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Just need to talk to my friends (167)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, it was warm, even hot, today, perhaps around 80 degrees.  Regarding cats eating too fast: today at the 99cents only store I saw a platter with pegs sticking up--you place kibble between the pegs, and it is supposed to get the cat to slow down his eating.  My Adam eats slowly, he nibbles.  The vet said his teeth are terrible; he is scheduled for a cleaning and may need some teeth to be removed.  I'm still feeding him soupy food until his teeth cleaning.

    One of the blood tests the vet ordered is a feline Corona virus antibody titer.  Apparently Corona virus is common, even endemic in domestic cats.  This is not SARS Corona virus but a different Corona virus.  A different Corona virus is one of the many common cold viruses.  Both Adam and Seven are positive for feline Corona virus, which causes gastrointestinal symptoms in cats, not respiratory symptoms.  The Corona virus that was reported in zoo lions and tigers is a respiratory virus, distinct from domesticated feline Corona virus.  I learned something new today.  Corona virus gets around to many animals, Apparently.

    I am stocking up on cat food--the world situation and the supply chain are getting worse.

    Zetta, I have not spent much time in AZ, but CA has a lot of desert.  Fiona is a sweetheart!  I have made a few long haul flights--to Hong Kong, to Beijing, to Capetown, to Dubai and to Tel Aviv.  I love long flights!  But I probably won't be flying anywhere for a while, until Covid and the world situations calm down.

    Marie, a nursing home does sound better for your dad with afib.  Is he on a trial of medication? 

    Sayra, your home-baked bread smells delicious!  I can smell it through my phone LOL!

    Ron, I'm sorry your nuclear test was so disturbing.  I hope your body is fully recovered now.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Was going to take littlebit out at 7pm to pee and guess what.......it was snowing! Snow in Louisiana in March, that's a rarity. 30 degrees this morning and high is suppose to be 50 and skies are clear. Not enough snow on the ground to even make a snowball but could scrap enough off the car.

    Lorita, I believe they got what they needed to finish my test yesterday since I did have my second round of images taken before leaving. Still dont feel good but I'll get over it. Not use toca low blood pressure reading,  could expect a high one but not low.

    Just need my front porch rocking chair this morning to rest and talk to my friends. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    22F, -6C.  We had a dusting of snow during the night.  Giving a chance of small amount today I think.  Light fluffy snows Lorita are so much easier to deal with than those heavy wet ones.

    Lorita I have made brioche.  Don’t believe I have ever made Challah.

    Ron hope you are getting recovered from the stress test.

    Take care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Hi all and thank you for your replies regarding my father's condition.

    The AL/memory care which we are exploring and is local to me does offer significant care.  My granddaughter who is a floating CNA has worked there and believes it could be a fit for his needs.  If not, we will definately have to go with skilled nursing option.

    Biggest hurdle is that while case manager wants us to have plan in place for after discharge, no one can tell us exactly what care or treatment he will need.  Kinda hard to make a plan without .

    And of course at the hospital we are running into the problem many dementia patients face when hospitalized for other issues...lack of understanding how the dementia impacts usual practices.  I want to scream when I see in the on-line notes from a consult on PT and OT that things were discussed with patient and understood.  So much of what I am reading seems like standard boiler plate, except where there are glaring errors like my father having an external FEMALE cath...as if!

    He is on no experimental meds...in fact at home was on very few considering his age.

    My daughter, granddaughter and I are working out a schedule so that at least one of us is there during the day every day to monitor and question his care.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    After a little on line research this morning I believe my dad has worsened. I've never experienced symptoms like I had on previous stress test, but minor blockage was found previously. Now with the low blood pressure I might have a increase in blockage. Since I dont have a appointment with my dr until june, I decided to send her a secure message with my concerns. Hopefully she will read the results monday and get back with me.

    Sister told me Lou and her had a good visit while I was gone and she didn't even give her to much of a problem taking the medicine. Wish she wouldn't give me a hard time everytime! Plan on taking it easy today!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Ron, glad you're feeling some better this morning - bet you'll be back to normal before long.  I hate stress tests.  I've had a couple and really hope I never have to have another one.  Nice that Lou and your sister had a good time while you were gone - sometimes it just takes another person to get through to them.  I know when Charles was at the hospital he was much more compliant than he could be at home.

     Let's all sit on the porch today and enjoy the pretty sunshine and the snow melting and help Ron recover.   It was 17 this morning with very little wind.  Even the water tank in the lot only had a little bit of ice on it, easily broken with the blade of the shovel.  The other one was empty and a couple of calves were standing around waiting for me to fill it.  I brought the hose in last night so no problem - except I can't stand up and screw the end of the hose onto the hydrant - can't get it started evenly so I have to sit on something to get it done - then getting back up isn't always easy - luckily the fence is right there and it helps me.

     Iris, glad Adam is improving.  You know animals get the same kind of diseases people do - just different degrees, I guess.  Like cows getting pink eye. Sounds like you've made some great trips.  I don't think I could handle being confined in a plane for many hours but guess you can get used to it. 

     I think Muskogee has a 99 cent store, not sure, but I do love to go to the Dollar Tree and there's one in our little town that's about 12 miles away.  I've been in there one time since it opened which was just before the virus began.  We also have a Dollar Store that I like.  Are those little pegs that stick up high enough that one of them could be stuck in an eye?  Sounds like it might work though.  Wonder why there's a shortage of catfood.  This was the first time Chewy has been out of stock on anything I order from them.  Maybe I should think about stocking up, too - five cats eat a lot of food.

     Day - Denim & Co was on last night from 7-9.  I managed to watch almost an hour and had to turn off the sound.  I've never seen anyone talk as much as that woman - drives me up the wall.  There's a few that I really don't care for watching - like you, I like the older ones.  They sold over 50,000 of those dresses yesterday!  Amazing how much they sell.

     Nothing on tap today that I know of.  Seems like the LR is getting more crowded all the time - I'll be so glad when things get back to normal.  I'm going to go through one room at a time and straighten up and get rid of things I no longer need.  Right now it's not possible to get done.  The work they're doing and even winter itself can get things in a mess. 

     Stormy and Sheena stayed outside last night but were ready to get back in to the warmth - fast asleep now.  Tonight's the time change.  I so wish we didn't observe the time change.

    Sara - looks like so many places have had snow - even Ron in Louisiana.  Maybe this is the last gasp of winter but you never know.  Now comes tornado season in Oklahoma - seems like there's something to deal with in every season.  There's fire danger for the next couple of days here - even with the snow we've had.  The report was that there were 300 accidents yesterday in this area - Tulsa included and north of there.

     Have people stopped wearing masks in your town, Sara?  I heard all 50 states have quit observing mask mandates and they're now starting to call it an endemic.

     Marie - so sorry for all the problems you're having trying to find a place for your dad.  I guess the pandemic has made it harder to get beds because of shortage of personnel to care for them.  Good idea to have someone with your dad to make sure things go as they should.  I stayed with Charles as much as I could and even then things would happen. He was allergic to some med (can't remember which one now) but a nurse came in with a shot for him and I reminded her of his allergy and she said that medication was all right.  It wasn't!  He had a reaction.  I always asked what the medication was before they gave it and even with that something went wrong.

     Well, it's time for breakfast - getting hungry so I'll try out some of those pancakes (we always called them hot cakes).  They were talking about pancakes on TV the other day and they said as far back as 30,000 years there was evidence that people ate them - called them batter cakes.

     Enjoy the day.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I believe the intent is for the cats to use their paws to grab the kibble; I had not thought of the pegs poking their eyes!  I did not buy it, anyway.  Pink eye in a cow--seems it would be hard to treat.  Simon has crusty eyes every morning, and I was given eye drops for him and I bought cleansing eye wipes--he definitely did not like either and ran from me when he saw them in my hands!  Now I just wipe his lids with a tissue--he doesn't seem to mind that so much.

    Marie, you've got a family member on site at memory care for your dad, the plan might work.

    Ron, let's all sit on the porch today and relax.  The Groundhog did predict six more weeks of winter back on Feb 2, so he was accurate for your area!  Stay warm!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Iris, pink eye in cattle is an awful thing.   Years ago pink eye got into our herd and before we got it stopped at least a couple of them went almost blind.  We had mostly a different breed of cattle then - they were Herefords and Angus mixed so many had white faces which is really bad for pink eye.  Guess the light reflects off the white hair - and some were what we called marble-eyed - their eyes looked like marbles with kind of lines in them - hard to explain. Not anything bad, just different. 

     A couple of friends and Charles treated them with injections of LA-200 and it worked.  Daddy used to run Herefords primarily and he treated pink eye with some sort of purple medicine they put into their eyes.  It's very contagious so if you notice it in cattle, better get something done immediately.

     I can just see our rambunctious cats trying to get food out of that thing you talked about to make them eat slower - they'd probably tear it up.

     Zetta - tomorrow's the day for you to return home.  I bet you're so excited you probably won't sleep much tonight. Hope you have a safe trip home.  Just think how excited and happy Molly and Sammy will be to see you - and for you to see them, too.

     Marie - thanks so much for that ant remedy.  I will remember it and will try it.  I haven't seen any ants today - maybe they heard me talking about it. 

     Been a pretty quiet afternoon.  Saw a cow today in the lot that wasn't acting like she should.  She was limping and when she walked held her neck out straight - I may have mentioned this in a previous post.  Anyway, got her up north of the house and after the clinic closed called Mike and told him.  He was completely booked up this afternoon but he'll be out tomorrow. I gave her some hay and she's grazing some and has plenty of water.    I did drive up to see the girls this afternoon and saw Casper and Evan laying close together again - so they're fast friends. 

     Watching Dr. Pol again - do any of you watch his show?  Really interesting.

     I know we've talked about UTIs in the past.  Is there some kind of home remedy if you think you have one beginning?  I've never had one (knock on wood)  but if I felt like I might be getting one I'd quite drinking tea, coffee and pop and force water along with the cranberry juice I drink every day.   So, I'm forcing water.  I've been getting CBJ and Pomegranate juice mixed so will switched back to just CBJ - but, I do know Pom juice is really good for you.  I'll be okay.  Just read about it on google and two or three of the medications used to treat them I can't take - didn't take them for that but for something else that I don't remember.    So, any good home remedies?

     Stormy is so funny - he's been sleeping on the divan this afternoon and every time I get up out of my chair, he raises his head and watches me.  When I sit down again, he lays his head down.  I'll have to take him for a ride tomorrow - he loves to ride in the Gator - never been able to get Sheena in it or into the PU.  I  need to work on getting her into the car this summer.

     I'm rambling so I'll stop  and watch some more of Dr. Pol.  Bridget sent me a copy of his book so I should read that - maybe during the hot summer when I'm staying inside.  Most of the snow is gone - just some hanging on in the shade but not much.  Guess the snow storms they're having in the east is the same one that went through here.  Sara, did you get much snow?

     See you all tomorrow - rest well tonight.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning

    12F, -11C.  Grass barely covered with snow.  Think it is suppose to start warming up now.

    Lorita probably about 25% of people mask. 

    Lorita I don’t know anything about UTIs.  Maybe someone else will.

    Take care

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I totally missed the Today's Special for Denim & Co.  To tell the truth, I've been sick - took 2 COVID tests and negative, so can only imagine a flu (?) and at times I feel fine or I'm willing myself to feel fine, but after work I've had off-and-on fever and even getting out of bed is a chore.  I ran out of DayQuil yesterday too, which was really the only thing helping with the muscle aches.  I placed a Shipt order last night and a combo pack of DayQuil and NyQuil are coming (I do have Extra-Strength Tylenol, but it's not helping).  It'll be here before 10 am and I threw in some soup and other things to round out the order.

    This morning they're showing beautiful plants on QVC, and BRUSSELS SPROUTS, which are awesome.  Give me a plate of air-fried or roasted in the oven Brussels sprouts with salt and pepper and olive oil and I'm happy.  

    I'm off today - I think it'll be a resting day.  I am so glad I have the Shipt service because I've more than made back the membership price in savings on delivery and like today I can keep my sick self at home and not go into the store.

    Also-if I feel a UTI coming on, I flood my body with the cranberry juice and water (I love cranberry juice) and flush it out of my system.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Test results were posted on line which showed no significant changes from last stress test with only minor abnormalities. That is good news, but still doesnt explain some of the symptoms I have had with the tachycardia and also the low blood pressure. I guess when I talk to my dr I'll know more.

    Sitting on the front porch with all my on line friends is very relaxing. Thanks for being here!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Started to say morning but it isn't.  The day is going fast.  Sara, it's really cold where you are so hope it does warm up.  Where do you have your sprouted petunias?  When we lived in the MH we had a screened in front porch (on the east).  We had a huge garden and started a lot of our plants to get the variety we wanted.  That porch was a perfect place - it was warm with the east sun and mostly out of the wind.  I miss doing gardening but it is a lot of work, as you know.

     It's sunny here but very windy so it's sort of cool.  Last night I didn't know what time to set my phone alarm - so finally set it at the usual time.  When it went off it was still dark (hate the time change) but I got up and got my clothes on - dressed like ti was winter so had to shed into cooler ones after a little while.  Girls were still laying down so thinking Toad would be here before long to feed, I called them down so everyone would get fed.  Waited and waited and he didn't come until just after 9.  I thought he had probably overslept.   So, all the girls were fed even though it was a bit late. 

     Yesterday I noticed a cow who was limping - already told you all about her.  I got my pancakes ready to eat, looked out and there was another truck at the gate - Mike.  By the time I got my coat and shoes on he was leaving so called him and he said he had checked her - it's her toe - one nail is over the other one a little bit but she's somehow hurt her foot behind that so that's why she's limping.  I asked about her holding her head out when she walked and he said it was because of the hurt foot and it took some weight off of her foot and also for balance. I had fed her when the others were fed.  I asked if they overslept but he said they had talked and to not get the cattle everywhere upset they decided to feed an hour later.  If they feed in the dark, they have to come back after daylight and check them so they negated that extra stop.  So - this stinkin' time change effects everyone and everything. I thought that was nice of them to do that.

     Day -so sorry you're not well today.  Glad it's a day off so you can rest and not get out.  I'm so happy the two covid tests you did were negative and I know you were, too.  What is Shipt?  Glad you have it so you can get your medicine and something easy to cook and/or eat.  Have you tried the Bear Creek soup?  I just finished the last of the Creamy Potato soup I made earlier this week.  It is delicious with homemade bread broken up in it.    Maybe it's kind of the same thing that seems to be going around.  I think that's what Daniel may have had last week. 

     Last afternoon I started drinking lots of water and this morning added cranberry juice.  I had a big jug of straight cranberry so I'll drink that and lots of water today.  Even after two bottles of water yesterday everything was much better - just about everything back to normal this morning.  I won't drink pop and only a little bit of weak tea for a few days.

     Ron - so glad the test came out all right.  The waiting to hear is the hardest part - but, not for you this time with all you went through.  Hope you and Lou are having a good day - is your sister still with you?   The porch is a restful, quiet place but this morning it's pretty windy out there.  It's sort of cluttered right now with boxes from Chewy and things the workmen have left on the porch - even my porch swing isn't hanging right now.  Seems like the whole house is getting more cluttered all the time - will be so glad to get things back in order.

     Day - I didn't see the gardening show - guess it was with Carolyn?  I've ordered plants from them without much good result except for a couple of knock-out roses.  Last year I ordered hardy gerbera daisies.  Planted them - didn't grow - so thought it was too shady so moved them to a sunnier place.  Still didn't grow but very late in the season there was one gorgeous bloom that lasted for a full week - ion fact, it's still there-dried.  So far they're not coming up but hopefully they will.  I love gerbera daisies.

     I also love Brussels sprouts!  The only way I've ever cooked them is to cook them in a little bit of water until they're barely tender.  Never tried them any other way.  We've grown Brussels sprouts - really an interesting thing to grow - just like small cabbages all up and down the tall stalk  I like steamed vegetables so also have cooked them like that. 

     Hope everyone is all right this morning - or getting better.  Rest, rest and then rest some more.  It's going to take me a couple of weeks to get used to this time change.

     Made another peach cobbler last night - so good with a little bit of milk.  I'm watching QVC now and they just said strawberries are about $8. a pint now.  Guess I won't be eating a lot of strawberries this summer - I don't anyway so no problem there.

     Enjoy our day.  I'll be back later.



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    The system continues to fail dementia patients.

    Since it was determined that folks could not get memory care at the location they were scheduled to go to, we have been looking for another place just for dad which would also provide medical care he needs for heart problem

    Since he has been hospitalized he has been bedbound for 5 days, with an alarm and a 24 hr sitter to keep him in bed and to feed him.  Before he got there he walked with a cane and had no eating issues.

    He is constantly agitated.  They never asked for doc dealing with his dementia, even after we gave them his name they did not contact him.  My mother had to ask last night for them to give him something for the agitation.  They finally did after days of issues so he could get some peaceful time.

    He did his own toileting at home.  In hospital he has had external cath.  so no idea if he will remember toileting routine when discharged.

    He has been combative at hospital and constantly picking at all the hospital attachments...iv ports, telemetry patches, his own skin...to the point where he now has a wound on his hand which has a large bandage on it.  Resulting in "mittens" which resemble soft boxing gloves, which causes more agitation.

    We learned about 5 pm Sunday that they want to discharge him Monday (less than 24 hrs notice) full well knowing that we have been unable (because of the weekend) to locate a new facility.

    Fortunately since he has medicare, we were able to go thru their appeal process as being against their discharge without a safe care plan in place for discharge.  That only buys us 1 to 3 days to find a solution.  My issue has been if they don't tell me what care he needs, I can't get any facility to agree to take him directly from the hospital.

    I am still searching for memory care facility with adequate medical care, and also searching for a skilled nursing care facility which also deals with dementia patients.  Amazing how difficult it is to find both services in same facility.

    I am exhausted and tomorrow starts another day of calls and trying to get facilities and medical staff on same page to get him somewhere before they bring down the hammer on discharge and then I have to go further up the system chain to just keep him safe.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Loveskitties, I'm so sorry this is happening.  I know how frustrated and angry you must be.  Is your dad in a private hospital or VA? 

     When my sister who had alz. was in the hospital we couldn't prevent a discharge either and were only given a few hours notice before the discharge.  I had contacted A Place for Mom and they had been referring different homes to us.  After reps from the various homes interviewed her they wouldn't accept her because she was - I don't know if you'd call it combative or just noncompliant and not wanting to go to the homes.  Two hours before her discharge I was contacted by the place where we ultimately placed her.  Turned out it was a good placement and she did well after two or three weeks of getting used to the place.  She was there four years when she passed away.  She had fallen a few times with no injuries but had two falls that resulted in a broken hip on one side and a broken ankle on the other side.  She had PT and good care other than the falls but never walked again.  Just telling you this because it seems when they decide a patient is ready for discharge or they think they are, the family isn't really given time to make a good plan which is what the case manager should be doing.

     Have you contacted A Place for Mom?  Might be something that could help.   I hope you can find resolution to this problem in your calls tomorrow.  Please let us know how it goes.

     It's been a quiet day here after this morning.  I haven't done much of anything except drink water and CB juice and I think things are improving.  I did open a box that had a 40 lb. sack of catfood in it and getting it out of the box and into the house I pulled that muscle in my right lower quadrant again.  Seems like there's always something.  I haven't even opened the box with the cases of cat and dog food in it - they're heavy but I can break the cases and bring in the cans a few at a time.  This getting "mature" is not always easy.

    Mickey was bellowing like crazy yesterday and again today - very interested in Evan's mom - Penny.  Evan was hungry and they wouldn't let her alone long enough for him to nurse so I let her in with the other cow.  Had a hard time getting Evan in because he was scared of Mickey and the other little bulls.  Guess I took a chance but opened the gate and went out and got him in after I'd gotten the bulls away as far as I could.  Mickey just stood and looked at me.  I don't think he knows what to make of me.  I really wouldn't feel comfortable being on foot out in the pasture - I don't think he'd bother me but you never know about a bull.  Usually if I get pretty close to him in the Gator he turns around and leaves.

     Didn't hear from Sarah today - yesterday she was thinking seriously about going to the hospital.

     It's been a warm day here but there's still some snow on the north side of the house.  It's been very windy so wasn't pleasant to be outside unless you were out of the wind.

     Almost time for bed so I'll say goodnight.  Hope you all sleep well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Day, I hope you feel better soon!  

    Our local Ralph's sells roasted Brussels sprouts in the deli section, they're tasty.

    Marie, I hope you find an appropriate placement for your dad.

    Lorita, I hope your cow's hoof is improving. That's a lot of weight on those hoofs.


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Lorita wrote:

    Life is hard sometimes but when you have friends like all of you, it's easier.  Thank you for listening and for the prayers.

    Dear friends, i have not posted much since mid-week, basically overwhelmed at some personal tragedies unfolding that I pray will be redirected from the worst case, God willing. I did not want to post off topic on a really terrible, message. But once again this forum, especially this front porch circle is amazingly in tune with my life right now. I logged on briefly a few days ago just to read, too distressed to air my deep pain and fear, and it seemed like Lorita and others were already speaking for me. I was and am right there in a super sad place, though hopeful for miracles.

    I won’t try to detail all that has occurred here but will say, I did add Sarah and others to my prayer list Wednesday and ask you - all who believe and are reading this - to please pray for my family as well. Multiple crises but the worst is my only sibling was in a horrific accident, and is fighting for his life. So eerie to see the other forum posts today about runaway drivers causing fatal crashes, and dementia loved ones unsure about limiting driving. Though we don’t know what impairment was behind the high speed, head on collision, it puts the issue in clear perspective. Tons of metal capable of high rates of speed, can ruin lives and harm entire families in an instant.  Thank you for being here and for caring about each other’s ups and downs. 

    Wishing everyone as much safety, health, and peace as possible this week and in the future
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Butterfly so sorry for your pain. 

     38F, 3C this morning.  Suppose to get up to 56 today but still quite windy.

    JoC think today is when your husband has his surgery.  Hope things go well for him.

    Day hope you feel better today.  Is this the day your new schedule begins?

    Lorita my petunias are in the house under light.  May get warm enough this week that I can put them out on porch some.

    Marie hopes something works out for your dad and mom.

    Made tortillas with avocado oil yesterday.  They turned out really nice.  Think I’ve got the hang of them.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Well, that was a good start for Monday.  Wrote a fairly long post, started to scroll downo and it disappeared.  Hope the week doesn't go that way.

     Butterfly, I'm so sorry for what you're dealing with right now.  You and your brother will be in my prayers for sure.  I can only imagine how worried you must be.  A wreck can happen so fast - just a few seconds of distraction and people's lives can be changed forever.  I hope he improves quickly - please let us know.

     Jo - if this is the day for your husband's surgery I hope everything goes well and his recovery is swift. 

     Zetta - I bet you're home now all snuggled up with Sammy and Molly. Maybe you'll feel like posting later today to tell us about your trip.  Glad you're home safe and sound.

     Sara - I've never used avocado oil - does it add a good flavor to things?  I use olive oil sometimes but mostly canola.  Hope it warms up enough so your petunias can be outside in the sunshine.  I've had petunias in the bathtub before and by the middle to late part of the summer they got very leggy.  I cut them back about half and they were beautiful again.  Makes me want to have some again this year.

     Nothing going on here today.  We're supposed to have heavy storms later today so Daniel and his crew will be here tomorrow.  Everything except washer and dryer is back inside and they'd have to take it out and back again so it will be quiet today.  He promised they'll finish this week.  I certainly hope so - I'm worn out with what amounts to living out of a suitcase.

     Took down the trash just before sunrise this morning and got back just as the red sun came up.  Warm and windy this morning - 54 right now.  Girls are still confused about the time and day.  Did see little Casper and Evan laying close together.  I'm so glad they have each other.

     Still pushing water and CB juice.  I feel better this morning and slept well after I put Sammy in the bathroom and closed the door.  They're all asleep now including the GPs who stayed outside last night.  Every morning when I go out Stormy's by the fence watching the girls.

     Just had MOM and toast and juice for breakfast - sort of miss my tea but I'll leave it alone for a few days.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Ron, when's your next appointment so you can find out what happened with your test.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Dad update:

    He is in private hospital ...until discharge...if medicare will not continue their payment.

    Have been either on the phone or searching on the computer for places since before 8 am today.

    Have 1 place which is sending their nurse to evaluate him for their facility...not much confidence that they will accept him.

    Have had case manager send a referral to another place which is just skilled nursing facility, but have not heard more.

    Also contacted a better skilled nursing facility further away and they are waiting for the referral before comitting that they will take him.

    So many calls I have drained the battery on one portable phone and am on the second one.

    Hospital removed 24/7sitter yesterday evening and my father was able to get out of his safety mitts, undress, throw all to the floor and attempt to get out of bed.  

    Every update from granddaughter who has been at hospital all day is more distressing.  Daughter now arriving there to take over as granddaughter has to leave.  Daughter will stay there with mother until mother leaves and can stay at home with mother if necessary.  Mother distressed to leave bedside even to eat.

    I keep thinking there must be more I can, should or could be doing.  Got to take a meal break as my head is pounding from not eating.

    Thank you all for your care and concern.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Loveskitties - sounds like you're doing all you can.  Like with my sister, you might find someone on the next call.  But, you also need to rest a while and have something to eat.  Someone is with your dad so that's one thing you don't have to worry about right now.  I Hope you find something soon.   Do they have a discharge date or will they keep him until you all can find placement?

     Well, decided I'd call the doctor's office and see if he'd write a prescription for me without seeing him.  The nurse was gone but just called me back - he needs to see me first so have an appt. tomorrow at 2:30.  With the bad weather they're completely booked up today.  Still drinking lots of water and cranberry juice but took another AZO test and it was positive for leukocytes.  I'll also have him look at my wrist while I'm there.  I don't want to leave the workers here while I'm gone so guess I'll call Daniel and ask him to wait to come until Wednesday - that'll put them into next week before they finish.  If they'd get here at 8 they could work until noon and leave but usually don't get here until 9 or 9:30.

     It's cloudy and windy here and pretty cool.  Supposed to rain and maybe some strong storms tonight but mostly a little south of us.

     Zetta - are you home?

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita-I think it’s a good thing you have that appointment tomorrow.  If the AZO test was positive you probably have a pretty good infection going.  As we always tell people on the board, make sure they do a culture too in case there is a specific antibiotic you need.

    I feel human again and it’s a good thing because I have my finger surgery next week and I’ve already taken time off for it.  No fever today at all.  I’m going to make sure I get lots of sleep this week.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Yes Lorita,  I am back home. I got home Sunday afternoon and last night while I was reading and catching up on post I hit some key and shrunk my screen down so small I could not read it and I had no idea how to fix it so I had to wait till my son got home from work today to fix it. I am glad to be home but now I really miss the kids and the puppy. Molly and Sammy were very glad too see me I was very glad to see them. Today was a lazy day they were both on my lap most of the day. Tomorrow I need to get back to normal things. 

    Iris,   I had a cat years ago I had no idea he had teeth problems he was a indoor outdoor cat and when I discovered the problem it was too late they were all abscessed and the cat was 17 years old I just had the vet take him out of his misery.  I felt so bad after that I blamed myself for not catching it sooner.  Sounds like you have done a lot of traveling and spent a lot of time on long flights. I am not a traveler but I really enjoyed the long flight I was on I enjoyed it just as much as the trip its self. The plane was so big and comfy, not like the one I took to Arizona. I guess the short trips I may take will just call for smaller planes. 

    Ron.   I am glad your stress test results came back good. You take such good care of Lou, please find time for yourself. I know that is easier said then done but I think you need a lot of rest. 

    Jo.  How is your husband feeling after his surgery? You both are in my prayers. 

    Butterfly.  You and your brother are also in my prayers I am so sorry for how you must be feeling. Please remember we are here for you. 

    Marie.   You your Mom and Dad are also in my prayers. I sure hope they find a good place for your Dad. It is not fair that it takes so long and searching to find a place. I was lucky with my DH senior services found a place right here in our small town and it had a bed open. My prayers were answered. Yours will be too. 

    Day.   After reading all the post it sounds like your starting to feel better, get rest stay warm and eat lots of the soup you made. Soup makes a body feel good. 

    Lorita,   How is Sarah doing?  How are her test coming along?  I really hope she allows someone to give her the care she needs. I was pretty tired yesterday my flight from Phoenix departed at 6am so I had to get up at 3am so the kids could get me to the airport it is a hour drive from their house. The airport was so crowded but everyone had a mask on. Airport rules and plane rules everyone had to be masked. We got to take them off long enough to eat or drink the beverages that were served to us. But right back on when done. I hope your feeling better and please let us know as soon as you get home from the doctor tomorrow what the outcome was.  

    Good Night All, Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    51F, 11C.  Very pretty day yesterday but quite windy at times.  Did get to put petunias out on porch and I sat on the porch and listened to the red wing black birds.  Enjoyed listening to them.

    Lorita avocado oil has no flavor at all.  

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Dr. said stress test was normal and go to ER anytime I have episodes of tachycardia. Still no explanation of what causes tachycardia or the low blood pressure during stress test. I'm tired of test and ER visits with no explanations. Guess it's time to live till I die and forget everything else!

    Lou has been sleeping a lot more lately but during her time not asleep, has been relative calm. I'm hoping our trip to TX in a couple of weeks will go ok. My brother said they were planning a get together the Saturday before we come back home where our son and family and nieces and nephews can visit.

    We had a good rain last night and very foggy this morning. Sister will be going back home later today.

    Hope everyone has a good day!


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Good morning or afternoon all. 

    I am still turned around with the time change since my mind was on family emergency and the daylight savings tradition missed me completely! I could not understand why a couple of the clocks were off by an hour though...finally fixed it yesterday. Sheesh. I will have to pull myself together. Truly seems like I'm in an alternate universe right now. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for the prayers and kind words. We are still watching and praying hard. 

    Jfkoc - agreed, His eye is on the sparrow. One of my all time favorite songs! Did you get someone to take your yarn and knitting needles? I donated lots of yarn years ago to one of the Cancer Centers and their senior volunteers knitted hats for recent chemo patients. They said it gave even wheelchair bound elders who knit, a real purpose and yet the supplies were free.

    Lorita - I notice you mentioned the guys not feeding the cows in the dark and that's when it finally clicked for me! Also, I wondered if that was maybe why DH was a little more cranky. (Understatement). He definitely was affected, even to the point of having to increase his meds temporarily. I thought it was maybe him sensing my distress, so maybe it was both.

    Loveskitties - Migraines - me too. For many days now. Hoping your headache has disappeared and that the stress you are under will improve at least a bit. You are doing the absolute best you can, in such a tough situation. Glad to see the family support but it still is so tough. Sending you hugs and loads of love and light. Whew! I have one PWD and it feels like there is not even time to hear myself think as my dear mother used to say (when her 2 crumb-crushers were talking her ears off...at the same time!). Bless you for your attention to both your mom and dad's needs. Hoping for a great solution very soon.

    JoC - I hope your DH is recovering well. I am afraid of eye surgery. Such a visual person I don't know how I'd handle it if something went wrong and I couldn't see. I know your other senses adjust, but I'd just be super scared to do something unless it was mandatory. I know many people have cataract removal or lasix and are very pleased with the results. I'm a chicken.

    Day - So sorry you were feeling under the weather, and glad you are well now. Sounds like it was that magic soup! And the all important rest, of course. It is good you are recovered. Would your surgery have had to be rescheduled if you had a fever or something at the time? Perish the thought. You have worked so hard to coordinate everything with work etc., so hoping all goes as planned. How great that you have home-based work you enjoy and are great at, and that you can adjust the schedule plus have promotion options to your liking. That's getting rare it seems.

    Sayra - Handcrafted tote bags, homegrown petunias, and homemade tortillas. That's the dream! You are retirement goals, for me. I was noshing (sp) I think that's snacking, right? off of misc. leftovers (was that last week already?) and pulled together just enough odds and ends for a great taco salad for me and DH. Vegan ground "meat", tomato, onion, cilantro, lettuce, avocado, salsa -- but no chips! Aargh! I immediately thought about the tortillas you mentioned a few weeks ago. What a coincidence to see you have perfected them now.

    OK, hitting the pause button to help DH with something. Will be back soon if all goes well...

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Butterfly - crumbcrushers!  That'a a new one for me. Charles called kids curtain climbers, rug rats and table apes.  He loved kids but that's just something he said - not to them though. 

     I'm not used to the time change either and won't be for a while.  I feel like it's time for bed and it isn't and I think that's turned around.  Had the hardest time trying to decide what time I should set the alarm for on Sunday morning. 

     They fed at the right time - maybe 15 min. early this morning because this is the day they set out hay and it takes longer.  I didn't have to call the girls down - when I went out on the porch they were already going and that was half an hour before they fed. 

     Felt pretty rocky this morning but feel a little better now.  I won't leave here to see the doctor for another hour and I think I'll just see him, get my script if there is one and come home - don't feel like fooling around in the store.  I've enjoyed the CB juice but I googled it and it can cause diarrhea if you drink more than usual - and it did.    Goodness, feel like I'm falling apart. 

     It's a pretty day here but a little bit chilly.  Ron, I think you must have had rain and maybe even a few thunderstorms last night.  We didn't get anything here but they did in southern Okla.

     Sara - glad those petunias got some sunshine yesterday - that'll make them grow like weeds.

     Zetta - glad you're home and safe and sound.  Now to rest up from the vacation!  I bet Sammy and Molly won't let you out of their sight - afraid you'll leave again.

     I hate going to the doctor even though I really like him.  You'd think after working with and around doctors all my work years I wouldn't feel that way - but I do.  I have white-coat syndrome so everything's elevated when I'm checked.

     Loveskitties - I hope things will go better for you today.  Somewhere there's just the right place - just to find it.

     Day - glad your finger is feeling better.  Is that place still growing?  I know you'll be glad to get that over with.

     Guess I'd better stop and find something to eat before I go and then go. 

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Back again, it really is so nice just relaxing on the front porch for a few minutes with friends.

    Zetta - Glad all the technology for your flights and travel worked well. Now that you're home safely, it sounds like the mysterious computer leprechauns struck again. Shrinking the font/type size and screens is their speciality! I also had the entire screen color scheme change mysteriously once. The entire page was black instead of a lighter neutral, and the words were light yellow - it was hard on the eyes and drove me nuts until I got it figured out. Sometimes you can just type your question into the google search bar and access a YouTube tutorial to help get you out of dutch. Or, ask next generation as you did! What would we do without them.

    Beth - I see comments about your gardening advice - Parks - that I missed in my distraction last week. So I will search back to catch up. Still apprenticing this summer with the green thumb experts here on the front porch, though I am on standby to help family as soon as we know what the future weeks and months will look like for my ICU LO. I may not be planting much, if I will only neglect it (more than usual given my DH's wandering ways that require an eagle eye). Don't want to be wasteful. I am also looking for good short term respite options asap for DH, given the turn of events. 

    Iris - What a caring pet owner you are. Though I've heard that cats own us, if we are lucky, not the other way around. That's probably right, from what I've seen. If only I were not so allergic to cats! I love their purrsonalities (could not resist) and overall cool spirits. Would have had both dogs and cats I'm sure, but I can walk into a house or sit down in a car and you can tell its a cat family by my allergic reactions. Have done that a few times and it was funny when I recovered the next day, but miserable at the time. Funny because I'm sure I looked a hot mess: sneezy, wheezy, eyes puffing up, getting rashy/itchy, and nose running like a faucet. I'd be suspected of covid for sure, if that happened today. But nope, for some reason I just can't be near darling cats, and breathe OK. 

    Also, your travels sound wonderful. Good for you! I'm glad you can continue to explore even post cognitive changes. From what I hear about the brain impacts of covid, even mild cases, we will have a lot to learn from your life experiences and discoveries as a medical professional navigating and overcoming memory issues etc. Courage and insight. Honestly, you encourage me to put my big girl pants on every day. That's the truth. This being Women's History Month, I'm actually thinking there is a who's who of she-ros right here on this front porch in my opinion. Every last one of you, navigating the most challenging of diseases, plus all the other things life throws at us, while carrying someone/s else to safety. Maybe we can keep the team trophy by one of the rocking chairs, and share a toast one day soon. I remember seeing something about bubbles recently.

    Ron - Glad you are looking out for your own health as you take such great care of your DW. I am not doing that, and 3.5 years of 24/7 caregiving is wearing so I know that is risky. I am searching for a reliable aide so I can leave the house for my basic annual appointments this year. Though I hear you - that test sounded like a doozy, only to not really hear anything new? But sounds like you are at least getting neutral news, not bad, so yay! Do you have your dancing shoes picked out yet? May you and your forever bride dance anytime the spirit moves you this anniversary year. Glad things are calm at home for now. 

    OK - I should have been napping while DH did earlier, but missed the special magic that stopping by the front porch provides. My headache even stopped for this time period, I am noticing. You all are good medicine

    Lorita - echoing what others have said: you created this wonderful, priceless, thread and miraculous front porch. You set the tone for so much compassion and comraderie -- adding my sincere appreciation. So thankful we are for your vision and your storytellers' spirit. And most of all, your sincere virtual friendship. I am glad for your appointment too. Good move. You know they say, your can't pay dividends out of a bankrupt corporation, and I'm reminded of that every day on these boards as everyone is called to do SO much at all times. How wise of you to arrange to shift your role with the workload so you don't have to do all the heavy lifting but can still enjoy the home, animals, and land you love so much. Yet get away as needed, to take care of you. Win, win, win!

    Thank you again everyone for all the prayers and positive energy for my family and all the families we know about (and don't know about) around the world. I'm grateful to be part of this special circle. Enjoy the rest of your day! I will check back when I can and try to chime in before it is a complete novel next time.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Butterfly, what a wonderful post. I'm so glad you've decided to join us on the porch along with so many other great people - from all walks of life and all professions and vocations.  It's a diverse group but we're all friends and care so much for each other.Every morning I look forward to reading the early morning posts - Sara always posts early.  Then two or three times during the day I check to see who has posted and worry when I don't see posts from everyone.  Just an old mother hen, I guess.

     I made it to the doctor's appointment.  He always asks me what's going on, Dixie, when he comes in.  He had the test done and there is a little infection so gave me some medicine to take for 14 days - Macrobid 100 mg. - got the generic Nitrofurantin.  Huge capsules.  Even with my good insurance - CHAMPVA and medicare it was still $14.00 so no telling how much it would have been without them.  I have to go back on April 5 for lab work so  he'll decide if I need more tests, etc., then.

     I told him I'd fallen again and sort of bent back my wrist - he asked if it turned black and blue - it didn't so figures it's okay.  He said he had fallen a little while back.  He's 75 or 76 himself.  He fell face down with his cellphone against his chest.  Said he thought he'd broken a rib but hadn't -fell flat on his face and skinned his nose.  He said he fell on tiles.  I've gone to that clinic since I was a little kid - gone through three doctors now.  They were all Osteopaths.  I've never had a PCP other than an Osteopath except for a couple of visits with an MD who used to work at the VA - and referrals for this or that.

     The pharmacy is in the same little group of businesses so left the prescription and decided I'd go to the grocery store while I waited for it to be filled.  Not many people in there except a man and woman and a little kid came in just after I did.  The little girl was coughing so I went the other way.  No masks even though it says they're recommended - even the checkers don't wear them.  Everyone at the doctor's office was masked.  One man came in and said he'd forgotten his so they gave him one.  Shoot, forgot - I was going to weigh when I got home to see home to see how different the doctor's and my scales are - usually 3-4 lbs. 

     When I got home after loading all that stuff into the PU and then unloading it on the front porch , I was worn out.  Still had to fill the water tank and wipe down everything. Got that done and everything put away except for the vegetables.  I'll bring them in after a bit and wash all of them before I put them in the refrigerator.  Believe it or not the one refrigerator held everything I bought - usually two of everything like cottage cheese, yogurt and OJ.  Found some more of those delicious sweet rolls - Lone Star I believe the brand is.  They actually had the brand of frozen potatoes I like except only had steak fries so got tater tots instead.  I haven't had a tater tot for years.  So, not going to do anything else today - now, if I can get Stormy off the divan I can rest a bit - after I get the vegetables in.

     I was gone longer than I thought I would be and Stormy was excited beyond belief when I got home.   I'm worried that Max (cat) might have a urinary tract problem himself.  I see him trying to go to the bathroom but not much there - did look like a little blood this morning.  I'll watch - seems to feel all right and is eating.

     Butterfly, sorry you're allergic to cats - they're such sweet pets but some (like Sammy and Lilly) are so rambunction.  Completely different personality from Max and Kitt. 

     I heard something or almost heard it on the world news tonight - something about not having the two time changes anymore.  Jack called just as they were telling it so didn't hear.  Did any of you hear that?  When I got to the doctor's office I turned off my phone and forgot to turn it back on until I was home for half an hour or so.  He had called to check on me.  I'm convinced he's relieved and glad to have someone check on him.  He says he tells me things he's never told anyone else.  They've been back in Oklahoma for 30 years so looks like he might have made friends in that time.  But, guess it was just he and Patsy like it was just Charles and I most of the time.

     Hope everyone is okay this evening.  Seems odd that it's after 7 p.m. and the sun is still up. 

     Enjoy the evening and sleep well.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Update on Dad:

    Another seesaw day of dealing with the medical system and now Medicare.

    Medicare denied appeal so Dad has to either be discharged by noon Wed. or start paying for hospital out of pocket.

    The thing is, have found good place near me and they came for personal eval today and at 1 pm said they could take him Wed.  When I left the hospital thought everything was good.  However, hospital and new facility agreed that he needs a hospital bed at the facility and he cannot be transported until bed is actually in place.  That started a whole new round of calls to the world to try to delay Medicare edict by at least 24 hours or to get a bed there  in time for Wed. discharge.  Of course every call I made, no one answered and had to leave a detailed message and then go thru it all again when they returned call.

    I guess some of my efforts made a difference as my mother got a call from the medical equipment people and it will be delivered Wed.  just not sure what time.

    On top of all that, my mother is not good with the idea that he will be so far from her and she will not be able to see him every day.  I tried to tell her, the first priority was to get him into a good safe environment first.  I told her we would get a car service if necessary to drive her between her home and his facility (1 1/2 hrs. each way) if necessary since none of us can be on the road every day.  We even discussed her getting a hotel room across the street for a few days each week until we can see how things go before making any other big changes.

    My mother is driving me, my daughter and son to the brink.  We keep reminding ourselves and each other how difficult it is for her, but that does not help the emotional roller coaster she keeps us on.  God willing, He will give us the strength to deal with each issue that comes up and each day as it presents itself, and enough strength to do it another day.

    Thanks for listening and offering your prayers and support.  It means the world to me to know that there are others who understand.

    Hugs to all,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    43F, 6C.  Was warm yesterday but cloudy a lot of the day.  Think it is suppose to be sunny today.

    Butterfly taco salad has been one of my favorites since a child.

    Marie hope things work out for you Wednesday.

    Sounds like you got quite a bit done yesterday Lorita.

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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