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Just need to talk to my friends (162)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Cold again, in the teens, but it's sunny.  Makes all the difference in the world.  Cut ice again on the water tanks and gave Penny some more hay.  A couple of girls came in to eat a little hay, too.  I think I'll let her out in the lot today - was going to let her out in the pasture but discovered she hasn't passed her afterbirth so will have to call and let Mike know.  The baby does need to run around a little and she can do that in the lot. 

     I hadn't planned on taking down the trash since it's so cold but thought I had a little time so decided I would.  Couldn't open the PU doors - when there's dampness and then cold it freezes and you can't get them open.  I think that's what pulled the door seal off last winter.  So, got everything in the Gator and took it down.  I called the company and they hadn't run yet so guess it's gone.  Then, called Daniel.  He says he'll be here Wednesday morning.  I hope he does come.  I've had the curtains off the windows and I want to get them back on - they're lace but block out some of the security light at night.

     Sara - the things I have that I can wear on my boots when it's icy is a cut-out rubber thing that fits over your shoes with studs on them.  They really work nice but like you said can't wear them in the house.  Years ago when we were in the midst of an ice storm, Darwin came over and he had put nails on something he had on his boots.  I have no idea where we got these and hope I never have to wear them again. But, anything that helps keep you from falling is good. 

     Glad your snow didn't accumulate - looks like the east coast is getting some now.  We'll have another front come through Wednesday night, then it'll warm up again.  I think it's supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow.  The winter jasmine looks not so good this morning.  It was so bright and pretty, the color is still kind of there but the blooms are all crumpled.  But, it will come out again.

     Marie - you are an inspiration - doing all that crocheting and giving it to organizations that help people.  If more people would do things like that, the world would be a better place.  I know it keeps you occupied and that's good, but think of the good will you're giving.  On MASH the other day Hotlips was knitting or crocheting during the winter time in Korea (she was a nurse).  She began with a potholder, then it changed to a scarf, then to a sweater and finally a blanket for her bed.  Oh, I remember I did knit  or crochet once - a chain stitch - that's all I could do.  I made a denim colored pantsuit once and embroidered flowers on the collar, pocket and belt - that's the extent of that kind of work.  Mother used to have dollies and pillowslips she had embroidered.  Most people just don't take the time to do pretty needlework anymore - you are the exception.

     When I first began working at the VA all of the women sewed their own clothes.  We'd stop at the fabric store on the way home and buy material and whatever we needed and make the garment that night and wear it to work the next day.  Then, sewing relaxed me and I loved it.  To be able  to take a piece of flat material and make it into something to wear seems amazing - same with taking ingredients and making them into something to eat.  I imagine sewing is almost a lost art now.  With the price of material, patterns and whatever else you need the cost would be almost as much as the price of a blouse or dress when it's on sale.  I think of dresses I made in the past and have no idea what happened to them.

     Sandy, do hope your soreness is getting better and the tests have come back negative on the girls.  I imagine you're getting snow, too.  They mentioned Charlottesville - it's in Virginia but not sure how far it is from you.  Maybe the snow isn't making it over the mountains.  Rest and recuperate.

     The sun looks so good - I'll be ready for Spring when it gets here.

     I tried to watch the repeat of Yellowstone last night but fell asleep - guess I can see it later this week.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    I think Sandy mentioned she is in the southwest part of Virginia near West Virginia and Kentucky.  

    As it happens, I am in the northwest part of Virginia...about as far north as you can get in the state.

    She is at one end of the Blue Ridge mountains and I am at the other...lol.

    Charlottesville is in about the middle of the east coast of the state and on the east side of the mountains, and we are on the west side.

    I think she got more snow that we did here...just an inch or two.

    Everyone stay safe and be well,


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Morning friends from Australia

    Thanks for thinking of me Lorita. Funeral is this afternoon, and I am trying to keep busy to stop thinking ....

    Daughter and family finally got home from interstate, delayed due to COVID restrictions and the Christmas break. Wonderful to see 12-year old grandson after 18+ months, he has grown. They will be here till Friday.

    I have had lots of stress getting things done over the last 2 weeks. Had to remove all clothes from the NH, then sort and donate to the Salvation Army stores. Couldn't get a removalist to collect the furniture from the NH until after Christmas, as no-one was willing to tackle it. NH moved it into storage. Did get it moved on Wednesday last week. Now sitting in my garage, while I decide how to sell/donate it. Car is in the driveway for the duration.

    Weather over the last few days has been very hot, but I am very thankful that it has cooled down a lot today, which will make life much more bearable this afternoon. Very small gathering, just family, probably 12 people at the most. COVID restrictions mean no singing, which is disappointing as both eldest daughter and I were keen to sing DH's favourite hymns.

    For 5+ years, I have spent 2 afternoons a week at the NH, finding the change in routine very strange, but will get used to it. No regrets, DH is well, no more pain, no more confusion.

    No writing at the moment, may get the urge again sometime soon.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Barbara; our lovely friend from "down under."  I have been thinking of you and am so glad you wrote.   May today's memorial have gone well.   Thank you for the picture of your dear husband; what a beautifully handsome man.  May calm and solace find you soon and bring you peace of spirit.  You really did go the distance with your beloved and he was blessed to have you by his side. 

     I just came upon a news report of the area/passes that Zetta would have to use to get back home. Evidently storms have put the passes in the unsafe category right now.  Here is the report so we can keep up with Zetta:


    Zetta; to avoid having to go to Arizona and having a problem with the car and pets, is there is a place that can be reasonably rented for another month or even for a couple of weeks?  So wish there was a way to have you stay where you are until you can get back home again.  The kids could perhaps help you do that considering all the goodness you have dispensed on their behalf.

    For anyone who was curious; the medieval cooked bean recipe words I did not know:  douce was "sweet," and the word, surue meant "serve." 

    Lorita; I can imagine how difficult it is for you to watch the herd's feeding process and know where the lapses are; must have your hair standing on end.  If you were not there to break the ice for the herd to get water, what would Toad and Mike do about it if they know the water situation I wonder.  I suppose in time it will all come together.  Since the man called, "Toad," has so many acres and herds to care for, it is lucky for your own herd to have you so close keeping an eye on things and ensuring the cattle are doing well and the news calves are safe.  Hope Mikey begins to become acquainted and is a friendly sort.

    I so admire those who can knit, crochet and quilt.  I am all thumbs and am left handed. When trying yarn work, all I did was cause a lot of knots and snarls.  I do counted cross stitch and actually have made some really lovely items but have not done that in quite awhile.  I would love to do needlpoint, but have failed at that too; I never get it quite right even when reading directions.  My mother and grandmother could do anything.   My grandmother could even tat lace  and also did smocking.  Really lovely things they made; they were both so creative.  My mother was amazing in her many creative talents; but somehow it did not pass down to her daughter.  I do know how to appreciate though and do have some creativity with other things and find it fun to do.'

    It has been wonderful in that I have some very beautiful afghans from my mother and my aunt.  One is a soft beige, another is cream, and a third is soft multicolors; it is the stitchery that is so beautiful; how they did that braided look and popcorn look and more in different rows, I will never fathom; but they are keepsakes to be handed down. Hopefully they will always be valued for what they are. My mother gave me the cream one as a gift when I graduated with my Masters Degree.  They are like warm hugs when I use them; one stays on the foot of the bed all the time.

     I have a few very old Simplicity blouse and dress patterns from way back in the day that I found in my mother's closet after she passed away.  They are  wonderful in that old 40's and 50's sort of design.   I kept them; they are like a bit of memorabilia art.

    Each of us has a talent in a different sort of way and that keeps life very interesting.  So much talent here on the Front Porch in a variety of ways.

    Anyone buy a Lottery ticket?  Up to $540 million . . . . gasp!   We do not buy tickets, but it is fun to watch.   Hopefully, with a winner or two, there will be a move to help those in need. 

    It is great that you have someone to shovel for you, Joan.  Whew!  My brother has an atomic snow blower, but that would even be hard to use with such massive snowfall.  We do grocery pickup too, and I wrote a thank you to the main office for such a valuable service; hopefully they will keep that going.

     My husband has to go for a specialist's eye exam on Thursday.  The office has strict protocols.  No more than one person in the waiting room - no visitors to accompany the patient - each exam room thoroughly cleaned after each patient and only a minimum number of patients per day.  The patient cannot arrive more than 10 minutes prior to the appt, and must wear a surgical or N95 mask that fits well.  If one is more than 10 minutes early, the person must wait in their car  until called in. Glad to hear that, it makes me feel better especially since eye exams are up close and personal.  I really wish he would wait for another few weeks before going in, but he will not delay as he has such a bothersome eye condition; Pre-Macular Fibrosis.  We have N95 masks, so he will be wearing that.

    Wish I could breath well with the N95, but it continues to be an issue.  I can wear a surgical mask covered with a second two layer cloth mask that has a filter in it and do very well with those layers, but for some reason, the N95 seems to be a challenge.   I will have to try that N95 that is a "duck-bill" design and see if I do better with that.  Not cheap.  They are now recommending that the N95s not be reused. That is truly expensive.

     May the Oregon weather calm down soon so our Zetta can get back home.   I did not realize that the passes are so high; (about 4000 feet), and that they are so long - some 97 miles for the Camp Pass and some even longer.  That is a loooooong drive in weather.

    Hope everyone has a good night and that there is peaceful sleep for everyone with only sweet dreams . . .


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi all,

    All three granddaughters had their Covid test and the results were negative.  Very relieved.  One returned to school in Michigan today.  We had 5 or 6 inches of heavy wet snow overnight.  She didn’t need to be at the airport until late afternoon so the roads were clear by then.  The second GD leaves for her school in Vermont on Sunday and the third is spending her semester in Ireland.  Hopefully Covid will slow so she doesn’t have to cancel.

    I’m still recovering from my fainting incident. Must have landed on my leg as it’s very painful and making it difficult to walk.

    Marie, I’m in Lexington, I think that’s about an hour or two from your area.

    Barbara, I’m so sorry about your dear husband.  One can never be prepared.  It’s be 5 years for me and I still get weepy.

    Joan your pictures were beautiful, I have a few but can’t reduce them on my iPad. I’ll have to figure it out when I have the patience.

    Everyone stay safe and stay well.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    You are closer than I thought.  I am in Winchester so it is about 2 hours from you.

    I have lots of extended family in the Shenandoah Valley (many I don't personally know...lol) as my maternal grandmother was from a family of 14 children and my maternal grandfather was one of 11.

    Before age crept up on us all and Covid, there would be 4 family reunions each year to try to keep the relationships going.  

    You had lots more snow than we did...most was gone by evening.

    Everyone have sweet dreams and a blessed day tomorrow.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Barbara, so sorry you're going through all that stress.  It is hard having to deal with everything when you're so sad.  Sometimes I wonder how I got through all the insurance and VA things but we do what we have to.  I hope the funeral went well this afternoon.  Sad that you didn't get to sing the songs Graham loved so much.  You'll have a period of adjustment - sometimes I think that period of adjustment never ends.  Like Sandy, I still have days when I miss Charles so much I don't know what to do.  Guess we're all like that,

     Still hard to think that you're in the midst of your summer while we're so cold and snowy here.  I think of you every day - when I turn on my tablet, the picture of your book is always there - that's not the only reason either.  Rest when you can and just take it day by day.  I won't say it's easy because we all know it isn't - just something that we can't avoid doing.  Come back when you feel like it and let us know how you're doing.

     Sandy, I meant to call you tonight to see how much snow you got - looked at the clock and it was after 9 so, of course, it was after 10 where you are.  I'll do better in a day or so.  Sorry you're still hurting - just take it easy and try not to walk much.  Glad your GDs tests were negative.  I know that was a relief for everyone.  I can only imagine how beautiful it is where you are with snow on everything.  I'll talk with you soon.

     Jo - I don't think there was too much ice on the pond the other morning.  I could see some but it was probably thin enough at the edges that the cow's hooves would have broken through - but, I don't like for them to be around the pond when it's icy.  I will continue to keep the water tanks filled and I'll check on them every day.

     The vet just left here about 7.  Penny still hadn't passed her afterbirth and when I checked the girls about 4 I found a heifer laying down.  I drove up behind her and she didn't get up, so got out and got her up.  She had given birth - probably a day or more ago and she hadn't passed her afterbirth either.  I could tell she wasn't feeling at all well.  So, managed to walk her to the barn.  I called him and let him know there were two cows to take care of.  He cleaned the heifer (guess I can't call her a heifer now since she's had a calf) and put in boluses and gave her a shot.  Took care of Penny the same way except for the shot.  She had two really big teats I was worried about but he checked and they were soft.  Said the colostrum in them would protect them from mastitis until the calf started to nurse them.  While this was going on all of the girls were standing outside of the lot curious about what was happening.  When I found her they were way up in the south pasture but it was fairly easy to get her to the barn - she knew where she was going.  After he finished with the heifer he asked me if I wanted to let her out or keep her up.  We kept her up for the night at least.  He thanked me for finding the heifer and bringing her down.  In my head and heart, they're still mine and I'll continue to check on them.  I've told him this and it's fine with him.  In fact, probably is glad there is someone to check on them.  He has a helper/assistant who travels with him on calls sometimes.  She's a sweet girl and he really keeps her busy.  The didn't stay after they finished because they had another call before they were finished.  He works fast so wasn't here very long. 

     It's just for things like this that I like to keep new moms up for a few days at least.  you never know if they're going to have a problem.  Did ask him when he was going to start feeding hay - said probably in a week or so because they still have grass.  But, that freeze really did in some weeds that were in the tub.  They really looked bad  - I drove the car to the mailbox this afternoon and there were Royal Empress buds all over the hood - hope there's enough left to bloom this spring.

     The lot is so muddy.  Always is when it freezes and thaws.  He said they had some snow at his Clinic and in town on Saturday - not more than ten miles from here.  I didn't see any - and that's okay.

     I'll try to get a picture of Eve (named her that because she was born on New Year's Eve).  She was calling her mom while mom was in the chute being treated and when she was released they got together in a hurry.  I think he checked Penny's teeth while she was in the chute because he told me she was about six years old.  We had another Penny before her and her first calf is Penny, Jr. who has a baby that has little buds so she'll have horns, too.  The line of Pennys all have all had horns.  He dehorned Penny when she was a heifer.  Didn't get to Penny, Jr. in time and now I don't think she can go through the chute with her horns.

     Jo, I think when you've done something for a long time and in a certain way no one else does it exactly the way you'd like or the way you'd do it yourself.  The girls haven't adjusted to being fed in the morning yet - they are still gathering out in front of the house aroundn 4 p.m. when we used to feed.  They'll be all right after a few more feedings.  Like us, they're creatures of habit.  Mikey is doing all right - he really watches me when I'm around in the Gator - not going to be walking among them just yet.  Looks like he's standing and watching his harem - guess he probably is.  Maybe I should rename him because I'll be talking to Mike about him and kind of hate to call him Mikey. 

     With that thought I'll stop for the night.  Watching the first Gunsmoke ever made (I've seen it several times).  Almost 10 p.m. so think I'll probably go to bed pretty soon.  I've been watching Highway Through Hell - there's snow aplenty there (Canada) but it's an old one.  Our weather is going to be warmer tomorrow, then cooler, then warmer, etc.  It was 39 about 8 p.m. tonight.

     Jo - why do you think people talked like that many years ago - sometimes I wonder why people in other countries have different languages and accents.  But - I often wonder why the sky is blue.   See you tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Well, we got some more snow here in Washington, and a foot of snow at my house in Oregon. Thank You all for your concern. I have traveled the passes many times in cars not as safe as the one I got now. I just think the older I get the more cautious I have become. 

    Marie.  I do get cell service most of the way over the pass, there might be an hour without service. Yes, I do have plan A and plan B. The A plan is I will leave here this Sunday when weather shows no snow and if not then I will leave here the day the kids drive out and I can follow them to the where the pass starts then my son will be there so I can follow him over the pass. So, I do have plans in place. The kids are leaving here on Wednesday the 12th. It is so special all the Afghans you make for those in need. I bet they love them. 

    Lorita.  I bet you love helping Mike take care of the cows, and I am sure you may not agree with some things but try to keep your stress down and help him in any way you can. So sad about that calf being pulled it sounds like it was one of Mike's and I am sorry for the MaMa. Molly also coughs at times it's like she has something suck in her throat. I hope it's not because she is overweight. 

    Jo.   Thank you for putting those links up. I think it's very interesting to be able to see the roads that you will be going over. I have been watching daily and planning my get away. Yes, some of the passes are over 4000 feet up the elev at my house is 4236 so I am higher than some of the passes. I am pretty close to what the elevation is on Willamette Pass. 

    My daughter is here with me, so I am going to have her help me send some attachments. One will be looking down my drive after the snow today and the other after my son got the snow blower out. I would much rather be snowed in at home then where I am at now. Right now, it still looks like I will be going home on Sunday. 

    Good Night to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning,

    21F, -6C.  Suppose to be calm and sunny today.  Barbara thinking if you, you took good care of your DH.  

    No lottery tickets for me.  A financial book I read once started out my telling you how not to obtain savings.  One thing it mentioned was not to play the lottery.  Always remember what it said, don’t feed the fat man.  I see those poor looking people at the grocery store buying lotto tickets.  It saddens me how the rich steal from the poor, take advantage of them by baiting them.

    Sandy took me quit awhile to figure out how to attach a picture from my iPad too.  Will give you the steps I use.  Depending on what IOS version on your iPad it may vary a little but think this will get you going.  Hit reply to start anew message 2) click on attachment down at bottom of message box 3) click on choose file 4) choose where you want to get picture from ( I always take a picture and use photo album), 5) choose picture you want 6) down on bottom of picture you chose click where it says actual size 7) options will come up and I use medium, click on that 8) hit use in upper right corner of picture 8) click on attach

    Lorita if you Google why is sky blue it will tell you.  There is a reason.

    Lorita also if you Greg Judy regenerative rancher think you might find it interesting.  He has a lot of beautiful cattle.  He explains a lot of things.  Love cattle so like to go look at them sometimes.  Believe he is in Missouri.

    Zetta I like your plan, makes me feel better.  Will be praying for a safe trip for all.  I don’t mind driving on snow but I have all wheel drive and don’t drive in mountains. What I really don’t like is ice.

    JoC interesting and some things for you to consider.  This is in no way advice just some of my thoughts.  When I worked and we got fitted each year for our N95 we were given it in a brown paper sack and we were  issued one a year.  Now as you know the bands on them break fairly easily, or people lost them.   So they also would have unfitted ones available.  It always bothered me that we took them out of the room and continued to use them, so frequently I used the unfitted.  They never educated us on why we could do this and it bothered me.  Knew we were JACHO accredited so assumed it was ok.  Know one should not assume but hard to look up everything and they did seem to be effective.  Have better understanding now.  When a mask sits in a brown paper bag, the sack allows for air flow and the corona virus dehydrates at a certain point.  It is an intercellular parasite and therefore cannot continue to be in a brown paper sack.  That is not the host it needs.  Think Aaron Collins said he lets his set 3-4 days before rewearing.  Let mine set a week.  Actually from all the yearly doctor appointments had to get out some new ones to avoid being less than week back early fall.  So now that I go very little sometimes it has been a month.

      So know Aaron has tested the KF94 and how long they are effective in a clean environment.  He says 30-40 hours.  Am going to dispose of mine at 30 hours.  Know he tested some N95 for filtration rate but not sure if he tested them for how long they are effective.

    Now that N95 are apparently available for all (2years later) suddenly they need to be disposable.  Think maybe, possibly,  they are trying to get us to feed the fat man again.  Realize also in all fairness that this may be due to them feeling that a lot of people would not take care of them properly, some may be working in a dirty environment, there is a lot to think about and some would just be better off throwing them away each time.  Expense definitely would be part of the equation then.  This has worked for me for two years so personally going to keep doing what I have been doing.  I’m comfortable with it.  If a mask got dirty I would throw it away and I did do that with at least one.

    I have gotten very use to my mask and was thinking the other day I never feel SOB with it any more.  Don’t think I would have ever gotten there with a N95. 

    The virologist I listen to had a science paper the other day that reviewed masks.    We needed this way back but someone finally got it done.  Realize most were focusing on vaccine at first.  This study showed cloth masks to be not too effective.  The pleated medical mask to be better than fabric but not too great.  Showed the N95, KF94 and the China one (forget  it’s title) to be effective against SARS.  Did not talk about how long they could be used.  

    LOL thought I was done being a mask nerd but guess I will always be one now

     Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning!

    Sara, I appreciate all the teaching you have done about masks. I'm very comfortable with my KF94s that I bought, Posh brand, at behealthy.net. I have you to thank for educating me. I was using mask with a filter before (cloth); Aaron Collins said they only filter around 60% whereas the KF94 94-98%. And they are so comfortable.

    We've had a couple of very cold days here; in the 20s and 30s today which is an improvement from single digits! Winter in Iowa. Sometimes makes me wonder why people live here. My answer is family. I have two children and one lives in the area and the other 1000 miles away and I want to be close to at least one of them.

    Day, it's great you are able to work from home. If I recall correctly, you used to do medical transcription. Anyone who is traveling needs to recognize that things are not the way they used to be with the virus out there.

    Zetta, sounds like you have a good plan in place to get home. I'll keep you in my prayers for safety. Did your daughter sell her home, or do they hope to rent it out awhile and then come back and live there eventually? What line of work is her husband in that he had to move? You said she works for a cruise line. Imagine they are pretty busy. Lots of people cruising now that travel has opened up. I love cruising but will wait till there is less, much less, virus circulating.

    Iris, it sounds like you had a good Christmas and New Year's. Happy that you enjoyed them. I try to celebrate Christ, his birth and resurrection in prayer and Bible reading daily. In these trying times, my walk with God gives me comfort.

    Katie I am glad you got to enjoy Christmas with family. Very satisfying.

    Joan, the fire was horrific. Saw a man on TV today who lost his house. His cat, Merlin, survived and was found on the front porch of the only home left standing in the area. He is very badly burned but alive. I pray he survives; he is all that his owner has left. So sad for so many. 

    I got a new crockpot for Christmas. I wanted an extra in case my other would quit suddenly and leave me in a lurch. This morning I put in half of a rump roast (I cut it down to 2 person size), carrots and potatoes and will have it for lunch. Any leftovers I will serve with bread and gravy - yum! 

    Marie, bless you for making a difference with crocheting for others. It's a nice way to keep busy, too. I have no trouble keeping busy in the spring, summer and fall as I have a huge flower garden. Winter, though, it's cold and I stay inside. I read, I try to exercise some, and I get into Twitter and YouTube and Instagram. (Social media is a huge time waster and I need to do better!)

    Barbara, hope the funeral service went well. Such a sad time but a nice service honors the memory of your loved one. What a handsome man he was!

    Jo, Sandy and Lorita I enjoyed reading your posts also. Hope you are doing well, and adjusting as needed to changes. Life is about change, it seems.

    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Zetta, what a great plan you have for getting over the mountain and home safe.  I really like the idea of your son being there in his car if weather and snow/ice is a concern.  Great idea.  Great photos; the amount of snow in front of your house is sure a lot and more to come.  If there is the chance of getting snowed in for awhile, if you need to do so, you could get some supplemental grocery items where you are now to take back home just in case you have a need and cannot get to a market due to snow storm effect.  I remember my mother loading up the pantry for the dreadful storms in Northern Michigan when we could not get out for days and days.  Of course, that was a long time ago.

     It can be dangerous in multiple ways when overloaded during storms.  My very elderly aunt in the UP of Michigan would get snowed in.  It would be so bad at times that the roads were not able to be traversed; snow plows could not get through.  Could not get to the doctor or ERs; ambulances could not get through and the pharmacy could not deliver prescriptions even with their pharmacy snow mobile. Very hard time.  Then came summer with the heat, humidity and mosquitoes so big they should have had feathers!  Spring and autumn were nice.  (Grin.)  When I grew up there, I remember walking to school on my birthday in late May and there was still snow on the ground and a lot of slush.

     Yep Sayra; I cannot figure out why I seem to not tolerate the N95 mask; I am not a hysterical person and wear the other masks, even when wearing two masks at a time with the addition of a filter and I do just fine; a bit harder to breathe fully and freely, but tolerable.  Guess I will try to get some duck billed N95s and see if they are better tolerated.    I do read your mask information as you are up to date and deal with the science of it all.  As for not re-using the N95 masks, that has been recently stated this week by the infection control, epidemiology specialists who have no money in the mask industry or purchase of them.  Evidently, the put 'em in a paper sack or hang to the side for some days and then reuse them is no longer considered a safe practice, but the idea of having to replace the mask with each use if one has to work or be out and about frequently would be very pricey.  Yet; how much is one's health and life worth . . . so, guess we are a one use household now. We do not go out and about much, so that is fine. All groceries are done pick up at local market, Target and WalMart, and CostCo is free delivery.   A few weeks ago, it was me out for a haircut being the only one in the shop at 9:00 am. double masked and gloved.  DH out to the car repair shop for a short time yesterday and he will have a doctor's appt. this week.  He is an N95 wearer and tolerates it very well.

     My dear friend, another RN who worked hospitals, public health, and infection control wears her N95 mask when out and about, but also wears a plastic face shield since science has shown that the virus can also gain entrance into the body through the membranes in the eyes.   She is much more diligent and has her Purell bottles that have a clip for attaching to the outside of her handbag.   I understand that Purell also comes in individual use packets that can easily be carried in the pocket or handbag; I have not seen that but is a good idea.  I carry a small bottle of Purell in my handbag, but I also realize if one touches the container with dirty hands, then uses it, when closing the container and handling it again; one gets the organisms on their hands once again as well as getting it inside the purse.  Really annoying. Dratted little microbes! 

     News reports this morning that a lovely young woman, a county Assistant District Attorney, who was running for State Assembly office has died of COVID.  She evidently got sick one week ago and it overwhelmed her body and she could not be saved.  She was 46 years old and was otherwise healthy.   She campaigned mightily against mandatory vaccination requirements.  No news regarding whether or not she was vaccinated or how she was exposed to the virus. 

    Lorita, bet Mike is really pleased that you are there with the herd and continue to monitor them.  That is a real blessing.  Wonder how they would have found the two cows with retained placentas if you had not been there; would they have identified the problem.  Poor girls, all of them waiting for supper only to find out they have to wait for breakfast instead.  May want a midnight snack!   Makes me hungry just thinking about it.  So; you need to rename "Mikey."  Perhaps "Mickey?"  Definitely would not call the big brute, "Mouse."  Need to respect his presence despite the urge to get funny.  One more of my "good self/naughty self" disparity urges.

     Guess today is the day to change sheets on the bed.   You are right Lorita, it is an unpleasantly annoying chore.  Around and around the bed we go, knees screaming and sheets and blankets laughing at us while we get them adjusted this way and that.  We thought the rustle, rustle of the fabric was just fabric; but I think it must be the bedding laughing at us trying to make it harder to get it all done; then come the pillow slips.  Yet; oh how I love the feel of fresh bedding.  One of life's simple pleasures.

     Zetta, let us know when you are leaving for home, and if not too exhausted, let us know when you get home.  You know we will all be thinking of you and saying a prayer on your behalf for a safe and good journey over the mountain.  Gosh, you have been gone from home a bit over two months; that is a long time.  Home!  What a wonderful feeling it will be for you to get to your own snug place, your own bed, your own recliner and all else so familiar and loved. 

    May today be a good day for everyone, hugs all around,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts this morning.  For the life of me, I cannot get the KN95 and KF95 separated as to their place of origin.  Let me look - I have the KF94 BOTN and KN95 white, I guess what you all call duck bill - stands out from your nose.  I'll have to reread Sara's post to find out what's what.  Around here I wear the pleated ones.  Last night when the vet was here I wore the pleated one and a lot of moisture can get inside if you're doing something besides standing.  Sara - the KN are made in Korea and the KF in the US? 

     So - I'm having a hard time adjusting - just like the girls are.    From birth they've been getting fed late in the afternoon - in the mornings they eat hay (a week from now) and graze - then gather in front of the house for their afternoon feeding.  Mike says they'll get used to it and he wants them to associate the white truck with feed so if it's rainy they'll come when they see the truck or hear the horn.  Their horn sounds differently than the one in my PU.  I still think there's some who aren't getting feed because they can't/don't get there in time.  I always put out the feed in the feeders (had the gate closed), then honked (most of them were already there at the gate) and then I waited until they were all there and I could count them and see they were okay.  It's a big change for them and for me.  I'm going to have to let go and they will adjust.  I know they have to feed in the mornings because in the afternoons they set out hay and he's in the clinic.   This morning they were a good quarter mile from the barn so it took some time for them to get there.  May be a bit of seller's remorse here but I'll get over it.  Kind of hard to let go of something you've done for 35-40 years.  I will continue to check on them and let him know if something's awry.  The water in the tank at the barn was frozen this morning - had to use an ax again - the other one was empty so filled it. 

     The two cows seem okay this morning - I gave them more hay. I don't know, Jo what would have happened.  I know when they feed they look at the girls and being seasoned cattlemen they can spot if something is wrong.  This doesn't happen often - odd that both happened at the same time. Usually happens in heifers.  I think I mentioned he said Penny is about six so kind of odd for her.  Normally it's delivered shortly after birth. 

     We have a strong, south wind today - just goes through your coat and it's partly cloudy.  I think it's going to be cold again either tomorrow or the next day - up and down which is hard on people and animals but it's wintertime so nothing we can do.

     I'm worried that the heifer had her calf on Saturday when it was so rainy and cold.  Either it was stillborn or she didn't know how to care for it.  I'm hoping it was stillborn.  I looked everywhere around where she was when I found her and there was non sign of it.  No idea where she might have had it.   You know Penny's a big cow and the heifer is only about 2/3rds her size - way too young to calve.

     Zetta - so much snow and more to come - I know you all need moisture and the ski resorts all over the west need snow to stay open but it's so hard on people who have to drive or get out in it.  I can't imagine what the cattle do in all that snow. I saw on the weather this morning there's storm watches way north of us.  Glad you have a good plan for getting home - hope all works out well and you are safe.

     Do wish we had grocery delivery but that will never happen out here.  Guess I should get used to using the pickup option at WM but that's still at least a 25 mile roundtrip.  I try to keep the pantry stocked - in fact, I find things occasionally that are out of date so can't be used.  I was hungry last night after all the happenings so I had some cereal.  I keep milk frozen but the last I thawed was a little off so I had an unopened carton of almond breeze.  The date on it was late November but it was still good on the cereal.  The one or two things I'm really concerned about when they're outdated or left open a little too long is anything with peppers in it - salsa, hot sauce - things like that. 

     I've bought a new shredder - takes up to nine sheets at one time if you use it manually - otherwise you can stack 110 sheets in the auto feed.  I did two years worth of household receipts yesterday.  I have those and tax returns that date back at least 15 years so maybe during the winter I can get rid of all that stuff.  I think it's only three years you need to keep tax returns?  Not sure.  But, I've run out of space to put them.

     Watching QVC - Denim & Co.  I don't need clothes and it's amazing how much they've increased in price.  I heard on the news that groceries were going to continue to increase in price.  I have noticed things on Amazon are more expensive than WM and both are probably more expensive than the same things in the stores.

     I'll stop and  reheat my "hot" tea and watch QVC some more.  This has been sort of disjointed - I'm sorry - just not well organized this morning (am I ever?)

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    KN95 China standard, N95 US standard, KF94 S Korea standard

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Zeeta….can you go east by the river on I84 and then south on I197? Google says it is only about 1 hour longer but right now maybe faster than doing a snowy pass? We are certainly getting a geography lesson. Passes frighten me. I remember Loveland years ago in December.  Maybe just let us know when you get home.

    Barbara…thinking of you
    Jo…I think left handed would impede the learning process. I always wipe the Purell bottle when the stuff is on my hands.
    Re masks….the Drs in hospitals etc on TV news are wearing the surgical mask.
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    I'm still around, just grieving and trying to finalize all the legal stuff with uncle's estate.

    My husband took me to Hawaii for Christmas. We both needed a "break"

    Will post soon with all the details.


  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    I don't usually recommend products but I've used this hand sanitizer for about 4 years now...before Covid struck. Prior to Covid I used it for flu season. It's a small spray can that fits in my purse. "Touch Germblock." The active ingredient is Benzalkonium Chloride (BZK). It's supposed to give you 6 hours hand protection. I showed it to my neighbor, a retired Navy nurse, and she said that they used BZK to wipe things down in her hospital. I spray my hands with it before leaving the house and of course still wash them well upon returning home. It doesn't dry out your hands at all and I've used plenty of it.

    I originally got it from Amazon, but when Covid hit it was unavailable and I got it from the Touch Germblock website. It's available from Amazon again and when I need more I'll use Amazon to save the shipping charge of the Touch website. Here's the Touch website if you want to research the product:

    Shop - Touch (touchgermblock.com)

    For Amazon, just put Touch Germblock in the search area.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Thanks, Sara, I've written it down this time so I can check - now, if I can remember where it's written.

     Nicole, good to see your post.  Bet you all had a great time in Hawaii.  Hope you can get some rest and get some alleviation from your grief.  Keep in touch.

     Betty, thanks for the information. I checked it out and it's pretty expensive but maybe all of it is now.  I stocked up a year and half ago.  I have a little bottle I refill that I carry in my purse all the time and have a bottle beside my chair in the LR.

    It's been so windy today - gusts up to 40 mph they said but it's calming down some now.  Going to be colder tomorrow and then back in the teens tomorrow night.  Just saw some pictures from Washington and Virginia.  One man in Virginia in that awful traffic jam on I-80 (?) who said they hadn't seen a tow truck or policeman in seven hours.  I think the snowstorm in Washington was the biggest snow they'd seen in a long time.  Our weatherman just said it's going to be a little bit warmer than normal beginning next week and through the middle to end of January - but with a little more precipitation.

    I'm getting ready for Daniel and his helpers to come tomorrow - won't be too surprised if they don't show.  Maybe I'll call him and see if it's still going to happen.  When he does come I'll stay in the north side of the house and keep the south part closed off.  There's a door from the sunroom to outside they can use. 

     Just went out and took a picture of Eve.  She is a cutie.  She was laying down in the lot and mom was in the cowshed and came to the door to check out what I was doing.  Then Eve got up and went in with her mom.  I'm keeping them up one more day and tomorrow night when it's supposed to be so cold I may put them in the pen and open the barn for the girls to come in. I went down to check on them as they were coming up from the northeast pasture and everyone seemed okay.  Little bit concerned about the little cow.   Today she was walking really slowly.  If she's not better by morning I'll call Mike and tell him. There was one cow with a hurt leg still way down in the pasture but I drove down and she was okay - just not walking too much.  He probably needs to check her.

     Made another peach cobbler.  They are so good - I think I could eat a whole one by myself in one day - well, maybe half of one.  Guess I'll have beans and cornbread one more time, then freeze the rest.  Soup sounds pretty good for tomorrow.  I've been threatening to make vegetable soup, again, so may do that.

     Hope you like the picture of Little Eve.   Jo, I think Mickey would be a good name for the bull.  He's pretty but still is staying kind of to himself - not used to all those girls yet - guess he's been away from ladies for a while.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Bad news...Good news

    Got a call from my 97 yr old mother that she was sitting in the parking lot of the emergency room near their house.  Seems my dad fell and hit his head.  She called 911 and the EMS folks (by now almost family) came.  Got him up but he had a goose egg on the side of his head from hitting a chair on the way down.  Of course this is after a 10 inch snowfall the day before.

    Not only did they tend to my dad (96 with dementia) but they cleaned off my mothers car, made sure they could get it out of the drive way, drove back up to get mother in passenger seat and back to the street...which fortunately was plowed.  Before taking dad off to ER they told mother that if when they were coming home if she felt she could not get both herself and him back in the house safely to just call and they would come back to help.

    After CT scan of head and spine determined there was no greater injury than the goose egg and some pain from it.  Tylenol was the only med suggested.

    Mother didn't call for help on the way home but found that the EMS guys had come back, cleared off the driveway where they would get out of the car to the porch and put salt on the porch.

    Glad to say they made it safely in.

    My daughter and I are putting our heads together to come up with some special "thank yous" for our EMS guys.  They certainly went above and beyond.

    So another day ends...thank the good Lord that nothing too serious happened.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    37F, 3C.  Strong wind and think we have already had our high for the day.

    Beth think your cold weather is coming our way.  Freeze  a lot of things in small portions to cook. For some reason have not done that with roast.  But do freeze it in single portions after cooked. Made BBQ beef with one yesterday.

    Eve is beautiful.

    Marie your EMS is great.  They will appreciate anything you guys do that shows how much they are appreciated.  

    Glad you are doing ok Nicole.

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Marie; how deeply caring and wonderful those EMS folks were for your parents. They would enjoy anything - a card with a note or letter would make their day.   Include the date and rough time of day for the assistance and ask that each person on the call would receive a copy of the writing so they know how much they were appreciated.  Wonderful people.  So hope your parents will do well.

     My sweet grandmother would fly out to California to stay for a month or so. When she got back to the UP of Michigan, a police officer would pick her up from the bus station, (she would fly into Minnesota and take the bus from there as ther were no airports where she lived.) Anyway; the officer would get her home and then go in with her and check every room and closet, even looking under the bed. He would then tell her all was okay which made her feel SO much better after having been gone for so long. Every time they did this, she would make a huge batch of delicious homemade cookies and bring them to the police department. They always loved picking her up and helping her.  COOKIES!!!   Lovely of them.

    Zetta; getting ready for that ride up and over . . . we will be with you in spirit; but I do have to find my mittens, I know I have some somewhere. 

    Lorita, Eve is adorable; she has the prettiest little ears.   I always want to put a pretty bow on the new little girls heads; Eve would look so sweet with one.  Can you imagine Mike and Toad trying to figure out what the heck if they came upon a calf with a bow on her head?  Makes me grin thinking about it.   So the new bull is a bit shy.  Well; he is seems to not be a, "one night stand." He wants a relationship with his harem; so he will get acquainted and then become the big guy on campus.  He must be busy trying to get adapted to his new surroundings.  Poor guy, he had no choice; they put him where they want to put him.  Wonder if he misses being in his usual place.  I do not know the psychology of cattle, so that is just a wondering sort of thing.

     That 46 year old Deputy District Attorney that died from COVID that I mentioned yesterday was not vaccinated.    Her husband felt it necessary to divulge that information as there was a lot of false information that she died from having a COVID vaccination or COVID booster.   She had campaigned heavily against mandatory vaccination requirements as she began her run for the State Senate.   Any death is awful; it is a shame that her website is filled with some pro-vaxxers sending terrible messages along with some anti-vaxxers using it to put forth false information.  Sure wish I would hear good news on the news programs in the morning.  Today there was all of that as well as hyping the January 6th dread debacle at the capital last year.  Even PBS had a Frontline program this a.m. going over it and violence in America.  Wonder if it is not the best day to be doing that hyping considering . . .  wonder if perhaps a later date would be better . . . just me once again doing my wondering at something unanswerable.  Knit one, purl two, and so forth and so on.

    Had to shake my head; that Lottery is now up to $610 million dollars; bet the odds of winning are one in 610 million too!  My step-dad used to buy one Lottery ticket every Friday.  He said that he knew the odds were big, but all it takes is one single drawing to win and it could just as easily be him rather than someone else.  Looks like it was always someone else.   I can imagine the office pools going on.  The news station I was listening to this a.m. were putting together a pool in their newsroom and hoping not to have to go to work in the morning.   My husband always said that buying a lottery ticket was like putting the money into the commode and flushing it away. 

    What I have done in the past, just for fun, was to get scratch off tickets to put one in the toe of Christmas stockings or one in Christmas cards going to an adult child or teen grandchild.  One grandchild actually won $50 in a scratch off, and a few others got $5.00.  Then it dawned on me that I could be starting a grandchild off to a gambling problem in later life and desisted.  I found other ways to have a bit of unexpected fun so I would not cause possible potential problems for the kids.

    Hey Beth; when you try out your new crockpot, let us know - we will drop by for dinner and bring the dessert!  I need some new crockpot recipes, I only use it for a few things and would like to expand my "cooking."   I do not like recipes where you have to do so much prepping that one might as well use a regular pot.   Browning I understand, but some recipes go on and on and on until the items get inside the crockpot. One of the tastiest crockpot snack recipes for a crowd I got from a business office worker at a hospital. Her SIL played for the Dodgers and it was his recipe:

    Take about four to five pounds of Polish or similar sausage and cut the links into coins 1/2 inch or so thick.  Place meat in the crockpot.

     -  Place contents of a large Heinz Ketchup bottle into a microwave safe bowl, stir in 3/4 of a box of brown sugar (can't remember if that was a 20 ounce or 32 ounce bottle of ketchup since I do not have it in front of me.) Sorry; I kind of think it was 20 oz.

      -  Put microwave safe bowl into the microwave and heat; stirring about every minute or so until the brown sugar is incorporated and it just bubbles on the edges.

     - Mix one to two shot glasses of bourbon into the catsup/brown sugar mixture . . . pour over the meat in the crockpot on low setting and cook for eight hours (sometimes did fine for six hours.)  Really good and always went fast.

    Breakfast time coming up.  When younger, I usually skipped breakfast and was hungrier at supper time, now I am hungry at breakfast and not so much at dinner.  Go figure.   It reminds me of when I was a kid; we had breakfast, dinner and supper.  Now we have breakfast, lunch and dinner.  And is it ketchup or catsup?  I always preferred ketchup from my UP Michigan days, but most often seen it in print as catsup.  Words.

    Off I go for a nice cup of tea . . .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Guess what!  Daniel and his helper came about 9:15 to fix the bedroom problem.  It's a wonder that side of the bedroom didn't fall in.  I think daddy and Carol's relative built that bedroom and the sunroom on the south side of the house.  The house itself is way over 100 years old and that part is 62 years old - we still call it the new part.  They just now left to get needed supplies.  He seems to know what he's doing and how to do it.  There's a big hole in the floor now and he said there weren't any snakes.  Thank goodness.  So, if I'm satisfied with the work he does in the bedroom I'll get him to replace the utility room floor.

     Marie - do you mean your mother is still driving at 97?  She sounds like a very wonderfully independent lady.  I'm so glad your dad wasn't hurt badly - but a goose egg on the head is bad enough.  How nice of those EMTs to do all of that for them.  They are indeed  helpful.  Like Jo said, any kind of gratitude shown to them would be nice.  There are good people everywhere - mostly what we hear about are the bad ones and the bad things they do.  News should be different.

     It's cold here this morning with a north wind but it's sunny so at least it makes you think it's warmer.  I've been out to the barn twice to give the two cows more hay and to make sure the water wasn't frozen - ran water in the tank in the garden.  Good news - this morning all the girls were out in front of the house about the time Toad fed yesterday.  I hope it wasn't because they were wanting in the barn and that it was them waiting for feed.  Tonight is supposed to be uber cold so I think I'll put the two cows and Eve in the cowshed part and open the barn for the rest of them.  Little Sweet Pea and Tina need to be out of the cold, too.  The little cow who lost her baby is still walking very slowly but her ears are up and she's eating.  I'm going to watch her another day or so. 

    Jo -  you tickle me with the things you say.  Now, I'm thinking about Eve with a pink bow in her hair and how Toad and Mike would react.  They'd get a big laugh out of that.  I think all little calves are pretty - well, all baby animals.  Glad you all think Eve is pretty. She's black - usually they're dark, dark brown and turn black in a few months.   Bit worried about Tom or Jerry, not sure which.  One of them hasn't been here for three days now.  This happens occasionally - guess the missing one is the Casanova.  Kind of wish he's bring a girl home with him so I've have more barn cats.  Kind of miss them. 

     Stormy has been so upset this morning.  Daniel called before 8 to say they were coming so I had the GPs inside.  From the time they heard the PU until they just now left to get supplies, Stormy has barked and barked.  He didn't know who it was and what they were doing.  I did take him to the bedroom door to let him see and that helped a little bit.  I've closed that part of the house and won't go back in there - I did go in a while ago with Daniel but I had on a mask.  There's another front door they can go through so don't have to be in this part of the house.  I'll sleep in the LR tonight and until they're finished and stay out of there.  Next will come the rock work.  He said he'd talked with the stone mason and it would be very expensive to take that 12-14 ft. of rock off and replace it so he's thinking about the flashing (not sure if there's a "P" in front of that or not.  Anyway, I'm going to have the stone mason replace a few rocks and the stuff in between some of them so they won't fall off. We had that done a few years ago but with the rain, snow and ice and wind it has to be done occasionally.  The rock is pretty - different shades of gray but just the wooden house would have been all right but mother wanted it done and I do appreciate it.  Makes me think of her.

     Can't even imagine that much money in the lottery.  I'd love to win it but guess I'd have to buy a ticket.  I've never done that.  I figure I'd rather have however much they cost than wasting it on a ticket.  Patsy and Jack would buy some kind of tickets occasionally and they have won money - one time enough to put on a new roof.

     Jo - we always had breakfast, dinner and supper, too.  I think I started calling the noon meal "lunch" when I started to school - because they called it lunch time.  To me it's still dinner and supper.

     Stormy is asleep now but he'll wake up when the PU comes back.  I'm glad he's so protective - I know if I didn't know him I surely wouldn't want to come into the yard.  Our usual FedEx guy came yesterday and he's fine with him.  When he first started this route he made friends with them and they don't bother him.

     Daniel commented on how pretty our calves are - said he told his helper he didn't know how I took care of them - said the tractor didn't look like it had been moved in a long time.  I guess I could have made it without Mike's help but it would have been hard. Guess maybe now I have the best of both worlds.  Still an adjustment to make - for me and for the girls, too.   Sandy and I talked about adjustments last night - decided our whole life is just one big adjustment and some are not so easy.

     Need to think about something to eat today - haven't had pasta in a while so I think maybe that will be it.  I have a instant pot - does anyone have a recipe for pasta to cook in it?  I need to learn how to use it.  Sandy sent a cookbook to me but guess I'm too dense to know how to use it.

     Jo - I'm sure Mickey  is also having a period of adjustment being in a new place with all these new girls.  That's why I was so adamant about Billy not being sold.  With his vision problem I don't think he would have done well being in an unfamiliar place.  But, with Mike's bulls, they move them around a lot.  Mickey probably has been in a pasture with other bulls until they moved him here.  Another adjustment for all of them.

     I'll be back later.  Hope everyone's okay.  Zetta, when did you say you're planning on starting home?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi again,

     Just had something interesting happen that has given me confidence in my credit union.  I had given Daniel a check to get supplies - he was going to Lowes.  It was written on my CU account.  I heard my landline ringing but as you all know I very seldom answer that phone.  A couple of minutes later Daniel called saying they wouldn't cash my check because I didn't answer my phone to okay it. 

     Immediately called them - they had both phone numbers on my account but called the landline. So, had to call me back on my cell phone to verify it was okay - asked several questions, then said she'd take it to the tellers for them to cash.  I called Daniel and told him and told him I was sorry that happened but glad they were being so careful.

     I am glad they take these precautions.  So much is happening now it makes you feel much more secure to know they do take these measures.  I've also had a credit card company call to verify a charge.  I hadn't thought that I should call them or even to answer that phone.  But, it worked out all right.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Yes, mother still drives but only locally...about a 10 mile radius...she is too independent for her own good...hard to get her to get help in with dad...and some days are just real hard for her.  Have been trying for over a year to get them to either move to independent living facility or get day help in.

    We finally did get her to have my granddaughter who is a CNA to come twice a week for 4 hrs a day to help with laundry (which of course is in the basement, make sure dad gets a shower, and whatever else my mother needs.  Sometimes it is so that she can get out of the house to either get her hair done or to go to the grocery store without leaving dad alone.

    We ...including my son and daughter have talked with her so many times about the need for her to take care of herself yet she insists she can still do things and doesn't need more help.

    Just an update on our EMS folks: 

     I sent an email to the Fire Chief letting him know how wonderfully they treated my parents yesterday.  He responded and has passed on our thanks, his own and copied the mayor and the city counsel to those who helped them.  I am so glad that he wanted to share this with the mayor and counsel as folks who do good deeds need to be recognized.  There is so much bad in the world that we need to put forward those who do so much for so little.

  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Lorita, you are correct mentioning you are glad that the bank contacted you concerning the check. I have a credit card company that also has declined some charges and I was glad they did since they were annual charges that I did not approve of and the card company will send me an update every day of my balance and of any transactions that have taken place. I have talked to the representatives to let them know how appreciative I am for their service. You are right when you say you cannot be careful enough these days. I try to take all the precautions I can to ensure I keep my personal information secure. I have even Frozen my credit since I was at a meeting for seniors and it was recommended to do this so that no one could take out credit in your name.

    Marie... First I want to say that I am so glad that your dad was not hurt more seriously however I'm sure the goose egg on his head felt bad enough.  I am amazed your mom drives at 97 years of age.  She must have a good brain and reflexes. Sounds like there are some good genetics in the family.  EMTs were mentioned and we have a rescue squad with EMTs close by that were of great help when my husband became ill and had to be taken to the hospital. I make sure I give them a donation every year now because the few times we had to call them they were just the best and how they handled everything and the care that they showed towards my husband and myself.

    Well I wanted rain and we had three days of it and then about 6 to 8 in of snow in our area of Southwest Virginia and I heard that the higher elevations received more. It appears we are going to get some more snow towards the end of this week. From what I have heard with this last big snow we had on the news that I-95 was a disaster for commuting and so many drivers were stuck in the traffic for hours. It was strange that some people try to blame our new governor and he's not even in office yet. When there is so much traffic it is difficult always for plows to get through to salt the roads. It would have been nice to have some of this white stuff at Christmas but I do like a little of it and since Southwest Virginia does not get very much of it, I will enjoy it and only hope I do not lose any electric that some folks in Virginia experience with this last big snow.

    I am glad the holidays are over. It's just not the same for me for several reasons. It is so nice when there are little kids around for the holidays because they get so excited but now I have three teenage grandkids who put in their request ahead of time and usually know what they're going to get, but they do like the holidays and I did get to enjoy a little time with them. Keeping in mind what Christmas is really about is more important than the festivities plus any time with the family brings me joy.

    I'm wanting get up enough enthusiasm to start clearing out some closets and the basement. I think my daughter is nervous over the fact that if something should happen to me she would have a lot of work on her hands. I don't really hoard anything but I do keep some things of value in case she ever needs them. I am glad I have done this because there were some small appliances such as food processors or coffee makers, etc., she was happy to receive and I have found that in the last many years I don't use some of the smaller appliances like I used to since I don't bake as much and of course now that my dear husband has passed on I don't eat as much and do not really prepare any real big meals for myself. I have to admit it will be nice to clean out my closets but I am still not quite ready to dispose of all of my husband's belongings and we'll have to work through that and do a little at a time. It seems when his belongings are still in the home it's as if a part of him is still with me.

    I read there is another Covid strain...IHU.. that has been detected in Europe. It seems like every month there's a new strain and I suppose this is going to be ongoing just like the flu. I use my Purell hand sanitizer and two 4-ply masks... So far no issues for me yet.  It looks like I'll be doing this for a long time and the other plus side to it all is not getting the flu.. I hope. I carry hand sanitizer in my pocket because I'm leery about grocery cart and door handles plus keypads at the stores.

    This is about it for now.  I hope everyone stays well.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Katie.....just threw out my husband's meds....filled a baggie...lol I have removed his clothes to a hanging rack and filled it back up with my summer clothes. That is majr progress for me. BTW Lorita still has Charles' clothes. I think she got as far as removing them from the closet too.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Marie, it's so hard to get parents to do what we think they should do.  In your mother's mind she's still 75 - able to do what she wants to when she wants to.  I feel the same way - in my mind - but the physical part of me rebels at times.  Your mother isn't doing physical labor so much so she continues to believe she can do anything.  I know you worry about her driving but short of taking away her keys there's not much you can do.  Glad she has consented to have the granddaughter in to help some.  My mother had alz and after daddy passed away she continued to live by herself, only a quarter mile from us - but still things happened that we didn't know about that was really dangerous for her.  I could not have talked her into going into a nursing home or any facility until she injured herself and had to be hospitalized and went into a NH from there.  It's a hard thing to deal with and I wish you luck.  Hopefully, with your mother not driving too much or too often things will be okay.  Sounds like people in her town kind of look out for her.  Good for them and good for you sending that nice message about the EMTs to the Fire Dept. Glad he forwarded it on to the involved people and the Mayor.

     Katie, we have to be as careful as we can be at all times and in all ways.  I think older people are more trusting that younger ones and that's why we get taken so often.  It's kind of hard for us to hang up on people but we need to get out of that feeling.

     I talked with Sandy last night and she had 6-8" of snow and said they were expecting more.  Our weatherman said we might have a few flakes in the morning but that will be north of us.  That's fine with me.  It's been so cold today with a north wind and the WC in the morning is supposed to be in the single digits.

     That traffic jam was awful - wouldn't you have hated to have been in your car for seven or more hours and not be able to move?  Glad it got cleared up.

    Judith is right - this is the 7th year for she and I after the loss of our husbands.  I was finally able to take most of the things out of his closet.  I have his pullovers in a box and some of his jeans in another.  The dress pants and dress shirts are still in the closet - some of them at least.  I know I have boxes of probably summer clothes packed away.  He had several leather jackets and I think I'll ask Bryon if he'd like to have them.  There's a few things I don't think I'll ever be able to let go - like you said, Katie, if they're here, it's still kind of like he is, too.

     It has been a very stressful day for Stormy.  A PU drove up that he didn't know and there were people in the house he didn't know and couldn't see but could hear some noises.  He was beside himself - very protective acting.  I'm glad he's like that.  Tomorrow there will be four men in the house that he doesn't know so he'll be stressed again.   And I have a couple of stressors, too.  Mid afternoon I went into the kitchen and turned on the water faucet and the pressure was really low.  There's been a cold, north wind today so the first thing I thought was the pipes were trying to freeze.  So turned it on all the way and let it run and put the little heater in front to try to warm it up.  I tried calling the man who works at the rural water dept. but it said it wasn't a working number.  So, called the water dept. and the recording said they were working on the water lines and hoped it would be back on tonight.  It is so breathed a sign of relief for that.

     An hour or so after Daniel got  back with the supplies he thought he needed the boy with him came and told me he wanted to talk to me.  He was sitting on the ground in the hole in the bedroom floor.  The damage is worse than either of us thought.  He showed me what it was and now instead of an area about 4x8, it's probably going to be triple that area.  He's having to sister new joists to the others and put a couple of joined long boards at the outside edge of the floor to hold up that part of the room, then will jack it up.  It's wonder with all that dry rot that the heavy wardrobe didn't fall in - well, guess it did sort of.  This part of the house was built over 60 years ago so they didn't use all the things they should have - like a lining between the subfloor and hardwood - which is not in good shape either.  I think I'll get him to take it up (hate to because daddy put down the floor) and use something else that looks like wood.  So - not sure how much it'll cost to get it done - but it has to be done. 

     Seems like he knows exactly what's wrong and how to fix it so after he finishes that (in a few days - maybe this week or early next) - I'll probably broach the subject of the utility room floor. 

     In the bedroom, water has been getting between the rock and the house and has gotten the wood wet and it has just kept going and I didn't realize any of this until the floor got spongy and the snakes started getting in - then found the broken board under the wardrobe.

     Oh, and he told me why he theought there were snakes under there.  He said he discovered rat tunnels - maybe rats or some other tunneling varmint.  So the snakes were after them.  No sign of them now and the ground is dry.

     So, that's my story for today.  Not good news but good that he found what's wrong and it's going to be repaired.

     I didn't let Penny and baby out today or the other cow.  I have them in the smaller part of the barn tonight and let the other part open so the girls can come in tonight - it's going to be so cold.  Looked out a while ago and saw a cow eating hay out of the feeder so they're coming in.  Did I mention they were all out front this morning - hope they are in the morning so all of them can get some feed.

     Eve may now be Evan.  I thought his/her head looked like a little bull but when I checked we were both walking and I didn't feel anything so may have missed it.  Looks like there's something hanging down in the middle of his abdomen.  Will have to wait to see the baby go to the bathroom to be sure.  Won't let me check now.

     I'm not going to sleep in the bedroom tonight - the big hole is covered but there's pieces of wood all over that part of the room - bed is in one part and the chaise and other things in the other part - sitting room I guess you'd call that part. 

     Sorry this was so long - just had a lot to say.  Hope everyone is well.  Big storm going across the Country so most of us will be cold.  Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    12F, -11C.  Slight chance of snow.

    JoC that recipe sounds good.  I’m not big on sausage though but do like bourbon chicken.

    Glad no snakes under house Lorita.   Hope you have nice, safe floors soon and you were blessed with someone to do it.  

    Yes Marie we do need to try and encourage those who are kind to others.  Was good about that prepandemic but not so much during pandemic.  Going to try and start doing that.

    Zetta I saw a weather clip saying rain coming to Washington and Oregon.  Guess could be some flooding from it as that happens here too if we have quite a bit of snow and it starts raining.  So hopefully you can get over the pass while the snow is off if I got that right. 

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Baby, it's cold outside!  Twenty-six degrees right now with a stiff north wind - so WC is way below that - they're promising sunshine later today but still cold.

    There's three or four young men working in the bedroom and Stormy is on alert.  Every time they come up the front steps and turn to go into the other door, Stormy and Sheena see them and bark.  All kinds of noises coming from in there.

     Feeding went a bit better this morning.  I went out before 8 to feed Tom and Jerry - still only one of them there - worries me - I'm afraid something has happened to him.  Checked the water tanks and broke ice on them.  Some of the cows were still in the lot/barn finishing up the hay that was left and the rest were in the garden.  Almost all of them came around to the lot when they saw and heard my voice. I was just about in the house when I heard a gate open - somehow the chained lot gate had come open so hurried out and got it closed but two cows and Billy had gotten out.  By that time Toad was out front so the two cows went toward the truck but had a harder time getting Billy out.  He fed and most of the girls made it out to feed.

     I put some more hay in the feeder for Penny and Evan and the other cow.  So, Jo,  - a blue bow is in order - definitely Evan.  I'll have to fill the water tank in the garden before long.

     Carol called.  We were talking a year ago today when all of that stuff happened in Washington.  She and Bill were in Washington a few years ago and she sent me a picture of her standing in a doorway that had Nancy Pelosi's name at the top.  She told me the man who went through that door, got a beer or beverage out of the refrigerator and sat with his feet on her desk was from Muskogee.  He was a college student and they sentenced him to a few months but because he was in college they let him serve his time on weekends.  Should not have done that.  He said he didn't know what he was getting into - just he and a couple of friends went to Washington for the "little protest".  He knew when he got there what was going to happen.

     Sara - I'll be glad when they finish the bedroom floor but it may be two or three days.  I went to the door a while ago with Stormy to show him what was going on and one guy was in the hole.  Sounds like lots of drilling and hammering going on.  One of them just went down the steps and Stormy saw him and is barking again.  He knows where he can see them and is keeping watch on the door. 

     They had a little snow up by the Kansas Stateline but nothing here which is fine with me.  Zetta, I heard the same thing Sara did - is that going to make things better or worse?  Either way just be sure, if you can, that you can make it all right before you start.  The weather will moderate and it's better to be safe than have something happen.

     Not sure if I'll make the soup today or finish the beans.  Not much in the mood to cook - maybe later I will be.  Good, hot soup would be good.

     Hope everyone's okay.  I know a lot of us have cold weather and snow - then, there's the luckier ones in California - Iris and Jo.  Barbara, saw on TV last night that  Australia denied Novak Djokovic entry into your  Country because he lied about being vaccinated - said it was a medical reason.   Is the virus rampant down there like it is here?  I read a post last night (not sure where it was) that there's another variant discovered.  I wonder sometimes if this will ever end.

     Lots of hammering going on - I'm curious but want to stay out of there.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    HI all.  There must be a warm front coming from Zetta’s direction.  It is up to 40 right now, and melting a bit.  Maybe some of this snow will melt off the streets.  Yesterday, the city came through and picked up the snow piled in the culdesac.  They hauled off three big dump trucks off our street. I guess the total from the last storm was three feet, so no wonder we had a huge pile.  Feels like jacket weather after the cold days.  

    Zetta, hopefully you will get over the passes and home on Sunday. I’m like you, I used to drive them all the time during stormy weather, but I’m a lot more cautious these days.  I only attempt the passes in good weather.  I’ll be thinking of you and praying you get home safe. 

    Marie, your Mom is amazing.  Isn’t it wonderful the EMTs are so kind to her and your father. What a great way to share your thank you note with the town officials.  Good news like that needs to be shared.  Glad your Dad didn’t have anything more than a bump on his head. He was lucky.  

    Katie, looks like Virginia has been in the snow pattern too.  They had a great snow fall.  Glad the highways got cleared and travelers got to safety.  Winter storms can be dangerous, and can come on quickly with little or no warning.

    Lorita, Eve or Evan is beautiful.  That is a perfect picture and so cute.  I’m happy the crew is getting your house repaired.  You will be cozy in there when they’re finished.  I hear icicles fall off the eaves.  Must be the melting that’s helping with that.  I’ll be glad when the all fall.  Many of them are huge.  

    Sara, cold weather at your place today.  I made Lima bean and sausage soup yesterday.  I made a half batch, so will finish it up tonight.  It is very good, especially since I’ve been craving Lima beans.  

    Oh no, another variant!!!  I hope it stays out of the USA, but I know it won’t.  Glad I just got my kn95 masks in the mail.  

    Sandy, stay safe in all that snow.  

    Jo, keep sending recipes.  The bourbon chicken sounds tasty.

    Nicole, take your time with the estate.  There is a lot to do, and it takes time.  Glad you and dh relaxed in Hawaii for Christmas.  You needed the rest and relaxation.  

    Hi to everyone.  Stay safe and warm.  I’m heading outside to check out the icicle situation.  I can hear them falling every few minutes.  

    Have a quiet afternoon.  Joan

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Barbara, I send my sympathy to you and your family.  I hope the funeral went smoothly.  I’m sorry you couldn’t have his favorite songs sung like you wanted.   Please find time now to rest and relax for awhile before you have to face the estate process.  You’re in my thoughts and prayers.  Joan

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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