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Just need to talk to my friends (164)



  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, on those V8 internet prices….you may know this, but it’s caught me before. Virtually all the V8 prices you first see on Amazon are for Packs—4, 6, or 12 bottles, all in one pack. The big prices are for the pack of several bottles, even though the picture just shows one bottle.. you have to read down in the “fine print” to see just how much you are getting.   I went through several pages and never found a single bottle in a size I want. I have to order a pack or get from store.

    Unopened does keep, if you have the space. But if open, it absolutely will go bad, even in the fridge. At least it does here.

    I am right now ordering “groceries” and restocking our fridge since DH left the door open all night a couple nights ago. I have a door alarm, but it only works when door is wide open, (my bad to not realize that before) and this was a few inches, enough for spoiling. The worst sheer mess was the butter, which melted and ran out of the box. Of course all dairy went bad, but so were the juices (except cranberry). Thankfully I did not have any meat in there.

    And orange juice(soured, along with the opened V8) is crazy expensive now. I’ve read it’s going to get even worse because of Orange shortages due to a new citrus disease. Backyard citrus was everywhere a few years ago, hard to find now as trees die. Plus fields being sold for houses. The prices now are unbelievably high, I don’t know how young people do it.

    We are in our second day/night  of temps in the 20s in S. Florida. Haven’t heard about the veggies yet, but did see some farmers are hiring helicopters! To hover over the fields to create some wind. They used to cover the fields with a cloth-like material, but now those covers are among things lost in the “supply chain” and not available.

    There’s been a lot in the news about the frozen iguanas, lol. I guess they’ve become so widespread they’re more often found. They get paralyzed in near-freezing temps, but revive when warmed. A 3-4 foot frozen lizard, and they’re cranky when they wake up!

    Shops and stores near the beaches are sold out of sweatshirts and jackets. I guess tourists did not pack anything warm. There was a big outdoor music festival n Key West, and some people were selling sweatshirts and jackets off their back. I guess they had others!

    I need to get back to my groceries…I just took a break, and saw Lorita was facing some of the exact same issues as I am with trying to decipher the online sales.

    Hope everybody stays warm and safe, sorry to not be more up to date on activities.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Glad you were able to get an appointment, Day.  I understand it is hard to get one right now - everything's hard. Everywhere I call, I have to wait a long time or have to leave a message to call me back.  Sometimes they do, sometimes not.

     It was cold here this morning but it's warming up nicely.  Daniel and his crew are here working.  I don't expect them to come back on Wednesday when we're supposed to have snow, freezing rain and whatever else Mother Nature can throw at us.  They're working on the north side of the house now, close to the window Stormy looks through.  He hears them and is barking like crazy - and it's a loud bark.

     Well, another problem with my medical guardian. I've been wearing it faithfully, sometimes even sleeping with it when I forget to take it off.  Last night, for some reason it fell on the floor - guess I was taking off my clothes to put on my gown - and it didn't indicate a fall.  So, tried pushing the button - nothing for a couple of minutes, then it said call didn't go through - try again.  Tried it a few more times and still didn't work.  So, this morning called them.  The girl told me they work off Verizon cell towers and since I'm in a very rural area it may not work.  I told her I'd had medical guardian for years and it's always worked.  She got sort of testy (I think it's the same one I talked with a few days ago).  Anyway, I told her I'd just get another kind.  She transferred me to a nice man who deals with problems, I guess.  He sort of confirmed what she said but still couldn't tell me why it had worked before and now doesn't.  So, said he'd send me another one - this time a mini guardian which is a newer model and smaller.  To appease me he told me they wouldn't charge for the fall detection feature and would refund two months of my charges.  I think it's a defective unit.  I have the other one boxed up to return (has to be within 14 days or you have to pay over $300 for it).  The return label is for FedEx.  I told him I was at least 15 miles from a FedEx drop-off and could they send a label to return it by USPS.  He could so don't have to worry about that.

     Sometimes I get so tired of dealing with problems but I guess that's just life - I'll survive.

    Carol called last evening - her physical therapist is coming today so they'll be able to ask the questions they have.  She was dreading it because she says the therapy really tires her.  She's still not able to put weight on her right foot and probably won't be for quite some time.  Her objective now is to get able to go to the bathroom by herself.

     The game yesterday didn't turn out as I would have liked but that's the way the ball bounces sometimes.  Just wasn't to be, I guess.

     Sara - I checked and I bought two Chellan apples and the rest were Gala.  Google said there's 7500 varieties of apples - hard to believe.

     Well, Ms. Sally was out again this morning - close to the gate from the meadow.  I took down the trash and tried to see where she got out.  I think she pulled the staple out of another post and went through the same way.  Guess I'll call Mike and tell him.  He said if she got out again, he'd have to put in some t-posts.  She was ready to come back through to her baby and she was more than ready to see her mom.  I saw Evan last evening at the water tank - Penny, his mother, was standing close by watching him.  I see so many things that amaze me - the way the girls take care of new babies.  Reminds me of an advertisement on TV about saving elephants.  It shows a new baby standing kind of in front of his mother and she has her trunk around him trying to hold him up.  I think they're so cute - all babies are.

     Weather just said we're under a winter storm watch for Tuesday night through Thursday or Friday - won't be above freezing until Saturday.  I hope if we have to get something it will be snow instead of freezing rain. 

     Judith, anything that has acid like tomatoes or peppers in it can really cause problems if you use them past the expiration date.  I had one unopened bottle of V-8 and another half bottle so I called the number on the bottle and she advised me not to use them past the date on the bottle.  I know they may say things like that so you'll buy more but I'd rather be safe than sorry - same with that salsa I got rid of.  I did find the V-8 on either Amazon or WM for under $4.  - it wasn't there when I was looking earlier.  I can put something in my cart and sometimes by the time I get to checkout it has sold out.  Then next day you can check and it's there again.  Guess things are going fast.\

     Were you able to get an appointment? and is your neuropathy better this morning.  I was thinking last night that massage might help.  I don't have neuropathy but do have Morton's Neuroma, bilaterally.  It doesn't bother me much during the daytime but if I lay down for a nap or at night it bothers me - not pain so much, just a very uncomfortable feeling.  I can wiggle my toes and it feels like the skin on the bottom of my feet is an inch thick - sometimes have a sharp pain in one of my toes - just for a couple of seconds.  It always feels like my socks are too tight against my toes - and they really aren't.  What fun it is to get "mature" as Jo says - but young people have this, too.  There was one tennis player, in her 20s, who had it.  She had some sort of surgery and it was gone after that. 

     I'll stop and see where the guys are.  I've also talked to Daniel about making a new cowshed door for the barn and painting the wood trim on the barn - it's really high but he says they're not afraid of heights.  I remember when Charles put up the wind thing - scared me half to death with him being up that high on a metal roof - but he got it done.  Somewhere I have a picture of that.   Oh, going to post a picture of Mr.. Stormy taking a nap - on my pillow.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I find it hard to find what I want on Amazon. So many selections of the same things. I found that the best way is to check the per oz amount. I ordered some San Pellegrino....took the longest time to find the best deal. I am trying to wean myself off of Root Beer...lol.

     Thanks for the drug suggestion.

    No, I did not get an appointment. I got a recording to leave my name and number. I did send a message to my new PCP/Gerentologist explaining everything. She may make a referral and get me in quicker.

    Yes, massage would help but with the vestibular problem leaning over makes it very hard to do. Oh, well. If I do not move I feel just dandy.

    I am getting rid of all of the towels from Santa Fe. They feel like sand paper. I ended up ordering from Brooklinen. My granddaughters love their sheet and the had good reviews. 2 hand and 2 bath in Ultra light. I liked how plain they were.

    Next on my "list" is hangin some art. Right now they are in piles leaning against wall. I am a big believer in having visual rest space between focus points so it works for me.

    My dream house? Concrete with concrete floors. Large openings to outdoor for viewing and entry. There would be large pieces of art (fervent wish is for a large Mark Rothco...not going to happen), very plain large furniture. Every thing would be white so that the art and the people would be the focus. Space/Scale/Texture...my passions.

    OK...enough shared...lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Finally got it to post.  He's just a big baby.

     Judith, with the pandemic going on when Lorita passed away Todd and Sarah never got back over to the MCC to get her belongings.  They did donate clothes and furniture but were going to pick up your picture.  Maybe they can still do it when things ease up.

     I know you don't like Walmart but I find it a bit easier - sometimes - to order from then and FedEx delivers for WM - UPS for Amazon and I seem to always have trouble with them because of  new drivers.  When I order from either place and from Chewy, it seems they break the orders in two or three deliveries.  Wish they could deliver everything at the same time.  I ordered from both places this weekend and things will dribble in all week - and that is if the weather doesn't get too bad.

     At noon they said we night get 1-2" of snow with a lot of ice just SE of us.  Rather have snow but don't want either.

     The guys had to go to town to get more mortar - they're fixing cracks around the rest of the house - should finish this afternoon, then seal it with silicone between the rock and house so water can't get in.  Also making new doors for the three crawl spaces.  Maybe tomorrow they can finish the bedroom.  That will leave the utility room floor and the trim on the barn.  Dropping a lot of money but it's getting things repaired that needed it and a friend once said "you can't take it with you". 

     Called the vet's office and left a message for him that "she's still getting out".  Hope it can be fixed before the bad weather.  I don't want to be out trying to get her back into the right pasture with her baby. 

     Hooked up a new metal hose yesterday and Stormy has already chewed on it.  Guess I should put some hot sauce on it and see if that works.

     Judith, your dream house sounds like it would be easy to take care of.  I've seen the concrete counter tops on TV and they look nice. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Daniel and Bubba just left - got all the rock work done except a little place on the front porch and sealing a little bit of it - they ran out of sealer.  Will be back tomorrow to finish that and work on the room, I hope. Also checked on the barn and they can do that, too. He hasn't been vaccinated but got the antibody treatment but had the virus after that (very mild case) as were the cases the boys had.  He has a teenage daughter who was in the house with them (not in good health at all) and she never got it.  She was lucky and had someone watching over her.

     Sarah just called - from Mercy.  She was really sick this morning so ambulance took her in.  They did "the" test and she doctor told her the test was positive.  She's been vaccinated and boosted but Todd hasn't.  I was worried when I talked with him because he was coughing and was congested.  They're sending her home because they don't have an empty bed and told her she'd be sicker in the hospital than at home.

     Carol called - the therapist came and gave them some more exercises to do and worked on telling and showing them how to get her in and out of the car. She has an appt. in Tulsa in the morning with the surgeon.  Glad she's going to Tulsa tomorrow instead of Thursday when she has an appt. with her new PCP.

     Judith - found some V-8 and OJ on WM.com and just got that and several other things ordered - to be delivered the latter part of the week.  I was afraid to wait to order because things go out of stock so fast.  The one thing I ordered that was out of stock was a steno pad (can you believe that?)   So I have two orders coming from WM and one from Amazon this week.  They may not make it.

     Guess I'll go out and check the water tanks.  The men are really good at keeping the one in the garden filled for me.  I may close the gate to the NE pasture so Sally can't get into that pasture to get out. 

     Stormy is quiet now and can relax.  While they were working on the north side of the house by the LR he was very upset with the noise and hearing them talk.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    28F, -2C.

    Day you may have to consider going to ER or Urgent Care if need help sooner.  

    Rescue mom know that refrigerator was a mess besides having to replace everything.

    Miniguard was the one I was thinking about.  Guess we will get to see how you like it.  

    We are getting that storm Wednesday night to Friday morning.  Giving 7-15 inches of ice and snow mix.  Going to rain during day before snows.  I hope we get the lesser amount as easier to deal with that, and still hard enough.  My biggest worry is mom.  Going to try and get her to come here.  Afraid electric will go out, will have no way of contacting her, what if I can’t charge my phone,  how bad will roads be?  I have ways of dealing with it better here.  She does have a generator, which I don’t, but has no snowblower.  The plow lady has not had a working truck yet this year.  Will be very hard on me with her here.  Realized though that with her here, maybe if roads not too bad my BIL can take snowblower in his truck and do her drive while she is gone.  Then he can text me when he leaves and I will take her home.  Will check tonight and see if that is possible.  So if you don’t hear from me awhile you know why.  

    You doing ok Zetta?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Sara, Thanks for asking I am doing good sometimes I get behind keeping up with everything. I have been reading all these post for the last hour. You be really careful if you have to go to your mom's house, I agree it would be better for both of you if she stayed with you. You are a very caring daughter. Please be careful. 

    Shirley. I hope Bill as well as you have been able to get out a bit. Tell me about those Iguanas the news has been talking about, are they really 3 to 4 feet long and do they just walk around all over the place do they ever go into homes. I would not like that. 

    Marie. Sounds like you have found a real nice retirement village for your parents. My DH Dan was in a MC facility, it also had AL. I really liked the care he got and the lay out of the facility, so I have told my kids when my time comes, I want to start out with the AL in the same facility.

    Lorita, I love those pictures of Sally and Stormy, they both look so sweet and like big babies. I could hug both of them. Sounds like you are still staying busy with the girls, and I know you love being with them. It is nice you are getting so many things done to your home just think when it gets warm outside you can sit and enjoy everything you have had done. I also hope that Sally can spend her life with you can you ask Mike to let that happen are maybe he will sell her back to you. 

    I have not seen any Moose so far but my son who lives here said he has seen their tracks so looks like they are around. Poor Sarah always seems to have something going on with her health and being as young as she is it must be so hard on all of you.

    It's been pretty quiet in my world. It's been really cold, but the sun has been out I just wish it would get warm enough to melt all the snow. The snow has pretty much turned to ice. Molly can walk on it, but she has to be really careful I have seen her slip a few times.

    I am also researching Medical Guardian and others. I don't like the idea you pay extra for fall diction. It looks like if you have fall diction, you have to have a second device, is that so? I just want a necklace that takes care of both. I started this research a few weeks ago and now all's I am getting is many many offers.  I am really confused now. But I am leaning toward Medical Alert so after more research I will probably go that way. 

    Lorita, I am getting ready to make some potato soup this time I am going to add bacon and a can of clams.  

    Take Care all of you I do think of all of you often. Hugh Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi all,

    Hope this finds you all well and warm and safe.

    Another day waiting on perm. fix for the furnace.  They had to order the part and it has not arrived yet.  Fingers crossed for a tomorrow delivery and installation.  Glad I am a retired lady with no place I have to be other than home waiting...lol.  It could be worse.  At least they were able to get me heat, even if it is a bypass of a safety feature.

    Weather here has improved.  It is 38 degrees now...almost a heat wave...lol.

    The weather sure has been unpredictable this year.  Such up and down of the temps.  I remember as a child that starting in November the weather got cold and stayed cold until March.  

    The mention of the iguanas in Florida reminded me of the guechos (sp?) when I lived there...like mini iguanas.  They would get in the house and the cats had "toys" for a while.  The interesting thing was that if you got them by the tail...the tail would fall off so they could get away and supposedly it would grow back.

    Lorita, sounds like you need a few more couches since your fur babies like to take up the one you have!  I know how it is, as Smokey ( my male cat) likes to take over my place on the love seat where I crochet.

    My folks have lived in their current home for over 60 years, and my mother is a collector and a keeper of many things.  The house is full from attic to basement with stuff no one has seen in years...lol.  She keeps a nice clean house but has boxed stuff for "just in case" someone needs it...or because it once belonged to someone.  Thank goodness my daughter and her husband will be helping with most of that stuff.

    Take care all and have a good rest of the day and night.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi everyone,

     I've heard about those iguanas too and wonder about them.  Don't think I'd like for them to be around. 

     The guys came this morning and finished all the work on the rock and made the frame and doors forthe three crawl spaces.  Daniel was in the process of buying a new trailer so he didn't come.  Not sure if they'll be back tomorrow or not - it's supposed to start raining tonight and tomorrow morning, then turn to sleet and ice, then snow.  The prediction for the amount of snow here is increasing. 

     Mike called about Sally this morning - said he needed to get her calf lotted and then move them to another pasture where the fences were higher.  I told him I'd close the gate and that I wanted to try that a while - he said that was fine.  I'm going to call the man who has built new fences for me and get him to build that 1/8th mile of new fence - would take less than one day.  If she can get out so can the others, especially when the grass gets nice and green in the meadow - just across the fence.  She was a bit stubborn this morning - couldn't get her back where she should be but when she saw Toad's truck she came running for her feed.  I closed the gate after they all came back through. I can keep it closed until he comes to feed Thursday morning.

     I just noticed the little electric heater I have in the LR had gotten unplugged to started to plug it in and thought I'd better turn it off - guess I turned it on because when I plugged it in I heard a frying noise so quickly unplugged it and the plug was hot - smelled funny.  Guess it's okay - I won't use that outlet again.

     I called Jack this morning to see if he was okay - he was - and to ask if he was prepared for the bad weather.  He didn't seem to know anything about it so I told him what was predicted and he said he'd probably die during that time.  I asked him why he thought that and he didn't know.  He told me the other day he wished he'd die in his sleep.  He said he had his heat turned up all the way now and it was 70 here yesterday and in the upper 50s today.  Also said Zelda, his dog, would probably die.  Asked him if he had supplies for the four days and he didn't seem to think so.  I suggested he get into town this afternoon if he needed to.  I don't know what would happen if he did die - who would know.  I don't know his daughter's last name or how to get in touch with her. 

     Hope the potato soup's good, Zetta.  I think I'll make some tomorrow.  Be very careful on the ice - you can be down before you know what happened. 

     Sara - if you can handle it for a few days it would probably be better to have your mother with you.  Maybe the bad weather won't last long.  Tell me this - why is it that everyone has to shovel snow?  Is it just to be able to get out of your driveway?  I know I don't like to be snowed in but other than that there's no shoveling here except to be able to get out the gate.  Don't rake leaves either.

     It's partly cloudy and seems to be getting darker in the north - surely wish we could skip this.

    Rescue Mom - I've been caught by having to buy more than one of something.  Last year I ordered a box of cereal - when it came, there were four boxes.  Lucky I liked the cereal.  Guess they do that so they can sell more - buyer beware.  I did find that I could buy one bottle of V-8 and also OJ so bought a couple of each.  I'd heard that OJ and other citrus products would probably go up in price. 

     Carol just called - she wen to see her surgeon in Tulsa this morning.  Hip is doing great - no problems there and the ankle is beginning to heal - she can put light weight on it - as tolerated.  She's tired but I'm glad she called to tell me the good news.  She said her daughter was getting ready to go to the store to stock up and her husband had brought a lot of things from her home for them to eat.  I imagine the stores are really busy today.

     Talked with Sarah - she got home from the hospital last night about 1 a.m.  Todd was able to go get her.  He's planning on going to a doctor today - whether he will is yet to be seen.  I've talked and talked to them about getting health insurance but they haven't but maybe he will go anyway this time.

     Seems like the prediction for the amount of precipitation is getting higher and higher.  Carol just said she heard up to 2" of ice - if that happens power poles will be broken again and people will be out of power.  I checked our propane and I have 50% - didn't think I'd have to refill the tank this winter.  The generator runs off of it, too, and the one heater. 

     Zetta - I have another divan in the sunroom but it's covered up with things they've taken out of the bedroom.  I also have a recliner in there - bigger than the one in the LR and I really like it but there's no way to get in moved in here until things get back in order. 

     Tomorrow is Ground Hog Day - he won't see his shadow so that means an early spring, doesn't it?    I'll fill the water tanks late today and bring in the hoses.  I had one long metal hose attached to a vinyl one and I couldn't get them apart so asked one of the guys to do it and he got it unscrewed and I brought it inside.  Need to roll up the 50 ft. vinyl one out by the lot and get it inside too.  I have a big cover for the car I should put on so it won't ice up but the wind would blow it off.   At least they say we'll be above freezing by Saturday or Sunday - not like last year, we hope.

    FedEx delivered some of the things I ordered this morning - not much but did get dog food. Seems like something is supposed to be delivered every day this week but I doubt that will happen.  I returned the medical guardian that had cracked.  I tested the one I have this morning and it worked!  Not dependable though since it only works part time.  Probably won't get the other one until tomorrow or next day.

     Hope all of you are well.  Be carful on the ice and snow.  Ron, looks like you and Lou may get hit hard with the ice - or maybe it'll be just north of you.  Arkansas is really going to have a lot of ice and southern Oklahoma.

     Back later.



  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Judith, I wish I could re-hang a lot of our art, and/or swap some around. That is a talent; I wish I was good at it. We used to have a guy who could just eyeball the space and make everything fit... A big Rothko!! You go, girl !

    Yes, the iguanas are quite large, 3 feet is regular, some bigger, some a little smaller. But no, they do not come in houses. Although occasionally you hear about one in somebody’s plumbing. They tend to stay in the sun, and in trees in normal S. FL weather, which is why the news talks about “falling iguanas” in cold snaps. Cold paralyzes them.  I’ve heard they can’t live in N. Florida, but not use where the “cutoff line” is.

    They usually stay away from people, but will attack a small dog if threatened, and will bite and claw if you try to catch them. They are bold, nasty-tempered, and they make big messes.  There are just so many more now than used to be.

    A funny, true story: a couple years ago, after a cold snap, a guy in Miami collected a car full of dead iguanas, to eat (chicken of the trees, some say). Except when they got warm in his car, they revived, and he had 15-20 angry iguanas fighting in his car. It caused a multiple car pile-up on I-95, a very busy highway.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Again,

    Marie.   I am glad at least you have some heat it is so cold where I am (central Oregon) a person could freeze. I have a heated throw I keep on my legs when I am in my recliner. My dog Molly and my cat Sammy love laying on my lap when the blanket is on. 

    Day.   I lived in Michigan pretty close to Detroit, I lived 2 years in Royal Oak Michigan.  My second son was born in the Royal Oak Hospital 45 years ago. That was my first time, living in the snow and I did not like it, so I went back to Calif then again, I wound up in the snow. I guess I will stay. 

    Ron.  I hope you and Lou, and your sister are doing good. I sure hope you're getting more sleep. Lou is so lucky to have you especially being the cook that you are. 

    Barbara.   I hope you get your eye surgery scheduled soon especially now that there is some pain. When my DH passed away in MC, I donated all his cloths and furniture to the facility. It worked out great his roommate wore the same size cloths and needed the TV left for himself. They wore each other's sweats most of the time anyway. Be careful moving stuff around, maybe it's something you can donate and have it moved. 

    Jo.  I hope your friend who fell down in Target is recovering. It sounds like she messed her knee up pretty bad.  I think I said something about me falling at my daughter's house I fell off her back porch and landed full force on my left knee. It hurt like the dickens, if it had happened while I was home, I would have gone to the Doctor. But I did not want to wind up at a hospital in a different state, so I lived on Tylenol for 2 weeks. After I got home the pain was still there some, I had an appt with my Dr yesterday for my Wellness checkup, the pain was no longer there but she checked it anyway and all was well. I guess it was just slow to heal. Could it have been a deep bruise?

    Lorita.  You be careful stumbling around in the dark you have so many things you can trip over. I have night lights in every room of my house, they don't put out a lot of light just enough to see where I am at if its dark. I know what you mean about your critters keeping you awake at night. When Rascal was alive Molly did not want him on the bed so there were many times, she would be chasing him off. She lets Sammy on the bed, so I don't have that keeping me awake but with Sammy still being a baby He is usually finding something to be making noise with at night. He really misses my daughters' cats.

    Lorita.  I am watching Gunsmoke, Festus runs into a friend who escaped from prison. I think we see the same ones each day. I watch mine on  TVLand. Festus friend just got shot. 

    My soup turned out pretty good. I had some for lunch and I will have more for dinner. 

    I hope your all have a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    One year when I was living in Alaska, the temp was warmer in Fairbanks than it was in Miami.  It was 44 degrees in Fairbanks but 43 degrees in Miami!  What a reversal!

    We never had any animals fall out of trees.  Alaska has no snakes, it's too cold.  Probably no lizards either.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Zetta, that Gunsmoke was on here today, too.  I had seen it so didn't watch again.  We have two stations that show Gunsmoke so it's on a good part of the day.  It's amazing how many old shows are on during the late night - Hazel, Bewitched, Barney Miller, Maude and on and on so there's always something to watch if you can't sleep.  Right now I can't find anything except Shark Tank.

     Well, I have an unhappy camper this late evening - Sally.  She has come to the lot two or three times bawling and looking toward the meadow.  I have the gate closed so I don't think there's anyway she can get down there.  I don't want her to have to leave her home just because she's getting out.  I should have had that eighth of a mile fence done last year but I thought it was okay.  Strange that she or anyone hasn't gotten through that fence for at least a year and three weeks after Mike bought them, she started getting out.  He's afraid she'll go the other direction and get in the road and get run over or cause a wreck.  I have insurance for that but not sure how it would work with me not owning them but them still being here.  I should call my insurance company and check. 

     The weather keeps sounding awful - worse and worse.  We have a huge heavy tarp so I dragged it over to the car and finally managed to get it over the car - hope it doesn't blow off.  Then, after I was in the house and it was already dark, I thought I should have put it over the PU.  If, for some reason, I had to get out on the road the car wouldn't be high enough off the ground.  I didn't think I could get it over the PU - finally decided I'd see if I could get the PU into the carport farther.  If it gets moisture around the window and freezes I can't open the door.  So, got that done.  Sometimes I don't think I have the sense God gave a goose.

     Zetta, thank you for mentioning the heated throw.  I bought one and have never used it - probably will in the next day or two.  I have a throw over my legs now that Sarah sent to me a couple of years ago - just opened it a month or so ago.  It's the softest  fleece you ever felt and it's bonded to Sherpa - animal print and very warm.

    Iris, that was something that it was warmer in Fairbanks than in Miami - probably doesn't happen often.  I think I've mentioned that back in the mid 30s my parents lived in an area the Government wanted to turn into an  Army Camp - Camp Gruber so everyone who lived in that area had to move.  They had the choice of moving here or the farm next to us or to Alaska so I could have grown up in Alaska.  But, I don't think I could stand the cold.  This cold spell we're about to go into is so reminiscent of the one we had last February but it won't last as long - only about four or five days below freezing instead of the ten days last winter.  Just hope none of the girls calve during this bad weather.

     Filled the water tanks late this evening and brought in the hoses so I'll fill them early in the morning and probably three more times during the day - but, they don't drink as much water when it's cold.

     Daniel called late this afternoon to see if I needed anything before the cold weather hits - he said he has a 4WD and isn't afraid to use it so he said to call if I needed anything at all.  Same with Bubba - he only lives 12 miles from here so that makes me feel good to have someone I could call if need be. 

     Zetta - glad your soup was good.  I'm going to make some tomorrow.  I like to peel and cube potatoes, microwave them and add them to the soup after I've used an immersion blender to make it smooth.  I have some cornbread muffins frozen that I made a while back so may have them with the soup.

     Sara - the weather was showing all the winter weather watches and warnings and it looks like you'll get it shortly after we do.  Our  Governor has declared a state of emergency because of the weather and at 6 p.m. 50 schools had let out for tomorrow.  When we get a big snow the east/west roads drift in and you can't get through them - the road at the end of our driveway or lane is east/west so hope we don't get much.  I'll have to clear the wheels on the liquid feeder - they get covered with snow but usually the cows can break through it. 

     Got my Systane eyedrops today so I'm trying them.  Right now my eyes are really dry even with the humidifier going.  Also got my Utz potato chips today.  Have you all ever tried those - I think they're better than Lays - not as greasy and not quite as salty but still salty enough.

     There are daffodils coming up everywhere - really hope this cold weather doesn't kill them.  Last Spring they were all beautiful but I don't remember if it was this warm last year before the cold weather.  Very unusual weather everywhere.

     Zetta - the last two nights I've locked Sammy and Lilly in the utility room so I could sleep.  Maybe tonight I'll let them sleep in the bathroom if I can fix it so they can't get into the bedroom.  So glad that Sammy and Molly get along so well - makes it easier all around.

     Hope all of you who are in the path of the storm (forgot it's name) don't get a lot of ice and snow and that you can stay in and not have to get out in it.  Stay warm and I'll see you tomorrow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    41F, 5C.  7-12 inches being given, snow sleet mix.  Sounds like we are getting the same thing Lorita.

    Will be stressful for me, mom being here.  Her being at her home and me possibly not being able to  communicate or get there would be more stressful.  God will help me.  She will be unhappy because I will be wearing mask whole time.  Giving her the living room and guest bathroom.  Will live in dining room and my bedroom with bath.  She had a man at her house yesterday and a different one was there a week ago.  My mom will follow no precautions, clueless if they do or not.  Will assume they do not.  She also keeps her house hot.  That is hard for me to tolerate at night.  She will be sleeping on couch as I don’t have an extra bed.  She sleeps little anyways.  Makes quite a bit of noise at night.  Still have white noise machine I ran when I lived with her.  Will get that out.  Feel bad about this but best over all I think.  Did make her some zucchini muffins with blueberries and lemon zest.  She will like that.  Will probably be spending a bit of time outside blowing snow so that will give me a break too.

    Why do we shovel snow?  Snow is so messy so like to keep the mess down.  It can become very icy as it melts some and refreezes, not good for me or mom.  Some people don’t shovel unless it gets really bad to where they can’t get in and out.

    Marie my mom is opposite of a hoarder.  She has given almost everything away.  

    Lorita think about all you can do for Jack is call him each day maybe morning and evening. If he doesn’t answer call police to do welfare check.  He might find that comforting.

    Stores have been busy but when I went shelves were down some.  Found everything I needed though.  This is normal when they give a big storm.

    Speaking of iguanas.  In high school my student teacher had them as pets.  He had an area for them in his home.  He brought it to class one day.

    That is very kind of Daniel.  Always makes us feel better when we have an option to use.

    Have never eaten Utz chips.  Believe I have seen them.  

    Daffodils are pretty tough.  If they aren’t blooming think they will be ok.  Tolerate snow pretty well when blooming but not ice so much.

    Going to try and get my tax things together and get to CPA today.  Think I got last thing I needed yesterday.  About a half hour drive.  Always like to get that done.

    Glad you are ok Zetta 

    Well as long as I don’t lose electricity and good Lord’s will, will check in tomorrow morning if not sooner.

    Take care everyone

    Thanks for listening and take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, we who live in town have to shovel the snow off our sidewalks, too. It's the law. People walk dogs, school children walk on them, etc and snow and ice are treacherous. As Sara mentioned, it melts and refreezes causing ice.

    I'm glad Daniel and Bubba said they would help you out if you need anything. You've made two new friends. Definitely take them up on it if you need anything. They could even get you fresh produce, eggs, milk etc so you don't need to go to the store. 

    Sara, best wishes and hoping the storm won't last long and you can get your mom back home. You are a kind daughter. 

    I bought some lemons and limes and sliced them up and put them in my water bottle. Delicious! I don't do this often, as they are acidic and hard on teeth.

    Might go for a drive to an are where the eagles congregate this afternoon. If I get any good pics, I'll share. 

    Blessings, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Darn, wrote a long post, got to the last paragraph and it disappeared.  I have an errant finger and sometimes it does the wrong thing.  So, I'll condense my post.

     Sara - I think you'll feel much more comfortable or at least worry less if your mother is with you.  I know it'll be stressful for you but you can make it the three or four days and you'll be glad you did.  I agree, I will call Jack every day to check in. I doubt the police would go out to do a welfare check - he lives as far from town as I do - in different directions.  I do hope he went to the store yesterday and doesn't try today.

     We had some light rain early, early but nothing but stout winds from the north now. When I went out to feed Tom I was going to pull the cartarp down further eon the back of the car but it was already frozen so it'll be okay - the front end of it is really flapping in the wind.  Tom was there so gave him canned food, dry food and he has water. Also took a fleece seat cover out of the PU and put it on the Gator seat for him to lay on.  I've seen them laying on the seat before. 

     Water tank at the barn is still full - had to fill the one in the garden.  I had moved both water tanks closer to the hydrants so a 25 ft. metal hose is all I need. I can drain and bring it inside so no trouble there.  I'm going to put a quick connect thing on it so I don't have to screw it on and off.  Girls are around the hay and liquid feed - saw Evan and the other little ones laying in the loose hay. When they set out hay, they take the rings off the ones already there and set out the fresh bale closeby. This way the little ones and moms, too, have something dry to lay on.  When it starts to sleet or snow, they'll go to the barn.  That's coming later in the day - already ice and snow on things north of Tulsa.

     Beth, are you all not going to have more snow?  I saw on the news the Gov. of Illinois has declared a State of Emergency just as ours has for all of our counties.  Weatherman said 2/3rds of the country are in the path of this storm, even as far south as Waco.

      Hard to believe it was 72 degrees Monday and in the 60s yesterday - it's 31 now - on the way down to below zero WC by Friday morning.  Maybe this will be the last gasp of old man winter.  Beth, we've had daffodils blooming in the snow before and, like you said, they were okay when it melted.  Ours don't have buds yet but are 4-6" tall.

     It is good that if I needed to I could call on Daniel or Bubba (real name, Earl).  He's waay over 6 ft. tall and a big man - probably in his 30s or 40s.  His wife has had bilateral knee replacements. He works on the highway but helps Daniel when he can.

     I'm going to stop and finish my hot tea and post this before I lose this one.  I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    I called Jack - he's okay and he did go into town yesterday to get some groceries.  Told him I'd call him later today.  Maybe it makes him feel a bit better to know someone will call - kind of works for me, too.

     Sally didn't get out last night - at least I couldn't see her anywhere.  Not sure what I'll do in the morning when Toad comes to feed - maybe I'll walk down and open the gate a little while before he usually gets here and close it when they come out of that pasture after they eat.

     Sara - when are you all supposed to get this storm?  Looks like it's stretched all the way from  SW Texas to the east coast.

     Yesterday Colton (FedEx) delivered Chewy items and WM items - about 2:30 or so.  About 5:30 I was on the porch and decided I'd open the WM box because I knew there were things in it that would freeze.  I sprayed the outside of it with Peroxide and let it dry but I didn't wear my mask.  I had it in my pocket - that's why I said I don't have the sense God gave a goose - not putting it on.   I took the things out and sprayed and wiped them down and let them dry before I brought them in.  Maybe I'll be okay - google says probably so.

     Zetta - bet that potato soup will be good today.  I'll either make mine today or tomorrow.  I bought ten lbs. of potatoes last time I was in town and they were the biggest potatoes I've seen since we used to eat at a place called Western Sizzlin'.  They had huge baked potatoes.  Also have some fresh broccoli I should steam before it flowers. 

     Back later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    No snow here, may graze the southeastern edge of the state (Iowa). We are in the deep freeze for two days, then up to the 30s and 40s.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Good idea to check with your insurance company to know just what you are responsible for on your leased land. I am sure it is all spelled out in your contract but you need to know about liability.

    I do still want the paiting. It is only about 4 block from me. Let's arrange for me to pick it up.

    Snow...how beautiful...how much work. Please, all snow friends let us know how you are doing.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth did you see New York Times bought Wordle?  I really enjoy it but interesting to see of it remains free or goes behind a pay wall.

    Guess if Jack lives out you would call the sheriff.  At least here that is who over sees rural areas here.

    It is raining now and fairly warm. Think suppose to start snowing around 10pm. Think suppose to stop tomorrow night a little past midnight.  A 24 hour deal it seems.   I dropped my taxes off and wore my new N95.   It is a 3M 9205.  I liked it. Right when first put it on seemed a little hard to breathe. Quickly adjusted though.  Stopped by WM and got my 2 free masks on way home. They are Dragers.  Looked kind of cheap.  Put it on and it was pretty nice. Think I will wear it with mom this evening.

    Mom tells me she could never sleep on a couch.  Pretty sure  I’ve seen her napping on couch more than once. Tells me she will sleep on the floor.  Glad I never gave all those quilts to goodwill.  Guess I need to hold on to them for such occasions.  Will offer her recliner.  Didn’t think about that.  Have slept in one many times and think they are pretty comfortable.  My bedroom is my safety zone.  Don’t want her up at night going through my things. 

    Maybe this summer might ask her if she wants to move one of the bedroom’s furniture at her house to mine.  We’ll see. Her behaviors make everything such a hassle so I may not.  I’m not buying one because she has three sets at her house.  Have always planned on if something happens to her first, to take one  of them.  I gave my two sets of bedroom furniture to sisters when I moved in with mom.  That will still leave two at her house for others or goodwill. Who knows she may give them to someone before that happens.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I did see NYT bought Wordle. Imagine it'll be something we have to pay for eventually...

    Judith, have you heard of the Van Gogh Immersive experience? It's coming to Iowa and I hope to go. Beautiful. I am copying a little bit about it. You can google it for some lovely images and information about where it will be - lots of cities across the country.

     "Beyond Van Gogh is a new truly immersive experience. While other shows use virtual reality or still images, our show breaks barriers by incorporating both still and moving art. Masterpieces, now freed from frames, come alive, appear, and disappear, flow across multi-surfaces, the minutia of details titillating our heightened senses. The show is projected on every surface around you, this makes you feel as though you have stepped directly into a Van Gogh painting. We accompany the show with a beautiful score and include many other surprises!"

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Beth...yes. People say it is a wonderful experience. I would love to see it. 

    Snow! White and beautiful...fire is burning. I guess I will be inside for several days. Grandson has huge truck and will be at the ready for me if need be. He was here this morning and checked my food supply. Don't you love it. 

    Sally can't get to the food with the gate shut? Maybe you can get the fence fixed so she can't get out.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, years ago I had a sofa that was more comfortable for sleep than my mattress.  I sure miss that sofa!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Not quite snow falling here but it's hazy/foggy in the distance.  Talked with Todd a while ago and as Judith said it's snowing in OKC.  He was tested for the virus and it was positive so both of them have it.  I asked if they gave him any medicine and he said they told him to take Mucinex and that's about it.  I told him to drink a lot of fluids.

     Judith, glad your grandson is nearby so he can help you with whatever you might need.  Don't step out your door!   I've been outside for the last half hour.  Filled the water tank in the garden and checked the one in the lot - it was full.  Girls are coming to the barn and stopping by and getting a drink.  I spent most of that time trying to get the lot gate unchained.  Someone closed it and got one link too short - can't even get it to move with a hammer.  There are two others I can go through but that's the handiness one.  I'll get them to open it when they come back.   I took a box out to the carport for Tom and put the fleece inside - he wasn't there so imagine he's in the crib in the barn on some hay.  I've mentioned this before but when all the girls are in the barn and you go in, it feels warm - guess it's the body heat.  I did see Evan, Sweet Pea and Tina coming away from the hay close together.  Girls have been licking liquid feed so they may stop by with their moms to get a lick or two.

     I guess my water hose and catfood are down at the road - I'm not going down - don't want to start the PU and get the girls excited and am not going to get the tarp off the car - as if I could.  Took me a long time to get it on.  I read and if canned catfood gets frozen it can be bad for the cats.  Amazon will have to replace it.  I asked them if they could have FedEx deliver instead of UPS and the girl said she'd put a request in.  They do use different carriers.  The little FedEx girl delivered five or six boxes this afternoon.   I opened them because I knew OJ and V-8 were in them and they would freeze if left outside.  Left the others.

     It's showing Tulsa and it's snowing there.  I hope we just get snow instead of ice or even sleet.  Stormy and Sheena are outside.  I have pictures I took of them a few years ago in the snow - they seem to like the cold.   Kitt is snuggled up beside me in the chair.  He's the sweetest little cat and he does so well to have so little vision.

     So, I'm in for the night.  Funny thing- I'm really alert to cow's bawling and this afternoon I was watching Rawhide and heard cows bawling.  Thought sure it was ours, then realized it was the cows on TV.  My mother was the same - if a cow bawled she wanted to know why - there is always a reason.

     Haven't heard from Carol today.  I'm hesitant to call her because she's working hard on her exercises and I know she's tired when she finishes and her husband is there with her, too. 

     Zetta, do you have any snow on now and have you seen any of the moose who left the tracks? 

     Little bit worried that it's going to be awfully hard for Toad and Mike to feed tomorrow.  I know of at least seven or eight herds to feed within a two mile radius.  I doubt his clinic will open tomorrow so both of them can feed together. 

     Just said freezing rain around Henryetta - the storm chaser said his truck was completely frozen over.  Showing OKC now - roads look like they're getting snowpacked.  Still predicting up to 9" here which is our normal snowfall for the entire winter.  We used to make snow ice cream but don't think I'll do that anymore - too many things floating around in the air.  Just hope we don't get freezing rain.  They said I-40 is getting bad. 

     Judith, the gate to the pasture where they feed is closed and that's the pasture where Sally gets through the fence.  So, if I keep the gate closed until they feed, she can't get out unless she does it right after they feed.  I'm going to call PK Fencing and see if he can build that fence for me.   There's lots of trees in the fenceline so he'll have to move over a couple of feet into the pasture.  That's okay - he did it with the other fences he built so most perimeter fences have double fences.

     Showing KC now and it's really snowing there.  Said I-70 has or had been closed.  Sandy, bet you're glad you're not in Chicago - looks bad there.  Do you have snow?

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    So sorry about Todd and Sarah. Not being vaccinated they could get very sick. Was Sarah actually tested?

    Don't worry about Mike and Toad. They will get everyone fed with no problems. If you feel you must go and fill tanks check in with someone when you go out and when you come back!

    About 1 inch so far. I did not realize h ow cold it was going to get. Guess we will drip 24/7.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    It's 26 here but I imagine the WC is in the single digits - wind is awful.

    Judith, Sarah was at Mercy Hospital several hours two or three nights ago.  She said she spent two hours on the ambulance gurney in the hallway - they couldn't admit her because there weren't any beds.  They did test her and it was positive.  She has been vaccinated and boosted but Todd hasn't.  He sounds really bad - so congested and coughing.  I imagine they'll have a rough time of it.  His partner, his daughter and her husband and their baby all have it, too.

     Who would I call?  Can't call Darwin but I do take my phone.  The hydrant for the tank in the garden is not far - in the SW corner of the yard but I'll have to cut ice on it in the morning so will have to go out in the garden to do that.  The one at the barn is farther but not too bad.  They're showing pictures of Tuilsa - it's gone from no snow on  the roads at 4 to snow covered now. 

     It mentioned the blizzard we had eleven years ago.  I remember that vividly.  I'd go out to the barn to feed the bottle babies and when I came back I couldn't even see my tracks.  After this snow tonight it said we'll have a couple more inches tomorrow. 

     Don't go out and make snowmen, ladies and Ron.  You know I've never made a snowman - guess it's too late to start now. 

     Zetta, never did get that potato soup made.  I did have some Ramen soup about 2 p.m. so I'll make it tomorrow.

     Judith, do more than a drip.  Let the faucet run a small stream - set the water between hot and cold and keep your cabinet doors open, kitchen and bath.  I have a small electric heater I keep on in the kitchen just outside the cabinet where the pipes are and another one in the bathroom.

    Sara - did you bring your mother to your house today?  Of course, I didn't make it to a pharmacy to get the masks but I have the black ones and some white ones that say N95 - don't know if they're real or not.  Hope things go well for you and your mother.

     Hot chocolate sounds good, doesn't it?  I found some English Breakfast Tea and also some Red Zinger.  Used to like Red Zinger but never tasted English Breakfast.

     Poor little daffodils!!

     Question for those of you who use those touchless thermometers:  I have two of them and one regular thermometer.  I just took my temp with one and it was 95.8, regular thermometer was 97.9 and the new one from QVC showed 98.3.  That's a pretty bit difference.  I think I'll stick with the regular one that I've been using all the timed. My temp normally is below 98.

     Forecast for our snow is 6-10" - just a little bit on the porch, so far.  Ron, is all of this missing you and Lou?  Haven't heard from you in a while - is everything okay?

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    For those of you in the path of this latest storm

    Please stay safe  

    Prayers that your power stays on and you have no issues due to the weather.

    Please check in as you can.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I do not know anyone who has gotten the booster getting vey sick so SArah willlikely be OK. Todd...who knows. 

    You can call me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    THank you, Judith.  

    It's sleeting like the dickens here and has been for  court or of hours.  Not sticking on trees and doesn't look like it has covered the ground yet.  I can imagine how sleet must sound if you're in the barn.  Hope everyone is inside.  Feel bad for all the livestock who are out in this.

    I have faucets running a small stream with a little heater going.

    Carol called and it's sleeting there. They had a little freezing rain so roads are glazed over. She had an appt. with her new PCP tomorrow but his office called for her to come today. He cut out a lot of her meds and aid she was doing fine.

    Called Jack and he said he was okay. Sara, it would be the Sheriff who would do the welfare check.

    Watching curling on the Winter Olympics. I would have liked to have done that when I was young - looks like fun.

    Sleep well and stay safely inside.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita, You sleep well also and please say inside. If you decide you must go out, please take Judith up on her offer. You're all in my prayers. I am not in any storms I just need to be careful all my snow has turned into ice. I have been staying inside. Hugs to All Zetta

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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