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Just need to talk to my friends (164)



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Here is another try at the pictures.

    The first one is what I did for youngest great grandson for Christmas.  One of his favorite characters.

    Second one was for the 2nd oldest GGS.  He loves anything ghostbusters!

    Third one was for the 3rd oldest GGS.  He loves Paw Patrol and this is his fav.

    Fourth one is for oldest GGS.  His is obsessed with Pokeman and Legos.  Had already done him a lego one some time ago.

    The Praying Hands was for my grandson to give to his paternal grandfather for Christmas...he is a minister.

    Last but not least is the soldier with cross which I just finished.

    The pics are ok, but I really think they all look better in person.

    As I tell folks, at least this hobby keeps me out of trouble...lol.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    21F, -6C.  Get to shovel again this morning.  

    You do a nice job with your afghans Marie.  Seems like you can do one pretty quick.  Always took me awhile.

    Lorita J is doing pretty good.  Just amazing how much better she is doing there even though she complains about it.  I get her a few groceries every week and take her popcorn.  Talk with her on phone once or twice a week.

    Not much going on here except shoveling.  Shoveled mine twice yesterday and mom’s once.  Think snow is suppose to end so hopefully get a break.  My friend says it is 54 days til spring. 

    Take care

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Marie you are talented!  Your work is beautiful!  Are these your own designs or do you use patterns?


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Marie, your afghans are amazing! I'm so glad you shared the pictures with us. The recipients are blessed indeed, and it gives you a nice hobby.

    -4 this morning when I got up. I don't do much outside the house when it's this cold - just take the dog out a few times and feed the cat.

    My granddaughter has a band concert tonight. We'll watch via livestream. Glad they have that option.

    Have a blessed day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Sara, it's 29 here this morning with a north wind - but, it's sunny.  I woke up before daylight and heard Sally calling me a short time afterward.  So, got my coat on and let her through.  Her baby hadn't come around yet.  I went around to see if they had water and watched as Sally came around.  There were three or four big calves drinking.  Remember I moved the water tank about 20 ft. yesterday.  Sally came right to the place where it was, decided it wasn't there so moved on down.  They are creatures of habit just as we are.  Everyone looked okay - didn't see the three little ones - guess they're bedded down in the hay.   Took Tom's food out to him but he wasn't there - guess he'll be back later to eat it - if he can beat the opossum.

     Marie - thank you for posting the pictures - all of them are so pretty.  How big are the afghans - looks like the one with the soldier is bigger.  It's amazing how you can make the designs and get them so perfect.  The people who have gotten them are indeed lucky.

     I'm hoping Daniel and his guys will come today and finish the bedroom.  They still have to put down the trim and paint - so guess that means they'll have to wait until the paint dries to put things back in place.  Seems like everything takes so long.  He should use these warmer days to do the rock but guess they can do that even when it's cold since it's on the south side of the house out of the wind.  Guess I shouldn't complain because it was so hard to find someone to do it and it looks like they're doing a good job.

     Wind chill factor is in single digits north of here - in the teens here.  Normally it's beginning to get warmer in mid March here.  We used to always plant things in the garden in March - wasn't too cold but the wind was awful.  With the climate change you can't depend on things like that anymore. 

     Sara - glad Jean's doing all right.  I know she doesn't like being there but it's the best thing for her since she is improving.  So nice of you to still take things to her - I know she appreciates having such a good friend.  Today's the day that Carol will go to the NH, I guess, if they haven't made other arrangements.  A few days ago she said she didn't want to go to a NH (always something people dread) but she seems all right with it now.  She says she just doesn't have the strength to do what she will need to do if she goes home - says they're treating here like a 65 year old instead of an 85 year old woman.  The place she'll be going isn't too far from her home so I imagine her husband will be there a lot.  I remember when Patsy had to go to a NH - Jack almost went crazy.  He was ready to give everything to the NH so he could just move in with her - house, car, savings, etc.  She put a stop to that.  But he seems to be doing all right now.  She had taken care of everything so he was completely lost for a while - even had to learn how to write checks and pay bills but got help from a lady at the bank. 

     I saw Sarah Palin on the news last night.  I really liked her when she was running for VP - but she was saying she had had the virus a few months ago and had just come to NY for something and tested positive again.  She is unvaccinated and said she said it would be over her dead body before she got the vaccine.  I don't understand why people are so opposed to getting it. 

     Well, I'll stop and finish my hot tea.  At least the sun's shining.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    It's Denim & Co time on QVC - and they're coming out with jewelry?  The stuff Carolyn has on (which I actually thought was American West jewelry and love the beaded necklaces).  The jewelry is NOT inexpensive so working at home I don't know who I'm wearing it for.

    It's 14 degrees and I think we got 6 ? inches of snow.  Talking to the dog the whole time we're out telling him "you'd better hurry up, you know your feet are going to freeze up!" and after a bit he lifts whatever foot is now frozen and I have to carry him back in.  LOL  He just gets so interested in what dog might have been there before and sniffing around in the snow.

    Yesterday at work was weird - a day of broken TVs in hotel rooms and bad guest behavior at various hotels over the weekend.  

    Lorita, I'm glad Carol reconsidered NH.  She will be glad and I think will recover better with this interval rehab stay.

    Marie, your afghans are a work of art!  Just stunning.  Anyone who receives one will treasure it!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Daniel and the stone mason and two others came about 9:30.  They got some work done on the rock but nothing in bedrooms looks pretty good.  

    I called the hospital to see if Carol was still there. She wasn't so guess she went to the N.H.  I won't bother her today while she's settling in.

    It's been cold and windy here today - 40 degrees.  Know that sounds warm to those of you who are having snow but that wind is cold.

    Saw a bovine down by the pond so drove the Gator down to check.  It was Billy.  I wanted to check because I have it noted someone may calve around the 27th.  All of them came around trying to convince me it's feed day.  Just checked and they've gone back to the hay.  

    My tablet has been giving me fits-wouldn't stay on any website for more than a minute so tech club fixed it for me and updated laptop.  When all of the work on the house is done I'll have them transfer everything to the new laptop and set up the printer.  Just seems like it takes so long.  Stormy gets so upset when people are around.  There were three pickups here and Anthony came to service the generator so he was upset with all the vehicles and people.

    Feel better today so maybe I'm going to survive everything.

    Haven't heard from Sarah since her scheduled appointments last week she may not have been able to keep them if Todd wasn't there.

    Day, I missed most of Denim & Co. this morning so will catch the rerun.  I don't wear much jewelry either now and don't need more clothes but they're hard to resist.  Same with lock lock  but I'll watch anyway.  They really are having lots of reruns.  Did you buy any of Joan Rivers' jewelry?  I didn"t but it was really pretty and expensive.

    I wanted to try to watch Sally but it's awfully cold so maybe tomorrow.  Thought about closing the gate to  that pasture but didn't get it done.

    Tablet seems to be working fine now so guess it was worth the time.

    Sleep well if I don't get back.  Oh, saw a post by Jo on another thread a while ago so guess she's okay.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.   It would be nice to have a new washer and dryer in your room with the new floor, it's about time I got me a new set.  I have to laugh every time you talk about Sally, she has you all figured out, it sounds like they are getting the new feeding times all figured out.  I bet Tom is lonely I would think if Jerry were still around, he would be coming home.  

    It's good that Carol will spend some time in a NH to help her get her strength back so she can go home and be able to care for herself.  I am sure you are glad you're getting to talk to Darwin more hopefully the time will come that you both can help each other like you did before.  

    You are so right about falls being bad. I think I told you about me falling off my daughters back porch in November, it hurt but I knew it would get better and I knew I did not break anything, so I just took a lot of Tylenol. It has now been 3 months and I still have a little pain in my knee. Not really bad but enough that I know something is wrong, so I made an appt to see my Dr next week, I am just hoping it is taking time to heal. 

    Nicolle, it was sure nice seeing your post. Sounds like you got a lot of work coming your way so please take care of yourself, your uncle is in heaven looking down on you and sending you, some love. 

    Marie.  Your Afghans are beautiful, thank you for the pictures. I bet you get a lot of relaxing time when you're working on those. I wish I had something to spend time on. I do keep busy around the house. I wish I had patience so I could find a hobby. 

    I am a blood doner and I went in today to donate, I had a late time of 4pm when I got there, there was a line of people waiting. I was told that one of their blood drawers did not show up and they were about 1.5 hours behind. It is good that there was that many donating but I told them I would reschedule. If I had stayed, I figured it would probably be after 7pm before I got home. It has been a while since I have donated so I am going to try really hard to get back on a regular donation schedule. 

    Good Night All, sleep well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Zetta, Sally does have me figured out and well trained.  She's down in the meadow now or was just before dark. Maybe she'll come up before I go to sleep.

    Carol called late today to tell me she didn't go to the NH- went to a daughter's home instead. Sally, her daughter has a good friend who is a nurse and she told them how bad it is in nursing homes now so they decided it would be best to go to  Sally's.  Don't know about PT- will ask tomorrow.  I know she'll work hard to gain strength so she can go home.

    Are you rested up from your trip yet?  Have you seen the moose this winter?

    Stormy just got off the divan so I think I'll lay down a while.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    The soldier/cross was a paid for graph.  I did make some minor modifications to it.

    Most of the time, someone will tell my daughter what it is they want....usually a character or scene.  I will then look on the internet for an image or picture which meets that requirement.  If customer agrees to it, I then input it into a free internet program to get the chart and written instructions.  Most often I will make some changes...adding a piture frame border...getting rid of places which have single stitch of a color, as long as it doesn't change the essence of the picture.

    As for sizing...for adults, most don't want full length afghans...so I start with 120 stitches across, run the program and see how many rows it will take.  If the proportions are not too good, I will either add to the across stitches, or eliminate or add solid color rows.  It is just a guess on my part as to what would look good.  I always try to center the picture.

    The soldier/cross was 220 rows at 165 stitches across.  It ended up being about 66 inches long, which was ok since it was going to a tall man as a gift from his wife.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Thanks, Marie!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    5F, -15C.  Suppose to get a little sun today.  53 days til spring my friend says.  We got around 6 inches of snow is my guess.

    Miss Sally indeed has you figured out Lorita.

    Set my peaches into refrigerator to thaw, hope to get cobbler fixed today.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning, I'm still only sleeping 3 to 4 hours a night and my body has been telling me that's not enough. If the heart monitor doesnt tell them something I guess I'll ask my sister to come back when I can get a sleep study scheduled. It's been good company having her here to talk to and would be nice if I could take a nap while she's here, but just not able to nap in the daytime. 

    All this talk about falling reminded me of my encounter last year. I'm sure some of you remember! I was taking Lou to her dr for a follow up, it had been a little rain and was cold that morning. The wheelchair ramp looked ok to me but when I started down I hit a slick spot. Not wanting to let go of the wheelchair and Lou go flying down the ramp, I held onto it as I went down and brought her and the wheelchair on top of me. We layed there several minutes calling out for help, but no one came. I finally was able to get my phone out of my coat and called the first neighbor in my contacts. She came out running across the street, but was a small woman so I asked her to see if another neighbor was home. Luckily a big strong guy and his mother was home and he lifted Lou and the wheelchair off of me as the two ladies kept Lou from falling out. I still have a large brown spot on my leg from a bruise but luckily neither of us was hurt bad and I kept Lou save. I still joke about it been a long time since I had Lou on top of me, and never with a wheelchair between us.

    I didnt feel up to making the peanut butter icing cake, it just takes to much stirring to get the mixture right, so I ended up making the peanut butter cookies instead. I'm reminded that my cooking and household  chores didnt start until Lou first hurt herself almost 8 years ago. I was very lucky that Lou had a stack of handwritten instructions explaining how to make foods and sweets we enjoyed over the years. Also, my sister had talked our mother into writing down all her old recipes and it was made into a book for all us kids.

    Dont know what got me to rattling this morning, but guess I'll shut up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Marie, that sounds complicated to me - maybe because I don't know how to knit or crochet.  I think it has a calming effect on some people and they can do it without even thinking.

     It's 22 here this morning, no wind but sun this morning.  They're predicting maybe a dusting of snow here later today and tonight.  It's already snowing out in western Okla.  The weatherman said they had 20-30" in western Kansas yesterday - around Dodge City - guess that caught Marshall Dillon and Miss Kitty off guard.  I've been to Dodge many years ago before I was married - my parents, Cheryl (niece) and I went to Colorado - but it was in late July and hot as could be except at night in the higher elevations.

     Sally waited until daylight to call me this morning and when I went out to let her through the girls heard me and came around but drifted back after I came inside.  Then, Toad came about 15 minutes early so some of them (Penny included because she was staying with Evan) didn't get much, if any, feed.  I think I'll have at least one of those liquid feed tubs filled so they'll have something until they get more used to his feeding schedule. When I was feeding  I always kept the gate closed until everyone got there before I opened it so everyone could have something.  He has so many to feed - he's here and gone in ten minutes.  Girls are adjusting but you all know me - worry wort Lorita.

     I am going to close the gate today and see if Sally still gets through.  At least that way we'll know if she's getting out where I think she is.

     Need to get my 1099s done this morning so I can get them in the mail.  I completely forgot to do them last year and it's almost too late this year.  Need to find returns for 2019 and 2015 to get SSNs.

     Sara - are you going to make the quick cobbler?  It needs quite a lot of juice so I doubt frozen peaches would work.  It calls for a large can of sliced peaches.  I've been using the jars (22 oz. I think) and don't use quite all of the jar.  I'm not sure how many ounces are in a large can. 

     Daniel has made some progress on putting the rock back on the south side of the house - he's putting more mortar between the rocks so it looks different from the rest but it won't be seen anyway. 

     Ron - you were one lucky man to not have gotten hurt more than you did when the accident with Lou and her wheelchair happened.  I remember that and it was scary.  It could have been so much worse.  My grandmother was in a wheelchair after she broke her hip and I know those wheelchair ramps can be a hazard.  We didn't have a permanent one - daddy would put a ramp up against the steps when we were taking her outside and then take it down when we got her back home. 

     That was a time when an alert button would have worked.  I could yell for a month here and no one would hear me.  I'll be glad to get my new one back today - sort of feel undressed without it since I've been wearing it all the time. 

     I bet Carol had her first good night's sleep last night since her accident.  She didn't want to bother any of the girls but she took care of them when they were little so I think it's all right and I know Sally wanted to do it.  Much safer for Carol to be in her home than a NH.  I'm sure they have the therapy thing worked out so she'll get her therapy every day.  The therapist has shown Sally and Bill what to do so they may be able to do a lot of it without someone else being there.

     Sheena and Stormy stayed outside last night - now they're both asleep.  I had to put two of the cats in the utility room with a closed door last night.  They were so rambunctious.  When I let them back in this morning you should have heard all the running and playing.  Sounds like a herd of elephants.  I also remember that sound when we had poodle puppies that would run up and down the hallway in the MH.  I miss having a puppy - but try not to think about getting one.  Sheena's foot/leg seems better - she's running and playing with Stormy but I'm afraid she may be getting arthritis along with her hygromas - thankfully, they aren't getting bigger.

     I went out yesterday morning to fill the water tank in the garden and one of the guys came over to fill a container with water so we were a little closer than 6 ft. but I had on a mask and it was outside and he was super tall so I guess I'm all right.  Seems like I can't keep them away from me. 

     Schools in Oklahoma are really having a hard time - so many people not coming to work - even some of the buses can't run because they don't have drivers.  This virus is causing problems for the whole world.  I think it said Oklahoma had 10,000 new cases yesterday - not sure of the number because we hear so many of them.

     I'll stop and go look for those tax returns.  Hope all of you are well this morning and can stay warm.  Sara, be careful shoveling snow.  Beth, I know Iowa is really having a lot of snow so if you shovel or just get outside, please be careful.

     Judith, are you all right?  Also wondering about Jo and some of the others who haven't posted - Sandy, Joan, Barbara, Shirley, Katie----  There used to be a lady from Wyoming who posted occasionally.  Wonder what happened to her?

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Federal tax done and filed.  I owe $8 to the state so I'll just file the old fashioned way and my brother will pick up a form when he's at the library this morning.

    Yesterday they let me know my schedule change was approved, but the starting date is to be determined because they have to train another group of people and they need to be phone-ready before we all transition to our new schedules.  When that happens, I'll be working 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. my time and it'll be a great improvement.  I think when that starts I'll give up the part-time typing.  I sat again this morning for 30 minutes waiting for a job, doesn't seem worth it anymore.

    LocknLock is on this morning, a 6-piece glass set with lids and the lids are vented for microwaving, which is great, the glass part is heat-safe up to 500 degrees, which is also nice.  I'm going to pass, though - I have so many containers already.

    The new schedule will be better for the dog - we can take a nice walk after I'm done and as the weather gets warmer he does like to be outside sniffing around.  I'll also get back on my spin bike (a Peloton knock-off) because I've really been slacking the past few months.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Checking in...

    The glass lock and lock? Not very many stars.

    1099? I get them. Have never sent one. What am I not understanding.

    Yarn? I have so much from not started/not finished products. Maybe squares to piece together? It would be a riou of color and texture but loaded with memories.

    Cold? Yes indeed but I am going to get my toes done in an hour. If the snow had come in I would have rescheduled. My balance it that bad...ugh.

    New exhibit at the museum. Outstanding sports photography. I need to find an angle to make it interesting to me. Maybe process.

    Sally is a kick to say the least.

    No peach cobler here...never. Maybe blackberry. 

    The cowboy's dream of cows is getting closer. He will be raising to sell like lorita but unlike her will have no emotional ties selling them. He thinks not of their eventual end. I will invest a bit in this. My accountant comes from a cattle raising family out of Weatherford and she thinks it is a great investment.

    Trivial persuit continues to be a hit with the family. I am holding my own!

    Iris...when is the next adventure???

    Ron...please keep us updated as you go through what seems to be a rough spot.

    Only two more months of iffy weather...then spring...then we can fuss about the heat!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Back again.  Day, I try to watch every LocknLock show they have.  A day or two ago I ordered a four piece glass small loaf pan set and this morning I saw the six piece set - wish I'd waited but it was already in the process of being shipped.  I have the other bigger glass pan they had on - 9x9, I think.  I love it but I mentioned I had it stored in the oven and forgot and turned on the oven and melted part of the lid.  I can still use it but it won't lock down.  I have another smaller square glass dish, too - haven't used it yet.  I bake those wacky cakes in the bigger container.  I use LocknLock every day for something.

     Glad you're going to get a change in your schedule and sounds like it'll work out well for the dog to go for walks.  I never worked anything except days but Charles did and it was hard to get used to - had to have a calendar to remember when he was to work.

    Judith, I have to send 1099s to people who have done work for us - like tree work, mowing, fencing, etc.  I found the tax returns I needed so I'll get them done this afternoon or tonight so I can mail them tomorrow.  Supposed to get them to the people by the end of January.  I think I have three this year - tree work, fencing and vet services (can't count pets, just cattle).  I failed to do them last year - flat forgot.

     I have tax returns that date back to 2000, I think at least.  So need to get rid of those - only three years are required now.

    Your grandson likes cattle, doesn't he?  Me, too, and I can't help but get attached to them - selling yearling calves doesn't bother me too much - but when it comes to cows is another story. .  He might want to check into prices before he goes further.  Feed prices are going up all the time - so far the price of cattle is holding all right but you never know.  With a drought being in the picture if we don't get rain it might be bad.  A few years ago we were in a bad drought in western Oklahoma, and here, and into the Texas Panhandle.  At that time so many ranchers had to liquidate their herds because of lack of water and grass.  One year when we were in drought, we couldn't find hay - our meadow didn't make enough to carry us through the winter so finally a friend told us about a trucker who was trucking hay to this area from the Okla. Panhandle.  We got in touch with him and ordered a semi-load.  He brought it from the Panhandle where they had had rain.  Good hay but it was $70.00 for a big, round bale - probably 1500 lb.  If your grandson will do more than feed - like baling hay, etc., the cost of fertilizer had doubled along with spray.  So, might be something to think about.  This information was gleaned from talks with other ranchers in the area.  But, all in all, it is very rewarding to be out among them and take care of them.  I'm missing it although I'm still watering and watching.  I broke down this morning and ordered a tank of liquid feed for them.  They're still not used to the schedule of feeding so some don't get there in time - unless I go out and call them up before he gets here.  This way if they miss their feed, they'll still have some liquid feed and the little calves learn to eat from what the cows leave on the tank.  I talked to Mike about it a week or so ago and he said it was up to me.  I don't mind paying for it so they'll have it until they get used to the new schedule and have grass, too.

     I've never in my almost 80 years had a manicure or pedicure.  Really don't like anyone messing with my feet.  I used to wear nail polish but haven't in years - kept chipping off, I guess, from typing.  You need to take a pair of Muk Luks to put on your feet to keep them warm after the pedicure. 

     Judith, you don't like peach cobbler - that's a Southern delicacy, in my opinion.  I used to make a lot of blackberry cobblers and loved them. 

     Sally is a character -  I hope she gets to stay here the rest of her life.  I'm going to try to get the gate closed this afternoon to try to check if she's getting out where I think she is.  It worries me that she's by  herself all night without a way for the others to get to her for protection is needed.  We have coyotes, wolves and there's panthers around.

     The guys are still working on the rock - looks like it's about halfway up the length of the house (without the porch) so it'll take another day or so.  I started to get some ice from the icemaker yesterday and it was almost empty - so turned it on to make ice and only a few cubes this morning.  A little wire had come out of place so put it back and it's still not making ice - and - I found some water on the kitchen floor a while ago.  What in the world is going on??  I turned it off and I'll just use a couple of ice trays to make the ice - not going to have more people around now.  Stormy is going nuts!! - me, too!!

     Had a call from Jack this morning - just needed to talk a bit about the worry he has about his daughter in California.  He says he's not worried but I can tell he is. 

     Also talked with Sarah.  She had an epidural last week and she says she can't walk now and is in a lot of pain. Her new PCP told her to go to the hospital (Mercy) tomorrow to be admitted (she hopes).  She injured her neck years ago in a wreck and she heard it pop a day or so ago and is in pain from that, too. 

    I'm ready for Spring, too.  I have daffodils 6" tall but any that were up and on the south side of the house won't be making it this year - most of it is covered with rock and cement bags and other stuff.  The guys are keeping the water tank filled for me which I appreciate.  Looks like it's about time for them to leave - guess working with that heavy rock and sitting on your bottom and knees is about all they can handle for six hours.

    The new museum exhibit sounds interesting.  Shame that the Thunder isn't doing well this year - too much trading and transferring going on.

     We may get a little snow tonight - I can do without that.




  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Because of the number of projects I have done, have had lots of bits of this and that left over.

    One of the things I do is to line up the colors in an order I like and pick a crochet stitch I like and just start..when get to an end attach the next color.  If I have more than just some...I will divide it up so the color appears in various areas of the afghan...especially for the brighter colors.  My great grandfather made rag rugs on a homemade frame, and that is what inspired me for this use.

    Another thing would be to do squares as you said...only problem is that that requires a certain amount of yarn to make the square, and you may still end up with lots of leftovers.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    5F, -15C.  Was a beautiful, cold and sunny day yesterday.  Giving snow snd freezing rain this evening.  Freezing rain, my least favorite.

    Lorita my frozen peaches are not like the ones you buy.  They have lots of juice on them.  I have to put something underneath pan to catch what boils out.  

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Oh Judith, I would love the museum exhibit, I find even photos about sports I don't care for are beautiful and interesting.  I'm glad you checked in!

    Lorita, I wish we were closer I'd pick you up and we'd go to a Thunder game.  And if they were playing my team, the Pistons, we'd get seats just behind courtside for $20.  Two bad teams makes for cheap tickets!  I sat 2nd row once and you can hear the players taunting each other.  And they're HUGE.  Ahhh, both teams will have their day in the sun again, I hope.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     That would be great, Day.  So, you're close to Detroit?  The Thunder was so good when they first started - great players and gradually one by one they left or were traded.  I haven't watched a game in three or four years now.

     It's cloudy and chilly this morning - in the mid 30s but much colder in western Okla. because it's clear out there and they have snow in places.

     The girls are trying their best to convince someone this is feed day.  They did that when I was feeding them late in the day, too.  They just now heard  a truck somewhere and started bawling again.

     Well, got my new medical guardian - called Active Guardian - yesterday.  Got it charged but by that time it was too late to activate it.  I tried what they said to do and didn't get an answer last night.  Tried again this morning and someone answered.  I asked about the fall detector feature and she told me to drop it on the divan and it should work.  It didn't - so called Medical Guardian customer service.  She told me the fall detection feature is an extra $10.  I've had this for years and it's always been the same price with the fall detector.  I'm supposed to get a call-back within 72 hours.  If it's not included I'll look for another device - $160+ a quarter is enough without an extra $10 - a month, I guess.    So, may have to retract all the good things I've said about it.

     I am so tired of things going wrong - just one thing after another.  Did I mention the ice maker in the refrigerator is not working now?  The refrigerator is going on 22 years old and I've had the ice maker replaced twice (I do have a service contract so don't have to pay for the new one) but look what happened with the air conditioner. 

     Need to stop now and finish those 1099s so I can get them in the mail this morning.  Oh, another thing - I have to return the old medical guardian - did send a label but it has to be through FedEx - I'm 15 miles from a drop-off - so there's another problem.  If I order from WM within the next week when FedEx delivers I'll give it to them.  One good thing - Sally was down in the meadow mid afternoon yesterday and she came up before dark for me to let her through.  My internet has been out since mid afternoon yesterday - twice they've broken a fiber optic line in the last couple of months. Need I say more about my frustration?   I'll be fine after I have my hot tea.   

     Hope all of you are well this morning and things are going well. 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Yes, I'm right outside Detroit.  It might take about 45 minutes to get down to the arena.  I haven't gone to a game since they moved from The Palace at Auburn Hills to downtown Detroit.  I used to be a season ticket holder and went all the time but the tickets aren't cheap and the team has gotten just unwatchable over the years.  I did get to meet a bunch of players, Dennis Rodman was probably the most notable, when they had his jersey retirement here.  He was very nice.  And TALL.

    When they were in Auburn Hills, I could leave my house, park and within 20 minutes be sitting in my seat with a drink and something to eat.  And only $10 to park in their own parking lot, great arena.  Now, all that time, parking is probably triple and the seats are outrageous to watch bad basketball.  No.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

     Day - I remember Dennis Rodman well - very good player.  I've never been to a professional basketball game but bet it would be fun.  We've been to a lot of pro football games in KC and really enjoyed them.  When we first started going many years ago the ticket - good tickets, ground level - were inexpensive but the last time we went the seats (way, up high) were around $100.  We didn't buy them - our feed store owner gave them to us.  We were supposed to be in box seats but someone gave those tickets away before we got ours.  Anyway, the game was good.

     Well, it's been a busy hour around here.  Two pickups with workers came and they had supplies in one of them so had to go out through where the girls were - they've been upset all morning.  Just beginning to settle down and the liquid feed truck came so it got them upset and excited all over again.  So, now the girls have a tank of liquid feed and there's a line waiting to get a lick or two.  I like to have it and I may do it again before spring - Mike doesn't care and it makes me feel better. 

     The workers just told me that Sally was in the meadow as they came up.  She's west of the house now and I've closed the gate to the road down to the county line.  One said he saw a couple of posts broken so I'll check that out.

     Medical Guardian called me during all of this stuff going on to tell me they had made a mistake and I should be getting the fall option - just as I have been all the time.  I've been paying for it so guess I'll stick with them.  Sorry for the rant in my last post.

     It's really cold out - Mike (feed truck owner) said it was warmer earlier this morning.  He just got back from down around Lubbock and Amarillo and he said it was really beginning to ice up.  He went Monday and the trucks that went (hauling hay) went Tuesday and they haven't been able to get back.  He said I-40 just east of Amarillo has been closed.  So, guess we're lucky we didn't get any of that.

     I'm still working on that mug of hot tea - I've added to and warmed it up three times so I'll try again.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Day, I used to be a Pistons fan. This was back in the days of Isaiah Thomas, Bill Lambieer, Dennis Rodman, Joe Dumars. They won the NBA championship back then. I bought their cookbook, "Cooking with the Champs," to which they contributed recipes. (I no longer have the cookbook.) I live in Iowa, and have never been to a Pistons game. The only NBA games I have been to were exhibition: Dallas Mavericks when I was on a business trip to Dallas, and Suns vs Bucks here in Iowa. I don't follow NBA teams now but do follow college basketball.

    Enjoy your day everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Beth, I also remember those players.  Loved Isaiah Thomas.  Who was it he always went over to and hugged before the game when they were playing that team?   And can see his face but his name escapes me.  Hate when that happens.

    Got my 1099s completed and got them to the mailbox so they should get them before the31st.  Did call my mail carrier to be sure she hadn't delivered our mail already. Glad that's done.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Was it Magic Johnson?
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
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    Oh my, where were all of you when I was a Pistons fan?! During that same time period, with Chuck Dalys Bad Boys and Joe Dooooomars hitting from half court!

     Back then, during one years playoffs,  DH took me to a store, where they sold stuff with sports teams’ names. I asked for a Pistons shirt and the reaction was so incredulous. “You want a What?!?” “Hey Bob, she wants a *Pistons* shirt!” “Nobody wants a Pistons shirt!” Etc. Everybody had to chime in.  They finally found a shirt, in the back, it took a while. DH laughed about that for years—and that shirt got reaction for years, down here in Fl.

    Pro basketball was the only sport I followed, at all. Some clients took us to a few pro games in big cities, but not any teams I cared about. The crowd and hoopla was fun, but TV was better to see the actual play. 

    Now it seems like the players all change teams so much, it’s hard to keep up with any team’s members and know what they’re doing. So much hot dogging….

    Our weather has been beautiful, but our first freeze is predicted this weekend. Haven’t heard yet what people may be doing for veggies and citrus. It’s a really bad year for citrus anyway…

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Front Porch folks.   Another day to see what that sweet Sally is going to do.  I am getting quite fond of her, the news of Ms. Sally does make me smile; she sure does have Lorita well trained.   We really do need to get her on the Front Porch in her own rocker wearing her straw hat festooned with daisies.  I just know that is where she wants to come and chew her cud with all the other Front Porch folk jawing at each other.

    For the new Front Porchers; I used to tease Lorita about her big bull, Jasper, whose photo is her avatar.   I see him in my mind's eye wearing a red beret with a cigarette dangling from his lips singing, (ala Chevalier), "Zank heavens for leetle girls . . . "  Ah well; silly as it sounds, it certainly made me chuckle.

    Gosh Lorita, good to hear that the fall item on your safety button is covered in your cost, that is good news.  Under the category of, "It's always something!"  Glad to hear you like the new flooring in the bedroom and that the rock placement is moving along nicely.   Next that buckling floor getting fixed in the service room; when that is done I can imagine you will feel so much better.   If you get the fellows to move out the old leaking freezer you will be the far better for it; makes good sense to do so.    Sorry to hear about your ice maker no longer working in your frig, but 22 years on a frig/freezer is certainly a loooong time.  We disconnected our ice maker.   It needs filter replacement done from time to time and it became a chore we would forget; did not want water being contaminated in the ice. 

    We bought a new large side by side door refrigerator/freezer a few years back.  I did not realize that the new frig's had to use different lighting . . . it is SO dull . . . the lighting strips are at the back of the frig and on sides where the products block the light, so when we open the door we can barely see what we have in the frig as there is not enough light.    I strongly dislike the new frig and miss the dear old one.  It too was a large side by side, but it was older and repairs for it were high.  Sigh.  Just wonder how to fix the lighting situation.  I did not realize that shortcoming as the lighting in the  appliance store was so bright overhead one would not be able to see there was an issue.  Now I know better.

     When our dear old Maytag washer gave up the ghost, the cost of repair was also very high and oh boy, how I wished I would have simply paid the price.  Loved that machine.  Anyway; we got a new set - washer and dryer, what a bloomin' nightmare.  I did not realize how bad the new machines were with the government mandates.

    First; cannot control the amount of water nor the temp of the water and maddeningly, once the lid was closed to start a cycle, it locks and cannot be opened to add something forgotten.  AND worst of all, cycle lengths go forever and ever and ever . . . . that is because so little water is used the machine has to wash for a very long time to get the laundry reasonably clean.   Also the one we bought had the push button controls rather than the analog dials. When one cycle would have an issue, the entire control board had to be replaced at HUGE expense.  I finally said enough and got rid of them.

    Speed Queen at that time was the one and only company that sold machines that the lid did not lock, one could set temp and amount of water and the cycles were short just like the Maytags had been and had the dial controls.  This was because Speed Queen made laundromat types of machines and were not held to mandates as the other machines had to do.  They look just like any other at-home machines and have a good lifetime record.  I really like them alot.  However; not long after we bought ours, the government caught on and required Speed Queen to make mandated changes.  So glad we got ours when we did and when necessary, I will pay for repairs rather than get the gosh awful newer restrictive machines.   Seems to me that when one has an hour and a half for a wash cycle, it somehow with electricity burnishes the savings of other mandates placed upon them.   My poor DIL whose machines are out the door in the garage;  it takes forever to get the laundry done.  My friend actually found a person that repairs and re-sells old machines and she got herself the old model Maytags and she loves them and they have been working well for the last couple of years and still going. 

    Sayra; how is your mother doing?  Hope things on that front are going okay as they can be.  See that you are going to change the composition of what you are planting in your garden this year.   Sure do wish we had a place for gardening, but in our tiny SoCal back yard, there is no space for that.  Tried hanging baskets and doing containers but nothing worked well enough to make the efforts and expense worthwhile. 

    Saw a Delish recipe for Shepherd's Pie, sure does look good. I have never made it but plan to do so.  Looks so good especially in winter; well, as winter as we get out here.

    Lorita, like Judith, I am puzzled by your doing 1099s for independent workers for those who cut and mow and do other like single chore work who work for themselves as their own business.   My understanding is that if the person is not your own employee and have their own business, you do not have to do a 1099 and your guys seem to be independents in business for themselves; is there something different when a ranch is involved?  I sure am not an expert on that sort of tax issue, but it seems odd. When we had our cleaning lady, she had her own independent business and did her own withholding and tax reporting; we did not have to do a 1099; but we are not a ranch, so perhaps that is the difference. 

    My friend who lost consciousness in Target, falling with her leg caught in the shopping cart is still in a dreadful state.  Still does not know what caused the loss of consciousness.  Ortho states the knee bone is a complex mess and she will need replacement, but she had also developed gastroparesis from a prior food poisoning from a fast food hamburger some months ago.  She cannot eat without having severe nausea after a bite or two and feeling overly full after those few bites.  Stomach does not empty properly; it is more or less "paralyzed."  She has lost a huge amount of weight, over 50 pounds thus far.  This week the doctor did more labs and found she had developed pernicious anemia from a B12 shortage and oh my; her gallbladder is full of stones making the GI issues even more complex.   I feel so bad for her.   It will take some time for her to get things back to rights; but the biggest issue is the gastroparesis which can be dangerous as it has been some time since it started.  She is also an RN, so like any RN, we take this stuff to a whole new plane of thought.   I so hope her team of doctors will be able to find her some relief soon.  Very depressing to say the least; I feel so bad for her.

    DH has to have eye surgery early March.   He has a condition called, Macular Pucker in one eye which affects his vision.  He will need to have a two phase outpatient surgery.  First a vitrectromy followed by the secondary bit.   It is more serious than his prior cataract surgery and I do feel a bit concerned.  In days past, and today even some retina surgeons still do it, the patient had to stay face down . . . strictly face down . . . all day and night while sitting and sleeping.  In fact, there is equipment one can rent to help one do this.   Patient compliance is terrible, it is impossible to keep it up for days and for some, a week or two.  Imagine sitting bent over from the waist with your face/head down at all times except when walking to the bathroom or shower or from point to point and then sleeping with your face downward.   Recently, there have been studies done that show there really is pretty much no difference in outcome when not keeping the head face down.  There is a wonderful video from a Mayo Clinic retina specialist explaining the entire issue and Mayo no longer does the face down bit any longer and patients have done well.  Some other studies also show the same outcome.  Glad to hear that as DH would not be compliant and it would be like living with a very angry grizzly bear for that time period. Still must be cautious, but that is part and parcel of it and doable, grizzly bear or no grizzly bear.

    Judith, Lorita's expert words on the cattle business does give one food for thought re risk.  Would not be an easy profit return business.  Will you have to rent property?   Your grandson has been blessed by your investing with him.  Are you two going to rehab the house you bought and planned to re-do or will he continue to live in it instead?  I'm with you on the sports photography exhibit, I am just not into it and would have to find a hook; perhaps in composition or . . . lighting or something else.  How terrific to do volunteer work in an art museum, what a lovely place to be.  I would be ga-ga every day.

    Marie; your afghans are lovely; you are an artist!  I cannot knit or crochet with my left handed clumsiness.  I have however, made some really lovely counted cross stitch items.  Got myself a magnifier that fits around the neck and hangs down rested above the bosom and look through that while stitching with those teensy little squares.   I found it very relaxing; haven't done it in awhile, but perhaps I will take my little case out and do a bit.  I still have a lot of the colored threads and patterns.   Wish I knew how to effectively do needlepoint but have not had great luck with that on my own.  

     Ron, I am sorry things are still sliding a bit sideways.  Good idea to have your sister come on back in order to get that sleep study done if necessary.   How lucky Lou is that you are a wonderful cook and baker and that you also have had a license in hair dressing.  I sure could use you.  Got my hair cut end of December.  Bad, bad cut. Sides keep wanting to stick out like Bozo.  I have thick hair and the beautician wanted to thin it out a bit, but cut it in such a way that there is no nice easy gentle layering; it is instead like chunks and it is a very unhappy result.  Resent it is an understatement, but I have no way during pandemic days to try and shop for a new stylist.   AARGH!  Yep; Lou is blessed indeed.  Now if you could sew . . . . .

    Holy Sally; (grin), it is 1:45 here and I have not had lunch, so off I go.  Heaven forbid I skip a meal.   Have to get onto some paperwork this afternoon, so time to get going.  Take good care and be well,


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, Yes, I believe it was Magic Johnson! You have a good memory!
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Cows...I am not at all concerned. My Grandson has been working with the Crumplers in TX for over 5 years. They have been taking and raising cattle for one of the largest companies in Tx. In addition we  have the large organization in Weatherford behind us. He checks the prices of everything online everyday. Last check price of cows was up. He is not going to grow hay. He will have one bull and sell the new cows like Lorita does. 

    Not rushing into this. I will talk further with my accountant about the tax benefits.

    Jo...I think ranching must have different requirements re 1099s. Maybe she will explain. A good friend had the surgery where she had to keep her face down. Dare I tell her the protocol has changed?

    I would get rid of extra and old appliances when putting down a new floor. That said all of my stuff is old. Works fine but now I fear something happening.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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