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Just need to talk to my friends (162)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 We're over 8,000 views so guess we'd better begin #162.  Started to do that last night with my tablet but it acted up so will do it now.

Jo, I got my recipe for wacky cake from Jenny Can Cook youtube video (Sara told me about it). She called it Easy Chocolate Cake.   My proportions are a bit less than Ree's and I use a 9x9" pan or a round cake pan.  I also don't use coffee but it probably would enhance the chocolate taste.  I don't drink coffee so won't be doing that.  I also mix it up in a bowl.  Don't understand mixing it in a pan and making the three holes for ingredients but guess there was a reason.  For my frosting I use canned fudge or chocolate frosting and put it on while the cake is still pretty warm.  It's really good and so fast and easy - by the time the oven has preheated, it's ready to bake.

 I'm kind of at loss ends this morning.  Can't think of anything I want to do - guess I could mop but it really makes my back hurt - even sweeping does - so I won't do that.  Guess Gunsmoke is my good option.  Did you all see Yellowstone last night?  Really good one.  Hate that this next week will be the last episode of the season.  What about that picture ofo Kevin Costner they use when advertising the show - really good!!

 Jo - sorry about your son - seems like if it's not one thing, it's two others. Hope he improves quickly.  Glad you other son is off most of his meds - probably feels better.

 Everyone in the house is sound asleep so it's very quiet - just hear Matt Dillon talking.  It's cool, mostly cloudy and there's wind but the morning, early, was pretty.

 How scary about your DIL's cousin getting the virus.  Sounds like she was uber-careful and still it happened.  Guess it just takes one little germ. I'm going to not be going into town until things improve and will continue to leave things on the porch for a few days, then wipe down.  I have frozen milk and don't use many eggs so as long as I have dog and cat food I'll be fine.  Guess there will be no need to go into town to the feed store - I'll kind of miss that. For the last two years I haven't gone inside - I called the day before and told them what I wanted and they had it ready so just gave payment to one of the guys on the dock.  There's a  new owner so only know him and one of the women who used to work there before.  I still want to keep the new babies and mom up for a week or so.  It worries me that when the babies are very young the moms put them down somewhere for long periods of time (to gain strength) while they graze.  They keep an eye on them but who knows what can happen to a baby.  I'm going to pretend they're still mine and I'll continue to check on them.  Billy the Bull will still be mine so I won't be completely out of the cattle business.

 Jo - are you a vegetarian? At least it sounds like you don't eat much meat. I've never eaten much meat - maybe a chicken breast, pork chop or T-bone but haven't done that in many years.  Even gave up eating fish years ago, now only milk and an egg occasionally. I think if people would think about where these two things came from, well...  I've wondered about the cauliflower crusts for pizzas - I've heard you can't tell the difference.  Still haven't eaten cauliflower rice either.  Maybe I should try that, I have a big head of cauliflower in the refrigerator I need to use. Kind of afraid to use the Ninja to make the rice - afraid it'll turn into mush.

 Kind of chilly in the house so put on some warmer clothes.  Weather just said we will have showers tonight and tomorrow - not a lot.  But, the weekend will be really cold.  As warm as it's been,  it will feel so cold.  Yesterday I noticed some of the maple trees are beginning to bud - not good news with it just being December.

 Did I mention (don't think I did) Mike said someone he knows has terrible reactions to the vaccine - both the first and second.  It was mental problems he had - didn't realize what he was doing.  Hadn't heard that before.

 The news just had a nice story - someone on Christmas Day left a zipped duffle bag on the counter at a convenience store.  Inside were five puppies.  Police were called and four of the responding officers adopted four of the puppies and a worker at the store adopted the other.  Bad thing for the owner to do but at least that was better than putting them out along the road.  Remember I rescued seven puppies someone had left in a ditch in the hot summertime - and they had mange.

 Kind of thinking about getting a puppy.  Probably wouldn't be fair to it as old as I am - but maybe a small, older dog.  Will have to think a lot about that before I do.  Maybe another Great Pyrenees puppy?

Called Sarah a while ago to tell her I met one of her teachers but there was no answer.  Just have to wait until she calls me - won't hold my breath.

 I'll probably be back later - as I said, I'm sort of at loose ends.  Did lay out some pumpkin to thaw to make the muffins.  Last year I bought a huge can of pumpkin (all I could get) so froze the amount I need for muffins.  I think this may be the last frozen packet.




  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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     you mentioned that you can't get tape off your floors.  I assume they are hard wood.

    You might try a bit of Dawn dish soap a little bit diluted and just rub on the tape/adhesive.

    Another choice would be a product called goo gone.  It is good for all types of surfaces.

    There also used to be an Avon product...maybe skin so soft...that we used to get the sticky stuff from labels on glass jars.

    Am sure there are other products, but would be interesting to know what "home" remedies others might have had luck with.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   It sounds like you have so much on your mind. How are Kitts nails doing I know what you mean when you say you need more hands. I would never try to clip Sammys nails he would never even hold a bit still. His nails are so long I will probably take him to the vet for clipping. You're talking about beans Dan always had to have beans on New Year's Day, he loved beans as for me not so much. You are right it seems that all the Gunsmoke's are being repeated so close together, you can see the same one sometimes in the same week. I am watching one right now. 

    You asked about Longview being close to Portland it is very close I think less then 20 miles. Sounds like Mike is going to give you a good deal whatever way you go. But as you say you need to wait till you are comfortable doing anything. 

     I also have my TV on all day and usually don't watch it. I used to be able to get some music channels but since they updated my system, I don't get music. Not much of an update. Now I have to pay more just to get music. I think I will use Alexa for music. 

    I hope to be going home within the next 2 weeks. The kids are in Arizona checking things out the flew out this morning and will be home Saturday so as soon as the snow lifts Molly, Sammy and I will be going home. I sure miss home. I have been gone for a month. 

    My Christmas day was nice my daughter fixed BBQ Ribs I did the baked potatoes and we had store bought mac salad and a vegie tray. I have so many leftovers it will take me a week to eat it all. 

    Marie,  Thanks for the info on getting the tape off my floors I don't have hardwood I have lyonium (sp) but I have some Dawn so I will give that a try.  

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I have been reading so will now try to catch up

    Snow in Oregon/California....very bad.

    Ball pics not online yet.

    Glad Lou likes the new blue rug.

    Sayra, I know what you mean about a "shell". 

    Beth...thanks for the video. How nice they feed the deer.

    Barbara....so very sad to hear that Graham has died. I am sure that you are feeling overwhelmed with all kinds of feelings...hope you will stay on the porch with us at least while you get your sea legs.

    Lorita..." I'm having remorse this morning - just don't know if I can do this." You are not feeling tip top physically or mentally.The Dr told you that you have some depression. Start the meds. Also get the lab work done asap. You could have something off but treatable. I would make very certain that I was unable to care for my cows due to a physical problem and/or emotional.

    Iris....what a nice holiday you had...from Bunco to Luke.

    Jude....I want someof those cookies!

    I think Yellow stone is getting draggy.

    I have missed some of you....I should take notes ...lol

  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Christmas day here in SW Virginia was warm enough that I noticed there were some folks wearing shorts.  Had some unusually warm weather here the past week.  Today was mostly cloudy but from what the weather forecast shows it should be in the low 70's mid-week and then in 40's by next Monday.  We actually had some snow last Christmas (2020) that we enjoyed since we rarely see snow here, and it is nice to have a white Christmas since this is what we were accustomed to when living in upstate New York.  Back then, kids could not wait to get their sleds, ice skates, and skis for Christmas, but we don't see any of that here because there are only a few places for winter sports.  Most folks here go to West Virginia if they want to ski and there are one or two man-made ice skating rinks, but no place near by to toboggan or sled....and of course no snow.

    I spent a few hours on Christmas Eve at my daughter's home and enjoyed the time being with the grand kids.  It was pleasant and there was a lot of food but most of it was stored away because there were so many left overs.  My appetite is not so good and I declined bringing leftovers home since I really do not eat large meals any longer.  I think I am more of a snacker, but I do try to eat healthy snacks like yogurt, fruit, vegetables.  My husband always liked going out to an early dinner and we did this about every other day before he started his cognitive decline.  Back then I had more of an appetite but now being on my own I don't bother making meals for myself.

    LadyZetta, since I do not see all the past posts, I think it is you who has tape on the floor that is difficult to remove.  I had done what you did in tapping down throw rugs when my husband started his constant pacing since I was concerned he would trip.  What I found works good on our hardwood floors is a product named Goo Gone....LoveSkittles also mentioned this.  I had put some of this product on the tape and let it sit for 5 to 8 minutes (or longer if necessary) and then take a plastic putty knife or something not too sharp and scrap the tape away.  The tape seems to dissolve with this product.  It takes a bit of time to get all the tape off the floor, especially since I had quite a bit, but the floor did not get damaged from the product and the floor looks good.  This product can be picked up at most any store and also on line like Amazon.com.  I always like to keep some on hand because I use it for other things that get stuck on the floor or wall.  I would not put it on clothes since it has an oily base.  I had some tape on a wall-to-wall carpet and used Acetone for that.  It did not hurt the carpet but you may want to try a bit in a corner as a test.  The Acetone only stayed on long enough for me to pull the tape off, and it is good to wear gloves with any of these products I mentioned, and a face mask because there are fumes with most dissolvants.

    Lorita, I am thinking like you - should I get another puppy or an older dog.  I do love a puppy but with an older dog it may take less to train them and also gives them a good home.  Our local animal shelter has mostly pit bulls and I am not wanting one of those since we never know what their past history is, and of course we hear so many stories about them turning on their owners and others.  They also have some very elderly dogs and that would mean many vet visits and extra care since senior dogs can decline quickly.  Maybe a cat might be better but I do love having a dog around.  I could get both but who knows if they would get along.  If it was a kitten and a puppy they could be raised together and maybe get along better.  I have had cats and dogs and often they did not get along too well. 

    Lorita, I am glad you still take a real interest in your cows and I hope it stays that way as long as you can get out and check on things.  They have become a part of you and your day-to-day life and once you transfer some of the property and cows over, it is a plus you can still participate in the caring of the cows when you feel fit to do so.


     I know some of you are animal lovers as I am.  When my time comes and if I do get to heaven, it will be so nice to meet all of you here who feel as I do, to take care of the animals.   Since the Lion and Lamb will lie down together I am assuming the bigger beasts, like lions, tigers and bears (oh my),  will not bite?   The only think I don't care for are insects.  I am hoping they are not included.

    I think this is it for now.  Will get back in a few days.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I can't keep up with what everyone wrote.  I'm taking this entire week to rest.  I even began taking the herb valerian to help me get better sleep.

    Jo, have you heard of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn?  He is a cardiologist who promotes treating heart disease with specific dietary measures.  You can look him up on Google.  I read that your other son can have a normal life with good treatment.

    Zetta, I did not receive any rules for leasing the car other than not exceeding the mileage.  Of course, it has to be returned undamaged.  I paid extra for a damage waiver ($695) but that money was wasted.  I never eat in my car, I rarely had a passenger, and my cats always rode in their carrier.  My car was clean and undamaged and had low mileage.  

    I'll try to read more tomorrow.

    I just realized, this new message board is ten years old this December.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Hope you get a good week’s rest Iris.  If I remember right Valerian gave me crazy dreams.

    37F, 3C. Giving another rainy day.  Dark and rainy all day yesterday with fog at times.

    JoC sorry to hear your son has developed CHF.  Know it is hard on you too.

    Guess I’ll clean the basement today if nothing happens.  Not my favorite job.

    Lol Judith I have to write things down.  Make a list and then post.

    Take care everyone.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    10 years old! That has to be some kind of record. I remember when Lorita first posted this thread....Charles was  into everything. She got but would not install child safety latches that involved screws...lol

    Covid report: 6 family members in 2 states so far. Of course I was exposed but knew it was going to be a possibility. Dr Fauci says not to worry so I will just be sensible and if I feel bad from now until Friday I will get tested. Yes, all except 1 were boostered. It is round 2 for the unvaccinated grandchild. Only 1 feels awful. When the cowboy grandson was tested yesterday (negative) they told him it showed that he had had the virus, probably mid-summer.

    I just reordered Valarian Root. Dreams? I think maybe but they were nice ones.

    One needs a ricer to rice vegetables. Make some potato califlower soup.

    Oops...add one more to the covid count!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Oh, Judith, I do remember how frustrated I'd get when Charles got into drawers and moved things - I imagine there are still some things I haven't found.  But, I'd do it all again.  Really, this thread is 14 years old.  I started it the year he was diagnosed, 2008, when I didn't know diddlysquat about what was happening and had no one to talk to about it because my sister was just not sympathetic (she may have been having problems with it herself at that time).  From the time all of us were going through caregiving until losing our loved one to now being alone, we're still together and enjoying each other.

     We've all made so many good friends through the years and helped each other so much.  Like Carol and Karen, we've been through everything together and we're still here.  The thread has changed to being more social but still we have people who post who are going through caregiving and need a little help and encouragement from time to time.

     Judith, sorry about all those covid cases in your family.  Are the cases mostly mild?  Guess it pays to keep away from people as much as we can and be faithful in wearing our masks. 

     It was raining some when I woke up this morning just before 6 but it had stopped by the time I got up - 7.  It's still cloudy but they're promising warm weather and sun this afternoon.

       I looked back and my tiredness began in late September.  I know it's reactivation of the EBV and CMV because everything else is okay - well, that and the fall I had.  Judith, I would go get the blood work but the room where they do it is small and there's always at least two people in there - it's about the size of our bathroom and you wait in chairs outside to be called.  I'm okay - just those two things plus maturity.

     Darwin just called.  He's out working on his fences. He's doing the same as I will - just act like it's still ours and do what we want to do.  His wife has been doing much better the last three weeks so he's happy with that.  He sounds relieved that he doesn't have cattle to take care of and he knows they'll be well cared for.  I guess the old saying is true - you can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy - substitute land and cattle for country and there it is.

     A semi-cattle truck turned over this morning on I-40.  When the news was on, it was laying on it's side with the calves still inside.  They were trying to figure out how to get them out and keep them off the highway until they could reload them.  I always hate to hear something like that and always worried when we sent some to town until I was sure they got there safely.  Some of them won't have made it.  They're not always local cattle -some  from other States but they use I-40 to get to the feed lots in western Oklahoma and Texas.  I hate those places. When we used to go to the Texas Panhandle we'd see a lot of them - sad, sad places.

     I'll stop for now and reheat my tea - got cold.  I'll be back later.  Hope all of you are well this morning.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Back again.  I made the pumpkin-spice muffins, but, again, forgot to put in the chocolate chips.  Had one and it's good anyway.

     Sammy is trying to beat u p on Kitt.  Don't know what  happened to bring that about but don't like it.  I found Kitt cowering by the kitchen cabinets so now he's laying beside me in my chair. 

     Just heard an update on the cattle trailer that overturned.  They're still getting them out and loaded into other trailers.  It said the driver said he swerved to miss a deer and the truck turned over.  When I was talking to Mike this morning on his way back to the clinic, he barely missed hitting two deer that ran across the highway.  Many years ago we hit one on the way home from work.  It wasn't just calves in the truck - I saw one going up into the trailer and it was a cow or steer, not a calf.

     Jo - when you had EBV - not sure if you also had CMV - what treatment did you have?  When I had my first bout of it, my doctor said to take vitamins B-12 and D - 3.  I'll have to look it up again but I think it was 400 mg. of B-12.  I need to get back to taking all of my vitamins.  I think he also told me to avoid stress and rest all I could.  I think I was able to feed but I know Mike filled the creeper for me - that time and also when I had a pulled abdominal muscle. 

     I'm not tired all the time - just off and on.  This morning when I was out checking the girls I was okay - just now when I was washing some dishes and making the muffins, I got really tired.  Dr. Google says it can be brought on by stress - guess who has had a lot of stress lately!  Maybe getting the land leased and the girls sold will take some of that stress away.  Still some there because of the work on the house but can't do anything about that.

    Just reported that our Governor says he's not going to take the booster - says he's healthy and doesn't need it and his doctor hasn't told him to take it.    Good example to set for people in the State, isn't it?  Judith, you may like him but he's doing some really strange things - seems like he's really trying to change the way the State deals with the Tribes.  My doctor didn't tell me to take it either - but I did.

     The sun's shining and it's warm - just took off my flannel shirt.  Had a thermal top and it on this morning.

     Sarah's 51st birthday is January 2nd so need to get a card off to her.  Really hard to believe she can be that age.  Charles and I got married three months later so guess our 51st anniversary is coming up.  Seems like only yesterday we got married - what a rainstorm there was that night. 

      I think I'll have another muffin.  They'll be on the front porch - so stop by and enjoy.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Last few days has been quiet and lonely. Just Lou and I at Christmas and no company made it a sad day. Remembering all the get to geathers family use to have with food and laughter has now turned into memories. 

    Oldest son is coming for new year so hopefully that will make it better. He's leaving after work friday and staying till monday. 

    Taking littlebit to the vet today for all his shots. I hate it when it comes time for his shots and also when he's groomed. He is getting so weak and I know he want be with us to much longer.

    Need to ask some of you medical experts some advice. This morning after I had been up a couple of hours I got lightheaded when I got up from the recliner. It lasted several minutes. Later I checked my pulse and it was running over 120 when standing and 110/112 sitting. This settled down after awhile and now in mid 90s. Just wondering if it's possible that its connected to the diastolic filing  pattern impaired relaxation that the echocardiogram found. Dont want to overreact since it's not easy to get family here for Lou quickly and VA has tightened up its family coming with you policy.

    I feel fine now!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Lorita...he is dumber than dirt and borderline evil.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Judith, I laughed out loud when reading your post.Carol and I were thinking the same thing.    I think he looks like a bully and Is acting like one.  When is the election?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Ron - memories are what most of us have now.  I've lived here all my life and the house, barn and land are filled with memories. When I'm in the barn I always feel close to daddy.  I can remember seeing him carrying two five gallon buckets of water to the barn to water a cow or calf he had up.  I can't even lift one. I had three uncles on my mother's side and four on daddy's side so there was always someone here, especially on holidays.  Not at all unusual to see two or three cars coming up the lane.  Funny, I still look down to the gate when I pass a window.  Mother said she did the same thing.  Habit, I guess.  We have to be thankful for all those wonderful memories we all have.

     No idea about your lightheadedness other than maybe getting up too quickly.  I've heard when we get out of bed or out of a chair to get up slowly and stand for a minute or so to let the blood get where it should be.  Your pulse was high - anxiety, maybe.  My pulse is always fast.  If it's in the 70s things are great.

    I know both you and Lou will enjoy having your son visit this New Years.  That will make it a good weekend.

     Just heard on the news that all the cows survived the wreck this morning - good news.  Texted Carol to tell her because we were wondering about it when we talked.  Driver wasn't hurt and I guess the deer is all right.  Just think what a jolt those poor cows had - hard enough to be stable while the truck is moving much less rolling over.

     I drove down to see the girls late this evening and sat with them a while.  They're still mine until we get paid and then, in my mind, still will be.  Saw one young cow laying down today so drove out to her to see what was wrong.  Very reluctant to get up but she did.  Somehow she's hurt her left back leg. She is walking - very slowly - and staying with the others.  Will have to tell the vet.

     Darned FedEx or UPS driver - left two big, heavy boxes from Chewy outside the yard gate.  They're supposed to bring them to the porch.  So, I opened them and put the contents, canned cat and dog food and dry cat and dog food on the dolly and got it to and onto the porch.  Last time I had to do that I really paid for it the next day.  I have the heating pad on my back so maybe that'll help.

     It was 2000 mg. of B-12 plus Vit D my doctor told me to take for the EBV.  So, I've begun that.

     Cases of the virus are going up and up so no telling where this will end.  Guess there will be another variant after this and another and another.

    Supposed to have some more rain in the morning, then sunshine again.  Really dread that cold weather this weekend.  It's supposed to be in the teens Sunday morning with WC worse than that. 

     Enjoy the evening - maybe something good will be on TV.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I don't recall if you have a cardiac diagnosis or high blood pressure or are on medications.  It's true that circulation may become less vigorous with age.  That's why it's important to get up slowly from sitting or reclining.  I find that I have to do that now because I become short of breath.  Do you have a phone line you can call for medical questions?

    I was very lightheaded one time with a rapid pulse and the cardiologist thought it was due to my BP meds, which was changed.  I have not gotten lightheaded or tachycardiac again, but I am still short of breath, almost every day.  I go for a cardiac MRI in a couple of days.  My cardiologist is still checking me out.

    Sayra, I gave been resting since Christmas day, but I don't feel any different.  I sleep more, but I am still tired when I wake up.  Last night was my third night on valerian, and I did have a disturbing dream.  I had attributed it to hearing and reading about the story of the 14 year old girl who was killed accidently in the store dressing room.  I try to avoid disturbing stories for that reason, because I know that I often internalize them.

    Lorita, I have been taking multi B vitamins for years along with senior women's vitamins, also extra vitamin D3 and iron.  I do very little work and my stamina is low.  Perhaps the cardiologist will have something to tell me after my cardiac MRI. 

    My cats never fight, but today two of them had a brawl; I had to break them up.  I don't know what's going on with them.  The weather has been stormy and cold and they have not been able to get their outdoor time for a couple of weeks or more.

    I have to get some rest this week because when January 2022 starts, I have a long TO DO list, a lot left over from January 2021.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Fell to sleep early so awake a bit early. 

    42F, 6C.  A bit of rain yesterday, mixed with snow in evening.  Was a bit slushy.  Drive was a bit slippery when I went to mail box.  Warmer now though than it was the so roads probably ok.

    Lorita made roast beef gravy, mashed potatoes and put it on a slice of bread.  Was one of my favorite meals as a child.

    Just checking in

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning from Louisiana and 6am 68 degrees.  Suppose to rain today with a high of 77. Not looking forward to this weekend, since I've aged a little,  loud fireworks remind me more of incoming fire from Vietnam. Some neighbors very close has a lot of the big ones every year. Suppose to rain Saturday and I feel bad about wishing to put a damper on others fun, but I hope it rains all day.

    I feel fine this morning! I have no clue as to what went on with me yesterday, but it was serious enough that I had considered going to the ER. I do have some cardio issues I'm on medication for, but what happened yesterday was a new feeling for me. That is why I was wondering if it was somehow connected to the echocardiogram finding of diastolic filing pattern impaired relaxation. The only neighbor I trust anymore wasn't home and even though I felt weak most of the day and my heartrate was high until late afternoon, I was able to function and stayed aware of what was going on with me. I do have a direct line number to primary care nurse, but I knew what she would tell me; go to ER and be checked out. They are always going to suggest ER on heart related issues and I cant just stop everything and go unless I feel its absolutely necessary. Like I said earlier, I'm fine this morning!

    Sayra, you brought back more memories! I remember we would have a big meal with a large rump roast. The next day the left over roast would be shredded, mixed in with brown gravy, poured over light bread and mashed potatoes. I believe some vegetable was on the side like green peas, but all I needed was the roast gravy, bread and mashed potatoes. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     It's raining lightly here - just began about an hour ago.  It's much cooler this morning and, of course, cloudy but I think it will warm up later.  I so dread this weekend when it gets so cold.  Since it's been so warm for so long it will really be a shock to our systems.

     Ron, glad you're feeling fine this morning.  Just a thought -- when I'm nervous or anxiety ridden my pulse is higher.  Maybe when you felt lightheaded that made you nervous and made your pulse get higher.  I know that happens to me.  Just be sure to get up slowly and stand for a minute before you take off. 

     I'm so far away from town or many people I never hear fireworks.  On the Fourth sometimes I can see fireworks about seven or eight miles east of us but no sounds.  For your sake, and Lou's, hope it does rain all day Saturday.

     Iris, is the Valirium you take to help you sleep?  I've never taken a sleeping pill but one time I took a nighttime cold medicine and didn't get any sleep - felt like climbing the walls all night.  I don't take any meds except vitamins and an occasional Librium for anxiety.  Still haven't begun taking the Celexa.   Hope you feel better today and have more energy.   I know my energy level is not what it used to be even six months ago and I hate that.  I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it and I can't always do that now. Sorry about that sentence.

     Sara, glad you're enjoying your roast - used to enjoy roast beef sandwiches.

     Zetta - you asked about Kitt's toenails.  Guess they're all right - he's walking without a limp and right now is sound asleep beside me.  He is such a sweet cat - all of them are but Sammy and Lilly can really be rambunctious.  I hear them running and playing before I get up. 

     Well, the deed is done.  Mike stopped by this morning with the checks for the girls and lease.  I hate doing this and told him so and he said he knew how I felt.  I could not for the life of me agreed to this with anyone except him.  He said he was going to bring over another bull in a day or two.  Little Bit is doing his job but he's not too tall and we have some really tall cows.  He said they'd start feeding grain in a short time - I think they're going to bring over different feeders.  The ones we've been using are light weight and the girls turn them over.  I think he uses concrete ones in a lot of his pastures.  I noticed a while back that Darwin has some concrete feeders.  The girls will have to adjust some - they feed in the morning and we've always fed in the late afternoon.  This began when we were working and would feed when we got home.  Also he doesn't feed liquid feed and I know they'll miss that.  They'll be okay - better than I'll be.  But I have to remember that most of them will still be here.

     Didn't sleep too well last night - woke up about 2:30 or 3 and only slept a little bit after that so maybe a nap today. 

     The news this morning said there have been over 700,000 cases of the virus in Oklahoma.  That's almost a quarter of our population.  Also heard our Governor lost his case about requiring the National Guard be vaccinated.  He didn't want it to be a requirement.  Seems to be trying to get everything changed to his way.  I was trying to remember last night who ran against him - just now remembered it was an Edmondson - a prominent name in Oklahoma politics.  I didn't know him but his wife was one of our social work students.  Do wish he would have won.

     I'll stop and be back later.  Ron, enjoy the warm weather - I heard this cold front on Saturday is going all the way to Houston.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I worked hard for Edmondson. Both he and his wife are lovely, bright and he sings!

    So you have crossed the Rubicon. Will barn repair etc be up to Mike now? How long is the lease for and is it a lease with ppurchase option? Not my business, just curious. Looks like this is not a hobby for Mike since he is bringing in more bulls. How will Billy do with the new men on the block?

    After you get over the initial reaction you can start going through all of those sheds, cellers, wardrobes etc and throw out things. I am starting in one room today! I will have a big pile waitin at the curb for bulk pick up. I will, at the same time, wash woodwork and baseboards. It will take a lot of time. I get very dizzy moving my head/turning around.

    Covid...one more family member....all light cases except the one. She still feels bad and it has been over a week. 

    Ron...I always count to ten when I stand up.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Lorita you can be Grandma now.  You can love them, you can worry about them, Mike will take  good care of them.  Mike knows you will be a set of eyes for him. Sounds like you are blessed to have Mike.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Judith, it's just a straight, one-year lease - no option to buy.  That will be later.  At this time it was just too much to deal with.  Billy the bull will be fine - he's really a steer and Mike has had other bulls here with no problem.  He may think he's a bull and I've only seen him interested once or twice.  I think there have been three other bulls here a couple of times - Little Bit and he get along fine. For now the barn is all right - nothing really needs to be done inside.  Bryon got the cowshed door fixed for the winter and closed the big doors and I finished that.  So, it's secure until spring.  I don't think he's interested in using the barn - except the tub and chute.  As far as I know his other places don't have barns for the girls.  Ours will use it when it's rainy, snowy or cold.

     It isn't a hobby for him - he has cattle and owns or leases land from here to the highway, seven miles away and even on the other side of town.  I doubt he has any idea how many cattle he has - his hired hand may.  I don't know how he does all he does.  This morning he was sitting out hay until he came by - then Toad finishes after he has to leave to open the clinic.  He enjoys working with cattle the most but also enjoys the other.  Good thing he's in good health and enjoys it.

     Didn't know that about Edmondson.  It's been a long time since she was a student in our service - remind me of their names, please?  She was very nice and a very good social work student.  Also the wife of my CPA was a social work student.  We had lots of them and it was always enjoyable.

     Hadn't thought about going through things but it needs to be done in the worst way.  Guess I'm starting with Charles' clothes I took out of his closet that are now laying on the divan in the sunroom.  I do have some jeans and pullovers boxed up to either see if Bryon is interested or to take either to the mission or Church.  Clothes are heavy so that will be a job.  I need to do woodwork and baseboards, too.  When I was growing up that was a job that was done every year.  We used *$%& 'n Span and it always looked so much better. 

     So you're still having trouble with dizziness?  Is it as bad as it was a few years ago?  Certainly hope not - being dizzy is the worst.

     I'll still do the same things I'm doing now with the exception of feeding them every other day and worrying about the creepfeeder.  He had put out hay for me ever since Charles passed away and has filled the creeper a lot of times.  It's not an easy thing to turn loose of something you've done for over 30  years.  Our neighbor gave up his cattle several years ago and he said he still missed them.  I know Darwin will miss his, too, even though he's only been in the cattle business a few years (was formerly a big farmer).  He's still doing the same things except feeding.  When he called yesterday he was checking fences - putting on new clips or whatever needed to be done.  It really gets in your blood. 

     Can't get in the mood to do anything - it's only 45 degrees and cloudy but it has stopped raining.  I don't care for days like this - rather it rain or be sunny.

     I hope the new case of Covid is over soon.  Are you still feeling okay and is the countdown almost over?  Good idea to count to ten before we move.

    I'm going to have to get at least one new burner drip pan.  I noticed the pans on the burner I use most wasn't level so took out the heating element and there was hardly anything left except the top ring of the pan.  Guess that's something I can do today - move things off the stove, take out the elements, lift the top and get all of that rusty stuff out.  Had no idea it was that bad.  I think there's only one that's disintegrated.



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    As you find clothing that you can do without, you might want to check with your town's homeless shelter if you have one, or a local church, or Salvation army or the like to see if they will come to do a pick-up rather than you having to take them some where.

    I know you live far out, but there might be enough need for what you have for someone to volunteer to come for them.  If you just tell them you have lots but can't get them there yourself, they may come for them.

    It is so hard to go thru things, my mother and dad have lived in their house for over 60 years and along with the antiques and lovely things they have are lots of "stuff".  I think keeping things comes from past times when things were hard to come by either financially or unavailable.  Even when my mother feels the itch to part with things, it is a long process because of remembering who gave it, who used it, etc.

    Set small goals as you go thru the process.  They are easier to meet and will give you a sense of accomplishment.



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I hope your episode never returns again!

    Lorita, I did not take valerian last night, I slept for only four hours.  Valerian is an herb that is used for sleep.  It is found over-the-counter.  I sleep but I don't feel rested.

    I was thinking more about the old board.  It had a different address, not alzconnected.  There were a few different forums, including Questions for the Care Consultant.  "Treatments" was changed to Clinical Trials.  In December 2011, the old board was shut down and a new software format was begun, and was called alzconnected.  We all had to sign up again, so many of us long-timers have December 2011 as our joined date.  The Archive threads all have January 2012 dates because that is when they posted the old threads onto alzconnected.

    I still believe this site is the best place on the entire internet to learn what to do about dementia!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, I know this must be a difficult day for you. Rest, enjoy your pets, drink a nice hot cup of tea and maybe take a nap. Be good to yourself. It's good, I think, that you did not sell the ranch yet since you really didn't seem to feel ready to do that. Mike will take good care of your girls. 

    Sara, your roast and hot beef sandwich sound good. I put roast on my grocery list. In November of 2020 we bought 1/4 beef. It lasted about a year (for 2 people). It was good; however, the hamburger was not lean enough. I like the 93% lean. So guess I will just buy my meat a few at a time. 

    It was 12 degrees F this a.m. and snow is in the forecast: less than an inch to 2 inches. In December of 2020 our area had 20" of snow! This December, just 1/2". 

    Going to watch football soon. Nothing else planned. Perhaps I'll be shoveling snow later. lol

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Here she comes again; Peer Volunteer hat off and dear rear firmly ensconced in a Front Porch chair . . .

    It is a chilly day here today and a large rain "storm" due in this evening with  a bigger rain tomorrow.  (What is called "storm," in California would have any "back east-er" laughing themselves silly.)  STORM WATCH!  Exclaim the newscasters and then pfft and spppptt; a few sprinkles and no more so much of the time - still called "Storm   Watch."   This time we will have some significant rain in some areas; it is enough that some of the low lying canyons in Orange County and some on the LA County hillsides affected by the fires must evacuate due to high risk of mud and rock slides.   Need the rain, but there is always a risk to humans and animals since building of homes has been permitted in such high risk areas. Turns out that some of the homeowners cannot get insurance coverage on their homes any longer due to the major high risks and repetitive fires each summer.

     Judith, good for you with the cleaning out of unwanted items!  I have just thought I surely do need to get to this in the dressers and clean out all drawers, etc.   It reminds me of the Scandinavian, "Death Cleaning," of which books have been written about. This does not mean one expects to die; but rather one goes through and eliminates the junk, etc., and gets ones "stuff" organized - and if one happens to be sadly voted off the planet, then one's environment is not a trash battlefield for one's family/heirs.   I do get the idea; now to get it going.  I even have a couple pair of church gloves my mother used to wear, wrapped and tucked into a drawer. They are the very old fashioned kind; fabric soft and lovely. Guess it is a heartfelt thing for me.  Also got tons of kids games that are in really super- great condition with all parts still there; guess I will donate those since our grandkids are grown and live out of state.  I had them for when they would come to visit from afar.

    Lorita, it is true; you are now auntie and grandmother to the herd.  You will still be there and be a big presence in the lives within the herd.  You can alert to any problems as you may see them, but will have no more need to do the heavy lifting for all the big time stuff and feeding in all sorts of dreadful weather.  And Mike, being a veterinarian, will know the right feed for the right purposes and you will know that the herd will be taken care of, so that is good.  An additional bull; oh boy, the newborn nursery will probably have to be expanded.

    As for the B12 and Vitamin D supplements. No; my Internal Med MD did not prescribe anything of that nature for me with the EBV.  It is the virus, not anything else that causes the deep fatigue of EBV and CMV and no supplement can fix that.  I know your doctor did prescribe those two supplements for you in the past; BUT in the here and now, it is a different time; this is not the same thing except for a guessing dynamic as you do not truly know what is happening within your body.  Also, do remember that Vitamin D is a fat soluble substance which means it stays in the body fat and one can actually overload with negative outcomes, so it is best not to minimize things and just guess; it is going to require those labs to be done.  Also ask doctor to order your Vitamin D and B12 levels to be drawn so you know if you have a deficiency or not.   Only need to take those substances if you are deficient in them in your body and if the doctor feels it is necessary.

     Please; as our Judith has reminded you again; please, please get the doctor's office to send over the orders to the lab and please, please get those labs done asap.  This is not a time to be dilly-dallying and putting off.   You have had too much happening.  You have been vaccinated and boosted; you will be wearing a mask, if there is/are one or two folks waiting in the lab, you can keep your distance or even wait outside in the car and the lab staff can call you on your cell phone to come in when your turn comes up for blood draw if you would be more comfortable with that.

     The issue is, Lorita; with your "mature" age and the symptoms you have had over the last months, you could very easily have something else going on with your health that is not yet discovered.  If so, it may be something very easily addressed at this point in time, but if it is all let go and permitted to go on and on, it may possibly cause something far more serious.  This could even possibly also be a factor in what you decide to do with your ranch.  So please, do get those labs done.  Either that or Judith and I will have to ride in on our horses; well, in my case on my broomstick and drag you off kicking and screaming masks and all.  Phew, what a horrible mental picture that is! 

    Just got reminded to always be on my toes regarding not using old, outdated foods, and keeping everything fresh, refrigerated and stored right.   One of my friends who had food poisoning many months ago,  has been nauseated off and on for months; does not feel like eating (unusual for her), and with a few bites of food feels full and uncomfortable.  She has some gallstones and the GI docs and primary MD she has seen felt that is what it was.  She has lost 50 pounds without trying . . . she recently had to see a different primary MD.  He began to have some questions in which he explored her eating situation further. He ordered a GI test and omigosh; she has "Toxic Gastroparesis," caused by the food poisoning.  The bottom half of her stomach is more or less paralyzed and cannot function.   That is a condition that can happen after a food poisoning.  It will often resolve itself in time, but not aways; she has had this longer than usual.   There is nothing to be done; if it does resolve itself, that is what is hoped for.  However; if it does not resolve, then it will be a permanent condition.  Big lesson to remind all of us . . . .

     Okay; I came upon a BIG issue and I could use the input of the Front Porch folks.  Another friend who is an RN who is extremely unwell secondary to serious injury and is totally on bedrest as she is suddenly non-ambulatory due to a terrible accident last week, just found out that her adult daughter and adult daughter's friend, both female professionals and both unvaccinated by the way; unethical idiots that they are, have made fake COVID Vaccination cards that look quite real.  They are using them for themselves as they are going to an out of state huge mega concert for which they have already left; BUT they have also sold fake cards that they have made.  I do not know any more than that or how many are being sold, whether just for other friends or to open selling or how many have been sold.  In any way, it really is just plain dreadful.  My friend is undone about this while being so ill and down and out; besides, the daughter as said is an adult who is actually of all things, a high school teacher.  Geeze.  I now know about this and wish I did not.  My dilemma is, now that I know; I feel discomfort . . . I do not want to add to my friends overwhelming condition by finding her daughter being prosecuted should I report this.  And then I know that the daughter and her friend and everyone else buying the fake cards could be putting others at very high risk for the virus. I do know that many have been doing this and there are many fake cards out there, so it is incumbant upon all of us to vaccinate and mask and distance.  I have made the decision not to report, but I still feel deeply uncomfortable with this. If continuing on to make and sell more, then I may well feel differently.  What do you folks think and honestly, what would you do? 

     Oh boy; I did find that the delicious veggie pizza with cauliflower crust that I mentioned is high in calories, horrible in fat, very high in sodium and carbs . . . . just like anything really wonderfully tasty; not good for the body.   Sigh.  I just saw the tomato sauce, the red, yellow, green peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, onions and it called my name - it was SO good.  Ah well, guess I should have read the label first.

    Two more days until New Year's Eve.  The new 2002 is about ready to step into the spotlight.  Wonder what it will bring.   Hopefully more joyful moments and more kindness and caring, and well . . . . all those things we hope for with each new year to arrive.  I have only one New Year's Resolution and that is; never to make any New Year's Resolution. That works for me!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo., on the fake ID, I would personally report it! Hard decisions are not easy to make, but thank of your friend. Which would be harder; the guilty feeling of doing what's right or finding out your friend died of COVID and no telling how many others were exposed. Reminds me of the pulmonary technician telling me about the RN that work on the COVID floor at the VA. He would not get the shots and ended up with COVID and his mother and sister caught it from him.

    Thanks to all of you about the comments on the spell I had. Yes, I get up slowly and have for a long time now. What ever happened yesterday was not from getting up to fast. I had been up several hours watching tv and felt fine at first. After the episode I was weak most if the day. My heart rate usually runs in the mid 70s and it jumping up to 120s and not getting lower than 110 at rest had me concerned. It finally dropped in the mid 90s and I felt better. Now I'm back to my normal self.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh gosh Ron; though I am certainly not a doctor, from what you have written, it sounds as thought an ER visit may well have been warranted, but do understand the difficulty you would face doing that.   I wonder: There are heart "Holter" monitors that are simply a tiny item adhesived to the chest; truly; they are very tiny.   No wire leads, no box to carry around and one can even shower with it on.  Reason I mention this is because they can be worn for two weeks and the physcian can capture the readings for 24 hours across two weeks and pick up intermittant cardiac events that can assist in knowing how to treat.

    There is also a different teensy monitor that can be placed just under the skin of the chest that can be worn for months - but that is a different device altogether.  Just takes a tiny bit of placement.  Probably not what you would need, but would think seriously about having the little external one without wires if it is considered medically necessary by your doctor; it would be good to bring that up with him/her as it could make a difference in your treatment if it is necessary and helpful.  And of course knowing me, you know my input would be that if you have such an event again, to please call for help if you cannot get to an ER safely. 

    If you had any kind of a health event crisis at home, how would Lou call for help or realize there would be a need for assistance?  It may be one of those external medical alert devices would be helpful for you.  Some can even detect falls without a button press.  It could be worn on wrist like a watch or on a cord on the neck; one press or a fall and the alert center staff would pick up the alert and send help. Just an idea . . .

    Sending warmest thoughts to you and Lou and may this event not repeat itself.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I would not hesitate to report. It is a Federal crime. Beyond that they are endangering others.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Jo C...about the fake vaccine cards

    It is bad enough that they would do ones for themselves...particularly to attend a big venue which may have different rules for those with and those without...such as social distancing and mask requirements.

    It is totally serious that they are in fact selling them as well...whether it be to their friends or to hundreds of others.  Each fake can be putting 10's, 100's, 1,000's at risk.

    It is a federal crime to produce, sell or buy a fake vaccine card.  For each infraction they can receive prison time or a $5,000 fine.

    I understand your loyalty to the mother, but I think the seriousness of the crime should over-ride it.  When she shared this information with you, did she ask you to promise not to report it?

    It is also a concern that a person who is a teacher of our young people would knowingly break the law.  She risks her reputation, her job and her freedom...for what?...to attend a concert!

    I vote to report it and let the chips fall where they may.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    So sorry to hear that the delivery person left those heavy boxes for you to get to the porch.

    Some places when you order ask if there are any specific delivery instructions...some times if you know the FedEx or UPS shipping number, you can go on and add specific instructions.  Might be worth looking into to save your back, especially since you no longer has drivers who know what you need.  You might also try posting a sign where they are dropping them off...that all packages are to be delivered to the porch.

    Anything is worth a try if it saves you effort and pain.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo, I took your advice! I sent my PCP a secure message explaining what happened and asked about the holter monitor. I also heard that the VA would pay for medical alert devices and asked about it.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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