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Just need to talk to my friends (158)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    May you find peaceful sleep and sweet dreams, Ron.

     If Lou does not improve, perhaps a look to see if there may be one of those "silent" UTIs doing their worst.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     I've started posts a couple of times on the tablet and the first paragraph is okay, then it messes up so I'll try the laptop.  It's been a dark, damp, dreary day and it's as cold as kraut - 47 - with a little bit of wind that goes through you.

     Ron, on these dark days try closing the drapes and turning on a lot of lights - that way Lou won't realize what it's like outside.  And, she might not be feeling too well after her flu shot.  I bet she'll be better tomorrow.  I hope you can get some much-needed sleep tonight - losing sleep can really drag us down.

     Jo - after you inquired about Tina and Sweet Pea I drove up to check on them.  They were laying in a group of babies with one babysitter.  Tina was snuggled up next to a calf about twice her size.  Just now I went out and they've come up and Sweet Peat was getting a bath before her supper - Tina was already getting her supper.   I hope they go in the barn tonight.  By the looks of the inside of the barn they must have stayed in last night during the rain - we had .8" and it's really muddy.

     I imagine the rain got the workers behind again - didn't hear from Shaun.

     I made a peach cobbler in a round, pyrex or corning ware dish.  So good - I bet I could eat the whole thing.  My milk is past being really good so used almond-coconut milk on the cobbler and it was delicious.  I don't especially like to drink almond milk but do like it on cereal and it keeps longer than cow's milk.

     Can't remember what everyone was talking about but do know it took ne a while to catch up on posts.  My internet as fine yesterday about 8 a.m. - when I tried around 11 it was out.  Called OKLATEL and the guy checked and said three little communities around us were out.  Called again later and the guy (different one) said he didn't know anything about an outage - so must be my equipment.  Tried this morning and it was back on.  I called a neighbor last night to see if his internet was out - it wasn't but he told me he isn't using OKLATEL now - switched to our electric company and it's much better.  Our phone company was really good - I could call if something went wrong and they'd take care of it.  They've sold out to a company that's in Texas so service is down the drain.  The neighbor told me the electric company has a huge cell tower about 1 1/2 miles north of me.  I've been seeing that and didn't know what it was.  I may switch, probably will when everything else settles down.When I switch I'll have my landline taken out.  I did order another back-up cell phone - don't want to get caught without a way to contact the outside world again.

     Judith do hope you're feeling better this evening.  Maybe you took it easy today and are better.

     I'd like to get my flu shot but the pharmacy only gives it from 10-2 Monday and Tuesday so missed that - maybe next week.  I'm not sure but I may have an appt. at the health dept. tomorrow - will need to check.  I thought the workers would be here so don't know if I made it or not.

     Found an electric blanket yesterday and put it on the bed last night and got hot so had to turn it off in the middle of the night.  I turned on a heater in the bathroom and it pretty well warms the bathroom and bedroom.  I'm hoping Shaun can pick up a new stove when he gets the supplies they'll need and install it for me. We'll see.

     Back's hurting - costo from something so I'll stop for now.  I missed you all yesterday - felt cut off from the world. 

     Hope everyone's well.  I think Zetta got her booster today so maybe she'll post after while. 

     Enjoy the evening.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I am home for my pet sitting jobs, 3 different houses and 6 different dogs. I love them all they are getting older and so am I. I am putting myself out of commission till the first of the year. I plan on going to Longview Washington over Thanksgiving and staying with my daughter till the middle of December. Her and her husband will be vacationing for 3 weeks so Molly and Sammy and I will be taking care of her 3 cats while they are gone. Thank You, Lorita and Jo for missing me. I have been bringing Molly  home each day for a few hours to play with Sammy, so he would not be to lonely. My son said the whole time I was gone Sammy just slept in my recliner. He is only a 4 month old kitten and he was bottle fed at a very young ago so he thinks I am his mama. I got home a few hours ago and he is still laying on my lap purring.

    I got my booster this morning I had a appointment at my drug store so I was in and out in 20 minuets, Sorry Jo.   Judith I sure hope your feeling better and don't get sick. So far I am feeling good my arm does not even hurt, but its only been 4 hours since my shot.  

    I am glad I am home and I don't plan on going anyplace for a few days. Sammy goes in to get neutered on the 12th so I hope to stay home till then.

     Ron,  Thanks for that secret recipe I promise not to tell anyone. I am glad  the Dr. recognized all the good care you give to Lou, we all know how much you love her and all the loving care you give her. It warms my heart to see the care you give her. My DH would have tried but I don't think he would have done as well as you do. Please get some rest when ever you can.

    Nicole, You have been in my thoughts I am praying for you and your dear Uncle. 

    Jo,   What part of Michigan, were you in? My son was born in Royal Oak, Michigan 44 years ago. I only was in Michigan for 1 year.

    Someone asked about Oat milk I did try it once in a latte I got from a Starbucks, it was real good it made my coffee a bit sweeter, sweet enough I did not need any flavoring. I wish I could remember to ask for it but I had forgotten all about it till now. 

    Sorry if I missed anything I need to reread what I have missed. Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Zetta, glad you're home safe and sound and got your booster.  Hopefully, you won't have any problems.  I know Sammy is glad you and Molly are home.  I bet you are glad you can be home for a while.  No place like home, is there?

     Sara - I've never tried oat milk - just doesn't seem like I would like it.  Cornbread and milk!  I love that and haven't had it for a while.  I used to eat it a lot when I was growing up - I like onion with it.  It was one of daddy's favorite things.  He'd have supper, then about an hour later he'd have a glass of cornbread and milk.  Nothing better than cornbread - we usually had it for dinner and supper.

     I just ate some applesauce and had a good cry  Reminded me of my grandma.  She came to live with my parents seven months before I was born so she was with me all the time as I grew up.  When I was in business college in 1960 she fell and broke her hip.  She was bedfast for quite a long time so someone had to be with her.  Daddy was home but was in the fields moss of the time, farming.  Mother worked and I was in school so we took turns 2-3 days a week, alternating, staying with her.  She loved fluffy scrambled eggs for breakfast so I always cooked those and fluffy omelets for her for breakfast.  She also loved applesauce - ate it every day, almost every meal.  She passed away in 1969 at 93 years of age.  After that I couldn't eat applesauce and haven't been able to until maybe five or six years ago.  I think the first time I was able to eat it was when I had my first bout of diverticulitis.  Still gets to me though. Kind of odd how things like that stick with you. 

    Almost time for bed.  Usually go in about 9 and watch a couple of episodes of Gunsmoke.  Remember, Yellowstone begins their new season Sunday night with a two hour show.  I think reruns of it are one a couple of hours each night - not watching them because I've seen them several times.  We had to wait a long time for it to return this year.  Zetta, see if you can get the family entertainment channel so you can watch Rawhide - it's on here from 1-3 weekdays.  Those were really good shows.

     Okay, good night, sleep tight and don't let the BBB.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita I’m thinking about making a peach cobbler too.  Maybe this weekend.

    Internet can hassle us now and then.  Sometimes I have to reboot mine.  The only reason it is a pain is because they put the box on top of my security box.  Have to get on a ladder to reach it.  You have to get it back just right or it falls off, and they are down in the basement.

    Zetta nice to have you back on the porch.  You stay busy my friend.

    Thinking of you Ron, Lou and Nicole, Your Uncle.  You too Judith.

    Well yesterday up until evening a little rough.  After supper  drank a cup of tea and I had a few thoughts.  Started  working on being sure my mouth was closed so not breathing air into stomach.  My nose is stuffy a bit so causes me to open my mouth some.  This seemed to help once before a long time ago.  Then some of pain is on one side and that’s what was bugging me yesterday.  Got to wondering if it was a trigger point.  Got out my massager worked on mid & lower back on that side and got to feeling better.  This morning did same thing and felt better afterwards.  Think I will continue these things three or four times a day, believe they are helping.  Time will surely tell.  Use to tell my massage therapist that I would probably die blaming something on a trigger point lol.  I’m also trying to find things to laugh about.  My sister and I talked awhile last night and got some laughs.  

    Don’t know if you remember me recently telling you that my BlL had talked his sister into getting J&J.  This was after her son and two grandkids got Covid.  Well her husband and her now have Covid.  Afraid she waited too long.  Wonder if this will be listed as a vaccinated or unvaccinated case.  This is a case of family gathering, with no precautions gone awry. Should be recorded as such.  If you close the barn door after the cattle are out, it won’t help get the cattle back in, right Lorita? Know her husband got monoclonals, not sure about her.  Hopefully she did as she is very high risk and her best chance medically for avoiding a bad outcome.  

    .  Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning to all on the front porch today. I feel great this morning even with our 42 degrees! Went to bed at 8:30 last night which was a surprise I got Lou in bed early. Slept till 12:30 when my prostate problem told me to get up; went ahead and took little bit out while I was up. Slept till a few minutes after 4 and just been chilling ever since. Neighbor coming over around 10 to stay with Lou a couple of hours. I want to say this is going to be a great day, but afraid I'll jinx it. 

    I hope all of you with your aches and pain are feeling better today. I've found that with all the surgeries I've had when the weather is cooler here I hurt a lot more than usual.  

    After I got Lou in bed last night, when I went to pick little bit up I thought he was dead. Scared the daylights out of me because dont know what I would do with Lou if he was. Him at over 16 I know the day is coming and am sure the effect on Lou will be devastating. He's got to where jumping on the bed with Lou is impossible for him and when I bent down to pick him up, he didnt budge and was limp. I held him up close to my face, he opened his eyes and said to me; why did you bother me, I was sleeping good. 


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Hi all, 

    Thanks for thinking about me. My uncle will be in the MC by tomorrow. My husband and the the handyman will take over his furniture to his new room. I have pictures of my Aunt that I will hang on his wall.

    Uncle is now unable to walk, he has been eating and drink some. They now thicken his fluids as he was coughing when he drank anything.

    Just doing a tour of the facility made me cry, so depressing. I'm not sleeping well and not eating enough. Husband is concerned so next week he is taking me on a vacation for a week. He won't tell me where, just to pack for warmer weather. I'm so ready to relax.

    I will continue to keep you all posted, again thank you.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Been a busy day here so decided I'd just chill out for a while but wanted to talk with you all a bit.

     Nicole, I'm so glad that things have worked out so you could place your uncle in a MCC.  You know he'll get good care and you can relax some.  You've been such a good caregiver to him for so long - now it's your time to rest.  Have fun on your vacation with your husband and just relax and enjoy life.  I know it was depressing when you toured the home - it always is to us but he'll be fine.

     Ron - so happy you were able to get a good night's sleep.  I know you've felt much better today.  Sleep has a way of healing.  Hopefully your day was just as good and also that you'll be able to get a good night's sleep tonight.

    Sara - hope you're feeling better by tonight.  I think your idea of what to do sounds right on track.  We all know our own bodies and what's best for us.  Have you ever made the quick cobbler? You said you were thinking of making a peach cobbler this weekend - I bet you would really like this one.  It's so quick and easy.  By the time the oven is preheated, it's ready to go in to bake.  If you want the recipe I'll be glad to give it to you.  I've made it for years - mostly in the past with blackberries and dewberries - now switched to peaches and fruit cocktail - both just as good.

     Well, I had a busy day.  I couldn't decide this morning whether to go in and get my flu shot or wait until next week.  Hopefully, though, by then the guys will be here to do their work.  So, I couldn't remember if I had actually made another appointment (rescheduled twice) with the health department so called and sure enough it was for 1:30.  Called the mechanic's place to see if they could check my car for winter.  Said they could so got dressed and drove in.  All the belts, hoses and fluids were okay.  He checked the battery and Ron, sure enough, one of the things that attaches to the battery was cracked.  So, he replaced that.  I asked him about the fan you use for air conditioning and heat - it's not running.  He checked the fuse and decided it was the motor - they didn't have one so will get one for me.  Also heard something in the brakes as I applied them just before I got there - not a grinding but a groaning.  They didn't have time to check that today so next week I'll take it back in for those two things.  I asked Tyler how much I owed them for the battery cables and he said we'd settle up next week.  Good to know these people, I guess, or maybe it just means I have a lot of troubles.

     By this time it was a little after noon so decided I'd get my groceries before getting my shot.  I wore my BOTN mask.  There were a few people in the store - wasn't in there too long but bought a couple of heavy things - around 20 lbs.  Had to put them in the cart, then in the car.  By the time I finished grocery shopping and putting things in the car I was actually worn out.  Don't know if part of it was from wearing the mask or what.  I think I'm just not fully recovered from the fall - probably because I don't rest enough and continue to lift. 

     Got to the health department about half an hour early, waited about ten minutes and went in.  There was only one woman and her baby in there filling out papers so got mine filled out and got my flu shot.  The nurse came out with the little tray, called my name, then said she forgot to wear her mask.  I was double masked (not the BOTN mask).  Got my shot and left.  I wasn't feeling too good when I parked but had a few minutes to calm down and rest so it was fine.  My arm is only a tiny bit sore.  So glad I decided to go today and get it over with.

     So, when I was almost to our driveway saw a truck coming toward me.  Roads were a bit muddy so I pulled over in a driveway but the truck didn't come on.  In the country when it's muddy and you're meeting another vehicle one or the other always pulls over into a driveway to prevent getting in a ditch.  Drove on down and it was the UPS truck.  I knew I had an order coning today so stopped beside him and told him to take it on to the house.  He said he couldn't fit through the gate because of a limb hanging down.  Said last time he went through it scratched his truck and they wrote him up for it.  He put the box in the car for me and apologized - said he didn't want me to be made at him - they were supposed to tell me the problem - but they didn't.  Last time Bryon came he was going to bring his pole saw and cut the limb but forgot it.  He'll take care of it next time.

     Got hoMe and unloaded and put things away - almost all of it anyway.  So, I'm tired tonight.  I'm sleeping in lately - until almost 7:30 because it's still dark until then.  I'll be glad when the time changes back.  It'll get dark earlier but there will be more light in the mornings which I like.

     Zetta, one of the things UPS brought was a heated throw.  Thought I could use it while I'm in my chair and also on the bed if it was cold enough.  I had found the king-sized electric blanket but this will be better.  Also got my back-up phone in the mail today.  Tonorrow I'll get it activated - only a little over $11. a month more for it and I'll feel safer not being afraid I'd lose my contact with the outside world. 

     I've written enough so will stop for now.    Hope all of you have a good night's rest.  See you tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I recovered from my booster, sore arm was all I had. We got a lot of rain and wind today and that was nice and much needed. 

    Sara,  I hope your feeling better today, stay warm and get some rest and relax with your tea, you are a very busy person sometimes it catches up with you. Yes I am also busy but it comes and goes, I can be busy for a few days then be a total slacker for a few weeks. The next 2 weeks I will be slacking. 

    Ron,  I hope you did have a good day and your neighbor and Lou enjoyed each others company. It is nice that you are able to get out. I bet that really scared you when little bit went limp. I have learned to tap mine before I pick them up. 

    Nicole,  You deserve a nice relaxing vacation. You have been a very loving caregiver to your Uncle, you are doing the right thing for him. Now its time to take care of yourself. Your uncle will be given 24/7 care now you can just be a loving niece. It is nice that your husband is so supportive I bet that has helped you a lot.

    All the talking about peach cobbler, makes me want some. It is hard for me to make something like that because my son wont eat any and I know I will eat the whole thing. I will be going to my daughters in a few weeks I will make one there. 

    Lorita,  I miss seeing a post from you today, please let us know how your doing. I also watch Gunsmoke at night I watch it on the INSP channel I wonder if we are watching the same ones. I usually only watch the one that comes on at 8pm, (pt)  9pm is my bedtime. 

    Good Night All, Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Mid 20’s, clear.  Haven’t looked out but guessing a big frost is on the pumpkin.

    Lorita I’m going to make the quick cobbler.  Just set my peaches out to thaw.

    Went to the orchard yesterday and got a 1/2 peck of apples.  The lady seemed disappointed that I only bought a 1/2 peck.  I’ll go back when they run out.  They are better at storing them than I am.  Like their apples as they look a little rough, no wax on them.  Hope this means less chemicals.  As long as I cook the apples get a long fine with them.  Had fried apples and biscuit for breakfast and that has worked out.

    Nicole glad things are working out.

    Sounds like you’re getting your car taken care of Lorita.  One more thing, the tires.  Make sure they have good tread.  That and a good set of windshield wipers make winter driving easier.

    Glad you got that flu shot done too.

    Got my beef yesterday.  Came to $5.6/lb, definitely cheaper than store.  Now if it’s tasty I will be very happy.

    Zetta, thank you.  You know I just make half of the recipe.  Bake it in a 8x8.  Let it set out a day or two.  Then I stick it in refrigerator.  Lasts good for me that way.

    I’m at day 13 post booster.  Think I will go to thrift store today maybe.  

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch friends! Hope all is well this cool morning. 

    Lorita I hope your brake fluid was checked, surely he checked it since it only takes a minute.

    Opps........just noticed Cheyenne Social club coming on GRIT  tv, one of the best James Stewart and Henry Fonda movies I've seen. Gotta go!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    I think I am back...lol. Never felt bad just wonky and tired.

    Ron....that is one of the best movies ever!!!!

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    We are finally getting some weather. Hurricane-like rain all night and morning, stopped for a bit, now back, 4 inches forecast today, and now we have a tornado watch—very unusual here. It’s very dark outside, thankfully I don’t have to leave the house. Roads were flooded earlier, drained off, now under water again. I slept till 9 am, which has not happened in years. Like Lorita, I’ll be happy for time change, I like the light earlier.

    Doing the seasonal closet switch: put away sandals and skorts, got out jeans, long sleeves and….socks! Checked and sorted. What I really need now is a chimney sweep. Hard to find down here…

    A happy food surprise, which may interest anyone avoiding gluten. I got some gluten-free crackers made from cassava flour, and they are excellent. They stay crunchy, most others I’ve tried get gummy or pasty after one bite. These stay crisp, and taste good. 

    Cassava is a new to me, then I saw it’s the same as yuca. If I’d seen that first, I would not have tried them. I truly deeply hoped to never eat yuca again. (Like a plain baked Irish potato, but not nearly as much flavor  But the flour works great in crackers, with added herbs and seasonings. Just more evidence that how it’s made, matters!

    All the cobbler talk made me hungry. I deliberately “ran out” of sweets and cake-making things, trying to reduce sugar. But still get the cravings.  I really noticed grocery prices up big and fast this week. They’re always up some, but seems like a lot this time. Sayra you are so fortunate to live near orchards and grow things yourself—and to get meat like that! Beef I got last Christmas at Costco (really good meat IME), was double the cost a few weeks ago. Probably more now.

     I’m reading a really good book now, a memoir about women near Berea Ky. (Appalachian) and the author talks about hollers (as we did here a while back). I and family grew up in Appalachian foothills, but never used the word “holler” for a place, that I remember.

    Obviously not much going on here, i get my M. Booster next week. Have been to a few places that take walk-ins, but there’s always been too many people waiting, so I made an appointment. Hope everybody stays warm and dry.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Have you all ever had days that seemed like other days?  Today has seemed like Saturday all day - hate when that happens.  Wonder what tomorrow will seem like?

     Sara - No frost here, yet, but it's a possibility in the morning.  I wish it would wait a while. Our average date for first frost is about November 10 so guess it's about time.

     What are you going to make with your apples?  I bought a few the other day so may make another apple crisp.  You mentioned fried apples and biscuits.  We used to have those fairly often.  I don't think we peeled the apples and always a little bit, or more, butter in the apples. 

     I do need new windshield wipes on both the PU and car.  Tires are good on the car but it's been about seven years since I had new tires on the PU.  I have mud tires, 12 ply, on the back of the PU but it's getting close to time for new ones.  Gravel roads do a  number on tires.  I used to use studded tires on my car during the winter but haven't done that for a long time.  They really helped - in snow and ice and in mud.

     Ron, not sure if he checked the brake fluid but I can do that or just take it easy until I go back to finish what they are going to do.  We used to have a Jeep that finally lost its brake system. I kept brake fluid in the Jeep all the time to keep it filled up but I drove it around the farm for a long time without brakes -  kind of learned when to ease off the gas so it would stop before I drove into a gate.  Really do miss that Jeep. Hope your day went well and that Lou is doing better.

     Judith - glad you're back with us.  Don't you hate to feel like doing nothing?   But that's the tine to not do it.  My arm is just a little bit sore from my flu shot - no other problems with it.  Glad I got it done.

     Rescue mom - didn't realize you all were having weather problems down there?  Hope it clears up soon.  Changing out clothes.  I used to do that twice a year and have stopped doing it now.  I don't go much so just keep the same things in the closet except for pants.  I like gauze pants in the summer and jeans and French terry in the winter.  But when I used to change them out, the whole bedroom would be in disarray - everything out of order. 

     Talked with Bryon today and he thinks maybe they can make it out here on Sunday.  I told him I'd like for them to clean out the creepfeeder.  Since I talked with  him I decided I may go into town in the morning and get half a ton of creep feed for the little guys and have them put it in the feeder.  Don't think lifting those sacks, or even part of a sack, would be good for me yet.  Those eleven little ones are big enough to eat creep now - the problem will be fixing the creeper so the bigger calves can't get in.  Maybe Bryon will have a different idea than what I've been doing.    I might also get them to take the loose hay out of the crib where I keep small bales of hay.  Ray's going to bring 40 bales but usually it's the latter part of November.  I like to have the crib floor free of loose hay when they put in the bales.  These are a couple of the things I was going to do before I fell.  I can really see how a fall can change lives - not that I was hurt but just jarred to the nnth degree and didn't realize it until later.  All I can remember is going down and my chin bouncing off the ground.  Got up and didn't think much about it until the next day or so.  Moral of my story is ---- DON'T FALL. 

     Been a quiet day here - did drive up late this afternoon to see the girls - didn't count because they were too scattered.  I had seen a little calf nursing way up in the pasture and wanted to be sure it wasn't a new one - it was Tina.  Kind of hard to spot her but I can always locate Sweet Pea with her shiny, white hair.

     Guess I'll stop for the night.  Hope all of you are well tonight.  Time change Saturday night - I'm for that.  I don't like to sleep late but have been since it doesn't get daylight until 7:30 or so.  I heard today they did this time change thing to conserve energy - how that was supposed to work I don't know.  Anyway, I'm glad it's changing - then we'll only have about six weeks until the shortest day of the year - then we'll begin gaining more daylight.

     Sleep well.  See you all tomorrow.  Wish me luck in that the PU will make it into town and back home again.  When something goes wrong with a vehicle it takes a while to really trust it again - at least for me.

     Good night.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning, another cold one here in North Central Ohio

    Judith glad you are getting over the hump.

    Rescue Mom hope you are doing ok.  Have never had to use a chimney sweep.  One of my sisters did yearly as they burned wood.  Think it was a challenge sometimes.  Since it seems you are enjoying your Appalachian book you might enjoy watching Celebrating Appalachia on You Tube.  I find it a relaxing channel.

    What brand are your Cassava crackers?   Will check out the ingredients.  If no soy will try them.

    That is one advantage of living in a more rural county.  We have a huge Mennonite community. Both of our orchards are owned by the English (that is what they refer to us as).  One orchard is in Mennonite area and see them there buying fruit.  There are different groups of the mennonites.  In our area I observe two groups.  One drives cars but they seem to be  all black and the same model.  Don’t seem to be too many of these.  These are not the ones running the businesses I’m familiar with.  Don’t know what they do for a living.  The group I’m more aware of is quite a large group.  They have bought a lot of land and buy it any time they can.  They do not drive cars but they use modern farm equipment.  They have buggies but are limos compared to what the Amish drive.  They are enclosed, have windshields and wipers.  Pretty sure they have heaters too.  They mainly ride their bicycles though for everyday transportation.  They have little carts attached to their bicycles sometimes.  Have never seen an Amish using a bicycle, guessing because they have rubber tires.  They have very nice homes and keep them well maintained.  They have many different businesses.  They have a bulk store, several green houses, several produce markets in summer, lumber yard, meat market, fabric store, bike shop, many egg farms etc..  See them shopping at regular stores too.  English run taxi services for the buggy mennonites.  A lot of them have obvious businesses on their farms but I have no idea what they are as no sign.  But them and the English of a certain culture in our community is why our vaccination rate is low and spread high.  Our spread rate is twice the national average.  There is a large dairy producer about a hour from here.  So we do have a lot of local resources.  The English own large vegetable producing farms in another direction that is fairly close.  We have a large Mexican population that works there in summer.  The Amish in our area are kind of going extinct.  They live so poorly that they are having problems.  Their homes have deteriorated so badly.  They don’t seem to keep anything up.  Many have left the area or left the Amish community.  I worked with a young nurse who had been raised Amish. Amish vary a lot too.  South of here is an Amish community that have very nice farms.   Ok enough on that.

    Have had many days where it seemed a different day than what it was.  

    Apple crisps and fried apples is what I’m doing with my apples.  Mom use to leave peelings on  too.  I peel mine, makes my GI system happier.  

    Like morning being light earlier too.  But really dislike it getting dark so early in evening.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Has really been a quiet day on the thread today.  Sara, I like the apples peeled, too. When I think of apples I remember when I was very young and didn't feel well, my grandma would cut an apple in half and scrape out the inside with a knife to give to me to make  me feel better.  There aren't any apple orchards or peach orchards in our immediate area - used to be - but there are some north of us.  There's a town in NW Arkansas we always went through on the way to Eureka Springs.  They have apple orchards around there and there's a place nearby called Apple Town.  They have all kinds of apples and other things - always enjoyed stopping there.

     Interesting about the Mennonites and Amish.  I don't know the difference.  There is an Amish settlement north of here near a town called Chouteau.  Their farms are so pretty and well kept - no electric there. At least one family has a pay phone outside of their yard.  I think that's the family who used to have dinners for people. Several groups from the VA have gone there to eat and they said it was very good.  What's that about rubber tires?  Not familiar with that.

    It's been a beautiful day in Green Country - warm with very little wind.  I decided I'd go to town and get some creep fed for the babies - they're big enough to begin eating solid food now.  I called before I left and told the feed store owner what I needed so I wouldn't have to go inside.  Talk about a traffic jam.  They have four or five spaces at their dock where you have up to so they load your PU.  There were at least ten pickups and cars waiting to be loaded.  Finally got backed in - they had the feed on pallets already so didn't take but about five minutes and I was out of there.  I'll try to not go again on Saturday mornings.  They close at noon so people hurry in to get feed before noon.

     Stopped and filled up with diesel - the gas gauge doesn't work so I have to keep track of it by mileage and I didn't know how much it had been driven since things quit working.  Then, drove across the street and had them check hoses and belts and antifreeze - all okay.  The PU did just fine so I was relieved about that.  Maybe it'll make it another winter.

     After I was home a while, drove out to see the girls and stopped by the creepfeeder.  Lifted the lid and didn't see the rat so he's running around free if he wasn't the one Tom or Jerry got.  Did a couple of things in the barn - wired a cattle panel back in place and picked up some wire and haytwine out of the loose hay in the crib.  When I got back in the house I was worn out.  This fall has really gotten to me. I'm not sore anywhere but my energy level is low.  I can do a few things and I'm exhausted.  Like going to the grocery store.  I checked on google to see how long it takes someone my age to recover from a fall and it said it could take five years!!  Can't believe that.  It hasn't been quite three weeks and it looks like things would be better by now.  If I don't improve in the next month not sure how I'll be able to feed. Scary thoughts to me to have to throw in the towel.

     Funny things - yesterday I went in the kitchen and either Lilly or Sammy was sitting on the windowsill above the sink looking out the window.  There's a huge elm tree out there and he was watching very closely.  Finally I saw a squirrel running up and down the tree, then in the yard.  Stormy must have thought something was up because he was looking out the dining room window and went nuts - the squirrel was on the ground and it really upset him.    I'm always afraid the squirrel will get caught on the ground when they're outside.   We have a big black walnut tree in the back yard and I guess he's eating those nuts.  Went in the storage building a few days ago and he's been taking the outer husk off the nuts in there - big pile of black husks.  Wish we had a pecan tree down here so he could break the nuts open easier - those black walnuts are hard to crack.  WE have a pecan tree at the MH - need to check to see if it had nuts on it this year.  Used to have two but the cows ate the top out of the other one when it was little and it didn't make it.

     If I'm feeling this way after a fall that didn't break or bruise anything, imagine how someone must feel when they do break something.  Really bothers me - wouldn't so much if it was in the late spring or summer but with winter coming on, it's something to think about.I'm not ready to quit yet.  I think of a neighbor who was good friends with my parents.  You'd go by her place and she'd be out fixing fence - she ran Herefords.  Mike told me she called him one day and said she just couldn't continue.  I don't want to have to do that but maybe....

     How was the peach cobbler, Sara?  I finished mine this afternoon.  They are so good.  Guess I'll stop for now and see what's on TV tonight. 

     Remember the time changes tonight - an extra hour's sleep and earlier daylight! And, remember, too, that Yellowstone begins with a two hour show tomorrow night.  I think it's going to be on most of tomorrow with shows leading up to the last one we saw.  I do want to see the last one so I'll remember what happened.  Wonder if Rip shaved his beard?  Doubt it.

     Ron, hope you and Lou had a good day.  Judith, hope you're fully recovered from your booster.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Found some boxes of pudding mix  instant and regular. All expired at least one year and probably more. Do you all  think .they',re still good? What could go wrong with them if they're unopened and  dry?
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Checked with Mr. Google and also my own pantry.

    If it says "expiration date" there may be some ingredients which don't work as well as before...perhaps thickening agent.

    If it says "best used by" the taste or texture may not be as good as a new box.

    I don't think you risk any health issue, but I know I am going to toss the ones I found in my own cabinet...lol.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Think Marie is right Lorita about the pudding.  I would use unless it is way old.  Just kind of your judgement.

    The Amish in our area are off grid, will only use metal or wood tires, no public work. They live rough.  The ones a hour SE of here seem to do better.  

    Lorita it is hard to cut the cord and retire.  But at some point our body can’t do it any more.  No way would my muscles let me do what you are doing.  They would be screaming at me.  That is why next year I will just be doing things that are easy and fun.

    Raked a few leaves yesterday.  Was in low 50s, but sun shining and was a nice day.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Thanks Marie and Sara.  I threw all of the boxes away. I haven't bought pudding mixes for years.

    Bryon came and clean out the feeder and put fresh feed in it.  He actually got down into the feeder. Then got all the loose hay out of the crib. So I',m ready for the bales of hay.  And I think we fixed the feeder to  keep the big calves out.

    He  was going to cut  the limbs   at the gate as he left.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Well we got some snow yesterday, not much but enough that it stayed on the ground for the day. When I got up this morning we had more, its gone now. I had my snow tires put on the day before it snowed, so I was glad about that. 

     Sara,  I was a bit worried when I saw your posting at 3:24am my 1st though was something had happened to Lorita, you must get up real early. That was a good idea to make 1/2 the recipe I may do that or just wait till I get to my daughters house and make some. Was there a recipe for the peach cobbler going around? if so I missed it. I did find one online I might try. 

     Lorita,  I agree with others that you need to slow down. Maybe not retire yet but find some more help. Maybe have someone come out a few times a week to do all the heavy stuff. Keep a list of things that need done and have that person do it. You need to completely stop lifting, as others have said this is something you need to do sooner rather then later, before something worst happens. I think if you could reach out to your neighbor maybe Mike can help you do that, you could be a big help for each other. Maybe his wife has gotten over her jealousy problem. I am glad your getting things fixed especially before it really gets cold and icy. Did you get the snakes way if entering fixed yet?  They will be looking for a warm place soon. 

    You guys have been talking about fried apples, how do you do that? it sounds good. 

    I have not been anyplace for 4 days. I needed a few things from the store so my son has today off so he got what I needed. I hope to be able to stay home till I take Sammy to the vet on Friday. Poor baby its neutering time. 

    Nicole, I am thinking about you and your Uncle. Your both in my prayers.

    I hope your all having a good relaxing day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Between football games I rolled up 20 feed sacks and and put them in trash bags but forgot to wear my mask.  Kind of worries me but I was outside in the wind.  Need to think before I do.  They've been here about 30 hours how long at the feeds tore I don't know.  Mentioned because Carol's brother unloaded   feed and got the virus a few days later.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Zetta, the recipe I use for peach, berry or fruitcocktail cobbler is soooo easy.  If you decide you want/need something sweet you can have this ready to eat in an hour.  I used to make it with blackberries - lately peaches and fruit cocktail, both are delicious.  I turn on the oven to preheat - just over 350, melt the butter and make the batter and by then the oven is ready.  Recipe:  l cup flour, l cup sugar, 2 tsp. baking powder, l tsp. vanilla, 3/4 C. milk, butter., can of fruit.  Melt the oleo or butter in a heavy iron skillet (I use a 8 or 9" round pyrex dish and melt it in the microwave.)  It calls for 1/4 C. butter but I use a heaping tablespoon.  Combine dry ingredients and add milk and vanilla.  Pour this batter over the melted butter, then pour a large can of fruit over the batter  (do not mix).  I use a 13 oz. can of peaches plus one of those little containers of diced peaches so there will be  more juice.  Cook until top is browned (40-50 minutes).  You'll love this recipe because it's so easy. If I use an iron skillet I melt the butter either in the oven in the pan or on top of the stove.  Either was is good.

     Just had a call from Mike about the liquid feed.  Said he was headed south so was going to come by and check the feeders - he'll bring the feed in a couple of days.  Girls are ready for it.

    Enjoyed Bryon being here today.  He's in his mid 40s, I think, not a big person but strong.  We got out to the creepfeeder and he climbed up on the stepstool and before I knew it he was in the feeder.  Got it cleaned out good, then went around and got all the dirt and stuff out of the place where the calves eat.  That and filling the feeder and getting the hay out of the crib are things I've always done but just didn't feel up to it.  I told him I wished he lived close so he could feed for me and he said to call him anytime I needed  something done.  I may ask him to fill the feeder from time to time.  I won't start feeding the girls until mid to late December so maybe I'll be back in form by then. He said his grandpa had fallen and it has taken him two months to get better - but he's 93..

     I'm trying not to lift but seems like there's always something that needs lifting or moving.   No, they haven't come yet to do the barn work, fix a new floor or close the entryway.  I'm sure the rain last week got them behind.  He builds houses and other carpentry work so they have to have good weather.  I'm going to ask him about installing a new heater for me, too.  I've mentioned I think I probably installed the ones we have but that was years ago and I'd feel better having someone else do it now.

     Poor little Sammy - I bet he'll be a pampered young man after his trip to the vet.  I tell my boys they're handsome young men and they eat it up. 

     Just a little after five p.m. and on the way to getting dark.  But, it as nice to wake up this morning to daylight.  Takes me a couple of weeks anyway to get used to the time change. 

     Bryon will be back in a day or so to pick up the CW.  We bartered work for it.  It's just been standing there wasting away so it's good that he can use it.  He can put in the part it needs and get good use from it. 

     Zetta, when I make that cobb;er it's filled almost to the brim when I put it in the oven and take it out but it settles down.  Try it, you'll like it!

     Ballgame's back on so I'll stop for tonight.  Hope all of you have a good night's rest.  Still really hesitant to call Darwin just to visit a minute but may think of something - he could pretend it was someone else.  We'll see.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita...may I ask? Do you drain the can of fruit before you add it to the pan? I've never made cobbler with canned fruit. Thank you.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Don't drain them, Betty.  Juice is needed to make it good.  You'll be amazed at what happens.  The dough rises to the top with fruit below.  Let us know how you like it.
  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank you Lorita. 

    I enjoy the early morning hours to be more sunlit too with standard time now. I wake up around 6 a.m. without an alarm and don't like to have to turn on the outside lights to take Lucy out. Have to have her on a leash early in the morning and late at night...coyotes nearby and can scale a fence like nobody's business!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning from the front porch.  All this cobbler talk is making me want to get back in the kitchen and bake something. I dont know why, but it's been months since I felt like making pies, cakes and cookies. I know just cooking has been a challenge for me lately.  Perfect example is Friday I ordered pizza, Saturday we were going to have leftovers. Lou said; I dont like pizza I wish we could have fish. Well, I told her I would fix her some talipia, broccoli and corn. She told me thanks and how much she loved me. Here I go into the kitchen, thaw iut the fish, rinse some broccoli and open up a can of corn and get to work. Suppers ready and I fix her plate! I dont want any supper....what is this.....I didn't tell you I wanted it......and so on and so on. I finally get her to eat, which she cleaned her plate but I've lost my appetite and just have one slice of pizza. I did eat more later but didnt feel like it.

    On a positive note, I have pulmonary function test Tuesday and dental Wednesday.  My sister called to make sure which week I had my harmone shot, cancer dr appointment and Urologist appointment. I told her next week and she's planning coming for the week. I mentioned the two for this week and she told me she had a dr appointment Monday so as long as she was going to be in town she would come and stay with Lou those two days too.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Zetta I bake the whole cobbler recipe in 13x9, half in 8x8.  I might try the cast iron skillet someday.  

    Lorita don’t worry your little head about them feed sacks.  That is not how it gets spread.  Just wash your hands real good when you are done and it will be good.  If there was much spread that way we would be in a lot deeper doo doo than we already are. 

     My friend’s sister who has cancer and her husband who is diabetic, obese, heart disease both have covid now.  It is from family.  They are in their 70s.  Not a good thing.  I know they say cases are decreasing but I am knowing a lot of people that are getting it.  For a long time I knew no one.   Making me lean farther toward no way for thanksgiving.  Will not decide until closer to time.  Maybe it will be warm and I can eat outside, we’ll see.

    You are two weeks past your booster and hopefully there is lots of little antibodies in your nose and oral cavity to punch them out from the booster.  That is the booster job.  M If they would happen to miss a few you should have those killer T cells from your original vaccine that will say to corona oh no you are not getting away with this lol.  There is a reason they are called killer Tcells.  They kill off any cell they find with the unwanted visitor in them.

    Glad you have some one to put your heater in.  That eases my mind a bit for you.

    Hope you enjoy that cobbler Betty if you get around to making it.

    Breakfast is the hardest meal for me right now.  Oats, eggs, peanut butter are not good things right now.  So this morning I had a biscuit with hamburger. It was delicious and my stomach feels great.  Got me to thinking, what would happen if I add sage.  Googled it and here on All Recipes found a recipe for beef breakfast sausage.  It had great reviews.  Will only use sage, salt and pepper though as my spices at least at first.  One reviewer mentioned how it tasted like his grandmother’s sausage. 

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Betty, remind of where you live that you hear coyotes.  We hear them every night when they go out to hunt and again when they come back in.

    That extra hour of daylight in the morning is great. Easier to take down trash.

    Ron, your sister sounds like a great lady.  NicE that she can help you. When Lou won't eat something why not make frozen dinners so you won',t have to cook so often.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Tthanks for the reassurance, Sara.  Got my booster Oct. 5so guess I'm okay.

    Can't get in touch with carpenter so don't know n what's going on.  May have to put in heater myself.

    Have you ever made bread in your machine that called for eggs? Found a recipe for  Challah that I may try.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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