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Just need to talk to my friends (162)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     That's a good idea, Marie.  The town closest to us has some sort of mission and I think Patsy took things there.  Also there's a Church where people donate things.  I'm 99% sure they wouldn't come out to get things though.  Guess I could take in a few things at a time.  I have some clothes in the storage building that were mothers and daddy's and of course, Charles and mine - different sizes.  It would be a horrible job to get all of that done but the need is there.

     Iris, I remember when the forum changed over but didn't recall the different titles for things.  I think Judith and I joined about the same time - in 2008 so we've been here a long time and I know others have, too.   I agree with you about how informative this forum is.  I couldn't have made it without the help I got here.

     Beth, 12 degrees - too cold.  I think we'll be in that range Sunday morning.  I dread it.  Just hope we don't snow and it doesn't last too long.  I saw pictures of the snow out west today and it looked scary to me.  I don't like to be snowed in.

     I'm getting ready to watch the Alamo Bowl - OU is playing Oregon.  Hope it's a good game - I think OU is picked to win by a TD.

     It has been a tough day and I did have that nice cup of tea and it helped.  I should do that more often.  I felt better after I drove up in the pasture to see the girls.  I'm going to continue to think of them as mine and just hope too many of them don't have to leave.  They're one big, happy family and it would be hard on them, too.

     Jo, I'm listening to you and Judith.  Today I've been reading my journal from 2016 when I had EBV and CMV - symptoms seem to be the same.  If the virus wasn't so rampant right now I would go in to get the labwork - maybe it'll level off in a week or so and I can do this.  I also think one main thing that's bothering me is my costochondritis.  I appreciate the concern of both of you and I do take it to heart.  I'll be fine - if not, I'll be with Charles (not ready yet though).

     And, I also think you should report the fake cards.  You might lose a friend but you also might save lives by reporting it.  I know how hard it must be to think about betraying your friend but...  I think you'll feel better if you do report it.

     Ron, glad you contacted your doctor.  Hope you get some help.  If you might be thinking about some sort of alert system - I have Medical Guardian - it works anywhere you might be and also detects a fall.  I know that works because I have slid down in the snow and mud and I got a response.  I do test it from time to time.  However, you have to wear it to get the advantage of it and I'm very negligent about doing that.  I should do better.  Never know when a cow might push me down or the Gator might turn over (saw that on the news not long ago) - anything could happen.  Maybe that should be my New Year's resolution - to wear the Medical Guardian at all times, especially when I'm outside.

     Marie - there seems to be a different driver every time UPS or FedEx comes.  Normally Stormy will alert me when a car drives up but yesterday he didn't - must have been in the bedroom asleep.  If I know they're outside I go to the door and if they act like they're not bringing it ot the porch, I tell them to.  The usual drivers bring the boxes in all the time.  Another thing - I have a Beware of Dog sign by the gate and they may be hesitant to come in if they don't know Sheena and Stormy - but, I keep them inside if I know there's going to be a delivery.  Maybe I'll move that sign or put another sign by the gate to bring them to the porch.   I did open the boxes and brought in the contents on a dolly but I had to pull it up on the porch.  And, this afternoon I had to lift and hold a gas can to put gas in the Gator.  Tonight I'm paying for both of those things - but, it will get better. 

     Football game's on so I'll stop for tonight.  Hope all of you who are having trouble sleeping, sleep well tonight.  Hopefully I will, too.  Oh, I did get a short nap this afternoon while Rawhide was on.

     Been wondering today what my purpose is now that I only own one bovine - guess it's taking care of the GPs, cats and making sure the girls are okay (as I've always done).  It will be okay.  Life will go on as usual except I just won't be lifting the feed sacks.  I will keep check on them and make sure everyone is here and okay.  Maybe he'll agree to let me bring the new babies in to get stronger before they're out in the pasture.  That would be nice.   We'll see.

     Sleep well.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Years ago I called the police to report a crime.  They asked me, had I witnessed the event myself?  I said I had not.  They told me I could only report what I had seen myself.  The other person did not want to report.  So that was that.  It sounds like hearsay evidence.  Your friend told you what her daughter is doing.  You did not witness this yourself.  Who would you report to?  The police are not able to handle smash and grab robberies and carjackings and watch snatchings.  


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Isn't it just the most mind boggling thing to imagine anyone making fake vaccination cards; it is so far beyond being ethical, leading to the possibility for disease and even death of others; that is so far out of bounds there are no excuses whatsoever.

    Basically, the report of fake cards is indeed followed up when reported and it is not a report to the police; it is reported otherwise.  One not need to witness the fake card sales to have it looked into.

    One issue is that I have no knowledge of my friends daughters married name or address; (she is divorced), nor do I know her friends name who was also involved.  

    Truly, it is a dreadful situation.  Sadly, it is not the only instance; so many have been doing this nation wide.  I understand that one can even send away for "kits" to make such cards if one knows where to look for them on the electronic trail.   I think that legal punishment is appropriate considering the risk and so wish there was a better way to make cards impossible to fake as they do with driver's licenses, etc.; but the virus happened so fast and happened over the entire nation and world.   Our state has an online COVID vaccination registry of individuals; easy to check by oversight entities and citizens can look for their own history online.  Health departments, etc. can access this quite easily.  There is no national registry as would be for Passports.

    Long ago, in our grandparents day, when there was an outbreak of severe disease, most people followed directions for safety and isolation to the letter.  But as it was, public health nurses followed up with home checks to ensure all was being done appropriately, AND printed signs were mandatory to put on the door to the house to inform/warn people of the infection inside whether TB or measles, influenza, etc.  Far cry from where things are now in our time.  Spanish influenza was a horrible disease; so many deaths and so many of them babies and children.

    Ron; I am really glad you are going to look into the medical situation.  If you do speak to the doctor about a heart monitor; do ask him/her about the small one that reads for two weeks; it is so tiny and as said before; no wires and no boxes, it is read electronically.  It beats the overnight Holter monitor which may not catch any arrhythmia as such incidents do not always happen every day.   It is wonderful that the VA may pay for an emergency call device; just be sure that the device is one that will detect falls as well as having a call button.  This would be important in your living situation with Lou.  Not all call devices have fall monitoring.

    Ms. Lorita; I can well understand your sadness and mixed feelings about the herd situation with Mike.   It is a situation of the heart and much love.  It is good to know that you will still have access to the herd and the individuals in it.   Mike seems a generous man, so I would imagine he will not fuss about your being out amongst the cattle; sans closeness to the new bull of course.  EEEK!  I send a soft hug your way; you are a loving and awesome person in so many ways.

    Zetta, I do watch to see if there is any snow/freeze news from up your way, but do not often see it on our news weather reports way down here.  Have been hoping and wishing for you to get some decent weather to traverse the passes to get on home.   I want to hire you a big, burly Highway Patrolman to drive you over the passes, but do not know where they store such guys for purchase or rental - Ha!

    Iris, I remember when this Board initially had the online Care Consultants; it was an amazing service with SO much good; but the association is not staffed for that any longer and they need the social worker consultants for the myriad of calls they receive.  I have been a Member since I think, 2006.  Gosh; it seems not to have been so many years, but it indeed has been. 

    The rain is falling with small breaks; not hard, but pretty steady.  Sure hope there are no mud slides for the people in the risk areas.  Gosh Beth; 12 degrees; brr-r-r-r.  And here I am complaining when it gets down in the 40's at night.  Shame on me.

    Sayra; your left over beef and gravy sure did sound delicious.  A treat for the tummy.  I have indulged in the Biscone from CostCo inhouse bakery this last week.   Small bits of yum; about the size of a large biscuit.  Slightly orange flavored with cranberries and dusted with large crystal sugar.  They are very nice; a cross between a biscuit and scone; more scone in texture.  SO good.  My friend is addicted to them she said, but they are only available a few months out of the year. Friend buys them and freezes them so she has some for the months ahead, I just wait for each year to come so I can be naughty again.

    Judith, thanks for letting us know the pics from the museum ball have not yet become available; I am looking forward to seeing them.  What a gala event it must have been. And your top fit!   Little things sure do mean a lot.

    Going to shuffle off to brush my teeth and get ready to do some reading in bed; it is just about 9:30 pm here, I can get a few chapters in and it will make my eyes sleepy too.

    Nite, nite everyone; and may all be cozy and have nice warm feet abed in the cold of winter,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    36F, 2C.

    Beth hope if you are having to shovel that it is a light dry snow.  Heavy wet snow is the worst.

    My hamburger is not as lean as I buy.  It is tasty though.

    JoC a difficult situation.  Since you don’t know their names would be difficult to report I think. Dishonesty often does not pay off in the end.

    I would like that bus one.  Anything with cranberry and orange is tasty.

    Glad you are looking into things Ron.  A medical alert system would probably be a good thing for you to have.

    Think I may make a call today to get my AC replaced.  It has worked faithfully for the three years I have been here but know from a trusted retired hvac man it is on it’s last leg.  My sister’s quit last fall.  They are getting their furnace and AC replaced.  They used my guy and it’s scheduled to be done in February.  So I’m going to go ahead and get on list.  I’m very spoiled and do not want my AC to go down.  Also important for my basement as helps keep humidity down in  summer.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry about yesterday.  It's a hard time.  They'll always be yours in your heart and you know they'll be well taken care of.

    I went down a rabbit hole one night on YouTube and found a few people who post who treat cows' hooves.  I had NO idea what all can happen with a hoof - rocks, infections, all sorts of things - and it's so interesting.  One channel I like is Nate the Hoof Guy.

    Lorita, they had the Honeybells on QVC yesterday and I thought of you.  Didn't order any - I'm on a medication where I can't have grapefruit and those are a cross between a tangerine and grapefruit so I guess they're out.  They looked wonderful and I miss grapefruit so much, I used to love it.

    My water heater started leaking yesterday and I'm spending my day off waiting for a new one today so no plans.  Can't even take a nap for fear I might sleep too deeply and not hear the phone saying they're coming.  And no hot water, of course!

    Edit - oh my gosh, they're here!  Unbelievable.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Wonder what's going on this morning.  I had a couple of paragraphs typed and the whole thing, website, etc. disappeared.  I'll try again.

     Dayn2nite2 - you're so right - their hooves are just like our feet - need trimmed and looked after.  A few months ago we had a cow who was having trouble walking like she should.  They have two toenails (I'll call them that) and one had grown kind of over the other one.  We got her in the chute and M. was able, somehow, to get them trimmed without tranquilizing her - quite a hard job.  Same with horses's hooves - Buck had to have his trimmed, too.  He had to have a mild tranquilizer the first time.

     I've ordered honeybells for myself, D and Patsy.  They really liked them.  The last ones I ordered were not quite as good so probably won't be ordering them anymore.  When I did have them I ate them as fruit, not juice.  Too expensive, I think, to just have their juice.  I think I've had them two or three times and always lost a couple - guess I just forgot about them because they were in the crisper.  They used to have Royal Riviera pears - I loved those and also ordered them for Patsy and Jack.  They weren't on last year so ordered from Harry & David.  Probably won't this year but they were delicious.

     AC units and hot water tanks - seems like when you own a house there's always something that has to be repaired or replaced.  I'm still waiting for a couple of things - just can't seem to get someone to break loose.  I think people have had to wait so long that when they do get a repairman or contractor they keep finding things to get fixed.

     Sara, probably a good idea to get your request in early so the AC unit will be repaired or replaced by hot weather.  This morning I heard it might be near zero (WC) Sunday morning - at least I think it was wind chill.  Glad the barn's closed so the girls can get inside.  I feel sorry for other people's girls having to stay out in the weather.

     It was, and is, so foggy this morning.  Visibility is under 1/4 mile.  Really bad when I got up, then sort of lifted and then back down.  It's after 10:30 and still can't see a quarter mile.  I left mail on the front porch last night and it was wet this morning.

     Jo - I think if our President at the time the pandemic began would have been more responsive and open to vaccinations people might have reacted differently.  Somehow they think they might seem weak if they get vaccinated.  What a crazy thing to believe.  But there will always be people who rebel against anything.  Do wish you knew more about the fake vaccination cards so you could report it.  I just do not understand people.

     I think I'm all right with things being like it is now.  Most of the girls will still be here and I'll continue to keep an eye on them and make sure things are all right.  I will still think of them as mine and I told him so and he was all right with it.  I would not have felt comfortable doing this with anyone else.  Both he and his hired hand are good and honest men.  I have 100 lb. of feed left and I'll give the girls that this afternoon.  Toad will begin feeding them in the morning.  Will be a change for them because we've always fed in the late afternoon but they'll get used to it quickly.  I did tell him how I call them - I honk three times, pause and three more times.  I think everyone has their way of calling them.

     Couldn't see any except a couple before I got up but now I see they're beginning to come up.  Did see Billy the Bull in the lot and talked to him a little bit. Glad he'll still be here.  Sheena and Stormy stayed out last night and they were damp when they came in - they're asleep now.

    I was dreaming of mother and daddy when I woke up this morning - good dreams - wish I could remember what they were.  I do remember either UPS or FedEx had delivered a box and some sort of big metal container - left them just inside the yard.  Now, this is weird - seems I had ordered ribs and I opened the top of the metal thing and they were laying inside, not wrapped. Didn't look like ribs so I touched the to see if they were cold.  I had no idea how long they'd been there so was going to call to find out.  Talk about weird - it's been 30 or 40 years since we ordered meat of any kind.  Sometimes I wonder why we dream such odd things.

     Need to warm my tea so I'll stop for now.  One more day of 2021 left.  Really hope 2022 is a better year for all of us.  I do remember 2000 and how worried everyone was that all of our power would go off.  Karen and her husband bought some kind of lantern or light to use - didn't have to use it.  She said they never did find that lantern after the first of the year.  That was 22 years ago - goodness, how time flies.

     Enjoy your day.  I'll be back later.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    They have left after installing the hot water heater.  It’s a larger one and I have hot water again and no puddle in the laundry room.  Two weeks ago it was the garbage disposal. 

    The best part about the hoof videos is Nate seems very kind and when the cow is out of the chute you can tell they’re afraid to step on that foot at first, but after the first step they’re generally not in so much pain as before and can walk normally.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Today; the day before the big, "eve."  Then onto another year with all the new days open for whatever is to be.   Whatever will be, the Front Porch will be here for sharing and just gabbing for whatever we wish and for listening, sharing and supporting on a personal  basis what comes to pass for each of us outside of the caregiving realm.   It truly has been a gift from Lorita who started, grew and maintains the Front Porch.   Thank you very much, Lorita; it is greatly appreciated. Have met the nicest people here on the porch and received the dearest heartfelt support when my son was critically ill and when I had the inpatient procedure done this last year. It meant so much.  Once again, thank you everyone.

    Lorita, I so remember your horse, Buck.   Gosh; that was a long time ago, he sounded like such a good fellow.  You have had many beloved animals and cared for them lovingly and  I am sure, will continue to do so no matter what the circumstances.  Billy the bull is very lucky he was born on your ranch; in most instances, his outcome would not have been so good due to his disability, but he has you as his guardian angel and his life is as good as can possibly be because of you.

    I do feel terrible about the selling of fake vaccination cards.  It did not occur to me until later that I did not know the actual last name of my friend's daughter; she has been divorced for a long time and I never knew her married name. I know the city but not the actual address which would not have mattered if I had the name.  Whatever happens, I am so hoping that this intentional, significant potentially harmful act does not cause harm to anyone; but that is a very skinny hope considering the circumstances.   Iris; my husband is retired law enforcement; detective, and two sons are in law enforcement in large California cities, so I/we are very in tune with what can be and not be done.  The fake card issue can be reported anywhere, but it is usually not the police department that handles it; the health department and other entities are often involved in the followup.   I simply cannot imagine ever doing such an egregious act that can easily harm others going into large numbers as the infection spreads.  As a person whose career was in medicine, I am sure you also must feel the same about such dread behaviors.  We were in our careers for the good of others and these acts are in such blatant and willful opposition to that, it is mind boggling.

    When the perpetrator of the bad act does return to her home from her trip to the out of state mega concert, she will have flown on two planes, attended a huge blow out concert sans masks and will have traversed two different airports.  Her badly injured mother has a two story home with all bathrooms upstairs and being unable to walk from her injuries, is staying at the daughter's house as it is a one story, and her father is there helping the mother.  There is a definite risk the daughter may well be carrying the virus and pass it along to her parents who are of older age and both have co-morbidities.  My friend is a brilliant person and used to being very independent. This is tremendously difficult for her; feeling dependent on others is not something she has ever had to do, but here it is anyway and she never thought her daughter would ever do something like she has done.   That unforeseen accident is one more example of the dynamic of, "when we least expect it, anything can happen."  So glad we did our DPOAs, Trust and Wills.  One never knows; we put our legal matters off far too long,  glad we finally woke up and made it happen.   

     I checked into stairlift chairs for my friend.  One can rent them, but the average cost to rent is about $1,895 for installation, three months rent and removal.  Every month rental cost after the three months is about, $185/month.  The cost of  purchasing a stairlift IF the stairwell is straight up with no turns is about $4,500 complete with installation included.  If the stairwell has any turns, then the lift must be custom made and the cost goes up.  Sometimes, the VA has put in stairlifts for their patients, but not always; cannot figure out why some VA facilities approve of items that other VA facilitie do not.   I would think it would be uniform throughout the system, but it does not happen that way.

    Seems that your beware of the dog sign is why the delivery services are not coming beyond your gate, Lorita.  And if seeing the huge dogs who are barking would also be a hindrance; there are actual policies that cover such instances for the UPS and FedEx delivery persons.   As discussed before, there is even an actual policy to cover not opening closed gates; I have run into that when the gate to our front courtyard is closed, they will not enter due to policy for which they must adhere to, but once in awhile, the delivery person will open the gate and go up the walk to the front porch.   We get so much delivered, we mostly leave the gate a bit ajar.  We have the RING doorbell with camera, so we always know when someone is coming up our walk.  Good idea to put out a different sign; that may solve the problem you have been having off and on with the deliveries.

    Great idea to have that AC taken care of asap Sayra.   Cannot imagine summer without one and it always comes to mind as our unit is older but still working.  We have it automatically serviced every April to try and keep it in as good a shape as possible.  It is usually also a little less costly to purchase such items or get a new roof "off season."  When it is in the full throes of the season of need, the prices usually go up and the wait can be long.  Day; sorry about the water heater . . . . when one has a house it is always something it seems.  I remember when our water heater went out a few years ago, it was SO costly to have it replaced, but I kept getting bids by phone.  Finally found a much better price for a good water heater and installation.  It was two older gentlemen who had their own business and they were excellent in their service and much more reasonable. 

    Lorita, I think you are correct in the thought that if the nation's leader had been much more positively proactive, science based and supportive when the COVID issue began, there may well have been more compliance and less outside of reality behaviors.   This is something that even the experts on infectious diseases have discussed.  It somehow fostered turning into something else altogether rather than everyone being part of the solution rather than being part of the problem.   So hoping this will come to an end soon.  If only I could find that elusive magic wand . . .

    Hope everything is going okay with you and Lou, Ron; I see that Louisiana has its very first float in the Rose Parade on Saturday morning.   The news showed the Lousiana float in progress with the flowers being applied, and there was a cafe wagon selling beignets nearby.  Now if we could only get some good jambalaya; I have never had any, but it does look so very delicious. 

    Off I go, into the cold, rainy day . . . actually I am staying inside; but it is still chilly and very wet outside through today and tomorrow.  Lots of evacuations of people from the summer's burn areas happening.  Sure hope everyone and their homes will be okay.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Day, glad you have your new water heater installed and you have hot water!  We don't know how we miss and take for granted something until we don't have it.  We had to replace ours a few years ago - luckily, our neighbor who can do everything was doing some work for us and installed it after I went into town and got a new one.  That's probably part of the problem in the utility room.  Enjoy that hot shower.

     Jo -  you say the nicest things.  I have much empathy or sympathy, whichever it is, for any animal.  They have a life just as we do and they also feel pain as we do.  I guess I got a lot of that from daddy and also Charles.  Charles' mother said he dragged home every stray he could find when he was growing up.  When it was time for fresh beef, daddy always put off putting a calf up to fatten as long as he could.  He was not much of a meat eater either and had so much compassion for animals so I come by it legitimately.

     We have a new boy on the farm.  Was watching TV this morning and heard this awful noise.  Went out on the porch and saw a big cattle trailer going around the back side of the barn.  Then, saw this big, Angus bull standing in the pasture.  Mike had said they were going to bring in another bull.  Little Bit is not big and some of our cows are really tall Brangus so he needed a bigger boy.  You should have seen all the girls gathering around him - checking him out, I guess.  Toad came back to the fence and talked a bit.  He said the bull is pretty docile (wish I had asked him if he would bother me if I was out among them).  Mike has said they don't keep mean bulls but I'll be careful.  I had planned to give them the other 100 lbs.of feed today but I think I'll put it in the creeper when they go off to graze.  Toad or Mike will feed them in the morning and I want to go out and see how they do it and, again, mention the one or two cows who are limping some and one of the yearlings has been standing in the pond so they might need to check him.

     I'm sure they feed like Ladd Drummond does - I know they have feeders on the back of their flatbeds.  I did it the old-fashioned way, by hand out of sacks.  The guy who mows for me said I should get a flatbed and feeder but that was just a few months ago - maybe would have been all right a few years ago.  Just now went out on the porch to check and everyone has calmed down and are resting.   I asked Toad what his name was and he didn't have a name, just a tag number - did say I should call him Mike.  I'll think of a good one.  He looks bigger than the other three who have been here.  They have a way of looking at you - like they're looking right through you. 

     Our past president and our governor seem to be two of a kind as far as vaccines go.  They got theirs but aren't really pro-vaccine.  Amazing what a difference a few good words would have made and might still. 

     I think I'll make a blueberry bread/cake loaf.  Found a box of mix in the refrigerator.  Had the last piece of Wacky cake with peaches last night.  I froze a couple of little loaf pans of apple crisp but for the life of me can't find them - probably behind or under something. 

     Thank you, Jo, for remembering Buck.  He had a good life here and is still missed.  I remember a day or so after he passed away I was driving in the pasture and had this vision of him running across the pasture with his mane and tail flying in the wind.  I truly believe I saw that.  He was so protective of the girls - I've seen him run dogs away when they got too close and he somehow knew when it was time to change pastures and made them do so.  As for Billy the Bull - he is a gentle boy and I'm so glad I was able to keep him and that Mike will feed and care for him.  This is his home, just as it's mine, and he'll stay here as long as I do.  I'm a bit concerned for one of our older cows, Gray Lady.  She had a calf in 2019 - I think she had her first baby in 2012.  I hope she doesn't get moved to another pasture with cows of the same age.  He says he does that and feeds them extra.  If they're older, their teeth aren't good and they move and eat slower so don't get as much feed as the younger ones.  I know with Rose Bud and Sweet Pea, I'd put out feed in the feeders but keep some back for them when they came through the gate after the others had gone to eat.  I still miss those girls but there's little Sweet Pea, granddaughter, and Daisy, daughter of Sweet Pea in the pasture - the only two with white faces. 

     Jo - I've enjoyed meeting all the people who have posted on our thread through the years - so many have come and gone.  I've learned so much and still continue to learn new things from everyone.  It's a real please to keep the thread going - it's really my link with the outside world.    Speaking of world - Barbara, how are you doing - hope things are all right "down under".  Maybe you can post and let us know how you are.

     Is everyone going to a big New Year's Eve party?  Afraid I'll not even stay up until MN - our weather is supposed to be really bad this weekend.  Mike said they were getting so many dogs in to board over the weekend - probably from people who hare having parties and don't want the dogs around. 

     Had some steamed cauliflower and carrots for lunch - dipped (a little bit) in homemade Ranch Dressing - really good.  Charles and I had steamed vegetables for supper many times - good and good for you.

     Jo, don't worry about reporting the fake vaccination cards - you don't have all the information so it would be hard to track her down.  I'm sure she's not the only one doing this either.  Sad world we live in, sometimes.  The all-mighty dollar!

     I'll stop now and watch another episode of Rawhide.  Clint Eastwood was so good looking back then - mid 60s.  Oh, for those of you who are interested - they're showing every episode of Yellowstone leading up to the season finale - think it began about 11 this morning.  I've seen them so won't be watching until Sunday night.  Judith, they aren't quite as good as when it first began but I imagine it's hard to come up with new story lines after a few years.  Rip is still good looking though, isn't he?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    I don't have black eyed peas for New Years.  Do you think brown beans will sufficeth?
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    I'm still at my daughter's house in Longview Washington and we are getting snow. I'm pretty well snowed in. They are in Arizona making all the arrangements they need to make the move. The house they will be renting is big, so they had to go get furniture. They will be home here on Saturday and the movers will be here on the 11th and they plan the drive to Arizona on the 12th, so I need to be able to go to my home by then. 

    Jo,   The passes are pretty bad right now with the snow. There are 3 passes I only need to go over one of them I live in central Oregon, so all the passes go that way. I am keeping a eye on the pass cameras and I will go over the safest one. I am keeping my fingers crossed one will be safe. I have made the drive in the snow many times, but I think the older I get the more cautious and I becoming.  I will keep my eyes open for a big tuff burley policeman to guide me over. I will let you know of I find one. 

    Iris.  I hope you're getting some much needed rest. I am sure your car is always clean as for me mine always needs Molly's hair vacuumed out, she goes everywhere with me. 

    Ron.  I hope you're feeling better also hoping you have a plan just in case you have to go to ER hopefully someone can come stay with Lou. That must be a big worry for you. 

    Sara.  I have been thinking about your Roast Beef so as soon as I get home, I will get me one and let it cook overnight. What other things do you cook overnight?  Like for 8 hours. 

    Lorita,   I am glad you're finally going to get some much-needed rest. Now you are a grandma, and grandmas get to spoil the babies. I am sure Mike will appreciate all the help you will be for him with the girls. You can still go out and visit with them and just sit and relax. You love the girls, and they love you and that won't change. I think Mike will let you do whatever you want he sounds like a real nice and loving person, and he know how you feel about the girls. It's cute the way you call for them, just listen and I bet you will hear the 3 honks. You will have tears and I think they will be tears of stress leaving your body. 

    You will still be in the cattle business but on a bigger scale. I do hope the cows that join up with yours will be nice to you. I bet when you go over to visit with them the only ones that will come over will be yours. I am glad that Darwin, is contacting you, you both need that connection. 

    I also write down notes when I get behind on my postings, I don't like getting behind but sometimes that happens. I am still helping my daughter and SIL get ready for this big move. They have been gone for 3 days and will be back in 3 more days, so I have been cleaning this house up to help them with the move. I will be do glad to get home. By the time I get home it will be close to 2 months since I have been home. Molly will also be glad and poor Sammy will miss all the fun he has been having with my daughters 3 cats. Me I need a rest and my recliner will take care of that. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I had my cardiac MRI this afternoon; I don't know when I'll get the result.  I finished at 4:30 pm but the sky was dark; it seems darker when it's rainy.  I stopped to pick up pizza and ice cream, some yummies to end the year with. 

    I used to have bad post-Christmas letdown because my expectations were so high.  Now I have a different focus for Christmas and this Christmas I did not have a letdown.  I'm glad about this.

    Zetta, I saw massive snow drifts in Oregon.  Perhaps the weather will warm up and the snow will melt.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lady Lorita:  Forsooth!  Yon brown benes should indeed sufficeth! 

    Milady; hie thee to thy fire pot using cook's receipt from the 1400's (really):



    "Benes yfryed. Take benes and seeþ hem almost til þey bersten. Take and wryng out þe water clene. Do þerto oynouns ysode and ymynced, and garlec þerwith; frye hem in oile oþer in grece, & do þereto powdour douce, & serue it forth."


     Mayhaps a bit of grog may illuminate ye olde receipt until it no longer matters.

      Ye olde J.

      P.S.  (That's what you get for using a word like sufficeth. Ha!)

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    43F, 6C.

    Day glad you were able to get your hot water heater fixed in a timely manner.

    Hope I’m blessed to be sleeping peacefully at midnight.  Had kind of forgot about it being New Years.  Laid out a pork chop.  Think I will have pork and sauerkraut tomorrow. 

     Zetta that is something I cooked quite a bit when I worked.  Worked 6a-6p.  Would put pork chop and kraut in crock pot before I left for work.  Would fix mashed potatoes when I got home.  Think that and roast was only things I did like that.  Hope to make beef stew today.

    Pizza and ice cream sound good Iris.  Nice treat 

    Take care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear friends of the front porch,

    As the new year approaches, I look back on the past year.  The thing I am most grateful for is having found you and having a rocking chair to sit, talk (not so much) and listen to how everyone's day has been.

    2021 has been filled with challenges...some of which we could over come, and some of which we had to work around or endure.

    It is customary to make new year's resolutions, but I am not very good at keeping them.

    My prayer for each of us is:

    Dear lord, please watch over us and our loved ones (including the 4 legged family members), and keep us safe.  Grant us the ability to see the possibilities of each new day and work thru the challenges that come with life.  Please guide us when at a crossroad where hard decisions need to be made.  Thank you for each day we have together, and make us strong enough to get through difficult times.  Know that we are grateful for each blessing you bestow upon us.  Amen.

    Wishing each of you every good thing for the new year.

    Hugs,  Marie

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Okay, Jo,  I deserved that.  Is that old English?  I use that word from time to time.  When I first started working at the VA, early 60s, I worked for the Chief of Medicine and EENT Specialist.  The Chief, Dr. Hanlon (sweet man) always used that word in his discharge summaries so that's where I got it.  That stuff is hard to read - not sure about the recipe - think I caught something about bones?

     We have a new baby!  Well, Mike has a new baby.  When I first get up I go out on the front porch and look for the girls. Saw one south of the house with a new baby so got in the Gator and went up.  It was Penny with a beautiful, black baby - she'd only had it an hour or so but she had it nice and dry.  So, closed and opened gates and got them down to the barn.

     Shortly after I got her up, Toad came to feed.  Had a hard time getting the girls down to eat - they're used to eating late in the day but got them down.  Sally and another one were the last but I got them through - hope they got something.  Penny has really big teats so had Toad look to see if he thought baby could nurse.  He said baby should be able to because they're pointed and smaller at the tip.  He said to keep her up today and then let her out - I can't let that baby out with temps supposed to be below zero Sunday morning.  I can see this is going to be hard to let go.  I think I'll put her in the pen inside the barn late today and give her water and hay and keep them inside. 

     It's warm this morning, partly cloudy.  Supposed to be about 70 today.  Sara, Charles liked pork chops and sauerkraut together.  So, he cooked that once in a while.  I used to like pork chops and kraut - not together.

     The grass is green and some of the Maples are budding but this cold weather will get rid of that in a hurry.  Hate that.  My flowering quince and winter jasmine are blooming and Carol mentioned several of her flowers are blooming - even a neighbor's lavender azalea.  The weather just said there may be freezing rain north of Tulsa with rain down here.

     Zetta, hard to believe you've been in Washington almost two months.  How fast time does go.  How do you manage to see the weather in the passes?  I think a long time ago you told us and I was able to see one or two.  Would be interesting to watch - I've seen some on TV and it looks like it would be awful driving.

     Yes, I'm going to be a reluctant grandma - but it was time.  If I can just manage to turn loose and not interfere with the way they do things.  I'm used to keeping new babies and moms up for a couple of weeks and I know they don't do that.  I am going to put the new baby and mom in the pen inside the barn and give them water and hay until the really cold weather ends (just a couple of days).

     I soaked the beans overnight in the refrigerator so guess I'll cook them in the slow cooker.  I found a recipe last night I've used before for light cornbread baked in a loaf.  It's really good so may make that. 

     This seems like Saturday to me - I've had my days mixed up since Christmas.  I'm not going to stay awake (on purpose) until MN.  I haven't done that in years.  Can't believe with the virus being so bad, they're still going to have the ball drop in NYC even with masks and vaccinations and only 15,000 people.  I surely wouldn't go.

      Hope the weather is nice where you are.  Joan, the first around Boulder are terrible.  I think I heard downed power lines caused them and 100 mph winds.  Mother Nature is not happy. 

     It's kind of funny - when I go out on the porch or in the yard to see the girls, Stormy goes with me and is very intent on watching them.  He come up to and above my shoulder when he stands up. 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Yay for new baby!  I think Mike will appreciate someone who's observing all day and can alert him to a cow that's down or that seems lame.  You're checking on the mom and baby and making sure they have water and hay.  Of course if he objects (which I doubt he would) then I would do what he wants but he already understands your attachment to the girls and I don't think he would have made the deal otherwise.

    No parties for me.  I will be working until 9:30 so I will be getting calls all day from people looking for hotel rooms in huge cities on New Year's Eve and they'll say "WHAT?  HOW CAN THEY BE SOLD OUT?" when I tell them we're sold out.  I'm off tomorrow, though, so I can deal with it.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Lorita...It will be hard to let go but do get permission for anything you want to do. This is when texting will come in handy. Regarding insurance...hopefully you have ironed out liability. Here is what helped here;


    Two months! That is a long time to be away from home. Do you have chains for the pass?

    No, blackeyed peas are specific. No other can substitute.

    Todays plan. Organize Christmas wrap and start a new puzzle.

    No way am I going out;

    The Oklahoma State Department of Health on Thursday reported 4,166 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith; how smart you are!  I never would have thought about insurance and the links you provided are truly insightful.  Lorita, I think Judith is right when she mentions asking Mike if it is okay to do this or that or even move the animals; that would keep both of you in good relationship status since the lease.

     A new picture puzzle, Judith; what will this one be of?   I do crossword puzzles for short periods of time during the day.  I like them difficult but reasonable for eventually working out; I really strongly dislike the extremely obtuse ones.   Have to say; working a good crossword does indeed point out to me how NOT smart I am.  Strange in how some days I cannot find some words needed; but a day or so later I can pick the puzzle up again and it is as clear as day.  Evidently the brain had been working at it without letting me consciously know.

    Lorita, the old English language:  We used to do that from time to time at work without even thinking about it.  It just would enter our in-office conversation.   Sometimes when someone was really clever it had us laughing.  Still have a friend who will insert such words when we are just talking about not much and I sometimes do too.  I also like to learn words from other languages and do wish I were able to speak another language, but I do not and have never taken a class to learn to do so.  Would be fun to do, but do not have the time now nor do I think I would be able to become fluent at this point.

    No black eyed peas at our house; oh no!   Are we to be without luck this year?  We need to feed black eyed peas to the entire planet!   So hope the New Year begins to turn around so much grief and strife and settle things down for one and all.  Guess that is asking too much; but the Front Porch is always a haven and without the negatives found just about everywhere else these days.   (Sometimes the fleeting thought of being a Nun in a cloistered convent sounds like a very serene and relaxing idea.) 

    Ron; I saw the Lousiana Rose Parade float on TV this morning; it is absolutely breath takingly beautful.  For the first year they have had one, it is outstanding; they may well take a trophy.

    Sayra; I love pork chops and sauerkraut together; do you brown the chops before putting them into the slow cooker?    I now find my tastebuds wanting some.  When my mother would make this dish, she did it on stovetop as there were no slow cookers back in the day.  She would well brown the chops, then drain and put the kraut into the pan with the brownings and get the sauerkraut with the flavors and then put the chops in on top of the kraut and cook them through.  I loved that dish.  Got some sauerkraut some months ago, store bought in a glass jar like we used to buy in the past, but it did not taste the same at all.  Have you found a good brand of sauerkraut if you have not made your own?

    Omigosh, those fires in Colorado are horrible; I can only imagine. Last I heard, over 1000  homes, a hotel and a mall had been destroyed; no lives lost, but people really hurt. Thousands of people were evacuated; some literally running for their very lives in thick, thick smoke everywhere; some with flames on all sides.  Some with no foreknowledge that it was threatening them.  I feel so bad for everyone.   The winds were over 100 miles an hour and sadly, snow was to fall the next morning (today) but the fire had already done its worst yesterday, so there was no help. (NOTE: Had to come back in to edit and change the numbers as local news caught up with actualities.)

    Zetta; I did indeed try to do some research to find you a strong, burly Highway Patrolman to drive you. over that pass, but as I searched all that kept coming up were Saint Bernards with little kegs around their necks; somehow I do not think that would do, but one could get real happy while waiting. Truly; I am so hoping that the weather will permit you to get safely home.  I know my brother uses one of the passes to get from Bend to Portland to visit his son and their family.  He has a big four wheel drive vehicle outfitted with everything from this to that, and he does okay; but sometimes, once in awhile, even he will say it is a bit too much to try and traverse.

    Staying home tonight as always; New Year's Eve is no big deal for us; will probably be asleep before midnight after dinner and a good movie.  Only time we had a BIG celebration was when the turn of the century happened. We had all adult children, their spouses, and grandchildren come in from out of state and we celebrated the event together.  The two littlest boys were about four years old.  We had so much celebration and lots of good food - well; the two little boys could not stay awake, so we carried them upstairs with them fast asleep all the way.  Right before midnight, we went to wake them up because they SO wanted to be part of all the noise and yelling, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"  But; they were really out of it and could not be woken. We had air horns, bells, whistles, silly hats, silly string to spray each other with, and other noise makers. We did go outside to the front and made our noise and shouted in the new century.

    The next morning, when the two little ones woke up, they were truly upset  and began to cry; but I had saved each of them the various noise makers and we took the boys outside and let them make lots of noise and use the silly string and yell their Happy New Years with all of the adults yelling with them too.  They were then as delighted and happy as could be. Now they are of course all grown up, but I like to think of them as the sweet little ones they were.  Sometimes wish there really was a way to go back in time so I could visit all the children and grandchildren again when they were tiny.  What a blessing those times were and the memories are treasure.

    Going to get going and have some yogurt for breakfast with some blueberries and bran flakes folded into it along with a cup of tea and one of those lucious Biscones.  A bit cold, but I was getting tired of oatmeal with peanut butter and eggs just are not calling me.  Stay warm and safe tonight, and if you have silly string; have a LOT of fun.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Quickly popping back in - it was just reported that Betty White has passed away; age 99.  There were plans for big celebrations of her 100th birthday in early January.   Really lovely, funny woman; may the stars be sparkling brighter tonight in celebration of her life.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Pork chops and sauerkraut, ummy that sounds delicious. I use to buy butterfly pork chops, cut the excessive fat off, flour and brown them on each side, then let simmer with baby Lima. They were so good and tender. Lou and I both use to love sauerkraut and haven't had in a long time. Guess I'll have to try it now with pork chops. 

    Well, it's not suppose to rain until tommorow so guess I'll have to prepare myself for tonight. Dont know why but fireworks use to not bother me, but as I've aged flashbacks of Vietnam happen on and loud noise. I remember when I first came home and a car backfired I would hit the floor and reach for a rifle that wasnt there. I got over that fairly quickly and had no problems for a long time. Oh well, couple of days and it's over with.

    Son called and isnt coming till Saturday and sister said Sunday before she's here. Son will go back home Monday and sister said she was staying a few days. Maybe I'll here from my primary care while she's here, it would help.

    Happy new year to all on the front porch!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Betty White was lively and seemed like a fun person.  She was so looking forward to her 100th celebration.  RIP Betty White!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I did not want to go down a political road.  Some people may think an act of civil disobedience is their way of dealing with an unjust dictate that costs them their livelihood.  My body, my choice.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Life with Louisiana weather! Forecast for Saturday 82 and Sunday down to a 27 wind chill. 

    Rest in peace Betty White! You brought many a smile to faces around the world. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Iris.   Enjoy your pizza and ice cream as you see in 2022. I do have snow tires with studs and my car has front wheel drive I am told that's good in the snow. 

    Day.  I bet your loving your hot water. So far, the water heater is the only thing I have not had to replace in my 27-year-old manufactured home. I am not looking forward to that.  

    Sara.   Beef stew sounds good I got a roast and all the sides to go with it I will fix that for New Year's Day. Enjoy you stew. 

    Marie.  Thank You for the prayer it sure was a nice one and I feel the same way about all the friends on the porch. 

    Jo.   I was not sure what it was I was trying to read I thought maybe you were dipping into the Champaine a bit early.   and yes, your brother had to go over one of the passes I mentioned to Lorita. They are all good when there is no snow. At times with snow, one could be better than the other one, and they are all about the same distance to where I live. I also like crossword puzzles I just don't have the patience to finish one. I did hear about Betty White, I was just thinking about her a few days ago, wondering how she was and thinking it has been a while since we have seen her. She was the best, she brought laughs to many people. 

    Lorita, I know it is going to be very hard on you trying not to help Mike. Mike knows the love you have for all the girls just ask him if it is OK for you to continue to help care for the babies.  And yes, it has almost been 2 months. I got here the 17th of November and I probably will not get out of here till the 11th of January. You asked how I see the passes. I go on TripCheck.com   I then can see all the cameras on the passes. The 3 passes I look at are Santiam Pass, Willamette Pass and Government Camp. There are many cameras to view the roads in these passes. Sorry I do not know how to share a link. If you go on Trip Check it might show you how. 

    Judith.  Yes, I do have studded tires and front wheel drive, my car is about as safe as it can be. I just worry about the other drivers and me doing something stupid.

    I am hoping to have a peaceful night, but I am afraid it won't be quiet. I am at my daughters and there are a lot of different people around here and the noise has already started. I just hope it's not too much for Molly. We are used to a quiet life. 

    Happy New Years to all my friends on the front porch. Hugs Zetta 

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Happy New Year.  It’s been snowing here since Christmas Eve.  We have at least two feet of snow on the grass.  The trees are all flocked with snow, and it is beautiful to watch. It snowed non stop all day today. We’re supposed to get a break in the snow tomorrow afternoon.  I wouldn’t be surprised if we get up to ten inches overnight. 

    Boulder County is getting the heavy snow tonight.  It will help put out the hot spots. What a horrible fire.  That area was so dry and hadn’t had moisture for months.  Now they’re not sure it was power lines causing the fire because the only downed lines were communications.  They aren’t supposed to start fires.  Yes Jo, they’re saying around 1,000 homes lost.  The fire started near a town called Superior and spread to Lewistown by the over 100mph winds.  All of my friends from there are safe and did not lose their homes.  

    It’s amazing that all residents have been accounted for, no deaths, and 8 people with injuries.  They expect all to make full recoveries.  The fire was spreading so fast with the wind that fire fighters couldn’t get in front of it to try and stop it.  This reminds me of some of the stories from California fires.  They focused on saving homes out of the fire path.  What a way to end the year.

    Zeta, I think some of this snow is coming from your direction.  I sure hope you get a break and can return home next week.  A good rest will be in order.  

    Lorita, I’m happy for you to make a decision and are now free from so much work.  Congratulations to you and Penny.  Almost made it to the first newborn of 2022.  I’m sure you would have trouble not bringing the Mom and baby to the barn, especially in cold weather.  I just heard that we had ten inches of snow here today.  Poor cattle living here will have trouble getting around.  I tried to walk out in the yard to measure how much snow we have, but got up to my knees and thought I might stuck, so backed out of it.  

    Ron, nice you will have company for a few days.  I hope you can get to appointments while you have help.  

    Sara, I cooked my last roast in the crockpot.   Next time,I’ll cook it overnight and  see how that goes.  I love the smell of a cooking roast.  I just had sauerkraut and a pork chop a couple of weeks ago  it was delicious.  I want to try it with Lima beans, I think that was Ron’s suggestion.  I haven’t had lima beans in years.  I forgot that I like them buttered. Mom used to make them often.  

    Marie, thanks for the writing of your thoughts.  That is beautiful and I feel the same.

    Judith, no resolutions here.  I forgot to get black eyed beans, so I’ll have to substitute something else and pretend.  

    Katie, Day, Barbara, and anyone I’ve missed, I hope you’re doing well.

    Iris, you’re ready to celebrate.  Looks like a lot of us are celebrating at home.  I’ve never celebrated big on New Years Eve.  I will probably be in bed reading at midnight.  

    I’ll resize a couple snow pictures and post them soon.  Happy New Year.  Joan

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Snow in Colorado. The first one looking towards street. It was taken this morning before we got 10 more inches of snow.
  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Wishing all on Lorita’s porch a happy, healthy new year.  I’ve not been posting since my move for the Chicago suburbs to the beautiful mountains of Virginia.  It’s been quite an adjustment.  I was on my own for 5 years after Rich died but now I’m living with my son and daughter-in-law.  We have our ups and downs, mostly because I add my suggestions when my son cooks.  It’s hard to keep my suggestions to myself.

    I’m quarantined in my room for now since my daughter-in-law’s 3 daughters went from college right to Chicago to spend time with their dad.  They were exposed to Covid while there but didn’t know until they were here for 3 days.  The closest testing site they were able to go to was in West Virginia.  We are still waiting for results.  I wouldn’t be spending much time with them because last night I was taking a shower and fainted.  Low blood pressure.  Rather embarrassing to have my son and DIL get me up and out of the shower.  Having difficulty walking today as I hurt both legs and derrière.

    I still read everyday and wish we could have a little celebration on the porch.  I’m sure we’d all feel like we’ve known each other for years.  Happy New Year to all, stay safe and healthy.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    O MY! Joan, lots of snow I hope you don't have to go anywhere. Stay inside and keep warm. The pictures are beautiful. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Guess this will be my last post for the year.  Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a very Happy New Year.  Hopefully, by this time next year the pandemic will have waned and we'll be back to some semblance of normalcy 

     Glad to see so many posts tonight - guess most of us are at home tonight - where we should be.  I'm not even watching any of the New Year's celebration on TV.  I've watched a few episodes of Yellowstone and Midway's on now.  I'm not going to make it much longer - sleep is calling.

     Sandy, I hope you can get a good night's sleep and won't be so sore tomorrow.  Find that Theragesic and put it to work.  Started to suggest a warm shower but changed my mind - don't want that again right now.  Stay in your room away from the girls until you know the results of their tests.  I'll talk with you soon.  Glad you posted.

     Thank all of you for the congratulations on the new baby.  She (checked and it is a girl,) and she's a big, strong, black calf.  Before the rain began I put two empty mineral tubs in the pen inside the barn and filled them with water (had to use two hoses), then broke and gave her a bale of hay.  I went back around 5 p.m. to get both of them into the pen and Penny was already in there.  Found the baby in the cowshed so got her up and started trying to get her into the pen.  She was not about to leave the place where her mother put her down and told her to stay.  But, Penny saw what was happening and began to talk to her and I finally got her out of the cowshed and into the main part of the barn.  Penny came to the gate of the pen and called her and she went in.  I've opened the barn for the girls to go in tonight.  Maybe I'll get to talk with Mike tomorrow.  He knows I like to keep the new babies up a while.  I just could not let that new baby be out in the rain and cold weather this weekend.  He'll understand - probably thinks I'm a silly, old woman - and maybe I am but that's all right, too.

     Thank you Judith - I hadn't even thought of insurance.  I have full coverage for the farm, cattle, buildings and hay.  Not sure how that would work with me not owning them and the land leased.  I'll talk with him about that, too.  He did tell me a few days ago that D. will call him to see if it's all right to cut firewood.  He tells him it's still his land and he can do with it what he wants.  I'm sure it'll be the same here.  I told him I'd still check the girls and do the same things I've been doing and he was fine with that. 

      I may have mentioned this in my previous post but I told Toad the creepfeeder was just about empty and around noon I looked out the kitchen window and there was a huge truck at the gate close to the house.   it was closed because I thought Penny might go out in there and eat the green grass.  By the time I got out on the porch the truck was backing up down to the meadow and left.  I think it was a truck to fill the creeper but don't know why they didn't come through the gate.  Maybe they'll get back tomorrow - the calves are letting me know it's empty.  So, got water tanks filled and all done I could do before the cold weather.

     Joan - those pictures are gorgeous.  I love snow and have always liked to get out in it and take pictures - now, not so much.  I am glad I won't have to get out and feed and lift those sacks.  They feed the easier way - I used the old method.    Those beautiful pictures reminds me of once when I was at work and it was snowing.  My office was on the west side of the hospital on the second floor overlooking parts of Honor Heights Park.  One of the social workers and I were looking at the snow - every one of the tree branches had two or three inches of snow on them - absolutely breathtaking.  He remarked that only God could make something like that and that's true - man could not do it.  Joan, stay in out of the snow - what if you got stuck in a snowbank?

     Zetta - I was able to see some of the roads and the snow and ice.  But, being a flatlander out here on the prairie I don't know anything about passes and where to look for them on the map.  I couldn't find a  place to enter names.  I don't think you all need any more snow but guess skiers like it.

     Joan, glad it's snowing atound Boulder and the other towns - wish it had come a day or two earlier.  Pictures of the fires were frightening - like our prairie fires.

     Jo - thanks for letting us know about Betty White. What a wonderful actress she was.  I just loved The Golden Girls.  My sister said once how nice it would be to live with three other women and have so much fun.  She will truly be missed by everyone.  What a shame she couldn't have made it to her 100th birthday.  Are all of the women who were on The Golden Girls deceased now?  Not sure.

     Well, drats, wish I had some black-eyed peas.  Carol called today and she has black-eyed peas so told her to eat a couple for me.  I made cornbread to go with my beans and she said to eat a bite of it for her.  I thought about the peas last week but never got around to ordering them.  Mother always cooked them on New Years along with hog jowl.  I couldn't eat that but she made me eat a bite anyway - for good luck.  Maybe those of you who have the peas will bring all of us good luck.

     The beans were good - cooked potatoes and carrots on top of them when they were about 30 minutes from being done.  Also made a loaf of blueberry bread - that was good, too.  Probably will be good for breakfast with hot tea.  Wish you all had a slice.

     Ron, glad you're going to have company in a day or two.  Maybe you can get a little break and rest up some.

     Iris, I love pizza and ice cream, too.  I think I have a little slice of pizza left from earlier this week.  I like pizza with beans so I'm all set. 

     Marie - I think you said what all of us feel.  I've made such good friends here and I'm sure will make more as time goes on.  It's a safe, fun place to come when we're either sad or happy - being able to share all of these feelings with others mean a lot.  I know I've written too much lately about my feelings about the ranch and I appreciate all the input you all have given me about everything.  I'll still post about new babies and, like I said, in my heart they're still mine as long as they're here.  They're all friends just as all of you are friends and always in my heart.  No idea how many times during the day I think of each of you and wonder what you're doing.

     Carol gave me the news today that one of her cousins I went to school with ihas passed away.  He was a couple of years younger than I.  In fact, he built some of our kitchen cabinets.  He was 77.  Always hate to hear that news.

    Sarah called tonight and we had a nice visit.  She sounded pretty good.  Has an appt. with Pain Management on the12th..  She had an MRI of her stomach and back last week and they wouldn't give her the results - said she'd have to go for her appt. to find out.  This has her worried.   Jo, sorry I can't remember who it was but a couple of days ago you mentioned someone who had gastroparesis.  Sarah has had it for years - what a terrible thing to happen to anyone.

     Judith, I hope all of your family who have tested positive for the virus are feeling better - seems like so many people are testing positive now.  Scares you (or me) to get around people.  I even wear my mask when I'm outside and around anyone.

     Zetta, tell me what highway you usually se when going home from Washington - maybe that will help me find the passes.

     Well, on that note, I'll stop for this year.  I'm about ready to go to bed.  This year has passed so quickly and with so many problems around the world - we can hope that 2022 will be better for all of us.

     I want to be sure to watch the Tournament of Roses Parade tomorrow - it's always beautiful.  Happy New Year to everyone.  See you next year.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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