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Just need to talk to my friends (161)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    31F, -1C.  1/2 inch rain yesterday.

    Ron those holiday cookies sound wonderful.  Will bring a plate of buckeyes.

    Never have eaten Panettone.  Looked it up. Sounds good.I usually label things in freezer too Iris and now I know why.

    Not much going on here.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     It's 34 and cloudy this morning but there's no wind - so that's one good thing.

     Just saw something that helped make my day.  One of my cats was sitting on the windowsill in the kitchen so I stopped to see what he saw.  I saw a squirrel in the tree but he was looking at the ground - there was another squirrel down there!  So, there's two squirrels here.  I watched and he ran across the top of the fence and the winter jasmine, then onto the electric pole.  He went all the way to the top and sat there for a while, then down to the security light.  He inspected that, then back to the ground.  I'm glad there's two of them.  I worried about the one being alone.

     Girls are grazing and I didn't see anyone laying down so that's good.  Stormy and Sheena are back inside, sound asleep.  Everyone has eaten, except them.  I made a fresh loaf of bread late yesterday so had that with blackberry and boysenberry jam with my hot tea.

     I watched some of the news shows but it's the same thing every week so I'm watching Nature now.  There's in northern Finland, in the wintertime.  Makes me cold to see all the snow.  It gets to 50 below.  Now, there' showing all the reindeer and a while ago the northern lights.  Iris, when you were in Alaska did you see the northern lights very often?  We had a couple of men who did jobs for us a few years ago and one of them had been in Alaska.  He talked about the northern lights and how beautiful they were - I think he said green, blue and maybe red?  Not sure about the red.  I remember when I was very young we were able to see a little of them one time.

     Odd thing happened yesterday.  Our dining table is dark and I usually keep the drapes pulled so it's kind of dark in the LR.  I keep my sunglasses on the table and I started to pick them up and it was a different pair.  Not one that belonged to me or even to Charles.  I cannot for the life of me figure out where it came from unless one of the plumbers laid them on the table as he passed by but I think I would have found them sooner. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Sorry I had to leave in the middle of a thought or paragraph but Mike came to fill the creepfeeder.

     Was talking about the sunglasses.  Still can't figure out where they came from.  The only time I've been away from the farm was when I went to get feed and the only person that could have come would have been the propane man to check the stove.  I doubt someone would have come into the house so, I don't know.  Kind of eerie.

     Iris, how do you make cookies from a cake mix?  Sounds like a time saver to me.  I used to make half moon cakes from a cake mix by adding 1 1/4 C. flour to the cake mix.  Then drop by big spoonsful onto parchment paper and bake them.  That would be something you'd make moon pies with by adding the marshmallow filling.

     Our PU and car are both 2001 - PU has under 70,000 and car has about 80,000 so they're getting old and parts are hard to find.  Still waiting for them to find a heater fan for the car.  I did finally find the door seal for the PU (think I told you all that) and Bryon and his cousin put it in for me.  I think the other side is broken, too but right now won't worry about that.  I'd like to be able to keep both of them for a while because of the price of new vehicles - we'll see how it goes.  I love to drive the PU - it's diesel and growls and you're way up high so you can see everything.  I feel like I'm sitting on the ground, almost, in the car.

     I had never seen Magnolia Table show either - totally a cooking show but she's really good.  I think they're also going to have a new show called Fixer Upper - something.  I enjoy watching shows like those.  It was diy channel that's going to change to Magnolia Channel the first part of January.

     Sara - we got 2.3" of rain altogether.  Mike said the roads were muddy - I know even after half an inch they were kind of muddy when I went to town.  The sun has finally come out here so it will seem better. 

     Girls have gone off to graze.  When he took the PU out to fill the creeper they all came down from the pastures thinking they were going to be fed.  They know the sound of the PU.  I bought 200 lb. of feed and I'll feed them on Christmas Day - usually do that.  Maybe by just after then we'll have figured out some more things and that may be the last time I feed them.  Never in my life thought something could be so hard to let go of something.  I've known neighbors who either moved to town and sold their cattle or sold them and moved to a smaller place. All of them talk about how they miss them - but, one good thing, they'll still be here and I can see and talk with them when I want to.  Otherwise, doubt I could do it at all.

     Stormy and Sheena had their allergy shots and medication to give them once daily for seven days.  I wrap the tablet in a piece of cheese and they never know they've taken medicine.  Stormy shied away when he started to get his shot - I think he's just seen too many people the last few days - me, too.

     Don't forget Yellowstone tonight.  If you missed the last episode it comes on just before the new one.  The only thing about that show is the language they use that I don't like but maybe men talk like that but - so do the barrel racers.

     The potato soup is really good - just had some with English peas in it.

     Saw Dr. Fauci on a couple of the morning news shows.  He's still stressing being very careful and wearing your mask.  I wore mine this morning even though we were outside. 

     Judith - what about those pictures?

     Back later.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hello from Down Under,

    My husband Graham passed away peacefully early Sunday morning, so my prayer for a quick release from Stage 7 was answered. I spent most of Saturday afternoon with him, though he was mostly unresponsive. I knew the end was near, so said my goodbyes before I let the NH later that evening.

    No more pain, no more confusion, peace at last.

    3 days short of his 91st birthday, we had been married 53+ years.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dear Barbara,

    So sorry to hear of your DH passing, but know that he is now whole again and free of this terrible disease.

    May the wonderful memories of your time together lift you up in times of sorrow.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Dearest Barbara.

    There aren't words to tell you how sorry I am but also glad that Graham is now free of this terrible disease.  We know he's in a better place - as you said, no more confusion.  How wonderful that you were able to spend Saturday afternoon with him and to say your goodbyes.  Ninety-one years old and fifty-three years of marriage - just think of all the wonderful memories there are for you.

     Take care of yourself now, Barbara, it's time for you to rest.  You've been a wonderful caregiver these many years.  Remember he's whole again, like he was 53 years ago.  But, we all know how hard this is for you.

     Please stay with us and let us know how you're doing.

  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Barbara, I am sorry to hear of your DH passing.  I lost my DH this past August and it is a sad time to lose our loved one, especially around the holidays, but difficult to experience at any time of year.  I have had great sadness losing my DH of 43 years but as you say they are now at peace with no more suffering from this dreaded disease.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    ((((((Dearest Barbara))))))      We are here for you, and you are in my prayers. Please get some rest. Hugs Zetta
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Barbara, I'm sorry for your loss but happy Graham is now at peace. My prayers are with you!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Barbara, please accept my condolences in the loss of your beloved husband.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    30F, -1C.

    Barbara I am so sorry for your loss.  

    My sister still has no voice and a very sore throat.  I gently suggested several days ago that maybe she should go get tested for strept throat.   She put me off.  Told me yesterday she is going to make an appointment with EENT today.  She needs to go to PCP or urgent care to be seen quickly.  It will be two weeks Wednesday.  I’m guessing she is trying to find a back door as she does not want to be tested for covid as she doesn’t believe in it.  Very sad, afraid she may mess around too long, and end up in a lot of trouble or worse.  So disappointing. 

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Barbara, I am so sorry for your loss but glad he is no longer suffering.

    Sara, I'm sorry your friend's BIL died; hope her sister will recover. Hoping your sister gets proper care too. As you know, even strep throat can be dangerous as, left untreated, it can result in rheumatic fever. 

    I really don't understand how people think Covid isn't real. 800,000 deaths in  the U.S. and over 5 million worldwide.

    We hope to enjoy Christmas with son and family. We are all (kids too) fully vaccinated and adults boosted. We do plan to do rapid tests day of, before meeting. That kind of messed us up on Thanksgiving as one of the kids tested positive - he then had a pcr and it was negative, so the rapid test was a false positive. Dr. Ashish Jha and Dr. Fauci both say this is a safe way to have a gathering.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Thank you Beth.  So nice how your family is doing.

    I’ve been crying today.  I understand exactly what you are saying.  If it would be an untreated sinus infection, have seen them lead to bad consequences too.  They can cause a very sore throat.  That happened to me once.  I went to doctor after two or three days though.  Since the beginning I have done well at realizing their choices could lead to bad consequences.  Now even more bad choices.  In a way I’m glad I’m crying today as I know I have not become hard hearted, worried about that. Think I just had a shell to protect me as I can’t worry about this, has went on two years, as not good for me.  I have to get my shell collected back together.  Hope something awakens them but have to accept that others have not, and looking like they may not either.  

    Thank you again, take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Very cold here this morning and everything was covered in frost.  This is trash day so had to get out early to take it down - windshield was covered in frost.  But, it's supposed to warm up and be 77 or more on Thursday.  Strange, strange weather.

     Beth, hope everything's okay with you and your family.  I bet your weather is really cold, too.

     Sara, sorry for your crying - I know that's from worry and can't be helped.  All you can do is suggest and let them do what they want to - you just can't change people's minds about things.  I know that from trying and failing.

     I hope it's a quiet day - I doubt Daniel will show up until after Christmas and that's all right with me - really don't want anyone around right now.  I need to check cattle prices after the Tulsa sale today so I'll have a better idea of what to ask for the girls.  Also need to contact the lawyer's office and get some good answers on Life Estate.  It may be that it would be just as good to just have it in the contract that I'll continue to live here until my demise - but, if I go the life estate way there would be less tax to pay.  Hard to know how to do this.  He isn't sure either because he's never bought a place with someone still living there.  My one consolation is that I'll still be here and can see the girls and pretend but still not be responsible for everything.  Feed is very expensive this year, too, so that will be one less thing to worry about.

     I've been trying to get in touch with Scarlet's friend but the phone number wasn't a working number.  Got a letter this weekend with a good number so was happy about that.  Haven't talked with Jack in a few days but will this week.

     Last night I fixed a couple of Christmas cards to send to a couple of friends so just went ahead and did all of them and got them in the mail this morning.  Didn't think I would send cards - don't think I did last year, not sure.

     Beth, it sounds like your Christmas plans will be safe - hope you enjoy being with the family.  I don't understand how people can say the virus isn't real either.  Hard to imagine that something you can't see with the naked eye can cause so much sickness and death and keeps changing to cause more.  Five million people - just think of that - that's a million more people than the population of Oklahoma.  I'm sure there are many more that haven't even been counted.  I remember before Patsy passed away we were shocked that almost 200,000 had died in the USA - now over 800,000 and still people won't get vaccinated.

     Sara, there's no way you could be hard-hearted about anything - you're way too kind.  It's just the worry and something you can't control.  I know, I've been in that position too, and it's very hard to deal with.  At least she's to the point she has made an appointment with an EENT doctor so that's a good start. Try to do something you enjoy today.  Just think - gardening season is getting closer every day.

     I'll be back later.  Going to finish my hot tea.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Well she didn’t make an appointment with her pcp or eent because she wanted to come in and be treated without being Covid tested . She says she is significantly better today and starting to get her voice back. Thank you for your concern and listening.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, I also am sorry you've been crying! You will always have your front porch friends to help dry your eyes and Kleenex will always be around the porch. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Sara, I have the. same  problems with Sarah not following through  so I know how frustrated  you are.  No matter how how much we try we can't change them.

    Why doesn't she want to be tested?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I found a really fun live webcam view on YouTube: 

    "The Brownville Food Pantry For Deer feeds approximately 400-500 pounds per day of native oats (local) to help sustain the white-tailed deer population through rough winters here in central Maine. Feeding happens daily around 09: 00 (9 AM) Eastern Standard Time starting December 16 and continues to the beginning of April. These are wild deer and this is not a deer farm. Some of the deer have been coming for more than 10 years including a piebald deer with more white markings than a normal white-tailed deer. At times there are 100 to 200 deer at the pantry. Wild turkeys also come and eat the native oats along side the deer. At times you may see up to 100 wild turkeys at once."

    Brownville's Food Pantry for Deer on YouTube   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjym-pZOz5Q


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Cloudy and cold all day until sunset time when the sun came out for a few minutes so it will be cold tonight.

    Sara, hope you're feeling better this evening.  I'm a worrier even though I know it doesn't help and it so like you are, too.  But we can't  help it.

    Drove up and saw all  the girls   this evening.  Everyone seemed okay.

    Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    27F, -3C. 

    Not crying today. Thank you for caring.  

    Saw the deer Beth.  Deer are pretty but they are also very destructive.  Wonder if feeding them causes them to leave yards and gardens alone there.

    Hope to get my act together and get off to store fairly early.  We know omnicron  is spreading quickly.  That is all we know.  Wearing a KF94, N95 should still help protect you.  Way fewer people still a good thing.  Why I tried to go early even before covid lol.    We have to wait for the true facts on the rest.  Will take a few weeks for that.  We have to see what happens when it gets into a nursing home. 

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I am well aware of deer eating plants in my yard. I use repellant products and that seems to do the trick. Also, motor vehicle accidents with deer are common this time of year. So indeed they can be pests. They are beautiful animals, though. I saw a photo of a moose spotted in Iowa recently....we don't usually have wild moose, bear or elk although they are seen here once in awhile.

    ***no deer on camera yet this a.m. but there were quite a few last night.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    I have heard that putting out hair clippings (from the barber shop) or putting out Lifeboy soap will help to deter deer from eating your plants.  No first hand experience as no difficulties with the deer here.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     What a foggy morning eastern Oklahoma had.  Perimeter fence lines and roads are a quarter mile from the house on all sides and there was no way I could see any of them - could only barely see the other side of the pond.  Also it was cold enough that the fog froze on everything.  Then, all of a sudden it lifted.  I went out on the porch before it lifted and you could hear it melting off the trees.  Years ago there was freezing fog and on my way to work you could feel how slick the highways were.  Didn't know it until I left a gas station and the car fishtailed a little.  It can be really dangerous.  It's already warming up.

     I watched some of the video, Beth, of the deer. They are so beautiful.  For me I can't see how anyone could kill one of them.  Bryon, the man who mows for me, went deer hunting with his older son a couple of weekends ago.  He harvested a seven point buck, I think he said.  He mostly makes jerky out of it - says it's good.  I've never eaten venison.

     Sara, glad today is seeming better for you.  Hope you got your grocery shopping done early before many people got out into the stores.  I'm sure since you're vaccinated and boosted and wearing your good masks, you'll be okay. Do you leave your groceries outside a while before you bring them in and wipe them down before you do.  I do that with the groceries and things I've ordered. 

      I heard on the news this morning that omicron cases had more than doubled in just a week or so - maybe not even that long.  Also heard that, so far, there are no known cases in Oklahoma.  Can't believe that because it's in all the States around us - probably just haven't found it yet.  With so many gatherings and parades and ballgames there's no way it won't keep spreading - can't understand why people aren't wearing masks more than they are.  I'm content to stay home as much as I can.  I won't be going into town to buy feed - even though I had no contact with anyone when I did except the guys who loaded and I wasn't that close to them.  I did hear that ballgames are being cancelled because of the virus.

     Still haven't figured out those sunglasses - so it remains a mystery.  If someone did come in while I was gone they would have had to go around to the back door (had the front door locked) and come into the yard with the GPs.  It may have been the propane guy and he had to drive 30 miles to get here so it could have been him.  Nothing is missing and nothing disturbed - just the sunglasses here. The heater doesn't seem to be as noisy but the pilot is yellow halfway down.  I'll eventually find out.

     When I went out on the porch this morning I couldn't see a cow anywhere - now, they're laying down enjoying the pretty sunshine.  I have feed that I'll probably give them on Christmas Day -  makes me sad that I won't be feeding them this winter and that they won't belong to me.  I can understand how daddy felt when he had to quit feeding - the one good thing about it is that they'll be here and I can still interact with them. Surely will be hard if he decides to sell any of them, except calves.  I did talk to him about Billy the Bull.  It won't be profitable for him to keep him but we'll see - if he won't I'll not sell Billy and just pay him something for feed and grass.  He has to stay here where he knows where everything is and can live out his life here in his home.

     Sandy, I understand how you felt when you had to leave your home and most of your belongings and how it affected you.  When Charles and I got married we lived in a downstairs duplex from April to September - and even in that length of time I got attached to the place and hated to leave. I couldn't do this at all if I had to leave.  I hope you're adjusting to your new home.  I saw a show the other night that was made very near where you are and the countryside was beautiful.  Oh, it was Barnwood Builders - they were building a log cabin on top of a mountain.  If you've never watched the show, they travel all over the Country, mostly the Eastern half, and take down old, old, log cabins and barns and rebuild them somewhere else.  Really an interesting show.

      I need to call Jack to see how he is.  This will be his second Christmas without Patsy.  I don't think he goes anywhere except into town every three or four days to get food.  I think their refrigerator and stove have quit working so he only has a little refrigerator, one burner and a microwave - so he has to go often.  Anyway, he gets him out of the house for a while.  I so wish he'd let Zelda out of her cage so he would have company in the house.  He does let her outside a couple of times a day, maybe more, but then she goes right back in and the cage is not in the room where he stays and sleeps.  But, again none of my business.  I've suggested it and that's all I can do.  Guess I'm a nosy, old woman.  Stormy is sound asleep on the divan and Sheena's asleep on her bed - I couldn't make it without them.  I haven't considered getting a small dog because I don't think it would be fair to them - but, maybe an older one.

     Need to call the attorney this afternoon - don't think the farm sale will happen until next year but the cattle sooner.  This, so I won't have to get out and feed them.

     I've been enjoying the potato soup - wish I knew what made the vegetable soup have that tangy taste - never had that problem before.  May have been the carrots. Guess I could cook one and see.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Our weather for the next several days is supposed to be nice and warm.  Warmest Christmas Eve since 1955.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    It's still raining in Longview, Washington and snowing on the passes so looks like I will be staying in Washington for a bit longer. Probably 2 more weeks. The kids are flying to Arizona on Monday to finalize the move. Then after they get back and as soon as the passes clear up Molly, Sammy and I will be on our way home. I miss my home. 

    Ron, I hope by now the boil on your backside is gone. That was nice of your Sitter to take care of your floors, the floors always seem to be the hardest for me to do, I put those off for as long as I can. I hate clutter so my house is never cluttered but my floors are always in need of mopping or vacuuming. 

    Marie, that was nice you all were able to get together at your mother's house and celebrate Christmas with her. I hope it all went well for everyone.

    Iris, it's nice you enjoyed yourself at the Bunco party. I am glad to hear you are finding things to help you stay busy. Sometimes I keep too busy I look forward to quiet times. 

    Sara, please don't cry and feel bad there is not much you can do, as you know prayer will help. You are such a kind, warm, gentle person there is not much more you can do. Please take care of yourself. I have a son who thinks he knows everything, so I just keep my mouth shut, its hard but when they don't listen to you it's harder on you. It's not the son that lives with me it's my older son in Washington. 

    We will have a pretty quiet Christmas no tree due to the cats/kittens and probably do a take-out dinner, but for me that is O.K. I miss Christmas when the kids were little.

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

    As for me I am enjoying my stay with my daughter but as we all know there is no place like home.  I hope to be going home sometime between the 1st and the 4th of January it's all weather depending. 

    Lorita, you always have so much on your list of things to do, I am amazed at how many things you can do. I hope you are getting some rest and your back has stopped hurting. When you sell the cows to Mike, will he take a fence down that will allow the cows to all be together, or maybe he will just keep yours separated. That would be nice so you can just go out and visit with yours. That way maybe on the good days you can just go out and feed your/his. I imaging this has to be pretty hard on you. I am sure as soon as this has all been done you will feel a lot of stress has been lifted. 

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Just wrote a long post and hit cancel instead of post.  Darn!!!

    Barbara, I’m sending my sympathy for your loss.  I hope you can take time to rest and relax after you get through the things that have to be done right away.  It’s a beautiful day here today.  We got up to 41, but no melting going on here.  The nights are in the single digits and sometimes the teens, so it’s keeping us frozen solid.  We’re expecting more snow Thursday and for a few days after.  Its helping with the drought, but we need a lot more snow for the spring runoff and summer.

    Beth, the deer video is amazing.  I turned up the volume and loved hearing them chewing the grain.  The deer take over my back yard in the winter.  I see spots in the snow where they have bedded down.  They’re usually already gone when I get up, but occasionally I’ll see a few still hanging out.

    Sara, glad you’re feeling better.  I have resistant family members too.  Makes me frustrated, but they’re old enough to know better and I’m not going to badger them to do what’s right.  They’re going to have to figure out what’s right, and it might take getting sick to open their eyes.  Although a couple of them had pretty bad cases of Covid, and I think it made them more resistant.  Who can fight that kind of a response?  I’m just glad we all understand here.

    Zeta, you are officially snowed in from going home.  I won’t drive anymore on the snowy passes either.  I don’t feel safe being responsible on slick roads.  Maybe after a nice Christmas with your kids, you'll be able to go back home.  Nothing like home.  

    Lorita, I’m excited for you to not have to feed this winter.  It might be fun to watch out the window and know they’re being taken care of.  The good thing is that you can go visit them anytime you want.  

    Longer days are on the horizon.  Today is the winter solstice.  Yea.  I’m ready.  If I don’t get back on here before Christmas, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and stay healthy.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Zetta, are you pretty close to the coast or more inland?  Weather shows lots of snow and it looked like it was close to the coast.  I know you're so anxious to get back home but stay until it's safe to drive.  Even though you're a good driver, it's the other person who can do some silly thing that will affect you.

     Does Molly and Sammy go outside in the snow?  We used to have poodles and we had boots for Jacques (he was the poodle I had when Charles and I got married).  I'd put the boots on him before he went out in the snow and it was so funny to watch him try to walk - raising his legs really high.  The GPs love snow and colder weather and they can have it.

    Our cows would stay here on the farm.  He has some across the road but they wouldn't   be over here.  Also has some west of here but there's another person's meadow between us so they would just be here.  I doubt he'd bring in any more because I'm running about the limit for the three pastures.  I think I've mentioned we had over 100 at one time but we used another pasture and the big meadow after it was cut and baled the first time in the summer.

     Joan, glad you all are getting snow because I know you needed it.  Nice to look at but bad to be out in it, right? 

     It will be nice to not HAVE to get out in the cold weather but I'm sure I will anyway - just to be sure everyone's okay.  Just can't stand to think some one of them might be in trouble while I'm sitting inside.

     I called the attorney's office today and talked with the paralegal who helped me with removing Charles' name from the deed.  I know she knew what she was talking about but it was Greek to me.  I made notes but still not sure.  To me it sounds like the house goes with the land, not separately paid for.  If I used it as a residence plus ten acres it would have to be surveyed again and have two deeds.  While we were talking she was conferring with the attorney who is head of their company - very well known in that town.  Also, and I really didn't know this (didn't know anything) the mineral rights seem to be worth a lot.  So, maybe the price for the mineral rights will offset the price of the house. At first she said we'd have to go to probate for the mineral rights but after I read some of it to her, maybe not.  Have you ever talked with someone and been more confused after your conversation than you were before? 

     I did get cattle prices from the stockyards in Tulsa today so we can go from there.  I think it will be best for us to deal with that between the two of us and not involve them in the cattle sale.  That's what he did with D. 

     Kind of feels like the farther I go into this, the deeper it gets.  I won't have to go into the office until later with all the information she requested and if we can do the cattle deal ourselves, it won't be until after the first of the year.  Seems like I go one step forward and two backward.

     Sara, hope you got into town early for groceries while not many people were there.  Some doctor was talking about face masks on TV today and the best kind.  The ones we have are KN95 which seem to be about 96% effective.  Is that right?  Also said to wear one, put it in an open paper sack or baggie to let it dry out and wear another one the next time - rotate.  The news said omicron cases were doubling every 1 1/2 to 3 days.  Really scary and in places 90% of the cases are unvaccinated but there's also a lot of cases in people who have been vaccinated.

    A day or two ago I was outside talking with the vet and had my mask on - it was really cold and my glasses started to fog up - never did that before unless I was wearing sunglasses.  I was wearing the pleated paper ones.  Hate when that happens.

     Supposed to be foggy again in the morning and maybe freezing fog again.    I think the GPs have gone into the bedroom and to bed.  I've started sleeping in there again and try to sleep in the middle of the bed and my back doesn't hurt as much as when I sleep on my side. We went to sleep about MN last night and didn't wake up until after 7 a.m. and I was able to get up and start dressing before Stormy woke up - unusual, guess he was really tired.

     Today's the shortest day of the year and the first day of winter (almost typed summer).  So, each day we'll gain a minute or so of time.  Really don't like these long evenings and nights but do like the daylight in the mornings.

      Beth, is that link you provided live or recorded?  Beautiful animals and it's so good they're feeding them this winter.  Do you have a lot of snow?

     Rest well tonight.  Ron, hope your problem is improving.  What about one of those doughnut things to sit on? 

     See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    32F, 0C.  This is the high temperature for the day.  A bit windy.

    Lorita have not wiped my groceries down in a long time.  Just wash my hands real well.  If you feel better leaving them set a few days, that’s ok.  I don’t do that either. 

    We are using KF94 Lorita (Korean made), N95 US made.  They both filter in the high 90s.  Wore N95 at work.  In my experience KF94 much easier to breathe through.  As Aaron Collins says South Korea has filter technology down.  Do leave mine sit in a brown paper lunch sack.  Have probably 12 of them in use at a time.  Mark date and how many hours worn on paper sack after wearing one out.  I wait about a week before I will wear that again.  Think Aaron says he waits 3 or 4 days between wearing.  He goes to work every day.  I go very little.  Did not have to buy gas this week, my car still showing full.  Will throw each one away once I have forty hours on one.  Think I have a few getting into high twenties, low thirties.

    Guessing Lorita that those sun glasses belong to one of those workers.  You may never find the owner.  A pair of sunglasses showed up in my car that no one will claim.  It is sort of strange.

    Zetta I’m the opposite, my floors are clean and my house a bit cluttered.  Like things handy lol.

    Zetta I have kept my mouth closed for years, I understand what you are saying.  This really isn’t anything knew with my sister.  My oldest nephew likes to argue, I won’t get pulled in.  One day he told me Aunt Sayra you are very good at avoiding controversy.  Told him I had a lot of practice for a lot of years.  That’s why I cry when alone, it is my release.

    Joan I try not to badger either.  I only talk about the weather with her lol.  The problem is wearing a mask around them, not showing up for gatherings, distancing, getting vaccinated ( though I have never mentioned it to them)  badgers them.  There is no way to avoid it.  Sorry you are having to deal with that too.  Thank you for your words, they help.

    Storycrafter post this morning really helped me.  My thoughts are over there.  Has helped me to realize many are in my position.  Also brought other good and helpful thoughts to me.

    Lorita I’m guessing you would love any animal that showed up on the farm.

    Lorita KF 94 will not fog your glasses if have a seal over nose.  If I get a little fog in my glasses I just rub the metal clip at top a few times and takes care of it.  Know I have a good seal if no fog.  Not sure about pleated ones since don’t wear them, but could try that.

    Ron Lorita’s suggestion may be helpful.  I thought about mentioning to you to try and keep pressure off of it.

    Learned something interesting yesterday to me.  Back when pandemic started, they said to use 70% alcohol for disinfecting rather than 91%.  No explanation of course.  Wondered why but never looked into it, just did it.  Yesterday I looked up the difference.  As you know alcohol dries quickly.  By diluting it with water to 70% doesn’t dry as quickly and disinfects better.  91% is great for skin ailments.  

    Might bake some buns today

    Take care everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Another really foggy morning but it lifted sooner today than it did yesterday.  It's sunny now and cool but will warm up.  Everything is soppin' wet.

     Sara - I read Storycrafter's post, and yours.  I imagine/know it's hard to deal with this and I'm thankful I haven't had to - except I have reminded Sarah and Todd to be sure to get their vaccinations (still not sure they've gotten all of them).  And, I've asked Jack a couple of times if he's had his - he has but not sure about the booster yet.

     This is something that isn't going to disappear on it's own - will probably be with us always but we're learning to deal with it with the vaccinations and being careful.  I don't mind handing the box of masks out to people before they come in and everyone has been very receptive. 

     I just called Sarah and she was in the bathroom with vomiting and diarrhea. Said she'd call back but I doubt she will.  I absolutely don't know how she's existing with all the problems she has.  She has to be a really strong person, and she is.  She's dealt with seizures and  cerebral palsy all her life.  She's had so many surgeries and hospitalizations and still carries on.  She's done better than I ever could have.

     I'm having remorse this morning - just don't know if I can do this.  I do hate to go on about it but I don't have anyone to talk with about it.  I know it will work out but it's really hard to make this life-changing decision.  It's life-changing even though I'll still be here and life will seem more or less the same.  Maybe I should lease for a year and maybe that way I can work through it.  I don't mind calves being sold but cows are a different matter.  After they've grown up here and given us lots of calves I just don't feel it's right to sell them (that's how Charles and I felt).  Raising cattle has been more or less a hobby for us - something we enjoy.  For him it's a business.  There's a difference - maybe I'm too soft-hearted.

     Went to the mailbox a while ago to pick up two days of mail and to leave a little something for our mailcarrier.  When I got back to the house I noticed something in the passenger seat of the car.  It was two, tiny mice about 1 1/2" long - both dead.  Just the two of them.  Can't figure out what happened.  Maybe they were just cold - I'll go out and check - I put them on the ground by the car.  (five minutes later - I went out and found the two little mice.  I thought maybe they got too cold so put them back inside the car.  I'll probably regret that if they revive. 

     Just saw a recipe for fudge - Pioneer Woman - that looks so easy and good.  It's three cups of chocolate chips and a can of Eagle Brand milk.  You combine them and melt the chips over heat.  Then spray a foil-lined pan and spread the chocolate mixture in it and let it chill.  She also crushed some peppermint candy and sprinkled it over the top.  Looks good.  Seems like there's a lot of recipes this year using crushed peppermint candy.  I haven't made any candy and don't guess I will.  Also saw a recipe that looked really good for a cinnamon streusel coffee cake.  Might make that later.  I used to have a recipe for a coffee cake that had sour cream in it (so does this recipe) but can't find the recipe.

     Oh, I peeled and cubed a carrot yesterday and steamed it in the microwave.  I wanted to know if the carrots might have given the vegetable soup that flavor.  Guess not because the carrot was good.  They're rough-looking but good.  Also peeled and cubed a couple of small potatoes and steamed then to add to the potato soup.  I don't like the tiny pieces of potato it has in it so use an immersion blender to get rid of those but I do like some potatoes in it.

    The wind is blowing some and it's chilly.  It was actually 88 degrees in a town in far SW Oklahoma yesterday.  Zetta, how much snow do you have? 

     Haven't heard anything about the virus this morning - didn't watch the news but I imagine it's getting worse by the day.

     I'll be back later.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Lorita.....you are faced with a bottom line decision which is whether or not  you can care for the cows this winter. 

    If you can then you must decide if you want to weighing in a hard winter.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Still raining in Washington and snowing in the mountains. Looks like I will be heading over the mountains for home in a few weeks. The kids are getting the movers ready. 

    Lorita,  I don't live close to the ocean. The closet ocean to me is 4 hours away. I am in central Oregon the elevation where I live is 4236 I am as high as one of the passes, that being Willamette Pass.  There is a storm warning there right now for 4000 feet and up. We have a few inches in our yard right now, enough that my son had to plow the driveway to get in and out. 

    I let Molly out in the snow she loves to play in it, I put a sweater on her but no booties, I don't leave her out in it for a long time just long enough to potty. Sammy stays inside. I like you fudge recipe I will try it, please tell me how. 

    It's nice the cows will be close to you and yes, I bet you are and will have remorse until it has been done. Maybe you and Mike can plan a way you will feel comfortable and have the lawyer draw up all the plans for the both of you. Mike knows how you feel about the care of your girls.

    Joan,   You are right I am snowed in. But I will need to find a time between the 1st and the 4th of January to make the trip. If not, I may have to make the move with the kids to Arizona. That I do not want to do. Your nights sound real cold so be careful not to slip on any ice. I know at my house that is something I am always aware of. I have slipped a few times when I was younger, the age I am now (76) I could break something. 

    Molly and Sammy will miss all the fun they have been having here. All 4 cats and Molly have been having a blast running all over the place. As for me I want to go home. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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