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Just need to talk to my friends (162)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    It's 2022!  I welcomed in the new year, now I'm going to bed.  Happy  New Year everyone!

    I'll watch the Rose Parade when I get up.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    54F, 12C. Rainy, getting cooler as day progresses.

    Marie I enjoyed your thoughts too.  

    JoC I don’t brown my chops.  Like for the meat to fall apart and sort of mix in with the sauerkraut.  Not doing them in slow cooker today as didn’t think one chop needed to cook that long and didn’t want to get up at midnight and put it on. Going to try it on top of stove which I have not done before.

    Do not like black eyed peas.  The only bean I don’t care for.  

    Ron hope you didn’t have to listen to too much noise last night.  Kind of funny, some point during night I either woke up for an instant and saw fireworks going off or I dreamed it.  Think I dreamed it.  That has never happened before.  Did not hear any noise last night but went to bed early.  

    Oh my Joan, that is a lot of snow.  

    Sandy the shower is a dangerous place.  A lot of bad falls occur in them and sometimes it happens to younger people too.

    Think someone asked me what brand of sauerkraut I buy.  Like Vlasics old fashioned or the ones in plastic bag in refrigerated section.  One Krogers carries a brand Bubbies, refrigerated in glass jar , tastes like kraut you make.  It is fairly pricey though and and a small jar.

    Couldn’t figure out how to use Tripcheck either Lorita.  But if you Google for example Willamette pass Oregon webcam you will see some pictures.  Zetta looks like maybe we need to know what route you take ?

    Take care everyone

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Have it figured out Lorita.

    Go to tripcheck.com.   Go to bottom of page and choose cameras.  Then look under the NW area and choose US26.  Look for Government Camp options.

    Go to Western area and choose ORE 58 for Willamette Pass and US 20 for Santiam Pass.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning and welcome to 2022 front porch where good conversations, cooking, music and dancing, past and present and just about anything you want or need to help pass your day.

    I lucked out last night and fireworks were not as bad but still interfered with what little sleep I get. My sister's dog kept telling me to get up this morning and that didnt help. Son mentioned he would have to bring his two yelping dogs since his family is still in Mexico and I'm not looking forward to that.

    Had a secure message from my PCP nurse telling me if veteran feels like visit to ER is not needed that is his choice but if he has another episode to visit urgent care.  She never answered my question about life alert, but I noticed PCP had not signed off on read, so maybe when she sees my note I'll hear more.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Happy New Year to all.  Quiet last night here, 

    Lorita, this arrangement will take some time to get adjusted to and I'm glad you don't have to get out there lifting those sacks.  I have QVC on and it's just clothes today - there is not one thing I need so not buying.  Oh, they just switched to a new hour and it looks like it's exercise bike time.  Don't need that either - I have a spin bike.

    Having pizza and salad today, no traditional meal - it's my day off.  

    Sandy - maybe time for a shower chair?  Just a thought.  I'm someone whose blood pressure dips when I am standing sometimes.  You can even get one in any drugstore in the aisle where the crutches and canes are.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy New Year to all,

    Seems like a lot of snow in the west...here in the east we are getting rain all day today.  Even though it makes it dreary, better than having to shovel snow!

    Seems like Covid is hitting more and more folks.  My granddaughter, who is pregnant, just tested positive.  She went to hospital yesterday to get the anti-body infusion.  We will keep our fingers crossed for her and the baby.

    Lorita, you should have good luck this year since I read that cornbread is also a "good luck charm" for the new year...because it looks like gold...lol.

    Wish we could wave a magic wand and make all our aches and pains go away.  I am not getting around too good lately due to sciatic nerve acting up.  Went to dr. and was given 5 days of steroids and a muscle relaxer.  Helped some, but still using a cane to make sure I don't fall if/when the pain strikes.  My grandfather always told me "don't get old"...lol...guess this is just one of those things on that list.

    Congratulations on the new calf.  I know you will look after her and mom, just as you always do.  Don't ever stop talking about the ranch, we are here to listen and offer help as we can.  

    Hoping each day of this new year gets better and better for each of you, as you travel roads unanticipated.  May there always be a guiding light to help you find your way.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Morning and Happy 2022!  Going to take some time to get used to writing 2022.

     I slept in this morning - didn't get up until 8 a.m. but I was awake off and on before that.  Even the GPs slept in - and the cats.  Didn't even hear them running and playing as usual.  You'll never guess the first thing I saw when I walked out on the porch.  Looked toward the county line and there was a cow standing in the road!  We haven't had a cow out in a coon's age.  She was looking toward where all the others were - on the other side of the pasture - not moving a bit.  First thought --- call Mike and tell him he has a cow out.  I couldn't do that - I know they're feeding, trying to get things done before the really cold weather gets down here.  So, got the cat food and out to feed Tom and Jerry.  Then, took the Gator down, got around her and brought her to the house - no trouble.  It was Sally and her calf and another little one were across the fence so all of us made it back to the house. She stopped when we got there and ate some pretty, green grass, then went in the pasture with her baby.  Baby was hungry!  So, not a good way to start the new year.  I didn't take time to check the fence but I'll tell him.  Like I said, we haven't had a cow get out since we had new fences built.

     Went out to check on Penny and her baby.  The baby was laying in the manger on the hay, perfectly content.  I'll have to give Penny more water a little later this morning - she had already drunk almost one whole tub (that's a lot of water).  Didn't have anything to cut the twine on a bale of hay so I'll do that, too.  I have the front door open and some of the girls are coming up.  Yearlings going to the creepfeeder.  I do wish that truck would have come on through and filled it (if that's what it was).

     Day, I mentioned the probable need for a shower chair to Sandy, too.  I think she had one at home but probably didn't bring it with her when she moved.  Either that or take bird baths for a while.  Hope you're better this morning, Sandy.

     Iris, you're a better woman than I.  I couldn't make it until MN.  I woke up about 3 and the TV was still on so I must have tried.

     Ron, barking dogs and sleep don't go together, do they?  Mine are as quiet as mice during the night until they hear a coyote or wolf, then everything breaks loose.  Hope you and Lou have a happy day and enjoy your company.  I've never seen New Year's fireworks.  Occasionally on the Fourth we can see a few far east of us.  I didn't even hear wolves last night.

     Sara - thank you.  I tried that on my tablet and, of course, it was still dark out there so I'll try later.  I think that's so interesting that we can look at those places and see the road conditions.  My favorite kind of pea is Crowders - and English.  Years ago there was a restaurant in Tulsa that had the very best black-eyed peas I've ever tasted.  Mine never turn out like that.  So, guess I'll have beans and hope they will sufficeth (Jo).

     We've had an inch of rain last night and it's still raining some.  I have to make sure the water tank in the garden is filled, then take that hose and attach it to the one on the hydrant by the barn and pull the end of it to the barn to fill that other mineral tub.  If there's cows in the barn I can't give her more hay but will have to get that done befote the girls come to the barn.

     Going to watch a little of the Rose Parade, then get the water and hay thing done.  I did see a minute or two of the London parade - it wasn't a parade.  One or two people were in the street singing - sounded like Spanish to me.  Watching local news now.  Glad I made that blueberry muffin mix in a loaf pan last night.  Tasted good with hot tea this morning.

     Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Marie, thanks for telling me about the cornbread - had never heard that - but I'll go with it.  I may have some cornbread and milk - haven't had that in a long time.

     I coiled up the two metal hoses and brought them to the porch this morning and just now brought them into the house.  My snake-hunter cat didn't know what to think - should have seen him creep up, all stretched out looking at them.  I picked him up and got him close to them so now he's okay.  I had to go back to the barn - just had this question sticking in my pea-brain - "did I close the crib door".  So, got coat, hat and boots back on and went out to check.  I had closed it.  Some of the yearlings are in the barn now and it is much colder than it was when I was outside earlier.  most of the girls are still grazing.  Do wish that silly truck had come on it yesterday and filled the creeper.  It may not be able to get under the arch over the gate that leads to that pasture.  I know the liquid feed truck has only about 3" to spare - and that truck yesterday was really wide, too, with that chute sticking out on the side.  They may have to figure another way to fill it.  He did tell me they had bought something to fill the creepers but the tornadoes a couple of weeks ago destroyed them - they were still wherever they had bought them.  I hate that the yearlings don't have feed.

     Thanks, Marie, I will keep writing about what goes on here - still a part of me and always will be.  I'll continue to watch them as I always have - in my mind they're still mine and I want to be sure they're okay.  Billy the Bull is still mine so I'm not out of the cattle business altogether. 

     I'm watching the Fiesta  Bowl now - Notre Dame and Okla. State.  I did watch some of the Rose Parade, mostly on the RFD-Cowboy Channel.  Just too much talking on the other channels - like they're trying to outtalk each other and not a lot of the parade.  Some really pretty floats.  Can't imagine all the work they  must do to make them so pretty.

     Something's going on with my tablet.  I get, almost to the place I'm looking for and it switches back to something else.  Guess, next week I'm going to have to break down and call India and get my new laptop and printer set up and see if they can rectify whatever's wrong with the tablet.  It just takes so darn long and I hate to sit and wait - and I don't want to change what I have.  Question:  a notice keeps popping up that says Update Available for Malwarebytes.  Keeps coming up and asking if I want to install now or close.  I've never downloaded or installed anything so, guess I won't.

     They're now saying we may have 1-2" of snow, mostly north of us - it's just going to be the wind chill that's going to be so bad here.   When I was out earlier, there were three cows in the barn besides Penny and baby.  I gave them some hay, too - guess they had gotten in early to get the best places to lay.  A while ago there were three yearlings standing at the hallway door looking out.  So glad they have the barn to go into. I feel sorry for all the cattle who have to stand out in the cold and bad weather with nothing to shelter them - except maybe a tree or to get on the other side of a pond dump.

     Really bugs me - when OU or OSU plays, basketball or football, it seems to me that the announcers have only bad things to say about Oklahoma teams - maybe I'm prejudiced but it seems that way.

     Watched a little of Yellowstone - my Saturday morning shows weren't on today so missed them.  Sara - in this episode Rip had cooked with fry bread for Beth.  Have you ever made Indian Fry Bread?  We've been places where they had Indian Tacos - using fry bread - really good food.  I've never made it but we always have made fried cornbread.  Just meal (I always used corn meal mix) and hot water.  Mix it together and put a spoonful in your hand and flatten it, then slip it into hot oil or lard and fry it.  It is so good with beans.  I think that was one of Charles' mother's favorite things - that and turkey tails.

     Sara - I'm getting ready to look at those passes.  Tried on the tablet and it wouldn't hold the site long enough.  Zetta, I hope you're inside and staying warm.  I know you want to be home in the worst way but trying to make it in bad weather isn't worth the risk to your life.  If you do go to Arizona with your daughter, what will you do with your car?  Many years ago I used to use studded tires.  Have to be sure to take them off when the weather gets better - sometimes I didn't get it done in time and anyone who might be behind the car could see the sparks on the highway from the studs.  They really do help in ice - not so much in mud.

    All of December had above normal temperatures in Oklahoma and now, on the first day of a new year, we have weather like this.  Really hope this doesn't mean January weather is going to be bad. 

     Guess it's time for some beans and cornbread (thanks, again, Marie for telling me cornbread was good luck).

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Zetta, I just saw the pictures of those three passes.  No way on God's Green Earth would I attempt to drive on any of them.  You stay put until the weather gets better.  I know you keep good watch but they look bad to me.  The snow is beautiful but driving on it and trying to watch other drivers is just not safe.  Makes me cold just to look at the snow.

     Thank you, Sara.  That was fun.  I don't think Oklahoma has anything like that.  Best way to check our road conditions is through Highway Patrol. 

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  What a difference a day makes. Loving the sun right now. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Happy 2022 to everyone!   May this year have "happy" times folded into everything else that seems to percolate.  I was reading in bed and fell asleep just before midnight; barely woke up to some car horns and other noise at 12:00, but fell asleep in the midst of it all.  When I woke up this morning, I still had my reader glasses on.  Not exactly a party girl.

    May those who have LOs positive for COVID have their LOs do well and recover quickly.  Day will have warm showers and no leaks in her house starting the New Year.  What is it you do in your work, Day?  It sounds as though it may have something to do with travel. 

    Lorita, when I was watching some pre-parade interviews on TV early this a.m., one interview was with a woman who was having Norwegian Fjord Horses in the parade.   I had never seen or even heard of Norwegian Fjord Horses before.   She had two of them with her for the interview.  They are smaller scale horses, (not at all miniature); I think they are about 13 to 14 hands tall.  One of their endearing features are their long, long "bangs" that extend from the top of their heads and go down below their eyes; a lot of keepers trim them.  Anyway; the horses are extremely sweet, kind, eager to please  and gentle; they are emotionally people connected; can be very affectionate. One kept snuggling and softly nuzzling the TV person, just so cute.  I  could just see you with such a horse!   Anyway; here is an interview with a woman and her Norwegian Fjord Horse . . . (has had bangs cut.)


    I think the funny looking "Ps" in the medieval recipe may be "th."  Two words I could not make out; douce and serue . . . wonder if douce is something sweet.  Will have to look those words up later.

    By the way, I do not think you are like an "old lady" at all; the new baby needed to be protected from the freezing damp weather.  I truly think of you as a guardian angel for all the animals and Mike is blessed indeed to have you there loving and caring about the herd.  I love dogs best of all and find their eyes beautiful; they really do communicate so much with them and they sure do have feelings and memories.  Buck was a very fine friendly horse and sort of a nursemaid with the herd making sure all was well.  What a lovely experience to have had him in your life.

     Joan; omigosh, those pictures!  The one facing the street made me feel cold just looking at it.  How do you keep the driveway and front walk clear of so much snow load so you can navigate them?   You are so petite, you could get lost in the yard snow and snowbanks without even trying.  Glad you are warm and cozy in your house.  Hate to even ask, but are their hardy souls who deliver groceries in your area?  Considering the toll such snow dynamics can cause for a "mature" person if there is as fall, that would be a very good service.

     Zetta; silly.  No champagne for me; cannot recall last time I had an actual glass of champagne, but if you want to send me some, I love Schramsberg.  Was teasing you that if I could not find a nice big Highway Patrolman to drive you over the pass, I could send a Saint Bernard with a brandy keg around his neck to passenger with you; BUT . . . hm-m-m-m; we DO have very friendly northern neighbors who are used to snow; perhaps a Royal Canadian Mountie??  (They do look great in their uniforms.)   You have been working so hard; you will need a little rest up after you get to home sweet home again.  Soon, soon I hope.

    Marie; thank you very much for the lovely prayer you have sent on our behalf; it is deeply appreciated and it is beautiful.   May I send it on to my adult children and a friend using your first name on it?   You have had quite a time of it and I so hope you are beginning to feel better.

    In that light; I am so sorry for what happened Sandy; I can understand the embarrassment.   It really would be nice to get a shower chair; I have used one when needed and they can be very helpful.  Goes under the label of, "if it isn't one thing it's another."  Terrible when the blood pressure bottoms out.  Wonder if the doctor can give some help with that.  My friend had that happen and it turned out she needed her medication adjusted as it was a side effect.  Others have it happen for other reasons.  Again, I am sorry that happened and that you also now must isolate in your room to stay safe; sure hope you have a TV in your room.

    And Mr. Ron; my goodness; am glad you are having helpful visitors coming in even if one of them brings yelping dogs.  Geeze, may need a doggie tranquilizer - as if.  The nurse from the VA sounded as though she was covering her posterior.  Of course you needed to make a trip to the closest ER when you had that severe spell hit you.  Urgent care is an option, but it is not for emergencies.  If there is a condition that is deemed emergency, Urgent Care will call for ambulance transfer to the nearest ER.  You are a fine fellow, and I so hope you will protect yourself if such an instance arises again.  I can also understand the bits of PTSD you experience with flashbacks secondary to sounds; that is something so many of our vets experience.  I remember a fine surgeon who I was speaking with in a hospital parking lot - a low flying helicopter flew overhead and he actually flinched and looked as though he was readying for something - he told me that such a sound throws him momentarily back into his days with the soldiers being brought in from the battlefield in Viet Nam; he was a first line emergency surgeon.   

    Thanks for the instructions for being able to see the actual mountain passes in Oregon, Sayra.  You are amazing in how you do all of that searching and more.   How has your mother been doing across the holiday season?   Hope things have been quiet on that front.

     Time for me to get going; my cell phone keeps buzzing at me; evidently messages coming in.  I do not use my cell much at all and most often do not have it with me. It is old and has issues - hm-m-m; kind of like me!  Ha! Those things are so darned expensive.

     Off I go into the second half of  January 1.  Lunch!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Work - I work as an agent for a large global hotel chain.  I do everything from make reservations to handling complaints.  

    As you can imagine, the pandemic has caused great change to travel, but what hasn't changed is the majority of the travelers expect things to be just the same as before Covid.  They want daily housekeeping, room service brought into the room and real china and glassware, and some cannot understand why we have stopped those things.  Currently we do room service in disposable packaging left at the door after a knock.  Housekeeping is not always done daily anymore, and when a room is serviced the guest cannot be there in the room, masked or not.  We do not want our staff and our guests to be in the same enclosed space even masked, it's a safety issue.  This is a sore point with the guests, but these things have been recommended for not only guest safety but our employees' safety.  Our housekeeping staff can't work wrapped in plexiglass, so we do the best we can.  I explain, but the response is usually negative.  All we can do is follow the recommendations and existing mandates and hope for the best.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Jo and others,

    You are more than welcome to share the prayer with anyone.

    The world is in such disarray these days, more prayers the better!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Joan, another beautiful picture.  Your countryside is so very pretty clothed in snow.    I hope you're staying inside even if the sun is shining.  You said "what a difference a day makes" - so true here.  It was very warm yesterday and the last time I checked a while ago it was in the 20s. I guess the front that was giving you bad weather has left you and come to visit us for a couple of days.  Looks like they're having storms in Arkansas and even down where Ron is.  Looked out a while ago and saw Daisy standing in the doorway of the barn with her baby, Sweet Pea laying down beside her.  They both have white faces and I thought how sweet that she had her baby in the barn with her.  She does keep her pretty close.

     Jo - those little horses sound delightful.  I couldn't get the link but I'll keep trying.  I still miss Buck - he did love his carrots.  Wish I had started giving him carrots a long time ago.  Our neighbor has a couple of horses - used to have two miniature ones but I'm not sure they're there anymore.  You know I just remembered when I was going over to get mineral tubs a few days ago I met four people riding horses.  Kind of unusual - haven't seen that lately.  When they got to the county line, they turned east instead of toward our house. 

     Just had a nice New Year's e-mail from Leanne.  I know a lot of you remember her.  She's from Montana and had donkeys.  She said she had to let her last one go to sleep.  He was on the north side of 40 and was struggling to get up and down - just exhausted him to try to get up so she had to let him go.  She and Dave are now in the cattle business.  They have two Holsteins who are raising five calves.  I know she enjoys that because she's an animal person, too.  She's working three days a week and being careful.  Both have had their vaccinations and boosters. 

     I caught her up to date with the people on the thread that were here when she was - can't remember how many years ago that was but not recently.  I was trying to remember how long ago it was that she married Dave after losing her  Don.  Five or six years, at least?   She sounds happy and that's wonderful.  She was a great caregiver for Don.

     Did watch all of the Fiesta Bowl.  OSU won but it was nip and tuck for a while.  I think that's all the football I'll watch today. 

     Marie, so hope your granddaughter is well soon and the virus isn't bad for her.  I know that must be a big worry for you.

     Day, I'm watching QVC now - "Cut and Cozy Closet".  I'm like you - I certainly don't need more clothes but sometimes it's hard to resist.  I like Denim & Co. clothes so sometimes just have to have something.    They're showing shoes now.  I have trouble with shoes since I injured my Achilles Tendon - can't wear anything except clogs or slides - something without a back that comes up very far.  But, I can wear boots and for that I'm thankful. 

     This is going to be an adjustment.  I'm used to being sure things are done and I know they have so many cattle to take care, it will be hard.  Right now I'm worrying about the yearlings not having creepfeed.  I had 100 lb. left Thursday and put that in the creeper but that's long gone.  Hate for them to be without.  I want to know who was driving that truck and why they didn't come through and fill it.  Maybe Mike will call later and I can ask him. 

     They're showing a Sherpa top right now - love Sherpa.  Also joggers (it's a set).  I haven't started wearing joggers yet but they are cute.

     I guess it's about time to have something for supper.  Finally turned on the heater and the first time I tried it didn't light.  Oh, no, not that again.  Tried again and it worked.  I think I'm going to get a new stove this summer so I won't have to worry about it not working right.  I can't remember how old this one is but it's old.

     The GPs and cats are all asleep.  I hear a calf bawling so some must have come out of the barn.  I hope  Tom and Jerry can find a warm place for the night.

     Stay warm.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Somehow I got involved in a "The Twilight Zone" marathon on the SyFy channel.  They show them in order of the date originally televised and currently they're in November, 1963.  I've seen all of them but I love watching them again.

    I like the Denim & Co shows too - I really like Carolyn Gracie and Gary hosting.  It's normal clothing, not business-like or super trendy like Susan Graver and Lori Goldstein. 

    Snow just started and the temp has come way down.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Day, we used to always watch The Twilight Zone - such a good show.  We hardly ever get it here though.

     I also like Carolyn and Gary or Garolyn as they say.  Also they're so funny with those squirrels.  I like the older (been there longer) hosts - Carolyn, Jayne Brown, Leah Williams.  Guess the younger ones are all right.

     Lori Goldstein's clothes are pretty but just not for around the area where I live or go.  I've never ordered any of her clothing.  I did order a two piece top of Susan Gravers a few years ago and I've never worn it.  Ordered a pair of her pants once and I returned them - they were too heavy to be comfortable - they were made of her favorite fabric.

     Also Muk Luks - wearing a pair of cabin socks now.  I've ordered those a few times and usually give a couple of pairs to my mailcarrier - she may be getting tired of getting socks but they're nice and warm.

     I've opened the cabinet doors under the sink.  The kitchen is on the north side of the house so surely don't want the pipes to freeze. I don't think the wind's blowing but it's cold - about 37-50 degrees colder than yesterday at this time.  Guess the freeze tonight will get the Japonica blooms (flower quince) and the buds on the maple trees. 

     Ron, hope you're not having bad weather.  I've heard them mention Shreveport a couple of times today.  Just be careful and watch the weather.  Hope you and Lou are doing well this first day of a new year.  Did you have your black-eyed peas?

     Hope I can find a good show to watch tonight - Zetta, watching Gunsmoke now - first time today.

     Hope all of you sleep well tonight and can stay warm.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Sara,  You made me laugh you are so funny. I don't even know how to do what you did to get on TripCheck. My Son put all the passes on my computer. The main one I do go over is Government Camp. Willamette is a bit farther, but I will also go over that one if it's safer. I don't like Santiam, so I will try to avoid that one. 

    Lorita,   You are so right there is no way I will drive in snow like that. I was just kidding when I said I might have to go to Arizona, I have Molly and Sammy with me so I will have a 14 day time frame for a good day. If not, then I am not sure what I will do. The weather is predicting a clearing next week. 

    I have not had a chance to read all todays post so I will get back later, I just wanted to tell Sara she was funny.

    Happy New Year to all my front porch friends, Hugs Zetta

  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    I have tried to post a few times but it disappears and so I'm going to try again and Hope for the best

    Christmas for me was quiet as I expected it would be. Spent Christmas Eve with grandkids and parents for a few hours.  Wasn't going to do that but I'm glad that I did because it added some cheer to my otherwise staying home to hibernate.   Daughter spent Christmas day with me because the grandkids were with their other grandparents on Christmas Day. 

    Had 75° weather today but the best part is we've had drizzly rain for a couple days prior which was badly needed due to very dry conditions in this area of the Blue Ridge that has been under a fire alert due to severely dry conditions.

    We are going from this 75° weather today to snow on Monday so they are forecasting. The weather has been so strange the last few months and not like I've ever seen since we have lived in this area of the country for 12 years.  

    I spend most of my time reading, watching some old black and white movies on our local movie channel, and during the week I do like some of the westerns like Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, and in the evening I watch Adam 12 and Mash.  When my dear husband passed away I decided to get rid of cable TV and just went with an on-air antenna... Which costs nothing other than the electric for the television.  I get about 15 channels and I am finding I like it better than the Cable TV.  Cable TV was going up by $25-$30 per month and I decided that I just did not want to end up paying over $200 per month and that did not include Turner Classics or some of the shows that I now enjoy without cable. I did keep the internet for my desktop computer and cell phone.

    Lorita, I think the decision you made concerning the farm and handing over the care of the animals and some of the land was a good idea on your part because it sounded like it was getting to be quite a handful for you.  I do like the idea of you still keeping an eye on everything and if you think it bothers Mike you could talk to him about it, but I feel that he may welcome the fact that someone's keeping an eye on things especially when he cannot do that all of the time.

    This is all for now and I wish everybody a blessed and healthy New Year. I am looking forward to a better New Year also with no major issues and keeping healthy and not getting the flu or Corona and it's variants. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    I am back again. I have been helping my daughter get the house they are in now ready for realters to rerent it. I have been busy but that is good I need to keep busy. They have been in Arizona for the past week getting that house ready they will be home here tonight. We all have been busy.

    Sandy.   So sorry that you fell, but if you passed out there was not much you can do to stop that. I fell a few years ago and passed out no one knows why. Right now, I am being real careful due to the snow and ice. A shower chair might be a good idea that way you won't have far to fall. I prefer baths. Just as dangerous though I have handlebars to help me not fall.

    Marie.   Your granddaughter is in my prayers, I hope she has a mild case and please take care of yourself use a cane or a walker anything to prevent falling. I have a stick I use sometimes all it is, is a broom handle without the broom but it works. 

    Jo,   I was teasing you about the message you had for Lorita, it was some sort of English words??? And you are right I do need some rest. My daughter wanted me to fly to Arizona to help her set up her new house. I passed on that trip so my SIN got me a round trip flight to Arizona but I told him it needed to be in a few months so he got me a ticket and I will be spending a week in Arizona departing to Arizona March 6th. Hopefully I am rested up by then. My daughter likes my motherly touch. Nothing special she just likes the way I arrange things. 

    Day.   I retired from the hospitality business, I worked for a resort it may have been one you're an agent for. Working with people can be a challenge and I understand why there would be no room service and housekeeping and I am surprised they don't. I am glad I am no longer dealing with those types of things. I worked in auditing, front desk and reservations for 30 years. And I don't miss it.  I also like Twilight Zone, I like the old ones that are in black and white. The ones they have now are way over my head and they are hard for me to follow. 

    Lorita,    I don't consider the way you are is being old you are the way you are because of all the love you have for your girls and all the love they have given you.  You are now a grandma and grandmas spoil their kids. I hope you and your inside babies will sleep in more. You also need to stay busy, so you don't wither away. And keeping busy with the cows is something you love, and I bet Mike loves it also you are a very big help to him. 

    My daughter's plane from Arizona just landed in Portland, Oregon so they should be home here in 2 hours, all her kittys will be so glad to see them. 

    Good Night, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Happy New Year everyone!

    I watched the Rose Parade and the Columbo marathon, also ate black-eyed peas and greens and cornbread.  Yum!  I also wrote my birthdays for the year onto my calendar, so I can be prepared.  It's cold today but dry.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good Sunday morning,

    33F, 1C.  Wintry mix today.  Was a very dark rainy day yesterday.  Thankful that our water table being replenished.

    Marie if you can Google Bob and Brad sciatic pain, you may find something there that will help you.  

    Zetta how long, steep and crooked are the passes?  Here roads in that condition are good for driving.  But we have very few hills of any size.  Looked to me in picture like they might be narrow?  I’m not familiar with passes.  Do they get you from one side of the mountains to the other?

    Joan a beautiful picture.  Wish I didn’t dislike snow, but I do.  To me it is so sloppy and messy.

    Day do you work from home?  How long have you done this?  Guessing most of us who would expect and want things to be different, aren’t traveling near as much as the other thought process.

    Katie glad you got to spend a little time with others. 

    Hope that in 2022 at some point we can visit somewhat more freely.  Trying to patiently hope for that day.  We will just have to see what the Good lord has in store.

    Got all my birthdays transferred over to new calendar too.

    Cooked kraut and chop on stove top on low simmer two hours.  It was just starting to fall apart. Next time will cook a bit longer as I like it to really fall apart.  Had cornbread too.

    Learned something new yesterday.  If you have an apple phone or iPad you can now FaceTime with android or window users. Have to be updated to ISO 15.  An apple user has to initiate it for now.  My sister has an android and my BIL  made me aware I could do it. If anyone wants to do this, let me know if you have trouble and I will try to help.  Quite a few helpful videos with this on net.

    Very dark day yesterday.  

    Think I will have rest of roast beef gravy for lunch.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    -3 here this morning, and we received 4 or 5" of snow yesterday. We have a very good neighbor who does a lot of the neighborhood driveways and we appreciate that. We still need to do our walks and porch. Many churches closed and/or doing virtual only services. That is good; being out in this cold can be dangerous if you slip and slide or have car trouble.

    I made stuffed peppers this week and those were good. Also doctored up a frozen gluten free pizza with Italian sausage, onions, black olives and mushrooms. Leftover chili from the freezer today. Sara, I bought a nice rump roast and cut it in half and froze it. A whole roast is too much for just 2 people. 

    Joan, your photos are stunning! That deep blue sky is so beautiful. Colorado is a beautiful place. Our favorite vacation spots include Estes Park. We go in summer or fall. 

    I wish you all joy and peace and health in the coming year.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     It's stinkin' cold here this morning - about 17 with a little bit of wind and cloudy.  I got out and broke the ice on both water tanks - on the one by the barn where it wasn't sheltered the ice was 2-3" thick - the other one not so thick but it's protected from the wind by the storage building and house.  Broke the ice on the water tubs in Penny's pen and gave her some more hay.  One of the girls was still in the barn so gave her some hay, too.  The others had already left the barn but when they saw me they started to come down.  So, nothing has changed with that - breaking ice, etc.

     Toad just came and fed.  He was here and gone in ten minutes.  He had to come out in the pasture in his truck and honk for the girls to come and eat.  Some were stragglers so probably didn't get much, if any, feed.  I'm afraid this is going to be a problem for me - not doing things like I did.  Guess maybe I babied them some but that's all right.  I always closed the gate to the feeding area, put out the feed and by that time they were all at the gate and I could see all of them and make sure they were okay. This way may work after they get used to morning feedings. 

     Katie, I had a very quiet Christmas, too.  I have had for the past seven years - except the first year after I lost Charles - Scarlet and Logan came for Thanksgiving and Todd and Sarah for Christmas but since then it's just been me and the animals.  I'm used to it so it doesn't bother me - it's just another day in the life.

     Remind me where you live - Indiana?  You mentioned snow so it's probably up north.  Last night our weatherman had a picture he took of some snowflakes on his PU windshield so guess there were some flurries in Tulsa.  Okay, just reread your post and you mentioned the Blue Ridge Mountains so now I know it's Virginia - same State where Sandy lives.  Do you get much snow?

     Zetta, guess your daughter is at home now so you'll have some human company.  I do hope those passes clear out so you can make it home safely.  I noticed one - Wilmetta? that looked like there hadn't been any traffic on it - looks snowpacked for sure.  How many hours will you be on the road on your way home?  I bet you're anxious to get home so  you can relax and rest and see the deer and moose.

     Iris, I try to do the same with birthdays on the calendar (don't have many anymore) but I do like to keep track.  I have my journal I write in every day and a calendar on the end of the kitchen cabinet where I usually write things - when I went to town, etc.  I had beans with carrots and potatoes and cornbread yesterday.  I crumble up the cornbread then put the beans over the top.  So good.

     Sara - hard to believe the weather is so much warmer in Ohio than it is in Oklahoma.  It will begin warming up here tomorrow for a couple of days, then cold again for a couple, etc.  Just so we don't have another two week spell of super cold weather is what we're hoping.    Glad you're getting rain - better than snow so you don't have to shovel.

     Beth, 4-5" of snow - hope it stays north instead of down here.  I think snow's pretty but that's all.  My SIL in the Texas Panhandle said some of the men from her Church always shoveled driveways for the widows, especially.  We've never shoveled snow except to clear off the porch and to be able to get out the gates - same with  raking leaves.  Do wish we could have missed this cold weather - hate to lose the pretty flowers that are still blooming.

    Your pizza sounds good.  I buy frozen ones and doctor them up, too.  I always put just a little bit of Oregano on them and extra cheese.  I used to cook some onions and put on top but no onions right now. I do think I have a few of them frozen but they'll go in soup when I make some more.  I don't there's anything much that smells better than pizza baking.  Makes me hungry to think about it.

     I think the sun's supposed to shine later today - hope that some to fruition.  I don't like cloudy, dark days.  You know I noticed when I was out yesterday that in a couple of places I already have daffodils coming up - as tall as 6".  I'm afraid this will be the end of those unless they come back  or are deep enough in grass to protect them.  I hate to begin saying this already  but - I'm ready for spring.

     Need to stop and finish my hot tea - it's a good thing this morning.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning all.  Cold and clear here this morning. It’s -4 this morning.  Pretty typical for this time of year.  I hope it warms up today so some of the ice cycles fall from the eaves.  I have a few that are getting huge.

    Jo, I pay a neighbor to shovel the front porch and driveway.   He wants to do it free, but this year, I told him I am paying for his help.  He also does my lawn in the summer.  It gives him something to do since he recently retired.  

    We have no grocery delivery here.  We used to have two grocery stores here until last year when Safeway closed.  With only one store in town, they don’t do pickup or delivery. Last year I used that service from a store in the next town. No delivery, but I can drive 15 minutes and pick up.  That works.  I have ice grippers on my boots, so wear them when snow is deep and icy.  Roads and store parking lots are cleared to the pavement, so if I have to go out, I park in a place that is cleared and not icy.  You’re so right, I don’t need a nasty fall.  

    Beth, I agree that Colorado is beautiful.  Like Zetta, we have snow and also passes over the mountains to get to other areas of the State.  They’re all steep, winding roads through the higher mountains.  

    Zetta, I hope you get a bluebird day to travel next month. How fun to have plans in March.  It gives you something to look forward to.

    Day, your job surely sounds interesting.  You get to put out all the fires with impatient customers.  That takes diplomacy and a lot of patience.  

    Sara, looks like you and Lorita are getting some of our weather from earlier last week.  Stay warm and safe.

    Lorita, it’s very nice Leanne checks in with you.  I’m sad she lost her last donkey.  I remember how much she loved them. It sounds like she is happy and content.  I’m happy for her.  

    Hopefully the feed truck will come soon so your calves have their creep feed.  Be careful and don’t fall if it gets icy today.  Maybe I need to send you my chains for your boots.  Lol

    Our town has started a mask mandate again.  Masks required in all indoor facilities.  I went to mass last night and everyone had masks.  I did see one family who didn’t have their masks on,  but looked like everyone else was cooperating.  Hopefully it will help cut down the positive cases here.  We’ve had an increase in positive cases during December.

    I’m praying for all not feeling well.  Have a nice Sunday.  Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Got curious about our Zetta and her trip home . . . I looked up the road conditions for the Mt. HoodUS26 at Government Camp Pass.  It was interesting.  I did not realize the Pass was 97 miles long . . . that is a lot of driving . . . anyway, here is a link that describes current weather conditions and requirements for traversing the Pass:


    More about Mt. Hood including a list of what one should carry in their car when going over the Passes in winter; this is something that so many of us  do not have to worry about :


    I learned new information I did not know before.   Zetta; I feel confident you will not make any dangerous travel and will err on the side of safety.

    You are a very kind and helpful person, you have done so much for your daughter  and SIL time and time again; she is blessed you are her mother.  I think it is now time for them to do special things for you -  Mom is a bit older and drives so far to do so much.  Think it is time to have a, "Let's pamper Mom" take on things.   I vote for that!

    Joan, the photos you sent are beautiful; the latest one is so lovely that it brought to mind the quote, "God's in his heaven; all's right with the world . . ." Do not recall who wrote that, but the photo seems to be fitting.  Just wish the rest of the world was so peaceful. 

     So; no one won that 500 million dollar Powerball, now it goes up again.  We do not buy tickets, but gosh, what one could do with such wealth to protect one's LOs futures and establish help for others in need.  It would be an opportunity to do so much and make a difference for others.   If I did buy a ticket and won such a thing, I would probably drop dead from excitement alone.  Have seen programs about large lottery winners and was shocked at how it actually ruined so many lives.  Really sad.   One elderly couple kept everything quiet and secret and did not change much about their lives except a new modest house.  They kept everything pretty much the same and did not indulge in cars, jewelry, mansions, designer clothes, etc. and they were as happy as could be knowing their old age was covered and their family members would be protected even though they did not tell even their children that they had won the lottery.  That takes control for sure; but they truly were very happy.  I can imagine.

    Chilly morning; I think the thermostat was set too low for night.  Cranked it up and it will soon chase away all the goosebumps and freezing hands and nose.  Here we are, already at the second day of the new year.  Still hoping for a better year this time around.  Wonder what we will be saying at this time next year.  We shall see.

    Got on a hummus kick; individual serving cups from CostCo; everything in it is high quality, organic, and really tasty.  Only thing I wish was that the servings were a little larger; but hummus is high in calories due to the garbanzos and olive oil.  Everything I like is high in calories.  Sure wish I craved carrot sticks and celery, but not much luck on that one.

    Thank you  Marie for permission to send your prayer on to others; I will do so and will also use your name as the "author."   I like the old black and white movies too, Katie; I find them most often on the TCM channel, but lately they have had a lot of poor ones.  I really think the old black and whites were awesome. 

     Gosh Beth, the house must have smell wonderful with the stuffed peppers.  I like to make them in the crockpot.  Just stuff the peppers with the "meatloaf" recipe, put them in the pot on low and eight hours later they are done to perfection.  I do put tomato sauce of one sort or another on top of them; they are really good and so easy.

    Lorita; there will be a lot of new babies coming into the world on the ranch this season what with the new bull and all.  It will be all hands on deck and keep you busy keeping track of all of  them.  It is a different way of being and quite an adjustment; yet, I am glad you do not have to go out in rough weather be it winter, rain storms, and hot, hot summer.  Hopefully it will keep the body from getting hurt.  Guess you will have to find out what they are feeding the animals and getting that truck to use the right entrance onto the ranch.

     Whoops, am being called, later . . .



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    When you travel thru the pass, do you have cell phone service?  I would be concerned driving on questionable roads without it.  Do you and daughter have a "plan B" just in case the roads aren't clear by the time the movers come?  Will keep fingers crossed for the roads to clear enough for you to get home safely.


    Thanks for the info on Bob and Brad.  Looks like lots of good info.  My biggest issue is when I first get out of bed.  Even though I get a good rest, my back seems to tighten up so until I get moving again it is painful.

    I do use a cane for the "just in case" pain strike.  I have to laugh...my dad who has dementia uses a cane...my mother is always complaining that he misplaces it...I have found myself leaving mine behind at various places when don't seem to need it.

    Rained here most of yesterday...gloomy here today but 60 so can't complain too much.

    Working on a new afghan that someone ordered from daughter...a baseball with the NY Yankees logo on it.  Have 2 others waiting...one is for granddaughter's expected baby in the spring...it is a llama, the second is an elephant with a graduation cap and gown for another granddaughter's friend.  So I have my work cut out for me for several months.

    Hope all have an easy, enjoyable day.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Well, messed that up.  Had almost all of my post typed, then decided I'd look at the links Jo posted and hit the wrong button and my post disappeared.

     Joan - hope you do get some warmer weather so those icicles will melt.  We sometimes have really long ones on the south side of the house and I was almost hit by one of them when I walked by.  Be careful.

     I have two or three pairs of those cleat-like things that fit over your shoes or boots and have used them - not lately and hope I don't have to.

     I talked with Mike this afternoon and the truck I saw was their feed truck coming to fill the creepfeeder.  Whoever was driving it realized they couldn't get underneath any of the arches over our pipe gates so they're going to have to figure out something else.  He said he'd bring some feed over for the feeder.  When I called him,  he'd just pulled a little calf that wasn't alive.  Always hate that to happen for anyone and the cow especially.  They grieve over the loss, too.  I think I told you all that years ago on my way to work I passed a pasture where a cow was standing by her little baby who was either born dead or drowned in a little stream of water.  I went by morning and night and that poor cow stood there for two days. Guess the owner realized what had happened and moved it.

     It's always good to hear from Leanne, too.  She does sound happy and content so Dave has been good for her.  I hated to hear about her donkey, too but she didn't want him to suffer and now she has the cows and babies.

     Jo - I'm going to look at those links tomorrow - right now they're dark - if it's live, not sure about that.  We have snowy roads sometimes but nothing like that.  Really hope Zetta is careful if she decides to drive home before it thaws enough.  I think you're right - Zetta needs to be pampered.  She's such a good mother.

     I've never eaten humus - don't think I'd like it because I don't care for chick peas.  Glad you're enjoying yours though.  Maybe someday I'll try some - might be good.

     I was out this morning in 19 degree weather cutting ice on the water tanks.  The only thing I won't be doing is feeding.  The girls are used to eating at a different time so it's going to take a few feedings for them to get used to the new time.  I always liked for them to have a full stomach at night.  They do have to feed early because they have so many pastures where they feed.  I'll try to watch when I know a baby is expected.  Oh, today I was on the porch and  the bull he brought over was passing the yard.  I called out to him and he stopped and just stood there watching me.  Guess Mike or Toad don't talk to them.  I think I'll call him Mikey - Mike was suggested by Toad. 

     Thanks, Judith, for the link.  The heaters look nice.  I have several soft-heat ones that help a lot.  I keep one going in the bathroom and at night one in the LR for the cats.  It has quit working but I have a couple of others not being used.  I've had the water in the kitchen running a small stream last night, today and again tonight.  Frozen pipes are no fun.

     Marie, the afghans you're making and going to make sound so pretty.  I wish I could knit - or do you crochet them?  I never learned how to do either.  Charles' mother did both - she made a beautiful cape for me not long after we were married - I need to find that and wear it.  Also made an afghan for us - we had an older friend, a man, who crocheted and he made one for us - had pretty roses on it.  I doubt I've had the patience to do any of that.  I used to embroider some and did lots of sewing - not lately.

     I'm watching an old episode of the Golden Girls where Dorothy was telling Blanche how your face looks when you're looking down.  She grabbed a mirror and was horrified at how she looked.  Then Dorothy told her she'd look better if she was laying down - but, then everything falls back including your chest which falls back and unfortunately to the side.  Think I got that right.  It's true.  When you're older, everything's displaced.  Guess it doesn't matter though.

     Haven't heard lately from Barbara or Sandra.  Hope both of our cobbers are doing all right.  Barbara, still waiting for that second book.

     I watched Yellowstone tonight - really good.  Starting tomorrow night, they're going to show the whole Fourth Season - I think one episode each night.  I want to watch the one tonight again - it comes on at 11 so I'll go to bed and watch it in the bedroom.

     Tomorrow morning is trash day but it's so cold I don't think I'll take it down.  Last week I missed the pickup by 10 minutes.  Didn't have much and don't have much this time so I'll put it in the back of the PU - it'll be all right there.

     Kitt is laying beside me but started coughing some.  He does that from time to time.  I don't think he has a cold because it's only once or twice a day.  I'll watch and if it gets worse I'll get some medicine for him.  He seems fine now and is back asleep.  He's eating well - dry and wet food.  Also has to have a little spray whipped cream when I eat some.  Now the other cats have learned what it is and they have to have some, too.

     With that, I'll stop and get ready for bed.  Hope all of you sleep well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    22F, -5C.  Maybe a little sunshine today.

    Beth and Joan you are blessed with kind neighbors.

    I have something I wear on bottom of boots when icy.  They are very helpful.  You have to take off as entering building as they then become a risk factor, so sort of a pain too.  Do you guys have something better?

    Snowed most of day yesterday, but very fine so no accumulation.

    Marie sounds like you have things to do to keep you entertained through the winter.

    Guess I will entertain myself cleaning house today.  

    Talked with J yesterday.  She is doing pretty good.  She has her complaints but she is doing so much better there than she was at home.

    Take care everyone

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    The afghans I make are crocheted.

    In my earlier years I did a little knitting, then changed over to doing counted cross stitch embroidery.  I had to stop the cross stitch when my eye sight got so I could not count the little holes in the cloth.

    I am left handed and always wanted to learn crochet since all the other ladies in the family did such pretty things but there was no one to teach me.  When I was about 50 I found a booklet which was for left handed people...thus I started my crochet projects.

    I used to do just a variety of stitches and colors for patterns.  Then my daughter got me to doing "graphgans" to help her out with orders she was getting.  Now that is all I do.  They are time consuming, but I have lots of that...lol.  Really enjoy the end result and so it seems do the people who get them.

    Daughter and I have also done regular afghans for the shelters, small ones for the premi unit at the hospital, easter baskets and Christmas stockings for the women's and children shelter and some other things to donate to others.

    Usually have one project or another in progress.  Keeps me out of trouble!

    Snow over night, but not much.  Where my folks live they are getting more, so hope they take my advise and stay in.  Fortunately they have neighbors who will take care of the shoveling for them.

    Hope today is a good one for all,


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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