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Just need to talk to my friends (166)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's a beautiful morning - sunny, no wind and much warmer - but, the ice is still on the ground and you leave no tracks when you walk on it like last night. 

     Ron, I've never gotten one of those edible bouquets but they look beautiful - Scarlet did send me some chocolate-dipped strawberries once and they were really good and so pretty. 

     If I were you I wouldn't worry about what Lou says about not eating.  Anyone who knows you knows you wouldn't let that happen.  She probably doesn't realize what she's saying means.  I'm so glad the sleet was mostly north of you - it's been awful but it did melt a lot yesterday - even the girls got out and tried to graze some. 

    It's going to be a pretty day to sit on the porch and visit today and all week long.  I think everyone in Oklahoma and where they had ice is ready for warm weather. 

     Sara - thanks for telling me how you handle making homemade French fries or potato wedges.  I don't know what was on those French fries but it really didn't agree with me.  I'm going to call tomorrow and find out what's going on - they may have gotten them in the wrong packaging.  Still not feeling too good this morning. 

     Looks like it's warming up in your State, too.  I think the whole Country is ready to get out of the deep freeze and into Spring.

     Day - I bet you will be glad to get back on the day shift - how often are your shifts rotated?  Charles worked shift work for a while after we got married and it was hard to keep up with when he was to work - at least for me.

     I watched some of the gardening show on QVC this morning.  Didn't see the hibiscus but saw the butterfly bushes - but, I didn't order any.  I can't think of a good place to put anything that needs to be in the sun.  I have a knock-out rose out front and thought I might plant one by it, then remembered I have a flowering almond beside it so that was out.  I'm hoping my Gerbera Daisies will come back this spring.  I ordered them last year and they never grew but late in the fall I had one bloom so maybe there's hope.

     I had to break the ice on the water tank in the lot but the other one only had a very thin skim of ice on it and the girls had broken it.  They were milling around out front just before 8 - except for three still up by the hay.  I kept calling them and when Toad came I saw them coming down.  I did see little Casper following behind his mother.  He looks so small from a distance but he seems to be doing all right.  Mike came a very few minutes after Toad got here and they set out three bales of hay.  To me it looks like they're really enjoying it - they both drive big, white, flatbed trucks and are just going and coming with hay and feed.  I bet they weren't here 15 minutes and were gone on to the next pasture.   It's days when I don't feel too well or it's uber cold I know I made the right decision but - there are other days. 

     Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last evening and I tried to keep my wrist straight.  It feels pretty good this morning until I lift something heavy - which I do try to avoid.  I filled the bird feeders with the seed I had left - still don't see any Cardinals but am seeing some sweet, tiny bird - no idea what they are.  It's hard to see what color they are - just look dark.  Hopefully, I'll get the birdseed I ordered yesterday in a couple of days.  Chewy delivers very quickly.

     Better stop and find something for breakfast - MOM again, probably.  Jo - Malt-o-Meal instead of the other thing although that might have been good for my stomach yesterday.

     Hope all of you out there are well this morning and not iced in.  I think the highways are all right but the residential streets and rural roads are still icy.  Lots of ice still around here.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Hibiscus…this made me smile. I just had several 4-5 footers taken out.  They’re fairly common in yards here, but very finicky.  They can be beautiful when they bloom, but getting blooms takes much work and/or very specific growing conditions even in same yard. (I bet Sayra could do it!) A lot of people make hibiscus a full time hobby, those blooms can be big as dinner plates, and truly amazing in colors and patterns. There are several annual shows here, all that’s “shown” is the blossom. Many shows donated the blossoms to the MC where my mother was.

    I have a cat curled up in my lap. For a cat that wouldn’t let us near him for months, he sure did change fast The poor little poodle is so jealous, but tolerates him. Equal pats a must.

    I’m with you on the de-cluttering and not-buying. We simply have Too. Much. Stuff. But retail therapy still has some power…

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Where we live, Hibiscus grows very well by themselves and boy, do they ever; they also bloom like crazy.  Have had several colors from red, hot pink to yellow.  Eventually had them removed from the yard, they became too large both width wise as well as tall despite trimming, and needed to re-do the area in our small yard. 

    Ron; I am sorry you are still feeling pretty bad.  I know what a nag I am and apologize in advance, but I do feel a bit of concern; especially if there is pneumonia - may need to see the doctor pretty much sooner rather than later.  What a thoughtful gift for your SIL: you are a very considerate fellow.  I so wish there was a way we could be of more help to you so as to get you some restful respite. 

     I can well understand how hurtful it is to hear Lou telling false tales about her eating.  It seems that lack of memory plus delusional thoughts become our LOs reality and we can only hope the people receiving such tidbits know enough not to believe it.  My LO told whoppers about what was not being done and what she did not have - not one word of it true at all; sadly some of her friends and a few relatives believed it.  I used to have to try and communicate the truth of it all and explain the lapses - BUT - know that some still felt the errors were possibly factual.  I finally just gave it all up and let fly whatever.  I knew what was true and what was not and that was all that mattered.  Still . . .

     Beth, that chili sounds delicious; how about bringing a pot to the Front Porch- we will be there with our spoons ready to go.

     Nicole; nearly at the finish line. Soon all that will be behind you and it will be clearer sailing.   You did well for your uncle and made his days of much better quality.

     Butterfly, I am sorry that you husband fell and so hope that all is well with nothing fractured.  Those stuffed peppers you made also sound good.  I too use a meatloaf mixture for the regular size green bell peppers.  I stuff them whole after removing the whitish ribs; cut just a tidge off bottoms so they can stand, BUT do not cut a hole in the bottom.  Put into a crockpot, add the topping - a can of Campbells tomato soup without diluting it can be used.  Plug the pot in; cook on low and in about eight hours you will have perfectly cooked, soft stuffed peppers with no fuss, no muss.

    My friend called and she is still living with the dreadful outcomes from her loss of consciousness, (LOC), at Target, and of course still having gastroparesis affecting her inability to eat well at all with loss between 50 and 75 pounds.  Her doctors wanted her to have a 30 day cardiac monitor as she had a second loss of consciousness, (no wires and no box on the monitor), but she adamantly refused.  She got "want" mixed up with "need."  The monitor is definitely "needed."  Anyway, she "wanted" to have both of her cataracts removed asap.  She called to let me know she is having both eyes done this coming Tuesday.   So hope all goes well.  Both eyes needing recovery and a lot of drops . . . on top of the severe pain and inability to be fully ambulatory and needing a wheelchair since the LOC fall due to the injury to her leg and foot - while also dealing with the gastroparesis.  Oh boy.

     She also has a genetic condition that causes her to form blood clots and pulmonary emoboli.  While she is on an anticoagulant, she still has had many issues with DVTs, and a few PE.   It does concern me and if my hair had not already gone pandemic white, it certainly would be doing so with the risks being faced.  She has to have her gallbladder out and is scheduled for April.  She has a very sick GB and it is filled with large stones.  Another "want" versus "need."  This is not a stupid woman; she is an educated RN who was absolutely excellent at her job - just used to managing things her way.  I am holding out hope that she will consent to the cardiac monitor after her eyes are done.  Am worried about her but  do not badger her; she is a grown woman in full possession of her faculties.

    I got to thinking Lorita, you are in the most wonderful of living conditions.  In a home you love, with the ranch and animals you love; removed from the city issues and all the hullabaloo and also these days all the free floating and some organized problems and strife found in larger towns and cities.  It is peaceful where you are; a lot of hard work I know, but yet, there is peace and a beauty about that way of life.  Truly a blessing.

    As for making french fries.  I use potatoes with the peels intact, scrub them well and let them dry.  Then I cut them into wedges, not too thick, and put them in a bowl; add a teaspoon or two of oil, a little salt, (can even use a little garlic salt if you wish), and toss together.  I put them in a single layer on a large cookie sheet and put them in an oven at fairly high heat; I watch and then turn them over about half way through.  I like them oven baked; not greasy at all.  I also have done sweet potatoes the same way but without the peels and they did well too.  Love them and of course, bring on the ketchup!  I do use a tiny spray of Pam so nothing sticks.  Should get myself some of that non-stick foil but never remember to buy it. 

    Will be back, DH needs something.   Okay; back.  Sorry for the intermission.  Now onto the food segment:

    Anyway, for those looking for really, really simple recipes; here are some cheater recipes that are so easy and yet taste very good. When  I was in grad school and had the four children and life whirling about us, I looked for simple, simple yet tasty recipes:


    Cherry or Apple Crunch:   Use a 13 x 9 pyrex baking dish.   Pour two cans of either cherry pie or apple pie ready made filling into the baking dish and spread out evenly.

    Then: top with one box of DRY yellow cake mix on top of the fruit, gently helping it to be fairly even.  Next step:

     Melt one cup of butter and pour as evenly as possible across the dry cake mix.

     If you wish, can add one cup of chopped walnuts to the top before adding butter, but if you do, press them into the cake mix a bit, otherwise they can burn when baking.

     Put into oven at about 350, and bake until medium brown on top.  Watch so it does not burn.  Let cool on rack on countertop.   Serve either slightly warm or cool with vanilla ice cream on top.  The kids love this even though it is a "cheat" recipe.


      Next recipe:  Take one box of DRY angel food cake mix and put into bowl.

    Then: add one normal size can of crushed pineapple with its juice into the dry cake mix, (I think that is the 20 oz. can), and mix well.

    Pour into metal 13 x 9 baking pan lightly sprayed with PAM or like product.  Bake at 350 until lightly beige on top and springs back when touched.  Let cool on rack.  NOTE:  Because this is an angel food cake, do not try to use a regular knife to cut it - that will not work.  Instead, use a plastic picnic knife and it will cut very easily.


     Cheaters Sausage Tortellini Soup:   Take four to six or so cans of good quality minestrone soup;  (the brand I like for quality is Progresso), and place in soup pot.  Can make as much as you want.

    Add cooked Italian Sausage Links that you cut into half coins.  Heat  soup and sausage half coins together.   (You can cook your sausage links a day ahead of time if you wish.)

     In the meantime, cook the very small cheeseTortellini, drain well and add it to the minestrone/sausage mix and you are done.

     I like to have fresh grated parmesan to put on top and serve with a warm loaf of sourdough bread.  Great winter easy-peasy recipe that is delicious.


    The pumpkin muffin/cupcake recipe Lorita makes is one I got from the Weight Watcher's group years ago:

     Take one box of any flavor DRY cake mix; I use either yellow or spice cake mix; place into bowl.  (I find I like the spice cake mix for the flavors.)

     Then add:  One regular size can of plain, unflavored pumpkin puree, I think that is a 15 ounce can; mix together well;  (my recipe calls for 1/4 cup of egg beaters, or a beaten extra large egg; but Lorita does not add that to hers and it turns out fine.)  You are done with the recipe!

     NOTE:  You can decide to fold in mini chocolate chips if you like, but if doing so, it is a good idea to hold out about two Tablespoons of dry cake mix to mix with the chips to help them not sink to the bottom of the muffin/cupcakes.   You cannot taste the pumpkin in this recipe - one can even use chocolate cake mix if one wishes.

     Use paper cupcake liners in regular size cupcake pans, it will take two cupcake pans; fill each liner about 2/3 to 3/4 full - bake in preheated oven at 350 until slightly browned; Lorita can probably us tell more about when they are done - it has been awhile since I have made these. They are nicely moist as well as tasty and freeze well.


     Butterfly, I really like the idea of soft colored lights at night for our Front Porch; let's do that.   It will be lovely to have the soft, subtle lights and of course we do not have any moths or other bugs on our porch.  It is the magic porch with no seasons, it is always nice weather when on it and we are all comfortable and peaceful when amongst good friends.

    Day; glad to hear you will get a weekend off and that you will also be getting a more comfortable shift.  Our son works midnight shift in law enforcement and is always sleep deprived.  Just does not do well for most people to try and work that.

    Sayra, are you in the process of making that new tote?  I no longer have a sewing machine,  I gave it to someone else because I hardly used it, sometimes I wish I still ad it.   You will have to show us a picture when you get the bag done; I remember how nice that other one was that you made.

    Hope everyone's day is going well.   I will be thinking of you all,


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Made it back from the "recliner trip".  Turned out easier than we thought it would...mother changed her mind about style so was able to get good fit, rocking as well as reclining.  She was also looking for a love seat (new apartment will be too small for current furniture).  After sitting on a couple she decided to get 2 more recliners instead of the love seat!  Glad that is over...she is hard to please most of the time...lol.

    The talk about hibiscus and butterfly bushes...I have had both.  When living in Florida, had hibiscus lining one side of the pool screen.  They were no work at all in that environment.  Grew about 8 ft. and blossoms the size of dinner plates...so pretty when in bloom.

    Butterfly bushes were another story...I got 2 one for each side porch.  For the first few years they were a joy when blooming, but then they started to self seed and I ended up with butterfly bushes all around the house.  Even with cutting them down to the ground, they would still come back bigger than ever.  And the stems/branches get very thick.  Of course it all depends on the sun and ground being just right...guess around my house it is super so.  You need an ax or power saw to cut them back now.  Wish I had known as they are taking over.

    Hope that those on the sick list feel better soon.  Wishing lovely spring weather for all.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Forgot; here are photos of the "Scary Lucy" statue and its replacement.   It really was scary.  The new statue is a good likeness and done very well.



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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     I'm late to the front porch.  Lorita, I'm sorry about your fall!  It's very scary!  I know you know about trip hazard.  When I would fall, however, I would trip over my own feet!  Except for when I tripped over one of my cats.  I have learned to pay attention to my steps, all the time.

    Another thing I have learned to pay attention to is chewing thoroughly and carefully.  I have had instances of choking on food.  Fortunately, I have been able to cough the food up and out of my mouth.  But I might not always be so fortunate.  I read about doing a self Heimlich maneuver, but I cannot rely on that.  Everyone, TAKE SMALL BITES AND CHEW WELL! 

    I still have my iron.  My ironing board is covered with cat hair. Probably 90% of my home's contents could be discarded.  Judith, that was a good link about clutter from bhg.com, thanks!

    I have been having a lot of difficulty.  I don't sleep at night, so my days are spent sleeping.  Very little gets done.  I have been researching online and reading books for solutions.  My doctors are of no help at all!  I do have an appointment with the neurologist and neuro NP the week after next.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    28F, -2C.

    Sunny yesterday and a lot of the ice melted.

    Iris sorry you are still having so many problems with your sleep.

    I have had hardy hibiscus and they did well.  Tropical hisbiscus are raised here as container plants.  They have some beautiful colors.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris,  you spoke if choking on your food and being careful to make sure it was chewed up good. My problem is making sure I eat small meals several times a day and taking smaller bites, which is hard to do and keep Lou on her eating schedule. For those on the porch that remembers, six years ago I had surgery for achalasia of the esophugus and two years ago the muscles in my esophagus stopped working altogether and they had to go back in and undo the surgery. Now everything I eat goes down by gravity since the muscles dont work. I have to make sure I'm sitting or standing while eating. I've had a few occasions where food and even medication that is capsules come back up several hours after swallowing. It's hard to eat like I'm suppose to but do the best I can.

    Feeling better, still coughing a lot but not hurting much. I believe I'm going to see if I can fix some gumbo and make a chocolate cake for my sister's visit tommorow. She always brings a lot and we still have some leftover from her last visit.

    Need to go pick up groceries today, this will be the first time getting out of the house since my ER visit last week. 


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita wrote:

     Day - I bet you will be glad to get back on the day shift - how often are your shifts rotated?  Charles worked shift work for a while after we got married and it was hard to keep up with when he was to work - at least for me.

     I watched some of the gardening show on QVC this morning.  Didn't see the hibiscus but saw the butterfly bushes - but, I didn't order any.  I can't think of a good place to put anything that needs to be in the sun.  I have a knock-out rose out front and thought I might plant one by it, then remembered I have a flowering almond beside it so that was out.  I'm hoping my Gerbera Daisies will come back this spring.  I ordered them last year and they never grew but late in the fall I had one bloom so maybe there's hope.

    Since I got this promotion, I had to take afternoon shift as that was all that was available.  I've been in this position for 6 months and they've done a lot of hiring, promoting and shiffling around and the opportunity came to bid for a new shift.  I'll probably stay on this shift as long as I keep this position, but I'm looking to applying for a higher-level position here within the next 6 months, and that will probably require a change in schedule too.

    I think I heard Carolyn mention that Denim & Co was going to be on Sunday mornings starting next week so that will be nice.  I didn't hear what time.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, thanks for posting the side by side picture of the Lucille Ball statues. Two Lucille Ball movies; "Being the Ricardos" on Amazon Prime. Also upcoming: "Lucy and Desi," also on Amazon Prime starting on March 4.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    Everything ok with you?  Haven't seen you post since yesterday morning.

    Is anyone on the front porch able to contact her?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     I'm okay - didn't realize I hadn't posted since yesterday morning - but it gave you all a little rest from my ramblings.  Last evening I thought I had something in my eye so kept fooling with it and putting in drops.  This morning I don't feel like there's something in it but it's kind of sore and I have a slight headache.  This has happened before and it was mostly dry eyes that made it worse.  Going to try not to watch too much TV today.

     I'm having that trouble with swallowing like some of you all have.  If I eat too fast it doesn't want to seem to want to go down - especially drier food like bread.  If it's a soft food or liquid there's no problem.  Just seems like it gets so far and stops and it takes a lot of coughing to get it up and be better.  I got in the habit of eating fast when I was working - at lunchtime (30 min) I'd run an errand and eat on the run or hurry and eat before I went.  I try to eat slower but I forget.  Iris, like you said, I need to eat slower and chew my food better and like you said, Ron, smaller bites.  Gosh, getting older and losing muscle tone is no fun.  I remember when you had that surgery, Ton.  Seems impossible it was six years ago.  Time is flying.

     I love hibiscus - don't have any big ones but have a lot of althea - to me, just a smaller version of the hibiscus.  I like those and crepe myrtles because they continue to bloom in our hot summers.  I'm going to have to get Bryon to cut them back though - they've gotten too tall and don't bloom as much.  Neither of my shoulders permit me to reach up with the loppers and trim - another thing about getting older is bothersome.

     Iris, I try to watch where I walk and like Sara said, watch my feet and concentrate on what I'm doing.  I'm not used to this so it's hard for me. 

     Been filling a water tank - it takes a good 30-40 minutes because Mr. Stormy has chewed on the metal hose.  I found one I had quit using that looks much better than the one I'm using now so I'll change it out later today.  I have to drive down and check the mineral tubs and the liquid feeder.  I want the girls to have the liquid feed and with this feed they need a special mineral tub - just hate to have to go get them - only about 12 miles roundtrip but I'm getting to the point (or am there) that I hate to go anywhere.

    Day - back in November or December Carolyn started talking about a Sunday morning show she and Gary (I thought) were going to have - every Sunday.  There is one on Sunday mornings, around 11 most of the time, but not with Carolyn.  She's on earlier in the day.  So they have different hosts - but I like Carolyn and Gary together.  Sounds like you watch QVC a lot so I've been wondering what has happened to a fairly new host - Elise, I think her name is - young and pretty.  For a few weeks she was on with Gary on Sunday mornings but you could tell she was at home.  I haven't seen her in several weeks so just wondered if you knew.  I like Carolyn, Jayne Brown and Mary Beth best of all the hosts.  They're the most "mature" and all the others are pretty young and new.  I do not like change of any kind.

     Daniel called this morning.  He's going to pick up the supplies he needs to do the utility room floor and says he thinks they can finish it this week.  It used to be a back porch - open, I think, - then screened in and later they extended the roof straight out - used to be slanted - and made a big room so it has a slight slope to it.  That makes it hard to get appliances level so he's going to lower the part of the room next to the main house (just about an inch) to level it.  Says if he does it the other way the door won't fit.  I also need a new either storm door or screen door.  My goodness, carpenters are expensive but guess everything is - I know things - lumber, etc., have really gone up in price so thankful I can afford to get it done.  I'd like for Bryon and Shane to paint the barn trim and corral and there are several metal corner posts and things that need to be painted where we had new fences put in.  They're all right, just rusty looking but would look better if they were painted white or green.  I guess there's always something that needs to be done if you own a house or farm.  I remember that slope to the back of the house - used to throw a ball up against the house, let it roll down the slope and catch it.

     Girls seem to be okay this morning - saw Evan and Casper.  When I was out turning off the water just now Little Bit came over and was rubbing his head against the fence.  He's really friendly and I doubt he'll stay around much longer.

     Ron - chocolate cake sounds good - one of my favorites.  I'm still enjoying the one I made a couple of days ago.  Do you make yours from scratch?  Have you ever tried the Wacky Cake?  So easy and so good.  I've never eaten gumbo but bet it's good.

     I'm going to take it easy today if I don't have to go get mineral tubs.  Should shampoo my hair since it's going to be warmer - we're supposed to be almost 80 by Thursday.  We still quite a lot of ice, especially in the shade but it'll be gone today.  Took down trash and thought the road would be muddy but it wasn't -probably still frozen somewhat.

     Thanks, Marie, for thinking about me - Judith and Sandy know my phone number - I remember several years ago when Charles was in the hospital and I was staying there I didn't post for a while and I think Sandy got in touch with Judith and she tracked down our vet and he came to check on me.  Luckily, I had just come home to feed and was here when he came.  So many of us live alone it's a good idea for at least one other person to have a way to contact someone who is absent for a while.  Iris, we were about ready to send out a search party for you.  Hopefully, you can get your days and nights back to the normal place before long.

     I'll be back later - need to fill another water tank.  I'm going to have to get another one before summer or I'll be out there all the time - like I've said, those girls drink a lot of water.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, now that you mention it, I am reminded that in my early 20's, about 50 years ago, my solid food and my liquids seemed to back up in my esophagus.  At that time I underwent an upper GI series, was diagnosed as having a hiatal hernia and was told not to eat three hours before going to bed.   I remember having to straighten my thorax to make the food transit easier in my esophagus, but mostly it did not become a big problem in my life, although another G I doctor said I had severe gastro-esophageal reflux just a few years ago.  I am just remembering all of this now. 

    I also tend to gobble my food--it's a bad habit, I have no excuse for this.  I need to keep reminding myself to eat slower and more mindfully!  

    My sleep problem is getting worse.  Twice this week I have been awake all night.  After a couple of hours of staring at the ceiling, I got up and read.  It's very disturbing!  I feel discombobulated, it's hard to focus on reading what everyone has written.  I'm getting anxious because I need to get my taxes done, plus several other important tasks, and I have done basically nothing for the past two months.  Very disturbing!  The Ukraine invasion has me upset even more.  I feel like going on active duty again!  (Whoo, whoo--taking deep breaths).


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Omigosh, we had a small fire in the house yesterday.  I never keep pans in the oven nor did I ever put oven mitts in the oven for storage; not ever.  Well, evidently DH did. Yesterday, he did not think of it and put the oven on very high setting, "pre-heat," for something he wanted to fix.  Pans in the oven got super hot and the mitts caught fire.  The downstairs full of smoke, and fire alarms going off downstairs and upstairs and the alarm company calling and calling.  Had to take the batteries out of all the smoke alarms.

     DH got the mitts into the sink and flooded them with water. But oh my, the stink of the fire is still with us today.  I am concerned about the smell hanging onto the furniture.   It was really bad all into the night even upstairs with me coughing, and we still have some stink today despite windows being open to air things out.  SO glad nothing else got caught on fire, and that it was easily put out and nothing seems to be damaged.  Except DHs being angrier than heck and highly irritable at the whole thing.    Now we really need DH to put the batteries back into the alarms and get them back where they need to be.  Scared me silly as the smell and smoke was really evident.  Could have been worse.

      I too did not sleep last night, Iris. Think I maybe got about an hour or so.  Do not know why exept the "fire" may have had something to do with it, so I am very tired and wimpy today.    Also, worst ramping up of arthritis all over the place which really is not something that I usually have happen.  Will stay kind of quiet today and try to get a little nap. 

     Need to call and get an appt. for a haircut as I look like an explosion in a hair factory. All at once it just poofed up all over.  Don't know if I want to go into the shop early am or have her come to the house.  Frankly, I do not feel like doing it at all, but needs must and I want to get it done before DHs surgery.

    Am going to go and get myself a little nap - I hope. All take good care and don't put oven mitts in the oven!  Geeze.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo., I'm so sorry your having to suffer in a stinky smoke fueled house. I know with my lung problems I would have to bring someone in to clean while I found someplace temporarily. Isnt there some products you can buy to take odors out of furniture?

    I received a call earlier from the VA scheduling me for a nuclear stress test on the 11th. Wonder if they will find a heart! 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh boy; I have to be tested for COVID.  They do it with OTC tests.   Onset yesterday of some symptoms that came and went, but today I have a nasty headache and I never get headaches.  My usual oral temp is 96; but today it is 101.   Joint pain body wide and intermittent chills and fatigue; also a bit of fleeting queasiness,. 

    Have not been outside the house in two months; have not had anyone inside the house in about four months and only then a quick dishwasher repair with masked man downstairs and me upstairs.   DH has been out though; getting car tended to, getting new tires, buying some fast food for himself.  He wears N95 mask religiously, so who knows.  

     So hope all will be well.  Pulse Ox on left index finger, 96; on right index finger 98.  Looked it up and it said that early COVID is often very mild, but usually will ratchet up in about five days or so.

     IF I am positive for COVID, the doctor will send me for monoclonal antibody infusion.  Sure hope that the tests are negative.  Have to take one tomorrow and then one two to three days later. 

    We shall see.  Sure do have a headache and so tired, and joints hurt like the dickens, but no loss of taste or smell, no sore throat and no congestion and no shortness of breath which I hope all stays away from me IF I am positive.   Geeze, I have been so careful.  We shall see.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     I'm so tired tonight.  I bet I haven't sat still for more than ten minutes at a time today - just up and down, out to turn on and turn off water and trying to get the right hose at the right place.  I did go out midmorning to check the liquid feed and mineral tubs. They still have some so I don't have to go get more this week.  Just as I was coming back through the gate Carol called and I just sat in the Gator and had a nice visit with her.  She was tired - had just finished her morning exercises.  She says she gets kind of down sometimes and I guess/hope it helps her to talk to someone she's known so long.  We had a few good laughs about memories we have and share.  She wants to get the boot off - goes to see her doctor on the 15th so told her after that she'd probably get it off, then spring will be here and she'll be able to go outside.  Tomorrow I'm going to suggest they take her out, or she can go out and sit on the patio for a little while in the sun.

     I'm so enjoying the girls - when I go out to fill the water tank there's always two or three there and I talk to them and put my hand through the fence and they touch it with their noses.  Little Bit came over for his petting when I was at the liquid feeders - have to be careful around him because he is so friendly.  It was so cute while I was driving around, trying to count little Casper was running and playing - guess he thought the Gatoe was a funny looking cow.  He is one active little boy and can run so fast.  Judith, those knobby knees are completely gone now. 

     I ordered catfood, dogfood, catlitter and birdseed from Chewy yesterday and got the catlitter today - they almost always deliver in a couple of days.  I'll get more things tomorrow.  This evening late the birds were everywhere - the tops of the trees were full of them and they were so noisy - no idea what kind they are.  There's also five geese that I see on the pond almost every day.  Maybe there's a couple of females and they'll have little ones.  Tried to think what a female goose is - guess it's a goose and the males are ganders - or is that just for ducks?

     Iris, after I lost Charles I sometimes had a hard time going to sleep.  I googled Chinese Zen music and it would put me to sleep in no time flat.  I had to try several different songs to find the one that was soothing and relaxing to me - I could set the tablet to turn it off in 15 minutes and I never knew when it went off.  Even now when I'm having trouble sleeping I listen to it or watch some very old shows on TV. 

     Try to relax about the taxes - there's still six or seven weeks and there's no trouble at all to get an extension.  I procrastinate and Sam always has to get an extension for me - I think it was Sept. last year when they finally went in.  We all worry about what's happening in Ukraine - so sad to see the women and little kids having to be alone with their husbands going back to fight.  Maybe it would be better if we didn't watch the news so much - but, of course, we want to know what's happening.  I do hope you can sleep tonight - try the Chinese Zen music - I bet it will work for you.

     Ron - is that the stress test they do when you're not able to walk on the tread mill?  If it is, Charles had one and he did just fine with it.  I hate stress tests and pray I'll never have to have another.   You have the biggest heart of anyone I know - a true Southern Gentleman for sure.  I've known a few of them and even though we've  never met I know you're one of the best. 

     I called Jack this afternoon - no answer - so waited half an hour and tried again.  He answered this time but his voice was strained.  He said he had just about choked to death trying to swallow a piece of chicken that wouldn't go down.  I thought this was kind of odd since we've been talking about that.  I told him to take small bites and chew and chew.  Patsy has told me he eats very slowly and not long ago he said it takes an hour or so for him to eat a meal.  Other than that he's okay.  You know for someone living alone choking is something (one of many) to think about that could happen.

     Jo - my goodness gracious - fire in the oven!  I'm guilty of putting things in the oven - not ever oven mitts but not long ago I bought a glass LocknLock dish that I use to make those cakes in - wanted one with a lid to keep it fresh.  Well, I had it in the oven - forgot that and turned it on.  For some reason (maybe the smell) I opened the door and the lid was melting - I can still use it but it doesn't lock on two sides.  I've since bought another one and, of course, it's in the oven, too. 

     Funny story (to me, anyway) - about the smell.  When Charles and I got married he worked evenings and I worked days so we only saw each other after he got off work at 11 p.m.  He'd sometimes start something for supper - this time he put some beans on to cook and when I got home (an hour and half later) the house was filled with smoke - with that awful smell of burning beans.  The phone rang and I answered and he said "honey, I think I left the beans on the burner".  Gidget, our poodle puppy and I went out and sat in the car and ate sunflower seeds until the house cleared out some - but, the smell was there for days.  Hope the smell clears out soon for you - probably the oven mitts is causing the awful smell.

     Maybe you just have a little bug of some sort and nothing related to the virus.  You're like me, being as careful as possible.  Doesn't sound like you've been exposed because your husband wears his good mask.  Remember, and I have to try to remember, your temp is always higher later in the day.  Listen to me - telling an RN something like this.  I don't remember the time you posted.  When I was tested they said I needed to wait at least five days after possible exposure to be tested.  Are you going to a health dept. or your doctor?  I went to the health dept. and they did the rapid test and also the other one.  Kind of nervous until I got the final results.  When are you going to be tested?   We'll all be hoping for a negative test - and I bet it will be.

     I sort of worry about your hairdresser - I remember when you had your hair cut outside and she had on a mask, as did you, but it was below her nose.  I worry that they're lifting the mask restrictions in so many places.  Our part of Oklahoma is still in the high-risk area so maybe ours won't be lifted.  Even if it is I will continue to wear my mask.  Even when FedEx delivers if I go out the door or even open it when they come I have my mask on and for sure when Daniel and his guys are here.

    The top of my right hand has been hurting this evening.  That's the one I used to try to break my fall.  I guess I lifted too much with it today - right now it's not hurting.  Back in the late 60s the backs or tops of both hands hurt like that and they thought I had RA but turned out I didn't but I think I remember they said I had some degeneration.  I need to find that ACE bandage and wear it during the day.  So, typing has made it begin to hurt again so I'll stop.  Iris, hope you sleep well - and Jo - I bet dollars to doughnuts you don't have the virus - just a bug. 

     Sandy, haven't had a chance to look at that map again but will tomorrow.  Thanks, again. 

     See you all tomorrow.  Temps are going to be near 80 all week so sitting on the porch will be wonderful.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, I'm so glad you and DH are OK after the fire!  They can start and spread so quickly!  I too have always stored pots inside the oven, so I know always to take them out before using the oven.  

    I couldn't find my medication for March, it was under a couple of magazines.  Boy, my work is cut out for me!

    I think I have non-24 sleep disorder.  It's very disturbing.  I've been up for 36 hours and I'm still wide awake.

    Meat and poultry are choke hazards--they need to be chewed thoroughly before getting soft enough to swallow.  Fish has bones--another choke hazard!

    It's March tomorrow.  Everyone, have a good night!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning,

    42F, 6C.

    Ron you fight a lot of battles.  Have found small meals very helpful for my stomach issues too.

    Day you seem to enjoy your job, that’s nice.

    When you don’t ramble Lorita we wonder about you.  Stayed busy yesterday or would been just like Marie.

    My eyes have been a little dryer too here lately.  Wonder if weather effects it?

    That exercise I’ve been doing for my stuffy nose has really helped.  Thankful I found it.

    JoC that is exactly why I don’t leave things in the oven.  I learned that a long time ago.  Have an air purifier and it is very good at removing odors like that.

    JoC hope your Covid is negative.  Believe a stomach bug has been going around here.

    Iris I play a video of rain falling on car every night.  Find that very relaxing.  Hope you find something to help you.

    Fixed some soil up yesterday and hope to start a few seeds today.  Won’t be much, two celery seeds and 6 petunias.  Have never tried starting celery before so will be interesting.  Did grow some last year that I bought at nursery.  It was easy, I dehydrated it and have used it for flavoring things all winter.

    Take care everyone.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo, is it possible that your symptoms are from the lingering smoke and stink from the fire? I pray that your COVID test come back negative. 

    I found some Red Lobster biscuit mix at the grocery yesterday and believe I'll try them with the gumbo tonight.

    The lung infection is better, but just cant get rid of this nagging cough. As long as I'm quiet everything is fine, but as soon as I start stirring around or talking the cough comes back.

    Lorita, the nuclear stress test can be taken with or without treadmill. If your able to walk the treadmill you do it, if not, they Inject you with medicine that makes you feel like you walked the treadmill. They first I eject you with a die and scan to see blood flow at rest, then they have you either exercise or inject you with medicine where you feel as if you walked, then they scan again to see how you are after exercising. 

    Suppose to be nice here for the next several days.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day - really all week.  It's 38 now with no wind and loads of sunshine.  I think it's supposed to be almost 80 the rest of the week.  Went out and fed Tom and checked the water - wasn't empty so didn't hook it up.  Girls are wandering around - this is feed day. Saw Casper and Evan down by the mineral tubs.  I hope they can be good friends.  Tina and Sweet Pea are so it's good to have a couple close together.

     Iris, you must be exhausted going that long without sleep.  Maybe you can take a short nap today and that will help.  Try the Zen music or rainfall like Sara said.  That would drive me nuts - each to his own though.  Glad you found your medication.  I saw an ad on TV yesterday for Theraworx and it reminded me that the last time I saw my doctor he said that might help with my Morton's Neuroma.  I got it but never used it so tried it on the back of my hand.  Hate, hate the smell and it didn't seem to help but it was worth a try.  I will try it on my feet.

     I feel tired this morning.  I laid down on the divan about 7 last night and watched TV - slept the normal amount but this morning I feel tired and my back hurts.  I'll be glad when I can get back into the bed.  I'm ready to be finished with all of this demolition and reconstructing going on here - it's been way too long.  Things are in such a mess - things in wrong rooms because they're working in that other room - now I have some things from the utility room in the kitchen.  I'm absolutely not a neat freak but do like to have a little semblance of normalcy and right now the only place like that is part of the LR.  The dining table has become a catch-all. 

     Jo - when are you going to have your test?  I think what Ron mentioned is something to consider.  Do you know when you might have been exposed?  They told me the test wouldn't be reliable unless you wait at least five or six days afterwards. 

     The news just now said gas is about $3.35 a gallon in Tulsa.  I haven't bought gas in such a long time I have no idea what it is around here. 

     I called Ore-Ida company (not the right name) about the French fries and they never could tell me if they were seasoned - lots of questions and supposed to be another phone call today about how they made me feel.  Still not feel too awfully good.  I just remember that I can't eat seasoned French fries - wish I knew which herb or spice it is that bothers me.  I usually stick to oregano, parsley, chives and garlic.  I told Sandy the other night I've never used Thyme or Rosemary. 

     So, for right now it's quiet here - that will change in about 20 minutes when they come to feed.  Guess I'd better stop and go out on the porch and call the girls so everyone will get some feed this morning. 

    Ron, when do you have that test?  Let us know how it comes out.  I think your sister is coming today so she'll be able to stay with Lou while you're gone.  I absolutely love those Red Lobster biscuits - can make a meal on them and salad but I've never seen or tried the mix.  Think I'll look on WM.com when I order again and see if they have it.

     Just think of all the things we've talked about that happens as we "mature".  Not a heck of a lot to look forward to, is it?

     I'll be back later.  Hand is beginning to bother me again so I'll stop typing.  Sheena and Stormy are staying outside at night - patrolling - but they're in for the day, sound asleep.

     I'm glad I have all of you as friends - makes the days go much better.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita wrote:


    Day - back in November or December Carolyn started talking about a Sunday morning show she and Gary (I thought) were going to have - every Sunday.  There is one on Sunday mornings, around 11 most of the time, but not with Carolyn.  She's on earlier in the day.  So they have different hosts - but I like Carolyn and Gary together.  Sounds like you watch QVC a lot so I've been wondering what has happened to a fairly new host - Elise, I think her name is - young and pretty.  For a few weeks she was on with Gary on Sunday mornings but you could tell she was at home.  I haven't seen her in several weeks so just wondered if you knew.  I like Carolyn, Jayne Brown and Mary Beth best of all the hosts.  They're the most "mature" and all the others are pretty young and new.  I do not like change of any kind.

    LOL I keep QVC on while I'm typing for my part-time job.  Elise left QVC at the end of 2021, I think they didn't renew her contract.  She used to be a Pilates instructor so she probably went back to doing that.

    I like the long-time hosts as well.  Same with the vendors - I like Laura Geller, Isaac, Gary, the gentleman who used to present with Joan Rivers but since her death represents the line.  Speaking of, Tova Borgnine died Feb 26th.  Apparently she had been ill for a little while and now she's back with her beloved Ernest.  I never bought any of her products but I loved to watch her because she was so elegant.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Day, I liked Elise - sort of a breath of fresh air.  I was worried that she might have had the virus since she was on from home a while.

     I don't know how long you've been watching QVC but I have been for umpteen years.  They used to have a line of clothing called Maggie Sweet.  Do you remember that?  It was represented by a man - can't remember his name at the moment but the clothes were so pretty.  I bought two suits, plus some other things, but gained some weight and never wore them.  Each of them had quite a lot of embroidery on them.  Tova had jewelery?  I never watch many of the jewelry shows, except diamonique, and don't watch the makeup or skin care ones.  Looking forward to Denim & Co. this morning. 

     I got a pkg. from QVC yesterday - haven't opened it yet. I always spray the mail and leave it on the porch a day or so.  I think it's the linen blend long pants.  Last year I ordered two tops of the same material and thought they'd go well with the tops.  If they wrinkle a lot I may just wear them around the house.

     Jo - the more I think about what Ron said the more I think that may be the problem.  I think oven mitts have some kind of heat retardant in them so if that burned it would add that to your air and it might have not been good for you.  Is your house still smelling of smoke today?  I know if some things burn, the smoke is really not good for you.  Just a thought.

     Toad just now left from feeding.  A couple of the girls were way up in the pasture so may not have gotten much to eat this morning - but they have hay and liquid feed and Mike said the fescue is beginning to grow.  I've been picking up tufts of white hair all morning - I think it's a losing battle when they blow their hair but they're worth every bit of it.

     Need to find something for breakfast - just finished my juice.  Maybe MOM again - tastes good but it's sort of a pain to cook.  You microwave it for a minute, stir, microwave for 30 seconds, stir - this goes on for about three to four times - but it's good.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

     Three of the guys are here and they have gotten everything off the floor and are tearing it up now.  There's a door I have closed between that room and the kitchen.  Earl came around a while ago and told me not to open the door and step out - otherwise I'll fall to the ground - gotta remember that.  They have everything to replace it in a big trailer outside the yard except the vinyl.  Earl said they found some that was really pretty and should be in today or tomorrow.  Daniel had to take his wife to  Tulsa to have some kind of injections in her spine - sounds like what Patsy used to have.

     Day - enjoyed Denim & Co. this morning except I was up and down so didn't get to sit through it without interruption and I didn't order anything.  There were some really pretty things but I don't need any more clothes.

     It's a beautiful day - just went out and turned on the water.  Sweet Pea and another little calf was at the tank wanting water - everyone, almost, is laying down in the sun.

     Jo - let us know how your tests comes out - I'm voting for negative.  Are they going to do the PCR (or whatever it is) one, too?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.  You are always so busy it makes me tired seeing all the things you can do. I hope your wrist and hand are feeling better. Try not to use them anymore then you need too.  I hope you found your ace bandage because that will help. Don't worry about the mess and clutter it's not going anywhere. Just think if all the fun you will have putting everything back in place and just take your time doing that. I also like MOM I also like Roma Meal, but I have not found any of that in a long time.  

    Day.   I hope with you changing your work hours you can get a good sleeping pattern. I worked graveyard for so many years I think it ruin my sleeping. I sleep well at night but not like I used too. I used to be able to sleep 8 hours straight now I am lucky if it is 5. But I always go back to sleep for a few more hours. 

    Iris.  I am sorry your having problems with your sleeping do you think maybe it might be a good idea to flip flop your sleep and sleep during the day and be up at night at least until you're not so sleep deprived. My Dr told me to take melatonin and sleeping time tea before I go to bed. It might work for some people, but it did not work for me. But at least I do get good sleep just not as much for as long as I want. The Chinese Zen music Lorita is talking about is very relaxing. 

    Butterfly.  How is your DH doing after his fall? Falls worry me the older we get the more chance we have at breaking something. I hope he is recovering and not in too much pain. Please take care of yourself. 

    Marie.  It was nice you found the right recliners for your parents. You are a good daughter. My living room is pretty small and the next time I get furniture I want 2 recliners and no couch. The recliners I want are wide and they rock and recline. The one my mother had also had cup holders in the arm rest I would love to find one of those. That way Molly (dog) and Sammy (cat) have plenty room to lay right next to me. They do now and it's a tight fit. 

    Ron.  It is nice that the VA will be covering your life alert. I have been doing a lot of looking at them and some are too expensive for my budget. It is so nice that your sister is there for you. I love that Red Lobster Biscuit mix I have some I will be making in a few days. 

    Jo.   Thank you for all those recipes I printed a few of them off I will be making the French fries and the pumpkin muffins. I like the idea of doing the fries in the oven and not on the stove in the oil.  I am so sorry you had that fire. I am also thinking the smoke may be part of the reason you are not feeling well. It is scary you are also running a fever please take extra good care of yourself and as you know you need plenty of rest. You're in my prayers. Please don't let a day go by you not letting us know how you're doing. You know we will all be worrying about you. 

    I also remember the pleated skirts. I had a white one and I made sure every pleat was ironed in tight. As far as ironing sheets, no way would I do that. The lady I pet sit for in the summer she irons just the tops of her sheets so when the bed is made and the top sheet is turned over it looks pretty, and she also irons her pillowcases. It does look nice. Judith, I bet your bed always looks nice. Sometimes I make mine. 

    All the talk about coughing, I also cough but not because it won't go down it is because as I am chewing sometimes it slides down before I sallow, does this happen to anyone else? 

    I moved my bird feeders off the front porch I am so tired of sweeping all the bird seed off the porch. Now I miss watching the birds, not sure if I will miss the birds enough to go back to sweeping the porch every day. Maybe I will try Haning the feeders lower so maybe they won't toss the shells on the porch. Thats my worry for the day.

    Take care all Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Zeta, the life alert the VA payed for is one that is only good when your home. It is only one time cost and no monthly fees. You can program up to 4 friends and 911. It calls your friends in the order listed until someone answers and they can turn it over to 911 or you can call 911 yourself. It has to be hooked up to a land line and is only good for close to your base. I dont know what the VA paid, but research on line looks like a little over $200 with no other fees.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy 1st day of March everyone,

    Jo, I have stored anything in my oven just for that reason. I KNOW I would forget and start a fire. 

    I hope you don't have COVID!! You have been more than careful through all this.

    Ron, I too make gumbo (finally after years of begging I got my mom's recipe. Every year around Christmas family and hubby beg me to make it. Usually I make a huge pot (think of those big silver pots that you need to get on a step stool to stir) I spend about $100 to $150.00 for everything that goes into the gumbo.....yum! 

    Of course I make my roux. Onions, celery, chicken wingettes, hot links, jumbo shrimp, and whole crab legs and the body of the crab. All in a dark "gravy" served over white rice. I even have special deep bowls to serve it in.

    Before my husband met me he had no idea what gumbo was, now he begs for it. Ha.

    Now I'm hungry.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     I'm pooped!   Hope you all know what that means - worn out.  I've filled water tanks, did this and that and I think I'm finished for the night.  The last time I went out to turn off the water I almost tripped, twice, on little limbs that had fallen off the trees.  I don't lift my feet high enough - got to work on that.   Saw a couple of little ones laying down so drove up to check on that - never know when there'll be a new baby.  It was Casper and Evan. 

     The things from the utility room are in the back yard on a tarp - the shelving unit is made of wood and is painted white - I had forgotten that.  I will keep that and get rid of some of the things that were on it.  I opened the kitchen door to look at it this afternoon after they left and one of the darn cats almost got down in there.  What I would have done I have no idea.  I can't open a door without someone going through it.   This afternoon I was in the kitchen and one of the lower cabinets must have been open a little bit (they don't latch) and I saw something slender and black going into it.  You know my first though was a snake - so carefully opened the door and it was one of the cats - his tail is what I saw.

     Day, I'm down for the night - watching Denim & Co. for an hour - the one that was on this morning.  I did get the linen blend pants.  Not really sure how I'll like them - looks like they're too long.  I think the regular length is now 30 or even 31 inches and I wear a 29 so have to roll the waistband or wear wedges.  No high heels for me anymore.  How in the world did we ever manage to wear those things I'll never know.

     Zetta - I'm not doing nearly as much as I used to - just seems like I am and lately I'm getting worn out doing all of that walking back and forth.  Really nice not to have to figure out when to buy feed and when to feed and doing it.  They are a well-oiled machine - not a wasted movement for either of them - Toad and Mike I'm talking about.

     Nicole, years ago there was a cooking show on TV - it was an older man from Baton Rouge, I think.  Your recipe for gumbo reminded me of him and watching him make the roux.  He always used a big, metal spoon instead of a wooden one.  Often wondered why but it worked!

     Ron - your alert button sounds good but you really need one that works away from the house along with one that works inside, too.  You go to the VA for appointments and there's the trip back and forth.  But, so glad they provided this one for you.  Two of the three times I've fallen has been inside the house - and when I fell outside it either didn't go off or I didn't have it on - not sure now.

     Sarah called this afternoon.  She's had a spider bite on the back/side of her right arm that has abscessed and a big knot on that side of her neck.  I bet anything that spider got her twice - happened during the night.  That's what happened when I had the spider bite - happened at night and just got bigger and bigger.  It was on the front of my thigh and after a day I felt like I had to hold it so it wouldn't fall off.  Doesn't make much sense but that's what happened. 

     The guys told me today they saw a lot of spiders when they tore out the floor.  I've always heard if you have spiders you won't have termites.  That's all I need!

     Nicole - I keep a couple of those big LocknLock glass dishes with lids in the oven and I have turned on the oven without thinking and warped one of the lids.  I had thoughts of making another peach cobbler tonight but I'm too tired so that will be for tomorrow sometime.  Wonder how a can of pears would work - might try that.  Fruit cocktail worked just fine.

     Going to stop for now and get ready to watch the State of the Union Address.  Iris, I was watching the evening world news and tears came to my eyes when I saw those little kids crying because their daddies had to leave them and go back to fight.  How scary that must be for them and for their mothers. Do hope you can sleep tonight - please try the Chinese Zen music - just google it and you'll get several ones to try.

    Jo - how was your test? 

     Rest well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Nicole: gumbo, yum!  Your recipe sounds delicious!

    Day, I remember Tova Borgnine, yes she was very elegant.

    Zetta, I tried deliberately staying up all night in order to do my chores.  When I was young, I had no problems pulling an all-nighter, but now I just don't have the stamina to do work all night.  I don't like going out after dark to do my grocery shopping, either.

    Lorita, I listened to the Chinese zen music.  It does not sound calming to me, it makes me think too much about China, but not the good parts, like where I visited in 1984 and in 2016.  I try to live in a bubble and keep the outside world away from me.  I just think about my home and my cats and reading biographies of accomplished people.  BTW, my mother always used to say she was pooped, LOL!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    29F, -2C.

    Noticed yesterday spring bulbs poking noses through ground.  Did get the few seeds planted.  Won’t plant any more til around first of April.

    Do know what pooped means Lorita.  We use that term.

    Never did manage high heels well, even when young.

    Has been and will continue to be a busy week for me.  

    Lorita I’m not a neat freak either, but hate when things are more disheveled than normal lol.

    Those exercises I mentioned for draining sinuses and helping with stuffy nose have been fantastic.  Have been doing them consistently and has greatly decreased the stuffiness.  Only use my saline gel three times a day for maintenance. 

    Thinking of you this morning JoC.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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