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Just need to talk to my friends (167)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Goid morning to my front porch friends. I have read all of the posts and even though I haven't responded I want everyone to know I keep each and every one of you in my prayers.

    Today I would like to talk about my journey with Hope's it somehow helps butterflyWings and Marie with their journey. 

    Dementia started with us 8 years ago 2 months from today and a few months later I joined the alzconnected org. My DW mother had alzheimer and my mother had dementia so I was already aware if how hard this was to deal with. Early signs of dementia first started when Lou broke her hip and Drs told me the stress brought on signs of early dementia. It wasn't to bad at first and she went through reabilitation good and eventually was able to get around without to much difficulty with her Walker. We went along fairly normal with a few problems until one day she went to the bathroom and failed to lock her Walker, she ended up falling again and fractured her leg. That is when life  became difficult! During long term hospital stay she was constantly trying to get out of the bed a d one of the nurses even turned the bed alarm off because she was setting it off so much. The same nurse felt like she needed the shot that makes her sleep more where she didnt have as much of a problem. I stayed there as much as possible while she was their. After bringing her home I made the decision to move into her bedroom and made a point that she would never be alone again. During the next several years this forum has helped me through several ups and downs. My front porch friends constantly told me I needed help. I eventually listened and hired a professional sitter who I eventually fired because she wasnt dependable. A neighbor was hired next that ended up stealing from us and I let her go. I now have another neighbor that is very good and trustworthy along with my sister now coming often to help. All of this has helped me tremendously but the path has not been easy. I have choosen to care for my wife at home which is a decision I made due to what I observed with her mother and mine. The care of our loved one is hard but how we deal with it is a choice we all have to make according to our iwn circumstances. I was lucky enough to be retired so my choice was easy. 

    I dont know if sharing my story helps any but their is always good times also. I love it when she ask me to come to her and she says I LOVE YOU and the times when music is on that even though she cant get up and dance, she holds her hand up to me and we move to the music. I plan on our 55th anniversary in a few weeks to hold her and move what I can to a love song.

    That's my story!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    It was a beautiful day yesterday! We went to a recreational lake and walked around it. Saw lots of gulls on the water. Saw an eagle eating a fish, in a tree (wished I had my camera then). He was only about 10 feet away and ignored all the people on the path walking nearby. He was a magnificent bird and I feel so fortunate to have seen him up close. 

    Iris, I hope your cats are feeling better. We always worry when our pets are ill. We feed an outside cat; we call her ours; she is second generation feral and has been coming since she was a kitten. She is 14 years old now. She adores me, likes my husband, and is afraid of anyone else. She lives between our backyard and the pasture/barn behind us. She is a tortoiseshell, beautiful, with silky fur. I love petting her. We had her spayed so don't have to worry about that. 

    Sara, sounds like it is finally warming up out your way. We are to get to 70 today and again Sunday, with SNOW possible in between - just giving you a preview of what might be coming your way!  lol  You have inspired me to try to make tortillas - gluten free. 

    Butterfly, I hope your brother is improving and that your worries will lessen. Life is hard sometimes. We here on the porch can't change your situation but we will listen. Feel free to vent any time. 

    Ron, I'm glad your stress test results were good. Glad your sister was able to visit. Sounds like she is supportive and a big help!

    Zetta, glad you had a good time. I'm sure Molly and Sammy missed you while you were gone.

    Lorita, hope you are feeling better and that Daniel gets your work completed soon. You are very fortunate to have found good workers to do these jobs for you. 

    Marie, I'm glad getting your dad transferred is working out. A hotel for your mom so she can visit sounds like a good idea. Does she still drive? I'm assuming the hour and a half drive is not something she can do; but if she can drive shorter distance from hotel to his facility that will take some of the burden off you (I hope). Prayers for you; I think/hope/pray things will be settling down soon, with his placement.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Hello all, I am upright - and that's about it.  QVC on, looks like jewelry - meh.

    Was pretty sick again yesterday, broke open the 2nd box for another COVID test - negative.  So I'm guessing the flu.

    If this isn't over by Monday morning, I'll have to call and let the surgeon's office know because they will have to reschedule, no way they'll do surgery on a sick person.  Still some days yet to recover but this has already been going on for over a week.  I'm going to stay up today and see what happens.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Morning to all of our front porch friends, I'm always eager to read what everyone has posted early in the mornings.  Sara, I don't know when you sleep.  It promises to be a beautiful day - heavy fog this morning - couldn't see more than 1/8th mile but it's gone now.   Mr. Mickey has  a girlfriend and is bellowing to beat the band.  Guess that's to let other bulls know they better keep away - couldn't get here anyway - except for our little ones. I still have tears in my eyes - just watched President Zelinskyy's speech to the US Congress.  So moving - makes you want to get out there and help. Marie - I have so much empathy for you and what you're going through.  I went through the same thing with trying to find a good placement for my sister - dozens of phone calls, waiting and then rejections because of the interview they had with her.  I even hired a moving company to take a few things to one place which didn't work out and then had to cancel the move.  But - like I've mentioned - at the 12th hour a good placement came through.  I so hope you've found the answer, too.  Sounds like your mother staying in a hotel close by for a few days each week would be a good solution.  I so hope it works out. Ron, your story about your dealing with dementia and alz in your family and then with Lou is a bit like mine.  My daddy had dementia - not alz because he could follow instructions but really was unable to care for himself for most things.  My mother tried - Charles and I lived closeby so we helped all we could but placement had to be made eventually.  After he passed away her alz. got worse and ultimately led to placement.  She had a doctor's appointment one morning and I came down to get her and she was gone.  Charles and I looked everywhere around the farm - called everyone we could think of and then while we were driving around trying to find her, we found her caught in a barbed wire fence, her leg caught and she was hanging upside down.  This was almost a mile from home.  She'd left home in the middle of the night, successfully got through four barbed wire fences, crossed a couple of ponds and a road that is much lower than the surrounding fields, and finally going through that last fence got caught.  Two or three of her dogs were with her.  We didn't find her until almost noon and it was hot - middle of July.  While we were trying to get her out of the fence our mailcarrier came by and called her son to help.  We got her out and to the hospital and from that time on she wasn't able to live alone so placement had to be made.  Still hurts me so much to think about her hanging upside down in that fence in the dark for who knows how long.  That was what happened with mother - then my sister also began having her problems with alz.  I was on the forum at that time because I'd been dealing with Charles' vascular dementia so you all know that story.  I remember Scarlet (my niece) and I talking about our fear that we might eventually have alz.  She passed away a couple of years ago from MS so she won't have to go through that possibility.  It worries me sometimes when I can't think of the name of something or the word I'm searching for.  A person never knows what life will deal them so we have to make the best of what we have when we have it. Enough of that - hoping Daniel and his guys will show up soon - it's 9:15 and they're not here.  I'm worn out with it but am thankful I found someone to do the work.  I like the bedroom and the way it turned out.  He still has that one wall to finish and a couple of little things and he'll be finished in there.  If they'd get here early and work later they'd finish this week but that won't happen, probably.  They're not the neatest workers - the yard has pieces of rotted boards, tarps, bottles and who knows what so that will be a big cleanup.  I don't want to complain but - guess I am anyway a little bit.  I slept all right last night and feel fairly well this morning.   Glad it was only a mild infection so maybe the medicine will take care of it - still will force water.  Glad that I decided to get groceries while I was that close and had a few minutes - didn't take too long.  It took longer to get them to the house, wiped down and put away than buying them.  I saw no empty shelves - everything they normally have was in stock.  It's a pretty small store (the only one in town except WM) - their prices are good and selection is all right.  I even found zucchini yesterday so zucchini bread coming up soon.  I mentioned no one in the store was wearing a mask - except me. I thought this morning of me telling my doctor about me falling and then he told me about him falling.  His was worse - fell flat on his face - also with his hand (with his phone in it) against his chest.  That was my first fall.  He said he'd lived there 42 years and knew the step was there but just had a second's lapse and down he went.  One of his receptionist's who's been there for years has retired but I like her replacement so things are changing there.  I have hopes that he won't retire (only doctor in town) except Urgent Care.  Sounds like a new variant is showing up so I'm afraid we've dropped all mask mandates way too soon. I don't know why part of that paragraph is underlined - I touch some key and it happened - not on purpose.  See you all later. Zetta - glad you're home and that Sammy and Molly are keeping you close.  The length of time you were gone was very long for them.  I know how Stormy and Sheena act when I'm gone for two hours - can only imagine being gone a week.  Rest today and enjoy being home. Butterfly - do hope things are better with your family today.  The time change may have had an effect on your husband's disposition.  We know for sure that the full moon does.  I've heard so much about the time change and how it effects people - more heart attacks and strokes the day or two after.  Also heard this morning that sleeping with the TV or light on can cause heart disease because your BP is higher when the light is on.  I'm also afraid of eye surgery.  I have cataracts that weren't ripe yet but still I can tell the difference.  I've had laser surgery on both eyes because of narrow angles and that didn't bother me because I was awake and it was over quickly but cataract extraction is something else.  The ophthalmologist I had been going to was forced into retirement a couple of years ago and I was hoping he'd be able to do the surgery.  I hate it when my doctor retire.  When you live alone, even making the arrangements for surgery - getting to and from is a big problem.  Another thing to think about. I'd better close and start drinking water and take my medicine.  Need to get back on my vitamins, too.  Enjoy the day - I'll be back later. So - one of my paragraphs somehow became underlined and now it's disappeared.  Guess it wasn't that important anyway.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Day, hope you feel better by later today or even now.  Did you take the flu shot?  I know you can still have a different kind even if you have taken it.  I take it every year religiously - About 35-40 years ago I had never taken the flu shot but I caught the flu.  Was working in a hospital so no telling where I picked it up.  I was sick for at least three weeks - in bed a full two weeks unable to keep anything down.   I remember Charles always had to have a big glass of iced water by his bedside at night and I'd look at that and it looked so good but I couldn't hold it down. Finally, the only thing I thought I could keep down was grape popsicles.  Charles finally found some after looking in two or three places.  They tasted so good.  When I was able to get up and around I was so weak I could hardly walk across the floor.  I was off work for a full three weeks.  After that I have taken the shot every year.

    Sounds like there may be a second covid booster on the offing and then once a year like the flu shot.

     Drink plenty of liquids and acetaminophen for your fever if you have that and for aches and pains.  Hopefully, you'll be fully recovered so you can have your surgery next week.

     I didn't catch the jewelry show except for the last item.  I do like diamonique and have some of those earrings on now.  They're comfortable so don't even take them off at night.  I'm watching a rerun of Denim & Co. now - seems like they do a lot of reruns lately so if you miss the original show you can always catch it later.

     Quiet here - Daniel didn't show up so they won't get finished this week.  I'm soooo tired of all of this.  I know if I'd been able to get the original guy I was going to use it would have been finished in a couple of weeks, at most. 

     Guess I need to start thinking about doing my income taxes.  Last year I just sent in the form (I use my own) he sends showing deductions and the papers showing income.  Probably have to pay a lot this year because of the sale of the girls and land lease.  I did buy feed last spring and liquid feed a couple of times so there won't be many deductions.  If I can just get myself started I can finish it in a couple of hours - it's just getting started.  Guess I did too many reports during my work years.

      Day - Carolyn just said beginning in April Denim & Co. will be on at 7 a.m. every Sunday plus the Tuesday shows.  If it's 7 their time, it'll be 6 here so will have to set my alarm.

     Feel better and let us know how you're doing.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello and oh my . . . so much happening.   Thank you for your very kind comments regarding my DHs eye surgery.   Hospital outpt. surgery dept., no visitors.   Had to wait at home and sure felt strange doing that.  He actually did well.  He was to have an IV med to keep him calm and comfortable during the procedure, but due to his being unable to lie flat due to neck issues, they instead gave him general anesthesia.   He did not have to have a gas bubble placed inside the eye, so he does not have to sit and lie face down all day and night for a period of time. His first post-op day was yesterday and doctor said the eye looked good . . . swollen, puffed mostly shut and really red, but the eye itself is doing okay for first day.  He has to return in a week.  NOW . . . he is a person who is stubborn and rules do not always fit unless he is having max problems.  Keeping him from increasing the pressure in the eye and doing too much he probably shouldn't is the problem.  Can't say much of anything as that only increases the independent stubborness.   So hope he continues doing well and is mindful.

    Two weeks ago, my friend had both eyes done at the same time for cataracts.  It went super well and no pain whatsoever.   She said she did not even have to fully disrobe for the procedure.  All she had to do was take off her blouse and bra and put on a gown but was able to keep on her bottom garments and shoes; that is quite common now.  She said the result is amazing.  Colors are so much more intense and the cloudy feeling she did not even realize she had is gone.  Had to smile; she had recently bought a pair of slip on shoes that were grey as they would go with everything.   After she got home from the cataract surgery, she sat down, putting her feet on an ottoman when she realized she did not have grey shoes . . . they were actually green!  Cataracts had fooled and fogged the color.  She is delighted with the outcome and wishes she had done it sooner.  It is now such an easy procedure Dixie; not as it used to be and the surgeons are trained differently and the procedure is different than it was, "back in the day."

    Sorry to hear there is a lot of debris from the work being done, Lorita.  No way would that be acceptable.  Full clean up and haul away is supposed to be part of the job. Perhaps you can mention, "Looks like the full job cleanup and haul away is done at the end of the work ; so glad that will be done."  If he hems and haws; do not let him get away with it.  Perhaps he really is waiting for jobs end, but it would be good to be brought up, just in case.

     Wow, the site is already trying to eliminate paragraphs.  Was able to rescue, hope that does not continue.

     Anyway; time change has folks feeling a bit quirky at the day's start.  It is so dark outside in early morning, but stays light longer at end of day which is good if one is not running cattle on a ranch.  Better for those living in cities and towns.  Did not think or realize the impact it would have on farm animal feeding, getting out and about, etc. Senate just passed the bill to keep Daylight Saving Time, it now goes to Congress.  Seems we need to pick a time and stick with it.  Wonder if they are considering Standard Time at all.

    Since Mickey is in "rutting;" sounds like it is best to stay out of his way.  Reminds me of when we went for a short hike in the Hoh Rain Forest in Washington State.  (Gets 14 feet of actual rain per year with another 30 inches from fog and moistness.)  When we went to hike in the other worldly looking forest,  (beautifully eerie), we were warned it was Elk rutting season and if we heard anything crashing through the forest or bellowing nearby, get out of the way . . . !  Needless to say, I was listening with both ear antennas during the entire time. 

    Those Azo tests for UTIs and the other OTC test strips are notorious for reading false negatives; I have seen journal reports state the OTC error rates as much as 80%.   Always best to give a sample and have an order for C/S.  The doctor can choose to begin a broad spectrum antibiotic (empirically) before a lab result is back, but it may be the wrong antibiotic for the organism and need to be changed, so one still needs to have that C/S.

     Sayra; you are awesome in your trying, doing and succeeding.   Seems you are now a tortilla making expert.  I love to go to Olvera Street in L.A.; it is a renowned Mexican marketplace.  The women in the mexican cafes there make their own tortillas and one can watch them.  They get that masa in their hands and slap, slap, slap; down they throw perfect tortillas in just a few seconds.  I tried that; I am still laughing at my ridiculous attempts and the really awful results.  They sure have great, great Mexican food on Olvero Street.  Here is a little link with some good photos; it is a delightful place - it is usually teeming with people.  Smells so good there . . . now I am hungry.


    I had never heard of redwing black birds; had to look them up.  They are quick to attack and will attack humans if they are near their nests.  They will even attack much larger birds.  The male usually has about 15 "ladies" he romances.  Busy bird; but does he do the worm shopping for all the wives and kiddies is what I want to know . . .

    Also wondered about the Butterfly Taco Salad, Sayra.  I am taking the bit and thinking NOT really butterflies in the salad, but perhaps the recipe for ingredients in the Butterfly gourmet recipes?  Grinning at the thought of you outside with a butterfly net trying to catch the little flutterers to make a salad . . .no way - omigosh; have to stop seeing that in my mind's eye!  Promise to go slap myself for even having such a silly thought.

     Best get this Posted and start another as I do not want to lose this as being too long . . back in a jiffy.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Zetta, glad to hear you are back home safe and sound and snug as can be.  The "kids" were probably jumping with excitement to see you.   The new little shepherd is adorable.  The large paws indicate the big growth to come.  I do love Germn Shepherds; wonderful dogs.  What did you think of Arizona as much as you saw in a week, and do you like the kids new house?  Pretty soon they will be getting you to move near them.   I know they move often due to work; about how long do they stay in a place?  They are graced with the blessing of a wonderful Mom.  What a treasure you have been in their life.

    Day; am a bit concerned on your behalf.  Again, those OTC test kits are often falsely reporting negatives.  Because you have been symptomatic for awhile, and if it is still with you, would be a good idea to get a PCR test to be certain of your status.  Is your finger surgery going to be at the doctor's or will it be in a surgery center?  Most surg centers require a PCR test to be run two or three days prior to the procedure no matter how well the patient feels.  DH just had to have that done.  So hope you will feel all well soon.

     Lorita, did you ever hear what the result were from your niece Sarah's breast biopsies?  That poor woman has had SO much going on over the years.  I know it is out of the question to make a trip to her area; but if you could gain her cooperation to be included in a HIPAA Waiver, you would be able to obtain factual truth regarding her condition, etc.  She has turned that down before, but it is a different time now and things have advanced.  As jfkoc has mentioned, that situation is quite unreliable and unstable in multiple ways.  I can imagine it is hard for you; as long as I have known you, you have been there for Sarah and care very deeply about her well-being.  She is into her 50's, and having your caring has been a plus even though she has not been honest about many different things.  I so wish she had kept up her authorization with the psychiatrist, as well as permitting the RN visits and aide care at home; those things may have been able to help her get a better grounding and help Todd too.   As the old saying goes; "It is what it is."  If that HIPAA Waiver could add your name, it would be really beneficial.  I hope for the very best for her.

      Loves Kitties, I am sorry for all the stress surrounding your parents.   It may well be that your father has had a severe occurrence of Hospital Induced Delirium; it can be quite dramatic and seem over the moon.   Here is a link or managing the dynamic; a bit late for your use, but other readers may find it of interest:


    My step-dad had significant hospital induced delirium and it was intense.   We did take him home and it was a few weeks until he began to regain ground at base level and a few more weeks after that before he was once again at full base level.   Some persons recoup more easily, others do not recoup back to their prior way of being.   One has to wait to find out how things will work out.

    The Discharge Planning/Case Management (used to be one of the departments under my direction in med centers) sounds as though it is possible that some things were not well addressed, but I could be wrong.   If there is/was such a wait to find appropriate placement, would there have been an opportunity for your father to benefit from a short stay in Skilled Care Rehab, I wonder.   IF his behavior would permit such care. 

     I am curious as to why a facility that is accepting of the significant level of care your father needs does not have a hospital bed???  That is strange.   Is he going to a special unit and if so, do you feel they can they manage his challenges in a sustainable manner?  I so wish you and your family well and hope things work out.

    A word about, "A Place For Mom."  Used them, dropped them.  Multiple Members here have also shared their less than positive experiences.  If someone has had good outcome, let us know.   This organization and others like them, will give you a list of care facilities that CONTRACT with them.  Those that do not contract with them, are not usually found on their list.   What happened was; if I placed my LO in a facility on their list, then "A Place For Mom," received a generous payment for the actual referral placement from the facility.  If I placed in a different non-contracted facility not on the list and found by myself, Place received nothing.  What I found to my dismay, was that some of the better facilities; in fact, many facilities in the community were not on the Place list. They had no need to be; they had sufficient patients not to have to contract for such a business.   Also mentioned by Members is that once they contacted Place, even if they did not use them, the phone calls from organization staff were persistent even if they were told their services were no longer desired/necessary.  Just a word based on actual related experiences shared here on this site.

    Butterfly; how is your brother doing.  I am sorry to hear of his dreadful accident and hope he is improving.  How frightening.   You have a lot on your plate, kind of like juggling watermelons while tap dancing and whistling "Dixie" all at the same time, but no breaks and no applause.

    Our Lorita, glad you saw the doctor.  Were you able to get labs?   So much fun when parts begin to rebel . . . not.   Always something and geeze, beeze loueeze, enough already . . . oh for that quiet, sweet Front Porch. 

    Heard on news - Europe, upticks in COVID; 1,000% each week; 1,000%!  Wow.  Stated that the pullback from masking and other precautions went to early too fast.  Of course, the newer strains are super passed very easily.  Pfizer now recomending a fourth booster of vaccine for those 65 and older.  Evidently, this is based on Israel's experience and the specialists here are now taking a look at this.   Yep; will still be masking, etc. for awhile yet.

    And, our dear Ron . . . well; 55 years anniversary coming up soon.  How lovely a time you are planning with your sweetheart.  The two of you are like a hand in a glove and dedicated to each other.  You are indeed a romantic.  I so hope the day and reunion go well and that you get your planned "dance" together, even if it is swaying in time to the music.  How beautful and of course all of us sendng warmest wishes and thoughts your way.   Also glad to hear that your cardiace status is staying as best can be.  Next would be to do a 30 day cardiac monitor . . . that will catch those little blips that come and go and never show up when we are in a doctor's office.

    Well; guess I'd better stop writing before I have us at six pages and all starts to fall apart.  Take good care and once again, thank you for your good and kind wishes as well as prayers on my DHs behalf; it is deeply appreciated.  Such warm and kind people on the Front Porch.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Day - you may have influenza and benefit from Tamiflu. My grandson has influenza A now and is on Tamiflu. Just a thought. Hope you recover soon.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Beth hit the bingo - I went to urgent care earlier and I have Influenza A.  They gave Tamiflu but are unsure how much it will help because it seems I'm over the worst.  I did have a flu shot in November.  Surgery center said to call them Monday and let them know what my temp is and how I feel.

    No COVID test necessary prior to surgery.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Day:  A relief and not a relief; at least you know with certainty.  File under the heading of, "It's Always Something."

    Wishing you, get well soonest,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm glad your UTI is healing.  Yes, I read about sleeping under light causing problems.  I've slept under many lights and also under sunlight.  I'm having problems now, but I don't think they're from sleeping under lights.  

    I read that one can stagger a large one-time income over several years so as to be able to reduce the income taxes due.  You might look into this.

    I had a male cat who had a urethral blockage, I could see it when I turned him over.  He had to have immediate surgery.  This was years ago.  Blockages are not uncommon in male cats.  If Max continues to strain, he will need examination.

    Butterfly Wings, I prayed for your brother, praying for recovery.  

    I am also allergic to cats, even though, or perhaps because, I have had cats n my home for decades.  

    Sayra, I use avocado oil cooking spray, it has no flavor; I like it.

    Marie, I'm glad you found a good placement for your dad; I hope he is there now.

    Zetta, home sweet home!  Two of my cat's teeth were extracted, but they don't look that bad to me.  Adam is eating pate cat food well.  I had a 14 year old cat who eventually had all teeth removed, but he live for three more years.  He even ate dry food without problem, in fact, he preferred the dry food.

    I believe for the long flights they do whatever they can to keep the passengers comfy and from getting agitated, that's why they promote alcohol.  But too many are getting agitated and disruptive with the alcohol--they probably need more peanuts! (That's a joke LOL!)

    Ron,what a lovely and romantic story about you and Lou.

    Day, influenza can be strong and long.  I hope the Tamiflu helps.  Feel better soon!

    Jo C, I hope your DH can be comfortable while his eye heals.  I hope you are feeling better, too!

    All my cats are back to eating heartily.  It was very strange, it was like they all had a virus, but fortunately, they are better now (knock wood!)


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Day - glad you went to Urgent Care and found out what was wrong.  Hope the Tamiflu works quickly.  So, it must have been another kind of flu that wasn't in this year's vaccination.  So, by next week you'll be ready for your surgery.  Which day is it scheduled?

     Butterfly - hope your brother is improving.   What an awful thing to happen.  This morning on the news they showed a wreck in Tulsa.  Someone was pulling a trailer and it came loose and a big concrete truck - going too fast it looked like - hit the trailer and went back across the road and hit three or four other cars and turned over blocking the highway and sending care every direction.  Really a big mess but no one was seriously hurt.  I've heard of two or three head-on collisions lately.  Now, this is awful but something teenagers might do - when I was probably a Junior in High School one of the Senior boys had a car so at noon a bunch of us got in with him and went driving.  We were going down the highway and a car was coming toward us and he moved over to their lane just for a minute but how scared that man and woman must have been.  Another time I was going in to get a haircut and just as I got into the edge of town a car came across the center line right into the side of my car.  He had swerved to miss a dog and hit me.  Luckily I was driving a big, heavy car and I wasn't hurt but I did have PTSD for a while.  Scary things happen in cars.

     Have you all looked at the moon?  It's beautiful tonight but full moon - Worm Moon - isn't until the 18th.  I don't know how much fuller it can get.  I was out just before dark turning off the water and it was so peaceful - everyone should be able to enjoy that - I saw Evan and Casper together playing -pushing against each other's heads.  They're fast friends - hardly even see one without the other.  Someone is still "girling" as one of my aunts used to say.  Saw Billy the  Bull getting a drink.  He is a sweetie - so glad he's still mine and will be here as long as I am.

     Iris - I haven't noticed Max straining today but I'll watch and will turn him over and look.  We've never had that kind of problem with the cats but Max is no youngster so that may be the problem.  I'm so glad your cats are back to normal.  You have allergies to cats and still have them?  Do you take an antihistamine?

     Tomorrow is Stormy's seventh birthday.  Hard to believe he's that old.  I got him three months after I lost Charles and one month after I had the pleasure of becoming Sheena's mom.  She was one when I got her - her birthday is in January and was eight years old.

     Jo - I have mentioned cleaning up the side yard where they had to take off all the rock and replace it.  I'm sure they're waiting until they finish to clean up -or should be.  I doubt they'll be here today because they'll have to take everything out of the utility room to work and it's supposed to rain and storm tomorrow night and Friday, then again Monday and Tuesday.  If they took it out, they'd have to bring all of it back inside.  I'd rather them just wait until next week and have three good days and get it finished.

    The picture of the area you gave us the link to kind of reminded me of Santa Fe and Old Town Albuquerque.  We had some really good Mexican food when we were out there, too.  I like frijoles, Spanish rice and quacamole.(I'm sure I misspelled that)  I've also had spinach enchiladas that were very good.

     I've drunk water and drunk water today, Iris.  I am so thirsty for a little bit of Pepsi but will abstain.  And, I'm not getting to drink my hot tea either but anything to get better.  The last couple of days my legs have hurt - sometimes it's the calves and sometimes the thighs.  My knees aren't doing too well either.  My goodness, what else can go wrong?

     Jo - I know cataract extractions are not what they used to be but I'm still scared and won't have it done until I have to.  Jack has really bad cataracts and glaucoma but he's still managing to drive into town and back home.  Patsy told me it scared her to be in the car with him driving.   I didn't have my lab work because my appointment was at 2:30 and blood work is fasting so I'll go back on the 5th.  I had her look up the time (9:15) and looks like there's probably six or eight people before me. 

     This afternoon I laid down on the divan and went to sleep for a little over an hour - first nap I've had in a long time.  FedEx has delivered cat and dog food so I'm stocked up on that and also TP and PT.  I think I mentioned our little store seemed to be well stocked yesterday - not sure about WM. Did you all hear about the big WM warehouse fire in Indianapolis, I think.   

     Zetta - glad you're home.  I'm watching Gunsmoke, of course, and one thing that's alaways puzzled me.  Dodge was a country town and there's always so many people there walking around.  Looks like Saturdays in a country town,doesn't it?

     Sara - I'm wondering about butterfly taco salad, too.  Why do they call it that?

     With that, I'll stop for now and push some more water.  Had peach cobbler for supper, or dinner, depending on where you live.

     Marie, hope things worked out all right today and that your dad is in his new placement.

     Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, the allergist told me not to let the cats sleep on my bed or even in my bedroom, so they have been banished. I don't use any antihistamine, I am congested every morning when I awaken, but that disappears after about an hour or so.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    47F, 8C.  

    Beth I enjoy the nice days but know here in Zone 5b snow and cold will probably return.

    Lorita I try to go o bed around 8:30 and get up between 4-4:30.

    Butterfly mentioned having taco salad.  Was just telling her I like that too.  Sorry I must have made it confusing.

    Beautiful day yesterday, think maybe today will be too.

    I did notice the full moon Lorita.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Dawn is just breaking and it's 54 degrees already - supposed to be about 80 today.

     Iris, I don't like for my cats to sleep on the bed - they like to sleep on my feet and I can't stand that.  Sometimes if only one is wanting to sleep with me I can keep him off my feet and it's okay.  Sleeping on the divan, one sometimes sleeps beside my legs and it's okay.  They've had their breakfast so need to go feed Tom.  He wasn't there yesterday morning.

     Sara - that explains the butterfly taco salad.  I used to really like taco salads, too - don't know if they still do this or not but there were in ai pastry-like bowl you could eeat.

     With the time change like it is right now, Sara, you get up hours before daylight.  I went to sleep last night watching TV and woke up after MN. 

     I love full moons.  I used to always call Charles out to the porch to look at the full moon.

     Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone.  Imagine there will be big parties all over.  They've already closed some streets in Tulsa for the parties. 

     Girls are just now waking up - guess Toad will be here to feed in about half an hour so better go out and get them going.  If he feeds and they're not all out there someone won't get feed.

     Back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So, that 'splains it . . . . it just lacked a comma after Butterfly . . . Butterfly, taco salad.  Reminds me of the explanation of why commas are important:

    1.  Let's eat Grandma.  Versus:

    2.  Let's eat, Grandma.  

    Makes me grin.  I just knew Sayra wasn't running hither and thither with a butterfly net trying to catch those little fluttery beings.

    Glad the workers are going to clean up the work site Lorita; that is a big relief.  Evan and Caspar sound so cute, wish we had a video of them playing. 

    DH thinks his operative eye has become infected.  Got to make an appointment with the eye surgeon for today.   We shall have to wait and see what is what.  Worry.

    Spent better part of three days going through and cleaning out stuff in back bedroom, closet, etc.  Only problem is, what to do with the stuff one wants to keep as to where the dickens am I going to put it now . . . got rid of a bunch of things, but always more to wonder what to do.  Only two people living here and one would think it was six.

    Always feel better when such things get addressed.  Lots easier to do before knees got bad, but still a sense of accomplishment along with some Tylenol or Advil.  Cannot abide clutter sitting on top of tables and counters, so that is something I pay attention to.  When we had kitchen redone I had to empty all cabinets.  I got rid of so many things I really did not need.

     Now to get other closets done . . . sigh.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Well, it's later and I'm back,

     Went out on the porch and called the girls and one of them answered and here they came. Some had already gone up to the MH but finally got the last one of them down.  I did honk the PU horn three times in a row, a couple of times.  Toad came and fed just after 8 so they're back eating hay or grazing.  Did see the two little boys.

     So, tried to call Daniel - his voice mail isn't set up and he didn't answer.  Kept trying and his son finally answered the phone.   Daniel's sick in bed with some kind of infection. His son said he went down yesterday - has seen a doctor and is on several antibiotics.  So, nothing will be done here until next Wednesday.  Probably a good thing they didn't come on Tuesday or I've have been exposed to whatever he has.  The bedroom is finished except for that one wall so I'm going to strip the bed and put on clean sheets and quilt and get back in there.  I washed the curtains but don't remember where they are - I was going to wait until after he did the sanding on the wall to put them up but guess I'll go ahead.  So I'll do that and work on my taxes and try to get them in a little earlier this year.  Seems like I just did them - and it hasn't been long, September I think.

     It's a beautiful day - already up to 66 degrees.  Everyone's asleep except me. 

     Iris, I've been watching Max and don't see anything unusual.  What do you look for when you turn them over and check?  I did that and he doesn't seem full.  Years ago a German Shepherd we had, Sable, had something wrong with her.  I can't remember now whether it was an illness or surgery but when she came home she couldn't urinate by herself so we had to help her.  Hadn't thought of that in a long time.

     Have to go through check registers, bank statements and the book where I keep receipts for things that I can deduct - shouldn't take too long when I get started.  I'll do as I did last year - just send in income papers and the list of deductions.  I need to call Sam to see if the cattle and land payment can be stretched out over a year or so.

     Jo - haven't heard anything about the biopsy results for Sarah.  I haven't been able to get in touch with her yesterday or this morning.  I think she has another biopsy of the growth on her neck tomorrow.

     Day - hope you're feeling better this morning and, Marie, hope your dad's settled into the new place - probably will take a few days though.

     Jo - A Place for Mom worked out well for us.  I wouldn't have been able to find the placement we did for my sister without them.  I had several calls from different places and two or three of them did interview her but didn't accept.  After the place where she did go called me and we made the arrangements I didn't hear anything else from A Place for Mom.  So, they worked out very well for us. 

     The birthday boy is sound asleep on his bed.  Every morning when I go out he comes from the corner of the yard where the water hydrant is.  That's the closest he can get to the girls so I think he must sleep there.  I saw where he'd pawed up the dirt to lay down.  That's his job and he takes it seriously.  I'm sure if he was out he would be right with them but we didn't start out that way so we won't be doing it now.  I'm afraid he'd chase a wolf and I don't want that to happen.  I remember when I went to get him his parents were with him and his siblings - they heard something and off both of the parents went to check so I know he'd do the same thing.

     Wish I could have a Pepsi but will stick to water for a few more days.  Hope everyone is all right today.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Wow, hard getting on all threads…but I would appreciate some help or advice from the cat experts here…the cat we often keep for neighbors, constantly swishes and flings his tail around. I’ve read it’s a sign of upset/agitation and/or hunting behavior (?) 

    But he does it when he’s unrestrained in a chair or lap of his choice; when he seems to be asleep, when on the floor and free to do whatever. If he’s not in sight, I can find him because his tail is thumping against something. The only problem is when we’re in bed. He wants the bed, too, but that tail thumping (loud, even bed) and bumping (all the feels) is not good for sleeping…Do most cats do this? Could he be upset about something? He’s incredibly affectionate and probably spoiled now.

    So much going on with everybody, I need to re-read but a couple things…Lorita I had my cataracts done a few years ago and it was the most “nothing” medical procedure ever. My mother had hers done maybe 20 years ago, and as Jo said, it was a totally, hugely different process and recovery for her vs. me. But it sure made a big difference in my vision. I didn’t know how much I was missing. Like a new world, especially at night and with stars and moon.

    I do not like this morning darkness with time change.  I had to go for  labs work at 6:30 am and it was flat dark. One test must be done very early,  before you do anything. It’s nothing to do with fasting, something about your body chemistry after a nights rest/before day stresses. Some labs open early just for that test…but sheesh. Nurses look sleepy too.

    Sayra, I love handmade tortillas, always the best, like bread, I think fresh makes huge difference. I’ve seen people hand make them, it looks like a special skill. I could never do it.

    Lorita talking about her workers reminded me..DH used to supervise buildings, he was known for late -day inspection and go around himself picking up debris and help straighten up. He'd also call the contractor at home and make them return and clean up if needed.

    Another tangent we girls might appreciate—he had it written in some contracts that if workers whistled, catcalled etc. women passing by, that was firing offense. And it happened. (No unions here). This was maybe 40 years ago, when so much was different. Old times….

    Hope everybody and families are doing ok.

    I meant to say, I and some in my support group had the same negative experiences with Place for Mom that Jo cited. Nuisance and pest at best. And now, the best places around are not even mentioned by PFM at all. They don’t pay to be mentioned, so they aren’t. But as Lorita, said some have had good luck with them. A lot depends  on the area involved, I think. 

    Any user should just be aware that there may be more places out there than they tell you about.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Hello all, I feel a thousand times better today.  Stopping in before I start my typing for tonight and delighted to see Irish stuff on QVC.  I still have a merino wool sweater from 15 years ago that's still in beautiful shape.  Looks like a mixture of jewelry and clothes - I will say that nothing in Connemara marble is desirable to me.  No thanks.

    It is 72 degrees here and Keys and I just came back from a walk to the malbox.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I could tell my cat Nugget was having trouble voiding, so when I turned him over and looked at his bottom, I could see immediately that there seemed to be a mucus plug at the end of his penis.   I tried to remove the plug but it hurt him so I immediately took him to his vet who proceeded to operate.  After that he could urinate okay.  But the vet told me to cut up newspaper for him instead of litter.  He would void in the newspaper but would defecate on the carpet.  I could not retrain him, and I put him down.  I am sorry now that I did not work with him longer.  He was one of my first cats and I didn't know any better.  Other people told me not to let him ruin my wall-to-wall carpet.

    Rescue Mom, an unneuttered male cat will back up to a wall ir something with his tail straight up and twitching back and forth, and proceed to spray a burst of urine spray.  This spray is more than plain urine, because it smells like skunk spray!  This is how they mark their territory.  Sometimes female cats will spray.  It is not from being upset, but it is biological.  It may mean, I am comfortable here, this is my home, so I want all the other cats to know it!

    Tail twitching may have other meanings.  When my 19 year old blind female cat twitches her tail, I know she wants to void.  She will get up and wander around, but since she can't see, that is my signal to pick her up and take her to the litter box.  I don't mind helping her!  Sometimes she can find the litter box on her own, by scent.

    Cats love to rub their faces and bodies against objects and people.  Mine are always rubbing!  If he is not neutered, I would suggest that.

    If I have not touched on what you are asking, ask again and I will look it up.

    Day, it's great you're feeling better!  It's good that you work from home.   


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All

    Things are getting back to normal for me. I have been puttering around the house doing this and that. Both Molly and Sammy were glad for me to be home, especially Sammy, he's been on my lap a lot. I guess it's because he is still such a baby, he is only 8 months old. The time change has not seemed to bother me I think it's because I was in Arizona, so when I got home, I had already adjusted to the time. My son had all my clocks changed so I never noticed the time change. 

    I went to WM yesterday and to a few other stores in my little town and no one had mask on. I was surprised. I had mine on, and I will probably ware it for a while.  

    Lorita.    I hope you're feeling better and please give the BDay boy a hug from me. My Molly is also 7 years old. I also had lab work done my Dr. has me do it once a year and I am glad that it all turned out well. Please don't get upset because you forget things, I also forget things I think it's normal as we age. 

    I am sorry to hear about you finding your mom tangled up in a wire fence, that must have been a scare. Please give us an update on Sarah, when you get one. Sorry to hear that Danial is not well, hopefully he gets on his feet soon and finishes your bedroom. Did you get the bed made so you can sleep in it, Yet? I imagine how tired you must be waiting for all this to be done. It seems like it has taken a long time. 

    I am also watching Gunsmoke and what surprises me is how the west survived it seems like at least 5-10 people get shot and killed on every show. 

    Ron.   You are a sweet romantic, I am looking forward to you telling us about your trip to Texas and your anniversary waltz. I bet Lou, will be beautiful. 

    Rescue Mom.  I think the cats tail swishing and flinging is a sign of hunting. I know my cat Sammy will be watching the birds outside and his tail will do that. As far as the thumping I am not sure about that. When my Sammy gets spooked all the hair on his tail stands up. 

    Butterfly.  Please let us know how your brother is I hope by now you have had a chance to take some deep breaths and relieve some of your stress. Your family is still in my prayers.

    Marie.  By now I am thinking your dad is in a good place and they found a bed for him. I think it's a good idea for your mother to be able to stay in a hotel so she can be close to your dad. The motel will probably have a car to take her to and from the hospital. You're an angel for your parents. They are lucky to have you as their daughter. 

    Day.   Going to U Care was a good idea, now you know what the problem is and can be treated for it. Get lots of rest so you will feel up to your surgery. 

    Jo.   Glad to hear your DH surgery went well, I hope he is wrong and there is no infection in his eye. It is nice he has a nurse/you right there with him. The kid's house is beautiful it's the nicest one they have had. It is a rental it is in a real nice area of Maricopa, Arizona. My SIL job moves him about every two years, but this job is guaranteed to be at lease 5 years.  They are already trying to get me to move in with them. I would love too it gives me a purpose. They have a housekeeper that comes every 2 weeks, but I would be the one who does the cooking and the pet care. We are planning on me being a snowbird and going there during my winter and taking Molly and Sammy with me. Then I can come home and not be there during their summer. A lot of planning is being done now. I won't be going till sometime in October.

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear friends on the front porch,

    Just a quick update as all the gory details would make your hair stand on end and your blood boil...did mine anyway.

    Facility close to me said they would take dad...check

    Needed hospital bed which had to be ordered by the hospital...fiasco personified...finally delivered yesterday but too late to move dad.

    Arrived hosp 8:30 am with understanding that tansport to facility would take place a 9 a.m.  Keystone cops routine of how to get him to facility started about 10 a.m. as transport folks didn't get scheduled correctly.

    Worked all day talking with what seems like hundreds of people trying to get the deed done.  Tansport arrived just before 3 p.m. and he arrived at facility a bit after 4 p.m.

    If I was younger I would begin a national crusade about how broken our medical and medicaid and insurance systems are.  I would also see about a dozen or so people loose their jobs for not doing their jobs.

    Oh well, I will leave it at that, and wait for the next crisis...just a matter of time.

    Best news is dad is now close by and in a good place.  Thought I was going to have to turn cowboy and break him out!

    Thanks all for your understanding and best wishes for my dad.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    40F, 6C.  

    Glad you are feeling better Day.

    Daniel is having a battle.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     He is indeed, Sara.  He's only 46 but looks more like 60 - has a full beard and is pretty heavy which isn't good for the problems he has and crawling under houses.  Seems like he walks with a limp, too.   He has some kind of heart problem and a big problem with his arm or wrist which will have to have surgery eventually.  Hoping he can feel better soon.

     Marie - goodness - what a day you did have.  I've been through such things and they make you want to pull out your hair - as well as someone elses.  Glad your dad finally got to his destination and that it's one you like and near you.  Life is not easy.  Maybe today you can just wind down and take it easy.

     Hope everyone else is doing well this morning.

     I woke up just before 4 and had a hard time going back to sleep so turned on the TV.  Normally I can get back to sleep.  I guess I was laying in an awkward position because I had this hurting in my chest so laid really still, wondering what it was - then, the pain in my back began so knew it was the costochondritis.  I was probably laying on my left side - back is still hurting in that one silver dollar sized place but I'm leaning on the heat pad and my left shoulder is hurting. I guess the problem with that shoulder began when I fell on my left side way back in October.  Sandy and I were talking last night and she remarked that I had been having problems since the fall - and she's so right.  Love you, Sandy.  She makes me see things the way I should see them and keeps me on the straight and narrow. 

     Finally got back to sleep and didn't get up until after 7 a.m. (put a mark on the wall as Charles would say)  It rained during the night so it's colder this morning.  The weatherman was talking about the north wind being strong in Tulsa but it wasn't windy when I got up but by the time I went out to feed Tom-Tom it had started blowing.  Still don't have the rain gauge up so don't know how much it rained but there's water puddles around.  I think the girls spent a good part of the night in the barn because they didn't need water this morning.    I have the front door open and just saw Evan go by so went out and I saw Casper up near the hay - a lot of the girls are still up there, some around the barn and some going into the NE pasture. Guess they forgot this isn't feeding day.

     Carol called yesterday.   She went to see the surgeon and he said she could keep her boot off and the x-rays looked good.  She's funny - one of her daughters had given her some clothes like work-out outfits and she's been wearing them but on the day she went to the doctor she put on some of her own clothes.  She was elated.  She can now walk without the walker but with a cane which she's trying to learn to use.  A few years ago I was having a lot of trouble with my knee and I tried using a cane - it is not easy.

     Also her son, oldest of the four kids - I think bout 66 - and his wife came to see them yesterday.  They've been staying inside, away from people, but thought they'd try to break out enough to see his mother.  She was so happy about that.

     Nothing else going on - I'm drinking my juice and will have a bite to eat and lay back down - if I can keep Stormy off the divan long enough.  They stayed outside last night, inside the storage building I'm sure so they're going to sleep a while.

     Glad no one is coming and I don't have to go anywhere today.  It's going to be in the low to mid 40s today but in the 60s and 70s this weekend.

     Sara - what kind of new dish have you made recently?  And, what are the youtube people you watch saying about the new variant?  I saw there was a 1,000% increase in cases over a two-week period (don't remember where that was).  I heard that parts of China and South Korea are shut down again and also that it was in the USA.  So, guess we'll be getting our fourth shot a little later - Sandy said she had already gotten hers.

    The radar looks like we're about to get another shower.  Can't complain about that because we need the rain.   WC is in the 30s and very blustery today.  Not a pleasant day.  

     I'll probably be back later.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So sorry to hear about Daniel; not just a contractor juggling more than one job.  It must be terrible to be fighting his health as well as trying to keep his contracting business going.  Hope he gets well soon.

     My SIL had contracted for a bathroom re-do.  The week and a half to two week job took six months - the fellow had six - really; six jobs at different homes.  Until legal action was threatened,  he was gone from the job more than he was there.  I think she would have been waiting even longer for the small job to be completed if she had not let him know she was going to start an action with the state licensing board and attorney.  Seems he is a fellow that does not get asked back to the jobs he has done; other folks had also complained about him.

    Eye surgeon was contacted re drainage from DHs operative eye.   She did not  talk to DH, but had an office staffer call back and say he, "had no infection," and to see her at regular post-op appt. in one week.  My; how interesting to be able to do that without seeing or even talking to the concerned patient.  I did my Google thing and found out that some drainage is normal in the first week post-op.   The physician never once stated that and it would have been helpful if she had.  DH was grateful for the information from the Google search.  Eye still swollen and red, but that should soon begin to subside.  Found out that DH did not even get a list of post-op instructions.  This retina specialist was recommended by DHs opthalmologist. 

     Oh my goodness, my SIL was bitten by a rattlesnake!!  She was out hiking in Palos Verdes hills where she lives, and suddenly a rattler reared up and bit her above her right hand.  Within just a few minutes she was in acute distress; thankfully she was hiking with someone else and they called 911.  Got her to a med center, but they had no anti-venom. They had to wait for the anti-venom to be transported from another med center.   Her jewelry had to be cut off, the hand is grotesquely swollen and the effects caused her to have to be cared for in ICU; going on now for three days in the unit. Do not know how her blood pressure or respirations are doing.  Shocking to say the least.  Will keep contact with her kids - she and my brother divorced some years ago, but she is still part of the family.

     Hot in our area in the 80's; weekend cooling but then up in or near the 90's next week.  Ugh.  Summer right around the corner lurking and ready to blast furnace everyone.  Ah well; if we could have just spring and autumn only that would be lovely. 

    Sorry that you have no news re Sarah's biopsies Lorita, so hope they are negative.  That is a difficult wait; let us know when she has the results to give you.

    Zetta, sounds like you are going to be a "snow bird," an enjoy the lovely Arizona winter weather without the dread summers.  I think I had mentioned it before; when our daughter was transferred to Arizona for her job, we visited for a couple of weeks - temp ranged between 109 and 120 . . . and in the midst of it, our car air conditioner broke down and in the midst of that, I was in the hot flash period of my female life.  EEK!   Red hot mama for sure!  Puff, puff, pant, pant.  No more summer visiting.

      How is Miss Sally doing, Lorita; has Mickey been "bothering" her?  I found that funny picture of the cow again and it made me laugh once more.  Sweet wandering gal that Sal.

    Going to go get some oatmeal and a nice cup of decaf tea.  Good morning and good day wishes being sent to everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    I'm back -

     Zetta, forgot to answer your question about the bedroom.  No, I'm not back in there yet.  Haven't really felt like dealing with taking the linens off and putting on fresh ones - maybe this afternoon.  I do like the bedroom - they did a good job with what they had to do.  Daniel asked me to come in a time or two to see what was going on - couldn't believe all the water damage - and the same with the utility room. I know there's things out there I need to gt rid of - did see two cartons of pop - no telling how old it is  - I didn't even know it was there so will get rid of that and probably lots more.

     Part of the delay in completion has been because of weather (started in the middle of winter - not a good time) and his covid  sickness and me asking them not to come back until they were well and the same this week with his illness.  It'll get done - just have to be more patient.  I don't know if he's on another job along with this one but do know he has an auction business on Saturdays (not sure if it's every Saturday) though.

     Snakes!!  My goodness, Jo.  How awful.  I hope your SIL gets all right soon.  I've seen Doc get bitten by a rattler on Gunsmoke and he was really, really sick. Reminds me of two things: one - I had the PU in the repair shop and one of the guys came to get me when it was finished. He had the rattles from a rattlesnake hanging on his rear view mirror.  He said there was an old car that had been setting out in a pasture a long time and when they moved it there was this huge rattlesnake under it. He said there was a little old lady (like me) there and she got after it with a broom.  Anyway they got rid of it and he got the rattles and hung them on his mirror.  Second - mother and daddy had gone somewhere for a couple of days and Charles and I were watching the place. We came down to the farmhouse for some reason and Charles saw a snake go under a cover over a water turn-off.  So, he lifted it and grabbed the snake's tail and it flipped around and bit him.  We were dressed to go somewhere and flew  low to the doctor's office.  They put his hand in a pan of ice and water for a long time until they were sure it would be okay.  Luckily it wasn't a water moccasin.

     Your SIL was really lucky that they were able to get the medicine she needed. Looks like they would have had it.  Sometimes we just wonder about things.  I used to pick berries but in all of those times I never did see a snake - guess I was just lucky.

     Oh, and on the news a week or so ago it told about a family in OKC who was remodeling their house.  When they got to the bathroom they found ten snakes under the floor of the shower!  Big, old, black snakes - don't know what kind.  Just imagine - standing over those things showering and not knowing they were there.

     I was laying on the divan this morning and heard something hit the door.  Stormy jumped up and ran to the door barking.  I opened the door and a little bird had flown into the storm door and knocked himself out.  He was laying upside down so I turned him over and kept Stormy inside.  He sat there a while, then ruffled his wings a few times, then sat some more.  I let him be and when I looked a few minutes later he was gone.  I looked around the porch and on the ground and didn't see him. This has happened before.  It was a little bird, dark gray wings and back and light gray on his stomach and chest.  When he was down some others, like him, were flying around trying to see what was wrong, I guess.  I'm out of bird feed except for sunflower seeds so I've been putting some on the porch railing and then in the feeder on the porch.  I think it's supposed to come today or tomorrow.

     It's 45, cloudy and windy.  The girls are down in the NE pasture grazing.  Mike said the fescue is greening up under the drier grass so they're finding that, I guess.  Jo, a day or so ago when I was filling the water tank Sally was there and I had a long talk with her. Haven't noticed Mickey around her or haven't heard him bellowing this morning.   I have a lot of those long talks with girls when they're there close to the fence.  I imagine she's checked out the fence a dozen times hoping to find ai place to get through.  It's a really pretty fence (if you can say that about a barbed-wire fence) and Mr. K. cut some of the cedars along the fence row so it's opened up a lot.  He left almost all the Bradford Pears.  Several people have commented on how pretty the fence looks. Now, that would only happen in the country.

     Our crabapple trees are almost in bloom - they're looking white.  I'll try to take a picture when they're in full bloom.  Beside the two apples we have a couple of locust trees that bloom a little later.  Sandy mentioned they have an Asian Pear tree so I'm wondering if ours are in bloom - need to check that out. 

     I have a loaf of bread in the breadmaker and just made some tiny shells and cheese.  Just had a dish of that and it was good.  I've never made mac and cheese in the oven - just stovetop. 

     I think I took a little nap on the divan earlier but it's occupied now with a sleeping Great Pyrenees - and a cat who is also asleep. 

     I'll stop for now - almost time for Rawhide.  Tried to call Jack but didn't get an answer so better try again.  I'm going to tell him he should put a note on his refrigerator giving his NOK's name, address and phone number and his doctor's name.  I have Jackie's phone number that Judith gave me but no idea about her address and if it is the same number - should ask him that.  He may have gone into town but sort of doubt it with the weather we have today.

    Jo - so glad your husband's eye is getting along all right.  You're so right - the doctor should have mentioned the possibility of drainage.  What did you say was wrong with his eye?  I still remember a lot of things from my days working with an Ophthalmologist but, of course, in those 60 years things have changed dramatically.  But, still wish my ophthalmologist was still in business.  He's still in town and doesn't live too far from Carol.  I know he's done cataract extractions for most of the people in this part of the State.  Very good doctor - he did cataract extractions for both of my parents and Charles - and Carol.

     Enjoy the afternoon - sounds pretty hot out in California, Jo - guess it's hot where Iris is, too.  Supposed to be pretty warm here this weekend, too.  Spring begins on Sunday!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Look at the full moon.  It is gorgeous!!  It's the Worm Moon.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Yes the Worm Moon is beautiful and bright!  When I moved here 40 years ago, there were plenty of worms in the grass, I was told that meant the soil was fertile.  Nowadays I never see a worm, I don't know what happened to them.

    A rattlesnake in RPV?  Ugh!  My husband brought me a snake that he had found on the side of the freeway--he thought I would want to see it.  No, no, no!  I am not interested in seeing any live snake up close!

    Doctors don't seem to give information anymore.  It's good that we have Dr. Google to guide us.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning 

    53F, 12C.  Got some thunderstorms during night, about .6 inch rain so far.

    Lorita mainly just cooking same things.  Did make tuna noodle casserole yesterday which I had not done in a long time.

    You asked about the new variant.  They say it is the same, cane get infected but risk for serious disease is there but remains low especially if no other morbidities.  Imagine cases will surge again, we’ll have to see what hospitalizations and deaths do.  Not many wear their masks but I do.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just lost my post about full moon and dementia and preperation for the trip. Will shorten the post! Full moon is pretty, but dont like the effects on dementia. The week long trip planning is beginning to be a headache! Besides sister's luggage and ours, we have the nighttime oxygen machine, wheelchair and walker to load up. Hopefully brother knows someone with a wheelchair or walker they can loan. 

    Noticed on the VA web site something I hadn't seen before. It was a note from pulmonary case manager nurse to the pulmonary Dr. asking him to review latest cat scan and give her further instructions. Seems like I've been put on a lung nodule surveillance which I didnt know about. I'm guessing that the nuclear stress test is the scan she was referring to. Didnt realize the lung was also looked at, but since it's close to the heart I could understand why.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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