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Just need to talk to my friends (161)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Thought it was time - it's been 15 days since #160.  Time is really flying - almost the middle of December already.  Before we know it, it will be Springtime again.  I'm for that.

 Ron, glad things are going pretty well for you and Lou.  So nice of you to take care of your sister's little dog while she was gone.  Bet you'll miss that little one.

 So, guess I'm going to have to look up the divinity recipe.  Haven't made it in years but if I can find a day when the humidity isn't too high, I'll try.  Maybe I can freeze what I don't want to eat - or  make half a recipe.

Almost finished the last of the first loaf of banana bread so felt like I  needed something sweet so made a peace cobbler.  Really looks good.  It's to hot to eat now but maybe I can wait an hour or so.

 Bryon and his cousin came this afternoon and got the back cowshed door closed so it'll be all right until a new one can be built.  They also took down the back rubber.  I could have done it but I thought while there were two strong guys here I'd let them do it.  I have to use the Gator and it was muddy there - from me letting the water run too long in the water tank.  I showed Bryon the door seal I ordered from Amazon - thinking he could tell  me if it fits.  It was the right width and they decided to put it on.  Took quite a while trying to get it figured but it's done so maybe the rain will stay out of the PU.  They gorilla glued it in for security's sake - it fit all right but this was an extra added precaution.  I just went out to check and the door opens - I was sort of afraid it would be glued shut.  Bryon's really good at mechanic stuff so happy he went ahead and did it.  While they were working on it a big, old, fat opossum waddled into the carport and began to eat dry catfood.  I feed them probably 3-4 cups of dry food plus two cans of canned food each morning and it's always all gone in the mornings.  I've seen this opossum going into the carport before - so I've been feeding him - and I think probably a coon because their water is always dirty in the mornings.  They wash their food before they eat it.  The opossum didn't seem to care that three people were right outside the carport - guess he was ready for supper.

 They also put new cord in the flagpole.  The cord that was in it had worn through so now I can fly the flag when it's not too windy.  That's four things I really wanted to get done.  The tree, "my" tree, I mentioned is almost gone - only one big limb left and all the others are laying on the ground around it.  He burns wood so he gathered up some of it to take home and I told him to come back when he wanted to and get the rest.  This way he'll have wood to burn to keep warm and it will also clean up the pasture.  I was really lucky to find him years ago - he's been a big help to me.

 Mike called after they left on his way home from taking care of some cattle on the other side of Henryetta.  We had a long discussion about the place so guess we'll go ahead with it before long.  Really hate to sell and he's the only one I would sell to - seems his values are about the same as mine and he really loves the land and takes care of it.  I do need to talk tomorrow to Sam and he's going to talk with his daughter who is the head of a bank in his town.  He wasn't familiar with Life Estate - had just said I could live here as long as I wanted to but I feel I  need a little more security in case something happened to him first.  Not going to be easy but I can still pretend -and I know it has to be done so the Government can't get it when I'm gone.  I'm sorry for having dragged all of you into this but just have needed someone to talk with.  Thank you all.

 Sarah called two or three days ago and sounded awful - said she was going to the hospital but would call me when she found out something.  I haven't heard anything from her since then.  Guess that's par for the course.

 Stormy's barking to come inside so I'll stop for now.  It's really cold out there.  Ron, it was 78 degrees on our front porch night before last.  The wind's from the south but it's as cold as kraut and goes right through you.  You'd think south wind would be warm but it can be as cold as the north wind.

  Hope all of you can have a restful night.  Zetta, when do you come home?  Be very careful driving.  I'm watching Gunsmooke, of course.  Wanted to watch the Browns play football today but if they played it wasn't telecast or I missed it somehow.

 See you all tomorrow.



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I posted my life story at the end of Friends #160, if anyone wants to read it.

    I'm sorry I did not post earlier; I wanted my story to be with the other stories.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    36F, 2C, suppose to be sunny and windy.  Was windy yesterday but nothing like Saturday.

    Iris thank you for sharing your life story.  Have enjoyed reading all of them.  

    Ron those cookies sound delicious.  Sugar cookies are a favorite of mine but I’m getting too lazy to fix them.  Made cookies for my Aunt yesterday.  Have them packed, hope to ship today.

    Lorita I frequently make a 1/4 or 1/2 recipe.  Rare for me to make a whole recipe. 

    One of my sisters who won’t take vaccine has had a headache and sore throat for four days.  This is concerning but had to learn to leave that in God’s hands back at the beginning as each one of us have to live with decisions we make.  Feel sorry for her, at same time disappointed.  She told my vaccinated sister but has not told me.  Saddest thing is neither one of us feel free to offer any suggestions.  Such a sad statement.  Know it could be something other than covid but either way she should probably check it out.  Hope she doesn’t put things off too long.

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I really enjoyed reading the life stories. I just read yours, Iris. Very interesting life you have had. Like many, it sounds like life had its sorrows and its joys. Thank you for sharing.

    Sara, I'm praying for your sister. I hope she does not have the virus, and if she does, that it is mild. 

    We shared a Christmas dinner with 2 other couples Friday night. All fully vaccinated. We hosted lunch Sunday for our son and his family. There were 3 birthdays to celebrate: my DIL and their twins all have the same birthday. Going to lunch with my sister today; she is visiting from another state.

    Meteor shower tonight, could possibly see 100 an hour - if you're up at 3:00 a.m. to sunrise that is prime time.

    Blessings to all and have a good day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     Another windy, cool day.  I bet there's not a dozen days during the year that we don't have wind blowing.

     Iris, you have had an interesting life.  Sorry it got to the point you could no longer work.  Life does get hard sometimes.  I hope you feel better soon.  Do you take vitamins?  I haven't been but I'm trying to get back into the habit.  Think I'll also add Magnesium to my other three.

     I called the plumbing place the two young men came from when they cleaned my heater.  Didn't get it cleaned completely so they'll send a crew out probably tomorrow.  It heats all right but makes that noise like wind's blowing the flame and the pilot light is mostly orange which means it's still dirty somewhere.

     The other plumbing company is supposed to come out today and lay the 20 or 30 ft. piece of PVC so the water from the washer and kitchen will drain out into the paddock.

     Just talked with my CPA.  He doesn't fully understand the life estate thing either and whether I'll need three separate payments so suggested I talk with an attorney.  I called their office Friday and didn't get an answer.  I'll need to get feed this week so I'll make an appointment and do both things on the same trip. 

     There's so many quit claims and different things so I'm not sure which is which.  Also need to find out about whether the mineral rights will transfer or how to do that.  A lot of questions so I'll make a list.

     I think I posted after Bryon left yesterday.  I opened the PU door again this morning and everything seems to be in place. So glad that's fixed.  I could cover the cab with a tarp when it was going to rain but even weighed down it would blow off and get water inside.

     Got up early and took down the trash and fed Tom and Jerry.  Girls are scattered around out front so guess everything's okay.

     Daniel said he can start the job on the bedroom Wednesday - wonder if that will really happen.  The insurance adjustor is supposed to do the paperwork and call me back today - just too many things going on at the same time.

     Hope everyone's okay this morning.  Beth, about the meteor shower - not sure we'll be able to see it here - haven't heard our weatherman mention it this morning.  Is it just tonight? 

     Sara, I hope your sister just has a cold and nothing more serious although they can really make you feel bad.  Please let us know.

     I don't remember that I've ever made cookies you have to roll out - seems like that's a lot of trouble.  Drop cookies seem to be a lot easier.  At the grocery store where I shop they have really good cookies for about a dollar a package - that's what I usually buy - and Oreos, of course. 

     Well, I'll stop and watch a little more TV, watch the weather to see which day will be best to get feed and make the appointment with the attorney. 

     Enjoy the day.  Zetta, when is it when you'll get to come home?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Lorita you are the steward of that land and you are doing a good job.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    The kids got home last night (3am this morning) after a 5-hour delay in Colorado due to the wind and looks like I will not be going anyplace soon. I have one of 3 passes I will have to go over to get home and at this time there is too much snow for me to feel comfortable to drive in.

    My SILs job is moving them to Arizona, I am a little sad because I won't drive that far but he told me anytime I wanted to come visit he will get me the ticket. They will be flying back in 2 weeks to look around and find a house. I will probably just stay here till they return from that trip. They will need me here to take care of the cats.  It will probably be the middle of January before I drive home. I miss home but looks like I will spend some of the winter here,

    Lorita,  I am glad you are moving forward with your plans. And someone mentioned you can be the girls Grandma, and spoil them rotten and enjoy your time with them. That is a good idea. Iam glad you are finally taking to your neighbor, both of you need to know your there for each other. Lorita, I bet your glad that things are starting to get done around your house. Take care of yourself so you can enjoy your Retirment time. 

    Iris, you have a very interesting life, please take care of yourself and get a lot of rest. There is nothing wrong with wrapping up in a blanket and staying warm and cuddly all day. 

    I have enjoyed reading about you all. We are all so different is many ways and we enjoy each other's company on the front porch. Like some of you, you're the only company I have most of the time. 

    Been a lot of rain here, so I have been staying in and keeping warm. Molly & Sammy are getting along with my daughters 3 cats. Sammy at times gets a bit ruff with the smaller kitten so I am keeping my squirt bottle handy.  I am missing home.

    Take Care all of you, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Thank you, Judith, I try my best.  You know people always think no one can do something as well as they can but that's not the case here.  I can't even make an appointment with the attorney because the first three days this week either a plumber is coming (two different services), hay will probably be delivered, Daniel MAY come so it's hard to know when to make it.  Thursday and Friday there's a good chance of rain so can't get feed.  Guess there's no huge hurry - there's still three weeks left in the year.

     Zetta, I laughed when I read what you said about the squirt bottle.  I keep one filled with water to spray our cats when they start running and playing in the middle of the night.  Everyone is asleep right now so they're resting up for tonight. 

     It's probably good you're going to be staying a while because of the bad driving conditions.  I remember when I was working and it would snow during the day I had a way to come home with only about seven miles on the highway (after I got off the hill where the hospital was).  The rest of the way was on dirt roads and if they weren't snowed in driving was better because they weren't as sleep because of the gravel.  Some days it was just impossible to get to work.  I imagine sometimes they really wondered why I had called in because of bad weather - but 25-30 miles can make a big difference.

     I've been wondering about something - maybe you all can answer the question for me.  Years ago I was using the Xerox machine in an office and the secretary (a good friend) was talking about her parents.  I noticed the corners of her mouth were pointed down - like an upside down smile.  I tried to get mine to do that and couldn't for the life of me.  Now - I look like that without trying.  Why is that?   Another reason wearing a mask doesn't bother me - if I can breathe.  I guess it's just part of getting more "mature" as Jo says.

     Do any of you remember a show, probably in the 50s, that had a guy on it called Ernest P. Duckweather?  I used to watch it after we got home from Church.  Now on all these old westerns I'm seeing the guy that played that part, I think.  I've been trying to think of the name of the show - you know how that goes.

     I've seen two westerns lately, both Rawhides with the woman who played Samantha on a show where she was a witch.  I guess these old westerns are where so many people got their start.

    So glad that back barn door is closed.  When Ray brings the hay, he and his friend who helps him will close the big doors and then I'll wire them and put a cattle panel across the doors so the cows won't push on the doors during the winter.  I used to be fixing fence all the time - glad that's over - but there's always something to be done - and I can still do some of those things if I want to.  Filled both water tanks this morning and didn't run them over (put a mark on the wall, as Charles would say). 

     That spot in my back is hurting today - probably from carrying the trash this morning.  And, I'm cold.  The wind is blowing and it feels cold to me although it's already in the 60s. 

     I'll stop now and watch Rawhide.  Yellowstone was good last night - only three more episodes?  That means there's only six - I always thought shows made 12 or 13 new episodes. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I had to goggle it but it was a 1953 series called Johnny Jupiter. 

    Iris, you had a interesting life story, like all of us good and bad, hopefully you remember more good than bad which makes our senior years happier.

    Been here 14 years now and has always been a nice quiet neighborhood. We moved here because the crime had gotten so bad where we had lived. Well, this morning i saw two Sheriff cars next door. Later the neighbor told me his son and him had gone hunting and he forgot to take their guns out. He told me that down the street another vehicle was broken into. My sisters dog woke me up around 12 and i thought she needed to pee, so i took her out but she didnt need to go. The sheriff told me that another neighbor said his dogs went crazy around midnight. I checked my vehicles and they were ok!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Lorita, the meteor shower peaks tonight but maybe a couple more nights they will be visible.
  • caregiverstudyusc
    caregiverstudyusc Member Posts: 13
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    Sign up free of charge with https://roybal.usc.edu/socalcaregiver/ at https://usc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d5KZWS5IzNPXAe9 for online classes, support group, related resources and to learn how to be the best caregiver you can be. You can also receive Target Gift Cards.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Just a quick reminder to all of us.  Ignore above posting til those over site check it out.  Have asked them to check it out and remove it if it should be removed.  Just didn’t want any of us to let our guard down.  Be back later.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    28F, 2C.

    Ron glad your vehicles were not broken into.  My neighborhood is quiet too, but all it takes is one person to ruin that.  There are two rental properties on street next to mine.  This summer one day I hear a loud muffler, beat up car going by.  I looked up at car as this is unusual on my street.  In a little bit hear it again and see it pulling into one of the rentals where new people had moved in.  Don’t leave my garage door up any more.  Used to leave it up til done outside, though do usually have my door into house locked.  Felt like there was a possibility he/shewas checking things out.  Don’t know that he/she was but have to be aware.  Have more things in garage that someone might want than anywhere else.  They would be sadly disappointed if they broke into my house.  An iPad would probably be the only thing of value to them.

    Nothing going on.  

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I was awake and got up around 3:45 to look for meteors. I didn't see any so went back to bed.

    Lorita, your talk of westerns reminds me: When I was a child, we had one tv with 3 channels. On Sunday nights my dad always wanted to watch "Maverick," whereas "Dennis the Menace" was on at the same time and that was what I wanted to watch.  lol

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    The life stories have been so interesting. Thank  you everyone.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris forgot to mention this morning that reading about you being able to go to a special school reminded me of something I saw on this week in virology recently.  There were two young brothers on there from NYC ( very early 20’s) who participated in a program where they as high school students went out and collected bird feces. They worked with scientists in their labs doing sequencing to see what viruses these birds were carrying.  They actually are named on the published paper.  How cool is that.  They now both attend Brown University and are in science fields.  Both said the experience had them so far ahead in the game when they got to Brown.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     This is the best thread with the best people around.  Ask a question and someone will have the answer to it.  Thanks so much, Ron.  I would never have thought of the name of that show.  We used to get home from Church between 12 and 12:30 and as soon as we got in the house I turned on the TV to watch Ernest P. Duckweather.  Now I have a memory from age 11.  I watched a little of one video and sure enough that was it.

     I agree, Judith, very interesting people and interesting lives they've led and very diverse - lot of educated people here and this country girl who only had business college but I had a good career that I loved and provided a good living then - and now.  Met lots of really nice people over those 33+ years.

     Beth, I was awake at MN but missed 3 am. - will try again tonight.  I remember our first TV and we only had three channels - only part of the day.  Lookin' at Cookin' is one of the first shows we were able to watch and, of course, Howdy Doody and the one with Cecil  the seasick sea serpant.  Also remember Maverick.  Lots of good westerns back then.  My grandma was at home all day and watched some soap operas - only 15 min. each.  Those were the good old days and we didn't realize it then.

     Neighborhoods really change over the years and not always to the better.  It even has changed out here drastically from when I was growing up - far fewer people within a two mile radius of where I live - many more cows and less farming.  Ron, glad everything was okay in yours and also in yours, Sara.

     Well, I've had a busy morning - One plumbing company came to work on the heater again and while they were here another one came to finish adding a length of pipe to the drainage system for the kitchen - and I've paid for it, too.  Second time for each of them to be here and one will have to come back again - found the water from the kitchen sink drains into a galvanized pipe under the house that has a hole in it.  The washer drains all right so that's good.  The man from the propane company is going to come by tomorrow to recheck the stove.  The young men did all they could but it still makes that noise.  He just wants to be sure it's okay.  Hope I don't have to buy another one. 

     Did talk with Daniel this morning and he gave me an estimate - not too bad for what he has to do.  I don't think the insurance company will pay anything on that repair.  He hopes to finish the job he's on tomorrow and may get here the next day or two.  Says it'll take 2-3 days.  

     He told me something really funny.  He has relatives out in this area and his aunt who he says lives three or four miles from us (don't know her) told him she was watching TV and happened to look toward her kitchen and there were three opossums standing in the kitchen.  Can you imagine that?  There was a hole under her kitchen cabinet and they came in there.  I asked him what she did and he said she just shooed them out of the house.  I think I told you all about the opossum we have who evidently lives in the barn and carport (it's more like a garage with three closed sides and roof and one side open). 

     I'll be right back - alarm has just old me it's time to turn off the water to the tank in the garden.  It had just started running over.  Girls are in the garden and east of the house laying down.

     Guess we haven't lived until we've found snakes or opossums in the house - maybe that's a country thing - but, Patsy and my sister have both found snakes in their houses, too.  Patsy lived in a little country community with houses closeby and, of course, Lorita lived in OKC.

     Sandy, I see what you mean about getting things fixed before selling.  I'm not going to be leaving here but it's things that had to be repaired - each of these four trips have been around $200 each. with at least one more to go.

     I've been trying to find a time to go in to buy feed but things keep coming up.  I hate to keep 3/4 ton of feed on the PU for several days so wanted to get it as near to the time it needs to be filled as possible.  I was going to go tomorrow but that depends on when Cory gets here.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow night and Thursday morning - and again Thursday night and Friday.   Will only take an hour or so to get it so maybe I can work it in.   Why does everything happen at once?

     Just heard China has had a record snowfall - and our terrible tornado outbreak - odd weather we're having ----- climate change.  We better get something done or we're going to lose our planet.  Have you all watch "The Day After Tomorrow".  Really scary things.

     The sun has finally come out. It was odd - this morning when I got up it was cloudy and an hour or so later fog moved in and stayed two or three hours - reminded me of the poem "Fog".  I've driven to work in the fog many times and it's really easy to lose your sense of where you are.  But, had rather drive in fog than rain.  Zetta, glad you're going to stay put until the weather improves.  Looks pretty bad in the NW part of our Country.   Okay, sun's gone again.

     I'll stop for now - time for Rawhide.  I have a load of clothes washing, too.  Somehow one of the guys got the washer filled and dumped the water to see if it drained. Don't know how he did that - I tried the other day and didn't know how. 

     Be back later.  Hope all of you are well.  Sara, how is your sister?  Has she been tested?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I looked up "Maverick."  It won one Emmy, began in 1957 or 1959 and ran for 5 seasons. Actors included James Garner, Roger Moore (???same Roger Moore as 007???) and Buddy Ebsen. 

    Nice weather here today, 55 degrees, will be 70 tomorrow but a cold front comes in and we could get storms tomorrow evening. Lots of wind predicted. 

    Enjoy your day everyone.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Anybody have a good remedy for a boil? I've never had boils until recently! A few months ago I had to have one lanced on my right butt cheek. Now I have one in the same place. I've been putting wet warm cloth on it and even sitting in a hot tub of water, but it's not getting better. Neighbor told me raisins were good for boils and I've been eating them. I'm trying everything to keep from having it lanced again. Dont know why after all these years o have to put up with this. I've been told that my prostate cancer treatments can effect you in many ways; skin issues, bowel problems and bladder. Looks like I have all three going on.

    Having a good run with Lou still! Cant believe I'm having this many days with very few problems. I would want to think she sees the troubles I'm having and doing her best to help me.


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    Bill has all those problems also with his prostate cancer. I put a drawing creme I got from pharmacy on Bill. It would heal up and then another would be somewhere else. I told doctor and he prescribed 5% Dimethicone creme. I have to put it on his hot spots around his privates. The treatment would cause a heavy rash and the creme the Dr gave would heal it up.

    See if your VA Dr will give you some. If we were closer I would send you a tube.

    Bill fell yesterday Going to bathroom and hurt his back. 

    Hope you get some relief.


  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    HI Front Porch Gatherers, I have been reading these posts for a while because for the last 4 years my husband and I were dealing with his Alzheimer disease.   Often I was able to get better information from this website than from the doctors that were treating my husband.  I referred to this website often due to the many issues I had to deal with as the primary caregiver. I lost my husband this year in August and we had been married 43 years.

    I look forward to reading these posts because they are so interesting and many of you have diverse backgrounds, especially those that live on farms. I am not a farm girl but was brought up in a city located in upstate New York on Lake Ontario many years ago where we had many months of winter and often have snow that covers the front yard mailbox at times. I guess we get most of our weather off of Lake Ontario an Lake Erie.

    I love animals and have always had dogs and cats but right now I only have one dog who I've had for 13 years. I feed the squirrels and the birds and we get some wildlife around here. My husband and I moved to the Blue ridge mountain area about 11 years ago when our daughter moved here with her husband. I have three grandchildren from the ages of 12 to 17 and enjoy them so much, but I'm sort of sad to see them growing up because I know that they will go off on their own one day and may not stay in this area. When I was growing up families lived around each other or close by but it seems that doesn't happen any longer.

    I have to say I so much enjoy reading Lorita"s posts about her farm and cows, dogs, cats, and I think she has a turtle. It does seem like a lot to take care of for one person but she sure does keep a handle on things and seems to do her best to make things happen on the farm.

    II think this is it for now and thank you for letting me share my information with you on your wonderful front porch.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi again,

     I'm worn out from people being here.  I've seen five people today and three of them have been in the house.  More people that I've seen in one day in a coon's age.  The two plumbers who worked on the stove had on masks - didn't let them in until they put them on and I had one on.  I stayed in the LR but was a good 10 ft. away from them all the time.  The other two were outside except when one came in to dump the water from the washer and to fill and let the water out of the sink - they didn't have on masks but I did.  I laid down on the divan when they left and fell asleep watching Rawhide!

     See what I mean - "ask and ye shall receive" - answers to our questions.  That was good advice Shirley.  Sorry Bill isn't doing well.  Hope he didn't hurt himself too badly when he fell.  Those darn falls slip up on us - I'm still dealing with the one in late October.  When you're younger you don't think much about falls but that changes as you mature.

     Ron, you're like me - if it isn't one thing, it's two others.  Seems like things never will straighten out.  Hope you can get some relief from the crème Shirley mentioned.  I don't have any advice to offer - never had a boil (better knock on wood or that will be the next thing).  Glad Lou has been easier to deal with lately.

     Welcome Katie.  So glad you decided to post and join us here on the porch.  I lost my husband when we'd been married 43 years, too - almost made it to 44 - three months later.  Still miss him and talk to him every day.  Seems like every day I sneeze about nine times in a row.  When I'd do that Charles would always ask if I was okay.  Now, I tel him I am.  Silly but that's me.

     Glad you enjoy reading all of our posts - everyone is interesting and shares with us the things that happen to them.  Friendships have developed and though we'll probably never see each other, we're still friends and there for each other. 

     You remembered about the turtle - haven't seen him in several weeks but I know he's around somewhere.  Guess now I have a opossum and probably a coon somewhere.  I know your dog is a lot of company for you.  What's his name?  I lost our little Barclee a few months ago and I really miss him laying in the chair beside me.  Several years ago we bought two wingback chairs - Charles still sat in his recliner so we had one big wing-back chair made from the two - wide enough for me to sit and Barclee to lay beside me.  Now, many times Kitt (one of my cats) lays there.

     What State do you live in now?  Away from the cold, snowy winters?  I love to see it snow and used to like to get out in it and take pictures.  After our horrid last winter I've had enough snow and ice to last from now on.

     I  mentioned earlier the girls were all laying around waiting until someone said "let's go eat some grass".  I was looking out the door and noticed something coming out of the pond onto the bank.  Grabbed my binoculars and saw a Great Pyrenees swimming in the pond and then coming out.  I didn't see the other one again but all the girls did - all of them went over toward them to check it out.  We have a neighbor, about three miles south of us who had two Pyrenees but their house burned and they left for a while but they did come back to feed the Pyrenees.  Then, they moved back in a MH and I've never seen the GPs again.  Asked Mike about them a while back and he didn't know what happened to them.  So, these two are probably them - or they're from the farm about three miles NE of here where I got Stormy.  Those dogs tend to wander if they don't have a job to do.  I hear big dogs bark from time to time and it may have been these.  I don't let ours out of the yard unless they're on a leash.  We used to see GPs occasionally before we got ours and they were from a farm north of us - father of the man who raises them now. 

     Stormy was so good today - he'd meet the young men when they came to the door and stop them for a while until they talked to him.  Then, he'd stand or lay down fairly close to them and growl.  I don't know what he would have done if I'd say "sic 'em".  He did this the other day when they were here but more so today.  I know people are hesitant to come into the yard when they're out.  I keep them inside when I know FedEx or UPS is coming. 

     I'm slowly being able to mark some things off my list of things to be done - slowly.  Thankful for that.  I'll be glad when the bedroom work is finished - then they can figure out what to do with the rock.  If I'm satisfied with the job he does, I'll see about him replacing the utility room floor.  I think our insurance will help some with that job.

     It's been cloudy almost the whole day and it's dark in the north but the front isn't due to come through until tomorrow night -  not a pleasant day outside.  I don't like cloudy days - rather it be sunny or rainy.

     Still haven't made that soup - also have a big head of cauliflower and some broccoli in the refrigerator I need to take care of.  I think I'll freeze it to have later.

     I'll stop for now and watch the news and weather.  Again, Katie, welcome and come back often.  Glad you're enjoying reading all of our posts.

    Good for you, Sara - I see they deleted the post you reported.  Didn't realize this post was so long until now.

  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Lorita, you have a lot going on with the things that you want to complete before the real winter sets in but I know you'll be so happy that those things are done. We don't have bad Winters here but occasionally we'll get a day or two of snow in January or February. I live in the SW of Virginia  (not far from Blacksburg). 

     I changed my profile picture and added my dog Toby. I don't know why the picture came sideways because it's not that way on my cell phone but at least you can get a good idea of what he looks like.

    Toby is 13 years old and this year he was just diagnosed with diabetes that I control pretty much with the two injections of insulin per day. He's a wonderful dog and a great companion. He's a mixture of Jack Russell... his dad was 100% white Jack Russell but did not seem to have the temperament of one, and his mother was Poodle and Westie.

    It has not been easy since my husband passed in August. I have had several days of depression but the medication the doctor gave me helps quite a bit. I just hope I don't have to stay on it forever but I've had no side effects.  This Christmas holiday will be difficult, but to be honest we have not had a real holiday of any kind for the last 2 years because of the Alzheimer's.

    Our daughter is a registered nurse and has worked in the trauma center in the hospital plus she has trained students who want to get into the nursing field. She has had several positions in the medical field and her nursing degree can take her anywhere. She was a great help to me in the last year of my husband's life especially when he became bedridden and could no longer walk and care for himself. We did call in hospice but they did not have to do too much because our daughter trained me and she was always available when I needed her.  That being said, it is still good to have an extra person around when it comes to the hygiene, moving the patient around, changing the hospital bed, etc., which most of it I did on my own. The most difficult part of the Alzheimer was that it seemed right from the start my husband had primary aggressive aphasia that lasted about three and a half out of the four years of the disease. There was no way I was able to have any sensible communication with him because I never knew if he understood me and I rarely understood anything he tried to relate to me.

    Your two GP dogs sound very loyal and protective. Since you are alone out on the farm with neighbors that are probably at a distance, those dogs are a blessing to have in case there's something around your home that the dogs can alert you to and would protect you.  We had a German Shepherd that lived to be about 14 years old and I was thinking when my wonderful Toby passes on I may get another German Shepherd.

    I noticed that several of the front porch friends shared some of their earlier life information and so I thought I would share some of our background.  My husband and I met at East Kodak Company where we both worked and retired from. I can remember the days when Kodak was in its prime and it was a great place to work. Sad to say, Kodak had to go bankrupt because they never caught on to the digital technology early on. Film is not gone but digital definitely has replaced it. My husband was in management and he worked where they made the film, and I worked in administration with engineers. We never regret working for that company and they were very good to us over the years.

    I am doing this post on my cell phone and it's giving me some problems with spacing. When I post again I will do it on my computer and maybe I can correct the spacing if I have any issues with it. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Thank you Shirley for the information on the cream. I have some desonide cream I use on my rash, I might try it and if the boil doesn't improve, I'll ask my Dr. for your suggestion. It's just aggravating that every time I turn around something else happens. 

    Katie, welcome to the front porch where a great bunch of people come to visit. You rarely will find the porch empty and always good conversations going on. The friends are a mixture of ones like myself that are still on this terrible journey and others that have already lost their loved one. A lot of great advice has been given me, but it's also a place where friends can just talk.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    Lorita,   It sounds like you have a real busy day, but it's nice that things are being done, and you will be so glad when it's all over with. Squirt bottles come in real handy, don't they? I used to use it on Rascal when he scratched the furniture, as soon as I picked it up, he took off he knew what it was. 

    Ron,  I have never had a boil, but I have heard they hurt pretty bad, so I hope yours goes away soon. Sounds like Lou is making life a bit easier for you, she is so lucky to have you there for her.

    I remember when I was little my Grandparents had a TV it had rabbit ears and it only got a few channels. I remember we all sat around the TV and watched Liberace, play the piano. My grandmother also played the piano. I remember when I got a lot older, I was in Reno and in the same casino he was appearing in and the line going into the place he was going to be in wrapped around the casino a few times. I got as close to the door they were going in and I could see inside, and it looked like the room was full of blue clouds. I did not see the performance, but I was in the same building. That was a good memory.

    Katie,  Welcome to the front porch, this is a good place to be and with a lot of special people. Thank you for sharing some of your life with us. I am also a animal lover that is my dog and cat in the picture. Molly is the dog she is 7 and Sammy is the cat he is 6 months. Sammy is sleeping on my lap right now, he is getting pretty big. Your dog looks like a puppy he/she is very cute. My husband passed away 4 years ago he had dementia. I live in Oregon, I am in Longview Washington right now at my daughter's house I have Molly and Sammy with me. I will be here for a while longer there is too much snow in the mountains, and I won't drive in the snow.

    Well I need to go now Sammy is sliding down my arm and it's hard to type. I hope my typing is readable. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Welcome KatieKat, do you live near Danville?  I have family there.  I'm glad you can join us!

    Beth, how was the meteor shower? Do you use a telescope or binoculars?  I got up early one morning years ago, but could not see anything.  So I watched videos online.

    When I lived outside Fairbanks in the late 1970's, there were only two tv channels.  Cable TV was just becoming popular, so everyone signed up for it. 

    Zetta, I hope you will enjoy spending this time with your family until they move to AZ.  I saw Liberace in Las Vegas years ago.  I agree, there's nothing wrong with staying warm and cuddly. 

    Lorita, perhaps your coworker's mouth turned down because of the loss of tone in the muscles around her mouth.  It happens.  We had record-breaking rain in Los Angeles.  Why can't we have light rain over several days rather than a deluge over a few hours?  Two cars were blown into the river from the wind.

    I saw a Great Dane at the pet food store.  He sniffed me and let me pet his head.  Petting a Great Dane is a great stress relief!

    What kind of feed are you getting?  Hay? Timothy? Alfalfa?

    I remember the first time I saw Howdy Doody.  My mother asked me if I wanted to watch television.  It was the first time I watched a kid's show by myself.  I was hooked on television for years ever since, LOL.

    My friend feeds feral cats behind her building.  One evening, her neighbor came home screaming, "Look at the large rat!"  An opossum was feeding out of the cat food dish.  They do look like large rats, don't they?

    Ron, most boils need to be lanced.  I hope you can get some relief pronto!

    Shirley, is Bill better?  Some people become hypotensive and light-headed when they get up at night to go to the bathroom, leading to falling.  Some people do better when they dangle their feet a few moments before standing up.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    47F, 8C, suppose to be windy damp day.  Did grocery shopping yesterday as was a beautiful day.  See there is a wind advisory for tomorrow.

    Oh my possums in the kitchen lol.  Possums are fairly harmless as far as I know.  Guess they do look like a big rat Iris.  I have only seen rats in pictures.  Have seen lots of possums.  Just not that many snakes here.  Do think I had a family somewhere this summer though as I saw a little one after seeing the bigger one several times.  Was always in same flower bed.  

    Nice to see you on front porch Katie. So sorry about the loss of your husband.  It is sad as children grow up for us older ones.  I don’t have children but provided much care to my niece and nephews.  Miss seeing them and doing things with them.  

    Had neighbors with a Jack Russell in the past.  It tickled me with it’s little independent attitude.

    Lorita my guess is my sister was not tested.  No way would I ask as she would get angry with me for asking. She has now lost her voice.  Tells me I just have basic cold symptoms.  I’m sure it may be, but it may be more, she knows what I’m thinking lol.  

    Shirley nice to see you on porch, had been wondering about you.

    Ron this is not a medical suggestion, just a life story.  Follow Shirleys suggestion for boil, she has been down the road, I haven’t.  When my dad was in the army he kept getting a boil under his belt line.  The doctors were not getting it cleared up, kept coming back.  Remember the only way they had to communicate was by letter.  But he wrote his mom about this.  She wrote back and told him to get pine tree sap and start putting on it.  Sure enough it healed it up.  He never had any more trouble with it.  Don’t know how long it took for letters to get back and forth.

    Zetta that is a nice picture of Molly and Sammy.  Know you will miss your daughter when she moves.  She is going to miss you too.

    Finally have got so I can make a good biscuit,yeah.  All my biscuits would be to dry and not raise as good as they should.  Have a biscuit bread recipe that you bake like cornbread and it is good.  One day when stirring it up thought why can I not make biscuits with this.  I have just been spooning them out, they are nice.  Have got recipe cut down to where this morning I made one nice biscuit.

    Have got some pinto beans soaking.

    Take care everyone

  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Happy to be added to this friendly and welcoming front porch.

    Iris, Danville is a few hours away from where I live. I have never visited Danville.  Maybe one day when our daughter and I go out for a ride we will visit that area.

    LadyZetta, my Toby dog still looks like a puppy even at his age. He does have some cataracts also and the vet feels they were brought on by his age and having diabetes does not help, but other than that he is in good health as far as we know and since he will be 14 years old in the spring of next year, I am thankful he is still with me but it will be a very sad day when I lose him as I know most owners feel when they no longer have their companion, friend, and loyal pet any longer.

    I noticed some of you were mentioning some old time shows on earlier television, etc.  When I think about the past I am thankful I still have a memory because I am always concerned about dementia. I am trying to eat healthier for my brain. I am not a meat eater any longer and I now eat mostly organic fruits and vegetables ... costlier but I hope it's worth it.  I do need to eat more protein....so my daughter says.  I have canned salmon wild caught that I eat about once per week and some organic eggs. 

    Getting back to the past and television, I think the first television I remember was of a blonde color portable that my parents had in the early fifties...small sceen and rabbit ears.   I think we had only two stations at that time and often had a TV pattern when shows were not on plus the national anthem was played at night before the stations went off the air

    I mostly remember Westerns on TV that I would watch such as Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, adventures of Wild Bill Hickok, and then there was Rin Tin Tin , Lassie and Sky King.  Eventually shows came on TV like Ding Dong School, Captain Kangaroo, The Little Rascals and later the Mickey Mouse club show.  Life was good back then.. life was simpler.

    Not much going on today or any day for that matter and maybe that's o'kay with no major issues. Since I lost my husband in August of this year, I really don't know what to do with myself other than to try to keep the house up to par, take care of the dog, and do what is necessary.  I was thinking of joining a senior group but the one or two I was interested in have not been taking place since Covid took over.  I have the Kindle and I do read quite a bit, enjoy word games, and like the old time shows they are showing on television such as Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, Adam 12, and some of the PBS shows like Doc Martin.  Our daughter goes to church on Sundays if she is not working and I could join her but I have been staying away because of the virus even though I do wear two masks and always have hand sanitizer with me. I feel reluctant to be around many people at one time.  I have enough trees around me so I have been spending some time outdoors when the sun is shining and raking up the many leaves in the backyard since we have several trees, and the front yard I hire someone to pick up the leaves because there are too many to bother with and it is mostly due to the large oak tree that seemed to have dropped its acorns and leaves earlier this year than normal.  Maybe because we've had a dry year and the trees are stressed due to lack of rain

    This is all for now and I have said enough...I get to rambling if I don't pay attention to my lengthy posts.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Hello Katie, and a very warm welcome to the Front Porch - it is a very unique place where no matter the weather off the porch, when on the Front Porch, it is always great weather - just right; never too cold and never too hot.  It's magic.  And . . . there is a rocking chair for each person that fits every size backside.  Of course, best of all, lots of really dear people to share with.  It has been a pleasure to meet you and learn a bit about you.

     Lorita; had to smile a big smile.  I happened to be looking at women's warm chenille comfort socks for little gifts, (not socks worn with shoes); along popped up Amazon with Loritta socks!  They are lovely, adorable and really price friendly.  (The link was five lines long so am not posting it here.)   So . . . . someone must have heard about our dear Lorita and created these socks to keep your feet warm and cozy while you relax after working outside on the ranch and coming in out of the cold.  Sure wish we were able to share addresses; would absolutely have sent you some.

    Dear Ron; I am so very sorry regarding that reappearing boil; I can only imagine how uncomfortable.  Seems they happen more easily to those who have compromised immune systems and who have been unwell and especially from having chemo.  You have had a lot happening with all and sundry with cancer treatment, meds, etc.; and this may be some of the reason for this very uncomfortable and concerning situation.

    I am not a doctor; always follow your own doctor's advice.  I will write what I understand, but this is NOT treatment advice; again, your doctor is your best guide.

    Most important to know is that boils are often a product of a staph infection and that is serious business.   If there is a stubborn or worsening boil, or repetitive boil, best to get to the doctor; you may need to be placed on an antibiotic.  (There is also a type of staph that is resistant to antibiotics and needs close watching.)  If the doctor needs to drain the boil, insist he/she takes a culture to ascertain whether staph is involved and if so, what type of staph. 

    If you run a temp, or have a boil that does not begin to improve within ten days or so, or if it gets really painful, those are all signs that you need to seek physician care asap; if running a temp, it is urgent to get to medical care.  Lou also needs to be protected from anything untoward such as staph if it is present as it is transmissible.

    Often, a patient will be recommended to use a warm compress on the boil four times a day or so; I do not know what your doctor instructed and of course his/her orders would be the absolute orders to follow - anyway, do not use the same compress a second time; you must have a clean one each time a compress is applied. If made of cloth, be sure to wash them in hot water and if bleachable, use bleach in the washer.

    Also; use a Clorox wipe or other such antiseptic wipe to clean the toilet seat thoroughly each time you use it.  Sheets when washed should be washed on hottest water on long cycle, and if they are safe to be bleached, can use that.  Best dried in the drier. 

     If the boil begins to drain; in my understanding, the instructions are to use a dressing over the affected area - do check with your doctor about this to be sure.  Being on the backside, it may be a bit difficult to get that easily accomplished unless a contortionist, but it can be done.   

    Anyway; please do not let this get too bad.  If staph is present, it needs to be addressed before it gets into the bloodstream as it can cause some very bad conditions including involving heart tissue.  Sometimes, if multiple boils form in the same area, these can be carbuncles.  This can be taken care of; will be a little patience and tincture of time,  possibly an antibiotic if necessary, but it can be vanquished.

    Whew!  So much to think about and sorry to put all of this down here; but you have been open and concerned about this and you have had so much happen I would imagine that the immune system is a bit exhausted at this point.   Let us know how you are doing; we sure will be thinking of you.

     Jfkoc; thanks for the input regarding art history lessons on the prior Thread.  One of the best elective classes I took when an undergrad, just for the sheer joy of it, was a class on Renassiance Art.  What a wonderful course and sure did teach me a lot. When we were in Italy, it was breathtaking and humbling to see so much in person and to recognize how they came to be and to understand much of what went into all the amazing creations by the artists . . . "Floating feet!  It's a Giotto!" I would not have had a clue before and I felt enriched and grateful.  I look at the later time  Singer-Sargents and the Dutch Masters and wonder at the great minds and hands that had such amazing gifts.   For me, it is like a symphony for the eyes and spirit.  I cannot draw worth a kindergarteners finger painting; but certainly do appreciate.

     Zetta; love the new avatar; what sweet little ones.  Sorry you cannot get back home; but also glad to know you are erring on the side of safety.  So there you are for the duration; let us know how you are getting on.  If I had to be snowed in with someone, sure would be nice if it were you; the kids must be delighted you are there.

    Lovely Iris; what a deeply rich story your life and background have been.  I have been on this Board since about 2006, and I know you have been around a very long time too, and am glad to know so much more about you. 

     Have you been bothered anymore by the "knocking" sound of the neighbor's downstairs music?  Sure hope it has stopped.  Also hoping you may be feeling a bit better; am still concerned about your fatigue level as it has been so severe.  It has to be really awful to feel it that deeply.  Perhaps seeing your physician really would be warranted due to the fact that you have a cardiac condition and the fatigue may be trying to tell you something.   You know me; always a worrier and blah, blah, blah; but I care.

    Our next door neighbor had been feeding feral cats about a year and half ago; they soon had her house on cat radar, and more and more came . . . BUT they did not like her messed up back yard; she had no plants, no grass . . . so they came and used our backyard.   Cats fighting every night and waking everyone up; cats lying on top of our our bedding flowers and killing them. Cat poop here, there and everywhere.  DH had finally had it.  We did not want the cats harmed, we just wanted some relief.  So; DH called the animal shelter to get advice on what to do.  He got a cat trap from them and one by one trapped them and took them to the LB Animal Shelter . . . sixteen cats by count!  What they do, is to spay them and return them to the neighborhood.  We still had cats, BUT they were no longer having litter after litter after litter of kittens.  My neighbor finally stopped feeding the ferals as she was overrun and the ferals left to go elsewhere.  So we now only have a cat or so come on through and stop to rest and our lawn and plants are happy again.

    As for Opossums; some years ago, there was a plague of Opossums that began to haunt the neighborhood block due to fruit trees growing.  They used the cinderblock walls that go the length of the block to travel like an Opossum highway; but they also used it as an Opossum toilet where there were more trees which happened to be the house next door and the house behind us. It got to the point where trying to get the poop off the back fence became more and more a very large chore.  DH contacted the animal shelter and they said it was a simple fix. Simply soak some rags in ammonia and put them on the fence on each end of the fence on the property.   Goodness; it worked like a charm.  Put ammonia soaked rags on the west and east end of the wall and they never, ever came back again.  That was an astonishing thing to learn. They simply packed up and went elsewhere.

     We have singing dogs in our neighborhod and they never fail to make me smile or laugh.  Whenever a siren can be heard in the distance, all outside dogs in a several block radius and more begin to howl in high notes at the very same time, and then when the siren is no more they all abruptly stop cold at the very same time.   It is so funny and cute and only goes on for a minute or two.  Good doggies!

    Lots of men at your house, Lorita. Goodness, and of course the Grands are not used to other people being around.  Wonder if they would enjoy one of the men throwing a ball for them to run after.  Every dog we have had and now our grown kids dogs, from tiny to large sized dogs love to run after balls.  It can get tiring as they can go and go and go forever it seems.  Slobbery balls after they are fetched, but they have so much fun.

    So hope Darwin is able to be able to talk to you more often, it is nice to have a neighbor and you have had a friendly neighbor history; he has to be so overwhelmed with all that he is trying to manage and you know firsthand so can understand and also be able to give him a bit of your experiential wisdom.

     Going to go take a shower. It is almost noon where I am.   It was 30 degrees in the back yard this a.m. and will be in low 50's today.  It was too cold to take a shower and shampoo early this a.m. as the heat had not been set high enough; (DH would like to live in an igloo) . . .  so I went on to other things instead.

    Take good care everyone and keep in touch,


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi everyone,

    I'm still reading the posts, but I'm struggling with depression (I'm back on meds) I'm still in Sacramento for the holidays (so not into the spirit this year) but will be going back to Vegas in January.

    Still lots to get done.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Well, the words to Oklahoma are certainly true today - the wind is certainly sweeping down the plains, or rather up the plains.  The wind is terrible - western Oklahoma's winds are worse than ours - up to 70 mph gusts - ours is about 45.  I hate when the winds blow like this - is really dangerous - one spark and there it is.  Thankfully, right now it's from the south which is much better and safer than from the north.

     Ray and his helper brought the hay this morning and closed the back barn doors.  Didn't take them 15 minutes to unload and close them.  After a bit I went out and fixed them the way I like them - kept them closed but put more boards between the doors and stakes to keep them from blowing so much, then wired the doors together on the inside of the barn in three places and put a cattle panel across the doors (not touching) and wired them.  This keeps the girls from leaning against the doors during the winter.  Seems more secure to me now.  The outside stall door had also blown open so had to renail it and wire it.  There's no way a farmer or rancher could make it without duct tape and baling wire.

     Didn't sleep too well last night - went to sleep with the TV on and woke up about MN, tried to go back to sleep but the cats were noisy.  Remember Lilly had kittens about a year and half ago and we had her spayed.  Silly Max and her son, Sammy, don't know the difference so they're bothering her - finally had to separate them.  The GPs stayed outside to patrol and protect - now, everyone except me is fast asleep.  Resting up for tonight, I guess.  I'm so pleased with the way Stormy protected or thought he was.  I know if big dogs like he and Sheena were in the yard with a sign by the gate saying "Beware of Dog" I wouldn't go in. 

     Really need to get in to get creepfeed for the babies but it's way too windy today.  Tonight this awful cold front comes through with rain so maybe tomorrow.  Hopefully, this front won't be as bad as the last one, however, they're talking tornadoes in the States north of us.   Beth, please be careful and watch your weather reports.

     Katie - love the picture of Toby.  You sound like a dog person like I am.  I've had a dog my whole life, I guess.  I remember a rat terrier I had when I was very, very young.  I wore overalls and carried Tiny on my hip.  How many dogs after that I have no idea.  I had one, Butch, given to me by an uncle in Arkansas, who could climb a ladder.  He was better than I - two rungs and I'm finished.

     Sounds like you met your husband at work - I also met Charles at work but it was eight years after that we got married.  He was married at the time, left Oklahoma and came back single again.  The rest is history.

     Called Carol this morning to wish her a happy birthday for the 60th year.  She's 85 today and has 31 grandkids and one great grandchild.  She is so lucky to have her three daughters closeby.  They're always calling and checking on her. 

     Jo - I have several pairs of cabin socks but have never worn them.  I can be sitting in my chair and think of something that needs to be done outside and off I go.  Socks wouldn't work for that - maybe this winter when the girls aren't being fed by me I can wear them.  I wear two pairs of socks all the time during the winter and one pair in the summer.  With the neuromas it feels better to have something on my feet.  Thanks for the thought.  I've ordered all of mine from QVC.  Usually that's one thing I give our mailcarrier for Christmas.  Normally I give something to her, the UPS and FedEx drivers and that's about it.  This year both UPS and FedEx have a different driver almost every time they deliver so guess I won't do that this year. 

     Katie, one of our good thread friends and someone I talk with often has moved to Virginia.  Still getting used to the change - coming from a bit city.  She says the countryside is beautiful and I've seen pictures and it is. .  Quite an adjustment for her.  She a couple of months younger than I so it's good she's with family instead of living alone.  As we get older so many things are adjustments we have to make and it's really hard but something we have to try to do.

     I go outside in the mornings to see the girls and sometimes I think I just can't do this (sell).  I know I have to and I will but it's really pulling at my heartstrings.  Who would have thought it would turn out like this.

     Iris, your story about the Great Dane reminded me that years ago someone near the VA Hospital had a great dane and many evenings when we left work he's be outside the north door.  He was huge - black and white.  Beautiful dog.  One time Charles went down to the little store at the "Y" and came home with a Saint Bernard.  He said someone had stopped in for gas and wanted to give him away so, of course, dog lover he was, took him.  We had poodles at that time and Gidget (our first poodle) came out on the back porch with me and when she saw Hutch she screamed as loud as she could - she had never seen a dog that big.  Hutch was great - just a big gentle giant - until one evening I came home from work and he wouldn't let me in the yard.  I climbed through the nearby barbed wire fence and walked down to my parent's house (where I now live) and called Charles and had him come and get me.  Never did figure out why he wouldn't let me in.  Only problem we ever had with him.

     It's prairie hay - small bales.  Our other hay is also prairie hay but they weigh 1800 lb. - these weigh 70-80 lbs. and I use them to feed cows or calves we have up.  Don't know if Mike will use them or even keep cows with new babies up.  That will be hard for me to take if he doesn't but I have to let go.  No one else keeps their new babies up - just an old woman's idea, I guess. Funny - this morning when I was out I saw an empty mineral tub blowing across between the house and pond and it blew close to Billy the Bull and scared him.  He jumped up and really gave it a hard look.  He's four years old - hard to believe - and he's really big.

     Sara, I guess opossums do look a bit like rats.  I don't know if they'd harm anyone or not - the one we saw the other day didn't seem afraid of us - guess he's seen or heard me in the carport enough to not be afraid.  You know they're the only marsupial we have in our Country (I think that's right)  Carol's daughter has a play date every Monday night for her kids and their cousins and she said Monday night they saw a opossum in their back yard.  She also said there's a white one at Foggy Creek Restaurant where they often go.   

     Zetta, take it easy and just relax - the snow will melt after a while so you can get back home.  Living alone probably makes it a little harder to be with others even if they are your kids.  Bet Sammy and  Molly will be glad to be home again.

     Jo - your weather is cooler than ours.  High today is supposed to be 77 (it was in the high 60s this morning).  This will set a record for the high, low -- I think they said since 1905.  So unusual for it to be this warm so late in the year.   Ray and I decided it would be warm like this, then drop into full-blown winter when it does change.  He lives a mile south of me (lost his wife to cancer a couple of years ago).  His daddy was a good friend I went to school with (lost him a few months after Charles).  He takes care of his cattle, his mother's cattle, farms soybeans and bales hay.  He's one busy person.  Slow-talking, easy going just like his dad.

     I'd like to go in and lay down on the bed and take a nap - but as sure as I did that and just go to sleep the propane man would come - if I don't he won't show up today.

     Sara - I need to cook some brown beans, too.  Haven't done that in a long time - but I'm still thinking about that soup.  I guess you can freeze cooked pasta?  I have some farfalle I'm not in the mood to eat so should freeze it for later.  Have enough mac and cheese for tonight.

     Good for you, Sara, making biscuits.  I used to make the dough for them in the food processor - just took a few seconds.  Haven't done that in years.  I think I made drop biscuits - much easier.  When I was working, sometimes I go by Braum's and get a sausage biscuit - those biscuits were so good.

     Katie - I think I remember you said you don't eat  meat.  I don't either and haven't for years.  I do eat eggs occasionally and lots of dairy products - no fish.   So I'm an ova-lactaid (not sure I spelled that right).  Just can't stand the thought of eating something with a face - and try not to think about where eggs or milk comes from.  Sandy and I were talking about that the other night - I grew up on raw milk - which would probably be a no-no now - didn't seem to hurt me or my family any.  Daddy always had a cow or two he'd milk - got milk, butter, buttermilk and cottage cheese from them.  Wonder if people still churn?

     Better stop and do something - maybe finish that quick peach cobbler I made. 

     Enjoy the rest of your day.



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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