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Just need to talk to my friends (164)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Lots of posts today from our front porch friends - good to hear from everyone. Ron - please check in - we're worried about you and Lou. 

     Jo, Jack did call me today to make sure his phone was working so I called him back and it was.  He's all right - staying in.  He doesn't eat well - since he had the hip surgery about four years ago he hasn't had an appetite.  He says he has to force himself to eat and it takes a couple of hours to eat a meal so I'm sure he's probably losing weight.   As far as his daughter trying to help him - not going to happen.  She has problems and that's the main reason they moved back to Oklahoma so she would be of no help whatsoever to him.  Sad situation for him.  I wish he and his BIL could be friendly but from what Patsy had told me that probably won't happen.

     Joan - glad to hear from you and to know you have had moisture to help with the drought.  I'm glad you liked the pictures of the girls and boys.  Every time the weather is bad - rain, snow or heat I'm so glad the girls have the barn to be in.  They're such good girls.  You know some days I'm sure I made the right decision in selling them to Mike and other days I wonder why I did it (those are the good days).  This afternoon I took a bunch of boxes out to the Gator to take to the trash tomorrow morning.  There was snow in one of them and they were so heavy.  Finally had sense enough to realize that's why they were so heavy.  I was worn out by the time I got them out there - so, today is a day I'm sure I made the right decision.  Sally is still thinking about getting out - both yesterday and this evening, just before dark she came around to the gate that leads to that pasture to see if she could get through.  I don't want her to have to leave so that's why I'm having the new fence built.  I told Mike that this morning when we talked. 

     I talked to Sarah this afternoon - she's still very sick but has a doctor's appointment (not for the virus) Tuesday.  Todd was upstairs doing some paperwork so maybe that means he's a bit better.  I'm glad you're being as safe as you can be.  I'm trying - only go to town when it's necessary - did go to the grocery store about a month ago and don't plan on going again soon.  But, there always seems to be something I worry about - like opening delivery boxes, etc. 

     I also ordered the tests - received two yesterday and e-mail says the other two will be here Tuesday.  No idea why they're coming separately.  Are people wearing masks in the stores where you live?

     Sara - you're such a caring person and I know it hurts you to not be able to help the man but you've been given good information.  It's a shame to not feel free and able to help a person in need. 

     Marie - the afghan for your great granddaughter sounds like it will be beautiful.  Maybe you can post a picture of it when you're finished.

     Jo - they have heater-type things you can put in the water tanks.  They're electric and we have used them but now the water tanks are too far from an electrical outlet so can't use them.  I don't mind going out to fill the tanks - gives me a chance to check the girls and to visit with them a bit.  I talk to them like they're kids - always do.  Same with the GPs.  Every time I get out of my chair, Stormy raises his head and watches me until I come back and sit down again.  Even when he's sleeping - guess he sleeps with one ear open all the time.

     I know Jack is lonesome.  He has never really made friends since they've been here - it's just been he and Patsy.  He doesn't talk about her very much and I don't press the subject.  She would be proud of him though, I'm sure.  He had told her in the past if something happened to her he'd just throw away the bills and not pay anything.  But, he didn't - found help with taking care of them.

     Butterflywings - I'm sorry for all you're going through - we know how you feel.  But, glad you posted and read even though you don't have time to post much.  We'll look forward to your posts when you can.

     Well - you all won't believe this - had a call from the wife of a cousin.  I had four cousins - one 90 year old passed away about two weeks ago.  Geri (wife of cousin JW) called a while ago to tell me another cousin, Harold, age 92, passed away during last night. He had alzheimers and his 90 year old wife and one of her friends had been taking care of him.  JW, will be 80 this year and his wife, also will be 80, had the virus about a year ago but weren't sick with it - no temp or anything but they tested positive.  Both had been vaccinated.  JW's sister, age 82, has it now and is pretty sick.  She had been being very careful - her son had been delivering groceries to her so she wouldn't have to go out.  He went to a wedding a week or so ago and evidently caught it while there and gave it to her.  JW's two daughters have also had the virus.  It's everywhere!  Geri also had three strokes a couple of months ago and this past week JW (has severe Parkinsons) had to have a procedure done.  He has some sort of pump that gives him medication for the Parkinsons. 

     It seems like everyone related to me and almost everyone I know is about the same age - 80.  What happened to all those years from 30 to now?  Seems like a couple of days ago we were 60. 

     JW and Geri are lucky - one daughter lives across the stress from them and she has two sisters in town plus his sister.  She's no longer able to drive and he can't either.  So - I feel blessed that I'm able to get up in the mornings and do what I do.  This call just reinforced my feeling that I did the right thing in selling the girls and leasing the farm and lucky to have a person like Mike to take care of them and to be a friend.  I think we don't always realize how lucky and blessed we are to have good health.  Carol and I have talked about that many times. 

    I'm watching the Olympics.  Jo - watched a good curling match this afternoon - except the USA lost so they're out of medal contention.  Watching figure skating now but thinking about going to bed pretty soon.  Tomorrow morning is trash day so have to get it down to the road before 8 and also feeding day so will have to open the gate before they get here around 8 - and I know the water tanks will need to be refilled.  But our weatherman says it's going to be in the 60 and high 50s this next week.  Daniel said he'd be here tomorrow so maybe this week they'll finish the bedroom so I can get back in there.  I think it will be sometime before they get to do the utility room because of the insurance but I can live with that.  I talked to him about making a new door for the cowshed at the barn and painting the wood trim but I've decided it will be better to wait until it's warmer - barn is closed and it's all right for now.

     Hope all of you have a good night's sleep and a good Monday.  I hope we'll see a post from Ron very soon.  Didn't mean for this to be so long - I just get going and can't seem to stop.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm watching ice dancing now--amazingly talented and creative skaters from all countries!

    I could not be satisfied with one quarter cupcake.  I had tried to freeze treats in the past to control my snacking, but that never worked.  Frozen treats hidden in the back of the freezer never stopped my cravings!  They had to be out of the house entirely. 

    My city is now considering tiny homes for the homeless.  Why is it taking so long? They could have had hundreds of tiny home provided years ago.  I always watch tiny home videos on YouTube.  They are very practical. 

    I was on the third floor of Macy's in the kitchenware department the other day.  Strangely, there was no one around--no workers nor customers.  But there was a man in a red sweatshirt roaming around in the kitchenware department behind me.  I thought that was suspicious--he wasn't looking at anything, just wandering.  I kept my eye on him and moved toward the escalator.  He never came close to me.  After a while some other people came and some workers came.  The man left. I usually keep a personal alarm in my purse, but the battery ran down.  It's terrible to have to be so suspicious of people, but that's how it is today.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    26F, -3C.  Just looked outside and my sidewalk is clean and dry.  Think the driveway may be too.  Harder to see it.  Will just have to be careful when I go out to get trash can in case there is a little clear ice still.

    Lorita I have found crazy prices on Amazon from time to time. 

    Butterfly good to see you out on the porch.  I have used fresh coffee grounds to help absorb odors with pretty good luck before.  Have not done it in a refrigerator but would be worth a try. I read recipes like literature too lol.

    Got my beef stew made yesterday and it turned out good.

    Lorita would say at least 50% of people wearing masks.  Cases are plummeting in our county, but still at high levels.   Interestingly hospitalizations are going up and deaths continue on.  Guessing some of newer cases  from two weeks ago, which were in high numbers  are now getting to point of needing hospital care.  Guessing people will soon be getting rid if their masks and then we will see what happens.

    Mike is indeed a blessing to you.  

    Iris we most definitely need to try and be aware of our surroundings.  Probably best if we did not shop alone but like you, not an option for me.

    Take care

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Hope you are ok. Let us know.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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