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Just need to talk to my friends (162)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    We've all been following our Zetta's plans for getting back home over the mountain passes.  As I recall, the plan was for Zetta to leave for home on Sunday.   Here is a weather report and I am sure Zetta has done better with this, but here is what I saw:


    The photo of Government Camp Pass on US26 as of 11:30 am this morning showed a pretty clear road at about mile 56 on up the pass. That was good to see.  Pass is about 97 or so miles long; hopefully all the road over the Pass will be that good.   I would imagine the road work and any necessary snow plow folks will be out in force as that is a highly used Pass and would expect it to be so especially on the weekend.   Looks good to go.  By the way; anyone heard from Zetta lately?  Been a little while.

    My goodness Lorita, so litte Eve turns out to be little Evan.  Surprise!  Ahem; I won't tell him of the mistake if you don't.   No hair bows for him without his permission!   That reminds me of a woman I met some years ago; she was a, "Chicken Sexer." That was her actual job title.   Evidently it is difficult to tell gender of a chick and that was her job for a chicken ranch company.   Who would even know such a job existed . . . I didn't.  

    It is 70 degrees here today; expect to have temp fall again within a few days; this has been a variable winter as far as temps have gone.

    Appears that COVID at-home testing programs and even many free-standing testing programs are halted at this time where we are.  First issue, they have run out of rapid testing kits; second issue is that there are only small numbers of lab techs due to their falling victim to becoming COVID positive.  Ambulances are taking a longer time to respond to calls due to their staffing shortage and the same is so for Fire Departments and Police Departments; all COVID related.  This is certainly an awful situation.  Also, when tested for both, the numbers of folks ill with both COVID and Influenza is growing.  That is not good and those folks are much more ill and the risk of death higher.  So protect ourselves as best can is the best we can do with best practices.

    As it it, the COVID rapid testing kits are cranking out a lot of false negatives; yet I suppose better than nothing.  Evidently, the kits do not read well unless the person is fully symptomatic; that leaves a lot of folks thinking they are just fine when they are not and some will be asymptomatic all the way through the length of time they have COVID.  The longer PCR Tests given at a lab are far more accurate and are considered the "gold standard," but it takes time to get the results back.  If the test is run at the same lab the test is taken at, one can often get the results back the same day.   However; if the test must be sent out to a different lab, it can take a couple of days to get the results.  For myself, I would rather know for sure.

    Lorita, all that hammering and sawing and banging . . . I can only imagine.  It will be good to have a solid floor once again without fear of it collapsing in on you.   I would imagine they had to go under the house to fix those joists that had been failing; good thing you caught it in time.  Sounds like new flooring will be needed in the bedroom; it will be nice to have it in, but what a chore to have to get it picked out and done.  Great idea for him to do the laundry room floor if he does a good job on the bedroom; that will take two big problem issues off your shoulders.  

    Horrible, horrible fatal car crash near where we live.  Evidently, a kid in a Lexus was speeding at a very high rate of speed and crashed into a delivery truck and also involved five other cars all of which were stopped at a red light.  Kid was killed outright; car looked like a crumpled piece of tissue it was so bad.   There were two other injuries from other cars; one an older man and then the delivery truck driver.  So hope they will be well and heal fast.  I feel so bad for the family of the young man who was killed, a truly dreadful tragic thing to happen.  I could hear the helicopters overhead; they sounded so close.  I think the kid had just left the high school parking lot according to reports.

    I worried about my kids when they began driving; each time they drove one of our cars, I could hear the gray hairs growing.  Despite their being good kids, we did not let them routinely take one of our cars to school; they either took the bus or walked.   Teens/cars/risk: sudden foolishness without stopping to think.  Police officer for a Dad and an RN for a Mom whose office was adjacent to the ER Department; we both saw far too many tragedies.  

    Goodness Sayra; Bourbon Chicken, that sounds really good. I need a recipe!  The Polish Sausage in that snack recipe gives all its sausage spice flavor along with the acidity of the ketchup with the sweetness of the brown sugar all mixed together; really tasty.  

    Almost one o'clock; time for some lunch.  May Stormy and Sheena be able to relax a bit and not worry someone is about be bad; they are certainly very good watch dogs.  Be safe one and all, until next time . . . . .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Joan, stay away from the eaves of the house and those icicles.  you could get impaled.  Hope they melt off quickly.  I remember how it sounds and also the sound of tree limbs braking under the weight of ice - terrible sounds.

     Looks like the passes Zetta might drive have  melted and are just wet.  But I think they're having a lot of rain.  I think we'll all rest easier when she gets home safely - I known she will.

    Your lima bean and ham soup would be something Charles would have liked.  He often made bean soup and he was a meat eater so always had meat in his soup. At that time I ate some meat and fish, too.  That was over 22 years ago.

     Glad you think Evan is cute.  He really is - pretty black hair and big brown eyes.  He'll be a pretty bull for some herd.

     I'm feeling pretty good today - filled both water tanks, gave Penny and the other cow some more hay and opened the lot and barn so the others could come in and get out of the wind.  Maybe I should have waited a while to sell them.  But, the deal's made so no backing out I guess.  Just that I've always done things a little differently.  If I hadn't sold them there would be hay out for them now but I can't interfere - guess I'll bite my tongue.  There's still plenty of grass - I guess if you put out hay for them any time of the year they'd jump on it. 

     Carol told me today about a school friend of hers who had called her. She and her husband moved from the farm into town, then he passed away and she's in the house by herself.  She told Carol if she'd known she'd be alone she'd never have left the farm.  Guess the old saying is true. I've  had neighbors who sold out and moved to town tell me the same thing.  I hope I never have to leave.

     The floor is almost finished, Joan.  Of course, it's going to cost twice as much than the original estimate.  But, at that time, until he got into it, he thought it would only be a fairly small area but to be safe I'll have him replace almost the whole bedroom floor with boards sistered onto the joists and the edge of the room jacked up, etc.  He tells me they'll finish tomorrow - maybe having to come back Monday to paint a little bit.  While I have him here I'm going to have him replace the utility room floor and hope they can haul away the old deep freeze that no longer works and the refrigerator that has caused water problems by freezing up.  If he can't do that I don't know what I'll do with them.  He has two of his sons working with him and another young man.  They've left for the day and Stormy and Sheena can relax now.  Stormy gets really upset - it's because he can see someone come up on the porch and then all the noise and he doesn't know what's going on.  He's asleep now.  Sheena even got upset and she's very easy going - just too much going on.  She's outside now.

     I've gone in twice when he wanted to show me something but they have the window up and I wear my mask and I'm not close to any of them so I feel all right about it.  Shame that this virus has people afraid to be around others and worry if they have a headache or cough or sniffle.  How our lives have changed.  I did hear today there's more cases of flu (a lot more) than last year and it's for the simple reason that people aren't wearing masks like they did last winter.  Why can't they understand  that?

    Jo, Should have checked a little better to see if it was Eve or Evan but as I said we were both walking and mom was still a bit nervous.  You can usually tell if a calf is a heifer or bull by the shape of his head - I thought it looked like a bull's head but just didn't check close enough.  It's still as cold as can be here - it didn't get above 26 today with a north wind.  I think tomorrow is supposed to be a little bit warmer - I'm for that.  I'll let them out tomorrow after it warms up a bit.

     I should be thankful that even though they're not mine (except for Billy the Bull) they're still here - eases the transition or adjustment somewhat.  Just  doing something for so long and taking care of the babies when they're born, it's hard to let go.  But, it would never have been easier.  He's helped me so much with feeding hay and filling the creepfeeder it wouldn't be fair to stop the deal, even if I could - and I won't even try.  I'm just talking to friends about how I feel.  I'll continue to do what I want to with them such as giving them water, talking to them, checking on them every day and other things a silly, old woman does.

     Gave Daniel another check for the other needed supplies but this time I called the credit union to tell them he's coming so I've given him less than half the cost so far.  He seems like an honest, hardworking man.  He ran a propane company until ten years ago when he developed diabetes.  We used to buy propane from that company.  So, he's been doing construction work since.  We had a propane heating stove in the bedroom but when the plumbers worked on the living room heater I had them take it out.  We hadn't used it for probably ten years so he removed the line and capped it off - glad that's done.  Also asked him to trim off the top of the door from the bedroom into the bathroom - something has happened that it won't close all the way.  Max (tabby cat) has figured out a way he can push on it with his head and open it.  Cats are smart - like Kitt (tuxedo cat) has learned to walk up  my legs from the hassock to my chair.

     Also looks like I'm going to have to try to clean the chaise lounge - had no idea it was so dirty and a lot of that is from Stormy sleeping on it.  Have you all ever used a flashlight at night to look for something - under furniture, etc.  Scary stuff!  Joan, I need your deep cleaning lady in the worst way.

     I've begun to ramble so I'll stop.  I shouldn't burden all of you with my problems but thank you for listening.  Was going to make some soup but realized I don't have a burner pan on the burner I use.  They're supposed to get here tomorrow.

     Sandy, did you get more snow?  Be careful if you get out to make a snowman.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porch Friends,

    Things are moving pretty fast with my daughter and SILs move to Arizona. The truck came yesterday and loaded up one of their cars and the packers and the movers will be here Monday. They will drive out of here on Tuesday heading for Arizona and me heading home this Sunday. Right now, the passes are clearing up and will be really good by Sunday. I am so thankful for that.  

    Judith.   That was a bright idea going over I84 to I97 I did look, and it looked like a real easy drive. I am not sure why someone else around me did not remember that. It would have been a bit longer but a lot safer. Right now, the passes are clearing up if for some reason it gets bad again, I will look closer at 84 and 97. Thank You. 

    Beth.  They rent their homes, they think about buying but they move often so decided to wait, hopefully this job in Arizona will be a long one. My SIL is one of the people who draws ups the planning and designing for the computer systems in new buildings or new set ups. I am not sure what it called. He will be going to work on a new job and a lot of people have been hired. When the truck came to load up their car last night it had 3 other cars on the truck all going to Arizona this is all being paid for by the company who is paying for all these people to move. The driver of the truck said he had taken 4 other cars last week. I guess this company has some big plans.  

    Barbara.   I hope the funeral went well and you will now have some time to get some rest and take care of yourself. 

    Jo.   Yes, I will be so glad to get home I miss my recliner my TV and the blankets that Molly Sammy and I cover up in while we rock and watch out the window. I have a very quiet life when I am at home. I like quiet. 

    Lorita.  It sounds like you are starting to relax a bit more I am sure you will always worry about your girls, looks like as time goes by your becoming a little more accepting. It also sounds like the girls are trying to get used to their new feeding time. I am glad you're also getting things done around your house to make living safer for you. Sounds like your snake problem will be a thing of the past. 

    Marie.  That was a very thoughtful thing you did by acknowledging the fire department they do a lot of good that goes unnoticed.  It's good that your parents are doing good, and hopefully your mom will ask for help if needed for your dad. I sure hope his goose egg has gone.   I am also an independent person but hopefully I will ask for help when the time comes. Very nice that the letter was shared with the mayor and city council. 

    I don't want to lose this post so I will close for now and be right back. Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Again, 

    Lorita.    Poor Stormy, hopefully his stress will lessen and maybe be less tomorrow. I would also worry if my water pressure was low. For some reason the presser in my kitchen is low and all the other faucets are really good. Maybe someday I should have it looked at. You probably felt good after you called the water company. I am sorry you're finding more problems with your floors I don't know what I would do if I found out something like that. I would hope my homeowner's insurance would cover it. 

    Sara.    Yes, there is a lot of rain where I am at right now and there is a flood warning in a town not too far from here. I could not walk out to the trash can at my daughters house the back yard is flooded a bit, nothing to worry about it has a long way to go to get to the house. The passes are looking good right now and will be getting better. 

    Joan.    I hoped your snow is letting up I hope we both keep getting some warm weather. A lot of rain on the passes right now and hopefully it washes all the snow away. It's nice that the city haul's your snow away, I wish our city would do the same. When our city plows the roads, it banks the snow up at the end of driveways and that is a pain if you want in or out of your driveway.  

    Lorita,   Evan is so precious I wish I could put my arms around him. So sweet. 

    My plans are still leaving here (Longview Washington) by 10am Sunday morning and hopefully to be home around 3pm. I will update you all on Saturday. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    13F, -11C.   Light snow.

    Got estimate for AC yesterday.  Was about what I expected it to be so that was good.

    Joan I know I’m not near as good of a driver as when I was young.  Can’t think as fast, can’t always turn my neck as well etc.  life experiences makes me more cautious which can be good or bad.

    JoC bourbon chicken was a favorite at a Chinese restaurant that I use to go to.  Have tried several different recipes but they were not the same, so sorry don’t have  one.

    Lorita go check out YT channel Greg Judy.  He has beautiful cattle, don’t believe he even has a cow barn.  He has a lot of cattle.

    Lorita you are not a burden.  Glad we are a sounding board, someone to lighten them load a little.

    Hope you and Lou are ok Ron and just visiting.

    Thank you Judith for finding Zetta a safer route if she needs it.

    Take care everyone 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I sure have missed this good old rocking chair on our front porch. I have done a little speed reading on our front porch and sure looks like a lot of activity has been going on. Isnt it nice to just sit around and talk! I wonder sometimes how many we might have scared off with our talk like we were on a real porch sitting around chatting  LOL.

    Family visits were nice but now back to reality. My sister wasnt gone but one hour yesterday and Lou was already talking about no one ever coming to see her. I was picking on my son a little about not getting up until after I gave his mom her medicine. He had told me when I was in the hospital it got so bad giving medicine that he had to leave the room for awhile and calm his nerves and she even threw it on the floor once. My sister made me get out of the house for awhile and have some me time. I enjoyed getting out but felt a little guilty when she told me she had a little bit of a problem with Lou. I was hoping everything went well!

    Scheduled for a holter monitor January 18th, but haven't had anymore spells since Tuesday one week ago. Hope the monitor will still catch what's going on. Saw a note from sleep Dr. that he told technician to let me know that home sleep study was not possible since I've already had a sleep apnea diagnosis and he wanted a bipap/asv titration study and it can only be done there.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Evan is SO HANDSOME!

    I'm working today but have tomorrow off.  My big outing yesterday was to Whole Foods - I haven't been there in years but I've decided to try to reduce my plastics consumption and was at the end of a bottle of shampoo so in I went to look for a shampoo bar of soap.  Lots of choices!  Also lots of choices if you're looking for bar soap - I happen to like the small-batch soaps made of goat's milk or a combination of oils (and lye of course) because my skin is so dry in the winter.  I guess I could use my bar soap on my hair but I'm worried that it'll be weighing my hair down.  Anyway, I think I spent 45 minutes just looking in the health and beauty section and smelling soaps and it was enjoyable.

    You can tell we're in January - 10 degrees and the dog lasts about 4 minutes outside before one of his paws is frozen and he lifts up his foot and I have to carry him back in.  I know anyone nearby probably thinks I'm crazy because I talk to him and say "okay, you'd better quit fooling around out here, you know your paw will freeze soon!"  He's learning to handle his business quickly.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    day...my skin is really dry...what soap and lotion do you like best?
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    For soap I have Zum (website indigowild.com) which is made of goats milk in small batches and when I get out of the shower my skin feels good.  Lotion is also Zum, both scents are frankincense and myrrh (I like spice but they have all kinds).  I use their hand soap too, keeps my hands from cracking in winter.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Gosh, it feels like I've been away from you all for a month and it's only been part of a day.  I like to post earlier but with the men here working it's been hectic.

     Zetta, Stormy is now able to rest and not be upset until Monday when they'll come back.  He has barked and worried all morning. 

     I think (sometimes) that I'm beginning to think things will be all right with the girls.   I'll still worry about them but guess I'll have to deal with that.  I let Penny, Evan and the other little cow out this morning.  He was jumping around in the lot so he needed to be out to stretch his legs and run a bit and get used to being on grass.  I watched and couldn't see them anywhere but finally spotted them up in the pasture.  Drove up and they got up and came down.   There was another cow with her - for protection maybe - or just a good friend.

     When I started the Gator they thought I was going to feed them - makes me sad that I can't.  Also the men left (three pickups) and when they started them, that's what they thought them, too.

     Day, isn't he a cutie?  I think little calves are so sweet.  I usually post a picture of the new babies for everyone to see - just like to share what I think is cute and sweet.

     Well, I'm satisfied with the work Daniel and his crew are doing.  They're gotten everything done now except laying the vinyl - it has to be acclimated to the room temp..  To me, it's a new kind of laminate - it's in planks and floats - it's tongue in/and? groove and looks like wood.  I think that's what I'll get him to put in the utility room, too.  They've replaced and joined new lumber to the joists, jacked up the floor at the edges and fixed that and put in new subfloor - not inexpensive but it has to be done.  Next week they'll lay the laminate and paint and then he's going to work on the rock while the weather is pretty.  He'll take off the rock where it's loose and then replace it with wall ties and new mortar - then I think he'll put flashing around the rest of it, after he replaces mortar.  After that, the utility room and he'll haul away the old freezer and I think I'll get rid of the refrigerator, too, and get a new one or a small freezer.  Lots of work but it needs to be done.  He's really an interesting fellow - has four boys and two work with him.  One of them works on wind farms (turbins).  He told me there's going to be a big one, 1500 acres and either 200 or 400 wind turbins NW of here - not too far away.  Do hate to hear that, too.

     They told me they saw a bald eagle about two miles from here a day or so ago.  He lives in Warner and says there's lots of them around there. I've seen them around the lakes north of here but  never one around here - hope I can see him.

     So, now we can relax for a while.  Zetta, I bet you're itching to get on the road. I'm so glad you'll have Molly and Sammy with you to keep you company.  At least you'll have someone to talk to.

      Any time I've been in the room where they're working (3x) I've worn a mask and when we were all talking, outside, a while ago I wore my mask KN95.  I saw one the other day I hadn't seen before - instead of the crease going up and down - it went from side to side.

     It was cold, cold this morning but it's warming up some - still in the low 40s but so much better - and it's sunny and no wind.  It did say we may have a few sprinkles in the morning. 

     Sara - I'm watching QVC and they're talking about the word "stodgy" but not the way I use it - to me stodgy means slow and plodding along.   They're using it in a fashion sense.

     I'll stop for now - told you all everything I know.  Talked with Carol this morning - sent her a picture of Evan.  She said the Pastor of their Church has the virus and is quarantined.  Getting close to home.  She says they hardly ever see anyone wearing a mask. 

    So glad I was put in touch with Daniel and am able to get the needed work done. 

     I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Sara, I watched some of the Greg Judy videos.  Looks like the cattle are Red Angus and they are pretty.  We have a big rancher with land just half a mile SE of - all over the place really - and he runs Red Angus.  He's really the only rancher I can think of that has the Red, most everyone runs Black Angus.  Ours are mostly Brangus - mixture of Angus and Brahman so they're bigger - now since we've had Angus bulls in the last two or three years they're beginning to change to smaller cows.  Personally I like the Brangus breed - big, heavy cattle.

     I think I've mentioned seeing two or three herds of Belted Galway cattle.  They're black with a wide white belt behind the front legs, all around. There used to be a few about 40 miles north of us - but they're no longer there and there were a couple of herds of them just over the State line into Arkansas, between Fort Smith and Springdale.  Not sure if they're still there.  I imagine they didn't sell good whereas Black or Red Angus sell really well.    When I was growing up many people ran Herefords.  That's what daddy raised along with Jerseys which are really good milk cows. I think Darwin had a couple of Hereford cows and Mike put a Hereford bull in with them.  There's another breed called striped (something) - mixture of Brahman and Hereford - they're actually striped.  Really unusual.  There's some of them east of us.

     Saw Penny and Evan late this afternoon.  He was lagging behind mom so she had to stop and wait for him to catch up.  I'm hoping he'll become friends with Tina and Sweet Pea since they're only a couple of months apart in age.  Babies seem to find one or two to be friends with, just like kids.

     I'm about ready to go to sleep.  I think I'll sleep a little later tomorrow and I know Stormy will be glad there won't be so much noise - me, too. 

     Did get my burner pans today - haven't opened them yet so I'll lift up the top of the stove and clean all of that good and put in the new ones - that'll be a job so not looking forward to that.  Zetta, got some more creamy potato soup packets today.  I have a couple of packets of cheesy broccoli - wonder how it would be to mix it half and half - might try that sometime this winter.  The Cheesy broccoli by itself is too cheesy for me - hard to believe.  Had graham crackers and strawberry-banana yogurt for supper.

     Jo, I haven't been watching The Great British Baking Show lately so looked to see what time it was on and guess we no longer get it.  Really enjoyed watching that.

     Okay, see you all tomorrow.  Sleep tight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning. Very little snow, no shoveling.  Say sunny today but very windy.

    Ron it is great to talk on porch.  Hope you are able to get your sleep study and able to adjust to it.  Sleep apnea is very hard on your heart.  It is often associated with atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure.  Both of these heart issues have other issues they can bring on.

    Day I didn’t use to worry about plastic much.  Here recently it is bothering me for some reason. Went to bar soap during pandemic because using those in a bottle so much was causing eczema on my hands.  Was able to find a bar soap that didn’t.  My facial cleanser comes in bar form and had already decided when the bottles I have run out was going to try bar form due to it being cheaper.  Had not thought about less plastic too.  What really bothers me is Saran wrap.  I use so much if it because I wrap my meat in it.  As a single person I have to break meat down and freeze in smaller portions.  Has anyone thought of a non disposable way to do this or something disposable that is better than plastic.  No longer wrap baked goods.  I put them in freezer bag and lay sheets of wax paper between them.  Use freezer bags over and over.

    Lorita I’m so pleased you are getting your floors fixed.  Glad you saw how healthy Greg Judy’s cattle look.  They stay out all the time.  Do believe he only lets his bulls in with the others a certain time of the year so he controls when calves come.  Know just the other day I watched and bulls were in with others. He lets the cows wean their own calves.  He pointed to this one very healthy looking cow and said her previous calf is nursing still and she is carrying a calf. 

    Like to eat graham crackers with yogurt too.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, if you're looking for relaxing entertainment, there is a YouTube channel called Hamish and Kyloe, which are the names of 2 magnificent Highland cattle who live on a small sanctuary Marc runs.  They love to be brushed and in many of his videos he just brushes them and talks and the sound of the brushing is SO relaxing.  Hamish is the red one, he is huge, Kyloe was a "runt" and both were given up by their previous owners and now live with Marc along with an assortment of other animals.

    year end - YouTube
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Well, the most, or one of the most, dreaded things has happened.  I didn't sleep too well during the early morning hours so missed a text from Carol just before 7 a.m.  She had fallen yesterday, in her house, and couldn't get up.  Has a broken hip and displaced ankle.  Will have surgery at any time now and may only have to wear a walking boot on the ankle.  She said she had gone into another room to have a conversation on the phone with her sister and when she finished she got up and her hip just gave way, fell on her back and couldn't get up.  Bill called an ambulance and they got her to the hospital.  She said the pain was terrible and the only thing that would reach it was Fentanyl (spelling is probably not correct).  She wanted me to be sure to wear my medical guardian all the time.  So, put it on when I went out to feed Tom or Jerry (one is still not home).  She was 85 in December and is active, always on the go.  So, I'm going to try to remember to put mine on when I first go into the bathroom each morning.  Sandy has been urging me to do this for years now.

     Sara - we mostly let the cows wean their calves, too. We have put the calves up to wean but it takes a week or more and there's the carrying of feed to them.  Some people move the calves to another pasture away from their moms.  I've seen calves as big as their mothers still nursing - isn't good because the cows need to stop giving milk and give everything to the new baby on the way.  It is best to have the bulls in with the cows for a couple of months - count forward nine months and you'll have the time the new calves arrive.  We've always liked to have new babies in the spring - April and May but some people also like fall calves.

     I'm not happy with the way the feeding is going with our girls.  He comes sometime around 8 a.m. and at that time they're way up at the MH.  He comes, puts out the feed, drives out so they can see the truck and honks a few times, comes back and leaves.  He was half an hour later this morning so that also made a difference - some were down here at the right time but gave up and left.  I watched as they came down and saw Penny and Evan.  Penny and he never even made it down.  It was a long walk for him so she had to stop for him to have a snack.  So, maybe half of them aren't getting feed.  There has to be a better way.  When they get trained to this new time for feeding it may be all right.  I may just have to use the PU and honk a few times to get them down before he comes.  Right now just now happy about it.  Maybe when they give them hay, it will be better - hopefully this weekend.  I'm going to call him just after the time the clinic closes to see if he's going to hay them this weekend.  See -- it's hard to let go -

     It's really windy this morning - from the south.  It's cold but warmer than it's been the last few days.  Next week it's supposed to be in the 40s and 50s, even 60. 

     What is it about plastic that's concerning you all?  Sara, if you don't want to use saran wrap, how about LocknLock containers.  They're not disposable - are airtight and water tight - all shapes and sizes.  I have a cabinet full of them (really some in two cabinets) and I use them every day, for everything.  When LocknLock is on QVC I have to sit on my hands to keep from ordering more.  I use them for everything - for crackers, cereal, flour, sugar, etc.  Keeps little bugs out and keeps things fresh.   Didn't realize there's plastic in soaps.

     For some reason around 2 or 3 I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep for a while.  Cats were playing and running around.  Finally they calmed down and I went back to sleep - then 7 came early.  Guess that's why I missed Carol's text at 6:52.

     I'll be glad to get the bedroom finished, then the rock, then the utility room floor - money well spent, I think.  I'm worried that if I have them put that refrigerator back in, it will freeze up again and get water on the floor and ruin it again.  Also since it was a porch decades ago (I can barely remember it being a screened-in porch) it has a slight slant away from the house.  Not sure if they can correct that but I'll ask.  I will get a little help $1400 from insurance (my deductible is a thousand).  No help on the bedroom because they said that was a lack of maintenance.  I had no idea what was happening so rock has to be fixed sso it won't happen again.     Hate stuff like this. 

     Got the burner pans yesterday - still on the front porch.  I opened all the boxes and wiped down things and brought them in but still a couple of packages out there I need to open. 

     I'm worried about Carol.  Really hoping the surgery goes well.  She'll have to have PT for a few weeks but she's in town so Bill can take her - may interrupt his golfing though but he won't mind that.  She mentioned someone she knew had had hip replacement and they had her up on her feet the next morning.  I'm trying to remember if Jack was up the next day.  He hasn't done well but I didn't tell her that - he still doesn't have an appetite and says most foods have no taste. 

     I'll stop and get my hot tea.  Worried about one of my boys who isn't home.  He, or one of them, does leave for a few days every so often but this has been too long and it's the middle of winter.  The one that's left doesn't even come over to the pan to eat until I leave.  Wonder if the opossum might have hurt him - or even a coon?

     Prayers for Carol, please.  I'll let you know when I hear something.  Her one big objective in life was not to fall and she told me that so often.  Glad she fell on carpet if she had to fall.  My little fall is still bothering me - pulled muscle in my left chest and the knot on the outside of my left hand - I was lucky.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Where is everyone?

     Thanks, Day, I looked at the video.  What horns they have - kind of like Texas Longhorns.  Did I mention one of our neighbors has a couple of Longhorns and this summer one of them had a little calf.  Nice that they're tame so he can be around them.

     Carol texted me about 12:30 to let me know she's out of surgery and I guess back in her room so she can use her phone.  Said she was feeling fine - that's the medication I'm guessing/know.  I think she said they had told her she'd be in the hospital five or six days.  Glad that's over for her.  Really makes me a believer about wearing my Medical Guardian.  I could fall out in the pasture and not be able to get up and no one would know for days, if then.  I will wear it faithfully.

     Just saw something cute.  This morning Evan couldn't walk too far so Penny put him down in a sheltered place near the pond dam.  I saw another bigger calf over in that area and when he laid down I went to check and saw Evan laying down not far from him.  Later I looked and the bigger calf was gone but Evan was there so I didn't go over.  From time to time I've looked to see if Penny came back.  Just now I saw Evan walking along the fence so hurried and got boots and coat on and was going to walk him up the fence to the lot but happened to see something black across the fence.  When I got to the gate it was Penny and Evan was nursing.  She had come back to get him but didn't go all the way around - just across the fence from him - got him up and walked him up the fence until she found a place he could ge through.  She is a good mom.

     It's cold out there - 45 right now and windy.  I think it was warmer earlier this morning.

    Sarah just texted me to let me know she isn't feeling good and will call tomorrow.  What did people do before texting?  I'm not good at it, at all.  Don't even know how to capitalize letters - my phone pad is about 1 1/2" square so it's hunt and peck.

     Guess Zetta is gearing up to take off to home tomorrow.  I know we'll all rest easier when she gets there safely.

     Back later.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    So sorry to hear about Carol's fall.  Hope she mends quickly from the surgery and without  too much pain.

    Yes, falls are bad.  My dad has had mental decline since his recent fall.  It is so sad.  I would say he is about Stage 6 now.  One of the new symptoms is his speech.  Of course that is frustrating for him and for my mother who struggles to understand what he wants or is talking about.  Another symptom today is that he can't tolerate either the tv or the radio on.  He thinks they are talking to him and he doesn't like it.  Don't know how that will work out, as tv is about only entertainment my mother has.

    Yes Lorita, please do always wear your medical guardian.  Maybe you should put it with something else you always put on in the morning so it becomes habit.  Is there any way to test it once in a while to make sure it is functioning and can alert if need be?

    Perhaps you could as the man who feeds to honk his horn when he gets there rather than when he leaves since the cows seem to be a ways off.  Might give the slower ones a chance to get there before it is all gone.

    Prayers for all who are in difficulty whether physically or emotionally. 



  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Oh no, poor Carol!  I'm praying she comes through the surgery fine and recovers quickly.  I also fear falls - I have big ones periodically, usually during winter when I slip on ice, but when I first moved where I am now, I slipped down TWO steps and was flat on my back and broke a rib.  That was very painful and took months to feel better.  I always have good tread on my boots and in warmer months, I've found that sneakers made for trails are grippier and I feel more secure with those.

    Let us know if you hear anything about Carol's condition, I'll be praying for her.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Put your alert on top  of the toilet seat...you can fall and need help inside as well as outside.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I will be praying for a smooth recovery for Carol. Fall's are terrible as we age, that is when Lou started with early onset of dementia. It was almost eight years ago when Lou broke her hip and four years since the fractured leg.  After the hip, life has never been the same. Please friends and family of the front porch, be careful. 

    Took little bit to be groomed today and even at sixteen he acts like a youngster after a good grooming.

    Lou stumped her toe on her new rug and even though I know it doesnt feel good she is making it harder for me to take care of her. I have noticed that for someone that use to have a very high tolerance for pain, she has little to none now.

    I remember earlier some of our talking about sewing. When my mother found out Lou could sew, just about every month she was bringing Lou material for a new dress. She always had extra material and would make the boys matching outfits with it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     I told Carol about all your good wishes for her fast, full recovery and she said to thank all of you.  She said surgery wasn't too bad - she had a liquid lunch and is going to have a regular diet tonight.  I also want to thank all of you - .  I know I talk about her a lot - she's been a dear friend for over 61 years - we grew up about three or four miles apart but never met until I went to work at the VA - she was already working there.  She went to one school and I went to another - different towns.

     I heard something on the news tonight (local) that reminded me of the movie The Notebook.  There was a couple in the hospital in Tulsa, both with the virus - he was 94 and she was 95 and they passed away 43 minutes apart holding hands.  Now, if you have to go, that's the way to do it.  I didn't see all of the story so don't know how long they were married but I bet it was a long time.

     It's been a cloudy, damp, chilly day - sun was out early, early and I thought it was going to be nice.

     Got the stove top cleaned - still have to put the heating elements and pans back in.  Who would have thought a stove could have been so bad - all of that is hidden so had no idea until one of the heating elements wouldn't stay straight.  It has a top that lifts up so it's under the stove top.

     I'm going to put my charger for the medical guardian on the dresser in the bathroom.  I put my mask and cough drops on the dresser every night and those are the first things I put in my pocket so I'll make a habit (really, I will) of putting it on every morning.  This has scared me straight!  Every time Carol and I talked she always told me to stay safe and not fall.  It was her goal in life to not fall.  Thankfully, she fell on a carpet and Bill was home.

     Penny brought Evan to the barn an hour or so ago.  I filled the water tank and checked the barn - didn't see them but when I was back at the hydrant, they came out.  Kind of dark in there, in spots, and they're both black.  Taking care of baby!

     Marie, Toad does honk when he comes and is putting out the feed, then drives up in the pasture a little way and keeps honking until they start coming.  I think I will start calling them down before he gets here.  I understand they want the girls to associate their feed truck with feed but they're so used to my way of doing things, it's an adjustment for them, too.  Two mornings they were down here - one of those times was feeding day.  They have their routine - they make their rounds every morning and you can set your watch by that. 

    Better stop and find something for supper - I'm thinking it's going to be some pasta I froze a few days ago.  I will need to go through the freezer in the refrigerator in the kitchen next week and make room for what's in the one in the utility room. Nothing in the refrigerator part except cranberry juice and milk replacer for calves.

    Joan, I'm watching ihe Chiefs play the Broncos.  They're playing in Denver and everyone is really wrapped up.  I bet you're watching, too.

     Ron, I remember when we used to have Barclee trimmed - he felt so special and looked so cute - bet Little Bit does, too.  Sorry Lou stumped her toe - that hurts like the dickens - sorry she's giving you a hard time.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

     See you all tomorrow.  Sleep tight.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    An update on the kindness of others:

    As you might remember I had written an email to the Fire Chief about the above and beyond service from the EMS folks this last time my dad fell, and he said he was going to forward my note to the Mayor and City Counsel.

    This evening I got a phone call from the Mayor!  He wanted to know how the folks were doing and to thank me for my email.  We had a lovely chat, and he said to let him know if there was anything else my folks needed help with.

    I took the opportunity to ask if there was anyone who could get the trash cans from the back of the house to the street.  My dad used to do it, now my mother does but the last time fell doing it.  The Mayor said no problem...will let sanitation folks know that they need to collect the cans.  Isn't that great?

    Does my heart good to see good will towards others who need the help.

    Sweet dreams, and may each of you have an interaction with the person who wants to do an act of kindness for you.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    39F, 4C.  Very windy, day is to get colder not warmer.

    So sorry about Carol.  Hope she is blessed with a smooth recovery.

    Carol, Marie and Judith have given you caring advice.

    Lorita guess I’ve wondered for a long time about how can we keep creating all this garbage?  Meat is the hardest as it cannot be exposed to air as it will freezer burn.  

    Think I will make a meatloaf today.  Had tacos and refried beans for lunch yesterday.  My first time to make refried beans.  Pretty simple

    Yes Marie someone being kind is so comforting.

    Please take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    68 degrees and raining cats and dogs, tornado warning south of us but not coming this way. Hard to believe this time last week it was 26 degrees, but that's Louisiana weather for you. 

    Still not sleeping well but hopefully after the holter monitor and sleep study they will figure something out. Lou might wake me up some, but most of the time it's me just waking up and trying to doze back off and finally just getting up. 

    When I helped Lou to the bathroom this morning she didnt complain as much with her toe so hopefully it will be better today. I had to call in a couple of her prescriptions last night and even though I'm authorized to speak for her it being a new year she had to authorize it again. I explained to her what she needed to say and when she got on the phone she stated her maiden name instead of married name and said she was authorized. I didn't have a problem, they went ahead with the update.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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