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Just need to talk to my friends (166)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Decided to start this now so Sara's post in the morning would be on the new one.

 Well, I fell again.  Darn it.  I had leaned a big ironing board and a small one against the shelves in the pantry this morning to get them out of the way.  Decided to make a chocolate wacky cake so had to go in there to get the ingredients.  When I was going in to put them up I hit the ironing board with my foot and said to myself - "I'm going to have to move you or I'm going to trip".  So got the cake mixed up and thought I'd put some mini chocolate chips in it so went in to get them and on my way out, caught my foot on the little ironing board and down I went.  Kind of fell on my right hip and right wrist.  I waited for the fall detector to go off and it didn't.  I'm okay except my wrist hurts but I'm typing with it and finished getting the cake in the oven so I'm okay.  But - I can't find that bowl of chocolate chips!   Going to have to quit doing this or I won't keep being lucky.  Rubbed my wrist with Theragesic and took an acetaminophen. My head hurts a little but I don't think I hit it.   I'll lay down on the divan when I get the cake out of the oven.  Darn ironing boards anyway - should get rid of them because I don't iron anymore.

 Just checked on the girls - they're all around the bales of hay except a couple including Missy.  Casper's laying down and she's standing beside him. 

 Daniel and his guys didn't show up today so don't know what's wrong - hope he's not sick again.

 I'll be back later.  I did call MG to tell them the fall detector didn't work - just wanted to know if the other part did.  Supposed to get the replacement today.

 Sara - I copied down the recipe for quick cinnamon rolls from Jenny Can Cook.  I think I'll try it sometime.




  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear Lorita,

    Time to take a good look around the house, inside and out, and have help removing potential trip hazards.  Things are just waiting to jump out and trip us up!

    You might want to put some ice on that wrist, and if it gives you any trouble at all tomorrow you should have it looked at.  Even a sprain can give you more issues.

    I have attached my 2 most recent projects.  The Llama is for my soon to be great granddaughter (due April/May) and the other was a paid project for a friend of my daughters.  I wish the colors came out better...guess it is photographer error...lol.

    Take care all...better days and health to all.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita, Lorita, what are we going to do with you, you need to stop falling. You need to get everything out the way so there is nothing to trip you, you do that, and I will pick up my throw rugs. If you're like me you think your young enough to deal with all this, I remember when Dan was home, I never had throw rugs down I knew they were a fall hazard, for him but not for me. You know when we fall, we may feel all's well but like Marie said to ice your wrist just in case. Congratulations on the babies, how do you continue counting? Does Mike keep his separate so you can continue to count yours. With all the babies coming will he mix both herds together? Counting is good it gives you something to do. As if you need something to do. 

    Thank You for hugging Casper for me he is so sweet, I loved the close-up picture of him. I will check on the Jitterbug phone I get my phone from US Cell I will check with them and see if they have something that will work. I don't think I can watch Dog Journey, I can't watch anything sad about and animals. I will never forget how Old Yeller made me feel. I can't even watch the commercials on TV with the homeless animals. 

    Ron.  How is littlebit? that poor baby it is so hard when they get old and sick. I am sure he is a lot of comfort for both you and Lou.

    Day.  How is your hand if I remember right, you will be seeing the Doctor tomorrow? Please let us know how it turns out. 

    Sara.   Thanks for the cookies and tea. Freezing is good how would a cake be if I froze part of it? Maybe I can freeze sections that way I may not be tempted to eat it all. I bet your nephew knew you had the roast beef for hot RB sandwiches when he showed up.

    Butterfly.   You sure have your hands full taking care of your DH with dementia then asthma on top of that. It was sweet when you said you woke up at 10 and was still hold hangs. That was sweet.

    Beth.    Yes, I will be leaving here on the 6th to spend a week with my daughter in Maricopa, Arizona. I will fly both ways and my son who lives with me will be taking care of my Molly and Sammy. When I drive there in October for the winter, I will take them with me.  Yes, I will continue with my pet sitting when I get back home. I really only sit for a few people now and they all know my schedule. I just spent the weekend at a friend's house taking care of her dog and will also do the same next weekend. I take Molly with me she loves to play with all these dogs. 

    Lorita.   When I was pet sitting last weekend and next, I got/get to watch all the old Gunsmoke's on a TV channel I don't get. it was so nice seeing them all and they all had Chester in them. I was surprised there was so many I have not seen.

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Oh gracious, Lorita - please be careful. I hope you will be on the mend soon. Seems like there have been so many falls lately, for so many people. Or maybe I am just noticing it more. What's up with your medic alert device? False alarms when you don't need it and silence when you do.  Glad you didn't hit your head or break anything! And thankful for the porch friends' reminders about icing your wrist. It does make a difference with swelling and so forth. I forgot all about using ice yesterday after DH's mishap. I am still halfway holding my breath and praying intensely that he doesn't have a hairline fracture from that hard fall on his hip (and elbow) yesterday. 

    Thanks Zetta for the updates and I'll bet you are looking forward to visiting your DD and SIL in their new (warm) location. I forgot that you are a pet-sitter. That seems like a very cool thing. I love dogs but don't know if I will ever get another one. Will see in time. 

    Loveskitties, you are so talented! Makes me want to make something, but I need to pace myself before diving back into creative projects (quilting or sewing). I sometimes knit headbands since they are quick. But haven't found owners for them once finished. And I used to crochet adequately, but never something so intricate as your heirloom pieces. Maybe something miniature is in my future. We will see. For now though, I'm turning in early. Kind of exhausted since I've been sleeping with one eye, and ear open, more than usual lately. I hope the next few days are uneventful for everyone! 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Thanks, Marie, for reminding me about icing.  I've been doing that since you posted.  My wrist and hand hurt some but it will be okay - there may be a sprain -  kind of hurts on top of the hand and the side and I've noticed my right knee hurts some and the tops of my feet - my goodness, I need that powder puff and mosquito bar mother always said Charles and I needed (to be safe).

     Zetta, I'm going to move both of the dog beds to the same area.  Years ago before Charles and I moved down to the farm house we had the dining room and living room  made into one big room.  One bed is in the LR part and the other in DR part.  I have to go through the DR part to go to the bathroom.  I mentioned I have some light bulbs you charge in a lamp that has a thing you screw it into and a button on top you push and the light comes on.  I think part of my trouble is I've quit picking up my feet enough.  I wear those sandal-type things all the time and I think I need a more stable shoe.  I make several trips out to the water tanks during the day and very late in the evenings and don't seem to have any trouble - it's here in the house - except for the time I got tangled up with Stormy.

     Marie, those afghans are gorgeous.  I think the colors came through just fine.  How big are they?  You do such pretty work.  I don't have the patience to do that kind of work anymore.  I know that great grandchild will really love the pretty llama.

     Butterfly - I don't know what's going on with the alert pendant.  I'm wondering if they might have turned off the fall detector because it was going off when it shouldn't.  I'll find out tomorrow.  The replacement was supposed to be here today but being a holiday maybe that's why it didn't comoe - but, I did get a delivery from FedEx today and they're who will deliver it. 

     You know the silly thing about this is - I still can't find that LocknLock container with the chocolate chips in it.  It must have flown out of my hand when I fell and goodness knows where it went.  And - I forgot to add the soda to the cake batter.  Instead of eggs to make it rise you use lemon juice and soda.  Was I ever surprised when I opened the oven to take it out and it was flat - instead of being over 2 or 3"  high it was maybe an inch high and I don't think it's cooked enough.  It tastes good but not like a cake - more like a brownie.

     I went out at dusk to fill the water tank and I could barely see the individual girls in the garden - little Casper was having the best time - running here and there - maybe getting acquainted with everyone.  It's amazing that he's only three days old.  He is the apple of his mother's eye and she is so attentive to him.

     Jack called a couple of times today - once just for the checkin but the second time he told me he was scared.  With the bad weather we're predicted to have he's afraid the electric will go off and he'll freeze, I think.  I tried to reassure him it would be all right.  Feel sorry for him.  He says he's never been afraid before (once before he told me he was scared about something).  I know it's because he's older and alone now.  I know I dread bad weather but feel so much better since I have the generator.  A couple of times when we lived  in the MH which was all electric we were out of power for a couple of weeks at a time and it was hard.  We had several poodles at that time and we'd stay there until we got so cold, then we'd come down to mother and daddys to warm up and have something hot to eat, ,then we'd go home again.  Of course with a dozen poodles we had a 12 dog night.  Charles always had to have a big glass of ice water by his bedside eat night and when we ran out of ice in the freezer he'd take ice off the tree limbs and put in his glass and it would still be frozen in the mornings.  It was hard.  But, you know, I had lots and lots of house plants at that time - we put them under the dining table with a blanket over the top and hanging down to the floor and we didn't lose a single one.  He said he might call me tonight and I told him to go ahead - the phone would be next to me. 

     Zetta - I only have one bovine now - Billy the Bull.  That was the one stipulation I had when I sold the girls - that Billy would never leave the farm.  So, Mike didn't buy him.  All the others are his but in my heart they're still mine so I will continue to watch and count them and put the new babies up for a day or so.  He doesn't mind me doing that.  I could never have made those arrangements with anyone else and I told him this evening when he called that I would never have leased the place and sold the girls to anyone else.  A few years ago I mentioned to Darwin that I was thinking about quitting running cattle and the next day I had a call from another neighbor wanting to lease the land - so, it wouldn't have been any trouble but didn't want to do that.

     How long are you going to be visiting your daughter this time?  I know you'll miss Molly and Sammy and they will miss you for sure.  But, it will be so nice to be out of the cold weather for a while.  Julie, one of Carols' daughter and her husband are in Mexico now for a couple of weeks - what good timing they had.  Carol called and she's still improving ai little bit each day - even went into the kitchen again today and straightened up a bit - says her husband never puts things back where they should be. 

     Really hoping we don't have freezing rain this time around but this evening it said we may have 2-3" of rain.  There's winter storm warnings, flood warnings and will have severe storm warnings tonight and very cold weather.  Oklahoma weather for sure.  The weather radio just went off - there's a tornado watch for our area and over into Arkansas.  Extex - you may be in this - sounds like all the counties along the Oklahoma state line.   Be careful.

     Back later.  Sleep well tonight.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Butterfly.   Beth was asking me about my trip to my daughters and my pet sitting and I gave you the answer. I make things a bit confusing, don't I?  sometimes I find it hard to keep up with all these messages, especially when I get a few days behind.  (: 

    Judith.  You mentioned about your vision and balance. I am also having a bit of that. Years ago, I had a problem with vertigo. It went away but I think it may be coming back. I will wait a few days and if I still notice it, I will go to the doctor. I don't think there is much they can do about it, is there?

    Marie.  I love your 2 projects especially the Llama, it is so cute. Your very talented. 

    We got quite a bit of snow today, with more on the way I will be so glad when Spring gets here. Some of you were talking about Wordle. I get so frustrated with that so far, I have not got any right. I wish there was a clue to help with the word. I usually give up after the 3rd try

    I am not sure what to watch on TV now that the Olympics is over. I was really into them this year. The closing ceremony was beautiful. 

    I hope you all have a good night. Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.   Yes, I know all the cows except Billy belong to Mike it is just easier for me to still call them yours. Will they be kept all together?   When I go to visit my daughter and son in law this time, I will only be gone a week. I leave on Sunday the 6th and return on Sunday the 13th of March. I plan on taking my computer with me, so I don't get too far behind of what's happening in my world.

     Sleep Well Good Night, I hope you don't wake up in the morning sore all over. Hugs Zetta

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    53F, 12C.  Rainy today they say and windy.  Yesterday was beautiful.  High 50s, very little wind.  Had to go pick up my thyroid medicine so went out to the two thrift stores while I was out.  Ran into my cousin there and we talked a bit.

    Lorita I am trying to be more purposeful and less hurried when doing things.  Practice at this is helping me do better.  Much less likely to fall if we think before we do lol.  Yes good shoes helpful.

    Zetta most cakes freeze really well.  Find they often taste better as will be a little more moist.

    Butterfly thought of something else that I did more often than what I mentioned previously.  Would remove strap from mask and then hold mask just a little bit away from their face.  That often worked really well.  Don’t know why didn’t think of that yesterday.

    Marie your llama is really cute.  Thanks for sharing.  Hope to find time to work on my tote bag today.

    Feel sorry for Jack.  If he loses power and feels endangered by the cold would try calling sheriff department or 911 and thinking they would help him find shelter.

    Thought wouldn’t have to go anywhere today but mom is wanting apples so will run and get them if good Lord’s will.

    French toast for breakfast and pork chop for lunch.

    My friend says her daffodils are starting to come up.  Don’t see any signs of mine yet.

    Tried to attach picture of my amaryllis.  They are every which way but upright.  Have never had this problem before.  Won’t let me remove them either.  Just did an upgrade wonder if that is the problem.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I hope your not to sore today, sometimes the soreness is at it's worse day are two afterwards. Hope you have moved the ironing board by now!

    Last night was not a good night! Lou kept wanting to go to bed early, so when I finally gave in and got her ready for bed, we had nothing but complaints. The covers not right, it's hot, are we going to bed this early. Yes, I made a mistake and lost my patience, which I know only makes it worse. Raising my voice letting her know everything is alright and I've done everything I can to make her comfortable, even change heat over to air conditioner. It was actually 81 here yesterday and our unit never came on which should help on electric bill. Finally went to bed after Lou settled down and had trouble going to sleep thinking about how Lou no longer has any compassion for my troubles. Just cant help feeling sorry for myself at times.

    Now for the second part of my night. Lou woke me up at 11:30 needing to pee; so far everything is fine, that's what she's suppose to do. I woke up at 12:30 needing to pee. At 1:45 woke up hearing littlebit whining. Even though he's been eating and drinking again,  he was still having trouble walking much and I was afraid he fell off the bed with Lou. I got up and couldn't find him and he wasnt whining anymore. Was scared he was somewhere dead! I walked through the house looking for him and still couldn't find him. I made the trip through the house two or three times looking for him and finally found him at the foot of Lou's bed between the footboard and mattress. After Lou broke her hip the bed was too high for her, so I widened the mattress frames and had the box spring and mattress on the floor to lower the bed. Somehow the mattress had shifted where there was a gap at the foot and littlebit moving around had fallen in between it. After picking g him up and loving on him a minute, he started wagging his tail and told me he was sleepy and please put him back in bed.

    Needless to say I wasnt able to go back to sleep and turned the tv on and been sitting in the living room with piece and quiet since 3am.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, so sorry you fell. Please try to get your floors cleared to get rid of tripping hazards. Falls can be very dangerous and we want you to be safe. Your little calf is so cute! I'm glad they are still with you and also glad Mike and Toad are feeding them since that had become difficult for you. The amount of hard physical work you do is incredible. I admire you! 

    Marie, your afghans are STUNNING!  You do a great job and the recipients are so blessed by you. 

    Butterfly Wings, around where I live some people knit/crochet little caps for newborns and also little tiny blankets for kitties in the shelter. Do you love butterflies? We have a lot of flowers and see quite a few butterflies in the summer - monarchs mainly, also black swallowtails, painted ladies and red admirals. 

    Sara, your amaryllis is beautiful. I used to put mine outside in a pot over the summer and then bring it in - but I usually didn't get it to bloom again. Some people have luck with re-blooming, though.

    Ron, I'm sorry it has been so rough. I said a prayer for you and Lou. 

    Freezing rain here today, possible snow today-Friday, we may get an inch or two here. I sure am ready for spring!

    Judith here is some info I found on vertigo treatment.  A friend of mine I shared it with said it was helpful. https://winkgo.com/bppv-vertigo-treatment-carol-foster/

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    It's 2-22-2022  --- that won't happen again for another year.  Lots of twos and it's 22 in Tulsa right now.  We had nothing more than a shower last night - just enough to get the dirt wet.  Today will be all right - just cold but by noon tomorrow we'll be getting sleet, freezing rain and a little snow way north of here - and repeated the next day. 

     Just came in from feeding Tom-Tom and getting him some water.  Neither of the tanks needed to be refilled just now but will later.  I think most of the girls stayed in the barn last night.  I saw Casper getting some breakfast and then he and mom came out of the lot - also saw little Evan.  I always feel much better after they make one night out with the rest of them.   The girls are around the hay - not much of it left.  Toad should have given them a bale yesterday morning.  I told Mike they were almost out but they're feeding way east of here so guess they'll wait until tomorrow morning to hay them.  He said the fescue is beginning to green up so they'll be all right.  I saw several of them heading toward the MH - always a bit greener up there.

     Sara - be careful being out and around today.   Your mother must really like apples - what does she make with them?   You know I found a little loaf dish of apple crisp in the freezer - had forgotten I put it in there.  Did I mention I made the wacky cake late yesterday and during making it is when I fell.  So forgot to put the soda in and it was flat.  Now, I do remember telling you that.  I cooked it a bit more but not sure I'll eat it.  I found a recipe for a vanilla wacky cake - same ingredients except 1/4 C. more flour. 

     Ron, what a night you did have.  You know I've found some pretty good shows on TV late, late night on TV.  Some of the really old ones.  Barney Miller, Maude and Frasier.  So when I can't sleep I watch them.  Hopefully, today will be much quieter for both you and Lou.   Poor Little Bit - bet he was scared being lodged between the mattress and bedframe.  That happened to Napoleon once.  Think it was him - anyway one of the poodles.  Sometimes they slept under the covers and this one got too close to the foot of the bed and fell down between the mattress and the footboard and was still in the covers.  Like to have never have gotten him out of there.

     My hand is really sore, especially on top and some soreness in my wrist but I can still use it so it'll just have to work out the soreness.   Might be hard mixing up a cake though - guess I can use the mixer. 

     Sara - French toast for breakfast - maybe I'll have that, too.  Didn't do it yesterday.  FedEx delivered some of the things I'd ordered - all but Pace Picante sauce and one other thing so I have a big box of Malt-o-Meal. That will be good the next couple of cold, cold mornings.

     I feel sorry for Jack being scared.  Everyone dreads icy weather and always try to get things done before it happens.  He doesn't have anything to do outside so sits inside and worries, I guess.  He could come here but he's never been here and it's a good 15 miles away so he'd never make it if it's icy.  They live in a little housing development but not sure he knows any of the neighbors.  I think the one they did know moved away.  If he gets super cold he can always sit in the car and warm up - but, it's in the garage and if electric goers off the garage door won't open so that wouldn't work.

     Sheena and Stormy are in hog heaven (probably something Southerners say) with the cold weather.  They went out about 3, came in when  I got up and back out when I went out so they're having fun.  It's supposed to be about 35 today.  Just hope we don't have freezing rain - much worse than sleet or snow because it stays on power lines and everything else.

     The girls are bawling - this is about the time they feed but it looks like they're going back into the barn.  Don't blame them - that north wind is cold.

     Zetta, won't you be glad to be in warmer weather for a while but you'll miss your little ones for sure. 

     I'll be back later.  Butterfly, hope your husband is all right this morning and not too sore.  Those falls really jar us. 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, let's make a deal.  Both you and I will throw out our ironing boards because we don't even iron things anymore.  I'll do it if you will.

    I'm concerned that the MG didn't detect the fall.  I wonder what happened?

    Zetta, I'm not having my surgery until March 22.  I took that day and the following 2 days off after it so I won't have to type because I'm sure I'll have a dead hand at least for a couple of days.

    My schedule change starts March 6 - I'm working in my time zone 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. which will be great as the days are getting longer and the weather better.  Right now it's a muddy mess with rain, melting snow and Keys wants to sniff and drag me through all the muddy areas.  Lots of new dogs in the neighborhood you know, have to smell all of them!

    QVC has Josie Maran on all day long - while the today's special value looks like a good deal, I'm not into those products so I'll leave it alone.

    Marie, the afghans are absolutely gorgeous!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Sara, I forgot to tell you how beautiful your amaryllis is.  I love those plants - such beautiful blooms and they last a long time.  I used to always get one or two before Christmas but not in the past years because of the cats.  Enjoy them.  Wonder if you could plant them outside in a pot and they'd make it until next year.  Might be something you could try.

     Okay, Day, it's a deal.  My big ironing board is as old as the hills.  Charles bought it at a garage sale 20 or more years ago and the little one isn't worth a hoot.  If I need to press something I can always put something over the washer or dryer.  I have blouses hanging in the closet that I've bought and never worn because they needed to be pressed.  I don't buy anything that needs to be ironed - these were folded and creased. 

     Does that place on your hand hurt?  Strange things happen to us sometimes that we just can't explain but have to deal with.  Hope you can make it all right until the 22nd.

     I was wrong - 2-22-2022 won't happen again for a hundred years?  Anyway a long, long time.  This morning on QVC Carolyn Gracie was saying it was couples' day or something like that - anyway because of the twos.   Do you like Denim & Co?  I love their clothes and have been buying them for years.  It's the kind of things I like to wear - people don't dress up much in our area and I'd feel so out of place in Susan Graver's clothes.  I did buy a couple of her things a long time ago - one was a tank and jacket with brass studs on the neckline of the tank - never have worn it - but I do like to watch.  

     Beth, somehow I missed reading your post - you suggested what I did to Sara about the Amaryllis.  I've never done that but it should work.

     I've moved things around but I still don't have full use of the BR so things from there are in the front bedroom and sunroom and now things from the utility room are in the kitchen and overflowing some into the DR.  I talked with Daniel a while ago to suggest he not come until next week because of the freezing rain and sleet we're supposed to have the next two days.  I go out through the utility room to get to the water tanks to fill them - much shorter and I didn't want it tied up until the weather gets better.  He said he'd be here Monday.

     Day, I called MG to see the fall detector had been turned off and for them to track the replacement.  One woman told me one hadn't been ordered so waiting for a call from the guy I've talked to about it.  If they don't get this taken care of I'll have to change to another company - can't have one that goes off when it's not supposed to and doesn't when you need it.  Really getting irritated about it.

     Sara - I had French toast for breakfast, too.  I had made a fresh loaf of bread so cut a Texas Toast sized slice and used butter and syrup with it.  I had almost finished and heard the cows bawling so set it on the hassock in front of my chair to go to the door to check and when I came back Sammy was licking the syrup so cut up the rest of the toast (maybe a 5th of it) and gave it to Sheena.  She loved it and says she wants it every day for breakfast.  I like the texture of the homemade bread - more body than the white bread has.  I'll do that again for sure. 

     So, guess I'm going to sell the tractor with the front-end loader and all the other farm implements to Mike.  It's not big like their tractors so they can move it on their trailer where they need it to grind feed.  Those things are just setting there and are going to rust away if they're not used.  These are implements we didn't use much.  Years ago we still had some of daddy's farm equipment and it took a long time for me to get to the point I could sell them.  Same with the arch over the gate at the road.  He had put it up and the man who was doing some work on the barn for us was going to replace it and I just couldn't do it.  Later we did replace it with a pipe arch and gate.  Some things are just hard to let go of.   We still have an antique manure spreader sitting out in the pasture behind the barn.  The couple we sold daddy's equipment told me if I ever wanted to sell it to call them.  I may do that.  We have used it a couple of times but the girls have rubbed on it and broken off a piece or two.  These people live up around Tulsa and they use the equipment as planters for flowers.  Really pretty what they do with it. 

     So, haven't gotten that call from MG so I'm going to stop and call them again.  It's cold outside but the sun's shining - hard to believe we're going to have ice tomorrow and Thursday.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Thank you all for the kind words about my projects.

    Lorita, you asked about their size.  Most start out about 48" x 60" but I modify them depending on who is to get it.  For men or taller women I make them a bit wider and longer.  I don't have a specific size I go for, just make adjustments to pattern based on what looks good to me...lol.

    One thing to know about garage doors when the power goes off.  There is a cord which hangs down from the track where the power box is.  If no power, can pull that cord and it will then allow you to manually raise and lower the door.  Found that out when I lived in Florida.

    Hope all stay well and safe in these crazy weather times.

    Hugs to all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Found my LocknLock bowl of chocolate chips --- under the dining table.  When I started to fall the bowl must have flown out of my hand, across the kitchen and into the dining room under the table.  If it hadn't been LocknLock the chips would have been all over the floor - not one lost though.  I have another chocolate cake in the oven --- this time with chocolate chips and soda!

     marie - I bet those afghans are as warm as toast.  Since I've been sleeping in the LR I've only had a fluffy thrown (from QVC) as cover and it's plenty warm enough.

     Thanks for the information about the garage doors and how to open them if the power goes off.  I'll be sure to tell Jack - doubt he knows.  The weather just said we're probably going to have mostly sleet beginning mid morning tomorrow and through mid day on Thursday.  I'd much rather have sleet than freezing rain - sleet doesn't stick on power lines as much but does make the roads hard to travel.  We shall see what we get.

     I got in touch with MG - they're going to overnight a new device to me.  I told them I was really getting aggravated and would give them one more try.  They HAD turned off the fall detector.  I told her that was the main reason I had the MG.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    It's really cold at my house its 17 right now and suppose to get down to below 0 tonight. We got a few more inches of snow and right now the wind is blowing it all around and the sun is shining through it, so the snow is all sparkly. 

    Sara.  Thanks for, letting me know about freezing the cake I will make one here in a few days and split it in quarters and freeze them. The picts of those flowers are beautiful. You are a jewel for your mother, does she do a lot of baking with the apples?

    Ron.   So sorry to hear about your bad night and please don 't ever feel bad about raising your voice. You are a real good and loving caregiver and husband to Lou, please remember that. Lou is very lucky to have you there for her. I am sure she does not even remember you raising your voice. Littlebit is so loved, and he knows that. 

    Beth.   Thanks for giving us the information on vertigo. I have had it before, and I think it's starting again. I will read up on that info and see if there is anything I can do. It's not bad just a little bit lightheaded if I stand up too fast.

    Day.   I was a whole month off of when you're going to the Doctor. I sure hope it does not get way too much worse by then. I guess if the Dr was worried, he would have gotten you in sooner. It is getting worse. 

    Lorita.   Sorry to hear that your hand is sore. But after a fall we as mature people will be sore someplace. I took a fall when I was at my daughters over thanksgiving and at times my knee still hurts. The Dr checked it, and nothing seems to be wrong. It hurts at night sometimes after I go to bed. 

    That was good that Marie told you about how to open the garage door if the electricity goes out. My thought was on a bad night just leave the car out. I feel sorry for Jack being afraid I am sure I would be also. It is good you don' live too far away. If he came over hopefully, he would bring his little dog. You say you worry sometimes when you forget words, so do I but I don't worry too much. Just like now I can't remember that dogs name. LOL. 

    Your blouses that have been folded and are creased I would just put them in the washer for a medium cycle then just put them on hangers to dry and hopefully the creased areas will come out. I have not owned an iron for probable 50 years. I take my cloths right out of the dryer while they are hot and hang them on hangers and the wrinkles go away.  

    I think I am going to make me a peach cobbler. I have everything I need I just need to get up and do it. Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Every day coming up here is a palindrome. 

    A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of letters or numbers that reads the same backward as forward. “Racecar,” “civic” and “level” are all examples of this.








    Enough of that: I got rid of my ironing boards long ago. I have an iron and if I need to iron (rare) I put a towel on the table and iron over that. Great for wrinkles: "Downey Wrinkle Releaser" or "I Hate Ironing." Spray it on, pull a bit on the fabric, let it dry and the wrinkles go "POOF!"

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    I had an iron and shared it with my daughter on the next street over when she needed one...got so every time I needed it she had it so got another just for me...I think I might have used it twice...lol. 

    I gave up on the big bulky ironing boards years ago.  Got one that sits on the kitchen table so just the right height.  It is compact and fits nicely next to the dryer.  I kept the plastic bag it came in...good thing as it probably is dusty by now...lol.

    Another thing about the garage door opener...after power is restored you will need a ladder to reach up and reconnect it to the power supply.  Otherwise, you are left with a manual door.

    Lorita, if you have an ace bandage, you might want to put it on your wrist to give it some extra support in case you are suffering a sprain.  If it swells, or any feeling of numbness, or pain in moving fingers, you need to get it checked out.

    I too worry about the outside animals in bad weather.  Several years ago we were having really cold weather and I noticed there was a stray cat going in and out from under the house.  It was fairly young, so I started leaving  dry cat food and water for it in disposable plastic containers...it was smart and drug the containers under the house where it was more protected from the cold and wind.  I don't usually feed strays, but this was special.  After the weather warmed up, he/she went on his/her way.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     I have the same iron I got when Charles and I got married - so it's over 50 years old and still works - I think.  Haven't used it in a coon's age.  I look at all the pretty irons they have now and think about getting one - then decide why get one if I never use it.  I have two ironing boards - a big one and one that sits on the table - I might keep it just in case - but it's the one I tripped over.

     Zetta, I love peach cobblers - do you make the quick cobbler?  if you ever make one, that's the one you'll make from then on.  I made another wacky chocolate cake - this time put mini chocolate chips in the batter, chocolate frosting on top and a few more chips on top.  Had to have a piece when it was just barely warm.  I think I could have eaten half of it - but didn't.

     I just went out and filled the water tank at the barn and it's as cold as kraut.  Also pulled that huge tarp over the car and put something on the back of the car, hopefully to hold the tarp down some - it worked last time.  I also checked the amount of propane I have - 40% so I'm good to go until next winter probably.

     I had ordered a sack of bird feed and opened it a while ago - still on the porch and put it in a cat litter pail.  I'll fill the bird feeder when I go out to turn off the water in the tank in the garden.  The girls are up at what hay they have and some are grazing - I saw little Casper with his mom.  You know her life has changed completely since she had Casper - going from a carefree heifer to a mom and she's a good one - he's the most important thing in her life now.  Mike is kindhearted - he called this morning on his way to the clinic and said they had three new babies this morning in one of his pastures.  He said they were running and playing already.  He said sometimes when he's driving in the country and sees little calves playing - he stops and watches them.  I think all ranchers are like that - the cattle are part of their lives for sure.  I'm so thankful that I did decide to sell them and to be able to keep them here.

     Carol called a while ago.  Two of her daughters came to visit a bit today and she actually went to answer the door so she's improving daily.  One daughter is in Mexico so she'll miss this awful weather. 

     I'm so glad the sleet and freezing rain won't begin until mid morning so feeding can be done and I can get the water tanks filled.  Got to go - my alarm is going off telling me the water tank should be full.  I turn on the water and some of the girls come to drink so it takes longer for it to fill.

     Be careful out there.  Ron, hope today was much better for you and Lou.  Like Zetta said, don't worry about raising your voice - we all have done that.  No time to proof read.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Mercy!   I guess all of us felt that when we read you had fallen again, Lorita.  I am so glad you are alright, thank goodness.   Sayra is right about mindfulness and I do try to do that, sometimes I am better at it than others, but it is more necessary for us who are "mature."   It also becomes about de-cluttering.  Not easy, but if we look at our clothing, at the stuff we have stored away, at the items stashed in corners, in closets, in store rooms, etc. that we have not used in years, we need to get rid of it.   Emptying that utility room will give you much more room and keep you safer. Not a one of us here needs to keep foods to the nth of forever or keep piles and piles of stuff never to be used.  As mentioned before, many grew up in days when grandparents and parents practiced stict frugality for many reasons; sometimes being no good access to goods or not being able to afford to buy new.   Sometimes that can hang onto us a bit.  We seem to not in that position of dire frugality need; (if someone is, I apologize.)  May need to watch budgets and not be financially foolish; but we are not going to starve.  I had to learn to let go and frankly, did not miss one item given away. Sometimes what we have that we do not use would be a wonderful gift to others who could really use it.  Donations of things in good useful condition can be a real happy item for someone else. When I go through things which I really, really need to do again . . . (groan) . . . instead of looking at a huge job, I tell myself to start at one corner or end of a space and do perhaps two feet today and then more tomorrow.  Especially in a walk-in closet.   That makes it easier to tolerate doing, but of course I end up doing more than the two feet.  I just go clockwise or counter-clockwise a few feet at a time until I am done if I am pressed for time or if I am feeling really resistant to doing the job.   I procrastinate with that sort of chore. I am with you on that med alert device.  Just one more time with the new one that is does not work properly - DONE.   In such an ongoing situation, cancelling them and going with a more dependable unit and company could make a life saving difference.   You have certainly given them many chances, and to think they did not process a new unit for you as you were told they would do does not speak well of the company, not to mention the failure of their units.  You are a caring friend for Jack and I am sure you are a comfort for him; it is really sad for him and how alone and frightened he is; I can understand his feeling that way.  I sure do hope his heat does not go out.  NOTE:  Please do NOT tell him to use his car for heat if he gets cold if his house heat goes out.  So many people have died doing just that; carbon monoxide poisoning and it can do its worst very fast.   If he only would permit connections with a social worker or others near where he lives; even the workers at a nearby senior center, they could give him information that could be very helpful in an urgent situation.  Often, senior centers will be open for heating or cooling when the utilities are out.  Many senior centers have a social worker or one they can call, or have knowledgable people who can give referrals to helpful entities if help is needed.  So hope all will be well for him.   Such a good friend Lorita, and a real help for him to be able to talk about how he is feeling. Rice.  I knew I had read warnings about cooking and storing cooked rice almost a year ago. Did not find that I had kept that on file, but here is a good link regarding rice and how long one can keep it.  It is surprising that if one has their cooked rice from a meal out on the table or counter for two hours or more at regular room temp, one must discard it.  Rice can indeed cause food poisoning and does it easily and with gusto.  It has one main organism and another that grows on it; not to mention mold.   Here is a link about that and how long it is safe when cooked rice is refrigerated and how long one should keep it in the refrigerator and freezer and how to safely reheat it - (temp must be 165 degrees or hotter.)  https://www.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/healthy-tips/2020/04/is-it-safe-to-eat-leftover-rice Am not going into details but heard on news this morning that this last week, a person in England lost both legs and ends of some fingers and kidney failure after eating left over rice and chicken.  Evidently it was the rice that was the culprit . . . . (sorry to be graphic), but as said, rice does indeed carry some very toxic organisms that can be lethal to the body and even to one's life if not careful.  Little did I know some of that information, I will watch the rice far more carefully. Ron, what a night!  Good grief, poor littlebit.  I can only imagine.  I so hope that Lou gets through this phase very soon.  It has to be wearing on you and wish there was a way for you to get some respite.  Lou is certainly blessed to have you by her side.  So hope you are not still worried about losing your temper and raising your voice.  We all did/do  that at one time or another in caregiving days.  We are human; sleep deprivation and constantly being on one's toes in addition to all else that needs to be handled is a whole lot for any person over time.  Can come on here and vent like crazy and we will all get it and understand.  Completely.  Hug to Mr. Ron. The amaryllis are beautiful, Sayra.  It has been awhile since I have had amaryllis; they are fascinating to me in how they grow and are so gorgeous.  Amazing what comes out of those small brown bulbs.  I too am wondering what your mother does with all the apples. You are a lovely, loving daughter with which she is blessed. Pretty cold here today; in the 50's and a bit windy with small amount of rain.  Supposed to be cold again tomorrow with more rain - we hope.   Just to keep fire danger down up in those hills would be a very good thing. Marie; you are very talented.  I especially like that adorable llama coverlet.  You have made a "keeper" for the baby.   Wish I had your talent and capability.  It is not only a work of art that you do; it is a work of the heart. So; you are flying Zetta and the little ones will stay home.  Boy; they sure will miss you and I bet greet you like mad when you arrive back home.  One week without snow or freezing temps, that is a nice break.  Knowing our Zetta though, you will be working like mad while there.  One more blessing to a family member. Had to smile. I am not sure where my iron is.  I do not iron anything nor will I buy anything that has to be hand washed or ironed any longer.  I do have some sweaters or tops that must be laid flat to dry and I will not be buying any more  of those.  In fact, I am so old school, I love cotton/polyester blends.  No wrinkles and I honestly cannot tell the difference between that and the 100% cotton. Even when we traveled overseas, I did not notice anything different and was never hot, etc. What I did notice was that the cotton/polyester blend sure did wash nicely and did not wrinkle.  But then, I have developed a penchant for the easier laundered stuff these days. Cannot get rid of the ironing board which is stored in a guest room closet.   We have a son who visits and when he does, he irons everything he has from his suitcase or if he does laundry while here.  He makes me smile.  He did not do that when growing up, that is for sure. His wife benefitted by his diligence. Watched the last program of the Masterpiece series, second season of, "All Creatures Great and Small."  It was a good program. Love the sets, clothing and they cast the roles very well.  Hope they have a third season.  Well, Lorita, your bedroom is near the finish line.  It will be lovely to get back into it and get everything put away. With the new floor and new painted walls and trim, next thing will be that you may want a new bedspread. Those sorts of things seem to follow one another when we redo a room.  Just think how cozy that bed will feel to get back into it.  Tell Ms. Sally I said hello; does she seem to have got used to being in one place now?  Poor girl, she had on her dancing shoes but no place to go to use them.  What a personality on her. It is almost four o'clock, got to think about dinner.  Had pea soup with ham for lunch with a nice crispy apple; sure was good and it was nice to have the hot soup on such a chilly day. May everyone find good and restful sleep tonight with sweet dreams, J.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Coyotes must be going out to hunt - Stormy was sleeping, then jumped up and went to the window, put his feet in the chair, looked out the window and started barking.  I didn't hear anything but he can hear a pin drop in the next room.  What wonderful friends he and Sheena are.  Great Pyrenees are the best dogs we've ever had - big dogs, that is and we've had several kinds.  I know they understand what I say. 

     Filled the water tanks, filled one birdfeeder and will fill the other one in the morning - it was frozen together so brought it inside to thaw.  I'll fill the water tanks and break the ice if it's froze before the icing begins in the morning.  Then won't have to go out again for a while.  I'm sure the girls will head to the barn when it starts doing whatever it does.  While I was out filling that water tank I saw Casper and Missy. She's keeping him sort of away from the others until he gets stronger - smart mom - and I saw Evan.  He's growing and, hopefully, he and Casper will become friends like Tina and Sweet Pea have.

     I've gone into the bedroom a couple of times - went out on the porch and in the outside door and through the sunroom.  This afternoon I opened the bathroom door to the bedroom and Daniel had moved the chest back against the wall - it had been in the way so I couldn't get in past it.  I've washed the curtains - blue lace with a white scarf over it from side to side and now I don't remember where I put them.  Did put them in a plastic bag so they're safe wherever they might be.  Things are so disorganized now it's hard to find anything.  When they do finish it'll take a while to get things back in order.  Jo, I am going to take one room at a time and get rid of things I no longer need or use.  I know I have clothes in my closet that I probably wore shortly after I retired.  I seem to wear the same things over and over.

     Sorry, I was gone for some time.  Jack called and told me he was afraid so we talked quite a while.  I reassured him that we would most likely get sleet that wouldn't stick on the power lines so no need to worry.  Also told him to be sure to leave a small stream of water- hot and cold mixed - running with his cabinet doors open to keep pipes from freezing.  He sounded much better after we'd talked.

     Someone in 165 mentioned watching Chopped.  This is the show where they give the contestants a basket with four or five very odd ingredients for them to make a dish.  It just came on so I'll stop and watch it.  There's many of the things they give them to use that I've never even seen.  One thing that fascinates me is Dragon Fruit.  I've never seen it in the stores and I think it is so pretty - no idea how it tastes.

     My hand is feeling better - guess it's from using it so much today.  I do have some ACE bandages and will find one of them tomorrow if it's still bothering me.  Thanks for the suggestion.  

     I'll see you all tomorrow.  Sleep well and stay safe if you're in the areas where there's going to be ice and/or snow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    31F, -1C.

    Zetta hope you stayed warm.  

    Think mom just eats the apples.   They are fairly good sized, says she eats half of a one everyday,

    Judith I had not checked out that guysYT channel when I told you about the one video.  Don’t think I trust him a lot lol now that I checked out his channel.    Will say though that it has seemed to help with my nose stuffiness especially as I continue to work with it each day.  I will know for sure in the days ahead.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     The sleet and freezing rain is about 20 miles south of us - will be here soon.  Got out and fed Tom - wasn't there, probably in the barn.  Got out and cut ice on the water tanks.

     Just now heard all of the bawling - they're coming back toward the barn.  I thought maybe Toad and Mike were here already.  It is so cold out there and the north wind is horrible.

     I'll be back later.  Stay in and stay warm.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    It has begun!

     The girls thought they heard something so all of them came to the barn and were standing around in front.  They have to come out of the lot and around to another gate, then to the feeding area so I hurried out and opened gates on the east side of the barn so they could go through that way and it would be easier.  I just got back to the house when I saw their lights coming.

     They fed and set out four bales of hay and were gone and it wasn't ten minutes after they left until it started sleeting.  A lot of the girls are still up at the hay getting something to eat but they'll be down to the barn soon.  I saw a cow down by the pond by herself and I was so afraid she'd just had a calf but I kept watching and I don't see her now.  Really not a good time for a new baby.

     I called Jack and I don't think he was up yet - wish I hadn't awakened him.  It's amazing how fast this moved in and covered the ground.  I can only imagine how it must sound out in the barn with the sleet hitting the metal roof.

     I think this is going to go on until afternoon, then stop and begin again tomorrow.  And, the weatherman just said by Tuesday it's going to be in the 60s again.

     I think all of this is moving north - don't know how far - Beth, are you all expecting sleet or snow?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'm sure you've heard the expression when it rains it pours. 

    As you recall night before last was a sleepless night. Now I slept last night, but woke up with other problems. I feel like I have another uti, I'm coughing a lot and have a pain between my shoulder blades. I've had pain like this before and one time it was pneumonia and other time was bronchitis. I have medicine from the past and hopefully it's still good. I'm also weak and dont feel like doing anything.

    Guess what else! I keep panties on Lou because she's more comfortable. This doesn't happen often, but since I feel bad anyway, her BM decided not to wait. It was a big messy one too! So now I spent the last half hour cleaning her and the clothes. 

    On a different subject, my SIL in Plano had outpatient surgery yesterday and I ordered her some edible gift basket. They called and asked if it was ok to deliver tommorow or Friday and they were pulling their driver off the road.

    Hopefully no more surprises. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    You all make me chuckle every time we mention something the conversation starts. Lorita mentioned some of her blouses needed to be ironed so for the last week or so we have been talking about irons and ironing boards, we are a funny interesting group of people. Like the peach cobbler I finally made some yesterday and it was delicious. We talked about that for a while I had all I needed to make it, it just took me awhile to get around to it. 

    Lorita.  Yes, I used your quick recipe for the cobbler and yes it was so good my son and I finished it the same day. How is your hand this morning? It is good to hear that Carol is feeling better and getting around more on her own. Poor Jack is there any way he could get a wood stove and keep wood on hand just to keep him from worrying about freezing. We have a wood stove in the cabin my son lives in so I would be in the cabin if my electricity went off. Are you going to be able to sleep in your bed soon? I bet your looking forward to that. 

    Sara.   Thanks for the information about freezing cakes, guess what I do not need to freeze any of my cobbler, my son and I ate the whole thing. Yum it was good. Thats why I can't bake anything I have no will power. Yes, I did stay warm last night it got so cold outside it was -1    my Molly was not too sure about going out this morning. She went out and did her thing and ran right back in. You are so right about mindfulness. I am used to doing everything fast, I need to learn that I am not young anymore and I need to slow down. It's hard to do that when you still feel young. 

    Jo.  Thanks for telling us about the rice, I for one needed to hear that. My rule is if it has been in the fridge for 3 days it is time to throw it away. Now with rice I will try to make just what I need for the meal and toss rest of it. I guess that goes for any kind of rice even the flavored rice in boxes. And yes, you are right I will find something to keep me busy at my daughters. They just got a new 7-week-old German Sheppard puppy. My SIL is gone all day to work, and my daughter works from her home, so it looks like I will be puppy sitting while I am there. I am sure it will reinforce in my mind that I don't ever want a puppy.   

    I hope your all staying warm. Hugs Zetta 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Ron, I'm so sorry - you're right - when it rains, it pours. Seems like things just stack up.  One good thing is that you were able to sleep last night.  The medicine is probably all right - hasn't been long since your last UTI.  I remember a couple of times when that happened with Charles.  Thought there was no way I could clean it up - but, we do - we just begin and get it done.

    We have at least an inch of  sleet on the ground and I've heard thunder two or three times.  Girls have gone back out to the hay for a while.  I just came in from checking the water tank.  There was a fairly thin sheet of ice on it and it was covered with the sleet.  One place was still - warmth from someone's mouth.  I didn't have to go out into the garden - broken the ice with a hoe over the fence.  It doesn't seem too slick so that's good.  Talked with Carol and she said they had some before the sleet bega. 

     Wish I had that bay leaf someone found the other day - I'm making lentil soup and it calls for one and I'm out.  Also calls for thyme which I have never used so just used salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder - also didn't have onion so carrots, celery and lentils mostly.  This recipe says you should puree - never done that but may use the immersion blender for a little bit.  I told Carol the lentil soup reminds me of Karen.   I used to make lentil soup and I'd take it for lunch sometimes.  Karen always remarked on how awful it looked - and it does, awfully dusky brownish color but it's sooo good.

     I remember the first time I ever tasted lentil soup - the night nurse brought some and was keeping it warm in a popcorn popper. 

     The news just had a report from Muskogee where Carol lives.  They said about the only restaurant open in town is a barbeque place where Carol and her husband often go. 

     Ron - are you all getting any of this sleet?  I think it's about over for day but we'll have another round of it tomorrow.  I'm ready for spring!!

     Guess I spoke too soon - it's really sleeting again. I looked out and Penny, Jr. was trying to get a drink of water from the tank in the lot but I'm not going out to break the ice right now.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sorry your weather is so awful, Lorita. Be careful if you have to go out. That ice is treacherous. We had freezing rain yesterday. Today is just cold but we could get snow today and/or tomorrow - not expecting much, maybe an inch or two. I'm ready for spring!
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I'm just drinking a lot of water for my uti, the pill I'm taking is benzonatate gel tablet for my lungs. I've had the bottle for awhile, but it seems to help. One of the VA drs prescribed it for me several years ago and told me it goes directly to the lungs. I am running 100.5 fever along with the shoulder blade pain along with a headache. Dont feel like eating but I do have some ensure. Guess I'll fix Lou some talipia, corn and broccoli. Easy fix and want be in the kitchen long. Sure miss family!!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     I'll have to go out two more times - once to fill the water tank in the garden, then to move the hose to the one in the lot and then bring it in.  I also need to refill the bird feeder out by the garden.  Birds everywhere - I think a while back I mentioned I wasn't seeing many birds.  The last two days they've been everywhere.  Filled the feeder on the front porch earlier.

     We have a good inch or inch and half of sleet on the ground - everything's white.  I don't think it's doing anything right now but they're having some lake effect snow north of us.

     Ron, next time you get to the store, get some cranberry juice.  I used to work with a Urologist and he had all of his patients drink cranberry juice every day and eight glasses of water.  I started drinking CBJ mixed with OJ every morning back in 1063 and have done so ever since.  I'll knock on wood but I have  never had a UTI and I attribute that to the cranberry juice and lots of water.  They even have CB pills - don't know if they'd work or not but the juice is delicious mixed with orange juice half and half - would be good for Lou, too.

     More sleet and snow coming again tonight into midday tomorrow.  The WC now is about 3.  My heavy coat is in the storage building - so I'll put on another layer underneath the coat I have in the house when I got out along with my trapper's hat, glove and boots.

     I did make the lentil soup and used the immersion blender to blend about half of it - I've  never done that before.  You know you have to add just a tiny bit of lemon juice or vinegar when you eat it - makes all the difference in the world.  There would be enough for all of us so wish you all were here.  The porch is a bit breezy today but we'd make out.

     There was just a knock on the door and Stormy went nuts.  I went to the door and FedEx  had just delivered my medical guardian.  Didn't expect that on a day like today.

     I'd better stop and get my work done outside before it gets dark.  Had a long phone visit with Jack this afternoon - he's okay - did go outside once but I cautioned him to stay inside.

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    22F,-6C.  Looks like we got a little snow.

    Ron hope things are going better this am.  Don’t put off seeking medical care too long.  Easier to treat early than later usually.

    Hope all of you are safe this morning.

    Saw J yesterday.  She was doing ok.

    Giving that nasty weather here too.  Thought I could stay in but my N tire blew out on his way home from work last evening so will have to be his cab at least today and probably tomorrow.  

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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