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Just need to talk to my friends (166)



  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    It's sleeting here too - took the dog out and he was slip-sliding all over the grass and I stayed on the sidewalk, which is salted.  I'm ordering groceries from Shipt again and they'll be here in about an hour.

    My finger will be fine until the 22nd.  I have feeling in the tip of the finger, if I didn't he would have put the surgery as an emergency but there is circulation going to it and I can feel everything.  The nerve is actually under the lump - it's still getting bigger, but only actually hurts if I grab something out of the fridge and something presses on it hard, then I get a big ouch and a reminder that I need to be more careful.

    Lorita, my ironing board went out in the trash yesterday.  I've been living here for 6-1/2 years and never used it once.  Goodbye ironing board.

    International travel is back in a big way - yesterday booked all sorts of stays in India, Mexico, and even moved a Japan trip from spring to fall (I still think that's a little optimistic, I don't think Japan will be open to Americans until 2023) and Hong Kong, Mainland China are still off the table.  Australia still isn't a "thing" yet.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's in the teens and looks hazy - we're beginning to have freezing rain.  I put on my spikey things on my boots and have been out three or four times - once to hook up the water for the girls in the garden, another time to feed Tom (he was there this morning) and decided I'd check out the barn - don't want anyone to be in there in trouble.  There were still three girls in there - all three were okay.  Little Casper and everyone else is out and around.  I filled the water tank for them and they're eating hay.  Missy is walking around with Casper right by her side.  She was up just beyond the hay a while ago and I saw a wolf or coyote - just standing there.  I yelled at him - didn't move - so barked like a dog and he took off.  Guess I didn't sound like Sheena or Stormy.  I fed the birds on the front porch and also out by the garden.  Really glad that bird feed came when it did.

     The weather says the roads were sort of cleared of the sleet where they had been treated but now there's showers of rain and it's freezing on contact - this will last until about noon, they say. It just showed I-40 around the town where I shop - trucks are moving but it's ice covered and they're having freezing rain and drizzle.

     Sara - be careful out and around today and tomorrow.  Glad Jean's doing all right.

     Lots of roads closed - I-40 has been closed around Warner and Webbers Falls and one of the highways around Tulsa -75, I think.  One of the reporters is in Muskogee and she said Buffalo Drive is closed - that's a short, winding back road up to the VA Hospital - no wonder it's closed - scary enough when it's dry.  We always had trouble getting up Honor Heights Drive to the hospital when it was icy.  I remember one time people had to park their cars at the foot of the winding drive - residential - because we couldn't get up the hill.  Luckily, at least one of the employees had a 4WD and picked up people.  It's several blocks up the hill.

     Stormy and Sheena wanted out about MN so spent the night in the storage building.  I let them in when I got up this morning. 

     Late yesterday I heard a knock on the front door.  Who in the world would be out on a day like this?  Went to the door and it was a FedEx guy delivering the MG.  I just heard thunder so guess we're having thunder freezing rain.  Not good.

     Going to stop and finish my juice and get some hot tea.  Sara - I'm thinking about another piece of French toast this morning - that was pretty good.  On second thought MOM would be good, too.

     Everyone in the path of the storm, please stay inside and stay safe.  Thundering like it does when we have a rain storm.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    It's been snowing most of the day. I made a crockpot full of chili and also some brownies from a Bob's Red Mill mix. Both were very good. Pizza with Italian sausage is planned for dinner.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Hated to get out but broke down and went to VA ER this morning. Said no uti, the uncomfortable feeling I have is probably due to my prostate cancer treatment. The coughing and hurting they treated with a shot in the arm, a cocktail and three medicines. Told me radiologist will take a closer look at the xray.

    The sitter for Lou is working well, they get alone good together and she even made our beds and washed the dishes. I should have told her I had some laundry LOL.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Today is another quiet day; still no birds to be heard; we had hard rain two nights ago, but now just chilly at about 59 degrees today and where we are, no wind howling around the corners and eaves of  the house.

     I am originally from the UP of Michigan - oh boy - I just saw this article re the frozen folks up there:


    Can you just imagine?  Over 37 inches of snow in a short period of time!  My poor elderly aunt in the UP would get snowed in and there was then no way to get to the doctor, no ambulance or emergency vehicle to get through.  So bad that the pharmacy that delivered on their snow mobiles could not get through.  Thankfully, she still had heat, but being elderly and unwell is really scary in such weather.   Beautiful country in autumn and spring, but Mr. Winter really makes one pay for that.

    Hey Ron, hope the day is better than that upside down one you recently had.  Just a bit concerned though regarding your symptoms.  The pills the doctor prescribed some time ago is a cough suppressant.   Probably a good idea to give a call to your physician; with a temp, coughing, headache, pain in the back shoulder; that is something you do not want to let go especially considering the other conditions you are dealing with.  Let us know how you are feeling and how things are going when you are up to it, we are thinking of you and Lou and sending get well soon wishes.

    Lorita, sometime ago, I did get one of those new fangled, shiny pricey irons and what did I find?   It was nowhere as good as my old one!  Imagine.  And sadly, my old one by that time was gone.  So; guess it is good I am no longer ironing.  (Grin.)  I remember well before clothes were permanent press.  Each week after laundry, I would take all the clothes for the four children and DH and sprinkle them, (remember those sprinkler tops we would put in washed out ketchup bottles?)  Would roll them up and put them in a plastic bag in the frig; pull out the ironing board and commence to spend hours ironing clothes that had to be washed again after just one wearing.  Ones I absolutely loathed ironing were corduroy pants.  Long gone are those days.  When permanent press came out I was one happy camper; all four children's school clothes no longer needed ironing. Whooppee!

    Spent this a.m. re-doing DHs written medical history as well as mine.  They are very complete and good to have should a health concern arise or need to go to an ER.  Doctor's always thank us profusely for having them; it makes their assessment re history and charting much easier.  DH is having eye surgery on his left eye on March 16.   So, will have the history for the surgeon and anesthesiologist.  I am pretty concerned on his behalf; he is a diabetic on multiple meds; that disease slows healing and makes one at higher risk for infection.  It will not be as easy a recovery as his cataracts were; and if fortunate, he will be in the 75% that have vision improve to one degree or another, but  it takes about six months to have improvement or to see how much improvement there will be.  Risk is worsening vision or blindness in that eye from the procedure, so here I am; thinking positive, but still . . . .

    Sounds like the herd as adjusted well to the feeding changes.  I am glad to think you no longer have to do all the hauling and feeding Lorita, especially in weather.  Yet, you still have your charges and are still with them with heart and hand.  That is good.

     Zetta, a new German Shepherd puppy, what fun!  My favorite dogs are German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers.  Lovely, lovely dear dogs.  About the rice.  Well; in another article that popped up this a.m., a Registered Dietician mentioned that if one has rice, noodles or pasta alone or in a dish, and the temperature of the room is 90 degrees or higher, the food can stay on the serving table for only ONE hour; after that it needs to be tossed due to rapidly growing bacteria.  I will be watching much more closely.  She also mentioned the recommendation that when cooling such items or even any dishes, do not put them in a dish or pot in the frig when hot; instead, spread them in a shallow container so they are spread out to cool fast and inhibit bacterial growth and then cool them in the frig immediately so the bacteria has no time to flourish.   

    One of my dishes of family favorite is a ham, corn and potato chowder; so good, but so long to make.  I had to make huge pots of it as family was big and usually had a few guests.  When putting that in the refrigerator, I had to divide it into small shallower containers so it cooled down rapidly as putting a big pot of it in the frig would take hours and hours to cool which of course would probably make everybody sick.  Then of course serve it with both hot cornbread with honey butter as well as with homemade biscuits with butter and honey or butter and cherry preserves.  Uh-oh; making myself hungry again.  That took hours in the kitchen and my knees would never tolerate that now. 

     My son who loves to cook asked to come over and learn how to make that, "Farmer's Chowder."  He did it with me and had to smile as he said, "No way will I be making this; that is WAY too much work and takes far too long to make."  Tends to cramp the forearm muscles from all the looooong, loooong stirring of the big pot of the white sauce after making own roux getting it all to just the right thickness.  They like to eat it, but making it is quite another matter.

    Love lentil soup with fresh veggies, Lorita.  How did you like the soup after using the immersion blender?  Would you do that again or leave it without blending next time?  Sure do love our immersion blender for making a vegetable soup puree as well as making puddings.  Lovely little things those blenders.  Who knew what a really good tool that would be.  Beats the dickens out of having to spoon everything into a blender in batches and far less messy.

    The vegetable soup puree is one from Weight Watchers from long ago.  Two bags of California style vegetables put into a large pot; add one small can of RoTel mild tomatoes, put chicken stock or veggie stock to cover about an inch or so over the veggies; put the lid on and simmer for about 40 minutes or so.  (I always added an onion in chunks.)  Then use the immersion blender to puree. It is a thick soup, delicious and one gets a lot of different vegetables in one savory cup or bowlful.   It freezes well.  Can also decide to take part of it and add rice and/or meat to it if making a meal of it. Also a tasty way to sneak veggies in to a child or LO who does not like looking at veggies on their plate.

    Speaking of Weight Watchers, has it ever come to mind when watching their commercials on TV that the ads have only young, rather fit, attractive women?  No elders, no white hair to be seen and no disabled folks. Where are the men most of the time?  Just marketing to those who are easily brought in and who lose weight a bit more easily.  The cornerstone being exercise.   Would love to seem them INclusive rather than EXclusive.   That just popped into my mind as I was watching TV the other evening and their ad came on.

    The recipe for those muffins made with pumpkin puree and cake mix was one I also got years ago from WWs.  That is a classic and so good. Also the angel food cake mix with pineapple, same source.  My friend who uses that recipe calls it her, "company cake."  Simple, simple and yet, oh so good.

    Have to call and check on my friend who had that dreadful loss of consciousness in Target, fell with the cart on top and twisting her leg and knee; she is still not doing well physically with her knee; working with P.T. and in a wheelchair most of the time, but not as bad as it had been as far as pain.  She still has terrible gastroparesis, having tests, and was to have cataract surgery next month IF it does not get cancelled and also finds that she must have her gallbladder out. The doctor told her the testing indicates she has multiple very large stones, the GB is enlarged and pressing on other tissue and she needs it out with good planning before it becomes a crisis. To make matters more complicated, she has a genetic condition that causes her to have blood clots of which she has had many despite anticoagulants, and has also had pulmonary embolisms.  It is scary.  As she said, "All those years and now it all of  hits as I get older." Being that she is an RN, she also has seen too much and we know how that goes . . . .

    Is Jack doing okay?  Do you think he is a bit more at ease?  I hope so, it must be awfully scary for him especially as it gets dark earlier and when bad weather hits.  Glad he has someone to talk to.  If he had just one friend nearby, that would be a heartening thing for him.  Doesn't seem though, that he would welcome going to a senior center or a small friendly church to begin to make connections.  Hope all goes well for him.

    Had to smile, Lorita, did not get the abbreviations.  MG?  And then, MOM; to me means milk of magnesia, and by context do not think that is at all accurate.   So glad you got your new emergency device and hope it works perfectly for you.  Time will tell.

    Also time to get a haircut again.  I had it cut extremely short a while back, kept me out of salons during the worst of pandemic days and had a beautician who would come in early before the shop opened which was good for both me and her other customers.  Well; I have let it grow and it is now at the bottom of my neck; been a long time since I let it grow that much and it tickles!   I will just get a trim and keep it a bit longer.   Cannot believe you have been able to go for seven years without a cut, Lorita, must be nice to have straight hair.  I could never get away with that.  Still think we need to get Mr. Ron on the front porch to give us all a nice snip or two.  Then we would feed him cake and cobblers in payment.  Sounds good to me, the "Front Porch Rocking Chair Salon."  Ooh la la!

     On that note, au revoir,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's been a busy day - you wouldn't think so because everything's covered with sleet  - at least 2" thick and hard as a rock.  I've been out to fill water tanks and bird feeders probably six times today - at least to fill the water tanks.  Have to go out and hook up the hose, then go back and disconnect it and bring it in - back and forth.  Filled both bird feeders a couple of times.  Those girls drink a lot of water.  Cut the ice on the one in the lot and will fill it in the morning.  I've been watching the girls up at the hay - I've been sitting in my chair with the door open so I could see them - at last check as they go to the barn - all but one has gone in - they're not nuts - much warmer in there than out.  I've seen little Casper staying right with his mom today, going back and forth.  I still have not seen a Cardinal - all the birds I see are smaller.  Always have had lots of them.

    Nothing has melted today and won't tonight or tomorrow.  Streets and roads are still ice covered.

     Zetta, I missed your post that was just before mine this morning.  I love puppies - I talk to Stormy and Sheena a lot about him being a puppy when I got him and she was only a year old so she was a puppy, too.  We were out a while ago and I saw that wolf or coyote again - he's beautiful, big tan animal with some yellow on him.  Stormy and Sheena saw him and he ran over and grabbed the metal water hose and jerked it.  Maybe that's where the teeth marks are coming from instead of him just chewing on them.

     Jo - I haven't even opened the box with the new MG (Medical Guardian) in it.  Just not in the mood to fool with it today - maybe tomorrow.  I'm still wearing the one I have so maybe it's working.  I haven't slipped during all of those trips because I'm wearing boots with those slip-on cleats or metal nubs.  I haven't worn those in years but we do have several pairs so we did wear them.  My right knee doesn't seem to be working too well if I go down the steps with that knee first.

     Ron, glad you got into the VAER to get things checked out.  Hope the medicine works.  So glad the new sitter is working out and that Lou likes her.  That will make it a lot easier for you.

     Jo - the lentil soup is all right - it always seems rich to me so can't eat too much at one time.  I only blended about half of it so there's still plenty of lentils and vegetables to be seen.  I don't really think I'd like it completely blended.  I've been thinking I'd have one of those huge baked potatoes for supper but I'm just not hungry enough - could be that I made a new recipe of Ranch dressing and had some with potato chips.  Do you think that could be the reason?

     We used to make chili often and always served it over rice with some cheese on top and Doritos.  And, I absolutely love fried rice.  I can make a meal out of that.  We always ate at a Chinese Restaurant in Tulsa when we were there - then started making the same kinds of food at home.  I should make some fried rice. 

     I still have some packets of Red Beans and Rice and Yellow Rice - they've been in the refrigerator unopened - wonder if they're still good.

     MOM - had that for breakfast with toast and Welch's grape jelly.  Jo, I don't think Milk of Magnesia would be good - this is Malt-O-Meal.  Guess I should be more careful with abbreviations - remember LMG?  I saw Sara used that one a couple of days ago.

     I wish Jack did have a man friend he could talk with.  Patsy said there used to be one man who always wanted him to go fishing with him - don't know what happened with that.  I talked to him very briefly today - seemed all right.  I called once and didn't get him so waited awhile and tried again.  He said he was putting Zelda in her box.  I do not know for the life of me why he wants to keep her in that cage.  Even his daughter has told him he shouldn't do it.

     Awful about Russia invading Ukraine.  They were talking about sanctioning Putin - how do you sanction a person?  They should cut off everything to Russia - no exports or imports - everything.  I doubt they'll stop at Ukraine.  Also saw where they have taken over Chernobel  and will probably take over the capital very soon.  They're pronouncing it Keev - I always heard it pronounced Ki-ev - or is this another city?

     I'm wondering if the guys can feed in the morning - I bet they do - glad I opened those gates so the girls can go through the lot instead of all the way around.  I'm always worried that one will slip and fall - but, they have four feet so pretty surefooted but they do walk pretty slowly.  I've talked to Billy the Bull a couple of times today - he's the sweetest guy and it's so cute watching Casper running to keep up with Missy or running in front of her. 

     Supposed to be around 11 tonight.  WC during the day was in the low teens - temp just in the teens but, thankfully, not much wind.  Our weatherman runs cattle and he just showed a picture of a newborn Angus calf a rancher had found so cold and put in his PU to warm it up.  He said ranchers never stop taking care of their cattle, even in the worst weather.  He's so right - they come first, then you get to come inside and warm up and eat.  Every time I put on my thermals and pull my socks up over the legs of them I think of daddy - so many times I've watched him sitting by the stove doing the same thing before he went out to take care of the animals.  Carol has said the same thing about her daddy.   If I hadn't sold the girls I'd be out there feeding.  I can remember last year getting the snow and ice out of the feeders before I put the feed in for them.  Main reason I keep the water tanks filled - to keep them away from the frozen  ponds and I will continue to do that.  Probably need another one in the garden - I'll look into that.

     Just made one last check - went out on the porch and all of the girls are in the barn.  So many times I think how great it is that they have the barn to go into to get out of the cold wind and falling weather.  Ranchers do try to make windbreaks for the cattle but it's not the same.  Of course if your herd was up to 200 or so you'd have to have a really big barn.  Ours can hold over 100 - you know, they go in and find their place and lay down and that's where they stay. 

     Day - good you got rid of that ironing board.  I may keep my small one but it needs a new cover - and Jo, thanks for the information about those pretty irons.  I'm always tempted but have refrained - why buy one if I never use it.  Guess we need a robot that would iron for us.   Jo, remember those pleated skirts we had to iron?

     Enough of cattle talk - just something I enjoy talking about.  How great was it that I could sell them and still have them and not have to feed but still take care of them like I've always done - checking them and keeping water for them.  Best of both worlds.

    Better decide what I'll have for supper - maybe a small bowl of the lentil soup with a cornbread muffin I have frozen.  Sounds pretty good.  Jo - I'm sure you know you have to put just a little bit of vinegar or lemon juice in the soup before you eat it - makes all the difference in the world in the taste of it.

     Hope I can find something good to watch on TV tonight.  Sleep well.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    28F, -2C. Hope all that have ice and snow are doing ok.

    You guys have me thinking about can I get rid of the ironing board.  Rarely iron clothes but do use it when sewing.  Sew very little though.  

    Ron glad you have found someone that is able to stay with Lou.  

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Ironing board.....believe I can remember Lou using one....found one in the closet 

    ...didnt look like anything I wanted to do.....left it in closet!

    Slept good last night except for a couple of sweating spells, guess it was due to all the new medicine on top of regular medications. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Low teens here, WC just above zero. Haven't been out yet but will be shortky.  Everything is still ice covered and will be a long time melting.  The sun is coming up and no wind,- thankful for that. Better go and chop some ice so girls can have water.  
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I might not cook very well or often but I iron! Sheets, pillowcases and clothes even though 99% are knit. Ironed sheets are great but not as wonderful as line dried. I u sed to have a line across the driveway. My ironing board stays up and I love my iron. It steams well but I still do some spraying. I do remember rolled up damp clothes in the frig. 

    Cattle report. A Charlais (sp) bull and 60 cows...no heiffers, just 2nd-3rd rounders and probably Brangus (sp). Three horses and a pickup that can transfer hay. No, I am not allowed to name them...lol. There will be no shelter but there is a pond. All of my relatives and friends are going to get cows for gifts this year.  The current sale price is 78-84 a pound....up almost $20 from November. 

    Netflix people...Inventing Anna.

    Still terrible balance from 2 weeks ago. I have a PT coming today to work on some general strength. It will help with the balance. Next two weeks I go to the ear Dr, eye Dr and then to optomatrist. All of those will help too. 

    I found the box of movies (small cassette) so now I need to find the camera, hookit up to the computer or TV and view. 

    It is colder than a witches ...... in the Klondike. Everything on the ground is white and will be until probably Sunday. Good thing I have lots to do inside...closets, drawers, books. 

    Wish I had that new puppy.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

     Sara - when I was sewing a lot I would iron the seams after I sewed them and was really happy with the results.  But, now, I hardly ever iron.  I have a steamer but guess I've never gotten the hang of using it the right way - just doesn't work for me.

     The sun is still shining - everything's so bright - have to wear my sunglasses for sure.  I filled the water tank in the garden and even left the hose out there after I unscrewed it from the hydrant.  And, I can sort of see my bootprints in the ice so it's getting a little bit softer on top. 

     Toad came just a little bit later than usual to feed.  Couldn't get through the gate behind the barn.  It has a gatewheel on it so guess the ice was piled up too high for it to go over. He  came through the other one and honked for the girls.  When I first saw him I went out on the porch and called them.  Somehow little Casper got separated from Missy and he was running around looking for her.  I saw him fall down but he jumped back up and seemed okay.  I just now saw him and he's moving all right.  He finally saw another smaller calf and was following her.  Then, mom finished eating and I saw her hurrying around to get to him - she called him and he went to her and all was well again.

     Darwin just now called.  He said he'd tried to call a couple of times and didn't get an answer and was worried.  I did see where he called yesterday - no idea where I was that I didn't answer.  I tried calling him back but was one number off so call didn't go through.  He's all right - staying inside except for going across the road to the mailbox.  He said his wife is staying in bed about 20 hr. a day - not sick, just wanting to stay in bed.  He has bought a new, smaller PU - did have a bigger one - and says he has to go into town about once a week.  Good to talk with him. 

    Have any of you watched Magnolia Kitchen?  It's a new show with Joanna Gaines.  I saw an hour of it this morning - pretty good.  I guess they've bought a TV network - called Magnolia Network - used to be DIY, I think. 

     Zetta - I've tried watching Gunsmoke twice this morning and had seen both of them.  That show was on for so many years that it looks like they could have new shows and not show the same ones over and over.

     Hope all of you are well today.  I saw this morning there were thousands of people out of power in Arkansas. Extex, hope you all are okay and have power.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Judith, since you mentioned it: have you seen much of Inventing Anna? I watched 3 and can’t decide, except that young woman is a brilliant actress. I am not too taken with the show so far, the trillionaire NYC social scene is kind of interesting, but…

    (it’s a Netflix documentary-drama, largely factual, on a real woman, early 20s, who passed as European royalty/trust founder, and lived by scam at the pinnacle of NYC wealth and business/arts, about  20? years ago. She is now in prison.)

     I’ve read about her for years, and I *still* cannot see how she conned so many successful/wealthy/international figures, so big and so long. She went for the top.  No fear. Maybe it was her sheer…cajones. Re: this show, I see a lot of criticism of her accent, I thought the real Anna made it weird on purpose, to confuse people, and now the actress does it (??)

    Back to more real-world…I hope everyone is dealing with the storm OK. This weather on top of all else.  It’s just unimaginable to me how much evil stuff has happened just in the last couple days, everything from our children and our schools (some states) to Russia.

    No ironing here! I used to iron DH shirts, he was very traditional BB button-down shirts when he worked. I bet it’s been 10 years since I ironed. Ironed sheets would be so luxurious.

     But the older Tupperware talk here made me smile. Family laughs at me for storing all my containers with lids ON. Yes, it takes more space. Better than the aggravation of searching for a lid MIA. I keep looking at sets where one lid fits all (more or less) but too much deciding. And we don’t have as much food/leftovers as we did back when I cooked a lot and DH could help and knew what he was eating. 

    Zetta, congrats on new puppy! They are so much fun. Our neighbors got one, a small dog but she has the energy of a teenager! Love to watch and play with her, but like babies at this point… 

    Our weather is perfect, but I am under it. Nothing interesting here except new tires for which prices have done like all prices. I really did not intend to say anything (nothing interesting to say) but am truly curious what others may think about Anna.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Been trying to catch up with my "porch friends" 

    I'm still in Vegas until the end of March. It took my cousin and I over a month of working everyday to go through everything in our uncle's house, 5 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms and a 3 car garage full of all kinds of tools!!! So much paperwork and taxes dated back 20yrs!

    I don't like clutter so once per year I clean out my closets, kitchen, bathrooms. If I haven't seen it, wore it or used it in a year I get rid of it. I don't think it's "fair" that when I pass away that my daughter or husband will have to go through my things and get rid of it all.

    Will be having an estate sale next month, then a final clean out. On the 22nd I will hand over the keys to the house to our real estate agent.....the final chapter of this nightmare will be over.

    As I predicted my brother and my mother (I haven't talked to her in years) are upset due to not being in my uncle's Will. My mom was my aunts sister. She thinks she should get something because she was the sister.  She's saying (I heard all this from my brother) that my husband I don't need the money. Why does that matter? 

    My brother is also upset that he wasn't included in the Will. 

    1st of all my aunt died in 2014 so my uncle inherited from her so now the money is all his, he told his attorney only my cousin and I would inherit everything. 

    2nd of all my uncle didn't like my mom nor my brother, due to their greed. 

    3rd neither one of them called or came to help my uncle when he was dx'd with dementia. My brother called my dad and was upset, my dad told him, "you did nothing, you get nothing." As far as my mom (they've been divorced for many years) he said "your mom did nothing so she gets nothing." He also reminded my brother that between me, my husband and cousin we have spent a bit over $100,000.00 in attorney fees.

    Now my brother isn't talking to me. We aren't close, my mother made sure of that many years ago. 

    It's true money ruins families. 

    I will be so glad to d

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Sorry all, my iPad froze as I was typing (my post above)

    Anyway I'll be so glad to go home and spend time with my husband and family. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    The puppy is not mine!!!        she belongs to my daughter and SIL. I will get to see here when I am there for a week. I leave here on Sunday the 6th till Sunday the 13th to go spend a week with them in their new house in Maricopa, Arizona. 

    Ron.   I hope you're feeling better and sorry you had to take the trip to the ER. I hope you are able to get some rest and it is nice that Lou likes her sitter. Sounds like Lou likes everyone, I hope so it will make things a bit easier for you. 

    Nicole.  It's so nice hearing from you and hopefully you are not to upset with the way your family is being so greedy. You and your cousin did a very good job caring for your uncle and it was all done out of love. Sounds like if some of the family had helped it would have been for shellfish reasons. Your uncle knew who was there for him and that is something you and your cousin can be proud of. Please take care of yourself. And you are so right things like this will ruin families. Please take good care of yourself things will get back to normal soon. 

    Judith.  You said you wish you had that puppy. A puppy would be so nice for you just think of all the love it will have for you. I will be spending a week with my daughter and this new puppy. This new puppy keeps her pretty busy as for me I don't want a puppy. They are cute but way too much work for me. 

    Lorita.  It is nice that Darwin calls you it sounds like he is lonely and wants to make sure you're doing well. Is it normal for his wife to be in bed as long as she is? could it be that she is just giving up. I feel sorry for Zelda, but you know as long as Jack has kept her caged up it is probably all she knows. When people leave dogs in cages it worries me that something will happen to them, and the poor dog will just die in that cage. I am watching Gunsmoke right now and I also am surprised that they just keep repeating the same 10 or 20 over and over when there are so many more to be shown. 

    I went shopping today for some cat and dog food and I was surprised that Petco and Bi Mart's shelves are pretty close to empty. I went on Chewey.com and found everything I needed. Hopefully it is here in a few days. 

    I hope your all staying warm it is so cold here the sun is out, but it is only 36 outside right now. 

    Take care and stay warm, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    21F, -6C.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day.

    Take care

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Good morning Sayra,

    Wishing everyone a peaceful day as well. Thank you for starting us off with such a nice greeting for each new sunrise!

    I did not read everything yet. Will go back and catch up. But just wanted to check in here at the best porch gathering ever. I was wishing for a nice floodlight, or those soft decorative lights strung out over some of the patios on the backyard makeover shows lol. That's because I've had my days and nights backwards lately and did not want to be stumbling around the porch in the dark.

    A few notes: 

    Ironing - I love my steam iron and small table top ironing board for sewing and quilting ease. But, have not done either (sewing much nor ironing much) since AD showed up. Hate that. And jfkoc, my mother would have loved you lol. She ironed sheets and her half-slips too (remember when ladies wore those?). Her daughter did not inherit that level of commitment or organization. Though I did get a lot of satisfaction ironing those perfect pleats Lorita mentioned.

    Money - families really can get torn apart over things, right? Property and money....we can't take it with us and it is sad that it can cause so many bad feelings. Wish we humans could just be contented with "enough", and that we could truly prioritize sharing as much as possible with as many as possible. When I see so much waste, for example, and then so much lack it just makes me sad. Don't know what to do about that though. Nicole, what an incredible niece you are. Your uncle's wishes for his money should of course be respected. You have inspired me to get a clean-out going. I just did not know where to start, but if you and your cousin could do that I can too, though it will take me 2x as long without a partner, that's OK. And jfkoc, thanks for the de-cluttering link to help me with a strategy in the meantime. 

    Fall risk - DH hit the ground really hard less than a week ago and is still really sore. His hospice team and I are waiting and hoping there is no hairline fracture. It doesn't hurt when he's still but to keep him still means almost sitting on him! Lol. I have to sit right next to him and keep distracting, etc. Joined at the hip, we really are, right now. He forgets every time he goes to stand up, and almost falls again when the pain hits him. I'm keeping the roll-a-tor in front of him as a reminder, but he forgets that too and will just take off if I'm not right there to slow him down. Sheesh. Well, at least we have discovered all kinds of free online TV shows and movies trying to keep him occupied. Lorita, how is your wrist feeling after that fall? So glad you're OK.

    Food! - I couldn't find the quick peach cobbler recipe and you all got me thinking about that recently so...I used a muffin tin to make 12 little dump cakes. 1 can of peaches, half a box of yellow cake mix and some spread (butter alternative), and it was quick and wonderful! Put a couple of peaches (chopped each slice into 4 chunks) and poured some syrup in each little space. Topped with enough of the cake mix to fill the muffin space (what do you call them?), no measuring, just "dumped it in", and put a pat of butter/spread on top of each. Let it bake at 350 until it starts smelling good and looks bubbly. I think I could have let them brown a bit, like a toasted crunchy crumb-cake topping but couldn't be away from my post at DH's side too long so decided it was fine as is. We have 4 left for tomorrow! 

    And, I was up cooking little stuffed peppers around midnight last night. As soon as DH dozed off for good, I tried to sleep but had drunk too many cups of coffee too late in the day, trying to keep my eyes open after hyperdiligence the last few days, running around doing everything for two, so he'd stay as immobile as possible letting this hip heal (hopeully just a bad bruise and maybe torn muscle is what his med team is hoping) Me too. Anyway, I had some small bell peppers and they were getting a little wrinkly so I either needed to chop them up and freeze them in baggies for soup or gumbo later, or slice them in a salad or tuna before they got too far gone. I was hungry, so decided to cut them in half and stuff with a meatloaf mixture and cooked 6 stuffed pepper halves, topped with bbq sauce the last 10 minutes. Plus rice and cabbage. At 2 a.m. lol. So good! 

    Thank you all for the education on safely cooling and storing food to minimize bacteria. I have been doing it all wrong for years apparently and it is a wonder my poor kids did not have tummy troubles through the years. I've for sure put things up before they were cool enough, or left them out too long (even overnight by accident a few times after falling asleep and just heated the soup or beans or whatever to boiling for several minutes before eating it). Especially if it was prepared vegetarian with no meat, poultry or seafood at all in the dish. And also who knew rice and other things were such a risk? (OK, well you all did. I really did not!) Though I definitely have had accidental luck with mainly putting things away fairly soon after cooling and finishing leftovers up pretty quickly. But I always thought it was mostly meats and things with mayo, etc in them. Well, you live and learn. And probably just in time since we are older and possibly more sensitive now. 

    Puppies - Oh, remembering several litters of German Shepherd mix puppies from my childhood years. I always spoiled them rotten. I do wish I had a little one to play with and love on now, but for sure could not manage it since AD is front and center. 

    Sewing - Sayra you are inspiring me with your tote bag. Your patience and mindful pacing yourself is a goal for me. Once I cut something out I am really itching to stitch it and that contributed to many "hyperfocus" projects all my life. I so enjoy both the process and the end product, that I will forgo sleep to sew, once I get started. So, that discipline to wait until I have a free day or weekend, is something I had to adopt long ago. And, with Alzheimers, well, I just do not have a free day or weekend -- and even with those 30 minute projects, we can't leave scissors, pins and needles out where DH might hide them or worse. So, for now I just don't. If I can get a reliable aide for more hours soon, this is the type of respite I would love. Not leaving to get away, but a few calm hours to enjoy home and the activities I don't get to do when caregiving. Would need to be in another room out of sight of DH probably. We will see.

    YouTube - I've been replaying music videos, short concerts, movies and all kinds of DIY clips - watching random interesting things with my guy to keep DH seated. Otherwise, he tries to go to work or to see his dad (died over 30 years ago). But the laptop is a huge help to keep him distracted and not popping up every minute to go check the door due to some random noise (the steam radiator knocks and pipes keep me saying repeatedly all day: "no, its the heater, no one's at the door"). Anyway, I saw some quick-sew grow bags and that might be in my future. I remember Sayra talking about the grow bags and I think that will help me with wanting to sew lately, plus the veggies and flowers I plan to try this year. I will need to find some easy self-watering option too though. Saw some on You-tube yesterday but didn't get to research the most simple, reliable ones. I don't want to have my container garden burn up this summer if possible.

    OK, enough rambling. Signing off to catch a couple of winks before DH wakes up raring to go. I hope everyone has a peaceful and fulfilling day, and weekend. Take care of you today. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch gathering. 

    My life alert was on the front porch last night. It's a freedom alert with a two way voice emergency pendant communicator. Its programmed to call 4 numbers until someone answers with a 911 forwarding. It also came with a emerge wall communicator that I can put in the bathroom. The VA did approve this, I was told normally veterans living alone qualified for one, but with Lou unable to help in emergencies, I qualified. 

    Suppose to be rainy all day mixed with sleet. I'm suppose to stay in anyway, so no big deal. My sister is coming back tuesday and will be here for a VA appointment I had scheduled for Thursday. She sure has been a big help with Lou. I believe she will go with us to our brother's in TX to celebrate Lou and my 55th wedding anniversary. I told lou since we met at a dance I wanted to dance with her for our anniversary even if she had to stand on my toes. She has stood up a few times and held me as we rocked back and forth to the music.

    Take care friends!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I'm glad Darwin was checking on you.  Sounds like his wife has really progressed.  Maybe this disease will be merciful for her and for him and it's going rapidly now.  

    I've seen where Joanna Gaines and her husband have that Magnolia network now.  I'f you've ever seen the prices on their merchandise in Target you'd know how they raised the money to do it.  Whew!  A paper knickknack of a small bird = $59.99.  All very pretty but my wallet thinks NO.

    Judith, I had about 3 weeks of some virus that caused the spinning/dizziness and it was horrible.  I would get up in the morning and when I was out of bed I would actually be tilted sideways.  I was so sick to my stomach with the dizziness.  They started with all the simple stuff like the Epley maneuver, etc. but the ENT I saw after it stopped guessed it was probably a viral illness I had.  Yours has been going on so long it can't be that.  It affects EVERYTHING.  I hope they find out why and can fix it because I fell once getting out of bed (the sideways thing).

    More snow last night but probably not more than an inch or two.  I'm off today and will enjoy my tea explorations.  I've discovered I don't like black tea of any sort.  I do like oolong and especially love green tea.  I used to really hate green but I realized I was boiling the water and green tea needs a lower temperature and it tastes so great.  That's why the kettle with the temperature control helps!
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Tea: I like jasmine green tea (Bigelow). I use teabags; used to use the kettle and the fancy teapot and tea cup on occasion but now I just use a mug and a bag. My grandma drank green tea, plain ol' Lipton, for decades. She would re-use the same teabag more than once. She lived to be 100. I attribute that at least in part to the health benefits of green tea. Black tea - I like that too but my favorite is the jasmine green tea. Herbal "teas" are not really tea at all. Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. Herbal tea comes from many different sources. Herbal tea can certainly be tasty, and healthy too, depending upon what ingredients are used. There is a tea plantation in Charleston, SC. That would be fun to visit.

    Inheritance: Nicole, you spent more than a year of your life living with and helping your uncle! What a sacrifice! I realize that he drew up his will prior to you living with him, so you and your cousin must have been close to him all along. I firmly believe that whoever writes the will has the say in what happens with his/her estate and no one should feel entitled. I know it can cause hard feelings, though.

    Inheritance and Lucille Ball: Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz had two children, Luci and Desi Jr. They divorced. Lucille then married Gary Morton; she pre-deceased him and 1/2 her estate was divided between her two children and the rest to him. When he died, he willed all of his portion of the estate to HIS kids. (EDITED) 

    Scary Lucy: In 2009, a statue of Ball was displayed in her hometown of Celoron. The statue depicted the climactic scene from the 1952 I Love Lucy episode "Lucy Does a TV Commercial" in which Ball's character, Lucy Ricardo, hawks the alcohol-rich patent medicine Vitameatavegamin while under the effects of heavy dosage of the tonic. Residents noted the statue's deranged, androgynous expression, which bore little resemblance to Ball, earning it the nickname Scary Lucy. The statue garnered little outside attention until 2015, when images of the statue went viral and received international media coverage.[1] The artist discussed fixing the statue with town officials, but claimed they wanted him to do it at his own expense. In 2015, Celoron's mayor said the town was looking to hire a different artist instead.[4]

    Second statue  On August 1, 2016, it was announced that a new statue of Ball would replace the original. Carolyn Palmer was unanimously chosen out of a national competition of more than 65 sculptors. She said in a statement, "I not only wanted to portray the playful, animated and spontaneous Lucy, but also the glamorous Hollywood icon" and "I just hope that all the Lucy fans are pleased and that Lucille Ball herself would have enjoyed this image of her." On August 6, 2016, the day that would have been Ball's 105th birthday, the replacement statue was revealed.[5]

    Since Scary Lucy became a local tourist attraction after receiving media attention, it was placed 75 yards from its original location so visitors could visit both statues.[1]

    If you google "Scary Lucy Statue" the images of both come up. Quite interesting!

    Have a good day, be blessed, be well.   Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Looks like we may have some sun this morning.  I went out to check the water tanks and the one in the garden wasn't frozen - had been but the girls were able to break the ice to drink.  The other one was frozen but I could break the ice with a shovel.  Checked the barn and only one of the girls was inside - she was okay.  I saw little Casper and Evan going up toward the hay.  Girls were wanting feed again this morning - bawled and bawled and even went out toward the feeding area.  I think they'd eat twice a day.  Fed Tom-Tom and I'm back inside.

     Last night I had one of my favorite meals - French fries, pork 'n beans and cottage cheese - does sound a bit odd, doesn't it?  I opened a new sack of Ore-Ida French fries - thought they looked a little different - not white like usual.  But, they tasted so good.  Then about three hours later not so good - my stomach wasn't feeling normal.  So, took a couple of Rolaids and went to sleep.  Better this morning.  Somehow that sack of French fries was mislabeled - they were seasoned French fries and those don't agree with me..  I did check the sack a couple of times and no mention of seasoned.  I've tried them before with the same result. Guess I'll make my own.

     For those of you who make homemade steak fries or potato wedges, do you soak the cut potatoes in cold water for a while before you bake them?  I've tried wedges before and they always seem to be tough on the outside so I'm doing something wrong.

     Nicole, happy to see your post and to know you're about ready to be able to go back home.  You've had quite a long time with your cousin getting things taken care of after you lost your uncle.  You were a good caregiver so I know you feel good about being able to care for him.

     Zetta, I order all of my dog food from Chewy - they deliver normally in a day or two.  Also order some of the canned cat food from WM or Amazon.  I've talked with Jack about Zelda and he is worried that something will happen to him and no one will know about Zelda.  He's told his daughter to let someone know she's back in there.  I think EMTs are supposed to look on the refrigerator for medical information so I'm going to tell him to put a note on there that Zelda is in the back room in a cage so they can do something with her.  I think that's probably a good thing for anyone with pets to do.

     Darwin says his wife is doing better or at least she's improved from what she was a month or so ago.  He says he thinks she just likes to lay in bed.  He's doing all the cooking (has for quite some time) and housework.  He's one of the nicest people a person could ever be privileged to know.  He always tells me to call him if I need him for something.

     Butterfly - I still wear slips - if I wear a dress which I haven't done in probably years.  I wouldn't feel dressed without a slip - guess it's just the way we grew up dressing.

     We never ironed sheets but surely ironed pillow slips and everything else.  I remember sprinkling the clothes with that bottom with the holes in the top.  Do you all remember this = mother had a couple of crocheted? not sure that's what it was but they were doilies - huge ones that were starched heavily and then had to be ironed and they stood up all around the edges.  She kept on the TV with a TV lamp inside of it. 

     Thank you for asking about my wrist - it's still sore and hurts if I use it very much.  Chopping those vegetables for the lentil soup sort of hurt.  Certain things I do with it bothers it so I'm trying to remember to use the left hand more but it's hard to do.

     Your little dump cakes sound delicious.  Mother used to make stuffed peppers a lot - I never have - but I liked them when I was growing up.

     The recipe for the Quick Cobbler:  1 C. flour, 1 C. sugar, 2 tsp. baking powder, pinch of salt, 1/4 lb. oleo, l tsp. vanilla, 3/4 C. milk and one large can of fruit. 

     I melt the oleo (just a heaping T. full) in an iron skillet or pyrex dish (in microwave for the dish), Combine dry ingredients and add milk.  Mix well and pour into dish or skillet and top with the can of fruit.  Bake in moderate oven, about 350-375 for about 40 minutes or until brown.  I've used fruit cocktail along with one of those little cups of diced peaches if I didn't have a can of peaches and it turned out really good.  I used to make it with blackberries.  Just added sugar to the berries and warmed them until the sugar melted.  Delicious.  I used to always use an iron skillet but lately have used a round, pyrex dish and that works well. 

     Have you ever tried the Wacky Cake?  I make it really often - no eggs, milk or butter.  When the pandemic began I was low on eggs so found this on Youtube - Jenny Can Cook.  1 1/2 C. flour, 1 C. sugar (I use about 3/4 C.), 1/4 C. dutch cocoa ( I use whatever I have), 1/2 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. soda.  Mix these together than add 1 C. water, 6 T. oil, 1 T. lemon juice and 1 tsp. vanilla.  I spray the pan slightly and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes.  I let it cool slightly, then top with canned frosting.  Sometimes I add mini chocolate chips to the batter.    If  you want a white cake, increase the flour to 1 3/4 C. - the rest of the recipe is the same.  This makes a good sized, one layer cake and it's really good.  By the time you mix the batter the oven is preheated and ready to go.

     Do you all remember years ago we had a thread going where everyone posted their favorite recipes?  That was fun.

     I have one of those chocolate cakes made right now.  Think I'll warm up my tea and have a piece.

     Carol called - she's seven weeks out from her fall and is now able to get to the bathroom and kitchen by herself with her walker.  Still have PT, OT and RT at home and doing lots of exercises.  She says their street is still ice covered.

     Watching some of the Pioneer Woman now.  I think her cookware is pretty expensive, too.  She was using a pan I'd like to have so may check that out.

      Back later.  Probably time to feed the birds and refill the water tank.

     Ron, glad you got your life alert.  Hope you do better than I do for so long about wearing it.  I now wear mine all the time.  It takes getting used to though.  Text it maybe once a week to make sure it's working right.  Glad you're going to stay inside today and hope you don't get much sleet.  It takes so long to melt.  The path I use to fill water tanks is still frozen solid - late yesterday parts of it that was in the sun had begun to melt but frozen solid again this morning. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Why, oh why, do I even think of buying anything new when I have so much to get rid of !!!!!!!
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Don't want to jinx it, but looks like we are getting a taste of spring here in the north part of Virginia.  Weather to be in the 50's or 60's for the next week, and the trees are budding.  I will be thankful for better weather not just for me but for all here on the front porch.

    Started work on latest project...it is for my granddaughter's best friend as a graduation present.  It is an elephant in cap and gown holding a diploma...lol.  It is cute.  Am doing the cap and gown in her school colors and adding the year to it.  Needless to say, the friend is a fan of elephants.

    Tomorrow is a travel day...daughter and I are going to my folks house to take them shopping for 2 new recliners.  Have already scoped out 2 which might suit.  My mother has particular taste in what she wants so it has been hard to locate options.  Hope we can leave the store with purchase made...otherwise it will be an ongoing effort to find what she wants.

    Dad has had good and bad days recently.  It seems like whenever he has a doctor's appointment, the following day is not good...more confusion and resistance.  The plan is still for him and mother to move to graduated care facility starting with independent living...probably April or May.  If necessary, dad would be able to go to assisted living or memory care any time after move in.  We will see how it all goes as mother still questions the move sometimes...she has until the end of March to back out.

    Hope that the weather improves for all of you with freezing temps and all that stuff falling from the sky.  Please take care and stay safe and warm.

    Hugs to all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good luck with finding the recliners, Marie.  Hope your trip is good.

    Warming up here, too.  Sleet is melting but still lots to go.  To be up to 75 next week.  Will have spring fever for sure.

    Iris, where are you?  Hope everything is okay.  Please let us know.

    Lazy day here watching mindless TV, as Judith says.  Nothing good on today. Was almost asleep and Jack called to check in.  I think he looks forward to it , if only a few words. 

    Judith, I think about buying something and change my mind.  Have too much I don't use and I'm too.old anyway.  Wouldn't turn down another Pyrenean Mountain puppy though.

    Alarm going off to turn off water.  Be back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Here it is, already half through Saturday; this last week seemed to fly by.  My mother used to say that the older one got, the faster time moved.  She may have been onto something there.

     So glad Darwin got ahold of you, Lorita.  Now that his wife seems to have passed throughtthe dementia phase of severe fury and agitation and stays in bed about 20 hours a dy, it really would be a big plus to begin to communicate with him more often.   He has been a good friend and neighbor over the years.   You are able to speak about dementia with him due to your experience and you are probably the only "safe" person he feels free to speak openly about it.  He knows you understand.  And; he is also someone who can speak in detail about the ranches and cattle, etc. since that has been both of your lives.  Also, good to have a friend who lives close by.  Glad you can have that contact once again.

      Had  to chuckle; of course not, certainly that ranch dip and chips were not at fault for your not having an appetite.  Must have been something else. 

     You mentioned the Ukraine; my heart is filled with sadness on their behalf.   I think especially of the children, and wonder how the hospitals are being managed as well as those in nursing homes, and oh my; imagine having a LO with dementia at home while going through all of what is happening.  As Churchill is oft quoted,  and I paraphrase, "A day that will live in infamy." 

    Our Judith irons her sheets.  Wow!  I have never done that; shame on me?  One of my aunts used to iron all her sheets, as well as her husband's undershorts and even his socks. Now that was a dedicated woman.   One of the Cardiologists at a med center where I worked had the nicest long sleeve dress shirts; I complimented him on the crispness of his shirts one day.  He told me HE ironed them, not his wife.  He went on to say, that they were his shirts, why should he expect her to iron his stuff?  Have to say, she picked a winner.  Buying more stuff jfkoc; don't know why that happens. It just does.  My DH is one who does; especially electric small appliances used once and then nevermore.  Ah well; he does not chase women, or smoke or drink or gamble, etc.; so as vices go, not a big deal.

     I really like the article Judith gave us regarding de-cluttering the house.  I will take that to heart and study it (and hopefully begin to institute it), and will also send it on to our kids.

      Ron; I am so glad you went to the ER, good plan.  Hope you are beginning to feel a bit better than you did a few days ago.  Also good to hear that your sweet sister is coming back again.  Also, if it is affordable, do you think you can hire the nice neighbor who helps with your wife a little more often?  Even if you don't go out, could just go into the bedroom and take a nap or read a book, it would be wonderful for you to get a bit more restful down time and I would also pay her to do light housekeeping if she is willing to do so. You do so much, even when feeling unwell.  Lou has been blessed beyond the moon and back.

      Yes; I remember ironing wool pleated skirts, but I finally had mine done at the dry cleaner.  I had the four children and not a lot of time, and when done at the cleaners, I did not have to worry about the wool skirt accidentally getting shiny.   As for slips, I have bought some very nice, very good quality half slips.  I wear them under my nightgowns (don't like pajamas); it keeps them from twisting around and also makes sliding into bed easier.  Started doing that when we had grandkids staying the night and found they were a positive.

      Phone ringing again, catch up rest later,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I just cant seem to get rid of this cough. As long as I'm quiet it's fine, but when I move around or even talk the coughing starts.

    I dont get on my soap box often, but what's happening in Ukrainia is terrible. The population should never have to endure what a few politicians believe to be right. No matter what country, war never has a winner. Lives are lost needlessly and families are torn apart. I have seen what war does, I've been frightened, I've seen heartache and death. It's never pretty and never worth it. Growing up we didnt have time out, but I believe all the leaders of the world need to go in time out and reflect on what the people of the world really want. PEACE AND LOVE FOR THEIR FELLOW MAN!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    26F, -3C.

    Butterfly hope you got a better nights rest last night.  Have to take my time with projects.  Im not a great seamstress.  That frustrates me a bit as I like to do a nice job.  If I try to hurry I really mess up.

    How much ice did you end up with Ron?  Trees are still covered in ice here lots of broken limbs to clean up one day.  Suppose to be sunny and get up to 40 today, things should start melting.  Might be able to sit on porch today, we’ll see.

    Lorita I fix my fries different ways.  Sometimes I peel my potatoes ahead of time, put them in water and refrigerate til  ready to use them.  Other times peel and bake, sometimes peel, cut them up and just let them set in refrigerator til ready to bake.  Don’t see a lot of difference in outcome.  Just do what is convenient for me.

    Marie glad it’s warming up nicely for you.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch friends I'm in my designated rocking chair knowing all my front porch friends are with me. Most of the sleet stayed north of us and our roads were clear, not that I was getting out anyway. I ordered edible gift basket Wednesday for my SIL that had outpatient surgery and received a call they had to pull their driver off the road due to icing. They delivered Friday and SIL was thrilled with my gesture. Said the basket arraignment was beautiful and the fruit dipped in chocolate was delicious. 

    Oldest son called and talked for awhile last night. It was hard for me to carry on a conversation due to when I talk much it brings on more hard coughing. Lou and him always talk for quit awhile and she enjoys that. One discussion she gets into that bothers me is she always talks about not eating in two or three days, even though I make sure she eats even when she argued she doesn't want anything. I'm sure he knows it's not true, but it bothers me to hear her say it when I cook for her even when I'm sick.

    Hope everyone stays well this Sunday morning!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Five more working days until the day shift starts - as a bonus, next weekend I'll have both Saturday and Sunday off.  Yay me.  

    Last night when I was walking Keys, I saw something in my peripheral vision kind of behind us and lo and behold it was our neighbor's dog!  Beautiful little mini pinscher, just the sweetest little dog and he was just trotting along with us.  We turned around because I knew his human mom would be looking for us and she was - I just yelled "he's with me!" and she came running over.  Keys was crying because his buddy was leaving us.  

    QVC has the most humongous hibiscus plants on right now.  Beautiful.  I've never seen one in person.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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