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Just need to talk to my friends (163)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Life Alert Pendants are a very important topic and one must do their homework before committing to a purchase and monthly contract.  Consumer Reports Magazine has done some very good articles on the "how to's," and "what to look for's," etc., and ratings:





    And from US News and World Reports:


    Frankly; from an ease of use function when in a bad, bad position/condition, it is best to use the life alert systems that not only very, very easily put out an alert, but also have staff who can contact you and talk with you . . . . far more useful in a dire situation.  Would want one that was adept at detecting falls and one that has a high rated live response and good staff.   If I were doing this for myself, I would want the pendant worn on the neck. Too much difficulty having to wash my hands all the time and getting food or cleaners on a watch.  As it is, the watch types of alarms from these companies are rather large and I would find them bulky where wearing a pendant would not be such a bother and I could always tuck it in my blouse or shirt top.

     While we cannot be certain Lorita; the steps you took to lessen any exposure to the workers was excellent, and the likelihood of contracting COVID is probably pretty low.  Still, go ahead and get that test.  If it were me, if given a choice, I definitely would choose the PCR Test. It is far more accurate but may take a couple of days to get the results back.  The rapid return test which is a near immediate reading has problems with false negatives.   Personally; I would want to know for sure.

      "AHEM:"  Lorita, as long as you are driving in, you still have not had any labs drawn despite still having some symptoms which are chalked up to this and that, but this and that are not certainties.  SO . . . . why not get the doctor to send in orders for labs and get it done while you are in or closer to the area.  You will be fully masked and distanced.  Just like your house; routine inspections and a bit of professional maintenance keeps the body "house" from collapsing.

    Judith, thanks for the update on how things are where you live.  It is wonderful that you have kith and kin so close; that is great.   What a terrific set up, so wish we had that.   Had to smile about the "drop-in's;" that means you have to be dressed and have hair brushed ready to go each day for a, "just in case," visit.  No long nightgown/pajama days in that sort of close contact dynamics. Sure has its rewards though. 

     Iris; sounds as if you have some really wonderful trips coming up; what fun!  About those COVID Vaccination Cards.  They are good only if they are valid.   So many false counterfeit cards flitting about in great numbers.  They are being made and sold by huge numbers.  Sure wish the cards were done in such a way they cannot be duped and that there was a quick-check registry for accuracy.  As I recently related, a friend has an adult child who with an adult friend; (both educated professionals), made false cards for themselves and then sold some more fakes to others.  To look at them you would NEVER think they were of that ilk.  Dreadful.   The counterfeit cards are a huge problem for everyone including businesses who cannot tell if their employee cards are real or not.  So; just one more time to understand we are truly on our own to protect ourselves as best can as we are all presently doing.

     Speaking of Libraries, Iris; have you seen the amazing three story one in the City of Cerritos?  It is an unbelievable place.  If you get a chance, go and see it - also has two huge fountains; one of dolphins rising on waves, and another with art fantasies that is delightful - both right adjacent to the library.   Inside, you will walk down a path with palm trees lining it; to the right will be a cozy genteel manor library setting with easy chairs and a lit fireplace; you will soon face a HUGE aquarium the entire length of a wall next to the children's library which is gob smacking. The kids enter their library next to and underneath giant books, on TV, and then they see a life size dinosaur (bones) that they can touch; and a lighthouse they can go inside of; there is a large dome of a sky that continuously changes from day to night with clouds; and a HUGE tree with leafed branches that extends across the ceiling and the leafs have some movement. And tons and tons of books and special programs . . . .

    Then on to the adult section; there stories high, omigoodness; art objects, special displays, escalators and elevator to next floors; computers, private meeting rooms, more art, auditorium area and more.  Take a peek, it is astonishing:


    There is a Sculpture Garden adjacent to the library.  I tried to find a video but did not have much time out of concern I would time this Post out and lost it, so I just grabbed the first one I saw.  Sorry; the fellow making this video may make you a bit sea sick from cameral movement, but it will give you an idea of what there is; it is a very serene and peaceful place.  Well worth a little nearby drive to the library and sculpture garden on a "good weather" day.


    Zetta will be bringing in and finding places for things she brought back from Longview; she is so talented at that and much more.  Hope you have caught up with being home once again, Zetta.

    Best sign off before I really do time out and lose all of this,





  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Did call my doctor's office about the lab work.  Told them I was going to have a covid test tomorrow - they won't do the lab work until I know if the test is negative.  Every time you have lab work done at his office, you see the doctor, too.  So, I'll go ahead and have the test done at the health dept. - that way won't have to go inside and see anyone except the nurse who does the test, otherwise, I'd go into his office and there's always people waiting to see him.

     I am going to have the rapid test and the other one, too.  I've heard the rapid tests aren't always reliable so want to be sure.

     What I have is called Medical Guardian.  I wear it around my neck, tucked in my bra so doesn't bother me too much.  It detects falls and can locate me anywhere I might be.  When the alert goes off, either because of a fall or because I've pushed the button, someone answers within seconds.  I do have to put it in the charger from time to time - I always do it during the night when I'm not wearing it.  The best I remember they supply it and I think activation is free.  You can test it anytime - very nice people and you can set it up anyway you like - who to call, etc.

    Doing a load of laundry.  I went in the bedroom and got a few things I need - half of it is so cluttered and full of things I can't  get around too much - same with the sunroom.

     Judith, I just got in the habit of taking my temperature every morning several years ago - guess I just got started and never stopped.   You asked and answered the question by saying "why" about the meds my doctor gave me.  Since I had that problem when I took antidepressants before, guess I'm hesitant to try again.

     Our house does have crawl spaces - the oldest part is way over 100 years old - no problems with the structure of it except what used to be the back porch - now utility room - separate joists from the house.  Part of the bedroom and sunroom is the new part - about 62 years old.  The problem with the flooring in the bedroom was caused by the rock work not being done correctly - probably back in the late 70s or 80s. You're right - when you have a house, there's always something that needs to be taken care of.  Same with the barn.

     Haven't heard from Daniel this afternoon so I'm going to call him to see if the guy was still positive - probably is. 

     Would have been nice to have gotten the lab work over and done with.  When I get the test results will work on that.  Just want to see as few people as possible right now.  I think I will stop by the grocery store on the way home for vegetables and dairy products.

     Talked with Carol - she went to the hospital Friday and they just discharged her from the ER yesterday.  She's having PT and she says when they tell her to try to stand she doesn't think she can do it at all - but she does.  One of her daughters has stayed with her every night - says she can't run her off.  They did tell her to forget about weight watchers while she's recovering and her sodium level is low again.

     It's pretty warm out but the wind is blowing like crazy.  I get so tired of wind but it's still not as bad as in western Oklahoma.  Better go, the clothes are probably dry by now. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Took those clothes out and put in more.  A while ago Stormy told me someone was outside - I looked but didn't see anything.  Just now he told me again and I looked and a truck was going through the gate behind the barn.  Guess I didn't look far enough the first time.  He had put feed in the creeper because everyone's around it.  Wish I had seen how he did it - by buckets I guess.

     Talked with Daniel.  His youngest son didn't go back to be tested - he's sick - headache, fever and chills.  The other son is all right.  Daniel has recurrence of tick fever.  He had it earlier this year - so got rundown with his sinus infection and it got him again.  He said he waited almost five hours to get tested - this was at an urgent car in town - hope my wait isn't that long.  He say he plans on coming to work Thursday and may have to work all weekend.  I told him to not come if he wasn't feeling good.  I'll stay away from them anyway and wear my KF94 mask.  I don't think I'll ever get those number or names right.  He had the virus last February and was in the hospital seven days.  Doctor told him he would probably never get it again. 

     I remember when I had fencing done the man and I rode in the Gator while I showed him what I wanted done.  He had already had the virus and wasn't wearing a mask - didn't know that until we were out in the pasture. 

     Keep your fingers crossed for both tests to be negative.  Trying my dead-level best and now this.  It'll be okay - that's what Charles always told me.  He'd hug me and say that - wish he could do that now.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I had a horrible reaction to Lexapro so I understand your concern. I was switched to another med and felt every so much better. I hope you will give your med a try.

    If you think you may have Covid ( and you really can not trust an initial negative) it would be best not to stop and be around anyone. You might be contageous. 

    Now my CPAP machine is recalled. It is through a supplier who bills medicare. Anyone care to make a wager as to how long it will take to get a new one?????

    Looking at alert alarms. Which one works if you are not near your home base? Which have lock boxes?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Gosh, you're right, Judith.  Hadn't thought about that.  It will be negative, rapid and the other, but you're probably right in any case.  Just thought I'd kind of stock of while I was there in case I didn't feel good for a little while. 

     Sorry about your CPAP - what will you do while you don't have it?  My cousin has sleep apnea and has to wear it.  Charles had sleep apnea but guess not bad enough for one.  If I was awake at night I'd hear him stop breathing for a few seconds, then catch his breath.  Hope you can get it back soon - will they supply a back-up or something to use while  it's gone?

     Carol told me her incision is only about 1 1/2" long but still painful.  I was thinking something like 6".  They put in three pens she said.  Talked with Jack a few minutes ago - he said they only put in one pen for him.  He still doesn't have an appetite.  He says it takes him an hour or two to get a meal down.

     One of our local news casters is back at work.  Had been gone since New Years - had covid but says he feels fine now.  I heard there were 5,000 new cases in Oklahoma today - think that's right. 

     My left hip is bothering me today - had trouble with that a few years ago and my doctor told me to take Glucosamine.  I did and it got better so kind of eased off on taking it.  I started taking it again a couple of weeks ago - maybe sympathy pains for Carol - but opposite hips.  Also need to get back on calcium.  Years ago had a bone scan and it showed osteopenia so they recommended calcium.  Had a repeat a few months later and it had improved.  Carol said she takes calcium all the time.

     They're saying when you get tested, you should also get tested for the flu - I'll ask about that.  I had the flu shot.  I was counting the other day - four shots in the last three months but more than willing to take another if needed.  Why isn't everyone?Flu-rona - says there's been a few cases in the US.  Oh, by the way, Daniel's son is 22.

     Judith, got something in the mail the other day from Florida Boys but think I threw it away with all the other stuff.  I will order from them again this year.  I had planned to try to keep the bulbs but that didn't work out.  I think I'll order a couple of dwarf ones for the pots on the steps. 

     Thanks for thinking that it might be better to not stop.  There's usually not many people in the store and I'd wear a mask - negative or positive.  This is another good thing about our thread besides the visiting and sharing.  If one of us is thinking about doing something, another might have a different or better idea about what to do.  I truly appreciate that - several heads are better than one.

     Sandy, so glad your snow is gone - maybe before long those deer and wild turkeys will show up again.  You know they're there somewhere.  When you get out and walking this spring I bet you find their hide-out.  Hope you're doing well and being extra careful.  I went into the front bedroom this afternoon where I have boxes and some of Charles' clothing and thought about you when you fell upstairs.  I'm trying to be extra careful.  Today, I'm thinking I did the right thing - dangerous being out there trying to feed in all kinds of weather but hated to give up something I've loved to do.

     It's about 60 degrees here today - beautiful weather.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    With all your precautions it is highly unlikely that you will have caught the virus.

    If someway you have caught it, you may be eligible to get the anti-body infusion based on age.  My pregnant (her in to get the infusion) granddaughter who had the virus got that and she said she has felt worse with a common winter cold and she had not been vax'ed.

    About med. alert devices, for those of you who would rather not have a lock box on your door, you can get a key pad dead bolt lock to replace your regular door lock.  

    I love it.  Don't have to hunt for the right key.  You get to set the code you want.  I do however keep a key on my keyring just in case the battery in the lock runs out before I get them changed.  

    Don't know how long the batteries last...guess a lot depends on how often used.  Had mine over a year and still working fine.  It is also nice when leaving the home, just a button on the lock to push and it locks itself.  

    If you have both a dead bolt and a regular door knob lock now, you will want to remember not to lock the regular one...or you will still need a key for it.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, I visited the Cerritos library when it first opened, about thirty or so years ago, maybe more. It was very impressive. 

    Loritan I used to monitor my temp when Covid first came on the scene; I wanted to know my normal temp.  My normal is about 97.2 Fahrenheit, so 99.2 would be a fever for me.  In the past two years I have felt warm on occasion, but my temp was never elevated.  I also began sniffing my spices to check for loss of sense of smell. When I went out, I would gargle with diluted hydrogen peroxide to clear my mouth and pharynx.  In Los Angeles County two million people out of ten million people have been sick--that's twenty percent.  Probably more had it who were not tested or counted.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    31F, -1C.  Windy.

     Thank you for your thoughts on Apple Watch.  The more I looked into it don’t think Apple Watch is for me right now.  I’m leaning toward Medical Guardian’s “Mini Guardian”.  Is light weight and can go with you every where you go.  Just going to take my time.  Going to focus on it for a bit to clear my brain lol.  Have read a lot on them past few days.

    Lorita if your rapid test is negative today, personally I would feel free to stop at store today with KF94.  If KN95 legitimate it is fine also. The advantage of rapid testing is it tells you if you are infectious at that moment.  Does not tell you if you have been exposed to Covid,  does not tell you if you were infectious yesterday, does not mean you won’t be infectious tomorrow.  It is just for the moment in time when you were tested.  On top of that the KF 94, N 95 and KN95 protects others as well as protecting you.   NYC infectious disease doctor is a proponent of rapid testing for this type of situation.  Are they perfect, no, but they are pretty good he says and he has been on the ground for 2 years, I trust him personally as my news source for Covid as it really is lol.  PCR, it will be a bit before you get the results.  If when you get results it says only positive or negative and no number of cycles given to you ,doesn’t tell you a lot.  It is only telling you yes you have been or haven’t been exposed.  It is telling you nothing about if you are infectious or not, which is the most important thing for us.  Plus you get results a day or more later and the number would no longer be accurate for the day you got the results, just telling you what the number was day you were tested.  Now the NYC doc he calls the lab and gets the number.  If you can get the number when it is greater than 35 you are not infecting others as long as the number doesn’t go below 35 the next few days.  The lower the number is the higher the viral load you are carrying.  Now your last exposure to them was Friday.  This is Wednesday.  So 4 full days have gone by.  Chances are getting slim you are going to be sick at all.  You are vaccinated, your time period for shedding is much smaller due to that also.  If anyone would like to read an article on how PCR works, I don’t know how to link.  Just Google, One number could reveal how infectious a Covid 19 patient is. Should test results include it?  Will be from a journal called Science.  

    If Daniel’s physician told him that he could not get reinfected he needs to find himself a new doctor.  We will probably be reinfected many times.  But hopefully as we move forward most of our immune systems will turn this into a minor cold and each exposure will be a boost for our immune system and make it better each time we face it.   

    AC man called yesterday and said will be here mid February unless someone pops up that needs heat.

    Judith  would be nice if you get pleasantly surprised about your cpap.  If you don’t have it try to lay on your side when sleeping if you can.  Sometimes sleep apnea not as bad when laying on side.  Worth a try

    Have taken glucosamine for years.  In my early 20s started having trouble with my knees.there was quite a period of time where I could do nothing on them.  I got a new doctor and he suggested me trying glucosamine.  It was like a miracle for me.  To this day I can do things on my knees.  I’m so thankful for it.  You do have to keep taking it, not something you can stop once you are better.

    Marie I have the exact door lock you are talking about.  I have been here three years and had to change batteries once so far.  Have no idea when they had been changed last.  There is a key also, will have to check in to how lock boxes work.  Love it too as don’t have to worry about locking myself out.

    Well I have been quite windy.  Guess time to get moving.  Going to get groceries if nothing happens.  Went to meat store yesterday.  KF94 and I were very lonely there.  A lot of people are sick, some really sick you say, I didn’t know that, I feel fine lol.  That’s ok.  Somewhere down the road being responsible may pay off, could have already.

    Take care everyone

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Good morning everyone. Thank you for keeping the porch so welcoming, warm and informative. I am hoping to post more in the new year, as I keep up with the friends here every day. Just have not yet organized myself to jot down the notes as I read, so I can respond to all.

    I do want to send sympathies and well wishes to Barb. And thanks and kudos to Lorita in taking the next step to secure your future as a woman who plans and guides her own destiny. How nice to have godmother or grandma privileges with the babies without all the heavy lifting. You encourage me to handle my business as life & career changes arise here with my DH’s 6d needs, also. You have been inspiring me for a long time, with all that you accomplish every day. 

    I have not wanted to start posting here since I could not keep up every day, but my company shut down for good before Thanksgiving so I have a little more time to focus on home, hubby and my own health. The silver lining maybe, though no one wants to be laid off. Could be an unplanned early retirement at age 60–who knows what the job market will look like when the dust settles from covid 19. We shall see. For now you all provide such great examples and encouragement on surviving and thriving despite the challenges of dementia. Many thanks!

    OK, I’m back to wrap this up after a quick and uneventful toilet break for my DH. I’d better get some sleep now that he’s already snoring again. He might pop back up any minute ready to leave for work (retired by AD for over 3 years) and I’ll have to jump up too to redirect the wanderlust. Well, you all know. 

    Stay warm everyone. Very happy that Zetta made it home over the pass safely and I would like to reserve your next home organizing/purge and packing retreat whenever you are ready. Want and need to downsize the stash/stuff but don’t even know how to start, amid 24/7 caregiving. Your DD & SIL are so fortunate!

    Wishing everyone a lovely week. You are getting me in trouble with all the great recipes and foodie discussions as I have begun baking (and eating!) more right along with you all lol. Who is leading the porch workout session this week???

    Turning in now. Here is the link for Iris’ article:


    Sent from my iPhone
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judith, I have never been able to use my CPAP machine, so didnt have to worry about a recall. The sleep clinic wants another in house sleep study to see if Bipap/asv would be better for me. Guess after my holter monitor study I'll work something out with my sister staying with Lou overnight where I can get it done.  The stories I wrote for my granddaughter was on my computer that crashed. I do have the disks, but since retirement I only have a smartphone. If I ever decided to buy another computer or laptop, I'll post them. 

    Lorita, have been praying you will be ok and test comes back negative. I've also been having a lot of pain in my left hip lately, seems to be at it's worse when nighttime comes. A physical therapist told me; while sitting pull my leg up to chest at the knee with my hand, bring knee toward my belly and hold and repeat 10 times. It helps temporarily but pain does come back. 

    Tried the quick fudge recipe with 3 cups chocolate chips and can of eagle brand. It tasted good, but didn't set good enough to cut in squares. Wonder if I had it on to high of a heat when I melted it. Oh well, o can eat it, just cant pick a slice up. Been thinking about baking another peanut butter cake. 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Forgot to mention update on the car I bought last month. Keep in mind I purchased the Camry December 19th and the dealer had me bring it back on the 20th due to a recall for automatic breaking system. This was a 2018SE and they put me in a 2021 to drive like it was mine till the engineers came up with a fix for the recall. Salesman told me at least they were able to give me a car to drive till they found a solution for mine. I since have discovered why! Looking on line I noticed the recall date was the 17th and they sold me mine the 19th. I called the salesman yesterday to find out how they were coming alone. Still no fix and I told them of my frustration. I was told to keep driving the 2021 model like it was mine and that he had talked to the owner of the dealership and if a fix wasnt available by the end of the month, they was going to undo the deal and give me something better. This is the largest Toyota dealership here and I have dealt with them for over 40 years and sure they will be fair with me. 


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I love, love, love my Apple watch (I have series 6).  It keeps track of my falls and the Apple Health app is what I refer to when I'm at the doctor to give info on my blood sugars, pulse (I am always tachycardic but have no real cardiac problem).  I also use it to keep track of my exercise because I use Apple Fitness+ for my workouts.
  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    jfkoc wrote:

    I had a horrible reaction to Lexapro so I understand your concern. I was switched to another med and felt every so much better. I hope you will give your med a try.

    Lexapro is the devil. I was prescribed it for PTSD during a real rough patch- my son was diagnosed with ASD/ADHD and dyslexia, MIL was dying, DH had an @sshole boss and we lost our home and everything in it to a flood- 3' of water on the 2nd floor. It was OK at first, but over time I had some cognitive issues with it and was sleeping upwards of 15 hours a day. 

    Now my CPAP machine is recalled. It is through a supplier who bills medicare. Anyone care to make a wager as to how long it will take to get a new one?????

    Was this part of the recall from last summer? The major Phillips recall? 

    Mom's Dreamstation was recalled June 14, 2021. For some reason, few news outlets covered the story and I didn't find out until almost July. At that time, I registered with Phillips and contacted both her supplier and her sleep specialist/pulmonologist. The supplier said she was close to being due for a new devise, but there were none available to ship. The doctor checked mom's medical records and said her risk of not using the devise was greater than the risk of the recalled devise; mom has Central Sleep Apnea. At an appointment with him the next month, he gave her a few after-market filters to use until the new machine were shipped. They were to be replaced monthly (hers was shedding insulation, btw), so I ordered a couple extra online. 

    I ordered hers from this company and was delighted that they arrived in 2 days-

    Outlet Filter for CPAP and BiPAP Machines, 1PK (dmesupplyusa.com)

    Her replacement machine came around Halloween. I would expect the wait time is shorter now.

    Looking at alert alarms. Which one works if you are not near your home base? Which have lock boxes?

    Team Apple. I have an older Series 4 that my mom promised to upgrade as soon as we can get to the Apple Store in less contagious times. The SE w/ cellular will run about $330 plus $10/month for a dedicated phoneline with Verizon. 

    I have been trying to get mom to wear her damned pendant since dad died. There's always an excuse- she forgot, it looks stupid with her outfit, etc. I have never seen her actually wear it. So I have been trying to get her to embrace an Apple Watch. I let her use mine to do her cardiac rehab after her TAVR and she loved it. But balked at the price. Still, wearing an Apple Watch makes one a cool old lady as opposed the uncool kind- her words, not mine.

    I had a hard fall just before Christmas. LOL, I'd taken mom to Wills Eye Hospital for an appointment and we decided to walk to the Olde City area to go to Penzy's for some stocking stuffers. I was so focused on keeping her safe walking, that I tripped on an uneven brick right in front of the Liberty Bell and face-planted with a large audience of tourists. Mom got to see the watch in action and is now sold. My niece is passing on hers which I will link to my phone using a Family Plan. I will feel so much better when this is done. 

    When mom was in the hospital just after dad died, her roommate was a woman whose leg went through an enclosed porch floor trapping her. She wasn't found for 3 days and was badly infected from the old wood and feces getting into the wound. This caused mom to purchase her pendant but wasn't enough to actually wear it. FTR, I call to check on her daily and would not hesitate to ask for a well check if she didn't answer for a couple hours. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Well, I'm back home with a negative rapid covid test.  Won't get the results of the other one until around 4 p.m. Friday.  The nurse did tell me it was more reliable.  I didn't have to wait much at all.  There were two other cars parked by the health dept. so I called and told them I was there and she came out in about five minutes and did the test - then another probably ten minutes and she came out and told me the results.  She only did two pokes - one for each test - both in the same nostril.  For some reason the swab didn't want to go into the other one - maybe the way she was standing or I was sitting.  It didn't exactly hurt - just an odd feeling that I didn't much care for.

     It's a beautiful day.  I left before Toad fed so the girls were up and around the barn because they heard the PU start.  When I came home they were way down in the northeast pasture but came up as I did.  Sally was out again.  She woke me up at 2:30 this morning, at the gate, bawling.  This time she didn't come up with me but she'll be up before long.  I looked as I came along the fence but didn't see a place where she might have gotten through.  There was one old, old post that had come loose from the barbed wire but doubt she could have gotten through there.  I'll have to call them again and tell them.  These are the first time we've had cows out in several years.  The grass is better in the pasture than in the meadow so don't know why she wants to keep getting out.

     So, glad that's over.  Felt sort of like a fish out of water since I hadn't been to town for about a month. 

     Thanks, Judith, for the link - looks like if there's so many false negatives they'd be able to do something to make the tests more reliable.  Guess it'll be the same with the ones they're supposed to mail out probably next month.

     Ron, it seems like everything, everything takes so much longer now.  I still haven't been able to get the part for the car to give me heat.  Maybe if the car you're driving now doesn't have many miles, you might get a much better deal on it - something to think about - if you like it.

     Sorry about the fudge - can always eat it with a spoon.  Sounds like the divinity I made years ago when it was too humid - tasted good but didn't set at all.

     Going to change clothes and get back in my comfy ones.  The sun's shining but its' colder in the house than it is outside.  Did go by my credit union an deposited the checks so guess that makes it official.  The girls are having as hard a time adjusting as I am.  They can't understand why I don't feed them.  I did find 50 lb. of feed I had in the back seat of the PU so I'll have that to give some to new moms.  I had forgotten I had them put it inside.  I am going out to look at the kind of feed they put in the creeper.  Shoot, I turned on the water when I got home to fill a water tank and forgot about it.  Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Great Lorita,  We are all feeling our way around and learning how to live with this new virus.  We are slowly learning, some are walking faster than others but we will all eventually start walking.

    Gonna make a Lady Texan list here
    Thankful for:  the one always with me so that these two years have not been too bad and will be there how many ever more the pandemic lasts, whatever befalls me,   resources I’ve been provided with so I could learn what to do and made it easier on me,  vaccines,   immune system I’ve been given,    Good mask,    windows that open,  ventilation,  soap and on the go hand  cleaner,  that my store had workers and food today,  my trash people were able to pick up trash,  the mailman was able to deliver my mail, the beautiful sky this morning,  and much more.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello y'all on the front porch.   I need some informative input on something I know nothing about.  My DH is suddenly wanting to put solar power panels on the roof of our two story house - I am not so certain about that.  We will probably not live in this house for more than another six to ten years  (or even less depending) at most.  The solar panels are huge and I wonder if they will very soon be outmoded by new smaller versions.  Of course there may well be advantages, but also deeply wonder about how they may affect the home's sale when it is time.

    Anything you know; especially if you have or have had solar power on your homoe would be appreciated - both negative as well as positive.

    Not exactly a cheap endeavor.  My initial feeling is that if we were in our 30's or 40's, not such a big deal; but being far longer in life than that and with the monumental cost, I question putting such a large amount of money into such a project.

    As for contractors which has been mentioned; when we have used them for jobs, I always contract that they will stay on our job and only our job on a daily basis without being involved with additional other jobs so they are here on a daily basis so all gets done in a timely manner.  Of course language is different, but it has done well.  As it has been, the contractors we have used do that as regular practice anyway.  My poor SIL was having a bathroom redone; her contractor was not there but once or twice a week . . . he had several other jobs going simultaneously.  Took forever and a day with much pushing and upheaval for her to get her bathroom back in about two months rather than two weeks; needless to say, he was never hired again due to his lack of dependability.

     One has to also be careful that if you give money up front with the deposit for supplies, never pay for everything up front; only part of the job and the final money when the job is done satisfactorialy and you are sure that they have shown you the fully paid bills for the supplies.  If they bought the supplies on credit and do not pay for them, the home owner most often becomes responsible for paying the supplier who is waiting for payment which means the home owner has paid twice.   I learned to always check the contractor's licensing board when hiring a contractor for a specific job and to ensure he has insurance including covering his workers.  One guy we received a bid from did not have a license; turned out he was using another man's license number, and of course had no insurance; however the other man whose license he was using had retired and was no longer in good standing on the board site.  Really a concern when a big job is to be done.

     Weather report here indicates about 80 degrees today; surf report shows waves at the beach are at 10 feet for surfers and snow in the San Bernardino Mountains very deep and lots of fine powder for the skiers; occurred to me that we could be at the beach in 20 -30 minutes and in the snow within two hours.  Really still amazes me.   I remember when we moved here from Michigan when I was a child how crazy that sounded but oh boy how fun and NO snow to shovel; that was a very good thing, except Christmas did not feel the same without snow.  Now I am of course very used to that and know that at our stage of life what a blessing. 

    Thanks for any input on solar panels, it is greatly appreciated.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Sweet Sara - I'm also thankful for all the things you listed and, above all, for the great friends I have on the front porch - people from all walks of life yet bonded together because of alz first and later just friendship.

     What about the locks you all were talking about?  Is that to permit EMS to be able to get in the house if something goes wrong?    That is something to think about because I keep my doors locked all the time, day and night even though I have two good watchdogs that alert me to any and everything. 

     Sara - what's the difference in the mini medical guardian and the regular one?  Just smaller but still does the same job?   I looked at all different kinds before I got mine - it's a little confusing..  I'm well satisfied with this one because it works anywhere and detects falls - you do have to tell them you want that feature. 

     So, Sara, if the tests only tell you you're negative at that time - is there a chance from the same contact that you might become positive a few days later, after the test?  If Daniel comes tomorrow, with one of his sons and the other guy, they'll finish the work in the bedroom, then be working on the rock the rest of the week.  When they replace the utility room floor, I can close the door to that room and not be around them. 

     HB - glad you posted - I've had the Medical Guardian for several years but for the most part haven't worn it except when I go to town (when I probably don't need it except for the trip).  It works anywhere you might be - if you fall it detects it and someone answers in a few seconds to ask if you're okay.  Same when you push the button.  I had to have one that worked when I was out in the pastures or barn or just out of the house.  Well satisfied with it.

     That poor lady who fell through the floor.  I have short boards laying down on the floor in the utility room that I walk on to distribute my weight and I don't go out there any more often than is necessary.  I will be glad when it can be fixed though.  I can just visualize myself falling through with one leg stuck in the wood flooring and the cats and GPs all around me trying to help me get out.

     Butterflywings - what sweet words you had for me and I appreciate it so much.  Just doing something I've done with Charles for 35 years at least.  After I lost him (it will be seven years on the 15th of this month) I carried on.  I think the girls helped me keep my sanity and lessened my grief to some extent.  Even now if I get lonely or depressed I drive out and sit among them and I feel better.  I think everyone has their way of dealing with things.  When Charles was  here and I would get so frustrated and exasperated I'd go out and sit on a low limb of one of the Royal Empress trees (that tree is gone now so there's no limb).  That limb helped me through some hard times - that I would go through in a minute if I could have him back.

     It's good to have a couple of new friends on the front porch - there's always room and everyone is always welcome.

     I just went out and let Sally through to her baby.  It's hard to get a night's sleep all the way through with Sammy and Lilly running and playing and Stormy and Sheena wanting to go out to protect me from the wolves in the middle of the night - plus Sally calling me to let her through to her baby.  I wouldn't trade any of them for the world.  In my heart, the girls are still mine and I'll continue to act as though they are when we're by ourselves - Toad and Mike will feed and do that part and I'll be their grandma or whatever you might call me.  I'll continue to keep the new moms and babies up a few days if I can get them up - he said that was okay with him.

     Zetta - hope you're rested up from your trip - you've had a long two months of being away from home - I can only imagine how happy you were to get back into your recliner with Molly and Sammy on your lap.  I bet they were glad to  be home, too. 

     Haven't talked with Carol today -  hard to know when to call since she's having PT.  Maybe she'll call when she has some time. 

     Sara - I need to get back on that glucosamine - I know it does work - and I  need to get some more calcium, too.Hate swallowing pills but if they help, I'll do it.

     Ron, I'll try that with my knee to chest - will have to be careful because my left knee is the one I injured 45 years ago doing exercises - can't bend and put my weight on it so have to be careful.

     So - another cattle truck wreck - this time in Tulsa.  The driver said he got confused about which highway he was supposed to take and swerved and overturned the truck.  This time there were 102 head on board - they were going every direction after they managed to get out of the truck - on the highway, in people's yards, etc.  They called some cowboys from Wagoner and some other town to round them up.  Sadly, ten or twelve of them were injured so much they had to let them go to sleep (I say it that way just as our vet does - the other way sounds bad to me).  I've always worried when we have some go to town because of the possibility of wrecks.

    Just boiled some eggs for Stormy and Sheena - they were getting up there in age. Funny to watch them try to eat them after they're peeled - usually have to break them in half.

     Hope all of you are well this day.  Thank you, Sandy, for the nice call last night and getting my mind off today.  Hope your doctor's visit goes well today.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Lorita, about the door locks...yes it will help the EMT's get in the house if needed as long as you inform your Medical Guardian of the code that they can then pass on to them.

    My neighbor had an alert device and that company provided a lockbox...it is the kind that real estate people use.  It is attached over the door knob.  It also has a code, but it only opens the lockbox so you can access keys that you have put inside.  Our local EMT's used it a number of times for her when she would fall...unfortunately the last time she actually got hurt, was in the hospital for over a month and finally moved to a dementia facility...so sad...she was a good neighbor.

    The actual door lock has the advantage that you can use it yourself and not have the bulky device attacked to your door knob.

    I would recommend it to anyone.  They also have a more expensive model which comes with a fob so that you can unlock the door before you even get out of the car!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Thanks, Marie, that would be good to have one of those.  The EMTs having the ability to get  into the house is something we don't always think about short of breaking a window in the door or a window get inside.

     From what I hear on the news most all of our schools are closing for a few days.  I just heard the schools in the town where I went this morning is going to be out until next Tuesday since it seems to be a five to seven day countdown instead of the original 15. 

     This morning when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry, neither of them were there.  Worries me - seems like everything does.  Can't imagine what's going on with them.  Hopefully, tomorrow morning they'll both be there.

     Laid down on the divan this afternoon and actually took a short nap.  The GPs have been outside all day and are now in, fast asleep.  Stormy has the divan so I'm sitting in the chair with Kitt watching QVC - kitchen gadgets.  I'll be lucky if I don't see something I can't do without.

     They're talking about the possibility of some snow here on Saturday - after 60+ temps this week.  I can do without the snow all winter.

     Talked briefly with Carol - she was worn out.  Had two, one hour sessions of PT this morning.  They're teaching her how to get in and out of a chair onto a walker without putting any weight at all on her right foot.  She broke that ankle and has been wearing a walking boot.  Her sodium level is low because she's not used to eating much salt.  Still the food at the hospital isn't good.  They eat out most of the time so are used to good food.  I told her Bill's going to have to bring her some good food to eat.

     Nothing going on tonight - all is quiet right now.  Maybe a good night's sleep for all of us tonight.  See you all tomorrow.

      Judith and those of you who wear CPAP masks, I saw something on TV today called Inspire - no mask at all to wear for sleep apnea.  Don't know how it works but that's something you all might want to look into. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Can someone please wave a magic wand and make it Spring already???

    Weather forecast for Sunday - Monday is snow...maybe as much as 12 inches!

    I have been making inquires today about having someone on-call to shovel at my folks house (they may only get 6 inches), only to be told by my mother not to bother...one of the neighbors may do it, and if not not a big deal.  Don't forget my dad had to go to ER after the last little snow they had.  My mother is driving me nuts!

    It isn't that they can't afford to pay to have it done.

    I am lucky and only live a block away from daughter and her family...one of them would come to my rescue with the snow....lol.

    Looks like this storm front is marching across the country, so any of you in its path...stay warm and safe.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Thank You all for saying comforting things about me being home. I love being home. 

    Lorita, I hope you are starting to adjust I know it must be really hard. It's so sweet how Sally knows to come to you for help and how they come when they hear the PU. I bet the change is harder on them. It will probably be hard when Mike has to choose the ones to take to town, I bet he will be giving a lot of thought to yours knowing how you will be feeling. It is nice that you are still feeding them some this will bring comfort to you and the cows. Good news that your test came back negative, as well as you take care of yourself, I would be surprised if you were not strong enough to handle the virus, I hope I would be. 

    Iris, I am glad you belong to a travel club and have friends to visit with. it sounds like you keep yourself busy. I hope you get your sleep schedule solved. I also have problems with sleeping. I have tried a lot of OTC sleep things, and nothing seems to work. I am going to talk to my Dr. about my sleeping. 

    Judith, I also hope your case is a mild one. It is so nice you have family close by. I miss not having mine close. But then again sometimes I am glad they are not so close. And I am not a big fan of drop ins. 

    Butterfly, I hope you will enjoy your early retirement. And yes, I know what you mean about stuff stashed. My daughter orders a lot of stuff online. It's a lot of stuff she doesn't need. They have no children just their 3 cats, so while I was at her house helping them get ready for the move, I acquired a lot of this unwanted stuff.  

    This has been another tiring day for me I am still unloading my car. I am almost done I should finish tomorrow. I was able to share a lot of the stuff I got with a needy family that made me feel good. My daughter is a crazy shopper and had a lot of stuff stashed. Clothes, Shoes, Slippers, Kitchen things, cat things. I am really starting to feel my age (76) I hope once I get all rested up that feeling goes away. 

    Good night All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Lorita, glad your test results were negative.  You’ll be more relieved when the other test result is in.

    Doctor visit was ok, she thinks I may have fractured my fibula but I don’t want to go for an X-ray.  Too many sick at the urgent care or hospital.  

    The next snow storm sounds like it will be marching across much of the country.  Our forcast is for 10-20 inches by Monday.  Hopefully they are wrong since we still have a few days. 

    Hope everyone stays safe and warm.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    30F, -1C.  Little icy this morning.  Glad I went to store yesterday. Small amount of rain during night.

    Nice to have more company on the porch.  Seeing a lot of new faces on forum too.  Glad they found us but do feel sad that so many need to join us.

    Butterfly wings hope things work out.  I retired at 61 due to I had just had enough.  Seems to be quite a few jobs available here.  Lots of ads but not sure about pay, insurance etc.  you may need to lead the work out sessions on front porch lol.  Probably would be good for us.

    Ron might Google Bob & Brad, hip pain.  They might, depending on what’s going on, have some good tips that will help.  Can see where the car thing would be wearisome.

    Saw awhile back Philips had to recall some of their cpap machines.  Didn’t know it was dream station.  That was one I worked with a lot.  

    JoC very sorry but I know nothing about Solar Power.  Do know I have heard that panels have to be kept clean.  Think this only has to be done a few times each year and easy to do is my understanding.  On the ground probably not a huge issue.  Up on top of a two story house, when mature, maybe could be an issue.  Is he wanting to go fully solar or just partially?  Guess will savings justify cost and I do not know the answer.

    Marie I was wondering how ems knew code to lock box.  So a pro for a monitoring system contacting ems is you being able to give them that number so readily available.  I do not have a smartphone.  Just got my new flip phone last year.  Prob will get a lower cost apple phone when this one tears up for gps.  This is another reason I’m leaning toward something else.  This is all quite overwhelming at the moment.  I’m someone who can take awhile to make decisions.  This is going to be one of these times.  Going to talk with my BIL about it too.

    Lorita sounds like you have or have something similar too mini guardian since it works for you out in the pasture and when you go to town.  Definitely what I need whatever I end up doing.

    Lorita what you asked about.  You are 5 complete days from known exposure.  Again I have no crystal ball, but, you are way past the time that most people’s symptoms show up by. Think you are good, ok to quit worrying about exposure to Daniel.  Each day farther away from exposure your risk for symptoms drops significantly and you are past time symptoms normally occur with omicron.  If PCR comes back positive, so you were exposed, you will be clueless about the number probably, you will have no idea if it means you are infectious or not now or even if you were infectious that day and that is really what you need to know, am I infectious today.  If it says positive data boards will add another case to the list.  On the mess goes.  If it sounds like I’m not impressed with case numbers, I’m not.  We are going to be infected from time to time, vaccine won’t stop that.  Main numbers I’m impressed with are hospitalized and deaths.  Then they need to be divided into vaccinated and unvaccinated.  So those of us who are vaccinated know if we can get on with life or not, or become aware if something would change.

    Sounds  like you have a great plan for when Daniel shows back up.  Just keep doing what you are doing, it worked.  We have to live with the unresponsible, I even like them, don’t want anything to happen to them, don’t like living with them though lol, but their poor risk assessment is going to continue to get a minority of them in trouble, most will survive in spite of their poor risk assessment. Nothing we can do to change that.  A low percent of vaccinated will get in trouble, have always said that is life.  Those with immune response issues are going to need to protect themselves  with good masks and will probably end up at least for a time taking prophylactic monoclonal therapy that will be available for them hopefully.  Keep wearing your mask till we are at endemic level when around others, we are no where near that, feel free to do things with a good mask on, when everyone around you vaccinated ok to take off your mask if you are comfortable with that.   If your more comfortable keeping it on do that.  Plan on using my KF94 even when pandemic over at certain times, ie flu season.

    Did just read the tests that they know are issues were not FDA approved.  If you go to FDA website can find list of approved ones.  But no matter how good the test, the test is no good if not collected properly and ran properly.  There’s many variables.  Many millions of people testing themselves has the word trouble written all over it to me even if FDA approved.  See trouble even when done by tired and over worked medical  workers, get sloppy.  We know many  don’t read instructions, others will try but have trouble following them.  Hard to build a ship when it is already sailing but hopefully eventually job will get done.

    I’ve been observing for a few weeks now.  Judith and several others on here know they have been exposed.  Yes Judith you were my Guinea pig, thank you lol.  They have something in common.  All have been vaccinated and have done fine.  The virology guy, in 80s fine.  This is what I’ve been waiting on.  I’m starting to trust my vaccine works as I have been told.  Learned this week that those of us who got an adenovirus vector vaccine (J&J, AstraZeneca) evidence is showing as time passes and our immune system has had the time it needs to do it’s thing we are getting a beautiful Tcell response which has not been affected by variants.  Nice to hear that and thankful.  It is why the vaccines are keeping us at an acceptable level of illness for the most part, rare exceptions.

    This is only my decision, all this testing of vaccinated asymptotic people IMHO is unnecessary and I don’t plan on being tested unless I’m sick.  And guessing then I’ll have to be pretty sick.  Not suggesting this for anyone else.  We will each have to decide for ourself.

    Sandy you are fully vaccinated I believe.  Do you have or can you get a N95, KN95, KF94?  They are very efficient at filtering.  Protecting you and those around you.  Need to get your leg taken care of if possible.  If it is broken and not treated the problem is more than likely going to worsen, pain increase. If you have good protection from the serious symptoms of Covid, if you would get it probably a bad cold is the worse that usually happens, most a minor cold it seems.  The  leg, if broken, is probably going to cause you a lot more problems .

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Just wanted to pop in and give a good link re what to do to care for yourself should you become COVID positive, are ill, and are caring for yourself at home.  The link is common sense and basically, most like what one does when the flu is present. 


    It is best to lay in the supplies one needs for being ill prior to any illness.  I do this prior to each flu season, but now need to upgrade and get some Mucinex in as what we have has expired.

    NOTE:  Please check the "use by" and expiration dates on ALL the meds in your homes and even ALL of the supplies; even Gatorade has such an expiration date stamp - it's ingredients become ineffective after such and such a date.

    One thing that most of you probably already do, and I like to do is, whenever a prescription or OTC med comes into the house, whether pills, liquid or stuff in a tube,  I use a black marker pen to put the expiration date on the item.  I like having that and know that after such a date there may be a little leeway depending on the med/product; BUT I do not use the items if it is well out of date, especially oral meds as not only can the med be less effective, but ingredients can sometimes chemically change and make a person ill.  I follow expiration dates pretty closely for prescription meds.

     If you do not have a Pulse Oximeter, it is a good idea to get one and have it on hand.  They are readily available online, Amazon has a variety of them.

    Zetta; lovely to see your Post.  I can imagine it is going to take you a bit of time to get caught up on your rest and energy.  So glad you are back home.  It really can be true; there is no place like home.  Rest, recoup and enjoy wiggling your toes in delightful comfort.

    Lorita, do you think Sally's bovine gadding about is because she may be trying to get onto the porch with us?  She may want to be one of the Front Porch gang.   Do we have a rocking chair large enough for her?  Well; since it is a "magic" front porch, I am sure there will be one for her.  (Oh gads, the mental picture that brings to mind.  I see her on her rocking chair with a straw hat on her head that has daisies on it.)

    Hey Sayra; lovely informative friend, when one puts an N95 mask in a paper bag for five days or so to be able to reuse it, does one close the top of the bag or leave it open? Do you know from science sources how many times the mask can be reused and how often the paper bags should be changed?   Sure have a lot of questions that come to mind.  Will retire all cloth masks even though they have a filter pocket; but will keep them on hand - if cannot get N95s in the future will use the cloth mask with filter AND a surgical mask under it for double protection as much as possible.  Still will use the N95 and work to get used to it.

    Like you Sayra; we will use masks while must with COVID, but we will also use them when out and about during flu seasons in the future.  Makes common sense and the Chinese and others have been doing this for years.

    Also, like Sayra; I am so very grateful and thankful for so much.  I remember that each and every single day and also remember to say, "Thank You."  Such wonderful blessings.  A roof over one's head, food in the cupboard, health insurance, the ability to love and care, and all the things great and small that Sayra has mentioned and more.  How awesome that is.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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     Jo, I think that's what Sally is doing.  The picture of her in the rocking chair with her hat on made me laugh.  She got me up again last night at 2:30 - this time not at the yard gate but at the gate behind the barn so there I am at 2:30 going out in my gown, coat and trapper's hat to let her through.  I tried to find the place in the fence where she's getting out as I came home yesterday but didn't see anything except one loose post. Mike said Toad had looked and he can't find it either so he's going to come over ASAP and try to find it.  I think it may be on the inside where the ground is level and she jumps over but it doesn't look the same from the other side and there's a small ditch - I'll try to check today - getting tired of getting up at night to let her in and to let the GPs out.

     Well, Judith, contrary to your suggestion, I did stop at the grocery store - only one car there and they were loading to leave.  Got in and got what I needed - only one man was in the store shopping - another lady as I was leaving - but, the checker did not have on a mask and was sort of sniffling.  I told her she should be wearing a mask and she asked why.  Told her she was sniffling and sounded like she had a cold - said she didn't.  I had on my good mask and wasn't that close.  I'm thinking of calling the manager this morning and reporting that.  The man, way behind me, getting ready to check out didn't have on a mask either.  Darn people, if everyone would conform we'd be in a better shape everywhere.

     So, not sure to count the five days from yesterday - probably not.  I will be glad when the results come back - negative - tomorrow.  Haven't heard from Daniel this morning.  I'd just as soon they wait - I can make it the way it is right now.

     Sandy, glad the doctor's visit went well but you should have that x-ray done so your leg can be treated if it is fractured.  You want to be able to get out and about this spring and explore the countryside.  Think about it.  You know what you'd tell me.

     I was curious, too, Sara, about whether to leave the top of the sack open with the mask inside.  I don't have a brown paper bag - I never see one anymore except at Braum's and they're huge.  What about the plastic bag the BOTN masks come in?  I was wearing mine yesterday, by the way.  The nurse who did the swab had on a mask and a face shield and all the plastic or paper coats and gloves and was outside.

     It's a pretty day - supposed to be in the 60s today, then tomorrow night and Saturday will be cold again with a chance of snow - just a dusting - most of it will be in Arkansas.  Sandy, so much snow.  Glad your appointment was yesterday - but, think about that x-ray.  What does your son think?

     I boiled the older eggs yesterday for the GPs so better stop and peel them.  I had one and it was still good.  They wanted out about the time, or just before, Sally called me so they're both inside, sound asleep now.  Stormy monopolized the divan all day yesterday and he's there this morning.

     Have a slight headache this morning - in the top of my head - nerves.  A doctor I worked for told me if you have a headache on the top of your head and press down and it gets better, it's nerves.  Also said to take a Librium and an aspirin at the same time.  I did that and it worked.  Told my present doctor and he said he's never heard of that.  I think it's having my sleep interrupted.   I think I'll close the gate to that pasture so she won't get out.  I'm afraid she'll go the opposite direction and get out on the road.

     I'm with you, Marie, I'm ready for spring.  The grass is greening up again from the warmer weather so it's in for a shock this weekend.

     Sara, as always, thanks for the information.  I'll reread it and I'm going to check out Brad and Bob, too, about the leg/hip pain. 

     I'll be back later.  I lost one paragraph so better stop while I'm ahead.  Saw pictures of a newborn baby elephant on the local news this morning.  I think they're the cutest things - lots of videos of them on Youtube.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I am with you Sayra....When exposed stay isolated symptoms or not. I think that makes more sense than getting tested. If you have symptoms test so that you can let others know.

    Getting emergency people into the house is a problem. I have a rim lock so the keypad will not work and I really hate the idea of a lock box but will take a look at them.

    Sally is a rascal!

    Finished watching The Borgias and now watching The Medici. They may not be historically accurate but the scenery is beautiful and  they move fast. Lots of skin and stabbing so be advised.

    Haircut yesterday....3 inches off. Loved my new  hairdresser so made an appointment for 4 weeks. His daughter is autoimmune so everything was as safe a s can be. Actually everywhere I go most people are masked.

    Dr from Cleveland Clinic said this morning that 90% of their covid patients were  unvaccinated. Schools closed here....there is blame to be had. I have run out of tolerance and civility.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Talked with Daniel.  He won't be back until next week.  When they were tested Monday, only one of the four tested positive.  He was pretty sick for a couple of days but today is much better - in fact, is going to meet Daniel later to work on a truck.  When they were tested Tuesday I think he said three of them tested positive, Daniel included.  He had been on antibiotics for recurrence of tick fever and the doctor gave all of them Prednisone.  None of them are very sick now.  None were vaccinated but he said he has been taking Ivomec.  So, glad most of the contact with them was outside except for probably a combined 8-10 min. in the room - one time the window was open. 

     Sally is a rascal - cute as a bug's ear and sort of stubborn.  Thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence - it isn't. 

     Glad you got your hair cut, Judith, and that you like it.  I was wondering this morning and was going to ask all of you all - is your hair thinner now than it was a few years ago?  I know mine is - just four years ago Patsy commented on how thick it was.  A barrette would hardly hold it, now one slips off.  Every time brush my hair, it comes out.  Two of my SILs took Bioten to lessen hair loss and it worked for them.  I started taking it a few years ago and I think it helped.  Found a bottle of it in the cabinet so guess I'll begin taking it.  So many vitamins, calcium, etc. I slosh when I walk - can't take but one pill at a time.  Patsy's hair was really thin.  I think she even had a bald spot but her hairdresser knew how to get it covered.  She wore some kind of covering on her head part of the time, she said - I never saw it.  Just think of all the things that happen when we get older - scary stuff.

     It's pretty, still a bit chilly but nice and sunny with no wind to speak of.  Girls have come back up and are going to lay in the sun and warm themselves.  Need to seo Evan.

     Sara - if you're fully vaccinated and boosted and are around people who aren't and then test positive, what symptoms should you look for and when?  So good we have someone, well several, who are so well informed about masks and all the other things.  Too much for me to keep in my pea brain..

     Drinking hot tea and need to warm it so I'll be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    JoC I leave the top open.  Paper bag is good because it breathes, know you know moisture not a good thing.  They are in my bedroom, it is clean.  Aaron Collins lets his sit 3 or 4 days if I remember right.  He works every day.  Ever the cautious me, let mine set a week.  The virus dehydrates and goes byby. He has tested them after 40 hours of use in clean environment and efficiency still good.  I am going to throw mine away at 40 hours.  Like me you don’t go out a lot and they last a long time.  I have a few starting to get up there.  I keep the paper bag til I run out of space to write on it lol.  He hasn’t tested that as far as I know.  Know at work we used the same paper bag the whole year and no one ever had a problem.  If your more comfortable with changing it too, that’s ok, lunch bags are cheap and fairly recyclable.  Aaron has tested surgical masks, good quality one with a good seal I think had a filtration rate of around 70%.  Don’t know if he did a double one or not, can’t remember. 

    Lorita search Amazon for brown lunch sacks when you place your next order.  They have them.  Til then I would leave them laying out on something clean open.  Plastic of any source not good as they don’t breathe so moisture can accumulate and that could cause other nasty bugs to grow, dryness is their enemy.

    When I go to big box stores now most employees in good complaisance, not all.  Probably at least 50% of customers masked and seeing good masks much more frequently than a few weeks ago.  That’s good but the problem is Sally is already out of the fence.  When they get her back in they will take them back off.  Seem to be lack of understanding about cause and effect.  My big disappointment is the small local businesses.  Have given two quite a bit of business.  They are the most noncompliant.  Find this hurtful as they want us to support them but they are not supporting me .

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,314
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    Thanks, Sara.   Had a call from my BIL and SIL out in the Texas Panhandle.  She'll be 90 in late March and he's 91.  She and Charles were almost the same age.  So hard to believe we've all gotten this old - he was in his 40s when Charles and I got married - 41, I think.  He had knee replacement a few months ago and recovery has been good.  He played golf often but has had to give that up.  She's now on oxygen 24 hr. a day - SOB with rapid pulse off and on.  So, he's afraid to leave her for more than a couple of hours.  We talked about what people often called old age - the golden years.  Wonder what's golden about them.

     He said one of their granddaughters who is a teacher in a small school near Borger has tested positive - she's been vaccinated so hopefully will be okay.  I can remember when she was playing with cabbage patch dolls. 

     Peeled those boiled eggs for Sheena and Stormy, then one for me.  Sheena got part of mine.  Last night was the first time I'd had a boiled egg in months - used to like them mashehd up really well with salt, pepper and mustard, eaten with crackers.

     Very quiet here today.  Sandy, that storm will get to you all by the weekend and you'll have 12 inches of snow?  Maybe the deer will get out in the snow so you can see them.

     I'll be back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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