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Just need to talk to my friends (159)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    I fine...I just have not had much to add...lol
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Whew!   So glad you are alright.   Funny how worried we can get about each other if we do not hear for awhile or if there are outstanding issues or health worries . . . .

    By the way, did you decide to go to the ball?


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Stuffed and I ain't no turkey! Plan on washing, vacuuming and cleaning to work off the overeating. With my alcalesa of the esophugus, I feel like my stomach is still trying to process last night feast. 

    Changed my profile picture to the new car!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Thank you Lorita for checking on me. What a lovely visit.

    Only my son ended up coming. My daughter-in-law atayed in St Louis with the dogs. The medium sized one has a broken leg/foot and believe it or not there is a serious shortage of vet sergeons there.

    Thanksgiving went well. Regular food and too much of it. I actually watched most of the Dallas game....still think it is boring to watch. Two rounds of Rumicube and I was  home in bed by 9:30. Watched a little Netflix.

    Turkey soup making today! 

    Ball is tomorrow night. Photos at 6:30 then dinner then presentation then home....no dancing for me. I prefer Netflix...lol

    Interesting info re the electric cars. One more thing. It takes 27 minutes to charge. They are certainly not for road trips.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So glad you are alright, Judith.  So the ball is tomorrow; you had me smiling; the dancing girl shoes are retired . . . I smile because I really, really get it.

     As for those little electric cars. They can be driven by anyone, however; overall, they seem to be designed for a younger age group than the over the hill elderly and folks of a more trim body size and movement capability.   Passenger seat and leg room thereof, do not seem to accommodate those with physical issues; and as said earlier, a trunk or adequate trunk to accommodate full size wheelchairs, and other healthcare needs seems to be lacking.  

    They need to control the size/weight of the cars as they use up electricity the bigger and heavier they are, and needs to be plugged in the more juice gets used.   On the news, I have heard the plan is that by a certain year (not that far off) that anyone with a gas run automobile will be fined for that - desciption of how much the fine and how often being fined was not shared; but they'd best have some waivers for those with disabilities or size issues.   We shall have to wait and see.

    Have a wonderful time at the dinner and ball; let us know how it went and if you just happen to have a picture of you in your pretty outfit, well . . . . we would love to see it.  I send happy wishes for a very, very good evening.



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Tried to load my car in profile but it showed upside down, resized and it looks like a Volkswagen, so just put my picture instead 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    more interesting than a car.....
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    . . . . tis indeed an improvement; at least you are not upside down on your roof with your wheels in the air!  And must say; great photo of a very distinguished looking gentleman.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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      I agree.  Just about as I thought you might look.  A Southern gentleman for sure.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     I so enjoyed our visit today, too, Judith.   Always enjoy talking with you.  Glad that you are well.  I bet you're at the ball right now.  Looking forward to a picture of you all dressed up and pretty.

     I did make it into town today - left about 11:30 and got home by 1.  The place where I would have had the door seal on the PU checked to see if it's the right size was closed.  Had no idea they would be closed today and the sign on the door says they're going to start closing on Saturdays, too.  Guess they're making enough money on just five days.  Really do like the new owner and man who works on the desk delegating work.  They've been very helpful to me.  So, next week I'll try to get in with the car and get that taken care of.

     First stopped there and then decided I'd get my feed before I went to the grocery store - but four or five pickups were backed up to the dock to be loaded with a couple more waiting so went back to the grocery store.  There were several people in there but I wore a double mask and wasn't close to anyone for any length of time.  Stocked up on carrots - huge ones this time.  I'm using what they call Fresh Paper (bought from QVC, of course).  You can cut whatever size paper you want and put it in with fruit or vegetables and it makes them stay fresh longer.  It really works.  Found some huge sweet potatoes, too.  Not sure they're cured like they should be.  I think someone had just brought them in because there were several boxes of them, different sizes in different boxes.  I love a sweet potato baked in the microwave, split open and barely sprinkled with sugar, then eaten with butter.  So, I'll have one of those tomorrow.  I got some ice cream bars and then went back to get my feed.  They were still all right when I got home - just had one.  I use those insulated tote bags and they really do keep things cold until I can get home.

     It's cold tonight, still a bit windy.  Stormy just went outside but probably will come back in later.  They stayed outside last night - patrolling and barking to keep the wolves from the door.  I actually did see a big wolf a couple of mornings ago.  Looked like a really big, but bigger than, German Shepherd.  He was beautiful.  I told Mike about it and  he said he had seen two recently and several others in this area have reported seeing them.  I have a huge poster of a wolf in the bathroom.  He's so pretty with snow falling on and around him.  I started to tell this and got off subject somewhat.  Sheena and Stormy came in when I got home and both of them were sound asleep this afternoon- Stormy on the divan, stretched out and Sheena on the floor - not on her bed.  She has never gotten on the furniture.  So, took a picture of them which I'll try to post.  These are my watch/guard dogs - sleeping after a hard night's work.

     So... after individual talks with two good friends - Sandy last night and Judith today and also talking with all my friends on our thread - I think I've made a decision that will work.  I still have to sort of come to terms with it and I have about a month before we really get into winter feeding.  I've talked with mother, daddy and Charles (please don't think I'm nuts) about this and cried some but... I'm thinking I will sell the farm to Mike - except the house and carport and the small paddock west of the house.  And, I'll sell the girls to him.  I'll still be on the farm I love so much and the cattle will still be here.  I'll have my GPs and cats and I can go out and be with the girls when I want to.  It'll still be like it's mine but I won't have the responsibility of getting out in ice and snow to feed - won't have to try to decide when I need feed and make sure the weather's okay to get into town.  I'll make a will to make sure when I go the house and yard will go him.  I've already asked him a year or so ago if he'd find good homes for Sheena and Stormy when I'm gone - and he will.  I'm sure he'll find homes for the cats, especially Kitt who has only one eye and very little vision in it.  I will make sure that he doesn't sell Billy.  After he sells calves in January it'll leave about 37 head which is the right number to run on the pastureland I have. 

     I already have my final expenses taken care of - I have long-term insurance if the time does come when I need to go into assisted living or something else.  It also pays for in-home care if needed. 

     So, this is what I'm thinking.  I'm in good health except for somewhat elevated cholesterol and triglycerides.  I take no medication on a regular basis except vitamins.  Just the aches and pains aggravated by lifting and aging.   I can tell when I've lifted something because the costo acts up.  This is nothing new - I've had costochondritis for 48 years.  I complain about it but have learned to live with it and what not to do to aggravate it - just don't do it all the time.

     Like I said I have about a month to come to terms with it.  Mike will put the 1500 lb. of creep in the feeder this weekend and that will last about three to four weeks.  The little ones are just beginning to discover there's something good in there to eat so we have to keep feed in it - otherwise when it's filled they might eat too much and bloat.

     Maybe I can make the attorney I'll have make my will take over the other things.  I probably do need an advanced directive.  We worked with those in SWS at the VA but never thought I'd need one.    

     So, that's my story for now - sorry to have gone into such detail - just trying to get it straight in my head.  I think this will work.  I don't think it's necessary to lease the land - because even though I wouldn't have responsibility for it, the problem of what happens to it when I'm gone would still exist.  Better to make a clean break as Sandy said.

       I can't get one of those pretty cars like Ron bought because of the roads we have out here - ruts, mud, gravel.  So, either a PU or Jeep - thinking Jeep because I won't be hauling feed.  I have dog and cat food delivered - three huge boxes on the front porch right now.  Ron, funny you got a black car - last night I saw a black PU on TV that was gorgeous so thought about a black vehicle.  We have had one black car - a 1949 Dodge Warfarer - it was a pretty light aqua when we bought it but Charles had it painted a shiny black.  Pretty antique car - built much better than vehicles now.

     What do you all think?  

     Watched a bit of a Yellowstone rerun.  Can you believe I forgot about it last Sunday night - just saw the last ten minutes of it.  Then, when it was repeated, fell asleep so I'd like to watch it again. They're doing reruns of all the episodes - started that yesterday.

     I'm going to stop for now - I've said quite enough (too much really).  Just needed someone to talk with for a few minutes.  This seems like a good solution to me.  I know he'll take care of the land and girls so that is what I want.

     See you all tomorrow.  Hope everyone sleeps well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    26F.  Was quite cold yesterday. We had little fine snow most of day yesterday.  No accumulation.  My kind of snow.

     Stormy and Sheena look so relaxed.  

    I like your plan Lorita.  Know this is hard, think your plan would please your family.  They loved you and they know you have taken good care of the farm and they also want you to take good care of yourself.  Wonder if you won’t even enjoy the cattle more since you can just enjoy them and not have to worry about getting everything done.  Can just go visit whenever you feel like it.

    Getting a good dependable vehicle is a good plan too.  The other two have gotten to the point where they are as I say, nickle and diming you to death.  

    I enjoyed your long post.  Have been missing them.  You can still tell us all about the cattle.  Send us pictures of them if you feel like visiting them.  

    Glad you went to the grocery store and got some food.  On Thanksgiving I ended up going with my first plan.  Waited til last to get my food.  Everyone else was in dining room or enclosed porch.  I ate at far end of living room.  Just ate a small plate and no refills or desert.  Did take my containers with me.  But once I saw what everyone was doing decided to go ahead and eat in living room.  

    My spice cake turned out good.  It is nice and moist.  Chose the molasses buttercream icing and like it too.  Just made half of the recipe.  When I make it again may use caramel icing.  Have first roast from my beef on.  Didn’t do the pot roast because I want to make gravy and not sure how my GI system would respond to that so will wait a bit longer to try that.  Did eat a little gravy at Thanksgiving and did ok.  Made chicken tacos yesterday, left the cheese off but used a little sour cream and a lot of cilantro.  They were good too.

    Ron nice to have a face with your name.

    Glad you are ok Judith

    Hope everyone has a good day

    Take care

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C. wrote:

    Sure do know what you mean about ongoing learning; I do try to do that as much as can be to keep my knowledge up to date and to be helpful to others which is something I too feel happy doing; 

    Jo C, I have a hard time keeping my knowledge up to date, I just cannot do it.

    I was just talking with my brother about sending a photo to someone.  He started talking about taking a photo with my smartphone and emailing it to the other person and having her print it out.  Yikes! That's too much!  I have to do things the old-fashioned way that I already know how to do.  I could email a photo but I don't have her email address.  I don't know if she even has an email address.

    Judith, my mother made turkey soup--I never met anyone else who made it.  I'll bet it was yummy!

    Sayra, I'm going to attempt to make a fruitcake using a spice cake mix.  I used to make fruitcake from the Pillsbury Date Nut Bread mix, but apparently they have stopped selling it.  I love fruitcake.  I know it won't be the same, however. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Iris....no, the soup is not wonderful but it is tradition.

    Lorita....bravo zulu and remember to come over here for long term care where you have "extended" family. Also remember that the cowboy grandson will be glad to help if  you run into realtor questions.

    More football on the TV. Is there a game somewhere 24/7???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     Judith, there's loads of football games this time of year.  Tulsa and SMU are playing now in Dallas but the one to watch is at 6:30 tonight - Bedlam, OU is playing OSU in Stillwater - should be a really good game.

     Thanks, I will remember that.  An extended family would be nice.  Also appreciate the offer for help from your grandson. 

     I just don't know if I can do it but I know it's time.  Haven't felt really well today - no energy.  Sandy, I think you may be right about recurrence of the EBV and CMV.  I looked it up in my journal and it was five years ago when I had it.  I don't have a couple of the symptoms - nausea and diarrhea but surely do have lack of energy.  If I don't feel better in a month, there's probably no way I could feed - but, I would if I had to. Jo, I think you've had at least one recurrence of your EBV - how long after the initial case was it and did it last as long as the first?  I can't feel like this going into a long, cold winter.  Gotta straighten up!

     Mike and his helper have been moving cattle today.  He called and said they'd be by in a few minutes to fill the creepfeeder.  He and she both got up in the back of the PU and had it done in less than 15 minutes.  So glad that's done.  I leveled out what was left this  morning so they weren't completely out of feed.  I was laying on the divan half asleep when he called.  Woke up at 4:30 this morning and laid there, thinking, and couldn't go back to sleep.  When I did get sleepy Lilly and Sammy started their running and playing so sleep was over.

     Sandy, got the picture of your house but not the cows or I've done something and can't find it - were they close to the fence?  The maple tree in your yard is gorgeous.

     Nothing going on so I'll stop and watch a little more football - the Bedlam game for sure.  I've seen all the girls and fed Tom and Jerry so don't need to go back out unless I need to fill water tanks again.

     Sarah called again and this time she really is in the hospital - heard the nurse answer her call button. 

     Could not make it without all of you dear friends.  You all keep me going.

     Enjoy the rest of the day - chilly here but partly sunny.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Lorita; yes, I did indeed have a recurrence of EBV.   It happened about a year or a bit less after the first bout.  Cannot use the usual EBV antibody lab test to check for recurrence because once the test is elevated, it stays that way as one always has that virus in the body. 

    My first bout of EBV came with hugely elevated labs, no temp; no sore throat; no enlarged lymph nodes; no headache; no symptoms other than one, and it was huge:  Fatigue beyond anything I thought possible.  It was dreadful and all I could do was sit like a lump or sleep.  At its worst, I even felt a bit mutton headed.   Even walking from bed to the ensuite bathroom just steps away was a horrible effort.  Brushing my hair was an effort.  It got so bad I could do pretty much nothing - showering was like climbing Mount Everest without any gear.  It lasted five months.  Usual time can go up to about three months; but I got two extra.  After the first couple of months, it seemed as though maybe it was starting to going away every now and then when I would have a slightly better day or two - but that was false; within two or so days, symptoms were back with a vengeance. 

     The second time I had it, I was fatigued; felt really "off" and the reason I went to the doctor was that I had an awful sore throat I could not get rid of.  Dr. examined and he said, "Recurrence of EBV."  Oh no!  Still no swollen lymph nodes or other symptoms. Seems the recurrence lasted about three months with just a bit of hanging over for another month or so; but sore throat gone after about a month.  I do not know how I got exposed.  Not kissing strangers; not sharing food or drink, it just happened.  However, once the virus is in the body it is there forever; could have been exposed in childhood.

    Perhaps I am remembering incorrectly; but I thought you had EBV but were negative for CMV.  Did you have labs that showed CMV?   I too was checked for both and while positive for EBV, had negative CMV.  I am not a physician; but from my understanding, diarrhea and nausea are not symptoms of EBV nor routine for CMV.   One gets dreadfully fatigued and many have sore throats, swollen lymph nodes, headache, body aches, sometimes an elevated temp, but no diarrhea or nausea.  However; CMV can attack various areas of the body from the eyes to the liver, etc.  If it hits the GI tract, it can be dreadfully severe and can even cause GI bleeding.  It does not sound like what you are experiencing; but it is going to take a physician to make a diagnosis and not just keep guessing.  

    From what you have shared, it does not feel certain that you are experiencing a recurrrence of EBV, (or CMV if you did have that.)   You have been feeling not up to par for awhile now, and the level of fatigue is a bit concerning to leave it as is.  The symptoms that have been surfacing can be a harbinger of something else totally different.   Also, you live on a ranch with so many animals; cattle, dogs, cats, and other sundry creatures that come and go on the property.  This means you are exposed to a huge host of possibilities for picking up something from the animals or from the soil, litter boxes, feed distribution points, etc. 

    Honestly, in all truth and best thinking, and this is not being overstated:  It would serve you far best to be seen by a very good physician who is up-to-date in medicine and get yourself seen for exam AND for an entire cafeteria menu of labs to rule out this, that and another thing from points as mentioned, but also from any body system that is having a downturn.  May be something completely simple that can be easily remedied and stop whatever from becoming more difficult to manage. 

    It is a lot to ask of you when you are so tired, and have so much you must do on the ranch, and when so far out in the country.  However; at this stage of things, it really is a necessity and not a "put it off " to get yourself into the doctor. If you begin to have a significant ramping up of symptoms, then an urgent care center or ER visit if you cannot get a very soon doctor's appointment.    

     If jfkoc knows of a good Internal Medicine MD; that would be far best as a physician.  You do need a good MD; and at this stage of life, it needs to be a very good up-to-date physician.  As we get older, and our bodies get a bit worn, so many things can slide sideways and we do not bounce like we used to; that is why getting seen earlier by a good MD is so important in order to ward off anything getting more problematic.  I myself tend to put things off and have to push myself to get seen. 

    You have so much on your plate and so much to think and make decisions about; I can imagine that weighs heavily.  You are deeply cared about, just so wish there were a way to help you.  Sweet Lorita, our Dixie gal, you are a treasure; now to get our gem to a good doctor to check her out would be getting the sparkle put back in.

     Big hug; you will be on my mind and in my heart,


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Happy Thanksgiving late.  The last of the company left today.  We had it at my daughter’s house so all the mess is there.  She was great.  All unvaccinated guests got covid tested.  Tara had test kits and made sure all who came we’re covid free. Made me feel safer for sure.  It was a great time and I’ve eaten enough for a month or more. Lol. 

    Nicole, I’m sorry about your uncle.  I hope you can take a long rest and get back to your normal life again.  

    Lorita, your plan sounds like a great solution.  May be the best idea you’ve come up with. You can continue living in your home and watching your herd without the hard labor involved.  Retirement can be a lovely thing.  I miss working and would go back in a  heartbeat if I were younger, but that won’t happen now.  You’ll be surprised at what interesting things you will find to do that fill up your day.  I’m enjoying my freedom for sure.  I hope Sarah is ok.  If she’s sick again, the hospital is the best place for her.  I’ll be keeping her in my prayers.

    Ron, great picture.  Black cars are awesome looking.  They look more sporty to me.  I hope you and Lou enjoy many long rides.  What a sweet surprise the Orcon man and his family brought to your house.  Enjoy all the extras this week.  

    Judith, I hope you’re at the ball having a good time.  I love football, but kind of an overload after watching too many games.  I watched the Ohio/Michigan game today.  That was a great game.

    Sara, good you enjoyed Thanksgiving.  I would also be okay without holiday gatherings, although I have fun when family gathers together.  After it’s over, I’m content to be back to normal again.

    Zetta, cute pics.  Also Lorita, your tree must have been beautiful with leaves.  Stormy and Sheena look like they’re on full blown resting mode.  Cute.

    Whew, I just touched something and it said undo or cancel.  Glad I didn’t hit undo.  It would have wiped out my post.  

    Hi to everyone on here and enjoy your evening.  I’m posting this before I lose it.  Joan

  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita and Jo C.  Would y’all please define the acronyms so we don’t sit here thinking y’all have contracted the epizoodic or something worse.  Never heard of EBV or. CMV.  Is it transmissible through animals or walking in the mud?

    The cowboy ( guy who leases my land to run his cows on) has stashed his three big black bulls in the pasture behind my house for the winter.  Poor guys don’t get to have any ladycow friends until next March.  He wants all his calves born in Dec-Jan because survival rate is much better in cold weather.

    Looks like they always got a new Covid strain in their hip pocket just as we get over the last one.  Will it never end?  Think this is going to be worse than the epizoodic!  Guess I’ll have to use a couple more of those masks I keep in my truck that I bought almost two years ago. I really dislike wearing those things.

    Enough of my rambling.  Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend.  At least you don’t have to watch the Cowboys tomorrow.  They already got beat again this week.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Ex-Tex:   EBV =  Epstein-Barr Virus; CMV= Cytomegalovirus.  Neither caused by animal exposure. Both are viral infections that are caused by exposure from another human. Google has a lot of information on both of these. (EBV is also known as "mononucleosis.")

    It is estimated that EBV is harbored within the bodies of over 90% of the human population.  Most people do not even realize they have the virus in their body.  Once there, it never goes away; it can lie dormant over a lifetime and never cause an illness; other times it can have been there for years and suddenly no longer be dormant.  It can be difficult to diagnose.  When I first became ill, my own physician was on vacation.  I saw three other competent physicians who ran all sorts of labs and other diagnostics; it all came back negative for anything at all.

    I then took myself to a cardiologist thinking maybe I had some sort of cardiac cause for the tremendously severe fatigue.  Nope; negative findings.  Then my own physician came back from vacation.  Had to use a wheelchair to get in to see him.  He took a short history of what was happening, did a short exam and immediately said that he was running additional lab to rule out EBV and CMV.  Voila!  Back came EBV.  Geeze.  He is such a good physician, but he sadly took early retirement; I sure do miss him.

    I sometimes wonder about caregivers and their LOs with dementia.   There will be Posting about a LO who suddenly has no energy; cannot dress, walk much, is in their chair or bed all day; have not much appetite, etc., etc.  Then the person gets placed and a month or two later -   all energy and connection seems to be back again - family then thinks it is the placement that made the LO much better and that may be true in many/most cases, BUT since my EBV experience, I sometimes wonder if some of those folks may have had EBV and never been diagnosed.  That is a condition not really thought of in regard to our LOs with dementia or even the very elderly.  It is just not on the radar and really should be when one realizes that EBV is within over 90% of the population.

    As for masks . . . . ahem . . . . perhaps our Sayra, who is so good at all of this has something in print (link) she can share about masks and mask care which totally affects function of masks and therefore our safety. Many have continued to mask with diligence; however, as cases went down, many other people felt "safe" and let their guard down.  That is the problem with this - Can't see it; can't hear it; can't feel it; can't taste it; it is invisible and when one enters a room with unmasked people it really does all look SO normal and even "safe."  It is really very seductive and this is where it can go to heck in a handbasket and we humans can make all sorts of excuses to rationalize our more lax behaviors; even fooling ourselves.  Not time to let masking and distancing slide.  Sure am tired of all the necessary precautions,, but will do what needs doing.  My pet peeve:  folks wearing masks BUT leaving their noses uncovered and exposed. The nose is a very dangerous place that dispenses the virus out and also a place to let the virus in.   Drives me nuts to see that.

    There will continue to be more COVID mutations the longer the virus has access to human hosts with no antibodies against it.   This is going to be one difficult winter again due to lack of vaccinations.  About three weeks after the holidays seems to be the projection for the largest surges across the nation.  Michigan is in a very bad place right now; they have had to call in the federal govt. to give them medical assistance as hospitals are packed with COVID patients and nowhere near enough staff to care for them.  And that is not even through the incubation period for people gatherings on Thanksgiving weekend.

    Hope this helps explain the EBV and CMV.  You will be okay with the bulls as long as you stay out of the field and not try to play tag with them!  Ha.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Over thirty years ago I had a three day illness of high fever but no respiratory or other symptoms.  Gradually I developed fatigue.  The fatigue has never gone away, and although I has sporadic fever, fever is not an issue for me.  I was diagnosed as having systemic lupus although I was also diagnosed as having an unusual virus seen on gastric juices from my endoscopy, it is not Epstein-Barr virus nor cytomegalovirus.

    I have delayed post-exertion malaise/fatigue.  This is now called systemic exertion intolerance Disease aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Apparently, several virus have the propensity to cause prolonged illness of varying lengths.  Long Covid has a lot of these signs.  The problem is that until Covid came along, not much research was being done and many doctors even discount that this is a real illness.

    There is no successful treatment except to treat co-morbidities.  I treated anemia and sleep apnea and diabetes and I lost weight.  I am still very fatigued!  I can barely function! Now my cardiologist wants to add a new very serious cardiac diagnosis.

    Enough of that.  I intend to be comfortable in my old age and take care of my cats as best I can.  We didn't come here to stay.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    36F, 1C.  Skiff of snow can still see grass.  Say we may get a little more today.

    Iris I like a good fruitcake too.  Have never fixed one though.  Good luck with it.

    Still have a flip phone myself Iris, but seems as if my iPad works very similarly to an apple phone.  You would need her email address. If you ever want to try I can tell you how it is less than 5 steps to do it.

    The virologist’s I follow still talk about sars but they are also going back to other things too.  The other day they were reviewing a paper on Herpes viruses.  Almost all of us have been exposed to them by the time we are 10yo they said.  EBV is one of the herpes viruses.  I did not realize that. Just always thought of it as cold sores.

    Joan very happy for you that you had a nice Thanksgiving.   Testing is what should be done if unvaccinated attending, that is the responsible way.  

    Iris you are right.  We are not here to stay.  

    ExTex if you would like a mask that truly protects you look into KF94’s.  They are made in South Korea where there are very stringent guidelines and consequences for not following those guidelines. Their filtration rate is in the high 90s. Would order them from Behealthyusa.com.  They will be authentic when purchased from there.  Be careful if you get a N95 as they can be counterfeit too.  You will notice a KF94 is a little more difficult to breathe through than the masks you see most people wearing.  They are much easier to breathe through than a N95.  The ones you see most people wearing are not as protective as the KF94 why they are easier to breathe through.  You Tube channel Aaron Collins can give you a lot of technical information on this if you are interested.  If you get this type of mask it is disposable but good for 40 hours in a clean environment.  If you do get them let me know and I will tell you how Aaron says to take care of them.  Have been doing this for close to a year now and has worked well so far.  Would order at least 10 or so to get started.  

    Thinking of you today Lorita.  As JoC said many different  things can cause your symptoms. Stress which you have had plenty of, in my experience will cause herpes to flare, that is when I tend to get cold sores.   Before I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism I was tired.  The tiredness wasn’t bothering me as much as what the patients were saying to me.  Quite a few patients said to me you look so tired.  It started bothering me because too many were saying it to me to not be true.  Many of them had known me for a long time.  I would say oh I’m just lazy.  When I went for my next physical  the NP says I think we should check your thyroid level again.  Sure enough my thyroid was in a heap of trouble.  Not one patient said that to me again once on synthroid.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I hope everyone is feeling well this morning! Myself, this hot to cold weather has my old bones acting up. Speaking of bones; I guess the treatments I'm going through has more effect on bones than I thought. My last urologist visit he seemed to emphasize me taking my calcium pills and Saturday I received another 90 day supply even though I still had a month left.

    My DIL is feeling much better and even said that she has had episodes of allergies that made her sicker. Her working in a hospital she kept up on all shots and in sure that made a difference. 

    Brother called yesterday and him and SIL are coming this afternoon to spend a few days with Lou and I. Looking forward to it!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron a lady I know had treatment for breast cancer and calcium has been stressed to her too.  

    Glad your DIL is doing better.  Like to hear these things as gives us more on the ground experience that it becomes minor ailment when vaccinated.    Thank you.  

    Rescue mom I’m thinking possibly you make tortillas.  If you do or anyone else reading this who does, I need some advice.  Made them for the second time today.  I want to learn to do this.  Think I did better job today but feel I got same result.  Today I made my dough, kneaded it 15 minutes and let it set 30 minutes.  Rolled them out very thin.  Cast iron skillet, not greased, heated up hot on med hi heat.  They brown like they are suppose to but no bubbles form.  They are pliable but think they should have bubbles and be a bit lighter texture.  Always see bubbles form when I watch YT videos.  Not sure about what texture should be as have never eaten a homemade tortilla til now.  Last time did not let dough rest before rolling out and read that would cause you not to get the bubbles.  Was 30 minutes not long enough or is it possibly some other issue.  I do not have lard and instructions were given for lard or oil.  I have lard ordered but will not get it til January.  What do you think?

  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thanks Jo for the info on the EBV and CMV.  If you had said the kissing disease I would have known. Back when I was young a good date on Saturday night was well worth feeling lousy for a week.  It’s kind of like turning 21 and being able to hit the bars for alcohol until you wake up Sunday morning with a really bad headache.  And I couldn’t agree more about the people who wear their masks with their noses hanging out.  Also those who wear them around their chins.  They might as well wear them in their pockets.

    Thanks for the info on the better quality masks Sayra.  From what Dr Fauci says about the new strain we are going to need them.  Wonder if I can get an eco-boost shot on top of the three I already have?  Better wait to see if the current shots are even effective against omicron.

    We have a beautiful but cool Sunday in Arkansas.  Hope yours is nice also.  I’m going to sneak over to the deli now for our takeout lunches before Bonnie wakes up.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ex-Tex; if you had contracted "the kissing disease," you would have been down and out more than just one week.  I remember in Junior High and Senior High some kids getting "mono" and being out of school for a month or two.

    As for the vaccines; Pfizer just came out with the information that they can adjust their vaccine to be effective against Omicron in about 100 days.  Um-m-m; that means over three months during which how many people will be hit hard and worse.  Sure hope that does not mean that they already know the vaccine is not effective against this particular mutant . . . .in all probability that is not what is meant.  Must wait for the data out of all the lab tests to tell us just what is what.

    Rinse, repeat and hope like the dickens that our present vaccinations and boosters are indeed protective.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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