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Just need to talk to my friends (163)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Ron, hope the bad weather stays south of you.  I didn't see local weather so wasn't aware of the storms.  I guess it's the cold front that came through here during the night.  The north wind is howling and it's cold.   Glad it seems that Lou's toe is feeling better. 

 Sara - back when my parents put meat in the freezer it was wrapped in freezer wrap and I don't recall any freezer burn at all.  I'm sure they still have that kind of paper - It was white and fairly heavy with a slick side as I remember - came on big rolls. 

 Daniel told me about a woman, about my age who weighs about 75 dripping wet, who livels in the middle of the town where he lives.  She gardens and cans and dehydrates vegetables (she's a vegetarian).  He said she stores probably the dehydrated and freeze dried things in five gallon buckets.  She buys those big bales of wood shavings, soaks them in water, punches holes in them and that's what she raises her vegetables in.  Guess she'd have to use something like Miracle-Gro to feed them.  He says the vegetables are delicious.  Also said she does not mow her yard and has bought dozens of chain saws.  She believes we won't have money much longer so she's canning and buying things to barter with.  If she's my age I don't think she has much to worry about - lots of work for nothing.

 I'm wearing my Medical Guardian this morning and I will wear it all the time, every day.  Someone asked if I tested it (sorry, can't look back to see who it was).  I do test it periodically and a few days ago I dropped it on the hassock to see if that was working - it was.  It detects falls so that's what I really need.

 The darn cats and dogs kept me awake last night.  About 2:30 Stormy and Sheena wanted to go outside - they're back in, sound asleep now.  After that Sammy and Lilly started running and playing.  Who would have thought two cats could make so much noise so I couldn't go back to sleep.  I'll have to have a nap today.  The cats are also quiet now.  Need to keep them awake today so they'll sleep tonight. 

 Got the stove finished and I've found that only one burner seems to work.  I only use one and that's the one that works so guess it doesn't matter - it's nice and clean.  The oven works fine so not worried.  Why is it that when one thing goes wrong and quits working, several things seem to do the same thing.

 Filled the water tank in the garden and fed either Tom or Jerry.  One of them still isn't back home.  Really getting worried about him.  I know whichever one is still here is lonesome (I'll say it's Tom who's here).  Came back around the house from filling the water tank and Sally was standing by the gate by the barn.  Last week a cow was out - think it was Sally, and I walked her back to the house and now this one today.  I'll have to tell him so he can check the fence.  It's one fence I didn't have replaced and just part of it is pretty old.  So, she's found a place to get through and is remembers where that place is.  Saw Penny and Evan going up toward the MH this morning - he was running.  I told Tina and Sweet Pea when I was filling the tank that they need to make friends with him - he's not too much older than they are and needs a little friend or two.

 Watching some of the news programs.  Amazing that some people are still so convinced that the election was stolen from Trump - I think they really believe that and that blows my mind.  Also the virus is rampant - seems most of the people who have Omicron are unvaccinated.  The two people I mentioned last night that diedi within 43 minutes of each other were both vaccinated but still got it.

 I'm going to finish my hot tea and find my Muk Luks to put on - my feet are chilly.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sara - I love refried beans, Spanish rice and guacamole together - usually what I order in a Mexican restaurant.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Hi again,

     Update on Carol; had a nice visit with her a few minutes ago.  She's always a big talker but goodness she was going strong this morning.  She has a lady across the hall who screams most of the time, so that along with nurses coming in during the night she only got about three hours sleep last night.

     The doctor told her she didn't fall and break her hip - her hip collapsed and caused her to fall.  They were able to put in a pin.  I recall when Jack's doctor came out to talk with us he said he was able to put in a pin for Jack, too.   I know we have medical people on the forum - so maybe they'll tell us what causes hip collapse.  Seems like that might be something we can't really avoid.

     They put a walking boot on her last night and she slept in it.  Said it wasn't bothering her, in fact, was keeping her foot warm.  PT personnel not there today so it'll be tomorrow before she can be up.

     Carol has been on weight watchers for years and the food she's getting in the hospital isn't compatible with that so she's having a problem.  She doesn't eat eggs very often and she had scrambled eggs this morning.  She did have a couple of day-old doughnuts her daughter brought yesterday so she put her skimmed milk in her coffee and dunked her doughnuts.  We didn't talk too long - her husband was there and one of her daughters had just come in to visit.  I'll talk with her later.

     Stormy's still sleeping on the divan so I'm not napping yet.  My back is really hurting this morning - probably the way I slept - or didn't sleep - last night. 

     Talked with the vet a minute to tell him about Sally being out - he'll check the fence and later this week they'll start feeding hay.  He said they're not feeding hay in any of their pastures yet.  Says they were going to put feed in the creepfeeder today but it's so windy since they'll be doing it with buckets it would blow all over the place - so, tomorrow evening he'll put feed in it.

     I checked the bit of bread I had left and it had molded so I have a new loaf going - haven't made one in a couple of weeks.  Thinking about what to have to eat today - saw a packet of rice and broccoli in the freezer so that might be it.  I need to eat out of that freezer this week to empty it a bit.  I'll be so glad when all of this is done and there won't be people around - I know Stormy will be happy, too.

     The sun has come out but the wind is terrible and it's a cold north wind.  Ron, looks like the bad weather has passed you.  Hope things so well for you and Lou today.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good morning; I see that we have a new Thread, number 163 started.   Hard to realize how much time has passed to bring us to that number.  Thank you Lorita, for starting and being the one who manages this wonderful "front porch" gathering.  Am settled into one of the front porch rocking chairs to catch up.  So; Penny has been a creative Mom for Evan, that is certainly smile inducing, he is a handsome boy.   Sorry about the feedings.  I know how you worry about the cattle.   Hopefully they should soon begin to catch on to the new dynamics,  but I can only imagine how you are feeling.   Mike has been blessed with your being there and doing such caring oversight.  Hope he gets there soon to find the breach and fix the fence where the cow got out.

    Today is the day that Zetta starts for home over the mountain pass.  Weather should be good and road clear.  A prayer sent up for her safety and ease of trip back to her cozy home where she has so wanted to get back to.   Bet she is tired once she gets there; but hope it won't be too long before she lets us know she is okay and snug as can be in her recliner with her little fur friends. Thinking of you, Zetta!

    Got a new bag of Clementines from CostCo; they are delicious.  Very, very juicy, easy to peel and so filled with flavor.  Such a treat and need a towel or napkin to eat them; they are that juicy. Wonderful and good for us too.  Last ones we got from Kroger were all dried out with no juice and full of strings; must be a matter of the different growers and quality of their crops.

     I am so sorry to hear about Carol's fractured hip and injured ankle and pleased to hear her surgery went well.   I am also SO relieved, Lorita, to hear you are going to wear your pendant ALL the time, even when in the house.   NOTE:  Many times falls happen because the hip abruptly fractures and then the fall ocurs because of the fracture.  So; fractured hips do not always happen because of a fall - the fall can happen because of a hip fracture.  Another gem that can come our way as we "mature."

    A dear elderly lady from our church; Marilyn, lived alone and was an independent lady, ambulating well, doing everything; housekeeping, cooking, driving, ran errands, etc.  One day, she was in her laundry room off the kitchen; she fell . . . . she was in severe pain and could not move or get up.  She was propped against her washing machine all day.  Later, she managed to drag herself into the kitchen but could not raise up whatsoever and the pain was excruciating.  She ended up all night against a kitchen wall.   The next day she managed bit by excrutiating bit over hours to slowly drag herself into the living room.  She could not reach a phone, she could not reach any water or food.  She could not control her elimination. She was three days up against the wall in the living room.  On the fourth day, a young man was outside making rounds inserting paper ads into screen doors.  He was putting a paper into Marilyn's screen door . . . . she heard him and began to try to call for help but her voice was too weak by then . . . . he evidently did not hear her well.   He left the porch; got down the sidewalk and something made him turn back; he later said that he thought he heard a very faint word . . "help," but thought it was his imagination.  Well; he went back to the porch and hollered asking if anyone was there . . . Marilyn thankfully heard him and began to try and reach him with her weak voice.  He had a cell phone with him and he called 911 as he still was not sure. Bless him for his caring and reaching out for help to ensure whether or not something was or was not awry.

    Marilyn was in a degree of kidney failure, severely dehydrated, and had other significant medical problems caused by her circumstances; she easily could have died and was in ICU for some days before going to a regular hospital floor.  After she was able to leave the hospital, she needed skilled care for weeks.  When she returned home, she did not live alone, she was able to pay for an aide to care for her for a couple of months so she did not have to go to a NH.  Marilyn did well for what she had gone through; but at 80, she had ongoing deficits from her having sustained such a trauma upon her body and she never got fully back to where she had been.  She DID indeed get herself a pendant and wore it faithfully, aide or no aide (who had become daytime only.)  She often said she so wished she had got it sooner.  Not only was she injured and psychologically traumatized by what had happened, she was also humiliated that she could not control her elimination and was in, "a terrible state," as she put it when the fire department and ambulance men arrived.   That seemed to bother her as much as the injuries.  If that young man had not come along, she would have died there alone on the floor.  Awful thought.

    Anyway; it is wonderful that you will now wear your pendant all day every day whether inside or outside.  That can be a literal life saver.

     Ron; it is great that this is a place where one simply "gabs" and discusses everything from soup to nuts so to speak; whatever is on our mind, whatever is a concern and all the whatevers;  all things big and small and all in between.  It is simply a good visit and sharing between friends.  It is relaxing and gives respite connection and also fosters new distant friends in a whole new way.  Many of us got to know one another as much as years ago when caregiving and Lorita's starting this ongoing Thread kept us together even years after our LOs are gone.  This is a very healthy place.  Sorry Lou has been having some off times and so hope that you will get more rest and that the monitor and apnea workup will give some answers and relief to the aggravations of the body so to speak.   Can't keep this good Southern gentleman down, but he sure could use some relief.  Take good care of you, Mr. Ron.

    Lorita, yes; do get rid of those appliances off the back porch; the leaky frig has got to go . . . . will only be an ongoing problem issue and likely to begin to make another floor problem issue after you have this one fixed.  You do not need such folderol in your life at age 80; just get rid of it while you have the chance with the men there, you do not have to go searching for someone else to do it later; they are at hand.  Hurray! As it is, they will have to move those appliances to fix the floor, why have them put it back.  And the stove.  Just be careful as gas is a problem issue. Could be something clogged along the way in the small pipes, but leave it to those who know.   May need new small lines leading to the burners; but that would take a good repair person to get it analyzed and done so all works and is safe.  One burner works; but upkeep and maintenance are important to keep bigger things from happening, so do err on the side of safety as soon as you can and have that stove looked at before the fourth and only working burner goes out.  Best to have all four burners able to function as well as for safety purposes.  I think you get your gas from a propane tank on the property; also wonder if that is checked anually to ensure that all is as it should be, once again not only checking function, but also checking for potential safety issues.  Just what you do not need, a nagging friend.  Soon you will reclaim my rocker and I will have to sit on the steps. 

    It is nine a.m.; I have not breakfasted as yet and think some oatmeal is in order along with a banana or clementine and a cup of tea . . . and since it is Sunday; a nice lovely Bisconie to make me smile. (I have become easy for my husband; plie me with a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie or a Bisconie and happy me.)


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Osteoporosis is what causes a sudden hip fracture without a fall. Then, once it has occurred, one falls. Osteoporosis is very common in postmenopausal women.

    In 2013, my mom fell in the garage, in March in Iowa, and was there 2 or 3 days before anyone found her; it was the man doing snow removal of her driveway. She had no fractures but was hospitalized and then went to rehab. We got her a pendant. In 2015, she was in the shower and passed out. The pendant worked, after she regained consciousness and pushed the button. Not long after this incident, it was realized that she was unsafe to stay home alone and we got her into Assisted Living.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I guess someday I will nedd to go to Costco....
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Omigosh; I just had the most absolutely unexpected and wonderful phone conversation with a young man in the country of Colombia.

    My Kindle refused to let me buy a new book.  A nice person helped me put my new credit card in as the old one had expired.  BUT it was not done correctly and still could not purchase after  having been an hour on the phone between waiting online and getting "help."

     So . . . a second call with another forever on hold . . .  so glad the first call had not worked.  The second person I got was amazing and helped me right away, step by step for tech idiot me.  BUT then we began to speak socially and eventually got to the topic of the pandemic and found out he lived in the country of Colombia . . . . very intelligent young man, early 30's.  Is an Engineer with a Masters Degree; the extended pandemic eventually and recently caused his company to close, nothing moving professionally due to the pandemic, so he is temporarily working for Amazon and at this point, glad to be working from home.   He was explaining the great number of people who refuse vaccination and maskng where he lives, and who do not believe in the science, and how such people keep following false information instead of listening to the doctors and scientists.   (Sound familiar?)  He discussed so much about the people and his country facing the pandemic issues.  He truly is very bright and well spoken; the nicest fellow.  

    His mother is a school teacher, his wife an accountant.  He and his wife have no children as yet, loves his MIL dearly and states that part of being vaccinated is to protect his parents and MIL who lives with them. 

    He shared that he is discouraged by the fact that the people where he is seem to pick their presidents by popularity, not by their background and education and it has not helped their country move forward.  (Again - sounds a bit familiar to me.)  He has traveled to the U.S. on vacation several times with his wife, and loves the country and all we have available for the citizens, and how the country makes it open for people to move forward in life; he mentioned our healthcare, our hospitals, our education system and more.   He was just the nicest person; his parents raised a very fine man.

    So that was my unexpected treat that came out of nowhere when not expected.  Gave me a boost this afternoon and also bought myself two new Kindle books.   Oh; not to have a book, I would not know what to do with myself.  If I know I have one waiting for me in the evening, I am pleased; if no book is on hand,  I am more antsy than an entire colony of ants; really unsettled.  So many blessings in that fellow's life yet to come.  He signed off with kind wishes for me and my DH.  Just a nice surprise that I thought I would share.

    Wonder if Zetta is home yet; don't know what time she would have left, but it would not have been too late as it is such a long trip and I know it is best done in full daylight.  It is 4:30 pm in Oregon right now, I am sure she will let us know tomorrow or in a day or two how things went.  She is very capable and independent, so I think she will have done well.

    Orange chicken for dinner tonight with rice and broccoli.  Thank you once again to CostCo; very good quality chicken dish.   We have laid in a few of the better dishes they have.  Another excellent one that is well known due to quality is Tika Masala made by a famed Indian Chef.  She is big on quality of her foods and it shows. We otherwise have not tried to make Tika or Orange Chicken.  Nice to alternate things once in awhile as long as I do not look at the nutrition guide too closely.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Yesterday I went on a trip with my travel club.  We went to the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, where they hold the Academy Awards.  We saw The Story of Simon and Garfunkel, performed by a great band and duet of young men, including photos of the times.  It made me nostalgic for New York.  I was one of the 500,000 at their Concert in Central Park in 1981.  

    I had four slices of bread at the restaurant.  I don't eat bread at home, so when I am out it feels like I have an addiction for bread, I can't stop eating it.

    One of the women is 91 and grew up in a dairy family.  Her dad raised Holsteins and Jerseys.  Lorita, I told her about you and your Angus and showed her your photo of the bull.  She was impressed.  When I moved here in 1975, there were still dairy farms about 6 or 7 miles away, not too far.

    Another woman has Life Alert and is very satisfied with it.  It has three modes, in-house, away from home, and a bathtub/shower mode.  It has a fall alert.  I am going to look into this, it's on my To Do list. 

    Jo, have you ever attended the Women's Literary Conference?  I wanted to attend one year but the woman I wanted to see cancelled, so I did not go.  I like to read but I only read real books; I have not gotten to digital books yet.

    Zetta will probably need time to decompress and rest.  The woman in my travel group who is 91, still drives eight hours to visit her family.  I told her I'm not up to such long driving any more.

    I don't seem to be able to keep up with all the reading but I will do the best I can.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    18F,-8C.  Windy again.  Small chance of a little snow.  Had quite a bit of rain yesterday.

    Zetta I hope you are home safely too.

    Iris I’m thinking It would not be a bad idea for me to get some sort of medical alert system too. Don’t worry about keeping up with the reading just sit in the porch, rock in your chair and chat.

    Lorita freezer paper has a coating of plastic inside these days.  Been kind of nosing around about this subject and aluminum foil is much more recyclable.

    We had a beautiful sunset yesterday eve.  The sky was such a beautiful red and blue.

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Beth; what a terrible story of your mother's fall and lying for three days in her garage until being found.  March in Iowa; it must have been so cold.  Not only must have that been traumatizing for her, but also for you.  I am so glad she now has her pendant and that it has been of help.  Thank you for sharing that so we continue to realize the importance of such a helpful and life saving device.

    Iris; you are braver than me being out and about right now in various indoor places within groups; I am so conscious of the dreadful numbers in the present surge, that I do not wish to venture forth until things cool down a little; yes, "Chicken Little" me.   Thank you for the suggestion regarding the Women's Literary Conference.   I would love to attend; I deeply respect writers.   I am certainly a person who cannot be without books and have been this way all of my life since early childhood. I used to walk a mile plus to the Dale Carnegie Library in our hometown when only six and seven and check out five books a week during the summer.  I played outside and had a lot of friends, but it was books, books, books at night and when stuck inside for one reason or another.  I am also a very fast reader without intending to be so; it just is. Can't count worth a pickle, but sure can read.

     I by far prefer print books. I love the smell of books, of the paper, the feel of the book in my hand; and love, love, love the smell of a library.  Blindfold me and set me down in a library and I can tell you what sort of building I am in just by the smell of the books.  Should have been a librarian. I have had a couple of small stories printed and had an English Professor who told me I should be an RN until and ONLY until I had honed my skills as a writer as that he told me, was what I was supposed to be.  Well; with four kids and a need for us to have better income, I stayed on the RN path and moved up in my profession, but still so love books and the written word.

    While I love libraries, and while I used to buy so many books to read, that became more and more difficult; especially for a fast reader.   I now have a Kindle, a gift from my son.  I do somewhat miss the books, but Iris; I never, never, ever run out of books now.  I always have books.  Have about 600 or so in my electronic library.  Can get pretty much any genre - factual, educational, science, biographies and fiction.   I find my best reads in fiction and have run through so many authors much to my pleasure.  My deepsest thanks to all those who write and to live in a country where books are free to be written, published and read without being controlled.  What a blessing in so many ways.

    I think Zetta is probably tired, recouping from her journey, getting her stuff put to rights as she always does, and enjoying her recliner with her fur friends.  Must feel so good to be home again.  Am going to enjoy hearing from her.

    Goodness; I saw an article about planting in January and the suggestion of what to put out.  Guess that was for areas not under tons of snow . . . .  Well; anyway, the article discussed planting asparagus.  It suggested purchasing asparagus plants that were at least two years old; to plant them in a place that was not a vegetable bed that was going to frequently get tilled; and NOT to harvest any of the asparagus for at least two years to give the root systems a chance to become strong.  What?  All that asparagus and the will power not to harvest the spears or two years.   That must be pretty hard to do I would imagine.  Love asparagus, but had no idea that so much went into such a planting. Once again, learned something new.

    Going to get going and try to find out what happened to my friend who has been injured as I have not been able to make contact with her in the last week or so; something is off kilter and am very concerned on her behalf.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Thanks, Jo and Beth, for the information about what could have caused Carol to have fallen and fractured her hip.  She called this morning just as I was starting back to the house from taking down the trash and feeding Tom (guess Jerry is gone).  Her oldest daughter stayed the night, again.  She said she didn't sleep much last night and is expecting to begin her therapy today.  I bet she stood up and had all of her weight on the right foot.  I'll ask her - if she remembers.  I wouldn't remember myself. 

     Took down the trash in the PU and the girls heard it and came up.  I knew they would so they (at least most of them) were in place when Toad came to feed.  There were three or four in the garden and Penny didn't go over - stayed with Evan.    If I had been feeding I'd have kept some and took it over to her.  But, that's just me.

     It's sunny this morning, good and chilly but will warm up today. 

     Daniel called a while ago.  They won't be here today. He said he had a sinus infection last week and went to the doctor and this morning all three of his workers don't feel well so he thinks it's a sinus infection from working around rotting wood.  They'll go to the doctor today.  He said they wouldn't come today - didn't want to make me sick.  Sort of worries me though but, thankfully, I had my mask on when I was around them - only once or twice in the room for less than five minutes and other time or two outside in the wind.  Scares me though. I will make a point of not getting even that close when they come back.  Guess they'll probably be tested when they go to the doctor.  I read that with Delta, incubation period is about four days - three with Omicron.   I was doing a 15 day countdown from being around anyone.  I think it's a shame, just awful, that we tend to not want to be around anyone because we're afraid of getting something.

     I told Carol some of you were seriously considering getting an alert button of some kind.   She was happy to hear that.  I am wearing mine - even woke up during the night and I still had it on. 

     Beth, thank God for the man who helped your mother.  I know how thankful she and you were.  About the same thing happened with our neighbor when we lived in the MH.  He was retired and lived alone.  He called me one day to ask if it was okay to put our name as someone to call - he had gotten an alert button.  Of course I told him it would be fine - would be happy for him to do that.  A few weeks later he called and told me he had fallen getting ready for Church (that was on Sunday and he called me on Wednesday).   He fell in the LR - phone was in the dining room and it had taken him that long to be able to get to it to call.  Luckily, he had some water in the LR but no food.  I told him we'd be right over - he said to wait, he had to have time to get to the door to unlock it.  Of course, we didn't wait - Charles broke the door window to get in and we called an ambulance.  He had a broken hip and did pass away about three days later.  He held on until his niece from Chicago arrived.  We came home when they got there and just after we got home (about an hour) we had a call that he had passed away.  So, it can happen when we least expect it.

     Jo - our stove is electric.  I think the only time we've had a gas stove was in the duplex we had just after we got married.  So, it's all right - I have only used one burner at a time for years.  Thanks for caring.

     Anxious for a word from Zetta about her trip.  Really hope she had a safe trip home.

     Iris, what a nice trip you had - sounds like a lot of fun.  I love bread, too - made a fresh loaf yesterday

     and had a couple of slices of it toasted this morning with peach preserves mixed with peanut butter.

     We used to have dairies all around us, too.  There were a couple just a mile or so from us.  Now, there are none - guess it wasn't something that paid enough.  The picture you showed her was of Jasper - before him, his dad was our bull and his name was Casper (because he was so black).  Now, there's Little Bit and Mickey - not to forget Billy the Bull (really a steer).    Still having a rather tough time but I have to let go.  I'm so thankful that most of them will still be here with me. 

     I loved Simon and Garfunkel's music - such pretty harmony they had.  I used to know the different groups and singers - now, I know none of them and none of the songs that are popular.  I like to be able to understand the words of a song - can't do that now.

    What I have is a Medical Guardian.  It has an option that I have that detects falls - and it really does.  I think I mentioned that when our vet was looking for a device for his mother his wife checked and found that Medical Guardian was just about the least expensive per month for what it offered.  My cost is about $165 a quarter.   I've had mine for a long time and they've called me when it went off (got against it in my purse or pocket) even when I was in town or on the road.  It's set up to call my cell phone, if no answer, it calls Darwin (maybe should change that), then ambulance.  Two or three years ago, at night, somehow it went off and I didn't notice.  My phone rang but since I didn't recognize the number I didn't answer - so went on to bed.  About an hour later I was awakened by a light at my bedroom window and someone calling my name.  They had alerted the police and ambulance and a Deputy was outside my window to check on me.  There was a police car and an ambulance in our driveway - so I know it really works.  That scared the neck out of me though.  Just wanted you all to know it really works.

     Now, I'm worried about being around those young men and Daniel.  Darn, always something to worry about.  It's been two whole days (this is the third).  Didn't know symptoms would show up in three or four days - I'll be counting down that long and up to 15 days.  I've been sneezing some (always do) but I'll take my Loratadine to help stop that. 

     Zetta - where are you?  I'll be back later.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    In my life as a medical transcriptionist (which I still do part-time), I have typed many, many notes about people who have fallen and are down for extremely long periods of time until someone checks for them.  Often they have raging infections by the time they get to the hospital, along with whatever broken bones and other injuries they got from the fall.  Unfortunately on some of them, I already can tell where they're headed, and it often turns into them never leaving the hospital alive, so I encourage everyone living alone to get some sort of system in place.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    The final covid count is  10...6 here and 4 in St Louis. Again, only one felt bad. I am now including myself in the count becuase of my runny nose and slight headache.

    With the booster I have not worried but I have been careful. Lorita, I would not worry now that  the cows are being taken care of. Falling is a lot more dangerous and $165 per quarter is pretty expensive for non-use...lol

    Iris...you have been so busy. I wish I had your opportunities. Still looking for adventures here. Oh, I use Valarian Root. It really helps.


    It was a busy weekend here. On Saturday the cowboy made cinnimon rolls from yeast up. Not my favorite treat but they were delish. Sunday there were 5 here...drop ins....all had been part of the 10 positives. We played Trivial Persuit and finished the rolls. Early to bed and Netflix. I finished The Borgias and started The Medici.

    It is a beautiful day. Bright blus sky...not too cold. Perfect for a walk.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Hi again,

     Day, My working career was in a VA Hospital.  I didn't know diddlysquat about medical terminology when I began - a foreign language for sure.  It was hard at first but I grew accustomed to the spelling and, in fact, medical words are usually easier to spell than just English words.   I worked on EENT, Urology and Medical Wards as a ward secretary typing histories and physicals, consultations, and discharge summaries - sometimes from a Dictaphone and more often from transcribing speedwriting.  I loved it.  That was for ten years, then I transferred to Social Work Service as their secretary.  Still got a lot of medical terminology.  I enjoyed it and you must, too.

     Judith, it is a beautiful day - it's only 39 here but there's no wind and plenty of sunshine.

    What type of covid did all these people have - delta or omicron?  Were they tested and did they wear masks when you were around them - and did you?  How long after you were exposed did you get the drippy nose and headache?  My nose began to be drippy yesterday but I've attributed it to allergies or just the weather - wind. 

     I'm going to call Daniel this afternoon and see what they learned and if they were tested.  Darn, being so careful and then the possibility.  I'll be positive and think they do just have sinus infections - but odd, that all three - well four, have had it.  I used to have sinusitis and it's no fun.  I need to also ask him if they were vaccinated - 90% sure they haven't been. 

     I know, Judith, but you've known me all these years so you know I'm a worrier.  Just not doing things the way I did.  I know they take care of their cattle but I've been so much more a hands-on type of caregiver.  When they have hay out, they'll be close to the house so they'll be able to adjust better. 

     I know $165/quarter is quite a lot but it's going to get use now, for sure.  Have you thought about getting some kind of alert button?  You're alone most of the time - I think of you trying to keep Luke from falling down the stairs.  He was big and you could have gone down, too. 

     I used my last stamp last night and now have another business letter I need to mail so I'll have to get some more.  I have an envelope from the PO where you can order stamps and other things so will have to get that down there tomorrow.  I have most of my payments taken out of my checking account and the ones that have variable amounts I can call and pay them on the phone.  Still use a lot of stamps though.

    Sara - what have you learned about how long after possible exposure do people get symptoms of delta or omicron.  Hope your weather is better today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Covid...basically everyone I was around was boosted. All it took was one person to be a sheeder. Could I have been more careful? Yes, but not much more.

    My nose was just slightly runny. Headache sporatic and minimal. Again, only one person felt like they had a really bad cold. Everyone else just felt a bit off. Original, Delta of Omicron?  I have no idea. Does it matter? 

    People began to feel "off" starting at 3 days. I was at about 4 days. There is no need to worry now. You either do or do not have Covid and if you do have it you will not get it again for a long time if ever but you can still be a sheeder. 

    The St Louis 4 were tested. Here the first were tested..those of us on the tail end assumed we would be positive and isolated our selves.

    If the sinus infections were viral they could be contageous. 

    Cow care...Your hands on care is wonderful for the cows but Mike is in it to make money. Less TLC but he will take good care of the stock and he likely bring in more cows, yes? That will keep you hopping.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Thanks, Judith.  You're right - no need to worry now but you know me.. 

     He'll sell calves, just as I would have, this month probably so that will take out nine head.  Twelve babies will stay until they're older.  By the way, Penny is taking such good care of Evan - right now he is her life.  In a month or two she'll let him get farther away from her.  He may move some of the two or three older cows to one of his pastures so they can have more feed, otherwise, I think they'll all stay here.  He may bring in a few but not many - what I've been running is about what the pastures will take care of.  I know he'll take good care of them but it's just hard to let go.  I know I have to and when my back or sides hurt I know it was the right decision but it's still hard after 35 years.  At least I'm so lucky that most of them will still be here and I can still interact with them.

     Just made some creamy potato soup.  I diced a couple of raw potatoes and steamed them in the microwave then after I used an immersion blender in the soup, I added them to the soup.  I like pieces of potato but not the kind that come in the soup.  Also made one of those Wacky cakes.  Waiting for it cool a bit so I can put on the frosting.

     I ordered some flowers for Carol about 8:30 and they delivered them about noon - local company we've always used.  She just sent me a picture of them and called.  She said they're really pretty - white and yellow daisies.  We had a really good friend named Daisy so reminded us of her.

     She said they got her up on her feet this morning and had her take a few sideways steps - just a few.  She said they were going to do some more at 1:30.  She said it was painful but not so much she couldn't stand it. 

     It's still beautiful outside - have you taken that walk yet?  Judith, you need to get some kind of alert button.  When I fell the latter part of October I could  have broken something and even though someone was coming up they might not have seen me and I could have laid there for days.  I did have my phone - always carry it. At our age we can't be too carful. 

     I did sleep through the night - went to sleep and woke up at MN because the GPs wanted out - then not again until almost 7.  Oh, Daniel told me someone in Morris, Okla. has a black Great Pyrenees - full blooded.  He said he just missed getting a black puppy by a week or two.  His son who works with him has two GP puppies - one badger faced like Stormy. 

     Still waiting to hear from Zetta.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Thank You for your prayers and concerns', I am home. I got home yesterday around 4:30pm my 4.5-hour drive turned into a 6-hour drive. Yesterday was the first day the snow had let up but there was a lot of slush and ice making the drive pretty scary. It was a beautiful day, so all the skiers took advantage of that. If I was a skier I would have been up there as well. There are 4 lanes and both outside lanes had skiers and everyone who wanted to play in the snow decided to park so that cut down the driving lanes. There were only 2 lanes to drive in. Everyone was just creeping along, so it took about 2 hours to go over the pass. I went over Mt Hood and Government Camp. I don't plan on doing that again. 

    I was glad I spent the time with my daughter and SIL, they are all packed, and the movers will be loading them up tomorrow and heading out to Arizona.

    Molly and Sammy did really good on the trip, Sammy was in his cat carrier and slept most of the way. He was in it for 6 hours. Sammy is missing the other cats he keeps walking around meowing and looking.  

    It will probably take me a few days to clean my car out I got a lot of stuff my daughter did not want so now I just need to find a place to put it all. It's going to take me a few days to get caught up with the front porch news. 

    I am in my recliner now and getting ready for a nap.

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dear Zetta,

    So glad to hear from you and know that you got home safe and sound, even if it was a longer trip.

    Rest up...we will be waiting on the porch for when you feel like joining us.



  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    So glad you got home safely Zetta.  We have all been watching the weather hoping you would have an uneventful trip.  Sit back and relax for a few days. 

    We had two snowfalls last week, one was six inches and the other was four inches.  I think we brought the Chicago weather with us.  It’s not been as cold as Chicago thank goodness.Today there is barely a trace of snow left on the ground.  There are five bird feeders outside my window and the birds are a constant source of entertainment.  My son just refilled them and they are having a party.

    Only one granddaughter left here.  She will be leaving on the 24th to study at a university in Dublin.  She’s starting to panic about the culture change going to another country.  I think it sounds exciting.  I hope Covid doesn’t prevent her from traveling.

    Lorita, I so sorry to hear that Carol fell.  I hope she has a better recovery than Jack.  If she is diligent about her rehab she should be fine.  I’ve been after you for years to wear your pendant, I’m glad you’re finally doing it.  You have so many good people that care about you, you need to take care of yourself.  Cows can’t call 911. Dogs or cats can’t either.

    When we moved here I was looking forward to seeing some wildlife.  So far only some wild turkeys and deer, oh, and one groundhog.  Haven’t seen a turkey since Thanksgiving and haven’t seen a deer since Christmas.  Strange.  Only birds around.  Not even a squirrel.

    Nothing special happening here, I have a doctor appointment with my new doctor this week.  Starting over and not looking forward to it.

    Take care, stay safe.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Zetta!  Hello to you in beautiful Oregon in your snug, warm home and your favorite cozy recliner.    That must indeed have been quite a trip over the Pass and am happy that you are safe and sound and the animals are also in good sorts.  Ice is no joke; my first experience with black ice was in Washington and Oregon on one trip and was quite an experience. 

    Judith, so hope everyone does alright with the virus; and also hope your spell of it will be very light and of short duration. One unfortunately can indeed contract the virus more than once.  This is being seen as more data comes in over time.   Far more likely in the unvaccinated, but can also happen with the fully vaccinated.  Is your grandson living with you all the time now?  I am not clear on that point.   I know you mentioned the two of you were going to do some property rehab, but do not know if you had ventured forth with that as yet.  Since he can make cinnamon buns from scratch; he sounds like a good roomate to have around.  How do you feel about the drop-in visitors? 

    Lorita; really do hope those workers do not have a virus; if they do, I think you are okay as you were so careful.   Daniel has had multiple different excuses over time why he cannot make it to the ranch; that happening again now has made me wonder if he may have other jobs being worked at the same time doing some days at one and then some at the next, or if he may not feel like venturing out your way and makes excuses.  May not be; but having a friend that ran into that, it entered my mind.  Hopefully they are well and they will get back out very soon so all can be taken care of.  I am sorry one of the barn cats seems to be permanently gone from the ranch; they have been there for such a long time. 

    Glad to hear your stove is electric; I was picturing gas leaking when not expected or sparking a fire.  We seem to worry about you being out so far from others and alone.  Houses; if it isn't one thing it is pretty much always another thing needing to be addressed and none of it cheap.

    Cannot believe it; we are to be 80 degrees tomorrow . . . winter?  I am concerned that does not bode well for the summer.  Wonder if it is a harbinger of big time heat to come.  We do not need that with the dry hillsides and fire such a risk as has been the last  few years.  Here's hoping that it will get better over the next couple of months and give us some more much needed rain and snow pack in the Sierras.

    There has been such an upheaval of upset people on the news. The governor of our state, (California), has made a ludicrous decision.  He has decided that healthcare workers; mostly meaning RNs, but also all other healthcare workers such as lab techs, etc.; can work with patients in all settings including hospitals, even if they are COVID positive.  Well; that goes over like a lead balloon for so many.  Even if wearing an N95 mask, that does not keep all virus away from hands on direct patient care.  Today; the RNs themselves are expressing significant upset - they do not want to be working side by side with positive COVID nurses as they do work so closely together, and touch much of the same equipment, computers, etc.  Better they feel, while during the surge, to cut elective procedures and resume them in a month when the surge dwindles.  It really does make no sense to put COVID positive nurses at the bedside with patients at high risk.   Common sense is not so common anymore.

    You mention medical terminology; love the "language" of medicine.  When working in med centers, the nurses often brought me medical charts when they could not read the doctor's handwriting; I was pretty good at it. If the penmanship was really bad, I found if I turned the record upside down, I could interpret the handwriting in an upside down manner.  Now so much is done on the computer; it becomes a different matter, but that has its own built in issues.  When I was recently in the hospital, I had to tell the RN the side effects of some meds I am allergic to.   I explained one of them caused me to think more slowly and to feel dull - she put down that it caused me to have hallucinations - huh?  Never had a hallucination in my life and it is now a permanent part of my medical record.  Guess I should get a copy of my chart and see what else is off base as it tends to follow the patient.  Medical record errors can actually cause harm in the future as other doctors read and may follow previous documentation.  It happens.

    Saw the first episode of the second season of the PBS series, "All Creatures Great and Small," the filming of the countryside is so beautiful.  England countryside is breathtaking; I kept feeling like we were driving through a storybook when we were there.  The series made me think of Lorita and the love of her animals and her ranch.  I know Mike bought the cattle; but I still see them as Lorita's since she is still their guardian angel.

     It is now 9:00 pm; time to go and get ready for dreamland.  Last night I dreamed I was with my mother; it was a weird dream.  We were in a weird sort of restaurant and everything was weird; even the menus and staff . . . . and to make it timely, we had no masks to I had to go to the reception area and ask for paper masks . . . got them but then we did not wear them.  It was really one bit of weirdness after another; but there was my mother with me.   I do not often see her in dreams, there were no "feelings,"  just being in a strange place with strange people and strange things around us.   Funny how the sleeping mind works.  Goodnight one and all, and may all of your dreams be sweet,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome back, Zetta!  I'm glad you made that dangerous trip safe and sound!  I'm sure you enjoyed your family but there's no place like home. 

    Jo, did I mention that the Dolby Theater and all restaurants and stores in Hollywood were diligent about asking for proof of vaccination?  Everyone was masked, even on the street.  The law now requires to wear masks on the bus were traveled in.  I signed up for another trip in two weeks, visiting three Asian-American areas: Chinatown, Little Tokyo and Koreatown.  We will have a guide to tell us about history and culture and also visit three eating places to sample cuisine.  I have been to China and Korean so I am interested to learn more.  I don't know if I will ever get to Japan.  The travel club has some overseas trips planned for the summer, fall and next winter.  There is also a plan for glamping in November, which is glamour or luxury camping.  I would like to go on that.  I'll see how it goes come the fall.

    Pre-Covid I had considered applying to become a part-time library assistant or aide.  The job was mostly shelving books and helping out.  I too, love libraries.  My local libraries had a lot of public events and I attended most of them.  Covid put the kibosh on just about all the events.  The library does have a digital branch; I watched a webinar but I still have not begun to use it.  It's on my To Do list.

    The Aquarium will have a lecture series with online viewing.  The next one, in February, will be about Orca whales. I'll try to sign up.

    I am not really busy, I have a very bad sleep problem and my days and nights have been reversed.  I stay awake all night staring at the ceiling, and then fall asleep at about 6 am and sleep until 1 or 2 pm.  My day is truncated.  I don't get much done.  Getting myself on a better sleep schedule is a big project for me for this year.

    It seems like everyone is chugging along in this new year.  Good for us!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    11F, -12C.  Windy again, suppose to be sunny.

    Yes Iris chugging along, good way to put it.  I want to run but the road is too rough lol.

    Daniel may well have other jobs going at same time.  How they make a living. Know  they may  come and start a project at my house before done somewhere else due for example having to wait for a material for that other project to finish it.  When that material comes in they may miss a few days at my house finishing up first job.  This happened when they put in my new steps this summer.

    Daniel’s group may have Covid, they may have something else, they may have more than one thing.  My BIL had cold like symptoms a week or so ago.  He is vaccinated, lasted about a week and it was like a bad cold.  My BIL has at least three comorbidities.  His work made him stay off til he got a test.  He called several places and finally found one that had an appointment opening for the next day.  He was negative that day by whatever test they did.  There are advantages and disadvantages to antigen vs PCR and will not bore you today.  Not promising about tomorrow though lol. Sometimes I have to vent.  It’s your decision to listen or not lol.

    Lorita  answer to your question.  NYC infection disease doc says 2-4 day incubation period for omicron, think he said 4-5 for delta.  He did say this past Saturday that 98% of new infections in his area are omnicron as of last week.  

    I looked a bit yesterday at medical alert devices.  Very confusing.  One of my main concerns is falling.  These little buggers are quite expensive especially for someone younger like me who is still active.  Doe anyone of you have any experience with Apple Watch 4 or newer, with or without App?  Without App understand no monitoring, pushing button would directly call 911, no monthly charge just cost of phone if I understand correctly.  With App gain monitoring but gain a fee.  You would have to be able to open App .  Feel like if I can’t push button surely couldn’t deal with an app so 911 button is enough.  Even with a monitoring one at home  you have to be able to push the button or talk, you have to be aware enough to let them know you are in trouble. Right?  Any thoughts?

    Lorita there are counter top burners that work well any more.  A lot of people with YT cooking channels use them.  Way cheaper than buying a new stove.  Something to consider.

    Judith very nice that your family has common sense about pandemic.  Very little surrounds me which makes things harder.  The virology videos I watch, one of guys is in his 80’s.  He is vaxxed and boosted.  Him and his wife tested positive for Covid lately.  He just had an ordinary cold.  He did get a bit of a fever so wife insisted they be tested.  Vaccine did it’s job.  There is a possibility I had it just before Christmas.  I sneezed many times a day for about 4 days and had a runny nose.  It was not like my normal year long sinus.  It was definitely something different.  My sister said where in the world would you have got it from?  May just have been something else.  I did not feel bad at all.  The vaccines are working, our issue is the unvaccinated.  Did not go test I already quarantine and mask lol.  Hope this surge is making unvaccinated immune,  our new cases per day in county are about twice as high as surges in past.  I have no hope in these people getting vaccinated.   If time proves me wrong, great.

    Thankful you are back in your recliner Zetta.

    Judith how is the house going that you are flipping?  Believe you are doing that.

    JoC electronic charting like everything else has advantages and disadvantages.  The thing I really disliked was pick lists for describing things.  They were very limiting sometimes and as you noted something inaccurate can follow you forever.   Possibly it was the closest thing she could find to what you said.  Often it was a mandatory field, you had to pick something regardless to chart.

    Well guess I’ve talked long enough.  Think I will fix some more sloppy joe and taco meat up to freeze.  Enjoyed both of them and have ran out.

    Thanks for listening.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    28 this morning with a expected high of 59, suppose to be back to 70 by Thursday.  I don't mind cooler weather, but this up and down I hate!

    Have any of you experienced anything your loved one did/does that irritates you. Lou has a habit of periodically making a continuous noise that is worse than a dripping faucet. I cant help it, but it drives me crazy. She doesnt realize she's doing it, I cant leave the room for any length of time without her feeling she's alone and if I say anything to her she gets upset. Drives me crazy, but cant do anything about it!

    Sandy, when our youngest son and DIL bought their farm in Missouri, he talked about sitting on the front porch having coffee and seeing deer's from his porch. He also said the property in back of them was full of wild turkeys. 

    Jo., I love to read, but dont do it enough. I have in the past also enjoyed writing. When our first granddaughter was born I wrote a couple of short stories inspired by her. The first came from a sonogram they sent me of her and I had noticed what appeared to look like a image of a star. When my son and DIL first got together he had a rat terrier with a black spot that looked like a heart. This inspired my story of The Star of Love, which was about stars of love looking for the perfect family of love and sending a star if love to earth in the form of a pet to always keep the family full of love for each other. Another story came later when she was little and her and I was talking about eating. I asked her what would she do if they ran out of food and she told me she would go out in the woods and kill a bear. This book was Raena the Bear Hunter. Later at work a friend and I cowrote a ongoing story for our monthly news letter. Really enjoyed those days! Bet all of our front porch stories would be a best seller, especially with Lorita's farm stories. 

    Zeta, I'm glad your home safe and sound. It's always nice to be back home after a enjoyable visit with family.

    Everyone stay safe, I've rattled enough this morning!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I loved medical transcription, but it's a dead field, replaced by voice recognition and having the doctors edit their own work.  Just what they went to school for!  LOL Sarcastic.  There is still a little out there for very low pay so I do that part-time.

    What listening to all those dictations did give me was the ability to understand anyone, whether they are just a fast speaker or might not be a native English speaker.  Every day I have someone transfer a call to me and the (usually younger) person will say "I don't understand what he's telling me) and I take the call and I can understand the person just fine!  

    We're in a deep freeze - it's 6 degrees F right now, so that means doggie goes out, does his business and comes right back in and I tell him "too cold for little dogs!"
  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Sara, I have an Apple Watch 6.  I fell while outside watering tomato plants last September before the move.  I pushed the stem of my watch and Had Siri call 911 for a lift assist since I was in between 2 evergreens and against my fence.  I then had her call my son.  It worked very well as I sat there and heard the siren of a huge fire truck and was able to call out so they could find me.  Unfortunately, when I fell and fractured my ribs and broke my nose, the watch was on charge and I don’t wear it in the shower.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     It's pretty and sunny her this morning but still a bit chilly. 

     Just had a call from Daniel.  His youngest son tested positive yesterday.  No symptoms until about noon when he felt weak and had a temp.  The others tested negative but they're all going back to be tested again today.  So, scary stuff for me.  The one who tested positive was the one who had the two GP puppies and I was talking with him - not really close, 5-6 ft. and I had on a mask.  At that time we were outside.  I was only inside with them about five minutes one day and about the same another day - that time the window was open - I've worn a mask every time they've been here.  He said he'd call me later to tell me the results.  Gosh, being so careful and away from people and it was right here.

     If he didn't have symptoms until yesterday I'm wondering if he was still shedding last week - that was Friday when they were here and he tested positive Monday.  I take my temp every morning before I get up - it was 97 this morning.  This is really worrying me.

     When I got up this morning a heard a cow bawling - sounded like she was on the porch.  So, went out and it was Sally - she had gotten out again and knowing where I was she came to the yard gate, facing the house and was bawling for me to let her into the other pasture.  I went out, opened the gate and she went through - her baby was waiting for breakfast. 

     Ron, you mentioning the noise Lou makes reminded me that Charles started making some kind of noise - didn't bother me - I just joined in so both of us were doing it.  Sounds like you were quite the writer - have you done any writing lately?  I know you don't have much time for such things but it might be a release for your stress.

     Sara - I've seen them use those tabletop burners on QVC all the time.  I may invest in one of them.  The only thing I cook on the stove is soup and pasta so may not need one

     Tell me what you all think about the contact I've had.  I think being outside and masked will protect me and I can't remember where he was standing when we were inside.  None of them had been vaccinated.

     Back later.    Sandy, glad you posted about your apple watch.  I thought that was what you had.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Thank you Sandy.  Feel like that is what I’m going to do.  Don’t like wearing watches, have not worn one for years.  Wouldn’t like laying on the floor or ground for hours either would I?  My Vaccinated BIL would love to help me with it, he likes that kind of thing.

    Miss Lorita,       Hard for me to keep all straight.  I’m going to assume he has omnicron. Last day you were around them was Friday I believe.  You have had your vaccinations, your booster, you wore a mask, very little contact, window open, outside.  You were responsible, unfortunately they weren’t. If you wore your KF94 with a good seal there is an extremely good chance you didn’t have exposure even if they were contagious that day.  I used N95 for 41years, they worked. If you had a good medical mask with a good seal, still have a decent chance for not a lot of exposure.   If you had  a cloth mask your risk is quite a bit greater for exposure especially since they weren’t playing by the rules.  Just recently saw an evidenced base paper on this.  

    Guessing if you are not sick by this evening you won’t get it if as would be 4 days since Friday evening.  If delta and not sick by Thursday evening probably ok.  Keep doing what you are doing.   Remember though even if you get infection your risk of hospitalization and death are very low. In my state as of last Friday 95% of all deaths are unvaccinated, it doesn’t show hospitalizations.    I follow it every week and so far that is staying stable though the virologist said as more people are vaccinated we will see that number increase because that is statistics.   So far even the new cases 94% unvaccinated.  That may change over next few weeks as data can be a bit behind.  Dr Griffin from NYC says yes some people will die from omnicron that are vaccinated but he said you are not the one who has to worry.  He said this is my observation.  When I walk into a room I can almost know whether the patient is vaccinated or not by observation.  Says that has not changed.  He said if they are on low amount  oxygen and comfortable, vaccinated.  Said that morning he went into the room of a 50yo, no comorbidities, he is struggling to breathe, on high flow oxygen, asked him have you got around to taking one of those shots, answer no.  So I don’t have a crystal ball but if you have anything will probably be a cold.  

  • GMcG
    GMcG Member Posts: 10
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    I'm one of your 8000 lurkers but decided to chime in on the topic of Apple watches.  Up front I will say I am not pushing Apple.  My husband and I both have android devices and PCs.  However,  my brother who retired as a Captain  from the county fire service after 37 years, 30 of which was primarily a paramedic wears an Apple watch.  I think he pays for the app.  It is setup to call his son and the first responders should he fall.   He can, of course, make calls from the watch as well.   He is an active 64 year old.   He enjoys camping and hiking, etc.  I believe an Apple watch or similar smart watch might be a good solution for someone who is more active and "out and about".
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    No, my grandson does not live with me. He lives in the flip house, pays rent and utilities. It is just a mile from my home. My daughter is a mile in the opposite direction. He is using Dick’s office in the back of the house so I usually see him at least briefly 5 days a week. My other grandson  is at school about 20 minutes away. I see him every few weeks. We are in and out of each other’s lives all the time.

    My new son-in-law’s family is mostly here too. His parents are older that I and live maybe ½ mile away. 
    I have lived in my home for 45 years…more than ½ my life. My house is 80 years old. Like Lorita’s it is built over a crawl  space. Unlike Lorita there have not been any structural problems.
    Covid….we were all sick right after Christmas so everyone is fine now. Again, only one person felt bad. The rest of us were just slightly affected. Except for Covid, no one would have gone to get a test. Everyone would have thought they had a slight  and gone about their daily life. We were just not that sick at all.
    Drop in visitors? I would rather have them then not but they are interruptions…lol.
    I looked at the Apple alarm watch…even started a thread. I think it may be too soon for an answer so I am going to look elsewhere. I know I must get something…carrying my cell is not safe enough.
    Lorita…vaccinated or not, anyone you are around can be a sheeder. Fever is only one possible symptom so stop taking your temp every morning. I know you have  done this forever but for the life of me I do not understand why. If you do have a fever, what will it matter. What are you going to do about it? You now have little to no responsibilities…you can feed the animals even if  you are very sick with flu/upset stomach etc. The reality is that if you get any strain of Covid you are only going feel like you have a bad cold, maybe a little diarhea, throw up a couple of times. It is just a 1 in a million chance that you will be SICK. 
    Assume you have it , stop worrying and be glad you have been boosted.
    Have you started the meds your Dr gave you? Why not?
    Wow, that Sally is on the ball or would it be bawl…
    Ron…any way we could read those stories???
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Thanks, Sara.    The first time I was around them I wore the mask that has KN95 stamped on it - it has a crease from nose down to chin - good fit.  The other time I had on one of those blue and white medical masks I had in my pocket - also a good fit because I tie a little knot in each ear piece.  The only time I was close to him I had a mask on - well, all the time I was around any of them.  I think it's been some time since Daniel had it and guess he didn't think about his boys having anything wrong.

     I don't know if I should be tested or not - I read that if you think you've been exposed to get tested 5-7 days after contact.  They're all going to be tested today, again, and he said he'd call me later today.  There were four of them - three tested negative, one positive.  Of course he was the one I was talking with but 5-6 ft. apart and outside.  I can't remember if the wind was blowing or not.

     I've had sort of a drippy nose this weekend and a little this morning with a slight headache in the top of my head - nerves for that, I'm sure.  They're being tested at an urgent care and he said something about medication they had given him before.  Our health dept. also tests - not sure which day. He said they had slightly drippy noses this weekend but he thinks it was from the dust while they were working. 

     Guess I'll wait and see what he says - hopefully, all of the tests will be negative but if it was positive yesterday, probably will be today.

     I hate to get tested but will if necessary.  If it was positive, I would be scared to death.  Guess I'm going to wear my KF94 from now on all the time I'm around anyone.  How long does it take to get test results?

  • GMcG
    GMcG Member Posts: 10
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    Forgot to mention a smart watch also monitors your vital signs and can notify you if any are going out of normal range, perhaps preventing a fall.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    That's really good information for those who have an apple watch or are thinking about getting one.

     So, I called our local health dept. - 12 miles away - about testing.  They're testing today from 5-7 and in the morning from 8-10.  I'll go in the morning - that will be five days after exposure.  The rapid test takes about 10-15 min. and the PCR results will be back on Friday.  They have to do the test two times.  She said it doesn't bother some people and others think they're dying.  Hope I'm the former. 

     You go and when you're parked outside, you call them and they come out and do the test with you in the car.  I didn't make an appt. because I never know how things are going to be in the mornings.  Dread doing this but it will relieve my mind one way or another.

     The boy seemed okay, Daniel said, and didn't have symptoms until yesterday except for the drippy nose they attributed to dust.  Guess I should have asked if they had been vaccinated.  When Daniel came to check it out the first time I had him wear a mask because he was in the house.  I know it's hard to work with one on but probably should.

     Never had an idea that I would need to be tested since I'm way out here away from people.  You just never know.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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