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Just need to talk to my friends (167)



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita...Lorita...what are we going to do with you?

    While we all hate to see that age takes away our ability to do things we have always done with no ill effects...we have to adjust to it.

    While you have handed over some of the big chores you still do more than most younger folks.

    Please have a sign made and post at the drive, that all deliveries are to be made to the front porch.  You (nor I for that matter) should be trying to handle the large heavy deliveries you get.  I have learned that I sometimes have to breakdown the contents into small easy to carry bits...more trips into the house but saves from straining and related issues.

    Please be forceful about getting in to see doc soonest.  Am sure he can help you with the issues...and maybe give you advice on how to prevent them.

    Beyond feeding yourself and the fur babies, there is nothing you absolutely have to do.

    Rest, rest, rest...is the order of the day.  lol

    Ok, enough from me and my soapbox....we all care deeply for you and want you feeling better soonest.


  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Loreta, The  instructions just say to apply a thin layer of the Voltaren over the affected area.  I use it on her shoulder, hip and sometimes knees as necessary. One of those big tubes lasts about three months.

    Speaking of rain, my back pasture is flooded about half way up from the branch and it’s still pouring.  Cowboy saw this coming I guess and moved his cows to the other side of the branch yesterday.  He had  about 20 heifers separated from the herd in there.  He turned his bulls loose on the herd and don’t want them going after the heifers because they are still too small.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara and others interested in gardening for vegetables:  When you buy a head of lettuce - preferably not iceberg although that may work - cut off the end and stick it in water. It will begin to grow. Then plant it in the ground. I have two of those leaf lettuce that I just planted in my garden and am hoping it isn't going to get too cold but if so, nothing lost and I'll try again later. You can do this with celery too, and maybe other veg. as well. Fun to watch.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    I am chiming in with your other friends. You have been having a lot of "aches and pains". You need to take a list with you to the Dr. and discuss them all. Head, EBV, hand, condritus, eyes, chest pain etc. You might also go over your diet with him. From what you write you may need to add some protein....just to balance out the peach cobbler and home made bread.

    I would also get the lab work done that he ordered. There is no reason to put that off and he really needs it. 

    Additionally in light of the fact that your whole life has changed and your house is torn up I would discuss depression. 

    I always think of it like a puzzle and the Dr needs as many pieces as possible to diagnose  so do not leave anything out no matter if you think it is not relevent.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Lorita,

    I am chiming in with everyone else, please please go see your doctor. Like others have said you have had more than a few issues to deal with. I also agree with Judith, depression could have a lot to do with the way you're feeling. You have been through a lot of things in the past few months that could depress a lot of us. We all care about you. So today sit back with your babies and a cup of tea and watch Gunsmoke and call your doctor. Thats what I am doing right now, I have iced tea.  

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Lorita, really good that you are planning to get into the doctor asap; and please, please get those labs done - no more excuses regarding that; it is long overdue.

     Judith is really on spot.  I too have been concerned about your diet - especially in the possibility that you are lacking an adequate amount of protein which is very important.  I think that a female over 19 years of age is to have 46 gms of protein intake per day.  If there is a way to gain a consult with a Registered Dietician, that would be optimal, especially being a vegetarian and living alone.  Sometimes we can get such a consult online.  If it is not to be, then using Mr. Google to look up best plans for a vegetarian with that information coming from a Registered Dietician or other valid source could be helpful.  Just downing a vitamin pill is not going to do it, although B12 is a concern for a vegetarian.  Hopefully the vitamins are in date for use, but you will not be getting all the important substances found in food and the protein.  Protein powder not an acceptable way to get it.  Lots of foods you can have that come with a good amount of protein.  The Kaiser Permenente booklet in the second link is chock-a-block full of great information and food listings.  Just keep scrolling down, down, down.



     I have no way to know for sure, but it does not sound as though your hip pain may have possibly been caused by not sitting with your leg straight. In many instances, especially at such an age in life, it will be a degeneration of bone in the hip joint itself.  Sometimes having Interventional Radiology inject the joint will be very helpful and can be long lasting.  Other times, a hip replacement may become necessary.   You will want that joint seen in a scan, it will tell the truth about what is going on in the joint and which way to go.  A regular x-ray will not be as forthcoming.  NOTE:  You want to avoid having a hip fracture, so it is really necessary to pay attention to what is happening.

    Marie's idea of putting a sign out at the front of the property to have items delivered to the porch is a very good one.  It is no longer a positive for you to be hauling  and lifting and dragging, etc.  As it is, you are picking up more and more to do for the herd; that was supposed to be avoided.  It is work of the heart with love for the animals, but it may be time to begin to think of the effect upon your body . . . it has been one thing after another and another, rinse and repeat.  The body is telling you something.  Want to keep you well and in good stead.

     Also; Judith has a good concern there, the idea of some depression to one degree or another may be in play.  You have had so many changes and so much happening, and you are far removed from others putting you in a sort of isolation, that is all something to talk to the doctor about.  It may be temporary/situational, but still - good to talk and see what it feels like with conversation.  You  are an amazing person, but even amazing persons need some care too.

    As for the costochondritis; that may be actually what is continuing to bother you; BUT, at this age, be certain that the doctor also does an EKG in the office to get a baseline.  Sometimes having a cardiac workup with a stress test can be helpful if the physician feels that would be appropriate.   Not saying that is what would happen for you; just throwing thoughts out there. 

    Voltaren - it is in the category of an NSAID.   If not used with caution in line with the doctor's instructions or the instructions that come with the med, it can be dangerous; there is also a list of potential side effects and if over the use amount of for prolonged periods, it can even become deadly serious.  Also got to look out for the liver and kidneys.  It, like any other gel or cream, gets absorbed into the body.  It can also interact with other prescription and OTC meds.  Use with caution and only as instructed. 

    Gosh, I do not like being such a nay-sayer/warner; glad jfkoc was able to contribute.  We really deeply care.

     As for poor Jack and the Monster drink.   So hope he can be talked out of drinking that - it is super hyper loaded with caffeine and yes; some people have had dreadful outcomes from drinking that.  In no way is that doing him any favors and may be doing him some negatives.   Wonder why he started on that and wonder if he knows the problem issues with it. 

    I am needing to go; have a time for a phone call with the City Manager, some ideas for  city planning.  Nice fellow and he has done a great job for the city.   Please take good care one and all,



  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    It’s out, I’m typing with one hand.  The mystery continues as to what it is until the pathology comes back.  It wasn’t immediately identifiable visually and it also couldn’t come out in one piece, as it had burrowed ( or maybe started) in the tendon and it took a while to get the pieces out.  They wrote a script for a few Norco, but I have no intention of filling it unless the pain becomes unbearable and it’s nowhere near that.  I need to go to the drug store tomorrow and find a better bandage and tape because the one I have is already unraveling and I have to keep covered and dry for 2 weeks till the stitches come out.  I already have a supply of arm bags to use in the shower.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Day, glad to hear that your hand surgery is over and you are not experiencing any great pain.

    By the way, you type very well with one hand...lol.

    Prayers that pathology comes back clear with nothing unexpected.

    Wishing you speedy and complete recovery.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     I wrote my long post, clicked on one of Jo's links and it disappeared so I'll condense it and try again.

     I so appreciate the concern all of you have for me - nice to be cared for .  I do have an appointment with my doctor Thursday at 1:30.  I can't get my lab work that day because it's fasting.  Lab work is scheduled in two weeks.  I imagine he'll x-ray my hip and may do an EKG.  Judith, like you, I always make a list of things I want to discuss with my doctor so I won't forget anything.  He's very easy to talk with and takes time with his patients.

     I realize I have had a lot of stress the last few months and have had a life change.  Things will get back to normal when I get the work on the house finished and that should only be three days when Daniel gets well and the weather permits.  I'm really not doing anything with the girls except filling water tanks and watching them.  I'd be far worse off if I couldn't do that.

      A couple of visits ago I asked my doctor about antidepressants and he wrote a script for me.  The medicine is in the cabinet.  I haven't taken it because of what happened when I took them years ago. I started taking them and in a few days my hands began to shake.  I told my doctor and she said to increase them - it got worse and I stopped taking them.  I probably should try these - may be better since it's been many years ago when I took them.

    Jo - I'm a Lacto-ova vegetarian instead of a vagen.  I do eat eggs and lots of dairy products along with legumes so I think I'm getting enough protein. I've been eating like this for probably 25 years.  I will read the rest of the links you posted though to get more ideas.  Another thing that I think has bothered me this week is being without caffeine.  I drink a couple of big cups of hot tea every day and at least one 16 oz. Pepsi a day.  I remember years ago when Charles and I stopped drinking coffee - we had the worst headaches you could imagine.

     I realize I have aches and pains but I'm 79 and have had a couple of falls in the past few months - first falling on my left shoulder, then the right.  I injured my right shoulder years ago reaching over the front seat to get something out of the back seat.  Injured my knee 55 years ago and it bothers me from time to time. 

    One good thing - my wrist is better.  Thanks, Extex, I'll try using the cream like you said.

     About Jack and his Monster drinks.  I had no idea what they were - just saw the ads on the shirts and bucking chutes at the rodeos.  Don't know why he decided to try them.  He did tell me his daughter told him they weren't good for him.  I will reinforce that.  He says they make him much more alert - makes him remember things and makes him feel better - but no sleep.  He probably doesn't know there's so much caffeine in them.   He got a new phone today and he's excited about that which is probably good for him to foel good about something.  

     Twenty minutes later:  Jack called trying out his phone and trying to learn how to use it.  He told me he bought ten of those Monster drinks and had drunk all of them and guess he bought half a dozen more and has them.  I told him not to drink those - that they were bad for his heart.  He doesn't care if he has a heart attack and dies but doesn't want to have a stroke so I told him that could happen from too much caffeine so he said he wouldn't drink more.  Who knows.  Sounds kind of hopped up tonight but maybe it's just from getting the new phone.

     Again, thank you all for your concern.  I'll be fine.  I'm resting and now doing much right now.  Time for bed so I'll stop for tonight.  Sleep well.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello everyone!

    Rescue Mom, I had big trouble with my income taxes several years ago.  The IRS grabbed $8,000 from my savings account.  Apparently the bank had no choice but to comply.  I finally contracted with a tax company that deals with troubled taxes, and they caught me up.

    Cats have scent glands on their faces and will rub them on people and things that they like.  I had one cat who hugged my neck the way a small child would.  I had another cat who liked to sit in front of the refrigerator--I finally figured out that he wanted some milk!  My current cat Simon is my "pistol" cat--or at least he was.  He was always climbing and running and getting into everything--he was the stereotypical curious cat.  But now he is slowing down--he is 17 or 18 years old.

    Day, I hope your finger pathology turns out to be unremarkable and definitely not needing further treatment!  I also hope your pain resolves quickly.

    Sayra, I planted celery once; it never got higher than about three inches.

    BethL, thanks for the tip about growing lettuce.  I only need one or two leaves at a time, so when I buy a head, a lot goes wasted.

    Jo C, I can't think of the endocrinologist name right now, when I do, I will let you know.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, your SIL was so fortunate that she wasn't alone.  I'm glad she is healing.  Do you remember a few years ago, two women were mountain biking on a trail in OC, a mountain lion knocked one of the women off her bike, and was beginning to drag her away.  The other woman had to throw the bicycle to get the mountain lion to stop and retreat.  This was in the days before many cell phones.  The woman was very injured but survived.

    Years ago, when I was a child visiting my relatives down south, I came across a cotton mouth snake.  Fortunately it didn't bite me, but opened its mouth and showed its fangs and cotton mouth.  None of the adults had warned me about snakes until after the fact.  Then they warned about cottonmouths, which have deadly venom.

    Your SIL was doing a good deed with the baby snake.  I did a good deed with a pit bull once.  My neighbor had told me it was okay to pet her dog, which I did, and the dog seemed to like it.  Another day, when my neighbor was not present, I reached down to pet the dog and she snapped at me!  Fortunately for me, I was wearing gloves, so the dog's teeth caught my glove and not my finger!  That was a close call!  No more strange dog or pit bull petting for me!

    I had a concierge doctor for about a year.  She is in your area and you might know of her.  At that time she was solo.  This was in the beginning of my medical evaluation for memory loss.  I decided I had to return to my previous doctors.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Hi cobbers,

    Well, my eye surgery was 10 days ago. I had both upper eyelids lifted, so they no longer cover the iris; and the lower on the left tightened so that it is now in the right place, instead of hanging a quarter of an inch below where it should have been. It has been very uncomfortable, with everything swollen, and a feeling like gravel against each eyeball. I am using icepacks regularly, trying to get the swelling down, and lots of sprays trying to keep the eyes moisturised. That helps with the gritty feeling. I couldn't read for several days, and even now have to restrict the time.

    Before the op, I had several weeks with the sort of pain around the hip and butt that Lorita is talking about. My physiotherapist diagnosed it as gluteal [ie of the butt] tendonitis. I'm not sure whether the tendons were stretched too far, or were just inflamed or what. Apparently it is relatively common in ladies of our age group and of my extra weight. Anyway, he prescribed simple exercises, and provided I keep up with the exercises, the pain is well under control. I hope Lorita has the same simple explanation. You can find the exercise on You Tube.

    While I was physically restricted, I spent some time writing fiction -- so there is another book, Lorita. You can find the details here    http://linktr.ee/Barbara.Randell

    While I could not read nor write on the computer, I have been clearing out cupboards. It was so hard for me to manage after DH's death, I decided I had to make it easier for the kids in the future. Excess sheets, towels, lots of books eg cookery books I haven't used in years, Lots more to go, but I have promised myself I will keep going!!!

    Should go and do ironing, have been looking at it since Saturday. A job I do not like! thinking of you all. Barbara

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Continued:  (I didn't want my posts to be too long so as to get lost.)

    Lorita, animals are a lot of work!  I had to feed my cat Adam soft food for a week after his teeth cleaning and extractions.  That meant that I had to feed ALL of them soft foods so he wouldn't be tempted by the dry food.  Buying extra canned food, including Gerber's baby food, and feeding them three to four times a day, wore me out!  I am so glad I can just put down dry food now.  But this will be temporary, because regular dry cat food contributes to bad teeth in cats.  They need meat.  I bought some meat for cats it's in the refrigerator.  I have to remember to take it out in the morning.

    Both Voltaren and generic diclofenac are available over-the-counter at my local CVS store, although for different prices.  I have used it in the past for my knee with good pain relief.  What gave me the most pain relief was losing weight, getting below 140 lbs at 5' 3".  My knee pain was so bad, I was considering knee replacement, now that is not even a consideration!

    Have you ever used a TENS unit?  I used one for my back and had good relief.  I had to have a prescription but I see them OTC at CVS now.  You might ask your doctor about that. 

    When I sleep on my side, my left hip hurts.  I was told to sleep with a pillow between my knees to keep my hips aligned.  I did try that, but ti tell you the truth, I don't remember if it helped.  I try to sleep more on my back now, anyway.   Have you tried the pillow between the knees?  Ask the doctor if this might help.

    Regarding the Monster drink and caffeine:  a stroke is a possibility.  A relative had a stroke and was hemiplegic, laying flat on her back, unable to move or care for herself, for almost two years.  Her mind was fully functional.  We have to be cautious about what we eat and drink in our older years because we already have natural risk factors--we don't need to add to them unnecessarily, IMO.

    Last June 1st I had a bad dizzy spell with tachycardia.  For the rest of the year I was busy getting extensive cardiac testing.  But I now believe the cause of the dizzy spell was that I had been on a vegetarian diet with very small portions.  I had been so happy with my weight loss up until then.  I had to go back to eating three meals a day and eating more protein.  My weight is back up.  I'm not happy with this.  Nutrition is very important.  We can get into nutritional ruts.  It happens. 

    Feel better soon,  Lorita!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    48F, 9C.  

    Thank you for checking in Day.  Had been wondering.

    Barb hope your eye continues to heal.

    Beth it will be fun to see what the veggies do.  Let us know.  I don’t buy a lot of lettuce cause like Iris hard for me to use it before it ruins.  I have some volunteers starting to come up I see.  Will just have to see what he weather does.  Things that come up voluntarily are usually tougher.

    Rescue I dehydrated my celery stalks and leaves.  Have used them all winter to season things.  Has worked well.

    Suppose to be a cloudy, windy day.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, what you said about your antidepressants sounded like me. Dr. gave me a prescription one time and it's still up in the shelf, my problem was I was afraid if I took it, I wouldn't stay alert enough if Lou needed me. Also on the hip pain; I have pain often in my left hip. Therapist showed me one time to sit upright, pull my left knee up to my chest, pull it over to the other side and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Their is a nerve that runs down the hollow space in the hip and that is what causes my pain. The exercise helps, but the pain always comes back. 

    I need to learn to stop worrying about things I cant control. Trouble sleeping last night, the VA disability letter I received kept me up. Since nothing I could view on line said anything about "active malignancy ", I contacted primary care to see if they could see the lab done for my review. I was told primary care is not able to see lab work done outside of the VA hospital for service connected disability. The only thing I can guess is that my psa must be going back up. Just wish I could settle down and stay away from the hospital!

    On a positive note, remember the problem I had with the first car I bought and had it recalled the day after I bought it. After giving it back and purchasing a newer Camry, I never received the refund on all the extras I purchased. I finally wrote the owner who ended up calling me. He told me that he already instructed them to refund my fifteen hundred bumper to bumper warranty and would look at the paperwork and refund everything he can .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Ron, I've had people in our age group tell me the only places they go is to the doctor and grocery store.  I see what they mean now.  Looks like your doctor at the VA could tell you what that wording means in your letter.  I wouldn't worry about it because you're getting your tests done on a regular basis and if the PSA was going up I'm sure they would have told you.

     Glad you're finally getting your money back from the first car you bought.  How do you like the one you have now?

     Slept all right last night but not until after MN when I watched some of Frasier's shows.  Tried my best to not sleep on my side but the other hip hurts some so I probably slept on it some.  I have used the pillow between my knees for years but sort of got away from it since I've been out of the bedroom.  I found it a few days ago and have been using it - really does help.

     I'm having a cup of hot tea this morning.  I'll limit it to one big cup (it's like a big soup cup) - tastes good.

     Iris - taking care of cats is a lot of work. I have four to feed in the house so I feed them on paper plates - each one has their own - first canned food, then dry and some dry during the day.  I can't leave it out all the time because Stormy and Sheena also like cat food. 

     Toad and Mike came and fed and set out hay this morning.  I called Mike before he got here to tell him he might better check the creepfeeder to see if the eed needed to be leveled.  I saw them as they were leaving it so don't know what they did.  I didn't feel like climbing up on the three-step stool and leveling it myself.  Girls all came down this morning before they got here to feed and now they're back eating hay.  As I was typing this I remembered I turned on the water to finish filling the tank, didn't set my alarm so it's probably running over.   It was - no wonder my water bill went up.  I'm going to call him Saturday and see if he'll bring the allergy shots and medicine and Vectra for Sheena and Stormy when he comes to feed Sunday morning.  He's done that a few times and it works well - not having to get them in the car and to the vets.  I need to work on getting Sheena into the car this summer.

     Not long after I got up this morning Jack called.  I answered and he said he hadn't meant to call me but did talk a while.  He said he didn't sleep any last night - been trying to learn how to use the phone.  I asked if he drank any of the Monster drinks and he said he hadn't but did have three cups of coffee yesterday.  I don't know why because he's not a coffee drinker.  Again, I warned him about drinking those drinks.  The new phone is driving him crazy - it's a smart phone.  The volume on his old flip phone quit working so he went to WM to get a new one.  They didn't have one but sold him a smart phone.  He said he spent an hour and half with the girl who was trying to teach him how to use it - even wrote down the instructions for him.  He gave her a $20 tip for doing that.  He said he's going back into town today to get her to help him some more.  So, maybe the new phone wasn't a good idea.  he could have called Consumer Cellular and they would have sent him a phone in two days.  I worry about him driving without having sleep.  I did tell him to write down his name and contact information and put it on the refrigerator and inside of front door for the EMTs if they have to come.  No one knows how to get in touch with his daughter so that is needed.  He said he would.

     Day, glad your hand/finger surgery is over and you're on the road to recovery.  Now for the path report.

     Barbara - also glad your eye surgery is over.  Sorry about the feeling of something in your eye - that's an awful feeling.  Sandy had the same surgery a couple of years ago - maybe she'll post and let you know how hers went.

     A new book!  I'll look that up for sure.  I knew there was another book in there somewhere - glad it got written. 

     Stormy and Sheena stayed out last night but are back in now.  Stormy was on the divan and he hadn't laid down his head but his eyes were closed.  He's so sleepy.  Told him to lay down and go to sleep - that he'd worked all night and needed rest.  He's asleep now and I think I'll lay down again.  He's on the floor on his bed.

     Again, thank you all so much for all your suggestions and comments.  I'll make my list today and see him tomorrow.  I don't like the idea of getting old and having problems with my health.  I've always been healthy - never on any regular medication and outside of my knee and a couple of other things have been in good health.  I think all of this is a combination of house stress, trying to decide what to do about the girls and a host of other worries.  Worry is hard on people.  A person couldn't have a family that cared more than all of you do - and it's just not about me.  We all care about each other and wish the best of everything.  We're actually like a family - a family of friends. 



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Lorita....Age does have an effect on our health which is yet another reason to pay attention. Stress and worry also take a toll andlet's not forget losing the most important person in our lives and constant worry about Sarah.

    Your main focus/activity has been removed. You are retired and that is something which has to be delt with. Everyone who retires faces having to find a new focus. I turned to the museum/docentand now the flip house. 

    I had to look up the lacto ovo  thing. I guess the clue is to make certain that you get the minimum daily requirement of protein which does not look hard to do. 

    Speaking of medical...my doc is not happy that I have not gotten my mamo and my bone scan. Also I had an attack of supermarket syndrome yesterday.

    It is a real thing. I went to Whole Foods and was almost physically ill. Came home and googled vestibular/supermarket. Wow, it was real and laid me low with a headache which I never have. OK today. Tomorrow new lenses. Then I am only left with 6 crowns and new hearing aids. I figure around 12K. Hmmmmmmmm.

    No rain today. The air is washed clean and the tulips are saying hello. Buds on a few trees and the pear trees should peak Saturday.

    OK you western program watchers. In the middle of the night I caught Little House on the Prarie and The Waltons. Those will put you right back to sleep.

    Still have yarn and fabric.

    Iris...I turned on the eagle cam at about 7a PT. The baby is growing so fast.

    Barbara....glad you are coming through. I enjoyed your web site and learning a bit more about you. Also glad to read your blog.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Here I am again - the maintenance people are here fixing the wall heater in the entrance to my apartment on the first floor, it stopped working.  Pretty cold down there!

    Jack and the Monster drinks - sounds like a horror movie.  Lorita, keep appealing to him not wanting to linger with a stroke if it keeps him away from them.  They're awful.  

    Surgery center called to check on me this morning.  The only time I'm feeling pain is at the tail end of Tylenol dose so that's good.  I'm typing okay, not ideally but okay.

    I'll check back later!
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    day...yea..thanks for the update
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Day; glad the procedure went well and that you do not have much pain.  Good sign; now to find out what that little culprit actually is!

    Lorita, so much of what happens to us can be initiated by stress and you surely have had more than your share this last year.   You will not need any hip replacement and it will be good to have an x-ray or scan to determine what is present.  If bone deterioration causing varioius problem issues, then that can be easily dealt with and have you set to rights again.

    So glad you are ensuring that you are getting adequate protein.  The Kaiser Permanente booklet had a wonderfully long list of foods for vegetarian diets.  Sure is nice to find it all in one place.

    Hot today, had to have the AC on; in the 90's.  Next weekend we are to go back down into the 60's.  Really the oddest thing going from one extreme to another.  Yet; my friend in the U.P. of Michigan are having snow again.  Honest to goodness, must be getting to be quite a tribulation. I recall walking to school on my birthday at the end of May and some snow still being on the ground. 

    Gosh Barbara, you certainly had a lot of remediation done; may it all turn out perfectly and make a wonderful difference for you.

    Good evening for everyone,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Laid down on the divan to watch some TV and took a nap - no idea how long it was but I must have needed it.

     Judith, never heard of the supermarket syndrome.  Has that ever happened before? Are you still going to those vestibular classes?  What about that procedure you did a couple of years ago to get rid of the dizziness - have you done that lately?

     I really never realized how much has happened during the past couple of years.  I've lost five members during that time - not counting the loss of Charles seven years ago.  I've had two falls; the first led me to believe it was going to be too hard to feed this winter so cattle were sold (except for Billy) and the land leased.  All that plus having to deal with getting the PU fixed that took weeks - then the work on the house still not completed.  And, of course, my worry about Sarah.  Judith, I really don't feel like I've retired - the girls are still here and I'm with them every day and still feel like they're mine but this will change when the calves go to the sale.  I've always hated that - guess I'll just stay in the house.  Really have the best of both worlds - girls are here and don't have to feed them - just watch them and keep tanks filled.

     I just had the best sweet potato for supper.  I bake them in the microwave, then split them and sprinkle just a little bit of sugar on it, then eat it with butter.  This one was so good - if I go to the store tomorrow I'll get some more.  You can never tell how good they're going to be. Also boiled some eggs - think I'll put them in the refrigerator to snack on.

     Just saw the sweetest maternal thing - a lot of the girls were in the NE pasture and I noticed Penny had come down from the hay and was standing in front of the house looking that direction.  With the binocular I could see a little calf who slowly began coming up.  Heard Penny call once - she never went that direction, just stood where she was until Evan came through the gate to get his supper.  They have those babies on a schedule.  I guess Casper is up with the others around the hay.  They do take good care of their babies.

     Day - glad your finger continues to improve and that typing is getting easier for you. 

     Judith, I've heard or read that after a certain age you no longer need mammograms - I used to have them every year until I got up into my 70s.  The last Dexascan I had showed improvement in my osteopenia after taking the calcium for a year.  I do need to get back on that.

     Jo - my hip feels better today - hasn't bothered me too much and I'm walking all right.  I imagine Dr. R. will do an x-ray - I'd be interested to see what it shows about whether or not I have bone thinning.  This afternoon I noticed that spot in my chest - costo- was really sore.  I have to remember not to lay on my side which is really hard to do.

     It's been a cold, mostly cloudy, dreary day - it's 45 now.  When I went in the kitchen a while ago the sun was shining on the clouds in the north and they were so dark - after it went behind the clouds it didn't look so bad.  I heard there were 76 tornados the last two days from that one Low that came through.  Jo, Oklahoma is notorious for having big temperature swings - it can be in the 70s one day and in the 30s the next.  Spring is beautiful here but hard.  I did notice today that the Bradford pears around the meadow are beginning to bloom and a lot of the trees are budded and some with tiny leaves.  Honeysuckle is getting green and the daffodils are going crazy.  Even the tulips are 6-8" tall and the roses are leafed out.  I have Surprise Lillies along the north yard fence.If you all aren't familiar with them - they're also called Naked Ladies.  They come up in the spring and get up to a foot or more tall, then the foliage disappears.  In July or August they send up a shoot and bloom with the prettiest lavender blooms - there are also red ones. 

     Dread going to the doctor tomorrow - but I will.  I want to find out what he thinks happened.

     Day - hope they get your furnace fixed so you won't be cold.  Jack and the Monster Drinks - funny.  I did talk with him again today and told him it could cause a stroke.  He says he hasn't drunk any more of it but I don't know about that.  He's having problems with GERD today and he says it makes that feel better.  I told him not to drink it but to drink a little pop, tea or coffee.  He's stubborn so he'll do what he wants to.  The phone and learning how to use it is driving him crazy, too.  Told him to put it up for today and not worry.

     Iris, I've never tried TENS but Patsy had.  I've always relied on Absorbine, Jr. until I discovered Theragesic.  Many, many years ago I was having a lot of low back pain and I was using Absorbine, Jr.  At that time I had a Mustang with leather seats.  When I'd get off work the seats would be hot because the car sat in the sun all day.  I'd get in and talk about someone's back burning -it was awful - it was so hot it made the back of my underwear crispy - just sort of fell apart. 

     I'm charging my cell phone and it just rang.  By the time I got in the kitchen where it was it had stopped - it was Jack. 

     Can't believe it's already 7:30 - still not used to the time change.

     Hope all of you sleep well tonight.  See you tomorrow.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Mammogram....CDC says Women should continue screening with mammography as long as their overall health is good and they have a life expectancy of 10 years.

    I have never been told there was a stopping age. Ask your Dr about that and the bone density tomorrow. Also about the cronic costcondritus (sp) and  how to avoid and/or treat....also about the anitdepressent you will not take.

    Take a good book to the Drs office and relax. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning

    46F, 8C. Got a little rain yesterday.  Suppose to get a little sun today but windy.

    Judith it isn’t cheap keeping ourselves repaired.  

    Day glad Tylenol is keeping pain controlled.

    Noticed my tulips are up a couple of inches too.  Contacted the lawn guys.  We usually start mowing in April sometime.  See the next couple of weeks look like more normal temperatures. That is good, makes fruit trees less likely to get killed.  We had such a good fruit crop last year. Went and got apples Tuesday, they keep them so nicely through the winter.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    At the VA early this morning for my hearing aids. Wanted to come early where when we all gathered on the front porch I could finally hear what your telling me.

    Hope all is well this morning! Guess when I get back home it's about time to start washing and figure out what to take on our trip. Planning on leaving Monday, but might wait till tuesday. Anniversary is Thursday and brother is planning a big family get together Saturday. All of his family are in the Dallas area and our oldest son. Praying lou does ok!!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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