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Just need to talk to my friends (159)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Jo C, California is such a strange state, the coasts are so populated, but the deserts are so isolated!  There are many towns that look like ghost towns.   

    Zetta, I remember that TV show.  Death Valley Days started as a radio show in 1930, then was a TV show from 1945-1975.  Ronald Reagan acted in it and was the host before he ran for governor of CA.  Many of the stories were based on real historical happenings.  It was originally based on the stories of Death Valley Scotty, who developed Scotty's Castle.  That's another fascinating story.

    I played bunco for the first time last night.  It's a fast game, and I met some nice ladies.  It was so nice to be among real life people again. My life had been, don't tell anyone about my memory because they will reject me.  But I didn't mention memory and it wasn't necessary.  These ladies liked and accepted me as I was.  It was a nice feeling for a change. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Iris had not heard of Bunco.  See it is a dice game.  Glad you have found some people you can get together with.  

    Liz do not worry about replying to each individual.  Know you are under a lot of stress.  Feel free to come and release steam.  Just one simple thank you all for listening is fine, we understand.  If you don’t have time for that, that is ok too.  You just do what ever is good for you.

    Zetta I agree with your son.  Every fall take my car for a physical.  

    Lorita hope Daniel is a kind man and that he will be able to help you get thing’s straightened out.  

    Well the only thing I have left to do in kitchen now is to organize and clean refrigerator.  That should not take too long.  Mainly the freezer part needs organized.  Try to keep it clean as I go so that part won’t be bad.

    Going to try a new stir fry recipe today if nothing happens.  My sister shared it with me.

    Shirley hope you are doing okay.  Thought of you a couple of times lately.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Iris....your trip sounded wonderful. I am still looking for a travel group here. I get flyers from the University but I have no desire to go the Galapagos (sp). Also wonderful that you enjoyed the Bunko.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Got my booster shot yesterday, now couple more months can get Lou's. Car acted up going home from VA, luckily sister is still here and using her car for today's va appointment. Might go check out new cars when I finish here.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi all.  Glad to see that for most of you things are on the upswing.

    Things here in VA have been up and down...finally got over that virus which plagued me for 3 weeks...feel more human now...lol.

    Have spent a lot of time researching things for my mother as relates to her care of my dad who has dementia.  First it was looking for care facilities...after finding some good candidates...she changed to just getting in-home help...she interviewed several companies and determined she didn't like them because they wanted to do more than she was willing to give up and because she has difficulty with understanding folks for whom English is a second language...then trying to find a recliner for dad...first it had to be wingbacked...then it had to look like a chair with legs not a usual recliner...then had to be motorized but not with life-assist...then she decided he could just use her recliner...and she would sit on the couch!  Head is spinning, and I feel nothing accomplished.

    One bright thing is that my granddaughter who is training in the care profession and does part time work at a MC facility is now going to my parents 2 days a week for 4 hrs. each to help with things.  We are so lucky to have her and her being so willing to help.

    Ron, you mention issues with your car...good that you are thinking of getting a new one before winter sets in.

    Lorita, glad you have someone who is to come help you with some of the repairs.  Know you will feel lots better with them done, and sleep better too knowing no more snakes trying to join you!

    I try to read your posts every day, but find I have little going on in my life to contribute so do not post often.  Know that I wish each of you a happy Thanksgiving no matter how you celebrate.

    Stay safe and well.  Hugs to all.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Iris, good news in that you enjoyed going to Bunco; what nice new friends.  That game is quite popular with different groups of women in this area.   My DIL has belonged to a group that has been going for multiple years until the pandemic hit.   In my DILs instance, they have a very large group.  Each month, the Bunco is played at a different house and multiple card tables and folding fchairs must be set up to accommodate.   They also have made it into a dinner evening with the hostess providing the dinner and dessert; that is a lot of work and a bit pricey!  After dinner they sit down to Bunco and go for quite awhile.

     When I was much younger with small children, I lived in a neighborhood with other young mothers who also had tiny children. Once a month, just to get ourselves out of the house for a few hours on an evening, we would meet and play our own type of game which was Bingo as there was no Bunco back then.  It involved bringing an unwrapped gift worth $10.00 (way back then $10 went a long way and we were all on tight budgets.)  We would play a certain number of Bingo games and the winner of each Bingo game would choose a gift she wanted. The next winners could take a new gift or "steal" one already taken by someone else.  After half the games were played, we would break for dessert and coffee after which the other half the bingo games were played. We enjoyed much laughter and talking; it was a great respite evening.   Each month a different person would bring the dessert.  Boy; those were much simpler days.

    Ron, glad things are going better and great you got your Booster.  Good idea to look at cars before winter hits in full swing.   If you find nothing worthwhile, and cars both new and used have gone WAY up in price per news reports by the way, you still have time to have your present car worked on.  Your sister is a gem; send her down my way!

    I'm with Sayra in having things checked out before need if one can.  Every April we have our air conditioning system checked out and adusted as needs be and cleaned; at the same time they check the heating system and all that entails.  We have forced air so one thing seems to feed into another and it is all carried by duct work.   Cars need to go in for basic preventive service soon, it is good to keep up with things as much as possible to avoid nasty surprises as much as is possible.  Just so we have no pipe breaks in the house . . . . that has happened and it was a major undertaking to get it taken care of.   It happened once while we were at work; a water pipe feeding a toilet tank in one of the upstairs bathrooms broke and water filled the master bedroom and came down through the ceiling into the dining room on top of the furniture, etc.  What a way to come home from work.  Needless to say, we replaced all water pipes to the three toilets and also to the washing machine; now flexible metal and not supposed to break or rupture.  Hope that is true. 

    So hope the carpenter coming out is a very nice man, Lorita, and that he takes care of the snake hole quickly and completely for you.   How great it will be to be able to sleep in your own room without worrying about slithering and sliding creatures with fangs.   If this fellow is good at what he does, perhaps he will be able to do some of the other projects you have waiting.   It will be some weight off your shoulders before winter blows in.   Heating fixed and snake hole fixed and other things to come . . . . bit by bit; I always wish I could blink my eyes and all would be fixed with no fuss or muss when things need doing.

     Gosh Joan, I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend and also to hear of the dreadful fire.   Raking leaves, talk about exercise!   My Dad would rake big piles of dried leaves from the oak trees and sometimes he would let me run and jump in a great big pile of them - I loved doing that; they always smelled so good to me. Bet you are not jumping in any leaf piles though . . . (grin.)

    Well; our jfkoc, belle of the ball; what night IS the museum ball?  What color is your ensemble?  I wish we could see you when stepping out; bet you will be just lovely.  It sounds like a very nice evening, can't remember if it is a fund raiser or not.

    Sayra; hope your pot roast turns out great using your new pot.  I love the way the house smells when post roasts are cooking.  Love them with the veggies which are my favorite part.  One year I tried those Reynolds Wrap Roasting Bags; it actually worked very well with the pot roast and veggies being very good and no big mess to clean up; but I preferred the Dutch Oven to the bag, one gets a richer gravy.  I ran across a recipe for Pasties the other day.  Up in the U.P. where I grew up, Pasties were a very big deal.  We lived in an iron ore mining town and the miners would bring pasties to the mine for their meals - this was learned from the Welsh miners where pasties began and abound.   My mother made great Pasties, mine were okay; they are rather labor intensive due to the crust making and all the dicing; but boy they taste wonderful and of course, the house smells great when they are baking.

     Gosh Marie; if it isn't one thing it's another and another and another and so on . . . . . you are on the merry-go-round of daughtering; up, down, up, down; repeat and then find another item to do the same thing with.   Your mother is trying to do everything just so to her best and I can understand that, but it sure can leave us mere daughters a bit worn out.   Dear Ms. Marie - no worry about having nothing interesting to share; most of us do not.  We just gab and recount little things; no worries about needing things to be sharing, just sharing yourself is enough on this nice front porch we have been meeting on.

     Liz, you are so sweet, but Sayra is correct; you do not have to wear yourself out trying to thank each person personally; if you want to say thanks it is okay to put it all in one Post.  That photo of your little birds is really sweet. Cuddle birds for sure.

     Well; guess I will have to cancel the re-made haircut appointment. (Cancelled the first due to jfkoc's wisdom.)  The beautician is flying to the midwest through two airports this weekend and will be there for a family gathering Thanksgiving and the week after as her adult child is having surgery and she will be taking care of her. Then another trek through two airports flying home.   Since the numbers of fully vaccinated COVID breakthrough cases requiring hospitalization have very greatly increased this week alone, it is best not to get my face up close and personal since my appt. is for the very first day after the beautician arrives back home after the flights, etc.  Too much risk with that and husband has diabetes .  Drats.  Hair looks awful and so hard to take care of.  It has already been a bit over three months since it was last cut; I let it grow out a bit, it was far too short.  Sticks out everywhere now.  Ah well; it is just hair.  I envy people with nice straight hair.

    Still getting grocery pickup at the grocery stores and free delivery from CostCo.  DH drives up to the grocery store, pops the trunk lid, in go the groceries and off he drives without contact which beats either of us having to go into the stores which are crowded and then having to wait at checkout next to people not covering noses and sometimes letting masks slip down entirely.   

    Heard on news this morning that the influenza being seen is the H3N2 that was the nasty one back in 2017.   More than 62,000 deaths were attributed to that, so another good reason for us to remember good practice and wearing those masks.  The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor has seen as of last week, 528 confirmed cases.  That is a lot even in a university in a very short period of time.  It is a very virulent type of influenza and hits hard with the elderly getting hit the hardest.  Most of us here have mentioned getting our flu shots; those who have not yet, please do get one asap, it takes about two weeks for it to become effective.  It won't completely keep the flu away in some instances, but it can make the illness not as severe "they" have said.

    I am looking at Macy's and Nordstrom's Christmas tree decorations and will look at other places too.  I like to buy my DIL a new ornament or two for her tree each year. She will usually see things she likes and I listen closely.  She is putting so many hours in at work she is practically hind end over tea kettle.  Our son, her husband, is also working long hard hours with lots of overtime being required.  Hopefully they can each get a small bit of time off before Christmas.  Son will be working Christmas Day as he does most holidays.   I sure do miss having family for the holidays, but am glad I had all those years and memories.  For many of us, this is one of those times when missing our LOs is even more deeply heartfelt.

    For some unknown curious reason, I am craving a chili stuffed baked potato with salsa, cheese and sour cream - (oh my poor arteries!) - with broccoli on the side of course to make me feel better about it all. Do not know why craving that instead of something else, but the tastebuds go where the wish and try to lead the rest of me along for the ride.  Hopefully that crave will pass.

    Friday already; I send warmest of thoughts and best wishes to everyone for a really good weekend and very nice unexpected things to happen. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Iris, glad you had a nice time playing bunco with your new friends.  I'd never heard of that game either but I'm not a game player.  Talk about game players - Charles' whole family was.  We could hardly finish eating and get the table cleared before they began.  I did enjoy watching though with one of his sisters.

     It's been a gloomy, cold, windy day and it's still cold and windy, however, the sun did come out about half an hour before sunset.  Did anyone see the partial (almost total) eclipse of the moon last night?  I checked at MN, then went to sleep so all I saw was a picture one of the weathermen took at 3:01 a.m.  They said this was the first total eclipse in 500 years (I think) and there won't be another like it for years and years.  There will be a total eclipse of the sun April 8, 2024 that will be visible in far SE Okla.  Guess I'll miss that one - too far and snaky down that way - but the country is beautiful.

     Sara, have you cooked the pot roast yet?  You said stir fry today.  Love Chinese food - we used to cook it a lot at home and I still get hungry for it.

     Ron, how did the new car shopping go?  I've thought about a new PU or car but the prices are sky high so guess I'll try to muddle through the winter. Right now everything seems okay except for the door seal on the PU.  I did find something that might possibly work on Amazon.  Next time I'm in town in the PU I'll stop by and see what they think.  I think it's too narrow but maybe it would help anyway.

     Marie, glad you've finally beaten that virus - that was an awful, long-lasting one.  How nice that your granddaughter is there and willing to help with care of your dad.  She and they will enjoy being together.

     I hope Daniel turns out good, too.  He sounds young - but, when you're my age everyone sounds and seems young.  I hope he does come in the morning and is willing to do the work.

     Still having an issue with the heater.  It's making noises.  Talked with the guy at the propane company this morning and explained what it was doing.  He thinks it may not have gotten completely cleaned.  I did hear the guy say there was one place they couldn't completely clean out because they didn't have the right tool with them.  It's safe to use.  I put in an order to fill the propane tank and the guy at the office said he'd have the driver come in and see what it was doing and explain it to him so he'd know.  He said he'd come out himself next week and work on it.  Good, though, to have heat.

     Jo, love reading your posts and all the long ones.  Kind of like getting a nice letter.  Grandma used to get letters from one of her nieces in Oregon and it was just like having a visit with her.  She loved getting letters and even though she was almost totally blind, she'd try to answer.  She'd send me to the mailbox with a quarter and a note for the mailman to leave five, stamped envelopes.  Now a stamp is 55 cents - expensive to mail things now. 

     Jo, I think you're very smart to not keep that hair appointment when your beautician returns home after being with so many people and in airports.  I saw an interview with a woman who had been so, so sick with covid even though she'd been vaccinated.  So, it's still possible to get it even if we are vaccinated.  That's the scary thing.  I'll be sure to have the people who come in the house wear a mask. 

     I've never done the grocery PU.  The little store where I shop seems pretty safe to me.  Usually not a lot of people in there at one time and I know where things are and can get in and out pretty fast.  I need carrots!  Left my list at home last time and forgot to get them.  I want to make vegetable soup and I have to have carrots - still not ready to use onions but I have at least half of one chopped and frozen so I can use that.

     Just filled a water tank for the girls and before I went out to turn off the water, fixed the pillows on the divan to lay down when I came back in.  Stormy went out with me and came in when I did and he beat me to the divan.   

     Ron, we talk about your Little Bit and our Little Bit.  I was out in the pasture a couple of days ago with the camera and got a couple of pictures of our Little Bit so I'll post them so you all can see how much he's grown.  I'm seriously thinking about keeping him - he's already throwing good-looking calves.

     I'm so enjoying watching Rawhide - really good shows.  I also remember Death Valley Days - back in the 50s and early 60s there were so many good westerns on TV and now most of them are back on again.  Everyone looks so young!

    Gunsmoke is on so I'll stop for now.  Hope Zetta has made it safely to her destination.  To me, that's a long, long drive. 

     Sleep well tonight.  After I looked at the picture of Little Bit I noticed how pretty the trees were looking along our drive-way - mostly Bradford Pears.  The cow looking directly at the camera in the other picture is Penny.  We named her that because she was like a bad penny when we'd feed.  She tried to pull the sacks of feed off the PU.

  • ewell
    ewell Member Posts: 2
    First Comment First Anniversary
    Hi all-need some advice on how to give oral meds under the tongue for someone who will not lift their tongue up-TIA
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Welcome Ewell.  I see that you also posted onto a Caregiver thread.  Feel free to post any question on your own thread.  In this way many members will see your question and you will get many responses.  At the main Caregiver or main Spouse/Partner board, click on the green tab "Add Topic" at the top and follow the prompts.  The members here are very knowledgeable and are willing to share.

    Zetta, I hope you are safely at your destination by now.  What is a Trip Check Camera?

    Jo C, there is a new member named rphillips who posted "feeling lost and iverwhelmed" on the Caregiver Board.  The LO lives in a small town in Northern Michigan.

    While I was growing up, my mom and her friends played pokeno.  It's a combination of poker and bingo, played on boards.  It's a lot of fun!  I had my own pokeno group as an adult.  Most of my playing friends are gone now.

    Thanks for the corn pudding recipe.  My mother always made corn pudding for Thanksgiving dinner.  Yum!

    On my trip to Death Valley and Las Vegas, everyone was masked up when indoors.  All the people on the tour bus were vaccinated so I felt safe.  

    Lorita, I took a telescope and binoculars to see the stars and the moon on my trip.  The moon was between a crescent moon and a half moon.  Unfortunately I could not see much with the telescope because although I had a tripod, I did not have anything to place it on, thus my hands were not steady enough for good viewing.  I saw better with the binoculars.

    It's always a delight to see the Milky Way, to know that the stars are still up there in the heavens.

    Does anyone remember this?  When I was a very little girl, about 65 years ago, one could mail an unsealed envelope for 4 cents, but it cost 5 cents to mail a sealed envelope.  I think airmail was 7 or 8 cents back then.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Hey y'all; I finally got rid of that chili stuffed baked potato craving I mentioned earlier, all it took was two of the store bought chocolate chip cookies my husband had bought!

    Excuse me; I now have to go and indulge in some self castigation and making of empty promises to myself to be much better tomorrow.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone 

    25F,  -4C this morning.  Feels cold, just turned heat up.  Always heat the bathroom up before I get up.  I like it toasty.  Thinking about making French toast this morning.  Really like it and haven’t had it in awhile.

    Marie glad to hear you are starting to feel human.  Sounds like your mom knows how to keep you busy.  Always good to hear from you.  

    Ron hope you can find a new car if it becomes necessary to do so.  Sounds like Ford and GM are working with companies here in US to bring chip making production here.  Will take a bit of time but hopefully will eventually get problem resolved.  Can’t find anything about what Honda is doing to try snd resolve their issue or Toyota.

    Not sure when I will get around to making pot roast Lorita.  First I have to get to store and get onion.  My stir fry turned out nice.  Sill have several meals left from it.  Just finished up the roast meat I had frozen for supper yesterday.  That roast gave me many meals.  Have a pound of hamburger thawing.  Going to make up more sausage from part of it.  I do many different things with one pound of hamburger.

    Little bit is beautiful Lorita.

    I use to enjoy playing games.  Don’t really care for it any more.  I played fo socialization and fun.  Some of my sisters still do.  My sister with children though they are extremely competitive.  To me that makes it no longer fun.  I play a lot of games on my iPad.  Never argues or fusses with anyone.

    Lorita hope you get the help you need today.

    Interesting that unsealed mail was cheaper than sealed mail.  I wonder why?

    Thinking now that on Thanksgiving will drop off dish of corn in disposable container.  Everyone really likes my frozen corn.   Going to take a few containers with me and fill them up and then come home and eat.  Will wear my N94 whole time I’m in the house.  Will not stay very long.  Will not feel guilty about not doing dishes as I will not create any for them.  Plus believe me I have done more than my share of dishes over the years at these dinners.

    Would eat outside on porch if was a nice day.  But right now they are not giving a nice day.  

    Lorita if we lived close I would fix us a dinner.  We would wear our KF94s except for when eating.  Would fix us a big pot of Pinto beans, big bowl of mashed potatoes, some sauerkraut and a pan of cornbread.  I like that meal, don’t remember if you like sauerkraut or not.  Then I would have pumpkin pie for dessert.  Like it that you don’t require Turkey as I don’t know how to fix one.  They seem like a lot of trouble, maybe more than they are worth lol.  When eating I would turn heat up and crack a few windows.  Oh well guess we will have to meet on the porch instead.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lou and I have a new ride now! Bought another Camry, after the other one lasted me 25 years couldn't see a reason to switch. I was surprised to see so many walking around without a mask. Several weeks ago our governor lifted the mask mandate and I see more and more people not wearing them. Luckily the VA and all the medical  buildings still require it.

    My sister will be leaving today and I sure hate to see her go. Other than a few incidents, Lou has been exceptionally better all week.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Congratulations on the new car, Ron. Those cars are really pretty.  What color and did you  get sticker shock?

    No carpenter. He said he planned on coming this morning, then  started breaking up.  Guess I'm on the carpenter's black list.    Hopefully he hada good reason for not coming.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sara, your dinner menu sounds delicious.  Love everything - would like your sauerkraut with the beans.  I've never cooked a turkey either.  We're far apart but can still enjoy visiting  on the porch.

    I think you have probably made a good choice about your family dinner. . This way you won't have to worry.

    About ready for bed. Sleep Well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    35F, 2C here this morning.  Giving a windy rainy day.  Hope to stay inside, peruse my seed catalogs. 

    Ron Camry’s are a nice car.  What color is your new car?  Maybe your sister can continue to drop in once in awhile.  Provides you with a nice needed break.  Know you hate to see her go.  How far away does she live?

    Lorita glad you like my menu. If I can find some decent looking cilantro at store hope to try some charro beans.  Can any of you guys tell me if I remove the seeds and white membrane from a jalapeño will it truly lower the heat?  Read that but don’t know if I can trust it lol.  Mild heat is fine but no more.  Do you think canned green chilies could be used instead?  Next year going to try and raise the nada jalapeño.  Has the flavor without the heat.  Have also seen one lady just drop a whole jalapeño into beans.  Does anyone know if that lowers the heat since the seeds and membrane not exposed?

    Had my beef sausage this morning.  I really do like it and it is the closest thing to grandma’s sausage I have eaten. 

    Take care everyone

    Zetta hope you did ok with your trip and that you are now safely in Oregon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Sara, we used to raise jalapenos and also tam jalapenos. I didn't like all the heat like Charles did  and the  tam jalapenos had a lot less heat but the same flavor.  Try cutting one in half and take out seeds and membranes and see if that works. Canned chilis might work.  I like to use them.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Question for you medical pros about pneumonia vaccine.  I took pneumonia 23 in 2017. Was supposed to get  Prevnar 13 a yearlater.  Did not follow through.  Is it too late or do I have enough?  Charles and I took one years ago and the nurse said we would never need more
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Lorita, Pneumonia 23 is actually Pneumovax; Prevnar is different and one does not follow the other with time restrictions.  Your Pneumovax is a one time vaccine and you can get the Prevnar and it too is supposed to be a one time vaccine.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Thanks, Jo.  Do I need both or is one or the other sufficient?  At my age, getting close to 80  (that's scary) do I need any more later or am I good to go? So nice to have answers to our medical questions.
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sayra, about the jalapeños. I cook with them a lot. Removing seeds and white membrane will absolutely *reduce* the heat, but there can still be a lot of heat left. Jalapeños are hard to predict in my experience, there can be huge variations in heat levels from pepper to pepper.. 

    If I want just a really little bit of heat, I have better luck with poblano peppers. (They look more like a skinnier bell pepper). Some people say poblanos  have no heat at all; I think they have some, certainly less than jalapeños. And you mentioned whole, I actually have tried that in soups and stews, roasts etc., but the pepper bursts—then you get seeds scattered. Biting one of those is not fun!

    I have had a really hard time getting on this thread today, sorry if I missed something in the last couple posts….it finally let me write and I jumped on it.

    But I did go to CostCo earlier today and it was wild. I wish ours delivered like somebody here mentioned. I was there before doors opened, but let the crowd waiting go first, and I was the 315th or 350th (couldn’t understand which she said) person to enter in the first few minutes. Once you get inside, though, it’s not bad at all. Even check-out moves fast. Those checkers are amazing..

    Shoppers’ carts  looked more like Christmas than Thanksgiving. I was trying not to go, but they have a generic Lactaid that’s really good, and so many good meats and cheeses, including sheep milk cheeses, easier on my digestion. I don’t like goat cheese, but I ate sheep milk cheese for years just assuming it was cow. Two common sheep cheese are Manchego  (like cheddar) and Pecorino Romano (like Parmesan). Actually, I was impressed at how many gluten-free and lactose-free things Costco had. 

    There’s a really good gluten-free cracker called “Crunchmaster” I found recently at a regular store (made from yuca, a new flour source for me, I dont eat the whole yuca, which many people treat like a baked potato) but Costco had more flavors. Just those big bags… At least meats are easy to separate and freeze.

    We are going to see kids on Thanksgiving. A very small group, all vaxxed. DH has had some changes in disposition lately, not for the better, so we’ll see how that goes. Not helping that my meds appear (from lab results)  to be not working well now, doctors always blame stress when that happens. Wonder where that comes from, lol.

    Ron, congrats on getting a car! You know how dependable camrys are, great you found one and got it home!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    It is best getting the Prevnar in addition to the Pneumovax as it covers different strains of pneumonia - (there are multiple different kinds of pneumonia.)  Our doctor recommends both.  Lorita, I wonder if being so far out in the farther rural area, if it is just too difficult to travel the distance for tiny jobs.  However, perhaps this last guy got lost going there?  I am sorry this is happening.  Wish I could be helpful in that regard. Try giving that last fellow the benefit of the doubt and call him and see if he "missed" your property by accident and could not reach you by phone.  Give him an excuse for an out; worth a try.   If he responds, good.  If he does not; well, then you will know.

    I have not got the shingles vaccine; I need to get that going.  A dear friend actually had the shingles vaccine several years ago.  She has never had shingles . . . however; about four months ago she developed shingles across her head and down one side of her face; it was horrible and the pain was pretty severe.  She is finally clear, but it did go on and on.  How unusual to have such a severe case after having been vaccinated.  Thank goodness it did not affect her eyes. 

     Rescue Mom; CostCo does not have its own delivery people, it is through Instacart in our area, and if one buys $30 or $35 worth of groceries, delivery is free of charge.  It is a bit of, "do this, do that," to get that going from CostCo's online site, I will have DH put the information together and I will get it to you because if I try to explain, I would probably have you ordering a ticket for a trip to Timbuktu in a wheelbarrow . . . .

    Zetta; so hope you are at your daughter's house all safe and sound and that the fur folk are all doing well.   Was going over the pass very difficult?  So hope all went smoothly.

    Judith; was the ball this weekend?  Let us know - we would love to hear about it.   Do you have glass slippers? (Wonder if they make those in wide sizes.)   Any little mice for friends that can morph into something to drive your coach?  By the way, have you seen the Maryland Square shoe catalog?  They have a lot of nice stylish shoes that come W, WW and some even WWW.  I am getting so many catalogs in the mail - must be Christmas; the poor mailman.   Rarely do I ever order anything, but I enjoy looking at all the "stuff.'

    Ron; I love the smell of a brand new car.  Did you trade or will you sell the old car?  What color did you get, and how was the pricing?  I would hang onto a car forever as I do not care about new ones as long as it runs okay, I am good to go.   There is a big car expo in LA this last week, tons and tons of electric cars being shown.  On the news reports I did notice the size of the electrics are of smaller scale and not a one had a trunk.  So . . . what do people with disabilites do if they need a wider cab space and how do they safely and easily carry wheelchairs and other healthcare needs items that need an adequate sized trunk?   If they park the car, the wheelchair may come out, but all the rest of the healthcare items would be easily seen and be easy picking for thieves.  Wonder if the car designers ever think about such things.  Profit . . . ka-ching! - designing and marketing to the biggest population of potential purchasers will bring that to them.

     Sayra; those jalapenos supposedly will be less hot if one takes the seeds and membranes out; but my experience has been . . .  still too HOT!!!!  My lips and tongue burn something awful and for me, it takes down the flavor of the food when there is too much heat.   I am like that chef, Geoffrey Zakarian who also does not tolerate a lot of spice heat; he said about himself, "I have a delicate palate." Guess I do too then.   My favorite is to use the little green chilis in the can; mild, no heat but flavor.  If I want a small bit of bite, I will use a little Tabasco so I can control the amount of heat.   As for putting the jalapeno in whole - that does not work either; still too hot and as said, the thing can rupture open with the cooking heat and then you are in a whole different ball park.

    Good idea for Thanksgiving, Sayra.  We too will be alone for the holiday.   We have a turkey breast that has been flattened out with a layer of cornbread stuffing put on top of it, then a layer of cranberry sauce on top of that. It is rolled up and tied.  It goes into the oven like that and slices like a spiral.  Have had it before and it was good.  I am going to  pull out the old, old recipe I haven't used in years and make Potatoes O'Brien to go with it.  It just sounded good.   Haven't decided on the veggies yet; guess I'd best get that done by tomorrow.  Perhaps carrots with butter and brown sugar and green peas or green beans with a bit of bacon and onion.  Don't feel like sweet potatoes right now; will do those another time. 

    Sadly, the COVID numbers have begun climbing here including the breakthroughs as well as hospitalizations.   We were the best in the nation, and now . . . . down it goes again as people were letting their guard down because things were going so good.  That's when you need to stay the course.  All sources say quite a surge is expected after the holidays; it is so disappointing.  The travelers at LAX this weekend are in huge, huge packed in numbers with long lines and jam packed waiting areas.  It is the busiest time in several years with people trying to catch up with getting back to being reconnected with "normal" gatherings.  The "governor" of Florida has passed law that is forbidding Disney from mandating vaccination of their employees - I think I heard it would be a $50,000 fine for EACH violation for any business that mandates vaccinations in that state.  It leaves me perplexed. 

     By the way; I too have had a hard time getting on this Thread and have had a hard time with waiting to get on the Thread right from the first day it opened.  The longer wait started on the second page and subsequent page.  Wonder if the two updates have anything to do with the issue.

    Well; time to mosey on down the trail.  Rescue Mom, I will get the info re CostCo delivery at no cost and Post it.

     Good Sunday everyone,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All, 

     Sara, Yes, my trip went well, I am now in Longview, Washington. My son had set my phone to tell me directions and of course I messed it up along the way and it had no idea where I was at. I pretty much knew the way but I did take a few wrong turns and threw me off, so instead of a 4.5 hr drive it took me 5.5 hrs. I did not run into any snow but I did have some rain and fog. I did not like the fog, Sammy the kitten meowed half the way, then he finally went to sleep. I will be here at my daughter's house till 13th of December.  

    Jo,  I did wave at your brother as I drove through Bend, Oregon. And told him you said Hi. 

    Ron,  It's nice that you got a car you can depend on. I know I feel better driving the car I have now I had to get it last year because my transmission was going out.

    I am enjoying the time I am spending with my daughter but after 4 weeks I will be ready to go home.

    Nice Day to all of you, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, I like the idea of pinto beans for Thanksgiving dinner.  I'm thinking of making gumbo.  I'll pick up some Jiffy cornbread mix.  My mother and my grandmother never would make anything from a mix and they would be horrified to know I cook from mixes.

    Ron, congratulations on your new Camry!  My lease on my RAV4 is due next month and they have been calling me to ask if I want another vehicle.  They say the inventory is very low and I would have to order right now!  I don't have the energy to investigate new cars now.

    Zetta, I'm glad you reached your destination safely.  

    Lorita, I got one of the pneumonia vaccinations.  I have to check to see which one.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Rescue mom thank you for all that information.  I do like poblanos.  Had wondered if they would work.  Now I have my answer.  Have noticed the few times that I’ve eaten jalapeño that their heat can vary quite a bit.  Like the little green chilies in the can too.

    Hope Thanksgiving works out nicely for you.  Nice that you are able to be with people who all have immunity.  Maybe your husband will have a good day that day.  

    We don’t have a Costco in our community.  We have a Sams Club.  I have a little bit of a problem with paying to shop.  Did go there a time or two with my sister.  Most things were way too much for me as a single person.  Also compared prices and did not find it cheaper in general.  Have a feeling Costco is nicer.j

    I have noticed people’s carts looking like Christmas too.  They were stuffed full.  

    Once I’ve used up the cheese I have, going to look for the sheep cheeses you mentioned.  Do I still need to use lactase with them or are they lactose free?  Will look into the Crunchmaster crackers too.  Thank you for sharing.

    JoC your Thanksgiving meal sounds good.

    Zetta glad you are in Washington safe and sound.  

    Next year in December will be when I’m due for the pneumonia vaccine,  doctor’s office and pharmacy have both reminded me.  Had my Shingles vaccine already.  As with other vaccines it isn’t totally bulletproof.  Has fairly good effectiveness though according to cdc website.  But per usual as we get more mature a little less effective.  Shingles are not fun.

    My friends sister got home.  She is on oxygen, short of breath and coughing a lot.  Enough where hard for her to talk.  Her husband is doing better in rehab and hopes to come home soon. They both want to be home.  They have both told their children that they want to get through the holiday for them and then they are ready to go.  My friend and I feel that probably the reason they did not end up to the point of a ventilator is that they were vaccinated.  Her sister has breast cancer that has metastasized to her lungs, COPD and now covid.  You see what I mean. 

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Just spoke with Daniel.  He's been sick with a bad cold but plans to come tomorrow afternoon..  I will meet him on the porch with a mask and I will wear my KF 94.  Do not want a cold.  Not feeling the best this morning - didn't take down trash but there  wasn't much.

    Be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    I had beans and cornbread for either Thanksgiving or Christmas a couple of years ago and enjoyed it. In the past I always had pumpkin pie and baked the extra filling without a crust. Really good so may do that.  Thinking of vegetable or potato soup though.  To be cold and rainy..
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I bought a can of pumpkin but not going to bake a pie since mom told me not to bring her anymore food and my sister will probably have a dessert.  

    Made a meatloaf for lunch and have a pot of chicken vegetable soup going for later.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    I’m supposed to make and bring cranberry sauce, which is kind of funny since that’s been my assignment for years, and I am pretty sure I am the only one who eats it And we will eat the leftovers.

    Jo, your turkey roll? Dish? sounds divine. I’d love to try that, I’d go for that in a flash. And thanks for the Instacart notice on Costco. I’ve used Instacart, but not for anything so big/varied, or with so many choices…(my basic problem). 

    Sayra, you are right, Costco sizes are not really suited for one or two people, unless you can freeze it (meats) or it lasts a while (cheese). I think I saw you have your own meat source, which is so much better anyway. Meat and cheese are about the only food I buy there any more—except I always fall victim to a couple of snack bags when I see something that looks interesting—which online shopping would reduce! When we were more socially active (before Alzheimer’s) I got lots of party food/goods there. 

    Sayra asked if I take/need  lactaid with sheep cheese.. it depends (sorry). If I think I’m going to eat a good bit, I will take one—if I remember. In general, with just 2-3 slices, I do not, and don’t feel like I needed it. There are some cow cheeses I can’t eat much at all without significant discomfort and/or 2-3 lactaids. If I was going to consume a lot of sheep cheese, I would take it just in case. But in general, I don’t need to. (Hope this makes any sense

    Given how little I’ve been out, a Costco visit seemed like a major adventure..

    Jo, you mentioned Florida’s ongoing “laws” about COVID. A lot of big business is also puzzled. I’ve never seen so many people in “positions” so puzzled by a public official, and I worked in FL politics for decades. It’s not partisan, either— biz leaders are in his party. He crossed Disney, obviously huge. But those laws are no good without enforcement; with a wink and a nod he could get to have it both ways. One horrible thing is certain, though—FL had record-high deaths and hospitalizations this summer. He lost a lot of voters, but they think the overall gain is more. 

    Now we have very few deaths or in hospital. Businesses are making gobs of money. (They love to publicize that, the summer deaths, not so much). But we’re entering tourist season, and already set record high visitor numbers. It’s going to be really interesting to see by mid-December..  The cluster concept Crushed mentioned elsewhere is so interesting to me; much of my old work involved demographics. It seems to be pretty well shown, in my area, that certain neighborhoods and demographic groups are/were hit much harder than others during that summer surge.

    But I think vast majority of people in my area are living very much like they before, except for vax and masks.  And the bad numbers are, for a fact, way, way down (the vulnerable are already gone). People a lot smarter than me are seriously mystified by this gov., though. This has been a huge, huge topic in the last couple weeks. Holidays will pass, then we’ll be back to it, and who knows what conditions.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Here is how the InstaCart arrangments work with CostCo in our neck of the woods and will probably be standard throughout the company:

    FIRST, go to the Costco online website. There will be several options for different categories of items you wish to shop for. Select the GROCERY category.

    NEXT, must select "SAME DAY DELIVERY". HOWEVER, if you don't want your order delivered the same day you have the option, after you've made your selections, to choose what day (up to 5-6 days later) and what time (usually a 2-hour window) you would like the items delivered. Also, delivery is not done by Costco itself but rather by a contract delivery service, "Instacart".
    There is a $35 minimum purchase required if you don't wish to pay a service fee at all. When buying from Costco that $35 minimum purchase threshold is met usually with just a few items. When you check out you will be asked to provide the source of payment; we use a credit card.
    When you're checking out you'll receive a text or email message confirming your order.
    You will receive a notification via text or email when your assigned shopper begins shopping. During the shopping you should also receive updates from your shopper if an item is unavailable and asking if there's a substitution you would prefer. Sometimes, depending on the shopper, they'll offer a suggestion or even a photograph of an item that's available that's similar to the one you ordered but Costco doesn't have in stock. Some shoppers are better at this than others so don't despair just keep your smartphone handy or stay close to your computer so you can respond to them in a timely fashion. I personally prefer communication be through texting as it's instantaneous and email can be slow.
    (Lost the ability to highlight the salient points - won't let me do it.)
    You'll receive a text or email when the shopper has checked out and when the shopper is enroute to your delivery location as well as an estimated time of arrival. NOTE:  Your shopper is required by their employer to use appropriate distancing measures and mask as appropriate to protect themselves and you, their customer re COVID.
    You will also receive a text or email indicating the entire cost of the service which will be the cost of the products, any delivery fee if you did not meet the $35 minimum purchase, sales tax if any and a tip for the delivery person (the tip automatically defaults to 10% but you can change that to anything from 0% to whatever).
    After the delivery has been made to the location you have designated you will be sent a text or email asking for a rating of the service, from 1 to 5 stars. (The shopper also rates the customer.)  You can at that time, if you so desire, adjust any tip you wish to give the delivery person based on the quality of the service you received.
    I don't know how much the delivery person is paid by Instacart but based on what I've heard of other delivery services it probably isn't very much. Therefore, if we've received good and accurate service we tend to tip at least 15%, sometimes 20%.  The shoppers work very hard for little.
    When you receive the "bill" you'll be able to rate the service and register any complaint. Upon rare occasion, we've received items not ordered or  did not receive items we did order. When you respond to the billing with your rating that is the time for you to make it known and Instacart will reply to you with either a refund or a credit for items you didn't receive. Unordered items they usually will tell you to keep and you are not charged for them. That has happened only once. Either way, they've always been very responsive.
    Ordering from Costco for things other than groceries goes through their own delivery services and warehouses. Sometimes they do the delivery themselves or they contract to UPS, it just depends on what item(s) you've ordered.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Sara, did you decide to go to  your family dinner?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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