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Just need to talk to my friends (159)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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THank you, Jo, for the information.  I called Carol and told her so I'm sure she's reading  about it now.  She's worried about her sister who has had some of the same symptoms.  You're right nasty stuff.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Read the article, interesting.  Heard a PCP recently say younger people who had covid are showing up at his office a few months later with serious illness such as diabetes and renal failure.  They had no issues prior to the covid so he feels there is a connection.

    Hope you find your top Judith.

    Zetta hope things go well for Sammy today.

    You know I really don’t want to go to Thanksgiving.  I did not miss it last year.  Would I be ok to go, probably, but I just don’t want to.  People’s actions create consequences, and one of those for me is that I could care less about the holidays.  Feel bad that I feel this way but if I participate and some of those without immunity get sick and die that would be a worse feeling. 

    Well have been slowly giving the kitchen a deep cleaning.  Guess will work on that some more and maybe bake some buns.  Got both sets of blinds cleaned so the rest is pretty easy.  Always dread the blinds and glad they are done.

    Take care everyone

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    I’m excited.  Found that All Clad which is made in USA and is excellent cookware uses Capital Cookware for selling their products that fail QA.  They sell on Amazon and have a good rating.  Realized this from a comment I read this morning on an all clad product.  You still get lifetime warranty for product from All Clad.  I use mine so they don’t look perfect long anyway.  Just want it to cook well. States  it has a 1% scratch on exterior surface.  It was half price, making it about the same cost as Merten and Storck one.  It weighs 4 pounds instead of 9 pounds so much easier for me to handle.  Im just so excited.  Thank you Ron for making me just a bit more comfortable getting a stainless steel one which is what I prefer because of the weight issue.  Was having a battle with cast iron vs stainless steel.  The cost of All Clad.  It all worked out as I took my time.  Feel like I found a new way to be going thrift shopping.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Sayra, that is wonderful!  A factory "second" in great cookware with a scratch or two is just fine - especially when you can save so much money on it!

    Lorita, I hope all the repair people you're trying to reach call back today.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Just weighed my Dutch oven. Weighed about nine pounds empty had no idea it was that heavy.

    Sara, sounds like you're deciding against the big Thanksgiving get together. Probably a good idea. News says most of the Country is beginning a surge.

    I'm going to try calling Shaun again -really baffles -me.

    Cloudy and cool. Supposed to be really windy.  Got out and saw the girls and filled water tanks.  Feel pretty good this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Talked with owner of propane company. He doesn't think I need a new heater. Thinks since it draws in air it is probably just dirty. They don't  have time to do  it so he's calling a local plumbing company  to see if they can do it or install a new one, if not.  So, waiting again.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Sara,  Thank You and yes Sammy is doing well. He went in like a big boy got nurtured, the last of his kitten shots, the chip put in and his nails clipped. He is home now and resting well. I just need to find a way to keep him quiet for the next 10 days. So far he's being quiet but this is only day One.

    The peach cobbler I made yesterday came out real good. it was the recipe that Lorita, shared. I was afraid I was going to have to eat it all by myself but to my surprised my Son helped me, and yes it is gone. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Glad Sammy is.home and doing well.  Glad that's over for him - and you.

    I'm happy you liked the peach cobbler.  Isn't it fast and easy?  I just made another one and had a dish with almond a coconut milk over it.  It was still warm.

    Pretty day but very cold NW wind this afternoon. We're supposed to have a freeze tonight. Guess it will be time to dig caladiums.

      Are you going to do that  this year,Judith?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Does anyone have a quick and easy, tried and true banana bread recipe?  I have  a couple of bananas I need to use.  Thanks!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Zetta sounds like Sammy did well.  Good luck with the rest lol.

    Lorita I would have to Google for a banana bread recipe.  Not something I make.

    We had our first snow last night.  None on the ground but on the roofs.  They are giving snow the next three days.  Ground is still warm so hopefully they will continue to melt.  If they don’t sounds like they will be easy to push off.

    A few days ago told you my friend’s sister and BIL both covid  positive.  He coded yesterday evening.   They revived him but not looking good.  Her sister is on oxygen and they are having trouble with her heart rate dropping.  They are probably in their early 70s, multiple health issues and some risky behaviors.  They were aware the behaviors were risky but they also were aware that they didn’t  have that much longer to live anyway and chose to take those risks.  I understand why they made that choice.  There is a possibility that maybe some family members could have made better choices and the risk level would have been lower. Harder for me to understand family members poor choices.  Guess l need to remember that we are all looking out a different window based on our own life experiences.My understanding is they didn’t receive monoclonals. That should have happened first thing, maybe they were offered and refused, I don’t know.  I don’t say much as it is all water under the bridge now, just want to be there to listen if she needs someone for that.  

    Hope each one has a nice day

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Zetta, I can imagine you are glad to have Sammy taken care of and are also glad he is doing well; not an easy thing to do, hopefully Sammy will be up to normal playfulness and doing very well soon - at least in ten days.  Hard to keep a kitten down and quiet when they are feeling up to snuff.  

    Sayra; congratulations at finding All-Clad at such a bargain.  I love to find seconds and outlet items when they are good dependable brands.  I used to get my well-loved bras from an outlet on my way to Oregon from California, just outside of Redding; they were at a much lower cost and I never found anything wrong with them.  Sadly, that store is now closed and as it is, we have not been traveling up to Oregon. 

    I am sorry to hear that your friend's sister and BIL are in such dreadfully dire conditions and he is unlikely to survive secondary to COVID, and that she is so very ill.  I am especially sorry for how they contracted it.   I know that each person has their own outlook and reasons for doing things as they do,  but I have developed a rather negative view of those who are tremendously careless and somehow, one way or another, or even blatantly without thought, infect others.  One infectious disease specialist mentioned that a person can be infectious three days before developing symptoms, and some have no symptoms whatsoever BUT are still infecting others. 

    Seventy is not all that old these days, many medical conditions can mostly be controlled and managed, so regretful for their outcome; and if they were out and about knowingly taking and conducting themselves with conscious, purposeful risky behaviors; that makes it all even more preventable and tragic.   It is horribly difficult for family members to have to be facing watching their LOs intensely suffer; the cost of the care is dreadful and especially, the discomfort and suffering horrible.   Hospitals are again becoming highly impacted with COVID cases with some overflowing with no ICU beds; why would one choose to in all likelihood risk suffocating to death and put their LOs through the agony of watching the suffocation, fearing, praying and hoping then grieving . . . . Important:  may they please not have exposed others causing others to become ill with COVID.  That is always a huge risk when folks are making such decisions as they seem to have done.  May they somehow survive this; let us know how they are, miracles can happen.

    Breakthrough COVID infections in vaccinated people are a bit higher than was initially thought to happen now that more data is becoming available; most will have far milder cases of COVID; but some with breakthrough become very ill and some die - others even with mild cases do sometimes develop long haul syndrome which is pretty awful.   I have just read the following from UC Davis and Mayo Clinic:   


    More than one in four COVID-19 patients develop long-haul symptoms lasting for months – even if they had mild cases, according to a handful of studies that have emerged recently. 
    UC Davis Health’s Post-COVID-19 Clinic has seen 130-140 long haulers, many who had very mild COVID cases.Doctors have been estimating one-quarter to one-third of COVID-19 patients become long haulers, as many patients call themselves. Now, four studies published since February confirm that range. They show that 27% to nearly 33% of patients who had COVID-19 but did not need to be hospitalized later developed some form of long-haul COVID.  “Those numbers are in line with what we’ve seen,” said Christian Sandrock, a UC Davis Health professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine. “What’s good about these studies is they help our patients. We can say, ‘You’re not alone. What you’re going through is starting to be defined.’”  Another consistent finding is that it does not appear to matter whether non-hospitalized patients had more severe cases of COVID-19, mild cases or even cases that caused no symptoms at all.  Just as consistently, age or prior health – whether people were active and fit or had some previous health issues like diabetes or respiratory problems – made little difference in developing long-haul conditions.

    It stuns me that this virus can wreak such havoc upon people long after the virus has been survived.  The cardiac effects, blood vessel damage, subdural hematomas, renal failure, memory loss, inability to think clearly and so much more lasting for months and some seem permanent, are awful; so wish this could be prevented. It is especially shocking that this can happen in very mild cases AND in cases where there are no symptoms at all and as well as in cases of vaccinated breakthrough infections. 
    People will find a way to continue to be connected to friends, family, and activities.   If I had a family completely vaccinated, thoughtful and a small gathering for the holiday, I would attend.  However; if some were not vaccinated and were more or less thoughtless, we would not attend such a gathering.  DH has diabetes and other issues that puts him at higher risk. I usually get my hair cut early a.m. so the shop is not jammed with hair blowers going like wild; BUT this next week, I could not get an appt. except at 4:00 at the end of the week.  Not happy about that as the shop will be teeming - it always is before a holiday.  Am actually thinking about cancelling and just looking like a mop-top till the week following Thanksgiving and an early appt. is available.  Some of the beauticians in the shop are anti-vaxxers and actually, though supposing to mask, that masking is off and on despite signage, and masks worn below so many noses, and customers without masks for certain services and just to talk.   Drats anyway.   Ah well.

    Judith, did you find your top or are you going to brave it and go au naturelle? It IS an art museum after all!  A few well placed ostrich feathers and an eye mask ala the Lone Ranger type could do the trick and make you a very mysterious woman.  Or perhaps not.  Can't help teasing; but do hope you find the top.  I often wonder where things go . . . . it is like some things have a life of their own and they are very impish in how they hide themselves coming out only after one does not need them any longer.

    Going through some items and a lot of paper; heavens, there will be much shredding going on.   Guess many of the files will be purged and new files started for items that have just been floating about that should be saved. 

    "The Postman Always Rings Twice," with Lana Turner was on TV this a.m.; have recorded it.   What a film that was; not a warm fuzzy one, but a good film nevertheless.   "Mrs. Parkington," with Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon was recorded yesterday; that is also a good film, haven't seen it in a long time.  At least that one is lighter.  One film I have seen several times and will watch again is, "I Remember Mama."  Excellent.  Haven't seen "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn," listed for years.  That was an excellent book; I first read it in junior high school.

    Lorita, these are just not your days for repair persons; I am so sorry that you have been kept waiting.  Heavens!  Sure hope the guys get back to you soon.  You are a very, very nice and kind person; perhaps that one fellow is not feeling any pressure to return your call and is taking care of someone else who had a firmer and louder voice that pushed a bit harder.  Don't know; but sure do hope he calls you back soon, especially if you have left one more firm message for him that you, "need to know asap," about his schedule and ability to do the work so you can make proper arrangements around him.   Sheesh!   Good idea that your heat will be taken care of and either fixed to work or installed by professionals. Things are different in manufacturing these days; considering the risks to heating sources, best to let the professionals do it and get it right and safe for you - AND save your back, neck, sides and shoulders, etc., etc., etc.  Parts are parts, but when they are in pain; boy oh boy!

     Pork chops tonight with potatoes au gratin and veggies.  The potatoes au gratin are frozen and from CostCo - they are SO amazingly good; better than even grandma used to make and I don't have to do all the slicing and shredding and hoping they turn out just right.  Too high in calories and fat, but do not have them often at all and DH LOVES them.

    For some reason, I started putting butter on morning toast I have with my yogurt mixed with bran flakes and blueberries; I have just slapped myself silly and am stopping doing that; but it sure was good on sourdough toast . . . do not need the fat and cholesterol but that Irish butter sure is good.

     The peach cobbler still has not been made and I do mean to do it.  The kids loved the Apple or Cherry Crunch I would make them and it too was simple as could be:

    1.   Take one 13 x 9 pyrex dish, (do not use metal), put two cans of Comstock cherry pie filling OR two cans of Comstock apple pie filling spread on the bottom of the dish depending on which flavor you wish to have.  (Not both cherry and apple at the same time; it is only two cans of one flavor of pie filling.)

    2.  Next; sprinkle one box of dry yellow cake mix on top of the Comstock pie filling you used.  (I usually use Duncan Hines.)

    3.   On top of that, spread one cup of chopped walnuts pressed lightly into the dry cake mix so the nuts do not burn too easily.

    4.  On top of that, pour one cup of melted butter or margerine evenly as possible across the 13 x 9 dry cake mix.

    5. That is it . . . put in pre-heated oven; I think I used 325 o 350.  Bake until lightly brown on top.  It is really good and best served with good vanilla ice cream on top.

    Speaking of calories and fat . . . . but oh yum.

    Time for me to get going; I have some laundry to fold since I could not convince it to fold it self and put itself away.   As if.

    Take good care and may the weekend be a very good one; snow on the roof or not.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    The top has been found. Now to try it on...everyone please cross your fingers.

    Jo...do not go to that salon. Way too risky.

    Lorita...please do not fool aroung with with natural or propane gas in your house and please get the floor fixed. You undoubtedly have a snake nest under your house!

    Stew is all gone...back to Trader Joe's frozen entrees.

    Big leaf drop this weekend. I like to think of it as "making new earth time" and pretty much leave them alone.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Okay Judith; all my fingers are crossed for your top to fit as requested, but it sure does make it hard to type!  And thank you for shaking some sense into me, I shall cancel that hair appointment.  You are right.  I usually go in on a Tuesday morning at 10:00 am and there is no one else there, that is what I shall wait for the week after Thanksgiving.  

    If your top is snug - would one of those whatcha'call it - firm stretch elasticy one piece body slimmers help?  You know the kind; you step into them and they fit very  snuggly from hips; up and snugly over the waist snugly up to bosom and some styles over bosom - but . . . . how would you use the loo if you had the need . . . in a small stall; grunts and groans; fighting the slimmer and sweating like a stevedore while you wrestled yourself out of the darned thing which requires taking your top and who knows what else off, and then omigosh; fighting getting it all the way back up the body again which would be all moist from sweating and chafing, making it harder to  put on and get top back on and clothes settled . . .  by that time, hair all sweaty, smooshed and undone; makeup smeared ala Baby Jane with  the melted mascara making you look like a racoon - nah; not worth the possible debacle.  By the time the loo would be done, the evening would be over and museum doors locked and there you would be . . . . till the next morning when someone comes to open the doors.

     Here come big best wishes that the top fits. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thank You to those asking about Sammy, he slept well yesterday and last night and pretty much back to normal today. The vet called to check on him and told me to give him the pain meds for 5 days and to try to keep him quiet for 10 days. The only way I will be able to keep him quiet is if the pain meds have something in them to help with that. He does seem to be napping more today so that's a good sign. 

     Jo,   I had to laugh at your post to Judith, it reminded me of the times I wore a girdle, and all the pulling and tugging to get that da--- thing on, then too be comfortable and breath. I am glad you decided to wait for a hair cut, I never thought about the hair dryers blowing germs all over.  Your pork chops sound good its been awhile since I have had a good one, it seems like they are not as tender as used to be. How do you cook yours?  I have a pizza in the oven right now.  

    Judith,  I also have my fingers crossed that your top will fit. Good Luck. 

     Sara,  Sorry to hear about your friends sister and BIL, hopefully they did get both shots, but it looks like even if they did the worse can still happen, it they have other issues, is that right? with all the reading you do about covid are you seeing a lot of people getting shots still getting covid but just not as bad? 

     Lorita,   I hope by now you have had some calls returned. It sounds like some are taking advantage of you being such a sweet lady. Please, please do something about those snakes, that worries me. Like Judith said there is probably a nest under your house. I am so afraid of snakes, I would probably be sleeping in my car. I am glad your cats are there they will protect you. 

    I got to go Sammy just jumped in my lap purring and looking for some loven. Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo., I couldn't help but laugh at you summarizing Judith getting her top on. You women have to go through so much trouble and pain just to get yourself ready. Myself, just pull my pants on, button a shirt and get into the shoes. When Lou and i were courting she always wore a girdle even though it wasn't needed. In fact i even called it old grizzle because it was just like fighting a old grizzle bear and it always won. I also learned how much more a woman has to go through just to pee. Me i just stand there and let it go. I was taught by the aid when Lou was released from hospital to wipe from front to back. Main reason i clean her is to keep uti in bay and also when she fell the last time it was during her cleaning herself.

    Went for 1st adjustment on my new dentures Friday and they didnt have them. Now i have to wait till next friday! My sister is coming back monday to stay the whole week. I have several VA appointments; harmone shot, oncology, urology and dental. 

    Took little bit for a bath and haircut today. I told his groomer to just do a maintenance on him without to much stress. I can tell he might not be with us to much longer. I hate it because he is so much joy and I know it will be extra hard on Lou which is going to be even more difficult for me. He is getting blind and has had several seizures. 

    I hope my sister wasn't expecting any of her peach cobbler to be left. I think I'll break down and make a lemon icebox pie for her!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     It's been a beautiful day here - sunny without much wind - and in the upper 50s.  I don't think we had a freeze last night.  When I woke up Alexa said it was 33 and I didn't see any evidence of a frost or freeze.  Have you all noticed that sounds are different in the fall when the seasons are changing?  Really talking about the sound of airplanes when they go over - completely different than in the summertime.

     Sara - I'm sorry about your friends' relatives.  This disease is devastating to everyone concerned.  I'm afraid we'll never be rid of it.  Look at the long-haulers that Jo mentioned and who knows what else is to come of it.  Scary that even though we've been vaccinated and boostered, we can still get it, so we need to be vigilant and wear those emasks.  What scares me (if I was there) is all of those people at football games with hardly anyone wearing a mask.  I watched the Sooners play the Baylor Bears and I saw one OU player on the sidelines wearing a mask - that was all.  Those people are way braver than I.  Carol says they hardly ever see anyone wearing masks and they go to Tulsa quite often and eat out every day.  Jo, you are so right to reschedule that hair appointment - better safe than sorry.

     It has been a frustrating couple of months for me - just way too much going on that has to be taken care of.  And, I haven't even mentioned deciding which calves to sell a))nd getting them up to go to town.  I normally don't mind doing that but with so much going on, it's a lot to contend with.

     I'm feeling better physically - mentally not so much a lot of the time.  This afternoon I just had to get outside so drove around and visited with the girls.  They're really working over the liquid feeders.  I saw little Sweet Pea standing by it (licking the feed off the feeder) - with her little tail wagging so fast.  Then saw Tina with the other cattle grazing just like she was a big girl. They're all so cute but the babies still haven't figured out how to get into the creepfeeder or probably even what's in it.

     Judith, do hope your top fits.  If it's a big snug you could always wear a pretty lace shawl draped however it needs to be.

     You know I guess it is better to have a professional do the stove repair or to install a new one.  Ten years ago we wouldn't have given a thought to installing a new one - and we did, several times.  I even put a new one in for mother and daddy.  Charles and I have done just about anything you can think of and never gave it a second thought that we couldn't do it.  But, when you're older and alone, your confidence is not what it used to be.  I still think I can take out the one in the bedroom but if someone comes to put in the new one or repair it, I may have them take it out.  It hasn't been used in years and is really in the way.  All I have to do is loosen the nut on the end of the connection to the place where the propane comes into the house.  If it can be loosened - that's another thing.  I may have to call a heating and AC company in Muskogee - that would be a big service call so we'll see. 

     If the barn work can't be done this fall, I think Bryon and Shane can close the cowshed door (it needs a new one made) and when Ray and his friend bring the hay, I'll have them close the big doors.  I've always done that but would be nice for them to do it like they did last year.  Then all I have to do is wire it inside and put a cattle panel across sit to keep the cows from getting against the door when they're in there this winter.

     I found a coat this afternoon that I've been thinking about and kind of looking for.  I bought it years ago and only wore it a few times.  It has a Sherpa lining and hood.  I keep winter, work coats in the storage building in big containers so checked there and found it - not the color I thought it was but it still fits. 

     I was thinking this afternoon how much Jack must miss Patsy.  He doesn't have friends here and has no hobbies.  I don't think he really knows his neighbors much either although one lady did send some food over to him a few times.  He has a couple of friends in California  and one in Connecticut and I think he talks ot them almost every day.    Hard to believe she's been gone almost a year so I'm sure this month is really hard for him.  We lost my grandma in 1969 the day before Thanksgiving so I know how it is.  We had a lot of family here for Thanksgiving and mother fixed the dinner (don't know how she did it).  Lorita and I helped but still it was hard for her.

     Sara  - banana bread is not something I've ever made either but I had a couple of bananas that were really ripe so wanted to use them.  Found a recipe on google and made it and also some blueberry mini loaves.  I have a couple of new pans that are made of silicone with 4x3 loaf places and filled those and had some left over so used another Temptations loaf pan that was 5x3.  Those in the silicone pan just popped out when you pressed on the bottom - the other one came out very well, too.  So, I imagine I'll be using those instead of muffin pans this winter.  I usually eat at least two muffins at one tine (medium sized) and I imagine these would equal about three muffins, maybe four so probably would only eat half a loaf.  Made that peach cobbler last night and had to taste-test it.  Probably will tonight, too.

     Nothing much going on today.  I've kept the bathroom door closed today and when I go in Lilly and Sammy go in with me and look underneath the dresser and every other place - just checking. So, guess they are the hunters or watch cats. I think it was Zetta who asked if the snakes were poisonous - they are water moccasins so they are.  When I sleep in the bedroom with Stormy and Sheena in there (no cats) I worry about them.  I know there must be snakes under the house but none of the people  who have been under there has ever seen one.

     Zetta, hope little Sammy is doing well today.  I bet you're really spoiling him and that's just fine.  They need to be spoiled.

    Ron, hope things are going well at your house tonight.  Joan, thinking of you and wondering if you're having snow.  Beth, you may also be getting snow - just like Sara said she had this morning.  After the terrible, terrible two months we had last winter of cold and icy weather I'm dreading it.  Would be nice to have a couple of months of 70 degree weather but that hardly ever happens in Oklahoma.  You know we've had 58 tornados so far this year?  They had three two or three days ago - one through the middle of Tulsa uprooting and breaking trees that fell on cars and roofs.  We can have them any month of the year.

     Sleep well tonight - hope all of you are well.  Are you used to the time change yet?  Sara, we had a bright pink sunrise this morning.  Took a picture but it didn't show how pretty it really was.

     See all of you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    33 degrees here and cloudy.  Giving a bit of snow. 

    Yes Zetta they have multiple risk factors on top of a lot of risky behaviors.  You asked about vaccinated getting covid.  A recent study out of Texas from mid January til recently showed that there were 1.5million new cases in that time period.  45,000 of those cases were vaccinated people.  To me 45,000 is a lot but only 3% of the 1.5 million.  So can see risk way lower if vaccinated, even less risky if you wear your mask whenever around people with unknown immunity.  My understanding is that in majority of those getting covid when vaccinated is those with compromised immune systems so they probably did not have as good of response to vaccine as others.  The three I am personally aware of were already quite ill.  My understanding is majority are having milder symptoms and not as likely to be in hospital.  If you get tested early and get monoclonals chances very good you won’t be hospitalized.  When the antivirals become available we will see what kind of difference it makes in the real world.  Hopefully they will be effective.  Time will tell.

    Lorita this is just a thought, but there comes a point for all of us that we have to retire.  I was at that point.  The stress had become hard for me to deal with mentally.  Physically I could still do the job.  Change is not easy.  Know you have always lived there and makes it very hard to leave there.  It gives you a continued feeling of attachment to those you love.  I have lived in 13 different houses.  So for me home is wherever I am at.  Way you live so remote has caused you to be very self reliant.  That is good.  But there comes a time where that is all too stressful and we become unable to do things we use to do.  If you had a lower maintenance place, just your dogs and cats, possibly would be less physical and mental stress maybe.  I don’t know all the answers just some thoughts.  Know the last few months have been rough for you, I can tell.

    Lorita there is a lot of Jacks this holiday season I imagine.  Have thought a lot about the lady I know who lost her only daughter, who she was very close to, last December.  See her now and then, just thinking about how sad she must feel.  Know there are many in that situation. Many children have lost one or both parents. Believe awhile back saw  around 100,000 children had lost parents, probably more by now.

    Hope your banana bread turned out good Lorita.  Think I might make buttermilk cookies today.

    Take care everyone 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    A little cool this morning but with the wind calm it's not as bad as yesterday. Two appointments Tuesday, first at 10:30 for harmone shot and 2nd at 12:30 with oncologist. I will ask about getting the booster shot between appointments. Don't know about any problems with both shots the same day. I was told to get the shot after my pft last week and was in the car and almost home when I remembered.

    Have been thinking a lot lately about buying a new car and traveling some. Would love to go to different parts of the country, but worried about how Lou would handle it and littlebit in his frail condition. Guess I'll just have to listen to my front porch friends describing their home towns.

    Hope all is well this morning and Lorita take care of yourself. 


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I keep QVC on for company and today's special is the most beautiful Le Creuset Dutch oven---so many colors!  I immediately thought of the Dutch oven conversations here.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    I saw those, too.  Really like the size and all the colors. Would be hard to decide.  Dayn2nite2, I watch a lot of QVC, too.  Love Denim&Co. Clothes

    Sara, banana bread is   good. Will  write more later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    LeCrueset cookware is beautiful.  But it is ever so heavy.  My mom has one of their 2 or 3 quart pots, it is red.   It is very heavy but mom use  to always cook her pinto beans in it.  She does not cook pintos any more.  She has not offered me that pan yet but she might one day.  If she does I will take it.  Will let one of my sisters have it if they want it due to the weight.  If they don’t want it I will keep it and use it as long as I’m able.

    Ron know you would love to travel.  I’m not really a traveler because I dislike staying in a hotel.  But with my mom who isn’t near as bad as Lou she became extremely anxious when I went to neighboring state for my uncle’s funeral this summer.  Didn’t even stay overnight.  She started giving me physical complaints before I left.  She never does this so had me thinking a lot while I was gone  about things I could get for her that she would be willing to do.  Once I got home and started offering things to her she told me she was  doing better.  She has not mentioned them since and it has been four months.  Made me realize for all her big talk how dependent she is on me being there.  So you’re right, Lou may not tolerate it well due to loss of normalcy.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    If it weren't for the weight, I would buy it (and then what color would I buy?  They're all beautiful!) because the price is really wonderful.

    I'm watching the demonstrations because the brand host is giving some really great ideas for recipes/things to cook.

    Lorita, Pat is dishing up some really lovely potato soup...
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Ron, doubt Lou would do well traveling because alz patients do not like change. I know you need some change- maybe a short day trip for you while your sister is there.

    Day saw that. Looked good. Sometime they have green. Really my favorite. At my age really shouldn't buy many things.

    Sara, only time I lift my Dutch oven is to take it to the sink to wash it.  Mine hasdivetsin the bottom which makes it harder to clean.

    Back .

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    So we were all watching QVC this morning. I would order the black. Interesting I checked the Le Crueset site and it was only $1 more. I have on occasion price checked with Amazon only to find a lower price. Also Mint is not exclusive to QVC!!!

    Macy's has the Martha Stewart on sale. I have her 6qt in white. Love it.

    Still chicken to try the top on...lol.

    Ron...I do a lot of traveling on my computer. I am looking at Portugal right now. Want to come along?

    I have just ordered two expensive dog collars on Etsy. I made the mistake of saying that I did not like the collar on one of my son's dogs when they were here. Open mouth...I had to put up or shut up but isn't this a great collar....2 black females.

    Dog Collar Black Polka Dot Cherries Martingale & Buckle 3/4 - 2 Inch Width

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good afternoon.  I’m resting today and watching football.  I’ve been away at services for Harv’s sister.   She  passed away last Saturday.  She’s also had Alzheimer’s. Poor little thing was always slight built, but only weighed 55 lbs. when she died.  The kids picked out a beautiful blue casket as that was her favorite color.  Sad time but so enjoyable to be with family and catch up.  

    I thought I was finished raking leaves.  The wind was wicked last week and I see I’m going to have to rake one more time.  Looks like most of the trees are bare.  I’ll do a spot raking and let the rest mulch into the grass.  Like Judith said, it’s good earth renewal.  

    Judith, hope you braved it and tried on your top.  Sure hope it fits.  I need to buy a couple nice outfits to wear to special events.  I’m always scrambling to find something that fits and looks good.  

    Zeta, so good to hear Sammy is ok and recovering.  Get in those extra snuggles while he’s being quiet.  

    We’ve been having several storms here.  We are getting a lot of rain with snow in the higher mountains.  It’s cloudy today with cloudy weather all week but no moisture.  It’s staying cold here now.  Highs are in the 50’s and lows in the 30’s.  Gearing up for winter.

    Lorita,  sure hope you can find help with your repairs.  That’s frustrating when no one calls back or decides it’s too small a job to bother with.  I’ve run into that too.  I’ve had repair guys say they will come and don’t show up and then won’t answer when I try to reschedule.  So frustrating.  

    Ron, enjoy your sweet sister this week.  I hope you get nothing but good news.  

    Hi to the new posters.  My dh had Alzheimer’s from 2004, and passed in 2019.  

    I’ll quit for now and finish reading.  Have a relaxing afternoon all.  Joan

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Have you checked Amazon etc for a space heater? Electric might be easier. I have a small one near my bed that is great. 

    Lasko Lasko-22 Digital Ceramic Oscillating Remote (751320) Tower Heater, 8.5x2033 L x 7.25x2033 W x 23x2033 H,

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Judith, that is an awesome dog collar! It looks like a Mary Engelbreit pattern. I have some plates/bowls/cups/saucers etc in that pattern. 

    Joan, I'm so sorry for your loss. 55 lbs. Wow. My mom lost 70-80 lbs. in the last stages of Alzheimer's. She ate very little for 6 months. Surprised she lasted that long. 

    Lorita, we have had the same experience trying to get a repairman in. They come out to give an estimate, then apparently decide they don't really want to do the job, so never call back with the estimate and won't return calls. I sure hope you can find persons to do the work you need done. 

    We had snow flurries only, no accumulation. It was super windy overnight. Apparently an Alberta clipper came in. Not sure what that is...lol  Curious if Sara got snow?  With the wind, and the rain we had this week, many of the beautiful fall leaves are gone. They were so colorful for a few weeks. 

    Hope your appointments go well this week, Ron. So glad your sister is available to help. What a blessing that is!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello, everyone!  I just returned from a four day trip, my first trip away from home since the California Covid stay-at-home mandate in March 2020.  I went with a local travel club; there were 37 of us on board, all older adults and all vaccinated.  We visited Death Valley for two days and spent overnight in Las Vegas.  I got to visit with my stepson, whom I had not seen in about thirteen years.  He is an Army veteran.  Las Vegas had several parades on Veterans' Day, and we got to see glimpses of one motorcycle brigade.  Las Vegas has changed a great deal since I was there last, about twenty years ago.  But I suppose many places can change a great deal in twenty years LOL.

    I very much enjoyed the trip, but the preparation for the trip was very hard on me.  I had to struggle cognitively to gather everything I would need.  I am working on making a packing list for the future, if and when I get back to taking more trips away from home.

    I met a new friend and was invited to her home to play bunco.  This will be another first since the Covid lock down.

    I learned this morning that my good friend of over thirty years passed away on Thursday.  She had been ill but did not have Covid.

    Telinde, I am sorry about your sister-in-law.  Please accept my condolences.

    Jo C, Best Buy had air friers on sale, but I didn't learn early enough to let you know.  But they probably will repeat this sale closer to Thanksgiving.

    I have to spend time to read all the posts.  I'll write more later.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Joan here it stayed very warm right til it turned cold and snowy.  My tree is an oak.  They are very late to drop their leaves.  I raked just before it turned so cold and windy.  Now it could use it again but there is snow on.   We didn’t get a lot.  Maybe a half an inch.  The good news is none on roads and driveways.

    That is a nice dog collar Judith.  

    Joan sorry to hear about your SIL.  That is so very sad. 

    Guess I’m blessed so far.  My HVAC man, plumber are very dependable so far.  I don’t have a roofer.  The people I used this summer for steps and door did very nice work and we’re very prompt about coming out and giving estimates.  Had to wait 3.5 months for the door but that was not the company’s fault and they made me aware of this from the beginning.

    Iris glad you enjoyed your trip.

    Made my buttermilk cookies yesterday.  Added chopped up dates and chocolate chips.  They are quite good I think.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    jfkoc wrote:

    So we were all watching QVC this morning. I would order the black. Interesting I checked the Le Crueset site and it was only $1 more. I have on occasion price checked with Amazon only to find a lower price. Also Mint is not exclusive to QVC!!!

    Macy's has the Martha Stewart on sale. I have her 6qt in white. Love it.

    Still chicken to try the top on...lol.

    Ron...I do a lot of traveling on my computer. I am looking at Portugal right now. Want to come along?

    I have just ordered two expensive dog collars on Etsy. I made the mistake of saying that I did not like the collar on one of my son's dogs when they were here. Open mouth...I had to put up or shut up but isn't this a great collar....2 black females.

    Dog Collar Black Polka Dot Cherries Martingale & Buckle 3/4 - 2 Inch Width

    LOL QVC is everyone's background entertainment.  Martha Stewart makes excellent cookware, everything I've bought of hers over the years has lasted a long, long time.  Since all the KMarts closed I had forgotten she's still out there.  I only have 1 Macy's left in my area so I'll have to go out and take a look at what her line includes now.  Cute collar!  P.S. Snow in Detroit, but it's not sticking!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Our propane company got in touch with a plumbing company and they're coming today to clean out the heater or if that doesn',t work will install new one.  I'll have them disconnect the one on the bedroom and if they have time put in the air conditioner.  Will let you all know how this works.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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