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Just need to talk to my friends (167)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!  Really is - supposed to be in the 70s today and tomorrow but it's cool now.   Alarm went off at 7 so got up and went out to see where the girls were - most had already come down in preparation for feeding this morning.  There were two still up a little way in the pasture so I kept calling them.  One was laying down and that always alerts me that something isn't right - but it was a little bull and he finally got up and came down.  I turned on the water to fill the water tank in the garden while I was out.   That was two hours ago and it just now dawned on me that I hadn't turned it off!!  At least that part of the garden grass gets a good watering.  If I don't set the phone alarm I forget so no wonder my water bill was higher this month.  I don't have the sense God gave a goose sometimes.

     Toad came about 7:40 to feed and the girls were ready.  Mike wasn't with him so assume someone had an emergency this morning - after all it is calving season.  He set out three bales of hay and off he went to the next pasture.

     Sara - I used to love tuna noodle casserole but I haven't eaten fish in years either.  Reminds me I still have a couple of cans of either salmon or mackerel in the pantry that I got just in case I ran out of cat food so need to feed those before they expire.  I made a fresh loaf of bread yesterday but didn't eat any.  Thought about making one of those cakes last night but decided I'd wait until today or tomorrow.  They're so good and so fast and easy to make.  For some reason I've been wanting a pineapple upside down cake so guess I could use the vanilla version of the wacky cake with the brown sugar, butter and pineapple in the bottom. May be too much trouble and I'm trying to avoid trouble.

     Iris - probably spraying the lawns for insects, if they do that out there, may have gotten rid of a lot of worms.  We used to dig worms to fish with and there were always lots of them out in the lot where the cattle stay a lot of the time.  Some mornings in the spring we can go out and there's worm casings in little piles all over the ground.  When Charles and I would go fishing worms were the only bait I could put on the hook.  If we had minnows he had to bait my hook.   He used to love to fish in our pond but hardly even kept them -  just threw them back in.  We stocked the pond a couple of times but we've had droughts so don't know if there's many fish in there now.

     Ron - it's probably nothing but enough that they wanted to take a good look at the scan just to be sure.  I wouldn't worry about it if you're not having trouble. 

     I can imagine getting ready for the trip is hard - trying to decide what to take and how much.  I always overpacked - better to have what you need than not.  When is it you're going - April I think you said.  Does Lou know about the trip? 

     You're so right about the moon and dementia.  I remember in past years we'd talk about how we knew it was a full moon without even looking by the way our husband or wife's dementia was going.  It was beyond beautiful last night.  I had forgotten about it until it was up in the sky quite a bit.  I like to see it when it first comes over the horizon and is reflected in the pond - especially in the fall when it's bright orange when it comes up.

     Slept well last night - just woke up a time or two so I feel better this morning than I have in a few days.  Guess the medicine is working it's magic.  I brushed my hair a while ago and was trying to remember if I did that yesterday - not sure.  Some days I forget if I'm not going anywhere.  Seems like every time I brush it I lose more hair.  used to be pretty thick but not so much anymore.

     I may work on taxes some today - I have one part done - receipt book - so only have check register and bank statements to go.  I'd like to get it in early enough this year so he doesn't have to do an extension.   Jack called late yesterday sort of upset.  He had taken his tax papers to his tax preparer and the guy told him there were two more forms he needed and gave him the phone numbers.  Jack called and he thought it was a wrong number.  He thinks he had those forms and that the tax man lost them.  I'm a little surprised at how well he's done with taxes and bill paying.  Patsy told me that she had asked him once what he would do about bills if she wasn't there and he had told her he'd throw them in the trash.  He hasn't but did get help from someone at the bank to show him how to pay the bills.  I guess you do what you have to.

     The GPs stayed outside last night and are in now, fast asleep.  Cats have had their breakfast and are also asleep.

     Sara - how is Jean?  I think you said she was going home or at least leaving the NH?  Did that happen?  Also wondering how your mother is doing?

     Looks like most of us will still be wearing our masks.  I think as we mature we think more about ways to protect our health than we do when we're younger.  I didn't see any masks when I was in town this past week except in the doctor's office.  I will also continue to wear mine when I'm around anyone, anywhere.

     Hope all of you are well and have a good day and weekend.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Yes, Iris; Rancho Palos Verdes has LOTS of rattlesnakes.  My brother is quite a hiker and when he was still living up there, he had encountered rattlers a couple of times.  Said he ran like he had a jet pack on his rear.  Now he hikes in Oregon.  SIL still in ICU; doing a bit better after six doses of antivenom, but still needing care and extremely close observation.   Rattler antivenom, I found out is made from horses or sheep, but evidently mostly horses.  A person can develop "serum sickness" from the antivenom multiple days later after having received it, so that too becomes a concern.  Some people have an anaphylactic reaction to it.  Was surprised to learn that even if one has killed a rattler, still must be uber-cautious as the dead snake can still bite due to retained nerve impulses that can last for hours. . . . honest to goodness, what a stunning shocker that would be.

    Baby rattlers do not have as much venom as an adult, but it is more potent.  While they can make a hissing sound, baby rattlers do not have actual rattles until they lose their first skin.  For anyone interested, here is some information:


    The article mentions that one should be aware and pay attention if any snake begins to hiss.  Are they kidding?   SNAKE!!!!  It is either run on decrepit knees or faint.  Gads; our Lorita killing snakes inside her house - she is surely Superwoman!    (City Mouse versus Country Mouse Syndrome.)

    Lorita, as per your question, DHs ophthalmologist identifed retina problem issues, so he was referred to a specialist in Retina Surgery.   He had lost a lot of clear vision in the affected eye; reading and seeing TV. etc. was no longer easy from that eye.   Turned out there was a "buckle" of tissue in the back of the eye and involved the retina.  During surgery, they need to do a "Vitrectomy and Membranectomy."  An air bubble was inserted to keep the retina and tissues in order post-op; that will disappear over time.  It takes six to 12 months to determine what if any result may be.  Must be very careful not to do anything to raise pressure in the eye and to not bend forward, or to lift anything over 15 pounds, and to keep free of infection.  Worry, worry.  He sometimes, like many fellows, forgets he is not invincible.

    He had suddenly stopped taking his primary diabetic med as it was causing significant GI problem issues - this was a few days right before surgery.   So; possibility is, glucose goes a bit up; not really good with diet.  Elevation in glucose can hinder healing and can make getting an infection more easy, but so far glucose levels are fairly okay.   His regular Endocrinologist left her practice.  Got referred to a new one, and Iris, they are really scarce in our area.  He called to get the first appointment he could - the first one was in June!  Without an appropriate primary med for his condition for three months . . . not good.  I called the office yesterday, explained the situation and the importance of what was happening.  Got him an appointment for next Thursday.  Whew!   Don't want anything bad to happen that could be prevented.

    Temp today in the 60's, possibility of 1/10th inch of rain . . . bet we do not get it.  Middle of next week, our area will be in the 90's.  Daylight savings time still has me a bit off kilter for "feeling" the time.  Will adapt soon and begin to "feel" time again. 

    Ron; it really is a fuss and bother to get ready for a trip.  Glad you are taking a wheelchair and walker with you.  Even if the host can find such equipment to borrow locally, it is still best to have it with you should the car have a mechanical issue on the road, you will have the necessities at hand.  So hope you have a truly wonderful, wonderful time.  You are such a sociable and likeable person, you will be an honored guest.  You will have to let us know all about it; I will be excited to hear about the event and about your anniversary dance with your lovely Lou.  Happy, happy trip; best of wishes being sent your and Lou's way.

    Marie, been thinking of you and wondering how it is going with your father; sure hope all is working out okay.

    Made corned beef, carrots and potatoes day after St. Patrick's Day; husband felt more like it.   Was not able to find our usual corned beef, so had to get other brand and it is way too salty.  What a disappointment, we have that once a year and DH likes to make corned beef sandwiches with left overs.  Looks like he will have salt sandwiches.  Not inexpensive either.   Should have gone to Sayra's for tuna casserole.  I love tuna casserole; especially with potato chips crunched on top.  Have not had that in ages, now I feel hungry for it.

    What "recipe" did you use, Sayra?  So many different ways to make it.  I always used the binder being one of Campbell's soups as a base; some make a white sauce from scratch, but I do not like to bother with that.  I love casseroles. Really feels tummy nice.

    Had a nice surprise.  Got a $5.00 coupon to be used toward an Amazon e-book.  I buy so many books, guess it was because of that.  Cannot be without something to read.   The cost of books has gone sky high; even the paperbacks. The used book stores near us are all closed and gone now.  There used to be a HUGE used bookstore of long standing, and I mean HUGE in Long Beach, Ca., called, "Acres of Books."  It was astonishing to go there.  We are talking rooms and rooms and rooms and rooms sky high of used books both hardback and paperback, fiction and non-fiction.  Wonderful old place; all the books smelled wonderful.  It was around for many years and very popular. Run down, willy-nilly, but people came from all over to get there.   They closed their doors a few years back, too bad, it was really a special place and considered a sort of landmark.

     Glad the little bird was able to recover and get off your porch, Lorita.  Poor little thing had a story to tell when he got back to the nest.   I remember when I was a child an old woman telling me an old wives tale that when a bird tries to fly through a window in one's house it means someone in the family is going to die. What a thing to tell a child . . . each time a bird tried to fly through our front window (not often) I would be afraid someone would die. Of course, no one did, but what a worry for a child.  Glad I grew up not believing such a thing.

     Sounds like the cattle are used to having their feeding schedule changed.  If only they would get used to the new truck sound and all of them get up near the food source so they all get nice full tummy's, maybe in time they will.

    Going to go get a nice cup of tea, wish we were having our morning quaffs on the Front Porch together, it seems a good day for it and a bit of rocking sounds rather nice before the day gets going.  Happy Saturday,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I agree that the pulmonary note I saw was probably nothing, was just surprised to see it. I was not aware of a surveillance system and was probably in the system due to history of lung nodules. 

    Jo., lou is also diabetic and if I didnt give her the medicine she wouldn't take it. Hopefully his eye is on the mend. Let's all relax on the front porch and enjoy the fresh air with a glass of lemonade. I've got dubs on the swing, but three can fit if we can squeeze in.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Jo - so glad you were able to get an earlier appointment for your husband.  You certainly know how to get things done.  It's awful for anyone to have to wait two or three months for an appointment.  And, now it seems anywhere you call on business matters there is a long wait to talk to someone and then it may be someone that's very hard to understand.  I called some  place a few months ago and heard a rooster in the background - seems like everything is being farmed out.

     Men, as you know, Jo, are not very good patients.   Won't say that about all of them but I know some aren't especially when dealing with a wife.  I think about Jack - he has glaucoma and no matter how hard Patsy tried to get him to use his eyedrops,  he'd rebel.  Hope your husband gets back to taking his meds and that his eye surgery is very successful.  I was lucky in that Charles was a pretty compliant man most of the time.

     I didn't kill the snakes in the house - just used the grab-it and got them outside, then did the dirty deed.   Tried to shoot one but used a shovel to really do them in. I keep it by the front steps (just in case someone on the porch needs it).  It was a do or die situation - no one else to get the snakes out and they couldn't be let in the house. You know it's been months and every time I go into the bathroom at least one cat comes in and it's funny to watch them check under the chair and under the dresser making sure nothing is there.  They're really good guard cats.  Sometimes when they're crouched down, stretched out and looking under it I touch them on the back and say "boo" and they jump.   Guess I shouldn't do that.  They probably saved my life.   I can't stand to look at snakes on the TV much less in real life.

     Ron, they're room for three in the porch swing.  It faces north toward the driveway and I'm thinking it might be better to face it south toward where the cattle are, at least for the time being.  Always room on the porch for everyone. 

     I've wondered about the Shreveport VAMC - do you know how many beds it has?  There's talk now of closing the VAMC in Muskogee since they're building a new one in Tulsa.  I worry about the distance veterans in SE Okla. are going to have to travel to get treatment.  We even had patients that had to lodge overnight because they were too far away to make an appointment the same day they travelled.  The Senator that has pushed for years to get the VAMC in Tulsa is now retiring - after he did his dirty deed.  Muskogee is the perfect place for a hospital to serve veterans in eastern and SE Okla. takes up the space in this state which is too far for veterans to go to Fayetteville or Little Rock.  There's a clinic or two in Tulsa - just don't understand their thinking.  Years ago Charles worked for the ambulance company in Muskogee and at that time we used them as hired cars to take veterans home or to other VAMCs if needed.  We  had a patient going to Tom, Okla. and I went with him and the patient - it was a very long trip.  Tom is in the far, far SE corner of Oklahoma - pretty, wooded country.  Can't imagine having to travel from there to Tulsa for treatment.  OK, off my soapbox.

     I talked with Sarah this morning.  She said the report on the breast biopsy and the lump under her arm showed a density so she has to be rechecked in two months.  They didn't think it was cancer but wanted to keep check on it.   She didn't have the biopsy of the place on her neck yesterday - instead they did a CT scan of her herniae.  They're still trying to figure out what the knot or big lump is - they tell her it has tentacles that are reaching out toward her larynx.  She's having trouble swallowing now.  She seems in pretty good spirits -  much better than I would be.  Carol and I talk about that a lot - we complain about our aches and pains (she's had more than aches and pains though) and then there's so many others that are dealing with life-threatening conditions.

     Got a little more done on taxes - went through check registers - now to get through the bank statements.  I'm going to do my dead-level best this year to get them into Sam in March so he won't have to do an extension.  Is there ever a time when you can stop doing tax returns?

     I'm on  my third hour of Rawhide.  Zetta, do you get Rawhide?  I saw a couple the other day with Rowdy as Trail Boss - made in 1965.  Eric Fleming had an argument with the producer or director and quit - guess that's when he started making movies and drowned during the shooting of one.  I think I mentioned a while back on one of the shows there was a sign that said "Bixby" - I checked and one of the trails they used for pushing cattle was east of here.  All of this before barbed wire fences - pretty interesting to listen to the names of towns they mention.

     I've fed cats and dogs and me so it might be time to lay down on the divan - I see that Stormy has vacated it for now.

     It's beautiful outside - warm with very little wind - perfect day to be outside and here I am inside.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, if you ever need a backup endocrinologist, I consulted a very good one at Healthcare Partners, now Optum, not far from you. I don't know what other insurance he takes.

    Lorita, good for you to get going on your taxes!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning

    37F, 3C.  Got .9 inches rain yesterday.  Thankful for the rain.

    Lorita hope you got your taxes done.  You get to quit filing taxes when you don’t make enough money to have to pay any taxes.  I’m always glad to get that done .

    Don’t believe Jean will ever be able to leave the nursing home.  She is not able to do for herself.  She is doing much better there than at home.  Mom is about the same.

    Don’t know if I’ve mentioned in past that many places have been checking sewage  for Covid for a long time.  It has been quite accurate.  Usually shows up there before anywhere.  They just take a sewage sample and check it for RNA fragments of SARS.   With a lot of home testing being done now guessing lots of results either way being unaccounted for statistically.   There is starting to be an increase of SARS in the sewage in some states.  Our state is just reporting statistics once a week now, Thursdays.  There were quite  few treatment plants showing increase in Ohio this week. So we will wait and see what happens.  Know many people have stopped wearing their masks, so knew there would probably be increase of cases.  Question is how much increase in hospitalization and death will there be from this.  

    JoC I don’t use a recipe for my tuna noodle.  You probably wouldn’t care for mine.  Since I’m lactose intolerant mainly use broth, very little milk.  The only milk I use is what is in the soup.  Use Pacific brand of soup which does not have the unpronounceable things in it, but isn’t near as good.  It’s not as good as when I could use milk freely.  

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo, I was this king about the tuna noodles this morning and thought about the tuna tezzarini. I believe that I've mentioned it before, but you can usually fi d it in the hamburger helper section, it's good and easy to fix. Dont know if you can find it everywhere, our youngest son had us mail him some when he lived in las Vegas because he couldn't find it there. Dont know if I would have room for the Walker with wheelchair, oxygen machine, sister and our luggage. Will take it if I can fit it in, but wheelchair and Walker take up a lot of room.

    I've had a hard time getting use to my dentures but determined to wear them more each day where I can really chew on a nice juicy steak (sorry Lorita). Best steak I ever had was water buffalo when I was in Vietnam. Dont know if it was really that good, might be I was just hungry. 

    Picked up my registration and license plate yesterday and the title also came in. Was thankful for that because the temporary tag would expire while we were gone. Will be a busy week getting ready for first trip out of town in over eight years.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     It's going to be a beautiful day - already is - it's warm, sunny and not much wind, yet.  It will increase as the day goes on.

     Sara - glad you got some rain - looks like we'll get ours tomorrow and Tuesday and even into Wednesday - which probably means no work here on the house.

     Ron - when do you leave for Dallas?Does Lou know you're planning the trip and what does she think about it?  Hope the weather will be good for you.  I think you'll be getting some bad weather tonight and tomorrow so be careful.

     I actually slept in until 8 a.m. this morning - wasn't asleep but stayed in bed (really divan).  I don't know what happened but last night Sheena wanted to be brushed so she walks in between the hassock and my chair and stood there while I brushed her.  I did that and she backed out - when I got up my left hip hurt so much I could hardly walk - sort of like it was out of place (I don't think that happens but it really hurt).  It was hurting where I think the joint is- couldn't find the Theragesic so went on to bed and just rubbed it with my hand.  This morning it's hurting further over into the hip.  I can walk all right and I'm rubbing it with the Theragesic I found underneath the chair.  I'll continue rubbing it every few minutes until it gets better.

     Girls are all out grazing except for a few still around the hay.  Another thing that happened scared me - I'm keeping the door closed between the kitchen and utility room because there's still places open where you can see the ground and under the house - most is finished but there are a couple of places.  So, went out to empty a waste paper basket into the trash can and Max got out into the room.  I've tried to be so careful to keep them out but failed this time.  I couldn't catch him before he jumped down on the ground and disappeared. So, left the light on and closed the door.  Went back a few minutes later and went out and called and called him.  He appeared with eyes as big as saucers and got back up into the room.  He said he'd seen things under there that he never wanted to see again.  I know it was dark and probably scared him.  He's okay but really scared me.  I hardly ever go out there and when I do I'll be more careful. 

     I'm watching news programs this morning.  Such awful scenes of the destruction in Ukraine.  I feel so sorry for all of those people but they're prevailing for the moment.  Just wish the US could/would do more but what I don't know.

     Broke down and made a chocolate cake last night and had to have a piece to see if it was okay - it was. No cooking today - I'll just rest and rub.

     Going to take it easy today and hope all of you do the same. 

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Dear friends - it is beautiful on the front porch - so glad to be able to getaway every so often.

    Iris - I missed the Worm Moon. Will look up some photos online, as long as it doesn't look like it sounds. I was going to ask if others noticed changes in their LOs during full moons, but then I saw the posts. Sure did and does send my DH into a tailspin. And I had chalked it up to the time change which it probably was as well - a double whammy. Sorry to say, things are still off-kilter here today. He woke up at 4am with a major attitude, snippy comments, and is exit seeking. Sigh. I will probably post in the CG or SC forum when he slows down and I can gather my thoughts.

    Day - so glad you are better. Would not have wanted all your careful and wise plans to be for naught. Well-wishes for your procedure. I am nursing an endless headache and fears that maybe something more is wrong. Hopefully it is just worries because caregiving is messing with my sleep and my peace of mind. I am trying to find an aide to take approved hours so I can start self-care in basic checkups etc. Thanks to you all for setting those good examples.

    Zetta, Iris, and everyone - Speaking of well-wishes: many, many thanks for your prayers and good wishes for our family and LO who is holding on and improving daily thank God. Extended family is so relieved and grateful, and his med team agree it is miraculous. Long road ahead but what a blessing to have so many who will work together against the odds, to help a total stranger. I am humbled and so, so thankful to all who did, are, and will contribute to his recovery. Lifting up all those here and across these boards who are also dealing with active life or death challenges as well as the slow lane most of us are in, with dementia caregiving. Grace and mercy to all.

    Dear Z - on a different note re family...so great you will be snowbirding and get to enjoy the best of both worlds with your adult "kids"! Quality time with family AND your own space during best weather for each season would be ideal! I could find my purpose in that sort of arrangement too. LoL! So great that your DD and SIL can identify nice homes to adopt while assigned to different cities. How do they find them? And ensure good landlords, etc.?

    Lorita - I'll bet you will feel almost like you are in a new place yourself, once all the work is finished and folks move on for good so you have things to yourself again. I have some deferred maintenance due to eagle eyes on DH and it worries me. But most attempts since his diagnosis have been disappointing. Contractors taking advantage of my distraction, or my gender, or both. Makes me mad. If I could do it myself, I would, but I can't - dang it. Gotta laugh to keep from crying once again. Grrr. Your accomplishments inspire me to be patient and keep trying to formulate a better plan. And to persist. 

    Sorry to hear about the hip and back pain. Have you ever tried the lidocaine (sp?) patches? It really helped DH with the deep bruise/sprain pain from his falls - once or twice on his knee and recently on his butt-hip. Keeps the medicine on the painful spot without having to rub a cream or ointment, and no smell though I don't care about that. It lasts for hours. Just can't use heat at the same time. Maybe try it? You might have been reaching in a weird angle to brush your baby.

    Loveskitties - OMG! The run around is really enough to make you want to scream. So many people go above and beyond because others do the bare minimum, or less, just because they can get away with it. Pre-AD, I once lamented to DH how I hoped a certain "professional" would one day "feel bad" about the serious problems they were causing. He said they needed to feel unemployed. I'm with you. But we just don't have the time or energy to follow up on some of these terribly incompetent or just plain uncaring chumps. Hoping they can be sidelined at least to cause the least possible damage to people. I hope you are getting a breather after advocating so well for your DD. What a blessing that he has you.

    Sayra - I wear my mask too when I get out but that's so rare. Have not been wearing one when the hospice team members visit, so I'm thinking I should start. Vaxxed and boosted seems like it isn't the full coverage I initially thought, and these folks always mask but they visit many homes and facilities daily. Had not thought about that. Yikes.

    Re: non-dairy cooking. Me too for the most part. Almond milk leaves things here looking a little watery, but they taste the same to me since we've used it for so long. Made broccoli soup yesterday for the first time in forever, and it didn't look too creamy but tasted fantastic. How are your petunias? Strange random thought alert...isn't that one of the edible blossoms? 

    Jo C - Corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes is one of my favorite one pot meals. Love it with Jiffy cornbread and then leftovers just like your DH. I make mine on whole wheat -- almost like the Reuben sandwiches but not rye. I usually don't have sauerkraut or swiss on hand, but now you got me hungry

    No birds will be flying into my windows for a while -- they are too dingy to be mistaken for a clear path. I've hidden or pitched all the cleaning products since DH was pouring and almost drinking random liquids a while back. And I haven't found a moment in the day for deep or spring cleaning yet (in 3 years since diagnosis. That's depressing but real).

    Ron - I am excited for your adventure! Eight years since a big trip and you and your support system seem to be ready to play it by ear. What a wonderful recipe for a beautiful celebration.  I've been gathering random (it seems) med records so DH's VA file can be complete. Reviewing notes I had not seen in his various patient portals for the last decade and I saw something new, too, about lung nodules and some respiratory abnomaly.  Makes sense for his respiratory flare ups and having that record in hand might have helped prevent some trial and error tests and meds given in recent years. (Almost) every new doc or specialist or ER or urgent care visit has been a headache in some ways since many do not listen to the spouse enough in my experience anyway. Like forcing a CPAP machine on a PWD (he was not a happy camper) when it is actually contraindicated in asthmatics -- could cause further irritation and exacerbation, and he was already in full-blown respiratory distress. I told the doc exactly what was wrong with him and what always fixed it, but they figured I didn't know. (notice smoke coming out of my ears). BTW, I agree you are quite the gentleman. High five!

    RescueMom- Thank you for sharing your DH's leadership way ahead of his time, in setting standards for workplace behavior toward women. That is huge. More should follow his example today, and that was 4 decades ago? Another high five! Here's to guys that get it. 

    All - Random advice time please: revisiting food safety. With our topsy-turvy "schedule"(not) -- especially the last 2 weeks, I have awakened to realize leftovers were in the microwave cooling overtime (pitched them). Chicken, rice, and mixed veggies...not worth eating or feeding DH bad bacteria lol. BUT - I hesitated to pour out a half pot of expensive coffee (repeatedly) if not necessary. What do you think? My mother used to reheat coffee sometimes, after many hours not refrigerated, but it was a percolator and she was adding a little water and putting it on the burner again. OK - I warned you it was random, lol. Just wondered. I reheated a cup in the microwave yesterday and it wasn't as fresh of course, but didn't make me sick. Just wondering...

    Have a beautiful, restful day.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear Friends of the front porch,

    This is my first "day off" from being on 24/7 alert and dealing with my dad's situation in almost 2 weeks.  Of course, can't turn off the brain from thinking of things I need to do or ask, but at least not making call or waiting for return call, or having to be somewhere far away for an undetermined amount of time.

    Things are going pretty good for dad at new facility.  Staff is great and no matter who is "on" when family visits they are willing to answer all our questions and talk about dad.  Mother was here all day yesterday and we had 2 long visits with dad (am and pm) so she is getting better about his placement as well.  Today my daughter took over and did the 2 visits and daughter-in-law came to visit and drive mother home (1 1/2 hrs).

    Now, for the rest of you...I have been reading but haven't commented so here goes:

    Lorita, your back pain could be something akin to what I had which left me hardly able to walk for the pain.  It was inflammation of the syatic (sp) nerve due to how much time I was sitting and crocheting.  Got a steroid for 5 days and lots of moving around, but for the most part all is well.  You have been on the divan, probably not sleeping in your usual position for a while now.  If you don't see improvement with what you are trying, please see doctor sooner rather than later.

    Ron, I hope that your medical reports/visits all come back good and that you and DW can have a wonderful anniversary trip.

    ButterflyWings, I can relate about the fridge.  I opened mine today and saw a multitude of things that I would have eaten if I had been home as usual, but definately needed to go in the garbage.  As for re-heating coffee...I would not if it had actual cream or milk.  I use a creamer instead.  For the most part I will drink it room temp if need be...more for caffine rather than heat...lol

    Zetta, so glad you had a good visit with DD and SinL.  I know your 4 legged babies missed you.

    Sayra, regarding non-dairy cooking...if it is due to lactose intolerance, have you tried Lactaid or other non-lactose milk?  I use it because the expiration date is so much further out than regular milk.  Comes in whole, 2% or skim versions.

    Jo C, I say your post on another thread about chairs.  So much good advise.  I will certainly take it to heart if my mother determines she needs other/more chairs for herself as she has difficulty getting up these days...of course need to pass her "decor" test...lol.

    Iris, it is distressing when our fur babies are unwell.  I hope that they are on the mend or at least better.  I have 2 cats and they are so much company even when they have their own mind about what they want to do...lol.

    If I have overlooked anyone, my apologies...I care about each and everyone of you and how you are doing.

    Thank you all for your care and support...you are all OUTSTANDING.

    Hugs,  Marie

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     It's been a beautiful, warm, sunny day but windy, what's new on that?  It was in the upper 70s with some towns being 80 today.  I got the dishes done.  For those of you who aren't too familiar with me - I hate to do dishes.  I do my best to keep them washed as I use them but that doesn't always work. Everything's put away now except I can't find one lid to a LocknLock container.  It's here and will turn up.

     Butterfly - I don't think the leftover coffee would hurt you. If you drank some and you didn't get sick I'd go ahead and drink it.  But, I agree with Marie - about the milk or cream in it - but it's probably black so should be okay.  I haven't had coffee in years and years - makes my chest hurt - and - I haven't had hot tea since last Tuesday - or a bottle of pop either - I think I'm in caffeine withdrawal.  Two more days of capsules, then I can have those things.  I should do without the pop - at the beginning of the pandemic I think I had one or two, two liter bottles and after that I didn't have any for a long time and I did all right - but I did have the hot tea.

     I'm getting around all right today but my hip still hurts - not so much on the side but on the fleshy part especially when I sit down.  I probably did sit at a weird angle while brushing Sheena and that probably caused the pain.  I've brushed her like that a hundred times but probably had that left leg at the wrong angle.  Carol called today and cautioned me to sit straight, not at an angle.  I've walked around quite a bit today so maybe that'll work out the soreness.  I have some Lidocaine cream 5% I think that the doctor gave me when I had shingles a few years ago - never used it. 

     Sandy, I think you have something - you mentioned I hadn't really been  up to par since my fall in October -and you're right.  I hadn't really thought about selling the girls until then.  Since that time I've fallen at least once.  Just don't have the get up and go I should have.  I have started taking my vitamins again. I wonder, too, if maybe EBV is rearing it's ugly head again so I've increased my B-12 vitamins, too.

     Watching North Dakota and Baylor play women's basketball - looks like the Coyotes (ND) will win.  Do you all say Cy-oat or cy-otee?  Everyone around here says the former.  Funny how different parts of our Country pronounce words differently.

     Sorry about that headache - guess we should call them "caregiver's headaches". I know I had them.  Charles was good most of the time but there were times when I could have torn out my hair if it would have helped. I guess we've all had those times. 

    Marie - so glad you're happy with your dad's placement facility.  One thing I did when mother and daddy were in NHs was to visit often and get to know the staff.  I visited at different times and was there for some meals.  I think it helps for the staff to know the family.  Nice that your mother is feeling better about the placement, too.

     I think it was the way I was sitting brushing Sheena and now it's sore.  I think walking and being more careful will work it out.  If not, I'll see my doctor and get him to check it out. 

     I hadn't mentioned this but did you all know there are Black Great Pyrenees?  One of Daniel's son has one and knows a family who raises them.  I saw some of them on TV the other night - to me they don't look like GPs.  You all should see my floors - there's always tufts of white hair on them even though I do try to sweep them every day.  I am not a housekeeper (my sister got that gene) - more of an outside person and I haven't been being outside enough since I'm not feeding the girls.  I need to do that.  The grass is really beginning to green up as you all will see in the picture I'm going to post.  It's of the crabapple tree - still not in full bloom (the locust is next to it - not blooming yet. The bare tree is a wonderful, old, hackberry.  I know that tree is well over 70 years old.  I can remember it being there and pretty big when I was  young.  Daddy and I would dig potatoes on my birthday (June 21) every years and we'd put them in a wagon and take them out the gate by that tree - on our way to put them in the cellar.  I love hos they look with their bare limbs but they're most pretty when in full leaf.

     The other picture is of the sweetest little flowers (daffodils) blooming.  They're very small, maybe a tenth the size of a King Alfred. I have quite a few of them but somehow this little bunch got transplanted to a different spot.  I look at it every time I go out to fill the water tanks.  Just so sweet.  Carol mentioned today that her wild violets are coming up.  I looked at mine when I was out a while ago and there are a few blooms already - plants are only a couple of inches tall.  Still waiting for those pretty white flowers to bloom in the front yard under the wisteria.

     Well, Baylor lost - won't go to the Sweet Sixteen this year - they've been for the last several years.

     I will be so glad when I can get back in the bedroom.  I could now, I guess, but don't feel like changing the bed and as he finishes that wall there will be sanding and dust will get over everything again.  It'll take me no telling how long to get things back - pictures rehung, curtains put up (I did find them) and things dusted.  I'm pleased with their work so guess that's the most important part.

     The trees you see in the background is at the MH where Charles and I used to live. Enjoy the rest of the evening and sleep tight.





  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    It's been a pretty restful day for me. This morning we had a mixture of light rain and snowflakes, then this afternoon it was warm and a bit windy. 

    Lorita.   I think once your back in your bed hopefully your aches and pains will go away. Sleeping on your divan may not be comfy enough to give you a good sleep.  Jack should be very proud of himself it sounds like he will be OK as far as doing what needs to be done. 

    Poor Sally probably missis you and I bet she enjoys when you can get out to visit with her. She is trying her best to find a way out, so don't be surprised if she finds a way.  I did get to watch Rawhide, today. There is a channel I get on Sundays, and it has a lot of old westerns. Today it had some movies named Gunsmoke. They showed what Matt did after he stopped being the marshal. He was a much older man and still very good looking.  Kitty was in one and she was still pretty, but her age showed. There were 3 movies on I watched 2 of them.  

    Marie.  It sounds like your dad has settled in his new facility, and it's nice that it's close to you. It's also nice you have family that is helping you with the visitations. I know when my DH was in MC it made me feel really good to be able to go in and talk to all the caregivers and get the updates on the care my DH was getting. You need to relax the best you can, you did a good job making all this happen. 

    Ron.   I bet you have a lot of things to do getting ready for your trip. Having a wheelchair and walker for Lou is a good idea. Maybe you can fit the walker in the car and find a wheelchair when you get there. It is nice that your sister is going with you, she will be a big help with Lou. When do you leave? 

    Butterfly.  It's always nice when you join us on the front porch. And nice to hear that your family and LO are improving daily. The company my SILaw works for moves him and my DD from place to place. My DD is really good and finding places for them to live. This is the farthest Thay have been from me. They spent some time in the Bend, Oregon area then in Portland, Oregon then Seattle, Washington and now in Maricopa, Arizona. The job my SILaw is on now he was told would be a 5-year job. I sure hope so. I may not want to be a snowbird in 5 years.  

    Butterfly. I also reheat coffee during the day. I have a 12-cup coffee maker and I drink 2-3 cups in the morning and put 3 cups in a container in my fridge for my ice coffee in the afternoon and then reheat what's left in the coffee pot as needed during then day. I put milk in my coffee but not till I have reheated it.  (In the microwave) I am a coffee lover it's not expensive coffee, but I don't want to waste it. 

    Jo.   I am so sorry about your SIL and the snake bite I hope by now she is out of the hospital and well on the road to recovery. I am also glad your DHs eyes are getting better and surprised he was not told of things to expect. Like any one I would imagine with the drainage coming from the eye that would be a sign of infection. Poor guy I hope he is feeling better.  Please make sure you are getting your rest.

    Good night to all, Hugs Zetta   

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    40F, 4C.

    Butterfly glad your brother is starting to improve.  In Ohio those vaxxed and boosted continue to do fairly well.  You may get infected but so far ~94% of hospitalizations are unvaxxed and ~95% of deaths are unvaxxed.  I don’t like being sick so for me personally prefer just to wear mask to try and help a bit more.  Not sure if petunias edible or not.

    Marie good to hear things are going fairly smoothly.

    Nice to see pictures of spring.  Hope your leg is feeling better today.

    Looks like a bit of rain may be in forecast after today.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Cloudy with rain not far away and more this afternoon and tomorrow. Daylight didn't happen until a little after 7 this morning because of the clouds. Lots of the girls were up at the MH so they're finding green grass up there.  Tried to call them down but most of them didn't come.  When Toad came to feed he honked and honked and it looked like a bunch of birds coming down.  I know some didn't get feed and that bothers me.  We always had the gate closed and honked and honked until everyone was there before we let them through to the feed.  He doesn't have time to do that and I understand.

     Glad you liked the pictures, Sara. Those are the sweetest little daffodils. There's a lot of them at a place where there used to be a house south of us and I imagine that's where we got them.  Should go down and get some more to plant in the front yard. I don't have many in the front yard, mostly north and south yard.

     Zetta, those Gunsmoke movies are good but it's kind of hard to see Matt being so old - but we all get there.  Love Gunsmoke and Rawhide even if I have seen them.  Glad you had a restful day.

     Slept pretty well and this morning there's some soreness at the side of my leg but I can walk all right.  I guess the joint popped out a little bit, then went back in.  When I first got up it hurt like everything to walk but after I sat back down a while I could walk all right without hurting so much.  I imagine it's just soreness from that. It doesn't hurt to walk but I'll be very careful walking and sitting straight.  It's downright scary though when you have pain on walking. Just saw something onTV about man in Oklahoma who has/had folks in Ukraine. He has two bad hips and is walking 50 miles to make money to send to Ukraine.  I'll rub with Theragesic or the Lidocaine (not really that much pain) and take Motrin today and if it isn't better in a day or two I'll go in - all he'd do is x-ray though.  I'm getting tired of all these aches and pains - shoulders, knees and hip area - guess that comes with this age though.  I'm thankful for my good health though -don't take any medication on a regular basis.

     I know Daniel won't come today and probably not tomorrow because of the rain - maybe by the middle to end of the week the weather will be better.  I'm not complaining about the rain - we need moisture to make the grass grow.

     Sara - isn't that a pretty, big, old tree?  I just love Hackberry trees.  Not sure either about eating petunias.  I have gotten the honey or whatever that sweetness is out of the end of honeysuckle blooms.

     I'm hungry so will stop for now.




  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Lorita, the best topical rub we have found for Bonnie’s joint pain is Voltaren.    You can get a generic version of it in a large tube called Diclofenac at your drug store if you can get your Doc to send a script.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Nice day si far but expecting storms later. Reminds me of before Lou got sick, I would be sleeping and she would wake me up to tell me it was storming outside. I would tell her ok and go back to sleep. Now the lightning wakes me up and she sleeps thru it.

    Remember I had to go in for a disability review for my prostate cancer back in February. I've been expecting a decrease in my rating because everything I've heard was that once you had the treatment and psa was down they would decrease it. I received my review today and have mixed feelings about it. They have rated me at 100% permanent disability and no further reviews were needed. The letter stated that from my VA records and the reviewer that my cancer was still active a d harmone shots would be required indefinitely. 

    Enjoy life while we can and smile through your hard times. I think of all my problems and then realize there is always someone with more problems than me.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    No rain here yet but it's not far away - coming from the south and west.  A roll cloud was trying to form in the north but has disappeared.  Those are really odd looking.

     Thanks, Extex, I'll talk to my doctor about that when I see him again.  So, you have to have a script even for the generic brand?   We've used Theragesic for probably 30-40 years.  It works good for me but if there's something that might be better I'll try it.

     Ron, glad you got your new rating - that's the kind Charles had - so never had to worry about a recheck.  In fact, he never had one before he was rated permanently disabled.  Makes you feel better that you don't have to deal with that. 

     When is your trip to Dallas planned?  I was watching Treehouse Builders this morning and they were building this grand treehouse in the Texas Hill Country.  Had to look it up to see where it was - central Texas it said.  I think the eastern part of Texas is called piney woods, isn't it?  

     Hope you get some rain but maybe your area isn't in a drought now - anyway we all need rain to help the grass grow in the spring.   I noticed this morning that the Bradford Pears we have down by the pond are blooming, too.  I don't think the ones around the meadow are in bloom yet.   I didn't even take down the trash this morning.  Still being very careful about how I walk or sit down.  Guess I need to lean against a heating pad for a while - probably could use that Voltarin Extex mentioned.

     Well, I'm hearing some rain and it's almost as dark as night so the rain is here.  Bet the girls are in or are going to the barn already.  Nice they have it to get in out of the weather.  Time for lunch.  I had a sandwich of cheese, tomatoes, mayonnaise and avocado yesterday - think I'll have the same today.  Forgot almost to mention I found a couple of unopened bags of Basmati rice in the freezer - took it out because I needed the room.  I know it years old but google says that's one of the kinds that will last indefinitely so guess it's good to go.  Thundering now and Sheena's worried.  Looks like Judith's yard is getting a good watering in OKC.

     Back later.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Voltaren is great, best for me, no prescription needed, widely available. Sometimes I got it under the generic name of diclofenac (not positive about that spelling).

     I just checked Amazon and they have it—but be aware that some listings there cite crazy high prices, and/or huge amounts. Just look down a little more. There are plenty at normal, one tube, price.  It did need a Rx years ago, but not now (although it may come in higher strengths, or more paid from insurance, with a scrip.)

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Butterfly Wings, I'm glad your brother is improving!  May he continue!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thanks, Rescue Mom, I'll check that out.  Some of the prices on Amazon are over the moon for sure.

     Just had a short, heavy rain.  I looked out and several head of cattle were on the west side of the barn - the gate had blown closed and they were just standing there - they could have gone around the barn and gotten inside but...   Got my coat and hood on and went out and opened it and they went into the barn.  It was lightning like crazy - glad I didn't take the umbrella.  It was after I got back in that it rained so hard.

     Sara - have you made pita or pocket bread? I used to get it in WM a long time ago and it was great for those sandwiches I like - things didn't fall out.  I didn't see the recipe on Jenny can cook.  It doesn't sound hard but just wondering if you had delved into that yet.

     I'm with you - I will wear my mask when I'm around anyone, anywhere.  Don't know what the fuss is about wearing a mask.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Today starts our "week of summer preview."  We will be in low 80's today and by midweek we shall be in the 90's.  Not ready for that so early - it usually means a very long, very hot summer.  Since I am now a "mature" person, I do not do that kind of deep summer heat well at all.  Comes every year; so, fiddle-dee-dee, I should be used to it.   Have to smile; in dead of winter we cannot wait for summer; when the rabid dog days of summer hit, we are all wishing for winter.  Just do not want to freeze or fry I guess.

    Iris; we are not part of Optum and decided not to be. We are in the private insurance realm.   Some of the docs who contracted with Optum still had private patients which DHs previous Endo had; do not know if they have phased that capability out or not.  Optum was Memorial Med Center multiple aligned hospitals attempt at being Kaiser-like, or at least Scan plus with more contracted medicine, but it does not appear to be excelling.   Problems exist and much positive being lost.  Hospital seems to have lost the personal quality of inpatient care it had before the big changes.

    We decided to budget for the "concierge" model of medical practice with our physician since our primary Internal Med practice (three MDs) docs went that way and we have not been sorry.  Don't like the fee involved, but we get same day appts., docs spend a whole lot of time with the patient at each appt., and best of all; they follow their own patients in the hospital rather than having to be forced to use hospitalists which can be very important.   The docs say this has been a wonderful way to practice medicine as they always wanted and was meant to be, rather than the assembly line of faster and out they go.  We do get an annual uber-thorough physical each year with a huge amounts of labs done at no added cost.   The annual physical appt. goes for several hours, it really is  something.  Anyway; did get a name of a female Endo; but if you have the name of another good Endo and he accepts private pts. and not just Optum contracted patients, it would be nice to have his name if the first new one does not seem to work out.   Thank you for thinking of that.  Health care has become and continues to become more complex on multiple fronts.

    Day:  Is this the week your finger gets the works done?  So hope all goes well and healing is swift and easy.   Hard to type on the job with the finger bandaged and painful, so I do hope it is very mild for you.

    Butterfly,  it is wonderful to hear that your brother is improving after his terrible accident, that is surely great news.  As for the coffee, if there is no milk or other substance in it, it is supposed to be safe to reheat and drink despite the flavor suffering from it.  Here is a link regarding that:


    And Marie, it is also great to hear that your father is adjusting to his new living arrangements and that your mother is also adapting.  It takes time.   Must be a huge relief for you.

    My SIL who was bit by a rattlesnake has now been discharged home from the hospital.  She is still not feeling very up to snuff, it will take awhile between the effects of the venom as well as the antivenom which can also make people a bit ill.  Appears that while she was on her hike, she saw a baby snake in the middle of the trail . . . she is a kind person, so heavens to Mergatroyd; she picked it up to move it off the trail when it bit her on the hand . . . baby rattlesnakes have no rattles until they shed their first skin, so she heard nothing.  It bit her and she thought, "That little stinker bit me and I was helping him." She set the snake down on the trail side but within a few minutes, she was feeling quite ill.  She and her hiking friend were walking up a hill; the friend had to help her to the hilltop where they could get a cell phone signal and call 911; by that time, she was really down and out.  Scary for sure.  She will no longer be as friendly to encountered snakes.

    Lorita, the crab apple trees and sky in the photo are beautiful; part of the beauty of the land you have; it is so easy to see why you love it so.   The daffodils; when I see them growing, I have a bit of a fantasy feeling - it is as though they will turn their little faces up toward the sun and begin to sing with their long, slender leaves raising up with the music of their song.  They really are a wonderful and joyful sight to behold.

    And here comes the really annoying part of me, ahem.  Lorita, Theragesic Cream can only be used so many times in a day; please do Google it and look up the use and side effects on the pharmacy sites.  It can produce negatives if overused, so applying it every few minutes is probably not the best way to go. 

    The lidocaine cream is years old; while some drugs including creams are still useful after manufacturers expirations dates, there can be issues depending on the drug, how long out of date and the way it was stored.  If a med is years old, that is not a wonderful thing.   Lidocaine cream was prescribed by the doctor - 5%.   It is important when the cream is still in its useful state to follow the doctor's orders for use.   Lidocaine can cause issues as the lidocaine is absorbed through the skin into the body.  Here is a link from Mayo Clinic re the use of Lidocaine Cream (and also mentions patches.) Important to scroll down and read about possible side effects.


     Fortunately, we all seem to be in a position where we do not need to keep very old, expired meds or foods.  As we become more "mature," possibilities for negative and harmful effects increases.

    I am sorry you are not feeling up to snuff. That really, really means you need to have those comprehensive labs done; it is long overdue.  Dear friend, it is unlikely that you are having an ongoing Epstein-Barr episode as the cause of your feeling a bit "off." Taking the B12 would be helpful if you have an inadequate amount in your body.  Please arrange to get those labs done so you can feel relief knowing all is well, or get treatment if something is askew.  It can even save a life if something is really off that can be treated.  I do not mean any of this in a mean manner.  I really do care very much about you as does everyone here.  I just feel a bit worried on your behalf sometimes with you all alone out there.  Really great you got all the old food disposed of, that is good . . . good time to screen the OTC and prescription meds and do the same.   Can re-purchase OTC items long out of date.  (Even doggies meds fit the same model of use.)

     Let the doctor know about the hip issues.  Could be sciatica, or could be a degenerative problem issue.  If either one, treatment is a bit different.    Year ago, last February, I had a first time abrupt onset of the worst pain I have ever felt in my life in my left hip and it seemed to extend.  Got to the point, I could not walk at all; it was purely excruciating . . . DH had to help get me up with great difficulty with me making noises.   Could not make it out to the car; it was 10+++ excruciating and that is an understatement.  Ambulance call which was so embarrassing.  Ended up being admitted to the hospital on bedrest . . . first timee ever . . . what got done after scans was my going on a guerney for a hip injection in Interventional Radiology.   Did not hurt and the results were instantly and thankfully amazing.  Thus far, that issue has gratefully not recurred, but I know it can.

     Okay; that pain in the ankle and other portions of the anatomy RN has now left the building.   Throw the bum out!  Or something along those lines.

    Going off the deep end.   Looks like tamales with chili for dinner topped with artery clogging cheese and some sour cream . . . but if one does not count calories, the accompaning avocado is healthy.   DH on a naughty food kick.  Heavens, just throw me a chocolate chip cookie and I will be okay - grin.  Naughty for sure.

    Need to get a couple of calls made, may this be a really good week for everyone,


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Yes Jo - tomorrow is Finger Day and the mystery of what is in there should be solved.  I thought I might get lucky and not have to come in early, but it’s 6:00 a.m. no eating or drinking after midnight except a sip of water with the 2 meds I’ll take before.  I’m used to keeping water by my bed at night- I’ll feel dry as a desert tomorrow.
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, what a coincidence.. I just found 3 tubes of voltaren, hidden from DH and apparently my own self-ha- I wish I could send you one. I was actually doing what Jo said, throwing away old OTC stuff. It’s unlikely to work right  now, and easy to replace.

    Jo hope your SIL is recovering well from snakebite. That must have been terrifying, on several levels. Snakes are  common here, all around our decks and yard, but not big dangerous ones like that. I don’t pay them much attention, but a big, poisonous bite….that’s a whole different ballgame.

    Butterfly  I make a big pot of coffee in the a.m., then drink it iced all day, no special care, not sick yet. Also, respect for what you’ve dealt with, and your continuing great attitude.

    I have to tell my Voltaren story…I first found it in Greece maybe 20 years ago.Like so much else in Europe, no Rx required, but it worked miracles. It was either not available in US, or very limited, so friends would “bring” or send it. After a few years it was available here by Rx, then a few more, available OTC, no Rx needed. But sheesh, all that time in between…

    Also been dealing with taxes. I often think of my mom,who for her final years, was in facilities, did not know who what or where, over 90 and just had SS, a small state pension, and a very small inheritance as income.  But she—I—still had to file income taxes every darn year, while she had almost nothing. I wondered if I did not file, would they take a bedridden “old lady” to jail? Take her possessions? (none). Or what?  Actually, I’m sure they would have taken me. But just thinking…

    Iris, thank you so much for the cat info. He is neutered, no spraying, but he does rub the sides,of his face—cheeks and whiskers—against everything and me when he comes inside. He  also grabs my leg, wraps his front legs around mine, if I walk away too soon. It’s ok with me wearing jeans, but could be a problem later in hotter weather. He will bang the cupboard door where his food is. He’s “a pistol” as we used to call characters back in SC.

    Ron, I too am going to Dallas in a few weeks! My first visit, a family event, I’m  excited mostly for change of scene. I really loved San Antonio and Austin, Houston not so much. Dallas looks…big. Really big. I am in awe of you driving there with Lou, I could not do that.  That airport is kind of unusual, if I remember right, did pass through there back in the day. Theres so much of Texas I would love to see, but..driving. I do like traveling, but not driving like that kind of driving. Zetta I’m bowing in admiration and a bit of envy your travels sound great.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Thanks, Rescue Mom - but, I happened to think about a cream the doctor gave me long ago.  It was in 2018 - Urgent Care doctor - I can't remember why I was there.  I  never used it - read the instructions and having to measure how much you put on caused me to think I didn't want to do that.  It's never been opened but probably not good as Jo said.

     Thanks, Jo, for caring.  Do appreciate it.  I'm doing pretty well today - just walking slowly - doesn't hurt any when I walk but when I sit down I can sort of feel it.  If the weather improves tomorrow I may go in and see my doctor if I can get an appointment.  Usually can the same day or next but because of the weather we've  had they're pretty full-up.  I doubt there's anything to be done with it but we'll see.

     I agree with you about the hot weather - I do not like it at all but we have to take what we get.  We've had lots of rain today - water standing everywhere.  I can see over in Darwin's pasture - looks like the pond has overflowed or it's just standing water in the pasture.  We needed it and weatherman says we're going to have more tonight and tomorrow and even into Wednesday.  I bet the roads are really muddy.

     Day - good luck with your surgery tomorrow.  We'll be anxious to know what the doctor finds.  Don't know how you've been typing with it.  Years ago when we had poodles two of the ladies had puppies and they didn't like each other for some reason - jealous, I guess.  I was sitting in a chair and one was under the chair so I put my hand down and she bit it, all the way to the bone.  It became infected somewhat and was really sore.  I couldn't type so the Social Work secretary in the Tulsa Outpatient Clinic did my typing for a while.  The scar is still there.

     Jack called and was talkative today so let him talk.  He's been drinking Monster drink and says it keeps him from sleeping.   Told him not to drink it late in the day - he says it makes him think about things.  I think it's the stuff advertised at rodeos - black with bright green streaks coming down.  I had no idea what it was.  He did take a nap today.

     NCAA girl's basketball game is on so I'll stop - it's the University of Oklahoma vs. Notre Dame.  I haven't been watching but thought I'd watch since OU was playing.  Carol and Bill watch softball and basketball.  He's almost a sports fanatic - plays golf every day if the weather is okay.

     Jo - can a hip joint slip out of place, almost, and then back in? That's what it feels like happened but not sure.  I'm trying to keep my legs straight when I'm sitting now - I think I had that leg at an ankle but there wasn't that much room between me and Sheena.  She's been afraid of the thunder this afternoon so I've been telling her I wouldn't let anything hurt her.  Not thundering now so she and Stormy are sleeping.

     Day - we'll be thinking of you tomorrow.  Let us know what it was.  Sleep well if I don't post again today.  I stripped the bed and I think I'll put on clean sheets (already laying on the bed) and sleep in there tonight.

  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Lorita, I probably need to stand corrected on the script requirement for Voltaren.  I’m retired military and we get meds at a military pharmacy.  Our Doc sends a script because they have to have a script for just about everything.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Extex, I had to have a script for the tube I have, too.  Not sure if it is still good.  Do you measure the amount you use for Bonnie?  Probably not if you've been using it a long time.

    Raining like cats and dogs here today and tonight.  All kinds of tornados in Texas.  Wish I had the rain gauge out but it's in the car.

    Zetta, watching Gunsmoke-"what else?

    Sleep well, everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    46F, 8C.

    Lorita I have never made pita bread.  Hope your leg continues to improve.

    Was a nice day yesterday.  Got another small bed cleaned up.  Not sure if I will get to do any more this week.  Looks like several days of cloudiness and damp.

    Got surprised yesterday morning.  My celery had sprouted.  Has been a little over two weeks.   Didn’t think it was going to sprout.  Just started two.  Have most of my seed pots ready to go and makes me realize I did cut back a lot this year and it’s nice.  

    Thinking of you Day.

    Take care 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     It's in the 50s, no wind but cloudy. This afternoon it's going to be blustery and much colder, then nicer the rest of the week.  No idea how much rain we had but it was quite a bit so bet the roads are muddy.

     Sara - glad your celery has sprouted.  Just imagine how much better it will be than the kind you get in the store.  Nice that you did cut back so you won't have so much to take care of this summer.

     I was dreaming last night and during the dream my chest began to hurt - I woke up and it was hurting.  I was laying on my right side and guess it was the costochondritis because the spot in my back is hurting this morning.  I had gotten in the habit of only sleeping on my back but after the hip episode I began sleeping on my side more.  I'll have to stop.  My chest still isn't comfortable and I don't feel too well.

     I'll call today and make an appointment for either tomorrow or the next day so my doctor can check out what happened with my hip and I'll tell him about the chest thing, too.  I can feel what I think is the joint when I sit down.  I'm being very careful when I walk and how I move that leg - just in case.  I don't like feeling like this - just not used to it.

     I did go out and feed Tom and turned on the water to fill the water tank.  Not a single cow around the hay this morning - all but two or three are up around the MH so there must be grass up there.  I saw one laying down not far from the house so got the binoculars and it's Gray Lady so that's okay - she lays around a lot.  One little calf is around the creepfeeder.  Stormy and Sheena stayed in all night.  He wanted out but came right back in and got in the chair and slept there.

     Ron, I was worried about you and Lou last night.  Hope that bad weather didn't make it that far.  Looks like the bad weather will be SE of you today.   Texas really got hit with tornados and there was one in southern Oklahoma.  I dread Spring and all the bad storms - seems like there's something in every season to worry about.

     Last day for my antibiotics, then I can have some hot tea tomorrow.  Caffeine withdrawal may be one reason I'm not feeling on top of the world - maybe about the bottom third which I don't like. 

     Almost time to turn off the water and then to watch Denim & Co. for a couple of hours.  I still have on my gown and robe and I don't see a reason to take it off for a while - hardly ever do that.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Day, we'll be thinking of you today and hope everything goes well.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sayra—then Lorita—that’s great you are growing celery. I used to get it homegrown from a farm. It really did taste better—more flavor—and this kind, at least, was incredibly big! I’ve never seen celery in the store like that, with so many “leaves”? And so tall and full. I remember looking for things to do with the leaves, there was so much of them.

    Lorita, I know Jack will do what he wants but I was so surprised to hear he’s drinking Monster drinks. They are so loaded with caffeine and other stuff, many doctors warn seniors, and anybody with heart concerns, to stay away from them. 

    Those are usually marketed toward extreme sport athletes,(like rodeo cowboys! And skateboarders) and rock concert stars. And kids who want to stay up late to party.  They are very popular at bars, but even young people have died partying  with those. . Those drinks will definitely interfere with sleep, and make people talk a blue streak. Lots of medical warnings out regarding their use.

    Of course there are dozens of flavors and varieties for Monster now, I just saw that monster was thinking about making a “caffeine free” variety, along with the gazillion others. (I have thoughts about that, too)  But overall, those energy drinks far outdo coffee…on the other hand, were all grown-ups here, and one every now and then probably doesn’t hurt, barring other conditions. Surely he knows the effects….

    And please, just to humor us if nothing else, go see your doctor. It’s highly likely he can do a lot to help you feel better. Listen to Jo, at least, please please. You know how you worry about Sarah, that’s like how we worry about you.

    Hope everyone has a good day, mine will be filled with doctor appointments, starting now. I hate it when it doesn’t get light until 8 or so…

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Storming all night and still raining! Most of the bad weather is staying above us, below us and east of us, but we are on a flash flood alert due to all the rain. I've heard all my life about the Barksdale bubble and starting to believe it. The Barksdale bubble is what the old timers called it when most of the bad weather use to miss Barksdale Air Force base.

    Lorita, please, please, please dont hesitate to call your Dr. and have yourself checked out. You are just having to many problems lately to keep on putting it off.

    I'm still confused about my VA letter assigning me permanent disability due to active malignancy. I know the outside va reviewer looked at my Overton brooks records and also had lab done at their location. No Overton brooks records that I'm able to see shows active malignancy. I'm also told that my local VA usually doesn't get the review records so I dont know what it showed.

    Rain is suppose to move out later today and I might take a swim in our backyard. LOL 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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