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Just need to talk to my friends (163)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Found the brown paper sacks - thanks, Sara.  I'll get the fewest number - 40 - wonder how long those will last?  Longer than me, probably.

     Well, another shower safely taken - in and out of shower which is in the tub.  Washed my hair so that makes it hard.  I had Charles' shower chair in there to get it out of the way when they were working so tried that - couldn't handle it.  I know now how alz. patients must feel with water getting on their faces from the shower.  Thinking seriously about cutting off the bottom 6-8" of my hair - if I could cut it straight across but hard to do by yourself. 

     Stormy and I drove down into the NE pasture to see the girls - so pretty to see the black cattle grazing.  Then we drove the length of the fence where Sally's getting out.  I found two possible places but she'd have to work at it to get out.  Also looked into the creepfeeder to see the kind of feed they put in it.  Doesn't look like what they're used to - has corn and some dark brown pellets and something else - they mix their own.  Toad also fixed it so the bigger calves can't get in - has a bar all the way across about a foot off the ground and then the upper one so guess the bigger calves can't minimize themselves enough to get through - hope the babies can get over that foot high rod.  I'm sure they can - they do this all the time. 

     There were 10,502 new cases of covid in Oklahoma today.  Can you imagine that?  I think it said there's over 17,000 people in the hospital with it. 

     It is beautiful out this afternoon - sunny, warm - 70 - and no wind.  The weathermen just won't let us enjoy it though - have to talk about the possibility of snow Saturday.

     Zetta, I hope by now you've rested up somewhat.  I know having to find places to put all the things you brought home can be hard to do.  I have a hard time finding places for the things I already have here at home.  I know you're happy to be home with this new storm coming through - Izzi, I think her name is.

     Didn't talk with Carol - not sure when the best time to call might be so I'll wait for her to call.  I know she's worn out after PT and probably is having a lot of family company.  Her daughter is still staying with at night.  Carol says she can't rememberr all the things they tell her so it's good she has an advocate with her to help remember things.

     The news just said people are having "covid parties" to try to get the virus.  How stupid can people be?    I heard today children who have the virus are more likely than not to have diabetes.  They still don't know too much about it but they're learning all the time.

     Enjoy the evening and sleep well tonight.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita,  I was going through some old newspapers and came across a photo from Saturday October 16, 2021 of two Texas long-horn cattle and a calf.  They were at Tres Hermanos Conservation Authority in Diamond Bar, one if the cities in Los Angeles County.  I could not find any information about them, if they were the only ones or if there is a herd of long-horns.

    Jo, thanks for the warning.  I loaded up on Mucinex in April 2020, so I would be prepared.  I just checked, the expiration date was September 2020.  I need new supplies!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    More on helping emergency services to access your home if needed...

    For those who can't or prefer not to attach either a keypad deadbolt or realtor type lockbox to the door, there are some key lockboxes which can be attached to a wall or deck.  They are less bulky and operate in the same way of storing a set of keys.

    You just need to make sure you tell your alarm company of where it is located, as well as the code.

    Whichever style you choose, it is certainly better than under a rock in the flower bed or having emergency services break a window in order to help you.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    28F, -2C.

    Lorita those bags will be good for a long time.  Take J popcorn in them.  Use them when I give people things.  May be sacking masks up for awhile yet.

    Hope those getting snow don’t get overwhelmed with it.

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Expecting a lot of snow today and tomorrow, maybe 10"! It makes pretty and cozy scenes and if you can totally stay inside, not so bad. It has begun to snow and was a little slick on the walks when I took the dog out this a.m.

    For now, I'm sitting on my couch with my little dog (Josey Rose) curled up on my lap. She's a mini schnauzer, all of 12 pounds, 9 years old, with a cup of coffee. Our neighbor works for Team Hope Mission for Haiti and gave us a sampler pack of coffee at Christmas that helps support the work. We liked the coffee so have ordered some. We like the dark roast Guatemalan. They also have light roast Haitian and medium roast Dominican. 

    We did carryout last night from a nice restaurant. I had salmon, baked potato, broccoli and carrots and salad. It was so good! I like salmon when cooked at a restaurant, but have trouble cooking it myself and having it taste good. Wish I liked it better as it is a healthy choice with all the Omega 3's. 

    Zetta, glad you made it home safely! Iris, your trip sounded great. We do still want to live/have quality of life but the pandemic has made it more challenging. Lorita, I'd trim your hair for you if I could. I looked back and my last cut and highlight was in May. Not planning on any more salon services until the pandemic is over or better; this is not a hard decision for me as I like long hair and mine is now almost down to mid back. There is a lady at church who has hair down to her waist and it is so pretty - light blonde. Do you all remember Crystal Gayle and her gorgeous hair? Lorita, hope you find the place in the fence where Sally is getting out. Hope Jerry returns too. Lots to think about when you have animals, but oh how they enrich our lives.

    Enjoy your weekend!  Beth

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Suppose to be in the 70s again today and highs only in the 50s for our weekend. Love the 70 degree temperature, I dont have to run the air or heat.

    Lou had short hair for years until dementia and for some reason she wanted it to grow back out. When we married she xss wore it in a bee hive. With it long its easier for me to maintain, just a little trimming of dead ends. To bad bringing my scissors to the front porch doesnt work, I would enjoy helping my front porch ladies with their hair. One problem with Lou's hair when it was short was it being blond teasing didnt help make her hair look fuller. That's a drawback for blondes with thinning hair, usually teasing makes it look fuller but with blondes teasing to much will highlight the scalp.

    Hope all in the path of winter storms stay safe and warm.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Beth, looks like you all are going to get a lot of snow.  Stay in and stay warm.  We may get up to 1" which is more than enough for me even though I don't have to get out and feed.  I still keep water in the tanks for the girls.

     Neither Tom nor Jerry was there this morning.  I guess the one left, Tom?, got lonesome and went to look for Jerry.  Sure hate for them not to be out there.. 

     Carol texted me early this morning, about 6:30.  She said she thought she was supposed to call and apologized for not doing so - she wasn't supposed to.  I called her back and we had a rather short conversation, for us.  She is worn out - sounds completely drained of energy.  She's having OT and PT and she's working so hard at it, it's sapping her energy.  Her oldest daughter is still staying with her all night.  I understand that but if she's there, Carol's going to talk with her so might be better if she didn't stay all the time.  I think during the day she's having a lot of visitors, too.  I suggested maybe it might be better to not have all of them but she said she couldn't stop them.  She's learning how to use a wheelchair and walker.  It's doubly hard because her right ankle is broken so she can't put any weight on it.  Of course, they're in and out all during the night.  I remember so well staying with Charles at night when he was in the hospital.  You'd get to sleep and someone would come in to do something and night personnel aren't that quiet.  Carol says they have plenty of beds but very short on personnel.  They're really wearing a lot of PPE - double masked underneath a really good one, face shields and all the other things.

     All of our schools are either closed or are on virtual learning.  Looks like now's the time for home schooling which I would be doing if I had kids. 

     Sally didn't get out last night.  After Carol's call I heard the girls bawling out front, then saw a truck coming up the driveway very slowly.  I called to see if it was Mike - it was - he was looking for the place in the fence where she gets out - found it and fixed it.  Then about 30 min. later heard them again.  It was Toad feeding.  The girls were in the lot and the gates had gotten opened and closed and they were having a hard time getting out - but they figured it out.  I did see some of the smaller calves still out front when the cows went to eat - even saw little Evan.  So, Penny gave him a bit of freedom.  Bet she hurried and got back to him as soon as she could.

     Thanks, Beth, if you were closer I'd take you up on the hair trim.  Mine's about mid-back, too.  If I put my hand behind my back I can touch it.  I hate that it's getting thinner and whiter each day, it seems.  Believe it or not, it's been seven years since I've been to a beauty shop.  I only went for haircuts anyway.

     Iris, I checked my supplies just now.  I have Alka Seltzer plus that expired in October 2020 so I think it's still good, if I need it.  I replenish or replace things almost every year, then don't have to use them so have to repeat.  I don't have Mucinex - never have used it.  I don't worry about colds so much because you have to catch it from a person . and I'm not around people much.  Today I find out if my PCR test is negative.  I'm wondering and I know you all can tell me - if I tested positive on both tests Tuesday, is it possible that I could still be positive at a later date?

     When I wake up the sides of my neck are sometimes sore and I think that's from the way I'm sleeping - always bothers me though until it goes away.  Sad state of affairs that you worry when you have a sore throat, cough, sniffle or sneeze but guess that's the world we live in now.

     I really don't need anything much out of the bedroom but I'm assuming it would be safe to go in there now since it's been a week since they've been in there.  I keep the door closed from the bedroom to the bathroom but somehow Max has learned how to push it open (it doesn't close tightly).  He got in there once yesterday.  It's so piled up with things I couldn't get through from the bathroom anyway -  just through the sunroom.

     Joan, are you supposed to get any snow from this cold front - looks like it's sliding east of you, almost missing Oklahoma except for the far NE corner.  And, Zetta, I know you're glad to be home this morning and we're all so glad you made it hope safely.

     I'll stop and finish my sweet roll and hot tea.  Need to do some dishes today.  Almost finished the potato soup so may make some vegetable soup tomorrow.  Didn't buy any onions - I read somewhere that the onions they were either recalling or were worried about would last three months so I'll wait a while.  But, seems like almost anything you cook starts with onions.   I need to learn how to make vegetarian chili.  Any good recipes out there?

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita exposure to Daniel was last Friday.  Don’t feel you will get sick from that exposure.  Think you would have symptoms by now from omnicron or delta from what I’m hearing.  Know this is hard for you as I’m a worrier too.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Poor Carol - Lorita I remember years ago (when young) I broke my 5th metatarsal bone, a tiny bone, but the pain the first few days just drained me of any energy and I slept all the time.  When I went to orthopedics after the swelling had gone down they said "didn't they give you any pain medication in the ER?" and no, they hadn't.  They gave me that but the big thing they gave me was this Aircast - ahhh it took all the pressure off my foot and from that time on I wasn't totally fatigued any more.

    I'm sure there is some pain associated with her surgery and add PT and OT and visitors on top of that and she's probably exhausted.  God bless her.

    It's a balmy 27 degrees here, my watch tells me "flurries to start in the next hour."  I also forgot that another great thing with my watch (and it is the cellular version) is that if a tornado warning or other storm warning is issued it will alert me.  I'm not watching a lot of TV these days so having that alert helps.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Hi Day,

     Are you expecting much snow?  I don't recall where you live - north of here for sure.  Hope you don't get too much and I hope we don't get anything except some pretty, big flakes which usually happen at night here.

     I feel sorry for Carol, too.  She has four kids, three girls who live very close to her and a son who lives in the northern part of the State.  He's like me, doesn't get out around people at all.  She has oodles of grandkids, all ages and, of course, everyone wants to see mom and grandma.  I can't understand why they're letting visitors in - they didn't earlier when there was a surge.  She says discharge date is around the 25th.  I don't know how she'll make it at home - husband won't be of much help so it will be left to Carol and the girls.

     It's cloudy here but still fairly warm.  Everyone, cats and GPs are sound asleep.  Girls are scattered everywhere. 

     your watch sounds great - even tornado warnings.  That would be a help.  When it rains our TV reception is gone so I have to rely on the computer or weather radio. 

     Not in mood to do anything today so except for filling water tanks and making girls are okay, I probably won't. 

     Hope you don't have much snow if you don't want it.  Let us know.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Mask/paper bag;


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, about how facilities still allow visitors…I now have several family and friends in various facilities (temp. Rehab, like carol, MC and AL) and we all wonder about this. 

    Basically, the facilities say they check temps and require masks and sanitizing for visitors. 

    Staff must be vaxxed, residents are vaxxed (I don’t know how they require this at rehabs, but I’m told new patients are pressured hard, and sometimes face delayed admission). And that this strain is not as bad as the first surge. 

    I believe it’s the facilities weighing the pros and cons. Today, with the vax, milder strain/illness, and preventions, banning visitors would create more problems and uproar than a few maybe getting sick with something not as bad as first surge. It’s the Unvaccinated in hospitals around here, 99 percent local news says.

    Not saying I agree, but that’s their story. Banning visitors now would probably cause riots (a slight exaggeration but not much). People just are not as sick as they were the first round, and I don’t think families would stand for not seeing their LOs again when the chances of hospital/death are so much less now.

    I fully expect this will end up like the flu. Some people will get a little sick, some get really sick—no prevention is 100%—and some will die, but the vaxxed will be more protected and we will go on about our business with some new things like masks and regular shots. (I think Fauci said this, better, a couple days ago.)

    About too many visitors…Carol has my full sympathy. The last couple times I was in the hospital I told the staff I did not want visitors, and staff would head them off somehow. Maybe staff at her place could help with that?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Well, that was odd.  Got two paragraphs typed and they disappeared. 

     You're probably right, Rescue Mom - there probably would be an uproar if they still restricted visitors.  Carol does say everyone's wearing masks, two or more, except visitors when they're in her room.  Wearing a mask is such a small thing to do to protect yourself and others, I cannot understand why people resist so much.  

      I'm watching the Weather Channel , Beth, and it says there's heavy snow in Des Moines - not sure how far you are from there but it's probably snowing all over your State.  It's cloudy here and the clouds to the north are really dark so it's on it's way.  It's still warm here.  Beth, it's showing geese walking on the Des Moines River and there's huge snow flakes.

     The girls were all laying out in front of the house so decided I'd try to see them before they drifted off.  The minute they saw me come out of the house they started bawling.  It's a hard adjustment for them - they've been fed late in the afternoon for 34 years so it's a big change - for me, too.  I think I saw everyone - at least up to 49 and I'm sure I missed one because they were in the lot and out in the pasture all around me.  Did see Evan separated from his mom but just saw them together - he was having a snack.

     I started the PU and went to the mailbox - hadn't been in two days - and I wanted to put it in the carport before the snow.  That upset them again.

     Sandy, it looks like you all are really going to get a lot of snow and now they're talking ice, too.  That's the bad part - so much damage.  I'm wondering if you all have a generator - hope so.    It just said up to half an inch of ice on trees and power lines.  Such a horrible sound when there's ice on the trees and they start to break.

     I filled one water tank and need to fill the other.  May not have to bring in the hoses until morning.

     I had a sore throat this morning but it's gone now.  I can call about the PRC or PCR test after a bit - I have my fingers and toes crossed but it'll be all right.

     Thought about making that vegetable soup but washed dishes instead.  Probably need to finish the potato soup first.  I thought I got cookies the other day but couldn't find them but found I had left them in the PU so I'm set for cookies.  I used to make cookies occasionally but haven't for years.

     I'm going to have to change from internet explorer, I guess.  Chewy and some other place I order from doesn't support it anymore.  I have another one on here so guess I'll use it.  I should have them set up my new laptop - just hate to try to learn something new.  My printer quit working quite some time ago and they sent a new one so should get that going, too.  Just hate to take the time.

     Talked to Sarah - she saw the pain management doctor Wednesday and got the results of her last MRI.  Her spine and neck are really messed up so something's going to have to be done with that.  She has scoliosis and broke her neck several years ago so that's another thing that's wrong with her.  Said she has a couple of more appointments before long.

     Stay warm.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita remember it only tells you about the moment that swab was done. It is now several days later.  So even if it is positive appears your vaccine and mask worked well.  Hopefully it is negative because know that would make you feel better.  

    See you in morning if nothing happens.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Judith, the screen got really hyperextended with the mask/bag link - you can use the "Contact Us" prompt at the top of the page and ask if tech will please fix the hyperextension, that will make the rest of the Thread normal size again.  For some reason, the link did not roll over to multiple lines instead of expanding outward.  Don't know how to stop that from happening.

     I am sorry to hear of Carol's ongoing pain.  The fractured ankle will probably cause her more difficulty for a longer period than the hip surgery.  So hope she gets some relief soon. If she were more able, there is actually the rather clever knee scooter that one puts their knee on the padded scooter rest with ankle suspended off of it and off they wheel/scoot.   However; it takes strength and coordination.  Wonder if she would benefit from a powered chair/scooter of one sort or another.  In some instances, Medicare will cover if criteria is met.  Since she has both a fractured ankle and hip plus surgery, she may well fit criteria.  One can also rent them.  Would make it easier to get around the house and to the bathroom, etc.

    Goodness me; I was reading this morning and came upon an article about a recent medical/science discovery from Harvard research.  Turns out that there seems to be a definite link with EBV being the causation for Multiple Sclerosis.  Omigoodness!  Most MS cases are first seen between the ages of 20 and 40; however, to my astonishment, there are cases of late age onset after age 50 and even 70.  This is not something one wants to hear considering that 95% or so of the population has had EBV at some point in their lives, (many have no idea they have had it.)    Of course that is not the entire causation for MS, and most certainly not all folks who have had EBV will develop that disease, it was just interesting as a discovery.   So here are JoC. and Lorita, both known EBV veterans; I am not worried; just interesting.


    So sorry to hear of the heavy snowfall descending.   So pretty to look out a window and see it, but good to be able to stay snug as a bug while it is doing its worst like Beth and little Josey Rose are doing.   Still . . . . what a tribulation if needing to be out and about and oh my; the sidewalks and driveways.   Ooof!   Hope it all lightens soon.  Of course, before we know it, we will once again be facing the dread dog days of summer and all wishing for colder weather.  Since I have become "mature," I notice that I have very little tolerance for heat and if it is heat with humidity - well; even worse.

    Keep saying that I wish Mother Nature would only give Spring and Autumn and forget the rest, but sometimes Mother Nature is not such a loving mother.

    We are at about 70 today.  May get light sprinkles of rain tomorrow, we'll take any rain we can about now.

    My DH is having eye surgery for a significant eye condition in early March.   I am very concerned. He is not easy going about such things, and the treatment has a risk that it can make things worse.   If successful, any improvement at all takes about four to six months - AND - some do not see results with their vision for one to two years and there is always a risk; some may lose the sight in that eye.  He would not be good dealing with a bad outcome.  Bull in a china shop so to speak.  Really concerned on his behalf and so hope and pray he gets a very good result and does well . . . .  Makes things concerning as he has reactions to meds and no one is allowed to enter the hospital at this point in time except the patient.

    Update on prior conversation:  Really bad out here for nurses.  Spoke to the pre-op RN at the hospital this am as well as hearing it on the news again this am too;  If the RNs are COVID positive, the RNs and other hospital staff continue to work if asymptomatic.  If having symptoms, it is five days off and then if doing well, return to work wearing a mask for five more days . . . . and they must take the five days time off of work from their own personal vacation or sick days time.  Really, really bad decision.  RNs are up in arms about exposing high risk patients as well as one another and livid about having to use their own vacation and sick time.   I sure do not blame them; they are right.   I think that much of this has come about secondary to business pressure concerns.  Frankly; CDC or no CDC, I am still a 10 day isolation believer and no one knowingly going to work while positive, increasing risk exposing patients.   AMA also not at all happy with the change from 10 days to five:


    Had to laugh; our Oregon son has the best dog . . . he is a medium/large dog, short haired mixed breed; black in color and such a sweet, sweet boy.  (He was rescued a few days before he was to be put down.)   Our son had made and baked some homemade lasagna; he sent us a photo of it on the countertop . . . . but if one looked very closely at the photo, one could see beyond the kitchen into a dark hall and there were two small bright buttons.  It was Barkely sitting quietly in silent hope that perhaps some of the great smelling lasagna might fall on the floor.  Only his eyes showed.  So hope son relented and gave him at least a taste of the goodie. 

    Our daughter has a RING doorbell on her front door.  She was on the third floor of her three story town home; heard her RING alarm going off; she looked at the screen on her cell phone and there was a man jiggling her front door knob trying to get into the house.  She called the police, but he was gone by the time they arrived.  Turned out that the online neighborhood folks had multiple reports of the same description guy trying their doorknobs too.  Looking for an opportunity.  So hope they are able to find him if he continues.   Also very glad she has the RING. 

    So Sally cannot get out again.  Wonder if she misses gadding about.  They find a way to get different places and they seem to want to roam a bit.  Hope the girls like their new food mixture. 

    Everyone have a good day, cannot believe it is Friday already; time really flew by this week.  Hope the weekend is a good one for everybody.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Lorita...internet explorer seems to be gone...I use chrome


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Looks like it - wonder why?   I  have Edge on my laptop and also keep getting popups wanting me to change to chrome.  I tried it some years back and for some reason, don't remember why, preferred Internet Explorer.  More changes.  Do you like chrome?

     Well, I called the health dept. to get my test results.  Results aren't back yet so it'll be Tuesday before I find out.  I'll go on the assumption that it's negative since I'm feeling al right.  She says they're really backed up - guess every place is.  I was lucky, though, that I didn't even have to wait to get it done.

     Judith, you're right - girls won't get as much TLC but they'll be taken care of.  I don't hear bawling now so they must have drifted off.  I wouldn't have gone out a while ago but thought I'd save a trip out into the pasture.  Won't do that again.

     Darn, four more days to wait.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Edge is your new default browser. Turn on your new computer with windows 10. Click on edge. I don't think you will get chrome popups now.

    I love google/chrome. I switched  in order to have things stored in a cloud after I lost a bunch of stuff...did not back up...ugh

    Your test results at this point are not really going to matter. You did not get sick if you had it and you are still going to make every effort not to shedd.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I finally got everything put up and found a place for most. I gave a lot of cloths away to some needy family's my son knows about. My daughter is a buyer of all things and there was no way I was going to fit in any of her cloths. Some even had tags on them.  My daughter is on her last leg of the move to Arizona last update I had is they will be at their new house in 3 hours. They have been on the road since Tuesday, morning. It's her, her husband and 3 cats. She said the cats have been good travelers. 

    Lorita,     I really think all of your girls miss you and they don't understand. It is nice that you still go out and visit with them I am sure they need that. Poor Sally she missis you and hopefully she does not wander off. Sounds like Mike solved that problem. I am waiting for the good news that all your test came back negative. I have a runny nose often, but I think its allergies. I take a daily allergy med and it helps. I hope Tom & Jerry show up. There has been one missing for quite a while now, hopefully he is staying some place warm. 

    Beth.   You must live someplace that gets a lot of snow. My son has dug a snowbank in the snow off the back porch so when I let my little dog Molly out to go potty, she has a banked in area right off the back porch that she can't get out of. But now the snow is melting, and she can jump over the bank. I am also a coffee lover. My daughter got me a coffee maker that pumps out the foam along with the coffee. I also have a coffee maker that has my coffee ready for me when I get up. I think I am addicted to coffee. O! Well at least it's not Booz.

    Jo,   Thank You for the info on how to take care of ourselves if we suspect we may have the virus. Let's hope we all stay well. I sure hope your son shared the lasagna with Barkley. I also got a laugh when you were talking about Sally in the rocker on the porch with her hat on. It sounds like that is where she is wanting to be is on the front porch with all of us. I will keep your DH in my prayers as it gets closer to the time for his eye surgery. I remember a lot of years ago Dan had eye surgery, and it all went well with the surgery and the recovery. 

    Now that I am home and got everything put up and rested, I guess now I will be thinking about and missing my daughter who just moved to Arizona. I will be going there for a week the first of March so I will have that to look forward to. I also got my hair cut while I was at her house, my hair had gotten down to the middle of my back. Fight now it is at my shoulders and I like it because it is a lot easier to wash then the long hair was. 

    We do have some snow and its starting to melt it is pretty, but I am glad I have no place to go. I am through with the snow this year. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Evening everyone. I hope you all have had a good day and week, overall. 

    DH has been on a roll for the last day and a half, so I checked in with the on-call hospice nurse and gave him something extra 3 times today to hopefully get him calmed down and back on a more even keel. He is finally resting fine (snoring peacefully lol). And I have a Friday night all to myself...I could have a glass of wine and find a movie on hulu.com since I’m not in the mood to start a good book or short story (I have no discipline and will not put it down until its done). Then will pay for that when DH wakes up ready to roll and I won’t be able to keep up! So, I think I will try to turn in at a reasonable time tonight. But wanted to post before I lay me down to sleep. I still get a Readers’ Digest subscription and never had a minute even to open them, so maybe I will start there next week, to get back into reading without bingeing. (Sp?) I also am a big library fan and hope that after caregiving and post-pandemic I can get back into that habit since I really am not sure that I will get back to work full-time. May as well look ahead to doing some of the things I love., however far in the future it may be.

    I mentioned in my previous post that all the food ideas shared on the porch have me cooking (and eating) more with some of the extra time I have on my hands lately. I've been enjoying crockpot beans the last few weeks. Was right with you all and the black-eyed peas for New Years! Mine came out SO good that I decided to cook some black beans the same way - in the crock pot overnight starting Wednesday evening. No pre-soaking, (just rinsed them well) then put all the spices and chopped veggies in with the beans and lots of water,  on low, and went to sleep. Cooked throughout the day yesterday and I enjoyed them so much! For dinner, we ate them with rice, cornbread, fresh tomato and scallions, some leftover sautéed cabbage and a flash frozen salmon fillet - cooked in 10 minutes in a small iron skillet (could bake it but that heats up the kitchen more than necessary). Anyway, it satisfied both my DH and me, so I didn’t feel guilty finishing off the beans all by myself today Black bean soup? It was great. We had some clementines for dessert (Jo C and someone else influenced that purchase!) So good, and so healthy. And less calories than the oatmeal raisin cookies I bake almost every week for my guy’s favorite go-to snack (and mine!)

    Lots of talk about Life alert or similar option makes me think about creating a plan B should something happen to me even though I’m not home alone, I kind of am for all practical purposes. There were some good tips on one of the general threads so I am going to work on that. If we had an emergency right now and I couldn’t quite manage, both DH and I would be up a creek without a paddle. 
    And that includes if covid strikes though we are vaxxed and boosted and very careful. With jfkoc's reports and your workers Lorita, I realized the hospice team has probably been exposing us without even realizing it sometimes, if they have been in contact with spreaders. Pretty sure the nurse and CNA were both quarantining recently after either contact with a cover positive colleague or client, or they tested positive themselves. Wonder if they are required to tell me since they know we are housebound…and don’t need to really contact trace any further.?? I need to ask. 
    I am trying an experiment. Typing my post into the “Notes” app on my laptop (or I guess you could use Word), and then I will copy and paste it into a reply. Because if I typed it and it disappeared like it happens to some of you occasionally, I would cry lol. And then go for the glass of wine and straight to bed after all. I don’t think I’d be up to re-writing it. Caregiving really does deplete all my reserves every day pretty much. We are getting by, but its taking its toll. I am glad to be able to do this for my hubby, but really wish we could just wake up from this nightmare and go on with our lives as we had envisioned. I know you all really understand. And you are all such good role models for how to look at life as more than dementia. OK, off topic from where I started this paragraph. Crossing my fingers the “Notes” plan works. We will know in a few minutes
    I didn’t get to read your posts from today yet but will catch up on everyone’s updates before going to sleep. For now, I wanted to be sure to share the hilarious news my LO announced during his increased hallucinating, and delusions right now. I almost spit my coffee across the room when he started talking about cattle out of nowhere (you don’t understand…there is NO chance he has seen the porch threads on all Lorita’s news about the girls and he is a city boy through and through. It wasn’t on TV anywhere and I don’t think I talk in my sleep (?) He doesn’t listen to me anymore anyway, at stage 6d is very self-absorbed. But my curiosity was one thing…it was his comments that took me over the edge. Just thought I should let you all know how it really works when you are running cattle: (During a very confused, ramble that he’s been on during this downturn, here is one of the gems — I asked him if he said Cattle, which caught my half-listening ear): "Yes, cattle. You know... the... those...(gesturing, searching for the words) the animals. They start off as horses and when they get older then they become cows.”
    And there you have it. Stay safe and stay warm. I hope tomorrow will be a really nice day for everyone. 
    (P.S. I don't know how the spacing and font will look when I hit "post", but so far the copy and paste option seems to have worked to type directly into the reply field...so I don't risk losing what I type. Great!)
    P.P.S - there were no spaces between paragraphs so I just had to make those quick edits but it worked.  I think that's what I will do each time. I'm always rushing off to help DH, (my To Do and Undo lists I call it) so it will help me not type and then lose posts Yay!  Good night!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    22F, -6C.  Was a very gray day yesterday and possibly more the same today.

    How much snow have you got Beth?  Did you get any Lorita?

    If it’s nasty out Lorita might be best to stay in.  Toad has this.  Probably is just a little more confusing to animals because you are still there.  But, they are smart cookies, they will catch on, just might take a little longer.

    Yes Lorita it is safe to go in your bedroom.  It is over a week.  Viruses are not alive til they get in us.  They are a parasite and need us to be a host so they can replicate and do their thing.  Anything Daniel left in there dried up days ago.

    Here facilities are not allowed to restrict visitors.  The workers don’t have to be vaccinated.  This week noticing an uptick in cases among residents and workers in these facilities.  Have no clue how many are unvaccinated, guess we will know soon.  J is vaccinated and boosted, but has multiple health problems.  Her family comes and goes.  Clueless if they wear a mask.  Know J probably isn’t.  She has many medical problems plus age.   My Vaxd sister goes to see her now and then.  J told her take that mask off and she did.  Lol she has never asked me to take mine off.  Drop her groceries off at desk, have told her I won’t be visiting except by phone til cases in community permit that. They have only been going one direction since July and that direction is not down.

    My BIL who has one J&J on board is now Covid positive.  He said he was going to get booster but has not done that. Hope he does ok.  I have encouraged him to do his deep breathing and have told him how to do it properly, encouraged him to keep a check on his pulse ox, to keep moving, to sleep on his belly if possible (this has been proven to help).  My BIL has more than one comorbidity. Wish he would of had his booster but too late now Sally is outside of the fence.  Hopefully he has enough TCells on board to take care of things.

    Rescue mom the virologists I listen to feel ( don’t know for sure)but feel this will eventually be another common cold.  Many common colds now are due to corona viruses, they say possibly in the past these caused pandemics.  Seems to make sense.

    Sorry JoC about your husbands eye issues.  Know that is scary.  I have a friend who is having a lot of eye issues. It is sad.

    Butterfly wings glad you were able to get your husband calmed down.  Sounds like you are a good cook too.  We love shared recipes as you know. Glad notes worked out.  I’m on iPad.  Have learned to save after a paragraph and then edit to finish.  Has been working well. Glad you are able to laugh a bit at your husband’s cattle tales.

    JoC  & anyone else, think you would find this interesting.  Go to YT, search for TWIV.  I can’t do links or I would link it.  Look for TWIV #853, Clinical update 97. It will be at or near top. I’m only partway through it, the best one yet, packed with good information.  Im going to listen to it several times to get it all straight.  Have never done this with other posts.  This is just great. If you listen guy on  left with hair is virologist who had a lot to do with polio and guy on right with little hair is NYC infectious disease doctor.  Just so you kind of know where each one is coming from if you listen.

    If nothing happens going to get a pot of stew on and a pot of chicken soup.

    Beth I’m going to go pick up food first of week, so I can get lunch menu.  My nephew mentioned that it has slowed down a little bit where he works at Olive Garden.  

    Take care everyone


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Yes, yes we did get SNOW, and lots of it! Nearby city got 14.3". I took my ruler out and stuck it in the snow, twice, so it said 7 or 8".  I shoveled off the porch and it was icy under the snow.  The neighbor did our driveway last evening but there is plenty more there now. 

    I think I will make rice and beans today. This is what I am doing:

    Dry Beans Quick Prep Tips: Soak any kind of dry beans overnight. Drain To help with unpleasant bean side effects, rinse the beans after soaking and add 1/2 tsp baking soda when cooking the dry beans. Freeze in 2-4 cup portions. 

    To prepare, cook beans in boiling water for 20 minutes. They will soften very easily if they are frozen first.  Once cooked for 20 minutes:

    Saute 1/2 onion, add the beans, can of tomatoes, garlic salt, oregano, and basil to taste. Cook till bubbly and simmer 15." Serve over rice. Top with grated cheese if desired. 

    Note re kidney beans: 

    Eating raw or undercooked kidney beans can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Only a few beans are needed to cause poisoning.

    Kidney beans, or red beans, contain a natural protein, Lectin, that is found in many plants, animals and humans. However, at high levels, like that found in raw or undercooked kidney beans, the protein can act as a toxin.

    How to properly cook kidney beans and destroy toxins 

    • Beans should be soaked in water for at least five hours.
    • Soaking water should be dumped, and the beans should be boiled in fresh water for at least 30 minutes.
    • Do not use a slow cooker. Slow cookers do not get hot enough to destroy the toxins in kidney beans. NOTE: CANNED KIDNEY BEANS ARE FULLY COOKED AND CAN BE USED AS IS.
    I enjoy cooking tips from all of you and like to share once in awhile. Did I tell you I made a homemade pizza (crust homemade too, and tomato sauce was some I froze from my garden last summer)? I added Italian sausage and mushrooms and black olives. It was so good!

    I hope you all have a blessed day.  Hugs, Beth
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Snow pics today
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita wrote:

    Hi Day,

     Are you expecting much snow?  I don't recall where you live - north of here for sure.  Hope you don't get too much and I hope we don't get anything except some pretty, big flakes which usually happen at night here.

     I feel sorry for Carol, too.  She has four kids, three girls who live very close to her and a son who lives in the northern part of the State.  He's like me, doesn't get out around people at all.  She has oodles of grandkids, all ages and, of course, everyone wants to see mom and grandma.  I can't understand why they're letting visitors in - they didn't earlier when there was a surge.  She says discharge date is around the 25th.  I don't know how she'll make it at home - husband won't be of much help so it will be left to Carol and the girls.

     It's cloudy here but still fairly warm.  Everyone, cats and GPs are sound asleep.  Girls are scattered everywhere. 

     your watch sounds great - even tornado warnings.  That would be a help.  When it rains our TV reception is gone so I have to rely on the computer or weather radio. 

     Not in mood to do anything today so except for filling water tanks and making girls are okay, I probably won't. 

     Hope you don't have much snow if you don't want it.  Let us know.

    Only had flurries, nothing stuck.  It's 9 degrees with the sun out.  Took pup to get groomed and I'm waiting for him to be done so I can pick him back up.  Next I'll have to make an appointment at the vet so he can get his rabies shot.  He's 16, so I'm going to ask them to give him the 1-year version; the last time he had the 3-year he was pretty lethargic for a few days after.  He needs to have it for his license, but I don't want to overload him.  Getting old is hell for people and dogs...lol
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Beth, the snow pictures are beautiful!  Are those your horses?  Snow on top of bales of hay reminds me that years ago we had an ice storm and the ice and snow was on top of all the bales of hay.  Charles had to beat the ice off the bales so we could get the string or netwrap off to feed the girls.  Hate doing that - really tires you.  I love to look at snow - so far, Sara, we haven't had any here.  They've had a little up toward Jay in far NE Okla.  Still saying we may get some later this afternoon - they've sort of extended the area of snow - we may get 1-2" - don't want any more than that - don't even want that.  Makes it harder on the girls.

     Butterflywings - I laughed when I read what you husband said about cattle and horses - wouldn't that be something?  I know what you mean about a city boy - Charles was one until we moved to the farm after we got married.  He absolutely loved it and learned so much from daddy.  We did everything together - taking down fences, building them, taking care of the girls, gardening, everything.  I hope you are able to get some reading done today or maybe a good movie later.  I'm wrapped up right now in watching Rawhide and Gunsmoke (Zetta and I love Gunsmoke).  Early on Saturday mornings I watch a couple of cooking shows - Lidia's Kitchen right now.  I want a pan like she has but will not pay the price of a LeCreuset (can't spell that).  I found one in a cabinet I had in the utility room but I don't know what it's made of so it's now being used as a water dish for the cats and GPs.  I'll find one eventually.

     Glad you decided to be one of our front porch friends.  Post often - we like to hear from everyone.

     Carol just called.  She sounds so tired.  Said she hurt all night from hip to ankle - just could not find a comfortable position - so no sleep.  She'll be having therapy today and tomorrow she'll have a day-off.  She said the hospital is full and they are so short staffed which makes their work so much harder.   Jo - I mentioned to her what you said (think it was you) about the motorized wheelchair when she goes home.  She's doing well in the WC - has good upper body strength so that shouldn't be a problem.  If I remember correctly her house is arranged in a way where there shouldn't be problems in getting the WC around the rooms.  I feel so sorry for her - she had been so uber carful and then this happened.  She's strong and will get through it but it is hard.  She says she's having a hard time remembering what she's supposed to do and when.  Told her to think of what she's been through - broken hip, surgery, fractured ankle, being in the hospital, etc. - enough to confused anyone.  Her daughter is still staying with her at night.  She sent her home this morning along with her husband but another daughter is coming later if the weather permits.  She needs to be alone and to be able to rest.  She's a talker and will converse with anyone when they're there.  She called to let me know I might not hear from her today because of the therapy schedule. 

     She said to thank each of you for your concern and prayers.  She is a wonderful person - wish you all could know her personally.  She's been a fast friend for 61 years.

     When I woke up this morning I heard the girls bawling - I was sure I heard Sally.  So, got up, dressed (it's cold outside) and went out.  They were in front of the house and in the lot (it was about time Toad fed yesterday).  I didn't see Sally so came back in.  They had kind of begun to drift off south - couldn't get a good count.  I was back in the house for probably 15 minutes and heard more bawling.  Put on my coat and hat and went back out.  There was Sally - just where she'd been the other mornings and her baby across the fence wanting breakfast.  So, opened the gate and she went through to her baby - probably 3-4 months old.  So, Mike will have to lick his calf again.  I'm still thinking the place is down sort of behind the main gate but Mike didn't think she could get through there.  They've all gone down to the NE pasture for a while.  If it starts to snow, they'll head for the barn.

     Beth, I had no idea kidney beans could be toxic.  I've never cooked them - but we used to put canned ones in our chili.  And, the way you cook beans.  Freezing them before you cook them.  I'm going to try that.  I always cook at least two cups at one time so I'll have leftovers.  Your recipe sounds so good.  My daddy was a really good cook and he'd add things to beans that made them delicious.  Have you ever had the beans about half an hour from being done, then lay peeled, halved or quartered potatoes and carrots on top and let them cook together?  I do that all the time so you have your beans and other vegetables.  Charles' grandma used to do that so I got it from him.

     So, all of you are good cooks out there - does anyone have a good, easy recipe for vegetarian chili?  I love chili served over rice with a little cheese on top and doritos.  We used to make a lot of chili but at that time I was a little bit of a carnivore. 

     Just discovered something  - with the stretched-out version of this page I miss the last couple of words on each line.  When I'm writing my post I scroll down and it's not extended so I can read all of it. 

     Can't imagine that much snow, Beth.  Are you going to make a snowman?  Better stay inside where it's warm.  What about snow ice cream?   I think Sandy's supposed to get at least a foot of snow, too but don't think she'll be making snowmen either.  We do need moisture but I'd rather have it in the form of rain. 

     Jo, just scrolled down and reread your post where you mentioned the knee-thing you can put your knee on and get around.  I watch The Incredible Dr. Pol and a while back he had trouble with his foot and he was using one.    I'll mention that to Carol.

     Disturbing news about EBV - hate that stuff.  My niece, Scarlet had MS and died from it a couple of years ago.  Awful stuff.  I think I'm gradually getting over this flare up of the EBV. I think it's gone, then I do something and get tired so quickly. 

     Zetta - how cute that your son made a snowbank for Molly - bet she thought that was fun.  I need to take my Loratadine this morning, too.  So, guess I'll wait until Tuesday for the report but I'm okay so guess it doesn't matter, as Judith said.  I didn't go out to the carport this morning.  Normally if Tom and Jerry are there, they're out in front playing when I go out.  Last evening late I was out there and the food was still there - so don't know what happened.  Not even the opossum had eaten it.

     I'd better go before I lose this - thought I had a while ago. I've wandered back and forth to different people but that's me this morning.  Hope all of you are well and if you get much snow, you can stay inside.  This seems like a good day for soup or beans and cornbread.

     Back later.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    This is the 15th day of January - seven years ago tonight I lost my Charles.  One of the worst days/nights of my life.  I had spent the night with him, as I always did, but had to come home mid afternoon to feed the girls.  Got back to the hospital just before dark.  He had eaten a good breakfast but wouldn't eat much supper or lunch. 

     I sat by his bedside and thought he was sleeping while I talked with his sister on the phone.  A little after 10 I thought he seemed restless so I called the nurse to help him go to the bathroom.  They got there but it was his time - he moved around in the bed some and then he was gone.   That was just before 10:30 when the doctor came in and pronounced him. 

     I was at the hospital, with him, and signing papers until almost 2 a.m.  It was cold, like it is today and we had had snow a day or so before but the roads were clear.  I left the hospital and made it back to Darwin's.  I stopped outside his house and thought about going in but decided not to awaken them.  When I got home, everything was as dark as could be.  We have a security light on the barn, on the storage building by the house and on the electric pole just north of the house - nothing was on.  It was so cold and dark but I found candles and got the heating stove lit and the cats and I sat around it until we warmed up a bit.

     Steve was in the process of installing our generator - the electric people came out that day and disconnected everything but found they didn't have the right part to put it back together so the power was off.  Slept a little bit that night and went back to the funeral home the next morning.  Steve was here when I left and he said I should have called him and he'd have come and turned it back on.  I wouldn't have thought about calling him in the middle of the night.

     So, today is not a happy day, to say the least, for me.  Hard to believe it's been seven years -- in a way it seems like a few days ago.    I relive that day every year as all of you do who have lost your husband or wife.  I guess we never get over it.

     Zetta - I was thinking about your post where you said it's probably hard on the girls trying to adjust because I'm here.  You're right - they can't understand why I don't feed them at the right time if I'm here.   It'll just take time - for me and for them.

     Tom and Jerry weren't there this morning.  I can't figure out what has happened.  I didn't go to the carport but didn't see them.  I will go later when I fill the water tanks.

     I just wanted to share with you all what this day means to me.  We would have been married 44 years three months later.  Maybe I shouldn't post this - don't want to bring anyone down but kind of wanted to share.

     Zetta, I have a headache - hope it's not related to the virus - maybe just memories.  It's really cold here and the wind is blowing - no snow, so far.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Sorry to post again so soon - but I just found a text message that came in last night while I was asleep.  It said they have my test results and gave a website with a confirmation code.  Not sure if I should try it or not.  However, the nurse said I might get a text message so guess it would be all right.  What do you all think?   I know there's all kinds of scams but maybe this is legitimate.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I think you should post.

    The day our husbands died is imprinted on our souls. I do not remember the date but live through that day and the week preceeding frequently. The memories are heavy.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear Lorita,

    Of course you should post about the significance of the day.  No matter how many years go by, we remember that time when they left this world.

    My sister died at home from cancer.  I was at her side, holding her hand when she took her last breath.  Was glad she was freed of the pain, but so sorry to lose her at a relatively young age.

    Take time to remember the wonderful years you had with your dear Charles.  You are so very fortunate to have had such a love.

    Hugs and more hugs,


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I have to wonder why Sally finds the need to get to the other side of the fence.  Does it get her closer to the house?

    If you have a place where you think she might be getting thru, you could put a piece of tape across it...or anything else which would not really keep her from getting thru or hurt her, but as an indicator that yes she did go thru there.

    It may be that she just uses it as a way to get you to come out to see her...knowing you will reunite her with the baby.

    So sorry Carol is in such pain.  PT can really hurt.  Surely the doctors could give her something for it.  I understand her needing her rest from visitors.  I had major surgery about 12 years ago and told the family and nurses not to allow visitors...the nurses at all hours were enough to keep from getting a good rest.  She should just tell folks she will call them rather than having so much going on when she needs her rest.

    As to the text your received about your test results...you could go to the main web site for the place you had test done and see if they mention getting results via text...they may even have a link there.  If so, that would be safest way to check it out.  I agree with others, that the time for you to have been sick if it was positive is most likely over.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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