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Just need to talk to my friends (164)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


I've been having a hard time getting onto the thread -  maybe because it's so long so I'll start 164.

Good for you Iris for speaking up.  Sometimes that's all it takes.  Maybe the manager wasn't aware of the problem.  Just think - you could have saved no telling how many people from falling in the bathtub and being severely injured.

It's almost always windy here - I bet I can count the days we have without much wind on both hands - maybe one foot included.  Our winds yesterday and the day before were awful and it was so cold.  Today, we haven't had much more than a breeze but there was still wind chill.  It's barely gotten above freezing in some parts of the State today.  I think it's about 32 here now but it is cold.  I filled both water tanks and disconnected the hoses from the hydrants.  There's still a lot of ice in the tank at the barn - this afternoon a couple of the girls were licking the ice - they had water in the other tank but guess they thought they'd try anyway.

This afternoon I saw someone laying down up by the hay so walked up to check.  It was a big yearling enjoying the sunshine.  As I started back Mickey was standing a few feet from me -  just watching.  I kept walking and didn't say anything.  I've talked to him over the fence and from the Gator several times but we don't know each other well enough to converse without a fence between us - yet.  The time will come when we can.

As you all know I watch Rawhide and they drove cattle to Sedalia, Missouri, sometimes called the Sedalia Trail - also other names.  I was curious because the  other day some of the drovers went into town and the sign said "Bixby".  Bixby is a town a few miles south of Tulsa - probably 50 miles west of where the Sedalia Trail was.  So, I've been looking at maps trying to decide if it went close to us - it did.  It said it followed what is now a railroad (forget the name right now) and went east of Fort Gibson, Okla.  That railroad is probably eight or nine miles east of us.  Occasionally I can hear trains or used to as they went by.  I thought that was interesting.  Just think of 3,000 or 4,000 head of cattle traveling through here - there's good grass and water so guess it was the right way to go.

They're talking on the news about the awful droughts west of us.  Forty-two percent of Oklahoma is in severe drought, mainly east of  I-35.  Also said the droughts are going to become worse and more often. Droughts are awful things.  I can remember having some here - just a few years ago when our biggest pond went dry except for two or three great big puddles of muddy water. That was the year I got stuck in the mud in the pond rescuing ai calf that had gotten stuck in the mud.  Thank goodness for Charles who rescued both of us. Luckily, we have city water so we were able to keep the water tanks filled - but, the water level in the lake went below some of the pumps for other water districts.  Going to be warming up the next two or three days, then another cold front is going to come through.  

I'm so frustrated with having to be on hold so long when I call some place.  I've been trying for two days to get in touch with Consumer Cellular.  Yesterday I stayed on hold for 45 minutes - another time I left a callback - no return call.  Did the same thing today - still no callback.  I guess so many people are sick and staying home or are afraid to go to work (I might be).  Also so many are working from home - I've heard chickens in the background on business calls - and that's fine.  If they can do they, more power to them.  

Haven't talked with Carol today.  Maybe later tonight.  I hate to call and interrupt - never know when they're doing PT or whatever.  I did call yesterday and we talked a minute - she was busy with something but she sounded good.  

Well, guess that's all the news from here - been a quiet day after the guys left.  Stormy and Sheena have spent the afternoon laying in the sunshine but they're inside now.  He was so upset today with all the noise.  When Daniel started to leave, he knocked on the door - I didn't hear it - but Stormy did and he was really telling me about it.  I had on my mask and opened the door some.  We talked just a little while on the porch probably 4 ft. apart.  Guess that's okay.  I'm going to start handing him a mask when he knocks on the door to talk.  Can't through one countdown until anotehr one begins.  

Thanks, Sara, for the information about the masks at pharmacies.  If I'm in town after next week, I'll check and see if ours have them.  They have a thing like the drive-in banks do so you don't have to go in to fill a prescription.  

World news just said something about masks for federal works.  Need to listen to that.  They should be wearing them.

Enjoy the evening.  See you all tomorrow.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

    Carol just called.  She said it doesn't look like she'll be going home on the 25th as planned.  She's progressing all right but still needs help with everything.  Her husband, y age, isn't going to be able to help much.  She said he can only lift about 20 lb. and they've both decided he just can't do it - so it's going to be home health, the hospital letting her stay another five days or NH.  She won't consent to letting her girls come in to help - one that was on vacation has hurt her foot, another twisted her knee and the one who had been staying with her at night has isolated herself because of possible exposure to covid.

    I saw something on QVC tonight called Scrubzz and told her about that.  They've been using something similar at the hospital.  Remember when we were caregivers and those who are caregivers now used a no-rinse cleanser to avoid having to get our loved one into the shower - which we all know is hard.  This is about the size of a papertowel and is sort of sponge-like.  You add a little bit of water and it makes suds and you don't have to rinse after use.  You get 75 pieces (25 in a pack) for under $20 - which I think is cheaper than what we paid for the kind that was liquid.

    She still says nothing is being done on schedule because they have so many staff shortages - she's not complaining, just explaining how things are.  She's leaving discharge plans up t

    o the social worker - the best resource a person can have - if you get a good worker.  I worked with social workers for over 23 years and all of ours were good.  However, when Charles was in the hospital we had one  that wasn't worth her salt.  I complained and got a different one that was very good.

    So - Sally was out again this evening.  I heard her bawl, went out and she met me at the yard gate, then went thro

    ugh and her baby met her.  I heard the baby calling her before I got out to the gate.  I cannot figure out where she's getting out.  Maybe I'll have a chance to check this weekend or tell Mike and let him check if he has time.  She comes up to the house for me to let her through - just worry she might go the other way but I doubt it.

    Watching Hang "em High with Clint Eastwood.  I've seen it but don't remember much about it.  It's supposed to be in Indian Territory (before our Statehood).

    Just wanted you to know how Carol is - she said to thank you all again.  I'm so sorry she's having to go through this but she's a strong lady and she'll do all right - just don't want her to get discouraged.

    Again, I'll say goodnight and sleep well.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Iris, I agree it was great that you spoke up about that.  All hotels should have some sort of grab bar.  To make sure you get something with grab bars, you can also ask for an ADA accessible (Americans With Disabilities Act) room, there will be bars.

    We have hired and hired and often we have 30 minutes to an hour hold on our lines too.  So we are adding people but the volume of calls is unbelievable.  Before the end of last year, it was often 2 or 3 hours, but that was because people were trying to make sure all their stays posted before December 31 so they could achieve one of the elite levels of membership.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    5F, -15C.  Was very cold yesterday.  I went and filled car up with gas.  Hate doing that when it is so cold.

    Glad Carol is doing ok and that she is able to be kind and patient.  Know when I was working I appreciated that a lot.

    Saw where Intel is building a chip factory in Ohio.  They will probably start building it in  late 2022.  Won’t start production til 2025.  Will provide 20,000 jobs plus all the jobs associated with it.  Anyway it will be awhile before it affects the chip market.  

    Iris that is some wild wind.  We have a lot of strong wind here but nothing that overturns trucks normally, except tornados.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I saw the Scrubzz too!  And the price was excellent.  I don't need them now but I'll be sure to check out QVC when I do, because I know a paid a lot more at one of the medical supply houses I used to order from.  Even with shipping, QVC's price was much better.  I don't even think Sam's sold the rinseless bathing when I was getting diapers from them but they may have added that to their inventory.

    I know she probably doesn't want to, but a short-term rehab stay for Carol might be a better solution so she won't be stuck in the hospital but also won't be abandoned to the home environment where she might not get the assistance she needs.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's almost 10 a.m. and it's just 30 degrees.  It was in the mid teens earlier - but, again, it's sunny with no wind.   Toad got here to feed a little before 8 a.m.  That was just about the time I went out on the porch to call them down but they were already coming - all but Evan who was still up at the hay.  After he fed and left I went out to check their water to break the ice and there were two smaller calves up either with him or he may have gone down with this mother to graze a while.

     Day - I thought the price was good on Scrubzz, too.  I still have a bottle or two of the kind I ordered from Amazon - we didn't use it very much.  I'd never seen those on QVC before.  

     Do you all watch The Pioneer Woman?  She's from Osage County in northern Okla., NW of Tulsa.  Her husband and his family are big ranchers in that area and up in Kansas.  She has a show on TV but the way it's shown has changed since the pandemic - don't like it as much as before.  Now one of her daughters and her fiancé and another person or two are in the kitchen with her. I don't like changes in the format or characters of shows.

     Are you thinking NH for Carol for a short time?  I'm not even sure NHs are taking new patients.  She did mention home health but I don't think come but a couple of times a week - for bathing, etc.  Carol has always done everything for everyone and it's hard for her to accept help for herself.  It's sad that her one main thing in life was to be so careful and not fall and this had to happen.  If she hadn't fractured her ankle I think she'd be getting along better.  When my sister fell she broke an ankle and her hip on the opposite side.  She may have fallen more than once - I'm not sure - but she never got out of her wheelchair to walk again as far as I know.  Falling when you're our age is a life-changing event and not a good one.  Every time I get out of the shower (it's in the tub and not a high side) I thank God that I've made it one more time.  Getting old is not for the faint of heart and certainly not the golden years.

     I'm thinking I may make the tea cakes Sara made and posted the recipe.  They sound good and I do like cookies.  I have a couple of kinds so may wait until I run out of them.  Bought a loaf of bread so don't need to make one although I do like the homemade bread better.  Kind of wish I'd gotten a loaf of Texas Toast so I could have French toast - I bet it would be good with the home made bread, too.

     Sara - are you still getting seed catalogs and I bet you're already planning your garden for this year.  I wish I had a little plot somewhere in the yard that gets sun so I could plant a few things - without Stormy pulling them up.  I find sprouts in the yard that have the tops broken off and I know he's done that.  Before long I'll have to get Bryon to trim back the althea and crepe myrtles.  I also need to transplant three Heavenly Bamboo or Nandine to the north side of the house so I'll have some shrubs there.  It looks so odd for nothing to be there after so many years of having shrubs.

     Very quiet here this morning which seems a little bit odd.  Girls are beginning to come back up to the hay.  I checked one water tank and it had water in it - didn't check the other so I'll have to fill them as soon as it warms up so the hoses will thaw.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Day, yesterday on QVC they had a touchless thermometer and oximeter to test your blood oxygen level.  I have one of those thermometers but it registers a full degree less than the usual kind.  So thought I'd try that one and also have the other thing.  Do you watch the kitchen shows?  I love kitchen gadgets and LocknLock especially.

     I'll be back later.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I do watch The Pioneer Woman show but I agree, I don't care for the pandemic version of the show.  I also have a full set of her cookware (which is awesome) and really reasonably priced.  In fact, I got a baking dish in my cookware set that I use weekly.  Reminds me of the old Martha Stewart brand of kitchenware.

    I do watch the kitchen shows and the food shows (though I have rarely purchased the food, so expensive) and I enjoy In the Kitchen with David when he's on.  I'm a sucker for gadgets and storage, so of course Lock n Lock is a favorite.

    I was thinking NH for a little bit after hospital discharge might be good.  If you bring it up to her, I'd put it in the context of how little help she'd actually get with home help and it would be less of a burden on her husband to have professionals monitor 24/7.  She could still get her PT there and also bathing help, meals prepared.  Her nutrition is going to be important in the healing process.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Good idea, Day.  I'll see if it's something I can bring up to Carol.

    Seems like it's been a long day - didn't do anything except I did go the mailbox late this afternoon and guess who was grazing in the meadow - that's right - Sally.  She still hasn't come up - hope she doesn't wait until 2:30 a.m. again.  She needs to be in with her baby.  The only other place I can think of where she could be getting out is on the south side of the south pasture but it's a new fence and a double one.  She'd have to go through the west meadow and down into the north one and then back up to the house.  I was hoping Mike would call today so he could check it tomorrow while the clinic is closed.  It's going to be warmer tomorrow so I may drive down and see if I see where she could be getting out.  I saw little Evan laying asleep in the sun later today and later saw him with her mother.

    I made a peach cobbler this afternoon and it is so good.  Absolutely love those things.  I mentioned the pastry part of it reminded me of the caramel dumplings mother used to make so looked up the recipe and it's very similar. Some day I'm going to try those caramel dumplings - but I've never made caramel so not sure I can do it.

    Sheena's limping on her left front foot.  She's been laying around sleeping all day and I just now poured some alcohol on it and it must have been cold because she really reacted.  I can't feel anything and she was okay yesterday so she must have stepped on something or sprained it while they were playing.  They run and play and are pretty energetic in their playing.

    Nicole, I've been thinking of you today. I hope you're getting along all right - I know there's still a lot of grief associated with losing your uncle.  If you feel like it, let us know how you're doing.

    Also several other porch friends who haven't posted in a few days.  We worry about you all when we don't hear from you for a while.  Post and let us know how you all are.

    Watched a lot of westerns and nature shows today.  Watching Dr. Pol right now.  He had a case just now of a cow that was down - magnesium deficit he said - and they were Belted Galloway cattle.  The man had some that were red with a white belt and some black with a white belt.  I've never seen them on his show before.

    I saw the little squirrel twice today - once when Stormy and I were coming in the house - he saw us and ran up a tree.  Later I saw him out the kitchen window running up the elm tree, across a big limb and then jumped onto an althea limb and down to the ground.  They are so cute.  I also saw where he must have stored a walnut - wasn't in the ground but he or something had made sort of a nest of leaves with the walnut inside.  I bet they're all over the yard.

    Hope everyone is okay tonight.  Sandy, glad your leg is improving and hope it continues.  Did you get snow or bad weather today?  

    Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Due to the heavy rains we had in December, California is no longer in "extreme" drought, but is now in "severe" drought.  Nevertheless, there is a huge fire in Central CA, near a famous bridge.  I hope it doesn’t burn down.

    I didn't think to ask for an ADA hotel room.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    24F, -4C. Giving quite a bit of snow the next few days.  Guess I will have my work cut out for me.

    Had not thought about French toast Lorita.  It is one of my favorites but had forgot it for some reason.  Hope to make some soon.  Peach cobbler sounds good.  May make one of them soon too.

    Have gotten all my seeds Lorita.  Cut out quite a few things.  Hope to garden for pleasure more.

    Spent my day cooking yesterday.  Made dozen buns, some coney sauce, chicken soup and refried beans.  Made tortillas a couple of days ago and they turned out the best of any I have made so far.  There is definitely a technique and I’m starting to catch on.  Maybe before too long I might try the corn tortilla.  Saw where you can press them out between two cast iron skillets.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch friends! Haven't been feeling well lately and the full moons was of no help with Lou. Lorita, I went to get some of your peach cobbler before sitting in my front porch rocking chair and couldn't find it. Did you hide it? All this cooking talk has inspired me, I believe I'll make either a peanut butter cake or peanut butter cookies. Maybe that will help me out of the blues!

    This is day 6 of the 14 days of the heart monitor and even though it's a lot better than than the old type with a bunch of wires and a box, it's still a pain in the butt. Having to cover it and have your back to the shower is the worse part, I like a warm stream hitting me on the front. I have recorded quiet a few episodes, but nothing close to the one that caused me to get the test done. 

    Hope all stays warm in the winter weather!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Kitchen stuff on QVC now, they even had a breadmaker, but the amount of bread/carbs I have daily is minimal because of my diabetes, so that's one gadget I can't have or I'd just eat loaves of bread every day and my sugar would be soaring.  My last hemoglobin A1c was 5.9% and I'd like to keep it there or get lower if I can.

    Mother nature was good to the squirrels here where I am because I still see unopened nuts on the ground and the squirrels fight daily among each other.  There is 1 squirrel who has what I will call politely as "less-than-bushy" tail and I call him Wispy.  He's fierce about guarding his trees and chases everyone else away.  In the warmer weather I sit out on the balcony and watch them and drink my coffee.

    Got about an inch of snow overnight.  These are the days I'm glad I work from home.
  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Hi friends,

    I have been away from the porch for a few days, unplanned. I missed you all and will have to go back to #163 to catch up on the news. Hands full with DH and trying to keep up with the roller coaster ride. I jinxed myself posting somewhere about an easy day, and off track went the behavior— from goofball, to meanie, to sweetie-pie all in the same day. You all know how that is. We get through but it wipes me out. My only quiet time (more than 5 minutes anyway) is after his 1-2a.m. bathroom break and if I stay up then to read & post for too long I may pay for it the next day (sleep- deprived and dragging). 

    Ron - I didn’t think to see if there was a full moon. Maybe that’s it. I hope Lou gives you a bit more peace this week, that your heart monitor results are good, and that you cook up something yummy. Never heard of PB cake. What kind of icing do you use?

    Sayra- was that you with the teacakes? Love them, and peach cobbler. I am going to try Lorita’s mother’s caramel dumplings. Just when I was going to cut back on the baking since DH is starting to eat all the time like a puppy that can’t stop, which is not good. I’ll have to halve the recipes at least, like my mother used to do.

    Also, I am really hoping to have a small garden this year so I will pay close attention to your tips S! I’ve only had a few container veggies and a small plot that squirrels and rabbits enjoy before I can harvest more than a few tomatoes, peppers (they just mess them up), and greens or lettuce. I think it’s the birds getting my squash blossoms. Will see if I can be more successful this year.

    Even when caregiving is super stressful, I feel ok when I can still be productive with providing good healthy meals,  being patient most of the time, taking a few minutes to reconnect here with people who really really understand, and keeping DH clean and the house not filthy. Though it feels more disorganized by the day with me still having to grab and hide things for safekeeping, and then (hopefully) find them later sigh. If I can ever go back to the full time workforce, I’d want to work from home for sure, even after COVID. I’ve just neglected home-making and sewing, relaxing and enjoying me time/down time for so long already, I don’t want to do that anymore. They say you’re supposed to work to live, not live to work, but lots of jobs don’t allow that balance. 

    Lorita - sounds like Mickey is sizing you up. I saw a description of some artwork recently, something about the model watching you watching them.  I’ll bet that’s what he is doing, and deciding you’re a friend. I think Ms. Sally is just coming to check on you every day. And thinking about joining us on the porch. Wish there was a way to set up one of those small cameras we use to check on our LOs. Is there?

    Iris - I didn’t see the OP, but sounds like you did some safety troubleshooting that could save some hotel a lawsuit and more importantly prevent someone/s from some of the injuries we’ve been reading about here. Thank you for taking the time to speak up. Also, your weather report made me think about JT, one of my favorite musicians and a favorite song of his: Fire and Rain.

    Well, I am trying hard to sort some papers and “stuff” that can be purged without losing something important. Have to do it when DH is sleeping or he is right there and starts hunting & gathering, or tossing away, or writing on documents that shouldn’t be touched. I hope we can find a vaxxed aide to sit while I go to a different room and focus on things like this for a couple of hours each week. I’d actually rather that than “respite” time for a spa day or something else relaxing, because it reduces my stress level and makes me feel good when even a little but of progress is made on clearing a path through the piles of paper from his career and mine, that AD living has created, plus meeting key deadlines, financial or tax decisions and filings, ordering needed supplies etc.

    For example, did any of you order the 4 home test kits each household can get for free? And Medicare just sent me a catalog to order OTC meds or supplies for free- $60 worth per quarter. I looked through and highlighted several of the things DH uses, and then had to help him in the toilet. An hour later had to get right to meal prep so I showed him the catalog mainly to keep him busy. Where is it? Scavenger hunt time. Then, I will hopefully get a few minutes to set up the OTC freebie account online and place the order before I have to redirect him again. 

    OK, enough about my caregiving saga. I love him . Still, I am SO happy for his nap times so I can get some things done- though I hate rushing through, half-doing. That’s just the way it is for now.

    But I decided I’d rather visit with you wise and welcoming front porch friends and relax for a bit this morning, first. Your posts let me know I can get through this and how to survive & thrive in the meantime. Thank you all!!! 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Sara, sounds like you did enough cooking yesterday for the whole week.  I like to make quite a lot of whatever I cook so I have leftovers.

     I haven't had French toast in a long time either.  I had cinnamon toast this morning from store-bought bread and it was good. 

     I got a Shumway seed catalog yesterday.  We used to buy from them quite often when we had a garden.  What are you going to cut back on this year to make it easier?

     Iris, we have an ADA toilet stool.  We've had it for years and seems like I remember they had quite a hard time finding one.  Amazing how much difference two or three inches in height can make.

     Beth, I'm watching the Pioneer Woman.  She's really into using limes, isn't she?  Maybe I'm missing something.  When she had the other cooking show before the pandemic there must have quite  a lot of retakes because she never seemed to make a mistake - she does now.  I looked on WM.com, I think, yesterday and they had several pieces of her cookware - or maybe it was Amazon.  I think it's really pretty.

     Ron, I'm so sorry.  I tucked that peach cobbler away in the oven.  I should have told you.  You should make one of those for Lou and you.  I think peach cobbler is a Southern tradition for sure.  This one is so easy.  By the time you have the oven heated, it's ready to go in - take a whole five minutes to get it ready.  I like it with a bit of milk over it.  When I was growing up we usually had cream over cobblers instead of ice cream so I still do that.  Cobblers to me have a bottom and top crust - that's the way my family always made them.   This one has the crust on the bottom but it rises to the top as it bakes so it's kind of all the way through.  I bake mine in a round, Pyrex (I think) flowered dish that was mothers - just the right size.  Used to make it in an iron skillet but then felt like I needed to take it out before we finished eating it.

     Had another "silly" night.  I went to sleep watching TV and woke up about MN.  The GPs wanted out and I got back to sleep - then the cats started running and playing so caught the two Savannah cats and put them in the utility room.Stormy came in but Sheena stayed out and barked all night.   I think I was listening for Sally to bawl for me to let her through to her baby so my sleep wasn't peaceful.  Got up about 6 and let the cats back in - more running and playing and knocking things over - Sheena did come in.  Got back in bed and then heard Sally bawl.  I guess she really had a good night of grazing.  Went out and let her through to the baby and by that time I was ready to give up on sleep and resting.  So, I was up and down all night.

     I've mentioned I have bilateral Morton's neuroma and it seems to bother me at night much more than in the daytime.  Seems like my feet are either hot or cold - I can't really tell and I want to keep moving them.  In the daytime if I'm sitting down it's kind of the same but if I'm up and around, it's better.  I do think it may be affecting my balance, not sure. 

     Day, I've been watching QVC this morning, too.  The bread maker was a really good price, too.  I have one that we've had for probably 30 years.  When we lived in the MH I'd load it at night to come on just as we were getting up and getting ready to go to work but kind of quit using it until the pandemic.  I use it at least once a week, sometimes more.  Still haven't ventured out into anything except my slightly modified recipe.  I am going to try brioche or challah bread - I love both of them.  Mine doesn't make a big loaf but it's fine for one. 

     I love kitchen gadget shows.  They were advertising that chopper.  I have one that I bought a few years ago and they mentioned carrot bread.  I found a recipe for carrot bread and I think I'll try it - has crushed pineapple, grated carrots and nuts.  I'll leave out the nuts but I have some cans of pineapple I haven't known how to use so that would be good.  In The Kitchen with David is going to be on for four hours later this morning so I'll watch some of that.

     I don't buy the food from QVC either - it is expensive.  I do buy Jimmy the Baker's crumb cakes and have bought the pears and honeybells but didn't this year.  I like the crumb cakes for breakfast - keep them frozen and microwave them for about 30 seconds and they're just right with a cup of hot tea.

     I think working from home would be so nice.  Sure would have save me a lot of driving those years I worked but at that time working from home wasn't an option.  Stay in today and watch QVC and maybe you won't have more snow.

     Sara - be careful if you get out and shovel snow.  It will eventually melt and you'll save a lot of energy.

     Saw Dr. Fauci this morning and he still didn't seem to be advocating another booster.  It's been going on four months since I had my booster and, if needed, will not mind getting another one.  I have decided I'm going to stay away from Daniel or at least give him a mask to wear when we talk.  He comes to the door and I open it but don't go out and do wear a mask but still a bit too close for comfort for me.  I feel like I may have a bit of a cold this morning but think it's probably allergies - took my Loratadine.  I let a Zinc lozenge dissolve in my mouth last night and it always makes my taste "off" for a day or so and kind of makes my throat sore.  I need to look - maybe they're outdated.

     Tom and Jerry still aren't home.  I'm afraid they're gone.  Maybe they did find a couple of girlfriends - wish they'd bring them home.  Seems really lonesome out there without them even though they didn't let me do any more than touch them occasionally.

     Chiefs play the Bills later today at Arrowhead.  I know it'll be cold but it's such a pretty setting - blue sky, green field, red seats and uniforms and in the open air.  Ticket prices have gone up so much.  When Charles and I first started going to the games the price for really good tickets, ground level, was about $10 or $15.  The last time we went the feed store owner gave us tickets.  The seats were waaay up high (thought I'd pass out before we got to them) and they were about $100. I felt like if I leaned over I'd fall out on the field.  Doubt you could even buy tickets now because of season ticket holders.  But, it was lots of fun.  We'd go on Friday night, go to the big market on Saturday and the game on Sunday and come home.  Good times.

     Day - I haven't seen our squirrels this morning but there's whole black walnuts all over the ground in our back yard - makes it hard walking.  So, they're having a good year, too.

     Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Good news!!

     I went into the kitchen to reheat my hot tea and looked out the window and saw either Tom or Jerry sitting on top of a big bale of hay.  So, hurried and got dry and wet food and took it out.  I called and called and he got down from the hay but when I left hadn't yet come to the carport.  So, one of them Is still around.  I'm wondering if he might be afraid of the opossum that comes to the carport to eat - can't think of anywhere else I could put his food to keep it out of the weather.  I'll continue to put out food for him though.

     While I was out checked the water tank and it was empty and girls waiting for me to fill it.    It's beautiful out - cool, no wind, sunny and really nice.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Butterfly wings, pb cake is easy. Just a yellow cake mix with a icing made with pb.

    2 cups evaporated milk and 1 cup sugar you bring to a boil and add 1 cup pb.

    Stir over medium heat with a spoon that has holes in it. When the icing will no longer go through the holes its ready to spread on the cool cake.

    Lorita, we use to have Blackberry cobbler often will milk. In fact we use to just take the blackberries and sprinkle sugar over than the milk and dig in. A railroad track was near the house and the hills on the side of the track was full of blackberries. 


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  It’s good to see so many posting on here.  What a wonderful, diverse group we are. I have learned so much from all of you, and I thank you all for your love and support.  We have deep blue skies here today.  It’s staying cold, but that’s normal for us.  We have a couple of days of possible snow next week. But they’re saying we’ll get 4-6 inches.  We really need another dump of 3-4 feet to get our snow pack up and to fill the rivers and reservoirs next spring and summer.  We are always thankful for anything we get. 

    I was on my way yesterday to visit my daughter who lives close to me and the highway sign said slower speeds at mm95 because of a large herd of elk in the area.  I was so excited to see them, but they were out of site by the time I got there.  We must have a lot of snow in higher elevations that is causing them to come lower to graze.  

    Those of you shoveling snow, be careful and take your time.  It can be heavy work, especially if it’s a wet snow.  

    Lorita, it sounds like the cattle are starting to come down at feed time.  They must be adjusting some.  Sure wish Sally would behave and stay in the pasture with the others.  Funny that she knows you will let her through the gate and back with her baby.  They’re smarter than we give them credit.  I hope by this time next week your house will be repaired and you’ll be back to normal living.  Every job I have had done seems to take double the time I thought it would.  Prayers for Carol that she heals quickly and will be home soon.  Also for the loss of your cousin and her family.  

    I was flipping around tv channels yesterday and ran across the old western called “Have Gun Will Travel”.  It was on a channel called ME TV.  I watched it for a few minutes and realized we watched that when we first got tv.  It’s crazy they can still play those old shows.  One of my Dad’s friends made him a gate sign that said “Have Dog Will Bite”.   The dog was huge, but not the biting type.  

    It’s 39 degrees right now and the football game is lopsided, so think I’ll bundle up and get out for a quick walk. I hope you all have a restful Sunday and enjoy the rest of your day. I think of you often and read almost every day.  I’ll try to get better about posting more often. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

     Ron, we used to have blackberries with just sugar over them a lot of the time.  Daddy had two rows of blackberries and dewberries in the garden when I was younger.  Since then I'd pick them along the roads - then there were several places in the fencerows here on the farm where I'd pick them.  Our west pasture/meadow is being overtaken with blackberry vines.  When they first started there they grew up in the trees and I've had to stand on tiptoe to pick them and they were sweet and really big.  Since they've gotten out into the pasture they're so thick I'm afraid to get around them because of snakes and the berries are small.  I'm hoping since Mike has leased the farm he'll be able to do something with them this year.  He has been meaning to do that but hasn't gotten around to it.  The places I picked berries in the pasture were sprayed and are gone now.

     Butterfly - believe me I know what you mean about things being misplaced.  I know I posted so often about things being gone when I'd go to get them.  Drawers were emptied and believe it or not this past month I found two necklace in very odd places and know that Charles put them there - probably for them to be safe.  Caregiving is hard work and I know I'm not telling you anything. 

     I had to have a little bit of time to unwind, too.  Charles would usually sleep later than I in the mornings so that was my "me" time - when I'd be able to post and do little things that I had to do alone.  I even drove into town a couple of times before he got home - only gone about an hour but decided I wouldn't do that anymore - you never know what will happen with a vehicle.  He loved to go to town so that wasn't a problem.  And I had that big tree limb I'd go out and sit on to distress sometimes.  I even need it now but it's gone.

     I'm so glad you've joined our porch friends.  So good to hear from others and maybe sometimes to give them a little hint about something we've learned along the way.

     Joan - glad you're getting snow (you can have any we might get, too) but we do need rain.  The only part of our State that isn't in drought is from just west of where we are to the Arkansas State Line - not from north to south - just a little section.  We're dry and need rain.  Scary to go into spring and summer being dry.  Just be super careful when you're out and about walking. 

     Carol called a while ago and told me the girl (about ten years younger than I) that I trained to be a medical secretary went to open a door for her son who was moving a refrigerator for her and twisted her knee and is going to have to have knee replacement.  We just never know when something untoward will happen and it happens in an instant.   Carol is still scheduled to go home the 25th - they've requested another five-day stay but not sure it will happen.  She told me her walking boot is now off but she still can't put weight on her right foot.  She said she never had any pain in her hip after the fall and then the surgery.  Thankful for that.

     I'm wearing my medical guardian faithfully - even slept with it on night before last - didn't mean to, just forgot it.

     Butterfly - I think you're right about Mickey.  I talk to him and call his name every time I see him so maybe he's coming around.  Toad told me he was pretty docile and he does seem so.  I've never really been afraid of cattle - even the two big red ones that were really aggressive when someone was around.  They didn't bother me and I wasn't afraid of them but I've seen them run Mike to the top rail of the pipe fence.   I'll keep talking to Mickey.  Just now I went out to check the water tank and little Evan was standing in front of it with Tina - so very cute. I'm hoping he'll make good friends with Tina and Sweet Pea.  There's another one due around the 27th and then maybe no more until March. 

     I've decided I did the right thing leasing the land and selling the girls to Mike.  If I had to feed them I would but it would be hard.  I can do something now like getting the trash ready to take down and doing that I get SOB and  have costochondritis pain, back and front. 

      Cattle are really smart and Sally does know where I am and if she comes up and bawls I'll let her through.  People see cattle in pastures and think they're just dumb old cows but that is not true.  I watched a lot of nature shows yesterday and it's really amazing how mothers of all species take care of their babies.  I see Penny giving Evan a bath and then letting him nurse.  Then see them walking together - perfect little baby that will grow into a big bull.  I'm like Joan - would just like to hug them and you can when they're newborn but not afterwards very much.

     Joan - are you going to watch the Chiefs' game tonight?  I gave up on the other one, too - lopsided and not too interesting. 

     Ron, wish you and Lou and everyone else was here so we could have a dish of peach cobbler.  Today is my grandma's (mother's mother) 146th birthday and day before yesterday was my sister's 90th birthday.  We lost grandma in 1969 but I can still feel her presence sometimes.    She loved cherries and would make cherry pies that were so good.  How was that peanut butter cake? I love peanut butter.  Have you ever tried peanut butter mixed with peach preserves, Ron?  Really good on toast.

     I'll stop for now and watch the local news and weather.  I think it's supposed to be warm tomorrow.  I did go into the room they've been working on a while ago (with my mask on)and I really like the floor.  Tomorrow they're going to put the trim back on everywhere and paint - at least that half of the bedroom.  Part of it that used to be Sarah's room has the bed and two chests and the one that was Eric's bedroom has the other furniture so it's fairly big.  Maybe there'll be enough paint so I can paint that part, too.

     Sleep well tonight  - see you tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    It's been a few days since I have been on the porch, then it takes me awhile to get caught up on all the news. What a busy bunch of folks we are. Not sure what I have been doing to keep me so busy, but I have been doing it. 

    Day.  I know what you mean about the Hotel shifts. I retired from the hospitality business I was The Night Auditor for about 10 years then in reservations for 20 years and at times filling in for The Night Auditor, I have not got my sleeping regulated yet and I'm probably never will. I also can imagine some of the complaints you are getting. I bet you are a very positive person, and the outcome has made a happy return guest. 

    Iris.  I would like to go to a Chinese place where you could cook your own food, I bet that was fun. Were you all sitting on the floor with your feet hanging down under the table? I saw something like that on TV one time. Even though you have difficulty at times you still have some fun times. Have you ever thought about writing a book about the caregivers and the LOs they care for from both standpoints? I also miss buffets, we had a very good Chinese Buffet, in Bend, Oregon sad to say it is no longer there. 

    Marie.  I bet you make beautiful Afghans. I had a friend who made beautiful ones and she tried to show me, I have no patience so when I realized I had to count each row I gave up. My first try was a potholder that was kind of easy but there was no way I was going to do a blanket I think I gave up after the 3rd row. She finished it for me, and it is on my couch right now. It is good news that you convinced your parents to move into an ACF please be careful that you don't overdue yourself when the move happens. 

    Ron, I hope your starting to feel better, just think in a few days you will be able to get in the shower and enjoy the warm water. It is so nice that you have a sister who helps you so much.

    Sara.  Please be careful shoveling snow. I went out today just to get into my car and slipped on the ice and down I went, all the more reason I need to get me one of those alarm buttons. Your Mother is so lucky that you love to cook. I wish you lived next door to me.

    Joan.  I remember Have Gun Will Travel. Ever since I read your post I have been singing. Have Gun Will Travel is the name of the man, the man they called Paladin. ect ect ect That will probably be in my head for a few days.  

    Lorita, I just love hearing about Sally, she has you trained. I bet Mike really likes all the help you give him with all the things you still do. I am sure it is all hard work, but it is something that you love doing. If you don't break the ice on the tanks will the girls just have to wait till it melts? Those girls are so special and so lucky to get all the TLC you give them. 

    Iam so glad to hear that Tom or Jerry have come home. I bet the other one will return, with one coming back the other one might follow. I am sure you are looking forward to being able to get back into your bedroom. Has Daniel said anything about where the snakes have been coming in at? Hopefully you won't have to watch for snakes any longer. You asked if I ever watch Rawhide, I never have found it, it was not one of my favorites but if I found it, I probably would watch it just to see if I like it now. 

    I think I will make me some Peach Cobbler tomorrow now that you all have been talking about it. It sure sounds good. The weather here has been very cold the snow has stopped so hopefully the sun that we are supposed to be having this next week will melt the snow. 

    I also have lots of squirrels. I can't even count how many times each day I let Molly out to chase them and I believe they tease her while they jump from tree to tree and run back and forth on the fence. I have never seen a baby one I wonder where they stay till, they get big enough to come out. Probably up in the trees. 

    Well, it's getting late for me I better get myself ready for bed, I sure hope all of you are good and keeping warm. Hugs to all Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    What a football game!!!  I've watched lots of football - all of the Super Bowls from the first one but I don't think I've ever seen such a good game as this - Bills and Chiefs.  I think the score was 36 to 43 - Chiefs!!  They had three TDs and a FG in the last two minutes, then went to OT and the Chiefs made a TD.  Arrowhead was jumping!

     Marie - I've meant to comment on that afghan you're making.  So patriotic - I can imagine how veterans would feel about it - especially the Korean Veterans.  Sort of reminds me of a US flag I saw at Sixkiller's BBQ near Tahlequah.  It was a US flag with the image of an Indian on horseback in the stripes.     You must have the patience of Job.  I wouldn't last five minutes doing that kind of work.  You are a gifted person for sure.

     Well, I put a load of laundry in to wash and after the game I went to check on it and the washer was as full of water as they get now - barely covering the clothes and it had stopped running.  So, hit the button again and I can hear it washing now.  I do not like that washer - never have - it's a Maytag but it takes forever to do a load of laundry.  Makes me think I may get rid of it when they do the floor - and the dryer which is old and get a new set.  Don't want to pay a lot of money for a new floor and have it ruined right away.  I don't think that washer is very old, fewer than seven years for sure. If I wash a pair of pants in it with a load of clothes, the legs of the pants are always wrapped around the other things.  So, may get rid of everything out there except the water heater and start afresh.  But, no telling how much that would cost - less than a new floor for sure.

     Zetta, you better be careful - just think what a fall can do.  I'm still not over the one I had the end of October and look at Carol and two of my friends named Sandy - one in Virginia and another in Muskogee. 

     Sally is a mess - she knows exactly what she's doing.  Late, just before dark I was outside filling water tanks - or trying to - had to find a new hose for the one in the garden and it was too short so will have to move the tank in the morning.  For the one at the lot it was leaking so badly I can't use it now but had a new vinyl one - so was busy doing all of that but Sally walked by the fence where I was, stopped and looked at  me and went on.  I wanted to try to see where she was getting out but by the time I could check, she was already out and grazing in the middle of the 35 acre meadow.  I worry about her being down there by herself because I hear wolves and coyotes every night.  She looked at me just like she was saying "I'm going to graze and will wake you up sometime tonight". 

     I called Mike and told him and when they feed in the morning he said he'd try to find the place - I know just about where it is.  Tomorrow morning is trash pickup so I'll be down there by the time they are so maybe I can help find it.

     Didn't mean to post again - just had to boast a bit about the Chiefs.  Wonder if they'll ever make them change the name of their team like they did the Redskins? 

     Sleep well tonight - I know the fans in KC will!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Sayra, what is coney sauce?

    I had too much sourdough bread so I made bread pudding.  It never comes out like my mother's did.

    The wind gusts in Northern LA county were up to 95 mph!  Trees were uprooted, one big tree landed on a duplex, crushing the roof.  Fortunately no one was hurt.  Wind storms are tough here!

    I had to put air in my tire today.  Why does the air get low in one tire, I wonder?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    8F, -13C.  Giving more snow this afternoon.  Probably had between 2-3 inches yesterday.  Dry, light fluffy snow so easy to shovel.

    Butterfly wings I’m still enjoying those tea cakes.  They freeze nicely.  Have been wondering if I could use lemon zest or other flavorings in them instead of nutmeg for variety.  Really like their texture.

    A saying I have is growing vegetables is a war.  Use tulle snd bamboo sticks to create fencing around things.  Not very pretty but does definitely help to control pest and animal pressure.

    Since I retired I really have no desire to take on a job.  Maybe someday I will.  Have adjusted well to retirement so far.

    Hope you are blessed to find a good home aide.  Would be like you, getting things done would provide more relaxation than other things by just getting part of the load off.

    Did order my free tests.  Yesterday on TWIV/ YT channel had John Yewdell as guest.  He is virologist at NIH.  He was just sort of talking at end and said we have found the perfect vaccination right? Masks. There was no flu last year.   He was sort of discussing how we have made fun of Asians with their masks.  But like some of us on here he feels he will wear a mask from now on in certain situations.  The Asians knew what they were doing.  Interestingly there are no mask mandates here.  Since Omnicron hit, a good majority of people have their masks on.  A little late but better late than never I guess.  The flu which had been ticking up at least here in our county has settled right down.  Imagine that.

    Think I will have sausage and French toast for breakfast.  Like cream on cobbler too.  Strawberry was my favorite.

    Lorita I’m not doing green beans,cabbage, peas and a lot fewer tomatoes,  

    Don’t have any desire for another booster at this time. Don’t know if excess boosts good for us or not.  Statistics in our state are still showing that vaccinated rate of hospitalization and death are low.  As long as my body can handle the infection think I’m satisfied with that.  Will just keep listening to TWIV and learning.

    Nice to visit with you Joan, glad you’re doing ok.

    Zetta wish I could share food with you.  Iris when I say coney sauce, just hamburger, onion, chili powder, catsup, mustard and few other spices cooked together.  Put on top of hotdog.  Like a little slaw on top of that.  Sometimes I put some pinto beans in there too.  Some people here call that a chili dog.

    The air temperature here affects tire pressure.  When cold have to add a little air.  When temperature warms up may have to let  a little out.  Others may know other reasons.  Once it was because my pressure valve stem was bad.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    We're supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow today.

    I didn't see the game, it sounds exciting.  I am wearing a NFL Detroit Lions long-sleeve shirt I got from QVC.  It was less than $30, which is a steal, and it even has thumb holes (it's a ladies' version).  Perfect weight for winter and not stuffy like a sweatshirt.  I would definitely buy another NFL product from them if the price is good.

    I'm considering giving up the part-time medical transcription job I've kept over the past few years.  I got a pretty significant raise at the beginning of the month which more than covers the hour or so I spend typing, and like today I have been sitting and waiting for a job for 25 minutes and no jobs have come.  At this point, I could work 1 hour overtime a week and make the same income.  There only seems to be work at night and they expect us to sit and wait most of the time but when they get a bunch of overflow work they email us incessantly about "hopping on" to do it and generally that's when I'm doing my full-time job.  It's almost not worth the trouble anymore.

    Better go - I got a 53-second dictation to type.  Whoopie!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Iris, I think Sara's right - when the weather gets cold the air pressure in tires goes down so you have to add a little more air.  Don't know why one would go down and the others wouldn't unless you have a little leak somewhere.

     Sara - here in Oklahoma, at least this part, a chili dog is the weiner with mustard, onions and chili.  I've never eaten a hot dog with slaw or anything other than onions and chili - no catsup, just mustard. 

     Iris, straight winds are awful.  We have a huge, old elm outside our kitchen window and when the wind would be high I was always afraid a big limb would break off and hit the house so I had $6,000 of tree work done this summer.  They cut back all the limbs from two or three trees that were over the house so I feel some better about it. 

     Been a busy morning here.  It was trash day so got it together and took it down early - about 7:20 (trash truck runs around 8).  When I went out Tom was there so got to feed him and the girls heard me talking so they came running (they were right, it is feed day).  Got the trash down and then walked out and talked with the girls so they wouldn't drift away before they came to feed.  Little Bit was just over the gate so talked with him a long time and rubbed his head - he is so cute so hope he'll get to stay here. 

     Both Toad and Mike both came with their big flatbeds.  Toad fed the grain and then they set out three more bales of hay so probably won't have to feed hay again this week.  They've all gone back up to the hay now.

     Zetta, Sally didn't call me this morning because the GPs were in the yard and wouldn't let her get close to the yard gate.  I went out just after daylight and she was at the back yard gate with her baby in the garden.  I called her and she came to go through the gate and the baby had run around and met her at the gate.  How the baby knew where mom was going I don't know - just smart, I guess.  I checked the fence again on my way back to the house from the road and didn't see where she gets out.  This evening I'll try to watch and see where she goes through.  She must be jumping the fence - who knows.

     Daniel just called.  He has an auction business somewhere around Warner where he auctions mostly farm equipment.  He's waiting for a semi to come to load with things he sold Saturday.  Said he'd try to come this afternoon - I don't expect him. 

     Watching LocknLock again - I think I saw this one late yesterday.  A while back I ordered a 9x9 glsss dish with a locking lid.  I had it in the oven and forgot and turned the oven on and melted some of the locking part of the lid - so ordered that again along with a glass pie plate with lid.  Absolutely love LocknLock - I use it in some way every day.

     Just thought about laying down on the divan again but Stormy is already there.  Yesterday he was laying on it with a cat at his head and one at his feet - all asleep.  I have another baggie with frozen pumpkin in it so may thaw it and make either muffins or a loaf cake later today.

     The news said our State is having about 2,000 new cases a day and still people won't wear a mask.  Sara, I remember last winter when everyone (or a lot anyway) were wearing masks there was no talk of flu - wonder why?  Of course, it was because people were wearing masks and distancing.  For several years I've worn a mask in the winter when I go into town.  The Chinese have had it right.

     Enjoy our day.  Supposed to be 66 here today, then in the 30s tomorrow. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Sayra, coney sauce sounds delicious! I wonder if the name comes from Coney Island, where hot dogs (we called them franks) flourished?

    The day and night temp fluctuate about 20 degrees here but I rarely drive at night.  I'll keep a closer eye on the tire pressure.  I treated myself to a talking tire gauge in December.  It really says the tire pressure out loud! 

    I got out of bed at 4 am this morning.  I didn't sleep a wink.  I'm going to try to stay up all day and try to get some work done.

    Where is Jo C?  I hope she isn't sick again.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, so glad to hear that one of your outside kitties has come home from his travels.

    As for your wandering Sally, too bad you don't have a night vision remote camera that you could set up to watch the pasture or one to attach to her like a necklace so you could see where she is going...lol.  I wonder if instead of letting her in the gate, if you could walk down the fence line and get her to follow...maybe she would lead you to the crossover point.  Of course that would not work at night.

    Weather here is stable but chilly.  Will be on the road most of tomorrow as I am taking my mother to a dr. appointment and "minding" my dad while she is there.  Too cold to sit in the car for an hour so he and I will have to find some place for a coffee inside.  Am sure they will want to go out to lunch after, so it will be late afternoon before I can head home.  Just want to get back before dark if possible.

    Finished the soldier afghan....will try to figure out how to get pictures from phone to computer and so you all can see some of the ones I have done recently.  

    Wishing each of you a safe, healthy, happy day.



  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi everyone,

    I'm back in Vegas, my cousin is here and we're cleaning out the house. Going to have an estate sale in March. Then putting the house up for sale. 

    We're finally in the last chapter of this journey.

    I have my good days and bad days. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Nicole, I'm glad you got to spend some R & R in Hawaii. I know the job isn't complete yet but happy to hear your cousin is able to help. You did a great job and I'm sure your uncle appreciated all you did for him. 

    Marie, glad to hear you got your solder afghan completed. How awesome that will be, and the recipient is so lucky! Hope all goes well with the trip to the dr with your parents. You are a kind and generous daughter. 

    Iris, hope you can get a good night's sleep tonight. The trips you've taken recently sound like fun. 

    Lorita, 66 degrees sounds so good! Today our high was 34, and that was at 7:00 a.m.; the temperature has been going down since then. So glad that Tom the cat has returned. I'm happy for you that you have found a good, reliable person to make the renovations on your home. We have some things to do this spring or summer too. I too was happy the Chiefs won but the OT rule is no good. Not really fair, in my opinion. 

    Sara, chili dogs sound great. You are a very good cook. Hope your family is doing ok.

    Ron, hope you are feeling well. You are such a good cook. Did you cook much when Lou was healthy? It sounds like you have been cooking for quite a long time, as good as you are at it.

    Zetta, glad you made it home safe and sound. I know you will enjoy getting to see your daughter's new home in AZ in March. 

    Joan, glad you got some snow to ease the drought. We could use some (more) too, but I'd rather have rain....you don't have to shovel it! ha! I am not crazy about cold weather. 

    Concerned about Jo....haven't heard from her in awhile. 

    Day and Butterfly Wings, great to have you on this thread. I enjoy reading your posts. 

    I ordered my garden seeds today, as well as 3 'Heritage' red raspberry bushes. I had raspberries and blackberries in the past but the blackberries went everywhere, very invasive, so got rid of them. Now I will not have a berry patch but just 3 bushes. I have 3 blueberries, and I get lots of berries off them. Hopefully the same with the red raspberries. The vegetables I plan to plant this year include tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, beets, green beans, dill, fennel, basil, carrots, cucumbers, red veined sorrel and maybe Swiss chard and kale. I ordered some seeds for sprouting too. You sprout them inside in a jar, I think, and eat them on salads. I've never done that before but supposed to be healthy.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Beth, your garden plans sound good, so many good vegetables and they're so much better straight from the garden.

    It is a beautiful day - no wind, sunny and in the 60s - but, tomorrow it will be in the 30s and until Friday when it begins to warm up again.

    I am so glad to have Tom back. I know he's lonesome without Jerry.  I see him walking down the road or just sitting on top of the hay or in the grass.  Still have hopes Jerry will come back.

    I put quick connect things on both of the hoses this morning.  I've been screwing them off and on and it's ruining the metal hose connections somehow,  I can't get the hard rubber thing off to see what's going on.  I moved one of the water tanks closer to the hydrant - I had a new 25 ft. metal hose.  The girls were out of water and as it was filling they were coming over one by one for a drink.  Sweet Billy the Bull came to the place where it had been sitting, smelled around, then moved over to a metal tank I'm not using and finally over to the one with water in it.  I have an old metal tank that's rusted inside and sort of hate to use it - not sure if the rust will hurt them or not - probably should ask Mike until I can get another rubber one. The metal ones don't seem to last too long with water in them all the time.

    Marie, I'm anxious to see the pictures of your soldier afghan - I bet it's lovely and hope you will post pictures of some of the others you've made.

    Still haven't done those silly dishes.  I should just use paper plates and bowls - Patsy and Jack did. I did have a sandwich this afternoon and used one.  I use them all the time to feed the cats so always have them.  

    Darwin called this afternoon- he was out cutting wood.  He says Donna stays in bed about 20 hr. a day - either sleeping or watching TV.  He's doing all the housework and cooking but can get outside occasionally to relax a bit.  He has POA now so he can get her to the doctor if he needs to. She has the same doctor as I do and he ordered Prozac for her and he says it does seem to help some.  He's sort of figured out how to deal with her moods so that's good.  I told him it's mostly trial and error - what works one time might not work the next.  

    He asked me how I like retirement - never really thought of it that way but guess that's so.  He's pretty well adjusted - he leased and sold a few months before I did.  He's still checking fences and repairing them if needed - it's really hard to give up and change.

    Haven't talked with Carol today.  She's nervous about going home tomorrow but says if she's just able to get out of bed, on her walker and to and from the bathroom she'll be happy.  She doesn't want her daughters to be coming over to help - she's really an independent person - had to be bringing up four little kids on her own (with the help of her parents, of course).  I hope she does well. 

    Now I feel half dressed without the medical guardian.  I'll be extra careful until the new one comes. Guess I better stop and see if the girls are going off to graze and see where Miss Sally is.

    Hope you all have had a good day with not too much snow, rain or wind.  This is the warmest day we've had this year and it's been wonderful even though I've been inside most of the day. 

    I'm going to try to watch Sally later this evening and see if I can find out where she's getting out.  Was just out on the porch and they're still in the garden.  I went into the bedroom and got a couple of things I needed and I'm washing them now.  Google says the virus germ doesn't last long on them so maybe the other things will be okay.  The closet doors are off and I'd hate to have to wash all of the clothes.

    Haven't felt on top of the world today so I've been laying on the divan and drifted off to sleep a time or two. I've been faithfully wearing my medical guardian and I hadn't tested it for a while so pushed the button and the light came on but nothing else.  I looked at it really good and it's cracked - four little cracks going toward the middle.  How in the world that happened I don't know so called them and they're sending a new one - mailing it tomorrow and I should get it Wednesday.  Thought I was safe and sound but not so.  How it could have cracked I don't know - I haven't hit it.  Glad I checked.

    Hope all of you have enjoyed the day without too much snow, rain or wind.  Back later. I'm wondering where Jo is, too.  Anyone know how to contact her?

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Tried to attach pics and it tells me they are too big.  Will have to come up with some other way to share them
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Marie, I used to have that problem, too.  I put my pictures into the laptop and attach them from it. I reduce the 100% to 10% and it comes out okay.

    I tried to watch Sally but I think she was on to me.  At almost dark I went out on the porch and Mickey as coming up from the pond - guess he's not used to drinking from a tank yet.  I talked to him and he listened, I think - at least he looked at me.  Stormy and Sheena were laying in the yard and I said, quietly, "do you kids want to come in?"  Both of them jumped up and started to the porch.  I've talked with them and the girls since they were little so I know they understand what I say.  I think Sheena may be getting arthritis so need to find some kind of medicine to help her.  She gets up slowly.

    Sara - how is Jean?  Haven't seen that you've mentioned her much lately.  Hope she's doing well.  Looks like you're going to get more snow tonight.

    Carol called a while ago. She said she was exhausted and she sounded like it.  She has to leave the hospital tomorrow and they're still talking with the social worker but looks like she'll be going to a local NH for a couple of weeks.  She sounds all right with it.  It's a nice home - I've never heard anything bad about it.  In fact, I think one of our friends has been in that home.  She said she'd been having a lot of therapy today.  Her main objective is getting to the point where she can get to the bathroom and back to bed by herself.  She's mostly letting her husband take care of all the arrangements - glad she has him to do that for her. 

    I'm using Edge and for some reason I'm making lots of mistakes in typing - many more than in internet explorer.  Maybe it's just my fingers.

    Did a load of laundry a while ago - washed the things I brought in from the bedroom and a couple of throws, socks and thermals.  I'll need those tomorrow.

    Need to find something to watch that's good on TV tonight.  Slim pickins tonight.

    See you all tomorrow.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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