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Just need to talk to my friends (166)



  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'm laughing at myself because I was considering buying a lace cardigan from QVC because it's so pretty and then I thought - WHERE AM I GOING TO WEAR IT, here at home with all my jewelry?  LOL I rarely leave the house anyway.  But it sure is pretty!  

    Off today and tomorrow, Monday the day shift starts.  I'm also going to pare down my cable channels because all I watch is QVC and rarely something on HBO.  So interesting how you can add all sorts of channels online but removing them from your package?  Ahh you have to CALL and that's when they magically come up with all sorts of bundles and try to talk you into keeping everything you have....I just dread calling.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     The wind is blowing a gale and going to be stronger this afternoon. I hate it when the wind blows this hard and it's so dry - keeps a person on edge.  We  have a volunteer fire dept. about two miles away. Used to be able to call them and see what was going on or report something - now we call 911 and get someone 25 miles away.  Then they have to check on it.  Things are just not what they should be.

     Ron, seems like all there is now is stress - everywhere - about everything.  I had wondered how your car is doing.  Companies are always anxious to get your money for something but takes a long time and many calls to get a refund.  But, glad you like your car.  I think I've give up on buying a new or used one and will just try to make it with what I have.  I don't go anywhere more than 25 miles away anyway and only that maybe once or twice a year.   Hang in there and they'll finally come through.

     I just had to call Directv - noticed on my auto-pay bill that it had gone up $10.  Just three or four months ago I threatened to change to Dish and they lowered my bill $50 for a year - well, now it went up $10 so called and they lowered it $5.00.  I like the channels I get and am used to it but when it rains or storms there is no reception and that's when it's needed. The  TV in the bedroom isn't working right and I just don't have the urge/need right now to deal with it. Everything seems to be stressful.

     Day - I know what you mean - I see all these pretty clothes and really have to restrain myself from buying.  I don't go anywhere either.  Sometimes I think I'll just start wearing the things I've ordered around here. This morning I didn't get out of my gown until almost 11 a.m.  Didn't feel too good and no one was going to be here so thought I'd just wear it.  I went out to feed Tom and as I was coming back to the house saw Toad coming up to feed - so almost got caught as if it would matter.  I put on a shirt I've never worn and tried on a pair of linen blend pants I'd ordered to go with two linen-blend blouses.  They fit but are a little too long so will have to hem them or wear higher heeled shoes.  I don't know why they started making regular pants 31" long instead of 29.  I think I like them but they'll wrinkle.  When I get the washer back in place and working I'll wash them and lay them flat and press them out with my hand and let them dry - like Gary says.  We'll see if that works.

     Carol called while I was fixing breakfast - I was at a stopping place so had a visit with her, then finished making breakfast.  First time in a while I've had hashbrowns, scrambled eggs and toast - pretty good but not for everyday. She's improving daily and now even feels up to frying bacon for her husband's breakfast.  I told her about cooking it in the oven but she says he doesn't like that.  I love Carol and like him but she has really spoiled him and that's fine.  they've been married over 40 years so there will be no change.  Charles did as much cooking, if not more, than I did - usually cooked together and I miss that.

     Girls are all right this morning - saw Evan and Casper.  When I first went out most of them were around the hay so I called them down because I knew they'd be here to feed before long.  All but three came down but Toad came through the gate and honked and they came - now everyone's out grazing.

     I hope it's a quiet day - I need a few of them.

     Hope all of you have a good, restful day.  I haven't watched any news this morning - just too distressing - feel so sorry for those poor people.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Marie, I tried what you suggested.  I charged my cell phone from that same outlet but it wouldn't charge the flashlight.  So, moved down three feet and tried another outlet and the flashlight charged!  Of course, this was after I'd already ordered another one. So, ,guess I'll have two of them - one for each hand.  That's okay. 

     Day - I saw that lace cardigan.  It was beautiful but I'm like you - where would I wear it?  This morning I did put on a new pair of pants and blouse I've never worn.  Feels odd to have on something besides sweat pants or jeans.

     It's 68 here and headed toward the upper 70s, then rain tomorrow afternoon and the possibility of storms.

     Zetta - I thought I was calling Capital one this morning and got a wrong number in there and it said I had been selected to get a free Medical Alert.  I was going to listen to how much they were but when I said I had medical guardian, they hung up and I couldn't get them back.  So, I'm going to look into that. Late yesterday I noticed mine wasn't blinking so tried pushing the button and nothing happened so put it in the charger and it's working fine this morning.  It's supposed to go five days without charging and I know it hasn't been that long.

     I'm going to post those pictures of the girls I took a day or so ago.  What a leisurely, wonderful afternoon they were having.  It's amazing how relaxing it can be to be around them. I couldn't get all of them in one picture so you really can't see all of them at one time.  Also will post one of Stormy and Sheena asleep on their beds (think I did see Stormy's eyes open though).  He wakes up every time I make a move.  And, also I can see the back of one of the cats, also asleep. 

     Sara, it has always amazed me, in a way, that a person can take a piece of flat material and make something beautiful to wear or carry from it.  You do such a good job.  What a nice gift that will be.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.    Those pictures are really good I can see how the girls bring you so much peace. With the weather starting to get warmer you need to take a comfortable chair out with you so when you go visit the girls you can sit down and enjoy the sun and the visit. I told Molly she can be the boss of Sammy while I am gone. My son will be gone during the day, but my neighbor will be coming over a few times each day to let her out to potty. Sometimes she takes Molly to her house to visit with her husband. He is disabled and loves for Molly to come visit. 

    I hope you are having a restful day so you can get ready for the finishing touches next week. The wind is really blowing at my house all my wind chimes are going crazy. I found a good channel with all kinds of old westerns on it. Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Have Gun Will Travel, Rifleman, Wanted Dead or Alive so I will be content with all the western today. They are on the MeTv channel. 

    Ron.   Please don 't let the car stress you out. The outcome will be a good one and you will have a newer car. As long as they are giving you a loaner car things will work out. It is nice that littlebit has had the same groomer that way you know he is in really good hands.  

    Sara.  Thank you for wishing me well on my trip. I am all ready to go. I pack light so I will only have one carry on. I will miss Molly and Sammy, but I am sure the new puppy at my daughter's house will keep me busy. 

    Jo.   Your DH will be in my prayers. Hopefully his recovery time will go faster than expected. Just tell him this will be a good time for him to get lots of rest. My DH had some type of surgery many years ago I don't remember him having to keep his head down I just remember he had to be in a dark room. You take care of yourself so you will be all rested up to care for him. 

    I am packing my computer up so the next time you will be hearing from me I will be in Arizona.     

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, Zetta, I can't get METV.  I called Directv and he searched and searched but it didn't show up.  I get two or three channels with old westerns so guess that's enough.  I almost have some of them memorized. I think I recall that you're flying to Arizona and back - will you be by yourself?  If so, please be careful and wear your mask.  I know Molly and Sammy will miss you but sounds like they'll be in good hands.  I'm sure you'll enjoy your trip but will be more than ready to get back home. Normally when I go out with the girls I'm in the Gator so I can sit and watch and just enjoy the tranquility.  I love to hear them graze - such a comforting sound. Now, I sound like an old country girl - which I am.  I also like to hear hogs crunch on coal. I've rested today except for filling the water tank a couple of times and going to the mailbox.  I straightened up the sunroom and bedroom a little bit - found the prettiest cameo on the dresser.  I know I had some but don't think I left this one on the dresser.  They may have found it where Charles might have put it.  I've found or three pretty necklaces he put in different places.  I couldn't for the life of me remember what a cameo was called so had to look it up.  Bothers me that I can't think of names of things while I'm trying to - but usually do a while after.  Made some more pumpkin-spice muffins and cooked eight of those chocolate chunk cookies.  I think I cooked them a bit too long because they're crisp so next time I'll cook them for a shorter time so they'll be softer. I decided this morning that I was going to wear some new clothes today so I've worn three new pieces I've never worn and have enjoyed it.  I may do this every day - just like I'm going somewhere.  Doubt it will last but maybe for the time being. Enjoy your trip to Arizona.  I forget where in Arizona you're going.   I've been from Flagstaff north and it was pretty.  Loved Flagstaff. Charles had worked there and had always told me how pretty it was.  We drove down to Sedona through Oak Creek Canyon - beautiful. He actually took mobile homes down that winding road to Sedona.  Please be careful and enjoy.  Glad you're taking your computer so you can stay in touch with us and let us know how it's going. It's been quiet here today.  Did go to the mailbox but that's about it.  Just enjoying the solitude today - of course, I'm never alone - always cats and dogs and cows around.  I just got up from laying on the divan - Stormy took over and is on it now. Enjoy - talk to you all later.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

     Zetta - I thought I was calling Capital one this morning and got a wrong number in there and it said I had been selected to get a free Medical Alert.  I was going to listen to how much they were but when I said I had medical guardian, they hung up and I couldn't get them back.  

    Lorita, the same thing happened to me!  I had called my credit card company but I dialed 1-800 instead of 1-888.  So when I was told I had been selected for a free medical alert system, I thought this was from my credit card company.  But it was not!  Fortunately, I was focused on my credit card issue and not interested in their "free" anything, which for all I know might be an identity theft scam.  I used to be interested in free items but I have learned that it's just a way of getting your personal information.  We all have to beware!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Iris, that was really a coincidence.  You know I tried to call that number back, twice, and it said that number couldn't be reached from our area. Really odd!  I wanted to know how much the medical alert was.  I googled it and it's about  $50 a month plus you have to pay $95 at first so it's about the same as my medical guardian.

     Something was fishy about this for sure.  Isn't it a shame that we have to be so careful of everything.  We were raised when this wasn't something that happened - a better time for sure - at least for me.

     Jo - how did the test come out today?  Anxious to hear. 

     I'm watching Dr. Pol and then I think I'll watch "Cattle Drive" with Joel McCrae. Today went by too fast - just one more quiet day.  Need to think of something else to cook tomorrow.  It's going to be much cooler this next week so maybe some vegetable or potato soup - something quick and easy to fix.  Maybe potato because it kind of bothers my hand to chop vegetables although I'll have to peel and chop a big potato for the soup - wouldn't have to but I like it that way.

     My back hurts some tonight - can't figure out why except I've been sitting a lot - slumping more than I should.  I baked a few of those cookies and ate one bite and my stomach isn't feeling too good but one bite wouldn't have done that - might have been the two muffins I ate - probably.

     See you all tomorrow.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita and everybody, as you already know, but more info—the AARP has put out alerts and warnings about scam offers for a “free” medical alert device. They say no reputable company cold calls with offers of a working free device, and usually there’s no device at all. 

    The calls are trying to get your credit card number and/or other personal info they can sell for identity theft and so forth. Like the old saying, no such thing as a free lunch. It’s such an awful thing to do to trusting people.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    59F, 15C. 

    Got my limbs picked up yesterday.  Very windy all night so probably have more limbs to pick up.

    Your cattle look so peaceful Lorita.

    My petunias have all sprouted

    Take care everyone.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Multiple tornadoes in Iowa last night. We had hail and heavy rain and there was a tornado maybe 4 or 5 miles from us but no damage/issues here. There have been 7 reported fatalities. There are persons I know who have heavy damage. Quite a few without power as well. 

    Again, we are ok and so fortunate. Many not all that fortunate. If you want to see a wide, huge tornado google Winterset Iowa tornado. Some incredible video online. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Beth, I'm glad you weren't affected by the tornado. I have a niece that lives in Iowa and pray she is ok.

    Bad night with Lou! Was up 5 times with her from 9:30 on and I'm feeling the lack of sleep will someday take a toll on me. Never have been able to nap much during the day so hopefully tonight will be better. 72 here today with expected high of 81. Beautiful outside!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Ron and Sara, it's colder in Oklahoma than in either of your States.  It's 46 right now which is a good 20 or more degrees colder than yesterday - we had a front come through during the night.  Last afternoon I opened the north window and when I woke up at 5 this morning the room was cold - I had forgotten to close the window.  We even had a little bit of a sprinkle this morning - wet spots on the rocks in front of the steps.

     Ron, sorry about the lack of sleep last night - hopefully tonight will be better.  Lack of sleep always bothers me more the second day - hope that's not the case for you.  Enjoy your warm weather.

     Sara - hurray for the petunias.  What kind did you plant?  When we lived in the MH we had a big, black, washpot by the front steps and I always put deep purple and white, double petunias in it.  I don't even see that kind anymore - they were like big balls of petals.  However, no fragrance.  That's one thing I miss about the new varieties.  It would be a losing battle to pick up limbs in our yard - I sometimes get the big ones but there's way too  many little ones.  Hopefully, when Daniel gets finished and gets his stuff out o fthe hard Bryon and Shane can do this for me before what little grass I have comes up.  Thanks, Sara, they are peaceful and tranquil when they're resting - love to be around them.  Some were out grazing this morning but when I started the PU to put it in the carport they came down - it was about time they get fed.  When I came in from filling the water tank, they were standing around waiting but I'm sure they've gone back to the hay by now.  Saw Casper at the liquid feeder and also saw Evan - always watch for them.

     Rescue Mom - thank you for that information.  I had not heard it but that call I made yesterday was way too suspicious.  I had trouble with another credit card company this morning - kept telling me to enter my number and then saying it didn't come through.  Finally, got a real person to talk with.  It seems easier to pay statement balances by phone instead of by mail - especially with the cost of stamps. I can remember when I was a little girl my grandma would give me a quarter and a note to the mail carrier to put in the mailbox for them to leave five, stamped envelopes for her the next day.  Now, that would only buy half a stamp.

     Beth, I heard about the terrible tornados last night in Iowa.  It showed a huge one and I was hoping that wasn't near you.  Tornado season is a scary time in Oklahoma and now it seems like that's any time of the year.  Years ago we had a tornado go through about three miles south of us.  I had come down to be with mother and we sat on the cellar steps listening to the radio.  If it's not one thing in the weather, it's something else and now the weather is so different - you really can't depend on things happening like we used to be able to.

     I've been listening to the news programs this morning.  Those scenes they show are heartbreaking.    Now, Day, I've switched to QVC - I like In The Kitchen with David but Denim & Co. is on today at 1 p.m. They have a set of two tees on now for about $36.00.  I like to wear t-shirts underneath button-front shirts but I've ordered them before so not today. 

     Had to find different clothes to wear this morning because it's so much colder - so back to thermals for a while.  It's really hard to know how to dress in the springtime.

      Time for some more either hot tea or a pepsi - not sure.  Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's COLD outside.  Just took some boxes out to the Gator to take down to the trash tomorrow and screwed off the water hose from the hydrant, then looked in the barn to be sure no one was in there and in trouble.  Earlier when I was filling the other tank I saw Sweet Pea and Casper having lunch, then everyone headed for the NE pasture.  The fescue is beginning to green up so they're probably finding some nice, fresh grass.

     The daffodils are beginning to bloom really well but the very cold weather we had last week has caused some of them to bend over toward the ground too much - those I do pick and bring in.  I wish they'd bloom all summer.  One year when Cheryl and I lived in town, we lived in an upstairs duplex and at the top of the stairs there was a huge bouquet of artificial daffodils - always made me happy when I saw them.

     I checked the weather channel before I went out and it looks like there's a little rain in our area and from OKC north along I-35 it looks like there's either sleet or snow. 

     Day - did you catch Carolyn and Gary at 1 p.m. our time today?  Good show - lots of pretty things.  They had a 3/4 length little sweater on that reminded me of what you said about that lace one.  Carolyn said it reminded her of the soft sweater her mother wore in the 50s.  A lot of us grew up in the 50s so do you remember those sweater sets - one short sleeve sweater with a long-sleeved one that buttoned down the front?  And - like she said her mother did we turned them around and buttoned them up the back - how did we do that?  They also had a pullover with tulips on it and she was singing "Tiptoe Through the Tulips".  Do you all remember who sang that song?   If you all haven't watched Carolyn Gracie and Gary Gobin on Denim & Co. on QVC, you should.  They're a kick in the head as one of my bosses used to say.

     I've watched a rodeo a couple of nights this past week.  There was a steer wrestler from our town on but he missed the steer's head so he didn't go any further.  They also had a new event I'd never seen - Breakaway Roping - it's women roping a  steer and if the rope does go around his neck, when it pulls tight it breaks away from the saddle horn.  The finals are on at 3 this afternoon so I plan to watch that.  The only thing about that rodeo is that I never saw bull riding which is my favorite even to watch.  Watching Highway Thru Hell now.

     I haven't cooked anything so probably will have tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich - also need to make another loaf of bread.  Stormy and Sheena just went outside so I can lay down on the divan!  Stormy has been laying there so I've been relegated to the chair.

     Haven't talked with anyone today but I do need to call and check on Jack.  Hope everyone's okay - Jo, how about that test result? I'm sure it was negative but just want to hear the official results.

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Hi friends,

    I hope everyone is having a good day. I am making it a lazy one; decided to just read and post while DH naps.  So far, there are lots of recent leftovers in the fridge to nibble on, so I may just pretend I'm on vacation today. I don't want to start a cleaning or craft project and get stopped in the middle, so after this post I may find a hulu or amazon prime video to watch. The tiny homes have been intriguing to me recently. Maybe I'm imagining my own little space without a lot of responsibility or work to maintain it! And the tiny storage ideas are inspiring - but the downsizing and discipline it would require! Seems really freeing after that though. I could not live 100% off the grid like some of them do, but releasing lots of the unneeded "stuff" and unused space,  plus living more sustainably for the planet is really appealing.

    Speaking of organizing and purging, it is going to take me forever to go through all DH's and my things from his work and my own though, not to mention years of family stuff that adult kids and steps conveniently leave "for a while" in the garage, basement or attic.  I remember discovering that my mother had finally cleared out a few of the things I guess I'd assumed she'd keep in my old room forever. What a shock! Lol -- as if I was going to pick up a long forgotten saxophone and start playing it after two decades or more. But the thought that she didn't even ask me (Ha!) Actually though, I think I only remembered it when one of her grands was toying with instruments, but she probably had let it go to someone who would use it long before my little ones were born so... I will need to channel her wisdom or be stuck with boatloads of other peoples' not really useful stuff, once DH's alz journey is over. And if I don't have the energy to face this boring task now, I surely won't by then.

    OK, shifting my brain back to staycation relaxing mode today Maybe I will just browse the Pinterest (sp?) projects online for a bit. I can't really dive into a good book just yet. DH only catnaps and when he's up I have to keep an eye out, so can't really enjoy reading. He is still limping a bit, but really seems to have some strong bones to have survived that fall with nothing broken. Hospice team is super happy about that as am I. They want me to stay in front of him when he first stands up from now on, just to slow him down a bit so he's got his full balance before taking off. This is going to be interesting. Wish me luck!

    With the weird weather patterns, I really don't know how gardeners and growers will keep up with when to do what. I guess if it is on a big enough scale, something is always growing and getting the care needed to thrive. Will just have to see how things go with my gardening efforts this year. It will have to be low maintenance planting since caregiving tasks are increasing.

    I think I will make some Rooibos tea that I bought recently, or the peppermint that's one of my favorites. You all always give me such great ideas, and this is a simple indulgence that's good for body and spirit. Take good care of you and yours. TTYL

  • A losing hand.
    A losing hand. Member Posts: 44
    Tenth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita, I read where you said you like western's. If you google you tube they have many, many western's and all kind of other movies. Only if you pick a movie make sure it doesn't say for rent. They also have every Bonanza made, which I've started watching.   



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Butterfly, what is Rooibos tea?  Never have heard of it.  I usually just stick to plain old, black tea - not much for trying new things.

     Hope you did have a nice, lazy, relaxing day.  We all need one or more of those every once in a while to get rested up.

     I remember when we had to go through this house after my parents passed away - it was a lot of work and not too easy to do.  They had lived here since 1936 and this was in the mid 90s so there were lots of things.  A lot of it went into the storage building so it's still here - now, when I leave this earth someone else will have to do it.  No relatives except Sarah and she won't be able to do it so I imagine it will all go into a dumpster.  I think people accumulate things they enjoy but would be of no interest to anyone else - not everything, just some things. Guess it's not something I should worry about.

     I've been laying on the divan watching TV and listening to it rain!  Looks like there's a little bit more SW of us that might get us.  I don't have a rain gauge out so won't know how much it has rained.  Stormy just came in and his hair's wet and we've heard thunder - always upsest Sheena.

     Losing Hand - thanks for that information about Youtube and westerns. I looked and there's lots of them to watch and lots of movies, too.  I've always lived on a farm/ranch so enjoy those so much.  When I was five we lived in town for a year and daddy and I went to a lot of western movies on the weekends.  I will definitely take advantage of this.  Will have to remember to tell Zetta - she's probably in Arizona now but took her computer so she'll be reading and I'm sure she'll enjoy watching other westerns, too.

     I brought in a sack of dogfood from the porch this afternoon  - didn't lift it, just "walked" it inside but it made my side hurt. It's better since I laid down for a couple of hours.  The last time I was out to fill a water tank all the girls were in the barn so I guess when it started raining they came in from grazing and went straight in to get out of the rain.  Charles always said rain was good for them - it gave them all a good bath - guess that's true.  I have the trash ready to take out to the Gator in the morning but it's going to be cold and will be wet but I've almost run out of places to put things - things are just so messed up now.  I'll be so glad when all of this renovating is done and I can get things back into order.

     Looks like Arkansas is having some bad weather and far SE Okla.  Hope it wasn't too bad.

     I'm about ready to go to sleep - hope all of you can get a good night's rest - Ron and Iris in particular.  See you tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I slept okay last night.  When I awoke I noticed my cat Seven seemed ill, being lethargic and not eating and hiding.  I got an urgent appointment for her, suspecting a urinary tract infection like before.  The vet gave her fluids and an antibiotic injection, also drew blood and got some urine for analysis. She's sleeping now.  I picked up some baby food chicken, that's what I feed them when they're sick.  I hope she'll be hungry by tomorrow.

    Rescue Mom, thanks for the reminder about the Medic alert scams.  We have to be especially cautious when our minds are focused on something else!

    It's back to being cold here.  Rain was predicted for the weekend, but we got no rain.  I avoided washing my car because I thought it would rain.   Well, in a few days perhaps I can get it washed.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    37F, 3C.  Rainy

    Ron hope you had a better night last night.

    Lorita the petunias are called balcony mix.  They are an old type.

    Butterfly nice to have a day of rest.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's about 30 here this morning - had quite a bit of rain yesterday and last night.  It's cold and windy.

    Iris, hope Seven improves quickly.  Usually if we catch something early it can be taken care of.  I know we're around our pets all the time and can tell if something is off and needs to be taken care of.  Glad you slept last night - sounds like you're turning things around.

     Sara - those petunias should have a good fragrance.  Love the smell of petunias.  Have you ever planted sweet peas?  That was one of my mother's favorite flowers.  When I was growing up daddy would always make a flower bed circle out of hog wire and she'd plant the sweet peas around the outside of it and let them grow upon the wire.  They smelled so good.

     I didn't think I would take down the trash this morning - had it all sacked up and ready to go so I did.  If I hadn't I'd have had to leave it in the back of the PU and by next week I'm sure something would have gotten into it and I would have had to resack it.  Always glad when it's out of the house.  Things are so out of place now anyway.

     When I went out on the porch the girls were beginning to drift toward the MH so called them and told them to stay close.  They began to come back up and when I started the Gator they thought I was going to feed out of it (did that fairly often) so they're out in their feeding place now waiting - probably another half hour. Today is "hay" day, too.

     I am so worn out with all of this work that's going on.  Everyone is as nice as can be but it's just having someone around and hearing all the noise and not being able to just settle down and do nothing or do something if I want to.  Maybe this will be the last week.  Still one wall in the bedroom - he said he's do the wall, then it would have to dry overnight, then maybe do it again, dry and then paint.  Looks like a couple of days on the utility room.  I think this is probably why people put off having things done - I know it's the reason for me.

     They're actually talking about snow by the end of this week, again - one model even said up to 6" but others are  much less.  We'll see what shakes out.

     I'm having my juice now and the GPs just came inside.  They were in last night when we went to bed and something awakened me and it was Stormy about an inch from my face.  So, finally relented and let them outside. 

     Enjoy your Monday.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    What wonderful photos of the cattle, Lorita.  Relaxing for sure.   Very peaceful; I can understand how much you love it all; it is part of you.

    We had some sad news.  Long ago, when younger, there was a couple we used to see socially; he worked with my husband.  Really very nice people.  We went to dinner, visited one another, and also took a trip to the mountains together with a group. They eventually moved to another state.  Shock:  Yesterday we received news that the husband had died.  COVID.  No way to know whether he was vaccinated or not.  Was ill for some time, COVID caused two strokes and it was the pneumonia that caused the death.  Stunning news.  Since the mandates have been lifted, many are running about hither and thither as though nothing is a threat any longer.  We have decided to continue masking; it is just too early to be cavalier being "mature," and DH with diabetes, etc.

    Sayra, how exciting to see the new petunias peek out at you out of the soil.  What color are the petunias in that mix?   We need to get bedding plants for the front of the house for summer, but not sure which ones yet. 

    Had my second OTC COVID test yesterday afternoon.  It too was negative for which I am grateful, yet; wish it had been a PCR due to OTC false results.  I see where the govt. has offered additional COVID tests; the same as the first offering.  They need to get those out I would imagine. The expiration date on the ones we got is for July.

     Am still having some intermittent lightheadedness, still some weakness/tiredness.  Bit of cranky tummy issue yesterday that liked to let me know it was there, and heart rate staying pretty low between 56 and 63.  Did phone MDs office with the report.   Supposed to call if anything worsens or new symptoms.   Sure hope it is all on the mend; DHs surgery is on Tuesday. 

     Must today, try and screen charities for help for Ukraine refugees, etc.  Hard to know for certain which is the most actively making a difference right now and will get critical matters addressed for those in great need.  Breaks my heart; I try to stay informed without watching too much news reporting with focus on questioning the poor beleagured people including children, I end up in tears.  I mentioned in another Post, the need for basic hygiene supplies goes beyond toothbrushes and soap; the need for incontinence supplies for adults and hygiene supplies for women, as well a diapers and pullups for babies and toddlers is great; also the need for wet wipes and cleaning supplies for cleaning up the accidents and usual occurrences.  I wonder which charity supplies such items and so hope the companies that manufacture said items are donating very generously.  Whoever would have thought . . . .

    Zetta, now in nice warm Arizona and seeing her daughter's new house.  Bet Zetta is a great help.   Gosh, wonder if she would adopt me; I sure would love to have her about;, what a lot of laughs could be had and sharing.

    That reminds me when we used to jokingly talk about setting up our own housing on Lorita's land.  Each of us with our own small house, all of us able to visit and have a real "Front Porch," helping one another and each bringing our own talents to share.   A modern day "commune."  Don't forget our recipes!  What a lovely and peaceful place.

    Weather all over the map out here. Supposed to have rain, but did not - instead it went to San Diego.  Cold in the low 60's one day, then the next up in the 80's. Crazy.

    Going to get moving and check on charities.  Sending warmest of thoughts to everyone.




  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Quick note Re: what Jo said (and while I got on, surprised me! But must go soon) we had similar bad news. A good friends brother, close to DH before Alzheimer’s, died last week of covid, and he was fully vaccinated. He also was 84 with serious heart disease, repeated hospitalizations, in the last 2-3 years. But was amazingly active more recently, which his family thinks led to the covid. They said he took few precautions. So many in FL don’t.

    Some big-deal music concerts have been cancelled here because the artist would not come because of no mask requirements. But there are record tourist crowds, so I guess that’s the big thing to those in power.

    Lorita, your cows and pasture are so..pastoral. Looks very like my old home in SC. You mentioned Vionics shoes, I just discovered them and they are great, so comfy plus cute, a rare combo. They’re called “beach” something, but I don’t think that can be taken literally

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Okay, Judith, you got me - I know it's a Holstein but what is she doing?

    Watched the American Rodeo finals last night and a guy from Brazil won 2.1 million dollars - bull rider.  The finalists in the other events each won $100,000.  Good payday for all.

     Jo - when you locate the best charity to help the Ukranian people, please let us know.  It's so heartbreaking to know and see what they're dealing with and not being able to help.  I did hear just now on the evening news that the US will stop importing oil from Russia. David Muir had an interview with President Zelinskyy tonight on his news program.  He's pleading for help from other Countries to help stop the invasion - and, as he says, first Ukraine, then some other Country.  He speaks pretty good English, too.

     So sorry to hear about the deaths from Covid.  It isn't over and probably never will be.  We still have to be careful.  I don't think mask restrictions should be lifted yet - look what happened when they did that before.

     Carol's daughter just came back from Mexico and had to go through three different airports - she said it was awful - so many people traveling.  Not a safe thing to do, I'd say even though they do have to test negative to board the planes.

     I'm glad you all enjoyed the pictures of the girls.  These were taken just outside our yard fence.  In the summer we have a big tree that overhangs the fence and provides shade along with the shade from the house and the girls like to lay there when it's hot until it begins to cool off some.   I doubt most people with cattle get to enjoy them as much as Charles and I did because we were right there with them all the time.  I know Darwin's cattle were in pastures away from the house for the most part.  Mr. Mickey is doing his job today - do wish he'd let Gray Lady alone.  She's probably our oldest girl now but he is persistent.  Once when I went out to fill a water tank he was just across the fence from me drinking so I talked with him and he just watched me.  He'll learn his name soon. 

     It's been cold today but we had some sunshine which seemed to make it better.  It's going to warm up as the week goes on until Friday when it's predicted we have some more winter weather.  I dread the time change Sunday morning - not bad for more daylight in the evenings but more darkness in the mornings which I don't like.  It won't be long until we have lots of daylight both times though.

     Jo - glad your test was negative.  I've seen on the news there's a stomach bug going around here like Sara said there was in her State.  Do you think you could have picked that up from something you ate that was brought in?  I'm still not comfortable eating anything that isn't packaged - and I'm still wiping down or spraying everything before it comes into the house. 

     I made some more potato soup today - it is so good.  I make it, then use the immersion blender to break up all the little potato bits that I don't like, then add diced potatoes that I microwave.  I like the bigger pieces of potatoes - wish I did have some fresh parsley though.  I'm going to be sure to have a hanging basket or planter of that this summer.  Not sure if I'll try zucchini though after the fiasco of last summer - who in the world can't raise zucchini - me, I guess.

     I've mentioned this before but the daffodils are beautiful - still not nearly in full bloom yet.  I have to get up to the MH to get some of those King Alfred ones, I think that's what they are - anyway, they're really huge.  The little white flowers in the front yard are growing but still not blooming but some morning I'll go out and they'll be in bloom. 

     Hope I can find something good to watch on TV tonight.  Zetta, hope you're enjoying the warmer weather in Arizona.  I saw on the evening news that they have a ski resort just south of the Grand Canyon.  Probably in the same area where we stopped and picked up pine cones out of the snow.

     Stormy's asleep on the divan so, again, I'm in the chair.  About ready to put on my gown and watch some TV. 

     Jo - I remember when we talked about the "commune" -  that would have been so nice and a lot of fun along with all the work.  Also remember the recipe thread - how many years ago was that?  Time goes so fast I can't keep up with time anymore.

     Sleep tight - don't let the BBB.




  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Four of my five cats don't seem well.  

    Seven got an antibiotic shot for a uti but her urine test showed no bacteria or inflammatory cells.  She hid from me all night but came out and walked around during the say.  She still is not eating but is drinking. The vet wants to do an abdominal ultrasound in a few days if she is not improved.

    Callie age 19 years, did not eat for two days, but just ate a little a few moments ago.  She does drink water.

    Simon, age 17 years, has been sleeping a lot, ate a little bit.

    Adam, about age 10, has been vomiting and has hairballs, I gave not seen him eat. 

    Sammie is the only one who is well.

    I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.  I have not  been since the beginning of Covid, so I have to make this appt.  I'll see how the cats do tomorrow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning

    30F, -1C.  We had 2 inches of rain yesterday.

    Lorita I did raise sweet peas a long time ago.

    JoC sorry about the loss of your friend.  The petunias are varying shades of purple.

    Rescue mom my friends BIL sounds much like the one you spoke of who died from Covid.

    Thank you for reminding me the time change is Sunday.  I did not realize that.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Iris, I'm so sorry about your cats.  I know exactly how you feel.  When  of my cats or dogs or cows aren't up to par I worry until I find out what's wrong and they're better.  Your cats are older so you know their habits and would know if something was off.  Hopefully by now or later today they'll feel better.  I went through this with both Max and Kitt.  They wouldn't eat and I got some kind of special food from the vet.  He cut off a syringe and I used that to feed them.  Took a while but both recovered - this wasn't at the same time.   Please let us know how they are.

     You know, Iris, I'm sort of like my grandmother - if you were sick or hurt she thought if you could eat something you'd be all right.  I feel that way about the animals or anyone for that matter.

     I had an appointment this morning to have blood work done but rescheduled it last week because I thought the men would be here working.  Rescheduled it for the date of Charles' birthday next month - April 5.  It's at 9:15 and fasting but the girl who scheduled it said she wouldn't be upset if I got there earlier - and I will for sure.  Everyone with appointments the last two weeks rescheduled because of the sleet storm.  I haven't had blood work for a couple of years I think he said.  I've been twice to see him because of hitting my head - or at least once.  

     So, turns out I could have gone this morning because the men didn't come.  I called Daniel and he said he woke up vomiting and didn't want to get around me with a bug or whatever he has.  I appreciate that.   I don't think the others who are mostly his sons really know what to do without him telling them.  I told him not to come in the morning if he isn't better.  He'll call early to let me know.

      It's cold here this morning - thin skim of ice over the water in the tanks.  Couldn't locate Casper so drove up in the Gator and saw everyone.  He was on the other side of a big bale of hay with his mom.  Evan was just sort of moping along so drove up close to him and he took off so guess he was just cold.

     Sara - have you raised petunias from seed before?  I never have - there's a nursery in a town south of Tulsa - Bixby - that has a couple of greenhouses so we usually bought them and other flowers there.  I didn't buy any bedding plants last year because I was staying away from WM but this year I think I'll find something to put in the pink bathtub - vinca probably because it tolerates the dry, hot weather.

     They're still predicting rain, late Thursday and Friday morning, then sleet and finally snow for us.  Still not sure how much we'll get.  I'm getting tired of cold weather but still not looking forward to the hot summer.  Guess I'm never satisfied.

     This morning after I got up I heard Stormy barking and went to the door and he bounded up on the porch barking - he does that when he wants to show me something.  He ran back into the yard and I went to the end of the porch to look and all the cattle were looking in the same direction where he was barking.  Evidently they had seen that wolf again but no harm done.  Both he and Sheena are sound asleep now.

     Back later.



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Iris, I'm sorry about your cats, hopefully they will be better. I know that our 16 year old shitz shu worries me when he's not well.

    Rainy and cold here! Reminds me about this time of year I was at Fort Polk Louisiana in 1965. It was rainy and cold one morning when the drill Sargent had us fall out in formation with nothing on but our underwear. I got sick, chills and fever and couldn't hardly talk but refused to go on sick call after hearing anyone that missed part of the training had to go back thru it from the beginning. Funny how some things can trigger old memories. 

    Lou's been better and I've been able to sleep some. I hope her mood holds up while my sister is here Friday when I go for my nuclear stress test. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I am so sorry the cats are unwell, Iris. Do hope they improve soon; that is always such a worry.  If only they could talk and tell us what they are feeling.

    Yesterday, I spoke to an adult daughter of a friend who recently moved from the area.  Both she and her husband are fully vaccinated and boostered and BOTH of them have COVID.  They do not know with certaintly where they were exposed.    The Sunday before, they had gone to church, but sat in the back and weather being good, the door was open to let air circulate.  They had lunch in the open at a cafe, not close to other tables, and earlier in the week, her husband had a doctor's appt.  So; one of  those places.  She spoke to their Pastor and he said he had not heard of anyone else from the church becoming ill.

     She said hers started with a headache and she never gets headaches; she got some muscle aches but not severe.  She is coughing quite a bit, fever was low grade for a few days and now gone, and neither of them has lost any sense of taste or smell, but she feels really fatigued and ick.   Her husband was given monoclonal antibodies which far lessened his harsher symptoms and both are at home.  What was interesting, was that she had an OTC COVID test and it was negative; then she had a PCR test and it was negative; still feeling ill, she was tested again with another OTC COVID test and it was positive. Go figure. 

    The oral med one can get from the pharmacy to help recover from COVID, (which President Biden spoke of in his speech), was nowhere to be found at any pharmacy in their area near San Diego. 

    Love sweetpeas too, Lorita.  I used to grow them at our "old" house on a string trellis against a wall.   They smell just wonderful and were so delicately pretty.  Speaking of greenhouses; there used to be a huge nursery near us owned by a man from Denmark.  It was amazing, high quality and had two huge greenhouses.   In one of them, there was upholstered patio furniture near the front.  I used to go there on purpose; I would be the only one sitting in the greenhouse, it was warm, a bit moist, and smelled SO good; that rich loamy earth smell along with the green smell of things growing. It was quite peaceful and I loved it.  Sadly, the owner retired and land being worth a fortune, he sold it and that great big nursery is gone.  Wish they were still around.  They were awesome with every kind of flower, shrubs, greenery, trees, etc.  You name it, they had it along with a knowledgable and helpful staff. As big as it was, it felt like family.  Christmas was great; they had a tree lot where we got our trees, and their two story office building had a Christmas decoration shop upstairs where the owner's wife and daughter made abelskivers for the customers wearing Danish dress outfits; so friendly.  Really good memories.   Sure would love to have a greenhouse to sit in now, but nary one around.

    Don't think I had the flu Lorita, and it did not seem to be food related as my stomach was not involved to any degree except feeling queasy for a few days.  I too started with a severe headache and I too never get headaches; had chills, muscles sore, joints horribly sore, 101 fever for a day, then in the 99 range for another day or so. Very weak, very fatigued, no energy at all.   No loss of taste or smell, and no appetite which for me doesn't hurt a thing considering.  Have not been out of the house for many weeks; DH was for tires and a Dr.'s appt, but he did not get sick.   Had to cancel my haircut appt. today as it is too soon after being sick and I do not want to shed any sort of virus onto someone else if some is still hanging on.  Since DHs surgery is next Tuesday, looks like it will be a couple of weeks or so until I can get another appt.; hair has gone wild and sure is out of control; the word "hag" rather comes to mind.  Ha!

    Oh; by the way - I am still spinning re donating to the Ukraine people. I know Drina likes the food charity she donates to, and I can do that, but I also want to donate to hands-on care of the people besides food too. I went to Charity Navigator and was saddened by some of what I saw. In many of the charities, the top execs earn over $500 thousand per year, the second i command over $400 a year, and the third, over $300 thousand each year. In one Charity, religion sponsored, each exec earned over $500 thousand a year, and family members of the upper executive group listed by who their exec relationship is also were given money; lesser amounts but all of them in the five figures.  Turned me off completely and will never donate to them.  Doctors Without Borders have the lowest salaries in the $200,000 per year range. 

    So here I am, still not certain.  Sure want money to go to the people in need and not to monumental exec salaries.    I did hear on the news that the International Red Cross is helping with evacuations as they have much experience with evacs, that UNICEF is organizing things for children, and there are of course others but could not tell who was specially aiding the elderly and infirm; I cannot say who is doing the most on the ground - BUT do be careful if donating.   There have been multiple valid sounding scams going on getting people to donate because they sound good, but are thieves.  No conscience whatsoever.  I use Charity Navigator to check things out.

    Best get on getting on, may the rest of the day be a good one,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I personally know people who are doing the airbb.

    Good orthorhino appt. Hearing down a bit and ears are now clean.  I can tell the difference.

    Iris...that's a lot of cats!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Always a good idea to research any charitable organizations. Many many years ago before I went into management, the union went on strike. Having a young family and needing money to support them, I found a job calling for donation to annual policeman ball. That is when I discovered it was a business that looked for any origination needing funds and called on their behalf. I dont know the true breakdown, but believe the business kept 60 percent and gave the organization 40.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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