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Just need to talk to my friends (159)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Got the LR  heater repaired and the one in the bedroom taken out.  Saved me at least $350 and guess we won't freeze this winter.  But, they don't install window ACs and didn't know any carpenters.

    The two young men were in the LR, bathroom nd bedroom for at least 1 1/2 hrs.   Did give them masks to wear and I wore my 95.  I did spray the rooms.  Now what? Also sprayed anything they might have touched 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   Its nice you got your FR heater fixed, now you will stay warm all winter. Now the snakes. It sounds like you have done all you can do by spraying everything that may have touched. I would be more worried about those snakes. 

    Judith,  Those dog collars are pretty and I bet they will look good on dogs that are black. I hope your son likes them. Did you try your top on yet? 

    Joan,  Thank You and Sammy has recovered. He is back to being crazy and only 3 days after the procedure. Vet said to keep him quiet for 10 days, well I tried and one day was about it. It was nice you were with family, I am sure it helped for all of you to be together. I am sorry for your loss. You be careful raking those leaves.

    Iris,  Sounds like you had a wonderful trip and made a new friend. Seeing your stepson after 13 years must have been real nice. I have never been to Las Vegas, but the last time I was in Reno, it also had changed a lot, it seemed much bigger, smaller streets and more people. I was much younger then. Right now you could not pay me to be around that many people. Sorry to hear that your good friend passed away. I hope you and your new friend hit it off. Does she live close to you?

    I am spending this week getting ready to go to my daughters for 4 weeks. I will be driving from Bend, Oregon to Longview Washington its about a 4.5 hour drive. I will be taking Molly and Sammy with me. I will be able to fix the Thanksgiving dinner. Then they are leaving on a 2 week cruise so Molly, Sammy and I will be taking care of her 3 cats while they are gone. That should be fun, me one dog and 4 cats. I plan on leaving here Friday. Its a nice drive as long as I don't run into any snow. 

    Good Night All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     Judith, I love the dog collar.  Bet Sheena would like it, too - and, of course, I'd have to find one for Stormy.  Theirs are green and I need to get new ones for them for Christmas.  Hope the top fits.  Took me a while to figure out the chicken thing - not too bright lately.

     Joan, sorry about your SIL.  She has really lost weight.  You know I remember mother lost a lot of weight, too - even the nurses in the hospital talked about it after we brought her back the second time.  I don't think she ate much.  I'd ask her what she had to eat and she'd say she found a piece of bread or something like that.  I'd bring things down to her and find them later in the refrigerator, uneaten.  So had to see her eat to make sure.  Charles lost weight, too - maybe that's just part of it.

     You take it easy raking those leaves.  I know you feel so much better but when we do feel better we can tend to overdo.  I'm learning that after my fall.

     Judith, I have several soft-heat electric heaters that I use at night.  Don't like to leave the propane stove on at night or when I'm gone.  Cats tend to be rambunctious.  What would the snake people do - crawl under the house?  Scary thing to do that but guess professionals do it all the time.

     Iris, I wondered where you were.  Glad you had a good trip and enjoyed seeing new things.  What in the world did you all do in Death Valley for two days?  Nice that you made a new friend - always good to have another one.  So sorry for the loss of your 30 year friend.  That's a long time for a friendship.  Carol and I have been friends (Karen, too) for 58 years.  I can't remember one cross among us in all those years.  She called me yesterday when she remembered it was Karen's birthday.

     Beth and Joan - it is frustrating.  Had everything ready for them almost two weeks ago and then - nothing.  Friend Ricky told me last year before Shaun did work on the barn that he was a big house builder so might be hard to get him.  He seems so sincere - I'm worried that something untoward has happened.  Today I decided I'd call him on my "spare" phone - just in case he was avoiding my calls when he saw his caller ID.  Same thing - no answer, just the same thing.  I didn't leave a message.  But, I've about decided I can live with the floor in the utility room until spring and Bryon and Shane can fix the cowshed door so it will close for winter.  Ray can close the big back doors when he brings hay - or I can.  So, I'm I better spirits about things tonight.

     Tomorrow I'm going to tackle the bottom of the wall where the snakes have been getting in - guess that's where it is.  You know I've seen several shows lately involving snake bites - I have been sleeping in the LR the last two or three nights.  I asked the young men today if they knew any carpenters - didn't know any.  And, they don't install window air conditioners so I'm not going to worry about that.

     This afternoon I bit the bullet and kind of climbed up to reach the light over the kitchen sink.  Finally got that globe off the bulb (it has two set screws).  I put in one of the light bulbs I got from QVC(what would we do without QVC?)  They're the neatest things - they have a little thing they screw into (not electric) and you can push the switch and you have light you can carry anywhere.  I keep one by my bedside all the time.  When they need recharging you screw it into a lamp, turn it on and it recharges.  Also tried to tape up a couple of little leaks in the drainage pipes under the kitchen sink.  May or may not work - we'll see.  I don't see how everything went screwy at one time.

     Glad those cookies were good, Sara.  I've never eaten a buttermilk cookie.  I use a word that I bet you know what I mean - stodgy.  I feel stodgy when I'm walking - this is new to me in the last several months.  Don't know if the Morton's neuroma or age has something to do with it.  I'm pretty much over the fall but it may also be a contributing factor.  I use that word often - looked up the meaning and only one meaning is the way I use it.

     Zetta, you're going to be gone four weeks!  Hope you take your computer or tablet so we can keep up with you and vice versa.  Glad you're taking both Sammy and Molly and glad Sammy has made a full recovery.  There's no way a person could keep a cat, much less a kitten, quiet for ten days.  They know what they can do and you can't stop them.

     Saw the cutest thing this afternoon.  I had the front door open and saw Sweet Pea and another little calf going toward the barn.  The girls had already gone to the south pasture.  I went out on the porch and they were coning back.  I filled both water tanks and I doubt they could reach the water in the one south of the house so went to the lot to get a drink.  I watched andwhen they came back Sweet Pea was in the lead.  When she got to the garden fence she started to run toward the liquid feeders.  The other calf was a little boy.  So guess, Daisy, her mother, is letting her roam a little bit without her.  I saw them together this morning when she got her bath.

     I think I feel all right about the two guys being in the house.  I met them at the gate to make sure the GPs would be all right with them and when we got to the porch I offered them a mask which they did wear all the time they were inside.  I sprayed both rooms really well and everything they night have touched.  I've been inside most of the afternoon and my eyes were burning.  Thought it might be a gas leak so checked and everything was okay (I do check periodically).  Happened to think it might be the disinfectant spray so opened some windows, turned on the ceiling fan and another small one I've used for 30 years and my eyes eventually stopped burning.  So, guess I was getting too much spray.  Someone mentioned carbon monoxide detector - I have a new one (use it because we use propane) and put a new battery in the smoke detector.

     Gunsmoke's coming on, Zetta, so I'll stop and see if I've seen this one.  Good to  visit with all of you.  Ron, hope your appointments this week go well.  I know you and Lou will enjoy having your sister visit with you all this week. 

     Take care and stay safe, everyone.   It was in the 70s here today - and some of you all are having snow.  Any chance of you all keeping it up north this winter?  We need a break weatherwise.

     Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, people think there is nothing to see in the deep desert, but there is a lot of nature and a lot of history to see.  Death Valley has the lowest spot in North America, 282 feet below sea level.  It's also the hottest spot, 134 degrees F air temp, 201 degrees F ground temp.  DV became famous for borax mining--remember 20-Mule-Team Borax?  Borax was used for laundry and in other chemical processes.  Gold mining was big for a brief time.  There are many geological features, such as Ubehebe Crater, like a miniature Grand Canyon.  There was a fascinating historical story about how the Jayhawk party got stranded crossing the vast desert.  They were stranded for weeks, several members died.  Once they were rescued, a survivor turned around and said, "good-bye, you valley of death!"  And that's how Death Valley got its name.

    The isolated resort we stayed at was very nice.  We drove into the desert to view the Milky Way and other stars in the dark sky, away from all lights.  A few miles away is the Amargosa Opera House, started by a former Rockette.  People came from miles around, even from LA, to see her performances.  Red Skelton came. There are many stories in the desert!  I could go back.

    Zetta, my new friend is only about a mile from me.  That's close.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone 

    So glad your heat got fixed Lorita. Thank  I do know what stodgy means.  I’m more use to people saying they are stoved up though.  

    Zetta hope you have a safe trip.

    Not much going on here.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Iris; how awesome that you were blessed with a new friend; sometimes the very nicest things happen unforeseen and are such a lovely happening. 

    The Borax "people" who owned the product were godparents of one of my SILs, I met them several times some years ago; very nice quite elderly couple, very down to earth; no children of their own, left much/most of their wealth to charity.  

    Some years ago, my DH and I were driving, visiting some planes being exhibited at an air base; we then drove further out in the desert and came upon the town of "Borax."  We decided to drive in; what a strange very little town and a very strange experience; it was like a set out of a movie of a "deserted" town in which one expects that there are very mysterious things about to happen and not such nice things.  Wooooo-oooo-ooo . . . . .

     It was as said, a very tiny town; older, small houses on few deserted streets; when we entered the town and drove about, we could see the housing was old, faded and drab; no lawns or plantings to be seen - dry desert; sandy and dusty . . . not a single person did we see at all . . . . not one; no parked cars.  Until, at one point, we saw an old small single story building saying it was a museum.  We went in - there was one very elderly man inside and not much to see at all.   A few small table top models of covered wagons, mule teams and other small items. The man was a quiet sort - not conversational.   Driving back home, we later found ourselves making up stories about what really was behind the scenes at that very unusual place; we had several movie scripts going on in our heads.  NOTE:  It may well be that the town has changed a lot since that day - it was some years ago.

     Judith; did you try on that top?  If it isn't fitting right, I know you will find something good, you are such a wonderful design person and are lovely, you will look great.  I have a friend who bought herself two pair of those evening pants; you know the kind, with chiffon on the outside and more like palazzo style or near palazzo; anyway, she  has two pair of black and then she simply buys really pretty tops in different style and colors to put with the pants; she said it sure takes away the horrid dress shopping that she dislikes so much.  Good idea and shoes and evening bag always work if she uses basic black and she does.  She also has a pair of small sparkly clips to put on her black pumps to change them a bit when she feels like it.    Smart thinking all around.

     It is great that you got the heater taken care of, Lorita. Hurray - one thing down and a few more to go.  I am sorry you did not leave a message for Shaun; best to do so - why not call again on that other phone and leave a message.  He may have forgotten or if he is busy at this time, he may well have another worker he has confidence in that he can have address what you need.  Could be he uses one phone more than the other or is not using the other phone for work at all - hard to tell.   He may even appreciate a reminder.

    None of my beeswax; but I care about you and admire you so much.  I find myself also feeling concern for you despite this being none of my beeswax.  That service porch floor has been going wanting for so long and it really needs no more waiting through another winter as do several other issues.   That snake hole; it will need more remediation from the bottom, not just the top of the floor - it really needs someone to come out and fix that properly asap; no doubt about it.  Sleeping on the couch to avoid snakes in the bedroom is not good. 

    Ahem!  When you climbed UP to change that light in the kitchen, did you have your safety button to press and call for help  in case of emergency on your body at the time?  I think I may know the possible cringe worthy answer to that.  If you had fallen and were seriously injured . . . . you know the rest . . . . so wish that button were on your person all the time, both inside the house as well as outside.  So important especially as you are so isolated in that very rural area; no one would hear you calling for help.

    More no beeswax:  Sayra is correct; that is a very old house that will continue to have increasing problems do to its extremely old age. some of it may well be safety related; you love that house dearly.   That you have a strong emotional attachment to your house where you were born and your parents lived and grandparents were  is completely understandable, it is your very own history.   I have an emotional attachement to our house which is not anywhere near as old as yours, but we have been in it for decades and grew our family in it and celebrated extended close family in it who are now gone leaving echoes of memories from all those dear earlier years.  It is part of us.  Yours goes back much farther and deeper.

    Sayra always has good insight and is a wise person and she is very caring.   The idea of not only thinking about retirement from single handed ranching cattle at 80 years of age and the body beginning to wear down is indeed a wise idea to consider and is timely.   It would be good to do a little investigation into alternatives to what you are doing right now, and to have actual concrete backup should something unexpected should suddenly come about, or that now needs to be seriously considered for the near future.   This year has seen changes in stamina, strength and capabilites that used to be so much easier.  You have had a recent pretty nasty accident that left you with pain issues longer than you had thought; some may still be persisting.     I can imagine that you do think of alternatives since the 8th decade is here; do you have any druthers about how you will move forward as things continue to change?

    I am sorry for how you have been heartfelt feeling.  That too is understandable; so many changes being experienced.  You are as said, so very isolated; far from people and basics for necessary easily available services for many things - that is going to soon become more and more of an issue as time moves forward.  The isolation of not being close to other people for connections; that is hard.   I can well imagine how very deeply you miss Charles and your beloved parents.   That isolation and so much happening with one's physical self, so much loving obligation to the ranch; the house aging and developing one problem after another - it is a lot on your shoulders and would have been easier years ago; but things change.   You have always been a strong and quite independent person; as said, I really admire you .   Time has a way of making changes we never expected.  End of Not My Beeswax.

    Sayra is so much better at this than I am as is Judith; once again, my apologies are extended dear Lorita.  Would be nice if we all lived closer.

     We here in SoCal finally got out of the 90 plus degree weather; we are looking at being in the 70's now and that feels really good.   We had a "blink" of our lights going off at about 4:40 this morning.  (I am usually up by 4:00 - gift of being ahem; more "mature."), the lights abruptly went off and then just as abruptly went back on again.  Nothing on TV news about an accident or whatever, so guess Edison had a hiccup or was busy doing something.

    Some time ago, one of our sons gifted me with a really nice, large sized notebook that is meant for recipes. It has lovely plastic pages where one can put 5 x 7 recipe cards as well as full page plastic sleeves.  I need to get some more recipe cards, I have filled the ones that he put with the pretty notebook.  Anyway; I was looking at the notebook which I had not done for a very long time.  Omigoodness; so many recipes and so many memories attached to them.  I found a list of Christmas Cookies I was going to make some years ago; it was tucked inside a large envelope with other items at the back of the notebook.  Goodness me; it was a list of eight different cookies and the grocery list of baking items I needed to make double and triple batches for the holiday.  How in the world did I DO all of that each year back then - and while working!  Only answer is; I was young.  Sigh.

     I saw the recipe for the best rich, cheesey corn pudding that is better than other corn pudding that I have ever eaten.   I initially found it in the newspaper and it is a raving favorite for company.  I am going to Post the recipe here on a separate Post should anyone wish to try it. 

     Zetta; when you pass through Bend, wave at my brother!   You and Molly and all those cats!   You need to be given a medal for all that litterbox management. 

    Goodness; the cost of gasoline!   Regular, depending on where one gets it out here - $4.65 to $4.70 a gallon for regular and of course going up for premium - $5.00 hit . . . each year, each holiday and summer vacation, always a huge up-tick for gasoline with empty excuses why.  This is so difficult for people who do not have a substantial income and who need to drive to work or who use trucks for their work; it is really dreadful. Do not know what the answer is in the here and now; but it seems no relief is coming.   We no longer have to drive to work for the two of us, nor do we have anywhere we MUST be going, so we are not deeply affected, but I sure do feel terrible for those who are.  Groceries; oh gosh, up and up and up we go.  Wonder if that will continue after January 01; when the holidays are over.  Wonder if those containers sitting in the LA and LB Ports will get delivered and emptied within the month . . . "60 Minutes" did a really good story regarding that; so much to think about and overseas companies making big money off of the pricing.  Not to mention the lack of handling each step; incompentence also a question in various stages of how this is being affected.

    Well . . . finally took a look and had a question answered. The  season for Clementines is November to February.  After February into the spring, there may be fruit that LOOKS like Clementines, but they are not; they are a different variety of fruit which explains a lot.  Cannot remember the name of the other fruit that looks like Clementines but are not, but Google knows; the Cutie and Halo companies explained it.

     Gosh; so much space I have taken; time to get off and I will then Post the recipe I mentioned.

    Warm thoughts to one and all from the, "Not My Beeswax," lady,


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Generously butter a two quart casserole dish



    -  2 EGGS



    -  1/2 CUP CORNMEAL

    -  ONE 4 OUNCE CAN ORTEGA CHILES, DRAINED (These are mild; no heat)

    -  1/2 TEASPOON SALT












  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hello everyone...

    I'm sorry I know it's been a long time and I've been absent  due to extreme circumstances at home, I just couldn't keep up so please forgive. Nothing has changed as much as being very busy and challenged to try to manage it all, but I wanted to write in because I felt badly but I also need support too.

    He is declining of course a lot I think he's close to a stage 6. I just feel very sad and depressed. I wish there was a cheap service to talk to a counsellor about the grief, loss and all that goes with this issue.  has anyone found anyone to help like that? 

    My health is also not good and now that he can't help I have to hire people for so many things.. depressing and costly. 

    What else is there to say, the whole thing is beyond words... 

    I know you all understand. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Thought I'd better post before maintenance begins.  I've just finished showering and shampooing my hair and I'm worn out.  It's almost dry - takes a long time.

     I've just done this and that today.  Kind of watched the girls and there was one baby laying in the grass on the other side of the pond - all the others were closer to the house.  So, when they all left and went to graze he finally got up and was walking over toward them slowly.  So, I wanted to make sure he was okay - drove over and he was and was walking toward two others on this side of the fence - others were on the other side of the fence.  Finally got them started up toward the gate to go through - the mother of one of them walked along with us and when they all went through the gate she took them back to the herd. 

     Went through some of Charles' clothes that have been laying on the divan.  Found several pairs of jeans and washed and dried them.  Maybe either Bryon or Shane can make use of them.  They work outside so maybe they can.  I have several pairs of dress pants but neither of them are the type to wear them and are probably for older men, too.  Charles had several leather jackets and I think/hope Bryon can wear them.

     I think I waited too long to eat this evening and my blood sugar kind of dropped.  Used to have that problem and it has shown itself again the last couple of months.  Charles had that problem and it always scared me when it happened to him.

     Liz - glad to see your post and am so sorry for your husband's decline. We all know how hard that is to take, for both.  Charles was only on hospice a few days but after he passed away I had several calls from the Chaplain inviting me to their meetings and wondering if I needed to talk.  They also had a social worker.  If your husband is on hospice, that might be an option- if he isn't you might be able to talk to a  Chaplain or social worker who are with a hospice in your area.  You can always come here and talk - we all do understand.

     Thank you all for your concern for my well-being and health.  I'm not liking the way I'm feeling lately.  May be a combination of the fall, bilateral Morton's Neuroma and my age.  I'm going to see how it goes for a while after I start to feed.  I know Bryon will fill the creepfeeder for me when it needs it and Mike puts out hay so all I'll have to do is fill water tanks and feed every other day.  Hopefully, we will have a better winter than last.  I doubt I'd be able to cut ice in the water tanks like I did last winter.

     I know in my heart the time will come when I do have to stop but I really dread it.  I imagine some day I'll have to pull a Ruth Busha. She was a neighbor south of us who ran cattle until she was way up in years.  You'd go by her place and she'd be out

      fixing fence.  Mike said one day she called him and told him she just couldn't do it anymore.  He bought her place and cattle and took over for her.  I hate like all get-out to do that but the time comes for every one of us, I guess.   But, if the cattle are still here I'll worry about them just like I do now.  Life gets hard when you get older.

     Iris, glad you made a new friend and she's close-by.  Having another friend is always a good thing.  My uncle lived on the desert in Arizona for a while and he liked it and talked about how beautiful the desert was after a rain with all the flowers blooming.  I've seen shows on TV about deserts and there is a lot of wildlife out there even though it looks completely empty.

     Better go - Sarah just called.  She had three doctor's appointments today and wasn't able to keep any of them. 

     I woke up at 2 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so watched an episode of Maude.  Do you all remember that show - with Bea Arthur?  Enjoyed watching it.

     Sleep well.  See you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

     Lorita,   Yes I will be taking my computer I need to keep up with things. Did you find a way to stop those snakes? They are so sneaky are they very big? Would your floor give away if you put something real heavy over where they are coming in at? Its nice you are starting to feel better and I agree with Jo you need to be waring your help button all the time. I still need to get me one so I am a fine one to be telling you to ware yours. Does your vet Mike know anyone to help you get rid of those snakes? 

    Iris, That is nice your new friend only lives a mile from you, I wish I had a friend that lived that close. I hope your new friendship turns out to be a good one. Yes I do remember The 20 Mule Team and Death Valley Days, if I remember right they were TV shows, that was along time ago. 

     Sara,  The drive to my daughters is a safe drive the only thing I need to watch out for is the snow. I am keeping a close eye on Trip Check I can see the roads and as soon as I know the roads are safe I will start my drive. So I hope to be leaving my house on Friday, if not then as soon after that as I can. 

     Jo,   As I pass through Bend, I will wave at your Son. I will be on the Parkway so do I wave to the left or the right?  I will be having a interesting time with all those cats and Molly. I will be getting there 2 weeks before they go on their trip so by that time they should all be comfortable with each other. The oldest cat is 17 and her other two are Sammys age so we have a 4 month old a 5 month old and a 6 month old. What fun I am going to have. When the time comes I will be ready to come home. 

    Liz,  It is nice hearing from you and I am sorry your so stressed. You need to make sure your getting a lot of rest so you can deal with things. Have you though about calling The Alzheimer's help line and speak to a Care Consultant they will help you find the type of emotional support you need. And we are always here.  

    I hope you all had a good day. Nicole I am thinking about you. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Zetta, I fixed the hole in the floor last yea.r.  Two big snakes came through it before I knew it was there. The last three have been about a foot or so long,- must be squeezing through a slit around the quarter round.  I think the expanding foam will fix it when I feel like it.  You should have seen the cats checking out the bathroom this morning looking for snakes.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone 

    Gas here is 3.25/gallon.  Quite a few years ago it got up to $4.  Didn’t stay there real long.  I try to limit my traveling.  Supply demand thing works for gasoline too lol.  The beginning of pandemic proved that.  During summer had to get gas every  week due to trips to country for veggies.  Now I’m filling up every other week and usually just around a 1/4 down.  Try to think ahead, mainly do my shopping in a circle and mainly right hand turns.

    The Dutch oven came yesterday and I’m happy with it.  

    Speaking of Borax, it is good for many things.  But, just read an article where some people who got mandated vaccines are using bleach or borax in some fashion to try and make vaccine ineffective.  Would be sort of funny if it wasn’t dangerous and some are finding out apparently. Will second what my Vaxd BIL said to me awhile back.  When some paranoid people in my family were going on about the chip, my vaccinated BIL says to me they obviously don’t understand how a chip works.  It’s obvious these poor people don’t understand how a vaccine, borax or bleach work.

    Whoa just reading that recipe JoC made my stomach hurt lol.  I’ve have been doing good for quite a few days now and thankful for that.  

    My 80 yo aunt in Atlanta is starting to have some physical problems.  It worries me a bit.  Told her I had made some cookies.  She is wanting me to send her some after her surgery.  Asked her how she thought would work best for sending them.  She messaged back and said I like cookie crumbs too lol.  Guess I will see if I can find some tins and wing it.

     Liz  nice to see you back on porch. Sorry you are having such a struggle.  Know it gets wearisome.

    I do remember Maude and Bea Arthur.  Thinking of you today Lorita.  Maybe it would be good for you to go have a check up with your doctor Lorita.

    My friends sister is now in icu.  She told me she is very sick.  Her husband is doing a little better and they are talking about sending him to rehab.  They were at a small rural hospital.  They have been transferred to where I worked.  

    Giving a very windy, warm day. Have to take mom groceries this morning then I hope to rake more leaves if wind isn’t too bad.  If it is still have about of 1/3 of kitchen to finish up cleaning. I’m getting rid of some junk and definitely looking neater which makes me feel better.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  IT FITS  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Great news, Judith!  Good to go now.

    Some progress, I hope.  Called another carpenter I had the.number for.    He's snowed under but gave me the number of a friend who is a carpenter. Called no answer and couldn't leave a message but he called me back.Told him the.problem and.he,'s goi ng to come out and look at  it maybe today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Good news for both of us.

    Tell him to fix the snake problem!!!!!   5 poisonous snakes in your home is very dangerous.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    That's the only thing I'm going to have him look at and hopefully fix right now. It may be more involved than I think like under the house but he should be able to fix it right   now to keep them out.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    All this snake talk reminded me once again about Lou's snake experiences. When she was young and walking home through the woods, a snake was following her. She said when she stopped it would stop and when she started walking again it would once again follow. Years later after we were married I took her out in the boat with our boys. She was sitting on the end and the boat motor stopped working. I was having to paddle and she started yelling at me to paddle faster because a snake was following.

    I'm afraid to weigh since my sister has been here. Sea food gumbo, spaghetti, steaks, lemon icebox pie, banana pudding and even made some potato gravy for breakfast this morning. 

    Hopefully tommorow I will find time st the VA to get my booster shot. Got my harmone shot yesterday and didn't have time .


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Good news Judith.  Whew, now you don’t have to rush out and shop.

    Iris, so nice you met a new friend.  I hope you can keep in touch.  Sounds like you had a fun trip.  I’ve never driven into the desert like that.  Must have been interesting.  

    Hi Liz. Come back and visit us again.  Someone is always here to listen.  I’m sorry for your struggles.  

    Thanks for the condolences.  Harv’s sister struggled for awhile, and the last year was very difficult for her.  As sad as it always is, I have a peaceful feeling for her.  

    Sara, I haven’t raked my last leaves either.  I probably could have today, but the wind has been blowing and it’s sunny and cold out.  Oh well, there’s always time in the spring.  Lol

    A forest fire was started yesterday by downed power lines in Estes Park. The wind has spread it quickly, and they’ve had to evacuate a huge area.  A tanker airplane was flying over the fire yesterday afternoon and crashed.  They found the crash site last night.  The pilot was killed in the crash.  So far, no others injured.  

    Jo, your corn pudding recipe sounds very rich.  I bet it is delicious.   I’ve been preparing a few things for Thanksgiving.  We will have a small gathering this year again, but I’m feeling safe.  Thank God for the vaccine.  

    I had my windows washed yesterday and the house cleaned, so I’m feeling great about that.  My windows were awful from rain and dust blowing all over the place.  The road coming from town to my subdivision is under construction and the dust has been horrible all summer.  

    Lorita, I hope the carpenter can take care of the snake hole in the bedroom so you can sleep comfortably and not have to worry about having another one in the bathroom.  Maybe he can fix your porch floor while he’s already there.  Sure would be nice to have those projects done before winter settles in.  

    Have a nice rest of the day.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     Sara - glad you got your Dutch oven and are happy with it.  I was going to ask what color you got but I think All Clad is all aluminum color.  What are you going to cook in it the first time you use it.

     Diesel is $3.50 here - not sure about gas.  I filled up the PU when I was in town a couple of weeks ago so it may be more now.  When we got the PU diesel was cheaper than gas - now the worm has turned.

     Raking leaves - we have never done that and you can believe our yard is FULL of leaves.  Like Judith said - it's good for the soil.  Ours should be really great next year.  I was out by the place where I planted the zucchini this summer (they didn't do anything except make vines) and they've been replaced by mimosa plants.  Bryon and Shane took down a broken, old mimosa so they're coming up - may save one because daddy planted the original tree.  Anyway, they had been growing and were about 3 ft. tall but most of them were broken off.  I think Stormy has done that because no one has been cutting anything in that part of the yard.  He was probably upset  about something that was going on in the pasture so took out his frustration on the plants.  They were broken off about halfway down. 

     I talked to Daniel about noon and he wasn't sure he could get here today but was going to try.  Hope he comes tomorrow, then it'll be another day or so before he can do the work, I guess.  It's not really a hole, like in the floor.  Well, it was but I got that covered up when I saw the big guys last year.  It's something about the quarter round and baseboard, I think.  Also need to have the sheetrock fixed around the electrical outlet.  It works fine but that is another possibility.  I do hope he comes tomorrow.

     Ron, your snake story - or Lou's  - reminded me that when I was a little kid (eons ago) my BIIL was chased by a snake.  I think they called it a Blue Racer?  May not be the real name but I remember him running up the road toward the house with the snake after him. I looked, later, and you could actually see the snake-prints. My grandma used to tell a story about someone hitting a snake and it flying apart, then went back together.  Spread-natter?  Not sure of the name.  She was from Texas and then into Arkansas before landing in Oklahoma.

     Ron, be sure to get your booster shot - you'll feel better about things.  Yesterday it was two weeks since I got my flu shot so I'm good on that and the virus vaccine and still wearing a mask.  The two men who were here a couple of days ago wore the masks I gave them and I'll do the same with Daniel.

     Joan, bad about the fire -  hope there wasn't much damage.  Talking about washing windows - I have drapes over the ones on the north side of the house and when you pull them back the windows are awful - from Stormy pulling back the drapes to check on what's going on outside.  Same thing with the ones in the bedroom - lace curtains but you still can't see how bad the windows are until you really look.  I guess I'm saying "out of sight, out of mind".

     I've had the bathroom door closed at night and when I go in there in the mornings the cats go with me (all except Kitt) and it's so comical to see them checking out things.  I have a small dresser in the bathroom and they look under and behind it and in the corner where there were two snakes  - everywhere.  They do a good job.

     It was so warm here this morning and just after noon the front came through and the wind switched to the north and it cooled off at least 20 degrees.  I was going to put an outside cover on the AC in the LR but waited a bit too long and the wind was too strong.  I took the three step stool out to climb up on and yes, I did have on my medical guardian.  I have to get used to wearing that.  Keep reminding me.

     Nothing much going on here today.  I'm going to start getting outside more.  I do go out early to feed Tom and Jerry but after that I'm inside a lot of the time.  The little calf (a few months old) that I mentioned I was watching yesterday because he was laying down after the girls left - did the same thing today.  There were a couple of  calves in the creepfeeder and a cow or two around but he was still laying down.  Walked up toward him and he got up - ears up and looked good but a little matter around the inside of his eyes so I'll keep an eye on him - don't want him to take pneumonia.  Not too good on them for it to be really warm a couple of days, then 20-30 degrees colder the next couple.

     Hope all of you have a good night's rest.  See you later.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita I hope your guy is able to get there today too. The Dutch oven is stainless steel and probably a pot roast will be my first adventure.  I see a chuck roast up on top so that will work out good.

    Ron sounds like your sister is trying her hardest to take good care of you.

    Joan I got out early yesterday morning cleaned the bird feeder and raked the leaves.  The yard still looks good this morning and looks like very few leaves left on tree.  Took J apples and popcorn this week and noticed the trees, there their leaves were still green.  Many people’s leaves have not fallen I noticed.  Glad mine have fallen as I have other things to do when spring comes lol.  Got my first seed book this week.  Got a book from where I order onions a few weeks ago.

    My windows only get cleaned on inside.  Hate dirty windows but don’t feel it is worth the risk of possibly falling.  My house is built into a knoll and therefore the windows on the back are especially high off the ground.  Hope to sometime in future have them all replaced and hope to get ones I can totally clean from inside.  Hade these at one of my houses and loved them.  Did discover how to get my porch windows out this year so did get them cleaned inside and out and that was nice.

    Leaves are good for the soil so I don’t worry about some on the grass do rake wherever they are thick as here that will often kill the grass.  My fence and flower beds catch them.  If I had a shredder or lawnmower could use them for mulch.  Do not want anything else to maintain though.  Put the leaves in woods behind fence.  In summer I add them to my compost.

    In  lower 40’s this morning.  Suppose to slowly get cooler as day goes on, dark, wet.  Tried to get outside stuff done  past two days. The only thing I might need to do is fill bird feeder.

    Hope each one has a nice day

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, so glad you got your heat fixed and that you have arrangements to get other things fixed. You'll be warm, and safe. So happy for you. By the way, we did finally find someone to install our doors. We had previously gotten someone to come out to give us a bid, and he never called us back with a bid. We have a neighbor who had some work done by another neighbor, and said he did a great job, and we got him to do it, once we get the doors. 

    Jo, it was fun to read about you making so many Christmas cookies to enjoy, and share. I used to make cut out sugar cookies, peanut clusters, fudge, toffee, peanut brittle and holiday wreaths made with marshmallows, corn flakes, red hots and butter. Now I make very little. Not enough people around to eat it all. 

    Liz, I am so sorry you are unwell and experiencing difficulties. This journey is not an easy one. Feel free to come here to talk anytime. 

    Zetta, enjoy your time at your daughter's home. I know she appreciates you.

    Sara, I'm sorry about your aunt and about your friend's sister and brother in law. Good that he is improving; he starts to get better and she gets sicker. Glad you got your leaves raked.  My husband mows over the leaves and lets them stay on the lawn to nourish it for next year. However, if there are lots of leaves he bags them and they go to yard waste.

    Ron, you are such a good cook! Bring some of those yummy items to the front porch and we will have a feast! 

    Joan, I was sorry to hear about the fire in Estes Park. Hoping they get it under control. I know last year there was quite a bad fire in Grand Lake and between EP and Grand Lake; we saw evidence of it when we were out there this summer. 

    Enjoy your day and keep warm. We are 20 degrees cooler than yesterday with an expected high of 39. Sounds like an inside day for us.     Beth

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Lorita,

    It's nice to see you, please forgive that I am unable to reply in detail to posts as  I am just fried. I did have to sleep yesterday afternoon somewhat I just couldn't keep moving, and then I got up to continue the day.

    I had thought about your suggestion I'm glad you brought it up too about calling Hospice to see if I you have to be on it to talk to someone, I think you do. They are so short staffed due to covid and in my area are no so great as it is.  But one day at a time..  I have to say exhausting and depressing, I do want someone to talk to. I have to find someone like you say maybe they will have a suggestion.  

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Ladyzetta,

    Thank you I hope you are hanging in there alright. I do call the AZ association from time to time and they are always helpful with as good ear and resources... so there is that thank goodness. 

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Thank you Sayra,,
  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    thank you so much
  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Thank you Beth
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I am spending the day today packing my stuff and Molly and Sammys stuff. They are expecting snow in the passes tomorrow I will keep a eye on the Trip Check Cameras and go when it is safe. Molly loves to go in the car I don't think Sammy will be happy about it. Its a 4.5 hour drive and a nice drive as long as there is no traffic. 

     Ron,  It is nice your sister is being so helpful, she probably enjoys helping you and Lou when she's needed, and has the time to do it. Eat and rest all you can it will be good for you. Hopefully you can get your booster today. 

    Beth, Thank You, I really enjoy going to my daughters house. I usually only stay a week but this time it will be about 4 weeks. But I will have Molly (dog) and Sammy (cat) with me so that way I won't be in a big hurry to get home. I live in Oregon and they live in Washington, so its only a 4.5 hour drive. I knew a lady years ago that made peanut brittle, my DH loved it I did but I did not like the peanuts being in it, so I would have her make me a batch without the nuts and one with the nuts. It was good.   

    Judith,  Good news that your top fit. I am sure you felt good about that. 

     Lorita,  I bet it is cute when your cats go looking for the snake, they are so curious. It is funny watching Sammy, he is just now starting to wonder about things. I am trying to get things packed today and he is into everything. I finally had to close things in the shower just to keep him out of the bags and boxes. I am sure you will rest easier once you know the snakes will not be able to get in. I hope he shows up today or tomorrow to fix it. I am waiting for the service guy to come out and make sure my heater is up to par. He said between 10&2 so hopefully he shows up its now 1:10. I am having no problems with the heater but my son said we should have it checked so we don't run into problems. 

    I need to go now and do some more packing. Back Later, Zetta 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith:   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Zetta, be careful going over those passes with snow on the ground; and look out for black ice; that is a sneaky dangerous thing to encounter.

     One year, DH decided to leave Medford from visiting our son and family  to return home at 3:00 am; (oh geeze), there we were,  going over the mountain in a dreadful, horrible, whiteout snowstorm.  Snow was coming down fiercely sideways blowing and roaring and we could not see a thing.  It was also dark of night which made it far worse.   We were both trying hard to see out of the windshield and I frankly did not think we would make it . . . then suddenly from the left of us AND the right of us came two huge snowplows - bright lights on all around and they stayed in front of us plowing the road up and across the top and to the downside of the mountain and we were safe.   They were like big bright angels coming out of nowhere; I will always thank them in my heart.  It was amazing.

     As you pass through Bend just give a wave from the windshield; I do not know which side of the road my brother is on.   So hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a restful time taking care of the fur folk.

    Phone is ringing, will have to leave . . . .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Zetta, be very careful on your trip. Glad you will have the kids with you for company.  Let us know when you get there.

    Daniel plans to come Sat. Morning to see what needs to be done. Will be glad to get that done. 

    MMay take car in tomorrow for a new.Heater blower if they have it. Might need heat in it this winter. I think the PU needs one, too.

    UUsing the propane heater tonight. Was a bit worried about the thermostat but I think it's working.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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