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Just need to talk to my friends (166)



  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita wrote:

    Day, I liked Elise - sort of a breath of fresh air.  I was worried that she might have had the virus since she was on from home a while.

     I don't know how long you've been watching QVC but I have been for umpteen years.  They used to have a line of clothing called Maggie Sweet.  Do you remember that?  It was represented by a man - can't remember his name at the moment but the clothes were so pretty.  I bought two suits, plus some other things, but gained some weight and never wore them.  Each of them had quite a lot of embroidery on them.  Tova had jewelery?  I never watch many of the jewelry shows, except diamonique, and don't watch the makeup or skin care ones.  Looking forward to Denim & Co. this morning. 

    I remember Maggie Sweet very well!  I've been ordering and watching since the late 80s?  Anyway, a very long time.  Do you remember a man named Thomas Pacconi?  He used to sell wooden items, like children's toys, decorative items - well I have a big jewelry box from his line that has anti-tarnish built in for over 30 years and it still works.  It's like a big chest with 3 drawers.  Sure did turn out to be a good buy.  

    Tova sold some jewelry, but her main item was perfume.  I didn't care for it, was a bit too heavy for me, but she had a perfume named after her and then variations on that main item.  She used to tell stories about old Hollywood and I remember being mesmerized by her, she was just so elegant and seemed to be a very warm person.  She liked taking calls from the viewers.

    Silver jewelry on right now - meh.  I've been getting up early all week to get used to the new hours come Monday.  I think I've got it down.

    Jo - I'm glad the fire didn't do more damage.  If the smell is lingering, you may need to contact a company that can put an ozone machine in the kitchen for a few days to clear the stench.  When someone smokes in one of the hotel rooms, we have to call a cleaning company in who steam cleans and they place an ozone machine to take the residual smoke smell out of the fabric and carpet (and the guest gets charged!) and we can't re-rent the room until it's out of there.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Beautiful morning already and suppose to be 74 today.

    I also know what pooped means; they use to say "I'm to pooped to pop". High heels.....never wore them.....so can't comment. 

    Hearing test at VA tommorow and nuclear stress test for friday of next week.

    Nicole, as you know, the trick to a good gumbo is getting the roux just right, it takes awhile but worth it. I have to confess that over the years I have gotten lazy and used over the shelf items for my gumbo; lots of good gumbo fixings out their, but I have to say a good old homemade roux cant be beat. 

    Jo, hope all is well with you this morning. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's 41 here this morning, sunny and calm.  A lot of the girls have drifted off to graze - a good sign that Spring is not far away.  Fed and watered Tom-Tom.  I wish he'd let me pet him but he stands just far enough away that I can't reach him.  When both of them were here occasionally I'd be able to at least touch them.  He's lonesome so wish another cat would come and be with him.  I threaten Sammy and Lilly telling them I'll put them outside but doubt they could  make it - although Lilly was surviving living around the bales of hay when Darwin found her.  But she's spoiled now.

     Had sort of a restless night - went to sleep watching TV and woke up at MN, then slept off and on.  I have to find that ACE bandage because my wrist/hand is hurting some this morning - must have slept with it bent.

     Iris, sorry you didn't find the music relaxing - forgot you had visited China - but there's lots and lots of different kinds of music you might like.  Do you ever watch any of the old, old shows that are on TV late at night?  If I happen to wake up I like to watch Barney Miller and Frasier.

     Sara - we can tell that Spring is near when you begin to plant seeds.  We never raised celery but did raise Bok Choy and it did well.  I like it in salads.  I may plant a few things in some big pots I have but will have to get dirt into them.  Some of our trees have big buds on them and the others are looking fuzzy so it won't be long.  Our daffodils are beginning to bloom but haven't seen tulips yet.  But, may not - last year a cow ate the yellow tulips I had north of the house so they  may not come back.

     Day - years ago we used to go to a consignment shop and I found a Maggie Sweet jacket - it was white Yoryu  with tiny bouquets of flowers embroidered on it - spaced out so it wasn't too much.  I ordered a pair of white Yoryu pants to go with it and I wore that outfit a lot.  I'll have to find that jacket - really liked it.

     Nothing going on here now except for some reason the girls got the idea this is feed day - and they're bawling and the ones who were out grazing are coming up - just looked at the clock and it is feed time (around 8 a.m.) but wrong day.

     I hope they can get the floor back in today.  Looks scary out there - being able to see the ground where there used to be a floor.  Zetta, I doubt I'll have fun getting things back into place but I will take my time.  I am not a housekeeper - never have been except when we lived in the 8x30 travel trailer (it was a necessity then) - I'd much rather be outside doing something but guess all I have is time to get it done.  It will be good to not have people around though. 

     Jo - we're still waiting to hear what the test showed yesterday - hope you're feeling much better today.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Back again,

     Well, not good news about the utility room.  Daniel and his guys got here and he got to work.  He called me to come and look and the whole floor is gone - from one side to the other - completely gone - just dirt.  Seems the outside wall is rotted just like the bedroom - water had gotten down between the rock and building so the rock may have to come off.  He has a call in to the insurance adjustor to see if they'll pay more on it.

     He told me they could just put the floor back in - bandaid - or do what needed to be done.  Told him I probably wouldn't be here a whole lot longer but someone would be so we should do it the right way.  So, chances are it won't be finished this week.  Funny or odd - there's a crack in the ground almost the whole length of the room.  There's a little area 3-4 ft. long that will have to be jacked up in the bedroom.  I hadn't noticed that because I sleep on the other side of the bed but changed sides and noticed it had dropped down 1-2" so they'll be able to jack that back up from outside and even a little work on the joists underneath the pantry - this can be done from outside - not in the pantry.  Seems like one thing leads to another.  Guess I'm lucky I was able to find someone who could/would do the work before I fell through or - think about this - the appliances falling through which would have been a bad thing.  All of this probably wouldn't have happened if the people who put on the rock had done it the right way - but who knew they weren't doing it the right way?

     Anyway, it's a beautiful day.  supposed to be 80 - very unusual for this early. More like May weather.    I was watching a little bit of Pioneer Woman and her daughters were with her - they're almost a head taller than she is.  Carol and her daughters went to Pawhuska for the opening of the Mercantile so called her to see if Ree is pretty short.  Carol's daughter was there and both of them agreed she's about our height - 5'5" or 5'6" - so those girls must have taken after their father who is pretty tall.  I know the boys are way over 6'.   Now back to Andy Griffith.  Zetta, I've seen both of the Gunsmokes that are on now. 

     Daniel got in touch with the adjustor and he said he really couldn't discuss it with him so will call me this afternoon or tomorrow morning.  You know, I hate to deal with insurance companies - you pay premiums for years (86) in this case and then they don't want to pay for anything that goes wrong.   They're leaving for the day until they see what AFR will do.    You know it's hard to find an insurance company that will insure farms/ranches - we ran into that years ago.

     So, maybe it'll be quiet this afternoon - I think a nap is in the offing.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,   I am so sorry that issues keep popping up for you. You are lucky the floor did not collapse with you on it, and you are also lucky you found someone to work on it for you. I hope the ins company comes through for you. Please stop thinking you won't be around to enjoy your utility room be positive and plan on enjoying your new utility room. You're not that much older than me (76) and I plan on being around for another 20 years. It sounds like you shuffle when you walk just like I do, I am also trying my best to lift my feet up when walking.

    Yes, I also use the word pooped, sometimes I get so pooped out like you do. If you can't find your ace bandage, maybe find something else you can wrap around your wrist tonight, so you don't sleep the wrong way in it. I am also glad you are happy with the way Mike and Todd, are taking care of your girls. I know they are not your girls, but I like referring to them as your girls. 

    Ron,   Thanks for sharing about your life alert I have also found ones like that but what I read it said the batteries only last a few years and the batteries cannot be replaced. You need to get a whole new system. Like Lorita, said needing one away from home is a good idea, but I am also leaning toward one that just works at home because if I am not at home there will be someone around. The only time I am alone is when I am at home, and I do have a landline. I hope you get good results on the testing you will be having done this week. 

    Jo.   Where are you and how did your test turn out? We are worrying. 

    Iris,   I don't blame you I do not like shopping at night as well. I don't like driving at night I worry something will happen. I don't live in a city so if my car breaks down, I am on a dark county road all by myself.  I also won't walk in a dark store parking lot at night.  

    Lorita,  I am also watching Gunsmoke and it's the same two you said you have seen before. It's pretty much background noise for me because right now I am typing this.   

    I hope your all having a good Wednesday. Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Zeta, the one I have is freedom alert from logicmark and it comes with two batteries.  One is kept in the base charging station and the other in the device. If you ever do need new batteries, it tells you what kind to buy. I dont know if the wall mount for bathroom was a package deal are if its sepwrate.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Just saw that Jo has posted on another thread so maybe she'll post on this one a little bit later.

     It has been a most beautiful day - almost like summer.  I've been wearing flannel lounge pants and a light-weight Sherpa top and have been pretty warm.  Need to find something else to wear tomorrow.  I just came in from filling the water tank in the garden and the tops of the trees are full of birds making all kinds of noise. 

     I was tired this afternoon so laid down on the divan to watch TV and fell asleep - think I slept about an hour.  Stormy woke me up barking so I got up and looked and it was UPS delivering my frozen cookies.  I went to the door and sure enough he was about to leave them outside the yard so told him to bring them to the porch which he did.  Then I heard something else and it was FedEx delivering catfood and bird seed.   This is the first time they've met - lucky it was just outside the yard so there was room to pass each other.  ordered wildbird seed and black oil sunflower seeds.  I mix them together so they'll be better for the birds.  Maybe the Cardinals like the sunflower seeds - the last birdfeed I had didn't have many of them in it. 

     Sandy, these are the David's frozen cookies I've ordered twice before. Remember they were thawed.  This time the dry ice was gone but they were still frozen except a little bit softer around the edges.  Got them in the freezer quickly so think they'll be okay.  When I ordered them it was sleeting.  One week ago today it was 20 degrees - today it was 81 - Oklahoma weather for sure.

     I didn't hear from the adjuster this evening.  If he doesn't call early in the morning I'll call him.  I may call the insurance company and complain anyway.  He just poked around a little bit when he was here so had no idea what was underneath.  Daniel did send him pictures.  I have a narrow three-tier table that I keep by the dryer with trash bags and other things on it so put it across the door to the utility room - just in case I forget and start to go out that way.  It would be about a three foot drop.  Earl told me they had torn out a floor in his mother's house and she was carrying a cup of coffee and talking to him and just disappeared.  She had forgotten the floor was gone and fell through so don't want that to happen.

     Zetta, I found the ACE bandage and have been wearing it today but it kind of makes my wrist hurt - maybe I had it too tight but I will wear it tonight.  I wear these rubber-like sandals or slides and I think I don't lift my feet enough to keep them from falling off..  I don't seem to do that when I'm wearing boots or tennis shoes. 

     I'm not planning on going anywhere for a long time, Zetta - just a figure of speech, I guess.  I'm still a few years younger than most of my family members who have passed away. 

     I'll stop and see what's on TV tonight, then check back to see if Jo posted.  I made another peach cobbler so will have to have a dish of that later.  The milk I had was sort of clabbered but I used it in the batter anyway - can't tell the difference.

     Sleep well tonight. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello all; thank you for thinking of me.   Lorita, I am so sorry to hear about the floor debacle; I am so glad that nothing fell through including you.  Omigoodness.  Tis a very old house, things were done differently.  Who did build your home?  You are being a good steward of it by tending to its needs, I have a feeling you will be there for a much longer time than you think. 

     As for my being sick, I too thought of the fire which had smoke, but I had stayed upstairs all that day; only got smoke smell and not the actual smoke up there. Don't think it was due to that.

     I had no exposure to anything not having left the house in two months and no one having been inside the house longer than that other than my DH who had been out getting tires on his car, some fast food, and a couple of appointments; but all while wearing an N95 mask.  

     What happened was that me; who never runs a temp and whose usual body temp is about 96, began to feel unwell and suddenly had a 101 degree temp which hung on.  Along with that I had chills, very sore muscles and extremely, extremely painful joints across entire body; this was accompanied by a very bad headache that would not leave,  also had queasiness, weakness, fatigue and some lightheadedness.  Called the doctor's office and orders were for me to self isolate and do a COVID test in 24 hours.

    Yesterday, the temp was down to 99.7, today it is normal at 97.  Hurray.  Pulse Ox had been 95, today back up to 97 - I usually run 97 to 98.  No appetite which for my ampleness won't hurt. 

     Had first COVID test this a.m.  It was negative, which I was quite glad to see,  but since it is an at-home test I do not feel comfortable due to false negatives being so high.   Sure wish I could get a PCR but no place around is doing them except for those going in for surgery or other more significant issues.   I have to do the second home test in two more days.

    So hope that I will not have COVID, we shall see.  As it is; we used the test kit we got from the govt. , like so many of them, made in China, but on the list of approved tests by the FDA.  It had teensy, teensy, tiny print; some of it light.  All I could think of was what about those with vision difficulties or those who do not process reading well?  The instructions go on and on and on.  One might have Type One kit, or Type 2 kit and instructions a bit different for each . . . however; nowhere in or on the box or instructions does it tell you which kit you have; you must be able to figure it out with the instructions.  Let's hope I did the testing just right and that I have a valid reading. 

    The kit wanted one to use an app or that square black box to "read" and lead the smart phone to a video; well folks, I do not have that access, so no video.  This is the kit the government sent out to all population that asked for one.  Okay, it was free and did not expire until July.    I think there will be those who will need a bit of assistance.

    Everyone is sick to the nth degree of hearing about COVID, but a little recap may be helpful to some readers, especially about which test kits have received FDA approval.

    I got a list of  the FDA approved at-home COVID test kits and also other information to see what pricing is like at local pharmacies.  I will put links here:


    FDA approved COVID test kit list:

    How To Get At-Home Test Kits Free:

    The following just for an idea of kit costs; they are available at many places incuding Amazon.  Sometimes insurance will cover and reimburse.  Just heard an ad on TV last night for a test kit and they wanted $129 for EACH kit and if you bought five you got one free.  Not good at all; so, so much less at other sources. Price gouging.  I also noticed the star ratings at each pharmacy for each product kit:

    Egads, the stuff that we never would have thought we would ever have to do way back when breathing was simple and not a risk for disease.
    And . . . COVID symptoms, just for an update:
    Nuff about that. 
    My sweet DH changed the sheets on the bed for me; how very nice and oh; it felt so good.  Got up to a shower and shampoo and by that time I was way exhausted and it was lovely to get onto those clean sheets and zonk.  Thankful, that is for sure.  I never sleep in, but this morning, instead of being up at my usual 4:00 am, I slept until 7:00. That has not happened in many an age.  That too felt good except for the lightheadedness.
    All that talk of Gumbo; which I have never tasted, leaves me both curious and hungry.   Boy; it sounds good.  Making a good roux is important in such a pot of wonderful.  It is the same when making Farmer's Chowder; that roux is the base for everything.  Gosh; wouldn't it be nice to have a Gumbo party on the Front Porch; I can only imagine it.  Nicole's description had me drooling.  Wow, what a wonderful pot of Gumbo that must be.  Heavens!
     I wonder how Ms. Sally is doing now that she is stuck "down on the farm," and unable to sachet off to pretty fields for a little search and eat.  Has she seemed to settle in?  I can imagine her looking longingly over the fence now and then.
    Zetta, you made me laugh out loud; you really did when talking about ironing sheets and making beds pretty. . . "sometimes I make mine . . . " a girl after my own heart.  I sometimes wonder how I got through each weekend after work, changing sheets on five beds and getting all of them washed and folded.  Heavens.  Not to mention all the other chores, the kids, the meals, the grocery shopping, errands to run, etc.  We all did quite a lot and didn't think a thing of it.  It just needed doing.  Let's face it, the pioneer women never had washers and driers, or stoves and ovens like we have, nor did they have AC or heating or flush toilets (geeze), or even fans in the heat, nor nearby supermarkets, not to mention cars and television or nearby doctors, etc., etc.  So; I can hardly complain; well perhaps just a little now and then.  Those poor women, when one thinks about what they faced.  
     Yes; me too Lorita, I so admire the Ukranian people for their bravery, and how they do their best whether staying or having to relocate to keep family safe. Waiting in snow without heat for days to gain entrance to another country; leaving everything behind never knowing if and when they will be able to return.  The tears do fall, how can they not - it continues to break my heart.  I have seen a couple of pictures of crowds of people where some very elderly frail people are leaning with canes against walls while waiting for a train,  the frightened, crying children; it has no sufficient adjectives.    For shame.
    That phrase, "too pooped to pop," one my mother would say and one I sometimes used.  And; is it ketchup or catsup?   Are the meals, breakfast dinner and supper; or breakfast, lunch and dinner?   When I was in Michigan we had dinner and supper; in California it was, lunch and dinner.  Geographic?
    Here we are heading towards St. Patrick's Day . . . Easter getting closer and closer. Spring around the corner beckoning . . . things they are a'changing.   May we please have a peaceful summer this year with only reasonable heat.  One can hope.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm sorry about your floor, but it is best to find out now and get it taken care of while you can, so you can feel comfortable afterwards.

    Jo C, good to know you don't have Covid.  Gumbo is great!  But you'd better find real homemade gumbo.  If you ever get to New Orleans, theirs is very different somehow and so delicious!

    I don't watch much TV and I don't have cable, I have an antenna and I keep my TV on channel 2 (CBS) because every time I have had to scan the antenna, it skips some channels.  

    I got gas the other day, my cash price was $4.74 a gallon in LA County, although I have seen it higher.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning 

    28F, -2C.

    Lorita glad Daniel is finding what is wrong and able to take care of it.  

    JoC hope you continue to feel better.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Spiders! Please be certain that they are not brown recluse!

    Beds...please do not think that because my sheets are pressed that I make up my bed...lol. I read that bed bugs hate an unmade bed. Who am I to argue.

    Very OT. Does anyone want yarn/instructions...fabric/patterns? I am getting rid of all

    Iris....you must be worn out. Have you given up on the Valerian Root? Lorita...shoes are very important if you have Morton's Neuroma.  https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15118-mortons-neuroma#management-and-treatment

    I hired my own PT. She was here Tuesday and is wonderful. I am encouraged.

    Gumbo...I just made some too. My recipe is Gumbo Ya Ya from the Commander's Palace in New Orleans. My local meat shop makes andouille so that makes it easy. My roux is never as dark as it should be but that's life. Does anyone want the recipe?

    My house is 81 years old and it too has some structural problems. Nothing terrible serious but the brick needs periodic tuckpointing and I did put in piers several years ago. All need painting. Some rooms have not been painted in over 40 years. The walls still look good but the wood was painted with oil and of course has yellowed. I actually did almost all of the painting myself and refinished some of the floors. I hate to think what it is going to cost to have someone else do it.

    QVC....we have some long term shoppers here...lol. I love Denim and Co's french terry.  I watch occasionally but when I see something I like I then can't find it later on my computer. Do you check the prices and reviews with Amazon. I have several times and decided not to order. Honestly Amazon sells everything.

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Hi friends, 

    Thank you so much for all the fun and caring you share here. Really brightens my day and lifts my spirits when I, too, am too pooped to pop! My mama had so many of those fun sayings! Brings back such good memories.

    Beth & Everyone, thanks for asking about my DH post-fall. He is really lucky and blessed as it seems like he only bruised his hinny (sp?) and strained some muscles maybe around the thigh and groin- still limping but only just a little. It feels like a miracle and I’m so relieved. OK, so he was feeling good enough to be uncharacteristically hostile to me yesterday afternoon...go figure. Was ready to fly the coop (always) and refusing midday meds etc. so sundowning got a bit out of hand til I could sneak some into him. I so wish we could find a cure for dementias. It really is like the invasion of the bodysnatchers.  All’s quiet on the home front so far today though. Yay!

    Nicole - yes please bring that gumbo to our next front porch celebration. I could just taste it! Did you use blue crab?

    Ron - did you have any King Cake this week? You made me laugh with the high heels comment hahaha. And I agree with your POV on war and peace. 

    Zetta - sometimes I make my bed too lol. That’s one thing DH does routinely (sometimes surprisingly well, still!) Funny how some things seem just a part of us. I fell in love with comforters long ago. Easy for the kids when they were young and they look great.

    Sayra- how did you prepare your soil? You and Beth have an apprentice this Spring

    Lorita - Bok Choy? Wow

    Day - I think I’d start shopping and might not stop, so I never got to know the QVC merch or hosts. I know it takes discipline to not buy the beautiful items they must describe so well. I can imagine me doing retail therapy. Not good! I used to sew a lot, really well, and that always made it hard to pay retail prices for clothes anyway. Now, I don’t even have anywhere to wear all the stuff I have. So, will plan to purge first. Haven’t even started that yet.

    Jo C - omg, fire would definitely be a risk here, both from DH and me. I can be a very “out of sight, out of mind” person with things like that.  I remember forgetting the last of a skillet meal a long time ago, until the burning odor ramped up while preheating the next day. Not good. Also hope your Negative test result was accurate and that you feel better soon! I am looking at my free kits and don’t know that I’d use them right. Truly cannot see this small print even with my cheater-readers. Maybe that’s what you get when you buy your (my) glasses at the dollar store. Lol

    Iris- add me to the list sending positive vibes, hoping you can get some good sleep soon! That’s got to be so frustrating on top of just being tired. I don’t have any tips; just wishing you the best.

    Jfkoc - also sending you well wishes that any vertigo will simply disappear. For good. This is a magical front porch so maybe the positive and atmosphere here can absorb some of the stuff we don’t want or need, at least for a while. I’ve had a migraine for a couple of days, maybe stress. It is low pain, but unrelenting so I’m going to ban it from our space lol.

    All - have a beautiful day. Do something nice for yourself as I can see how much we all do for other LOs, both people and animals. I made salmon croquettes and will find something to go with them now (besides my ever present rice). Maybe a quick cabbage, carrot & apple coleslaw. Take good care!!!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Looks like I've got permanent hearing loss along with everything else. The VA ordered me hearing aids that will be ready for me to pick up in two weeks. Will be nice that I'll have them prior to our anniversary trip to Texas. 

    Sister told me she had a hard time with Lou while I was gone. She seemed a little agitated when I first got home, but calmed down after I talked to her awhile.

    All this spider talk reminded me of a incident I had many years ago. We had recieved new equipment from Germany and I set in the chair and was bitten right away. Hurt like hell! I went to medical right away, the dr looked at it, got all his nurses in to look at it and explained to them the markings of a brown recluse. I was given a shot and medicine to take and was able to keep my butt. Now I can laugh about the dr schooling his nurses as my butt was stuck up in the air. 


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Brown recluse bites are very serious, they can destroy flesh to a great degree.  Ron, you were very fortunate!

    Judith and ButterflyWings yes, I have given up on valerian.  Last night I took an otc sleep aid, and I slept for nine hours straight through.  I feel rested now.  Nevertheless, I would like to feel rested without needing a sleep aid.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Iris...understood but perhaps it was time to break the cycle. I still periodically take a tiny Ambien...don't like to but..........
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Iris, glad you had a good night's sleep.  Judith is right - maybe this will break the cycle - maybe just take half of one?  I've never taken a sleeping pill so don't know much about them - really nothing.

     Jo - so glad the test was negative.  I've never opened either of the "two" kits I received.  I did hear that beginning next week you can reorder.  Have they stopped doing the PCR? tests everywhere or just in your location?  I have one of those blood O2 and pulse things and it's fascinating - my O2 level is usually from 95 up, mostly up.  Pulse is always a bit high.

     I'm sort of upset about the floor, too, but it is best that I finally found someone to fix it.  You can't believe all the noise there was this morning - some kind of thing to make it smooth enough I guess, to add the board to support the joists.  I know - that doesn't make any sense but they did get a few of the joists in.  If they'd stay the whole day they could get it finished but they come about 8:30 or 9 and leave around 2:30.  He's promised to get the floor in tomorrow - maybe not the vinyl - and won't disconnect the hot water tank.  I guess I'm just getting frustrated that it's taking so long - over two months now.  I know they've done a lot of work so just impatient and sort of tired having people around all the time.

     Stormy and I went out late this evening to count and sit with the girls a while - that's my best way to get rid of tension and stress since I don't have the tree limb anymore.  Funny how Mickey always watches us.  Casper and Evan were laying down together while the others grazed and ate hay.

    I don't know what kind of spiders they saw when they were tearing out the porch - they didn't say and probably didn't know.  Anyway, no snakes.

     Jo - as I was growing up it was breakfast, dinner and supper.  After I began working out in the public - it was breakfast, lunch and supper - still the same now but I really don't have regular meals except breakfast - usually just that meal and another about 4 p.m. - then, sorry to say, snacks later.

     Judith - the Morton's Neuroma bothers me most at night - not exactly pain, just uncomfortable and I can't keep my feet still - sometimes feels hot, sometimes cold.  During the day it doesn't bother me unless I move my toes around and it does feel like my sock is wadded up underneath my foot.  Patsy had it in one foot and it went away - I kept waiting for that but instead of going away it began in the other foot, too.  I've never worn tight shoes but did wear high heels when I was younger.  Wonder what brand would be the best to wear - Vionics?

     Your house is getting up there, too - 81 years and it must be brick.  When we were having some work done on ours - removing a couple of walls - the walls were plaster so had those narrow boards to hold the plaster and the name of a lumber company in our hometown was on them - that lumber yard and most of the town was destroyed sometimes in the 19 teens by a tornado.  No idea how many years before that the house was built.  Jo - no idea who built it unless it was the Government - first people to live where were Indians.  That contractor did say the house was well built and the lumber still looked really good - real 2x4s, etc. - not like the ones you get now that are probably 1 1 /2 x 3 1/2.  The problems have come from the new (sometime in the 1950s and early 1960s).  I think daddy and a neighbor who was a carpenter built those rooms and, of course, in the country there are no restrictions to what you build or how.

     Anyway, it's going to be fixed eventually - early next week and I just hope that will be the end of it.  So does Stormy.  Noise doesn't seem to bother  Sheena.

     Have you all ever heard of chicken salt?  I'm watching Shark Tank now and they're talking about that.

     Time for snacks so I'll stop for now.  Hope everyone can have a good night's sleep.




  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    18F, -8C.

    Judith nice you found your own PT.

    I’m a comforter person too.  They keep my rice bags nice and warm that I like to put at foot of my bed.

    Butterfly can use any good potting soil.  I use Promix usually.  Put soil out into a container and then moisten it with boiling water.  Let it set over night to cool.  Then fill my containers. Plant my seeds per instructions from packaging or Google.  Cover seeds that need to be covered with seed starter. Moisten this by misting on warm water.  Then cover container with plastic or a lid.  Seeds need to stay moist to germinate.  Don’t want to have too much though or can mold.  If getting too moist crack lid or plastic a little so don’t mold.  Look at them once o twice a day.  Some need heat to germinate others need cool, if need heat can set on top of refrigerator or if you want can buy a heating mat for this.  Once they sprout need to get them into bright light quickly.  Beth may have better instructions.

    Work on house always takes awhile.  Took them two days to replace my steps last year.  

    Attached picture of tote bag.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Sara, your tote bag is beautiful - you really did a good job.  What do you use them for - when you buy groceries?  When I worked I always carried a tote bag and my purse so I'd have room for lunch and all the other things I thought I needed.  Now, I have some of those that are lined to keep things hot or cold so use them when I buy groceries.

     It's a beautiful morning - sort of hazy from yesterday's fires and right now there isn't any wind but supposed to pick up later today.

     Now, my flashlight won't work.  It's one you plug in to charge.  It was low yesterday so plugged it in and now - nothing.  Can't remember exactly when I bought it but probably seven years ago.  Found another one and it won't work either.  I'll have to order another one, I guess. I have those light bulbs that light up and you can carry around but they just provide light close to you.

     Got my water bill yesterday and it had gone up $30. from the month before.  I called Mark - the water guy - and he said he had read it and noticed the difference.  He's going to come by today and check the meter.  It's a quarter mile from the house so when he gets there he'll call me and have me be sure everything's turned off so  he can see if the meter is still moving.  The water line has been in for 27 years but it's a good 3 ft. underground.  Years ago we had a leak just this side of the meter.  I hadn't noticed any difference but our neighbor - he's on the end of the line - called to see about our water pressure.  He walked down the line and found the leak.  That one cost us about $900.00 for lost water and repair.  I know I'm keeping the water tanks filled all the time but I've been doing that anyway.  If it's not one thing, it's two or even three.  I'm beginning to think I need to move out with the girls and just stay out there where things are mostly serene and quiet.  Except this morning - Mickey and probably Little Bit are bellowing.  They're up in the pasture so don't know what's wrong except Ray has cattle just over the fence and that may be the problem.

     I've always heard if you have anything done to your house to expect it to take three times as long as predicted and cost twice as much - or vice versa and probably both.  I'm please with the bedroom except for one little squeaky place but I can live with that and without snakes being in the house.  When they do finish it's going to take weeks to get things back into place and cleaned up.   Judith, that will be the time to get rid of things I no longer need.  You know I had an aunt when I was little and she and her husband (grandma's brother) were well to do (at least I thought so - they lived in town in Kansas)  and she only had about four dresses.  She said she didn't need more - she could only wear one at a time.  That's probably a good thing for people to think about and do.

     Iris, hope you slept well last night so  you can get your days and nights back into place.  I went to bed to watch TV and woke up at MN with the TV still on.  Went back to sleep and about 4 a.m. Stormy woke me up wanting to go outside because he heard wolves howling.  So, did go back to sleep and got up at 6. Daffodils are blooming like crazy and I finally saw a little bunch of tulips coming up.  Don't know how they survived because they're in the side yard where they've been working.  I think they're purple.

     I'll stop for now and finish my juice - need some hot tea and something to eat.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Jo - is this the day you take another test?

    Addendum:  Just thought of something - I'm thankful this repair work didn't have to be done when Charles was still with me.  It would have driven him crazy - he would even get upset when I moved furniture around.   We have a whole-house attic fan and a wall furnace we thought we had to have and probably used half a dozen times.  Always wanted to get rid of those but put it off because that would have upset him.  Just think how upset he'd be with all of this.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    Your tote is lovely!  I like the combination of fabrics and colors.  You do excellent work.


    So sorry you continue to have issues popping up with the house.  It seems that is the way it goes.  While I always lament having to deal with those things, I remind myself I am fortunate to be able to afford to have them fixed or replaced.


    I hope you are able to get your sleep schedule back on track.   I know for myself, when something is on my mind (like having to get up by a certain time for an appointment) I end up not sleeping at all for fear of over sleeping.


    Hope that next covid test also shows negative.  I know the flu going around has many of the same symptoms.  Neither is good.  Hope you are feeling better.


    I know you have had lots on your plate healthwise recently.  Hope you get to feeling better soonest and that all treatments/cures are easy to handle.

    Praying for a good day for all here on the front porch.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Well, did get some good news!  Mark called and said he'd been watching our water meter for five minutes and the hand  didn't move - meaning no water leak.  Then, he said all at once it began to move. So, went out and checked and the guys were flushing the hot water tank so that's why it began to move.   So, I'm going to have to be more careful about letting the tanks run over.  I try to set my alarm but sometimes forget.  I called Atwoods and those tanks hold 110 gallon and I've been filling one at least four times a day and the other one a couple of times so guess it's adding up.  I don't fill them nearly as much in the summer because it's all right for the girls to be around the pond when it's not frozen.

     They weren't going to take out the hot water heater but I told them to go ahead and flush it out.  Our neighbor put it in for us at least 8 or 9 years ago and it's never been flushed.  They said it wasn't too bad.  They have about half of the new floor in - joists and plywood and are hoping to get it all in today and the things moved back in because it's supposed to rain this weekend.  Monday they'll be able to put on the vinyl.  Don't know how they'll do it with the washer and dryer in there but they'll figure it out.  Marie, I'm like you - I hate to have to deal with these things but feel fortunate enough to afford to have it done.

     It's partly cloudy and windy but warm - supposed to be in the mid 70s today.

     Ron, Charles got his hearing aides from the VA, too.  A couple of times we had to go to North Little Rock for him to be tested and to get them - after that we were able to get them at our VA.  You know, his brother and one sister had to have bilateral hearing aides.  I have really good hearing in my left ear but not too good in the right - can't even hear a dial tone.  My hearing loss is hereditary - same problem daddy had but I also attribute part of it to using the phone so much for those 33 years.  It's great that you'll be able to get yours.  Do you also get your glasses from the VA?

     Jo - I've forgotten to mention Ms. Sally. She's doing all right. For a couple of days she would go down and check the fence but guess she's finally decided she can't get through so she's behaving now.  Sweet little girl had a lot of fun for a while though.  I'm glad we got the new fence so she can stay her with her family.  Again, saw little Casper and Evan laying close together.  So, I think they'll be good friends just as Tina and Sweet Pea are.  Nice to have a couple close together.

     I think there's three or four extra pickups here and two trailers - one great big one and a smaller one.  Looks like we're having a family reunion.  Looking forward to a quiet weekend.   I've been trying to find a rechargeable flashlight on WM.com and Amazon - seem really expensive.  Seems like everything has gone up in price.  This morning on our news they said gas in California is as high as $6. a gallon.  Surely am glad I don't have to drive back and forth to work.

     Enjoy your day.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    Just a thought about your attempts to recharge your flashlights...have you tried to plug in something else you know that works into the same outlet?  Is it possible that that outlet is on the same line as what goes to the utility room?  If so, they may have current off while they are working in there.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    To everyone, for the past two nights I have taken diphenhydramine aka Benadryl, an otc antihistamine used for allergies and itching.  I slept all through the night both nights, not even needing bathroom breaks.  I finally feel rested.  Yesterday I got a lot done; today I am at the dealership getting my flat tire replaced.  I don't like needing to use a sleep aid, but I have a huge backlog of things to get done on my To Do list.

    Sayra, the tote bag great.  Do you use a heavy duty sewing machine?

    Today the mask mandate for indoors is lifted.  Here at the dealership, everyone is still masked, including me--there are too many strangers about.


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Sayra- beautiful! Such pretty fabric choices and it looks so well made. Really wonderful to be able to create something so lovely and useful with your own hands. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Iris - glad you got some good sleep. Sounds like you are really getting a lot done too. The last time I got a flat replaced, the Walmart actually closed their auto shop abruptly for a week, right after my car was done. Said they were just shut down by HQ for COVID so I assumed someone on the team tested positive and exposed everyone while we were getting serviced, and they had to do that. All I know is they locked down around noon, were waving customers away, and sent all their mechanics home. And even though temps were in the single digits, I double masked up and wiped down every surface in my car, plus left the doors and hatch open for at least 10 minutes before driving off lol. I couldn’t get them to tell me if the guy who drove my car was exposed (or COVID positive!) but obviously it wasn’t safe enough for them to keep business operations open — foregoing revenue for a full week. Costly. Can you imagine? Never had anything like that happen before. Well we stayed healthy plus safe with a new tire and spare, just missing the shutdown. All’s well that ends well as my mother used to say.

    I will try to check back in later. Just tired so I’m going to sneak in a nap while DH does. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,   Please enjoy your quiet week end just think it will all be done soon. It sounds like your place has been a zoo with all the people coming and going. I know I would not be happy with all that. Poor Ms. Sally I bet you miss her coming to see you poor thing I hope she's not to confused. That was a good idea Marie, had about checking to make sure they did not cut your power off. Hopefully that is what happened so it will solve recharging your flashlights. 

    I have also wondered why people refer to Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner different ways. I grew up saying Breakfast Lunch and Dinner, so it looks like it all depends on the part of the country you're in. Interesting. 

    Ron,   Thanks for the information on Logicmark, I plan on checking it out as soon as I get back from Arizona. I can only concentrate on one thing at a time and right now it is my trip.  Sorry your sister had some issues with Lou while you were gone, poor Lou she was probably missing you. Lou sounds like such a sweetie, she is blessed to have you there for her. 

    Sara,   That tote bag is beautiful. I have a few that I carry around with me, not sure where I got them from probably something I got out of a thrift store. I recycle a lot of thrift store stuff. In my younger years I loved to go look around thrift stores it has been a few years since I have done that. 

    Jo,    Have you done your 2nd covid test yet? Please let us know how you are feeling. Sounds like your DH is a keeper it was very nice of him to get the bed all clean and fresh for you to relax in. My DH was the one who always made our bed. I was always up before him, and he never came out of the bedroom until he had the bed made. Now when I make it, I just throw the blankets up, that's good enough for me. 

    Iris,   I bet you were surprised when you woke up and realized you had slept all night. I know I would be surprised if that happened to me. I hope this continues for you so you can get caught up on all the sleep you have missed. 

    I am getting ready for my trip to Arizona. I fly out of here on Sunday and return on Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing my daughters and SIL new home. I am also looking forward to seeing the new puppy. I will have my daughter attach a picture of the puppy so I can share it with my front porch friends. 

    I hope you all have a good weekend. Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    How wonderful to get that floor nearly done, Lorita.  Imagine never having to worry about it again, having the clutter cleared and the bad appliance moved out.  Wow, that is a lot.  At least we know you won't go falling through the floor . . . a possible fracture waiting to happen and now that risk will no longer be there.  Still; so much fuss and bother which can be a real tribulation.  Yet, happy day when it is all back again and you have it all good to go.

     We had the entire downstairs of our house updated  and a bit of the upstairs a few years ago.  It was a nightmare of SO much fuss and bother. When they took down all of the popcorn cottage cheese ceilings and made them nice and normal, we had to move out to a hotel room for a few days.  What a bloomin' mess getting everything out of the way. The contractors covered all the furniture and floors, but it was a lot as we had the insides of the closets done too.  Had me really worried.

     The electric needed to be done with updated copper wiring and the entire kitchen torn apart with new cabinets and countertops and torn down and raised ceiling with new lighting; and oh, gnashing of teeth, the flooring throughout.  I began to wish that we NEVER would have started, outdated and needing doing or not.  There were so many holes in  the walls; the largest about six feet long right in our entry.  I never thought they would ever get it put back to rights, done well.   One day I was looking at all the mess everywhere and having all the hullabaloo in the house from all the workers week in and week out and just sat down and started crying.  I rarely ever, ever cry, but did then.  It went on forever; twas DHs project but even he was beginning to get worn thin. Ate off paper plates and only a microwave on a picnic table for weeks.  Frig moved into garage, no cupboards or pantry - just cardboard boxes. Starting to twitch just thinking about it. BUT I remember to say thank you every day for the blessings of a home.  I am grateful for that.   

     It did indeed all get put back as pristine as could be.  Can't tell anything had ever been disrupted.  The fireplace redo was beautiful and everything painted and fresh.  The crown moulding was a huge difference despite my deeply questioning it; DH was right as usual, and I was very grateful to the wonderful workers who know how to do all of that stuff.  Those crafts people  are amazing and the teams work so hard.   Now our electrician, plumber, painter and really good handyman have all retired, so we are in the uh-oh phase if we need anything.  Guess what I am saying the long way around is that despite the huge tribulation, upsets and worn out nerves of it all, when done and alone again, it is so very, very nice and actually soothing. 

    Wouldn't it be good to know who built that house Lorita; it has such a rich history.  Imagine how it must have been back then when it was all being done.  Wonder if the city or county would have records you could find on the computer if it makes you curious.

     Sayra; I really like your tote; it is very pretty.  I noticed the lighter fabric print has little items related to gardening - how perfect for you!  I remember the other tote you had made before, really great bags.  The fabric is really nice, good choices.

     It is actually tomorrow I take the other COVID test.  All the temp, pulse ox are back to normal.  Am still tired and still some weakness.  Heart rate is 63, but that is me; usually run between 65 and 68.   Don't know why; and don't take any meds at all except for Vitamin D3 for a shortage as well as an occasional ES Tylenol.  Ah well; tis what tis.

    DH going for a vitrectomy for a "buckle" in his left eye on the 14th; he is getting silently deeply worried about it and not sleeping well at all.  He is not the type of fellow that will talk about it.   Does not want to lose vision in that eye and being a diabetic, healing will be slow and the discomfort for this procedure is much higher than cataract surgery per the retina surgeon specialist.   If full good results are to be the outcome, it will take about a year to be seen.  IF they have to put a gas bubble into the eye which sometimes needs to be done, he will have to sit all day bent forward from the waist, and sleep at night face down for a week or so . . . that will not work for him at all. He has a tummy, (cuddly), and has C6-C7 disc issues in his neck.  So hope no bubble.  I will not be the big help I used to be due to the severity of the knee pain as well as some other joints that often join in to the chorus, but will do my best.  Recovery to feeling even a bit better is about two weeks or so we are told.  Don't know anyone who has had this done so we can ask about experience.   No driving for him for two weeks or so, and I can no longer drive due to the knees; I cannot slam on brakes hard enough fast enough should I encounter a problem issue.  Getting mature is so much fun.  (I lie.)   Prayers being said for him.

    Butterfly, so glad your husband was not badly hurt in his fall.  Whew!  Still wish I could taste that Gumbo too.  What a wonderful treat; I can imagine the pot is empty pretty fast. 

     Judith; your own PT - good move and I'll bet it makes all the difference.  I am truly sorry about the vertigo.  That is the worst . . . let us know how your new person works out and I so hope she makes a difference for you.

    Iris; so glad you got some sleep, you really needed that.  Now to get your days and nights back to a more normal rhythm.   Do be cautious about using the dyphenhydramine; use sparingly if at all.  It does have impact upon the brain.   I had to use it for an allergy; boy did I ever sleep - harder than a rock - it made me rather logey until about 2:00 the next afternoon even though I took it before bed the evening before. 

    All that teasing we did about making our beds, and ironing sheets, and making beds pretty . . . came upon a little article today about whether one needs to use top sheets or not.  The photo with it is SO pretty a room and look how those beds are made - every day I would assume.  Oh my.  Sure did tuck that bedding in tight as a drum.  Pretty room, very relaxing.  Yet; cannot imagine making those beds all the way around like that every single morning.  For me; yes I do want a top sheet.  Never have I, husband or the four kids got our legs or feet tangled in the top sheet as the article mentions.  We do tuck the top sheet in at the bottom, so I have no idea how folks do that.  When in Europe, many of the hotels and inns do not use top sheets, just comforters.  Here is link:


    Glad that Sally has settled down and accepted life in the quiet place with the rest; that sweet wandering big girl.  She will now be able to stay with her(d) "family" which is a very good thing.

    Too long again, if I typed slower, the Posts would be smaller.  Sigh.  I send a big hug to everyone here and hope for a good night and weekend to come for one and all.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's been a warm, windy day here and going to be windier tomorrow so fire danger will be up.  Hate for the wind to blow when it's so dry.

     Marie, thanks for the idea - I did check and it's just the flashlight - my phone charged all right in the same outlet.  I just placed a WM order which included another rechargeable flashlight.  I've gotten used to that kind instead of using batteries.  I've had that flashlight for at least seven years so guess it served it's purpose. 

     They got the hot water tank back in and when they were leaving I asked Daniel if it was working.  He said all I had to do was turn on the breaker - so, I had him come in to do it.  They hadn't done it because I have the breaker box behind a picture.  I turned on the water in the kitchen and of all the sputtering and noise it made - guess it was air in the lines.  Haven't tried to see if the hot water works or not.  When he came to turn on the breaker he came through the LR and kitchen - I had on my mask, always do when I'm around anyone.  After he left I turned on the ceiling fan and opened the window and stayed outside, after a little while, for almost three hours.  Then came in and sprayed down everything.  Also cleaned up the yard a little bit.  They don't seem to clean up after themselves too  much - they carry out huge bags of trash but still old lumber and things around.  They will before they leave.  They have everything back in the utility room except the washer and dryer which they covered up with a tarp.  I didn't see the need in bringing them back in, then back out and back in again when they finish.

     Well, that was odd.  I started to type another paragraph and everything disappeared.  When I checked to see if it posted I saw a post from Jo - so that might have caused it.  I didn't take time to read it but will when I finish.

     Zetta - I know you're looking forward to your trip.  Have you told Sammy and Molly you're going to be gone?   When we used to go on trips my mother always told the dogs to watch the place while we were gone.  Now I find myself doing the same thing.  Odd how we turn into our mothers, isn't it?  I know I certainly have hands that looks like hers.

     I took a couple of pictures of the girls when they laying out front.  I'll post them tomorrow.  It was such a tranquil scene - just couldn't resist.  In my heart - well, you all know.

     I just watched the World News and cried about all that was happening - it said half a million of the refugees are children.  So sad to see them clinging to their mothers and their stuffed animals.

     Iris, so glad the Benadryl is working for you.  I take it when I get stung or something like that and it never makes me sleepy but glad it makes you sleepy.  I know you feel better and more rested.  Losing sleep is hard.

     I was going to reread a couple of posts and comment on them but I'm editing this so can't do that.  I'll reread and be back later.  Time for supper!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    I'm back - decided to type a little more before I ate - after that I'm going to lay down on the divan.

     I also use a top sheet and a light weight quilt.  If the weather's cold I add a fluffy throw and that's enough.  I found the kind-sized electric blanket (white of all things) but decided I didn't want to put it on the bed.  I used to love electric blankets.  I'd tell Charles I needed to write a thank you letter to the man who invented them.  And, I also tuck in the bottom of the top sheet but not too tightly because of my toes.

     I want them to hurry and get finished so they can get their things out of the yard so Bryon and Shane can trim the shrubs and pick up the sticks before the grass begins to grow - what there is of it in the yard.  The daffodils are beautiful - not nearly all bloomed yet but it won't be long if it stays this warm.  I picked a small bouquet yesterday and they are so pretty.  Mike is funny - when they fed hay yesterday I stepped out on the porch as he was shutting the gate and told him good morning.  He stopped and talked a bit, mostly about the weather - then remarked about the buds on the trees and that even the flowers were blooming.  Wanted to know what they were called.  He's asked that a couple of times - guess he thinks they're pretty so that's enough.   I should go up to the MH and will in a couple of days to pick some flowers up there.  We have great big daffodils all across the front of  the yard next to the fence.  I usually pick my flowers up there and leave the ones down here to look at when I'm outside.

     I am getting so tired of all this stuff.  It had to be done but who would have thought it would take so long.  Of course, they ran into much more than they thought was there.  He took pictures of the underside of the house today and showed me - there's mildew but it would cost a fortune to fix all of it so not to be done.  Can't figure where that came from.  He also said he saw a big rat under the house.  Said he was just running around under there and looked surprised when he was him.  He said he'd have to get some rat poison but I told him to just leave a crawl space open so he could get out.  Guess he was under there when they made the new doors for the three crawl spaces and closed it up.  Do hope the little squirrels don't go under there.  I'm finding black walnut shells (freshly opened) in the yard so they have all they want to eat.  No idea how they can crack them - but they do. 

     We had a couple of old creepfeeders we haven't used in a long time so gave them to one of the young men who's trying to raise some cattle.  They were old but they can fix them up and they'll still be usable.  Stopped using them when Mike brought over a big one he had.

     I still see Sally when she's drinking water.  I can tell which she is because the back part of her back and sides have some red tint.  She seems content so that's great.  He (Mike) was afraid she'd get out in the road and get run over.  They drive up and down these country roads like maniacs - sometimes.

     Butterfly - glad you got your new tire before they closed.  When I go to the tire shop here to have the car or PU checked I sit outside in the vehicle and call them and tell them I'm out there and what I need.  The seating area is not that big and too close for comfort for me.  Glad you put on your mask and wiped down the inside of your car before you drove it.  We can never be too careful - at least that's what I think.

     Now, I've gone on too much - just wanted to do this before I ate.  I had MOM and toast for breakfast and a few cheese balls and Ritz crackers with peanut butter and that's all today.  That peach cobbler is also calling my name so that will be dessert after a bit.

     Jo, it would be interesting to know who and exactly when the house was built.  I have the papers (forgot what they're called) that goes all the way back to the first owner.  Not sure how to look that up on the computer.  Judith - you know all this stuff - is it possible?   I assume it was the Government because I can think of four houses within a mile that were probably from the same era.  This was a five room house - two bedrooms and no bath.  One of our neighbors had a smaller house and they had five kids - not sure where all of them slept - same with another neighbor and after the kids were gone they built onto the house.  The "new" part of ours was built around 1959 or 1960 - if you can call 60+ years new.  I've seen pictures of the house and farm when my parents first moved here - very, very few trees - mostly just the house and big, red barn.  I know there's also a picture of the bulldozer when they were building the big pond in front of the house - it looks so little because the pond was deep.  A friend told me when they moved out in this area there were very few trees - mainly along the creek north of us - now the trees are mostly in the fenceline or in the yard.  I don't remember seeing any trees in the yard here but I know that big Hackberry was here when they moved in 1936.

     Enough - I'll see you all tomorrow.  Iris, sleep tight tonight - maybe half a Benadryl or maybe try it without it and see how it works.

     Jo - glad all your vitals are back in line and hope you regain your strength soon.

     Enjoy the evening, everyone.  Ron, hope Lou is okay today.  Guess your sister is there or will be  tomorrow.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    35F, 2C.  Suppose to get up to 68 today.  Hope to pick all the limbs up in the yard if I can.  Giving high winds again starting tonight.  Guess there will be more limbs.

    Thank you for your compliments on the tote.  Giving this tote to a friend.  I use mine like a purse.  It has six good sized pockets on inside so can keep things organized.  Also ver washable which is nice.

    Iris my sewing machine is a very simple Bernina.  Glad the Benadryl helped you.  Too many strangers is right and for me some that are not strangers too.

    Zetta wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    63 right now with a expected high of around 80 today. I love this weather, central air and heat not needed, just comfortable weather.

    Littlebit has a grooming appointment today and cant help but be concerned for him. The groomer is the same one he's had all his life and she takes good care of him, but daddy is more concerned now due to his deterating health. I will tell her to do the best she can without stressing him out!

    Dont remember how much I mentioned about my new car, but dealer and me are having problems right now. I originally bought a 2018 Camry that the dealer had me bring back the day after I bought it due to a recall that came out two days before they sold it to me. Even though they gave me a car to drive while waiting on a solution to fix the problem, it wasnt my car. 2 months later and still no fix, they told me to come and they would undo the deal and put me in something compatible to the one I had. When I got there they had nothing compatible and I decided to buy a 2021 model. Now I was suppose to be getting my 1200 dollar bumper to bumper warranty back plus the only difference in paperwork should be only the difference between the price. Now I'm still waiting on close to 2000 dollars refunded to me and getting tired of it. That's all I need with a stress test coming up! I fo like my car and glad for the upgrade!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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