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Just need to talk to my friends (164)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning 

    26F, -3C.  A small amount of snow overnight.

    JoC I’m so very sorry for your friend.  Mom is the same.  J had that eye surgery.  Her DH was still living but unable to care for her.  They both went to the NH after the procedure til she got through that ordeal.  The post regarding prescription costs was interesting.  Going to try and keep that in mind.  

    Was a very quiet day yesterday.  Guess I will have a little shoveling to occupy some time.  Think it is going to get colder instead of warmer as day progresses.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Hello fellow Pistons fans from years ago!  I have QVC on and while I am not in the market for clothes, Susan Graver's dog is adorable (she uses Zoom from her home since they still don't have hosts in-studio).  This little Corgi has been laying on its back through 2 pants presentations and 1 shirt presentation.  So cute.  

    It's a whole 12 degrees here today.  There was time off available today so I took it and I'm off today.  I'm going to spend it cleaning and organizing.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's pretty chilly but sunny and no wind, so far.  I'm so sorry for all those people in the NE with all the snow - up to a foot or more - on the way. 

     Jo - I still miss Jasper.  He was such a sweetie.  Did I tell you all he weighed 2200 lbs.?  Quite a big guy and still would give me sugar.  I haven't gotten that far with Mickey yet and doubt I will since we didn't raise him.  He's still keeping an eye on me when I'm out and about.  Your vision of Jasper still tickles me and now what you're thinking about Sally.  She got out again late yesterday - but, this time I saw where she got out.  She literally walked through the fence - no jumping.  If you were driving by the place she got out you'd never know anything was wrong.  The top wire was loose from the post but that was all.  She could walk through the wires, somehow getting out of that pasture but not to get back through.  She didn't come up to call me to let her through so, of course, I was worried.  Finally located her in the west pasture - she had gone through the gate between the two meadows and up to be close to her baby.  I called  her and she came, running and jumping like a teenager.  We have some old hay along the road in that meadow and she was working over the bales with her head.  Finally came through and shortly after Toad came to feed so she's back with her baby and all the others.  I did call Mike and tell him where she was getting through.

     I did call the girls when I went out this morning so almost everyone was ready for feed when he got here and he gave them another bale of hay and they have their liquid feed.

     I so enjoyed watching two OLD movies night before last.  Got to see the last half of The Egg and I with Claudette Colbert and after that The Southerners made in 1945 was on.  The first part of it really took me back to my days when I was in school and daddy was still raising cotton.  It showed the cotton pickers in the cotton patch, bent over pulling their cotton sacks and picking cotton - then when it was full they'd put it over their shoulders and take it to the scales at the wagon to be weighed - then dump it in the wagon.  I can remember seeing people in our cotton doing exactly the same thing - and so have I.  I still have daddy's cotton scales - wouldn't take anything for them.  Those are days that will never be back again - too much automation.  Our dogs would go down toward the cotton patch and stand on their back legs watching the pickers.

    Jo - I'm with you about the new washers.  I don't know how long I've had this Maytag but if I'd known it was going to be like it is I'd have had the old one repaired.  It doesn't use hardly enough water to cover the clothes and takes forever to do a load.  With my old one I could do a load in a few minutes, put it in the dryer, put in another load and by the time the clothes in the dryer were ready I had another load to put in.  So, it didn't take long to do the laundry.  Now, it takes probably 45 minutes to do a load of laundry.  I'm going to get rid of the freezer that hasn't worked for a long time and probably the refrigerator that has frozen up and leaked.  The dryer still works and the washer works so not sure about them yet.

     I learned something new the other day from Gunsmoke.  There are milk cows, nurse cows, dairy cows, beef cows, etc. but I had never heard of a milch cow.  That's what they used to call a milk cow (one that people kept for milk for the family).  Never to old to learn something new.

     Saw something funny late yesterday.  The guys had left for the day so I went out to fill the water tank and Stormy and Sheena were in the south yard playing - having such a good time.  A cow was standing just over the fence watching them play.  She was still standing there watching them when I came in.  They are curious creatures.  Also funny to watch them drink from a water tank as it's filling.  The end of the metal hose moves around and sometimes even comes out of the water and sprays them.  They jump back, then come back for more water.  It doesn't take very much to amuse me, does it?

     Day, Beth and Rescue Mom - didn't the Pistons used to be called the bad boys of the NBA?  If I remember they played pretty rough basketball.  But, I liked to watch them.  My favorite team was the St. Louis Hawks - that was in the late 60s - I knew all the names of the players and remember writing their names in the margins of my school books.  Then they moved - somewhere.  Haven't gotten back into watching pro basketball but need to.

     I haven't had a haircut in a beauty shop for over seven years.  The last one I got was just after I lost Charles and it was from the woman I had gone to for a long time.  She was beginning to have trouble with alz. and I think she sort of forgot what she was doing while she was cutting it.  When I left the shop it looked like I had a big basket full of hair - looked like the Country singers back in the 60s and 70s.  I'm losing hair - every time I brush it there's lots of hair in the brush.  I need to start taking Biotin again - it helped my SILs and I took it for a while and I think it was helping me - but I stopped.

     On the 1099s - if you have a business and hire someone to do work for you, you have to do a 1099.  Not so for homeowners hiring help.  I don't report what I pay Bryon so it's mostly for things that are deductible so you have to send them a 1099 for any amount over $600 (I wasn't sure about that amount until I checked).  I have to send the vet one but only for cattle - not dogs or cats.  Last year I completely forgot about it.  It's for things like spraying, fertilizing, mowing, hay baling, etc.  You send one to the recipient and then send a transmittal sheet with copies of the 1099s to the IRS - all of this by  January 31.  I think I made it in time this year.

     I've never heard of macular pucker but I do remember when I worked for an EENT Specialist cataract surgery was a lot more complicated than it seems to be now and if you had a retinal detachment you had to lay very still and not move your head for a long period of time.  It's funny, that was in 1962 and I can still remember the names of the patients in a four bed ward - Carney Ritterhoff was the man who had the detachment and there was Mr. Von Boone (my first marriage proposal).  He had cataract surgery and I read his letters to him - he called me Sunshine.  Then there was Mr. Newlin.  His little wife drove over every day from Tahlequah and stayed with him as long as she could but had to get home by dark.  They and Charles and I became very good friends.  I don't recall the name of the other patient.  I hope your husband's surgery goes well.  I know he dreads it. 

     Sorry about your friend - what a freaky accident to happen.  I think I mentioned one of the girls I trained walked over to open the door for her son to take out a refrigerator and somehow twisted her knee so she's going to have to have a knee replacement (her second one).  Accidents can happen so fast - just like falls - you're down before you know what happened.

     Gastroparesis - a terrible, terrible disease.  Sarah has had this for several years with several surgeries.  She was supposed to go to the hospital yesterday morning.  I hadn't heard anything from her so called last night and she said she didn't wake up until afternoon so is going this morning.  She sounds terrible and says she's in awful pain.  She says she "passes out" instead of sleeps.  Hopefully, she'll get there today - if they have beds.

    Rescue Mom -I've been trying to find some orange juice to order from WM and it seems to be in short supply except for pickup.  Up until now I haven't had any trouble ordering it.  Guess supplies of everything will get shorter and shorter.

     The guys just got here.  The girls had drifted down into the NE pasture but heard the PU and thought about feed, again, so they're coming back up.  Stormy is on the alert and barking.  I'm glad this is Friday.  This weekend and Monday are supposed to be nice and warm, then the bottom's going to fall out mid to late week with everything from rain to snow and freezing rain and sleet.  Hate freezing rain.

     Finished the last of my soup yesterday so going to have to figure out something to cook today - maybe pasta which is always good.  Also out of cake and cobbler - but did bake a fresh loaf of bread last night.  I better stop and find something for breakfast.  Hopefully, all of you are well this morning.






  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Cows really are curious; I remember those videos of a people playing music by the side of the road and all the cows going to the fences to watch and listen.   You have taught us much about cows we did not know and it is amazing how they are with their babies and with one another.

     I too watched, "The Southerner," it is a classic.  I also liked "The Egg and I."  The other day I saw, "How Green Was My Valley." I love that one. I am a fan of the old black and white movies.

    For those who are perhaps interested, for the post-op  face down positioning for macular pucker or for repair of holes in the macula, here is a link to show the equipment one can rent to help one maintain a face down position for day and night for days at a time - NO WAY would I be able to do that and actually, compliance with that order is horrible.  I also include the video link from Mayo discussing that and why they do not do it any more.   Some surgeons still do, but many now do not:



    Jasper certainly was a handsome boy.   What a gentle giant he was.   Just one more remarkable bovine you have had on your ranch.   They are blessed to have you as their carer and guardian.  

    So Ms. Sally got found out. Poor dear is going to miss her wandering about. What a cutie she is and she comes when called. What color is she?   Some day if she stands still perhaps we can get a picture of her.   Yep; looks like she has made a place in my heart.  Like your Billy, I hope she too gets to stay on the ranch.

    Judith, great that your grandson has such experience.   Today, with the pandemic, meat is in short supply . . . some stores have run out of beef.  This of course has caused market manipulation as well as real life increases in the cost of beef, so money is being made IF one has a good ranch capability as cost of feed and all else has gone up too including processing and trucking, etc.   One's head can begin to spin trying to get a grip on all of it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Jo, recovery from the surgery sounds hard.  In the 60s if you had a retinal detachment you had to lay on your back don't remember for how long.  

    Did your husband have an injury to necessitate this surgery.  Removing and replacing the vitreous must be something new sounds scary to me.  How long does the patient have to be face down?

    The guys are about to finish getting the rock back on and it looks good.  He'll let it finish drying this weekend then put mortar along the top between rock and house on Monday.  We walked around the house and there are some cracks he'll fill and maybe take a few rocks off and rebuild,- not too !uch.  Told him he'd have a couple of good days to finish that.  The north side is not nearly as bad as the south, thank goodness.

    We have a black walnut tree and they're all over the ground.  He said picked-out or shelled black walnuts are $12 a pound!  That's one job I would not want.  But, I used to really love them.  

    Tried calling Carol no answer after three rings so I'll try later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Wow, last two times I tried to click on this Thread, it took forever and a half to get on.  Wonder what causes that from time to time.  Yesterday it refused to let me process my Post.  Also notice that it loses some of my typing.  All since the date the site was worked on.  I shall try "refresh" and see if it improves.

    No, Lorita, my husband had no trauma to his eyes whatsoever.   He has an ophthalmologist full eye exam every year.  He began to have a bit of difficulty with the vision in that eye with reading letters and numbers not as clearly over the last month or so causing him to go in for an earlier exam.

    Sitting face down or sleeping lying face down after macular procedures seems to be rapidly changing.   He will not have to do that; it will be no bending at the waist or lifting heavy objects, etc. for a week or so,  but that is to be expected.

    The older way if doing things sitting completely face down the entire day and sleeping completely face down at night over the 24 hour period unless walking to the bathroom, or going from one point to another to reach a bed or chair had been prescribed post-op for either a few days or good grief - for a full week and sometimes even longer. Can you imagine sitting the entire day bent forward from the waist face down all day long?  And then sleeping face down in bed?  Not just bent at the neck; it is bent entirely from the entire torso.  No wonder there was poor patient compliance for such a period of time.  The Mayo video link says it all.  Mayo has been tracking this with all patients not having to be face down and so have several other studies; all of them with the same good results which is good news for the patients.  BUT - always follow the doctors directions.

     He has the "pucker" in the macula in one eye as mentioned, and the other eye by routine exam shows a hole starting in the macula of that eye which will be monitored closely as it must be dealt with if it increases lest vision be lost if it goes all the way through. Can't feel it at all, it is a silent condition.   None of it caused by anything happening to him; it just is there which is why as we "mature," we really need to have our eye exams by an ophthalmologist (not optometrist) annually. 

    I remember when as a new RN, cataract patients used to stay in the hospital for up to three days following cataract removal, then having it go to one overnight stay; now it is an in and out procedure. 

    As for hair loss Lorita, be cautious using Biotin.   That is vitamin B7.  You may be low in B7 being a vegetarian.   More B7 in meat but there are vegetables and other foods that can give more biotin.  The supplement can cause side effects such as skin rashes, or tummy upsets and even interact with some meds and can cause a situation in which side effects can mimic thyroid disease.

    When you decide to go and get those lab tests, ask your doctor to add screens for vitamin deficiencies such as Vitamin D, B12, B7, magnesium, etc. so you have a true picture of what is happening to your body.  Sometimes lack of Vitamin D can cause all sorts of effects, BUT I would not supplement without knowing I had a deficiency by  a lab test AND the amount of supplement being prescribed by my doctor.  Vitamin D is one of the fat soluble vitamins and it stays in the body and is not excreted out in the urine as the non-fat soluble vitamins are; that can cause some issues.

    Next time you see Ms. Sally, tell her I said hello and we all love her.  Honestly, I would never, ever make it on a ranch; I would be hiding all the animals so they could not be sent off to wherever and whatever . . . . I should be a vegetarian, but I am not that good a person I guess.  Haven't eaten a hamburger in over a decade; I use the Morning Star vegetarian burger and like it.  I eat it open face on a slice of sourdough with swiss cheese and sliced tomato; sometimes a bit of onion and like it just fine; do not miss the hamburger meat.  I eat mostly chicken, some turkey and some fish; evidently have not evolved to be as good a person as you are, Lorita.  Bless you for your love of all living things . . . except snakes in the bedroom perhaps . . . . . 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Jo, I will for sure.  I've had the vit. D tests many years - ealways a bit low even though I'm outside in the sun a lot. My doctor says it's the sane for him.  I remember some years ago that test was around $400. Lucky I have ChampVA. I'm going to stay out of town until this virus eases off.  Bad enough to be around Daniel and his boys. But, we're always outside and I wear a mask.

    Just came in from filling both water tanks,- did both at once so it took two  or three trips out to check.  Drove up to see the girls - I was going to close the gate so Sally couldn't get out but 13 of them were in that pasture.  Saw something so cute wish you all could have seen it.  The rim of the liquid feeders where the rollers are is a little taller than Evan's back but twice this afternoon I've seen him at the feeder licking the feed off the tank where the girls have licked the rollers and left some.  Sweet Pea and Tina are together in the other pasture.  Wish he could make friends with them.  He pals around some with a couple of bigger calves.

    I'm also having some trouble getting logged in- seems like we always have trouble after maintenance.

    Todd called earlier. Sarah told me she wss going to the hospital today but he says he can't get her to go.  He doesn't know what to do and I don't know either.  She's afraid and I would be, too , but going is the best thing to do.

    Carol called.  She's doing well and Sally is taking good care of her.  A nurse friend of Sally's came by to check if they were doing the right things - they were. If she can get to the point she can get to the bathroom unaided she can go home.  She's working hard.

    Made some triple chocolate brownies a while ago and they're calling me.  

    When does your husband have the surgery, Jo?  Surely hope all goes well.  My ophthalmologist retired two years ago so I'm going to an optometrist who worked with him. The only other ophthalmologist in town is at Triad where she would refer me if needed.  I know I need a stronger prescription but I have such dry eyes she couldn't do a refraction last time I was there.  I keep a humidifier on all the time and it helps some.

    Think I'll get a brownie and lay down on the divan and watch all the good news if there is any.

    Everyone must be out shoveling snow.  Did hear Philadelphia's mayor has issued an emergency situation for them. Sara, looks like it'll miss you but I think Sandy is getting snow now.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hello all from 'Down Under'. Just wanted to share that I too , am waiting for eye surgery. It was first planned for the week before Christmas, but had to cancel that because of DH's death. Then due for mid January, but all elective surgery cancelled because of stress in hospitals [thanks COVID]. My surgeon only operates one day a month, so I am doubtful about it happening in February as well. 

    Not a serious op, I gather, but both eyelids of L eye are dropping-, top so far that it covers more than half of the pupil, makes reading very tiring. Bottom half has rolled outwards, so tear ducts not reaching the eyeball, and gets very dry and scratchy. Lots of eyedrops. Hope the fix happens soon, it's getting uncomfortable, not to say painful.

    Have just about finished all the paperwork after losing DH, still have one investment to fix. They want an 'authorised' [by my doc] copy of the death certificate, and another authorised copy of my marriage certificate!!! Just as well I knew where that was! Seeing doc on Monday so will get that done then.

    Biggest problem is disposing of excess furniture that came home from the NH. Trying to give it away to someone who will collect it. Otherwise will have to get it to op shops--somehow. Too big for my small car.

    Weather here has been in the 90+ for days on end, and very humid. Heavy rains in some parts, with both roads and railways washed away. The Outback is isolated again.

    Cheers Barbara

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Well, that took a while to be able to post - kept kicking me out.

    Hi friend Barbara, good to hear from you.  Our friend, Sandy had surgery that sounds kind of like yours-.  I bet the waiting is hard.

    It does take a long time to get all the paperwork taken care of.  Finished the last of mine a year ago.

    Haven't been watching the Australian Open but turned to it yesterday and it said it was in the 90s.  Not sure which I like better,- 30s or 90s- neither probably.

    Hope you get to have the surgery soon and that it goes well.

    Sandy and Katie,  are you ladies having snow yet or is it east of you all?  Hope so.

    My two Pyrenean  Mountain dogs are worn out.  Both are asleep on their beds.  They've been taking care of the girls so it's time to rest.

    I'm going to have to be careful when I get up at night,- I've almost stumbled over the beds.  I get up and walk around in the dark.  Carol told me to keep a light on but I have some of those light bulbs from QVC you screw into a little socket, press the button and you have light.  They're so handy.  I can use one of those.

    Jo, I also loved How Green Was My Valkey,- wish it wss on again tonight.

    Eyes are burning so better put water in the humidifier and get some cold water to drink.  Brownies ,(2) were good.

    Sleep tight!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning,

    -1F, -18C.  Sun is suppose to shine today.

    Lorita I’m so glad you have someone getting your much needed repairs done.  Glad your brownies are good.

    Lorita do not stumble around in the dark.  I use to do that and got to realizing it wasn’t a smart thing to do.  Lorita I use preservative free systane eye drops.  Use them every morning and every night.  Doing that consistently has really helped with my dry eyes.  You may already do that.

    My BIL had a bit of a setback with his Covid.  Has got past it now, went back to work on Wednesday and did ok.  So he was down about two weeks. There are so many 50 and 60 year olds dying of Covid in my community. A lady I know just lost her 62yo son this week I see.  New cases have dropped this week.  Had been running 200-300/day.  Hospitalizations have stayed about the same as they have been and deaths.

     Barbara a man I know had that surgery.  Hope you won’t have to wait too much longer.

    Maybe when the sun comes up I will go out for a bit.  Need to go to orchard and get some apples .  Would be good for me I think. 

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara - so cold at your house this morning.  I just checked and it's already 42 here but it was cold this morning.  I left the hose hooked up to the hydrant and the hydrant wouldn't open so poured water over it - but, then the hose was frozen.  Probably thawed by now.  I think it's supposed to be almost 70 here today, a little cooler tomorrow and then really cold beginning Wednesday morning.

     Sally was out in that meadow again this morning - heard her bawling when I got up so went out and she was close to the gate I opened yesterday so she's back with her baby now.  Only took the one time for her to know where she could come through - when I opened the gate.  When I came back from the mailbox the girls were by the gate so went over and talked with them.  One cow was at the gate so talked and petted her - she has the prettiest auburn hair on the top of her head and tips of her ears.  I also saw little Evan by the water tank. Several of the girls have some auburn - we don't have red cows now but had three years ago so guess it's still coming through.

     I slept in this morning - all of us did.  No one coming so thought it was a good time to do so.  I almost had a Charlie horse in my right calf - it didn't fully develop but it's sort of sore right now.  Almost had one in the other leg a couple of days ago. I checked and it mentioned lack of some kind of minerals and dehydration could case that.  I drink lots of water but will drink more.  Sara, I had one of those light bulbs by the divan last night and used it when I got up before daylight this morning - still stumbled over things. 

     I think I'll make some banana bread today.  I have one banana left and finally found the last recipe I used which was good.  May have to just make half the recipe because I don't have enough bananas. 

    Carol told me she read that Oklahoma was the worst state right now for the virus.  I didn't hear the numbers this morning but yesterday I think it said there were 2,000 new cases and hundreds of people hospitalized.  And, also heard there's another sub-variant already in most of the States.

     Haven't really heard much about how much snow the NE got last night.  Wondering if Katie and Sandy got a lot.  I saw a bit of QVC this morning and it showed the outside of the building - snow on everything.  We may get some snow the last of this next week - mostly north of here but we may get a mix of rain and ice - really hope not.

     Sara - glad your BIL has improved and is able to get back to work.  When I talked with Todd yesterday I asked him if he'd had his vaccinations and booster. He hasn't and he's convinced that the vaccine can cause bad things - he mentioned knowing about two or three people who died after taking them.  So, he's not going to and I didn't press it but it's dangerous for him to be out among people and then around Sarah.  I do wish he could convince her to go to the hospital.  I know an ambulance won't take someone if they don't want to go - went through that with Patsy - so I don't know what the solution is. 

     Guess I'd better stop and check the water hose so I can fill the water tank for the girls.  I'll be back later.   Barbara - I googled it this morning to find out if Djokovic was allowed to stay in Australia and play in the Open. It said he wasn't.  I was afraid they'd relent and let him - good for them to stickin' to their guns.  Hope you're well this morning (well, night time there though).

     Enjoy our day and be careful in the snow.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Hi to all,

    Weather here in north part of Virginia is cold and blustery.  We had a dusting of snow over night to add to what we got last week which still is hanging around.  Unfortunately I had to go out early today so had to get the car cleaned off.  Only stubborn place was the headlights...they had ice on them...but soon cleared after having them on a while.  Did have problem with the windows as there was ice at the bottom seals.  Daughter was able to get that off with a scrapper.

    Had an early morning meeting at the retirement/care village my parents are looking at.  Toured 2 apartments and my mother actually decided on one.  It is small and not much of their stuff will go there, but it is brand new so all appliances should work for them until they have to downsize again to either AL or MC.  My dad seemed ok with it, but am sure he really doesn't understand that it will be their new home.  With all the approvals, etc. and with mother's timeline, don't expect them to move before end of April.  In the mean time lots to go thru at their current home to determine what will happen with it.  It may be an easier process now that she understands what she can't take due to space restrictions.

    Apartment is nice.  It is real close to the elevator.  Their building has 2 places to eat and the salon and barber shop so that will be good for them.  I do anticipate that they will end up moving to AL within the year, but at least we don't have to worry about where they will go.

    So cold and windy here.  The main roads are in good shape but the ones in our development are icy.  I slid thru 2 stop signs this morning on the way out...thank goodness no other traffic!

    Everyone stay safe and have a wonderful day.


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    To answer your question, Dixie, we only got about 2 inches of new snow.  This is on top of the 6 inches we got last week.  It’s very icy and difficult to walk on because of the icing.  My daughter-in-law said it’s ankle breaking, so staying on the cleared walkway to the car. My son needed to pick up some building supplies near Richmond so I went with just to get out of the house.  The route we took was thru a new area so we stopped at a couple of antique shops on the way.  It was a nice trip, everything seems to be so far away.  The round trip took 8 hours.

    All the baking talk makes me miss my kitchen at home.  Everything here is new and not much is from my home.  Still trying to feel like this is home but somehow still feeling like a visitor.  We just found out the is an undisclosed issue with the plumbing in the house and may have to have it replaced.  Trying to talk them into checking out what recourse they have since it will be very costly. 

    I’m definitely ready to see what spring will look like here.  Tired of winter as I’m sure all of you are too.

    Take care and stay safe.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Just got my work outside done and I'm back inside - watching Gunsmoke - what else?

     Filled the two water tanks - moved one closer to the hydrant - still going to have to put a 2x6 under one side of it to level it better.   While I was out there Sally came up to go graze in the meadow.  I hurried and closed the gate to the NE pasture where she gets out.  She checked and checked, went into the barn, came out and just looked so upset I decided I'd let her graze one more night - maybe Mike will fix the fence tomorrow. I drove down to the mailbox as she went down that way.  She'd stop and watch me a while, then go on.  She went right to the place - kind of jumped her front feet over and got herself through. When I came back by she was grazing peacefully in the meadow.  I did get a picture of her - it was almost dark so you can't really see her features.

     Sandy, so glad you went with your son to Richmond.  I checked and it's over 135 miles so you got to see a lot of Virginia on your trip.  Did you buy anything at the antique shops?  Sounds kind of like Arkansas - they have little shops all along the highways - at least some of them and you can find all kinds of things you can't live without.  Glad it was a nice day after you got out of your driveway.  Your DIL is right - be very careful on that ice.  You need some of those things I have that goes on your shoes to walk in the ice. 

     I can imagine how you feel but it's your home, too, - maybe in time you'll feel differently.  I can understand, completely, how you feel not being in your own home and being able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.  It's a period of adjustment for you just as what I'm going through is an adjustment for me. We've talked about it before and I'm trying and I know you are, too.

     Carol called just before noon.  Sally, her daughter has spent the entire last four days in the house taking care of her so they made arrangements for another daughter and her husband to come over and stay with Carol while Sally gets out of the house this afternoon.  Carol and her husband were going to watch OU basketball games on TV this afternoon.  She has a couple of doctor's appointments next week - one with the surgeon and another, her first visit, with a new PCP (her former one retired).  Seems he bought the building where our ophthalmologist had his office.

     It's been a beautiful day here - cold this morning but it warmed up nicely - near 70 if not above and about the same tomorrow.  We have about three more days until the cold weather settles in for about four days.  I checked and it was just over a week from now, last year, when we our two or three weeks of awfully cold, icy, snowy weather.  I so hope we don't have to go through that again. 

     Made the banana bread - two loaves - didn't have quite enough bananas so added chocolate chips - it's pretty good but I think I let it cook just a little bit too long so it's sort of crusty.

     My leg is better this afternoon - doesn't hurt as much.  Can't imagine why I almost had the Charlie horse - guess I moved it in an odd way or got it in a cramp somehow. 

     Marie - I'm so glad your mother has decided on an apartment they can move to when they're ready. I bet that takes a load off your mind.  Going through the house and trying to decide what to do with things will be a big job - bet they've lived there a long time.  I know when my parents passed away Charles and I had a big job - held on to too many things but couldn't help it. 

    I'm well pleased with the rockwork Daniel and his sons did - it was something new for them, too.  The stonemason came and worked with them a while until they knew how to do it.  We have three crawl spaces and he's going to build a frame around them and make doors for them (already did one).  I've had to put things up to keep out the cold air but this will be so much better.

    Joan and other football fans - tomorrow's a big day.  I'll probably watch both games but really am looking forward to the Chiefs/Bengals game.  Some of Carol's relatives down in Texas went to school with Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs' QB so they're really interested.

     Well, dark fell - as the cartoons say so I'll stop and attach the picture of  Sally.  She is a sweetie - kind of stubborn. She's a little thin right now because she has a big calf on her.  I hope she doesn't get in trouble tonight. I'll get up earlier tomorrow so I can get her back in the right pasture so her baby can nurse and she can get some feed.

     Enjoy the evening.  Sandy, we'll talk soon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, thank you for the suggestion  about using Systane.  I've used it before years ago but lately have been using Refresh and Thera Tera, also GenTeal ointment at night when I can remember.  I ordered some things from Walmart today and ordered some Systane.  Patsy used to use that brand.  Tonight my eyes don't feel so dry - don't understand why some days they're worse than others.  I've had the humidifier on most of the day so maybe that's it.  Have to refill it again.

     Hope the trip to the orchard was successful.  What kind of apples did you get and what are you going to do with them.  My favorite kind is Braeburn but can't always find them.  I bought some apples last time I was at the store and I've been thinking about either another apple crisp or apple butter.  Really enjoyed that with toast in the morning last time I made it.

     Hope it's been warmer for you today.  Be careful shoveling snow and driving.  Stay safe - know you will.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sandy, where did you move to?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    14F, -10C.  Lightly snowing.

    Marie hopefully this will work out well for your parents.  

    Sandy I lived with my sister for a short period of time between homes.  Know how you feel.  Hopefully time will make it feel more comfortable.

    Nice to see Sally.

    Since I use the Systane consistently don’t tend to have the good and bad eye days, stays fairly good.  Night time is very important for me as morning is when I had the most trouble with dry eyes.

    Did get to the Orchard.  Just get a small bag at a time and get a variety.  They did not have Braeburn yesterday, can’t remember if they ever have those or not.  Got Fuji, Yellow Delicious & Melrose.

    Went to JoAnn Fabrics too.  Didn’t get anything.  Really dislike them, feel their fabrics are dull and boring in general.  We have a better one, but way out in country.  Didn’t want to go there yesterday.

    Ordered a box of N95’s yesterday directly from Amazon linked to 3M store.  Should be legitimate.  Aaron Collins has been reviewing them recently as more available now.  Ordered the Aura 9205.  There are quite a few now that are suppose to be easier to breathe through.  Hope I like them. Aaron says 3M 9105 super easy to breathe through.  It’s kind of odd looking. It is sold out though.  He is getting quite a following and when he recommends a mask highly becomes hard to find I notice .   Going to always have them kept ahead if I can, that way won’t have to try and get them in a surge.  Heard a doctor yesterday from Mayo say we have watched this Movie five times now, and still some aren’t getting it.  

    Something I’m noticing here is that staff of local owned businesses never mask.  I’ve kind always bought the rhetoric to buy local.  I’m starting to become of a different opinion, I will still go there if I need too, but won’t go out of my way to go there as I have in past as they have not helped protect me during bad times.  Don’t feel they care about me as a local consumer.    I view them differently now.  Yesterday at orchard, no one had a mask but me.  At Joann’s majority had a mask on.  This has been a very consistent theme.  

    Take care everyone

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Good morning from 22 degrees Florida.

    It is so hard to keep Bill well with this weather changing. Next week high in 60 and 70.

    He can't go outside And that makes him feel depressed.

    My youngest son kids had vivid then Flu then sinus infection.

    School does not mandate mask but my son does.

    He is having a hard time raising 4 alone and self employed auto mechanic.

     Only help he gets is when we come visit when weather is good.

    Hope everyone stays warm And well.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Oh my Shirley that is cold.  I forget which area of Florida you live in.

    Sounds like your son and kids are having a rough winter. What gets are the children?  Hope the sun comes back out and warms you all.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Sounds like it's cold everywhere this morning.  Twenty-two in Florida is really cold.  It's 35 here and the sun's shining, no wind, so it feels warmer.

     Sara - I've never seen Melros apples.  I know they have a lot of different varieties now - hundreds I think.  Need to see what kind I got the other day - one is going to have to be eaten today.  Do you like fried apples with butter and hot biscuits? 

    I still have eight of the black masks and also the white ones that are supposedly good.  I don't go out in public nearly as much as you do so think this will do me for a while.  Around here I wear the blue and white surgical masks.

     Sally was out again this morning - I knew that because I saw her getting out.  She wasn't in the same place this morning so drove around in the Gator and had to push her back to the gate - her baby was across the fence and she didn't want to leave him - but, got her back and got everyone out of the lot before they came to feed.  All of them came down from the hay when I started the Gator.  I think they stand around and listen for my voice when I go out to feed Tom (Jerry wasn't there again).  One cow, the one with the hurt leg, was standing out in front of the house and wouldn't move.  She has something wrong with her right back foot/leg. 

     Before I got back in the house I saw Toad picking up a bale of hay.  He came on up to feed and I guess he honked (didn't hear it) but the cow did manage to walk around to feed.  Then, saw Mike coming up with some hay.  I called him and told him about the cow - said he'd check her.  They put out three bales and he did check her - he said her leg just below the knee is swollen - probably someone kicked her.  I heard (sort of) he and Toad talking as they got netwrap off the hay - I think they were talking about the heavy hayrings.   I bought two new ones three years ago and they are uber heavy. I can't set them up.   Mike has commented on how heavy they are so I think they were talking about bringing some of the heavy plastic ones over because they're much lighter and easier to handle.   Filled the water tank in the garden - the one in the lot is full.  Stormy has again chewed on the metal hose.  I gave him a good talking to this morning about it - went in one ear and out the other.  I'm afraid he'll hurt his teeth and it's destructive.  He chews on them and it compresses the hose inside the metal so much water won't go through. 

     They also worked on the place where Sally's getting out.  We'll see how it works.

     So, it's been a busy hour and half.  Enjoying my hot tea now -  had juice earlier.  I ordered from WM.com yesterday but couldn't get OJ - all out of stock but I still have a couple of bottles.  Like Sara - I like to keep a few extra things.

     Looking forward to the football games today - hope they'll be as exciting as last weekends were.  Think I'll have hash browns, scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast.  One of the eggs I bought last time I was in town was cracked so scrambled it for the cats yesterday and it made me kind of hungry for scrambled eggs.  I used to like fried eggs cooked not quite hard with browned edges - then mashed them all up together.  Haven't had those in years.

     Shirley, sorry it's been so bad that Bill can't get outside.  I know if I stay inside too long I get down, too.  Getting outside is good for anyone.  Hopefully, your weather will improve and he can get outside a while.  Sorry your son is going through such a hard time - raising four little kids alone is hard.  My friend, Carol, raised four little ones by herself and it was hard for her. 

     Enjoy the day if you're not snowed in  - or if you are enjoy looking out the window at the snow. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    I will add another location to the cold weather list.  It was 17 degrees this morning at dawn.  Why was I up at dawn?  About midnight the furnace stopped working!   I had just replaced it and the AC about 18 months ago, for a hefty price.  To say I was unhappy is an understatement.

    My unit is a combo and the whole thing is outside, so I waited until dawn to call for service since they could not work outside in the dark.  Had a heck of a time getting someone, but finally got a call back.  Guy arrived about 10:30 and worked on it for a bit.  Seems there was a bad safety switch.  Of course he didn't have one with him, so he bypassed it so I could have heat.

    He came in and checked to make sure there was no Carbon Monoxide in the house and to make sure I had detectors...which I do.  He will try to track down part tomorrow and come back to fix it right.  

    Lorita, I think we are just going thru a "trouble in River City" period with all the repairs needing done.

    It got down to 58 degrees in the house, so now I am watching it slowly climb back up.  Hope things hold together until new part can be installed!

    Hope to get hands and feet warmed up before too long.  Why do these things have to happen in the night and on a weekend no less...lol.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    My part of Oklahoma is almost 60, bright sun and not much wind. Everything is working except me. A pedicure has out me under. I do not know how but I think it magnified my neuropathy. 

    I had something of a meltdown yesterday...went to bed...slept over 10 hour with one short bathroom trip. 

    This morning I am no better physically but emotionally batting 1000. I am making a list...it is divided into "realms" and in 2 pages  long. I am not certain that I have ever been as organized but you know, I am just tired of little to no progress.

    I have beenon line and found the Neuropathy Foundation. It lists to Drs. One is on the other side of town but he studied at Weill (Cornell) which has a neuropathy department. I will call for an appt first thing tomorrow.  

    All I am going to do today is watch TV and Netflix. Hopefully no one drops in but in case I will stay dressed.

    Charley Horse.....tomato juice or V8....daily would not hurt.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, I don't know what's' going on either, Marie but I'm getting tired of it.  I put a load of clothes in to wash and the machine wouldn't come on - drats!  So, tried and tried and finally discovered I didn't have the lid down good - had my finger underneath it. So, I was doing laundry, washing dishes and trying to fill a water tank all at one time - so everything was slowed down.  Got the dishes done and the laundry is still going - and will be for a while.

     Glad you got your furnace fixed to the point you can at least have heat.  You were lucky someone called you back.  Seems like everywhere I call on business I have to wait and wait - seems like everyone's working from home.  Finally got Consumer Cellular to return my call and that guy was working from home, too. 

     I'm trying the ice maker again before I order ice trays.  I have a maintenance contract on it but I don't want any more people in the house.  News shows this morning says the new variant - can't remember it's name is even more contagious than Omicron.  We'll never get rid of this stuff.

     Barbara - I hadn't watched any of the Australian Open but happened to flip past it this morning and Nadal was playing someone, forgot his name so stopped for a minute and got hooked.  We've never liked Nadal and this other guy was two sets ahead so I watched, flipping between it and Denim & Co.  Guess who won?  Charles used to say something funny about him - that I won't repeat but that's what I was thinking this morning.  And - all those people with some masks but not everyone.

     Getting ready to watch the Chiefs and Bengals.  It showed a picture of Arrowhead and it was gorgeous.  The seats are red and many people wear red when they go to a game.  I hurried and got things to the point I can sit and watch it (or lay on the divan) and then maybe the other game.

     Judith - I've never heard of a pedicure doing that to someone.  Has it ever happened before?  Hope you can get in to see the doctor tomorrow.  Maybe it was because you were sitting with your foot in the same position for a long time.  Try the heating pad - I took your advice and it really helped the soreness from the Charley Horse.  You know Charles had peripheral neuropathy from his diabetes - barely a pulse in his foot.  That pedicure really knocked you for a loop, didn't it?  But, you probably needed the sleep anyway.  I never get to sleep that long - too many cats and dogs, however the GPs went out last night and the cats slept through the night so we all got our rest.

     I had V-8 juice - one half bottle and another unopened one, refrigerated.  I called the company since both of them were past the Best-by date and they advised me not to drink them.  Now, can't find it on WM or Amazon except for three or four times the normal price.

     I had my hash browns, scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast - really good for a change.  I have to have hot sauce on my eggs but used Pace Picante Sauce.  After I had it on the eggs I checked the opened date and it was over a month ago.  Checked google and it said it's good for 1-2 weeks, opened and refrigerated.  So, I kind of scraped it off and ate them anyway.  If I konk out, you all will know what happened.

     Haven't heard anything from Sarah and she doesn't answer so don't know what's going on over there.

     Sara, our biggest nearby town doesn't have a Joannes fabric shop - Tulsa does but I've only been a couple of times.  We have a store called Hancocks.  But, unless you know exactly what you're looking for it is overwhelming because there's so much material.  I used to like to go but haven't been in many years.  They always had a big table of cards of buttons that I liked to look through.  I don't sew any now.  I bought a machine cabinet that had a sewing machine in it - used it a couple of times and it lost it's threading and I've never pursued how to thread it again.  Don't have the patience to sew anyway.

     Game's coming on so I'll close for now - sounds like I'm writing a letter, doesn't it?

     Enjoy the game if you're watching.  No time to proofread - forgive the mistakes.


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    We are in Silver Springs Florida. It did warm up to 55 for a high today.

    I have to take stormy out several times, so I get to walk around with him.

    It helps since being shut in all day with Bill.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I just ordered some v8 from amazon and checked Walmart...both @ ,05 per oz.
  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Judith, I’ve had diabetes for many years and have been taking alpha-lipoic-acid capsules for neuropathy.  I take one a day. Got it from Amazon.  It has made a big difference for me.

    Iris, I moved from a Chicago suburb to the Shenandoah Valley at the foot hills in Virginia.  It’s really beautiful.  After living in such a flat area and now seeing mountains all around us is amazing.

    Take care,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sandy, I spent many summers in Danville.  Yes, the Shenandoah Valley is beautiful, one of the top beautiful areas in our land. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    15F, -9C.

    Lorita the Melrose apple is the state apple for Ohio.  I do like fried apples for breakfast and have that fairly frequently with a biscuit.

    Marie hope you stayed warm last night.

    Judith it seems so many people suffer from neuropathy.  Hope it eases up a bit for you.

    Well looks like today and tomorrow fairly nice and then not so nice.  This has been the pattern here lately.  Guess I’ll go to store tomorrow.  Would rather go later in week but not working for now.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    You had me wondering;

    unopened vegetable juice cocktail that has been sold unrefrigerated will generally stay at best quality for about 18 to 24 months after the date on the package when stored at room temperature, although it will usually remain safe to drink after that.

    Whew....mine is still good.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Finally managed to get an appointment with a hand surgeon (well actually with his nurse practitioner) to get the finger looked at.  My, my it is tough to get into anyone in a reasonable time period.  I don't want to wait too long because it's getting bigger all the time and it's actually feeling a bit tense (that's the word I'd use) because it's running out of room.  I'll be seen Feb 16 and while I'm hoping they'll just be able to take it out in-office, I suspect by the time I get there this is going to turn into a day surgery....I could call a general surgeon but the one I had take out a lipoma on my shoulder did a Frankenstein incision that healed poorly with a jagged scar, so I'd rather have a hand surgeon dealing with my finger because I can tell the nerve is being compressed.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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