her alcohol use.  If she lives alone and doesn't drive, maybe you could contact the liquor store and tell them not to sell to her (even if she does drive) and not to deliver.  If they're determined, it's hard to do anything.  Taking antidepressants and antianxiety pills with liquor is not a good thing.  Have you talked with her doctor - maybe he has an idea that would help.  Hopefully, others will have more ideas of what you might be able to do.

    Tried not to lift anything today but had to lift trash bags a couple of times.  Iris, I tried to make them not as heavy.  But - when Bryon cleaned out the creepfeeder he put the old feed in a trash bag and I lifted it into the floor of the Gator, then dumped it in the edge of the meadow - so had to lift it.  Seems like it's all but impossible to not lift something. 

     I'll probably go to bed before too long and watch TV in the bedroom.

     Hope you all have a restful night.  Ron, hope today was good for you and Lou.  Good luck on your appointments this week - and next.  Are people wearing masks at the VA?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron glad your sister is able to come and help you some.  Know it is discouraging when you don’t feel like cooking, put forth great effort and don’t feel appreciated.  We know they don’t understand but it is still disappointing to us.

    Lorita I have used eggs with recipes in my bread machine before.  They have always turned out nicely.  The high was 70 here too yesterday.  Was a beautiful day.

    Lorita you were listening to the YouTube channel I refer to called Celebrating Appalachia.  Think anyone with interest in this sort of thing would enjoy it.  

    Betty I watch a YT channel out of Southern California and you do have a lot of beautiful birds.

    You are right Lorita, when you are working with cattle, little you can do to avoid lifting.

    Made my beef sausage yesterday.  Ate a piece for breakfast and it was good.  Didn’t use the recipe.  Just added salt pepper and sage.  Used 4 dried sage leaves for 1/4 pound.  

    Thinking of all of you.  Take Care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Just a quick update.

    Doctor visit was fine...just some kinda viral bug out there that found me.  5 days of meds.  everything else aok.  Chose to get covid test just to be sure...came back negative.

    Wishing everyone a blessed day


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Back home and still able to breath after my pulmonary function test. Both parts of the test was lower results than 3 years ago. Gas exchange was worse and the other just a small difference. Lorita the VA does require mask and it has to be the type they first came out with, no cloth mask.

    Got home and house smells good. Sweet sister in the kitchen cooking a pot roast. 


  • Fairyland
    Fairyland Member Posts: 178
    100 Comments First Anniversary

    Hi Porch People, hope you don’t mind me dropping in. I am not a spouse caretaker, but am taking care of my mom, who has MCI sketchily diagnosed by PCP but I think it’s vascular, fitting in my own full time job and sometimes even my own life a little, but I like to follow your stories. I am being inspired to do some cooking too!  Which is needed to keep mom well and me off the easy junk food. I am in beautiful Iowa where I was born, but have lived abroad many years and intend probably to go back sometime to my own life, if I ever figure out all the mom puzzles. She had a stroke last week, thankfully treated in time so not much effect, so we are taking it (even) slower than usual. 

    Today we went for a walk in the local county park, first looking around a tourist site with a few closed buildings, but within a few minutes of arriving a grumpy guy bustled up and said it was closed. And no, we couldn’t just walk once around. I can’t imagine the harm we 2 old ladies might do strolling around an open park, and reading the noticeboard about a Christmas event coming up there, but clearly it is substantial! It put me in a mood, maybe unjustified as rules are rules but there it is. So we went to  the main park and lake which was nice, and mom walked a short distance to look at the reflections in water. She is even slower than molasses as my late dad would say, at the best of times, but said she enjoyed it so win I guess. She needs exercise or she gets to messing around with everything later at night.  The weather is supposed to turn shortly so I was anxious to get out for a last country walk.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Ron,,   I can smell that roast coming from your house. It sounds like your sister is very sweet and it is nice that Lou enjoys her visit. It is nice that you are able to get out and know that Lou is in loving hands. It also sounds like your Dr. visit turned out good.   

    Marie,   That must have been very frustrating when you had a dead battery I worry about that so when my car sits a few days I will start it and let it run for a few minuets. Thank You for letting us know how your Dr. visit came out. I hope you are starting to feel better. 

     Lorita,   I also like the change of time I like getting up when it is light and it being dark when I go to bed. I also like that extra morning light. I remember when my kids were little it was easier putting them to bed when it was darker. I sure hope your carpenter shows up and gets things fixed for you, it sounds like a heater might be a dangerous think to put in. I am watching Gunsmoke right now, lately it seems to be the same ones keep playing. 

    Seaside,  I also worry about Coyotes, I live in a rural area and my property backs up to the woods. I also have a little dog her name is Molly I prefer letting her out to potty when it is light outside. I put here on a run so she can't go too far from the house, and I also go out with her but I still watch all around. What kind of dog is Lucy? Molly is Chihuahua mix. I was walking her onetime and a hawk, came down not too far from us and picked up a chipmunk and took off, Molly was a puppy then so that really scared me. I picked her up and carried her home. From that point on I never let her leash extend out more then a few feet. 

    Its cold here right now it is 37, predicting snow tomorrow. I am glad I got my snow tires on. 

    Sara,   I still have not made the peach cobbler yet. I think I will wait till I go to my daughters house in a few weeks and make some there. I did make some pumpkin spice loaf bread this morning and had some for breakfast, lunch and hope to be able to save some for tomorrow. I wish I had more control when it comes to sweets. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     It's been a beautiful day - windy this morning but very calm and in the 70s this afternoon.  I do wish we could  have this kind of weather for a couple of months but they're mentioning possible frost for later this week and storms and some rain tomorrow night.  Guess more rain wouldn't hurt because some people's ponds are getting pretty low.

    Sara, I enjoyed watching that youtube channel and probably will some more.  My parents always made their own pork sausage.  I know they put in sage.  I can still remember how good it was.  Never found any that was that good - closest is Blue and Gold Sausage that the FFA sells.  Charles and I always tried to buy some of that and would have sausage gravy over biscuits - delicious.

     I made another loaf of bread yesterday, I think it was,, and the next I make will be the Challah - guess I'll take the dough out and try to braid it - not sure yet.

     Had liquid feed delivered about 3 today - almost three tons which filled two tanks.  That should last most of the winter.  Luckily I was outside when Mike (not the vet) called to tell me he was on his way over.  So, got the girls in the other pasture and closed the gate so they wouldn't "mob" him as our neighbor would say.  When he left I let them out and a lot of them went to try it out.  The cows and bigger calves can turn the wheels to bring the feed up.  Sometimes they're kind of messy but the little ones lick the feed off the feeder because they aren't tall enough or strong enough to turn the wheels.  He told me he has beavers at his place - lives several miles north of her.  And, they've cut down several willow trees around his pond and dragged to another one to make their hones.  No idea there were beavers around - knew about muskrats though.

     Zetta, I'm seeing quite a few reruns of Gunsmoke, too.  Saw Matt's Love Story again today with Michael Learned.  I'm really enjoying watching Rawhide.  Did you find out if you can get it?  They all look so young - and guess they are.

     I remember installing a propane heater for my parents years ago.  I figured out what I needed and went to town to the hardware store and told them what I needed.  They told me that couldn't be done - well, I got the parts and it was done.  I can put in a new stove if I have to - would rather not though.  I checked and WM has them and will deliver in three days. 

     Ron, how nice of your sister to cook supper - and there will be leftovers so you won't have to cook for a while.  Glad your doctor visit was all right.  So nice your sister can come and stay with Lou when needed so you don't have to worry about her.

     Hi Ali, welcome to the front porch.  Always enjoy having people drop by.  So, you live in Iowa like our Beth.  I've never been that far north but I know it must be beautiful - but cold. 

     My mother had alzheimers and after we lost daddy she lived by herself.  Charles and I lived about a quarter mile away on the same farm so I saw her every day at least once (I was still working) so if she needed anything we were there.  It's difficult taking care or a loved one with dementia but we do it because we love them and they took care of us.

     Try the peach cobbler - really good.  I may make another one tomorrow or maybe some more pumpkin-spice muffins.   Zetta, did you use the same recipe for your loaf as I do for the muffins?  I think I have  one or maybe two left so need to make something sweet.

     Better stop - Gunsmoke is on.  Did all of you watch Yellowstone Sunday night?  I watched the two hours and always try to watch the repeat that's on immediately after.  Went to bed and watched the first hour of it and fell asleep.  I always get more out of it the second tine around. 

     See you all tomorrow.  Rest well.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,     Looks like we are both watching the same Gunsmokes, I saw the same one you saw today about Matt's love story. I wonder why he does not kiss Kitty, once in a while.

    The recipe I use comes right on the box of Pillsbury Pumpkin Bread.   1 cup of water  1tb oil and 2 eggs. I don't do anything from scratch, like all you good cooks do. 

    I also love sausage gravy over biscuits, my gravy comes right from a pouch all I need to do is add water. Dan was the cook in our house and he was a good cook, everything from scratch. His gravy was delicious and his biscuits were always homemade. Mine come from a tube you bang on the counter. 

    I have not found Rawhide yet I will have to keep looking. I am not going to watch Yellowstone, it comes on a bit too late for me and I don't want to keep up with things, my mind wanders too much to keep up with things. I watch TV but I really don't watch TV if that makes any sense. 

    Its 5pm and almost dark, I like it I wish I could say its quiet, but right now Sammy is dragging one of my kitchen throw rugs around the house. I hope he gets tired soon. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Zetta...Lucy is a labradoodle. She's 6 yrs. old now and still acts like a puppy. She's 25 lbs...I don't know what I'd do without her. Two of our children live 2 hours from me & another lives in WA state. She comes down from WA every year for Christmas and brings her chihuahua. The little dog has to stay on her leash all the time because of the hawks. At times when we're sitting outside a hawk will sit on the fence, as if waiting for an opportunity. They are a beautiful bird & I appreciate them so much. Before my husband needed my care I did a lot of photography with a DSLR camera & had numerous lenses. Was able to catch hummingbirds in flight, etc. It was a wonderful hobby & I loved it so much. But I sort of left that by the wayside. Had no energy for it, nor time, when things progressed with him. Still have no desire to return to it. My iPhone suffices now. Not technically, but just for casual pics and family. 

    I'll make a hummingbird picture smaller & post it after I post this. Pictures from a lovely time in our lives.


  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Lots of hummingbirds would take baths in our fountain. Then they would get up on a branch and dry off, preening & stroking their feathers and rubbing their bill on the branch with a motion like sharpening a knife. One year I did get a picture of a hummingbird in the nest with her 2 babies. The nest was about the size of half a chicken eggshell. They will return to the same nest, if left there, the next year. Mostly we have Anna's hummingbirds here. Those tiny birds are so fierce and territorial!
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Seaside, your hummingbird photo is amazing! Keep posting pics when you have the time and inclination; we love seeing them.

    Ali, welcome from another Iowan. My mom was the person with dementia in our family and I was her caregiver for about 2 1/2 years. She has since passed away. This thread is for everyone; you don't have to have been a caregiver for a spouse.

    The trees and shrubs have been just glorious this year. We have heavy rain in the forecast so expect many leaves to fall today. 

    Yesterday my husband and I went to a shooting range. I like to practice. I use a .22 pistol. Nothing much going on today for me. Hubby is going out to lunch with some friends. 

    I made Rice krispie treats the other day. They don't last long!  lol

    Planning to make corn casserole (jiffy muffin mix, creamed corn, non-creamed corn, sour cream and stick of butter), and burnt ends this weekend when the kids come over. Will get the groceries Friday. 

    Be safe and enjoy your day!  Beth

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Welcome to the front porch Ali.  My mom is the person with dementia too.  I live in Ohio.  Slow as molasses is a common saying I have too, though I usually say as slow as cold molasses.

     Ron do you have a better appetite when your sister is there?  I’ve been hungry for a good pot roast.  I still don’t have an ovenproof Dutch oven though. 

    Think we had a big discussion on Dutch ovens awhile back.  Do think I have settled on one I’m going to buy though finally,  think I will get a Merten and Storck.  They are out of Germany.  Enameled cast iron, different technique, lighter weight, less likely to chip.  I wanted cast iron but new ones I was familiar with were too heavy for me. It is more expensive than lodge but less expensive than the other two more well known ones.  It is an old company.

    Marie thanks for letting us know.  Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Giving it very windy and rainy tomorrow.  So got up early, fixed chicken noodle soup.  Fixed mom blueberry muffins she requested, so now I’m going to go get groceries so I can stay out of the weather tomorrow if it’s the good Lord’s will.  That is one nice thing about being retired.

    Betty Labradoodles are a beautiful dog.  Thanks for sharing the picture.  Didn’t see many hummingbirds here this summer.

    Lorita how did the Challah bread go?

    Are there any HVAC ( heating and cooling companies) in you area.  They should be able to install your heater.  Maybe Mike (vet) could suggest someone. 

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Windy and warm this morning. Storms and rain layer today.

    Betty, your picture of the hummingbird is gorgeous.  They are so sweet. I haven't seen a single one this year.

    No challah  bread yet got too busy.  No heating company nearer than 30 miles.  Possibly propane company might do it if I don't.

    Back later

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello everyone and welcome Ali; great to have you on the big front porch where the weather is always lovely and we all have a rocking chair and the chairs fit every size backside.  Lovely place to just share all sorts of "stuff."  It is relaxing and a respite.  We meet such lovely people here.   My experience as a carer was with my mother who had a behavioral variant of FTD; and at the same time, my step-father had Alz's.   My husband's mother and grandmother also had Alzheimer's Disease and while I oversaw and arranged care, etc. for them, I did not have the responsibility for their day to day care.

    I thought autumn weather was here to stay, but goodness; the next three to four days will be in the high 80's and in our area, possibly the low 90's before it goes back down again.  When the heat hits, it is also expected to be very low humidity and so once again California is in  a high danger zone for new wildfires.  Winter and hopefully some rain cannot come soon enough.   We are now having to conserve water due to the drought.

     Last night we had such good soup; (I've talked about it before),  it is what I call, "cheaters" sausage and tortellini soup.   I use Progresso (good brand) Minestrone Soup which is full of good veggies.   Just open cans and pour into a large pot on the stove and heat.   Then brown and cook mild Italian sausage in the casings; when done and cool enought to handle, cut the sausage into coins and put it into the soup pot.  Then, cook a package or so of tortellini (how much sausage and tortellini depends on how much soup you have made); for this soup I prefer cheese tortellini.  When the tortellini is done, drain well and add it to the soup.  Heat all to hot and serve with grated parmesan cheese.  I like to have warm sourdough bread with it.  I love how easy, yummy and tummy satisfying it is and of course it is especially good when cold outside.  Lorita, if you wanted, you could make this without the meat for a vegetarian soup.

     It is amazing how many of us in different states must be careful of hawks and coyotes.  Though we live in town in housing tracts with cities nearby,  anyone with a cat or small dog has to watch out for the hawks; they are always seeking an easy dinner.   We have concrete lined riverbeds that run through multiple towns near us, all the way ending in the ocean.  The coyotes from out of area are using the riverbeds to travel and come up them, going over the fencing and entering the large housing tract areas. They seem to have no fear and sometimes one can see them walking down the sidewalk bold as can be.    They hop over the six foot high block walls around the yards like it is nothing and they can walk along the walls from one end of the block to the other looking for dogs or cats to drag off.  Very scary to say the least.  We no longer have a pet, but our son and DIL have four rescue dogs, all smaller size and they never, ever let them out in the yard that they are not with them.   In this day and age and in a city setting, who'da thought it - but the wild things have only this way to forage for food. 

    At least we do not have the mountain lions and bears as other housing areas do farther north of us. That would be another issue altogether.  Zetta gets elk now and then; that is something that we will never see till we drive way, way north into the country areas. Used to love going into Oregon and Washington and staying. I remember way into the forest, a place with sparsely furnished cabins called, Sol Duc; we have stayed there and for sure saw SO many deer and other wild creatures.  When we were in the Hoh rain forest, there were Rooselvelt Elk.  Had to be careful of the elk; they were not happy about people.  We no longer trek such places; we are now too far over the top of the hill on the downslope and with screaming joints, lesser vision acuity and all that entails.  Glad to have had the experience and grateful for it, but we are now "townies" for sure.

    Cannot believe all the Christmas decorations and goods throughout the stores; this year has gone by so slowly in some ways but so fast in others.   We will be alone this Thanksgiving; only nearby adult child is working the holiday as is his wife being on call for her job.  Other kids are far out of state.   Frankly, I do not feel like cooking and neither does DH.   Will have to decide what to do for the day.  Sure did have so many, many years with full extended family for all holidays at our house and I so enjoyed doing it all; so I am thankful for those days but unto everything there is a season, and that pretty much says it.

    Ron; so glad your sister was able to be with Lou and that you had a good pot roast waiting for you.   That sure makes the house smell wonderful.

    Marie; glad you had a test for COVID and that it was negative.   Havng a virus of any kind is not pleasant or easy, but the big COVID is one no one wants to experience, that is for sure.

    Betty; the photo was awesome; sure hope when you have time we can see more of the photos you took, it is really interesting how you did all of that; you are certainly a patient person.

     Those enamel coated iron pans in the Dutch Oven model are awesome Sayra; I love ours.  It is huge as we had to make so much as we had the larger family which did make it heavy to lift when it was full of food.  Made lots of good stew, soup and pot roasts, etc.  Oh joy.  It still gets used, just not as often.  Expensive things but they are handed down from one generation to another.  Not too many things get that done these days as it used to be in days of yore.

     Gosh Beth; I still love looking at that avatar photo of the beautiful tulips - now if we could get some of your Rice Krispie Treats sent down the electric wire, that would be just the ticket.  As if.   Bet everyone did love them.

     Well; here I am again, got to get going.   Sending warmest thoughts and best of wishes for a good day to everyone.  See you all again soon; love reading all the Posts.  Take good care Lorita, be safe and so hope you do not have to lift too much.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Beth, your corn casserole sounds good.  Not sure what burnt ends are but imagine it's some kind of meat.  Have a good time this weekend.

     The rain you're going to get is probably from the front that's coming through here tonight.  It's not pleasant outside except the warmth - cloudy and very windy.

    Charles loved Rice Krispie treats, too and we have made them.

     Nothing much going on here today.  Sara, usually the first thing I do when I get up and get into the LR is look for your post.  Didn't see it early this morning so worried that something might be wrong.  Glad you're okay.

     UPS brought a couple of packages this morning so they're coming through the gate all right since Bryon cut the limbs.  One was Jimmy the Baker's crumb cakes.  Didn't expect more until late December but they stay frozen so that's fine.  I had ordered a set of silicone loaf pans (six to a pan) so thought that was the other one.  Opened it and it was some kind of Star Wars character.  Someone from Virginia had ordered it and returned it and somehow it got one of those little labels with my name on it so they delivered it to me.  Called QVC and told them, then took it down to the mailbox hoping our mail hadn't run yet. When I got home I called our mailcarrier and she had just turned around in our driveway so she got the package.  I have enough to take care of already.  Glad that's done.

     Seems like I don't feel well in the mornings but as the day goes on I feel better.  Just not up to par - guess it's still the fall but I'm tired of it.  Sandy, started taking my vitamins again so maybe that'll help.

     Little kids (bigger ones) are staying around the creepfeeder - haven't seen any babies in yet.  Other cattle are licking some of the liquid feed.  I thought they were beginning to think about feed so glad he brought it yesterday.

     Kind of thinking about making some vegetable soup but cooked mac and cheese yesterday or the day before so guess I should finish that first.   Guess I'll just watch TV this afternoon and maybe take a nap.  Stormy's occupying the divan so it'll either be the recliner or bed.  They had me let them outside about 2:30 this morning - probably heard wolves so they're sleepy now.

     Heard something on TV this morning about a new threat to cattle.  Seems some kind of bird called Black Vulture is killing little calves.  Hardly ever see vultures around here so don't now what part of state they were talking about.  Seems like there's always something to worry about.  You all mentioned how brave the coyotes are.  They are here, too, - sometimes they're not far from our yard fence.  They know the GPs can't get out of the yard so guess that's why they're brave.

     I'll stop for now - Rawhide's about to come on.  Hope all of you are well today.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,   I hope everyone is having a good day. It is very cold outside here with rain on the way. I love watching it rain.

    Betty,   I love Labradoodles, I am a pet sitter and I have one that I have been caring for since she was 6 months old, she is now 13. She has had 3 litters of puppies and since has retired from the puppy business. Her name is Maggie. My Molly is 7, I rescued her from a shelter when she was a year old. Like you I don't know what I would do with out her. Your picture of the Hummingbird is beautiful, I have a Hummingbird feeder on my porch but I have not seen many this year. 

    Beth,   Your Rice Krispy treats sound Yummy, Like Jo said I wish there was a way we could all share those. Maybe the next time we all meet on the porch you can bring some. I was thinking about making some of those a few days ago. I have the Rice Krispy's but not the marshmallows.  

     Jo,  You are right the Progresso soup is very good. I always have a few cans of that. I will try this year to get and send some pictures of the Elk when they come to visit. They spent a lot of time in the back of my yard that meets up to the forest. My Son dumps the lawn mover grass out there and they love to eat it all up.

     Aee,   Welcome to the porch. My DH had dementia and he passed away 3 years ago. He had it for I think longer then we all knew. I took care of him at home till I realized he needed more care then I was able yo provide. I placed him in a MC facility where he got the most loving care there. He was there for 2.5 years before he passed away. I live in Oregon I have a acre of property and my son lives on the same acre in a cabin  I have out back. I have a 7 year old Chihuahua and a 3 month old kitten, they are real good friends and they keep me pretty busy. I am sorry your having to deal with this disease, I am sure it must be hard especially with your Mother drinking, there is a bigger chance of her falling and breaking something. 

    I have a question. I got a deep fryer for French fries. I really don't want to be wasting oil so how long can I keep and reuse the same oil?  Is it better to keep it in a tight fitting jar or just store it in the pan with a lid on it? That is if I can reuse it. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra,  my sister cooked the pot roast in a steel Dutch oven that my mother had cooked us many meals in when we were growing up. The house smelled soooooo good when I walked in. By the way, guess what she fixed for desert? Peach cobbler! I've been miserable every since last night!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Ron,    That sounds very good, the next time let us know so we can all join you for dinner.   When you get to feeling better I am sure you will start cooking again. Hugs to you and Lou. Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Zetta, I love French fries.  I cook them in a NuWave oven that air fries them.  Never have cooked them in oil.  I think you could use the oil several times - might have to strain it but I think that would be okay.

     Ron - how funny!  Had you mentioned peach cobbler to your sister?  Maybe it's just something that's in the air right now.  Nothing much better than peach cobbler with cream or ice cream.  I'm enjoying peach yogurt today.

     Looks like the whole country from Texas north is going to get bad weather from this front.  Doesn't look like it's going to be awfully cold behind it though, thank goodness.  Went down late this evening and tried to see all the girls.  I feel guilty if I don't do that.  I think I saw everyone.  When it begins to storm they'll probably come to the barn.

     Still can't get in touch with the carpenter - no idea why.  I'm afraid he may be sick.  I can do without having the utility room fixed for a while - not out there much anyway and I think Bryon and Shane can close the cowshed doors until they can be fixed. When Ray and his friend bring the hay I'm going to get them to close the big doors - they did that for me last year.

     Can't get in touch with the chimney sweep either.  He lives in Texas now but comes back when he has enough work for a while.  I wanted to ask him if he think the heater can be repaied  or if I need a new one.  I probably should get a new one anyway.  If I can't put it in, the propane company driver can or they'll know someone who can. Years ago we kept having to get our propane tank filled every two weeks and the company became concerned - they checked and we had a big leak under the house.  They had someone who ran new lines for us.

     Found another little snake in the bathroom.  I was watching TV and heard all kinds of commotion so checked and it was behind the chair next to the wall.  Got my grab-it, took It outside - and it'll never come back in again.  Tomorrow, whether I feel like it or not I'm going to get down on the floor and spray the heck out of that area.  Either than or wear boots all the time.  Sometimes it just doesn't seem worth it - if you know what I mean.I'm glad those cats keep checking and they sound the alarm when they see one.  Ever hear of watch-cats?  Guess that's what they are.

     Hope all of you are well tonight.  Ron, enjoy that pot roast and peach cobbler. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Setting here eating breakfast and sky is a beautiful pink.  Believe that is a sailors warning.  Giving rain and high wind today.  

    JoC I may well be by myself at Thanksgiving too.  We are now getting close to two weeks post Halloween and a surge appears to be starting again.  Mid November is when things took off last year.  Yesterday 108 new cases in our county.  For around two weeks it had been in mid 40’s.  Whole lot of hospital admissions yesterday, know it was in teens.  Soooo. Would I be safe to go.  Probably, but I am just not in the mood to mess with them.  Do not want my unvaccinated mom to get it.  I’m the one that would have to deal with it, not them.  Would be stressful for me,  If they were sick guess they would show up any way.  Saw study this week in Texas.  Since mid January 45,000 vaccinated people have been covid positive.  That sounds like a lot til you see 1.5 million total new cases in state.  So they were 3% of all new cases.  Will decide later but leaning toward no.

    We have coyotes too.  Don’t really hear any complaints about them.  Have not seen any here but they are in the neighborhood where mom lives.  Lots of vultures here.  Have not heard of them bothering calves.  We would sure be a stinky place without them.  Have watched them where mom lives.  They would come and check on it for awhile before eating it, like they were checking to see if it was done.  Kind of interesting.

    Beth I have heard other people at work talk about that corn casserole.  I have had scalloped corn before and liked it but it was different than your recipe.  Have not made Rice Krispie treats in a long time.  Do like them and they freeze well.

    Zetta I haven’t used a deep fryer in years.  I never liked dealing with all that oil.  Hopefully someone will have an answer for you.

    Ron have looked at stainless steel Dutch ovens.  A good brand like all clad is as expensive as the cast iron one I’m looking at.  Found some cheaper ones too.  Just hard to know how good they are.  No all clad is good.  Stainless steel would be lighter weight too.  Hard decision.  Thank you fo telling me.

    Ron I have found out I do much better when if just eat a small meal.  Hard to limit ourselves sometimes and I pay frequently.  Getting better at it I think.  Supper seem to be even more so than dinner.

    Lorita take care of yourself today.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    ladyzetta wrote:

    My Molly is 7, I rescued her from a shelter when she was a year old. Like you I don't know what I would do with out her. 

    I will only tell those reading here this, but I have a little poodle I got from a rescue when he was 8 years old (I think his person went into a facility) and he is just SO adorable and smart.  He's now 15-1/2 so of course I think "oh no, we're in the years where I could lose him" so I'm trying very hard to have little chats with him to tell him how awesome he is and how much he means to me.  Almost daily I'll say "do you want some compliments?" and he wags his tail and I cuddle with him and tell him everything good about him.  He loves it, he snuggles and listens and licks my face.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    I thought all Dutch ovens were pretty much the same. Wrong. The most important thing about a Dutch oven is that it is heavy because it needs to maintain a constant temperature either in the oven or on the stove for a long time, and that it has a tight-fitting lid to ensure heat remains in the pot.

    Dogs are such good companions. We always had one or two....miss having one.

    Yoou know by now that I no longer cook much but this last weekend There was some leftover wine so I made stew. Used real,  whole, unpeeled carrots. Wow....I had forgotten how good a carrot tastes.

    Watched Yellowstone. I think the daughter is going to kill anyone who gets in her or her father's way and what about the snake murder???? That wa one big rattler!

    Checking my clothes for the big ball fundraiser for the museum in two weeks. Top is missing. I have not worn it for two years and need to make sure it fits...lol, If it does not I am up a creeks. I finally found shoes online after the forth attempt.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Its a rainy day for me and that is fine I love a nice rain as long as it is not a damaging rain.

     Sara,  Thanks for answering the oil question. I think I will just use a small amount just enough to dip the cooking basket in and that way I am not going to be wasting anything. 

     Dayn2nite,  Thank you for sharing about your little poodle, not too many people adopt a older dog from the shelter, so Thank You for that. My little dog came from a shelter in L.A. that was overcrowded and she wound up in a Oregon shelter, that is where I found her. She is not a cuddler  as your little dog is, but my little kitten who is only 3 months old is the cuddler. He will curl up on my chest right under my chin and purr as he is pushing up on my chin for head kisses. Pets bring us so much comfort.  

     Lorita,  I am sorry your having problems getting a hold of the carpenters and other helpers. I am sure you will keep trying until you do, but the Snakes scare me its nice your cats are there but are these snakes poisonous  if they bite your cats? I could not sleep knowing they could get in. I really hope you can find a way to block the hole they are coming through till you get it fixed.  I know you don 't like them and your trying.    

    My house smells so good I just took a peach cobbler out of the oven. I got some ice cream so I am all set to enjoy. I may have some for lunch and dinner. 

    I hope all of you will be safe with these storms the news is talking about. In places it sounds pretty bad. Where I live it will be rain and wind. I am thankful for the rain but not the wind. 

    My little kitten Sammy goes into the Vet tomorrow to be neutered get his last kitten shots and have a chip put in. I am already feeling sorry for him. I plan on going to my daughters for Thanksgiving and taking Sammy and Molly with me, but I will wait a week till I know he has recovered and all went well.

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Our three last dogs were rescued. One was fabulous, one we had to rehome because she really needed a more active family...I still see her. The third was always a little tentative around humans. That was Luke...85 lbs... glued to me 24/7.

    My neighbor in Santa Fe had 3 field trained competitive standard poodles. They were wonderful. When she was out of town I would take them to see her mother in AL. Fun times.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    About those snakes...if I recall you said that the place they are getting in is in a tight space and hard to get to.

    Here are some thoughts, depending on what you have on hand and what you can get into the space:

    Before trying any of the following stuff steel wool into the hole:

    Take plywood cut to just bigger than the size of the space and nail it down,

    Take screen, like for a screen door and nail it over the space all around

    Take expanding foam sealer and spray it around the edges of anything you put over the hole

    Take a handful of mothballs and put plenty down the hole...might deter them from trying to get in...or place mothballs around the top side of the hole...

    Maybe one of these things will be possible for temp fix until you get someone to do proper repair.

    As for frying oil...you can reuse it...prefer to store it in original container rather than in the fryer...keeps the air out and it holds up longer.  Once it gets very cloudy or lots of leftover stuff floating around might be best to toss it and use new.  Mr. Google says 3 or 4 times, but it depends on what you fried in it.  I don't recommend reuse from fish fry unless going to fry fish again.  For french fries 4 times should be ok as long as you don't burn them.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Since we are at four pages, it is getting a little bit harder to get onto this Thread; took a bit more time to gain entrance to it.  Guess we have one more page before losing the log-on ability.   Evidently the system does not like long Threads. 

     Judith; may you find the top to the outfit you want to wear to the ball.   Goodness; t'would NOT be a plus to go topless at this stage of the game . . . . (grin - bad me.)   So hope you are not "up the creek, as you say."  If it isn't one thing to get us wondering and wandering, it is another.  To quote Rosanna Rosanna Danna; "It's always something!" 

    You are correct; the weight of the Dutch Oven is important.   When I was looking for one some years ago, I debated and debated.  Good ones are expensive.   Macy's had a huge sale and though still pricey, I bought the largest (and it is huge) Le Creuset Dutch Oven.  I consider it an "investment," and it sure has been used and used for years and is in as good a condition today as it was when new despite all the miles on it.  It will go to one of the adult children when I know I am through with it.  Lots and lots of stews, soups, pot roasts, Farmer's Chowder (ham, corn, potato chowder); Italian sauces, and more.   Darned thing is so heavy when empty, and when full . . . . uff da! as the Norwegians say.   Glad that it isn't far from the stove to the counters and sink.  Holds heat so well and easy temperature control.

     Sayra; we are having an uptick of COVID here too.   Not only are numbers going up, but hospitalizations are also up.  While the pundits say we should not have as direly bad a COVID winter this year, a surge is expected especially in January and February due to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year gathering celebrations. So many people are already letting their guard down.   That is rather disconcerting.  The big worry coming out of CDC and other national such organizations is the fear of developing new and more deadly variants just as the Delta developed and the vaccines not being effective for the new strains.  If folks continue to harbor the organism it will continue to morph.   Scary because it is up to people and we know how that is going overall.

     I found it surprising that the over 65 crowd is not getting boosters in the numbers expected. Wish I could recall the figure, but it was rather low. Evidently the highest number of people getting the booster was in the first week or so it was available and that has now fallen off with many just not bothering.   That is another dynamic I find hard to understand.

    LA County just had its first influenza death this week.  The flu has made its entrance and is now moving amongst everything else.   Two universities have had a flu outbreak; so we must continue to COVID and also FLU mask, wash hands, distance and do our best even better.  I am not at all put out by being alone on Thanksgiving and it looks like also at Christmas.   Number one; it is far, far safer than gathering even in small gathering numbers.  We also have had many years of great Christmas gatherings.  I am truly a very low maintenance person; I don't need much and do not feel negative.   Don't care what we choose to have for the holiday meal . . . can be an everyday sort of thing.   We will have whatever and perhaps a rare glass of wine and watch a good movie on the tube.  Wahoo!   Big party folk!  But satisfied.  You are probably right Sayra; this is probably not the year for that family gathering considering their dynamics.

    Lorita; I wonder why the lack of response to your calls regarding your very much needed house repairs.   Most (if not all) repair folks no matter if they are ill or injured have someone return calls for them. This situation of not returning your calls sounds rather lax and willful and I am sorry for that.  If you call again; may be time to let the person know you NEED/MUST HAVE a return call so you can make plans.  If you do not get a response, perhaps it is time to find the name of someone else that is respectful and can also do the repairs for you; they really do need to be done.  Gosh, not to do so may continue to have the problems possibly making repairs longer and costlier. And the snake hole into the bedroom . . . . not even going to hold off on that repair; it must, must, must be done.  I can see a horror movie - you asleep in bed and a snake with fangs getting into the bedroom and onto the bed . . . EEEEEKKKK!   Please do push and get that permanently very well fixed no matter if you do have to call in someone else.   Oh goodness; I can fell my gray hair growing.  Makes me want to come out there, whip those guys into shape and get 'er done for you.  Shame on them; if you were a man, wonder if their response would be different.

    All the delicious reports of peach cobbler being made now has me making a grocery list for pickup with the makings for one myself.   Sure will nicely perfume the house.  I was looking at a newspaper article from 1952 this week regarding my grandfather having been killed in an iron ore mine accident.   On the same page was a grocery store advertisement.   One could by 25 pounds of flour for $1.95.  Guess back then 25 pounds of flour got used up, but it would last till the next millenium here.

     It is hot today; from the 60's into 92; dry as can be and wind to the areas north of us, so red alert regarding fire danger.   Supposed to be the same for the next four days or so then drop in temp once again which is fine with me. 

     Zetta; your kitten sounds really cute, what an affectionate little bit he is.  Nice to have such a sweet pet companion.  You take really good care of your little fur ones, they are blessed to have such a loving and kind home.

    Goodness; it is nearly 2:30; best be getting going and getting some things done.

     See you all again soon,


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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