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Just need to talk to my friends (167)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Thanks, Beth, I got Park's phone number so I'll call tomorrow.  We may have gotten a catalog from them - I haven't been keeping them because I didn't think I'd need to order anything.  Used to get them from so many companies when we had a big garden.

 Well, again, I'm going to ask all of you for your prayers for Sarah.  She saw a new GI doctor today and the news he had for her is not good at all.  He says he'll need to see all of her records from the other surgeries before he can know exactly what he might be able to do.  She said he mentioned reversal of everything if there's enough left to do this.  She also has four herniae instead of the three she thought she had.  He told her if he didn't/couldn't do the surgery she doesn't have much longer to live and if he is able to do it she has about a 1% chance of surviving the surgery.  She said she told him if there's even that 1% chance to go ahead and do it.

 I told her to call OUMC and Mercy tomorrow if she felt like it and tell them to print off all of her records and she'd pick them up or maybe Todd can.  If she can get this done maybe he'll be able to try to save her sooner instead of waiting for the records.

 She also has the knot in her neck I told you all about.  She was going to have a CT scan of it today and as they were putting the cuff around her neck or head to keep her head still the technician dropped it on the growth and it sent her into a grand mal seizure.  They had to wait a couple of hours before they could try to do it again.

 On top of all of this she has a lump in her breast and under her arm and is supposed to have a biopsy of that Friday. 

 It really makes you wonder how so much can happen to one person and seemingly all at once.  She was crying, saying she didn't want to die now - that she had things she wanted to complete first.  Her quality of life is nil - not able to get out of the house by herself and hasn't been anywhere except to doctor's appointments for a very long time.

 Didn't mean to unload on you all but as the title of our thread says - I just needed to talk to my friends and ask for your prayers for Sarah.  She asked for them and I think it made her feel better to let her know I was sure you all would say prayers and good wishes for her.

 Carol called this afternoon.  She's sounding somewhat depressed although she tries to hide it.  She's not able to get out and about either but today she was able to put her boot on by herself so each day she's gaining a little.   She goes back to the doctor in Broken Arrow on the 15th and hopes the doctor will tell her she can quit wearing the boot. 

 This hasn't been a happy post and I'm sorry but had to share with you all.  We've  been through so much together through all these years and have helped each other get through the hard times and I know you'll understand how I feel. I don't have anyone else to talk with about these things and how I feel.   Sarah's the closest relative I have left except for her brother and we've never been close. 

 Zetta, hope you're enjoying the week with your daughter - I know you are but still I imagine you'll be glad to get home. 

 Life is hard sometimes but when you have friends like all of you, it's easier.  Thank you for listening and for the prayers.

 Sleep well tonight.




  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry to learn about this turn of events for Sarah.  I don't recall her entire story.  Does she have a feeding tube?  I will add her to my prayer list.  I'm glad you started the "Friends" threads--we all need friends, especially those that we don't have to explain everything to.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good evening one and all.  Lorita, of course I will pray for Sarah.  She has certainly had a complex, difficult and disappointing medical course over the years with so much happening.   Is she in her mid-50's now?   I cannot imagine how she is caring for herself at home, especially with being alone so often with Todd going away on business for lengths of time.  I know how much you love and care for and about her; she is blessed to have you in her life.

    As for the medical records; in most instances, no need to photocopy them; they are done electronically.  It may be the present doctor can simply request and have them sent to his office computer, or a disc can be picked up which takes only minutes to do and can be made ready prior to picking it up.  Doctor's have records sent electronically, some times we are served best by reminding them to request them. 

     No need to apologize for sharing feelings and worries; that sharing and support is what friends do for one another and we indeed are always here for one another no matter what.  Imagine - unless one has mentioned it, we do not know each other's ages, race, religion or no religion, financial status, and so much more.  It is simply about one another in the moment and that is priceless.  We have you to thank for starting this ongoing Thread and keeping it going.   A fine place to breathe and share about our day to day little things, our joys as well as the concerning and worriesome things.

     It dawned on me that our good Internist has parents that came from Poland. He still has relatives there.  Unfortunately, he is off this week.  I have a message in for him to ask if he knows about the various charities being very active and giving and caring for the Ukrainian refugees.   The people of Poland have been wonderful with the way they are welcoming and caring for the refugees.  I also understand that the United Nations has an entire department that is a refugee agency.  So; I will see if I can work my way into a telephone number and ask them about the various charities that are making a difference and where the need is the greatest.  Things have continued to get worse; it is unbelievable and deeply, deeply sad.

     I have found it is much more informative and much more non-personality driven to watch the news from the Ukraine on BBC Worldwide.  They are more serious, and seem more professional.  Lots of good information and listening to their political parties interacting in Parliament is interesting when they show a bit of that.  Even before this present crisis, I enjoyed watching the BBC for awhile.

    Ron; so hope Lou is doing better at night and seems to be getting calmer.  Here's to our Ron, he puts the energizer bunny to shame - even without the drum. 

    Every time I pass the QVC channel, I now think of you fans.  It goes and goes and goes; they must have a huge audience.  Bet they really rake in the dollars.   I have been watching, "The Gilded Age." I did not realize until this week when I saw it on the news - the actress playing the young woman living with the two aunts happens to be Meryl Streep's daughter.  Well, my goodness.

    It is eight o'clock; I am thirsty.  I usually have a bottle of bubbly Perrier at dinner and have some left.  Bubbles sound good right now.  Judith, did you finally give up your soda pop for Perrier as you had planned?   We get ours at CostCo.  DH drinks diet soda, but I do not.  I get my bubbles from the water . . . so; off I go to catch some bubbles before getting ready for bed.

     Sleep tight and sweet dreams being wished for everyone,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    30F, -1C.

    Sorry Sarah is having such a rough time.  Pray she will be able to find peace.

    Good to hear from you Joan.  Giving several inches of snow here Friday night.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Prayers being sent up for Sarah! She has gone through so much and will always have my prayers to include her. 

    Lou has been sleeping better the last couple of nights but the demon from dementia has came out when I'm trying to get her ready for bed, especially giving her medicine. She hates to take her medication and it's a challenge every time I give it to her. I was telling her my sister was coming where she would be with her while I had my nuclear stress test Friday. I asked her if she was going to be good while I'm gone; she said, of course I love Barbara. I then asked if she would be good when she gave her the medicine,  she said NO with a grin on her face. LOL

    Biggest problem I will be having is no caffeine 24 hours prior to the test. I only drink two cups of coffee in the morning and hate to miss it. They told me that a hot cup of coffee will be ready for me when I finish.

    Hope all is well today and if not, just come to the front porch and relax with your friends.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Prayers for dear Sarah in abundance.

    Each of us seems to have our own set of health issues, but she certainly has more than one person should have to deal with and all at one time.

    As with my own father's situation, I have to ponder the question of why good folks have to go thru so much distress here on earth.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I'm sorry for Sarah, and I hope her new dr. can help her. I'll pray for her and for you, Lorita. I know she means the world to you.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Thanks to each of you for your kind replies and prayers for Sarah.  They are much needed.  You all are the greatest - always there when needed. This forum and thread has been a life saver for me so glad you all enjoy it and can also benefit from it sometimes.

     Iris - Sarah does have a feeding tube and ileostomy and has had for several years. She has so much trouble with infection in the feeding tube and the recurring herniae.  She's really had a hard life - she was two months premature and has had CP since birth.  Many injuries and surgeries and about five years ago developed gastroparesis.  She's had several major surgeries for that with really no help.  She also has stress-related seizures and has had them since she was in high school.  Her life has not been easy to say the least.  But, she's strong and has prevailed thus far but she sounds like she's about to the end of her rope saying she doesn't want to die.  Even if there's only a very small chance of being helped with surgery, she's ready to have it done.

     Jo - thank  you for reminding me of the discs.  We've done that with Charles.  You know I don't care for change and this is a very good change - not having to have paper documents.  I'll tell Sarah and she can remind the doctor's office.

     Sarah was 51 on January 2nd.  Hard to believe she's that age.  She was born four months before Charles and I got married.  She was so small she fit into a shoe box.  She came to live with my parents when she was very young along with her younger brother.  Charles and I had her with us for a very long time so she's like a daughter - in fact, she calls me mom.

     I don't know how she manages either, Jo, but somehow she does.  Sometimes when he gets home he finds her passed out on the floor - either from a fall or a seizure.  Keeps him worried all the time, especially when he can't get in touch with her.  I know she's non-compliant about a lot of her care but who knows how we'd be if we had to contend with all that she has to deal with. 

     Ron, thank you for the prayers for Sarah.  I'm so sorry you're having trouble with Lou taking her medicine.  Have you tried crushing it (if you can) and putting it in pudding or ice cream.  I know there are some meds that can't be crushed but maybe those could be given in a liquid form.  I know I had to crush Charles' pills sometimes when he'd be obstinate about taking them.  If this is possible you could make it into a nightly snack just before bedtime - both of you could have pudding or ice cream.  Just a thought.

     Good luck with your test tomorrow.  I know you'll be glad when that's over and done with.  Glad your sister is able to be with Lou during that time. 

     Thank you for the prayers, Marie.  I agree with you - we wonder why people have to deal with so much, especially when they get older.  My parents lived close to us so we saw them every day and it was hard to see them decline from strong, vibrant people to loved ones who had trouble caring for themselves.  Hard for them and for us to see that happen.

     Thank you, Sara, for your prayers.  I'll be sure to tell Sarah when I talk with her today.  We're supposed to get some snow tonight and in the morning, too.  Funny that our County is not yet under a weather warning but the County just north of us is - a road separates our farm from that County so I think we probably are included. 

     Thank you, Beth, for the information about Park Seed Company.  I just requested a catalog from them - and thank you for the prayers for Sarah.  She needs all the help she can get.

     I just ordered cat and dog food, wet and dry, from Chewy.  The girl told me it's getting hard for them to get catfood especially - several choices were out of stock.  You know I pay more for cat and dog food than I do for my food but as you all are animal lovers you know they come first.  Sheena and Stormy spent the night outside and are now back inside, asleep.  When I wake up the first thing I do is go out on the porch and look at the girls to make sure they're okay.  Stormy is usually sitting at the fence watching them - and he was this morning.  Didn't have to fill water tanks this morning but will by mid-morning.  I did see Evan and Casper at one of the mineral tubs - it won't be long before they start going into the creepfeeder.

     Picked a few more daffodils while I was out this morning - they're so pretty.  Carol says hers are blooming along with her forsythia.  I don't have a forsythia so may order one from Parks.  We had several when we were living in the MH but for some reason haven't down here.

     It's cold this morning - about 30 - but the temp will go up to about 50 just before noon and before the cold front comes through.  It's going to be short-lived, thank goodness.  By next week it'll be in the 60s and 70s.

     Thinking about making pancakes for breakfast and to freeze - we'll see how that goes.  Will probably end up with MOM and toast again.

     Looks like gas prices are really going up - glad I don't have to commute anymore.  I know things I order online are going up in price and I imagine the same is true for inside the stores - haven't been three for over a month.  Can't imagine how people with large families are dealing with this.  Life gets hard sometimes.

     Time for hot tea - fed Mr. Tom-Tom -he's always ready to eat.  Something is helping him eat his food and drinks his water.  Probably that big opossum - but he has to eat, too. 

     Enjoy your day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Jo- just saw the story about the escaped cow in Los Angeles.  She was perfectly happy wandering around until they started trying to catch her, wasn't she?  She seemed okay until they roped her, then rebelled.  Don't blame her.  Saw one of the guys was knocked down to the ground - bet that hurt.  Poor thing - sounded like she had a home around there.   Do they permit people to have a cow in town?  Also, did  you see that (our news  man called it a horse manikin) in the back of that PU?  Several of the places around here have those in their yards. Did you notice that the cow wanted to go inside a building and they wouldn't let her?  Did they ever find out where she came from?

     By the way - what happens if you swallow an ant - does it just run around inside your stomach?  Just kiddin' .  I did get the recipe out for pancakes but decided I'd have a slice of banana bread now and make them later.  I had it in a LocknLock container on the cabinet but didn't have the lid locked down.  When I opened it, there was a bed of ants on top of the bread - probably where I'd sprinkled sugar on it before I baked it.  I cut that part out and had the slice.  I didn't see any and it tasted good so guess I'm good to go.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Terrible news from Sarah....a lot to unpack.

    Can you please get the name of the GI.? She has, to the best of my memory, never been under the care of a GI. Dr D is a colon/rectal surgeon. That's all. 

    Sadly I do not think Sarah is able to take charge of her care and has not been able to for a long time. Additionally she is not complient. 

    I am not a believer in prayers of intercession. I instead beleive that "his eye is on the sparrow". I will be still with my God and be receptive to what I can do to help Sarah.  All that comes so far is to offer to help you  find a private service to get on top of things. Let me know.

    Jo is spot on. Nothing needs to get printed or picked up.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Thank you, Judith, that works, too.  I just tried to call Sarah to get the first name of the GI doctor - last name is Baker.   She was referred to him by Dr. Helms, her new PCP.  I imagine she's sleeping - said she's having a hard time getting to sleep because her legs keep moving.   Also wanted to get her to call Dr. Baker's office about getting her records.

     It's beautiful outside - sunny with very little wind - just a bit  cool - enough to wear a jacket.  I went out to check the liquid feeder and mineral tubs - still some left so don't have to worry about that now.  I know the girls aren't mine but I will still keep liquid feed for them until the grass comes in and they have to have those mineral tubs with the liquid feed.  While I was out I picked up some t-posts the guys had left when they took the creepfeeders.  I think we were using them to keep the feeders in place.

     I drove up to see the daffodils at the MH.   Guess I didn't go up last year - the row of them used to be inside the fence across the front of the yard - now some are on the other side of the fence - they set the new fence inside the old one.  I picked a bouquet anyway - so pretty.  Saw Casper and Evan laying together in the sun - so they've found each other and are friends.  When I first went out saw Sweet Pea and her pal - guess it was Tina - leaving the mineral tub.  I'm beginning to see a few clouds in the north so guess the front isn't too far away.  I want to get to the mailbox before it gets here and also fill the water tanks. 

     Just turned on the TV - Denim & Co. is on QVC2 - they're showing a pair of denim pedal pushers that have some kind of streaks of lighter color along the side seams.  Fro some reason I don't wear shorter pants - I think I do have a couple of pairs I've probably worn two or three times.  That was Patsy's favorite length of pants - pedal pushers and crop pants.  Jo - they're showing long tops now - check it out.  I think you'll like Denim & Co.

     I'll keep trying to get Sarah to get Dr. Baker's first name - I checked on google and there are several - not sure all are in OKC.   I'm not sure what kind of doctor the one was did her last surgery was - Dr. Cole.   What kind of private service?


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Dr D was a specialized surgeon...Dr Cole a general surgeon at Mercy...I can find a Dr Baker who is another general surgeon. No Baker who is a GI.

    Not certain how to locate a care manager but it would be someone who would be take her and be in the room with her for her Drs appts. I am certain it will be pricey but.......

    Now that the cows are taken care of maybe you can drive over. If nothing else I know a visit would bouy her up.

    Additionally if death is looming maybe her close relatives need to be notified.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Still haven't gotten in touch with her.  I'll keep trying.  Todd's going with her to the appointments so that will help some. 

     There aren't any close relatives, Judith, except her brother and they're not on good terms so no one to notify.  She has two sons and I think one may be somewhere around OKC - I have no idea how to get in touch with them. I'll leave that up to her. I haven't seen the boys for more than 20 years - one is 30 and the older one is 32 - hard to believe.

    Sara - every time I slice a piece of bread I think about you and wonder how your bread slicer is working.  Haven't seen you mention it lately.  Are you still making as much bread and different things?  I did hear a tip on bread slicing - it said not to stand directly above where you're slicing but stand to the left a bit and the slices are more uniform.  Seems to work pretty well.

    How's Ohio doing now with the virus and are you still watching so many videos?

     Got the dishes done so watching Rawhide now.  The front is stalled out around Tulsa so it's still pretty warm and sunny here.

     This is sad - they have five milk cows on the cattle drive and they've had calves.  They've separated them from their moms and the calves are bawling and the cows are upset.

     Judith, I'm just not up to a trip anywhere now,  physically or mentally, and with those men working here would not be a good idea to leave. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Re: Sarah's legs keep moving at bedtime--could be restless legs syndrome.  Iron deficiency could be a cause.  Is a nutritionist involved in her enteral feeding prescription?

    With some infants we treated with parenteral nutrition, entirely through the veins, bypassing the GI tract entirely.  This was temporary, until their GI problem had healed or resolved.  I don't know how much this is used in adults nowadays.  

    I have to take a third cat, Adam, to the vet today.  He is vomiting.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Thank you, Iris - but, I believe Sarah's allergic to iron - not sure about that but I'll ask her.  I had a friend who had the same problem with her legs, and I also do sometimes - she'd take a big drink of tonic water at bedtime and it helped.  I started doing that and also having a bar of soap under the bottom sheet close to my legs - believe it or not, that helped.  Now, my problem is the Morton's Neuroma that makes me move my feet so much.

     So sorry about your cats.  How are the others that were sick?  I have one, Max, that often vomits after he eats, mostly dry food.  I think he eats it too fast, probably to keep it away from the others. 

     Judith, the doctor's name is Randal  S. Baker.  She had his card and it does say General Surgery on it. I got that he was a GI doctor from something she said after she saw her PCP.  You're  right - don't think she's ever seen a GI doctor.  I told her about the records and she was going to call his office after we hung up.  She has a biopsy of the breast lump and the one under her arm tomorrow.  Said she didn't sleep last night because she was vomiting and had diarrhea.  She has such a hard time with that ileostomy - always has had.    She sounded pretty good but said she was really nervous - who wouldn't be?

     Still sunny here - maybe they'll be wrong and the front won't make it down to us.  Sarah said to thank all of you for the prayers and good thoughts - really appreciated by both of us.

     I need to go to the mailbox and fill the water tanks.  I laid down on the divan and think I dozed off for a few minutes.

     Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,  I am so sorry to hear about Sarah and of course she will be in my prayers as well as you. I know how hard this must be on you. That poor girl  has been through so much, for as young as she is. 

      I know what you mean about paying more for your pets food then your own. I also order from Chewy and it not cheep with the food for both Molly and Sammy along with the treats. But they are our babies. The stores I shop in a lot of the pet food shelves are empty. 

    It is nice that Todd will be able to go to the appointment with Sarah I imagine he is very worried about her especially when he has to work. Does she have a alarm button she wares that has fall detection  on it?  She has been so strong for such a young person going through all that she has but hopefully she realizes she needs to depend on people to help her now. 

    Ron.   I am praying for all your test to have good results. I know what you mean by having to have that morning coffee. I went in for blood work to be done a few weeks ago and because I had had 1 cup of coffee I was sent home and told to come back the next morning. I don't know if it was because I put cream in the coffee or not. Next time I will ask because I can drink it black if I have too. It does sound like Lou has fun when your sister comes to care for her. 

    Iris.  Sorry to hear that Adam is not feeling well I hope the vet visit has some good results. I hope your getting your sleep under control. Or at least getting enough sleep.

    I am still in Arizona. I have been here for 4 days and I have 3 more to go.  My flight was tiring the first flight was from Redmond Oregon to Seattle Wash. that was only a 1.5 hr flight. The Seattle airport is so big I had to take a underground train to get to my next terminal.  There was a 3 hour delay there then my next flight was 3.5 hours to Pheonix, Arizona. Both planes were full so I had people on both sides of me.  I took the first call on the plane for disabled so I figured as old as I am I would qualify for disabled. Got to go my battery is dying.  

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear friends,

    I hate to add more sad news to our thread, but just need to share.

    Monday took father to GI doc for follow-up and everything on that front was good.

    Tuesday evening my mother said dad was complaining of pain in his left chest.  I told her she needed to watch him as that could be a sign of a heart attach.

    Wed. morning she called again and said he was complaining again about chest and I told her to call 911 and insist that they take him to the hospital for evaluation.  Instead she tried calling his PCP who was at lunch.  I got extremely upset with her and she finally called 911 and they took him to hospital and he was admitted with afib.

    He has episodes of reg heart beat and then will go into afib again.  I was at hospital most of today and got to talk with various staff about his situation.  Mother was telling them she could care for him at home, which of course she can't.

    So very many complications with his health, that he may not make it out of the hospital, but if he does he will need to go to memory care...the staff was very good at trying to help mother understand that if she wanted him home she would have to have 24/7 care givers.

    Along with this is that they are/were to close on the independent living apartment within a few weeks.  Now it is uncertain if Dad can go directly to memory care.  If not she doesn't want the apartment and we will have to find another situation.  Thank goodness my son is handling the living facility issues.

    While in most cases you pray for improved health, but the suffering he is going thru now makes me wish for a peaceful pain free ending.

    thanks for listening


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Lorita, I’m sorry Sarah is struggling.  I will definitely keep her and you in my prayers. May this new doctor have the skill and knowledge to help her heal and have a better quality of life.

    Zetta, enjoy your week with your daughter.  I hope it’s nice and warm in Arizona while you’re there.

    We have beautiful blue skies here today, but only 27 and breezy.  Out temps are supposed to get in the high 40’s and possibly 50 next week.  I’m anxiously awaiting warmer weather.  I need spring to get here so I can warm up.  

    Take care all and have a beautiful day.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    As I was saying the flight was very tiring, but I sure felt that everyone kept an eye out for the disabled and senior citizens.  I had people helping me with my carry-on luggage and if I looked lost someone asked if I needed help. I am not used to flying alone so I must have looked lost a lot. Three years ago, my daughter and her husband took me to Poland with them and believe me that plane was huge and very comfortable it was a 12 hr flight. I really don't like traveling alone. 

    As far as Arizona I have only seen the desert area. They live 30 minutes from Phoenix so all's I saw was the highway between Phoenix and Maricopa, All desert. I am used to green trees and mountains. 

    I love being with my kids I can be a mom and I do all the cooking and I am helping with the baby puppy. She got sick a few days ago so we took her to the ER for pets she was shaking her head and crying acting like her ears were bothering her. The ER vet found nothing to cause this, so we took her home and whatever it was stopped bothering her. She has a visit with her vet next week we are thinking maybe some kind of allergy. I guess we won't know till then, but she seems fine right now. 

    Here is a picture of her. Her name is Fiona, she is 9 weeks old she is a white German Shepard in this picture she is trying to get on my lap she's just not big enough to jump yet.  

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

     Zetta, I was going to order pate and the other kind of catfood this morning from Chewy but even they were out of stock on several things.  The girl told me it was getting hard to get things.  I haven't been to town in over a month so have no idea how things are there.  I ask Jack but he doesn't seem to notice much about things like that.  I guess he's like me - has a list, goes in and gets the things and gets out.

     Glad you're having a good visit with your daughter.  Time goes fast when you're having fun, doesn't it.  Were you worried about being on the crowded plane?  I think I would have been - did everyone wear a mask?  There was a  news story about that this evening and I think they said people were still wearing masks.

    Thank you for the prayers, Zetta - every prayer  and every good thought will help.  I just can't imagine going through all that Sarah deals with on a daily basis.  She's strong like her great grandmother (my mother). 

     Marie, I'm so sorry this is happening to your family.  I know how hard it is for you.  Hopefully things will turn out all right.  There's so much sadness in the world right now besides what we're dealing with in ourselves and families.  I'll send up prayers for your dad tonight and also for you and your mother. 

     Joan - I'm with you about wishing for spring.  We're supposed to have snow tomorrow but not over 3" at most.  It's been pretty here today - sunny, calm and in the high 50s but about an hour ago the clouds moved in and I see the holly blowing out front so the wind is up. There's something that makes a noise when the wind blows - like a bucket being blown around.  I can't figure out what it is unless it might be one of the turbins on top of the house - makes it hard to sleep. 

     Thank you for the prayers.  I told Sarah this afternoon that so many people were wishing her well and sending up prayers in her behalf and she was pleased and told me to thank all of you.  I also want to thank you all for your prayers for me, too.  It's hard to know there's nothing that I can do to alleviate the situation and I do worry so much about her.

     She has some kind of alert button but I doubt she wears it.  I'll ask and tell her she should.  I doubt it would detect falls though and that's what she really needs.  She has a seizure and falls and just stays there until either she's found or wakes up.  I was talking with her on the phone one day when she had one. I called for a welfare check and they found her passed out.

     You all know I'm a worrier, always have been, even though there's nothing I can do but it helps so much to know how much all of you care. What a wonderful group of people we have on our thread and also those who read daily but don't often post.

     Zetta, I think it was just the coffee.  When I rescheduled my blood work which is also fasting I asked if I could have a cup of hot tea.  The answer was that I could only have water.  Some days I go until 9 or 10 without anything but when I know I can't have anything it's harder.

     Iris, how is sweet Adam.  I hope the vet found out what was wrong and was able to give you something to help him.  It's so hard when you know they're sick but don't know what to do for them.  I remember giving Pierre, one of our poodles years ago, Pepto Bismol.  It took both Charles and I to do it and still it was all over Pierre, us and the bathroom.  Let us know what you found out.

     I better go and top off that water tank and disconnect the hose for the night.  I went out about an hour ago and leveled off the feed in the creepfeeder.  It doesn't let the feed down on one side of the feeder as much as the other so has to be leveled off occasionally.  They don't care much for the feed but are beginning to eat a little more of it.  The change has been hard on them, too.

     See you all later.  Thanks again - for everything.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Marie,   You and your family will also be in  my prayers I am so sorry your father is not doing well. It is nice that you have your son to help you with these issues and also good for you letting your Mom know taking care of him is something she just cant do.

    Lorita,  Everyone on the plane had face mask on it was a must do thing. I was not worried about that I just did not like that many people being that close together. I think on the way home I got a window seat so maybe I wont feel so cramped. The first plane I was on had 2 seats on each side of the isle  the second plane had 3 seats on each side and the plane was full. I had the seat on the isle so that was better then having the middle seat. 

    Sleep Well, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Zetta, I'm so glad I logged back in - what a gorgeous puppy - a white German Shepherd - isn't that very unusual.  He is beautiful and I bet gets into a lot of mischief.  You'll have the joy of being around a puppy but not having to take care of it all the time - like a grandma!  Fiona is a cute name, too.  One of the women on our local morning news talks about and shows pictures all the time of a hippo named Fiona.  She was born prematurely and had a hard time surviving but she's three or four years old now.  I think she's in the Cincinnati Zoo. 

     I would be petrified to fly alone.  Don't like to do much of anything alone but have to now.  So nice that people were helpful to you.  I've only flown twice  - in 1995 we went to Washington, DC for dedication of the Korean War Veterans Memorial - we left from Tulsa to Atlanta and then to Baltimore and took the shuttle to Washington from there.  Such a lovely drive.  We talked to the driver all the time - everyone else was quiet - guess they'd made the drive before.  On the way home we left from Baltimore, to somewhere in Kentucky and on to Tulsa.  I enjoyed the flights but wouldn't want to do it again.  That was a long flight to Poland - did you enjoy it?  Why the trip to Poland - any special reason?

     Someone who isn't very bright or doesn't listen to the weather was burning something a few miles north of us this afternoon.  I could see all of this billowing, white smoke.  But when I was outside a while ago I could smell smoke.  Hopefully, whatever it was he was burning has burned out and now it's only the leftover smoke.  Only one or two houses between here and where I think the smoke was.  Scares me when I smell smoke when I got outside.  I checked for that noise when I was out turning off the water but couldn't see anything.  The turbines are going like crazy but not moving up or down - the wind is awful and it's getting cold.  Tomorrow morning is feed day so hopefully they can feed and set out hay before the ice or snow begins.  I know they have other pastures to go to after this one but it'll be close.  Sheena had already gone into the storage building so had to get a leash to get her to come inside.   Both of them are sound asleep now.

     Zetta, thanks for posting that precious picture - made my day.  I love white dogs!!!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Yes we had a good trip and I enjoyed every minuet of it. My daughter and I and son in law wanted to see all the history there regarding the holocaust so my daughter who is a trip planner planed the 10 day trip for us.

    We left Seattle and 12 hours later we landed in Warsaw, Poland and stayed there for 3 nights then we went by train to Krakow, Poland for 3 nights then we flew to Amsterdam, Netherlands and stayed there for 3 nights. While on this trip we saw The Ghetto Wall, A Jewish Cemetery, Shindler's Factory, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Anne Franks House. Then we took a cruise down The Amsterdam Cannel it took off right in front of The Anne Franks house. 

    The plane was also a trip in it's self it had 3 seats on each side and 6 in the middle. We were served meals and snacks and pretty much anything we wanted I even had a glass of wine. We were waited on like Royalty. Each seat even had its own TV. That was a once in a lift time trip for me. Thankful to  my daughter and SIL.  

    While we were there the HEADLINE NEWS was that covid hit Seattle pretty hard so we were lucky to get home. We got home just in time. So while we were there we never told anyone we were from Seattle. 

    Thats pretty much all the excitement I have had in my life.   That was May 2020. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Zetta, that was a once in a lifetime trip for sure.  I'm so glad you all got to go and see all those places we read about in books and newspapers and saw on TV.  

    Sounds like the p lane ride in itself was wonderful.  I would been afraid to fly over that much water. It must have been a huge plane as much so that it probably didn't seem like one.

    What did you do with Molly while you were gone,- guess your son watched her.  So happy you got to make that wonderful trip - so many great memories.  Thanks for telling us about it.

    Enjoy the rest of your warm week in Arizona.  It turned cold here just before dark and the north wind is blowing,- snow tomorrow!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    32F, 0C.  Suppose to be a snowy rainy day.  Giving it warm in a few days so shouldn’t hang on too long.

    Marie hope things work out.  Know this is all stressful.  

    Fiona is a pretty dog Zetta.

    Lorita I am still baking my own bread.  Do still listen to some things on Covid.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning from snowy Eastern Oklahoma,

     It's 25 degrees and we have a strong north wind and blowing snow.  I think it was about 5:30 when I heard sleet on the air conditioner, then began to hear a couple of cows bawling.  I knew what was happening - it had started to sleet and snow and the girls were going to the barn - the bawling cows were calling their babies to come to the barn.  I didn't get up until 6:45 when Stormy barked at the door to come in.  He was wet and cold but no Sheena.  Went to the back door and called her and she finally came out of the storage building and into the house.  She was dry so she'd been inside all night.

     The ground is covered and it's still snowing.  So many wrecks in Tulsa - one man's PU spun out and landed against a power pole.  He was taken to the hospital but didn't make it.  There's no way in the world that I could live in a big town and face that traffic every day - even 27 years ago when I was still working the traffic was increasing.

     Heard something outside and looked out and it was Toad and Mike.  They are such a well-oiled machine.  Toad picks up a bale of hay, then comes through and gives the girl feed.  Very shortly after he gets here Mike comes, picks up a bale of hay and takes it up to the hayrings, then Toad brings his while Mike's getting another one.  They always feed 3-4 bales.  Before they're finished setting out the hay the girls have finished eating and are on their way to the hay.

     I went out to feed Tom just as they were coming back through the gate from feeding. Mike stopped and visited a minute or so.  He said they started feeding at 5:30 and nothing was falling at that time.  They have one more place to feed (Darwin's) before they're finished.

     I checked the water tanks - they're full with no ice on one and just slush on top of the other one.  Tom wasn't there but I left his feed.  I imagine he's at the barn - I went out there to make sure no one was there - didn't see him but there were a lot of birds inside.  The birds are congregated around both bird feeders- filled them last night.  This is supposed to slowly drift south, then quit.  May be as high as 40 this afternoon.

     Sara - be careful if you go outside.  I put those spikes on my boots, then laid a throw over the steps before I went out.   Didn't seem slick but I was careful.

     You know I'm going to continue to bake my own bread - really like the taste and texture better than the store-bought kind.  When I get brave enough I'm going to try brioche or challah but maybe won't braid it.  Have you ever tried either of those?

     Weather reporter says roads are slick, speed is not over 30 mph - still lots of wrecks and tied-up traffic.  Many schools have closed for the day.  Surprisingly, next week it's supposed to be in the 60s and 70s.

     Going to stop and finish my hot tea - just had a slice of banana bread with grape jelly on it.  I kept it in the refrigerator last night to avoid more ants. 

     Enjoy your day but if you're having snow, please stay inside or be very careful if you go out.   Ron, I know you have your test scheduled today but I don't think the snow is as far south as you - be careful anyway.  Will you know the results of the test today or later?

     Sarah has her biopsies today - looks like there may have been some snow in OKC - hopefully they'll leave early enough so they can be careful. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Home remedy for ants

    Take a cloth and put vinegar on it (suggest white vinegar but apple cider works too just more aroma).  Wipe down areas where ants have been seen.  You can do this instead of just wiping down with water for cleaning.

    This disturbs their scent trails.

    If you can find where they are getting in, can use calking to block the tiny holes.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Update on father's situation:

    It seems that the facility folks were planning to go to has no beds in memory care so that whole move for both of them is off the table at this point.

    The case manager at the hospital is not a person I would employ to deal with people, but we are stuck with her.

    Have spent the day looking for rehab places and memory care so we can have a plan in place when we get notice of discharge date since he can't go home from hospital.

    I told all my family that absolutely NO ONE is to sign or agree to discharge until a plan is in place for him to go to appropriate facility and not home.  The case manager seemed to think it was ok to go home...just get a hospital bed...transport people can put him in bed...with no worry about how he would be cared for!

    Have located a facility near me and daughter which might be able to take him and eventually then an apartment for mother in AL  when available.  Nice lady will call case manager to discuss their need for discharge plan to insure they can meet the needs.  Please cross fingers and offer prayers that this place works out in the time frame we need.

    Today daughter and granddaughter did hospital duty to be on site to talk with folks and support mother.  Even though I am home have been working on this for hours now.  Exhausted both mentally and physically.  

    Thank you all for your support...it means the world to me.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Hated my nuclear stress test! First I was told not to take my ateneoll, when they took my readings the heart rate was 125. For my age it was already at stress level so the readings without stress and then with stress wouldn't be any good since stress level was already there at rest. Ended up giving me a ateneoll that they had me not take at home.

    Next they gave me a injection to simulate the same as treadmill and my blood pressure went very low, chest hurt, face got red, trouble breathing and just didnt feel good. They tilted me flat, put a cold rag on my forehead, and after a few minutes injected something that was suppose to reverse the other medication. Took awhile for the blood pressure to go back up but I finally got ok.

    Now some of you with experence tell me what happened. I thought that during a exercise stress test the blood pressure normally goes up. 

    Cold front coming in and glad I'm back home, just cant get rid of this headache even after finally getting some coffee. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Marie, maybe your dad could or should go to a skilled nursing facility. He seems to have a lot of medical issues going on - AND - Medicare will pay for up to ?30 days, ?90 days if he goes following a "qualified" hospitalization.

    Also, my mom had Alzheimer's and when she got too "bad" (not behavior), just general condition, she went from AL to a nursing home. Not memory care. It worked out very well. There are many dementia patients in nursing facilities.

    Just something to consider.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Well, we had about 4" of snow - really hard or almost white-out at times.  It is a fluffy snow so was easy to sweep off the porch and steps.  Some has melted but tonight's it's going to be 17 so what melted will refreeze.  I've filled the one water tank in the garden a couple of times - girls have come and gone from the barn during the day.  FedEx actually delivered a sack of cat food today - I was surprised.  Seems like every time I have something heavy, like dog or cat food, a girl is the delivery person.  I don't know how she lifts those heavy boxes.

     Marie - sorry to hear no bed was available.  You said you're not happy with the case manager - you may not be stuck with her.  Contact the Chief Social Worker and see if there's another one who can be assigned to your dad's case.  I worked in Social Work Service for over 20 years and all of our worker were very, very good - no one left the hospital without a good discharge plan.  When Charles was in the hospital the social worker assigned to his case wasn't worth a hoot - and I told her so.  When I told the doctor what she wanted to do (not much) and who it was he just shook his head.  I think we just bypassed her so-called plan.  Still makes me mad to think about it.  Anyway, it's worth a try to see about getting a different one.

     Ron - I have no idea what happened but I know it wasn't good for you and so scary.  I hope you feel better tomorrow.  I imagine Jo or Iris will have a good idea of what went wrong.  Glad it's over for you though.  I'll be reading to see what they say tonight or tomorrow.  Are they going to still try to do the test?

     I really have no idea how medicare or Medicaid works.  But, when daddy had to go to a NH and mother was still home they did pay for his care because she was still in the home.  Hope things can get worked out.

     Day - what did you think about Denim & Co.'s Today's Special Value dress.  I haven't worn a dress in ages but they've really sold a lot of them today.  It's on now for two hours with the shoe show host - I'll just listen to Gary.

     I'm tired tonight and for really no good reason - just walking quite a lot in the snow, I guess.  Think I'll put on my gown and lay down and watch Gary for a while.  He is really a nice guy or seems so.

     I've fed birds today two or three times.  I have one feeder on the front porch and I put sunflower seeds along the railing and they disappear in no time flat - also have another one out close to the water tank. 

     Day - they're showing that utility shirt - I have four of them and love them - I wear them like a jacket over a tank top - they have such pretty colors.  I have noticed that prices for all of their clothes have gone up - guess everything has though.  Carol said her husband bought a pound of bacon and it was over $8.00.  Jack called and he went to town yesterday and his bacon was still under $7.  I have no idea what it used to be - haven't bought bacon in years.

     I'll stop and watch - maybe I'll see something I can't live without.   Hope all of you are well tonight and can have a good night's sleep.    Did talk briefly with Sarah - she had her biopsy today.



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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