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Just need to talk to my friends (161)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Zetta, I bet you are hating the fact that you're snowed in and can't get home even though you've enjoyed being with your daughter and SIL.  We've been snowed in a few times - but we were home.  It's not a good feeling that you're not able to get out and go if you want to or need to.  We were snowed in, probably in 2009 and I was afraid something would happen with Charles so D. plowed out the road for us - just in case.  I guess that was the last big snowstorm we had.  I remember, if that was the time, that he was just recovering from pneumonia and the girls needed hay so I got out, got the tractor started and hayed them.  I remember driving past the bedroom window where he was and watching and waving to him.  Can really get hairy out here sometimes. I remember, now, another time when we had a blizzard and I had three bottle babies at the barn.  We were out of power so had to heat bottles in front of the heating stove - just enough to mix the milk replacer.  I'd put the bottles in a tote bag and take them to the barn.  Charles had a long stick-like thing with a metal point on it and I'd use it to keep my balance.  I'd go to the barn, feed the babies and when I'd come back to the house I couldn't see the tracks I'd made going to the barn.  Good time, huh?  Couldn't do that now.

     As for the fudge recipe, I only saw it this morning on Pioneer Woman.  I think she just combined the chocolate chips and Eagle Brand milk and let the chips melt over low heat.  Then she added chopped pecans and put it in the sprayed pan.  It must be awfully rich but bet it's really good.

     It's been a pretty day - not much wind, sunny and got up to 61.  I've been chilly all day so kept my fleece, Sherpa lined jacket on all day.  I bought it a few weeks ago and this is really the first time I've worn it much.  It's pretty long, light weight and warm.  So, I will be wearing it more.

     I hope we don't get any snow this winter - last winter was bad enough to last us for a decade but you never can tell when these cold fronts come through and run into warmer weather - seems like Oklahoma is where they always collide.

     It's been a rough day but I've decided what to do.  Judith, you're right.  I have feed for the girls and I'll give it to them Christmas Eve or Christmas Day so I'll be able to see if I'm up to doing it at least 50 times these next three months.  I can take my time but still not sure.  Right now I can't deal with all the lawyer has said has to be done so I'm thinking I'll lease the land to Mike for a year and sell the girls.  For the life of me I just cannot let go of the farm right now - maybe in a year I'll feel differently.  This way it'll still be mine and I can take care of getting the mineral rights in order and do some more planning.  I don't plan to leave here unless I get to the point I have to. 

     He has about 640 acres leased north and NE of us (D.'s) and about 100 west of us and owns probably 400 acres north of us so there will be someone, probably his hired hand, around every other day.  I'll continue to watch the girls as I've always done - even in cold weather.  So, for now, that's the way I'm leaning, really hard.  I hope he's agreeable.  During this year I can get more paperwork in order, mineral rights, will, etc.  - things I've been putting off.  But, at my age, it's time to get it done.  It's just all too much right now with all the other irons I have in the fire.

     Haven't heard anymore from Daniel - he said he'd keep me informed - so don't expect to have anything done until after the first of the year.  I've fixed it so more rain can't get into those places between the rock and house and it's cold enough the snakes shouldn't be a problem.  I wanted to get the pipe corral and barn trim painted this fall but it may be too cold now - maybe next spring - or maybe not.  Also need to get porches painted.  I've finally gotten most of the boxes off the porch except a couple.  I hate like everything to throw away boxes.  As soon as I throw them away I think of something I could use one or two of them for.

     Hope all of you have had a good day - so hard to believe this year is almost over - it has gone so fast and the days fly by.  Thank you all for listening - \

     Ron, hope things are good in Louisiana.  Must be pretty warm down there.  Our weatherman said it was 88 in far SW Okla. yesterday (may have already posted that). 


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dear Zetta,

    I am concerned for you trying to get home.  This time of the year the weather seldom gets better.

    Is there a longer safer alternative route to get you home?

    How soon will the movers come?  If you are still there, it will be confusing for the pets for sure.

    Wish Santa and his sleigh with reindeer would come and wisk you all home in the blink of an eye.

    Praying for clear passes for your safe return home.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Zeeta...please continue to keep us in the loop about your travel plans.

    Lorita...When you say sell the cows do you mean to Mike. Have you all talked about this;


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Judith, yes, to Mike.  We looked at them Sunday and I told him the numbers of calves, yearlings and cows and other.particulars.  Thank you  the link will read for sure.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Just popping in to answer Lorita's question about the deer cam. It is live. There are street views, trough views, close up views, and bird feeder views. 

    I am attaching a link that takes you to a page where you can select which view you wish to look at. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdmPhiIJ-s7MJG2WtM7nbUw

    No snow here now. We have had cold weather but only 1/2" of snow in the month of December, and none in November.

    I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful, calm, and happy New Year.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I don't remember what everyone wrote.  I'll try to read more later. What did Storycrafter post this morning?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    22F, -6C.

    Zetta hope you are able to get home soon and don’t have to go to Arizona.  Sometimes we do what we have to do though.  Snow can be difficult to deal with.

    Iris Storycrafter was just sort of talking about her disappointment with how some behave toward her as she tries to do what she feels is best for her.  She put a lot of my thoughts into much better words than I have been able to do.

    Made buns yesterday.  Think I will cook some brown beans today and if able may try making tortillas today with the lard.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     It's in the 40s here but supposed to be in mid 60s today and 80 tomorrow which will be tied with the record, both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  No snow here this year - yeah!  It's cloudy this morning but no fog here - it's in Western Oklahoma this time. When I woke up this morning I checked my weather gauge to see if it was foggy - it's the security light at Ray's house, directly a mile south of us.  I could see it, so no worry.

     So, this morning I can tell I would not do well trying to feed today.  Some days are better than others - guess it's that way with everyone though.

     Fed Tom and Jerry and filled a water tank.  The girls are coming down from the MH - everything looks okay.  Last night I was feeling of Kitt's feet and I think one of her front toenails may be growing into her foot.  I know one nail is long and catches on things. I've tried to cut it but I need three or four hands.  I think I cut it some but it's still on there - I have a pair of  surgical clamps that I may be able to get hold of it.  Wish one of you all was here to help.  It's hard to do some things by yourself.

     Sara - this morning before I read your post I was thinking of cooking brown beans tomorrow.  I didn't get them on to soak last night.  The last time I cooked them I soaked them the night before and they seemed softer.  I may have frozen some of them so I'll check that first.  I have a pan or two that makes those cornbread loaves so I think I'll do that.  Usually I cook the cornbread in a 7 or 8" cast iron pan but this would be good and probably wouldn't dry out as much.

     Beth, thanks for the link - I enjoyed watching them eat last night, especially one who would eat a bite or two, then listen.  Where is this located? 

     I saw that wolf yesterday morning.  He was at the south end of the garden.  I'm not good at estimating the number of feet but maybe 200 ft.  He stood and watched me while I came out on the porch, then took off.  So pretty.

     Feel better about things this morning.  Maybe in a year or so I'll be able to sell, just not now. 

     Zetta, tried to watch a Gunsmoke episode this morning but I've seen it.  I know I haven't seen all of them but I think they're repeating. 

     Nothing on tap today.  I'm not going to bake anything since I have the Panittone so may be brown beans and cornbread for Christmas. That may be what I had last year, can't remember.

     Almost forgot.  I was watching Denim & Co. a day or so ago on QVC and they mentioned the movie Bell, Book and Candle.  I checked and it's on this evening at 5 on TCM.  I tried to watch it last year but didn't get started on it until the last half hour so I think I'll watch that.  Someone, maybe Jo or Judith, mentioned it last year.  Speaking of Jo - wonder where she is - haven't seen a post in a few days.  Hope all is well.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    My understanding is that in a lease purchase contract the "rent" is applied to th purchase price. How many acres did you say you had?
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I dont know how many times Lou has said that she wished she had a blue throw rug for our living room. I decided to ask Santa claus if he would bring her one and low and behold, it came today. She cant stop talking about it and loves what Santa brought. The dogs like it also!

    I've baked the Christmas cookies this morning and she also loves them. Dont know how I managed because last night was extremely hard for me. Maybe 2 to 3 hours sleep! Dont know why it's so difficult for me to go back to sleep after being awaken. Dr. said he wanted me to come in for another sleep study when I can arrange Lou's care. Guess I'll look into it first part of next year.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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     Barbara; I just read of the death of your beloved husband; I send you my deep heartfelt thoughts and so hope you are finding support during the days that you are now dealing with.  You have been an awesome wife and carer; your support was ever faithful right to the very end of the journey.  Let us know how you are when you are up to it, we will all be thinking of you.

     Had a few days with an ick sort of GI thing going on, but it appears I am on the mend and hopefully stay so as our son is providing Christmas Eve dinner to us which is such a loving thing to do.   He is an excellent cook and loves doing it which makes his wife very happy.  He is going to drop the food off at our front porch without coming into the house.  He is a law enforcement officer, and his station has had a large COVID outbreak this week and he will not enter our house for fear of making us sick even though we are all fully vaccinated and boosted.  He will not take chances; DH has diabetes and we are both as I say; "ahem, more mature." Sure wish I could hug him.  So many police officers and firemen/women are refusing to get vaccinated; just cannot understand that, but there it is.   Anyway, son is making his famous Beef Bourguignon which is so richly delicious and also bringing a bottle of wine and rolls; now all we need is dessert.  I would vote for cheesecake, but I do not think that is on the menu.

    Well . . . I ventured forth a few days ago and had my hair cut. Hurray for me; I was like an explosion in a hair factory as I had the last cut four months ago as I was letting it grow out from a very short cut.   Went into the salon with a surgical mask covered by a double layer cloth mask with a good filter inside of that one.  Had to take the ear elastics off each side when she cut the sides, but held mask tight to my face.   What I did was have a 9:00 am appt.; salon had been empty since prior day and no one else was in the shop except me.   Only flaw was the beautician was not masked despite the LA County ordinance.  She was fully vaccinated and boosted, but I would have felt happier if she was masked.  She had no mask with her and I had none to give her.  So here I am counting down the days of the incubation period again; just me being me one more time.

    I do need to get the KN94 masks from Korea; I want to retire the cloth masks altogether, filters or not.  I have used the N95, but find them very hard to breathe in and I certainly did try.  I understand that another company makes an N95 that is a "duck billed" design which makes breathing easier, so I shall look into that.  DH had bought some new surgical masks, and I was surprised, they did not fit well at all; though pleated, they did not cover the side of the face snugly and also did not cover under the chin as well as the other surgical masks we had but ran out of.  So; I do not want to use those if at all possible.

    Zetta; I am so hoping that the snows will stop and the pass will be clear for you to be able to go home instead of having to go to Arizona.   Keep in touch with the Highway Patrol; they will give you best information.  If we could get a snow plow to get in front of you over the pass, that would be the best.  That happened with us by chance as I have recounted before.  Just do what is safest.  Bend is without snow right now, but they are expecting some right after Christmas Day.  I will keep hoping for good weather for you to be able to get home over that notorious pass.

     Sayra; while it is nice to have popover pans, I made mine for years using my teflon coated cupcake pans and they turned out just fine.  I made the old Betty Crocker recipe from a 1950's cookbook; so easy and oh boy; so tasty.  One thing about popovers, they are delicious when eaten right away; they do not keep well for reheating like biscuits do.  My biscuit recipe was one that never failed and was printed on the Tupperwear plastic sheet for rolling dough out on.

     Kids have been calling; they were indeed delighted with those three dimensional cards with the lighted tree, fireplace and music.   That makes me feel happy as it was my intent to delight them.  My brother mailed me some small wooden painted signs with wire hangers; one said, "I don't need no Santa, I have my Grammie."  The other said, "Dear Santa my sister has the most wonderful brother in the world!"  How nice of him to think of me when he was in the gift shop.  He said they made him laugh as they did me too.  How nice. 

    I have to get onto looking into other Homeowners Policies right after Christmas; our policy went sky high enough to cause gasps.  We have had it for decades and though we have had increases from time to time, this one is a whopper.  Wow!   We shall see.

     I am sitting on the guest room bed with my laptop on my lap and an afghan over my well socked feet; the sound of rain is steady and the heat came on as it was pretty chilly in the 60's.  Nice and cozy.  The rain is expected to continue every day through Christmas Day and perhaps the next; then it will start all over again a few days later.  We needed the rain, but when it comes all at once, it causes big mud slides that takes down houses and blocks roads way up in the hills; the burn areas are at hightest risk. The Modjeska and Silverado canyons out in Orange County get hit every year; it is always pretty severe.  Why anyone wants to continue living there would be a guess; it must be loved very much.  

    May all of you be warm and cozy and with a lovely calm holiday.  Many of us will be alone with some goodies to eat and a good movie or two to watch; and that is okay too.  Stay safe while we enjoy the blessings that we do have and are thankful for,








  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Thank you, Judith, that was very information - but, I can't find anywhere it tells if the lease rate per acre is monthly or if it's an annual rate.  Did I miss something?

     Jo, glad you got your haircut - I need one in the worst way.  I trim the ends every so often but it's hard to do.  Need someone to cut it straight across in the back and for the life of me I cannot get Stormy to do that.

     It seems that in the weather nothing is in moderation this year - either too much water or not enough and so on.  Guess it'll be this way from now on.  We're killing our plantet.  I've said before I hope there isn't such a thing as reincarnation because I'd really hate to come back in a few years to see how things are.

    Drove down to see the girls late this evening, then came back and took the GPs for a walk down to the meadow.  Need to do that more often.  Also got the bunk feeders in place so I can feed the girls.  There were two close to me and they were very curious - one was looking in the back of the Gator where I have the feed - covered up.

     I've put alcohol on Kitt's toe a couple of times and some Neosporin a while ago but I think she licked it off.  I guess the tip of that nailclipper nipper her toe - makes me feel bad.

     I haven't put those beans to soak yet and may not - really don't feel up to beans so may make some vegetable soup.  Like I said, I tasted everything I put in it and everything tasted good.  I'll cook the vegetables in water with a little V-8 juice and a can of tomatoes this time.

     Ron, how good of Santa to bring the blue rug for Lou.  So glad she likes it.   If she walks around be careful - maybe tape down the corners so she won't slip on it.  I should take my own advice.  I have two big dogbeds on the floor and I'm always tripping on them - so far, no falls.  Don't think I could handle another one.

     Zetta, I've looked for Longview on the map and can't find it.  Google says it's fairly close to Seattle and Portland.  Looks like there's lots of small towns in that area.  I saw on the weather there's supposed to be more snow.  If you flew to Arizona with your daughter, what about Molly and Sammy and your car?  Just be careful whatever you have to do.

     I'm ready for bed - Gunsmoke's on but I can watch it in the bedroom.  Hope all of you have a good night's rest.  Ron, if you could put some soft, relaxing music on when you wake up and can't go back to sleep, it might help.  It really does for me - I can leave the TV on and it puts me to sleep. 

     I saw a recipe on TV today that those of you who like dates might like - looked really easy and they said it tastes like pecan pie.  It's called Pecan Pie balls.  You use 3 cups of pecans and 1/2 C. dates.  In your food processor pulse it until they're broken up.  Then add l tsp. vanilla, 1 T (I think) of maple syrup and a pinch of Himalayan pink salt (guess any kind would do).  Then process it until it forms a dough.  Make the dough into 23 balls and that's it. 

     With that, I'll stop for the day.  Again, sleep well.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Today I purchased my leased SUV.  When I got it three years ago, I could not decide on which new car to get.  I also purchased the extended warranty.  My payoff was $15,000, but the dealership could sell my three year old used car for $35,000!  That's insane!  Inflation is real!

    Sayra, I'm sorry Storycrafter was hurt by other people.  She wrote a book, what do they know?

    I have made delicious popovers in a muffin tin.

    Zetta, do you have winter tires?  I know you will do what's best for you.

    Jo C, I was supposed to go to Black Angus on Christmas Eve with my neighbor, but she cancelled.  I don't mind, cases of omicron have doubled in the past two days.  I am going to enjoy celebrating the birth of Christ at home.

    It's good that you got your haircut now, you'll be good for the next few months until omicrom calms down.

    Did you hear about the cream cheese shortage?  What's the world coming to?  No cheesecake?  I am very disappointed.  Fortunately, I can accept substitute desserts LOL!

    Lorita, my cat Seven is a Maine Coon cat with seven toes on her front paws.  A few of the claws grew inward, like ingrown toenails, so I asked the vet to declaw the deformed claws.  Now she has an enlarged nipple.  The entire teat feels firm, it might be a tumor.  The vet wants $2,000 for this surgery. 

    I made pea soup from a can.  I just pureed the peas with my immersion blender, added beef stock, along with onion powder, garlic powder, thyme and paprika.  It was tasty.

    I spent this entire month on errands.  I'm looking forward to taking it easy and focusing on Christ for a few days.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Wow;  what a wonderful deal you fell into, Iris.  Hurray!  Happy for you; that must have been a very nice surprise.

    Your writing reminds me of a Christmas "incident" with my then early teen daughter.  I have an old nativity set that I love.  My youngest brother made the stable for me out of wood and it is really a very nice homey one.  The figures are those small ones from Italy that are so lovely that we could find at Woolworth's or Grant's, and now cannot find anywhere anymore.  Have Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Angels, the Wise Men, the Shepherd, sheep and cattle and a donkey.   Anyway; each year I set up the nativity that has a soft light inside.  I especially love the sweet figure of Baby Jesus and he has a manger I place him in.

    Well; I was dusting one day, when I noticed that the Baby Jesus figure was missing!   Oh no!  I had those figures since before I was married; some were from my mother from long ago, as was the baby figure.  I looked and looked; I searched high and low; then went through trash; then searched high and low again and again; went through the house and asked the kids and DH; no one had seen it.  Have to say, I was really saddened by that and knew I would never find a replacement like it.

    All through the Christmas season I found myself looking around for the figure, but alas.  THEN:  On Christmas morning; there was Baby Jesus in the manger!   What ???? Daughter was so proud of herself; "Well,"she said, "after all, Baby Jesus wasn't born until Christmas, Mom" . . . "  After my eyeballs stopped rolling around in my head and the steam stopped coming out of my ears, I managed to tell her, "Don't you EVER, EVVVER, do anything like that again!"  Kids and how they think - geeze. 

    I miss going to midnight service at church; that was always such a lovely time with the small church lit only by candles and all the beautiful Christmas music and singing.   Really heartwarming and made the spirit feel serene and put the holiday in perspective.  Could really feel the love.  Good to remember the actual reason for the being of the season.

     Also miss . . . . waiting for the four children to all fall asleep after they put out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer by the fireplace . . .  and finally getting the toys out of hiding, putting them together and stuffing all the stockings.  Sometimes we were at it for hours.   Off to bed exhausted only to be woke by excited children a couple hours later . . . wonderful times.

    Over the last two weeks on evenings, I watched the Dicken's Christmas Carol movie twice with different actors; one of them the original film.  Love it, that and The Bishop's Wife.  There is also the movie set back in the early 50's I think; it is about Ralph and the bb gun he wants for Christmas . . . it is sweetly funny; I still haven't got to that one yet.  And Miracle on 34th Street.   I am such a sucker for Christmas movies.  I do though, refuse to listen to jazzed up versions of traditional Christmas Carols someone is trying to be different about and trying to make unique and be cute.  When that happens, I use the mute.   Now all we need for the Front Porch is a nice plate of Ron's Christmas cookies and one of Sayra's cakes; I will have the hot chocolate, wine, coffee and tea and the Front Porch has a small lit Christmas tree for us to enjoy .  . . . meet you all out there . . . .



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    46F, 8C.  It warmed up during the night.

    Lorita I have just been cooking a 1/3C of beans at a time. Perfect, makes me two or three servings.  

    Have never seen a wolf, have only seen a fox two or three times.

    Ron don’t know if you have access to YT or not.  If you do maybe this would help.  I turn on a video every night of rain when I go to bed.  Set it to run about  11/2 hours so know I will have plenty of time to fall asleep.  Like the ones that sound like raining on car, or raining with open window.  Think I’m usually asleep in ten minutes.  Don’t like the ones with a lot of thunder.  Find that noise keeps me awake.

    JoC was wondering if you were not feeling well.  Glad you are feeling a bit better.

    Have read that duck bills masks are more comfortable but I don’t know personally.

    Made tortillas with my lard yesterday.  They turned out beautifully except for shape.  Have recipe cut down to make four.  The last two had much better shape than first two. Will keep working on that.  They got the bubbles when I fried them.  

    The virus guy was talking about how well he likes Panettone.  He is in NYC and he named some shop that was his favorite.

    Glad Lou is enjoying her blue rug Ron.

    Date pecan balls sound good.

    When I was in elementary school my friend would bring pea soup for lunch.  Did not like peas back then and thought it looked terrible.  Eat peas frequently now but have never tried pea soup.  Maybe I’ll give it a try some day.

    Zetta hope you get some warm weather to melt the snow off the road soon.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning and Happy Christmas Eve!

    I have lots of dried beans stored but usually use canned beans when I make beans and rice or ham and beans. I need to familiarize myself with using dried beans. 

    The Pecan pie balls sound delicious! I didn't do much baking this Christmas. If I make it, I tend to overeat. I did make two kinds of cookies, Peanut butter blossoms and sugar cookies and I shared with the neighbors. I made an apple pie yesterday for our family gathering tonight.

    Lorita, I sense you have a little bit better sense of peace now about your property and your cattle. I know it has been hard for you. Glad you have Mike who will be a good guardian of all you hold dear. Lorita, you asked where the deer cam is; it is in Maine. I found a fun web cam (there are many) in Nambibia (?sp) Africa - you see the jungle animals. Also a just beautiful village in Leavenworth, Washington - Zetta, do you know where that is?

    Zetta I hope you can get home safely soon. The key is to be safe, even if you are delayed. 

    Iris, I'm glad you are buying your car. Is it a RAV-4? That price is astonishing! It turned out good for you. 

    Glad you are feeling better, Jo, and that you were able to get your haircut. So nice of your son to cook Christmas dinner for you! You raised a considerate son.

    Ron, I'm so glad "Santa" was able to delight Lou with the blue rug. You are such a kind, considerate husband and she is blessed to have you.

    Hope all are well and wishing all God's blessings at Christmas and through the New Year. I treasure my front porch friends!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     You really have to hold onto your hat this morning - the south wind is howling, 20-30 mph but it's pretty warm and sunny.  Girls have come by for a lick of liquid feed and have gone up to the MH.  I filled their water tank so they wouldn't have to go to the pond - but, I see one down there now.

     Beth, I am feeling better about things.   I just could not sell the farm right now - maybe in a year.  My parents loved the place so much, just as I do, and they worked so hard to get it paid for.  I know Mike will take care of the cattle but I'll still hate it when he sells them.  I always cry a bit when I send the calves to town and years ago Charles and I decided we'd never sell cows.  We did send five or six to the sale in Tulsa and that evening late before they sold I called and told them we'd changed our minds.  Luckily, a trucker had just brought in some cattle and he brought them home to us.  I'll never forget - I took some feed down to meet him in the meadow and when he opened the back of his trailer, they hit the ground running - but, came right back for their feed. They had already put the paper tags on their backs and I had a hard time convincing our neighbor we hadn't bought cattle.

     Iris, how great!  You made a very wise deal - $20,000 to boot - can't beat that.  What kind of car do you have? If it's a RAV-4 I've ridden in one and it was really nice.  Darwin used to have one.  I'm like you, hard to decide which kind to get - they kind of all look alike to me.  I used to be able to tell one from the other but not any more.  With our mud and gravel roads I have to have something high off the ground.  So, I can't drive the car when it's muddy.  Need a PU or Jeep.

     I forgot to get new Christmas collars for Stormy and Sheena - will have to do that later.  When we had poodles, we'd wrap a piece of fudge or cookie in wrapping paper for each of them and let they "open" them. 

     I have some of those duck-bill masks you all were talking about.  Guess that's what they are - they're white and the part that sticks out is up and down over your nose and mouth.  It has KN95 stamped on them but I don't know if they're real or not - lots of talk about knock-offs.  They do seem easier to breathe in.  I've never had trouble with fogging up glasses except sunglasses and the other day it was really cold and my glasses were fogging up.  I'll deal with that because I'm going to keep wearing them anytime I'm around people, inside and out.

     Ron, hope you slept better last night.  I do the same thing Sara does except I listen to Chinese Zen music.  It has a calming effect on me, more so than rain.  This morning before I got up I heard tin or metal rattling in the wind.  We have a metal roof and, of course, I thought that maybe some of the metal had come loose and was flapping in the wind.  When I went out to fill the water tank I saw that it was the piece of sheet iron we have against the opening that goes under the house under the bedroom windows.  That was a relief.  It's a wonder everything doesn't blow away in this wind.  The NW corner of the top of the carport came loose this summer and Bryon and Shane fixed it so it does happen.

     Sarah called late yesterday while she was waiting for Todd to pick her up at the hospital.  She had an MRI yesterday.  They were afraid she'd injured her neck when she had a seizure and fell.  She's had surgery on her neck before.  She won't know the results until next week. 

     Haven't seen the two GPs except that one time but Stormy saw something in the south pasture - probably the wolf or coyotes. He just now came to the front door to come in so guess it's gone. 

     There was just too much to deal with at one time - getting the mineral rights straightened out and in my name, etc.  This way I can take my time and get it done this next year - maybe by next December I'll feel differently - if not, lease can continue.

     Sara - 1/3 C. beans at one time?  Do you cook them in a slow cooker or on the stove?  I always cook two cups in the slow cooker.  That way I have beans for a few days, then freeze the rest.  We used to cook them in a Presto Cooker - You'd bring them up to pressure, turn off the burner and let them soak for an hour, then cook them for about 30 minutes.  I haven't used that in years.  The other day when I was in the storage building I noticed we have mother's pressure cooker - the big kind you can things in.  That's a scary thing with all the fastenings you bring up along the sides, then bring it up to a certain pressure.  Always scared me when she used it. eI can remember mother cooking beets in the cooker, then letting it cool some and bringing it outside for me to peel the beets before she pickled them. That building is full of things.  I have some of mother and daddy's clothes and lots of Charles and mine in there.  Also lots of boxed-up dishes.  We put an old freezer out there years ago and I think there's some of mother's dishes and maybe quilts in it - also a couple of trunks full of things (one was my grandmothers and the other belonged to Charles' aunt).  All of those things have things piled on them so no way could I get inside to see what's there.  Someone will have to deal with that later. 

     I think I'll have steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes.  I made some fresh Ranch dressing yesterday and I like some of that on the vegetables.  Charles and I had that for supper many times. 

     Just swept the LR floor - I wonder how in the world so much dirt and leaves get inside - but, maybe not with the long hair the GPs have.  Mike gave them allergy shots last Sunday and they're not scratching now.  Need to stop and give them their medicine.  After the shots they take a pill each day for seven days and this lasts them for about three months. 

     Christmas Eve Gift to everyone.  That was sort of a tradition in our family for mother to call on Christmas Eve morning and say that.  Zetta, I do hope the weather clears and snow melts enough for you to get home with Molly and Sammy.  But it looks like there's bad weather in the NW and NE.  Enjoy the day.

     Jo, you said you were doing the "count down" since your haircut.  How many days are you using - 14 or 15?  I've been around people the last couple of weeks so I'm doing the same thing - using 15 so I won't be finished until the end of the year.



  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Happy Christmas Eve to all who celebrate this holiday (Holy Day). 

    I do not post often because I have an uneventful life with not much to share.  Since husband passed away later this year I probably hibernate more than I should.  My hope is that by the time Spring arrives, which is usually right on time in this part of the country, I will feel more like getting out and doing something positive with my life.


    Lorita, you always amaze me with all the responsibilities you have.  At least you keep busy and it is so nice to have the cats and dogs for company, and to visit the cows and care for them.  I know that taking care of the farm and cows can be a handful and that you are thinking of various ways of keeping your home, some property, and visiting the cows.  If you do decide to release part of the farm and cows,and if I know you from all you have posted, you will want to keep an eye on those cows and make sure everything is in order and cared for.  You have so much of yourself invested into the farm and cows/cattle, etc.,  that I can understand how it is difficult to release these things to someone else, but if you make that decision - and I can fully understand why you would do this, at least it will be put in the hands of someone you trust and have a good communication with.  I hope it all works out to your satisfaction one way or the other.

    I cannot say I have any Christmas spirit this year since my DH passed a few months ago.  After being married for almost 44 years, there is not much we ever did apart and it all seems so strange now being on my own.  Every day I adjust a little bit more but there are those days I wonder what my purpose is any longer.  Even when I was mostly the full time caregiver for my DH, I had a purpose and it was done with much love.  I will not say it was all easy and sometimes I wondered if I could survive it all since DH was extreme in some of the things he did, but to have him back I would do it all over again.  Of course this is selfish in my way of thinking because if DH had been aware of what was happening to him he would have rather passed on than live this way and that I fully understand.  He saw his brother and dad deteriorate with the same disease.  He never said much about it by I know he knew it was better for them to pass and be in peace than go on and deteriorate as they did, plus it caused great sorrow for their wives and children who had to see them at their worse stages of this disease.

    For Christmas Eve at the continual request of daughter and grand kids is to spend a few hours with them at their home.  It will get me out of the house and not dwell on the negative.  We all wear our masks and keep hand sanitizer with us, so I should be okay and of course I never get too close but sure do miss those hugs and kisses from my family.

      Talking about wild animals, we have our share here since I live in the area of the Blue Ridge Mountains in southwest Virginia.  We have had bears, and of course all the other wild life that live in the woods/forests, that either come down from the mountains or live in the wooded areas around our neighborhoods., I have read that the bears like to follow the railroad tracks and enter the neighborhoods looking for food.  The bears have even been seen on occasion in our downtown area and have done their business a few times on my front lawn.  I am one of those who love animals and I have prayed that if there are jobs in heaven (assuming I will get there one day), I would like to care for the animals.  I take care of the few squirrels we have with nuts and sunflower seeds, keep the bird feeders full, and have to keep the bird baths cleaned and filled with clean water since everything drinks out of the birdbaths, including the deer that wander our neighborhood.

    I pray you all have a safe, healthy and happy holiday, and that the New Year will be a good one .. we can all use a good one for sure.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Popping in to the front porch to wish all a Merry Christmas.  It's snowing here in the Detroit area so it turned out to be a white Christmas after all.

    Wild animals - I was taking my dog out for a walk the other night and saw something coming toward us - looked like a big dog but was walking differently.  COYOTE.  I snatched the dog up and ran inside.  Now I'm hoping the reason I haven't seen the 2 rabbits I'm used to seeing is because they're holed up due to the weather and not because they were somebody's dinner.  I've seen this guy frequently over the past few months - but always crossing a road or walking along the road a few miles away.  I'm wondering if he relocated recently.

    The state won't set traps and relocate - they claim it leads to spread of disease, so I'm going to have to be extra diligent in the future.
  • abc123
    abc123 Member Posts: 1,171
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Stopping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! 

    It's 77 degrees in Houma, Louisiana today but I'm going to light the fire pit tonight anyway! I'm home with my two big dogs. 

    Merry Christmas!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi again,

     Glad you ladies stopped by to say hi.  Always glad to hear from you.  Katie, I know what you mean about hibernating.  I'm the worst at that.  I have no desire to go anywhere except where and when it is absolutely necessary and without buying feed for the girls it will mean I'll be going to town even less - and that's okay.  Charles and I were kind of like hermits anyway - not going anywhere very often but he did enjoy going to town and shopping. 

     I will keep checking on the girls just as I do now - can't help it - they're my babies even though someone else will own them and care for them.  I'll continue to keep the water tanks full for them to keep them away from the icy ponds this winter - that's the least I can do.  And, I'll make sure I see all of them every day.

     I also know what you mean, Katie, about feeling like you no longer have a purpose after our husbands were gone and I still feel that way sometimes but there's always the dogs and cats that have to be fed and watered.  Same for you with your furbaby

     Katie, do you live close to a place called Eagle Rock?  Barnwood Builders show built a log cabin there and the countryside was beautiful.  They were up on this mountain and there was fog in the valley below - so very pretty.

     Maybe today is a day of reflection and remembering.  I did something I probably shouldn't have done - but, I did.  I read my journal from Late December 2014 until mid January 2015.  Charles went into the hospital on Christmas Day 2014 and on that same day Karen, my friend of 60 years, and her husband had a terrible carwreck on their way to KC.  Very hard time for all of us.  Reading that part of my journal brought back so many memories and it was hard to read.  Seems like it was yesterday although it's been seven years. I need to get out and see the girls - they've gone to the south pasture to graze.  Thought I'd catch them before they went but someone must have said "all right, let's go eat some grass" and off they went.  Did see two calves leave the creepfeeder and head toward the pasture.

     I know you'll enjoy having the time today with your daughter and grandkids.  It'll be good for you and for them.  What a wonderful thought you had - about caring for the animals in Heaven.  I'd like to join you - we'll have fun doing that.

     I also feed the birds but haven't started putting out feed yet - still lots of grass seeds for them.  We have two squirrels - I don't feed them because we have a black walnut tree in the backyard and they feast on them.  I love to watch them climb up and down the trees.

     Dayn2nite2 - I hear coyotes every night and many mornings when they're going back to their dens (west of here)  I've seen them walk among the girls at night - they don't seem to bother them.  Also have seen them very close to the yard - drives the GPs nuts.  They don't seem to be afraid.  Mike says they're smart - they know the GPs can't get out of the yard so they're not scared.  I can yell at them and they don't pay any attention. 

     I've seen shows on TV about coyotes and other animals migrating into cities.  They're losing their habitats and many times are hungry so they go there to get into trash cans for something to eat.  We used to see lots of rabbits and rarely see one anymore - makes me feel sorry for them.  We also have cougars or panthers around.  People have seen them (I haven't).  Mike found a calf up in a tree where some kind of big cat had killed it and put it in the tree for later.  We also have wild hogs.  I've never seen any of them here on the farm but did see a dozen or so straight east of us about a quarter mile - eating soybeans, I imagine.  We don't have wooded or really wet places on the farm and they like to stay in areas like that so we've been lucky.  I dread the day I see one when I'm out in the Gator.  Hate to think what Stormy might do if he was with me.

     Hi abc - glad you stopped by. Merry Christmas to you.  It's about the same temperature here as in Louisiana but it's partly cloudy.  Bet the fire pit will feel good tonight.  In what part of Louisiana is Houma?  Oh, I think I heard a lot about that town during the hurricane earlier this year.  Hope everything's all right with you.

     Guess I'll stop and do something - haven't done anything today except feed and water Tom and Jerry and the inside cats.  Haven't even given the GPS their canned food yet.

      Probably need to go to the mailbox since there won't be any mail until Monday.  Guess I'll let Stormy go with me and maybe trim his toenails while he's laying in the Gator - easier to do it then.  Don't know how I'll trim Sheenas. 

     Merry Christmas!

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Merry Christmas to everyone.  I haven’t really done anything to talk about.  We still do not have any snow here in NW Indiana.   That kinda puts a damper on Christmas.  I am having my son and his family over for Christmas Dinner.  ( we call noon meal dinner ).   They are bringing the food.  Can’t beat that.  Of course I made a couple of dishes.  Grape salad, cranberry delight. This year, I am doing something different.  There only will be adults here so I am making margaritas. I like a good margarita.   Hope I can make some as good as they do in town.  

    Made cookies, fudge and peanut brittle.   Will send a bunch home with them.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Hi Judy, glad you dropped by.  The cookies and candy look delicious.  Enjoy your dinner,- we also call the noon meal dinner.    Merry Christmas
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Cookies and fudge--yum!

    Where I live coyotes are endemic--they were here long before there were houses.  We are continually warned not to leave pets outdoors.  One coyote entered a home and grabbed a small dog a few years ago.

    I'm about to make some eggnog, then go look at lights.  That's my Christmas Eve tradition, along with listening to Christmas music.  Tomorrow morning, I will read Jesus' story in Luke 2.

    Merry Christmas!  Peace on earth and joy to all!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Christmas Eve tiptoed in on little wet feet and cold, but bringing with it memories of years gone by and hopes for the new one to come.  May all our dear Front Porch friends have a Happy Christmas Day of peace with moments of unexpected joy.

    With great respect being sent to the dear people here who have become friends on this lovely, magical Front Porch.

    Merry Christmas everyone, and many blessings wished for all as the New Year approaches and turns a new page,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    56F, 13C, lightly raining.  No I don’t miss the snow.

    Hope each one is blessed with a peaceful day.

    Lorita I think most vehicles look alike too.  There are a few distinct ones I recognize but not like it use to be.  

    This week I ran into a YT channel called Dream Sound.  It is very relaxing.  Play it some during the day.

    Lorita cook my beans in a small pan on stove lately.  Have done them in crockpot when making a bigger batch.  I prefer them fresh is why I have started cooking them in smaller amount.

    So nice seeing all of you on the porch this morning.

    Katie we are all just friends here on the porch.  My life is definitely not interesting.  After two years of pandemic, feel like I don’t have anything interesting to say to anyone.  Feel free just to talk about whatever.  I just like hearing a voice.  There are two major roads not far from my house.  If there is a loud car or motorcycle hear them once in awhile.  Remember when pandemic first started they gave me hope as funny as that might sound.  Knew someone was out there and ok.  

    Jude I like your new Avatar.  That is a nice looking plate of cookies.  Had thought about you a few days ago that it had been awhile.  So nice to hear your voice too.

    Might make some French bread this morning.  Chicken on my menu today.  My sister invited me to come get a plate of food but not going too.  

    Saw something that touched me yesterday.  A man from out of Uganda and Kenya was talking about Omicron. He was on a channel with a very large international audience.  When he got done he said I love you.  I was so touched, made me wonder some things about him.  Wish I could meet him sometime and hug him (after pandemic).

    Take care everyone.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Wishing a very Merry Christmas to all my front porch friends! 

    Today I give thanks that no matter what hardships are giving me I still have my beautiful wife to love and hold.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Merry Christmas to all.

    May your day bring you peace in your heart and mind.  May it bring you health and happiness.

    Wishing each of you a blessed day.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     It's a most beautiful morning - sunny, warm and no wind!  It couldn't be better.  I much prefer this to snow and ice.

     Merry Christmas to all of our front porch friends.  It's been so nice to be with all of you during this past year and I look forward to next year with you.

    Ron, what a nice sentiment from an even nicer man.  Lou is a lucky lady to have you as her husband and caregiver.

     Girls came up rather early this morning to get a drink of "city" water and some liquid feed and the creepfeeder has been busy with little ones.  I did go out and refix the bunk feeders - they had turned over three of them after I got them ready.  They're ready for feed and  I'll feed them later today.  I did go out and count them since I came up one short last evening - all are there and seem well.  I was worn out when I got back in so guess that shows me I won't be able to feed this winter.  One day I'll feel stronger and guess I do too much, then next day I'm not as strong.  I remember going through this five years ago.

     Mike called to wish me a merry Christmas - always does and we had a nice visit while he was moving hay.  One of his daughters has tested positive for the virus - only symptom she has is fatigue.  Kind of scares me but I've had fatigue since early to mid November and then I wasn't in contact with anyone so I'm 99% sure this is a reactivation of the EBV and CMV - combined with old age.  My mother passed away when she was 81 but my sister and daddy made it to 88.  Grandma reached the ripe, old age of 93 so our family has a record of living a long time.

     We talked about the lease and cattle.  He's going to pay at least $7. more per acre than I was expecting.  Asked him about Billy the Bull.  He said I could retain ownership of Billy and he'd feed him.  That's good - I could not let Billy go because I know what would happen to him.  He's of no value to someone who runs cattle for a living so he'll continue his life here where he's comfortable.    He doesn't feed liquid feed so I know the girls will miss that but he takes good care of them so I won't worry.

     Sara - I like brown beans the second day better than freshly cooked.  The juice gets thicker so I always cook two cups at a time.  Think I'll cook some macaroni and cheese today - I have green beans or English peas to put with them and pork 'n beans from last week.  I've been cooking pasta in a 2 qt. pan and I don't think that's quite enough water because I cook quite a lot at one time.  So, remembered a utensil we've had for probably 40 years and found it - kind of a tall pan with strainer (stock pot).  But, also found a tall, rather slender one that's used in a restaurant that I think will be good to cook pasta.

     I'm going to look in on that  Youtube channel you found - sounds like something I'd enjoy.  Kind of feel like laying down again and resting.  I had a good night's rest but think I may do that anyway.  Sheena and Stormy are sleeping well and longer.  In fact, when I got up Stormy did, too, and went outside but Sheena slept in.  They're both outside now.

     Judy, I like your new avatar, too.  Such a nice-looking couple.  You know I had taken a picture of Charles sitting across from me in his recliner looking at me.  I made an enlargement of it and I've had it leaning against the lamp on the table between his recliner and my chair all these seven years.  Makes me feel like he's here - in a way.

     Very quiet day here, as usual, and I'm all right with that.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Mike told me something this morning that wasn't good - he knows of someone, a young 27 year old man with two small kids, who worked at some company that required him to take the vaccine.  The next day he was driving and died.  Preliminary cause of death was a blood clot.  Sara, don't want to worry you but he took the J&J vaccine.  You're fine because you had yours a long time ago.  Are they recommending that people not take it now?  Not sure.  I have also heard talk that we may need a fourth shot.  I think it'll be an ongoing thing.

     I'll be back later.  This really doesn't seem like Christmas and certainly not like Saturday.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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