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Just need to talk to my friends (163)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    The sun is shining today it's still cold outside hopefully the sun will melt some of this snow. 

    Butterfly.   Did your DH stay calm so you could enjoy your Friday evening? I am also a wine lover; I enjoy 1 glass most evenings it helps me relax. I have tried tea, but I prefer the wine. I also enjoy the recipes shared here I am not a good cook, but I have tried some of the recipes. 

    Sara.  How is you BIL doing, hopefully he has a mild case. I have been thinking about putting a roast in my slow cooker overnight. I got me a roast and thought to myself why I want to cook it overnight. I guess the only reason would be to smell it cooking. Do you just keep yours warm all day or do you have an early lunch? I have my roast cooking in the slow cooker right now.  

    Beth.  I don't think I can complain about snow any more I don't get nearly as much as you do, and I am glad for that. Your snow pictures with the horses in it are beautiful, looks like they don't mind the snow. 

    Lorita.  I hope by now your headache has gotten better and you got your test results, that is probably the stress causing you the headache. I like Maries idea of putting the tape where you think Sally might be getting out at, I also think she is trying to get to you because that is where she always winds up at. You need to put a hat on Sally and sends us a picture of her. 

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts of Charles with us. I think of Dan's final hours often and how peaceful he was and how I treasured being there when he took his last breath. That is something I never want to not remember. 

    I am getting a bit tired of Gunsmoke I know they are all reruns, but they show the same ones real close together. When I was at my daughters, I was able to get the channel that had the real old ones on it. I really did not like seeing Matt that young, he looked too young to be a Marshal. 

    Molly loves her snowbanks. A few years ago, my son shoveled her out a mase and it was so cool she could run all over the place and some of the path's crossed over the other paths. It was a pretty big mase. We decided it was not a good idea because you never know what could be in the farther out paths, so decided the best thing was an area right out the back door it's about 10x10ft along with the path out to my son's cabin, and we never lose sight of her. 

    I hope your all having a good weekend. Hugs Zetta 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Thanks, guys, guess I'll always remember the events of that day - I'm sure all of you do also.

     It's snowing here.  It snowed some earlier this afternoon and then stopped so I thought that was it but it began again.  Radar looks like it's fairly heavy through this area but there's drier air just west of us.  It's a fluffy snow so swept it off the front and back skeps.  Went out and checked the water tanks - the one at the barn has a little slusshy ice on it with enough water so didn't do anything to it.  Did fill the other one and when I went back to turn it off the girls were in the garden getting their drinks of water.  Still haven't seen very many big flakes.

     You all know the old saying - "the grass is always green on the other side of the fence" - I think that's what it is.  Sally sees some green grass in the little ditch so goes to get it.  She's used to getting through so it's becoming a habit with her.  I looked a day or so ago as I drove up the lane and there were only two places I saw she might have gotten through.  Mike doesn't think she can get through in one place but she's getting through somewhere.  Just hope the others don't see her and do the same thing.  She's always glad to see me when I come out so only have to open the gate and she goes through.  I think all of them are in the barn or on the south side right now - out of the cold wind and snow.  I feel so sorry for all the other cattle who have no place to get out of bad weather.  I hope they give them hay in the morning when they feed.  If I could start the tractor I'd do it or would have already done it.  He thinks there's plenty of grass still standing and I guess there is - just want them to have hay.  We talked about prices a few days ago - of fertilizer and feed.  It's almost twice the price this year.  I was paying $360. a ton for the creepfeed - need to see what I paid last year - and that was booked feed.

     Did you all hear about the underwater volcano that has triggered a tsunami advisory all along the west coast - scary stuff.

     Zetta, I'm getting a lot of Gunsmoke reruns, too but there's two stations where it's on so I can usually find one I haven't seen. 

     Beth, the news is showing the snowfall in Iowa - how many inches did you get?  Looks like a lot and so many wrecks.  I can remember leaving the hospital when it was snowing and the snow swirling all over the highway as I left town - felt like I was going into no man's land.

     Sandy, there's people from electric companies leaving Oklahoma to come to Virginia to help you all if you have power outages.  So good how States help each other.

     There were 5.5 million new cases of omicron this past week.  Oklahoma had more new cases today than yesterday.N95 and KN95 masks seem to be the best according to the news - loosely woven cloth masks not good.  60% of KN95 masks are counterfeit they're saying.

     Hope all of you can have a good ight's sleep.  See you tomorrow.  

     Barbara, really a lot going on with Djokovic and whether they're going to let him stay in Australia and play in the Open.  Hope they don't.



  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Haven't posted in a while.  Sometimes when I try to post I lose it.  I think I will copy what I have before the post gets too long and then I can paste it back in and finish it.

    We are supposed to have a major winter storm so they say.  I live in Southwest Virginia and it has been overcast most of the day.  Both of my barometers did not drop and that seems strange when the big snow is supposed to start Sunday morning.  The forecast was 12 to 14 inches but we never know if that will be the case.  Sometimes they predict one thing and we get another, and visa versa.

    The not so good news is that my daughter has Covid and has had two tests done at a clinic and it was shown as positive.  She is in the health care profession and has had her inoculation and boosters, plus wears the N-95 mask, etc.  She said she had a headache, sore throat, a small amount of coughing, 101 temperature and very achy joints.  She takes good care of herself and so with some supplements and time she feels her symptoms will go away.  Actually, today she said she feels better than yesterday.  She did take Aleve for the aching joints and found that helped quite a bit.

    Of course I will stay away from her for a while until she takes another test to indicate no more Covid.  I have not had the virus but do use much caution and even though I was near her early last week I have not had any symptoms..

    Lorita:  I know your cows love you.  You are a great and caring person for your pets and cattle.  There is so much reward in what you do for them.  I often though when I was younger it would have been nice to have some good amount of acreage and have a small farm to raise some animals but they would not be for eating.  I just have to look in their eyes and they become family -- even those crazy squirrels I have that live in the giant oak tree at the front of the house.  They see me putting out the bird food with the black sunflower seeds and peanuts in the shells and they come a running because they know there will be some goodies for them.  I think there is a family of four.  What I find interesting is that someone must have a walnut tree around here because they bring them over to the front yard and leave the shells. 

    I often read about the beans everyone likes to cook.  I love beans but they do not like me.  I have tried Beano, Pepto Bismol, etc., but my stomach still gets tied up in knots when I eat them and I have total discomfort for a few days.  Since I have given up meat except some salmon now and then, I look for ways to add more protein to the diet.  I have to rely on peas that don't seem to bother my digestive track, and some grated cheese on my salad, plus yogurt every day.  I do take multi-vitamins and so far I am doing okay and do not seem the worse off for not eating more protein but as we age my doctor said it is important to have more protein....at least more than what I am consuming.

    Thinking about beans, my dad went through the depression.  His dad had a farm and they did okay during that time because they raised poultry, crops, etc..  Because of the depression people at different things and one of the foods he loved was baked beans.  My dad loved baked beans on toast with tomato, sliced onion.  Sometimes it was just baked beans on toast with catsup.  He said that they raised their own tomatoes/onions and his mom made the bread.  Every so often at home when I was growing up he would want the baked bean sandwich.   I guess he had no digestive issues with it.

    I hope everyone who may be impacted by this predicted snow storm will be safe, warm, and not lose their electric.  I have no place to go and the vehicle is in the garage.  I think losing the electric is what I worry about because it can be days before it is restored.  At least I have a gas cooking stove that will work if I lose the electric and a natural gas fireplace - but the fireplace is not working and is new.  I need to get someone at my home to figure what the problem is.  Using the gas fireplace really does save on the electric bill since I have an electric heat exchanger with heat pump, and a heat pump can heat the house but when it gets below 45 it is not efficient.  The heat exchanger can heat the home without the heat pump but it can be very expensive and will not work if we have a power outage.

    I  guess this is it for now. Blessings to all.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Katie,

     Glad you posted.  Hope you don't have too much snow.  I think you live south of Sandy so you all will probably get about the same amount.  Hopefully, your power won't go off - as I posted earlier several electrical coop workers from Oklahoma are on their way to help restore power if it goes out.  In the past we've had power outages that lasted up to two weeks and we've had workers from the Carolinas here to help get our power back on.  When you don't electricity you can think of so many things you want/need to do and there's lots of turning on light switches.

     So sorry about your daughter - hope she recovers soon.  Even with all the precautions, sometimes one of those germs get through.  I so admire the health care workers risking their own lives to help save others.  It takes a special person.   Carol says she's really letting her nurses and aides know how much she appreciates them.

     Well, finally figured out how to get my test results - SARS-COV-2 - not detected - so guess I was one of the lucky ones.  I've been so very careful, staying away from town and people and wearing my masks when someone comes up even though we're outside - and I will continue to do the same things. 

     I do care so much for all of the girls and boys - I've either seen every one of them born or been with them shortly afterward.  They are my family along with the cats and GPs and what little family I do have left.  Also consider all of  the people on our front porch as my extended family.  I still have one that's mine - Billy the Bull and he's a sweetie.   I think Mickey is becoming more familiar with things - he's a big boy but not as big as Jasper in my avatar.  Girls seem to like him.

     It's stopped snowing here and I hope we don't get any more - looks like we've had not quite enough to cover the ground but it is on the bales of hay and everything else.  I think it's supposed to be about 20 tonight so it won't melt but the wind's so strong it may blow it off.

     Watching Dr. Pol.  Bridget sent the book she got from his Clinic and had autographed for me.  Haven't yet gotten around to reading it yet - but will sometime this winter.  He's really an energetic person and fun to watch. 

    Katie, we have two squirrels.  They're red squirrels and play in the big, old, elm tree outside our kitchen window.  The cats sit on the windowsill above the sink and watch them play.  We have a black walnut tree in the back yard and, of course, there's nuts all over the ground, cracked open.  For a long time I couldn't figure out what was cracking them until the squirrels appeared.  I opened the storage building door the other day and there was a big pile of walnuts and hulls in there - so they can get the nuts and go through the doggie door and eat them in comfort.  I think they're so cute and fun to watch.  You must have some baby squirrels - never have seen one of those but bet they're awfully sweet.  We also have a opossum and coons that either stay in the barn or carport.  Guess I've been feeding the opossum along with the cats for months - he's a big boy and not scared of people.  Do wish Tom and Jerry would come back home.  Really miss those guys.

     Guess I'll stop for tonight.  I've been sleeping on the divan in the LR and I will again tonight and until they get the floor finished.  Right now Stormy's asleep on the divan so I'll wait until he wakes up.  He sometimes sleeps in my wing-back chair but Kitt's asleep in it.

     Hope all of you sleep well tonight and don't have too much snow. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I think it's great that you have your memories.  Keep posting, you're not bringing me down or anyone else, I don't think. 

    Beth, thanks for the tutorial about cooking beans, especially not to use a slow cooker.  I love all kinds of beans but usually eat canned beans, despite the high sodium content.  I'm cooking (heating up) black beans tonight.  I had fejoada in Brazil years ago and I developed a taste for it.  Unfortunately, I cannot cook it the same way twice.

    The snow pictures are great.  The horses don't get cold?

    Katie, are you near Danville?  I spent my summers there as a child.


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Oh goodness, I did not realize the time. I am stopping some busy work for now, to read and post before it gets any later. Trying to organize some important papers and files that I have to hide from my DH so they don't go missing or get written on, etc. And it is an endless, bottomless pit it seems! Just keeps growing. I will try to figure out a better system now that I should be able to schedule some time every day or two, just to get a handle on it all.

    Beth - OMG!!! Thank you for the caution about toxic beans! I did not know that. My crock pot actual bubbles (boils) if on high for a while, but it isn't something I was even concerned about!. Will try the process you mentioned. I used to always soak, rinse, season, boil, then turn down to simmer, etc. but lately had gone the crock pot route and loved it. Interesting to know your instructions can also cut down on any GI issues too. KatieK, maybe you could try a small batch and see?

    Zetta - congratulations on finding the right place for everything you brought home, including the things you "re-homed" to others. Nice that you and your daughter were able to bless some other people in that way. And yes, my guy stayed calm and got a full night's rest (so I did too!) Thanks for asking.

    Lorita, I agree with jfkoc, loveskitties and others that you definitely should post on this special anniversary date. It does not bring me or others down to hear special remembrances of loved ones whose spirits are always part of us. I know what you mean that years can seem like just yesterday, having lost a beloved parent many years ago (much too soon...are we every ready?) but I have not yet had to a say farewell to a precious spouse and life partner. It sounds like you had a beautiful life with a wonderful man. Those memories are so important.

    Jo - I can't find the post now, but I am pretty sure it was you that shared the great information about how to stay safe and survive if covid catches up with us. I really hope it does not, as my DH is immunocompromised. I feel like he wouldn't make it, and also heard that with hospitals overflowing, elderly patients with co-morbidities and especially a terminal diagnosis like dementia would probably not be the highest priority. So, our best chance seems to be NOT catching it in the first place. Vaxxed and boosted, with safest masks and being homebound has helped so far. I hate to have healthcare workers in and out since - no fault of their own - they are exposed so often. I really feel for them. Such heroes and heroines. I would not want to be on the front lines of this pandemic and am so grateful that they are but sorry many are risking so much. 

    Iris, I have never been to Brazil but would like to. I love traveling - pre-pandemic that is. I think travel has changed forever, I know I will surely behave differently even when this is "behind us" to some extent. 

    To Sara, jfkoc and all of your with family and friends who are dealing with the virus, may they recover fast and fully...with no lingering effects. Different topic, but again, this is for all the porch friends: I have not had a pet for years (unless you count the squirrel that keeps chewing its way into the attic ), so I hope you will give an extra hug or cheery word to your indoor pets who have a special bond with their "people", I know. They are loving and loyal four-legged friends who add such value to our lives.

    Pleasant dreams everyone!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    13, -11C.  Giving 1-3inches of snow over next 24 hours or so.

    Thanks for the dry bean tips Beth.  May try the soda if I can remember. Ginger works too. My mom used that.  Are you getting out from underneath the snow?

    Lorita please feel free to share your thoughts, don’t apologize.  Was with my sister when she died.

    Thank you for your concern about my BIL.  So far he is doing good.  My sister is not sick.  They are both wearing N95s. I’m very thankful that so far looks like he is doing ok.  Think I’m starting to get more relaxed with living with this.   Also getting better feeling about J&J is doing what it needs to do.  More information coming out, I was impatient, it takes time.  Know not  to drop my guard though, have to stay aware of the moment.  My sister is trying to minimize it, told her since January,  15 deaths  recorded so far in our county.  That is about 1/day.  Still riskier than driving your car.  She said you’re right.  

    I made stew yesterday and it was good.  Got chicken broth fixed and hope to make soup today.  Watched a YT video on tea cakes yesterday, thinking about trying a batch, we’ll see.

    Katie glad your daughter is feeling better. 

    Take care everyone

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I’m back.

    Beth or anyone else, will share these two recipes.  I like both of them. They are just here in case you would like to try them.

    Marinate salmon in buttermilk 2 or 3 days.   Rinse off and pat dry.     Season with salt, pepper, garlic, what ever you like on both sides.     Let sit 5 minutes.   Drizzle top and bottom with olive oil and rub in.    Let sit 5 minutes.      Get skillet hot so water droplets dance.   Decrease heat to medium.   Put small amount butter in skillet and let melt.     Add salmon flesh side down , if not using a nonstick skillet loosen salmon post 2 minutes but continue to fry flesh down 3 more minutes.  Don’t have to loosen if using nonstick.  Flip over and fry 5 minutes more.  Done when toothpick comes out clean.

    Now sometimes I do above steps but don’t fry.  Bake it instead.  Place it in cold oven.  Set oven at 400F.  Done in 25 minutes or when toothpick clean.

    This is something I heard yesterday and feel it is important to know.  A real sore throat is what some people are experiencing right now.  NYC infection doctor has always said that steroids should not be given until second week, increased deaths if given first week.  He explained why this week.  He has a patient who has been triple vaxxed and is in hospital because she was given steroids for sore throat week one.  This suppresses your immune system.  It will prevent vaccine from being able to be effective.  Question, question if you find yourself in this situation.  

    Got tea cakes stirred up, they are chillin, will be baking soon.  Have never had one.  Know Lorita and Ron like them.  They will be sitting out on front porch for all to enjoy.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    It's a snowy morning and think the snow will be there for awhile. We got 7.5" at our house, by my yardstick. We will get above freezing this week; then, later in the week, well below zero in the forecast. Not liking that!

    The horses in the snowy photo I shared belong to our neighbors. The horse pasture and barn is adjacent to our backyard. Horses, plus deer, fox, coyotes, opossums and raccoons are known to have been through. I haven't seen deer in years there or in our yard; however, with the last snow there were a lot of deer tracks in our backyard. 

    With the beans, remember it is only the red kidney beans that need the long boiling. And canned kidney beans don't need that because they are already fully cooked. Our beans and rice were good yesterday. We have some left so will make good leftovers. Lorita suggested adding potatoes to the pot of beans and that sounds good. Will have to try it next time.

    Stay warm! Sara, I'll try not to send the subzero temps we're getting later this week your way! 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth we must have been typing at same time.

    Sorry Lorita I don’t have vegetarian chili recipe.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     We still have a little bit of snow on the ground - not enough to cover it but enough for me.  When I went out this morning to feed Tom and Jerry (still not here) but I left some food, I guess in case they come home, the girls were way up in the pasture.  So, I knew Toad would be here to feed before long so I called them and here they came.  Didn't know my voice carried that far.  Charles could call them much better than I.  After a little while Stormy told me someone was coming.  It was Toad's truck - he stopped at the place where they have some hay stored at the south end of the meadow and brought it up as he came.  He has to reset the feeders each day, I'm sure, because the girls move them around.  By the time he'd done that and fed, another truck was coming up with hay - so Toad and Mike were feeding together this morning.  Not sure how many bales they set out but at least three.  I'm so glad they have some hay now.  They put the big, round bales (1800 lb.) in a hayring and as the girls eat they pull the hay down and the babies lay on the loose hay around the rings.   Sometimes they get stepped on but not often.  When I'm up around the hayrings I pick up the hay that's fallen out and put it back in the ring.  I tell the girls this a dozen times a year "eat all you want but don't waste it" but they don't seem to listen.

     I didn't get much sleep at all last night so I will take a nap later today.  It was the cats running and playing and Stormy and Sheena barking at wolves.  You all should hear them - at the first sound, they're up and barking - one will yelp and the other one howls.  So, let them out and put Sammy in the utility room and closed the door.  But, I still just laid there and thought.  Finally went to sleep around 3:30 or 4 and woke up about 7:30.

     Beth, did not know that about kidney beans.  I've never cooked them - always used the canned variety, in chili and bean salad.  I have heard about adding soda to beans to make them cook faster or to make the skins softer.  I've never heard of freezing them a while before cooking them.  I cook mine in the slow cooker so next time will add a bit of soda.  The last time I cooked beans I did soak them overnight, drained off the water, rinsed them and put in the slow cooker - then about half an hour before they were done I added the potatoes and carrots.  Adding the potatoes is supposed to help with the after effects of eating beans - not sure it works though - but, it is good to have the other vegetables cooked at the same time.

     I had thought about making that soup today but decided I'd have a baked potato and broccoli.  Found some at the grocery store but it was sort of wilted so soaked it in cold water and put it in the refrigerator after I drained it.  Hope it freshened up.  We used to have a restaurant called Western Sizzlin' - not sure if it's a chain or not but they had the absolutely biggest baked potatoes I've ever seen. You could actually make a full meal of one of them and I have many times.  I usually buy 10 lb. of potatoes and there's usually some bigger one and smaller ones.  This time they were all huge. - don't even know if I can eat a whole one.

     Sara - tea cakes!!  Please let us know how they turned out.  I can still taste the ones my grandma made - they were so good.  I'm sure she rolled the dough out and cut the cookies out because they were round and flat - they puffed up some as they cooked but were still very, very lightly browned at the edges.  They were sort of cakey inside and tender.  How I wish I had gotten her recipe - if she actually had one - she'd add a little of this and a bit of that and everything she cooked was delicious.  I've been hunting for a recipe that tasted similar to hers for years.

     So, I'm relieved that my test was negative.  I will not be around those people - inside.  I want them to finish the bedroom so I can get back in there but I'll wait a few days after they finish.  They're going to work on the rock on the house - will take it off along the part where the water had been getting in and rework it, then add filler around the rest of the house where it's coming out - then the utility room - or maybe Daniel and his friend who is a stonemason can do the rock while the others work on the floor in the utility room.  I've been trying to get this done for months and here it is, cold, winter time and it's still not done.  Before long it's going to be time to cut back althea and crepe myrtles.  Wish I could do that myself but I can't reach up and cut at the same time.

     Katie and Sandy - I imagine you all are getting snow this morning.  On the news it showed the snowfall in your area and the flakes were huge.  Stay in and stay warm - good day to eat soup and watch TV or read.  Lots of play-off football games today.

     I'll stop and finish my not-so-hot tea now.  Kitt is sitting on the hassock, looking at me because he wants to walk up my legs to get in the chair beside me and he can't do that with the laptop on my lap.  Back later.  The GPs are sound asleep.  Last night I told them and the cats I was going to spray them with water when they went to sleep today so they'd sleep tonight and not during the day.  I probably won't.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions
    Fejoada….interesting Iris. What meat do you use?
    Squirrels…be watchful of them. They killed 2 large elms in my backyard by eating the bark.
    Chile…actually has no meat. When meat is added it is Chile con Carne. This is a great recipe…just leave out the meat.
    Big Joe's Hardware (Santa Fe) beans; dump pinto beans into a crock pot, add water, turn on. The next morning you have beans for a week. Crepe myrtle pruning; https://www.yourgreenpal.com/blog/trim-your-crape-myrtles-like-a-pro-don-t-make-these-4-mistakes I learned this the hard way. I have a Greenworks electric tree trimmer now.
  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes
    Lorita wrote: I want a pan like she has but will not pay the price of a LeCreuset- nailed it- (can't spell that).  I found one in a cabinet I had in the utility room but I don't know what it's made of so it's now being used as a water dish for the cats and GPs.  I'll find one eventually. 

    Lodge and Taormina both make decent quality enameled cast-iron cookware. I have a Lodge 6qt Dutchie which I think is as nice as the Le Creuset I bought my godchild for her bridal shower that set me back $300. 

    QVC carries the Lodge

    Lodge 6 Quart Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven - QVC.com



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes
    Attached recipes. Vegetable chili and easy, no fail fudge. I’ll write back in a bit.
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good afternoon.  I’m watching football this afternoon.  I noticed on the second recipe card for Chile, the first few ingredients are not easy to see.  The amount is 1/4 teaspoon.  The chili is very good.  My neighbor and great friend gave me her recipe.  Another friend shared the fudge recipe.  It is really smooth, and has a great flavor.  The recipe has never failed me.  

    We haven’t had another measurable snow since December.  It’s not melting much because our temperature hasn’t been out of the 30’s.  I hope we get a few more heavy snows.  It might be enough to keep us out of being in a drought this summer.

    Lorita,  as Leanne used to say:  “we will tuck you in our pocket this week.”  Harv’s third anniversary day is January 27th.  I’m thankful for the memories.  It’s good we have them to remind us of the great life we had together. 

    It’s an interesting conversation on here about beans.  I learned things I didn’t know, especially about under cooked kidney beans being toxic.  I eat them quite a bit, but get tired of them if I have them too often. I’m going to make a hamburger for dinner. I’ve been wanting one for months and haven’t fixed one.  

    My daughter tested positive for covid last week.  Her dh had it the week before.  He wasn’t vaccinated, so was a lot sicker than my daughter.  He was feeling terrible for 10 days and she was feeling near normal after 4-5 days, and with less symptoms.  Glad they’re both doing ok this weekend.  So far, my granddaughter is ok.  

    Zetta, I bet it is nice to be home, have everything out of your car and distributed, and able to rest and relax.  I bet the kittens all miss each other.  Molly must be happy to be home too. I can picture her running through the mounds  of snow.  I can smell your roast cooking. Yum.  

    Sara, my mom used to make tea cakes for special times.  I need to drop by the porch and enjoy one with you.  

    I need to catch up reading, so I’ll stop now and be back later.  Have a nice afternoon. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     It's been a lazy afternoon.  Did finally get around to taking an hour's nap - that is, after I got Stormy off the divan.  Just came in from filling a water tank for the girls - Stormy was with me and now he's back on the divan.  That is a busy piece of furniture.

     Joan, the chili recipe sounds really good - there's a few ingredients I don't have but I'll get them next time I'm in town and make it.  We used to make chili a lot - so good over rice.

     I haven't watched any football this afternoon but will watch the Chiefs about 7 tonight.  Haven't talked with anyone today except Jack who called for a minute or so. He was wanting to go into town yesterday but didn't so probably will go tomorrow.  I think he goes about once a week. 

     Today I've been seeing stories about empty shelves in grocery stores.  Didn't see any at all in Top Value but I haven't been to WM in years and do not plan to go.

     The girls are happy now - they have hay and some liquid feed in one feeder.  I wouldn't mind filling both of them again if Mike doesn't mind.  That would last them the rest of the winter - I think I had those filled in November.  I did see Evan laying up close to the hay a while ago.  He is so cute and Penny is so attentive - good mom.

     Watched an hour of LocknLock - managed not to order anything but it takes an effort to not order something.  They have such pretty colors - I don't order just one color - think they're prettier to mix the colors.

     Judith, never heard of squirrels seating tree bark - I doubt there's much nourishment in that but if that's all they have, maybe so.  I haven't seen our two today.

     HB - I have a 5 or 6 qt. cast iron enameled dutch oven - what I'm looking for is a round, about 3 qt. one.  I'll eventually find it.  The big ones are so heavy especially when they have water or soup in them.  The Bear Creek soup I make fills it a little over half full - finished it today.  Thought I might have a baked potato tonight but I'm not that hungry.  I don't cook enough to invest a lot of money in one - did see one that was around $50 that looked pretty good - still, just not quite what I'm looking for.  I have no idea where we got the one I found - it's the size I'd like to have - I think it might be some kind of heavy aluminum.

     Guess Katie and Sandy are getting snow and ice right now.  Maybe one of them will post later tonight to let us know what their weather is. 

     Joan, I'll be thinking of you on the 27th - amazing, isn't it, how fast the time is going by.  I had forgotten that Leanne said that - we all need that sometimes. 

     Sleep well.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, thanks for the salmon recipe. It sounds good, and I plan to try it.

    Tea cakes? I used to make a cookie called "Russian tea cakes" and also known as "Mexican Wedding Cakes." It was a round cookie, the shape of a ball (not flat) that was buttery and had pecans and was rolled in powdered sugar when it came out of the oven. 

    I will be back later in the week, not much going on here. 

  • KatieKat1
    KatieKat1 Member Posts: 55
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    We finally received the snow that was predicted except not the 11 to 14 inches.   They called it a storm but since I am from up North (lived in a suburb near Lake Ontario in NYS) a snow storm to me is a blizzard and this is not what we had but for this area I am sure it is a storm due to the amount of snow we had in such a short period.  This is the first time I can remember getting snow two weeks apart since we have lived here for 12 years. Would have been nice for Christmas but that has only happened once since living here - at least that is what my memory recalls.

     In our neck of the neighborhood the snow measured between 7 and 8 inches where I took the measurements with a ruler in those areas that had no backyard dog traffic and appeared undisturbed.  Just went outdoors to get rid of some trash and it seems there is a light rain but more on the freezing side and that is not good since it will freeze overnight and will be dangerous for pedestrians and drivers.  Tomorrow is MLK day and so at least the schools here will be closed and some folks have no work to report to with the day off.  The neighborhood has been so quiet and actually peaceful today.  Have seen no traffic or plows on our street, but of course everyone is snowed in and most likely cannot get their vehicles down their driveway and will surely have issues driving down an unplowed road.  We are not prepared here for this type of weather and so it could be days before plows get around to do the streets.  It snowed for hours and is more of a dry snow, not like the the snow we had after Christmas that was very wet and just right for making snowballs and snowmen....or women, depending on what you fancy.  In fact, there was a lady snow person in the movie Meet Me In St. Louis, along with some Snow Men....love that movie.

    Did a quick pickup yesterday at the Kroger store and found most of the meet was gone except for some bone in chicken.  They were short on frozen foods like frozen dinners and pizzas, but there was enough milk - but not organic that I like in my coffee, the bread was plentiful, but what surprised me is that there were zero apples, no grapes, and just short on produce of various kinds. They always have an abundance of various apples but not a one could be found.  Since my dog is on a diabetic diet of home made food I have to make sure I have enough of the organic veggies (and the apples) plus meats on hand for at least a week because of weather like we had today.  When there are shortages of food items in the store I have to improvise his meals.  It would be easier to give him kibbles, but the Vet and I discussed what might work better for him, and he has done so much better on home made food that has helped to keep his diabetes in check.  He is 14 years of age and just developed this diabetic issue in the past year.

    So now the big question is -- how many days before the roads are plowed and if I can get my driveway plowed.   I have a longer driveway than the average.  I am sure all the businesses that do home plowings are booked solid.  Once they roads get done I may call to see if I can be on a schedule to have the driveway plowed but maybe we will have a warmup and the snow will melt.  My vehicle is in the garage and so I don't have to bother with that as far as cleaning off the snow, and I have nothing planned for several days.  I do get some packages delivered from Amazon and that will mean I have to shovel the fronts step and long sidewalk.  Because we live (I still say We even though DH passed away last year) on a hill of a sort and this is the reason for a long sidewalk and driveway that was added to the house when it was built by the first owners.


    I am wondering if the weather is changing enough so that we will have more snowy winters than we have had in the past.  One of my neighbors once told me they used to have snowy winters but for many years that was no more, but maybe things are going back to what they were or it is just cyclical like every 15 years -- not sure about that.


    This is all there is for now and we will deal with it all because there are not many other choices.  Just hope we don't lose our power with frozen ice on the power lines and trees.  That will be another issue to deal with and won't be pleasant.


    Stay safe and warm - Blessings to you all

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Beth, I've had those wedding cookies - really good.  How much snow did you end up getting?  I guess being that far north they have lots of equipment and keep the roads plowed.  Down here, not so much.

     Katie, if we got that much snow here, things would be shut down.  I do remember one year, several years ago, we had close to 20" but not in one storm but there was that much on the ground.  We were snowed in for sure.  I don't like to not be able to get out if I need to.  At that time I was worried that I might have to get to the hospital with Charles so our good neighbor came and broke out the road for us.  Two days later they used bulldozers to clear the rest of the roads.  When I was growing up we had big snow storms - I have pictures mother took of me when I was very young standing in the snow.  Lately though it seems we have more ice which is worse.

     I hope you don't have freezing rain - it doesn't take much of it to bring down power lines.  In our last ice storm all the poles were broken from our house west about two miles and east another two miles. Took a long time to replace all of them.  At that time we didn't have a generator so we toughed it out.

     I still say "we", too, and guess I always will.  To me, it is still "we".  Hope you find someone to clear your driveway, just in case.  When you can't get out you can always think of things you need at the store.  We've always tried to keep pretty well stocked up during the winter in case we do get snowed in.   All of our snow was gone by 10 this morning.  The girls are happy and that makes me happy, too.  They'll still graze but will come back to the hay and the babies will have loose hay to lay in to keep warm.

     I have a little bit of a sore throat, mostly on the sides.  I think it may be the way my head is positioned while I sleep - need to sleep flatter.  I looked up my test results again a while ago to make sure I read it right.  Kind of hoping they don't come to work tomorrow - I want to get all of the things done but had rather not be around any of them right now.  If they do come I won't be in contact with them so guess it's okay.  I keep thinking of that girl at the store who was sniffling.  I had my good mask on and wasn't that close to her for very long.  Really irritates me that people refuse to mask up. 

     Football game is going well - Chiefs are leading by two touchdowns.  They're playing in KC and I think I heard them say it was 33 but everyone is really wrapped up.  We've never been to a night game there but did go once in early November which was later than usual.  It was sunny but our seats were in the shade and it got so cold we couldn't feel out feet so left and went back to the hotel and watched the rest of the game.  I miss going to the games and the market on Saturday - guess that's a thing of the post.

     Will be anxious to see your post in the morning to see what happened with your weather.  Fingers crossed you don't have much ice. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, traditionally Brazilian black bean fejoada is prepared with a mixture of beef and pork.   It was made by enslaved people so they had to use whatever they had available.  I usually use turkey sausage since that is what I eat at home.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    24F, -4C.  Very windy.  There is snow.  Will have to clean driveway.  Hard to assess how much, since windy it is thicker some places than others plus still dark out.

    Katie nice it was a dry snow.  They are so much easier to deal with. Hope ours is dry.  So much easier to shovel.

    Glad your family is feeling better Joan.  My BIL pulse ox is good.  His biggest issue has been stomach pain.

    Lorita the tea cakes are delicious.  They are just as you described, a little crispy on outside and soft on inside.  They were super easy to make. Will leave recipe in case you want to try them.     2C all purpose flour.      1/2t baking soda.    1t baking powder.     1C sugar.    1egg.  

    1/4C buttermilk,               1stick soft butter.     1/2t vanilla              1/2t nutmeg

    350 degrees.   Large bowl sift flour, soda, baking powder together.  Add remaining ingredients and blend.

    Dough will be soft.  Roll dough on lightly floured surface.  Cut dough in half.  Roll each half into a log  ~1inch circle.  Wrap dough and refrigerate 1 to 2 hours.  Cut each log into approximately 1inch pieces.  Place on greased cookie sheet.  Mash down on each one just a little.  Bake 10-12minutes (I did 13).  Cool.  They are going to be one of my favorite cookies.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Thanks, Sara, for the recipe.  Those sound good.  Wonder if I can use oleo in a tub instead of the butter - which I don't have?  I usually don't keep much butter - just a little to rub on the outside of the loaves of bread.

     It's sunny here this morning - weatherman says it'll be a 6 star day with no wind so far.

     Think I'll make the vegetable soup today to use up the older carrots and celery I have.    My throat is sore this morning - even burns a little bit when I drink my orange juice.  I'll gargle with warm, salt water today - don't know why I hadn't thought of doing that yesterday.  No temperature and just a little headache.  I don't see how I could have caught something from that girl - had my mask on and wasn't too close to her - know I didn't get anything from the nurse.  I think my throat had been a little sore before that even.  I'm wondering if it's still sore Wednesday if I should get another test.  Nothing is open today and they don't test until Wednesdays. 

     Stormy is out barking - girls look okay, scattered a bit but mostly around hay.  I didn't see Tom or Jerry.  Worries me - can't imagine what happened to them.  I can't even remember how long they've been out there - several years though for sure.

     Hope all of you don't have too much snow and that it is a dry snow - like ours was.  Haven't heard anything about power outages but probably will be some if there was ice.  It's in the 20s here this morning but supposed to be 54 later today.

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I do use my dutch oven. It is enameled cast iron...6 qt. I can brown stuff in it then add ingrediants...leave it on my simmer burner or put it in the oven. Yes, it is heavy but it is usually used when I have company so it is usually empty by the end of the evening. When using for myself I fill containers to freeze right from the pot. Either way I rarely lift it when full. 

    I use it for Chile (con carne) beef/burgandy, chichen with with wine, soups that have browned meat/onions/peppers. For soups like chicken vegetable my very large soup pot fits the bill.

    Lodge is highly recommended but constant seasoning would put me off so would only gett the enamaled.

    Lorita.., see who made the pet water bowl. You may want to find the lid and use it. It could be a treasure. A good one can be used for years and handed down.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good news...bad news...how much of each...lol

    Good news, we didn't get as much snow as forecast...at most 6 "....bad news is that freezing rain came in and now there is a thick coat of ice on everything and makes shoveling nearly impossible.

    Good news, I don't have to go anywhere and daughter could take me if need be as she only lives on the next street...

    Bad news is that the garbage disposal apparently has been leaking for some time (I have a dish pan under it so it wasn't until it overflowed that I found the problem)...good news is that my son-in-law is a plumber so can replace it for me...bad news is that the store does not have what I need in stock so have to order it...good news is I can still use the sink as long as I remember to keep emptying the dishpan until replacement is delivered and he can find time in his already busy schedule to install.

    Life and the little issues we face!  As I try to remember, it could be worse.

    Hope all are safe and warm....let the sunshine on all.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Marie, it is good news that you didn't have as much snow as was predicted but sorry about the garbage disposal.  I have six or eight of them - all four legged. Never have had the other kind.  But, you are so right, if you have a house, there's always something that has to be fixed - whether you know it at the time or not.

     You all should see the south side of the house - makes me sick to look at it.  The big, gray rock comes up to just under the windows - or did.  Now, it's all laying on the ground.  Daniel thought it was just about a ten ft. place he's have to take of and replace but the more he took off, the more needed to be removed so it's all on the south side.  He has to take off the old, rotted siding that was under the rock, put on new wood and tar paper, then replace the rock.  I really hope there's not more around the house.   They're gone for the day - went to town to get supplies.

     The weather today has been beautiful - no wind, sunny and not too cold.  My sore throat is about gone but have a headache - think it's just the tension or stress from all this stuff going on.

     Talked very briefly with Carol - or she talked.  I called and left a message hoping she was doing better.  The hospital seems to be in bad straits - it's full, no beds available and they're very short-staffed.  She said most everyone is working double shifts and they asked one woman to do part of another one after the double shift.  She was due for a shower today but because of staff shortage they asked her if a bedbath would be all right.  They're all double or triple masked and the physical therapist told her she could hardly breath through all of them.  If this has to happen to her she's glad it happened when a bed was available.  Otherwise, probably would have sent to her another town - but, I think the hospitals are full in Tulsa, too. 

     She said she dropped her chapstick on the floor - couldn't move enough to reach it with her grab-it and would not bother someone to pick it up for her.  Bill brought some clean p.j.s for her and told her he'd do the laundry.  I bet he's never done a load of laundry in his life.  She does everything for him and has all of these 40 years they've been married.  He is a golfer mostly.  She is so tired and exasperated that she isn't able to do more for herself.  I feel so sorry for her.  Has always been such an active person doing for everyone except herself.

     I made the vegetable soup but when Ii started to add the V-8 juice and tomatoes, they were all outdated.  I called the numbers on the can and bottle and they advised me not to use them.  Luckily, I remember some fresh tomatoes Mike brought last summer that I had frozen so added them.  It tastes pretty good - also made mac 'n' cheese so I'm fixed for a few days.  Now, have to restock on V-8 and canned tomato products.  I checked on Amazon and the price for a bottle of V-8 is exorbitant - will not pay $17. for a bottle of V-8.  I know it isn't that much in my little store but won't be going there either.

     There were over 10,000 new cases in our State yesterday (I think that's right, may be a bit less).  Daniel said his sons are all right.  His daughter, one son and another man came today to take off the rock.  Hopefully, they can get that replaced before we get rain, get the laminate down on the floor and maybe next week do the utility room floor.  I'm so tired of having someone around - poor Stormy, he barks at every noise and there's a lot of it.

     I did sleep last night and so did the GPs, however, about 6 this morning the cats started playing.  I have an empty cheese ball barrel and they were pushing it all over the floor.  But I went back to sleep and didn't get up until just after 7.  Girls are all right, content now that they have hay.  When the two pickups came up, they thought it was feeding morning so came around to the front.  We'll see what they do tomorrow morning.

     Better stop and check the soup.  When I tasted it last, the carrots and celery needed a bit more cooking - also added some rice to it to thicken it.

     Judith, I checked the bottom of that pan and the lid - it said IMUSA - looked it up and it's a 3 or  qt. Columbian calderoo - made of cast aluminum.  From what I read it isn't really good to cook in cast aluminum.  I have no idea when or where we got it but I've never used it.  Did find a cast iron one for just under $50. but at my age it's silly to buy more things.  I like my dutch oven - just heavy but I leave it on the stove all the time and, like you, Judith, I usually take everything out of it when it's cooked and put it in LocknLock containers.

    Sandy, wondering how much snow you and Katie got - maybe you'll post later and let us know.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    I would not cook in the aluminum either.

    think it's just the tension or stress from all this stuff going on. Try the med your trusted Dr gave you.

    Sayra...thanks for the recipe. I will get some buttermilk and use it for the salmon recipe too.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    This is the sweetest video, of Ollie the tiny cow who loves to swim with Dad! Lorita, you will love this!!! 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions
    I want a cow!
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions
    Awwwwwww  So sweet I hope Ollie stays small.  Thanks for the sweet video, Beth.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I did love the video, Beth.  Thanks so much for he link.  is Ollie a calf or a miniature cow - looks like a calf.  Cattle do love water.  In the summer when it's hot, ours will come out of the barn where it's dark and cooler and swim across the pond, graze a little bit and swim back.  Scares me to death when the little ones swim across but until they're a little bigger the moms will take them around the pond to the other side so they don't swim.

     Judith, you can make your own buttermilk so you won't have to buy it - unless you need a lot or you like to drink it.  I like Bulgarian Buttermilk - really nice and thick but I haven't seen it in the store for a long time.   Just pour a little bit of white vinegar in your measuring cup and fill to whatever amount you need with sweet milk.  Let it set a few minutes and you will  have buttermilk.  We used to churn our own butter and the buttermilk from that was so good.  You ladies don't know what you've missed by not living in the country and getting to do all these things.  Ron and some of the others, you all know what I mean. 

     I should try the Celexa - maybe I will.  Wonder if anyone on the forum has ever taken it? 

    You all should see  Stormy - he and Sheena have been sleeping on the floor and three cats were on the divan and Kitt was in my chair - I'm in the recliner.  I think one of the cats got down and Stormy went over and he's laying between the two cats, sound asleep.  All of them have been asleep for a couple of hours so that may mean I don't get much sleep tonight.

     I saw the drought monitor for the USA this evening - now I'm watching Gunsmoke and Kansas is in the midst of a terrible drought.  Only one well left that hasn't run dry. 

     If I can remember I'll take a picture of all that rock laying on the ground.  I was working when they put the rock on the house so didn't get to see that done - some of those rocks are big and weigh a lot.\

     Sleep well tonight.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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