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Just need to talk to my friends (161)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    I agree.  Seems like Sunday too me.

    My understanding is J&J is still available but mRNA is now preferred.  As of mid December 17 million people had received J&J, 54 clots and 8 deaths is the statistics I found.  If my math correct .0003% chance of clot,  and risk of death even lower.  So risk very low but definitely there.  Heard today someone is dying from Covid every eight seconds.  Many of the people dying from clots due to Covid.  Heard an embalmer talking about how big the clots are and they can’t embalm a lot of them.  Moderna especially has some risk of myocarditis but treatable and is mild.  Myocarditis is also a side effect of Covid and much more severe.  All about risk.  J&J will probably not be pulled because benefits out weigh risks statistically.  Some people are Allergic to PEG in the mRNA vaccine and therefore J&J is their better option.  The man I knew who just died of Covid, his heart was what Covid did under.  He already had heart issues and Covid was the straw that broke its back.  His wife has lung cancer and COPD.  She has had more issues with breathing, has been in ICU, but has never been on a vent, vaccinated.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Happy Christmas Day everyone.  Rain has stopped but will pick up again tonight with a whole lot of rain expected tomorrow.  It rained cats and dogs yesterday a.m.; thankful at one point that it was not elephants and monkeys!  News said that there were 32 inches of snow in the Sierras which is good for our water supply.   Local mountains got 2 to 3 inches of snow yesterday and will get hit with a lot tomorrow.  Looks like winter has decided to get serious.

    Judy, love the picture of your delicious looking cookies and fudge.  Almost had me licking the computer screen.  Bet everyone really enjoyed them.

    Dear Ron; glad that the day is bringing thoughts of thanks and that your Lou seems to be doing okay; may you have a warm and cozy day. Every day I remember to say thanks for the blessings in our lives; we are indeed deeply touched by them and so very grateful.

    We are having the warm and cozy today too.  Our son dropped off the wonderful dinner he made that I told you about. Omigosh; it is truly delicious; we have some left over which is a delightful thought.  Got a lot of phone calls from all the adult kids and this morning our grandson called from out of state; he is in the military and it was so good to talk to him; really lovely person and has got himself on the right track for advancing in his life. Sweet, sweet fellow who was a sweet, sweet baby and a barrel of laughs toddler.  Sure do miss him and the other grands.

    Lorita; honestly, cannot figure out how you are able to continue heavy duty ranch work at warp speed; you are a force of nature; I admire you so much.  Glad to hear you will keep possession of Billy the Bull.  He is in  the best hands for sure.  Poor little big guy; he simply wants to live in his field with the herd, get food and simply "be." I do feel rather affectionate about him; he started out with challenges right from birth and yet, he seems to be a happy fellow.          

    Had a concerning issue on the 21st. Got a new supply of surgical face masks DH ordered. Only problem is, they are small scale; do not cover or fit well.  Now I have to wonder which ones to buy which give full coverage that are 3 ply as recommended. If any hints, I would be happy to hear them.

    Speaking of COVID and its variant; there is trouble in River City for sure.  Evidently the treatments for COVID 19, do not work for Omicron; that includes the well known Regeneron.  GlaxoSmithKline has a treatment that is somewhat, kind of effective, and Pfizer's pill helps according to current data,  BUT . . . those two meds are in such short supply that most hospitals do not have access to them at all.  On top of the expected surge to hit very soon . . . . 

    Here is link regarding that:


    As to your question Lorita, I am not really concerned, but am counting 14 days incubation period from the 21st haircut; that takes me to January 4.  As said, not really worried; but am concerned about DH.   He has a serious eye condition; "premacular fibrosis."  It is seriously affecting his vision in one eye and has trouble reading letters and numbers.  He is to see a specialist in retina conditions on January 5; I wish he would remake the appointment until the end of January as the person he is seeing is a young woman with children and gathering for Christmas . . . but just me being over-worried; he will use an N95 and wear gloves.  Still . . . really wish this would disappear; I sure do missing being able to hug or touch people. 

    Going to tip-toe off and get some lunch going.  Enjoy the peace of the rest of the day and know that you are all being thought of. 


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Has anyone heard from Ladyzetta?  I haven't seen her posting since Wed.

    Hopefully she is just busy with her family and enjoying the holiday.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thank You Loveskitties,   I am here I have been helping my daughter with all her packing.  Later today I hope to get caught up on all these messages. Hello To All and Merry Christmas, I will be back later.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Marie, hope that's what's going on with Zetta.  Maybe she'll post after while.

    Jo, I ordered KF94 masks from Amazon - the brand is BOTN  Sara ordered them from another place but for some reason I couldn't so found them on Amazon.  I ordered the black, size large and they fit very well - way underneath your chin.   Also have some white KN95 made in USA - haven't worn them anywhere yet but they also seem to fit well - they're more from nose to chin and there's space for air.  I'm not sure where I ordered them from or even if they're authentic.  Most of the time I wear the blue and white ones, doubled if I'm around people much.

    What a good son you all have.  How nice of him to cook dinner for you and to deliver it - and leftovers to boot.  Can't beat that.  I like leftovers.

     Glad you're getting rain.  With all the fires California has had mudslides are a problem, aren't they?  I hate mud and I can only imagine how awful it would be to be in a mudslide. 

     We've had a beautiful day - could not have been better - it did cloud up some late this afternoon - it's completely dark now.

     Couldn't decide whether to feed the girls or not.  They saw me working with the feeders and closing the gate so they knew what was up.  They stayed in front of the house all day after they came in from grazing.  I hated to feed them and then not be fed again for a few days, even though they have liquid feed so decided I'd feed half of what I had and the rest in a couple of days.  Billy came through and was at the feeder eating.

     He is a sweetie - big but not as heavy as his daddy who weighed 2200 lbs.but I imagine he weighs 1500 lb. at least.  Jasper, his dad, was a sweet bull.  Billy isn't that friendly but I stop by every time I pass him in the Gator and talk to him. He tilts his head to one side and watches and listens to me.  I remember when we first discovered he had a vision deficiency.  I guess Mike was out here doctoring him or someone else - I was standing over him checking his vision and asked if he'd band him so I'd be able to keep him.  Seems like it took forever for that band to work - but it did.  Glad that was done so he's safe now.

     Been very quiet here today.  I didn't cook mac and cheese so had pizza instead.  Think I'll have some Wacky cake after a bit.  I think I mentioned that Carol's daughters had a plaque made of that recipe in her mother's handwriting - so nice of them.  I didn't think they had cooking oil back in the 40s so asked her what the recipe said.  It called for salad oil - Wesson oil, I guess. 

     Watching the Browns and Packers now.  Mayfield is playing which surprised me.  I heard he had the virus a few days ago but he seems to be okay.

     Sara - I listened to some music on that Youtube channel - really pretty and it would be nice to listen to during the day - or night.  I keep the TV on from the time I get up until I go to bed - not always watching though.  Guess it's just for background noise but I do watch a lot of it.

     When I fed I put the feed in a bucket from the sack, then into the feeder until I got to the last 25 lbs - then lifted the sack and emptied it.  Seemed to do okay but I was tired afterwards and it was only half of what I'd normally feed.  When I feed out of the back of the PU I have to pull the sacks down to the edge of the tailgate and then lift them into the feeders - harder than from the Gator.

    Stormy and Sheena are asleep.  Stormy was on the divan a while ago and I heard a helicopter. He was sound asleep but heard it, raised his head and looked at me. I told him it was just a helicopter and he laid his head back down and went back to sleep.  I know they understand what I say to them.

     Well, Packers just intercepted another pass and the game's about over - guess they've won.

     Hope all of you have enjoyed the day - can't believe how fast this year has gone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    Ron, that was a beautiful sentiment!

    I made uncooked eggnog, it's not as tasty as the cooked version.

    On Christmas Eve I drove around to see Christmas lights in several neighborhoods.  I watched Dolly Parton's and Kenny Roger's shows, switching back and forth to It's A Wonderful Life, which I have to watch every year!  I then watched the Christmas Mass from the Vatican.  This morning I read the Christmas story from Luke 2, ate breakfast, played with the cats, listened to Christmas music watched the Yule Log on TV and telephoned family and friends.  I'm getting ready for my Christmas dinner now, chicken pot pie with artichokes.  It's been a great day!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Iris, sounds like you had a good Christmas and a busy one.  I bet the lights were beautiful. I miss seeing the Garden of Lights in Honor Heights Park but too far to go see them.

    Zetta, glad you're okay.  Looking forward to your post tomorrow.

    Sleep and don't let the BBB.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    42F, 6C.

    Dream sound is something I play during day.  Doubt if it would put me to sleep, just something about that rain.

    Woke up to the smell of roast beef.  That will be lunch today if nothing happens.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Sara, you'll have several meals from your roast, won't you?  There used to be a restaurant in the town where I went to business college that had very good hot roast beef sandwiches.  Mother and I used to go to town almost every Saturday and ate there a lot of the time.  I think it was two slices of bread, then roast beef and gravy over that with mashed potatoes.  They also had delicious barbecue beef sandwiches.  Once when I got mine, I opened it as usual and there wasn't anything in it.  Mother said I had a really funny look on my face.  Also remember I ordered a banana split once and there was no banana.  Odd things.

     It's warm here this morning but the wind is back.  Girls are scattered around.  I've spent some of the morning figuring cattle prices and what I'll take.  I'm not good as guessing weights - daddy could guess within a couple of pounds and he could figure anything in the world in his head.  Really miss that man - I learned so much from him.  Guess I was what you'd call a tomboy or daddy's girl because I'd always rather be out on the farm with him rather than in the house.

     I've been watching a dog show this morning - some kind of competition on an obstacle course.  Rawhide's on now.  It's already 11 o'clock - morning has gone fast.

     Need to figure out what I want to order this time from Chewy - autoship is Tuesday so need to do that today.  I hate to have so much here at one time so think I'll break it into two shipments this time.  I'm not out of anything but don't want to be either.  I think there would be a revolt.

     I just read Ed's post and Sara's reply on another thread, then went back to the one he referenced.  Angle food cake mix with a can of crushed pineapple, I think from Jo.  That sounds good.  Guess I need to order an angle food cake mix.  Judith, I've wondered what you did with that can of crushed pineapple months ago you were trying to find a use for.  Can't remember what I ate yesterday but can remember things that happened months ago.

     Doing a load of laundry - just odds and ends I've put off washing.  Don't know of anything else I really need to do today.  Remember Yellowstone tonight.  I think there's one more episode after this one. 

     Enjoy your day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Hope everyone enjoyed the day.  It was mostly cloudy here, warm and windy - again.  It's been quiet, as usual. 

     I heard today that our neighbor who doesn't speak to me anymore has alz or is just about like D's wife.  I hate to hear that about anyone.  She had told me years ago that her husband was having short-term memory problems so that's hard for both of them.  It's amazing - or horrible - how many people in a five mile radius has or had alz.  Don't know if it's spraying herbicides or what - who really knows.  Also heard that our neighbor just south of me has remarried.  His wife passed away about three years ago - he remarried about a year and half ago.    Mike said he had a little visit with D. today - he's still not doing too well.  Says he can work a couple of hours and is given out.  Wife is sleeping 20-22 hrs. a day.  He said he's be 82 in April - thought he was 84.

     I've mentioned I have bilateral Morton's neuroma.  For some reason - maybe it's normal - it bothers me more at night.  I don't notice it too much during the day but if I lay down my feet feel sort of cold and achy and there's some sharp pains in my toes - don't notice it if I'm up and around - maybe because my mind is on something else.  I probably need to get cortisone injections but just hate to go to the podiatrist.  If my doctor could/would do it, that would be different, I think.

     Well, we're through another Christmas and this year is almost over.  I guess it's some better than last year because more people are getting together but Omicron is rampant.  I heard on the news programs they think it doesn't make people as sick (maybe that's because of the vaccines) but it infects people much easier.  Cases are doubling every two days.

     I'll miss the girls or feeding them and I know eventually some will have to leave.  If I was able I'd keep them and keep them here their whole life.  Sometimes I feel better and think I can do it - then I do something and realize I probably can't.  It's hard to give up - hard to retire from something you like.  I didn't have this problem when I retired from the VA - I had other things to do to keep busy.  I guess everyone feels like this when their time comes.

     Took a long time to get on to post so guess it's time to start #162 - tomorrow or later tonight. 

     Somehow I got the alarm on my phone turned off and couldn't get it back on.  I use it several times a day to remind me when to turn off the water to the tanks.  Had to call consumer cellular to tell me how to do it.

     Yellowstone's on - watching last weeks.  After tonight's Yellowstone - 1883 is on.  Not sure I like it but guess I'll watch it anyway.

     Hope you all sleep well.

    Sara, howwas your roast?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    35F, 2C.  Rainy, windy.

    The roast was good.  I will be blessed with quite a few meals from it.

    Know several vaccinated people with Covid right now.  The ones I personally know are not cautious.  Do anything they want to do  without a mask.  Will be interesting to see how they all recover.  One of the ones I know has poorly controlled asthma.  A learning curve, real time, in my neighborhood.  Omnicron people are getting sick two or three days post exposure is my understanding.  With delta about 4 or 5 days.  Think Delta is still in mix.  Between Tuesday and end of week may get a huge spike, we will see.  Then there is New Years.  Those who survived the first two will continue on so the following week another spike.  Will be watching and learning,

    Guess I will entertain myself cleaning house and washing clothes if the good Lords will.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Sara - glad the roast is good and getting several meals from one cooking is the best.  We used to go to Eureka Springs, Ark. often and there was a little restaurant called "Bit 'O Sweden".  They had the best food but I especially remember the pork roasts they served - and the bread.  Such a good place to eat but it's no longer there.  Time changes things.  When I was growing up we seldom had beef, mostly pork so I continued to like that best.

     It's a beautiful morning - calm and sunny.  I think it's in the low 50s or high 40s - supposed to be in the 60s today and fairly warm all week until the weekend when the daytime high will be about 33.  We'll freeze.

     I just met one of Sarah and Eric's teachers when they were not quite teenagers.  He came to see the girls and to give us an idea of prices.  He said Eric was a handful - had to paddle him almost every day but then he said he began to improve.  He actually bought cattle from my parents in the early 80s.  I don't think I'd ever met him but he seemed really nice.  He commented on how good the girls looked and how gentle they are.  Told  him we always keep the new mom and baby up for a couple of weeks and after that they are gentle.  I'll be happy if I can continue to do that.

     I missed the trash pickup - good thing I only had one sack and a sack of catfood cans.  I started down with it after they left but decided I'd call to see if they had come by yet - missed them by 15 minutes.  Guess I'll put it in the back of the PU.

     The rise in covid cases is scary and people just seem to be doing their own thing and not paying attention to it - at least some of them.  I wear a mask when anyone comes even if we're outside - doesn't bother me at all.  Rather be safe than sorry.  So, wonder if the 15 day countdown is still necessary since symptoms usually appear much sooner.  My last contact will put  my 15 days into next year.

    Watching a little bit of fashions on QVC.  Prices of clothing has really gone up - now you can't get a top under $40 and pants are at least near $50.  Good thing I don't need many clothes but still like to look and buy occasionally. I haven't made clothes in a long time but with the price of material, patterns and notions it would still be expensive to even make them yourself.  I miss the good old days.  I remember in the past in the fabric stores they'd have a big table of buttons - what fun it was to try to find two or three cards of the same button.  Wonder if they still do that?  I haven't been in a fabric store in years.

     Just had a piece of toasted Panattone - really good - Stormy thought so, too.  It's about time to make some more pumpkin-spice muffins - not today though.

     Hope you all are well this morning and have recovered from the holidays.  Glad Christmas is over so we'll get something besides Christmas shows.  I didn't watch any of them - tried Bell, Book and Candle and The Bishop's Wife but couldn't get interested in either of them.  I think I've seen The Bishop's Wife a long time ago.

     Be back later.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Iris, what a lovely sounding Christmas Eve and Christmas day.  I watched the Christmas Eve 11:00 pm service online from the church we attended.  Some very good music, and I too read Luke 2.  

     The angel food pineapple cake recipe mentioned is just so easy it isn't even a recipe.  It is absolutely delicious.  For those who have not seen it, here it is:


    Good Enough For Company Easy Pineapple Angel Food Cake:

    - One box of dry Angel Food Cake Mix

    - One regular sized can of crushed pineapple with juice . . . . 

    - Place dry cake mix into bowl, pour the crushed pineapple with juice into the bowl; mix together well . . . .

     - Pour into a 13 x 9 GLASS baking dish

    - Bake at 350 until top is lightly golden

    - Cool on rack - when cutting, use a plastic picnic knife as angel food cake does not cut well with a metal knife.


    My DIL called and shared that her cousin who has a baby several months old and who is VERY COVID conscious, vaccinated and boostered and uses best practices and does not go out much at all; just got diagnosed with COVID.  Anyway; she realized she needed a couple of things from the market.  She double masked, gloved, and made a short trip to said market.   She later developed a very sore throat; being concerned she saw her doctor.   Her COVID test was negative.  Two days later, still with a sore throat and it was a bit worse.  Went to the doctor again and this time the COVID test was positive. She is isolating in a room at home.  Not sure which type she has, but she is really stunned.  No one else in her home had been out anywhere and there had been no exposure.   She is really a bit undone that her short, masked trip to the market caused such an outcome.  Don't blame her a bit; I would be upset too.

    News this a.m. had "interesting" information.  It appears that many people who are died in the wool non-vaxxers feel, quote, "vindicated" in not vaccinating . . . since Omicron has come to be and it at this point in time is causing much milder courses of illness, they feel this is not a serious virus and in fact is now the the natural course of the virus coming to an end.  Oh boy.

    Zetta; you must be exhausted what with all that packing up the house with the kids and all.   You will need a vacation when you get back to your own warm and cozy home to recoup.  Sure am hoping for that pass to open safely for you.  What an amazing Mom you are for those adult kids.  I sure wish I had someone like you in my life; not to do work, but who is so kind of spirit.  I did have a sister, but she passed away when I was a teenager. I often think of her and wonder what she would have been like and that I feel sure we would have been good friends as well as sisters.

    Had bad news this week.  It appears our older son who had minimal result coronary artery bypass surgery and failed stents appears to now have developed CHF.  It breaks my heart.  He is alone and not anywhere near our area. We talk once a week and he is seeing his doctors faithfully.  Really deeply worrying.  My husband's family has a strong history of serious heart disease and son had smoked in earlier days.  Genetics and cigarettes; tragic. 

    Our other son who had/has Ancavasculitis who lives out of state has been tapered off some of the strong meds (no pain meds at all), he was on to lessen the immune compromising effects of the illness - Doctor tapered several of them but he has been having tremendous withdrawal symptoms.  He is still on the main big hit med to keep his immune system in better stead.  He is now living a normal life which for him means he is go, go, go.  Working full time of course, and also working long hours on his home and yard. Cannot make that fellow sit still for long; he is a doer.  Specialist said his kidneys and liver are now normal as if he never had AncaVasculitis which is really something as he had such a bad course and it was touch and go for awhile.  So glad for him.  He will still have to always watch and see his specialist, he is good about doing that. 

    Sayra; all those leftovers and you can do so much with them.  Glad the roast turned out well for you.  Makes the house smell wonderful when there is a roast being cooked.

    DH bought a pizza with cauliflower crust to try.  The topping was a light spreading of  tomato sauce with lots of red and yellow bell peppers and some mushrooms.  There was a little pepperoni, and a little sausage; and I do mean "little," which is okay with me; I could do without the meat. It was actually delicious and "juicy" and I could not tell that the crust was cauliflower.  I would eat it again and will look to see if they have a vegetarian option.  Forgot to read the box for ingredients and nutrition so shall have to look that up.  I really love veggies.  Saw a recipe for roasted brussels sprouts with bacon and cranberries and some other stuff; don't know if I will make it, but am going to look.

    Lorita; the Pioneer Woman has a recipe for Wacky Cake that you mentioned; it sounds good and she includes her frosting recipe:


    My friend had an unexpected dreadful thing happen right before Christmas. She and her husband were in Target; they were checking out.   The last thing she remembers was putting her credit card into the machine; she blacked out and down she went . . . her leg tangled in the shopping cart.  Ambulance to the hospital with inpatient admission.  Still unsure of the cause of her going down and it may be an arrhythmia, but she had not done this before and had no history of heart disease.  Her leg was so tangled in the cart she has horribly injured her knee and cannot bear weight on it.   All her bedrooms are upstairs and no way can she get up stairs, so it remains to be seen what she will do.  She is an RN retired; very smart and very "with it." The Case Manager tried to get her to agree to going to a SNF and it sent my friend into orbit.  Ain't no way.  All she needs to do is to be placed in a SNF where the virus is sure to percolate soon, and where C. diff and MRSA and VRE are risks.  She will go home and sleep on the couch if need be. The stair lift company will actually rent stair lifts for temporary use, but she does not want to go that route at this time.  We shall see. What a terrible thing to happen and now of course, she feels a bit vulnerable. Sure hope they put her on a long use cardiac monitor for a few weeks to see what her heart rhythm is doing. 

     It is 54 - 57 degrees today depending on which forecaster one listens to. Going to get some rain this evening or even a bit earlier, then strong rain tomorrow as well as a few days more. We are over the usual average expected rain fall.  As of yesterday, we had 5.55 inches whereas last year at this time we had .13 inches; so good for us. Our biggest rainfall month now is usually February, but the weather persons say that we have a lot more that will come before that.   Good that will be for the drought situtation we have had.

    Good news is that there will be no rain for the Rose Parade in Pasadena with all the big floats; they have millions sunk in those floats, and a huge crowd; adult and children are expected to line the parade route as usual.  Those going into the parade area, 5 1/2 miles of it, are supposed to have proof of vaccination . . . . still . . . . huge, huge crowd, elbow to elbow in bleachers and on road seats.   Like that Shakespeare quote . . . "Something wicked this way comes." 

    Soon we will need to remember to put the year 2022 on our checks and other writings. Wonder how long it will take me not to put 2021 down anymore. 

    Have a good Monday and so hope all will be well,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Alls I can say is Snow Snow Go Away and Come Again Some Other Day. We are now getting snow at my daughter's house so that makes it worse on the passes. I had so much to read just to get caught up with all my friends on the Front Porch you have all been so busy.

    Sara,   I love your idea of slow cooking during the night so as soon as I get home, I am going to get me a roast and do the same thing. I like my bigger meal early in the day. 

    Iris,    You got a good deal on your car. I have thought about leasing, but I am afraid there would be too many rules for me to follow. Is it true you can't have pets in the car you lease? Sound like you had a nice holiday, as for me I would be afraid of driving around looking at lights at night unless I had someone with me. I love eggnog I remember my Grandma making it and us kids got the eggnog and the adults had Rum in theirs. I like the eggnog in my coffee. And yes I do have the snow tires and studs on my car so my drive home will be as safe as it can be, I just need to go very slow. I hope Seven's toe if getting better.

    Marie,  And others thanks for your concerns I will not drive over any pass until I know it is safe, I do have 3 different passes I can go over and I have been watching the cameras for a few days and right now there is no way I would try any of them. I will have a 2 week time frame like between  January 1st and the 12th. Please pray that the snow goes away. 

    Ron,   I bet Lou loves her new Blue Rug, Blue is my favorite color, blue is a relaxing color. Hopefully she will not trip over the corners. I had to tape down all my throw rugs so my DH would not trip, problem now is I can't get the tape off the floors.  

    I want to thank ABC, DayN2 & Judy for visiting the front porch and wishing us a Merry Christmas, I hope your Christmas was happy.

    Beth,   I do not know where Leavenworth, Washington is. I have only been in Seattle and Longview, and they are I think about 2 hours apart. Longview is really close to Portland, Oregon, I think less then 30 minutes. 

    I am going to close this before I lose it I have more to type so I will follow with another soon. 

    Back Later, Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Back Again,

    Katie,  Christmas for me has not been the same since my kids have grown up and left home. When my DH was alive, he was a good cook, he always fixed the big Christmas dinner, so I do miss that. but for me unless one of my children are around its pretty much just another day. I have one granddaughter she is only 9 I don't see her much at all after her parents divorced.   If I get to heaven before you (if that's where I go) I will try to get all the animals together so those of us that want too can take care of them. If there is a heaven just for animals that is where I will be. I also love to hibernate me and Molly and Sammy. My dog and cat. 

    Jo,  I hope you're feeling better so you can welcome in a new year. Would be nice if we can all be on the front porch and welcome it in together. I will bring the wine. I also got my hair cut last week. I have always had very short hair but with the covid I have not had it cut for 2 years. My daughter said Mom lets go get a haircut. My hair had gotten down to way below my shoulders. Right now, it is just to my shoulders, and I can clip it back away from my face I really like my hair cut. I plan on keeping it this way. Sorry to hear about your son that is having a hard time and hopefully your other son continues to get better I will pray for both of them along with your DIL friend's cousin. And your friends fall. I bet you enjoyed the dinner that was delivered to your front porch, wish I was there. I like the Angel Food cake recipe would it work with a can of peaches? The reason I am at my daughter house is to take care of her 3 cats along with my one cat and Molly.  I don 't plan on doing any of the packing she has the movers coming in on the 12th of January they will do all the packing. We have been going through everything I am going home with a lot of goodies and Good Will has had a lot of donations and we have set a lot of stuff out for the neighbors. I can't get anything more in my car. I need room for Molly and Sammys cat carrier. 

    Back later. 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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