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Just need to talk to my friends (159)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    24F,  -4C.  Fell to sleep quite early, from boredom I think.  This is ok as hope to get off and get grocery shopping done before the mobs arrive.  Bad think about this time of year is it will be dark.

    Hope Daniel makes it over today Lorita.

    Rescue mom sheep cheese  and goat cheese contain lactose but some people still tolerate it better than when made from cow’s milk.  Sounds like that is true for you.  I’m hardly eating any cheese, getting gun shy I guess.

    Lorita as of today still plan on going to my sisters.  Will not eat there as weather is suppose to be nasty so won’t be able to eat outside.  Will wear my KF94 whole time I am there and will bring food home to eat.  That way I can be comfortable and enjoy it.  Trying to make safe, responsible decisions, hope I am.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning. Cold this a.m., 25 degrees and expect a high in the 50s. 

    Sara, what you are doing for Thanksgiving is what we did last year and it worked well. This year we'll have our son and his family over. Adults are fully vaccinated and kids have had 1st shot. Hubs and I will sit at kitchen table and they'll be at dining room table and we won't get too close to each other. We have been meeting every wknd for a meal, outside up until the cold weather (now).  Sara, I think there is such a thing as dairy free cheese. I've not tried it and not sure how it is made.

    Re Instacart and Costco in my neck of the woods: 1) Set up an Instacart account. 2) Go into the account and it will give you a choice of various stores they will go to on your behalf. 3) Choose Costco, and choose your items. You do not have to have a Costco membership; Instacart has one. Simple to use. 

    I'll bake my pies tomorrow. Also I cook the turkey the day before, carve it, and then heat it up in broth in my crockpot on Thanksgiving Day. I will also be making potatoes and gravy (day of, not day before). My DIL will make cranberry sauce, stuffing, green bean casserole and corn casserole. It will be a day of plenty and a day to remember to be thankful.

    Nicole, thinking of you. Maybe you and your husband are on a beach somewhere. Glad you are getting a reprieve. You did a good job caring for your uncle. 

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Guess what? Bought my car friday and salesman calls Saturday with a recall notice. Seems like some type of problem with the automatic breaking system, manual breaking was no problem. At least they put me in another car at no charge till the problem is fixed.

    Lou and I will probably have a light Thanksgiving meal since no company is coming. Our orkin guy did say he would bring us a plate if no family was coming to town. He told me he would call and that his mother and grandmother always cooked to much. If he doesnt call we will probably just have some fish.

    Daughter in law has COVID. My son told me last night she has it. She said that she doesn't have fever and still has her taste, but is coughing and that she has felt worse with her asthma at times. She works in the medical profession and that might be why she has a light case since she's taking all precautions.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I slept all night, straight through, for seven hours, without a single bathroom break!  I felt RESTED this morning, for the first time in a very long time, at least six months.

    The temp is warm here 75 degrees, hopefully for the entire week.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Sara, sounds like your plans will be safe.  Would have been nice if the weather was going to be good so you could have eaten with your sister.  Maybe next year.

     Beth, also sounds like you have things well planned out so you won't have to be spending so much time in the kitchen on Thanksgiving.  That's usually where the women are while the men talk and/or watch football.

     Well, Ron, you got to have your new car for a day or so - better they get the brake problem fixed now.  Good they gave you a loaner to drive.  Even new cars have problems.  When I had my Cougar I had trouble with the wheels and they had to replace them.  Then there was a recall on the headlights - they'd close while you were driving.  I never had any problems but some did.   Sorry to hear about your DIL - hope she gets along all right.  The news said there is an increase in covid cases in 41 states - Oklahoma included.

     Good for you Iris.  Surprising, isn't it, what a good night's sleep will do for a person.  Hope it continues for you.

     Well, I waited all day for someone to come and they didn't.  About 4:30 decided I'd go to the mailbox so Stormy and I went and drove around a bit. As we got home I heard a truck behind us and it was Daniel and his daughter.  Guess he worked all day and came after he quit work.  I gave both of them masks to wear before they came into the house.  He didn't sound like he had a cold so that's good.  He seemed to immediately know what the problem is but wanted to look under the house.  We have rock on the house up to the bottom of the windows and in that area the rock had pulled away from the house which allowed water to get down in there.  Two of the floor joists have come loose from the side of the house.  And - he has a friend who is a stone mason!  Said he'd talk with him this weekend to see what they can do and get back to me in a couple of days.  He said everything else under the house looked good.  I've been needing another stone mason to do some work on the rocks so maybe I can get him to do the work. Maybe I can even get Daniel to do some other things - like a new cowshed door at the barn - and the closet doors.  They may be having problems since the floor is swaying in that area.

     He didn't mention seeing any snakes so guess it's safe.  Snakes go into brumation when the weather is cold so maybe that's what has happened.

    Jo, Carol called today and said her BIl is even back to working.  He's a substitute teacher so only works short hours and only some days.  But, she says his personality has changed.  When he got home he wasn't eating much but now he's eating things he has never eaten - used to only have a bowl of bran flakes for breakfast - now wants a lumberjack breakfast - and he's very extroverted now - talking all the time, laughing and joking - very unusual for him.  We're wondering if this is also an after effect.  She said her sister was so grateful for knowing that the subdural hematoma sometimes happens after covid so I told Carol I'd let you know they appreciate your link so much.

     It's been about 70 here today and will be tomorrow, then 49 on Thursday.  I need to get the car in to get the new blower for heat and AC (will have to see if it has come in yet) and also need to get creepfeed so that will be two trips to town - maybe one trip tomorrow and another Friday.  I won't go near the grocery story if I go tomorrow - I'm sure it will be crowded.

     Hope all of you have had a nice Tuesday.  Very windy here today but that's not too unusual for Oklahoma.

     Sleep well.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So glad that your carpenter showed up and that he is going to fix the snake entry problem, Lorita. What a relief.  NOTE:  If your closet doors do not function well because as you mentioned, due to the "sway" in the floors, that in all probability indicates that there is some issue with support underneath the house that needs addressing.   If there is ongoing water leakage under the house, it will erode the earth and rot the supports all which would need to be remediated lest the house begin to suffer more damage.

    As for the changes in Carol's LO; being that he had a subdural hematoma pressing on his brain, he may possibly have sustained some slight damage to some areas which has caused said changes in personality, etc.  Their Neurologist will be able to tell them when he goes in for his appt.   Really good he has recovered to the degree he has.

    Ron; so sorry about your new car recall.  Boy, if it isn't one thing . . . . What a really lovely person your Orkin man is; Thanksgiving dinner and homemade!  Bet you do miss your dear sister; does she live very far away?

    Nicole, I have been thinking of you and so hope all is going well; that your uncle has settled into his new place and that you have been able to recoup a bit.

    Sayra; good idea for Thanksgiving, you are right on spot and of course continue to be our wise-woman.  Hope that the time with family goes well.

    As for shopping at CostCo without the $60 per year CostCo Membership, the, "Store Q&A" website explains that if there is no CostCo membership and using only InstaCart to shop, there are the following price increases:

     "If you don't have a CostCo membership, you will be charged a 15% upcharge, a $5.99 delivery fee, and a $5 service fee.  Both members and non-members are responsible for tipping their Instacart delivery driver."(Those fees for each time you shop.)

    That upcharge is on the price of goods and also not able to receive special pricing discounts that would be available to CostCo members.  May be worth it to buy a $60 a year CostCo membership if one shops enough to make a difference and CostCo members have no delivery fees if they buy $35 worth of groceries.

    Judith . . . the ball, the ball!  Has it happened or is it going to happen?   Did you go or are you going to go?!  Imagine, a ball, I don't think the rest of us are going to have such an event pop up in our lives. 

    Today I ordered Hallmark Christmas cards online; had no shipping fee.  Got for the adult kids, our grandkids, and some for those I still send cards to.  I have significantly pared down the list; it had got silly.  Got some really very nice ones.  NOTE:  Hallmark, until November 29, is offering Black Friday discount on their wares, so if you need cards for birthdays, other occasions, or holiday, it is an easy way to buy and with discount.  Got some really way cool cards that open up in a tall square, and inside there is a 3D Santa, a lighted tree and it plays music. I got those for special family members as they were pricey; (but really delightful.)   I love cards and my favorite were the very unique Papyrus cards, but they are no longer available; gosh they were beautiful and people loved receiving them.

     Australia in lockdown again, very wise of them to catch the surge early and so wonderful to have citizens who follow the health plan that is necessary for the welfare of the population.   I saw on TV that due to masking and some tightening with business closures or decreased open hours in countries having increasing surges, that there were riots in England, Holland, France, Belgium, Greece, and I forget the others.  What a nightmare of, "night of the Zombies" scenario of the brainless self-entitled.  How do they not get the need for increased tightening in order to save themselves and others and put the disease numbers down before hospitals are once again overwhelmed and the death rate climbs, I do not know.  We here where I am will have to tighten up too as the holiday surges become a reality as expected.  So hope that all goes well and people follow mandates for the time needed; it will not be forever.

    Gosh; I just watched an hour and a half video with world renowned cellist, Yo-Yo Ma and many unique musicans from around the world who play standard and unique instruments.  He brought the musicians together. It is an awesome video.  Yes; music, but stories from all sorts of countries and touching deeper on some of the individual musicians; started a bit slow but really picked up; by the end I had tears in my eyes.   Here is the link:

     "The Music Of Strangers"  Yo-Yo Ma and The Silk Road Ensemble:


    It is 8:30 pm; time to go brush my teeth and get ready for whatever time I fall asleep.  Iris; it is great you got such a good night's sleep.  I notice that when I get horrible sleep of only a couple of hours, it does affect me - kind of like slow cold molasses.  I notice it when working a crossword puzzle or doing technical writing, etc. . . . slow and a bit mutton headed.  However; a decent amount of sleep and I am brighter in everything as well as in spirit.  Makes a difference and seems to be even more so as we become more, ahem; "mature."

     Goodnight, sleep tight and may tomorrow bring a lovely day,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    30F, -1C.  Was very bitter yesterday, but sun shined bright so didn’t seem so bad.

    Beth you are very blessed it seems you have a cooperative family with a lot of common sense.  My friend is going to her brothers and like me bringing her food home to eat.  Probably a lot doing that, sure we aren’t the only ones to think of that.  Remember how Crushed said his family did Thanksgiving last year.  Thought that was neat and wondered why our family couldn’t do that.  

    Going to go help my sister cook today.  She is the vaccinated one and will wear my mask.

    Ron  hope your DIL does ok.  What color is your new car?  That would be nice if the Orkin guy brings you a plate.  There are still many kind people in our world even though for some reason the unkind get way more attention.  A light meal suits me better.  Try just to eat a normal plate regardless of how much they have,  feel a lot better that way.

    Lorita glad Daniel was able to come.  I sure hope him and the other guy will help you out.

    Glad Carol’s BIL feeling better.  It is not unusual for a brain injury to cause change in personality, as JoC said.

    As you may remember mom’s  LMG had Covid early this summer after going to a family gathering where his SIL who knew she was sick came anyway.  He has been sick all summer, never in hospital.  Now he has diabetes.  My understanding is this is being seen quite a bit.  

    Feels great don’t it Iris to get a good nights rest.  For me, found drinking mainly just water causes me to not have to get up at night.  Drinking teas I make myself every evening this fall and they are not bothering me and I am really enjoying them.

    Will check out your video later when I have time JoC.

    Take care everyone 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    My goodness; regular gas just hit $5.00/gallon here!  No excuse for that.   After the holday travel passes, it will be interesting to see where it goes unless it stays up due to Christmas being just around the corner.   Really feels like a lot of manipulation.

    Ron; how is your DIL doing?  I so hope she is doing well.   Must have been a shock to get a COVID diagnosis. 

    DH decided to do a whole chicken in his new InstaPot yesterday.  I felt bad; it had a not so good outcome.  It was not pleasant, had a kind of off-flavor; and was well, a bit water logged for some reason.  He tried, but it was unpalatable.  No one will eat it. He tried but said he would never do that again.   

    Wow!  4.4 million people in SoCal in their cars between today and Sunday going 50 miles distance or less.  Freeways are packed bumper to bumper. So glad I am not among them.

     It is so cold where you are, Sayra.   We were in the 80's again last  few days, but today in the mid 70's.   Supposed to hit 80 again on Thanksgiving, but then after that, dropping down once more into the 70's and possibly 60's.  Fickle weather.  Your Thanksgiving gathering sounds like it will work well.  Taking the food home is such a good idea.  Bet you and your sister will cook up some delicious dishes.  Send some my way.  We got the rolled turkey breast from CostCo; and will do Potatoes O'Brien and probably some peas with ham and onion and perhaps carrots in butter and brown sugar.  Not our "usual" Thanksgiving fare, but just the two of us and neither one of us good to go up in the kitchen.  Me wonky knees; him, wonky hip and wonky knee.   Trying to continue laughing  . . . without being hysterical.

    Where is our Judith?  Did she get picked up by a handsome prince at the Museum Ball?  Or . . . . is she so busy cooking and baking for Thanksgiving she has no time to lift her head out of the kitchen . . . or . . . ???

     Got the Vermont Country Catalog for Christmas gifts yesterday.  Oh my gosh, the food section.  Drool worthy BUT the prices are astronomical.  Just too pricey.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    My uncle passed away 2 nights ago in the memory care facility.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Nicole, I'm so sorry for your loss.  You can rest assured that you gave him the very best care he could have had.  He's at rest now and well again with no pain or confusion.  He will be missed.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Please accept my condolences in the loss of your dear Uncle, Nicole.

    Lorita, I'm glad you will have a stone mason to take care of your home!  Snakes, be gone!

    I was out briefly today; the freeways were bumper-to-bumper both ways at 3 o'clock.  I'll be home tomorrow.

    Sayra, where do you live that it's so cold?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    47F, 8C.  No it isn’t a heat wave.  Yesterday got into 40s but was bitterly cold with the wind.  Has stayed in 40s all night and looks like it will all day.  Giving it rainy though and windy so probably not going to be sitting on the porch, eating dinner weather here.  Iris I live in North Central Ohio.  Just about a hour South of Cleveland.

    Nicole very sorry to hear about your uncle.

    JoC as long as people will pay $5 they will charge $5.  From the traffic conditions you describe people are willing to pay it, supply and demand.

    Disappointing when something you cook fails so miserably.  That’s happened to me a few times.

    Rescue mom my Charro beans turned out delicious, thank you for your help.  I looked at two or three recipes and then did my own thing.  Cooked my beans awhile with water, broth, onion and garlic.  Then chopped up bacon, fried it.  Chopped up onion, tomato and poblano pepper and sautéed them in with the bacon.  Added that to the beans.  Chopped up Cilantro and added it.  I’m very pleased how it turned out.  Hope to try refried beans with them also.

    JoC that Vermont Country Store candy etc. looks good.  Hope it is good at that price.  Too expensive for me too. 

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone regardless of how you spend your day.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Nicole, I was sorry to hear about your loss but rest assured he had the best care of a wonderful niece here on earth.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Our orkin guy never called so I will probably prepare Lou a plate of talipia, corn and broccoli. Myself, probably just a sandwich. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Nicole, I am sorry to hear of the death of your uncle.  You were wonderful with him and you certainly went the distance enabling him to be at home for far longer than what could have been expected.  So hope you are now able to catch your breath and recoup you energies.  Let us know how you are when things simmer down and you have time. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Bit chilly this a.m.; in the 50's.  I know Sayra from Ohio, silly to think of that as chilly considering where you are.  Br-r-r-r-r-r!    There are wind warnings for the areas north of us and some of those areas are in danger of having their electricity shut off by Edision due to fire danger from sparks, everything is so dry and the winds coupled with that can make a huge fire danger.  And on Thanksgiving cooking day; that is an awful thought to have the big meal and guests planned and no electricity.  We will have some wind where we are, but far milder. We are not in an area impacted by that.  We are "flat" land folks.  No mountain, no canyons, no hills, no overgrown brush - but we do have a lot of blacktop. Groan.  I need to buy me a new sense of humor.

    Been catching up with grandchildren; had a lovely call from granddaughter yesterday and she is so grownup now.  Full fledged adult.  Talked for a long time, it seems just yesterday she was a tiny toddler sitting on my lap.  Time really does seem to have a way of flying by - unless one is a small child waiting for Santa Claus . . .

    Well Ron, I am sorry your Orkin man did not call re Thanksgiving dinner.  Bit of a disappointment, that.  The day is not over . . . . perhaps . . . .?  Never did find out what color your new car is.  We should take wagers on what we think it is . . . . I would guess "blue" as that seems to be a very popular color for the males of our species.  Yet; so many other possibilities.

    So Lorita, is it in the 40's where you are today as had been expected?  That is so awfully cold when having to go out and about for cattle "business."  My hands and feet would be ice blocks.  I am now California spoiled, my Michigan winter hardiness is all gone.  Hope all the animals are doing well and do not require any interventions.  Gosh; so hope you get the heater fixed in your car before the really evil winter weather hits.  Did you ever find those door gaskets you were needing for the other vehicle?  Snug and tight and warm for the winter and no more slithering slinking, stinking snakes!  Hopefully they all have to go elsewhere to find a place to live - far, far away elsewhere.

    Sayra; your beans sound absolutely delicious.  Sure would love to taste them. How did the Poblano pepper do for flavor and a bit of heat?  I have never used a Poblano, so it would be good to know more.   As for the gasoline; it isn't about supply and demand and what people are actually willing to pay.  People are hostages to the pricing; they must go to and from work each day; some to school; some have to use their vehicles whether cars or trucks as part of their work and they are caught up hard. People need to run errands, get to healthcare, take care of kids and family, needs etc., etc.  The freeway jams on the news this weekend includes folks who were either going to or getting home from work and other day to day reasons, as well as many, many of those who were going as planned to relatives houses for Thanksgiving with many of them planning to stay for the extended weekend before going back home per news interviews.  Of course there are those going to the snow in the mountains, or even off to Las Vegas; but overall, everyone is held hostage to the gas prices.  The only choice is to not drive, but then one would not get to work, etc.

    Every day is a blocked freeway with bumper to bumper cars and trucks; so overpopulated.  Our trip to UCLA Med Center which without traffic should have only taken 30 - 40 minutes  or so took two hours each direction due to traffic and traffic stops.   Horrible.  Hope I do not have to do that again.  Many people needing their cars for work are in a bind if they cannot afford the prices and some folks must travel quite a distance for work.   I know electric cars are coming - wonder what they do for electricity if the power goes out for a day or more, which it certainly has; or if the grid goes down?   Hm-m-m.  That plus what I mentioned before about no adequate seat room for disabled passengers and no adequate trunk for wheelchairs or other needfuls does make me wonder how that is ever going to be addressed. 

    The gas price gouging happens every single year.   Usually at each major holiday and in the summer during the biggest summer vacation travel time.  Afterward, things go back to the usual (still not good, but not gouging.)   I remember a few years back when we had just such a situation around summer holiday AND a "gas shortage" occurred. Pricing went sky high due to the "shortage" - but oh my . . . . gas trucks got caught on film on the news -  there they were out in the desert dumping all their gasoline into the sand so they could create the "shortage." What a shocking debacle that was.  Found that out from the air; probably a news copter.  Someone must have dropped a dime on that nasty bit of work. 

    I did feel bad for DH whose InstaPot Chicken was inedible.  He tried.  Most of all of us have had a miserable failure or two.  I remember a recipe I read in the newspaper some years ago.  It was for chocolate cake . . . it used beer and saurkraut in the recipe.  Me being curious decided to take a stab at it thinking it may actually turn out to be good. What was I thinking!  Must have been dreaming.  Anyway, omigosh; it was so bad that bad is not a word sufficient.  Beyond Gross with a capital "G"!  The kids nearly gagged.   Had to put it down the garbage disposal. Ah well; nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I remember the delicious chocolate mayonnaise cakes.  That recipe came from the WW2 shortages.  The mayo took the place of fats and eggs, etc.  It was such a very good cake.  My mother used to make that and I did too in the early years of my marriage, but I no longer even have the recipe. 

     We use natural peanut butter which is far healthier as a healthy fat than the homogenized already mixed peanut butter. Only problem is having to mix the oil back into the butter when opening a new jar and it needs refrigeration.   My question is, since the oil must be mixed in, which takes a bit of effort; why in the world do they continue to put the natural peanut butter into narrow deep jars like the Jif stuff?  Cannot be mixed without great difficulty.  Why do they not have a shallower rectangular sort of container with rounded corners making mixing SO much easier.  One can now empty all of the peanut butter with oil into a bowl, mix well, then return it to the jar with lid before refrigerating; but that is a real mess and time consuming.  Just a curiousity.

    Today as always, counting blessings and being thankful from the heart.  Will have our little dinner; maybe even have a glass of wine.  (Makes me sleepy.)  Kids will call, no running about for a house filled with guests; just a quiet day and being thankful.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone - I count all of you amongst my blessings. Thank you for being you; thank you for all the support and prayers when I had to go to UCLA for my procedure.  It is all so deeply appreciated.  The nicest people are here on the Front Porch


    P.S. Where the dickens is Judith????

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Just wrote a long post, even for me, tried to post it and got an error message.  I haven't had breakfast yet so I'll try again later.

     Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Hi Everyone.  I haven’t been on this thread for a long time.  Just want to wish all a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving Day.  Also, you are permitted to eat too much and drink a glass of wine today.  Getting a cold front through Arkansas today with 30 degrees tonight. Gotta go put my outside faucet covers on.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I will be fixing dinner for my daughter and her husband. Molly Sammy and I are here with her and her DH and their 3 cats, what a Zoo we have. 

    Nicole, I am so sorry for the passing of your Uncle but he is at rest now and in a better place. You were the best caregiver he could have had. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo., right now I'm driving a silver loaner until I get my black Camry back.

    Dont know what happened but seems as if my back is going out. Been a long time, but I have had surgery on L5 S1 and a few years later injection on L3 L4. Guess old age has the bones acting up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Going to try this again.  Frustrating and I can't remember half of what I wrote - which is probably good.

     Extex - good to see your post. Glad you dropped by the porch for a minute.  Hope things are going well for you.

     Ron, I had pancakes for Thanksgiving dinner.  Found three I'd made a while back and froze and thought I'd have them for breakfast  but never got around to breakfast - so they did fine for lunch.

     Called Jack to see how he is.  Remember he lost Patsy a year ago Thanksgiving Day - which would have been tomorrow's date. He sounded okay.

     Thanks, Iris, I'll be glad to have the rock work done.  The stuff that holds them together is getting loose in places because of the harsh weather - heat, rain, wind, etc.  I'll just be glad when all of this is done and I can relax - but, then it'll be time to start feeding.

    You all may remember I had some tree work done earlier this summer.  They cut back the limbs hanging over the house and took out a big, old, old, elm tree by the north yard gate.  There was a younger tree beside it that I'd thought of cutting down for years but  never did.  So glad we never got it done.   When they took out the elm, this tree was there and beautiful - over 20 ft. tall. I have so enjoyed it this summer and especially this fall.  It's so much better to have a pretty tree there than just an empty space.  It has been gorgeous for the past three weeks - the leaves are a pretty, clear gold - even with all the wind we've had it still has quite a few leaves on it. Most of our other trees are leafless now.  I will post a picture of it - it's sideways, sorry. The tree guy said it was some kind of Maple.

    Talked with Carol yesterday for a minute. She said she has buds on a pink hydrangea and one of here wild violets was blooming.  Years ago I gave her a little pot of wild violets and she has planted the offspring all around her house.  I looked out the kitchen window and several of mine were blooming so I dug up a couple and put in a pink pot I keep on the porch railing.  When I walked by where I'd planted hardy gerbera daisies this summer, noticed there was a bloom!  One, pretty rust-colored flower.  I planted and watered them and they never grew so glad one has survived to bloom.  There are lots and lots of buds on the Royal Empress trees so if the winter isn't too bad they will be beautiful this spring - they bloom in the fall and spring.

     It's cold here today - not temp.-wise but the north wind is awful - chills you to the bone.  Did get out and feed Tom and Jerry and I've looked at the girls from the porch.  Everyone seems to be okay - they've gone off to graze.  Supposed to be about 28 tonight - hope the south wind kicks in before that happens.

     Jo - when I go in to get the feed tomorrow I'll stop by and have them check to see if the door seal I ordered will fit - so hope it does.  Also will check to see if they have the blower for the car and get it installed next week if all goes well.  Ifi there aren't too many cars at the grocery store may stop in and get some bananas and a few other things.  I'll put my list in my purse, just in case.  But, it's Black Friday - so may not.

     Mike called this morning and we had a long visit - he was moving hay with his truck. He's already feeding hay in one pasture - wanted to move the hay so it would be more convenient to feed.  We did talk about the farm.  I told him I'd started feeding creep and that Bryon had cleaned out the feeder and filled it and I could probably get him to do it this winter.  He said not to do that, he'd be happy  to come by and fill it for me and feed hay. We also talked about leasing.  He said he could buy my cows and lease the land and I could live here as long as I wanted.  I just don't think I can sell everything - I need to own a part of the farm so told him I would sell to him at some point but maybe keep the house and leave it to him when I passed away.  So, I have my plan B in place but just hope I can make it at least one more winter.  He'll come by this weekend and fill the feeder.  I hate to sell the girls but he'll keep them and knows them as well as he knows most of his so that will make me feel better.  Will have to be sure to have it understood that he won't sell Billy the Bull.  Doubt he could  make it anywhere else.  He hasn't sold calves yet, nor have I. He said he usually sells in January which we've always done - but that's only a few weeks away.

     I'm not ready to give up mentally - most of the time - but physically it is getting harder.  Darwin's about five years older than I and this past winter and his wife's illness took him down.  I think this past winter was hard on everyone.  I did ask him if he had talked with Darwin - he hasn't for a few days so didn't know what happened yesterday. 

     I tried the lemon pudding snack cups and it is delicious - tastes like the lemon pies mother used to make.  I usually get chocolate but this was so good.  When I use the whipped topping in a can Kitt has to have a little bit.  Now, three's three of them who have to have a little bit. 

    I also think Ron's car is blue - but it could be bright red.  What about that, Ron?

    Zetta - watched a couple of episodes of Gunsmoke - the first two that were made - watching an OLD Waltons now.  For some reason my costochondritis has really bothered me this week - I think it's the way I'm sleeping - on my side.

     Hope all of you are having a Happy Thanksgiving.  Now all we'll hear is Christmas stuff for the next month.   This year has really gone fast.

     I'll stop and see if this will post for me.  The other picture I'm going to post is of the Bradford Pear trees on the pond dump (dam).  I was looking out the front door this morning and they were beautiful.  I know they don't compare to a lot of trees but for this area they are pretty.  The ones down our driveway are also orange and pretty.  Sorry, couldn't them to post - will try later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Well, got one to post. Please visualize a pretty, 20 ft. tall tree with golden leaves. 
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Beautiful photo by your pond, Lorita! Thanks for sharing. 

    Nicole, I am so sorry for your loss. You were a kind and patient caregiver and took such good care of your uncle. Now may you have some rest and peace.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I just changed my profile picture; these are my fur babies. Molly is 7 she is the dog and Sammy he is 4 months he is the kitten. My daughter is also going to show me how to attach pictures so hopefully I learn how to do that. I hope your all having a Happy Thanksgiving. 

    Lorita,  I love pancakes I can have them for any meal, any time of day.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Orkin guy, his mother and sister just left. Brought us enough Thanksgiving dinner to last for the rest of week. Thank God for people still around like I grew up with.

    Still cooked Lou's Lou's talipia for later this week. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Zetta, love your new avatar.  They are so cute. So sweet the way Sammy's looking at you.

    Ron, no cooking for you for a few days.  So nice of them to think of you and Lou.  Nice people in this world.

    Thanks, Beth- something  pretty to look at.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Wishing all you fine folks a happy Thanksgiving.

    Dear Nicole, so sorry to hear of your loss.  I know it is with mixed feelings when our LO with dementia passes.

    Today was probably the last Thanksgiving feast at my folks house.  My mother turns 97 next week and insisted on doing all the cooking and hosting.  She finds it hard to give up on traditions and won't accept our helping hands unless she absolutely has to.

    We had a good time with lots of food.  Not long after I left my daughter called me to say that my dad was going to have to go to emergency room for a swelling on the back of his neck.  He was there just last Friday for the same thing, but it came back.  So I turned around and headed back.  The bottom line is they had to lance it further and put a drain in....very infected...which we could tell from the impact it had on his dementia.  Strong antibiotics and every other day follow-up....hope this gets it for good this time.  It was a longer day than expected, but have to be thankful that nothing more serious.

    Ron thank you for sharing about your Orkin man and his family and their thoughtfulness.  I love hearing the good that some people still do for others.  Warms my heart.

    Everyone, sleep well tonight.  Hugs to all.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    29F, -1C.  Suppose to have some sunshine today and windy.  31 is the high.  Hope to stay snuggled up inside my house today and make a spice cake.  Question is do I want to make caramel icing or molasses buttercream icing.  Like caramel but see a lot of good reviews for the buttercream and I do like molasses.

    JoC I have never been able to tell that a poblano has heat.  Know they say they have a little but I do like their flavor.

    Did not mean to offend you by saying that gas price is controlled by supply and demand and I apologize.

    Had not thought about the grid and electric cars.  

    I did not think of this, saw it somewhere.  I eat natural peanut butter too.  Agree a different shape would make it more easy.  What I do is pour off most of the oil on top and save it.  Much easier to stir up and works better in recipes that way.  But if it gets too thick will add back a little of the oil I saved.

    I’m a little concerned about Judith too.

    Hi ExTex. Watch several YT channels out of Arkansas and they have been talking about how cold it has turned.

    Ron hope your mature back straightens out soon.  Black aye, I was going to guess silver.  

    Lorita your pond and trees are beautiful.  Think that might be a nice place to go and sit since you lost your tree limb.

    If remember right your gerbera  daisies were perennials.  If that is correct perennials often take a year to establish.  Maybe they will be really nice next year.  There is hope since you see one blooming.

    Know working on plan B is sad for you Lorita. It is for most of us.  You know since I retired have always said I miss talking to my coworkers and patients and nothing else.  But just realized this week there is something I miss as much or more.  That is obtaining knowledge and using that knowledge to help someone get better.  Many didn’t appreciate it but many did and that was fulfilling to me.  Think I realized that because the YT program TWIV that has been the place where I learned about Covid, the host is a virology professor at Columbia College.  Last year he started posting his virology lectures online live for the general public just to learn.   I did one or two last year but became boring and not sure I retained much.  He gives them live but that is not convenient for me so doing on my own.  Have started on the second one now and learning much more this year.  Feel like I’m retaining what I learned so far.  Don’t know how far I will get through the lectures but I will enjoy it and just take my time til it gets too boring.  Then I will take a break again.  Yes our minds stay young but our  body and  for me my nerves too, wear out.

    Lemon pudding sounds good.  Lorita I dread the holiday too and I’m relieved when they are over.  Feel obligated to do things that I would just as soon skip, don’t enjoy them anymore.  Feel guilty about not being able to do things with mom.

    Zetta nice meeting your fur babies.

    Ron that made my heart smile that the guy brought you food.  How kind and it will make your whole week a bit easier.  My 80 year old aunt lives in Atlanta, no family even in the state.  Her housemate is around 90 and  had a major stroke several years ago.  My aunt has no children.  She is now having health issues and no one to help.  She got meals on wheels for them this week.  She said I can see this is going to be hard to eat.  She was a good cook.  Makes me so sad too.  Thought maybe someone will bring them a little something.  Another reason I don’t care for Hallmark holidays anymore.  Reality has hit and I realize there are many suffering and sad and that makes me sad.  Would try to help but know not feasible either.  They own the house together.  The other lady would have to go to a nursing home.  How would my aunt get here.  Their house is full of stuff and near downtown Atlanta, you can see the skyscrapers.  My days of driving in Atlanta are over with.  Others have tried to get her to move closer to them in the past but you know how that story goes.  As my 90 year old aunt says, they need to make some decisions.  

    Marie sounds like your mom is fiesty even ate her mature age.  Hope your dad’s problem with his neck gets turned around.

    Lorita one of my shoulders and arms have been bothering me.  There is a spray called StopPain.  Kind of had forgot about it.  It has really helped my neck in the past. Saw it in the closet So have been using it for a couple of days and think it is helping.  Might help you with some of your aches snd pains.  Can get it on Amazon.

    Ok have had to repost many things lately as you all have said too.  Today I had a plan.  I posted after a paragraph or two.  Then I edited and after another couple of paragraphs posted again etc.  No frustration with losing my post this morning.  A bit of a hassle but nothing like losing your entire post.

    Take care everyone, thank you for listening

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Cold, 25, and frosty here but to be 59 this afternoon.  Will wait til  then to go get the feed.

    If we don't hear from Judith by noon I'll call and check on her

    Using tablet so will post more later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So glad you will check on Judith if we do not hear from her by about noon.  I have been feeling a bit of concern on her behalf.   So hope all is okay.

     Ex-Tex, it was really good to hear from you.   Hope you had a good Thanksgiving Day.  Do come by now and then.   It is all good on this Front Porch which is a magical place.  No matter how bad the weather is off the porch, when on the Front Porch itself, the weather is always just right; not even a sweater needed.   It can be storming winter off the porch or blasting heat of summer; however, when stepping onto the porch, it is just right; so don't be a stranger.

    Mr. Ron; what a truly dear and lovely visit from the Orkin fellow and his family.  There really are caring, warm people in the world and you found one of them.  Hope you enjoy all the food and perhaps this will even be the beginning of a friendship with folks who surely do brighten up other people's lives.

    Had to smile; I lost my own bet on what color of car you bought.  So; not blue, but black.   Sure hope they get it fixed and back to you very soon.

     Dear Sayra; NO apology . . . . you did not upset me one whit, that never even entered my mind at all.  Heavens, I am sorry if you felt that off my hiccupping writing at all, so I owe YOU an apology.  Just so much on the news interviews with very distressed people who cannot afford the gas prices and yet must pay so they can get to work, etc.  Things have not been easy this last two years (understatement) and it has also hit people economically; to have this false increase in gas pricing due to it being holiday season just seems to be unethical and hurtful.  We at our house are okay; we have no place we "must" be as we are now retired and if we need to gas up we are blessed in that we can do so without having to worry.

     I am now going to have to buy some Poblanos and see how they taste and works out in various dishes.   As for the frosting decision; I would not know which one I wanted, so I would bake the cake in a 13 x 9 and then frost half the cake with one frosting and the other half the cake with the other. Yum! Best of both.  Makes me hungry, I love frosting on cake.  I am not a pie person, but do like cupcakes or a cake slice now and then.

    Sure do know what you mean about ongoing learning; I do try to do that as much as can be to keep my knowledge up to date and to be helpful to others which is something I too feel happy doing; guess that is what drove us each into healthcare professions, Sayra.  It is all about people.   Something I would like to do just for the pleasure of it, would be to get online with the "Masters Classes" - SO much variety and SO much to learn and enrich one's mind; but it is terribly expensive.   I shall have to go and look at pricing again; but as I recall it rather startled me and kept me from enrolling.

     I have also been trying to remember to do the short Posting, then leave and come back on as an "edit," which seems to keep the Post from disappearing or "timing out" which is ridiculous in my minds eye, but probably necessary for technical reasons.   Sometimes though, I am on a roll and forget to do that, or I get bumped off in the first paragraph.   Maddening as we have all found out. Bigger risk seems to be increased with multiple pages of a Thread but it can happen any time.

     Sorry you shoulder and arm are hurting; you do so much, (now there's an understatement), the tissue probably gets annoyed and the muscles and tendons and ligaments and all the nerves get together and decide to bark at you in hopes you will slow down for a bit.  I think if you ever got tied to a chair so you could not be up and doing and doing, that you would probably explode.  You are a person who is built for "doing," and you "do it" so well and seem to enjoy it.  Hope the pain soon wafts away and that you are comfortable again.

    Oh gosh, Zetta; I laughed at myself. I could see Sammy in your new avatar photo; but could not see Molly and did wonder what in the world that dark object was behind Sammy and thought it may be a bird?  Perhaps an electrical thingie for the TV? Or ??  I pondered and pondered and could not figure it out.  So . . . finally made the picture larger and there was Molly on the far left and the dark object I could not figure out, was a leg in dark jeans with a shoed foot.  Laughed out loud.  Boy; guess I need to get my reading glasses on.  Take good care and stay warm and cozy up there with babysitting all those cats and one little dog.  You are a very good and loving person.

    Oh; was going to get a link for Lorita, but forgot.   Will sign off and go find it.  Have a good post-Thanksgiving Day and may it really be a good day.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Lorita; I do not know if you saw it or not, but a fellow on the "I Have Alzheimer's" Thread posted the work he did in planning for himself as he has no one; no family, no friends to manage his life when it comes to that point of need due to age or illness.  He put together a lot of items for his own care management and then explained his thoughts.   It is interesting.   Here is the link:


    I can well imagine how interested Mike is in having your land; that has been his wish as a long standing interest over the years.   Did HE  bring up leasing rather than buying or did you?   Leasing still leaves the acreage with no final plan for the property, but may have its advantages as well as disadvantages, I would imagine.

    Would be a good idea to get some legal advice regarding property issues in various options; there will be some important matters that you probably have not even thought about which would be same for anyone; I find that true when I am doing research and find that there were matters that were no way on my radar screen but were very important.  Whatever you do; please have information and advice from your own attorney consultation; not just using Mike's own lawyer.  He has been waiting a long, long time to get to your land.  If he cannot afford to buy outright as your land is very valuable, he may find leasing to his advantage, but the advantage and all safeguards possible should be yours. It concerns us on your behalf because you have no backup at this point.  If medical decisions suddenly had to be made on your behalf, or if the land had to be handled in final process, it looks like the person doing that as closest relative, would be Sarah and sorry to say from all that has been shared here, she is in no fit capability to do that as per her own mental health problems and physical issues status as well as her poor thinking that has caused so many preventable problems.  That could lead to negative consequences, so having a look at the link and seeing some options to perhaps consider is a good starting place for ideas.  Please don't put that care and land thinking off; time is marching on for all of us.  Weather and steep obligations grow, we do worry about you.  Just doing some research and finding out what is what will be very helpful in preventing signifcant unwanted outcomes.  I agree with you, no matter what, any lease or purchase with anyone would need a legally binding agreement about Billy Bull; he is a sweetie, a boy with disabilities and his life is good where he is on the land with the other cattle he is so familiar with.  I too would demand and make it legal that he is to be protected.   Am so sorry your chosto is acting up again; that is so painfully unpleasant and you must continue with so much physical work even when feeling the pain.    Since I am nagging in things none of my business, except for sincere caring, it is past time to get you into the doctor's office for a physical with labs.  You have had a heck of a year and fall from which still the outcome causes some discomfort, etc.    You also need a good up-to-date doctor who is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. Those are the ones with advanced practice certification who are best to manage the most in diagnostics and in treatment plans.   I think of them as the detectives of medicine.   We are in our lives past the smaller needs category as our bodies and all of our systems have aged which of course eleveates risks for this, that and another thing.    Just would be good to get a look-see and if something needs a bit of this or that, it could be perhaps even a simple thing such as a little pill which would prevent anything more heavier from happening. Oh gosh; sure do wish we all lived closer to you.   We know you are far into rural area and it is so much harder to get places for what is needed; everything is so far away.  Yet; these are things that are at a point that they should definitely not be put off so you are protected and have worry off your shoulders.   I also understand that the University in Oklahoma City actually has a department for Geriatric Case Management where Social Workers and RNs are trained and then go forth as professionals in that field.  Would be interesting to do a little research and seeing what their services are as I understand they do that client outreach for their graduates.  One of those, "leaving no stone unturned," sort of thing. Anyway; please take good care.  Winter is lurking and will soon pop out of corners to take over for its time, it will make us yearn for summer to get here; but in the dog days of that new summer, we will be looking forward to winter.   As I have said so many times before; I wish Mother Nature would give us only springtime and autumn and leave the rest out, but alas on that one. I just wish she would be a nicer mother sometimes. Anyway; so hope the costochondritis improves quickly, and that all stays on an even keel on the ranch with no big issues rising up.  With a big hug and warmest of thoughts being sent your way, J.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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