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Just need to talk to my friends (161)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Nicole, sorry you're not feeling well.  Hope the medication helps.  I need to start taking mine,  too. 

    Beth, hope you are okay.  Be safe and let us know when  the storms are through.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Nicole, I hope you will be feeling better soon.  It can be hard for many this time of year.  I learned to change my expectations so I wouldn't have a big letdown.  Restful sleep and early morning sun or the light box also helped me. 

    Jo C, I have been dealing with severe fatigue since the late 1980s.  It's not unusual for me.  It is better at times but it is always with me.

    I have a feral cat that sprays my front door every so often.  I'll think about using the ammonia-soaked rags if they won't damage the paint.  Or bother my own cats.

    Lorita, I listened to a talk from Opossum Rescue.  Opossums are like vultures or crows, they eat garbage and clean up the neighborhood.  We were encouraged to protect them and not run them off.  Where I live we have loads of possums, also a few skunks.

    I'm going out to a Christmas party tonight with my new bunco friends.  It's cold here, down to the mid 40's.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Have fun, Iris!!
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Storms have come through the state - they are to the east now. We are ok. Had some rain and some wind. Some reports power outages. A couple of tornadoes, not in our area and I don't know the details on damages, if any. We are blessed and prayers answered here. Thanks for thinking of us.

    Crazy weather!!! Warmest December 15 on record - 70-something. Saw on Facebook 3 people reported seeing garter snakes today. They should be hibernating!!!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Talking about all these old TV shows reminded me of one time they were filming Its Howdy Doody Time in Sacto and we got to go see the show and meet Howdy Doody. 

    Sara,   Yes I will miss my daughter when they move to Arizona. It was hard on me when they left our small town and moved 250 miles away but I got used to it so I guess I will get used to them being in Arizona. My SIL said they will fly me there and my daughter will fly home so this will happen every 6 months.   Your Biscuits sound delicious. I remember when Dan made biscuits, he would roll them out and cut them and bake them they were so good. The only biscuits I make come in a tube.  Thanks for commenting about my pets in the picture, the other picture I had really did not show Molly as well. They were both in my recliner waiting for me to sit back down. 

    Katie,   I am sorry that Toby, has Diabetes the last dog I had she also had it and I had to give her 2 shots each day. and that was the hardest thing for me to do, she lived a year, and yes it was very hard when she passed away, you feel like you could have done more. I have seen all the old TV shows you were talking about my favorite was I Love Lucy. I have all of hers on tape. 

    Jo,     I would have loved to have you as my nurse you are a very caring person. Yes my kids like me here I do all the cooking and clean up, it makes me feel good to be taking care of my kids.  I love those big warm socks I don't wear shoes when I am at home just the warm socks.  I don 't have singing dogs in my neighborhood we have barking dogs. Molly will go out start barking get all the dogs in the neighborhood barking then she comes in. All the other dogs do the same thing. Everyone on the end of my street has dogs so we are talking about 9 dogs. 

    Nicole,  I have been wondering about you, You just need to relax unwind and take the pills your doctor gave you. You were the best caregiver your uncle could have had please remember that.  

    Lorita,    It is good that you have the KPs there for protection. Molly is small but she has a big bark. It is nice you and Darwin are talking again I really hope it stays that way. He will and can be a big help to you.  I do miss being at home alone too much going on here for me so as soon as the snow lets up, I will be heading out. That is after my kids get home from Arizona, so it will be at least 3 more weeks before I go home.  I better go Its time for me to fix dinner. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Glad you all are okay and the storms have passed, Beth.  They're still NW of here.  I'm hoping the worst part of it won't get down this far.  There were power outages in Oklahoma today because of the high winds.  It's still blowing - makes a person nervous with all that wind.  And, did you see all the dust storms out west of here and awful prairie fires in our Panhandle.  It was way up in the 70s here today, too.  I actually took off my shirt and wore a sleeveless top late today.  A few days ago I was wearing a thermal top and a flannel shirt.  Crazy weather.

     Snakes?  Oh, no.  I thought they'd be in their hibernation, too. 

     Zetta, I love the picture of Molly and Sammy.  I just now checked in to see if Beth had posted and saw it.  How cute that is.  They look like good pals.

     Also, somehow I missed that your daughter was moving to Arizona - north or south part?  I love Flagstaff but don't think I'd like it farther south - too hot but up north it's really pretty.  With her moving south you won't have to worry about driving in snow and ice when you go to see her - but, like you said, that's way too far to drive.

     I heard they had five feet of snow in the Sierras today.  I've  never watched that show "The Donner Party" - don't think I want to either.  Snow is pretty if you're inside or just outside playing in it.

     I'm trying to move things around in the sunroom so when Daniel does come he or they can stay in that side of the house away from where we are.  I'm not going to hold my breath but lost track of any of my dress boots.  Finally found one pair.  It'll be a job to get everything back where it should be if and when he finishes.

     You all know that cake I make so much - the Easy Chocolate Cake without butter or eggs?  One of Carol's daughters brought one to her today.  Carol said her mother used to make them and it was called /wacky Cake.  She also had her mother's recipe in her own handwriting made into some kind of plaque for Carol's birthday  How sweet that was of her.  So, I've been making Wacky Cakes all the time and didn't know it.  I need to make another one - really good.  I have an old, old Watkin's Cookbook with mother's handwriting in it and also my sisters.  Mother gave her that cookbook to use when she first got married - but, I've misplaced it.  There's one recipe in it I really like called Cottage Pudding - sort of like a cake that you spoon out and serve with chocolate or lemon sauce..

     Joan - are you getting snow or just dust?  Our weatherman said if we get rain tonight it will be mud rain because of all the dust in the air.  Just said it's going to be 59 tomorrow so that's not bad at all but in the 40s Sat., Sun, and Monday, then back to the 60s. 

    Beth, you  must be in the western part of Iowa.  The Weather Channel is just now talking about tornado warnings in Iowa City and Cedar Rapids (think they're in the central part - not sure.  Said there's thousands of power outages up there.

     I'll stop and watch some more weather and QVC - In The Kitchen with David.

     See you all tomorrow.  Bet Iris is having a great time at the Christmas party right now.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  We have 5-6 inches of snow here in the valley.  We only had about an hour of gusty wind here in the middle of the night.  Eastern Colorado has had hurricane strength wind all day today. It caused semis to overturn on the interstate and lots os power outages in many areas.  I think it must be causing the tornados east of Colorado.  We’re supposed to get a few more inches of snow tonight and then a few days of cold and sunshine.  Ski areas are getting plenty of snow and thrilled they are open and in business.  

    I finally got my fudge and divinity made.  Both turned out perfect this year.  I’m thrilled since I’ll give it away for Christmas.   I guess the snow has inspired me to get into the holiday spirit.  

    Nicole, I hope you feel better soon.  It’s hard to make the transition from care giving to going back to pre caregiving.  You gave your uncle the best care he could have had.  It’s time for you to rest and find your new normal.  Take care.

    Katie, welcome to the group.  It’s a fun place to visit, and there’s always something going on here.  

    Zeta, I love your new picture of Sammy and Molly. They look like little buddies.  I get you miss your home, but I’m sure the kids are so happy to have you for Christmas.   Change is always hard for me.  I know you will adjust to them moving to Arizona, but know how you must be feeling.

    Iris, I live in Western Colorado.  We will have cold temps until spring.  Since I don’t ski anymore and don’t snowshoe or cross country ski anymore, I don’t like winters as much.  It seems if you like winter sports, the winters fly by.  Now, I patiently wait for spring.  

    I think one of the first tv shows I watched was Sea Hunt with Lloyd Bridges as the main actor.  I was six years old when we got our first tv.  I has rheumatic fever and my legs we’re paralyzed for awhile, so Dad bough a tv to help entertain me when Mom wasn’t home schooling me.  Poor Mom, she helped with outside chores and cooked for a couple hired hands.  She had her hands full for sure.

    Iris, I hope you enjoyed your evening with the Bunco group.  I used to play with a group when I was younger.  It was always a welcome break when the kids were younger.  Weour group played together for almost 20 years.

    My iPad is about out of power, so will post.  Have a great night and sleep well.  Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Quick note for Iris:   The ammonia soaked rags that the LB Animal Shelter advised us to use was not for cats; it was for the multiple Opossums using the back wall for a toilet and they were quite prolific.

    I do not think the ammonia would work for the cats.    The Shelter told us to use the humane traps they loan to be able to catch the many feral cats that were overtaking yards due to neighbors feeding of them  . . . the cats were trapped one by one - 16 total.  They were then taken to the Shelter where the vet spayed them and they were then brought back when healed sufficiently and set free.   No more feral litters or night fighting.  As it was, the cats began to overwhelm the neighbor in numbers so she stopped feeding them which solved the issue completely. 


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Just posted a message -- but got kicked off instead. So will try again.

    Hi to all my cobbers, from Down Under.

    Someone asked about my time at boarding school (4 years). how many times a year did I go home? Just 4 times each year, at the end of each term. It was a full day steam-train trip each way [about 200 miles], so couldn't do anything else. I did spend a couple of weekends with other students who lived within about 30 miles from school.

    Lorita, you asked about mouths that turn down at the corners. With me, it's because my cheek muscles have sagged –due to gravity and old age. At the end of the day, I have jowls – they hang below my chin and wobble!

    I did want to share with you that my DH is now Stage 7. Doc says that his leukaemia is active, so he is pale and anaemic. Has been in bed fulltime the last week, and sleeps most of the time. His muscles are too weak to hold himself upright in a chair. He is losing weight too, and doesn’t want to eat or drink much. I spent an hour with him this morning. I think he recognised that it was someone he loves, but hard to be sure.

    We have been on the pathway since before 2007. He has no quality of life left. I just pray this doesn’t last much longer.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    55F, 13C, veryyy windy.

    Lorita it is fine to freeze pasta.  Had marzetti yesterday that I had frozen.

    Iris I have lowered my expectations for most everything and it definitely helps.  Thankful that I have been able to do that.  Life’s curves have taught me some lessons regarding this.  

    Iris on This Week In Virology they have a Q&A every Wednesday night.  See a lady frequently post regarding that she has chronic fatigue syndrome and now has long covid.  She asks questions almost every week. Last night could tell she is fairly wearied with all of it, losing hope of ever feeling better.  The host could tell too.  He told her the name of a scientist working on this, can’t remember it, and he tried to encourage her to be hopeful.  I share that hope with you.

    Nicole so sorry to hear you are battling with depression.  Know it is very hard.  Pray that your medication helps you.

    My dad would never kill a possum.  Said he didn’t know of anything they harmed.  Believe I just recently heard somewhere they eat a lot of tics.  Anything eating tics is a good thing.  Will try to remember the ammonia trick if they become a nuisance.

    Beth thankful you are safe.  

    Joan I don’t care for snow as you know.  Know it is needful though, good for the ground and the water tables.  I’m sure the recipients of your candy will enjoy it. 

    Barbara I’m so very sorry, know it is so very hard to see your DH going through this.

    JoC how is your granddaughter’s family in Louisiana doing?

    My sister eventually lost her voice.  Must be coming back as mom mentioned talking to her.  She may not have had covid yet.  

    My friends BIL died yesterday morning.  Her S remains in hospital.  I’ve known them since I was a child.  They were a young married couple.  This S has two types of cancer and copd.  She has another S with four types of cancer.  It has been a bit of a battle for my friend as she tries to remain cautious (all sisters vaccinated) but those two sisters were less cautious otherwise and felt she was too cautious.  They felt they were dying anyway and so wanted to do things as family and as sisters.  She did do things with them but tried to be cautious at the same time ie N95.  Wondering if now that the other sister has seen how prolonged, and tough the suffering of covid can be, if her perspective will change or not.  This has been going on around 3-4 weeks I believe.  Understand both thought processes. My thought process is my friend doesn’t have to have guilt feeling about her being the cause of their illness.

    Guess I’ll take it easy today and just listen to the wind howl if nothing happens.  Did get a bag of seeds a few days ago.  Still need to order  my onions and a few other seeds but that was the majority.

    Take care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Seems like many of us are going thru more challenges as we approach the end of the year.

    Barbara, my prayers are with you and your LO as you deal with this final phase of this dreaded disease.  I know how difficult the watching and waiting is.

    Lorita, so glad that you have seen some progress at getting folks in to make repairs you needed.  Things seem to pile up quickly and then take forever to get resolved.  I know it has been hard for you this year with the farm, but you have now come to a decision which seems to be good for you and the farm.  Hope you can get all in place sooner rather than later.

    Iris, hope you enjoyed your Christmas party with the bunco group.  It is good for the mind, body and soul to be around others in a joyful setting.

    Nichole, my prayers that the meds help with your depression and that you can soon replace those final days with the memories of the better times with your uncle.  You were a great caregiver and I am sure he would not want you to suffer with his passing.

    Katie, welcome.  I am a sporatic visitor to the front porch...read often but post not too much.

    May there be better days with less stress and woes for each of you...that is what I wish for Christmas.

    Hugs to all, Marie

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     We have better weather here today - not much wind and it's sunny but cold.  We had .5" of rain last night and the roads were kind of muddy this morning.  Decided I'd go into town and get some feed for the babies since it's going to be raining tomorrow.  Got 3/4 T of creep and 200 lbs. of feed for the girls.  I always like to feed them around Christmas.  It was cold and still is.

     Stormy just went nuts barking at something outside.  I looked and it was our mailcarrier. Got a text from her saying she left a pkg. in the car - I imagine it's the humidifier I ordered and is too big to fit in the mailbox.

     Plumbers are supposed to  be her this afternoon to replace a galvanized pipe under the edge of the house, under the kitchen sink. 

     Joan, I saw those trucks being blown over - glad you missed most of the wind. It was awful and I hate for the wind to blow like that - you hear strange noises and wonder if the house is coming apart - and some did.

     Glad your candy came out good - still too humid her for divinity.  I bet your snow is pretty to look at and so good for your land and the ski resorts.  Now, maybe they won't have to make snow.

     Barbara, good to hear from you.  You've had an awfully long caregiving time - and I know how hard it's been for you and even harder now that your  DH is declining so much.  Our hearts are with you because we know how you feel.

     Good to hear that opossums eat ticks.  I hate those things and they were so bad this year.  I've never seen a baby opossum but like all babies I bet they're kind of cute.

     Sara, you're really getting ready for spring planting, aren't you?  I haven't gotten seed catalogs lately - do think I got some earlier.  I'd like to order a purple or lavender knock-out rose.  Didn't know they had that color until recently.  I have a dark pink, one red and two salmon colored.  The red ones are still blooming. You all should see the winter jasmine.  Blooming and more every day - so nice to see something bright and cheery in the cold weather.  I have a lot of them on the north yard fence and one in the south yard but do wish they had a fragrance.

     I got diesel in the PU this morning - $3.29 a gallon.  My gas gauge has been broken a couple of years so I keep track of the mileage.  If I calculated correctly it got 16 mph.  I fill up when I've driven under 100 miles - just to be sure.  Town was busy - lots of people and cars around.  Drove past the feed store and the dock was full so drove around a little while and came back.  I'm kind of picky about the way the guys load the truck - tabs have to be pointed toward the back - makes it much easier to pull them out and open them and they have to be at least 6-12" from the tailgate.   If something's against the tailgate it's hard to open - kind of hard anyway and so heavy but the guys don't seem to mind.  I always stand by the PU when they're loading and this morning white powder kept getting on me.  He apologized and said it was oyster shell.  Told him it didn't matter - I had on a black coat and it looked like snow.  You all  know what oyster shell is for, I'm sure.  We used to use it a lot when we had laying hens to keep the shells harder.

     Stormy and Sheena were happy when I got home - I left them outside and they ready to come inside. 

     Marie, always good to see a post from you.  Yes, it is good that a few things are marked off my to-do list but just seems like it takes a lot of pushing and shoving.  But everything will eventually be taken care of.  Need to call the attorney to ask about the mineral rights.  I know he'll want them even though he won't lease to an oil company - they can come in and drill anyway if they so choose.  Also a few questions about the life estate.  Probably need to make an appt. and go in and see her but wish a phone visit could suffice.   We'll see.

     My phone is acting silly - keeps making the noise indicating some kind of notification.  I called the plumber back but he said he hadn't called.  Just got another one so I'll stop and see what that was.

     Back later.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good idea that you are contacting the attorney who understands land issues, Lorita.  As far as having to go in to see her; I wonder if she has Zoom meetings with people or telephone appointments - there would be a fee, but at least no travel time involved.  Getting an attorney to discuss in's and out's of all options and how to structure to your advantage for your wishes and needs would be a great and necessary starting point.   Also getting the land value appraised so you know with certainty what the value of the land actually is before striking any sort of agreement would also be good; you have a wonderful and beautiful big piece of property there and you, yourself, have been wonderful with it and cared for it with much love and a lot of hard work. 

    Oh; about that magnesium you are ordering; be cautious especially if you take any OTC meds for indigestion or others that have magnesium in them.  Do not want the negative effects of overload.   Also; magnesium does affect different prescription meds including antibiotics and how they work.

    I have not made biscuits for quite awhile; love biscuits; they are always so good.   Also like making popovers which the family loves.  We use butter and cherry preserves with them.  When I make cornbread, we use butter and honey.  This is why we are not having all of this; no more kids to help eat it up and DH has diabetes and is not good at watching his diet, and me?   Well; I would be like a goldfish; just eat, and then eat some more.  Sigh.  DH brought home a bag of those awesome wonderful Lindt Lindor round ball chocolates with the creamy center . . . . oh my.  Another BIG sigh.

    The only time I make those rollout sugar cookies is for my Christmas cookies to be decorated and sometimes when I make Easter Cookies.  Otherwise, they will be drop type for oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip, or rolled balls like molasses cookies or Norwegian Snowballs.  My mother used to make refrigerator cookies that were rolled like a log, wrapped in waxed paper and refrigerated and then later  cut into slices to bake; I have never made those.

    Hey Sayra; what was that about ignoring a Post?  I saw what you wrote but did not know in what context that was.  Seems whatever, it all worked out okay.  I am sorry to hear about your friend's BIL; that is truly sad.  So hope his wife will be able to come through it all okay. People really underestimate the risks of not vaccinating and/or keeping good practices going.  Darned stuff cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched, smelled; etc.; so it is easy to get a bit lax or listen to the false information because it suits their fears better, and then . . . . disaster.  Not only death and long haul syndrome can be part of the disasterous possibilities; but when hospitalized, the dreadful hospital and doctors bills are unbelievable.  Even if insured there are deductibles which are often very high and then co-pays.  If one does not have a cadillac insurance plan, this can bury a person under debt for quite some time.  People do not think about that.  Our DIL double masks when at work and when out and wears gloves. She keeps a box in her car. She is a vet tech and her veterinarian boss is not vaccinated and does not plan to do so.  DIL is a brittle diabetic and wants to take no chances despite being vaccinated and boosted.  Good for her; better to err on the side of being careful than the other.

    Thank you for asking about our Granddaughter post hurricane loss of their home and belongings. It is still all up in the air.  They have moved in with her mother which is not working well.  Her mother has significant problem issues and has a severely difficult nature, but they are stuck in place where they are and are trying to get all together to get into a different setting which are in very short supply. The young teen son and daughter must share a small room, but it is a roof and bathrooms and a place to be in the cold winter.  They are still waiting on the insufficient insurance coverage to come about; they were terribly underinsured and where they live near/on bayou, they were lucky to get any insurance at all.  She is teaching part time and her husband is back at work but has a long commute.  We shall see what happens as time moves forward.

    Our son had a family of Opposums in his attic space. They were SO noisy at night, sufficient to keep everyone from being able to get a nights sleep.  They somehow got in by a tree branch near the house and he thinks they worked a vent away from the house to get in and made themselves at home.  It took forever for them to leave, and finally when they were all out on a day, he was able to block the vent area.  No tics where we are, and being that we are in town with no country around us, it is curious where the Opposums came from.

     Iris; I did not mention this before as I am sure I make people roll their eyes when I mention medical things.  But here I am anyway.  Have you been worked up for chronic fatigue syndrome by a physician willing to take such a condition seriously?  It goes by other names now, but the issues do sound so much like what you have mentioned.  Here of course is a link to Mayo that does discuss it.  For those who are not aware of CFS, it is interesting and a diagnosis that is often overlooked or not thought of:


    Zetta; talked to my brother in Bend this morning, he was out shoveling his driveway. Evidently they got enough snow to need shoveling but not enough to bring out the snowblower.  He said it was about 29 degrees - he had waited for it to warm up before going out to shovel.  Gads.  Your kids are so blessed to have you with them, but bet you would love to be home in your own sweet place again; soon . . . . when it is safe to do so.

    Nicole, I am so sorry for the depression. It is hard to find oneself suddenly post caregiving and wondering who we even are anymore. It can be quite a let down.  The antidepressant can be helpful; you went the distance and thensome and never left a stone unturned in caregiving and made your uncle's life so much better under the circumstances. Take good care and treat yourself well.

    Gosh Joan; it is terrific that both the divinity and fudge turned out well.  I was not ever successful with divinity.  Your friends and LOs who get what you make are surely blessed.  Your jam making at Christmas last year sounded so good.  You are very talented.  Take good care on those snowy and icy roads.

    Oh my; I have written another book.  I type too fast; if I typed slower my Posts would be shorter.  I think.  Stay warm and cozy everyone,


  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Ladyzetta: your pets are adorable.  Were they raised together?  I ask this because  cats and dogs often do not tolerate each other unless they were raised together, or they are all very mild mannered. 

    I had two cats when we purchased Toby from a breeder.  Since Toby is 2/3 Terrier he never really became friendly with the cats.  The tuxedo cat he would sit on and the brown tiger cat he was afraid of because that cat would hide behind furniture and then jump out at the dog or would slap a paw at Toby when he walked by.Both cats lived to 17 and one passed away about a week after the other passed on.

    JoC:  You mentioned snow at Bend where your brother is.  I actually miss snow since we rarely get any here and if we do it is gone in a day or so.  Since I am from the Great Lakes Area of New York originally (across from Toronto Canada), we could have almost 6 months of snow.  One of the things I have missed is not having snow at Christmas and was a real disappointment to my husband and I when we first moved here.  When we get just a bit of snow everything comes to a halt ...schools close, businesses close, and folks stay home.  I don't think the town has enough snow removal equipment, and the side roads rarely get plowed if there should be enough snow that needs to be moved off of the roads. 

    Lorita:  I am amazed with all that you do and have to care for.  In reading all you do does give you purpose and I am sure most of it is necessary from taking care of business around the farm.

    Our weather here in Southwest Virginia was Spring-like today but we sure could use some precipitation.  Our clay ground is cracking and bone dry.   We are not that far from Kentucky (right over the border to the West) where they had those horrible tornadoes with so much destruction.  What saves us from those tornadoes are the Appalachian mountains.  I read this morning there have been more tornadoes in the mid-west.  Must be terrifying knowing you may be in the path of these storms, and even more so at night when you cannot see anything outdoors.  Many a storm has moved a different direction in our area because of these mountains and I can tell you I am thankful.  I am fearful of high winds.  We did have a Derecho several years back and it did enough damage to look like a tornado, with no power for a week.  I pray we do not get one of those again because there is a very old oak tree at the front of the house and I always am concerned it will come crashing down into the family room when there are high winds.

    Not really concerned about Christmas since I will not have my DH to share it with, but our daughter and grand kids will want to see me and so I may stop by their house for a short time.  My two grand daughters like to bake and so I am sure there will be Christmas cookies and my daughter always makes a good cup of coffee to go with them. They would want to come to my home but I have only put up a wreath on the front door, no other decorations, and so nothing looks festive in the house --in fact sort of depressing and normally I would decorate quite a bit at this time of year for the grand kids. Getting out of the house for a an hour or so will do me some good since I spend too much time in the house these past many months since DH passed on.  


    I enjoy sharing and reading on this forum and I look forward to everyone's post.  Some days I will not post because I really do not have much to share but it is nice being part of the front porch with the sharing and knowledge so many of you have.

    Have a good weekend everyone one.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Had another busy day.  Got home from buying the feed and had about three hours to relax - expected plumbers this afternoon.  Storm and his partner arrived about 3 and went to work replacing the drain pipe underneath the sink in the kitchen.  They had to drill a hold in the kitchen floor (under the sink) to put in PVC - maybe the metal pipe was smaller - not sure but they got it fixed and it drains all the way to the paddock.  I told them that drain was connected to the washer drain but guess they didn't think an old woman knew what she was talking about.  He says it drains out the end of the pipe now.  So, maybe that's the end of the plumbing problem. So, another two people in the house - I wore a mask and they were just in and out the back way.

     Both Sheena and Stormy were trying to keep them out of the house today.  Really good dogs.  They're outside now - they like the cold better than the heat.

     After they left I watched the weather and we may get 3-4 inches of rain tomorrow so decided I better check the creepfeeder - don't want the babies to run out of feed and I don't relish the idea of putting out feed in the rain.  So, got 150 lb. of feed in the back of the Gator and got it put in - not much trouble and, so far, my costo isn't bothering me.  Drove down and as Charles would say "put a mark on the wall" I got the right number of  girls on the first count - unheard of.  Filled both water tanks and tried to fix it so more water won't run down against the house where the rock is away from the house.  I covered the feed in the PU so it won't get wet and got it as far back into the carport as I could and still open the door. So, I was a bit tired afterwards but nothing serious.  Maybe tomorrow, if it's rainy, no one will come and I'll have a quiet day.

      I hadn't really thought about going into the lawyer's office but I think I'll make a list of what I want to ask and call and see if we can do it over the phone.  I have a stack of deeds from the time my parents got it and through several quit claims.  I think the one where she removed Charles' name from the deed is the right one - need to ask to be sure. I have the abstract and it's really interesting to read who lived here and how much they paid for the farm.  Indians lived here first - can't remember what that was called.   I need to find out for sure about mineral rights.  I won't need them and he will. So glad he feels the same way about preserving the land like it is.  He has lots of land and leased land so he's doing a good job of it.  I can't stand the thought of an oil company coming in and drilling, making roads and slush pits and noise.  We used to lease occasionally but I've quit doing that, too.  Of course, they'd want to drill right in the middle of the big meadow.

     We were so afraid someone would buy the land east of me and build grow houses - he says they're all over the place.  There was a news story today that said people from Russia, Bulgaria, China and Mexico are buying land and putting in dozens of those grow houses.  In our little town there are five places where you can buy marijuana.

     I'm aware of what land goes for around here and we've already talked about that.  He's agreed to pay the price I asked for the acreage.  Haven't discussed cattle prices yet or residence price.  As long as I can get the cattle sold before the end of the year and not have to feed, there's not a big rush but would like to get it done - maybe some this year and some for next.

    Heard on the news tonight that Baker Mayfield, QB for the Browns and former Oklahoma University Heisman Trophy winner, has tested positive for the virus so guess he won't be playing this weekend.  The virus is really sounding bad right now - lots and lots of new cases, especially of the new variant.  I didn't go anywhere today except the feed store and Casey's to get diesel - no masks in sight except mine. 

     Lots of wind damage from those awful winds yesterday.  Katie, we have a very old, elm tree on the north side of the house just outside the kitchen window.  I'm always worried when the winds are high that it will come down on the house, too.  Had a lot of tree work done this summer to get the limbs away from the house so that made me feel better.  My old, over a hundred old tree is still standing after all the wind.  One big old limb is all that's left.

     Katie, Sheena and Stormy get along all right with the cats we have in the house but not so for Tom and Jerry (outside of the yard cats).  I'm afraid it would not be a good thing if they got together.  They are very territorial of their yard. When a cow or calf gets too close to the fence, they run them away.  I think I posted this but a year or so ago I heard them barking like crazy.  Went out and they had a raccoon backed up against a tree.  I finally got them in the house and a little later saw the coon on top of the house.  I kept them inside a long time to let it get out of the yard and guess it did because it was gone.  I have one little squirrel that I see fairly often - guess he's eating the black walnuts and I always worry about him.  The other day I went into the storage building - it has a doggie door - and there was a big pile of black walnut husks inside so guess he husked them and is storing them away for the winter.  The inside cats sit on the window sill above the sink and watch him in the tree.

     I slept in the bedroom last night - felt good to be in the bed.  The cats were in there with me - to watch.  Still funny to watch them when I open the bathroom door and they go in - they creep around, look in corners and under the dresser and especially in that corner where we found two little snakes.  Sometimes when they're stretched out looking I touch them or say "boo" and they jump.  Guess I shouldn't do that.

     Hope all of you are well.  That storm is still going so hope none of you are in it's path.  Maybe Virginia will just get some rain.  We need rain so the 3-4" will be nice if it's a soft rain.  Our ponds are all right but there's many that are very low.  Almost all of our State is in drought now except the far eastern part.

     Sleep tight and don't let the BBB.

     Addendum:  Jo, just looked at the Loritta socks on Amazon.  I have a lot of those socks - they're soft and I especially like the bright colors.  Also like those with the different colored heel and toe.  I wear these socks with my dress boots - otherwise, two pairs of thick socks.  Had no idea they had that name.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I hoping you all have had a good day today. My daughter sent me on some errands toady I had to wait in a long line at UPS. I am not used to lines. Everyone had mask on, and people were very nice. So, the time went pretty fast. 

    Lorita,  I am not sure if I mentioned about my daughter and her DH  moving to Chandler, Arizona. He is a Electronic Engineer and very talented at what he does. When he finishes a job, he has other companies offering him jobs. This is the furthers away they have moved but this job is supposed to last at least 5 years, hopefully that is true I am getting tired of them moving I will miss them, but they are only a phone call away. They will be going back there on the 27th of this month for a week to get a place to live then back to their house here in Washington, and as soon as the weather clears up, I will be heading home to Oregon.

    Lorita,  What is oyster shell used for? I have never heard of it. 

    Barbara,  I am sorry for what you must be going through, please take care of yourself and rest as much as you can. You are in my prayers.

    Joan,  I do not like change. I am enjoying being with my daughter but there is no place like home. I love homemade fudge, I tried once, and it did not work so I have never tried again. I never seem to find any that I like. 

    Jo,  I talked to my son today and he told me we have 22 ins of snow. I still miss being at home. If I was there, I would not be going anyplace. 

    Katie,  Molly and Sammy were not raised together. Molly is 7 and she was raised with another cat I had his name was Rascal. He passed away 3 years ago so Molly is used to being around cats. I got Sammy when he was 5 weeks old, so he only knows Molly, they are best buddies they sleep and eat and play together. 

    Iris,  I hope you had fun at the party last night, we are waiting to hear all about it. 

    Good Night All, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Zetta, I remember a few years ago we had 22 inches of snow - over a two or three day period.  It was awful but beautiful.  We couldn't get out of our driveway until Darwin broke it out with his tractor.  Too much snow for me.

     Oyster shell is fed to chickens to help make the shells of the eggs solid instead of being softshelled.  A soft shell egg is weird - it's sort of a pinkish color, you can almost see through it but you can handle it without it breaking through if you're careful.  There's a lot to raising chickens that people don't think about.  Lots of work but good rewards.  Daddy used to have chickens and he sold cases, several dozens, to stores.  I bet there was at least 30-40 dozens in the case, in flats of two dozen, I think.  I used to like to go with him - always got pop or candy.

     I just remembered that I forgot to wear my mask when handled those feed sacks.  Kind of scares me because Carol is almost sure that's where he brother got the virus - from unloading feed.  I was outside and it was only three sacks except when I covered it.  Now begins the countdown - it'll be the end of December before I feel safe from all that's gone on this week and last.

     I'm ready for bed - just watched the news and weather - still says it'll be wet tomorrow but about 60 degrees.  Planning on making that vegetable soup.

    Zetta, I know you're sorry your daughter and her husband will be so far away but those five years will pass fast and not too far away by air.  Just think how warm they'll be when you have 22" of snow.

     Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    32F, 0C, wind 1mph, nice.

    Nice to visit with you again Marie.

     I am not familiar with popovers.  Looked them up, see you need a popover pan.  I have enough kitchen gadgets.  Not promising I won’t buy more though.

    JoC someone had put a post in our thread that looked like a phishing post.  I reported it and they removed it. Reported one this morning that is over on caregiver board.  That time of year I guess.

    Sorry that your GD and family are having to live in an uncomfortable situation.  Knowthat us rough.  

    Katie hope you have a good weekend too. I was born in Kentucky, up in the NE corner close to West Virginia.  It is considered part of the Appalachians too but just very tall hills there, no mountains.

    Lorita so glad you are getting your work done.  Makes you and me feel better.

    Zetta my uncle was a civil engineer and he had to move around like that too once a project was completed.  Usually was quite a few years in between.  Twenty two inches of snow.  That is a lot of snow.

    Guess this will be another quiet day.  That is ok, thankful it is quiet.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Coffee's on and rocking chairs all lined up on our front porch waiting for friends coming for a visit. Will bring out the wine and cheese this afternoon!

    Been bragging on Lou so much lately the villain raised its ugly head yesterday. I remembered what Lorita said about a full moon and sure enough, it looked like one was out this morning, partly cloudy when I looked, but pretty sure it was full. Hopefully the pretty lady is back this morning. Dementia is almost like the beauty and the beast!

    Butt cheek doesn't seem to be getting any better. Started to go see about it yesterday but Lou's sitter wasnt available and reallly didn't want Lou to have to sit out at the VA with me. Never know how long it will take and she gets very impatient. This morning I was a little sore to the inside of my thigh, right below the sore. I looked the best I could with a mirrow and it looks as if another might be forming. Times like this I wished I had my old Lou back where she could look and tell me exactly what it was. Guess I'll try the VA today, was hoping I could avoid going.

    Hope all is well with my friends this morning. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     It's a rainy morning.  We just got a shower during the night but the front is moving back north and bringing rain with it.  We need it so will enjoy the quiet day.  Soup making is on the agenda.

     It's thundering some and Sheena is scared. She comes and lays as close to me as she can get and I talk to her telling her it's just the potato wagons rolling. Doesn't bother Stormy.

     Ron, hope you can get in to see a doctor today so you won't have to go over the weekend.  Hope Lou is doing better today.   That full moon thing is really true.  I can remember so much talk about it years ago.

     The girls were way down in the NE pasture except for three calves out front and a couple of cows in the barn.  One came out and bawled and bawled - calling her baby.  Funny to watch them - when it's time for the baby to nurse, somehow the mom calls it - I can't always hear her but you'll see a baby running to mom for a snack.

     Got out and fed and watered Tom and Jerry. All the water was gone so guess the opossum was thirsty during the night. 

     I just feel like I'd like to go back to bed and sleep some more - may do that later.  I don't think anyone will be here today - glad for that.  Too many people this week - like I said it'll be next year before my 15 days are up. 

     I made a wacky cake yesterday and it got me to wondering.  I may have talked about this in a previous post - google said this cake was popular in the 40s - made without milk or eggs.  The recipe I have from Jenny Can Cook calls for 6 T. of oil.  I don't think they had oil back then so wonder if they melted lard or whatever they had.  It also said you put the dry ingredients in the pan (ungreased) you'll use to bake it - then make three holes and put water, oil and vanilla in each one, then mix and bake.  I'm curious so I'm going to call Carol after a bit and ask her what her mother's recipe says.

    I'll get off now - nothing going on so I'll watch some more MASH and finish my hot tea.  Need to call the attorney today or Monday. 

    Enjoy your day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    quick post....

    Popover...pyrex custard cups

    oyster shells...bocce court

    later...full day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Seems to have been a really quiet day on the thread today.  We've had rain off and on all day and still more to come.  Only 1.3" when I went out a while ago - I can't believe it's only been that much.  There's water setting everywhere and it is muddy.  Either I'm not thinking right or the water is either not getting into the gauge or it's leaking.

     I made that soup today and I guess I've lost the knack for making good vegetable soup.  I had onions, potatoes, carrots, celery, corn, peas and green beans with V-8 and water for the liquid - added a little bit of oregano, salt, pepper, onion and garlic salt.  That's all and it had a kind of vinegary taste - so added more salt, a little sugar and hot sauce.  The little dish I ate tasted better.  Carrots weren't quite done enough so cooked it some more, then tasted one of them and it had the vinegary taste.  So, I don't know if it's the carrots or what.  They looked really good and I added quite a lot.  May get rid of it and make some potato soup.

    This afternoon I happened to be looking out the door and a heavy rain began and the girls started running toward the barn.  Later I saw more coming from the garden - guess the rain got too hard for them to walk in it.  I'm so glad the barn's closed up so they can get out of the weather.

     I've watched TV most of the day - dozed off a time or two.  Tried to call the attorney again but no answer - I think I tried last Friday with the same result so they may not be open on Fridays.  I'll try Monday.

     Looks like there's bad weather all over the Country - big winter storm getting ready to close in on the NE, snow in the west, rain and storms in the central part of the Country and way above normal temps.  The weatherman just said it will probably be 70 degrees on Christmas Day.  I can remember a couple of years ago it was really warm on Christmas, too.

     Sounds like the new variant and Delta are really causing lots of new cases.  I think I mentioned Baker Mayfield has tested positive among lots of other athletes.  

     Well, enjoy the evening and stay safe..  See you tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Made it to the VA and wished I would have stayed home. All the chairs in the waiting room were full and right off I started wondering why I was there with all those sick people. Mask were all on so hopefully I didn't catch anything. After hour and half I finally saw the Dr. Nothing she could do! Seems like it had already scabbed and I didnt even know it had leaked. Said it had to be soft to lance and gave me a shot for pain and antibiotics and said to come back in three or four days if not better . Still hurts to sit! One good thing is when I got home Lou's sitter had dusted and swept and mopped the floor. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Sorry about the full waiting room, Ron.  Guess everyone is trying to beat the surge.

    Good  you got some medicine to help you. And some housework done, too.  Since  everyone was wearing  masks it should be okay.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Tomorrow we will have our family Christmas celebration at my folks house.  It will be bitter sweet, as it will likely be the last holiday there.  This will be the first time in about 3 years that we have been able to get all of us together on the same day.  This year there will be 20 of us.

    We will also try to keep it to just a few hours, since all the people and the noise will be hard on my dad with his dementia.  Fortunately their house has enough space so that the little ones can play in a different room.  Of course for him, most of us are just "people" so it makes him a bit anxious.

    My mother wanted one more Christmas with everyone so that is what we are doing. 

    Blessings to all,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I don't know if it's a boil or folliculitis.  A boil looks like a bad pimples, red and maybe with a point.  It is easy to lance.  Are you saying it has already drained by itself?  That can happen.  If you can keep the area clean, that will help.   If it doesn't resolve, ask for a wound care nurse.  They are specialists in wounds and boils.

    I had a great time at the bunco Christmas party.  Three women came whom I had not met last month.  We had a gift exchange, and I came home with a charcuterie board, Italian crackers, salami and tea towels.  My gift was a set of Italian wines.  I also came home with several small gifts that the ladies gave me that I wasn't expecting.  They are a very nice group of women.

    Yesterday, I went to my friend's funeral.  I had known her about thirty-five years.  We both had lupus and met at a support group.  We went to the same lupus specialists group.  Her illness was more severe than mine, with many complications and hospitalizations.  I learned her husband died just three days prior.  He had been in memory care for about a year with Alzheimer's Disease.   They are together again.


    Today I had an inspection for my car.  The lease is up.  I got 5 points, the highest grade.  My car is in excellent condition.  I get offers to turn it in, but I am going to keep it.

    I will have my mammogram appointment scheduled on Sunday.  Then all next week I have to take my cats for their shots.  I hope to get some rest in between.  I'll write more tomorrow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    34F, 1C.  Rainy

    Talking of soup Lorita not tasting right lol.  The other day I made a chicken stew type dish.  Put what I thought was broth in it.  It had a sweet odd little tang.  Ate it but could not figure this out.  A few days later realized I put apple cider in it.  Froze some cider and didn’t label all of it thinking I would remember what it was.  Know to smell it now before using it.  

    Sounds like you enjoyed being with your friends Iris.

    Got a surprise yesterday.  A lady I worked with left a few years before I retired.  She texted me yesterday.  Said she had been thinking about me.  I was so surprised.  We had a nice little chat.  She lives south of Columbus now.  

    Good Lord’s will going to try and make a batch of chocolate chip cookies today.  

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Iris, I haven't seen any sign of the sore draining, but according to the Dr. it had.

    I got a hand mirror last night and looked at it and noticed redness about the size of a silver dollar with a scab in the center of it. I still have soreness but pain level isnt bad unless I touch it or sit on a hard service. Guess I will continue with antibiotics and hope it clears up. Still don't know what's causing it!

    65 degrees right now and rain moving in. Suppose to rain all day with cooler weather the next few days. Guess I'll catch up on washing since Lou's sitter did the cleaning. 

    I will start my baking around the middle of the week. I want to give my orkin guy and his family a gift basket of goodies and want it to be fresh. Should have plenty of the holiday cookies with brown sugar, dates, red and green maraschino cherries and pecans for our front porch. Why dont we all share one of our favorite holiday cookies, candies, pies or cakes with our front porch friends. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     It's cold and windy this morning - sun just came out.  Kind of a shock to the system since it's been so warm but it's going to warm up again.  I forgot to look to see how much rain we got yesterday but quite a lot I think.

     Marie, hope you all have an enjoyable time together today at your Christmas gathering.  Nice that you can be together.

     Iris, sorry about your friend.  I had a friend I went to school with who had lupus - lost her many years ago. 

     So, you lease your car.  I've been thinking maybe that would be the best way for me to go.  If I buy a new, or slightly used, one when something happens to me there would be the problem of what to do with it.  If it was leased, it would just go back to the company, I guess.  Do you lease by the year or by the month.  I have no idea how that works and really don't even know of a place around here that leases - probably in Tulsa.  I heard this morning that the median price for a new car is over $40,000.  That's ridiculous.  I think of my first one - a Mustang - it was $2100.  Then my next Cougar was $3,000), then a Buick $4,000 and on from there.  We haven't had a new vehicle since 2001 and still have under 70,000 miles on it.  It's running good now and so is the car so maybe I'll wait - probably just go up higher though.

     Glad you had a good time at the Christmas party and that you're making new friends.

     I haven't had a mammogram in a few years - used to get one every year.

     Sara - I do things like that - putting things in the freezer without a label thinking I'll remember what it is.  Sometimes it's kind of hard to figure out what it really is.  Guess my memory is not what I think it is. 

     I decided to get rid of the soup.  I ate a small bowl of it last evening and I don't feel good this morning - kind of a GI upset. I'm not sure it's the soup but I'm sort of weird that way - if I eat something and it bothers me a little (and it might be that at all) I won't eat it again.  When I put it over the fence - some animal will eat it - it had really a lot of carrots in it.  I think I went overboard with them.  I tasted everything I put in the soup and everything tasted all right and nothing was expired so I don't know what went wrong. 

     I'm watching a new cooking show I've never seen - Magnolia Table with Joanna Gaines (she's the one who has the show "Fixer Upper" with her husband in Waco, Texas).  I think I saw on TV that one of the channels I watch is going to change to the Magnolia Channel the first of January.  She's using a pan I'd like to have - looks like a dutch oven but is only 1/3 to 1/2 as tall.  Probably LeCruset and expensive though.

     Ron, don't work too hard and let your antibiotics do their work.  I doubt I'll do any baking at all this year (hardly ever do anymore).  I have my Christmas cake - Panettone - so that will be enough.  If I made candy, I'd have to eat it and don't need that.  Anyway, it's just another day - that's the way I feel about all the holidays.  Charles and I never were holiday oriented after we lost our parents.  I will be glad when the holidays are over and things get back to as normal as they can be.  But, my least favorite months are January, February, July and August.  After all the things on TV during December, January is kind of a let-down.

     My back is hurting this morning - not sure if it's from the bed or what - probably need to sleep on the other side or put a board under the mattress which will be very hard to do.  When Charles and I used to turn the mattress it was a big job for both of us.  I need to bring in a 40 lb. sack of catfood from the box on the front porch so I'll use the dolly.  I think that will just about take care of emptying all the boxes.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Zetta, I saw pictures on TV last night of Washington and Oregon and all the snow.  When you have snow do you ever make snow ice cream?  We used to until the air became polluted.  I'd almost be afraid to eat it now.  I'm up to ten days since first contact with the first, two plumbers.

     I'll be back later.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I hope you are still healing.

    Freshly baked cookies--yum!  I used to bake gingerbread cookies now I will make cookies from a spice cake mix.  Perhaps tomorrow.  I will also make homemade eggnog.  I made it last year and it was delicious, if I do say so myself!

    Lorita, the leasing inspector gave my car a rating of 5--the best.  I got no deductions.  My car was clean inside and outside with low mileage 6900 miles in three years.  The term of the lease was three years.  That's what the dealer offered originally, although I suppose terms can be negotiated, depending upon the supply and demand for vehicles.  Now the demand is high because the supply is low. 

    With only 70,000 miles, I think you should be good for many years.  All of my prior cars were well over 150,000 miles.  Problems pop up at about 60,000 miles, so you could set some money aside monthly to have ready for repairs.

    I chose to lease three years ago because I could not decide what I wanted in a new car, and there were too many car brands to choose from.  Also the dashboard of one car I saw looked like an airplane's cockpit!  I knew I would have trouble learning new features.  In the end I chose a Toyota because I had already had one and was familiar with it.  The salesman was an older man and he was patient and explained the features.  Plus the dealership is close to me and is family owned.  At one dealership the salesman was young and talked too fast for me.  He didn't seem interested.

    I used to have a full sized mattress and I could rotate that one.  Now I have a queen sized mattress and it is too heavy for me to rotate.  It seems to be okay, I've had it about twenty-five years.

    I can barely lift 40 lbs.  My suitcase was 38 lbs on my last trip but it had wheels.

    I label everything that I cook and put into the freezer or refrigerator.  My shelves are deep and too much gets hidden in the back.

    I celebrate Christmas by listening and singing to Christmas songs eating holiday foods and looking at light and decorations on Christmas eve.  This Christmas Eve my neighbor and I will go out to Black Angus restaurant for a Christmas dinner.  She is also a cat lady.   I no longer send out cards and I have not put up my prelit tree or other decorations in years.  I just don't have the energy for all of that.  I do make phone calls but they will be fewer this year.  

    I like Panettone cake.  Someone introduced me to it a few years ago.  It's sold in all the markets here.

    I have seen a Magnolia Table magazine.  I didn't know it was Joanna Gaines' magazine.  I never watched her show because I don't have cable and I don't watch much TV anyway.  I have not seen my soap opera since before Thanksgiving.

    It's getting late.  I have my mammogram scheduled for tomorrow, on a Sunday.  Goodnight.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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